Programs & Examples On #Objectbrowser

Command line to remove an environment variable from the OS level configuration

To remove the variable from the current environment (not permanently):


To permanently remove the variable from the user environment (which is the default place setx puts it):

REG delete HKCU\Environment /F /V FOOBAR

If the variable is set in the system environment (e.g. if you originally set it with setx /M), as an administrator run:

REG delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /F /V FOOBAR

Note: The REG commands above won't affect any existing processes (and some new processes that are forked from existing processes), so if it's important for the change to take effect immediately, the easiest and surest thing to do is log out and back in or reboot. If this isn't an option or you want to dig deeper, some of the other answers here have some great suggestions that may suit your use case.

Skip download if files exist in wget?

The -nc, --no-clobber option isn't the best solution as newer files will not be downloaded. One should use -N instead which will download and overwrite the file only if the server has a newer version, so the correct answer is:

wget -N

Then running Wget with -N, with or without -r or -p, the decision as to whether or not to download a newer copy of a file depends on the local and remote timestamp and size of the file. -nc may not be specified at the same time as -N.

-N, --timestamping: Turn on time-stamping.

How to schedule a task to run when shutting down windows

For those who prefer using the Task Scheduler, it's possible to schedule a task to run after a restart / shutdown has been initiated by setting the task to run after event 1074 in the System log in the Event Viewer has been logged. However, it's only good for very short task, which will run as long as the system is restarting / shutting down, which is usually only a few seconds.

  • From the Task Scheduler:

    Begin the task: On an event
    Log: System
    Source: USER32
    EventID: 1074

  • From the command prompt:

    schtasks /create /tn "taskname" /tr "task file" /sc onevent /ec system /mo *[system/eventid=1074]

Comment: the /ec option is available from Windows Vista and above. (thank you @t2d)

Please note that the task status can be:

The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist. (0x800704DD)

However, it doesn't mean that it didn't run.

How do I get the SelectedItem or SelectedIndex of ListView in

If you want to select the same item in a listbox using a listview, you can use:

Private Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.SelectedIndexChanged
    For aa As Integer = 0 To ListView1.SelectedItems.Count - 1
        ListBox1.SelectedIndex = ListView1.SelectedIndices(aa)
End Sub

Swift - How to convert String to Double

Or you could do:

var myDouble = Double((mySwiftString.text as NSString).doubleValue)

Fill drop down list on selection of another drop down list

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


namespace MvcApplicationrazor.Models
    public class CountryModel
        public List<State> StateModel { get; set; }
        public SelectList FilteredCity { get; set; }
    public class State
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string StateName { get; set; }
    public class City
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int StateId { get; set; }
        public string CityName { get; set; }


public ActionResult Index()
            CountryModel objcountrymodel = new CountryModel();
            objcountrymodel.StateModel = new List<State>();
            objcountrymodel.StateModel = GetAllState();
            return View(objcountrymodel);

        //Action result for ajax call
        public ActionResult GetCityByStateId(int stateid)
            List<City> objcity = new List<City>();
            objcity = GetAllCity().Where(m => m.StateId == stateid).ToList();
            SelectList obgcity = new SelectList(objcity, "Id", "CityName", 0);
            return Json(obgcity);
        // Collection for state
        public List<State> GetAllState()
            List<State> objstate = new List<State>();
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 0, StateName = "Select State" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 1, StateName = "State 1" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 2, StateName = "State 2" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 3, StateName = "State 3" });
            objstate.Add(new State { Id = 4, StateName = "State 4" });
            return objstate;
        //collection for city
        public List<City> GetAllCity()
            List<City> objcity = new List<City>();
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 1, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 2, StateId = 2, CityName = "City2-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 3, StateId = 4, CityName = "City4-1" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 4, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-2" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 5, StateId = 1, CityName = "City1-3" });
            objcity.Add(new City { Id = 6, StateId = 4, CityName = "City4-2" });
            return objcity;


@model MvcApplicationrazor.Models.CountryModel
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

<script src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function GetCity(_stateId) {
        var procemessage = "<option value='0'> Please wait...</option>";
        var url = "/Test/GetCityByStateId/";

            url: url,
            data: { stateid: _stateId },
            cache: false,
            type: "POST",
            success: function (data) {
                var markup = "<option value='0'>Select City</option>";
                for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
                    markup += "<option value=" + data[x].Value + ">" + data[x].Text + "</option>";
            error: function (reponse) {
                alert("error : " + reponse);

 MVC Cascading Dropdown List Using Jquery</h4>
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.StateModel, new SelectList(Model.StateModel, "Id", "StateName"), new { @id = "ddlstate", @style = "width:200px;", @onchange = "javascript:GetCity(this.value);" })
    <br />
    <br />
    <select id="ddlcity" name="ddlcity" style="width: 200px">


    <br /><br />

finding first day of the month in python

from datetime import datetime

date_today =
month_first_day = date_today.replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)

Color text in terminal applications in UNIX

Use ANSI escape sequences. This article goes into some detail about them. You can use them with printf as well.

How to implement a ConfigurationSection with a ConfigurationElementCollection

Try inheriting from ConfigurationSection. This blog post by Phil Haack has an example.

Confirmed, per the documentation for IConfigurationSectionHandler:

In .NET Framework version 2.0 and above, you must instead derive from the ConfigurationSection class to implement the related configuration section handler.

How to replace text of a cell based on condition in excel

You can use the IF statement in a new cell to replace text, such as:

=IF(A4="C", "Other", A4)

This will check and see if cell value A4 is "C", and if it is, it replaces it with the text "Other"; otherwise, it uses the contents of cell A4.


Assuming that the Employee_Count values are in B1-B10, you can use this:

=IF(B1=LARGE($B$1:$B$10, 10), "Other", B1)

This function doesn't even require the data to be sorted; the LARGE function will find the 10th largest number in the series, and then the rest of the formula will compare against that.

composer laravel create project

I also had same problem then I found this on there documentation page

So if you want to create a project by name of test_laravel in directory /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ then what you need to do is

go to your project parent directory

cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs

and fire this command

composer create-project laravel/laravel test_laravel --prefer-dist

that's it, this is really easy and it also creates Application Key automatically for you

yii2 redirect in controller action does not work?

If you are trying to do redirect in beforeAction() you should use send() method

 return $this->redirect('/some/url',302)->send();

Handling errors in Promise.all

Promise.all is all or nothing. It resolves once all promises in the array resolve, or reject as soon as one of them rejects. In other words, it either resolves with an array of all resolved values, or rejects with a single error.

Some libraries have something called Promise.when, which I understand would instead wait for all promises in the array to either resolve or reject, but I'm not familiar with it, and it's not in ES6.

Your code

I agree with others here that your fix should work. It should resolve with an array that may contain a mix of successful values and errors objects. It's unusual to pass error objects in the success-path but assuming your code is expecting them, I see no problem with it.

The only reason I can think of why it would "not resolve" is that it's failing in code you're not showing us and the reason you're not seeing any error message about this is because this promise chain is not terminated with a final catch (as far as what you're showing us anyway).

I've taken the liberty of factoring out the "existing chain" from your example and terminating the chain with a catch. This may not be right for you, but for people reading this, it's important to always either return or terminate chains, or potential errors, even coding errors, will get hidden (which is what I suspect happened here):

Promise.all( {
  return route.handler.promiseHandler().catch(function(err) {
    return err;
.then(function(arrayOfValuesOrErrors) {
  // handling of my array containing values and/or errors. 
.catch(function(err) {
  console.log(err.message); // some coding error in handling happened

What is the difference between UTF-8 and Unicode?

They are the same thing, aren't they?

No, they aren't.

I think the first sentence of the Wikipedia page you referenced gives a nice, brief summary:

UTF-8 is a variable width character encoding capable of encoding all 1,112,064 valid code points in Unicode using one to four 8-bit bytes.

To elaborate:

  • Unicode is a standard, which defines a map from characters to numbers, the so-called code points, (like in the example below). For the full mapping, you can have a look here.

    ! -> U+0021 (21),  
    " -> U+0022 (22),  
    \# -> U+0023 (23)
  • UTF-8 is one of the ways to encode these code points in a form a computer can understand, aka bits. In other words, it's a way/algorithm to convert each of those code points to a sequence of bits or convert a sequence of bits to the equivalent code points. Note that there are a lot of alternative encodings for Unicode.

Joel gives a really nice explanation and an overview of the history here.

jQuery: Handle fallback for failed AJAX Request

Yes, it's built in to jQuery. See the docs at jquery documentation.

ajaxError may be what you want.

HTML - how to make an entire DIV a hyperlink?

This is a late answer, but this question appears highly on search results so it's worth answering properly.

Basically, you shouldn't be trying to make a div clickable, but rather make an anchor div-like by giving the <a> tag a display: block CSS attribute.

That way, your HTML remains semantically valid and you can inherit the typical browser behaviours for hyperlinks. It also works even if javascript is disabled / js resources don't load.

Node - was compiled against a different Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION 51

I deleted the node_modules folder and run npm install and my application started without any errors.

Getting the textarea value of a ckeditor textarea with javascript

you can add the following code : the ckeditor field data will be stored in $('#ELEMENT_ID').val() via each click. I've used the method and it works very well. ckeditor field data will be saved realtime and will be ready for sending.


Trying to get property of non-object in

$sidemenu is not an object, so you can't call methods on it. It is probably not being sent to your view, or $sidemenus is empty.

Alter and Assign Object Without Side Effects

You either need to keep creating new objects, or clone the existing one. See What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript? for how to clone.

Error inflating class

For me, I encountered this error many times,

Error inflating class #28 and #29

The solution that works for me is that you must match your support design library and your support appcompat library.

compile ''

compile ''

For me they must match. :) It works for me!

Convert generator object to list for debugging

Simply call list on the generator.

lst = list(gen)

Be aware that this affects the generator which will not return any further items.

You also cannot directly call list in IPython, as it conflicts with a command for listing lines of code.

Tested on this file:

def gen():
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3
    yield 4
    yield 5
import ipdb

g1 = gen()

text = "aha" + "bebe"

mylst = range(10, 20)

which when run:

$ python 
> /home/javl/sandbox/so/debug/<module>()
---> 10 g1 = gen()

ipdb> n
> /home/javl/sandbox/so/debug/<module>()
---> 12 text = "aha" + "bebe"

ipdb> lst = list(g1)
ipdb> lst
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
ipdb> q
Exiting Debugger.

General method for escaping function/variable/debugger name conflicts

There are debugger commands p and pp that will print and prettyprint any expression following them.

So you could use it as follows:

$ python 
> /home/javl/sandbox/so/debug/<module>()
---> 10 g1 = gen()

ipdb> n
> /home/javl/sandbox/so/debug/<module>()
---> 12 text = "aha" + "bebe"

ipdb> p list(g1)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
ipdb> c

There is also an exec command, called by prefixing your expression with !, which forces debugger to take your expression as Python one.

ipdb> !list(g1)

For more details see help p, help pp and help exec when in debugger.

ipdb> help exec
(!) statement
Execute the (one-line) statement in the context of
the current stack frame.
The exclamation point can be omitted unless the first word
of the statement resembles a debugger command.
To assign to a global variable you must always prefix the
command with a 'global' command, e.g.:
(Pdb) global list_options; list_options = ['-l']

How can I get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself?

I tried the followings with 3 different executions.

echo $(realpath $_)

. application         # /correct/path/to/dir or /path/to/temporary_dir
bash application      # /path/to/bash
/PATH/TO/application  # /correct/path/to/dir

echo $(realpath $(dirname $0))

. application         # failed with `realpath: missing operand`
bash application      # /correct/path/to/dir
/PATH/TO/application  # /correct/path/to/dir

echo $(realpath $BASH_SOURCE)

$BASH_SOURCE is basically the same with ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}.

. application         # /correct/path/to/dir
bash application      # /correct/path/to/dir
/PATH/TO/application  # /correct/path/to/dir

Only $(realpath $BASH_SOURCE) seems to be reliable.

What is the difference between Spring, Struts, Hibernate, JavaServer Faces, Tapestry?

In short,

Struts is for Front-end development of website

Hibernate is for back-end development of website

Spring is for full stack development of website in which Spring MVC(Model-View-Controller) is for Front-end. ORM, JDBC for Data Access / Integration(backend). etc

Why does my Spring Boot App always shutdown immediately after starting?

in my case i already had the maven dependency to 'spring-boot-starter-web' and the project would start fine without auto-stopping when i run it as springboot app from within the IDE. however, when i deploy it to K8s, the app would start and auto-stop immediately. So i modified my main app class to extend SpringBootServletInitializer and this seems to have fixed the auto-stopping.

@SpringBootApplication public class MyApp extends SpringBootServletInitializer {  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);  }}

android: how to change layout on button click?

