Programs & Examples On #Dll

A dynamic-link library (DLL) is a module that contains functions and data that can be used by another module (application or DLL). It is Microsoft's implementation of the shared library concept in the Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems.

DLL and LIB files - what and why?

One important reason for creating a DLL/LIB rather than just compiling the code into an executable is reuse and relocation. The average Java or .NET application (for example) will most likely use several 3rd party (or framework) libraries. It is much easier and faster to just compile against a pre-built library, rather than having to compile all of the 3rd party code into your application. Compiling your code into libraries also encourages good design practices, e.g. designing your classes to be used in different types of applications.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no *****.dll in java.library.path

First, you'll want to ensure the directory to your native library is on the java.library.path. See how to do that here. Then, you can call System.loadLibrary(nativeLibraryNameWithoutExtension) - making sure to not include the file extension in the name of your library.

How do I set the path to a DLL file in Visual Studio?

Go through project properties -> Reference Paths

Then add folder with DLL's

The program can't start because cygwin1.dll is missing... in Eclipse CDT

You can compile with either Cygwin's g++ or MinGW (via stand-alone or using Cygwin package). However, in order to run it, you need to add the Cygwin1.dll (and others) PATH to the system Windows PATH, before any cygwin style paths.

Thus add: ;C:\cygwin64\bin to the end of your Windows system PATH variable.

Also, to compile for use in CMD or PowerShell, you may need to use:

x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe -static -std=c++11 -o prog_name.exe

(This invokes the cross-compiler, if installed.)

DLL References in Visual C++

The additional include directories are relative to the project dir. This is normally the dir where your project file, *.vcproj, is located. I guess that in your case you have to add just "include" to your include and library directories.

If you want to be sure what your project dir is, you can check the value of the $(ProjectDir) macro. To do that go to "C/C++ -> Additional Include Directories", press the "..." button and in the pop-up dialog press "Macros>>".

Where to find "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting" missing dll?

I got this problem after moving a project and deleting it's packages folder. Nuget was showning that MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.TestFramework v 1.3.2 was installed. The fix seemed to be to open VS as administrator and build After that I was able to re-open and build without having admin priviledge.

Missing `server' JVM (Java\jre7\bin\server\jvm.dll.)

To Fix The "Missing "server" JVM at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\server\jvm­­.dll, please install or use the JRE or JDK that contains these missing components.

Follow these steps:

Go to and install Java JRE7 (Check if Java 6 is not installed already)

After that, go to C:/Program files/java/jre7/bin

Here, create an folder called Server

Now go into the C:/Program files/java/jre7/bin/client folder

Copy all the data in this folder into the new C:/Program files/java/jre7/bin/Server folder

The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open

in my case deleted the obj folder in project root and rebuild project solved my problem!!!

Embedding DLLs in a compiled executable

You could add the DLLs as embedded resources, and then have your program unpack them into the application directory on startup (after checking to see if they're there already).

Setup files are so easy to make, though, that I don't think this would be worth it.

EDIT: This technique would be easy with .NET assemblies. With non-.NET DLLs it would be a lot more work (you'd have to figure out where to unpack the files and register them and so on).

How do I resolve "Please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component"?

'It' requires a dll file called cvextern.dll . 'It' can be either your own cs file or some other third party dll which you are using in your project.

To call native dlls to your own cs file, copy the dll into your project's root\lib directory and add it as an existing item. (Add -Existing item) and use Dllimport with correct location.

For third party , copy the native library to the folder where the third party library resides and add it as an existing item.

After building make sure that the required dlls are appearing in Build folder. In some cases it may not appear or get replaced in Build folder. Delete the Build folder manually and build again.

PHP 7: Missing VCRUNTIME140.dll

On the side bar of the PHP 7 alpha download page, it does say this:

VC9, VC11 & VC14 More recent versions of PHP are built with VC9, VC11 or VC14 (Visual Studio 2008, 2012 or 2015 compiler respectively) and include improvements in performance and stability.

  • The VC9 builds require you to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 x86 or x64 installed

  • The VC11 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 or x64 installed

  • The VC14 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 or x64 installed

There's been a problem with some of those links, so the files are also available from Softpedia.

In the case of the PHP 7 alpha, it's the last option that's required.

I think that the placement of this information is poor, as it's kind of marginalized (i.e.: it's basically literally in the margin!) whereas it's actually critical for the software to run.

I documented my experiences of getting PHP 7 alpha up and running on Windows 8.1 in PHP: getting PHP7 alpha running on Windows 8.1, and it covers some more symptoms that might crop up. They're out of scope for this question but might help other people.

Other symptom of this issue:

  • Apache not starting, claiming php7apache2_4.dll is missing despite it definitely being in place, and offering nothing else in any log.
  • php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exited unexpectedly (as per @ftexperts's comment below)

Attempted solution:

  • Using the php7apache2_4.dll file from an earlier PHP 7 dev build. This did not work.

(I include those for googleability.)

How do I find the PublicKeyToken for a particular dll?

If you have the DLL added to your project, you can open the csproj file and see the Reference tag.


<Reference Include="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL" />

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found?

also.. try to "clean" your projects or solution and rebuild again!

Difference between shared objects (.so), static libraries (.a), and DLL's (.so)?

A static library(.a) is a library that can be linked directly into the final executable produced by the linker,it is contained in it and there is no need to have the library into the system where the executable will be deployed.

A shared library(.so) is a library that is linked but not embedded in the final executable, so will be loaded when the executable is launched and need to be present in the system where the executable is deployed.

A dynamic link library on windows(.dll) is like a shared library(.so) on linux but there are some differences between the two implementations that are related to the OS (Windows vs Linux) :

A DLL can define two kinds of functions: exported and internal. The exported functions are intended to be called by other modules, as well as from within the DLL where they are defined. Internal functions are typically intended to be called only from within the DLL where they are defined.

An SO library on Linux doesn't need special export statement to indicate exportable symbols, since all symbols are available to an interrogating process.

Loading DLLs at runtime in C#

It's not so difficult.

You can inspect the available functions of the loaded object, and if you find the one you're looking for by name, then snoop its expected parms, if any. If it's the call you're trying to find, then call it using the MethodInfo object's Invoke method.

Another option is to simply build your external objects to an interface, and cast the loaded object to that interface. If successful, call the function natively.

This is pretty simple stuff.

Why do 64-bit DLLs go to System32 and 32-bit DLLs to SysWoW64 on 64-bit Windows?

I should add: You should not be putting your dll's into \system32\ anyway! Modify your code, modify your installer... find a home for your bits that is NOT anywhere under c:\windows\

For example, your installer puts your dlls into:

\program files\<your app dir>\


\program files\common files\<your app name>\

(Note: The way you actually do this is to use the environment var: %ProgramFiles% or %ProgramFiles(x86)% to find where Program Files is.... you do not assume it is c:\program files\ ....)

and then sets a registry tag :

HKLM\software\<your app name>
-- dllLocation

The code that uses your dlls reads the registry, then dynamically links to the dlls in that location.

The above is the smart way to go.

You do not ever install your dlls, or third party dlls into \system32\ or \syswow64. If you have to statically load, you put your dlls in your exe dir (where they will be found). If you cannot predict the exe dir (e.g. some other exe is going to call your dll), you may have to put your dll dir into the search path (avoid this if at all poss!)

system32 and syswow64 are for Windows provided files... not for anyone elses files. The only reason folks got into the bad habit of putting stuff there is because it is always in the search path, and many apps/modules use static linking. (So, if you really get down to it, the real sin is static linking -- this is a sin in native code and managed code -- always always always dynamically link!)

How to fix PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\\php_curl.dll'?

As Darren commented, Apache don't understand php.ini relative paths in Windows.

To fix it, change the relative paths in your php.ini to absolute paths.


The name 'ViewBag' does not exist in the current context

I updated webpages:Version under in ./Views/Web.Config folder but this setting was also present in web.config in root. Update both or remove from root web.config

How to make Visual Studio copy a DLL file to the output directory?

(This answer only applies to C# not C++, sorry I misread the original question)

I've got through DLL hell like this before. My final solution was to store the unmanaged DLLs in the managed DLL as binary resources, and extract them to a temporary folder when the program launches and delete them when it gets disposed.

This should be part of the .NET or pinvoke infrastructure, since it is so useful.... It makes your managed DLL easy to manage, both using Xcopy or as a Project reference in a bigger Visual Studio solution. Once you do this, you don't have to worry about post-build events.


I posted code here in another answer

How to get the location of the DLL currently executing?

If you're working with an application and you want to locate assemblies when using the debugger, they are usually put into some temp directory. I wrote the this method to help with that scenario.

private string[] GetAssembly(string[] assemblyNames)
    string [] locations = new string[assemblyNames.Length];

    for (int loop = 0; loop <= assemblyNames.Length - 1; loop++)       
         locations[loop] = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(a => !a.IsDynamic && a.ManifestModule.Name == assemblyNames[loop]).Select(a => a.Location).FirstOrDefault();
    return locations;

For more details see this blog post

If you can't change the source code, or redeploy, but you can examine the running processes on the computer use Process Explorer. I written a detailed description here.

It will list all executing dlls on the system, you may need to determine the process id of your running application, but that is usually not too difficult.

I've written a full description of how do this for a dll inside IIS -

Merge DLL into EXE?

NOTE: if you're trying to load a non-ILOnly assembly, then


won't work, and an exception will be thrown: more details

I overcame this by creating a temporary file, and using


How can I specify a [DllImport] path at runtime?

If all fails, simply put the DLL in the windows\system32 folder . The compiler will find it. Specify the DLL to load from with: DllImport("user32.dll"..., set EntryPoint = "my_unmanaged_function" to import your desired unmanaged function to your C# app:

 using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Example
   // Use DllImport to import the Win32 MessageBox function.

   [DllImport ("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
   public static extern int MessageBox 
      (IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);

   static void Main()
      // Call the MessageBox function using platform invoke.
      MessageBox (new IntPtr(0), "Hello, World!", "Hello Dialog", 0);    

Source and even more DllImport examples :

Resolving LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with

IMO this link from Yochai Timmer was very good and relevant but painful to read. I wrote a summary.

Yochai, if you ever read this, please see the note at the end.

For the original post read : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "LIBCD" conflicts with use of other libs


LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "LIBCD" conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library


one part of the system was compiled to use a single threaded standard (libc) library with debug information (libcd) which is statically linked

while another part of the system was compiled to use a multi-threaded standard library without debug information which resides in a DLL and uses dynamic linking

How to resolve

  • Ignore the warning, after all it is only a warning. However, your program now contains multiple instances of the same functions.

  • Use the linker option /NODEFAULTLIB:lib. This is not a complete solution, even if you can get your program to link this way you are ignoring a warning sign: the code has been compiled for different environments, some of your code may be compiled for a single threaded model while other code is multi-threaded.

  • [...] trawl through all your libraries and ensure they have the correct link settings

In the latter, as it in mentioned in the original post, two common problems can arise :

  • You have a third party library which is linked differently to your application.

  • You have other directives embedded in your code: normally this is the MFC. If any modules in your system link against MFC all your modules must nominally link against the same version of MFC.

For those cases, ensure you understand the problem and decide among the solutions.

Note : I wanted to include that summary of Yochai Timmer's link into his own answer but since some people have trouble to review edits properly I had to write it in a separate answer. Sorry

How can I use a DLL file from Python?

This page has a very simple example of calling functions from a DLL file.

Paraphrasing the details here for completeness:

It's very easy to call a DLL function in Python. I have a self-made DLL file with two functions: add and sub which take two arguments.

add(a, b) returns addition of two numbers
sub(a, b) returns substraction of two numbers

The name of the DLL file will be "demo.dll"


from ctypes import*
# give location of dll
mydll = cdll.LoadLibrary("C:\\demo.dll")
result1= mydll.add(10,1)
result2= mydll.sub(10,1)
print "Addition value:"+result1
print "Substraction:"+result2


Addition value:11

Register comdlg32.dll gets Regsvr32: DllRegisterServer entry point was not found

I have faced the same issue with COMDLG32.OCX and MSFLXGRD.OCX in Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2010. It's an MFC application.

Then I downloaded its zip file from the google after extracting copy them at following paths:

C:\Windows\System32 (*For 32-bit machine*)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (*For 64-bit machine*)

Then run Command Prompt as an Administrator then run the following commands:

For Windows 64-bit systems c:\windows\SysWOW64\ regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx
c:\windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32 msflxgrd.ocx (My machine is 64-bit configuration)

For Windows 32-bit systems c:\windows\System32\ regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx

c:\windows\System32\regsvr32 msflxgrd.ocx

On successfully updation of the above cmds it shows succeed message.

ActiveX component can't create object

I know this is an old thread, but has anyone checked if their Antivirus is blocking Win32API and Scripting on their systems? I have CylanceProtect installed on my office system and i found the same issues occurring as listed by others. This can be confirmed if you check the Windows Logs in Event Viewer.

.Net picking wrong referenced assembly version

In case is saves someone else 3 hours... my case was a bit different. My code used DevExpress v11.1 v11.1.4.0. I had it all referenced correctly in my code. But .net memory profiler installed DevExpress v11.1 v11.1.12.0 in the GAC. In fact it wasn't the components I referenced but the ones they referenced internally that failed. Try as I might, the GAC is always checked first. It compiled and ran fine but I couldn't view the win forms designer and the stack trace was no help at all. Finally uninstalled .net memory profiler and all was restored.

Could not load file or assembly '***.dll' or one of its dependencies

I had the same issue - a .dll working all the time, then my computer crashed and afterwards I had this problem of 'could not load file or assembly ....dll'

Two possible solutions: when the computer crashed there may be some inconsistent files in

C:\Users\<yourUserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files

Deleting that folder, recompiling and the error was gone.

Once I had also to delete my packages folder (I had read that somewhere else). Allow Visual Studio / nuget to install missing packages (or manually reinstall) and afterwards everything was fine again.

installing JDK8 on Windows XP - advapi32.dll error

This happens because Oracle dropped support for Windows XP (which doesn't have RegDeleteKeyExA used by the installer in its ADVAPI32.DLL by the way) as described in Yet while the official support for XP has ended, the Java binaries are still (as of Java 8u20 EA b05 at least) XP-compatible - only the installer isn't...

Because of that, the solution is actually quite easy:

  1. get 7-Zip (or any other good unpacker), unpack the distribution .exe manually, it has one .zip file inside of it (, extract it too,

  2. use unpack200 from JDK8 to unpack all .pack files to .jar files (older unpacks won't work properly); JAVA_HOME environment variable should be set to your Java unpack root, e.g. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk8" - you can specify it implicitly by e.g.

    SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk8
    • Unpack all files with a single command (in batch file):

      FOR /R %%f IN (*.pack) DO "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\unpack200.exe" -r -v "%%f" "%%~pf%%~nf.jar"
    • Unpack all files with a single command (command line from JRE root):

      FOR /R %f IN (*.pack) DO "bin\unpack200.exe" -r -v "%f" "%~pf%~nf.jar"
    • Unpack by manually locating the files and unpacking them one-by-one:

      %JAVA_HOME%\bin\unpack200 -r packname.pack packname.jar

    where packname is for example rt

  3. point the tool you want to use (e.g. Netbeans) to the %JAVA_HOME% and you're good to go.

Note: you probably shouldn't do this just to use Java 8 in your web browser or for any similar reason (installing JRE 8 comes to mind); security flaws in early updates of major Java version releases are (mind me) legendary, and adding to that no real support for neither XP nor Java 8 on XP only makes matters much worse. Not to mention you usually don't need Java in your browser (see e.g. - the topic is already covered on many pages, just Google it if you require further info). In any case, AFAIK the only thing required to apply this procedure to JRE is to change some of the paths specified above from \bin\ to \lib\ (the file placement in installer directory tree is a bit different) - yet I strongly advise against doing it.

See also: How can I get the latest JRE / JDK as a zip file rather than EXE or MSI installer?, JRE 1.7 - java version - returns: java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

Register DLL file on Windows Server 2008 R2

That's the error you get when the DLL itself requires another COM server to be registered first or has a dependency on another DLL that's not available. The Regsvr32.exe tool does very little, it calls LoadLibrary() to load the DLL that's passed in the command line argument. Then GetProcAddress() to find the DllRegisterServer() entry point in the DLL. And calls it to leave it up to the COM server to register itself.

What that code does is fairly unguessable. The diagnostic you got is however pretty self-evident from the error code, for some reason this COM server needs another one to be registered first. The error message is crappy, it doesn't tell you what other server it needs. A sad side-effect of the way COM error handling works.

To troubleshoot this, use SysInternals' ProcMon tool. It shows you what registry keys Regsvr32.exe (actually: the COM server) is opening to find the server. Look for accesses to the CLSID key. That gives you a hint what {guid} it is looking for. That still doesn't quite tell you the server DLL, you should compare the trace with one you get from a machine that works. The InprocServer32 key has the DLL path.

How to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on a machine without installed MS Office?

You can't use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel without having ms office installed.

Just search in google for some libraries, which allows to modify xls or xlsx:

Equivalent to 'app.config' for a library (DLL)

You can have separate configuration file, but you'll have to read it "manually", the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key"] will read only the config of the running assembly.

Assuming you're using Visual Studio as your IDE, you can right click the desired project ? Add ? New item ? Application Configuration File

This will add App.config to the project folder, put your settings in there under <appSettings> section. In case you're not using Visual Studio and adding the file manually, make sure to give it such name: DllName.dll.config, otherwise the below code won't work properly.

Now to read from this file have such function:

string GetAppSetting(Configuration config, string key)
    KeyValueConfigurationElement element = config.AppSettings.Settings[key];
    if (element != null)
        string value = element.Value;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            return value;
    return string.Empty;

And to use it:

Configuration config = null;
string exeConfigPath = this.GetType().Assembly.Location;
    config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(exeConfigPath);
catch (Exception ex)
    //handle errror here.. means DLL has no sattelite configuration file.

if (config != null)
    string myValue = GetAppSetting(config, "myKey");

You'll also have to add reference to System.Configuration namespace in order to have the ConfigurationManager class available.

When building the project, in addition to the DLL you'll have DllName.dll.config file as well, that's the file you have to publish with the DLL itself.

