[python] How can I use a DLL file from Python?

What is the easiest way to use a DLL file from within Python?

Specifically, how can this be done without writing any additional wrapper C++ code to expose the functionality to Python?

Native Python functionality is strongly preferred over using a third-party library.

This question is related to python dll

The answer is

Building a DLL and linking it under Python using ctypes

I present a fully worked example on how building a shared library and using it under Python by means of ctypes. I consider the Windows case and deal with DLLs. Two steps are needed:

  1. Build the DLL using Visual Studio's compiler either from the command line or from the IDE;
  2. Link the DLL under Python using ctypes.

The shared library

The shared library I consider is the following and is contained in the testDLL.cpp file. The only function testDLL just receives an int and prints it.

#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" {
void testDLL(const int i) {
    printf("%d\n", i);
} // extern "C"

Building the DLL from the command line

To build a DLL with Visual Studio from the command line run

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd"

to set the include path and then run

cl.exe /D_USRDLL /D_WINDLL testDLL.cpp /MT /link /DLL /OUT:testDLL.dll

to build the DLL.

Building the DLL from the IDE

Alternatively, the DLL can be build using Visual Studio as follows:

  1. File -> New -> Project;
  2. Installed -> Templates -> Visual C++ -> Windows -> Win32 -> Win32Project;
  3. Next;
  4. Application type -> DLL;
  5. Additional options -> Empty project (select);
  6. Additional options -> Precompiled header (unselect);
  7. Project -> Properties -> Configuration Manager -> Active solution platform: x64;
  8. Project -> Properties -> Configuration Manager -> Active solution configuration: Release.

Linking the DLL under Python

Under Python, do the following

import os
import sys
from ctypes import *

lib = cdll.LoadLibrary('testDLL.dll')


ctypes can be used to access dlls, here's a tutorial:


This page has a very simple example of calling functions from a DLL file.

Paraphrasing the details here for completeness:

It's very easy to call a DLL function in Python. I have a self-made DLL file with two functions: add and sub which take two arguments.

add(a, b) returns addition of two numbers
sub(a, b) returns substraction of two numbers

The name of the DLL file will be "demo.dll"


from ctypes import*
# give location of dll
mydll = cdll.LoadLibrary("C:\\demo.dll")
result1= mydll.add(10,1)
result2= mydll.sub(10,1)
print "Addition value:"+result1
print "Substraction:"+result2


Addition value:11

ctypes will be the easiest thing to use but (mis)using it makes Python subject to crashing. If you are trying to do something quickly, and you are careful, it's great.

I would encourage you to check out Boost Python. Yes, it requires that you write some C++ code and have a C++ compiler, but you don't actually need to learn C++ to use it, and you can get a free (as in beer) C++ compiler from Microsoft.

Maybe with Dispatch:

from win32com.client import Dispatch

zk = Dispatch("zkemkeeper.ZKEM") 

Where zkemkeeper is a registered DLL file on the system... After that, you can access functions just by calling them:

zk.Connect_Net(IP_address, port)

Building a DLL and linking it under Python using ctypes

I present a fully worked example on how building a shared library and using it under Python by means of ctypes. I consider the Windows case and deal with DLLs. Two steps are needed:

  1. Build the DLL using Visual Studio's compiler either from the command line or from the IDE;
  2. Link the DLL under Python using ctypes.

The shared library

The shared library I consider is the following and is contained in the testDLL.cpp file. The only function testDLL just receives an int and prints it.

#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" {
void testDLL(const int i) {
    printf("%d\n", i);
} // extern "C"

Building the DLL from the command line

To build a DLL with Visual Studio from the command line run

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd"

to set the include path and then run

cl.exe /D_USRDLL /D_WINDLL testDLL.cpp /MT /link /DLL /OUT:testDLL.dll

to build the DLL.

Building the DLL from the IDE

Alternatively, the DLL can be build using Visual Studio as follows:

  1. File -> New -> Project;
  2. Installed -> Templates -> Visual C++ -> Windows -> Win32 -> Win32Project;
  3. Next;
  4. Application type -> DLL;
  5. Additional options -> Empty project (select);
  6. Additional options -> Precompiled header (unselect);
  7. Project -> Properties -> Configuration Manager -> Active solution platform: x64;
  8. Project -> Properties -> Configuration Manager -> Active solution configuration: Release.

Linking the DLL under Python

Under Python, do the following

import os
import sys
from ctypes import *

lib = cdll.LoadLibrary('testDLL.dll')


If the DLL is of type COM library, then you can use pythonnet.

pip install pythonnet

Then in your python code, try the following

import clr

then instantiate an object as per the class in the DLL, and access the methods within it.

ctypes can be used to access dlls, here's a tutorial:


ctypes will be the easiest thing to use but (mis)using it makes Python subject to crashing. If you are trying to do something quickly, and you are careful, it's great.

I would encourage you to check out Boost Python. Yes, it requires that you write some C++ code and have a C++ compiler, but you don't actually need to learn C++ to use it, and you can get a free (as in beer) C++ compiler from Microsoft.

This page has a very simple example of calling functions from a DLL file.

Paraphrasing the details here for completeness:

It's very easy to call a DLL function in Python. I have a self-made DLL file with two functions: add and sub which take two arguments.

add(a, b) returns addition of two numbers
sub(a, b) returns substraction of two numbers

The name of the DLL file will be "demo.dll"


from ctypes import*
# give location of dll
mydll = cdll.LoadLibrary("C:\\demo.dll")
result1= mydll.add(10,1)
result2= mydll.sub(10,1)
print "Addition value:"+result1
print "Substraction:"+result2


Addition value:11

Maybe with Dispatch:

from win32com.client import Dispatch

zk = Dispatch("zkemkeeper.ZKEM") 

Where zkemkeeper is a registered DLL file on the system... After that, you can access functions just by calling them:

zk.Connect_Net(IP_address, port)

ctypes will be the easiest thing to use but (mis)using it makes Python subject to crashing. If you are trying to do something quickly, and you are careful, it's great.

I would encourage you to check out Boost Python. Yes, it requires that you write some C++ code and have a C++ compiler, but you don't actually need to learn C++ to use it, and you can get a free (as in beer) C++ compiler from Microsoft.

ctypes can be used to access dlls, here's a tutorial:


ctypes will be the easiest thing to use but (mis)using it makes Python subject to crashing. If you are trying to do something quickly, and you are careful, it's great.

I would encourage you to check out Boost Python. Yes, it requires that you write some C++ code and have a C++ compiler, but you don't actually need to learn C++ to use it, and you can get a free (as in beer) C++ compiler from Microsoft.