  Button btnDownload = (Button) findViewById(;
  Button btnApp = (Button) findViewById(;


  View.OnClickListener handler = new View.OnClickListener(){

  public void onClick(View v) {

            // doStuff
            Intent intentMain = new Intent(CurrentActivity.this , 
            Log.i("Content "," Main layout ");

            // doStuff
            Intent intentApp = new Intent(CurrentActivity.this, 


            Log.i("Content "," App layout ");


Note : and then you should declare all your activities in the manifest .xml file like this :

<activity android:name=".SecondActivity" ></activity>
<activity android:name=".ThirdActivity" ></activity>

EDIT : update this part of Code :) :

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);// Add THIS LINE


    TextView tv = (TextView) this.findViewById(;
    tv.setText("App View yo!?\n");

NB : check this (Broken link) Tutorial About How To Switch Between Activities.

Excel VBA Run-time error '13' Type mismatch


Justin has given you some very fine tips :)

You will also get that error if the cell where you are performing the calculation has an error resulting from a formula.

For example if Cell A1 has #DIV/0! error then you will get "Excel VBA Run-time error '13' Type mismatch" when performing this code

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value - 1

I have made some slight changes to your code. Could you please test it for me? Copy the code with the line numbers as I have deliberately put them there.

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
  Dim ws As Worksheet
  Dim x As Integer, i As Integer, a As Integer, y As Integer
  Dim name As String
  Dim lastRow As Long
10        On Error GoTo Whoa

20        Application.ScreenUpdating = False

30        name = InputBox("Please insert the name of the sheet")

40        If Len(Trim(name)) = 0 Then Exit Sub

50        Set ws = Sheets(name)

60        With ws
70            If Not IsError(.Range("BE4").Value) Then
80                x = Val(.Range("BE4").Value)
90            Else
100               MsgBox "Please check the value of cell BE4. It seems to have an error"
110               GoTo LetsContinue
120           End If

130           .Range("BF4").Value = x

140           lastRow = .Range("BE" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

150           For i = 5 To lastRow
160               If IsError(.Range("BE" & i)) Then
170                   MsgBox "Please check the value of cell BE" & i & ". It seems to have an error"
180                   GoTo LetsContinue
190               End If

200               a = 0: y = Val(.Range("BE" & i))
210               If y <> x Then
220                   If y <> 0 Then
230                       If y = 3 Then
240                           a = x
250                           .Range("BF" & i) = Val(.Range("BE" & i)) - x

260                           x = Val(.Range("BE" & i)) - x
270                       End If
280                       .Range("BF" & i) = Val(.Range("BE" & i)) - a
290                       x = Val(.Range("BE" & i)) - a
300                   Else
310                       .Range("BF" & i).ClearContents
320                   End If
330               Else
340                   .Range("BF" & i).ClearContents
350               End If
360           Next i
370       End With

380       Application.ScreenUpdating = True
390       Exit Sub
400       MsgBox "Error Description :" & Err.Description & vbNewLine & _
         "Error at line     : " & Erl
410       Resume LetsContinue
End Sub

How to select last one week data from today's date

to select records for the last 7 days

WHERE Created_Date >= DATEADD(day, -7, GETDATE())

to select records for the current week

SET DATEFIRST 1 -- Define beginning of week as Monday

if you want to select records for last week instead of the last 7 days

SET DATEFIRST 1 -- Define beginning of week as Monday

SQL QUERY replace NULL value in a row with a value from the previous known value

In a very general sense:

SET MyNullValue = MyDate

PHP code to get selected text of a combo box

Put whatever you want to send to PHP in the value attribute.

  <select id="cmbMake" name="Make" >
     <option value="">Select Manufacturer</option>
     <option value="--Any--">--Any--</option>
     <option value="Toyota">Toyota</option>
     <option value="Nissan">Nissan</option>

You can also omit the value attribute. It defaults to using the text.

If you don't want to change the HTML, you can put an array in your PHP to translate the values:

$makes = array(2 => 'Toyota',
               3 => 'Nissan');

$maker = $makes[$_POST['Make']];

Opening a new tab to read a PDF file

As everyone else has pointed out, this can work:

<a href="newsletter_01.pdf" target="_blank">Read more</a> 

But what nobody has pointed out is that it's not guaranteed to work.

There is no way to force a user's browser to open a PDF file in a new tab. Depending on the user's browser settings, even with target="_blank" the browser may react the following ways:

  1. Ask for action
  2. Open it in Adobe Acrobat
  3. Simply download the file directly to their computer

Take a look at Firefox's settings, for example:

enter image description here

Chrome has a similar setting:

enter image description here

If the user has chosen to "Save File" in their browsers settings when encountering a PDF, there is no way you can override it.

How to write PNG image to string with the PIL?

For Python3 it is required to use BytesIO:

from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

image ="RGB", (300, 50))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
draw.text((0, 0), "This text is drawn on image")

byte_io = BytesIO(), 'PNG')

Read more:

Java: Check if enum contains a given string?

enum are pretty powerful in Java. You could easily add a contains method to your enum (as you would add a method to a class):

enum choices {
  a1, a2, b1, b2;

  public boolean contains(String s)
      if (s.equals("a1") || s.equals("a2") || s.equals("b1") || s.equals("b2")) 
         return true;
      return false;


How to get HttpRequestMessage data

From this answer:

public void Confirmation(HttpRequestMessage request)
    var content = request.Content;
    string jsonContent = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

Note: As seen in the comments, this code could cause a deadlock and should not be used. See this blog post for more detail.

How to get user's high resolution profile picture on Twitter?

use this URL : ""

If you are using TWitter SDK you can get the user name when logged in, with TWTRAPIClient, using TWTRAuthSession.

This is the code snipe for iOS:

if let twitterId = session.userID{
   let twitterClient = TWTRAPIClient(userID: twitterId)
   twitterClient.loadUser(withID: twitterId) {(user, error) in
       if let userName = user?.screenName{
          let url = "\(userName)/profile_image?size=original")

How to do a "Save As" in vba code, saving my current Excel workbook with datestamp?

It could be that your default format doesn't match the file extension. You should specify the file format along with the filename, making sure the format matches the extension:

With someWorkbook
.SaveAs "C:\someDirector\Awesome.xlsm", fileformat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
End With

OTOH, I don't see an extension on your .SaveAs filename. Maybe you need to supply one when doing this programmatically. That makes sense--not having to supply an extension from the GUI interface is convenient, but we programmers are expected to write unambiguous code. I suggest adding the extension and the matching format. See this msdn page for a list of file formats. To be honest, I don't recognize a lot o the descripions.

xlExcel8 = 56 is the .xls format

xlExcel12 = 50 is the .xlsb format

xlOpenXMLWorkbook = 51 is the .xlsx format

xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled = 52 is the .xlsm format

xlWorkbookDefault is also listed with a value of 51, which puzzles me since I thought the default format could be changed.

How come I can't remove the blue textarea border in Twitter Bootstrap?

Bootstrap 4.0

    box-shadow: none !important;
    border: solid 1px red( any color ) !important;

visual example

Razor-based view doesn't see referenced assemblies

In ASP.NET Core MVC the solution is to add a using in _ViewImports.cshtml, instead of putting it web.config in the View folder when working with ASP.NET MVC 5.


@using mySolution
@using mySolution.ViewModels // <-- Add this, and place your ViewModel (e.g. LoginViewModel) in here.
@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers


@model LoginViewModel // Add to _ViewImports to make this line work
<div>This is the View for the login screen.</div>

python pip - install from local dir

You were looking for help on installations with pip. You can find it with the following command:

pip install --help

Running pip install -e /path/to/package installs the package in a way, that you can edit the package, and when a new import call looks for it, it will import the edited package code. This can be very useful for package development.

increase the java heap size permanently?

what platform are you running?..
if its unix, maybe adding

alias java='java -Xmx1g'  

to .bashrc (or similar) work

edit: Changing XmX to Xmx

Where do alpha testers download Google Play Android apps?

In my experience the flow is:

  • you publish the app as beta in Google Play and create the Google+ community
  • invite the tester to the community
  • once he has joined, send him the link of the test app in Google Play
  • the tester opens the link in the browser (not google play app)
  • registers as tester
  • in the browser, install the apps to the device (the app will be magically pushed to the device)

How to set String's font size, style in Java using the Font class?

Font myFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 12);, then use a setFont method on your components like

JButton b = new JButton("Hello World");

How do you make an anchor link non-clickable or disabled?

Use pointer-events CSS style. (as Jason MacDonald suggested)

See MDN Its supported in most browsers.

Simple adding "disabled" attribute to anchor will do the job if you have global CSS rule like following:

a[disabled], a[disabled]:hover {
   pointer-events: none;
   color: #e1e1e1;

Applying styles to tables with Twitter Bootstrap

bootstrap provides various classes for table

 <table class="table"></table>
 <table class="table table-bordered"></table>
 <table class="table table-hover"></table>
 <table class="table table-condensed"></table>
 <table class="table table-responsive"></table>

How to give credentials in a batch script that copies files to a network location?

Try using the net use command in your script to map the share first, because you can provide it credentials. Then, your copy command should use those credentials.

net use \\<network-location>\<some-share> password /USER:username

Don't leave a trailing \ at the end of the

Why is my asynchronous function returning Promise { <pending> } instead of a value?

See the MDN section on Promises. In particular, look at the return type of then().

To log in, the user-agent has to submit a request to the server and wait to receive a response. Since making your application totally stop execution during a request round-trip usually makes for a bad user experience, practically every JS function that logs you in (or performs any other form of server interaction) will use a Promise, or something very much like it, to deliver results asynchronously.

Now, also notice that return statements are always evaluated in the context of the function they appear in. So when you wrote:

let AuthUser = data => {
  return google
    .login(data.username, data.password)
    .then( token => {
      return token;

the statement return token; meant that the anonymous function being passed into then() should return the token, not that the AuthUser function should. What AuthUser returns is the result of calling google.login(username, password).then(callback);, which happens to be a Promise.

Ultimately your callback token => { return token; } does nothing; instead, your input to then() needs to be a function that actually handles the token in some way.

AngularJS ng-if with multiple conditions

HTML code

<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller='ctrl'>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[0])'>{{call.state[0]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[1])'>{{call.state[1]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[2])'>{{call.state[2]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[3])'>{{call.state[3]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[4])'>{{call.state[4]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[5])'>{{call.state[5]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[6])'>{{call.state[6]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[7])'>{{call.state[7]}}</div>

JavaScript Code

function ctrl($scope){
${state:['second','first','nothing','Never', 'Gonna', 'Give', 'You', 'Up']}

$scope.whatClassIsIt= function(someValue){
            return "ClassA"
     else if(someValue=="second")
         return "ClassB";
         return "ClassC";

Multiple glibc libraries on a single host

"Employed Russian" is among the best answer, and I think all other suggested answer may not work. The reason is simply because when an application is first created, all its the APIs it needs are resolved at compile time. Using "ldd" u can see all the statically linked dependencies:

ldd /usr/lib/firefox/firefox =>  (0x00007ffd5c5f0000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f727e708000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f727e500000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f727e1f8000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f727def0000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f727db28000)
    /lib64/ (0x00007f727eb78000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f727d910000)

But at runtime, firefox will also load many other dynamic libraries, eg (for firefox) there are many "glib"-labelled libraries loaded (even though statically linked there are none):


Manytimes, you can see names of one version being soft-linked into another version. Eg:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     23 Dec 21  2014 ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 160832 Mar  1  2013

This therefore means different version of "libraries" exists in one system - which is not a problem as it is the same file, and it will provide compatibilities when applications have multiple versions dependencies.

Therefore, at the system level, all the libraries are almost interdependent on one another, and just changing the libraries loading priority via manipulating LD_PRELOAD or LD_LIBRARY_PATH will not help - even it can load, runtime it may still crash.

Best alternative is chroot (mentioned by ER briefly): but for this you will need to recreate the entire environment in which is the original binary execute - usually starting from /lib, /usr/lib/, /usr/lib/x86 etc. You can either use "Buildroot", or YoctoProject, or just tar from an existing Distro environment. (like Fedora/Suse etc).

Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric

If you want to reduce the size to decimal(7,2) from decimal(9,2) you will have to account for the existing data with values greater to fit into decimal(7,2). Either you will have to delete those numbers are truncate it down to fit into your new size. If there was no data for the field you are trying to update it will do it automatically without issues

How to bind RadioButtons to an enum?

I've created a new class to handle binding RadioButtons and CheckBoxes to enums. It works for flagged enums (with multiple checkbox selections) and non-flagged enums for single-selection checkboxes or radio buttons. It also requires no ValueConverters at all.

