I should add: You should not be putting your dll's into \system32\ anyway! Modify your code, modify your installer... find a home for your bits that is NOT anywhere under c:\windows\
For example, your installer puts your dlls into:
\program files\<your app dir>\
\program files\common files\<your app name>\
(Note: The way you actually do this is to use the environment var: %ProgramFiles% or %ProgramFiles(x86)% to find where Program Files is.... you do not assume it is c:\program files\ ....)
and then sets a registry tag :
HKLM\software\<your app name>
-- dllLocation
The code that uses your dlls reads the registry, then dynamically links to the dlls in that location.
The above is the smart way to go.
You do not ever install your dlls, or third party dlls into \system32\ or \syswow64. If you have to statically load, you put your dlls in your exe dir (where they will be found). If you cannot predict the exe dir (e.g. some other exe is going to call your dll), you may have to put your dll dir into the search path (avoid this if at all poss!)
system32 and syswow64 are for Windows provided files... not for anyone elses files. The only reason folks got into the bad habit of putting stuff there is because it is always in the search path, and many apps/modules use static linking. (So, if you really get down to it, the real sin is static linking -- this is a sin in native code and managed code -- always always always dynamically link!)