The above is basic sample code, for those interested in a full scale example, please refer to this other answer.

What tool can decompile a DLL into C++ source code?

There are no decompilers which I know about. W32dasm is good Win32 disassembler.

How do I build an import library (.lib) AND a DLL in Visual C++?

OK, so I found the answer from says that this problem was caused by not exporting any symbols and further instructs on how to export symbols to create the lib file. To do so, add the following code to your .h file for your DLL.

#define BARNABY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define BARNABY_API __declspec(dllimport)

Where BARNABY_EXPORTS and BARNABY_API are unique definitions for your project. Then, each function you export you simply precede by:

BARNABY_API int add(){

This problem could have been prevented either by clicking the Export Symbols box on the new project DLL Wizard or by voting yes for lobotomies for computer programmers.

How do I use a third-party DLL file in Visual Studio C++?

You only need to use LoadLibrary if you want to late bind and only resolve the imported functions at runtime. The easiest way to use a third party dll is to link against a .lib.

In reply to your edit:

Yes, the third party API should consist of a dll and/or a lib that contain the implementation and header files that declares the required types. You need to know the type definitions whichever method you use - for LoadLibrary you'll need to define function pointers, so you could just as easily write your own header file instead. Basically, you only need to use LoadLibrary if you want late binding. One valid reason for this would be if you aren't sure if the dll will be available on the target PC.

How do I execute a *.dll file

You can't "execute" a DLL. You can execute functions within the DLL, as explained in the other answers. Although .EXE files and .DLL files are essentially identical in terms of format, the distinguishing feature of an .EXE is that it contains a designated "entry point" to go and do the thing the EXE was created to do. DLLs actually have something similar, but the purpose of the "dll main" is just to perform initialization and not fulfill the primary purpose of the DLL; that is for the (presumably) various other functions it contains.

You can execute any of the functions exported by a DLL, assuming you know which one you want to execute; an EXE may contain a whole lot of functions, but one and only one is specially designated to be executed simply by "running" it.

Command line tool to dump Windows DLL version?

This function returns the ntfs Windows file details for any file using Cygwin bash (actual r-click-properties-info) to the term

Pass the files path to finfo(), can be unix path, dos path, relative or absolute. The file is converted into an absolute nix path, then checked to see if it is in-fact a regular/existing file. Then converted into an absolute windows path and sent to "wmic". Then magic, you have windows file details right in the terminal. Uses: cygwin, cygpath, sed, and awk. Needs Windows WMI "wmic.exe" to be operational. The output is corrected for easy...

$ finfo notepad.exe
$ finfo "C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe" 
$ finfo /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/notepad.exe 
$ finfo "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/notepad.exe"
$ finfo ../notepad.exe

finfo() {
    [[ -e "$(cygpath -wa "$@")" ]] || { echo "bad-file"; return 1; }
    echo "$(wmic datafile where name=\""$(echo "$(cygpath -wa "$@")" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g')"\" get /value)" |\
    sed 's/\r//g;s/^M$//;/^$/d' | awk -F"=" '{print $1"=""\033[1m"$2"\033[0m" }'

How to check for DLL dependency?

  1. Figure out the full file path to the assembly you're trying to work with

  2. Press the start button, type "dev". Launch the program called "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017"

  3. In the window that opens, type dumpbin /dependents [path], where [path] is the path you figured out in step 1

  4. press the enter key

Bam, you've got your dependency information. The window should look like this:

enter image description here

Update for VS 2019: you need this package in your VS installation: enter image description here

Exporting functions from a DLL with dllexport

I had exactly the same problem, my solution was to use module definition file (.def) instead of __declspec(dllexport) to define exports( I have no idea why this works, but it does

Dynamically load a function from a DLL

LoadLibrary does not do what you think it does. It loads the DLL into the memory of the current process, but it does not magically import functions defined in it! This wouldn't be possible, as function calls are resolved by the linker at compile time while LoadLibrary is called at runtime (remember that C++ is a statically typed language).

You need a separate WinAPI function to get the address of dynamically loaded functions: GetProcAddress.


#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>

/* Define a function pointer for our imported
 * function.
 * This reads as "introduce the new type f_funci as the type: 
 *                pointer to a function returning an int and 
 *                taking no arguments.
 * Make sure to use matching calling convention (__cdecl, __stdcall, ...)
 * with the exported function. __stdcall is the convention used by the WinAPI
typedef int (__stdcall *f_funci)();

int main()
  HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibrary("C:\\Documents and Settings\\User\\Desktop\\test.dll");

  if (!hGetProcIDDLL) {
    std::cout << "could not load the dynamic library" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // resolve function address here
  f_funci funci = (f_funci)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "funci");
  if (!funci) {
    std::cout << "could not locate the function" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  std::cout << "funci() returned " << funci() << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Also, you should export your function from the DLL correctly. This can be done like this:

int __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall funci() {
   // ...

As Lundin notes, it's good practice to free the handle to the library if you don't need them it longer. This will cause it to get unloaded if no other process still holds a handle to the same DLL.

"This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded"

Change INSTALL_UTIL_HOME directory from C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0 to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 for installing the service. This error mainly occurs for version mismatch.

How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application?

ChkAsm will show you all the dependencies of a particular assembly at once, including the versions, and easily let you search for assemblies in the list. Works much better for this purpose than ILSpy (, which is what I used to use for this task.

The module ".dll" was loaded but the entry-point was not found

I found the answer: I need to add a new application to the service components in my computer and then add the right DLL's.

Thanks! If anyone has the same problem, I'll be happy to help.

what does "error : a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object" mean?

CPMSifDlg::EncodeAndSend() method is declared as non-static and thus it must be called using an object of CPMSifDlg. e.g.

CPMSifDlg obj;
return obj.EncodeAndSend(firstName, lastName, roomNumber, userId, userFirstName, userLastName);

If EncodeAndSend doesn't use/relate any specifics of an object (i.e. this) but general for the class CPMSifDlg then declare it as static:

class CPMSifDlg {
  static int EncodeAndSend(...);

How can I test a Windows DLL file to determine if it is 32 bit or 64 bit?

If you have Cygwin installed (which I strongly recommend for a variety of reasons), you could use the 'file' utility on the DLL

file <filename>

which would give an output like this:

icuuc36.dll: MS-DOS executable PE  for MS Windows (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit

How do I set the version information for an existing .exe, .dll?

Unlike many of the other answers, this solution uses completely free software.

Firstly, create a file called Resources.rc like this:

    FILEVERSION    1,0,0,0
    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
        BLOCK "040904b0"
            VALUE "CompanyName",        "ACME Inc.\0"
            VALUE "FileDescription",    "MyProg\0"
            VALUE "FileVersion",        "\0"
            VALUE "LegalCopyright",     "© 2013 ACME Inc. All Rights Reserved\0"
            VALUE "OriginalFilename",   "MyProg.exe\0"
            VALUE "ProductName",        "My Program\0"
            VALUE "ProductVersion",     "\0"
    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
        VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200

Next, use GoRC to compile it to a .res file using:

GoRC /fo Resources.res Resources.rc

(see my comment below for a mirror of GoRC.exe)

Then use Resource Hacker in CLI mode to add it to an existing .exe:

ResHacker -add MyProg.exe, MyProg.exe, Resources.res,,,

That's it!

Difference between .dll and .exe?

For those looking a concise answer,

  • If an assembly is compiled as a class library and provides types for other assemblies to use, then it has the ifle extension .dll (dynamic link library), and it cannot be executed standalone.

  • Likewise, if an assembly is compiled as an application, then it has the file extension .exe (executable) and can be executed standalone. Before .NET Core 3.0, console apps were compiled to .dll fles and had to be executed by the dotnet run command or a host executable. - Source

Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program

Here is how you do it:

In .h

#ifdef BUILD_DLL
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)

extern "C" // Only if you are using C++ rather than C
  EXPORT int __stdcall add2(int num);
  EXPORT int __stdcall mult(int num1, int num2);

in .cpp

extern "C" // Only if you are using C++ rather than C
EXPORT int __stdcall add2(int num)
  return num + 2;

EXPORT int __stdcall mult(int num1, int num2)
  int product;
  product = num1 * num2;
  return product;

The macro tells your module (i.e your .cpp files) that they are providing the dll stuff to the outside world. People who incude your .h file want to import the same functions, so they sell EXPORT as telling the linker to import. You need to add BUILD_DLL to the project compile options, and you might want to rename it to something obviously specific to your project (in case a dll uses your dll).

You might also need to create a .def file to rename the functions and de-obfuscate the names (C/C++ mangles those names). This blog entry might be an interesting launching off point about that.

Loading your own custom dlls is just like loading system dlls. Just ensure that the DLL is on your system path. C:\windows\ or the working dir of your application are an easy place to put your dll.

Dependent DLL is not getting copied to the build output folder in Visual Studio

It looks slick when you make it an assembly attribute

public class ForceAssemblyReference: Attribute
    public ForceAssemblyReference(Type forcedType)
        //not sure if these two lines are required since 
        //the type is passed to constructor as parameter, 
        //thus effectively being used
        Action<Type> noop = _ => { };

The usage will be:

[assembly: ForceAssemblyReference(typeof(AbcDll.AnyClass))]

When to use dynamic vs. static libraries

Others have adequately explained what a static library is, but I'd like to point out some of the caveats of using static libraries, at least on Windows:

  • Singletons: If something needs to be global/static and unique, be very careful about putting it in a static library. If multiple DLLs are linked against that static library they will each get their own copy of the singleton. However, if your application is a single EXE with no custom DLLs, this may not be a problem.

  • Unreferenced code removal: When you link against a static library, only the parts of the static library that are referenced by your DLL/EXE will get linked into your DLL/EXE.

    For example, if mylib.lib contains a.obj and b.obj and your DLL/EXE only references functions or variables from a.obj, the entirety of b.obj will get discarded by the linker. If b.obj contains global/static objects, their constructors and destructors will not get executed. If those constructors/destructors have side effects, you may be disappointed by their absence.

    Likewise, if the static library contains special entrypoints you may need to take care that they are actually included. An example of this in embedded programming (okay, not Windows) would be an interrupt handler that is marked as being at a specific address. You also need to mark the interrupt handler as an entrypoint to make sure it doesn't get discarded.

    Another consequence of this is that a static library may contain object files that are completely unusable due to unresolved references, but it won't cause a linker error until you reference a function or variable from those object files. This may happen long after the library is written.

  • Debug symbols: You may want a separate PDB for each static library, or you may want the debug symbols to be placed in the object files so that they get rolled into the PDB for the DLL/EXE. The Visual C++ documentation explains the necessary options.

  • RTTI: You may end up with multiple type_info objects for the same class if you link a single static library into multiple DLLs. If your program assumes that type_info is "singleton" data and uses &typeid() or type_info::before(), you may get undesirable and surprising results.

WampServer: php-win.exe The program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing

Windows 10 x64 released August 2015 - same issue arising. MSVCR110.dll is also found in the sysWOW64 folder (which is where I found it, copying to system32 does not help). To resolve:

  1. uninstall the x86 versions of VC 11 vcredist_x64/86.exe for 2012 and 2013
  2. uninstall WAMP Server 2.5
  3. delete (maybe back up first) the WAMP folder
  4. restart windows
  5. reinstall WAMP 2.5

Hopefully like me you have a MySQL database backup handy!

msvcr110.dll is missing from computer error while installing PHP

Since link to this question shows up on very top of returned results when you search for "php MSVCR110.dll" (not to mention it got 100k+ views and growing), here're some additional notes that you may find handy in your quest to solve MSVCR110.dll mistery...

The approach described in the answer is valid not only for MSVCR110.dll case but also applies when you are looking for other versions, like newer MSVCR71.dll and I updated the answer to include VC15 even it's beyond scope of the original question.

On you can read:

VC9, VC11 and VC15

More recent versions of PHP are built with VC9, VC11 or VC15 (Visual Studio 2008, 2012 or 2015 compiler respectively) and include improvements in performance and stability.

The VC9 builds require you to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 x86 or x64 installed.

The VC11 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 x86 or x64 installed.

The VC15 builds require to have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 or x64 installed.

This is quite crucial as you not only need to get Visual C++ Redistributable installed but you also need the right version of it, and which one is right and correct, depends on what PHP build you are actually going to use. Pay attention to what version of PHP for Windows you are fetching, especially pay attention to this "VCxx" suffix, because if you install PHP that requires VC9 while having redistributables VC11 installed it is not going to work as run-time dependency is simply not fulfilled. Contrary to what some may think, you need exactly the version required, as newer (higher) releases does NOT cover older (lower) versions. so i.e. VC11 is not providing VC9 compatibility. Also VC15 is neither fulfilling VC11 nor VC9 dependency. It is just VC15 and NOTHING ELSE. Deal with it :)

For example, archive name php-5.6.4-nts-Win32-VC11-x86 tells us the following

enter image description here

  1. it provides PHP v5.6.4,
  2. PHP build is Non-Thread Safe (nts),
  3. it provides binaries for Windows (Win32),
  4. to run, Visual Studio 2012 redistributable (VC11) is required,
  5. binaries are 32-bit (x86),

Most searches I did lead to VC9 of redistributables, so in case of constant failures to make thing works, if possible, try installing different PHP build, to see if you by any chance do not face mismatching versions.

Download links

Note that you are using 32-bit version of PHP, so you need 32-bit redistributable (x86) even if your version of Windows is 64-bit!

  • VC9: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2008: x86 or x64
  • VC11: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012: x86 or x64
  • VC15: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015: x86 or x64
  • VC17: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017: x86 or x64

Creating a .dll file in C#.Net

Creating DLL File

  1. Open Visual Studio then select File -> New -> Project

  2. Select Visual C# -> Class library

  3. Compile Project Or Build the solution, to create Dll File

  4. Go to the class library folder (Debug Folder)

How do I resolve "Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object"?

I got the same error but I solved by using regsvr32.exe in C:\Windows\SysWOW64. Because we use x64 system. So if your machine is also x64, the ocx/dll must registered also with regsvr32 x64 version

How to view DLL functions?

For native code it's probably best to use Dependency Walker. It also possible to use dumpbin command line utility that comes with Visual Studio.

Register 32 bit COM DLL to 64 bit Windows 7

For 32 bit DLLS in Windows 64 bit platforms:

  1. Copy whatever.dll to c:\windows\sysWOW64\
  2. Open a CMD prompt AS ADMINISTRATOR (very important)

In the CMD window:

  1. CD c:\windows\sysWOW64\
  2. regsvr32 whatever.dll

You will then be executing the 32-bit regsvr (c:\windows\sysWOW64\regsvr.exe) on a 32 bit dll

Can't find how to use HttpContent

Just use...

var stringContent = new StringContent(jObject.ToString());
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("", stringContent);


var stringContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("", stringContent);

How do I get the SQLSRV extension to work with PHP, since MSSQL is deprecated?

Download Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server. Extract the files and use one of:

File                             Thread Safe         VC Bulid
php_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc6.dll           No                  VC6
php_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc9.dll           No                  VC9
php_sqlsrv_53_ts_vc6.dll            Yes                 VC6
php_sqlsrv_53_ts_vc9.dll            Yes                 VC9

You can see the Thread Safety status in phpinfo().

Add the correct file to your ext directory and the following line to your php.ini:


Use the filename of the file you used.

As Gordon already posted this is the new Extension from Microsoft and uses the sqlsrv_* API instead of mssql_*

On Linux you do not have the requisite drivers and neither the SQLSERV Extension.
Look at Connect to MS SQL Server from PHP on Linux? for a discussion on this.

In short you need to install FreeTDS and YES you need to use mssql_* functions on linux. see update 2

To simplify things in the long run I would recommend creating a wrapper class with requisite functions which use the appropriate API (sqlsrv_* or mssql_*) based on which extension is loaded.

Update 2: You do not need to use mssql_* functions on linux. You can connect to an ms sql server using PDO + ODBC + FreeTDS. On windows, the best performing method to connect is via PDO + ODBC + SQL Native Client since the PDO + SQLSRV driver can be incredibly slow.

Calling functions in a DLL from C++

Can also export functions from dll and import from the exe, it is more tricky at first but in the end is much easier than calling LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress. See MSDN.

When creating the project with the VS wizard there's a check box in the dll that let you export functions.

Then, in the exe application you only have to #include a header from the dll with the proper definitions, and add the dll project as a dependency to the exe application.

Check this other question if you want to investigate this point further Exporting functions from a DLL with dllexport.

How do I register a DLL file on Windows 7 64-bit?

If the DLL is 32 bit:

  1. Copy the DLL to C:\Windows\SysWoW64\
  2. In elevated cmd: %windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe %windir%\SysWoW64\namedll.dll

if the DLL is 64 bit:

  1. Copy the DLL to C:\Windows\System32\
  2. In elevated cmd: %windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe %windir%\System32\namedll.dll

The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program

Here is the solution I found:

How to fix the missing MSVCR711.dll problem

You can find MSVCR71.dll file in following location of your installed SQL Developer 2.1 directory:


Class not registered Error

I had run into the same problem. I added reference of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel COM component's dll but Office was not installed on my system it wont give compile time error. I moved my application to another system and ran worked successfully.

So, I can say in my case it was the system environment which was causing this issue.

Windows 7, 64 bit, DLL problems

I suggest also checking how much memory is currently being used.

It turns out that the inability to find these DLL files was the first symptom exhibited when trying to run a program (either run or debug) in Visual Studio.

After over a half hour with much head scratching, searching the web, running Process Monitor, and Task Manager, and depends, a completely different program that had been running since the beginning of time reported that "memory is low; try stopping some programs" or some such. After killing Firefox, Thunderbird, Process Monitor, and depends, everything worked again.

dll missing in JDBC

Friends I had the same problem because of the different bit version Make sure following point * Your jdk bit 64 or 32 * Your Path for sqljdbc_4.0\enu\auth\x64 or x86 this directory depend on your jdk bit * sqljdbc_auth.dll select this file based on your bit x64 or x86 and put this in system32 folder and it will works for me

Where to download Microsoft Visual c++ 2003 redistributable

Storm's answer is not correct. No hard feelings Storm, and apologies to the OP as I'm a bit late to the party here (wish I could have helped sooner, but I didn't run into the problem until today, or this stack overflow answer until I was figuring out a solution.)