This might look more complicated at first, however, once you copy this class into your project, it's done. It's generic so it can easily be reused for any enum.

public class EnumSelection<T> : INotifyPropertyChanged where T : struct, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
  private T value; // stored value of the Enum
  private bool isFlagged; // Enum uses flags?
  private bool canDeselect; // Can be deselected? (Radio buttons cannot deselect, checkboxes can)
  private T blankValue; // what is considered the "blank" value if it can be deselected?

  public EnumSelection(T value) : this(value, false, default(T)) { }
  public EnumSelection(T value, bool canDeselect) : this(value, canDeselect, default(T)) { }
  public EnumSelection(T value, T blankValue) : this(value, true, blankValue) { }
  public EnumSelection(T value, bool canDeselect, T blankValue)
    if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(T)} must be an enum type"); // I really wish there was a way to constrain generic types to enums...
    isFlagged = typeof(T).IsDefined(typeof(FlagsAttribute), false);

    this.value = value;
    this.canDeselect = canDeselect;
    this.blankValue = blankValue;

  public T Value
    get { return value; }
      if (this.value.Equals(value)) return;
      this.value = value;
      OnPropertyChanged("Item[]"); // Notify that the indexer property has changed

  public bool this[T key]
      int iKey = (int)(object)key;
      return isFlagged ? ((int)(object)value & iKey) == iKey : value.Equals(key);
      if (isFlagged)
        int iValue = (int)(object)this.value;
        int iKey = (int)(object)key;

        if (((iValue & iKey) == iKey) == value) return;

        if (value)
          Value = (T)(object)(iValue | iKey);
          Value = (T)(object)(iValue & ~iKey);
        if (this.value.Equals(key) == value) return;
        if (!value && !canDeselect) return;

        Value = value ? key : blankValue;

  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

  private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
    PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

And for how to use it, let's say you have an enum for running a task manually or automatically, and can be scheduled for any days of the week, and some optional options...

public enum StartTask

public enum DayOfWeek
  Sunday = 1 << 0,
  Monday = 1 << 1,
  Tuesday = 1 << 2,
  Wednesday = 1 << 3,
  Thursday = 1 << 4,
  Friday = 1 << 5,
  Saturday = 1 << 6

public enum AdditionalOptions
  None = 0,

Now, here's how easy it is to use this class:

public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
  public MyViewModel()
    StartUp = new EnumSelection<StartTask>(StartTask.Manual);
    Days = new EnumSelection<DayOfWeek>(default(DayOfWeek));
    Options = new EnumSelection<AdditionalOptions>(AdditionalOptions.None, true, AdditionalOptions.None);

  public EnumSelection<StartTask> StartUp { get; private set; }
  public EnumSelection<DayOfWeek> Days { get; private set; }
  public EnumSelection<AdditionalOptions> Options { get; private set; }

And here's how easy it is to bind checkboxes and radio buttons with this class:

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <!-- Using RadioButtons for exactly 1 selection behavior -->
    <RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding StartUp[Manual]}">Manual</RadioButton>
    <RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding StartUp[Automatic]}">Automatic</RadioButton>
  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <!-- Using CheckBoxes for 0 or Many selection behavior -->
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Sunday]}">Sunday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Monday]}">Monday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Tuesday]}">Tuesday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Wednesday]}">Wednesday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Thursday]}">Thursday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Friday]}">Friday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Saturday]}">Saturday</CheckBox>
  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <!-- Using CheckBoxes for 0 or 1 selection behavior -->
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Options[OptionA]}">Option A</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Options[OptionB]}">Option B</CheckBox>
  1. When the UI loads, the "Manual" radio button will be selected and you can alter your selection between "Manual" or "Automatic" but either one of them must always be selected.
  2. Every day of the week will be unchecked, but any number of them can be checked or unchecked.
  3. "Option A" and "Option B" will both initially be unchecked. You can check one or the other, checking one will uncheck the other (similar to RadioButtons), but now you can also uncheck both of them (which you cannot do with WPF's RadioButton, which is why CheckBox is being used here)

Compare two MySQL databases

SQL Compare by RedGate

DBDeploy to help with database change management in an automated fashion

button image as form input submit button?

<div class="container-fluid login-container">
    <div class="row">
        <form (ngSubmit)="login('da')">
            <div class="col-md-4">
                    <div class="login-text">
                    <div class="form-signin">
                            <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Email" required>
                            <input type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password" required>
            <div class="col-md-4">
                <div class="login-go-div">
                    <input type="image" src="../../../assets/images/svg/login-go-initial.svg" class="login-go"

This is the working code for it.

ORA-01653: unable to extend table by in tablespace ORA-06512

To resolve this error:

ORA-01653 unable to extend table by 1024 in tablespace your-tablespace-name

Just run this PL/SQL command for extended tablespace size automatically on-demand:

alter database datafile '<your-tablespace-name>.dbf' autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

I get this error in import big dump file, just run this command without stopping import routine or restarting the database.

Note: each data file has a limit of 32GB of size if you need more than 32GB you should add a new data file to your existing tablespace.

More info: alter_autoextend_on

How to implement DrawerArrowToggle from Android appcompat v7 21 library

I created a small application which had similar functionality


public class MyActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        DrawerLayout drawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(; toolbar = ( findViewById(;
        ActionBarDrawerToggle actionBarDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(

            public void onDrawerClosed(View view)

            public void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView)

        //Set the custom toolbar
        if (toolbar != null){



My XML of that Activity

< xmlns:android=""

    <!-- The main content view -->
        android:layout_height="match_parent" >
        <include layout="@layout/toolbar_custom"/>
    <!-- The navigation drawer -->


My Custom Toolbar XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <TextView android:text="U titel"

My Theme Style

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Base.Theme.AppCompat"/>

    <style name="AppTheme.Base" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/primaryDarker</item>
        <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
        <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
        <item name="drawerArrowStyle">@style/DrawerArrowStyle</item>

    <style name="DrawerArrowStyle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.DrawerArrowToggle">
        <item name="spinBars">true</item>
        <item name="color">@android:color/white</item>

    <color name="primary">#457C50</color>
    <color name="primaryDarker">#580C0C</color>

My Styles in values-v21

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="AppTheme.Base">
        <item name="android:windowContentTransitions">true</item>
        <item name="android:windowAllowEnterTransitionOverlap">true</item>
        <item name="android:windowAllowReturnTransitionOverlap">true</item>
        <item name="android:windowSharedElementEnterTransition">@android:transition/move</item>
        <item name="android:windowSharedElementExitTransition">@android:transition/move</item>

PHP output showing little black diamonds with a question mark

I also faced this ? issue. Meanwhile I ran into three cases where it happened:

  1. substr()

    I was using substr() on a UTF8 string which cut UTF8 characters, thus the cut chars could not be displayed correctly. Use mb_substr($utfstring, 0, 10, 'utf-8'); instead. Credits

  2. htmlspecialchars()

    Another problem was using htmlspecialchars() on a UTF8 string. The fix is to use: htmlspecialchars($utfstring, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

  3. preg_replace()

    Lastly I found out that preg_replace() can lead to problems with UTF. The code $string = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9ÄäÜüÖöß]/', ' ', $string); for example transformed the UTF string "F(×)=2×-3" into "F ? 2? ". The fix is to use mb_ereg_replace() instead.

I hope this additional information will help to get rid of such problems.

Field 'id' doesn't have a default value?

To detect run:

select @@sql_mode
-- It will give something like:

To fix, run:

set global sql_mode = ''

Get Filename Without Extension in Python

No need for regex. os.path.splitext is your friend:

>>> ('1.1.1', '.jpg')

How to use Git?

You might want to start with an introduction to version control. This guide is specific to subversion, but the core concepts can be applied to most version control systems. After you have the basics, you can delve into the git guide.

Float vs Decimal in ActiveRecord

In Rails 3.2.18, :decimal turns into :integer when using SQLServer, but it works fine in SQLite. Switching to :float solved this issue for us.

The lesson learned is "always use homogeneous development and deployment databases!"

Why is SQL server throwing this error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'id'?

use IDENTITY(1,1) while creating the table eg

[Id]     [int]  IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Status] [smallint] NOT NULL,

    [Id] ASC

Comments in Markdown

This works on GitHub:

[](Comment text goes here)

The resulting HTML looks like:

<a href="Comment%20text%20goes%20here"></a>

Which is basically an empty link. Obviously you can read that in the source of the rendered text, but you can do that on GitHub anyway.

Sequence Permission in Oracle

To grant a permission:

grant select on schema_name.sequence_name to user_or_role_name;

To check which permissions have been granted

select * from all_tab_privs where TABLE_NAME = 'sequence_name'

How to get a pixel's x,y coordinate color from an image?

Canvas would be a great way to do this, as @pst said above. Check out this answer for a good example:

getPixel from HTML Canvas?

Some code that would serve you specifically as well:

var imgd = context.getImageData(x, y, width, height);
var pix =;

for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4) {
  console.log pix[i+3]

This will go row by row, so you'd need to convert that into an x,y and either convert the for loop to a direct check or run a conditional inside.

Reading your question again, it looks like you want to be able to get the point that the person clicks on. This can be done pretty easily with jquery's click event. Just run the above code inside a click handler as such:

   console.log(e.clientX, e.clientY)

Those should grab your x and y values.

How to open my files in data_folder with pandas using relative path?

I was also looking for the relative path version, this works OK. Note when run (Spyder 3.6) you will see (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes at the closing triple quote. Remove the offending comment lines 14 and 15 and adjust the file names and location for your environment and check for indentation.

-- coding: utf-8 --

""" Created on Fri Jan 24 12:12:40 2020

Source: Read a .csv into pandas from F: drive on Windows 7

Demonstrates: Load a csv not in the CWD by specifying relative path - windows version

@author: Doug

From CWD C:\Users\Doug\.spyder-py3\Data Camp\pandas we will load file

C:/Users/Doug/.spyder-py3/Data Camp/Cleaning/g1803.csv


import csv

trainData2 = []

with open(r'../Cleaning/g1803.csv', 'r') as train2Csv:

  trainReader2 = csv.reader(train2Csv, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

  for row in trainReader2:



How to convert string to string[]?

To convert a string with comma separated values to a string array use Split:

string strOne = "One,Two,Three,Four";
string[] strArrayOne = new string[] {""};
//somewhere in your code
strArrayOne = strOne.Split(',');

Result will be a string array with four strings:


Loading DLLs at runtime in C#

Right now, you're creating an instance of every type defined in the assembly. You only need to create a single instance of Class1 in order to call the method:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var DLL = Assembly.LoadFile(@"C:\visual studio 2012\Projects\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\DLL.dll");

        var theType = DLL.GetType("DLL.Class1");
        var c = Activator.CreateInstance(theType);
        var method = theType.GetMethod("Output");
        method.Invoke(c, new object[]{@"Hello"});


Use PPK file in Mac Terminal to connect to remote connection over SSH

Convert PPK to OpenSSh

OS X: Install Homebrew, then run

brew install putty

Place your keys in some directory, e.g. your home folder. Now convert the PPK keys to SSH keypairs:cache search

To generate the private key:

cd ~

puttygen id_dsa.ppk -O private-openssh -o id_dsa

and to generate the public key:

puttygen id_dsa.ppk -O public-openssh -o

Move these keys to ~/.ssh and make sure the permissions are set to private for your private key:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh
mv -i ~/id_dsa* ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_dsa
chmod 666 ~/.ssh/

connect with ssh server

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa username@servername

Port Forwarding to connect mysql remote server

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa -L 9001: username@serverName

SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby://localhost:1527

Encountered the same problem. I was doing something like:

connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/~/databases/db1'

Replacing the path with the absolute path fixed this problem:

connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527//Users/ayush99/databases/db1'.

In summary: Avoid using ~ or any such variables in the path of existing database.

ValueError: invalid literal for int () with base 10

You've got a problem with this line:

while file_to_read != " ":

This does not find an empty string. It finds a string consisting of one space. Presumably this is not what you are looking for.

Listen to everyone else's advice. This is not very idiomatic python code, and would be much clearer if you iterate over the file directly, but I think this problem is worth noting as well.

How to make a browser display a "save as dialog" so the user can save the content of a string to a file on his system?

There is a new spec called the Native File System API that allows you to do this properly like this:

const result = await window.chooseFileSystemEntries({ type: "save-file" });

There is a demo here, but I believe it is using an origin trial so it may not work in your own website unless you sign up or enable a config flag, and it obviously only works in Chrome. If you're making an Electron app this might be an option though.

SQL: How to get the id of values I just INSERTed?

From the site i found out the following things:

SQL SERVER – @@IDENTITY vs SCOPE_IDENTITY() vs IDENT_CURRENT – Retrieve Last Inserted Identity of Record March 25, 2007 by pinaldave

SELECT @@IDENTITY It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on a connection, regardless of the table that produced the value, and regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the value. @@IDENTITY will return the last identity value entered into a table in your current session. While @@IDENTITY is limited to the current session, it is not limited to the current scope. If you have a trigger on a table that causes an identity to be created in another table, you will get the identity that was created last, even if it was the trigger that created it.

SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on a connection and by a statement in the same scope, regardless of the table that produced the value. SCOPE_IDENTITY(), like @@IDENTITY, will return the last identity value created in the current session, but it will also limit it to your current scope as well. In other words, it will return the last identity value that you explicitly created, rather than any identity that was created by a trigger or a user defined function.

SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(‘tablename’) It returns the last IDENTITY value produced in a table, regardless of the connection that created the value, and regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the value. IDENT_CURRENT is not limited by scope and session; it is limited to a specified table. IDENT_CURRENT returns the identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.

How to save public key from a certificate in .pem format

There are a couple ways to do this.

First, instead of going into openssl command prompt mode, just enter everything on one command line from the Windows prompt:

E:\> openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in cert.pem  > pubkey.pem

If for some reason, you have to use the openssl command prompt, just enter everything up to the ">". Then OpenSSL will print out the public key info to the screen. You can then copy this and paste it into a file called pubkey.pem.

openssl> x509 -pubkey -noout -in cert.pem

Output will look something like this:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Delaying a jquery script until everything else has loaded

It turns out that because of a peculiar mixture of javascript frameworks that I needed to initiate the script using an event listener provide by one of the other frameworks.

How to plot a function curve in R

Lattice solution with additional settings which I needed:

distribution<-function(x) {2^(-x*2)}
xyplot(distribution(X)~X,type="l", col = rgb(red = 255, green = 90, blue = 0, maxColorValue = 255), cex.lab = 3.5, cex.axis = 3.5, lwd=2 )
  1. If you need your range of values for x plotted in increments different from 1, e.g. 0.00001 you can use:


  1. You can change the colour of your line by defining a rgb value:

col = rgb(red = 255, green = 90, blue = 0, maxColorValue = 255)

  1. You can change the width of the plotted line by setting:

lwd = 2

  1. You can change the size of the labels by scaling them:

cex.lab = 3.5, cex.axis = 3.5

Example plot

How do I remove a single breakpoint with GDB?

You can delete all breakpoints using

del <start_breakpoint_num> - <end_breakpoint_num>

To view the start_breakpoint_num and end_breakpoint_num use:

info break

How to get time difference in minutes in PHP

Subtract the past most one from the future most one and divide by 60.

Times are done in Unix format so they're just a big number showing the number of seconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT

Validating file types by regular expression

You can embed case insensitity into the regular expression like so:


Make anchor link go some pixels above where it's linked to

try this code, it has already a smooth animation when clicked the link.

$(document).on('click', 'a[href^="#"]', function (event) {

    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $($.attr(this, 'href')).offset().top - 100
    }, 500);

multiple classes on single element html

It's a good practice if you need them. It's also a good practice is they make sense, so future coders can understand what you're doing.

But generally, no it's not a good practice to attach 10 class names to an object because most likely whatever you're using them for, you could accomplish the same thing with far fewer classes. Probably just 1 or 2.

To qualify that statement, javascript plugins and scripts may append far more classnames to do whatever it is they're going to do. Modernizr for example appends anywhere from 5 - 25 classes to your body tag, and there's a very good reason for it. jQuery UI appends lots of classnames when you use one of the widgets in that library.

How to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout?

I did have the same problem and at first I added:


to my manifest file. But this alone did not solve the issue. Then as mentioned by Artem Russakovskii, I added:


in the scrollview.

This is what worked for me.

SQL string value spanning multiple lines in query

SQL Server allows the following (be careful to use single quotes instead of double)

SET UserId = 12345
   , Name = 'J Doe'
   , Location = 'USA'
   , Bio='my bio
WHERE UserId = 12345

How do I read an attribute on a class at runtime?

System.Reflection.MemberInfo info = typeof(MyClass);
object[] attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(true);

for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
    if (attributes[i] is DomainNameAttribute)
        System.Console.WriteLine(((DomainNameAttribute) attributes[i]).Name);

Inserting NOW() into Database with CodeIgniter's Active Record

I typically use triggers to handle timestamps but I think this may work.

$data = array(
    'name' => $name,
    'email' => $email

$this->db->set('time', 'NOW()', FALSE);
$this->db->insert('mytable', $data);

How can I use/create dynamic template to compile dynamic Component with Angular 2.0?

This is the example of dynamic Form controls generated from server.

This example is dynamic Form controls is in add component (This is where you can get the Formcontrols from the server). If you see addcomponent method you can see the Forms Controls. In this example I am not using angular material,but It works (I am using @ work). This is target to angular 6, but works in all previous version.

Need to add JITComplierFactory for AngularVersion 5 and above.



Kotlin - Property initialization using "by lazy" vs. "lateinit"

lateinit vs lazy

  1. lateinit

    i) Use it with mutable variable[var]

     lateinit var name: String       //Allowed
     lateinit val name: String       //Not Allowed

ii) Allowed with only non-nullable data types

    lateinit var name: String       //Allowed
    lateinit var name: String?      //Not Allowed

iii) It is a promise to compiler that the value will be initialized in future.

NOTE: If you try to access lateinit variable without initializing it then it throws UnInitializedPropertyAccessException.

  1. lazy

    i) Lazy initialization was designed to prevent unnecessary initialization of objects.

ii) Your variable will not be initialized unless you use it.

iii) It is initialized only once. Next time when you use it, you get the value from cache memory.

iv) It is thread safe(It is initialized in the thread where it is used for the first time. Other threads use the same value stored in the cache).

v) The variable can only be val.

vi) The variable can only be non-nullable.

Colspan all columns

If you want to make a 'title' cell that spans all columns, as header for your table, you may want to use the caption tag ( / This element is meant for this purpose. It behaves like a div, but doesn't span the entire width of the parent of the table (like a div would do in the same position (don't try this at home!)), instead, it spans the width of the table. There are some cross-browser issues with borders and such (was acceptable for me). Anyways, you can make it look as a cell that spans all columns. Within, you can make rows by adding div-elements. I'm not sure if you can insert it in between tr-elements, but that would be a hack I guess (so not recommended). Another option would be messing around with floating divs, but that is yuck!


    <caption style="gimme some style!"><!-- Title of table --></caption>
    <thead><!-- ... --></thead>
    <tbody><!-- ... --></tbody>


    <div style="float: left;/* extra styling /*"><!-- Title of table --></div>
        <thead><!-- ... --></thead>
        <tbody><!-- ... --></tbody>
    <div style="clear: both"></div>

How can I apply a border only inside a table?

this works for me:

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    border-style: hidden;

table td, table th {
    border: 1px solid black;

view example ...

tested in FF 3.6 and Chromium 5.0, IE lacks support; from W3C:

Borders with the 'border-style' of 'hidden' take precedence over all other conflicting borders. Any border with this value suppresses all borders at this location.

jQuery & CSS - Remove/Add display:none

Considering lolesque's comment to best answer you can add either an attribute or a class to show/hide elements with display properties that differs from what it normally has, if your site needs backwards compatibility I would suggest making a class and adding/removing it to show/display the element

.news-show {

.news-hide {

Replace inline-block with your preferred display method of your choice and use jquerys addclass and removeclass instead of show/hide, if backwards compatibility is no problem you can use attributes like this.

.news[data-news-visible=show] {

.news[data-news-visible=hide] {

And use jquerys attr() to show and hide the element.

Whichever method you prefer it makes you able to easily implement css3 animations when showing/hiding elements this way

Changing the browser zoom level

Not possible in IE, as the UI Zoom button in the status bar is not scriptable. YMMV for other browsers.

How to sort an array of associative arrays by value of a given key in PHP?

I ended on this:

function sort_array_of_array(&$array, $subfield)
    $sortarray = array();
    foreach ($array as $key => $row)
        $sortarray[$key] = $row[$subfield];

    array_multisort($sortarray, SORT_ASC, $array);

Just call the function, passing the array and the name of the field of the second level array. Like:

sort_array_of_array($inventory, 'price');

Populating a ListView using an ArrayList?

Here's an example of how you could implement a list view:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    //We have our list view
    final ListView dynamic = findViewById(;

    //Create an array of elements
    final ArrayList<String> classes = new ArrayList<>();
    classes.add("Data Structures");
    classes.add("Assembly Language");
    classes.add("Calculus 3");
    classes.add("Switching Systems");
    classes.add("Analysis Tools");

    //Create adapter for ArrayList
    final ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, classes);

    //Insert Adapter into List

    //set click functionality for each list item
    dynamic.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
            Log.i("User clicked ", classes.get(position));


Removing time from a Date object?

You can remove the time part from java.util.Date by setting the hour, minute, second and millisecond values to zero.

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;

public class DateUtil {

    public static Date removeTime(Date date) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
        cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
        cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
        return cal.getTime();


How can I print using JQuery

function printResult() {
    var DocumentContainer = document.getElementById('your_div_id');
    var WindowObject ='', "PrintWindow", "width=750,height=650,top=50,left=50,toolbars=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,resizable=yes");

How to prevent Screen Capture in Android

For Java users write this line above your setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);

getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE);

For kotlin users

window.setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE)

Viewing my IIS hosted site on other machines on my network

Very Late Answer but I will highlight some point as I had to deal with it years ago setting up my IIS site across network

  1. Both your machines should be connected to the same network (same wireless network is fine)
  2. Access your remote machine via IP 168.192.x.x or via http://his-pc-name (do not forget the http part)
  3. This will server the default IIS page on the remote machine (same that is served through localhost). If you want to server another site, [you have to make that default] first1.

Make sure your IIS is working fine on remote machine by checking localhost which should served the default site. Also make sure your firewall is configured to allow connection via port 80 or you can just disable firewall for the time being for testing purposes.

How do you select the entire excel sheet with Range using VBA?

Refering to the very first question, I am looking into the same. The result I get, recording a macro, is, starting by selecting cell A76:

Sub find_last_row()
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
End Sub

Are static methods inherited in Java?

Static method is inherited in subclass but it is not polymorphism. When you writing the implementation of static method, the parent's class method is over hidden, not overridden. Think, if it is not inherited then how you can be able to access without classname.staticMethodname();?

Switching a DIV background image with jQuery

I personally would just use the JavaScript code to switch between 2 classes.

Have the CSS outline everything you need on your div MINUS the background rule, then add two classes (e.g: expanded & collapsed) as rules each with the correct background image (or background position if using a sprite).

CSS with different images

.div {
    /* button size etc properties */

.expanded {background: url(img/x.gif) no-repeat left top;}
.collapsed {background: url(img/y.gif) no-repeat left top;}

Or CSS with image sprite

.div {
    background: url(img/sprite.gif) no-repeat left top;
    /* Other styles */

.expanded {background-position: left bottom;}


JavaScript code with images


JavaScript with sprite

Note: the elegant toggleClass does not work in Internet Explorer 6, but the below addClass/removeClass method will work fine in this situation as well

The most elegant solution (unfortunately not Internet Explorer 6 friendly)



As far as I know this method will work accross browsers, and I would feel much more comfortable playing with CSS and classes than with URL changes in the script.

Default text which won't be shown in drop-down list

Kyle's solution worked perfectly fine for me so I made my research in order to avoid any Js and CSS, but just sticking with HTML. Adding a value of selected to the item we want to appear as a header forces it to show in the first place as a placeholder. Something like:

<option selected disabled>Choose here</option>

The complete markup should be along these lines:

    <option selected disabled>Choose here</option>
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>
    <option value="4">Four</option>
    <option value="5">Five</option>

You can take a look at this fiddle, and here's the result:

enter image description here

If you do not want the sort of placeholder text to appear listed in the options once a user clicks on the select box just add the hidden attribute like so:

    <option selected disabled hidden>Choose here</option>
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>
    <option value="4">Four</option>
    <option value="5">Five</option>

Check the fiddle here and the screenshot below.

enter image description here

Here is the solution:

    <option style="display:none;" selected>Select language</option>
    <option>Option 1</option>
    <option>Option 2</option>

Reading in double values with scanf in c

Format specifier in printf should be %f for doubl datatypes since float datatyles eventually convert to double datatypes inside printf.

There is no provision to print float data. Please find the discussion here : Correct format specifier for double in printf

Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction

Yes !!!! If I say Encapsulation is a kind of an advanced specific scope abstraction,

How many of you read/upvote my answer. Let's dig in why I am saying like this.

I need to clear two things before my claiming.

One is data hiding and, another one is the abstraction

Data hiding

Most of the time, we will not give direct access to our internal data. Our internal data should not go out directly that is an outside person can't access our internal data directly. It's all about security since we need to protect the internal states of a particular object.


For simplicity, hide the internal implementations is called abstraction. In abstraction, we only focus on the necessary things. Basically, We talk about "What to do" and not "How to do" in abstraction. Security also can be achieved by abstraction since we are not going to highlight "how we are implementing". Maintainability will be increased since we can alter the implementation but it will not affect our end user.

I said, "Encapsulation is a kind of an advanced specific scope abstraction". Why? because we can see encapsulation as data hiding + abstraction

encapsulation = data hiding + abstraction

In encapsulation, we need to hide the data so outside person can not see the data and we need to provide methods that can be used to access the data. These methods may have validations or other features inside those things also hidden to an outside person. So here, we are hiding the implementation of access methods and it is called abstraction.