The Visual C++ 2003 runtime was not available as a seperate download because it was included with the .NET 1.1 runtime.

If you install the .NET 1.1 runtime you will get msvcr71.dll installed, and in addition added to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322.

The .NET 1.1 runtime is available here: (23.1 MB)

If you are looking for a file that ends with a "P" such as msvcp71.dll, this indicates that your file was compiled against a C++ runtime (as opposed to a C runtime), in some situations I noticed these files were only installed when I installed the full SDK. If you need one of these files, you may need to install the full .NET 1.1 SDK as well, which is available here: (106.2 MB)

After installing the SDK I now have both msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll in my System32 folder, and the application I'm trying to run (boomerang c++ decompiler) works fine without any missing DLL errors.

Also on a side note: be VERY aware of the difference between a Hotfix Update and a Regular Update. As noted in the linked KB932298 download (linked below by Storm): "Please be aware this Hotfix has not gone through full Microsoft product regression testing nor has it been tested in combination with other Hotfixes."

Hotfixes are NOT meant for general users, but rather users who are facing a very specific problem. As described in the article only install that Hotfix if you are have having specific daylight savings time issues with the rules that changed in 2007. -- Likely this was a pre-release for customers who "just couldn't wait" for the official update (probably for some business critical application) -- for regular users Windows Update should be all you need.

Thanks, and I hope this helps others who run into this issue!

Why can't Visual Studio find my DLL?

I've experienced same problem with same lib, found a solution here on SO:

Search MSDN for "How to: Set Environment Variables for Projects". (It's Project>Properties>Configuration Properties>Debugging "Environment" and "Merge Environment" properties for those who are in a rush.)

The syntax is NAME=VALUE and macros can be used (for example, $(OutDir)).

For example, to prepend C:\Windows\Temp to the PATH:


Similarly, to append $(TargetDir)\DLLS to the PATH:


(answered by Multicollinearity here: How do I set a path in visual studio?

Java Error opening registry key

Make sure you remove any java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe from your Windows\System32 folder and if you have an x64 system (Win 7 64 bits) also do the same under Windows\SysWOW64.

If you can't find them at these locations, try deleting them from C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath.

ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. But the DLL's are there

Wow, I found yet another case for this problem. None of the above worked. Eventually I used python's ability to introspect what was being loaded. For python 2.7 this means:

import imp

This turned up a completely unexpected "cv2.pyd" file in an Anaconda DLL directory that wasn't touched by multiple uninstall/install attempts. Python was looking there first and not finding my good installation. I deleted that cv2.pyd file and tried imp.find_module("cv2") again and python immediately found the right file and cv2 started working.

So if none of the other solutions work for you, make sure you use python introspection to see what file python is trying to load.

Is there any native DLL export functions viewer?

you can use Dependency Walker to view the function name. you can see the function's parameters only if it's decorated. read the following from the FAQ:

How do I view the parameter and return types of a function? For most functions, this information is simply not present in the module. The Windows' module file format only provides a single text string to identify each function. There is no structured way to list the number of parameters, the parameter types, or the return type. However, some languages do something called function "decoration" or "mangling", which is the process of encoding information into the text string. For example, a function like int Foo(int, int) encoded with simple decoration might be exported as _Foo@8. The 8 refers to the number of bytes used by the parameters. If C++ decoration is used, the function would be exported as ?Foo@@YGHHH@Z, which can be directly decoded back to the function's original prototype: int Foo(int, int). Dependency Walker supports C++ undecoration by using the Undecorate C++ Functions Command.

Unable to load DLL (Module could not be found HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

You can use the dumpbin tool to find out the required DLL dependencies:

dumpbin /DEPENDENTS my.dll

This will tell you which DLLs your DLL needs to load. Particularly look out for MSVCR*.dll. I have seen your error code occur when the correct Visual C++ Redistributable is not installed.

You can get the "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013" from the Microsoft website. It installs c:\windows\system32\MSVCR120.dll

In the file name, 120 = 12.0 = Visual Studio 2013.

Be careful that you have the right Visual Studio version (10.0 = VS 10, 11 = VS 2012, 12.0 = VS 2013...) right architecture (x64 or x86) for your DLL's target platform, and also you need to be careful around debug builds. The debug build of a DLL depends on MSVCR120d.dll which is a debug version of the library, which is installed with Visual Studio but not by the Redistributable Package.

Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

I had the same issue with a Java application using tibco dll originally intended to run on Win XP. To get it to work on Windows 7, I made the application point to 32-bit JRE. Waiting to see if there is another solution.

How do you extract classes' source code from a dll file?

 public async void Decompile(string DllName)
     string destinationfilename = "";

     if (System.IO.File.Exists(DllName))
         destinationfilename = (@helperRoot + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(medRuleBook.Schemapath)).ToLower();
         if (System.IO.File.Exists(destinationfilename))

         System.IO.File.Copy(DllName, @destinationfilename);
        // use dll-> XSD
     var returnVal = await DoProcess(
            @helperRoot + "xsd.exe", "\"" + @destinationfilename + "\"");

     destinationfilename = destinationfilename.Replace(".dll", ".xsd");

     if (System.IO.File.Exists(@destinationfilename))
          // now use XSD
          returnVal =
            await DoProcess(
              @helperRoot + "xsd.exe", "/c /namespace:RuleBook /language:CS " + "\"" + @destinationfilename + "\"");

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(@destinationfilename.Replace(".xsd", ".cs")))
                string getXSD = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@destinationfilename.Replace(".xsd", ".cs"));

Execute CMD command from code

How about you creat a batch file with the command you want, and call it with Process.Start

dir.bat content:


then call:


Will call the bat file and execute the dir

Dependency Walker reports IESHIMS.DLL and WER.DLL missing?

1· Do I need these DLL's?

It depends since Dependency Walker is a little bit out of date and may report the wrong dependency.

  1. Where can I get them?

most dlls can be found at

I believe they are supposed to located in C:\Windows\System32\Wer.dll and C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Ieshims.dll

For me leshims.dll can be placed at C:\Windows\System32\. Context: windows 7 64bit.

What exactly are DLL files, and how do they work?

DLL is a File Extension & Known As “dynamic link library” file format used for holding multiple codes and procedures for Windows programs. Software & Games runs on the bases of DLL Files; DLL files was created so that multiple applications could use their information at the same time.

IF you want to get more information about DLL Files or facing any error read the following post.

Close window automatically after printing dialog closes



It works.

MacOSX homebrew mysql root password

Iam using Catalina and use this mysql_secure_installation command and now works for me:

$ mysql_secure_installation

In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current
password for the root user. If you've just installed MariaDB, and
haven't set the root password yet, you should just press enter here.

Enter current password for root (enter for none): << enter root here >>

i enter root as current password

OK, successfully used password, moving on...

Setting the root password or using the unix_socket ensures that nobody
can log into the MariaDB root user without the proper authorisation.

and do the rest

Test if registry value exists

My version, matching the exact text from the caught exception. It will return true if it's a different exception but works for this simple case. Also Get-ItemPropertyValue is new in PS 5.0

Function Test-RegValExists($Path, $Value){
$ee = @() # Exception catcher
    Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $Path -Name $Value | Out-Null
catch{$ee += $_}

    if ($ee.Exception.Message -match "Property $Value does not exist"){return $false}
else {return $true}

How to get current route

import { Router, NavigationEnd } from "@angular/router";

constructor(private router: Router) {
  // Detect current route => {
    if (val instanceof NavigationEnd) {

Hosting a Maven repository on github

Don't use GitHub as a Maven Repository.

Edit: This option gets a lot of down votes, but no comments as to why. This is the correct option regardless of the technical capabilities to actually host on GitHub. Hosting on GitHub is wrong for all the reasons outlined below and without comments I can't improve the answer to clarify your issues.

Best Option - Collaborate with the Original Project

The best option is to convince the original project to include your changes and stick with the original.

Alternative - Maintain your own Fork

Since you have forked an open source library, and your fork is also open source, you can upload your fork to Maven Central (read Guide to uploading artifacts to the Central Repository) by giving it a new groupId and maybe a new artifactId.

Only consider this option if you are willing to maintain this fork until the changes are incorporated into the original project and then you should abandon this one.

Really consider hard whether a fork is the right option. Read the myriad Google results for 'why not to fork'


Bloating your repository with jars increases download size for no benefit

A jar is an output of your project, it can be regenerated at any time from its inputs, and your GitHub repo should contain only inputs.

Don't believe me? Then check Google results for 'dont store binaries in git'.

GitHub's help Working with large files will tell you the same thing. Admittedly jar's aren't large but they are larger than the source code and once a jar has been created by a release they have no reason to be versioned - that is what a new release is for.

Defining multiple repos in your pom.xml slows your build down by Number of Repositories times Number of Artifacts

Stephen Connolly says:

If anyone adds your repo they impact their build performance as they now have another repo to check artifacts against... It's not a big problem if you only have to add one repo... But the problem grows and the next thing you know your maven build is checking 50 repos for every artifact and build time is a dog.

That's right! Maven needs to check every artifact (and its dependencies) defined in your pom.xml against every Repository you have defined, as a newer version might be available in any of those repositories.

Try it out for yourself and you will feel the pain of a slow build.

The best place for artifacts is in Maven Central, as its the central place for jars, and this means your build will only ever check one place.

You can read some more about repositories at Maven's documentation on Introduction to Repositories

How to create a listbox in HTML without allowing multiple selection?

Just use the size attribute:

<select name="sometext" size="5">

To clarify, adding the size attribute did not remove the multiple selection.

The single selection works because you removed the multiple="multiple" attribute.

Adding the size="5" attribute is still a good idea, it means that at least 5 lines must be displayed. See the full reference here

Phone number formatting an EditText in Android

More like clean:

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

String text = etyEditText.getText();
    int textlength = etyEditText.getText().length();

    if (text.endsWith("(") ||text.endsWith(")")|| text.endsWith(" ") || text.endsWith("-")  )

    switch (textlength){
        case 1:
            etyEditText.setEditText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "(").toString());
        case 5:
            etyEditText.setEditText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, ")").toString());
        case 6:
            etyEditText.setEditText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, " ").toString());
        case 10:
            etyEditText.setEditText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "-").toString());


Pandas sum by groupby, but exclude certain columns

If you are looking for a more generalized way to apply to many columns, what you can do is to build a list of column names and pass it as the index of the grouped dataframe. In your case, for example:

columns = ['Y'+str(i) for year in range(1967, 2011)]


Pure css close button

If you want pure css, without the letter "x"....

Here are some awesome experimental icons that include an "x" in a circle that is made with CSS:

MySQL "ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'foo.#sql-12c_4' (errno: 150)"

all, I solved a problem and wanted to share it:

I had this error <> The issue was in that in my statement:

alter table system_registro_de_modificacion add foreign key (usuariomodificador_id) REFERENCES Usuario(id) On delete restrict;

I had incorrectly written the CASING: it works in Windows WAMP, but in Linux MySQL it is more strict with the CASING, so writting "Usuario" instead of "usuario" (exact casing), generated the error, and was corrected simply changing the casing.

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider in Visual Studio 2010 Professional

I had this problem with version 6.7.4 and resolved it by installing version 6.5.6.

My setup is Win 2008 R2 SP1 Data Center edition, SQL Server 2008 R2 with Business Intelligence Development Studio (VS2008). Very basic install.

When I was installing 6.7.4, i could not even see the MySQL provider as a choice. However, when i looked into the machine.config file, I saw references for MySQL role provider etc, but no entry was added in the .

Setting action for back button in navigation controller

Using Swift:

override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
    if self.navigationController?.topViewController != self {
        print("back button tapped")

How to Set OnClick attribute with value containing function in ie8?

You also can use:

element.addEventListener("click", function(){
    // call execute function here...
}, false);

HTTP GET request in JavaScript?

<button type="button" onclick="loadXMLDoc()"> GET CONTENT</button>

        function loadXMLDoc() {
            var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
            var url = "<Enter URL>";``
            xmlhttp.onload = function () {
                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == "200") {
                    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = this.responseText;
  "GET", url, true);

Trim last character from a string

        string s1 = "Hello! world!";
        string s2 = s1.Trim('!');

How do I call a function twice or more times consecutively?

from itertools import repeat, starmap

results = list(starmap(do, repeat((), 3)))

See the repeatfunc recipe from the itertools module that is actually much more powerful. If you need to just call the method but don't care about the return values you can use it in a for loop:

for _ in starmap(do, repeat((), 3)): pass

but that's getting ugly.

Extract text from a string

The following regex extract anything between the parenthesis:

PS> $prog = [regex]::match($s,'\(([^\)]+)\)').Groups[1].Value
PS> $prog

Explanation (created with RegexBuddy)

Match the character '(' literally «\(»
Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «([^\)]+)»
   Match any character that is NOT a ) character «[^\)]+»
      Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «+»
Match the character ')' literally «\)»

Check these links:

Launching a website via windows commandline

Working from VaLo's answer:

cd %directory to browser%
%browser's name to main executable (firefox, chrome, opera, etc.)%

start doesn't seem to work (at least in my environment)

Angular directive how to add an attribute to the element?

A directive which adds another directive to the same element:

Similar answers:

Here is a plunker:

app.directive("myDir", function($compile) {
  return {
    priority:1001, // compiles first
    terminal:true, // prevent lower priority directives to compile after it
    compile: function(el) {
      el.removeAttr('my-dir'); // necessary to avoid infinite compile loop
      el.attr('ng-click', 'fxn()');
      var fn = $compile(el);
      return function(scope){

Much cleaner solution - not to use ngClick at all:

A plunker:

app.directive("myDir", function($parse) {
  return {
    compile: function(tElm,tAttrs){
      var exp = $parse('fxn()');
      return function (scope,elm){

Preferred Java way to ping an HTTP URL for availability

Instead of using URLConnection use HttpURLConnection by calling openConnection() on your URL object.

Then use getResponseCode() will give you the HTTP response once you've read from the connection.

here is code:

    HttpURLConnection connection = null;
    try {
        URL u = new URL("");
        connection = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection();
        int code = connection.getResponseCode();
        System.out.println("" + code);
        // You can determine on HTTP return code received. 200 is success.
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } finally {
        if (connection != null) {

Also check similar question How to check if a URL exists or returns 404 with Java?

Hope this helps.

Calculate last day of month in JavaScript

const today = new Date();

let beginDate = new Date();

let endDate = new Date();

// fist date of montg

beginDate = new Date(

  `${today.getFullYear()}-${today.getMonth() + 1}-01 00:00:00`


// end date of month 

// set next Month first Date

endDate = new Date(

  `${today.getFullYear()}-${today.getMonth() + 2}-01 :23:59:59`


// deducting 1 day


How do I validate a date in this format (yyyy-mm-dd) using jquery?

I expanded just slightly on the isValidDate function Thorbin posted above (using a regex). We use a regex to check the format (to prevent us from getting another format which would be valid for Date). After this loose check we then actually run it through the Date constructor and return true or false if it is valid within this format. If it is not a valid date we will get false from this function.

function isValidDate(dateString) {_x000D_
  var regEx = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/;_x000D_
  if(!dateString.match(regEx)) return false;  // Invalid format_x000D_
  var d = new Date(dateString);_x000D_
  var dNum = d.getTime();_x000D_
  if(!dNum && dNum !== 0) return false; // NaN value, Invalid date_x000D_
  return d.toISOString().slice(0,10) === dateString;_x000D_
/* Example Uses */_x000D_
console.log(isValidDate("0000-00-00"));  // false_x000D_
console.log(isValidDate("2015-01-40"));  // false_x000D_
console.log(isValidDate("2016-11-25"));  // true_x000D_
console.log(isValidDate("1970-01-01"));  // true = epoch_x000D_
console.log(isValidDate("2016-02-29"));  // true = leap day_x000D_
console.log(isValidDate("2013-02-29"));  // false = not leap day

How to custom switch button?


     android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_checked="false"

    <item android:state_checked="true"



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_checked="false">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">

            <size android:width="24dp" android:height="12dp" />
            <solid android:color="#EFE0BB" />
            <corners android:radius="6dp" />

    <item android:state_checked="true">

        <shape android:shape="rectangle">

            <size android:width="24dp" android:height="12dp" />
            <solid android:color="@color/colorPrimary" />
            <corners android:radius="6dp" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">

        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="#EFE0BB" />
                android:height="10dp" />
                android:color="@color/colorPrimary" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">

    <item >
        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="@color/colorPrimary"/>
            <size android:height="12dp"
            <stroke android:color="#EFE0BB"


Xcode 4: How do you view the console?

You can always see the console in a different window by opening the Organiser, clicking on the Devices tab, choosing your device and selecting it's console.

Of course, this doesn't work for the simulator :(

Google Chrome "" workaround?

I have the same problem, Chrome doesn`t open a new window from code (not handlers).
I found this solution:

setTimeout(function () {
        url, 'name', 'toolbar=1, scrollbars=1, location=1,
        statusbar=0, menubar=1, resizable=1, width=800, height=600'
}, 1);

semaphore implementation

Please check this out below sample code for semaphore implementation(Lock and unlock).

    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/ipc.h>
    #include <sys/sem.h>
    int main()
            int key,share_id,num;
            char *data;
            int semid;
            struct sembuf sb={0,-1,0};
            if(key == -1 ) {
                    printf("\n\n Initialization Falied of shared memory \n\n");
                    return 1;
            if(share_id == -1 ) {
                    printf("\n\n Error captured while share memory allocation\n\n");
                    return 1;
            data=(char *)shmat(share_id,(void *)0,0);
            strcpy(data,"Testing string\n");
            if(!fork()) { //Child Porcess
                 sb.sem_op=-1; //Lock
                 semop(share_id,(struct sembuf *)&sb,1);

                 strncat(data,"feeding form child\n",20);

                 semop(share_id,(struct sembuf *)&sb,1);
            } else {     //Parent Process
              sb.sem_op=-1; //Lock
              semop(share_id,(struct sembuf *)&sb,1);

               strncat(data,"feeding form parent\n",20);

              semop(share_id,(struct sembuf *)&sb,1);

            return 0;

How do I automatically scroll to the bottom of a multiline text box?

textBox1.SelectionStart = textBox1.Text.Length;

didn't work for me (Windows 8.1, whatever the reason).
And since I'm still on .NET 2.0, I can't use ScrollToEnd.