This is why I said like above encapsulation is a kind of abstraction.

So Where is the difference?

The difference is the abstraction is a general one if we are hiding something from the user for simplicity, maintainability and security and,

encapsulation is a specific one for which is related to internal states security where we are hiding the internal state (data hiding) and we are providing methods to access the data and those methods implementation also hidden from the outside person(abstraction).

SQL grammar for SELECT MIN(DATE)

To get the titles for dates greater than a week ago today, use this:

SELECT title, MIN(date_key_no) AS intro_date FROM table HAVING MIN(date_key_no)>= TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SysDate, 'YYYYMMDD')) - 7

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

Try the following code:

ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) newContext.getSystemService( Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE );
List<RunningAppProcessInfo> appProcesses = activityManager.getRunningAppProcesses();
for(RunningAppProcessInfo appProcess : appProcesses){
    if(appProcess.importance == RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND){
        Log.i("Foreground App", appProcess.processName);

Process name is the package name of the app running in foreground. Compare it to the package name of your application. If it is the same then your application is running on foreground.

I hope this answers your question.

Log record changes in SQL server in an audit table

Hey It's very simple see this

@OLD_GUEST_NAME = d.GUEST_NAME from deleted d;

this variable will store your old deleted value and then you can insert it where you want.

for example-

Create trigger testupdate on test for update, delete
declare @tableid varchar(50);
declare @testid varchar(50);
declare @newdata varchar(50);
declare @olddata varchar(50);

select @tableid = count(*)+1 from audit_test
select @testid=d.tableid from inserted d;
select @olddata = from deleted d;
select @newdata = from inserted i;

insert into audit_test (tableid, testid, olddata, newdata) values (@tableid, @testid, @olddata, @newdata)


Quicksort: Choosing the pivot

It is entirely dependent on how your data is sorted to begin with. If you think it will be pseudo-random then your best bet is to either pick a random selection or choose the middle.

MySQL: How to allow remote connection to mysql

All process for remote login. Remote login is off by default.You need to open it manually for all give access all ip


Specific Ip

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'your_desire_ip' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


flush privileges;

You can check your User Host & Password

SELECT host,user,authentication_string FROM mysql.user;

Now your duty is to change this

bind-address =

You can find this on

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

if you not find this on there then try this

sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

comment in this

#bind-address =

Then restart Mysql

sudo service mysql restart

Now enjoy remote login

How to use 'find' to search for files created on a specific date?

find location -ctime time_period

Examples of time_period:

  • More than 30 days ago: -ctime +30

  • Less than 30 days ago: -ctime -30

  • Exactly 30 days ago: -ctime 30

Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties

I fixed this problem employing the two procedures of :

  1. In Eclipse->'Project' menu -> 'Java Compiler' -> set 'Compiler compliance level' = 1.6 check on 'Use default compliance settings' Set 'Generated .class compatibility' = 1.6 Set 'Source compatibilty' = 1.6

  2. Then go to 'Windows' menu --> 'Preferences' -->'Java' , expand 'Java' --> 'Compiler' -->Set 'Compiler compliance level' = 1.6

Hint: Source compatibility must be equal to or less than compliance level.

How to read response headers in angularjs?

According the MDN custom headers are not exposed by default. The server admin need to expose them using "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" in the same fashion they deal with "access-control-allow-origin"

See this MDN link for confirmation []

How to convert a multipart file to File?

Although the accepted answer is correct but if you are just trying to upload your image to cloudinary, there's a better way:

Map upload = cloudinary.uploader().upload(multipartFile.getBytes(), ObjectUtils.emptyMap());

Where multipartFile is your org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile.

Make HTML5 video poster be same size as video itself

Depending on what browsers you're targeting, you could go for the object-fit property to solve this:

object-fit: cover;

or maybe fill is what you're looking for. Still under consideration for IE.

Regular expression to extract URL from an HTML link

this regex can help you, you should get the first group by \1 or whatever method you have in your language.



<a href="">amgheziName</a>


Numpy: Get random set of rows from 2D array

I see permutation has been suggested. In fact it can be made into one line:

>>> A = np.random.randint(5, size=(10,3))
>>> np.random.permutation(A)[:2]

array([[0, 3, 0],
       [3, 1, 2]])

How to get a specific column value from a DataTable in c#

The table normally contains multiple rows. Use a loop and use row.Field<string>(0) to access the value of each row.

foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    string file = row.Field<string>("File");

You can also access it via index:

foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    string file = row.Field<string>(0);

If you expect only one row, you can also use the indexer of DataRowCollection:

string file = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>(0); 

Since this fails if the table is empty, use dt.Rows.Count to check if there is a row:

if(dt.Rows.Count > 0)
    file = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>(0);

.NET End vs Form.Close() vs Application.Exit Cleaner way to close one's app

The situation you describe is pretty fishy. Whenever you close your program's startup form, the entire application should quit automatically, including closing all other open forms. Make sure that you're closing the correct form, and you should not experience any problems.

The other possibility is that you've changed your project (using its Properties page) not to close until all open windows have been closed. In this mode, your application will not exit until the last remaining open form has been closed. If you've chosen this setting, you have to make sure that you call the Close method of all forms that you've shown during the course of application, not just the startup/main form.

The first setting is the default for a reason, and if you've changed it, you probably want to go fix it back.
It is by far the most intuitive model for normal applications, and it prevents exactly the situation you describe. For it to work properly, make sure that you have specified your main form as the "Startup form" (rather than a splash screen or log-in form).

The settings I'm talking about are highlighted here:

   Visual Studio Project Properties

But primarily, note that you should never have to call Application.Exit in a properly-designed application. If you find yourself having to do this in order for your program to close completely, then you are doing something wrong. Doing it is not a bad practice in itself, as long as you have a good reason. The other two answers fail to explain that, and thus I feel are incomplete at best.

Copy file from source directory to binary directory using CMake

both option are valid and targeting two different steps of your build:

  1. file(COPY ... copies the file in configuration step and only in this step. When you rebuild your project without having changed your cmake configuration, this command won't be executed.
  2. add_custom_command is the preferred choice when you want to copy the file around on each build step.

The right version for your task would be:

        COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy

you can choose between PRE_BUILD, PRE_LINK, POST_BUILD best is you read the documentation of add_custom_command

an example on how to use the first version can be found here: Use CMake add_custom_command to generate source for another target

How do you sign a Certificate Signing Request with your Certification Authority?

In addition to answer of @jww, I would like to say that the configuration in openssl-ca.cnf,

default_days     = 1000         # How long to certify for

defines the default number of days the certificate signed by this root-ca will be valid. To set the validity of root-ca itself you should use '-days n' option in:

openssl req -x509 -days 3000 -config openssl-ca.cnf -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -out cacert.pem -outform PEM

Failing to do so, your root-ca will be valid for only the default one month and any certificate signed by this root CA will also have validity of one month.

How to send an HTTP request using Telnet

For posterity, your question was how to send an http request to The real answer is: you cannot with telnet, cause this is an https-only reachable url.

So, you might want to use openssl instead of telnet, like this for instance

$ openssl s_client -connect
GET /questions HTTP/1.1

This will give you the https response.

What is the strict aliasing rule?

The best explanation I have found is by Mike Acton, Understanding Strict Aliasing. It's focused a little on PS3 development, but that's basically just GCC.

From the article:

"Strict aliasing is an assumption, made by the C (or C++) compiler, that dereferencing pointers to objects of different types will never refer to the same memory location (i.e. alias each other.)"

So basically if you have an int* pointing to some memory containing an int and then you point a float* to that memory and use it as a float you break the rule. If your code does not respect this, then the compiler's optimizer will most likely break your code.

The exception to the rule is a char*, which is allowed to point to any type.

Using BufferedReader to read Text File

This is the problem:

while (br.readLine() != null) {

You've got two calls to readLine - the first only checks that there's a line (but reads it and throws it away) and the second reads the next line. You want:

String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

Now we're only calling readLine() once per loop iteration, and using the line that we've read both for the "have we finished?" and "print out the line" parts.

Getting "project" nuget configuration is invalid error

NOTE: This is mentioned in the question but restarting Visual Studio fixes the issue in most cases.

Updating Visual Studio to 'Update 2' got it working again.

Tools -> Extensions and Updates ->Visual Studio Update 2

As mentioned in the question and the link i posted therein, I'd already updated NuGet Package Manager to 3.4.4 prior to this and restarted to no avail, so I don't know if the combination of both these actions worked.

Debug JavaScript in Eclipse

JavaScript is executed in the browser, which is pretty far removed from Eclipse. Eclipse would have to somehow hook into the browser's JavaScript engine to debug it. Therefore there's no built-in debugging of JavaScript via Eclipse, since JS isn't really its main focus anyways.

However, there are plug-ins which you can install to do JavaScript debugging. I believe the main one is the AJAX Toolkit Framework (ATF). It embeds a Mozilla browser in Eclipse in order to do its debugging, so it won't be able to handle cross-browser complications that typically arise when writing JavaScript, but it will certainly help.

Convert string to number field

Within Crystal, you can do it by creating a formula that uses the ToNumber function. It might be a good idea to code for the possibility that the field might include non-numeric data - like so:

If NumericText ({field}) then ToNumber ({field}) else 0

Alternatively, you might find it easier to convert the field's datatype within the query used in the report.

Bitbucket git credentials if signed up with Google


  • Went on the log-in screen and clicked forgot my password.
  • I entered my Google account email and I received a reset link.
  • As you enter there a new password you'll have bitbucket id and password to use.


git clone https://<bitbucket_id><repo>

Append an object to a list in R in amortized constant time, O(1)?

I think what you want to do is actually pass by reference (pointer) to the function-- create a new environment (which are passed by reference to functions) with the list added to it:


#Then the function is modified as:
lPtrAppend <- function(lstptr, obj) {
    lstptr$list[[length(lstptr$list)+1]] <- obj

Now you are only modifying the existing list (not creating a new one)

C++ Convert string (or char*) to wstring (or wchar_t*)

If you have QT and if you are lazy to implement a function and stuff you can use

std::string str;

Laravel Checking If a Record Exists

The efficient way to check if the record exists you must use is_null method to check against the query.

The code below might be helpful:

$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'));
 //user does not exist...
 //user exists...

Postgresql Select rows where column = array

In my case, I needed to work with a column that has the data, so using IN() didn't work. Thanks to @Quassnoi for his examples. Here is my solution:

SELECT column(s) FROM table WHERE expr|column = ANY(STRING_TO_ARRAY(column,',')::INT[])

I spent almost 6 hours before I stumble on the post.

How to send 500 Internal Server Error error from a PHP script

You may use the following function to send a status change:

function header_status($statusCode) {
    static $status_codes = null;

    if ($status_codes === null) {
        $status_codes = array (
            100 => 'Continue',
            101 => 'Switching Protocols',
            102 => 'Processing',
            200 => 'OK',
            201 => 'Created',
            202 => 'Accepted',
            203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
            204 => 'No Content',
            205 => 'Reset Content',
            206 => 'Partial Content',
            207 => 'Multi-Status',
            300 => 'Multiple Choices',
            301 => 'Moved Permanently',
            302 => 'Found',
            303 => 'See Other',
            304 => 'Not Modified',
            305 => 'Use Proxy',
            307 => 'Temporary Redirect',
            400 => 'Bad Request',
            401 => 'Unauthorized',
            402 => 'Payment Required',
            403 => 'Forbidden',
            404 => 'Not Found',
            405 => 'Method Not Allowed',
            406 => 'Not Acceptable',
            407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
            408 => 'Request Timeout',
            409 => 'Conflict',
            410 => 'Gone',
            411 => 'Length Required',
            412 => 'Precondition Failed',
            413 => 'Request Entity Too Large',
            414 => 'Request-URI Too Long',
            415 => 'Unsupported Media Type',
            416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
            417 => 'Expectation Failed',
            422 => 'Unprocessable Entity',
            423 => 'Locked',
            424 => 'Failed Dependency',
            426 => 'Upgrade Required',
            500 => 'Internal Server Error',
            501 => 'Not Implemented',
            502 => 'Bad Gateway',
            503 => 'Service Unavailable',
            504 => 'Gateway Timeout',
            505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
            506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates',
            507 => 'Insufficient Storage',
            509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded',
            510 => 'Not Extended'

    if ($status_codes[$statusCode] !== null) {
        $status_string = $statusCode . ' ' . $status_codes[$statusCode];
        header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $status_string, true, $statusCode);

You may use it as such:


if (that_happened) {
    die("that happened")

if (something_else_happened) {
    die("something else happened")



Given two directory trees, how can I find out which files differ by content?

The command I use is:

diff -qr dir1/ dir2/

It is exactly the same as Mark's :) But his answer bothered me as it uses different types of flags, and it made me look twice. Using Mark's more verbose flags it would be:

diff  --brief --recursive dir1/ dir2/

I apologise for posting when the other answer is perfectly acceptable. Could not stop myself... working on being less pedantic.