But this works:

public class Utils
    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)]
    private static extern int SendMessage(System.IntPtr hWnd, int wMsg, System.IntPtr wParam, System.IntPtr lParam);

    private const int WM_VSCROLL = 0x115;
    private const int SB_BOTTOM = 7;

    /// <summary>
    /// Scrolls the vertical scroll bar of a multi-line text box to the bottom.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tb">The text box to scroll</param>
    public static void ScrollToBottom(System.Windows.Forms.TextBox tb)
        if(System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform != System.PlatformID.Unix)
             SendMessage(tb.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, new System.IntPtr(SB_BOTTOM), System.IntPtr.Zero);



Public Class Utils
    <System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet := System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)> _
    Private Shared Function SendMessage(hWnd As System.IntPtr, wMsg As Integer, wParam As System.IntPtr, lParam As System.IntPtr) As Integer
    End Function

    Private Const WM_VSCROLL As Integer = &H115
    Private Const SB_BOTTOM As Integer = 7

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Scrolls the vertical scroll bar of a multi-line text box to the bottom.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="tb">The text box to scroll</param>
    Public Shared Sub ScrollToBottom(tb As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)
        If System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform <> System.PlatformID.Unix Then
            SendMessage(tb.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, New System.IntPtr(SB_BOTTOM), System.IntPtr.Zero)
        End If
    End Sub

End Class

Use C# HttpWebRequest to send json to web service

First of all you missed ScriptService attribute to add in webservice.


After then try following method to call webservice via JSON.

        var webAddr = "http://Domain/VBRService.asmx/callJson";
        var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(webAddr);
        httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
        httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";            

        using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))
            string json = "{\"x\":\"true\"}";


        var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
        using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
            var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            return result;

How to fix PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\\php_curl.dll'?

As Darren commented, Apache don't understand php.ini relative paths in Windows.

To fix it, change the relative paths in your php.ini to absolute paths.


How to read response headers in angularjs?

Additionally to Eugene Retunsky's answer, quoting from $http documentation regarding the response:

The response object has these properties:

  • data{string|Object} – The response body transformed with the transform functions.

  • status{number} – HTTP status code of the response.

  • headers{function([headerName])} – Header getter function.

  • config{Object} – The configuration object that was used to generate the request.

  • statusText{string} – HTTP status text of the response.

Please note that the argument callback order for $resource (v1.6) is not the same as above:

Success callback is called with (value (Object|Array), responseHeaders (Function), status (number), statusText (string)) arguments, where the value is the populated resource instance or collection object. The error callback is called with (httpResponse) argument.

How do you connect to multiple MySQL databases on a single webpage?

$dbh1 = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password);  
$dbh2 = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password, true); 

mysql_select_db('database1', $dbh1); 

mysql_query('select * from tablename', $dbh1);
mysql_query('select * from tablename', $dbh2);

This is the most obvious solution that I use but just remember, if the username / password for both the database is exactly same in the same host, this solution will always be using the first connection. So don't be confused that this is not working in such case. What you need to do is, create 2 different users for the 2 databases and it will work.

Access Tomcat Manager App from different host

For Tomcat v8.5.4 and above, the file <tomcat>/webapps/manager/META-INF/context.xml has been adjusted:

<Context antiResourceLocking="false" privileged="true" >
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
         allow="127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|::1|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" />

Change this file to comment the Valve:

<Context antiResourceLocking="false" privileged="true" >
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
         allow="127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|::1|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" />

After that, refresh your browser (not need to restart Tomcat), you can see the manager page.

How to prevent form from submitting multiple times from client side?

This works very fine for me. It submit the farm and make button disable and after 2 sec active the button.

<button id="submit" type="submit" onclick="submitLimit()">Yes</button>

function submitLimit() {
var btn = document.getElementById('submit')
setTimeout(function() {
    btn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
}, 1);

setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);}

In ECMA6 Syntex

function submitLimit() {
submitBtn = document.getElementById('submit');

setTimeout(() => { submitBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') }, 1);

setTimeout(() => { submitBtn.removeAttribute('disabled') }, 4000);}

How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts

Basic ViewPager Example

This answer is a simplification of the documentation, this tutorial, and the accepted answer. It's purpose is to get a working ViewPager up and running as quickly as possible. Further edits can be made after that.

enter image description here


Add the xml layouts for the main activity and for each page (fragment). In our case we are only using one fragment layout, but if you have different layouts on the different pages then just make one for each of them.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
                android:layout_height="match_parent" >

        android:layout_centerInParent="true" />



This is the code for the main activity. It includes the PagerAdapter and FragmentOne as inner classes. If these get too large or you are reusing them in other places, then you can move them to their own separate classes.


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    static final int NUMBER_OF_PAGES = 2;

    MyAdapter mAdapter;
    ViewPager mPager;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mAdapter = new MyAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
        mPager = findViewById(;

    public static class MyAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {
        public MyAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {

        public int getCount() {
            return NUMBER_OF_PAGES;

        public Fragment getItem(int position) {

            switch (position) {
                case 0:
                    return FragmentOne.newInstance(0, Color.WHITE);
                case 1:
                    // return a different Fragment class here
                    // if you want want a completely different layout
                    return FragmentOne.newInstance(1, Color.CYAN);
                    return null;

    public static class FragmentOne extends Fragment {

        private static final String MY_NUM_KEY = "num";
        private static final String MY_COLOR_KEY = "color";

        private int mNum;
        private int mColor;

        // You can modify the parameters to pass in whatever you want
        static FragmentOne newInstance(int num, int color) {
            FragmentOne f = new FragmentOne();
            Bundle args = new Bundle();
            args.putInt(MY_NUM_KEY, num);
            args.putInt(MY_COLOR_KEY, color);
            return f;

        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            mNum = getArguments() != null ? getArguments().getInt(MY_NUM_KEY) : 0;
            mColor = getArguments() != null ? getArguments().getInt(MY_COLOR_KEY) : Color.BLACK;

        public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                                 Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_one, container, false);
            TextView textView = v.findViewById(;
            textView.setText("Page " + mNum);
            return v;


If you copied and pasted the three files above to your project, you should be able to run the app and see the result in the animation above.

Going on

There are quite a few things you can do with ViewPagers. See the following links to get started:

Difference between "read commited" and "repeatable read"

Read committed is an isolation level that guarantees that any data read was committed at the moment is read. It simply restricts the reader from seeing any intermediate, uncommitted, 'dirty' read. It makes no promise whatsoever that if the transaction re-issues the read, will find the Same data, data is free to change after it was read.

Repeatable read is a higher isolation level, that in addition to the guarantees of the read committed level, it also guarantees that any data read cannot change, if the transaction reads the same data again, it will find the previously read data in place, unchanged, and available to read.

The next isolation level, serializable, makes an even stronger guarantee: in addition to everything repeatable read guarantees, it also guarantees that no new data can be seen by a subsequent read.

Say you have a table T with a column C with one row in it, say it has the value '1'. And consider you have a simple task like the following:

WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:00'

That is a simple task that issue two reads from table T, with a delay of 1 minute between them.

  • under READ COMMITTED, the second SELECT may return any data. A concurrent transaction may update the record, delete it, insert new records. The second select will always see the new data.
  • under REPEATABLE READ the second SELECT is guaranteed to display at least the rows that were returned from the first SELECT unchanged. New rows may be added by a concurrent transaction in that one minute, but the existing rows cannot be deleted nor changed.
  • under SERIALIZABLE reads the second select is guaranteed to see exactly the same rows as the first. No row can change, nor deleted, nor new rows could be inserted by a concurrent transaction.

If you follow the logic above you can quickly realize that SERIALIZABLE transactions, while they may make life easy for you, are always completely blocking every possible concurrent operation, since they require that nobody can modify, delete nor insert any row. The default transaction isolation level of the .Net System.Transactions scope is serializable, and this usually explains the abysmal performance that results.

And finally, there is also the SNAPSHOT isolation level. SNAPSHOT isolation level makes the same guarantees as serializable, but not by requiring that no concurrent transaction can modify the data. Instead, it forces every reader to see its own version of the world (it's own 'snapshot'). This makes it very easy to program against as well as very scalable as it does not block concurrent updates. However, that benefit comes with a price: extra server resource consumption.

Supplemental reads:

What exactly is Spring Framework for?

The advantage is Dependency Injection (DI). It means outsourcing the task of object creation.Let me explain with an example.

public interface Lunch
   public void eat();

public class Buffet implements Lunch
   public void eat()
      // Eat as much as you can 

public class Plated implements Lunch
   public void eat()
      // Eat a limited portion

Now in my code I have a class LunchDecide as follows:

public class LunchDecide {
    private Lunch todaysLunch;
    public LunchDecide(){
        this.todaysLunch = new Buffet(); // choose Buffet -> eat as much as you want
        //this.todaysLunch = new Plated(); // choose Plated -> eat a limited portion 

In the above class, depending on our mood, we pick Buffet() or Plated(). However this system is tightly coupled. Every time we need a different type of Object, we need to change the code. In this case, commenting out a line ! Imagine there are 50 different classes used by 50 different people. It would be a hell of a mess. In this case, we need to Decouple the system. Let's rewrite the LunchDecide class.

public class LunchDecide {
    private Lunch todaysLunch;
    public LunchDecide(Lunch todaysLunch){
        this.todaysLunch = todaysLunch

Notice that instead of creating an object using new keyword we passed the reference to an object of Lunch Type as a parameter to our constructor. Here, object creation is outsourced. This code can be wired either using Xml config file (legacy) or Java Annotations (modern). Either way, the decision on which Type of object would be created would be done there during runtime. An object would be injected by Xml into our code - Our Code is dependent on Xml for that job. Hence, Dependency Injection (DI). DI not only helps in making our system loosely coupled, it simplifies writing of Unit tests since it allows dependencies to be mocked. Last but not the least, DI streamlines Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) which leads to further decoupling and increase of modularity. Also note that above DI is Constructor Injection. DI can be done by Setter Injection as well - same plain old setter method from encapsulation.

Count of "Defined" Array Elements

Remove the values then check (remove null check here if you want)

const x = A.filter(item => item !== undefined || item !== null).length

With Lodash

const x = _.size(_.filter(A, item => !_.isNil(item)))

"X does not name a type" error in C++

You must declare the prototype it before using it:

class User;

class MyMessageBox
 void sendMessage(Message *msg, User *recvr);
 Message receiveMessage();
 vector<Message> *dataMessageList;

class User
 MyMessageBox dataMsgBox;

edit: Swapped the types

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference PHP 5.4

You should remove the & (ampersand) symbol, so that line 4 will look like this:

$conn = ADONewConnection($config['db_type']);

This is because ADONewConnection already returns an object by reference. As per documentation, assigning the result of a reference to object by reference results in an E_DEPRECATED message as of PHP 5.3.0

How to check if iframe is loaded or it has a content?

Try this.

function checkIframeLoaded() {
    // Get a handle to the iframe element
    var iframe = document.getElementById('i_frame');
    var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;

    // Check if loading is complete
    if (  iframeDoc.readyState  == 'complete' ) {
        iframe.contentWindow.onload = function(){
            alert("I am loaded");
        // The loading is complete, call the function we want executed once the iframe is loaded

    // If we are here, it is not loaded. Set things up so we check   the status again in 100 milliseconds
    window.setTimeout(checkIframeLoaded, 100);

function afterLoading(){
    alert("I am here");

<body onload="checkIframeLoaded();"> 

RE error: illegal byte sequence on Mac OS X

You simply have to pipe an iconv command before the sed command. Ex with file.txt input :

iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF8-MAC file.txt | sed 's/something/àéèêçùû/g' | .....

-f option is the 'from' codeset and -t option is the 'to' codeset conversion.

Take care of case, web pages usually show lowercase like that < charset=iso-8859-1"/> and iconv uses uppercase. You have list of iconv supported codesets in you system with command iconv -l

UTF8-MAC is modern OS Mac codeset for conversion.

Calling a Variable from another Class

That would just be:


and it needs to be public also:

public class Variables
   public static string name = "";

What is "pass-through authentication" in IIS 7?

Normally, IIS would use the process identity (the user account it is running the worker process as) to access protected resources like file system or network.

With passthrough authentication, IIS will attempt to use the actual identity of the user when accessing protected resources.

If the user is not authenticated, IIS will use the application pool identity instead. If pool identity is set to NetworkService or LocalSystem, the actual Windows account used is the computer account.

The IIS warning you see is not an error, it's just a warning. The actual check will be performed at execution time, and if it fails, it'll show up in the log.

How do I install a color theme for IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.x

Like nearly everyone else said, go to file -> Import Settings.

But if you don't see the "Import Settings" option under the file menu, you need to disable 2 plugins : IDE Settings Sync and Settings Repository

enter image description here

How to access global variables

I would "inject" the starttime variable instead, otherwise you have a circular dependency between the packages.


var StartTime = time.Now()
func main() {
   otherPackage.StartTime = StartTime


var StartTime time.Time

Doctrine - How to print out the real sql, not just the prepared statement?

I made some research for this topic, because i wanted to debug a generated SQL query and execute it in the sql editor. As seen in all the answers, it is a highly technical topic.

When i assume that the initial question is base on dev-env, one very simple answer is missing at the moment. You can just use the build in Symfony profiler. Just click on the Doctrine Tab, Scroll to the query you want to inspect. Then click on "view runnable query" and you can paste your query directly in your SQL editor

More UI base approach but very quick and without debugging code overhead.

enter image description here

What does getActivity() mean?

Two likely definitions:

RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

Whenever I need to quickly extract something from an HTML document, I use Tidy to convert it to XML and then use XPath or XSLT to get what I need. In your case, something like this:


Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"?

Java is strictly passed by value

When I say pass by value it means whenever caller has invoked the callee the arguments(ie: the data to be passed to the other function) is copied and placed in the formal parameters (callee's local variables for receiving the input). Java makes data communications from one function to other function only in a pass by value environment.

An important point would be to know that even C language is strictly passed by value only:
ie: Data is copied from caller to the callee and more ever the operation performed by the callee are on the same memory location and what we pass them is the address of that location that we obtain from (&) operator and the identifier used in the formal parameters are declared to be a pointer variable (*) using which we can get inside the memory location for accessing the data in it.

Hence here the formal parameter is nothing but mere aliases for that location. And any modifications done on that location is visible where ever that scope of the variable (that identifies that location) is alive.

In Java, there is no concept of pointers (ie: there is nothing called a pointer variable), although we can think of reference variable as a pointer technically in java we call it as a handle. The reason why we call the pointer to an address as a handle in java is because a pointer variable is capable of performing not just single dereferencing but multiple dereferencing for example: int *p; in P means p points to an integer and int **p; in C means p is pointer to a pointer to an integer we dont have this facility in Java, so its absolutely correct and technically legitimate to say it as an handle, also there are rules for pointer arithmetic in C. Which allows performing arithmetic operation on pointers with constraints on it.

In C we call such mechanism of passing address and receiving them with pointer variables as pass by reference since we are passing their addresses and receiving them as pointer variable in formal parameter but at the compiler level that address is copied into pointer variable (since data here is address even then its data ) hence we can be 100% sure that C is Strictly passed by value (as we are passing data only)

(and if we pass the data directly in C we call that as pass by value.)

In java when we do the same we do it with the handles; since they are not called pointer variables like in (as discussed above) even though we are passing the references we cannot say its pass by reference since we are not collecting that with a pointer variable in Java.

Hence Java strictly use pass by value mechanism

Create a tag in a GitHub repository

CAREFUL: In the command in Lawakush Kurmi's answer (git tag -a v1.0) the -a flag is used. This flag tells Git to create an annotated flag. If you don't provide the flag (i.e. git tag v1.0) then it'll create what's called a lightweight tag.

Annotated tags are recommended, because they include a lot of extra information such as:

  • the person who made the tag
  • the date the tag was made
  • a message for the tag

Because of this, you should always use annotated tags.

Import-CSV and Foreach

Solution is to change Delimiter.

Content of the csv file -> Note .. Also space and , in value

Values are 6 Dutch word aap,noot,mies,Piet, Gijs, Jan


a,ap;noo,t;mi es

P,iet;G ,ijs;Ja ,n

$csv = Import-Csv C:\TejaCopy.csv -Delimiter ';' 


Write-Host $csv
@{Col1=a,ap; Col2=noo,t; Col3=mi es} @{Col1=P,iet; Col2=G ,ijs; Col3=Ja ,n}

It is possible to read a CSV file and use other Delimiter to separate each column.

It worked for my script :-)

Remove all child elements of a DOM node in JavaScript


It's experimental without wide support, but when executed with no params will do what you're asking for, and it's more efficient than looping through each child and removing it. As mentioned already, replacing innerHTML with an empty string will require HTML parsing on the browser's part.

Documentation here.

php & mysql query not echoing in html with tags?

<td class="first"> <?php echo $proxy ?> </td> is inside a literal string that you are echoing. End the string, or concatenate it correctly:

<td class="first">' . $proxy . '</td>

String Array object in Java

Your attempt at an athlete class seems to be dealing with a group of athletes, which is a design fault.

Define a class to represent a single athlete, with fields that represent the athlete's attributes:

public class Athlete {
    private final String name;
    private final String country;
    private List<Performance> performances = new ArrayList<Performance>();
    // other fields as required

    public Athlete (String name, String country) { = name; = country;
    // getters omitted

    public List<Performance> getPerformances() {
        return performances;

    public Performance perform(Dive dive) {
        // not sure what your intention is here, but something like this:
        Performance p = new Performance(dive, this);
        // add new performance to list
        return p;

Then your main method would use ti like this:

public class Assignment1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] name = {"Art", "Dan", "Jen"};
        String[] country = {"Canada", "Germant", "USA"};
        Dive[] dive = new Dive[]{new Dive("somersault"), new Dive("foo"), new Dive("bar")};
        for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
            Athlete athlete = new Athlete(name[i], country[i]);
            Performance performance = athlete.perform(dive[i]);   
            // do something with athlete and/or performance

Change window location Jquery

I'm writing common function for change window

this code can be used parallel in all type of project

function changewindow(url,userdata){
        type: "POST",
        url: url,
        data: userdata,
        dataType: "html",
        success: function(html){                
        error: function(html){

Send attachments with PHP Mail()?