Error during installing HAXM, VT-X not working

for Mac users, install the Intel HAXM kernel extension to allow the emulator to make use of CPU virtualization extensions.

The steps to configure VM acceleration are as follows:

  1. Open the SDK Manager.
  2. Click the SDK Update Sites tab and then select Intel HAXM.
  3. Click OK.
  4. After the download finishes, execute the installer. For example, it might be in this location: sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/IntelHAXM_version.dmg.
    To begin installation, in the Finder, double-click the IntelHAXM.dmg file and then the IntelHAXM.mpkg file.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  6. After installation finishes, confirm that the new kernel extension is operating correctly by opening a terminal window and running the following command:
    kextstat | grep intel You should see a status message containing the following extension name, indicating that the kernel extension is loaded:


How to force Chrome's script debugger to reload javascript?

In my opinion it's easiest to work in a 'private browsing session' of chrome, to ensure that your javascript files don't come from the cache.

How to create a HashMap with two keys (Key-Pair, Value)?

Use a Pair as keys for the HashMap. JDK has no Pair, but you can either use a 3rd party libraray such as or write a Pair taype of your own.

C++ deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'

The warning:

deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'

is given because you are doing somewhere (not in the code you posted) something like:

void foo(char* str);

The problem is that you are trying to convert a string literal (with type const char[]) to char*.

You can convert a const char[] to const char* because the array decays to the pointer, but what you are doing is making a mutable a constant.

This conversion is probably allowed for C compatibility and just gives you the warning mentioned.

How to read appSettings section in the web.config file?

Add namespace

using System.Configuration;

and in place of


you should use


String path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["configFile"];

jQuery AJAX form using mail() PHP script sends email, but POST data from HTML form is undefined

There is no need to make a query string. Just put your values in an object and jQuery will take care of the rest for you.

var data = {
    name: $("#form_name").val(),
    email: $("#form_email").val(),
    message: $("#msg_text").val()
    type: "POST",
    url: "email.php",
    data: data,
    success: function(){

printf formatting (%d versus %u)

%u prints unsigned integer

%d prints signed integer

to get a pointer address use %p

Other List of Formatting Escapes:

Here are the full list of formatting escapes. I am just giving a screen shot from this page

enter image description here

Best way to center a <div> on a page vertically and horizontally?

Is the browser supports it, using translate is powerful.

position: absolute;
background-color: red;

width: 70%;     
height: 30%; 

/* The translate % is relative to the size of the div and not the container*/ 
/* 21.42% = ( (100%-70%/2) / 0.7 ) */
/* 116.666% = ( (100%-30%/2) / 0.3 ) */
transform: translate3d( 21.42%, 116.666%, 0);

hibernate: LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy

If you are managing the Hibernate session manually, you may want to look into sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() and associated docs here:

How to check if a double value has no decimal part

Interesting little problem. It is a bit tricky, since real numbers, not always represent exact integers, even if they are meant to, so it's important to allow a tolerance.

For instance tolerance could be 1E-6, in the unit tests, I kept a rather coarse tolerance to have shorter numbers.

None of the answers that I can read now works in this way, so here is my solution:

public boolean isInteger(double n, double tolerance) {
    double absN = Math.abs(n);
    return Math.abs(absN - Math.round(absN)) <= tolerance;

And the unit test, to make sure it works:

public void checkIsInteger() {
    final double TOLERANCE = 1E-2;
    assertThat(solver.isInteger(1, TOLERANCE), is(true));

    assertThat(solver.isInteger(0.999, TOLERANCE), is(true));
    assertThat(solver.isInteger(0.9, TOLERANCE), is(false));

    assertThat(solver.isInteger(1.001, TOLERANCE), is(true));
    assertThat(solver.isInteger(1.1, TOLERANCE), is(false));

    assertThat(solver.isInteger(-1, TOLERANCE), is(true));

    assertThat(solver.isInteger(-0.999, TOLERANCE), is(true));
    assertThat(solver.isInteger(-0.9, TOLERANCE), is(false));

    assertThat(solver.isInteger(-1.001, TOLERANCE), is(true));        
    assertThat(solver.isInteger(-1.1, TOLERANCE), is(false));

Update Eclipse with Android development tools v. 23

Google response:

This is a packaging bug. The entire proguard file is missing. We'll have an update asap, but until then just copy it over from a previous version of the tools:

and copy over the following files:

  • tools/hprof-conv
  • tools/support/annotations.jar
  • tools/proguard

So at the end if you started from a new ADT copy by hand the files :)

Edit: with the latest ADT release, the bundle should now work with auto-update, so install these new versions:

Don't try to upgrade from previous version because it doesn’t work at all. If you have got problems with zipalign, it's now under build-tools and no more under tools/ so you can do a symbolic link or just copy it into the expected folder.

href around input type submit

It doesn't work because it doesn't make sense (so little sense that HTML 5 explicitly forbids it).

To fix it, decide if you want a link or a submit button and use whichever one you actually want (Hint: You don't have a form, so a submit button is nonsense).

How to add a footer to the UITableView?

Swift 2.1.1 below works:

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, viewForFooterInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
        let v = UIView()
        v.backgroundColor = UIColor.RGB(53, 60, 62)
        return v

    func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForFooterInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
        return 80

If use self.theTable.tableFooterView = tableFooter there is a space between last row and tableFooterView.

How do I use $scope.$watch and $scope.$apply in AngularJS?

AngularJS extends this events-loop, creating something called AngularJS context.


Every time you bind something in the UI you insert a $watch in a $watch list.

User: <input type="text" ng-model="user" />
Password: <input type="password" ng-model="pass" />

Here we have $scope.user, which is bound to the first input, and we have $scope.pass, which is bound to the second one. Doing this we add two $watches to the $watch list.

When our template is loaded, AKA in the linking phase, the compiler will look for every directive and creates all the $watches that are needed.

AngularJS provides $watch, $watchcollection and $watch(true). Below is a neat diagram explaining all the three taken from watchers in depth.

Enter image description here

angular.module('MY_APP', []).controller('MyCtrl', MyCtrl)
function MyCtrl($scope,$timeout) {
  $scope.users = [{"name": "vinoth"},{"name":"yusuf"},{"name":"rajini"}];

  $scope.$watch("users", function() {
    console.log("**** reference checkers $watch ****")

  $scope.$watchCollection("users", function() {
    console.log("**** Collection  checkers $watchCollection ****")

  $scope.$watch("users", function() {
    console.log("**** equality checkers with $watch(true) ****")
  }, true);

     console.log("Triggers All ")
     $scope.users = [];

     console.log("Triggers $watchCollection and $watch(true)")
     $scope.users.push({ name: 'Thalaivar'});

     console.log("Triggers $watch(true)")
     $scope.users[0].name = 'Superstar';

$digest loop

When the browser receives an event that can be managed by the AngularJS context the $digest loop will be fired. This loop is made from two smaller loops. One processes the $evalAsync queue, and the other one processes the $watch list. The $digest will loop through the list of $watch that we have

app.controller('MainCtrl', function() {
  $ = "vinoth";

  $scope.changeFoo = function() {
      $ = "Thalaivar";

{{ name }}
<button ng-click="changeFoo()">Change the name</button>

Here we have only one $watch because ng-click doesn’t create any watches.

We press the button.

  1. The browser receives an event which will enter the AngularJS context
  2. The $digest loop will run and will ask every $watch for changes.
  3. Since the $watch which was watching for changes in $ reports a change, it will force another $digest loop.
  4. The new loop reports nothing.
  5. The browser gets the control back and it will update the DOM reflecting the new value of $
  6. The important thing here is that EVERY event that enters the AngularJS context will run a $digest loop. That means that every time we write a letter in an input, the loop will run checking every $watch in this page.


If you call $apply when an event is fired, it will go through the angular-context, but if you don’t call it, it will run outside it. It is as easy as that. $apply will call the $digest() loop internally and it will iterate over all the watches to ensure the DOM is updated with the newly updated value.

The $apply() method will trigger watchers on the entire $scope chain whereas the $digest() method will only trigger watchers on the current $scope and its children. When none of the higher-up $scope objects need to know about the local changes, you can use $digest().

cleanup php session files

To handle session properly, take a look at

There you'll find these variables:

  • session.gc_probability
  • session.gc_divisor
  • session.gc_maxlifetime

These control the garbage collector (GC) probability of running with each page request.

You could set those with ini_set() at the beginning of your script or .htaccess file so you get certainty to some extent they will get deleted sometime.

Fastest way to find second (third...) highest/lowest value in vector or column

Rfast has a function called nth_element that does exactly what you ask and is faster than all of the implementations discussed above

Also the methods discussed above that are based on partial sort, don't support finding the k smallest values

Disclaimer: An issue appears to occur when dealing with integers which can by bypassed by using as.numeric (e.g. Rfast::nth(as.numeric(1:10), 2)), and will be addressed in the next update of Rfast.

Rfast::nth(x, 5, descending = T)

Will return the 5th largest element of x, while

Rfast::nth(x, 5, descending = F)

Will return the 5th smallest element of x

Benchmarks below against most popular answers.

For 10 thousand numbers:

N = 10000
x = rnorm(N)

maxN <- function(x, N=2){
    len <- length(x)
        warning('N greater than length(x).  Setting N=length(x)')
        N <- length(x)

Rfast = Rfast::nth(x,5,descending = T),
maxn = maxN(x,5),
order = x[order(x, decreasing = T)[5]])

Unit: microseconds
  expr      min       lq      mean   median        uq       max neval
 Rfast  160.364  179.607  202.8024  194.575  210.1830   351.517   100
  maxN  396.419  423.360  559.2707  446.452  487.0775  4949.452   100
 order 1288.466 1343.417 1746.7627 1433.221 1500.7865 13768.148   100

For 1 million numbers:

N = 1e6
x = rnorm(N)

Rfast = Rfast::nth(x,5,descending = T),
maxN = maxN(x,5),
order = x[order(x, decreasing = T)[5]]) 

Unit: milliseconds
  expr      min        lq      mean   median        uq       max neval
 Rfast  89.7722  93.63674  114.9893 104.6325  120.5767  204.8839   100
  maxN 150.2822 207.03922  235.3037 241.7604  259.7476  336.7051   100
 order 930.8924 968.54785 1005.5487 991.7995 1031.0290 1164.9129   100

Can someone explain __all__ in Python?

This is defined in PEP8 here:

Global Variable Names

(Let's hope that these variables are meant for use inside one module only.) The conventions are about the same as those for functions.

Modules that are designed for use via from M import * should use the __all__ mechanism to prevent exporting globals, or use the older convention of prefixing such globals with an underscore (which you might want to do to indicate these globals are "module non-public").

PEP8 provides coding conventions for the Python code comprising the standard library in the main Python distribution. The more you follow this, closer you are to the original intent.

How do I mount a remote Linux folder in Windows through SSH?

Back in 2002, Novell developed some software called NetDrive that can map a WebDAV, FTP, SFTP, etc. share to a windows drive letter. It is now abandonware, so it's no longer maintained (and not available on the Novell website), but it's free to use. I found quite a few available to download by searching for "netdrive.exe" I actually downloaded a few and compared their md5sums to make sure that I was getting a common (and hopefully safe) version.

Update 10 Nov 2017 SFTPNetDrive is the current project from the original netdrive project. And they made it free for personal use:

We Made SFTP Net Drive FREE for Personal Use

They have paid options as well on the website.

80-characters / right margin line in Sublime Text 3

For this to work, your font also needs to be set to monospace.
If you think about it, lines can't otherwise line up perfectly perfectly.

This answer is detailed at sublime text forum:
This answer has links for choosing an appropriate font for your OS,
and gives an answer to an edge case of fonts not lining up.

Another website that lists great monospaced free fonts for programmers.

On stackoverflow, see:

Michael Ruth's answer here: How to make ruler always be shown in Sublime text 2?

MattDMo's answer here: What is the default font of Sublime Text?

I have rulers set at the following:
50 (git commit message titles should be limited to 50 characters)
72 (git commit message details should be limited to 72 characters)
80 (Windows Command Console Window maxes out at 80 character width)

Other viewing environments that benefit from shorter lines: github: there is no word wrap when viewing a file online
So, I try to keep .js .md and other files at 70-80 characters.
Windows Console: 80 characters.

Tool for comparing 2 binary files in Windows

If you want to find out only whether or not the files are identical, you can use the Windows fc command in binary mode:

fc.exe /b file1 file2

For details, see the reference for fc

How to thoroughly purge and reinstall postgresql on ubuntu?

I was facing same problem in my ubuntu 16.04

but i fixed that problem and it's very simple just follow these step and you will be able to install postgresql 10 in your system :

Add this to your sources.list:

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

deb wheezy main non-free contrib

deb-src wheezy main non-free contrib

after that add these link to your pgdg.list file if it's not there you have to create && add link && save it.