            $to = "[email protected]";
            $subject = "Subject Of The Mail";
            $message = "Hi there,<br/><br/>This is my message.<br><br>";

            $headers = "From: From-Name<[email protected]>";
// boundary
            $semi_rand = md5(time());
            $mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";

// headers for attachment
            $headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" . " boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"";

// multipart boundary
            $message = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $message . "\n\n";

                $message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n";
                $filepath = 'uploads/'.$_FILES['image']['name'];
                move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $filepath); //upload the file
                $filename = $_FILES['image']['name'];
                $file = fopen($filepath, "rb");
                $data = fread($file, filesize($filepath));
                $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));
                $message .= "Content-Type: {\"application/octet-stream\"};\n" . " name=\"$filename\"\n" .
                        "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" . " filename=\"$filename\"\n" .
                        "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . $data . "\n\n";
                $message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n";

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

Creating a new directory in C

Look at stat for checking if the directory exists,

And mkdir, to create a directory.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>

struct stat st = {0};

if (stat("/some/directory", &st) == -1) {
    mkdir("/some/directory", 0700);

You can see the manual of these functions with the man 2 stat and man 2 mkdir commands.

Convert string to symbol-able in ruby

In Rails you can do this using underscore method:

"Book Author Title".delete(' ').underscore.to_sym
=> :book_author_title

The simpler code is using regex (works with Ruby):

"Book Author Title".downcase.gsub(/\s+/, "_").to_sym
=> :book_author_title

How do I set up curl to permanently use a proxy?

Many UNIX programs respect the http_proxy environment variable, curl included. The format curl accepts is [protocol://]<host>[:port].

In your shell configuration:

export http_proxy

For proxying HTTPS requests, set https_proxy as well.

Curl also allows you to set this in your .curlrc file (_curlrc on Windows), which you might consider more permanent:


Floating point exception

It's caused by n % x, when x is 0. You should have x start at 2 instead. You should not use floating point here at all, since you only need integer operations.

General notes:

  1. Try to format your code better. Focus on using a consistent style. E.g. you have one else that starts immediately after a if brace (not even a space), and another with a newline in between.
  2. Don't use globals unless necessary. There is no reason for q to be global.
  3. Don't return without a value in a non-void (int) function.

Delete all but the most recent X files in bash

If the filenames don't have spaces, this will work:

ls -C1 -t| awk 'NR>5'|xargs rm

If the filenames do have spaces, something like

ls -C1 -t | awk 'NR>5' | sed -e "s/^/rm '/" -e "s/$/'/" | sh

Basic logic:

  • get a listing of the files in time order, one column
  • get all but the first 5 (n=5 for this example)
  • first version: send those to rm
  • second version: gen a script that will remove them properly

Java Can't connect to X11 window server using 'localhost:10.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable

In my case this error was not related to the DISPLAY port. I was trying to load an XML into Windchill (a PLM-software) and received only the above error on the terminal. In a logfile I found the report that my XML-file was corrupt. Maybe someone has a similar problem and can use this answer.

Python check if website exists

There is an excellent answer provided by @Adem Öztas, for use with httplib and urllib2. For requests, if the question is strictly about resource existence, then the answer can be improved upon in the case of large resource existence.

The previous answer for requests suggested something like the following:

def uri_exists_get(uri: str) -> bool:
        response = requests.get(uri)
            return True
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
            return False
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        return False

requests.get attempts to pull the entire resource at once, so for large media files, the above snippet would attempt to pull the entire media into memory. To solve this, we can stream the response.

def uri_exists_stream(uri: str) -> bool:
        with requests.get(uri, stream=True) as response:
                return True
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
                return False
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        return False

I ran the above snippets with timers attached against two web resources:

1), a very light html page

2), a decently sized video file

Timing results below:

# Completed in: 0:00:00.611239

# Completed in: 0:00:00.000007

# Completed in: 0:01:12.813224

# Completed in: 0:00:00.000007

As a last note: this function also works in the case that the resource host doesn't exist. For example "" will return False.

Android Studio - Failed to notify project evaluation listener error

had similar problem, issue was different versions of included library. to find out what causes problem run build command with stacktrace

./gradlew build --stacktrace

C++, What does the colon after a constructor mean?

It's called an initialization list. An initializer list is how you pass arguments to your member variables' constructors and for passing arguments to the parent class's constructor.

If you use = to assign in the constructor body, first the default constructor is called, then the assignment operator is called. This is a bit wasteful, and sometimes there's no equivalent assignment operator.

phonegap open link in browser

None of these answers are explicit enough to get external links to open in each platform. As per the inAppBrowser docs:


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

Overwrite (optional, but recommended for simplicity) =;

If you don't overwrite, you will be using the native function, and can't expect to get the same results cross-platform.

Use it to open links in default browser, '_system');

Note that the target for the inAppBrowser (which is what the plugin name suggests it is to be used for) is '_blank', instead of '_system'.

Without the steps above, I was not able to get links to open in the default browser app cross-platform.

Extra credit

Here's an example (live) click handler for the links:

document.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    if ( === 'A' &&^https?:\/\//)) {
        e.preventDefault();, '_system');

Laravel 5 error SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I Faced Same Problem what i did

  1. php artisan cache:clear
  2. php artisan config:cache

but Same problem found than i run this artisan command

php artisan view:clear

Hope it will helpful.

HTTP 404 Page Not Found in Web Api hosted in IIS 7.5

I struggled with this, as well. My exact issue was that I had an ASMX Web Service that, when I entered a parameter into a web method and tested it, then it would give me the 404. The particular method had worked fine in the past and hadn't been changed, only re-published. Then I got here and tried all of the posted answers & nothing helped.

My ultimate solution? I know this is drastic, but I just created a new Visual Studio solution and web project. Selected MVC, then I did an "Add" > "New Item", selected "Visual C#" > "Web" and "Web Service (ASMX)" under that. I copied all of my old code-behind code, then I took note of the namespace it gave the new file in my new project, then pasted all of my old code into the new code-behind file in the new project and put the namespace back to what it had been.

Then I created my folders in my project that I had before using Visual Studio to do "Add" > "New Folder", then copied back in my files into the folders from my other project using Windows Explorer, then right-clicked each folder in Visual Studio and did "Add" > "Existing Item..." and pulled the items in those folders into my new project's Visual Studio folders. I referenced all my .NET assemblies again, having both projects open so I could compare which ones I had referenced, previously (there were several). I had to name my new project slightly different - basically I did something comparable to "GeneralWebApp" instead of "MyWebApp", for example - so I had to do a "Replace All" in my whole solution to replace that name, so it would get the right namespace for all my files.

Then I did a "Rebuild All" on the project, then started it up with the "Play" button Visual Studio gives when I got it to build correctly. It worked fine. So I published it, and everything was fine on the server where I published it, when I ran it from there. I have no explanation as to what happened, but that's how I got through it. It's not a bad test just to see if something Visual Studio is doing has mucked it up.

Which is the preferred way to concatenate a string in Python?

If you are concatenating a lot of values, then neither. Appending a list is expensive. You can use StringIO for that. Especially if you are building it up over a lot of operations.

from cStringIO import StringIO
# python3:  from io import StringIO

buf = StringIO()


# 'foofoofoo'

If you already have a complete list returned to you from some other operation, then just use the ''.join(aList)

From the python FAQ: What is the most efficient way to concatenate many strings together?

str and bytes objects are immutable, therefore concatenating many strings together is inefficient as each concatenation creates a new object. In the general case, the total runtime cost is quadratic in the total string length.

To accumulate many str objects, the recommended idiom is to place them into a list and call str.join() at the end:

chunks = []
for s in my_strings:
result = ''.join(chunks)

(another reasonably efficient idiom is to use io.StringIO)

To accumulate many bytes objects, the recommended idiom is to extend a bytearray object using in-place concatenation (the += operator):

result = bytearray()
for b in my_bytes_objects:
    result += b

Edit: I was silly and had the results pasted backwards, making it look like appending to a list was faster than cStringIO. I have also added tests for bytearray/str concat, as well as a second round of tests using a larger list with larger strings. (python 2.7.3)

ipython test example for large lists of strings

    from cStringIO import StringIO
    from io import StringIO

source = ['foo']*1000

%%timeit buf = StringIO()
for i in source:
final = buf.getvalue()
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 1.27 ms per loop

%%timeit out = []
for i in source:
final = ''.join(out)
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 9.89 ms per loop

%%timeit out = bytearray()
for i in source:
    out += i
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 98.5 µs per loop

%%timeit out = ""
for i in source:
    out += i
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 161 µs per loop

## Repeat the tests with a larger list, containing
## strings that are bigger than the small string caching 
## done by the Python
source = ['foo']*1000

# cStringIO
# 10 loops, best of 3: 19.2 ms per loop

# list append and join
# 100 loops, best of 3: 144 ms per loop

# bytearray() +=
# 100 loops, best of 3: 3.8 ms per loop

# str() +=
# 100 loops, best of 3: 5.11 ms per loop

How to limit google autocomplete results to City and Country only

Basically same as the accepted answer, but updated with new type and multiple country restrictions:

function initialize() {

 var options = {
  types: ['(regions)'],
  componentRestrictions: {country: ["us", "de"]}

 var input = document.getElementById('searchTextField');
 var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);

Using '(regions)' instead of '(cities)' allows to search by postal code as well as city name.

See official documentation, Table 3:

How to copy sheets to another workbook using vba?

Someone over at Ozgrid answered a similar question. Basically, you just copy each sheet one at a time from Workbook1 to Workbook2.

Sub CopyWorkbook()

    Dim currentSheet as Worksheet
    Dim sheetIndex as Integer
    sheetIndex = 1

    For Each currentSheet in Worksheets

        Windows("SOURCE WORKBOOK").Activate 
        currentSheet.Copy Before:=Workbooks("TARGET WORKBOOK").Sheets(sheetIndex) 

        sheetIndex = sheetIndex + 1

    Next currentSheet

End Sub

Disclaimer: I haven't tried this code out and instead just adopted the linked example to your problem. If nothing else, it should lead you towards your intended solution.

PostgreSQL - SQL state: 42601 syntax error

Your function would work like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prc_tst_bulk(sql text)
RETURNS TABLE (name text, rowcount integer) AS 

WITH v_tb_person AS (' || sql || $x$)
SELECT name, count(*)::int FROM v_tb_person WHERE nome LIKE '%a%' GROUP BY name
SELECT name, count(*)::int FROM v_tb_person WHERE gender = 1 GROUP BY name$x$;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT * FROM prc_tst_bulk($$SELECT a AS name, b AS nome, c AS gender FROM tbl$$)
  • You cannot mix plain and dynamic SQL the way you tried to do it. The whole statement is either all dynamic or all plain SQL. So I am building one dynamic statement to make this work. You may be interested in the chapter about executing dynamic commands in the manual.

  • The aggregate function count() returns bigint, but you had rowcount defined as integer, so you need an explicit cast ::int to make this work

  • I use dollar quoting to avoid quoting hell.

However, is this supposed to be a honeypot for SQL injection attacks or are you seriously going to use it? For your very private and secure use, it might be ok-ish - though I wouldn't even trust myself with a function like that. If there is any possible access for untrusted users, such a function is a loaded footgun. It's impossible to make this secure.

Craig (a sworn enemy of SQL injection!) might get a light stroke, when he sees what you forged from his piece of code in the answer to your preceding question. :)

The query itself seems rather odd, btw. But that's beside the point here.

Change selected value of kendo ui dropdownlist

Since this is one of the top search results for questions related to this I felt it was worth mentioning how you can make this work with Kendo().DropDownListFor() as well.

Everything is the same as with OnaBai's post except for how you select the item based off of its text and your selector.

To do that you would swap out dataItem.symbol for dataItem.[DataTextFieldName]. Whatever model field you used for .DataTextField() is what you will be comparing against.

@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(model => model.Status.StatusId)

//So that your ViewModel gets bound properly on the post, naming is a bit 
//different and as such you need to replace the periods with underscores
var ddl = $('#Status_StatusId').data('kendoDropDownList'); {
    return dataItem.StatusName === "Active";

Closing Application with Exit button

Below used main.xml file

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
<TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent"
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/txt1" android:text="txt1" />
<TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent"
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/txt2"   android:text="txt2"/>
<Button android:layout_width="fill_parent"
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/btn1"
    android:text="Close App" />

and file is below


import android.os.Bundle;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.View.OnClickListener;

import android.widget.Button;

public class testprj extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Button btn1 = (Button) findViewById(;
    btn1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

Remove leading zeros from a number in Javascript

It is not clear why you want to do this. If you want to get the correct numerical value, you could use unary + [docs]:

value = +value;

If you just want to format the text, then regex could be better. It depends on the values you are dealing with I'd say. If you only have integers, then

input.value = +input.value;

is fine as well. Of course it also works for float values, but depending on how many digits you have after the point, converting it to a number and back to a string could (at least for displaying) remove some.

How to get current time in python and break up into year, month, day, hour, minute?

For python 3

import datetime
now =
print(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

What is declarative programming?

As far as I can tell, it started being used to describe programming systems like Prolog, because prolog is (supposedly) about declaring things in an abstract way.

It increasingly means very little, as it has the definition given by the users above. It should be clear that there is a gulf between the declarative programming of Haskell, as against the declarative programming of HTML.

Detect Safari browser

This code is used to detect only safari browser

if ("Safari") >= 0 &&"Chrome") < 0) 
   alert("Browser is Safari");          

How to set the part of the text view is clickable

You can use ClickableSpan as described in this post

Sample code:

TextView myTextView = new TextView(this);
String myString = "Some text [clickable]";
int i1 = myString.indexOf("[");
int i2 = myString.indexOf("]");
myTextView.setText(myString, BufferType.SPANNABLE);
Spannable mySpannable = (Spannable)myTextView.getText();
ClickableSpan myClickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() {
   public void onClick(View widget) { /* do something */ }
mySpannable.setSpan(myClickableSpan, i1, i2 + 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);


How do I set vertical space between list items?

<br>between <li></li> line entries seems to work perfectly well in all web browsers that I've tried, but it fails to pass the on-line W3C CSS3 checker. It gives me precisely the line spacing I am after. As far as I am concerned, since it undoubtedly works, I am persisting in using it, whatever W3C says, until someone can come up with a good legal alternative.

How do I redirect a user when a button is clicked?

Just as an addition to the other answers, here is the razor engine syntax:

<input type="button" value="Some text" onclick="@("window.location.href='" + @Url.Action("actionName", "controllerName") + "'");" />


window.location.href = '@Url.Action("actionName", "controllerName")';

Calling C/C++ from Python?

There is also pybind11, which is like a lightweight version of Boost.Python and compatible with all modern C++ compilers:

Text on image mouseover?

This is using the :hover pseudoelement in CSS3.


<div id="wrapper">
    <img src="" class="hover" />
    <p class="text">text</p>


#wrapper .text {

#wrapper:hover .text {

?Demo HERE.

This instead is a way of achieving the same result by using jquery:


<div id="wrapper">
    <img src="" class="hover" />
    <p class="text">text</p>


#wrapper p {

jquery code:

$('.hover').mouseover(function() {

$('.hover').mouseout(function() {

You can put the jquery code where you want, in the body of the HTML page, then you need to include the jquery library in the head like this:

<script src="//"></script>

You can see the demo HERE.

When you want to use it on your website, just change the <img src /> value and you can add multiple images and captions, just copy the format i used: insert image with class="hover" and p with class="text"

How do I set the selenium webdriver get timeout?



this statement will return immediately.

And after that , you can add a WebDriverWait with timeout to check if the page title or any element is ok.

Hope this will help you.

Array slices in C#

You can use Take extension method

var array = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
var firstTwoItems = array.Take(2);

How can I initialize C++ object member variables in the constructor?

I know this is 5 years later, but the replies above don't address what was wrong with your software. (Well, Yuushi's does, but I didn't realise until I had typed this - doh!). They answer the question in the title How can I initialize C++ object member variables in the constructor? This is about the other questions: Am I using the right approach but the wrong syntax? Or should I be coming at this from a different direction?

Programming style is largely a matter of opinion, but an alternative view to doing as much as possible in a constructor is to keep constructors down to a bare minimum, often having a separate initialization function. There is no need to try to cram all initialization into a constructor, never mind trying to force things at times into the constructors initialization list.

So, to the point, what was wrong with your software?

    ThingOne* ThingOne;
    ThingTwo* ThingTwo;

Note that after these lines, ThingOne (and ThingTwo) now have two meanings, depending on context.

Outside of BigMommaClass, ThingOne is the class you created with #include "ThingOne.h"

Inside BigMommaClass, ThingOne is a pointer.

That is assuming the compiler can even make sense of the lines and doesn't get stuck in a loop thinking that ThingOne is a pointer to something which is itself a pointer to something which is a pointer to ...

Later, when you write

this->ThingOne = ThingOne(100);
this->ThingTwo = ThingTwo(numba1, numba2);

bear in mind that inside of BigMommaClass your ThingOne is a pointer.

If you change the declarations of the pointers to include a prefix (p)

    ThingOne* pThingOne;
    ThingTwo* pThingTwo;

Then ThingOne will always refer to the class and pThingOne to the pointer.

It is then possible to rewrite

this->ThingOne = ThingOne(100);
this->ThingTwo = ThingTwo(numba1, numba2);


pThingOne = new ThingOne(100);
pThingTwo = new ThingTwo(numba1, numba2);

which corrects two problems: the double meaning problem, and the missing new. (You can leave this-> if you like!)

With that in place, I can add the following lines to a C++ program of mine and it compiles nicely.

class ThingOne{public:ThingOne(int n){};};
class ThingTwo{public:ThingTwo(int x, int y){};};

class BigMommaClass {

            BigMommaClass(int numba1, int numba2);

            ThingOne* pThingOne;
            ThingTwo* pThingTwo;

BigMommaClass::BigMommaClass(int numba1, int numba2)
    pThingOne = new ThingOne(numba1 + numba2);
    pThingTwo = new ThingTwo(numba1, numba2);

When you wrote

this->ThingOne = ThingOne(100);
this->ThingTwo = ThingTwo(numba1, numba2);

the use of this-> tells the compiler that the left hand side ThingOne is intended to mean the pointer. However we are inside BigMommaClass at the time and it's not necessary.

The problem is with the right hand side of the equals where ThingOne is intended to mean the class. So another way to rectify your problems would have been to write

this->ThingOne = new ::ThingOne(100);
this->ThingTwo = new ::ThingTwo(numba1, numba2);

or simply

ThingOne = new ::ThingOne(100);
ThingTwo = new ::ThingTwo(numba1, numba2);

using :: to change the compiler's interpretation of the identifier.

How to set my phpmyadmin user session to not time out so quickly?

To increase the phpMyAdmin Session Timeout, open in the root phpMyAdmin directory and add this setting (anywhere).

$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = <your_new_timeout>;

Where <your_new_timeout> is some number larger than 1800.


Always keep on mind that a short cookie lifetime is all well and good for the development server. So do not do this on your production server.

Passing command line arguments in Visual Studio 2010?

Visual Studio 2015:

Project => Your Application Properties. Each argument can be separated using space. If you have a space in between for the same argument, put double quotes as shown in the example below.

enter image description here

        static void Main(string[] args)
            if(args == null || args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Please specify arguments!");
                Console.WriteLine(args[0]);     // First
                Console.WriteLine(args[1]);     // Second Argument

How to start up spring-boot application via command line?

1.Run Spring Boot app with java -jar command

To run your Spring Boot app from a command line in a Terminal window you can use java -jar command. This is provided your Spring Boot app was packaged as an executable jar file.

java -jar target/app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

2.Run Spring Boot app using Maven

You can also use Maven plugin to run your Spring Boot app. Use the below command to run your Spring Boot app with Maven plugin:

mvn spring-boot:run

3.Run Spring Boot App with Gradle

And if you use Gradle you can run the Spring Boot app with the following command:

gradle bootRun

Python 3 TypeError: must be str, not bytes with sys.stdout.write()

Python 3 handles strings a bit different. Originally there was just one type for strings: str. When unicode gained traction in the '90s the new unicode type was added to handle Unicode without breaking pre-existing code1. This is effectively the same as str but with multibyte support.

In Python 3 there are two different types:

  • The bytes type. This is just a sequence of bytes, Python doesn't know anything about how to interpret this as characters.
  • The str type. This is also a sequence of bytes, but Python knows how to interpret those bytes as characters.
  • The separate unicode type was dropped. str now supports unicode.

In Python 2 implicitly assuming an encoding could cause a lot of problems; you could end up using the wrong encoding, or the data may not have an encoding at all (e.g. it’s a PNG image).
Explicitly telling Python which encoding to use (or explicitly telling it to guess) is often a lot better and much more in line with the "Python philosophy" of "explicit is better than implicit".

This change is incompatible with Python 2 as many return values have changed, leading to subtle problems like this one; it's probably the main reason why Python 3 adoption has been so slow. Since Python doesn't have static typing2 it's impossible to change this automatically with a script (such as the bundled 2to3).

  • You can convert str to bytes with bytes('h€llo', 'utf-8'); this should produce b'H\xe2\x82\xacllo'. Note how one character was converted to three bytes.
  • You can convert bytes to str with b'H\xe2\x82\xacllo'.decode('utf-8').

Of course, UTF-8 may not be the correct character set in your case, so be sure to use the correct one.

In your specific piece of code, nextline is of type bytes, not str, reading stdout and stdin from subprocess changed in Python 3 from str to bytes. This is because Python can't be sure which encoding this uses. It probably uses the same as sys.stdin.encoding (the encoding of your system), but it can't be sure.

You need to replace:




or maybe:


You will also need to modify if nextline == '' to if nextline == b'' since:

>>> '' == b''

Also see the Python 3 ChangeLog, PEP 358, and PEP 3112.

1 There are some neat tricks you can do with ASCII that you can't do with multibyte character sets; the most famous example is the "xor with space to switch case" (e.g. chr(ord('a') ^ ord(' ')) == 'A') and "set 6th bit to make a control character" (e.g. ord('\t') + ord('@') == ord('I')). ASCII was designed in a time when manipulating individual bits was an operation with a non-negligible performance impact.

2 Yes, you can use function annotations, but it's a comparatively new feature and little used.

Is it possible to create a 'link to a folder' in a SharePoint document library?

The simplest way is to use the following pattern:


To place a shortcut to a document library:

  1. Upload it as *.url file. However, by default, this file type is not allowed.
  2. Go to you Document Library settings > Advanced Settings > Allow management of content types. Add the "Link to document" content type to a document library and paste the link

Install a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code

You can use the NuGet Package Manager extension.

After you've installed it, to add a package, press Ctrl+Shift+P, and type >nuget and press Enter:

enter image description here

Type a part of your package's name as search string:

enter image description here

Choose the package:

enter image description here

And finally the package version (you probably want the newest one):

enter image description here

Is it better to use "is" or "==" for number comparison in Python?

>>> a = 255556
>>> a == 255556
>>> a is 255556

I think that should answer it ;-)

The reason is that some often-used objects, such as the booleans True and False, all 1-letter strings and short numbers are allocated once by the interpreter, and each variable containing that object refers to it. Other numbers and larger strings are allocated on demand. The 255556 for instance is allocated three times, every time a different object is created. And therefore, according to is, they are not the same.

Github "Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally."

If this is your first push

just change the

git push <repo name> master

change it like this!

git push -f <repo name> master

How can I center a div within another div?

Try to get the position:relative; in your #container. Add an exact width to #container:

#main_content {
    top: 160px;
    left: 160px;
    width: 800px;
    min-height: 500px;
    height: auto;
    background-color: #2185C5;
    position: relative;

#container {
    width: 600px;
    height: auto;
    margin: auto;
    padding: 10px;

Working demo

Check whether values in one data frame column exist in a second data frame

Use %in% as follows

A$C %in% B$C

Which will tell you which values of column C of A are in B.

What is returned is a logical vector. In the specific case of your example, you get:

A$C %in% B$C

Which you can use as an index to the rows of A or as an index to A$C to get the actual values:

# as a row index
A[A$C %in% B$C,  ]  # note the comma to indicate we are indexing rows

# as an index to A$C
A$C[A$C %in% B$C]
[1] 1 3 4  # returns all values of A$C that are in B$C

We can negate it too:

A$C[!A$C %in% B$C]
[1] 2   # returns all values of A$C that are NOT in B$C

If you want to know if a specific value is in B$C, use the same function:

  2 %in% B$C   # "is the value 2 in B$C ?"  

  A$C[2] %in% B$C  # "is the 2nd element of A$C in B$C ?"  

Include CSS,javascript file in Yii Framework

  • In Yii Assets are declared in engine/assets/Appassets.php This make more easier to manage all your css and js files enter image description here

Fastest way to check if string contains only digits

public bool CheckforDigits(string x)
    int tr;  
    return x.All(r=> int.TryParse(r.ToString(), out tr));

How do I move to end of line in Vim?

The main question - end of line

$ goes to the end of line, remains in command mode

A goes to the end of line, switches to insert mode

Conversely - start of line (technically the first non-whitespace character)

^ goes to the start of line, remains in command mode

I (uppercase i) goes to the start of line, switches to insert mode

Further - start of line (technically the first column irrespective of whitespace)

0 (zero) goes to the start of line, remains in command mode

0i (zero followed by lowercase i) goes the start of line, switches to insert mode

For those starting to learn vi, here is a good introduction to vi by listing side by side vi commands to typical Windows GUI Editor cursor movement and shortcut keys.

vi editor for Windows users

How to generate a random alpha-numeric string

You mention "simple", but just in case anyone else is looking for something that meets more stringent security requirements, you might want to take a look at jpwgen. jpwgen is modeled after pwgen in Unix, and is very configurable.

How to add manifest permission to an application?

Copy the following line to your application manifest file and paste before the <application> tag.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Placing the permission below the <application/> tag will work, but will give you warning. So take care to place it before the <application/> tag declaration.

How to input automatically when running a shell over SSH?

Also you can pipe the answers to the script:

printf "y\npassword\n" | sh

where \n is escape-sequence

How do I set the default value for an optional argument in Javascript?

You can also do this with ArgueJS:

function (){
  arguments = __({nodebox: undefined, str: [String: "hai"]})

  // and now on, you can access your arguments by
  //   arguments.nodebox and arguments.str

Get URL of ASP.Net Page in code-behind

Use this:


That will get you the full path (including http://...)

How do I resolve `The following packages have unmet dependencies`

If sudo apt-get install -f <package-name> doesn't work, try aptitude:

sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude install <package-name>

Aptitude will try to resolve the problem.

As an example, in my case, I still receive some error when try to install libcurl4-openssl-dev:

sudo apt-get install -f libcurl4-openssl-dev

So i try aptitude, it turns out I have to downgrade some packages.

The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

    Keep the following packages at their current version:
    1)     libyaml-dev [Not Installed]                        

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/? (n)

The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

    Downgrade the following packages:                                
    1)     libyaml-0-2 [0.1.4-3ubuntu3.1 (now) -> 0.1.4-3ubuntu3 (trusty)]

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] (Y)

Android SQLite: Update Statement

you can always execute SQL.

update [your table] set [your column]=value

for example

update Foo set Bar=125

what is the basic difference between stack and queue?

STACK is a LIFO (last in, first out) list. means suppose 3 elements are inserted in stack i.e 10,20,30. 10 is inserted first & 30 is inserted last so 30 is first deleted from stack & 10 is last deleted from stack.this is an LIFO list(Last In First Out).

QUEUE is FIFO list(First In First Out).means one element is inserted first which is to be deleted first.e.g queue of peoples.

Jquery get input array field

In order to select an element by attribute having a specific characteristic you may create a new selector like in the following snippet using a regex pattern. The usage of regex is intended to make flexible the new selector as much as possible:

jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
    nameMatch: function (ele, idx, selector) {
        var rpStr = (selector[3] || '').replace(/^\/(.*)\/$/, '$1');
        return (new RegExp(rpStr)).test(;

// use of selector
$('input:nameMatch(/^pages_title\\[\\d\\]$/)').each(function(idx, ele) {
<script src=""></script>

<input type="text" value="2" name="pages_title[1]">
<input type="text" value="1" name="pages_title[2]">
<input type="text" value="1" name="pages_title[]">

Another solution can be based on:

  • [name^=”value”]: selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value beginning exactly with a given string.

  • .filter(): reduce the set of matched elements to those that match the selector or pass the function's test.

  • a regex pattern

var selectedEle = $(':input[name^="pages_title"]').filter(function(idx, ele) {
    // test if the name attribute matches the pattern.....
    return  /^pages_title\[\d\]$/.test(;
selectedEle.each(function(idx, ele) {
<script src=""></script>

<input type="text" value="2" name="pages_title[1]">
<input type="text" value="1" name="pages_title[2]">
<input type="text" value="1" name="pages_title[]">

Get selected element's outer HTML


Where 'x' is the node number, beginning with 0 as the first one, should get the right node you want, if you're trying to get a specific one. If you have child nodes, you should really be putting an ID on the one you want, though, to just zero in on that one. Using that methodology and no 'x' worked fine for me.

How do I find the length (or dimensions, size) of a numpy matrix in python?

matrix.size according to the numpy docs returns the Number of elements in the array. Hope that helps.

Autowiring two beans implementing same interface - how to set default bean to autowire?

The reason why @Resource(name = "{your child class name}") works but @Autowired sometimes don't work is because of the difference of their Matching sequence

Matching sequence of @Autowire
Type, Qualifier, Name

Matching sequence of @Resource
Name, Type, Qualifier

The more detail explanation can be found here:
Inject and Resource and Autowired annotations

In this case, different child class inherited from the parent class or interface confuses @Autowire, because they are from same type; As @Resource use Name as first matching priority , it works.

Send email from localhost running XAMMP in PHP using GMAIL mail server

Simplest way is to use PHPMailer and Gmail SMTP. The configuration would be like the below.

require 'PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer;

$mail->Host = '';            
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;                     
$mail->Username = 'Email Address';          
$mail->Password = 'Email Account Password'; 
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';               
$mail->Port = 587;                  

Example script and full source code can be found from here - How to Send Email from Localhost in PHP

Configure Log4Net in web application

Another way to do this would be to add this line to the assembly info of the web application:

// Configure log4net using the .config file
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch = true)]

Similar to Shriek's.

How to add,set and get Header in request of HttpClient?

On apache page:

You have something like this:

URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder();
    .setParameter("q", "httpclient")
    .setParameter("btnG", "Google Search")
    .setParameter("aq", "f")
    .setParameter("oq", "");
URI uri =;
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(uri);

Fast way to concatenate strings in nodeJS/JavaScript

There is not really any other way in JavaScript to concatenate strings.
You could theoretically use .concat(), but that's way slower than just +

Libraries are more often than not slower than native JavaScript, especially on basic operations like string concatenation, or numerical operations.

Simply put: + is the fastest.

CSS - display: none; not working

Another trick is to use

.class {
position: absolute;

This is not likely to mess up your flow (because it takes it out of flow) and makes sure that the user can't see it, and then if display:none works later on it will be working. Keep in mind that visibility:hidden may not remove it from screen readers.

Ajax success event not working

The result is probably not in JSON format, so when jQuery tries to parse it as such, it fails. You can catch the error with error: callback function.

You don't seem to need JSON in that function anyways, so you can also take out the dataType: 'json' row.

How to lay out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically?

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final RelativeLayout relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(this);
        final TextView tv1 = new TextView(this);
        tv1.setText("tv1 is here");
        // Setting an ID is mandatory.

        final TextView tv2 = new TextView(this);
        tv2.setText("tv2 is here");

        // We are defining layout params for tv2 which will be added to its  parent relativelayout.
        // The type of the LayoutParams depends on the parent type.
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams tv2LayoutParams = new  RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(

        //Also, we want tv2 to appear below tv1, so we are adding rule to tv2LayoutParams.
        tv2LayoutParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, tv1.getId());

        //Now, adding the child view tv2 to relativelayout, and setting tv2LayoutParams to be set on view tv2.
        //Or we can combined the above two steps in one line of code
        //relativeLayout.addView(tv2, tv2LayoutParams);



DNS caching in linux

Here are two other software packages which can be used for DNS caching on Linux:

  • dnsmasq
  • bind

After configuring the software for DNS forwarding and caching, you then set the system's DNS resolver to in /etc/resolv.conf.

If your system is using NetworkManager you can either try using the dns=dnsmasq option in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf or you can change your connection settings to Automatic (Address Only) and then use a script in the /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d directory to get the DHCP nameserver, set it as the DNS forwarding server in your DNS cache software and then trigger a configuration reload.

Return current date plus 7 days

If it's 7 days from now that you're looking for, just put:

$date = strtotime("+7 day", time());
echo date('M d, Y', $date);


It's worth to mention that CLOB / BLOB data types and their sizes are supported by MySQL 5.0+, so you can choose the proper data type for your need.

Data Type   Date Type   Storage Required
(CLOB)      (BLOB)

TINYTEXT    TINYBLOB    L + 1 bytes, where L < 2**8  (255)
TEXT        BLOB        L + 2 bytes, where L < 2**16 (64 K)
MEDIUMTEXT  MEDIUMBLOB  L + 3 bytes, where L < 2**24 (16 MB)
LONGTEXT    LONGBLOB    L + 4 bytes, where L < 2**32 (4 GB)

where L stands for the byte length of a string

Apache POI Excel - how to configure columns to be expanded?

Tip : To make Auto size work , the call to sheet.autoSizeColumn(columnNumber) should be made after populating the data into the excel.

Calling the method before populating the data, will have no effect.

How to include a font .ttf using CSS?

You can use font face like this:

@font-face {
  src: url("yourfont.ttf") format("truetype");

Perform Segue programmatically and pass parameters to the destination view

Old question but here's the code on how to do what you are asking. In this case I am passing data from a selected cell in a table view to another view controller.

in the .h file of the trget view:

@property(weak, nonatomic)  NSObject* dataModel;

in the .m file:

@synthesize dataModel;

dataModel can be string, int, or like in this case it's a model that contains many items

- (void)someMethod {
     [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"loginMainSegue" sender:self];


- (void)someMethod {
    UIViewController *myController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"HomeController"];
    [self.navigationController pushViewController: myController animated:YES];

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
    if([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"storyDetailsSegway"]) {
        UITableViewCell *cell = (UITableViewCell *) sender;
        NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForCell:cell];
        NSDictionary *storiesDict =[topStories objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
        StoryModel *storyModel = [[StoryModel alloc] init];
        storyModel = storiesDict;
        StoryDetails *controller = (StoryDetails *)segue.destinationViewController;
        controller.dataModel= storyModel;

html5 <input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera"> display as image rather than "choose file" button

I know this is an old question but I came across it while trying to solve this same issue. I thought it'd be worth sharing this solution I hadn't found anywhere else.

Basically the solution is to use CSS to hide the <input> element and style a <label> around it to look like a button. Click the 'Run code snippet' button to see the results.

I had used a JavaScript solution before that worked fine too but it is nice to solve a 'presentation' issue with just CSS.

label.cameraButton {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  margin: 1em 0;_x000D_
  /* Styles to make it look like a button */_x000D_
  padding: 0.5em;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #666;_x000D_
  border-color: #EEE #CCC #CCC #EEE;_x000D_
  background-color: #DDD;_x000D_
/* Look like a clicked/depressed button */_x000D_
label.cameraButton:active {_x000D_
  border-color: #CCC #EEE #EEE #CCC;_x000D_
/* This is the part that actually hides the 'Choose file' text box for camera inputs */_x000D_
label.cameraButton input[accept*="camera"] {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <title>Nice image capture button</title>_x000D_
  <label class="cameraButton">Take a picture_x000D_
    <input type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera">_x000D_

Is there a way to get the source code from an APK file?

apktool will work. You don't even need to know the keystore to extract the source code (which is a bit scary). The main downside is that the source is presented in Smali format instead of Java. Other files such as the icon and main.xml come through perfectly fine though and it may be worth your time to at least recover those. Ultimately, you will most likely need to re-write your Java code from scratch.

You can find apktool here. Simply just download apktool and the appropriate helper (for Windows, Linux, or Mac OS). I recommend using a tool such as 7-zip to unpack them.

what is .subscribe in angular?

.subscribe is not an Angular2 thing.

It's a method that comes from rxjs library which Angular is using internally.

If you can imagine yourself subscribing to a newsletter, every time there is a new newsletter, they will send it to your home (the method inside subscribe gets called).

That's what happens when you subscribing to a source of magazines ( which is called an Observable in rxjs library)

All the AJAX calls in Angular are using rxjs internally and in order to use any of them, you've got to use the method name, e.g get, and then call subscribe on it, because get returns and Observable.

Also, when writing this code <button (click)="doSomething()">, Angular is using Observables internally and subscribes you to that source of event, which in this case is a click event.

Back to our analogy of Observables and newsletter stores, after you've subscribed, as soon as and as long as there is a new magazine, they'll send it to you unless you go and unsubscribe from them for which you have to remember the subscription number or id, which in rxjs case it would be like :

 let subscription = magazineStore.getMagazines().subscribe(



And when you don't want to get the magazines anymore:


Also, the same goes for


which is returning an Observable and then you're subscribing to it.

My personal view is rxjs was one of the greatest things that were brought to JavaScript world and it's even better in Angular.

There are 150~ rxjs methods ( very similar to lodash methods) and the one that you're using is called switchMap

How to handle a single quote in Oracle SQL

Use two single-quotes



Alternatively, use the new (10g+) quoting method:



Loop X number of times

Here is a simple way to loop any number of times in PowerShell.

It is the same as the for loop above, but much easier to understand for newer programmers and scripters. It uses a range, and foreach. A range is defined as:

range = lower..upper


$range = 1..10

A range can be used directly in a for loop as well, although not the most optimal approach, any performance loss or additional instruction to process would be unnoticeable. The solution is below:

foreach($i in 1..10){
    Write-Host $i

Or in your case:

$ActiveCampaigns = 10
foreach($i in 1..$ActiveCampaigns)
    Write-Host $i
        // Do your stuff on the last iteration here

Detect if a Form Control option button is selected in VBA

If you are using a Form Control, you can get the same property as ActiveX by using OLEFormat.Object property of the Shape Object. Better yet assign it in a variable declared as OptionButton to get the Intellisense kick in.

Dim opt As OptionButton

With Sheets("Sheet1") ' Try to be always explicit
    Set opt = .Shapes("Option Button 1").OLEFormat.Object ' Form Control
    Debug.Pring opt.Value ' returns 1 (true) or -4146 (false)
End With

But then again, you really don't need to know the value.
If you use Form Control, you associate a Macro or sub routine with it which is executed when it is selected. So you just need to set up a sub routine that identifies which button is clicked and then execute a corresponding action for it.

For example you have 2 Form Control Option Buttons.

Sub CheckOptions()
    Select Case Application.Caller
    Case "Option Button 1"
    ' Action for option button 1
    Case "Option Button 2"
    ' Action for option button 2
    End Select
End Sub

In above code, you have only one sub routine assigned to both option buttons.
Then you test which called the sub routine by checking Application.Caller.
This way, no need to check whether the option button value is true or false.

How to have PHP display errors? (I've added ini_set and error_reporting, but just gives 500 on errors)

Adding to what deceze said above. This is a parse error, so in order to debug a parse error, create a new file in the root named debugSyntax.php. Put this in it:


///////    SYNTAX ERROR CHECK    ////////////

//replace "pageToTest.php" with the file path that you want to test. 


Run the debugSyntax.php page and it will display parse errors from the page that you chose to test.

How do you switch pages in Xamarin.Forms?

After PushAsync use PopAsync (with this) to remove current page.

await Navigation.PushAsync(new YourSecondPage());

How can I change the font size of ticks of axes object in matplotlib

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.xticks([0.4,0.14,0.2,0.2], fontsize = 50) # work on current fig

the x/yticks has the same properties as matplotlib.text

How to get the path of src/test/resources directory in JUnit?

Use .getAbsolutePath() on your File object.


How to get a div to resize its height to fit container?

I had the same issue, I resolved it using some javascript.

<script type="text/javascript">
 var theHeight = $("#PrimaryContent").height() + 100;

How to clear textarea on click?

<textarea onClick="javascript: this.value='';">Please describe why</textarea>

Javascript Object push() function

I hope this one might help you.

let data = [];
data[0] = { "ID": "1", "Status": "Valid" };
data[1] = { "ID": "2", "Status": "Invalid" };

let tempData = [];

tempData= data.filter((item)=>item.Status!='Invalid')


What is thread safe or non-thread safe in PHP?

Apache MPM prefork with modphp is used because it is easy to configure/install. Performance-wise it is fairly inefficient. My preferred way to do the stack, FastCGI/PHP-FPM. That way you can use the much faster MPM Worker. The whole PHP remains non-threaded, but Apache serves threaded (like it should).

So basically, from bottom to top


Apache + MPM Worker + ModFastCGI (NOT FCGI) |(or)| Cherokee |(or)| Nginx


ModFCGI does not correctly support PHP-FPM, or any external FastCGI applications. It only supports non-process managed FastCGI scripts. PHP-FPM is the PHP FastCGI process manager.

Git push requires username and password

For the uninitiated who are confused by the previous answers, you can do:

git remote -v

Which will respond with something like

origin    https://[email protected]/yourname/yourrepo.git (fetch)
origin    https://[email protected]/yourname/yourrepo.git (push)

Then you can run the command many other have suggested, but now you know yourname and yourrepo from above, so you can just cut and paste yourname/yourrepo.git from the above into:

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:yourname/yourrepo.git

Is there a max array length limit in C++?

I would agree with the above, that if you're intializing your array with

 int myArray[SIZE] 

then SIZE is limited by the size of an integer. But you can always malloc a chunk of memory and have a pointer to it, as big as you want so long as malloc doesnt return NULL.

git - Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit

git reset HEAD <file1> <file2> ...

remove the specified files from the next commit

How to use a servlet filter in Java to change an incoming servlet request url?

You could use the ready to use Url Rewrite Filter with a rule like this one:


Check the Examples for more... examples.

Convert DataTable to CSV stream

I've used the following code, pillaged from someone's blog (pls forgive lack of citation). It takes care of quotations, newline and comma in a reasonably elegant way by quoting out each field value.

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the passed in data table to a CSV-style string.      
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="table">Table to convert</param>
    /// <returns>Resulting CSV-style string</returns>
    public static string ToCSV(this DataTable table)
        return ToCSV(table, ",", true);

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the passed in data table to a CSV-style string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="table">Table to convert</param>
    /// <param name="includeHeader">true - include headers<br/>
    /// false - do not include header column</param>
    /// <returns>Resulting CSV-style string</returns>
    public static string ToCSV(this DataTable table, bool includeHeader)
        return ToCSV(table, ",", includeHeader);

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the passed in data table to a CSV-style string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="table">Table to convert</param>
    /// <param name="includeHeader">true - include headers<br/>
    /// false - do not include header column</param>
    /// <returns>Resulting CSV-style string</returns>
     public static string ToCSV(this DataTable table, string delimiter, bool includeHeader)
        var result = new StringBuilder();

        if (includeHeader)
            foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)

            result.Remove(--result.Length, 0);

        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            foreach (object item in row.ItemArray)
                if (item is DBNull)
                    string itemAsString = item.ToString();
                    // Double up all embedded double quotes
                    itemAsString = itemAsString.Replace("\"", "\"\"");

                    // To keep things simple, always delimit with double-quotes
                    // so we don't have to determine in which cases they're necessary
                    // and which cases they're not.
                    itemAsString = "\"" + itemAsString + "\"";

                    result.Append(itemAsString + delimiter);

            result.Remove(--result.Length, 0);

        return result.ToString();

Removing duplicates in the lists

It's a one-liner: list(set(source_list)) will do the trick.

A set is something that can't possibly have duplicates.

Update: an order-preserving approach is two lines:

from collections import OrderedDict
OrderedDict((x, True) for x in source_list).keys()

Here we use the fact that OrderedDict remembers the insertion order of keys, and does not change it when a value at a particular key is updated. We insert True as values, but we could insert anything, values are just not used. (set works a lot like a dict with ignored values, too.)

Favicon: .ico or .png / correct tags?

See here: Cross Browser favicon

Thats the way to go:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href=""><!-- Major Browsers -->
<!--[if IE]><link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href=""/><![endif]--><!-- Internet Explorer-->

jQuery - Increase the value of a counter when a button is clicked

You are trying to set "++" on a jQuery element!

YOu could declare a js variable

var counter = 0;

and in jQuery code do:


Find indices of elements equal to zero in a NumPy array

There is np.argwhere,

import numpy as np
arr = np.array([[1,2,3], [0, 1, 0], [7, 0, 2]])
np.argwhere(arr == 0)

which returns all found indices as rows:

array([[1, 0],    # Indices of the first zero
       [1, 2],    # Indices of the second zero
       [2, 1]],   # Indices of the third zero

How to apply color in Markdown?

This works in the note-taking Joplin:

<span style="color:red">text in red</span>

How to create a zip archive of a directory in Python?

To give more flexibility, e.g. select directory/file by name use:

import os
import zipfile

def zipall(ob, path, rel=""):
    basename = os.path.basename(path)
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        if rel == "":
            rel = basename
        ob.write(path, os.path.join(rel))
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
            for d in dirs:
                zipall(ob, os.path.join(root, d), os.path.join(rel, d))
            for f in files:
                ob.write(os.path.join(root, f), os.path.join(rel, f))
    elif os.path.isfile(path):
        ob.write(path, os.path.join(rel, basename))

For a file tree:

+-- dir
¦   +-- dir2
¦   ¦   +-- file2.txt
¦   +-- dir3
¦   ¦   +-- file3.txt
¦   +-- file.txt
+-- dir4
¦   +-- dir5
¦   +-- file4.txt
+-- root.txt

You can e.g. select only dir4 and root.txt:

cwd = os.getcwd()
files = [os.path.join(cwd, f) for f in ['dir4', 'root.txt']]

with zipfile.ZipFile("", "w" ) as myzip:
    for f in files:
        zipall(myzip, f)

Or just listdir in script invocation directory and add everything from there:

with zipfile.ZipFile("", "w" ) as myzip:
    for f in os.listdir():
        if f == "":
            # Creating a in the same directory
            # will include inside itself, beware of this
        zipall(myzip, f)

VirtualBox error "Failed to open a session for the virtual machine"

maybe it is caused by privilege, please try this:

#sudo chmod 755 /Applications 
#sudo chmod 755 /Applications/

Loop through an array in JavaScript

Esoteric, but fast

let a= ["Hello", "World"];

while(a.length) { console.log( a.shift() ); }

Performance test

Today (2020-08-05) I perform a test on Chrome 84, Safari 13 and Firefox 78 on chosen solutions.


  • while solution (A) is the fastest on all browsers for all arrays except the big one on Chrome (which is surprising).
  • for medium arrays the while solution (A) is thousands of times faster than other solutions (!!!)
  • The while solution (A) slows down on Chrome for arrays witch 30-40k elements
  • The for-in solution (B) is slowest


Enter image description here


I perform 3 tests:

  • small - for 2 elements array (like OP) - you can run it here
  • medium - for 10K elements array and - you can run it here
  • big - for 100K elements array - you can run it here

The below snippet presents code used in the test.

function A(a) {
  let r=0;
  while(a.length) r+= a.shift().length;
  return r;

function B(a) {
  let r=0;
  for(i in a) r+= a[i].length;
  return r;

function C(a) {
  let r=0;
  for(x of a) r+= x.length;
  return r;

function D(a) {
  let r=0;
  for (i=0; i<a.length; ++i) r+= a[i].length;
  return r;


function E(a) {
  let r=0;
  a.forEach(x=> r+= x.length);
  return r;

let arr= ["Hello", "World!"];
[A,B,C,D,E].forEach(f => console.log(`${}: ${f([...arr])}`))

Here are example results for Chrome for a medium array:

Enter image description here

How to specify font attributes for all elements on an html web page?

If you specify CSS attributes for your body element it should apply to anything within <body></body> so long as you don't override them later in the stylesheet.

Get value from SimpleXMLElement Object

$codeZero = null;
foreach ($xml->code->children() as $child) {
   $codeZero = $child;

$lat = null;
foreach ($codeZero->children() as $child) {
   if (isset($child->lat)) {
      $lat = $child->lat;

How do I solve the INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error?

There's no generic solution, you have to find the error reported on your Logcat to be able to figure it out. Sometimes it's a class that can't be 'dexed' due to an usage of a class not available on the specified Target API for instance. Or it could be a class that you're making reference in your code, but the library that it is in is not being packaged.

Automatically deleting related rows in Laravel (Eloquent ORM)

Note: This answer was written for Laravel 3. Thus might or might not works well in more recent version of Laravel.

You can delete all related photos before actually deleting the user.


class User extends Eloquent

    public function photos()
        return $this->has_many('Photo');

    public function delete()
        // delete all related photos 
        // as suggested by Dirk in comment,
        // it's an uglier alternative, but faster
        // Photo::where("user_id", $this->id)->delete()

        // delete the user
        return parent::delete();

Hope it helps.

Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

In Netbeans, it may be helpful to design a max heap size. Go to Run => Set Project Configuration => Customise. In the Run of its popped up window, go to VM Option, fill in -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m. It could solve heap size problem.

oracle plsql: how to parse XML and insert into table

    (xml IN CLOB)
        ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/EMPID') AS EMPID
       ,ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/EMPNAME') AS EMPNAME
       ,ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/EMPDETAIL') AS EMPDETAIL
       ,ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/CREATEDBY') AS CREATEDBY
       ,ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/CREATEDDATE') AS CREATEDDATE
    FROM   TABLE(XMLSequence( XMLType(xml))) XMLDUMMAY;


Setting width/height as percentage minus pixels

You can use calc:

height: calc(100% - 18px);

Note that some old browsers don't support the CSS3 calc() function, so implementing the vendor-specific versions of the function may be required:

/* Firefox */
height: -moz-calc(100% - 18px);
/* WebKit */
height: -webkit-calc(100% - 18px);
/* Opera */
height: -o-calc(100% - 18px);
/* Standard */
height: calc(100% - 18px);

SSL handshake fails with - a verisign chain certificate - that contains two CA signed certificates and one self-signed certificate

Root certificates issued by CAs are just self-signed certificates (which may in turn be used to issue intermediate CA certificates). They have not much special about them, except that they've managed to be imported by default in many browsers or OS trust anchors.

While browsers and some tools are configured to look for the trusted CA certificates (some of which may be self-signed) in location by default, as far as I'm aware the openssl command isn't.

As such, any server that presents the full chain of certificate, from its end-entity certificate (the server's certificate) to the root CA certificate (possibly with intermediate CA certificates) will have a self-signed certificate in the chain: the root CA.

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts doesn't have any particular reason to trust Verisign's root CA certificate, and because it's self-signed you'll get "self signed certificate in certificate chain".

If your system has a location with a bundle of certificates trusted by default (I think /etc/pki/tls/certs on RedHat/Fedora and /etc/ssl/certs on Ubuntu/Debian), you can configure OpenSSL to use them as trust anchors, for example like this:

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts -CApath /etc/ssl/certs

Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name ("relation does not exist")

This is realy helpfull

SET search_path TO schema,public;

I digged this issues more, and found out about how to set this "search_path" by defoult for a new user in current database.

Open DataBase Properties then open Sheet "Variables" and simply add this variable for your user with actual value.

So now your user will get this schema_name by defoult and you could use tableName without schemaName.

Which is better, return value or out parameter?

As others have said: return value, not out param.

May I recommend to you the book "Framework Design Guidelines" (2nd ed)? Pages 184-185 cover the reasons for avoiding out params. The whole book will steer you in the right direction on all sorts of .NET coding issues.

Allied with Framework Design Guidelines is the use of the static analysis tool, FxCop. You'll find this on Microsoft's sites as a free download. Run this on your compiled code and see what it says. If it complains about hundreds and hundreds of things... don't panic! Look calmly and carefully at what it says about each and every case. Don't rush to fix things ASAP. Learn from what it is telling you. You will be put on the road to mastery.

ASP.Net MVC 4 Form with 2 submit buttons/actions

You can do it with jquery, just put two methods to submit for to diffrent urls, for example with this form:

<form id="myForm">
    <%-- form data inputs here ---%>
    <button id="edit">Edit</button>
    <button id="validate">Validate</button>

you can use this script (make sure it is located in the View, in order to use the Url.Action attribute):

<script type="text/javascript">
      $("#edit").click(function() {
          var form = $("form#myForm");
          form.attr("action", "@Url.Action("Edit","MyController")");

      $("#validate").click(function() {
          var form = $("form#myForm");
          form.attr("action", "@Url.Action("Validate","MyController")");

byte[] to file in Java

Basic example:

String fileName = "file.test";

BufferedOutputStream bs = null;

try {

    FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileName));
    bs = new BufferedOutputStream(fs);
    bs = null;

} catch (Exception e) {

if (bs != null) try { bs.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}

What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Comet?

You can easily use Node.JS in your web app only for real-time communication. Node.JS is really powerful when it's about WebSockets. Therefore "PHP Notifications via Node.js" would be a great concept.

See this example: Creating a Real-Time Chat App with PHP and Node.js

Should I use the Reply-To header when sending emails as a service to others?

You may want to consider placing the customer's name in the From header and your address in the Sender header:

From: Company A <[email protected]>
Sender: [email protected]

Most mailers will render this as "From [email protected] on behalf of Company A", which is accurate. And then a Reply-To of Company A's address won't seem out of sorts.

From RFC 5322:

The "From:" field specifies the author(s) of the message, that is, the mailbox(es) of the person(s) or system(s) responsible for the writing of the message. The "Sender:" field specifies the mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual transmission of the message. For example, if a secretary were to send a message for another person, the mailbox of the secretary would appear in the "Sender:" field and the mailbox of the actual author would appear in the "From:" field.

How can I search Git branches for a file or directory?

git ls-tree might help. To search across all existing branches:

for branch in `git for-each-ref --format="%(refname)" refs/heads`; do
  echo $branch :; git ls-tree -r --name-only $branch | grep '<foo>'

The advantage of this is that you can also search with regular expressions for the file name.

Change background position with jQuery

Here you go:

    $('#submenu li').hover(function(){
        $('#carousel').css('background-position', '10px 10px');
    }, function(){
        $('#carousel').css('background-position', '');

Creating a class object in c++

1) What is the difference between both the way of creating class objects.

a) pointer

Example* example=new Example();
// you get a pointer, and when you finish it use, you have to delete it:

delete example;

b) Simple declaration

Example example;

you get a variable, not a pointer, and it will be destroyed out of scope it was declared.

2) Singleton C++

This SO question may helps you

Difference between Spring MVC and Spring Boot

Spring MVC and Spring Boot are well described in other answers, and so without repeating that, let me jump straight to the specifics. Spring Boot and Spring MVC are not comparable or mutually exclusive. If you want to do web application development using Spring, you would use Spring MVC anyway. Your question then becomes whether to use Spring Boot or not.

For developing common Spring applications or starting to learn Spring, I think using Spring Boot would be recommended. It considerably eases the job, is production ready and is rapidly being widely adopted.

I have seen sometimes beginners asking this question because in STS (Spring Tool Suite) there are two wizards: one for creating a Spring Boot project, and another for creating a Spring MVC project. So, my recommendation would be to create a Spring Boot project and choose Web as a module in that.

Convert DataTable to List<T>

thanks for all of posts.... I have done it with using Linq Query, to view this please visit the following link

Android Horizontal RecyclerView scroll Direction

You can do it with just xml.

the app:reverseLayout="true" do the job!

                        app:layoutManager="" />

List of Timezone IDs for use with FindTimeZoneById() in C#?

Here's a full listing of a program and its results.

The code:

using System;

namespace TimeZoneIds
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            foreach (TimeZoneInfo z in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones())

The TimeZoneId results on my Windows 7 workstation:

Dateline Standard Time


Samoa Standard Time

Hawaiian Standard Time

Alaskan Standard Time

Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)

Pacific Standard Time

US Mountain Standard Time

Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)

Mountain Standard Time

Central America Standard Time

Central Standard Time

Central Standard Time (Mexico)

Canada Central Standard Time

SA Pacific Standard Time

Eastern Standard Time

US Eastern Standard Time

Venezuela Standard Time

Paraguay Standard Time

Atlantic Standard Time

Central Brazilian Standard Time

SA Western Standard Time

Pacific SA Standard Time

Newfoundland Standard Time

E. South America Standard Time

Argentina Standard Time

SA Eastern Standard Time

Greenland Standard Time

Montevideo Standard Time


Mid-Atlantic Standard Time

Azores Standard Time

Cape Verde Standard Time

Morocco Standard Time


GMT Standard Time

Greenwich Standard Time

W. Europe Standard Time

Central Europe Standard Time

Romance Standard Time

Central European Standard Time

W. Central Africa Standard Time

Namibia Standard Time

Jordan Standard Time

GTB Standard Time

Middle East Standard Time

Egypt Standard Time

Syria Standard Time

South Africa Standard Time

FLE Standard Time

Israel Standard Time

E. Europe Standard Time

Arabic Standard Time

Arab Standard Time

Russian Standard Time

E. Africa Standard Time

Iran Standard Time

Arabian Standard Time

Azerbaijan Standard Time

Mauritius Standard Time

Georgian Standard Time

Caucasus Standard Time

Afghanistan Standard Time

Ekaterinburg Standard Time

Pakistan Standard Time

West Asia Standard Time

India Standard Time

Sri Lanka Standard Time

Nepal Standard Time

Central Asia Standard Time

Bangladesh Standard Time

N. Central Asia Standard Time

Myanmar Standard Time

SE Asia Standard Time

North Asia Standard Time

China Standard Time

North Asia East Standard Time

Singapore Standard Time

W. Australia Standard Time

Taipei Standard Time

Ulaanbaatar Standard Time

Tokyo Standard Time

Korea Standard Time

Yakutsk Standard Time

Cen. Australia Standard Time

AUS Central Standard Time

E. Australia Standard Time

AUS Eastern Standard Time

West Pacific Standard Time

Tasmania Standard Time

Vladivostok Standard Time

Central Pacific Standard Time

New Zealand Standard Time


Fiji Standard Time

Kamchatka Standard Time

Tonga Standard Time

How can I pass POST parameters in a URL?

You can make a link perform an Ajax post request when it's clicked.

In jQuery:

$('a').click(function(e) {
    var $this = $(this);
    $.post('url', {'user': 'something', 'foo': 'bar'}, function() {
        window.location = $this.attr('href');

You could also make the link submit a POST form with JavaScript:

<form action="url" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="user" value="something" />
    <a href="#">CLick</a>

    $('a').click(function(e) {

Determining if an Object is of primitive type

commons-lang ClassUtils has relevant methods.

The new version has:

boolean isPrimitiveOrWrapped = 

The old versions have wrapperToPrimitive(clazz) method, which will return the primitive correspondence.

boolean isPrimitiveOrWrapped = 
    clazz.isPrimitive() || ClassUtils.wrapperToPrimitive(clazz) != null;

HTML text input allow only numeric input

If you are trying on angular this might help

To get the input as number (with a decimal point) then

<input [(ngModel)]="data" oninput="this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '').replace(/(\..*)\./g, '$1');">

Now this will not update the value in model correctly to explicitly change the value of model too add this

<input [(ngModel)]="data" oninput="this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '').replace(/(\..*)\./g, '$1');" (change)="data = $">

The change event will fire after the value in the model has been updated so it can be used with reactive forms as well.

How do CORS and Access-Control-Allow-Headers work?

Yes, you need to have the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: or Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * on both the OPTIONS response and the POST response. You should include the header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true on the POST response as well.

Your OPTIONS response should also include the header Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, content-type, accept to match the requested header.

How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA

When you use a code like this:

using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024))
   // Do something with the key...
   // Encrypt, export, etc.

.NET (actually Windows) stores your key in a persistent key container forever. The container is randomly generated by .NET

This means:

  1. Any random RSA/DSA key you have EVER generated for the purpose of protecting data, creating custom X.509 certificate, etc. may have been exposed without your awareness in the Windows file system. Accessible by anyone who has access to your account.

  2. Your disk is being slowly filled with data. Normally not a big concern but it depends on your application (e.g. it might generates hundreds of keys every minute).

To resolve these issues:

using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024))
      // Do something with the key...
      // Encrypt, export, etc.
      rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;


Running SSH Agent when starting Git Bash on Windows

In a git bash session, you can add a script to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc (with ~ being usually set to %USERPROFILE%), in order for said session to launch automatically the ssh-agent. If the file doesn't exist, just create it.

This is what GitHub describes in "Working with SSH key passphrases".

The "Auto-launching ssh-agent on Git for Windows" section of that article has a robust script that checks if the agent is running or not. Below is just a snippet, see the GitHub article for the full solution.

# This is just a snippet. See the article above.
if ! agent_is_running; then
elif ! agent_has_keys; then

Other Resources:

"Getting ssh-agent to work with git run from windows command shell" has a similar script, but I'd refer to the GitHub article above primarily, which is more robust and up to date.

Convert hex string (char []) to int?

Something like this could be useful:

char str[] = "0x1800785";
int num;

sscanf(str, "%x", &num);
printf("0x%x %i\n", num, num); 

Read man sscanf

How to read a configuration file in Java

It depends.

Start with Basic I/O, take a look at Properties, take a look at Preferences API and maybe even Java API for XML Processing and Java Architecture for XML Binding

And if none of those meet your particular needs, you could even look at using some kind of Database

C++ Passing Pointer to Function (Howto) + C++ Pointer Manipulation

void Fun(int* Pointer)   -- would be called as Fun( &somevariable )

would allow you to manipulate the content of what 'Pointer' points to by dereferencing it inside the Fun function i.e.

*Pointer = 1;

declaring it as above also allows you also to manipulate data beyond what it points to:

int foo[10] = {0};

in the function you can then do like *(Pointer + 1) = 12; setting the array's 2nd value.

void Fun(int& Pointer)  -- would be called Fun( somevariable )

you can modify what Pointer references to, however in this case you cannot access anything beyond what Pointer references to.

Use of "instanceof" in Java

Basically, you check if an object is an instance of a specific class. You normally use it, when you have a reference or parameter to an object that is of a super class or interface type and need to know whether the actual object has some other type (normally more concrete).


public void doSomething(Number param) {
  if( param instanceof Double) {
    System.out.println("param is a Double");
  else if( param instanceof Integer) {
    System.out.println("param is an Integer");

  if( param instanceof Comparable) {
    //subclasses of Number like Double etc. implement Comparable
    //other subclasses might not -> you could pass Number instances that don't implement that interface
    System.out.println("param is comparable"); 

Note that if you have to use that operator very often it is generally a hint that your design has some flaws. So in a well designed application you should have to use that operator as little as possible (of course there are exceptions to that general rule).

Define global variable with webpack

Use DefinePlugin.

The DefinePlugin allows you to create global constants which can be configured at compile time.

new webpack.DefinePlugin(definitions)


plugins: [
  new webpack.DefinePlugin({
    PRODUCTION: JSON.stringify(true)


console.log(`Environment is in production: ${PRODUCTION}`);

How to create a file in a directory in java?

Create New File in Specified Path


public class CreateNewFile {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            File file = new File("d:/sampleFile.txt");
                System.out.println("File creation successfull");
                System.out.println("Error while creating File, file already exists in specified path");
        catch(IOException io) {


Program Output:

File creation successfull

How to access host port from docker container

Solution with docker-compose: For accessing to host-based service, you can use network_mode parameter

version: '3'
    network_mode: host

EDIT 2020-04-27: recommended for use only in local development environment.

Error: the entity type requires a primary key

I came here with similar error:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'The entity type 'MyType' requires a primary key to be defined.'

After reading answer by hvd, realized I had simply forgotten to make my key property 'public'. This..

namespace MyApp.Models.Schedule
    public class MyType
        int Id { get; set; }

        // ...

Should be this..

namespace MyApp.Models.Schedule
    public class MyType
        public int Id { get; set; }  // must be public!

        // ...

IllegalMonitorStateException on wait() call

You need to be in a synchronized block in order for Object.wait() to work.

Also, I recommend looking at the concurrency packages instead of the old school threading packages. They are safer and way easier to work with.

Happy coding.


I assumed you meant Object.wait() as your exception is what happens when you try to gain access without holding the objects lock.

Why split the <script> tag when writing it with document.write()?

I think is for prevent the browser's HTML parser from interpreting the <script>, and mainly the </script> as the closing tag of the actual script, however I don't think that using document.write is a excellent idea for evaluating script blocks, why don't use the DOM...

var newScript = document.createElement("script");

how do I get eclipse to use a different compiler version for Java?

From the menu bar: Project -> Properties -> Java Compiler

Enable project specific settings (checked) Uncheck "use Compliance from execution environment '.... Select the desired "compiler compliance level"

That will allow you to compile "1.5" code using a "1.6" JDK.

If you want to acutally use a 1.5 JDK to produce "1.5" compliant code, then install a suitable 1.5 JDK and tell eclipse where it is installed via:

Window -> preferences -> Installed JREs

And then go back to your project

Project -> properties -> Java Build Path -> libraries

remove the 1.6 system libaries, and: add library... -> JRE System LIbrary -> Alternate JRE -> The JRE you want.

Verify that the correct JRE is on the project's build path, save everything, and enjoy!

Convert an NSURL to an NSString

You can use any one way

NSString *string=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",url1];


NSString *str=[url1 absoluteString];

NSLog(@"string :: %@",string);

string :: file:///var/containers/Bundle/Application/E2D7570B-D5A6-45A0-8EAAA1F7476071FE/

NSLog(@"str :: %@", str);

str :: file:///var/containers/Bundle/Application/E2D7570B-D5A6-45A0-8EAA-A1F7476071FE/

How to Detect Browser Back Button event - Cross Browser

(Note: As per Sharky's feedback, I've included code to detect backspaces)

So, I've seen these questions frequently on SO, and have recently run into the issue of controlling back button functionality myself. After a few days of searching for the best solution for my application (Single-Page with Hash Navigation), I've come up with a simple, cross-browser, library-less system for detecting the back button.

Most people recommend using:

window.onhashchange = function() {
 //blah blah blah

However, this function will also be called when a user uses on in-page element that changes the location hash. Not the best user experience when your user clicks and the page goes backwards or forwards.

To give you a general outline of my system, I'm filling up an array with previous hashes as my user moves through the interface. It looks something like this:

function updateHistory(curr) {
    window.location.hash = curr;

Pretty straight forward. I do this to ensure cross-browser support, as well as support for older browsers. Simply pass the new hash to the function, and it'll store it for you and then change the hash (which is then put into the browser's history).

I also utilise an in-page back button that moves the user between pages using the lasthash array. It looks like this:

function goBack() {
    window.location.hash = window.location.lasthash[window.location.lasthash.length-1];
    //blah blah blah

So this will move the user back to the last hash, and remove that last hash from the array (I have no forward button right now).

So. How do I detect whether or not a user has used my in-page back button, or the browser button?

At first I looked at window.onbeforeunload, but to no avail - that is only called if the user is going to change pages. This does not happen in a single-page-application using hash navigation.

So, after some more digging, I saw recommendations for trying to set a flag variable. The issue with this in my case, is that I would try to set it, but as everything is asynchronous, it wouldn't always be set in time for the if statement in the hash change. .onMouseDown wasn't always called in click, and adding it to an onclick wouldn't ever trigger it fast enough.

This is when I started to look at the difference between document, and window. My final solution was to set the flag using document.onmouseover, and disable it using document.onmouseleave.

What happens is that while the user's mouse is inside the document area (read: the rendered page, but excluding the browser frame), my boolean is set to true. As soon as the mouse leaves the document area, the boolean flips to false.

This way, I can change my window.onhashchange to:

window.onhashchange = function() {
    if (window.innerDocClick) {
        window.innerDocClick = false;
    } else {
        if (window.location.hash != '#undefined') {
        } else {
            history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname);

You'll note the check for #undefined. This is because if there is no history available in my array, it returns undefined. I use this to ask the user if they want to leave using a window.onbeforeunload event.

So, in short, and for people that aren't necessarily using an in-page back button or an array to store the history:

document.onmouseover = function() {
    //User's mouse is inside the page.
    window.innerDocClick = true;

document.onmouseleave = function() {
    //User's mouse has left the page.
    window.innerDocClick = false;

window.onhashchange = function() {
    if (window.innerDocClick) {
        //Your own in-page mechanism triggered the hash change
    } else {
        //Browser back button was clicked

And there you have it. a simple, three-part way to detect back button usage vs in-page elements with regards to hash navigation.


To ensure that the user doesn't use backspace to trigger the back event, you can also include the following (Thanks to @thetoolman on this Question):

     * this swallows backspace keys on any non-input element.
     * stops backspace -> back
    var rx = /INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA/i;

    $(document).bind("keydown keypress", function(e){
        if( e.which == 8 ){ // 8 == backspace
            if(!rx.test( || || ){

Good Patterns For VBA Error Handling

Error Handling in VBA

  • On Error Goto ErrorHandlerLabel
  • Resume (Next | ErrorHandlerLabel)
  • On Error Goto 0 (disables current error handler)
  • Err object

The Err object's properties are normally reset to zero or a zero-length string in the error handling routine, but it can also be done explicitly with Err.Clear.

Errors in the error handling routine are terminating.

The range 513-65535 is available for user errors. For custom class errors, you add vbObjectError to the error number. See MS documentation about Err.Raise and the list of error numbers.

For not implemented interface members in a derived class, you should use the constant E_NOTIMPL = &H80004001.

Option Explicit

Sub HandleError()
  Dim a As Integer
  On Error GoTo errMyErrorHandler
    a = 7 / 0
  On Error GoTo 0

  Debug.Print "This line won't be executed."

  a = 0
Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description, _
    vbExclamation + vbOKCancel, _
    "Error: " & CStr(Err.Number)
Resume DoCleanUp
End Sub

Sub RaiseAndHandleError()
  On Error GoTo errMyErrorHandler
    ' The range 513-65535 is available for user errors.
    ' For class errors, you add vbObjectError to the error number.
    Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, "Module1::Test()", "My custom error."
  On Error GoTo 0

  Debug.Print "This line will be executed."

Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description, _
    vbExclamation + vbOKCancel, _
    "Error: " & CStr(Err.Number)
Resume Next
End Sub

Sub FailInErrorHandler()
  Dim a As Integer
  On Error GoTo errMyErrorHandler
    a = 7 / 0
  On Error GoTo 0

  Debug.Print "This line won't be executed."

  a = 0
Exit Sub
  a = 7 / 0 ' <== Terminating error!
  MsgBox Err.Description, _
    vbExclamation + vbOKCancel, _
    "Error: " & CStr(Err.Number)
Resume DoCleanUp
End Sub

Sub DontDoThis()

  ' Any error will go unnoticed!
  On Error Resume Next
  ' Some complex code that fails here.
End Sub

Sub DoThisIfYouMust()

  On Error Resume Next
  ' Some code that can fail but you don't care.
  On Error GoTo 0

  ' More code here
End Sub

Perform an action in every sub-directory using Bash

A version that avoids creating a sub-process:

for D in *; do
    if [ -d "${D}" ]; then
        echo "${D}"   # your processing here

Or, if your action is a single command, this is more concise:

for D in *; do [ -d "${D}" ] && my_command; done

Or an even more concise version (thanks @enzotib). Note that in this version each value of D will have a trailing slash:

for D in */; do my_command; done

Bulk package updates using Conda

# list packages that can be updated
conda search --outdated

# update all packages prompted(by asking the user yes/no)
conda update --all

# update all packages unprompted
conda update --all -y