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list

deb xenial-pgdg main

deb precise-pgdg main

then update your system

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

and install that unmet dependencies :

apt-get install ssl-cert

that's it. now Install postgresql using these command

sudo apt-get install postgresql-10

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#?

Using the accepted answer I create a helper class so you could use it in a similar way you would use the Lock statement. Just thought I'd share.


using (new SingleGlobalInstance(1000)) //1000ms timeout on global lock
    //Only 1 of these runs at a time

And the helper class:

class SingleGlobalInstance : IDisposable
    //edit by user "jitbit" - renamed private fields to "_"
    public bool _hasHandle = false;
    Mutex _mutex;

    private void InitMutex()
        string appGuid = ((GuidAttribute)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), false).GetValue(0)).Value;
        string mutexId = string.Format("Global\\{{{0}}}", appGuid);
        _mutex = new Mutex(false, mutexId);

        var allowEveryoneRule = new MutexAccessRule(new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null), MutexRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow);
        var securitySettings = new MutexSecurity();

    public SingleGlobalInstance(int timeOut)
            if(timeOut < 0)
                _hasHandle = _mutex.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite, false);
                _hasHandle = _mutex.WaitOne(timeOut, false);

            if (_hasHandle == false)
                throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting for exclusive access on SingleInstance");
        catch (AbandonedMutexException)
            _hasHandle = true;

    public void Dispose()
        if (_mutex != null)
            if (_hasHandle)

Check if a key exists inside a json object

You can try if(typeof object !== 'undefined')

How to get the last element of a slice?

Bit less elegant but can also do:

sl[len(sl)-1: len(sl)]

What to do with commit made in a detached head

In case of detached HEAD, commits work like normal, except no named branch gets updated. To get master branch updated with your committed changes, make a temporary branch where you are (this way the temporary branch will have all the committed changes you have made in the detached HEAD) , then switch to the master branch and merge the temporary branch with the master.

git branch  temp
git checkout master
git merge temp

Difference between VARCHAR and TEXT in MySQL

There is an important detail that has been omitted in the answer above.

MySQL imposes a limit of 65,535 bytes for the max size of each row. The size of a VARCHAR column is counted towards the maximum row size, while TEXT columns are assumed to be storing their data by reference so they only need 9-12 bytes. That means even if the "theoretical" max size of your VARCHAR field is 65,535 characters you won't be able to achieve that if you have more than one column in your table.

Also note that the actual number of bytes required by a VARCHAR field is dependent on the encoding of the column (and the content). MySQL counts the maximum possible bytes used toward the max row size, so if you use a multibyte encoding like utf8mb4 (which you almost certainly should) it will use up even more of your maximum row size.

Correction: Regardless of how MySQL computes the max row size, whether or not the VARCHAR/TEXT field data is ACTUALLY stored in the row or stored by reference depends on your underlying storage engine. For InnoDB the row format affects this behavior. (Thanks Bill-Karwin)

Reasons to use TEXT:

  • If you want to store a paragraph or more of text
  • If you don't need to index the column
  • If you have reached the row size limit for your table

Reasons to use VARCHAR:

  • If you want to store a few words or a sentence
  • If you want to index the (entire) column
  • If you want to use the column with foreign-key constraints mvc @Html.CheckBoxFor

If only one checkbox should be checked in the same time use RadioButtonFor instead:

      @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.Type,1, new { @checked = "checked" }) fultime
      @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.Type,2) party
      @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.Type,3) next option...

If one more one could be checked in the same time use excellent extension: CheckBoxListFor:

Hope,it will help

Save the plots into a PDF

Never mind got the way to do it.

def plotGraph(X,Y):
     fignum = random.randint(0,sys.maxint)
     fig = plt.figure(fignum)
     ### Plotting arrangements ###
     return fig

------ plotting module ------

----- mainModule ----

 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 ### tempDLStats, tempDLlabels are the argument
 plot1 = plotGraph(tempDLstats, tempDLlabels)
 plot2 = plotGraph(tempDLstats_1, tempDLlabels_1)
 plot3 = plotGraph(tempDLstats_2, tempDLlabels_2)

----- mainModule -----

Auto code completion on Eclipse

Its simple these are the steps: 1. first go to the following settings Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> content assist -> advanced 2. there will be two boxes having checkboxes. 3. check everthing in there and click apply. 4. now ofcourse when you'll be coding there will be auto code completion feature automatically.

Bootstrap onClick button event

There is no show event in js - you need to bind your button either to the click event:

$('#id').on('click', function (e) {

     //your awesome code here


Mind that if your button is inside a form, you may prefer to bind the whole form to the submit event.

What are allowed characters in cookies?

I think it's generally browser specific. To be on the safe side, base64 encode a JSON object, and store everything in that. That way you just have to decode it and parse the JSON. All the characters used in base64 should play fine with most, if not all browsers.

In Perl, how can I concisely check if a $variable is defined and contains a non zero length string?

You often see the check for definedness so you don't have to deal with the warning for using an undef value (and in Perl 5.10 it tells you the offending variable):

 Use of uninitialized value $name in ...

So, to get around this warning, people come up with all sorts of code, and that code starts to look like an important part of the solution rather than the bubble gum and duct tape that it is. Sometimes, it's better to show what you are doing by explicitly turning off the warning that you are trying to avoid:

 no warnings 'uninitialized';

 if( length $name ) {

In other cases, use some sort of null value instead of the data. With Perl 5.10's defined-or operator, you can give length an explicit empty string (defined, and give back zero length) instead of the variable that will trigger the warning:

 use 5.010;

 if( length( $name // '' ) ) {

In Perl 5.12, it's a bit easier because length on an undefined value also returns undefined. That might seem like a bit of silliness, but that pleases the mathematician I might have wanted to be. That doesn't issue a warning, which is the reason this question exists.

use 5.012;
use warnings;

my $name;

if( length $name ) { # no warning

String.strip() in Python

In this case, you might get some differences. Consider a line like:

"foo\tbar "

In this case, if you strip, then you'll get {"foo":"bar"} as the dictionary entry. If you don't strip, you'll get {"foo":"bar "} (note the extra space at the end)

Note that if you use line.split() instead of line.split('\t'), you'll split on every whitespace character and the "striping" will be done during splitting automatically. In other words:


is always identical to:




Is not necessarily equivalent to:


Timestamp conversion in Oracle for YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

Use TO_TIMESTAMP function


Line continue character in C#

C# will allow you to have a string split over multiple lines, the term is called verbatim literal:

string myString = @"this is a
                   to see how long my string
                   can be

                    and it can be quite long";

If you are looking for the alternative to & _ from VB, use the + to join your lines.

How to set the maxAllowedContentLength to 500MB while running on IIS7?

IIS v10 (but this should be the same also for IIS 7.x)

Quick addition for people which are looking for respective max values

Max for maxAllowedContentLength is: UInt32.MaxValue 4294967295 bytes : ~4GB

Max for maxRequestLength is: Int32.MaxValue 2147483647 bytes : ~2GB


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- ~ 2GB -->
    <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2147483647" />
        <!-- ~ 4GB -->
        <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="4294967295" />

Search all the occurrences of a string in the entire project in Android Studio

You can open the Find in Path dialog by pressing:

Ctrl + Shift + F

Read data from SqlDataReader

You have to read database columnhere. You could have a look on following code snippet

                string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NameOfYourSqlConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
                using (var _connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SomeColumnName FROM TableName", _connection))

                        SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
                        if (sqlDataReader.HasRows)
                            while (sqlDataReader.Read())
                                string YourFirstDataBaseTableColumn = sqlDataReader["SomeColumn"].ToString(); // Remember Type Casting is required here it has to be according to database column data type
                                string YourSecondDataBaseTableColumn = sqlDataReader["SomeColumn"].ToString();
                                string YourThridDataBaseTableColumn = sqlDataReader["SomeColumn"].ToString();


How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

You can use the pandas library if the file is note very large. Be careful when using iter over pandas dataframes. I am doing this here to demonstrate the possibility. One could also consider the pd.Dataframe.to_sql() function when copying from a dataframe to an sql table

Assuming you have created the table you want you could:

import psycopg2
import pandas as pd
data=pd.read_csv(r'path\to\file.csv', delimiter=' ')

#prepare your data and keep only relevant columns

data.drop(['col2', 'col4','col5'], axis=1, inplace=True)

conn=psycopg2.connect("dbname=db user=postgres password=password")

for index,row in data.iterrows():
      cur.execute('''insert into table (col1,col3,col6) 
    VALUES (%s,%s,%s)''', (row['col1'], row['col3'], row['col6'])

print('\n db connection closed.')

Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! with dynamic sortby predicate

This happened to me right after upgrading Firefox to version 51. After clearing the cache, the problem has gone.

Stopping python using ctrl+c

On Windows, the only sure way is to use CtrlBreak. Stops every python script instantly!

(Note that on some keyboards, "Break" is labeled as "Pause".)

How to show shadow around the linearlayout in Android?

There is no such attribute in Android, to show a shadow. But possible ways to do it are:

  1. Add a plain LinearLayout with grey color, over which add your actual layout, with margin at bottom and right equal to 1 or 2 dp

  2. Have a 9-patch image with a shadow and set it as the background to your Linear layout

Difference of keywords 'typename' and 'class' in templates?

This piece of snippet is from c++ primer book. Although I am sure this is wrong.

Each type parameter must be preceded by the keyword class or typename:

// error: must precede U with either typename or class
template <typename T, U> T calc(const T&, const U&);

These keywords have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably inside a template parameter list. A template parameter list can use both keywords:

// ok: no distinction between typename and class in a template parameter list
template <typename T, class U> calc (const T&, const U&);

It may seem more intuitive to use the keyword typename rather than class to designate a template type parameter. After all, we can use built-in (nonclass) types as a template type argument. Moreover, typename more clearly indicates that the name that follows is a type name. However, typename was added to C++ after templates were already in widespread use; some programmers continue to use class exclusively

Get yesterday's date in bash on Linux, DST-safe

You can use:

date -d "yesterday 13:55" '+%Y-%m-%d'

Or whatever time you want to retrieve will retrieved by bash.

For month:

date -d "30 days ago" '+%Y-%m-%d'

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string - laravel

You might need to change your object to an array first. I dont know what export does, but I assume its expecting an array.

You can either use


Or if its a simple object, you can just typecast it.

$arr = (array) $Object;

What is the difference between the operating system and the kernel?

The kernel is part of the operating system and closer to the hardware it provides low level services like:

  • device driver
  • process management
  • memory management
  • system calls

An operating system also includes applications like the user interface (shell, gui, tools, and services).

Access blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check

If you are using Spring as Back-End server and especially using Spring Security then i found a solution by putting http.cors(); in the configure method. The method looks like that:

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                .authorizeRequests() // authorize
                .anyRequest().authenticated() // all requests are authenticated


Array String Declaration

As Tr?n Si Long suggested, use

String[] mStrings = new String[title.length];

And replace string concatation with proper parenthesis.

mStrings[i] = (urlbase + (title[i].replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]", ""))).toLowerCase() + imgSel;

Try this. If it's problem due to concatation, it will be resolved with proper brackets. Hope it helps.

What is the difference between a deep copy and a shallow copy?

Taken from [blog]:

Deep copy involves using the contents of one object to create another instance of the same class. In a deep copy, the two objects may contain ht same information but the target object will have its own buffers and resources. the destruction of either object will not affect the remaining object. The overloaded assignment operator would create a deep copy of objects.

Shallow copy involves copying the contents of one object into another instance of the same class thus creating a mirror image. Owing to straight copying of references and pointers, the two objects will share the same externally contained contents of the other object to be unpredictable.


Using a copy constructor we simply copy the data values member by member. This method of copying is called shallow copy. If the object is a simple class, comprised of built in types and no pointers this would be acceptable. This function would use the values and the objects and its behavior would not be altered with a shallow copy, only the addresses of pointers that are members are copied and not the value the address is pointing to. The data values of the object would then be inadvertently altered by the function. When the function goes out of scope, the copy of the object with all its data is popped off the stack.

If the object has any pointers a deep copy needs to be executed. With the deep copy of an object, memory is allocated for the object in free store and the elements pointed to are copied. A deep copy is used for objects that are returned from a function.

Get path from open file in Python

The key here is the name attribute of the f object representing the opened file. You get it like that:

>>> f = open('/Users/Desktop/febROSTER2012.xls')

Does it help?

Using jQuery To Get Size of Viewport

Please note that CSS3 viewport units (vh,vw) wouldn't play well on iOS When you scroll the page, viewport size is somehow recalculated and your size of element which uses viewport units also increases. So, actually some javascript is required.

Angular HTTP GET with TypeScript error http.get(...).map is not a function in [null]

Since Http service in angular2 returns an Observable type, From your Angular2 installation directory('node_modules' in my case),We need to import map function of the Observable in your component using http service,as:

import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

nginx error "conflicting server name" ignored

You have another server_name somewhere in the config.

Python if not == vs if !=

@jonrsharpe has an excellent explanation of what's going on. I thought I'd just show the difference in time when running each of the 3 options 10,000,000 times (enough for a slight difference to show).

Code used:

def a(x):
    if x != 'val':

def b(x):
    if not x == 'val':

def c(x):
    if x == 'val':

x = 1
for i in range(10000000):

And the cProfile profiler results:

enter image description here

So we can see that there is a very minute difference of ~0.7% between if not x == 'val': and if x != 'val':. Of these, if x != 'val': is the fastest.

However, most surprisingly, we can see that

if x == 'val':

is in fact the fastest, and beats if x != 'val': by ~0.3%. This isn't very readable, but I guess if you wanted a negligible performance improvement, one could go down this route.

Ruby, Difference between exec, system and %x() or Backticks


The system method calls a system program. You have to provide the command as a string argument to this method. For example:

>> system("date")
Wed Sep 4 22:03:44 CEST 2013
=> true

The invoked program will use the current STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR objects of your Ruby program. In fact, the actual return value is either true, false or nil. In the example the date was printed through the IO object of STDIN. The method will return true if the process exited with a zero status, false if the process exited with a non-zero status and nil if the execution failed.

As of Ruby 2.6, passing exception: true will raise an exception instead of returning false or nil:

>> system('invalid')
=> nil

>> system('invalid', exception: true)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory - invalid)

Another side effect is that the global variable $? is set to a Process::Status object. This object will contain information about the call itself, including the process identifier (PID) of the invoked process and the exit status.

>> system("date")
Wed Sep 4 22:11:02 CEST 2013
=> true
>> $?
=> #<Process::Status: pid 15470 exit 0>


Backticks (``) call a system program and return its output. As opposed to the first approach, the command is not provided through a string, but by putting it inside a backticks pair.

>> `date`
=> Wed Sep 4 22:22:51 CEST 2013   

The global variable $? is set through the backticks, too. With backticks you can also make use string interpolation.


Using %x is an alternative to the backticks style. It will return the output, too. Like its relatives %w and %q (among others), any delimiter will suffice as long as bracket-style delimiters match. This means %x(date), %x{date} and %x-date- are all synonyms. Like backticks %x can make use of string interpolation.


By using Kernel#exec the current process (your Ruby script) is replaced with the process invoked through exec. The method can take a string as argument. In this case the string will be subject to shell expansion. When using more than one argument, then the first one is used to execute a program and the following are provided as arguments to the program to be invoked.


Sometimes the required information is written to standard input or standard error and you need to get control over those as well. Here Open3.popen3 comes in handy:

require 'open3'

Open3.popen3("curl") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, thread|
   pid =

How to watch for array changes?

Not sure if this covers absolutely everything, but I use something like this (especially when debugging) to detect when an array has an element added:

var array = [1,2,3,4];
array = new Proxy(array, {
    set: function(target, key, value) {
        if (Number.isInteger(Number(key)) || key === 'length') {
            debugger; //or other code
        target[key] = value;
        return true;

The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection

I have solved it with adding some key in info.plist. The steps I followed are:

  1. Opened my Project target's info.plist file

  2. Added a Key called NSAppTransportSecurity as a Dictionary.

  3. Added a Subkey called NSAllowsArbitraryLoads as Boolean and set its value to YES as like following image.

enter image description here

Clean the Project and Now Everything is Running fine as like before.

Ref Link:

EDIT: OR In source code of info.plist file we can add that:


How to create bitmap from byte array?

Can be as easy as:

var ms = new MemoryStream(imageData);
System.Drawing.Image image = Image.FromStream(ms);


Testing it out:

byte[] imageData;

// Create the byte array.
var originalImage = Image.FromFile(@"C:\original.jpg");
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
    originalImage.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
    imageData = ms.ToArray();

// Convert back to image.
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(imageData))
    Image image = Image.FromStream(ms);

Docker Networking - nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream

If you are so lost for read the last comment. I have reached another solution.

The main problem is the way that you named the services names.

In this case, if in your docker-compose.yml, the service for php are called "api" or something like that, you must ensure that in the file nginx.conf the line that begins with fastcgi_pass have the same name as the php service. i.e fastcgi_pass api:9000;

Extract MSI from EXE

Quick List: There are a number of common types of setup.exe files. Here are some of them in a "short-list". More fleshed-out details here (towards bottom).

Setup.exe Extract: (various flavors to try)

setup.exe /a
setup.exe /s /extract_all
setup.exe /s /extract_all:[path]
setup.exe /stage_only
setup.exe /extract "C:\My work"
setup.exe /x
setup.exe /x [path]
setup.exe /s /x /b"C:\FolderInWhichMSIWillBeExtracted" /v"/qn"

dark.exe -x outputfolder setup.exe

dark.exe is a WiX binary - install WiX to extract a WiX setup.exe (as of now). More (section 4).

There is always:

setup.exe /?

MSI Extract: msiexec.exe / File.msi extraction:

 msiexec /a File.msi
 msiexec /a File.msi TARGETDIR=C:\MyInstallPoint /qn

Many Setup Tools: It is impossible to cover all the different kinds of possible setup.exe files. They might feature all kinds of different command line switches. There are so many possible tools that can be used. (non-MSI,MSI, admin-tools, multi-platform, etc...).

NSIS / Inno: Commmon, free tools such as Inno Setup seem to make extraction hard (unofficial unpacker, not tried by me, run by Whereas NSIS seems to use regular archives that standard archive software (7-zip et al) can open and extract.

General Tricks: One trick is to launch the setup.exe and look in the 1) system's temp folder for extracted files. Another trick is to use 2) 7-Zip, WinRAR, WinZip or similar archive tools to see if they can read the format. Some claim success by 3) opening the setup.exe in Visual Studio. Not a technique I use. 4) And there is obviously application repackaging - capturing the changes done to a computer after a setup has run and clean it up - requires a special tool (most of the free ones come and go, Advanced Installer Architect and AdminStudio are big players).

UPDATE: A quick presentation of various deployment tools used to create installers: How to create windows installer (comprehensive links).

And a simpler list view of the most used development tools as of now (2018), for quicker reading and overview.

And for safekeeping:

Just a disclaimer: A setup.exe file can contain an embedded MSI, it can be a legacy style (non-MSI) installer or it can be just a regular executable with no means of extraction whatsoever. The "discussion" below first presents the use of admin images for MSI files and how to extract MSI files from setup.exe files. Then it provides some links to handle other types of setup.exe files. Also see the comments section.

UPDATE: a few sections have now been added directly below, before the description of MSI file extract using administrative installation. Most significantly a blurb about extracting WiX setup.exe bundles (new kid on the block). Remember that a "last resort" to find extracted setup files, is to launch the installer and then look for extracted files in the temp folder (Hold down Windows Key, tap R, type %temp% or %tmp% and hit Enter) - try the other options first though - for reliability reasons.

Apologies for the "generalized mess" with all this heavy inter-linking. I do believe that you will find what you need if you dig enough in the links, but the content should really be cleaned up and organized better.

General links:

Extract content:

Vendor links:

WiX Toolkit & Burn Bundles (setup.exe files)

Tech Note: The WiX toolkit now delivers setup.exe files built with the bootstrapper tool Burn that you need the toolkit's own dark.exe decompiler to extract. Burn is used to build setup.exe files that can install several embedded MSI or executables in a specified sequence. Here is a sample extraction command:

dark.exe -x outputfolder MySetup.exe

Before you can run such an extraction, some prerequisite steps are required:

  1. Download and install the WiX toolkit (linking to a previous answer with some extra context information on WiX - as well as the download link).
  2. After installing WiX, just open a command prompt, CD to the folder where the setup.exe resides. Then specify the above command and press Enter
  3. The output folder will contain a couple of sub-folders containing both extracted MSI and EXE files and manifests and resource file for the Burn GUI (if any existed in the setup.exe file in the first place of course).
  4. You can now, in turn, extract the contents of the extracted MSI files (or EXE files). For an MSI that would mean running an admin install - as described below.

There is built-in MSI support for file extraction (admin install)

MSI or Windows Installer has built-in support for this - the extraction of files from an MSI file. This is called an administrative installation. It is basically intended as a way to create a network installation point from which the install can be run on many target computers. This ensures that the source files are always available for any repair operations.

Note that running an admin install versus using a zip tool to extract the files is very different! The latter will not adjust the media layout of the media table so that the package is set to use external source files - which is the correct way. Always prefer to run the actual admin install over any hacky zip extractions. As to compression, there are actually three different compression algorithms used for the cab files inside the MSI file format: MSZip, LZX, and Storing (uncompressed). All of these are handled correctly by doing an admin install.

Important: Windows Installer caches installed MSI files on the system for repair, modify and uninstall scenarios. Starting with Windows 7 (MSI version 5) the MSI files are now cached full size to avoid breaking the file signature that prevents the UAC prompt on setup launch (a known Vista problem). This may cause a tremendous increase in disk space consumption (several gigabytes for some systems). To prevent caching a huge MSI file, you should run an admin-install of the package before installing. This is how a company with proper deployment in a managed network would do things, and it will strip out the cab files and make a network install point with a small MSI file and files besides it.

Admin-installs have many uses

It is recommended to read more about admin-installs since it is a useful concept, and I have written a post on stackoverflow: What is the purpose of administrative installation initiated using msiexec /a?.

In essence the admin install is important for:

  • Extracting and inspecting the installer files
    • To get an idea of what is actually being installed and where
    • To ensure that the files look trustworthy and secure (no viruses - malware and viruses can still hide inside the MSI file though)
  • Deployment via systems management software (for example SCCM)
  • Corporate application repackaging
  • Repair, modify and self-repair operations
  • Patching & upgrades
  • MSI advertisement (among other details this involves the "run from source" feature where you can run directly from a network share and you only install shortcuts and registry data)
  • A number of other smaller details

Please read the stackoverflow post linked above for more details. It is quite an important concept for system administrators, application packagers, setup developers, release managers, and even the average user to see what they are installing etc...

Admin-install, practical how-to

You can perform an admin-install in a few different ways depending on how the installer is delivered. Essentially it is either delivered as an MSI file or wrapped in an setup.exe file.

Run these commands from an elevated command prompt, and follow the instructions in the GUI for the interactive command lines:

  • MSI files:

    msiexec /a File.msi

    that's to run with GUI, you can do it silently too:

    msiexec /a File.msi TARGETDIR=C:\MyInstallPoint /qn
  • setup.exe files:

    setup.exe /a

A setup.exe file can also be a legacy style setup (non-MSI) or the dreaded Installscript MSI file type - a well known buggy Installshield project type with hybrid non-standards-compliant MSI format. It is essentially an MSI with a custom, more advanced GUI, but it is also full of bugs.

For legacy setup.exe files the /a will do nothing, but you can try the /extract_all:[path] switch as explained in this pdf. It is a good reference for silent installation and other things as well. Another resource is this list of Installshield setup.exe command line parameters.

MSI patch files (*.MSP) can be applied to an admin image to properly extract its files. 7Zip will also be able to extract the files, but they will not be properly formatted.

Finally - the last resort - if no other way works, you can get hold of extracted setup files by cleaning out the temp folder on your system, launch the setup.exe interactively and then wait for the first dialog to show up. In most cases the installer will have extracted a bunch of files to a temp folder. Sometimes the files are plain, other times in CAB format, but Winzip, 7Zip or even Universal Extractor (haven't tested this product) - may be able to open these.

GROUP BY to combine/concat a column

     [User], Activity,
         (SELECT DISTINCT ',' + PageURL
          FROM TableName
          WHERE [User] = a.[User] AND Activity = a.Activity
          FOR XML PATH (''))
          , 1, 1, '')  AS URLList
FROM TableName AS a
GROUP BY [User], Activity

When to use Hadoop, HBase, Hive and Pig?

Consider that you work with RDBMS and have to select what to use - full table scans, or index access - but only one of them.
If you select full table scan - use hive. If index access - HBase.

How to remove tab indent from several lines in IDLE?

< key

depends on your editor.

Data-frame Object has no Attribute

Check your DataFrame with data.columns

It should print something like this

Index([u'regiment', u'company',  u'name',u'postTestScore'], dtype='object')

Check for hidden white spaces..Then you can rename with

data = data.rename(columns={'Number ': 'Number'})

How do I get a list of installed CPAN modules?

The following worked for me.

$ perldoc perllocal | grep Module
$ perldoc perllocal | grep -E 'VERSION|Module'

How do I insert non breaking space character &nbsp; in a JSF page?

I found that the parser would complain if I used the &nbsp; entity in my page. After a little research, I learned that if I added a DOCTYPE declaration to the beginning of the page, the entity was allowed. I use this DOCTYPE declaration:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

A side effect of this is that the resulting code (as seen by using the "view source" feature of a web browser) doesn't actually contain the &nbsp; entity. It instead includes the actual characters that represent a nonbreaking space. Although it works, it's not really what I want. I'm still looking for a way to make the parser not replace the entity with the character.

More information here: