Programs & Examples On #Cookies

An HTTP cookie is a piece of data stored by the user's web browser. Unless otherwise specified, cookies can be created, read, modified and deleted both by JavaScript and from server-side through HTTP headers.

How can I create persistent cookies in ASP.NET?

FWIW be very careful with storing something like a userid in a cookie unencrypted. Doing this makes your site very prone to cookie poisoning where users can easily impersonate another user. If you are considering something like this I would highly recommend using the forms authentication cookie directly.

bool persist = true;

var cookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(loginUser.ContactId, persist);

cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(3);

var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value);

var userData = "store any string values you want inside the ticket
                 extra than user id that will be encrypted"

var newTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(ticket.Version, ticket.Name,
     ticket.IssueDate, ticket.Expiration, ticket.IsPersistent, userData);

cookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newTicket);


Then you can read this at any time from an ASP.NET page by doing

string userId = null;
if (this.Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) 
    userId = this.Context.User.Identity.Name;

How does cookie based authentication work?

I realize this is years late, but I thought I could expand on Conor's answer and add a little bit more to the discussion.

Can someone give me a step by step description of how cookie based authentication works? I've never done anything involving either authentication or cookies. What does the browser need to do? What does the server need to do? In what order? How do we keep things secure?

Step 1: Client > Signing up

Before anything else, the user has to sign up. The client posts a HTTP request to the server containing his/her username and password.

Step 2: Server > Handling sign up

The server receives this request and hashes the password before storing the username and password in your database. This way, if someone gains access to your database they won't see your users' actual passwords.

Step 3: Client > User login

Now your user logs in. He/she provides their username/password and again, this is posted as a HTTP request to the server.

Step 4: Server > Validating login

The server looks up the username in the database, hashes the supplied login password, and compares it to the previously hashed password in the database. If it doesn't check out, we may deny them access by sending a 401 status code and ending the request.

Step 5: Server > Generating access token

If everything checks out, we're going to create an access token, which uniquely identifies the user's session. Still in the server, we do two things with the access token:

  1. Store it in the database associated with that user
  2. Attach it to a response cookie to be returned to the client. Be sure to set an expiration date/time to limit the user's session

Henceforth, the cookies will be attached to every request (and response) made between the client and server.

Step 6: Client > Making page requests

Back on the client side, we are now logged in. Every time the client makes a request for a page that requires authorization (i.e. they need to be logged in), the server obtains the access token from the cookie and checks it against the one in the database associated with that user. If it checks out, access is granted.

This should get you started. Be sure to clear the cookies upon logout!

Set cookie and get cookie with JavaScript

Check JavaScript Cookies on for setting and getting cookie values via JS.

Just use the setCookie and getCookie methods mentioned there.

So, the code will look something like:

function setCookie(c_name, value, exdays) {
    var exdate = new Date();
    exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
    var c_value = escape(value) + ((exdays == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString());
    document.cookie = c_name + "=" + c_value;

function getCookie(c_name) {
    var i, x, y, ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";");
    for (i = 0; i < ARRcookies.length; i++) {
        x = ARRcookies[i].substr(0, ARRcookies[i].indexOf("="));
        y = ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=") + 1);
        x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
        if (x == c_name) {
            return unescape(y);

function cssSelected() {
    var cssSelected = $('#myList')[0].value;
    if (cssSelected !== "select") {
        setCookie("selectedCSS", cssSelected, 3);

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#myList')[0].value = getCookie("selectedCSS");
<select id="myList" onchange="cssSelected();">
    <option value="select">--Select--</option>
    <option value="style-1.css">CSS1</option>
    <option value="style-2.css">CSS2</option>
    <option value="style-3.css">CSS3</option>
    <option value="style-4.css">CSS4</option>

What is the difference between server side cookie and client side cookie?

What is the difference between creating cookies on the server and on the client?

What you are referring to are the 2 ways in which cookies can be directed to be set on the client, which are:

  • By server
  • By client ( browser in most cases )

By server: The Set-cookie response header from the server directs the client to set a cookie on that particular domain. The implementation to actually create and store the cookie lies in the browser. For subsequent requests to the same domain, the browser automatically sets the Cookie request header for each request, thereby letting the server have some state to an otherwise stateless HTTP protocol. The Domain and Path cookie attributes are used by the browser to determine which cookies are to be sent to a server. The server only receives name=value pairs, and nothing more.

By Client: One can create a cookie on the browser using document.cookie = cookiename=cookievalue. However, if the server does not intend to respond to any random cookie a user creates, then such a cookie serves no purpose.

Are these called server side cookies and client side cookies?

Cookies always belong to the client. There is no such thing as server side cookie.

Is there a way to create cookies that can only be read on the server or on the client?

Since reading cookie values are upto the server and client, it depends if either one needs to read the cookie at all. On the client side, by setting the HttpOnly attribute of the cookie, it is possible to prevent scripts ( mostly Javscript ) from reading your cookies , thereby acting as a defence mechanism against Cookie theft through XSS, but sends the cookie to the intended server only.

Therefore, in most of the cases since cookies are used to bring 'state' ( memory of past user events ), creating cookies on client side does not add much value, unless one is aware of the cookies the server uses / responds to.

References: Wikipedia

Check if cookie exists else set cookie to Expire in 10 days

if (/(^|;)\s*visited=/.test(document.cookie)) {
    alert("Hello again!");
} else {
    document.cookie = "visited=true; max-age=" + 60 * 60 * 24 * 10; // 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour, 24 hours to a day, and 10 days.
    alert("This is your first time!");

is one way to do it. Note that document.cookie is a magic property, so you don't have to worry about overwriting anything, either.

There are also more convenient libraries to work with cookies, and if you don’t need the information you’re storing sent to the server on every request, HTML5’s localStorage and friends are convenient and useful.

Cookie blocked/not saved in IFRAME in Internet Explorer

Anyone having this problem in node.js.

Then add this p3p module, and enable this module at middleware.

npm install p3p

I am using express so I add it in app.js

First require that module in app.js

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var p3p = require('p3p');

then use it as middleware


It will add p3p headers at res object. No need to do any extra things.

You will get more info at:

How to get the cookie value in website

HttpCookie cook = new HttpCookie("testcook");
cook = Request.Cookies["CookName"];
if (cook != null)
    lbl_cookie_value.Text = cook.Value;
    lbl_cookie_value.Text = "Empty value";

Reference Click here

Cookies on localhost with explicit domain

Tried all of the options above. What worked for me was:

  1. Make sure the request to server have withCredentials set to true. XMLHttpRequest from a different domain cannot set cookie values for their own domain unless withCredentials is set to true before making the request.
  2. Do not set Domain
  3. Set Path=/

Resulting Set-Cookie header:

Set-Cookie: session_token=74528588-7c48-4546-a3ae-4326e22449e5; Expires=Sun, 16 Aug 2020 04:40:42 GMT; Path=/

How do you set up use HttpOnly cookies in PHP

For PHP's own session cookies on Apache:
add this to your Apache configuration or .htaccess

<IfModule php5_module>
    php_flag session.cookie_httponly on

This can also be set within a script, as long as it is called before session_start().

ini_set( 'session.cookie_httponly', 1 );

Send cookies with curl

You can use -b to specify a cookie file to read the cookies from as well.

In many situations using -c and -b to the same file is what you want:

curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt


Using only -c will make curl start with no cookies but still parse and understand cookies and if redirects or multiple URLs are used, it will then use the received cookies within the single invoke before it writes them all to the output file in the end.

The -b option feeds a set of initial cookies into curl so that it knows about them at start, and it activates curl's cookie parser so that it'll parse and use incoming cookies as well.

See Also

The cookies chapter in the Everything curl book.

jQuery $.cookie is not a function

add this cookie plugin for jquery.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

What are allowed characters in cookies?

I think it's generally browser specific. To be on the safe side, base64 encode a JSON object, and store everything in that. That way you just have to decode it and parse the JSON. All the characters used in base64 should play fine with most, if not all browsers.

Check if a PHP cookie exists and if not set its value

Cookies are only sent at the time of the request, and therefore cannot be retrieved as soon as it is assigned (only available after reloading).

Once the cookies have been set, they can be accessed on the next page load with the $_COOKIE or $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS arrays.

If output exists prior to calling this function, setcookie() will fail and return FALSE. If setcookie() successfully runs, it will return TRUE. This does not indicate whether the user accepted the cookie.

Cookies will not become visible until the next loading of a page that the cookie should be visible for. To test if a cookie was successfully set, check for the cookie on a next loading page before the cookie expires. Expire time is set via the expire parameter. A nice way to debug the existence of cookies is by simply calling print_r($_COOKIE);.


Cookies vs. sessions


Criteria / factors Sessions Cookies
Epoch (start of existence) Created BEFORE an HTTP response Created AFTER an HTTP response
Availability during the first HTTP request YES NO
Availability during the succeeding HTTP requests YES YES
Ultimate control for the data and expiration Server administrator End-user
Default expiration Expires earlier than cookies Lasts longer than sessions
Server costs Memory Memory
Network costs None Unnecessary extra bytes
Browser costs None Memory
Security Difficult to hijack Easy to hijack
Deprecation None Now discouraged in favor of the JavaScript "Web Storage"


Advantages and disadvantages are subjective. They can result in a dichotomy (an advantage for some, but considered disadvantage for others). Instead, I laid out above the factors that can help you decide which one to pick.

Existence during the first HTTP request-and-response

Let's just say you are a server-side person who wants to process both the session and cookie. The first HTTP handshake will go like so:

  1. Browser prepares the HTTP request -- SESSIONS: not available; COOKIES: not available
  2. Browser sends the HTTP request
  3. Server receives the HTTP request
  4. Server processes the HTTP request -- SESSIONS: existed; COOKIES: cast
  5. Server sends the HTTP response
  6. Browser receives the HTTP response
  7. Browser processes the HTTP response -- SESSIONS: not available; COOKIES: existed

In step 1, the browser have no idea of the contents of both sessions and cookies. In step 4, the server can have the opportunity to set the values of the session and cookies.

Availability during the succeeding HTTP requests-and-responses

  1. Browser prepares the HTTP request -- SESSIONS: not available; COOKIES: available
  2. Browser sends the HTTP request
  3. Server receives the HTTP request
  4. Server processes the HTTP request -- SESSIONS: available; COOKIES: available
  5. Server sends the HTTP response
  6. Browser receives the HTTP response
  7. Browser processes the HTTP response -- SESSIONS: not available; COOKIES: available


Let's say in a single web page you are loading 20 resources hosted by, those 20 resources will carry extra bytes of information about the cookies. Even if it's just a resource request for CSS or a JPG image, it would still carry cookies in their headers on the way to the server. Should an HTTP request to a JPG resource carry a bunch of unnecessary cookies?


There is no replacement for sessions. For cookies, there are many other options in storing data in the browser rather than the old school cookies.

Storing of user data

Session is safer for storing user data because it can not be modified by the end-user and can only be set on the server-side. Cookies on the other hand can be hijacked because they are just stored on the browser.

CURL to access a page that requires a login from a different page

My answer is a mod of some prior answers from @JoeMills and @user.

  1. Get a cURL command to log into server:

    • Load login page for website and open Network pane of Developer Tools
      • In firefox, right click page, choose 'Inspect Element (Q)' and click on Network tab
    • Go to login form, enter username, password and log in
    • After you have logged in, go back to Network pane and scroll to the top to find the POST entry. Right click and choose Copy -> Copy as CURL
    • Paste this to a text editor and try this in command prompt to see if it works
      • Its possible that some sites have hardening that will block this type of login spoofing that would require more steps below to bypass.
  2. Modify cURL command to be able to save session cookie after login

    • Remove the entry -H 'Cookie: <somestuff>'
    • Add after curl at beginning -c login_cookie.txt
    • Try running this updated curl command and you should get a new file 'login_cookie.txt' in the same folder
  3. Call a new web page using this new cookie that requires you to be logged in

    • curl -b login_cookie.txt <url_that_requires_log_in>

I have tried this on Ubuntu 20.04 and it works like a charm.

Create, read, and erase cookies with jQuery

Use jquery cookie plugin, the link as working today:

How do I check if a cookie exists?

If you're using jQuery, you can use the jquery.cookie plugin.

Getting the value for a particular cookie is done as follows:

$.cookie('MyCookie'); // Returns the cookie value

How to expire a cookie in 30 minutes using jQuery?

I had issues getting the above code to work within cookie.js. The following code managed to create the correct timestamp for the cookie expiration in my instance.

var inFifteenMinutes = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 15 * 60 * 1000);

This was from the FAQs for Cookie.js

Share cookie between subdomain and domain

The 2 domains and can only share cookies if the domain is explicitly named in the Set-Cookie header. Otherwise, the scope of the cookie is restricted to the request host. (This is referred to as a "host-only cookie". See What is a host only cookie?)

For instance, if you sent the following header from, then the cookie won't be sent for requests to

Set-Cookie: name=value

However if you use the following, it will be usable on both domains:

Set-Cookie: name=value;

This cookie will be sent for any subdomain of, including nested subdomains like

In RFC 2109, a domain without a leading dot meant that it could not be used on subdomains, and only a leading dot ( would allow it to be used across multiple subdomains (but not the top-level domain, so what you ask was not possible in the older spec).

However, all modern browsers respect the newer specification RFC 6265, and will ignore any leading dot, meaning you can use the cookie on subdomains as well as the top-level domain.

In summary, if you set a cookie like the second example above from, it would be accessible by, and vice versa. This can also be used to allow and to share cookies.

See also:

PHP Curl And Cookies

In working with a similar problem I created the following function after combining a lot of resources I ran into on the web, and adding my own cookie handling. Hopefully this is useful to someone else.

      function get_web_page( $url, $cookiesIn = '' ){
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,     // return web page
            CURLOPT_HEADER         => true,     //return headers in addition to content
            CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,     // follow redirects
            CURLOPT_ENCODING       => "",       // handle all encodings
            CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER    => true,     // set referer on redirect
            CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 120,      // timeout on connect
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT        => 120,      // timeout on response
            CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS      => 10,       // stop after 10 redirects
            CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT    => true,
            CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true,     // Validate SSL Certificates
            CURLOPT_COOKIE         => $cookiesIn

        $ch      = curl_init( $url );
        curl_setopt_array( $ch, $options );
        $rough_content = curl_exec( $ch );
        $err     = curl_errno( $ch );
        $errmsg  = curl_error( $ch );
        $header  = curl_getinfo( $ch );
        curl_close( $ch );

        $header_content = substr($rough_content, 0, $header['header_size']);
        $body_content = trim(str_replace($header_content, '', $rough_content));
        $pattern = "#Set-Cookie:\\s+(?<cookie>[^=]+=[^;]+)#m"; 
        preg_match_all($pattern, $header_content, $matches); 
        $cookiesOut = implode("; ", $matches['cookie']);

        $header['errno']   = $err;
        $header['errmsg']  = $errmsg;
        $header['headers']  = $header_content;
        $header['content'] = $body_content;
        $header['cookies'] = $cookiesOut;
    return $header;

How do I set path while saving a cookie value in JavaScript?

simply: document.cookie="name=value;path=/";

There is a negative point to it

Now, the cookie will be available to all directories on the domain it is set from. If the website is just one of many at that domain, it’s best not to do this because everyone else will also have access to your cookie information.

Get cookie by name

If you use jQuery I recommend you to use this plugin:

<script type="text/javascript"

So you can read cookie like this:

var value = $.cookie("obligations");

Also you can write cookie:

$.cookie('obligations', 'new_value');
$.cookie('obligations', 'new_value', { expires: 14, path: '/' });

Delete cookie:


Creating a JavaScript cookie on a domain and reading it across sub domains

You can also use the Cookies API and do:

  url: '',
  name: 'HelloWorld',
  value: 'HelloWorld',
  expirationDate: myDate

MDN Set() Method Documentation

Correct way to delete cookies server-side

Sending the same cookie value with ; expires appended will not destroy the cookie.

Invalidate the cookie by setting an empty value and include an expires field as well:

Set-Cookie: token=deleted; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

Note that you cannot force all browsers to delete a cookie. The client can configure the browser in such a way that the cookie persists, even if it's expired. Setting the value as described above would solve this problem.

How do I make an http request using cookies on Android?

Since Apache library is deprecated, for those who want to use HttpURLConncetion , I wrote this class to send Get and Post Request with the help of this answer:

public class WebService {

static final String COOKIES_HEADER = "Set-Cookie";
static final String COOKIE = "Cookie";

static CookieManager msCookieManager = new CookieManager();

private static int responseCode;

public static String sendPost(String requestURL, String urlParameters) {

    URL url;
    String response = "";
    try {
        url = new URL(requestURL);

        HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

        conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");

        if (msCookieManager.getCookieStore().getCookies().size() > 0) {
            //While joining the Cookies, use ',' or ';' as needed. Most of the server are using ';'
            conn.setRequestProperty(COOKIE ,
                    TextUtils.join(";", msCookieManager.getCookieStore().getCookies()));


        OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream();
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(
                new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8"));

        if (urlParameters != null) {

        Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = conn.getHeaderFields();
        List<String> cookiesHeader = headerFields.get(COOKIES_HEADER);

        if (cookiesHeader != null) {
            for (String cookie : cookiesHeader) {
                msCookieManager.getCookieStore().add(null, HttpCookie.parse(cookie).get(0));


        if (getResponseCode() == HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {

            String line;
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                response += line;
        } else {
            response = "";
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return response;

// HTTP GET request
public static String sendGet(String url) throws Exception {

    URL obj = new URL(url);
    HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();

    // optional default is GET

    //add request header 
    con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla");
    * Get Cookies form cookieManager and load them to connection:
    if (msCookieManager.getCookieStore().getCookies().size() > 0) {
        //While joining the Cookies, use ',' or ';' as needed. Most of the server are using ';'
        con.setRequestProperty(COOKIE ,
                TextUtils.join(";", msCookieManager.getCookieStore().getCookies()));

    * Get Cookies form response header and load them to cookieManager:
    Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = con.getHeaderFields();
    List<String> cookiesHeader = headerFields.get(COOKIES_HEADER);
    if (cookiesHeader != null) {
        for (String cookie : cookiesHeader) {
            msCookieManager.getCookieStore().add(null, HttpCookie.parse(cookie).get(0));

    int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();

    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
    String inputLine;
    StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();

    while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

    return response.toString();

public static void setResponseCode(int responseCode) {
    WebService.responseCode = responseCode;
    Log.i("Milad", "responseCode" + responseCode);

public static int getResponseCode() {
    return responseCode;

Django Cookies, how can I set them?

Using Django's session framework should cover most scenarios, but Django also now provide direct cookie manipulation methods on the request and response objects (so you don't need a helper function).

Setting a cookie:

def view(request):
  response = HttpResponse('blah')
  response.set_cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value')

Retrieving a cookie:

def view(request):
  value = request.COOKIES.get('cookie_name')
  if value is None:
    # Cookie is not set

  # OR

    value = request.COOKIES['cookie_name']
  except KeyError:
    # Cookie is not set

Clearing all cookies with JavaScript

//Delete all cookies
function deleteAllCookies() {
    var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
    for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
        var cookie = cookies[i];
        var eqPos = cookie.indexOf("=");
        var name = eqPos > -1 ? cookie.substr(0, eqPos) : cookie;
        document.cookie = name + '=;' +
            'expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT;' +
            'path=' + '/;' +
            'domain=' + + ';' +

What is the best way to implement "remember me" for a website?

Investigating persistent sessions myself I have found that it's simply not worth the security risk. Use it if you absolutely have to, but you should consider such a session only weakly authenticated and force a new login for anything that could be of value to an attacker.

The reason being of course is that your cookies containing your persistent session are so easily stolen.

4 ways to steal your cookies (from a comment by Jens Roland on the page @splattne based his answer on):

  1. By intercepting it over an unsecure line (packet sniffing / session hijacking)
  2. By directly accessing the user's browser (via either malware or physical access to the box)
  3. By reading it from the server database (probably SQL Injection, but could be anything)
  4. By an XSS hack (or similar client-side exploit)

How to fix "set SameSite cookie to none" warning?

I am using both JavaScript Cookie and Java CookieUtil in my project, below settings solved my problem:

JavaScript Cookie

var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (30*24*60*60*1000)); //keep cookie 30 days
var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString();         
document.cookie = "visitName" + "=Hailin;" + expires + ";path=/;SameSite=None;Secure"; //can set SameSite=Lax also

JAVA Cookie (set proxy_cookie_path in Nginx)

location / {
   proxy_pass http://96.xx.xx.34;
   proxy_intercept_errors on;
   #can set SameSite=None also
   proxy_cookie_path / "/;SameSite=Lax;secure";
   proxy_connect_timeout 600;
   proxy_read_timeout 600;

Check result in Firefox enter image description here


Fetch API with Cookie

In addition to @Khanetor's answer, for those who are working with cross-origin requests: credentials: 'include'

Sample JSON fetch request:

fetch(url, {
  method: 'GET',
  credentials: 'include'
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((json) => {
  }).catch((err) => {

Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery

I had this same problem. The session ID is sent in a cookie, but since the request is cross-domain, the browser's security settings will block the cookie from being sent.

Solution: Generate the session ID on the client (in the browser), use Javascript sessionStorage to store the session ID then send the session ID with each request to the server.

I struggled a lot with this issue, and there weren't many good answers around. Here's an article detailing the solution: Javascript Cross-Domain Request With Session

How can I set a cookie in react?

By default, when you fetch your URL, React native sets the cookie.

To see cookies and make sure that you can use the package. I used to be very satisfied with it.

Of course, Fetch does this when it does

credentials: "include",// or "some-origin"

Well, but how to use it

--- after installation this package ----

to get cookies:

import Cookie from 'react-native-cookie';

Cookie.get('url').then((cookie) => {

to set cookies:

Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies', 'value  of cookies');

only this

But if you want a few, you can do it

1- as nested:

Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 1', 'value  of cookies 1')
        .then(() => {
            Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 2', 'value  of cookies 2')
            .then(() => {

2- as back together

Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 1', 'value  of cookies 1');
Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 2', 'value  of cookies 2');
Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 3', 'value  of cookies 3');

Now, if you want to make sure the cookies are set up, you can get it again to make sure.

Cookie.get('url').then((cookie) => {

How to update and delete a cookie?

check this out A little framework: a complete cookies reader/writer with full Unicode support

|*|  :: cookies.js ::
|*|  A complete cookies reader/writer framework with full unicode support.
|*|  Revision #1 - September 4, 2014
|*|  This framework is released under the GNU Public License, version 3 or later.
|*|  Syntaxes:
|*|  * docCookies.setItem(name, value[, end[, path[, domain[, secure]]]])
|*|  * docCookies.getItem(name)
|*|  * docCookies.removeItem(name[, path[, domain]])
|*|  * docCookies.hasItem(name)
|*|  * docCookies.keys()

var docCookies = {
  getItem: function (sKey) {
    if (!sKey) { return null; }
    return decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;)\\s*" + encodeURIComponent(sKey).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"), "$1")) || null;
  setItem: function (sKey, sValue, vEnd, sPath, sDomain, bSecure) {
    if (!sKey || /^(?:expires|max\-age|path|domain|secure)$/i.test(sKey)) { return false; }
    var sExpires = "";
    if (vEnd) {
      switch (vEnd.constructor) {
        case Number:
          sExpires = vEnd === Infinity ? "; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT" : "; max-age=" + vEnd;
        case String:
          sExpires = "; expires=" + vEnd;
        case Date:
          sExpires = "; expires=" + vEnd.toUTCString();
    document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(sKey) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(sValue) + sExpires + (sDomain ? "; domain=" + sDomain : "") + (sPath ? "; path=" + sPath : "") + (bSecure ? "; secure" : "");
    return true;
  removeItem: function (sKey, sPath, sDomain) {
    if (!this.hasItem(sKey)) { return false; }
    document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(sKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" + (sDomain ? "; domain=" + sDomain : "") + (sPath ? "; path=" + sPath : "");
    return true;
  hasItem: function (sKey) {
    if (!sKey) { return false; }
    return (new RegExp("(?:^|;\\s*)" + encodeURIComponent(sKey).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "\\s*\\=")).test(document.cookie);
  keys: function () {
    var aKeys = document.cookie.replace(/((?:^|\s*;)[^\=]+)(?=;|$)|^\s*|\s*(?:\=[^;]*)?(?:\1|$)/g, "").split(/\s*(?:\=[^;]*)?;\s*/);
    for (var nLen = aKeys.length, nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) { aKeys[nIdx] = decodeURIComponent(aKeys[nIdx]); }
    return aKeys;

PHP - Session destroy after closing browser

Use a keep alive.

On login:

$_SESSION['last_action'] = time();

An ajax call every few (eg 20) seconds:

windows.setInterval(keepAliveCall, 20000);

Server side keepalive.php:

$_SESSION['last_action'] = time();

On every other action:

if ($_SESSION['last_action'] < time() - 30 /* be a little tolerant here */) {
  // destroy the session and quit

Javascript Cookie with no expiration date

There is no syntax for what you want. Not setting expires causes the cookie to expire at the end of the session. The only option is to pick some arbitrarily large value. Be aware that some browsers have problems with dates past 2038 (when unix epoch time exceeds a 32-bit int).

What is the best way to prevent session hijacking?

Try Secure Cookie protocol described in this paper by Liu, Kovacs, Huang, and Gouda:

As stated in document:

A secure cookie protocol that runs between a client and a server needs to provide the following four services: authentication, confidentiality, integrity and anti-replay.

As for ease of deployment:

In terms of efficiency, our protocol does not involve any database lookup or public key cryptography. In terms of deployability, our protocol can be easily deployed on an existing web server, and it does not require any change to the Internet cookie specication.

In short: it is secure, lightweight, works for me just great.


PHPSESSID is an auto generated session cookie by the server which contains a random long number which is given out by the server itself

How do I create and read a value from cookie?

I have written simple cookieUtils, it has three functions for creating the cookie, reading the cookie and deleting the cookie.

var CookieUtils = {
    createCookie: function (name, value, expireTime) {
        expireTime = !!expireTime ? expireTime : (15 * 60 * 1000); // Default 15 min
        var date = new Date();
        date.setTime(date.getTime() + expireTime);
        var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
        document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
    getCookie: function (name) {
        var value = "; " + document.cookie;
        var parts = value.split("; " + name + "=");
        if (parts.length == 2) {
            return parts.pop().split(";").shift();
    deleteCookie: function(name) {
        document.cookie = name +'=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

Display A Popup Only Once Per User

The best solution is to save a Boolean value in the database and then obtain that value and validate whether or not the modal was opened for that user, this value could be in the user table for example.

Arrays in cookies PHP

To store the array values in cookie, first you need to convert them to string, so here is some options.

Storing cookies as JSON

Storing code

setcookie('your_cookie_name', json_encode($info), time()+3600);

Reading code

$data = json_decode($_COOKIE['your_cookie_name'], true);

JSON can be good choose also if you need read cookie in front end with JavaScript.

Actually you can use any encrypt_array_to_string/decrypt_array_from_string methods group that will convert array to string and convert string back to same array. For example you can also use explode/implode for array of integers.

Warning: Do not use serialize/unserialize


enter image description here

Do not pass untrusted user input to unserialize(). - Anything that coming by HTTP including cookies is untrusted!

References related to security

As an alternative solution, you can do it also without converting array to string.

setcookie('my_array[0]', 'value1' , time()+3600);
setcookie('my_array[1]', 'value2' , time()+3600);
setcookie('my_array[2]', 'value3' , time()+3600);

And after if you will print $_COOKIE variable, you will see the following

echo '<pre>';
print_r( $_COOKIE );
    [my_array] => Array
            [0] => value1
            [1] => value2
            [2] => value3


This is documented PHP feature.


Cookies names can be set as array names and will be available to your PHP scripts as arrays but separate cookies are stored on the user's system.

Are HTTP cookies port specific?

I was experiencing a similar problem running (and trying to debug) two different Django applications on the same machine.

I was running them with these commands:

./ runserver 8000
./ runserver 8001

When I did login in the first one and then in the second one I always got logged out the first one and viceversa.

I added this on my /etc/hosts    app1    app2

Then I started the two apps with these commands:

./ runserver app1:8000
./ runserver app2:8001

Problem solved :)

Get and Set a Single Cookie with Node.js HTTP Server

First one needs to create cookie (I have wrapped token inside cookie as an example) and then set it in response.To use the cookie in following way install cookieParser


The browser will have it saved in its 'Resource' tab and will be used for every request thereafter taking the initial URL as base

var token = student.generateToken('authentication');
        res.cookie('token', token, {
            expires: new Date( + 9999999),
            httpOnly: false

To get cookie from a request on the server side is easy too.You have to extract the cookie from request by calling 'cookie' property of the request object.

var token = req.cookies.token; // Retrieving Token stored in cookies

Read a javascript cookie by name

The simplest way to read a cookie I can think is using Regexp like this:

**Replace COOKIE_NAME with the name of your cookie.


How does it work?

Cookies are stored in document.cookie like this: cookieName=cookieValue;cookieName2=cookieValue2;.....

The regex searches the whole cookie string for literaly "COOKIE_NAME=" and captures anything after it that is not a semicolon until it actually finds a semicolon;

Then we use [1] to get the second item from array, which is the captured group.

How to Delete Session Cookie?

A session cookie is just a normal cookie without an expiration date. Those are handled by the browser to be valid until the window is closed or program is quit.

But if the cookie is a httpOnly cookie (a cookie with the httpOnly parameter set), you cannot read, change or delete it from outside of HTTP (meaning it must be changed on the server).

How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?

if (isSet($_SESSION['started'])){
    if((mktime() - $_SESSION['started'] - 60*30) > 0){
        //Logout, destroy session, etc.
else {
    $_SESSION['started'] = mktime();

How to set cookie value with AJAX request?

Basically, ajax request as well as synchronous request sends your document cookies automatically. So, you need to set your cookie to document, not to request. However, your request is cross-domain, and things became more complicated. Basing on this answer, additionally to set document cookie, you should allow its sending to cross-domain environment:

type: "GET",    
url: "",
cache: false,
// NO setCookies option available, set cookie to document
//setCookies: "lkfh89asdhjahska7al446dfg5kgfbfgdhfdbfgcvbcbc dfskljvdfhpl",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: 'json',
xhrFields: {
    withCredentials: true
success: function (data) {

Can I set the cookies to be used by a WKWebView?

The reason behind posted this answer is I tried many solution but no one work properly, most of the answer not work in case where have to set cookie first time, and got result cookie not sync first time, Please use this solution it work for both iOS >= 11.0 <= iOS 11 till 8.0, also work with cookie sync first time.

For iOS >= 11.0 -- Swift 4.2

Get http cookies and set in wkwebview cookie store like this way, it's very tricky point to load your request in wkwebview, must sent request for loading when cookies gonna be set completely, here is function that i wrote.

Call function with closure in completion you call load webview. FYI this function only handle iOS >= 11.0

self.WwebView.syncCookies {
    if let request = self.request {

Here is implementation for syncCookies function.

func syncCookies(completion:@escaping ()->Void) {

if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {

      if let yourCookie = "HERE_YOUR_HTTP_COOKIE_OBJECT" {
        self.configuration.websiteDataStore.httpCookieStore.setCookie(yourCookie, completionHandler: {
  } else {
  //Falback just sent 

For iOS 8 till iOS 11

you need to setup some extra things you need to set two time cookies one through using WKUserScript and dont forget to add cookies in request as well, otherwise your cookie not sync first time and you will see you page not load first time properly. this is the heck that i found to support cookies for iOS 8.0

before you Wkwebview object creation.

func setUpWebView() {

    let userController: WKUserContentController = WKUserContentController.init()

    if IOSVersion.SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(version: "11.0") {
        if let cookies = HTTPCookieStorage.shared.cookies {
            if let script = getJSCookiesString(for: cookies) {
                cookieScript = WKUserScript(source: script, injectionTime: .atDocumentStart, forMainFrameOnly: false)

    let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
    webConfiguration.processPool = BaseWebViewController.processPool

    webConfiguration.userContentController = userController

    let customFrame = CGRect.init(origin:, size: CGSize.init(width: 0.0, height: self.webContainerView.frame.size.height))
    self.WwebView = WKWebView (frame: customFrame, configuration: webConfiguration)
    self.WwebView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    self.WwebView.uiDelegate = self
    self.WwebView.navigationDelegate = self
    self.WwebView.allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = true // A Boolean value indicating whether horizontal swipe gestures will trigger back-forward list navigations
    self.WwebView.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(WKWebView.estimatedProgress), options: .new, context: nil)

 self.view.addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint(item: WwebView, attribute: .trailing, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.webContainerView, attribute: .trailing, multiplier: 1, constant: 0))
    self.view.addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint(item: WwebView, attribute: .leading, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.webContainerView, attribute: .leading, multiplier: 1, constant: 0))
    self.view.addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint(item: WwebView, attribute: .top, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.webContainerView, attribute: .top, multiplier: 1, constant: 0))
    self.view.addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint(item: WwebView, attribute: .bottom, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.webContainerView, attribute: .bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: 0))


Focus on this function getJSCookiesString

 public func getJSCookiesString(for cookies: [HTTPCookie]) -> String? {

    var result = ""
    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC")
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"

    for cookie in cookies {
        if == "yout_cookie_name_want_to_sync" {
            result += "document.cookie='\(\(cookie.value); domain=\(cookie.domain); path=\(cookie.path); "
            if let date = cookie.expiresDate {
                result += "expires=\(dateFormatter.string(from: date)); "
            if (cookie.isSecure) {
                result += "secure; "
            result += "'; "


    return result

Here is other step wkuserscript not sync cookies immediately, there a lot of heck to load first time page with cookie one is to reload webview again if it terminate process but i don't recommend to use it, its not good for user point of view, heck is whenever you ready to load request set cookies in request header as well like this way, don't forget to add iOS version check. before load request call this function.


i wrote extension for URLRequest

extension URLRequest {

internal mutating func addCookies() {
    var cookiesStr: String = ""

    if IOSVersion.SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(version: "11.0") {
        let mutableRequest = ((self as NSURLRequest).mutableCopy() as? NSMutableURLRequest)!
        if let yourCookie = "YOUR_HTTP_COOKIE_OBJECT" {
            // if have more than one cookies dont forget to add ";" at end
            cookiesStr += + "=" + yourCookie.value + ";"

            mutableRequest.setValue(cookiesStr, forHTTPHeaderField: "Cookie")
            self = mutableRequest as URLRequest



now you ready to go for testing iOS > 8

Make Axios send cookies in its requests automatically

You can use withCredentials property to pass cookies in the request.

axios.get(`api_url`, { withCredentials: true })

By setting { withCredentials: true } you may encounter cross origin issue. To solve that you need to use

expressApp.use(cors({ credentials: true, origin: "http://localhost:8080" }));

Here you can read about withCredentials

How to send cookies in a post request with the Python Requests library?

The latest release of Requests will build CookieJars for you from simple dictionaries.

import requests

cookies = {'enwiki_session': '17ab96bd8ffbe8ca58a78657a918558'}

r ='', cookies=cookies)

Enjoy :)

How to delete a cookie?

Try this:

function delete_cookie( name, path, domain ) {
  if( get_cookie( name ) ) {
    document.cookie = name + "=" +
      ((path) ? ";path="+path:"")+
      ((domain)?";domain="+domain:"") +
      ";expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT";

You can define get_cookie() like this:

function get_cookie(name){
    return document.cookie.split(';').some(c => {
        return c.trim().startsWith(name + '=');

javascript set cookie with expire time

I've set the time to 1000*36000.

function display() { 
  var now = new Date();
  var time = now.getTime();
  var expireTime = time + 1000*36000;
  document.cookie = 'cookie=ok;expires='+now.toUTCString()+';path=/';
  //console.log(document.cookie);  // 'Wed, 31 Oct 2012 08:50:17 UTC'


Can I limit the length of an array in JavaScript?

I think you could just do:

let array = [];
array.length = 2;
Object.defineProperty(array, 'length', {writable:false});

array[0] = 1 // [1, undefined]

array[1] = 2 // [1, 2]

array[2] = 3 // [1, 2] -> doesn't add anything and fails silently

array.push("something"); //but this throws an Uncaught TypeError

How to delete a cookie using jQuery?

Try this

 $.cookie('_cookieName', null, { path: '/' });

The { path: '/' } do the job for you

Using CookieContainer with WebClient class

Yes. IMHO, overriding GetWebRequest() is the best solution to WebClient's limited functionalty. Before I knew about this option, I wrote lots of really painful code at the HttpWebRequest layer because WebClient almost, but not quite, did what I needed. Derivation is much easier.

Another option is to use the regular WebClient class, but manually populate the Cookie header before making the request and then pull out the Set-Cookies header on the response. There are helper methods on the CookieContainer class which make creating and parsing these headers easier: CookieContainer.SetCookies() and CookieContainer.GetCookieHeader(), respectively.

I prefer the former approach since it's easier for the caller and requires less repetitive code than the second option. Also, the derivation approach works the same way for multiple extensibility scenarios (e.g. cookies, proxies, etc.).

What is the maximum size of a web browser's cookie's key?

The 4K limit you read about is for the entire cookie, including name, value, expiry date etc. If you want to support most browsers, I suggest keeping the name under 4000 bytes, and the overall cookie size under 4093 bytes.

One thing to be careful of: if the name is too big you cannot delete the cookie (at least in JavaScript). A cookie is deleted by updating it and setting it to expire. If the name is too big, say 4090 bytes, I found that I could not set an expiry date. I only looked into this out of interest, not that I plan to have a name that big.

To read more about it, here are the "Browser Cookie Limits" for common browsers.

While on the subject, if you want to support most browsers, then do not exceed 50 cookies per domain, and 4093 bytes per domain. That is, the size of all cookies should not exceed 4093 bytes.

This means you can have 1 cookie of 4093 bytes, or 2 cookies of 2045 bytes, etc.

I used to say 4095 bytes due to IE7, however now Mobile Safari comes in with 4096 bytes with a 3 byte overhead per cookie, so 4093 bytes max.

jQuery check if Cookie exists, if not create it

Try this very simple:

            var cookieExist = $.cookie("status");
            if(cookieExist == "null" ){
                alert("Cookie Is Null");


How to use cookies in Python Requests

Summary (@Freek Wiekmeijer, @gtalarico) other's answer:

Logic of Login

  • Many resource(pages, api) need authentication, then can access, otherwise 405 Not Allowed
  • Common authentication=grant access method are:
    • cookie
    • auth header
      • Basic xxx
      • Authorization xxx

How use cookie in requests to auth

  1. first get/generate cookie
  2. send cookie for following request
  • manual set cookie in headers
  • auto process cookie by requests's
    • session to auto manage cookies
    • response.cookies to manually set cookies

use requests's session auto manage cookies

curSession = requests.Session() 
# all cookies received will be stored in the session object

payload={'username': "yourName",'password': "yourPassword"}, data=payload)
# internally return your expected cookies, can use for following auth

# internally use previously generated cookies, can access the resources


manually control requests's response.cookies

payload={'username': "yourName",'password': "yourPassword"}
resp1 =, data=payload)

# manually pass previously returned cookies into following request
resp2 = requests.get(secondUrl, cookies= resp1.cookies)

resp3 = requests.get(thirdUrl, cookies= resp2.cookies)

When does a cookie with expiration time 'At end of session' expire?

When you use setcookie, you can either set the expiration time to 0 or simply omit the parametre - the cookie will then expire at the end of session (ie, when you close the browser).

How do you configure HttpOnly cookies in tomcat / java webapps?

Update: The JSESSIONID stuff here is only for older containers. Please use jt's currently accepted answer unless you are using < Tomcat 6.0.19 or < Tomcat 5.5.28 or another container that does not support HttpOnly JSESSIONID cookies as a config option.

When setting cookies in your app, use

response.setHeader( "Set-Cookie", "name=value; HttpOnly");

However, in many webapps, the most important cookie is the session identifier, which is automatically set by the container as the JSESSIONID cookie.

If you only use this cookie, you can write a ServletFilter to re-set the cookies on the way out, forcing JSESSIONID to HttpOnly. The page at suggests adding the following in a filter.

if (response.containsHeader( "SET-COOKIE" )) {
  String sessionid = request.getSession().getId();
  response.setHeader( "SET-COOKIE", "JSESSIONID=" + sessionid 
                      + ";Path=/<whatever>; Secure; HttpOnly" );

but note that this will overwrite all cookies and only set what you state here in this filter.

If you use additional cookies to the JSESSIONID cookie, then you'll need to extend this code to set all the cookies in the filter. This is not a great solution in the case of multiple-cookies, but is a perhaps an acceptable quick-fix for the JSESSIONID-only setup.

Please note that as your code evolves over time, there's a nasty hidden bug waiting for you when you forget about this filter and try and set another cookie somewhere else in your code. Of course, it won't get set.

This really is a hack though. If you do use Tomcat and can compile it, then take a look at Shabaz's excellent suggestion to patch HttpOnly support into Tomcat.

What is the difference between Sessions and Cookies in PHP?


  • is a small amount of data saved in the browser (client-side)

  • can be set from PHP with setcookie and then will be sent to the client's browser (HTTP response header Set-cookie)

  • can be set directly client-side in Javascript: document.cookie = 'foo=bar';

  • if no expiration date is set, by default, it will expire when the browser is closed.
    Example: go on, open the Console, do document.cookie = 'foo=bar';. Close the tab, reopen the same website, open the Console, do document.cookie: you will see foo=bar is still there. Now close the browser and reopen it, re-visit the same website, open the Console ; you will see document.cookie is empty.

  • you can also set a precise expiration date other than "deleted when browser is closed".

  • the cookies that are stored in the browser are sent to the server in the headers of every request of the same website (see Cookie). You can see this for example with Chrome by opening Developer tools > Network, click on the request, see Headers:

    enter image description here

  • can be read client-side with document.cookie

  • can be read server-side with $_COOKIE['foo']

  • Bonus: it can also be set/get with another language than PHP. Example in Python with "bottle" micro-framework (see also here):

    from bottle import get, run, request, response
    def index():
        if request.get_cookie("visited"):
            return "Welcome back! Nice to see you again"
            response.set_cookie("visited", "yes")
            return "Hello there! Nice to meet you"
    run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True, reloader=True)


  • is some data relative to a browser session saved server-side

  • each server-side language may implement it in a different way

  • in PHP, when session_start(); is called:

    • a random ID is generated by the server, e.g. jo96fme9ko0f85cdglb3hl6ah6
    • a file is saved on the server, containing the data: e.g. /var/lib/php5/sess_jo96fme9ko0f85cdglb3hl6ah6
    • the session ID is sent to the client in the HTTP response headers, using the traditional cookie mechanism detailed above: Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=jo96fme9ko0f85cdglb3hl6ah6; path=/:

      enter image description here

      (it can also be be sent via the URL instead of cookie but not the default behaviour)

    • you can see the session ID on client-side with document.cookie:

      enter image description here

  • the PHPSESSID cookie is set with no expiration date, thus it will expire when the browser is closed. Thus "sessions" are not valid anymore when the browser is closed / reopened.

  • can be set/read in PHP with $_SESSION

  • the client-side does not see the session data but only the ID: do this in index.php:


    The only thing that is seen on client-side is (as mentioned above) the session ID:

    enter image description here

  • because of this, session is useful to store data that you don't want to be seen or modified by the client

  • you can totally avoid using sessions if you want to use your own database + IDs and send an ID/token to the client with a traditional Cookie

jquery save json data object in cookie

use JSON.stringify(userData) to coverty json object to string.

var dataStore = $.cookie("basket-data", JSON.stringify($("#ArticlesHolder").data()));

and for getting back from cookie use JSON.parse()

var data=JSON.parse($.cookie("basket-data"))

How do I set/unset a cookie with jQuery?

You can use the library on Mozilla website here

You'll be able to set and get cookies like this

docCookies.setItem(name, value);

Can jQuery read/write cookies to a browser?

You'll need the cookie plugin, which provides several additional signatures to the cookie function.

$.cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value') stores a transient cookie (only exists within this session's scope, while $.cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value', 'cookie_expiration") creates a cookie that will last across sessions - see for more information on the JQuery cookie plugin.

If you want to set cookies that are used for the entire site, you'll need to use JavaScript like this:

document.cookie = "name=value; expires=date; domain=domain; path=path; secure"

Cross-Domain Cookies

I've created an NPM module, which allows you to share locally-stored data across domains:

By using an iframe hosted on Domain A, you can store all of your user data on Domain A, and reference that data by posting requests to the Domain A iframe.

Thus, Domains B, C, etc. can inject the iframe and post requests to it to store and access the desired data. Domain A becomes the hub for all shared data.

With a domain whitelist inside of Domain A, you can ensure only your dependent sites can access the data on Domain A.

The trick is to have the code inside of the iframe on Domain A which is able to recognize which data is being requested. The README in the above NPM module goes more in depth into the procedure.

Hope this helps!

What is the shortest function for reading a cookie by name in JavaScript?

Using cwolves' answer, but not using a closure nor a pre-computed hash :

// Golfed it a bit, too...
function readCookie(n){
  var c = document.cookie.split('; '),
      i = c.length,

  for(; i>0; i--){
     C = c[i].split('=');
     if(C[0] == n) return C[1];

...and minifying...

function readCookie(n){var c=document.cookie.split('; '),i=c.length,C;for(;i>0;i--){C=c[i].split('=');if(C[0]==n)return C[1];}}

...equals 127 bytes.

What is the difference between localStorage, sessionStorage, session and cookies?


  • Web storage can be viewed simplistically as an improvement on cookies, providing much greater storage capacity. Available size is 5MB which considerably more space to work with than a typical 4KB cookie.

  • The data is not sent back to the server for every HTTP request (HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS, etc) - reducing the amount of traffic between client and server.

  • The data stored in localStorage persists until explicitly deleted. Changes made are saved and available for all current and future visits to the site.

  • It works on same-origin policy. So, data stored will only be available on the same origin.


  • We can set the expiration time for each cookie

  • The 4K limit is for the entire cookie, including name, value, expiry date etc. To support most browsers, keep the name under 4000 bytes, and the overall cookie size under 4093 bytes.

  • The data is sent back to the server for every HTTP request (HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS, etc) - increasing the amount of traffic between client and server.


  • It is similar to localStorage.
  • Changes are only available per window (or tab in browsers like Chrome and Firefox). Changes made are saved and available for the current page, as well as future visits to the site on the same window. Once the window is closed, the storage is deleted The data is available only inside the window/tab in which it was set.

  • The data is not persistent i.e. it will be lost once the window/tab is closed. Like localStorage, it works on same-origin policy. So, data stored will only be available on the same origin.

Using Cookie in Asp.Net Mvc 4

Try using Response.SetCookie(), because Response.Cookies.Add() can cause multiple cookies to be added, whereas SetCookie will update an existing cookie.

How to get cookie expiration date / creation date from javascript?

If you are using Chrome you can goto the "Resources" tab and find the item "Cookies" in the left sidebar. From there select the domain you are checking the set cookie for and it will give you a list of cookies associated with that domain, along with their expiration date.

Set a cookie to HttpOnly via Javascript

An HttpOnly cookie means that it's not available to scripting languages like JavaScript. So in JavaScript, there's absolutely no API available to get/set the HttpOnly attribute of the cookie, as that would otherwise defeat the meaning of HttpOnly.

Just set it as such on the server side using whatever server side language the server side is using. If JavaScript is absolutely necessary for this, you could consider to just let it send some (ajax) request with e.g. some specific request parameter which triggers the server side language to create an HttpOnly cookie. But, that would still make it easy for hackers to change the HttpOnly by just XSS and still have access to the cookie via JS and thus make the HttpOnly on your cookie completely useless.

how to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable

libcurl also provides CURLOPT_COOKIELIST which extracts all known cookies. All you need is to make sure the PHP/CURL binding can use it.

Set cookies for cross origin requests

In order for the client to be able to read cookies from cross-origin requests, you need to have:

  1. All responses from the server need to have the following in their header:

    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

  2. The client needs to send all requests with withCredentials: true option

In my implementation with Angular 7 and Spring Boot, I achieved that with the following:


@CrossOrigin(origins = "", allowCredentials = "true")
@RequestMapping(path = "/something")
public class SomethingController {

The origins = "" part will add Access-Control-Allow-Origin: to every server's response header

The allowCredentials = "true" part will add Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true to every server's response header, which is what we need in order for the client to read the cookies


import { HttpInterceptor, HttpXsrfTokenExtractor, HttpRequest, HttpHandler, HttpEvent } from "@angular/common/http";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

export class CustomHttpInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {

    constructor(private tokenExtractor: HttpXsrfTokenExtractor) {

    intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
        // send request with credential options in order to be able to read cross-origin cookies
        req = req.clone({ withCredentials: true });

        // return XSRF-TOKEN in each request's header (anti-CSRF security)
        const headerName = 'X-XSRF-TOKEN';
        let token = this.tokenExtractor.getToken() as string;
        if (token !== null && !req.headers.has(headerName)) {
            req = req.clone({ headers: req.headers.set(headerName, token) });
        return next.handle(req);

With this class you actually inject additional stuff to all your request.

The first part req = req.clone({ withCredentials: true });, is what you need in order to send each request with withCredentials: true option. This practically means that an OPTION request will be send first, so that you get your cookies and the authorization token among them, before sending the actual POST/PUT/DELETE requests, which need this token attached to them (in the header), in order for the server to verify and execute the request.

The second part is the one that specifically handles an anti-CSRF token for all requests. Reads it from the cookie when needed and writes it in the header of every request.

The desired result is something like this:

response request

Chrome doesn't delete session cookies

I had the same problem with "document.cookie" in Windows 8.1, the only way that Chrome deletes the cookie was shutting it from task manager (not a really fancy way), so I decided to manage the cookies from the backend or use something like "js-cookie".

Delete cookie by name?

You can try this solution

var d = new Date();
var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = 'COOKIE_NAME' + "=" + "" + ";;path=/;" + expires;

How to get cookie's expire time

When you create a cookie via PHP die Default Value is 0, from the manual:

If set to 0, or omitted, the cookie will expire at the end of the session (when the browser closes)

Otherwise you can set the cookies lifetime in seconds as the third parameter:

But if you mean to get the remaining lifetime of an already existing cookie, i fear that, is not possible (at least not in a direct way).

How to set cookies in laravel 5 independently inside controller

Here is a sample code with explanation.

 //Create a response instance
 $response = new Illuminate\Http\Response('Hello World');

 //Call the withCookie() method with the response method
 $response->withCookie(cookie('name', 'value', $minutes));

 //return the response
 return $response;

Cookie can be set forever by using the forever method as shown in the below code.

$response->withCookie(cookie()->forever('name', 'value'));

Retrieving a Cookie

//’name’ is the name of the cookie to retrieve the value of
$value = $request->cookie('name');

Can an AJAX response set a cookie?

For the record, be advised that all of the above is (still) true only if the AJAX call is made on the same domain. If you're looking into setting cookies on another domain using AJAX, you're opening a totally different can of worms. Reading cross-domain cookies does work, however (or at least the server serves them; whether your client's UA allows your code to access them is, again, a different topic; as of 2014 they do).

Apache HttpClient 4.0.3 - how do I set cookie with sessionID for POST request?

I am so glad to solve this problem:

HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(postData); 
CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore(); 
BasicClientCookie cookie = new BasicClientCookie("JSESSIONID", getSessionId());

//cookie.setDomain("your domain");

response = client.execute(httppost); 

So Easy!

Set a cookie to never expire

I'm not sure but aren't cookies deleted at browser close? I somehow did a never expiring cookie and chrome recognized expired date as "at browser close" ...

How do I uniquely identify computers visiting my web site?

Assuming you don't want the user to be in control, you can't. The web doesn't work like that, the best you can hope for is some heuristics.

If it is an option to force your visitor to install some software and use TCPA you may be able to pull something off.

How can I send cookies using PHP curl in addition to CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE?

I think the only cookie you need is JSESSIONID=xxx..

Also NEVER share your cookies, becasuse someone may access your personal data that way. Specially when the cookies are session. These cookies will stop working once you logout the site.

How do you remove a Cookie in a Java Servlet

The MaxAge of -1 signals that you want the cookie to persist for the duration of the session. You want to set MaxAge to 0 instead.

From the API documentation:

A negative value means that the cookie is not stored persistently and will be deleted when the Web browser exits. A zero value causes the cookie to be deleted.

how to delete all cookies of my website in php

You should be aware of various tracking tools like Google Analytics also use cookies on your domain and you don't want to delete them, if you want to have correct data in GA.

The only solution I could get working was to set the existing cookies to null. I couldn't delete the cookies from the client.

So for logging a user out I use the following:

setcookie("username", null, time()+$this->seconds, "/", $this->domain, 0);
setcookie("password", null, time()+$this->seconds, "/", $this->domain, 0);

Of course this doesn't delete ALL cookies.

Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie?

AJAX calls only send Cookies if the url you're calling is on the same domain as your calling script.

This may be a Cross Domain Problem.

Maybe you tried to call a url from while your calling script was on (In other words: You made a Cross Domain Call in which case the browser won't sent any cookies to protect your privacy).

In this case your options are:

  • Write a small proxy which resides on domain-b and forwards your requests to domain-a. Your browser will allow you to call the proxy because it's on the same server as the calling script.
    This proxy then can be configured by you to accept a cookie name and value parameter which it can send to domain-a. But for this to work you need to know the cookie's name and value your server on domain-a wants for authentication.
  • If you're fetching JSON objects try to use a JSONP request instead. jQuery supports these. But you need to alter your service on domain-a so that it returns valid JSONP responds.

Glad if that helped even a little bit.

Local Storage vs Cookies


  1. Introduced prior to HTML5.
  2. Has expiration date.
  3. Cleared by JS or by Clear Browsing Data of browser or after expiration date.
  4. Will sent to the server per each request.
  5. The capacity is 4KB.
  6. Only strings are able to store in cookies.
  7. There are two types of cookies: persistent and session.

Local Storage:

  1. Introduced with HTML5.
  2. Does not have expiration date.
  3. Cleared by JS or by Clear Browsing Data of the browser.
  4. You can select when the data must be sent to the server.
  5. The capacity is 5MB.
  6. Data is stored indefinitely, and must be a string.
  7. Only have one type.

Token Authentication vs. Cookies

Http is stateless. In order to authorize you, you have to "sign" every single request you're sending to server.

Token authentication

  • A request to the server is signed by a "token" - usually it means setting specific http headers, however, they can be sent in any part of the http request (POST body, etc.)

  • Pros:

    • You can authorize only the requests you wish to authorize. (Cookies - even the authorization cookie are sent for every single request.)
    • Immune to XSRF (Short example of XSRF - I'll send you a link in email that will look like <img src="" />, and if you're logged in via cookie authentication to, and doesn't have any means of XSRF protection, I'll withdraw money from your account simply by the fact that your browser will trigger an authorized GET request to that url.) Note there are anti forgery measure you can do with cookie-based authentication - but you have to implement those.
    • Cookies are bound to a single domain. A cookie created on the domain can't be read by the domain, while you can send tokens to any domain you like. This is especially useful for single page applications that are consuming multiple services that are requiring authorization - so I can have a web app on the domain that can make authorized client-side requests to and to
  • Cons:
    • You have to store the token somewhere; while cookies are stored "out of the box". The locations that comes to mind are localStorage (con: the token is persisted even after you close browser window), sessionStorage (pro: the token is discarded after you close browser window, con: opening a link in a new tab will render that tab anonymous) and cookies (Pro: the token is discarded after you close the browser window. If you use a session cookie you will be authenticated when opening a link in a new tab, and you're immune to XSRF since you're ignoring the cookie for authentication, you're just using it as token storage. Con: cookies are sent out for every single request. If this cookie is not marked as https only, you're open to man in the middle attacks.)
    • It is slightly easier to do XSS attack against token based authentication (i.e. if I'm able to run an injected script on your site, I can steal your token; however, cookie based authentication is not a silver bullet either - while cookies marked as http-only can't be read by the client, the client can still make requests on your behalf that will automatically include the authorization cookie.)
    • Requests to download a file, which is supposed to work only for authorized users, requires you to use File API. The same request works out of the box for cookie-based authentication.

Cookie authentication

  • A request to the server is always signed in by authorization cookie.
  • Pros:
    • Cookies can be marked as "http-only" which makes them impossible to be read on the client side. This is better for XSS-attack protection.
    • Comes out of the box - you don't have to implement any code on the client side.
  • Cons:
    • Bound to a single domain. (So if you have a single page application that makes requests to multiple services, you can end up doing crazy stuff like a reverse proxy.)
    • Vulnerable to XSRF. You have to implement extra measures to make your site protected against cross site request forgery.
    • Are sent out for every single request, (even for requests that don't require authentication).

Overall, I'd say tokens give you better flexibility, (since you're not bound to single domain). The downside is you have to do quite some coding by yourself.

How exactly do you configure httpOnlyCookies in ASP.NET?

With props to Rick (second comment down in the blog post mentioned), here's the MSDN article on httpOnlyCookies.

Bottom line is that you just add the following section in your system.web section in your web.config:

<httpCookies domain="" httpOnlyCookies="true|false" requireSSL="true|false" />

How can I delete all cookies with JavaScript?

There is no 100% solution to delete browser cookies.

The problem is that cookies are uniquely identified by not just by their key "name" but also their "domain" and "path".

Without knowing the "domain" and "path" of a cookie, you cannot reliably delete it. This information is not available through JavaScript's document.cookie. It's not available through the HTTP Cookie header either!

However, if you know the name, path and domain of a cookie, then you can clear it by setting an empty cookie with an expiry date in the past, for example:

function clearCookie(name, domain, path){
    var domain = domain || document.domain;
    var path = path || "/";
    document.cookie = name + "=; expires=" + +new Date + "; domain=" + domain + "; path=" + path;

How do browser cookie domains work?

Although there is the RFC 2965 (Set-Cookie2, had already obsoleted RFC 2109) that should define the cookie nowadays, most browsers don’t fully support that but just comply to the original specification by Netscape.

There is a distinction between the Domain attribute value and the effective domain: the former is taken from the Set-Cookie header field and the latter is the interpretation of that attribute value. According to the RFC 2965, the following should apply:

  • If the Set-Cookie header field does not have a Domain attribute, the effective domain is the domain of the request.
  • If there is a Domain attribute present, its value will be used as effective domain (if the value does not start with a . it will be added by the client).

Having the effective domain it must also domain-match the current requested domain for being set; otherwise the cookie will be revised. The same rule applies for choosing the cookies to be sent in a request.

Mapping this knowledge onto your questions, the following should apply:

  • Cookie with will be available for
  • Cookie with will be available for
  • Cookie with will be converted to and thus will also be available for
  • Cookie with will not be available for
  • will be able to set cookie for
  • will not be able to set cookie for
  • will not be able to set cookie for .com

And to set and read a cookie for/by and, set it for and respectively. But the first ( will only be accessible for other domains below that domain (e.g. or where can also be accessed by any other domain below (e.g. or

Why is it common to put CSRF prevention tokens in cookies?

My best guess as to the answer: Consider these 3 options for how to get the CSRF token down from the server to the browser.

  1. In the request body (not an HTTP header).
  2. In a custom HTTP header, not Set-Cookie.
  3. As a cookie, in a Set-Cookie header.

I think the 1st one, request body (while demonstrated by the Express tutorial I linked in the question), is not as portable to a wide variety of situations; not everyone is generating every HTTP response dynamically; where you end up needing to put the token in the generated response might vary widely (in a hidden form input; in a fragment of JS code or a variable accessible by other JS code; maybe even in a URL though that seems generally a bad place to put CSRF tokens). So while workable with some customization, #1 is a hard place to do a one-size-fits-all approach.

The second one, custom header, is attractive but doesn't actually work, because while JS can get the headers for an XHR it invoked, it can't get the headers for the page it loaded from.

That leaves the third one, a cookie carried by a Set-Cookie header, as an approach that is easy to use in all situations (anyone's server will be able to set per-request cookie headers, and it doesn't matter what kind of data is in the request body). So despite its downsides, it was the easiest method for frameworks to implement widely.

How do I view cookies in Internet Explorer 11 using Developer Tools

  1. Click on the Network button
  2. Enable capture of network traffic by clicking on the green triangular button in top toolbar
  3. Capture some network traffic by interacting with the page
  4. Click on DETAILS/Cookies
  5. Step through each captured traffic segment; detailed information about cookies will be displayed

How can I list all cookies for the current page with Javascript?

function listCookies() {
    let cookies = document.cookie.split(';'), n) => console.log(`${n}:`, decodeURIComponent(cookie)))

function findCookie(e) {
  let cookies = document.cookie.split(';'), n) => cookie.includes(e) && console.log(decodeURIComponent(cookie), n))

This is specifically for the window you're in. Tried to keep it clean and concise.

Where does Chrome store cookies?

Since the expiration time is zero (the third argument, the first false) the cookie is a session cookie, which will expire when the current session ends. (See the setcookie reference).

Therefore it doesn't need to be saved.

How to set a cookie for another domain

see RFC6265:

The user agent will reject cookies unless the Domain attribute specifies a scope for the cookie that would include the origin server. For example, the user agent will accept a cookie with a Domain attribute of "" or of "" from, but the user agent will not accept a cookie with a Domain attribute of "" or of "".

NOTE: For security reasons, many user agents are configured to reject Domain attributes that correspond to "public suffixes". For example, some user agents will reject Domain attributes of "com" or "". (See Section 5.3 for more information.)

But the above mentioned workaround with image/iframe works, though it's not recommended due to its insecurity.

how to create a cookie and add to http response from inside my service layer?

A cookie is a object with key value pair to store information related to the customer. Main objective is to personalize the customer's experience.

An utility method can be created like

private Cookie createCookie(String cookieName, String cookieValue) {
    Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue);
    return cookie;

If storing important information then we should alsways put setHttpOnly so that the cookie cannot be accessed/modified via javascript. setSecure is applicable if you are want cookies to be accessed only over https protocol.

using above utility method you can add cookies to response as

Cookie cookie = createCookie("name","value");

How are cookies passed in the HTTP protocol?

Cookies are passed as HTTP headers, both in the request (client -> server), and in the response (server -> client).

I need to get all the cookies from the browser

  1. You can't see cookies for other sites.
  2. You can't see HttpOnly cookies.
  3. All the cookies you can see are in the document.cookie property, which contains a semicolon separated list of name=value pairs.

Do sessions really violate RESTfulness?

Actually, RESTfulness only applies to RESOURCES, as indicated by a Universal Resource Identifier. So to even talk about things like headers, cookies, etc. in regards to REST is not really appropriate. REST can work over any protocol, even though it happens to be routinely done over HTTP.

The main determiner is this: if you send a REST call, which is a URI, then once the call makes it successfully to the server, does that URI return the same content, assuming no transitions have been performed (PUT, POST, DELETE)? This test would exclude errors or authentication requests being returned, because in that case, the request has not yet made it to the server, meaning the servlet or application that will return the document corresponding to the given URI.

Likewise, in the case of a POST or PUT, can you send a given URI/payload, and regardless of how many times you send the message, it will always update the same data, so that subsequent GETs will return a consistent result?

REST is about the application data, not about the low-level information required to get that data transferred about.

In the following blog post, Roy Fielding gave a nice summary of the whole REST idea:

"A RESTful system progresses from one steady-state to the next, and each such steady-state is both a potential start-state and a potential end-state. I.e., a RESTful system is an unknown number of components obeying a simple set of rules such that they are always either at REST or transitioning from one RESTful state to another RESTful state. Each state can be completely understood by the representation(s) it contains and the set of transitions that it provides, with the transitions limited to a uniform set of actions to be understandable. The system may be a complex state diagram, but each user agent is only able to see one state at a time (the current steady-state) and thus each state is simple and can be analyzed independently. A user, OTOH, is able to create their own transitions at any time (e.g., enter a URL, select a bookmark, open an editor, etc.)."

Going to the issue of authentication, whether it is accomplished through cookies or headers, as long as the information isn't part of the URI and POST payload, it really has nothing to do with REST at all. So, in regards to being stateless, we are talking about the application data only.

For example, as the user enters data into a GUI screen, the client is keeping track of what fields have been entered, which have not, any required fields that are missing etc. This is all CLIENT CONTEXT, and should not be sent or tracked by the server. What does get sent to the server is the complete set of fields that need to be modified in the IDENTIFIED resource (by the URI), such that a transition occurs in that resource from one RESTful state to another.

So, the client keeps track of what the user is doing, and only sends logically complete state transitions to the server.

SameSite warning Chrome 77

When it comes to Google Analytics I found raik's answer at Secure Google tracking cookies very useful. It set secure and samesite to a value.

ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', {
    cookieFlags: 'max-age=7200;secure;samesite=none'

Also more info in this blog post

How to read a HttpOnly cookie using JavaScript

Different Browsers enable different security measures when the HTTPOnly flag is set. For instance Opera and Safari do not prevent javascript from writing to the cookie. However, reading is always forbidden on the latest version of all major browsers.

But more importantly why do you want to read an HTTPOnly cookie? If you are a developer, just disable the flag and make sure you test your code for xss. I recommend that you avoid disabling this flag if at all possible. The HTTPOnly flag and "secure flag" (which forces the cookie to be sent over https) should always be set.

If you are an attacker, then you want to hijack a session. But there is an easy way to hijack a session despite the HTTPOnly flag. You can still ride on the session without knowing the session id. The MySpace Samy worm did just that. It used an XHR to read a CSRF token and then perform an authorized task. Therefore, the attacker could do almost anything that the logged user could do.

People have too much faith in the HTTPOnly flag, XSS can still be exploitable. You should setup barriers around sensitive features. Such as the change password filed should require the current password. An admin's ability to create a new account should require a captcha, which is a CSRF prevention technique that cannot be easily bypassed with an XHR.

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?

Here's a version using the excellent requests library:

from requests import session

payload = {
    'action': 'login',
    'username': USERNAME,
    'password': PASSWORD

with session() as c:'', data=payload)
    response = c.get('')

How to POST JSON request using Apache HttpClient?

For Apache HttpClient 4.5 or newer version:

    CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("http://targethost/login");
    String JSON_STRING="";
    HttpEntity stringEntity = new StringEntity(JSON_STRING,ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
    CloseableHttpResponse response2 = httpclient.execute(httpPost);


1 in order to make the code compile, both httpclient package and httpcore package should be imported.

2 try-catch block has been ommitted.

Reference: appache official guide

the Commons HttpClient project is now end of life, and is no longer being developed. It has been replaced by the Apache HttpComponents project in its HttpClient and HttpCore modules

Numpy, multiply array with scalar

You can multiply numpy arrays by scalars and it just works.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.array([1, 2, 3]) * 2
array([2, 4, 6])
>>> np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) * 2
array([[ 2,  4,  6],
       [ 8, 10, 12]])

This is also a very fast and efficient operation. With your example:

>>> a_1 = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
>>> a_2 = np.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]])
>>> b = 2.0
>>> a_1 * b
array([2., 4., 6.])
>>> a_2 * b
array([[2., 4.],
       [6., 8.]])

How to create timer in angular2

In Addition to all the previous answers, I would do it using RxJS Observables

please check Observable.timer

Here is a sample code, will start after 2 seconds and then ticks every second:

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';

    selector: 'my-app',
    template: 'Ticks (every second) : {{ticks}}'
export class AppComponent {
  ticks =0;
    let timer = Observable.timer(2000,1000);
    timer.subscribe(t=>this.ticks = t);

And here is a working plunker

Update If you want to call a function declared on the AppComponent class, you can do one of the following:

** Assuming the function you want to call is named func,

    let timer = Observable.timer(2000,1000);

The problem with the above approach is that if you call 'this' inside func, it will refer to the subscriber object instead of the AppComponent object which is probably not what you want.

However, in the below approach, you create a lambda expression and call the function func inside it. This way, the call to func is still inside the scope of AppComponent. This is the best way to do it in my opinion.

    let timer = Observable.timer(2000,1000);
    timer.subscribe(t=> {

check this plunker for working code.

How to add an onchange event to a select box via javascript?

Here's another way of attaching the event based on W3C DOM Level 2 Events Specification:

     function() { toggleSelect(; },

Create directories using make file

make in, and off itself, handles directory targets just the same as file targets. So, it's easy to write rules like this:

outDir/someTarget: Makefile outDir
    touch outDir/someTarget

    mkdir -p outDir

The only problem with that is, that the directories timestamp depends on what is done to the files inside. For the rules above, this leads to the following result:

$ make
mkdir -p outDir
touch outDir/someTarget
$ make
touch outDir/someTarget
$ make
touch outDir/someTarget
$ make
touch outDir/someTarget

This is most definitely not what you want. Whenever you touch the file, you also touch the directory. And since the file depends on the directory, the file consequently appears to be out of date, forcing it to be rebuilt.

However, you can easily break this loop by telling make to ignore the timestamp of the directory. This is done by declaring the directory as an order-only prerequsite:

# The pipe symbol tells make that the following prerequisites are order-only
#                           |
#                           v
outDir/someTarget: Makefile | outDir
    touch outDir/someTarget

    mkdir -p outDir

This correctly yields:

$ make
mkdir -p outDir
touch outDir/someTarget
$ make
make: 'outDir/someTarget' is up to date.


Write a rule to create the directory:

    mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR)

And have the targets for the stuff inside depend on the directory order-only:

$(OUT_DIR)/someTarget: ... | $(OUT_DIR)

Where to find the complete definition of off_t type?

As the "GNU C Library Reference Manual" says

    This is a signed integer type used to represent file sizes. 
    In the GNU C Library, this type is no narrower than int.
    If the source is compiled with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64 this 
    type is transparently replaced by off64_t.


    This type is used similar to off_t. The difference is that 
    even on 32 bit machines, where the off_t type would have 32 bits,
    off64_t has 64 bits and so is able to address files up to 2^63 bytes
    in length. When compiling with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64 this type 
    is available under the name off_t.

Thus if you want reliable way of representing file size between client and server, you can:

  1. Use off64_t type and stat64() function accordingly (as it fills structure stat64, which contains off64_t type itself). Type off64_t guaranties the same size on 32 and 64 bit machines.
  2. As was mentioned before compile your code with -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64 and use usual off_t and stat().
  3. Convert off_t to type int64_t with fixed size (C99 standard). Note: (my book 'C in a Nutshell' says that it is C99 standard, but optional in implementation). The newest C11 standard says: Exact-width integer types

    1 The typedef name intN_t designates a signed integer type with width N ,
    no padding bits, and a two’s complement representation. Thus, int8_t 
    denotes such a signed integer type with a width of exactly 8 bits.
    without mentioning.

And about implementation:

7.20 Integer types <stdint.h>

    ... An implementation shall provide those types described as ‘‘required’’,
    but need not provide any of the others (described as ‘‘optional’’).
    The following types are required:
    int_least8_t  uint_least8_t
    int_least16_t uint_least16_t
    int_least32_t uint_least32_t
    int_least64_t uint_least64_t
    All other types of this form are optional.

Thus, in general, C standard can't guarantee types with fixed sizes. But most compilers (including gcc) support this feature.

How do I check whether a file exists without exceptions?

Use the following code:

def findfile(self, filepath)
  flag = false
  for filename in os.listdir(filepath)
    if filename == "your file name"
      flag = true
      print("no file found")
  if(flag == true)
    return true
    return false

I have created a table in hive, I would like to know which directory my table is created in?

If you use Hue, you can browse the table in the Metastore App and then click on 'View file location': that will open the HDFS File Browser in its directory.

How to extract or unpack an .ab file (Android Backup file)

As per you can run a one line command in Linux to add in an appropriate tar header to extract it.

( printf "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ; tail -c +25 backup.ab ) | tar xfvz -

Replace backup.ab with the path to your file.

How to create a custom string representation for a class object?

Implement __str__() or __repr__() in the class's metaclass.

class MC(type):
  def __repr__(self):
    return 'Wahaha!'

class C(object):
  __metaclass__ = MC

print C

Use __str__ if you mean a readable stringification, use __repr__ for unambiguous representations.

Check whether a table contains rows or not sql server 2005


            THEN 'empty table'
        ELSE 'not empty table'
        END AS info

How can I find the number of elements in an array?

i mostly found a easy way to execute the length of array inside a loop just like that

 int array[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < array[i]; i++) {
    printf("%d\n", array[i]);

Creating multiline strings in JavaScript

You can use TypeScript (JavaScript SuperSet), it supports multiline strings, and transpiles back down to pure JavaScript without overhead:

var templates = {
    myString: `this is
a multiline


If you'd want to accomplish the same with plain JavaScript:

var templates = 
 myString: function(){/*
    This is some
    awesome multi-lined
    string using a comment 
    inside a function 
    returned as a string.
    Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.


Note that the iPad/Safari does not support 'functionName.toString()'

If you have a lot of legacy code, you can also use the plain JavaScript variant in TypeScript (for cleanup purposes):

interface externTemplates

declare var templates:externTemplates;


and you can use the multiline-string object from the plain JavaScript variant, where you put the templates into another file (which you can merge in the bundle).

You can try TypeScript at

How to align the checkbox and label in same line in html?

Use below css to align Label with Checkbox

    .chkbox label
                position: relative;
                top: -2px;

<div class="chkbox">
<asp:CheckBox ID="Ckbox" runat="server" Text="Check Box Alignment"/>

disable editing default value of text input

Probably due to the fact that I could not explain well you do not really understand my question. In general, I found the solution.

Sorry for my english

How to delete multiple rows in SQL where id = (x to y)

,@ERRFLAG  CHAR(1) = '0' OUTPUT    



DELETE tb_SampleTest
        CODE IN(
            SELECT Item.value('.', 'VARCHAR(20)')
            FROM  @CODE.nodes('RecordList/ID') AS x(Item)

    SET @ERRFLAG = 200


Get string value delete


How do I get the max and min values from a set of numbers entered?

I tried to optimize solution by handling user input exceptions.

public class Solution {
    private static Integer TERMINATION_VALUE = 0;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Integer value = null;
        Integer minimum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        Integer maximum = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        while (value != TERMINATION_VALUE) {
            Boolean inputValid = Boolean.TRUE;
            try {
                System.out.print("Enter a value: ");
                value = scanner.nextInt();
            } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                System.out.println("Value must be greater or equal to " + Integer.MIN_VALUE + " and less or equals to " + Integer.MAX_VALUE );
                inputValid = Boolean.FALSE;
                minimum = Math.min(minimum, value);
                maximum = Math.max(maximum, value);
        if(TERMINATION_VALUE.equals(minimum) || TERMINATION_VALUE.equals(maximum)){
            System.out.println("There is not any valid input.");
        } else{
            System.out.println("Minimum: " + minimum);
            System.out.println("Maximum: " + maximum);

How to use a findBy method with comparative criteria

The class Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository implements Doctrine\Common\Collections\Selectable API.

The Selectable interface is very flexible and quite new, but it will allow you to handle comparisons and more complex criteria easily on both repositories and single collections of items, regardless if in ORM or ODM or completely separate problems.

This would be a comparison criteria as you just requested as in Doctrine ORM 2.3.2:

$criteria = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria();
$criteria->where($criteria->expr()->gt('prize', 200));

$result = $entityRepository->matching($criteria);

The major advantage in this API is that you are implementing some sort of strategy pattern here, and it works with repositories, collections, lazy collections and everywhere the Selectable API is implemented.

This allows you to get rid of dozens of special methods you wrote for your repositories (like findOneBySomethingWithParticularRule), and instead focus on writing your own criteria classes, each representing one of these particular filters.

How can I create a copy of an Oracle table without copying the data?

I used the method that you accepted a lot, but as someone pointed out it doesn't duplicate constraints (except for NOT NULL, I think).

A more advanced method if you want to duplicate the full structure is:

SELECT dbms_metadata.get_ddl( 'TABLE', 'MY_TABLE_NAME' ) FROM DUAL;

This will give you the full create statement text which you can modify as you wish for creating the new table. You would have to change the names of the table and all constraints of course.

(You could also do this in older versions using EXP/IMP, but it's much easier now.)

Edited to add If the table you are after is in a different schema:


Check if value exists in Postgres array

Simpler with the ANY construct:

SELECT value_variable = ANY ('{1,2,3}'::int[])

The right operand of ANY (between parentheses) can either be a set (result of a subquery, for instance) or an array. There are several ways to use it:

Important difference: Array operators (<@, @>, && et al.) expect array types as operands and support GIN or GiST indices in the standard distribution of PostgreSQL, while the ANY construct expects an element type as left operand and does not support these indices. Example:

None of this works for NULL elements. To test for NULL:

Free easy way to draw graphs and charts in C++?

My favourite has always been gnuplot. It's very extensive, so it might be a bit too complex for your needs though. It is cross-platform and there is a C++ API.

Best way to check if a character array is empty

This will work to find if a character array is empty. It probably is also the fastest.

if(text[0] == '\0') {}

This will also be fast if the text array is empty. If it contains characters it needs to count all the characters in it first.

if(strlen(text) == 0) {}

Running a cron job at 2:30 AM everyday

  1. To edit:

    crontab -e
  2. Add this command line:

    30 2 * * * /your/command
    • Crontab Format:


    • Format Meanings and Allowed Value:
    • MIN Minute field 0 to 59
    • HOUR Hour field 0 to 23
    • DOM Day of Month 1-31
    • MON Month field 1-12
    • DOW Day Of Week 0-6
    • CMD Command Any command to be executed.
  3. Restart cron with latest data:

    service crond restart

How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data?

In Spring Data you simply define an update query if you have the ID

  public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer , Long> {

     @Query("update Customer c set = :name WHERE = :customerId")
     void setCustomerName(@Param("customerId") Long id, @Param("name") String name);


Some solutions claim to use Spring data and do JPA oldschool (even in a manner with lost updates) instead.

How to send data to COM PORT using JAVA?

An alternative to javax.comm is the rxtx library which supports more platforms than javax.comm.

How does "make" app know default target to build if no target is specified?

To save others a few seconds, and to save them from having to read the manual, here's the short answer. Add this to the top of your make file:

.DEFAULT_GOAL := mytarget

mytarget will now be the target that is run if "make" is executed and no target is specified.

If you have an older version of make (<= 3.80), this won't work. If this is the case, then you can do what anon mentions, simply add this to the top of your make file:

.PHONY: default
default: mytarget ;


$('body').on('click', '.anything', function(){})

If you want to capture click on everything then do

//code here

I use this for selector:

This is used for handling clicks:

And then use

To stop normal clicking actions.

How do I convert a String object into a Hash object?

This short little snippet will do it, but I can't see it working with a nested hash. I think it's pretty cute though

STRING.gsub(/[{}:]/,'').split(', ').map{|h| h1,h2 = h.split('=>'); {h1 => h2}}.reduce(:merge)

Steps 1. I eliminate the '{','}' and the ':' 2. I split upon the string wherever it finds a ',' 3. I split each of the substrings that were created with the split, whenever it finds a '=>'. Then, I create a hash with the two sides of the hash I just split apart. 4. I am left with an array of hashes which I then merge together.

EXAMPLE INPUT: "{:user_id=>11, :blog_id=>2, :comment_id=>1}" RESULT OUTPUT: {"user_id"=>"11", "blog_id"=>"2", "comment_id"=>"1"}

C++ terminate called without an active exception

When a thread object goes out of scope and it is in joinable state, the program is terminated. The Standard Committee had two other options for the destructor of a joinable thread. It could quietly join -- but join might never return if the thread is stuck. Or it could detach the thread (a detached thread is not joinable). However, detached threads are very tricky, since they might survive till the end of the program and mess up the release of resources. So if you don't want to terminate your program, make sure you join (or detach) every thread.

Could not load file or assembly CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc

It turns out the answer was ridiculously simple, but mystifying as to why it was necessary.

In the IIS Manager on the server, I set the application pool for my web application to not allow 32-bit assemblies.

It seems it assumes, on a 64-bit system, that you must want the 32 bit assembly. Bizarre.

Possible heap pollution via varargs parameter

It's rather safe to add @SafeVarargs annotation to the method when you can control the way it's called (e.g. a private method of a class). You must make sure that only the instances of the declared generic type are passed to the method.

If the method exposed externally as a library, it becomes hard to catch such mistakes. In this case it's best to avoid this annotation and rewrite the solution with a collection type (e.g. Collection<Type1<Type2>>) input instead of varargs (Type1<Type2>...).

As for the naming, the term heap pollution phenomenon is quite misleading in my opinion. In the documentation the actual JVM heap is not event mentioned. There is a question at Software Engineering that contains some interesting thoughts on the naming of this phenomenon.

How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point?

This worked for me...

    double num = 10025000;
    new DecimalFormat("#,###.##");
    DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.GERMAN);

Java Map equivalent in C#

class Test
    Dictionary<int, string> entities;

    public string GetEntity(int code)
        // java's get method returns null when the key has no mapping
        // so we'll do the same

        string val;
        if (entities.TryGetValue(code, out val))
            return val;
            return null;

Is there a W3C valid way to disable autocomplete in a HTML form?

if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
    var inputElements = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
    for (i=0; inputElements[i]; i++) {
        if (inputElements[i].className && (inputElements[i].className.indexOf("disableAutoComplete") != -1)) {

Is there a way to make a PowerShell script work by double clicking a .ps1 file?

A solution in the same spirit as UNIX shar (shell archive).

You can put your powershell script in a file with the .cmd extension (instead of .ps1), and put this at the start:

@echo off
Rem Make powershell read this file, skip a number of lines, and execute it.
Rem This works around .ps1 bad file association as non executables.
PowerShell -Command "Get-Content '%~dpnx0' | Select-Object -Skip 5 | Out-String | Invoke-Expression"
goto :eof
# Start of PowerShell script here

Understanding the order() function

This could help you at some point.

a <- c(45,50,10,96)

What you get is

[1] 10 45 50 96

The code I wrote indicates you want "a" as a whole subset of "a" and you want it ordered from the lowest to highest value.

How do I print out the contents of a vector?

In C++11, a range-based for loop might be a good solution:

vector<char> items = {'a','b','c'};
for (char n : items)
    cout << n << ' ';


a b c 

single line comment in HTML

No, <!-- ... --> is the only comment syntax in HTML.

Why is a primary-foreign key relation required when we can join without it?

A primary key is not required. A foreign key is not required either. You can construct a query joining two tables on any column you wish as long as the datatypes either match or are converted to match. No relationship needs to explicitly exist.

To do this you use an outer join:

select tablea.code,, tableb.location from tablea left outer join 
tableb on tablea.code = tableb.code

join with out relation

SQL join

phpMyAdmin is throwing a #2002 cannot log in to the mysql server phpmyadmin

For those who get this error when working with WAMP/XAMP on a windows machine.

This may help you.

Your solution is to

  • net stop mysql
  • Erase binary logs (and the binary log index file)
  • IF you do not know where they are, locate my.ini on your PC
  • Open my.ini in Notepad look for the option log-bin or log_bin
  • Look for the option datadir
  • If log-bin only has a filename, look inside the folder specified by datadir
  • If log-bin includes a path and a filename, look inside the folder specified by log-bin
  • Open the desired folder in Windows Explorer
  • Remove the binary logs There should be a file whose file extension is .index. Delete this as well net start mysql

Please DO NOT ERASE ib_logfile0 or ib_logfile1 when you have binary log issues.

Answer is on dba.stackexchange

C# string does not contain possible?

Option with a regexp if you want to discriminate between Mango and Mangosteen.

var reg = new Regex(@"\b(pineapple|mango)\b", 
                       RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
   if (!reg.Match(compareString).Success)

Differences between dependencyManagement and dependencies in Maven

If you have a parent-pom anyways, then in my opinion using <dependencyManagement> just for controlling the version (and maybe scope) is a waste of space and confuses junior developers.

You will probably have properties for versions anyways, in some kind of parent-pom file. Why not just use this properties in the child pom's? That way you can still update a version in the property (within parent-pom) for all child projects at once. That has the same effect as <dependencyManagement> just without <dependencyManagement>.

In my opinion, <dependencyManagement> should be used for "real" management of dependencies, like exclusions and the like.

how to open popup window using jsp or jquery?

The following JavaScript will open a new browser window, 450px wide by 300px high with scrollbars:"http://myurl", "_blank", "scrollbars=1,resizable=1,height=300,width=450");

You can add this to a link like so:

<a href='#' onclick='"http://myurl", "_blank", "scrollbars=1,resizable=1,height=300,width=450");' title='Pop Up'>Pop Up</a>

Facebook Android Generate Key Hash

Even though this thread is old, yet I would like to share my experience (recently started working with facebook), which seems to me straight:

  1. Download openssl from the link bellow:
  2. Unzip it to a local drive (e.g., C:\openssl)
  3. To get the Development key for facebook integration, use the following command from the command line in windows:

    keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore\debug.keystore | "C:\openssl\bin\openssl.exe" sha1 -binary | "C:\openssl\bin\openssl.exe" base64

NOTE!: please replace the path for openssl.exe (in this example it is "C:\openssl\bin\openssl.exe") with your own installation path.

  1. It will prompt for password, e.g.,

Enter keystore password: android

Type android as password as shown above.

Thats it! You will be given a 28 character long key. Cheers!

Use the same procedure to get the Release key. Just replace the command with the following and use your release key alias.

keytool -exportcert -alias YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS -keystore YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_PATH | "PATH FOR openssl.exe" sha1 -binary | openssl base64

Insert auto increment primary key to existing table

Export your table, then empty your table, then add field as unique INT, then change it to AUTO_INCREMENT, then import your table again that you exported previously.

Get current rowIndex of table in jQuery

Since "$(this).parent().index();" and "$(this).parent('table').index();" don't work for me, I use this code instead:

   var row_index = $(this).closest("tr").index();
   var col_index = $(this).index();

batch file Copy files with certain extensions from multiple directories into one directory

Things like these are why I switched to Powershell. Try it out, it's fun:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Include *.doc | % {
    Copy-Item $_.FullName -destination x:\destination

OS X cp command in Terminal - No such file or directory

I know this question has already been answered, but another option is simply to open the destination and source folders in Finder and then drag and drop them into the terminal. The paths will automatically be copied and properly formatted (thus negating the need to actually figure out proper file names/extensions).

I have to do over-network copies between Mac and Windows machines, sometimes fairly deep down in filetrees, and have found this the most effective way to do so.

So, as an example:

cp -r [drag and drop source folder from finder] [drag and drop destination folder from finder]

usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l<nameOfTheLibrary>

I had this problem with compiling LXC on a fresh VM with Centos 7.8. I tried all the above and failed. Some suggested removing the -static flag from the compiler configuration but I didn't want to change anything.

The only thing that helped was to install glibc-static and retry. Hope that helps someone.

Array Index Out of Bounds Exception (Java)

import java.util.Scanner;
class ar1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        int[] a={10,20,30,40,12,32};
        int bi=0,sm=0;
        for(int i=0;i<=a.length-1;i++) {


Angular: How to download a file from HttpClient?

Blobs are returned with file type from backend. The following function will accept any file type and popup download window:

downloadFile(route: string, filename: string = null): void{

    const baseUrl = 'http://myserver/index.php/api';
    const token = 'my JWT';
    const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('authorization','Bearer '+token);
    this.http.get(baseUrl + route,{headers, responseType: 'blob' as 'json'}).subscribe(
        (response: any) =>{
            let dataType = response.type;
            let binaryData = [];
            let downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
            downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(binaryData, {type: dataType}));
            if (filename)
                downloadLink.setAttribute('download', filename);

jQuery using append with effects

In my case:

$("div.which-stores-content").append("<div class="content">Content</div>);

you can adjust your css with visibility:hidden -> visibility:visible and adjust the transitions etc transition: visibility 1.0s;


Have you verified that there is in fact a row where Staff_Id = @PersonID? What you've posted works fine in a test script, assuming the row exists. If you comment out the insert statement, then the error is raised.

set nocount on

create table Timesheet_Hours (Staff_Id int, BookedHours int, Posted_Flag bit)

insert into Timesheet_Hours (Staff_Id, BookedHours, Posted_Flag) values (1, 5.5, 0)

declare @PersonID int
set @PersonID = 1

    SELECT 1    
    FROM Timesheet_Hours    
    WHERE Posted_Flag = 1    
        AND Staff_Id = @PersonID    
        RAISERROR('Timesheets have already been posted!', 16, 1)
        SELECT 1
        FROM Timesheet_Hours
        WHERE Staff_Id = @PersonID
            RAISERROR('Default list has not been loaded!', 16, 1)
            ROLLBACK TRAN
        print 'No problems here'

drop table Timesheet_Hours

JVM option -Xss - What does it do exactly?

If I am not mistaken, this is what tells the JVM how much successive calls it will accept before issuing a StackOverflowError. Not something you wish to change generally.

Use Font Awesome Icon in Placeholder

@Elli's answer can work in FontAwesome 5, but it requires using the correct font name and using the specific CSS for the version you want. For example when using FA5 Free, I could not get it to work if I included the all.css, but it worked fine if I included the solid.css:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<input type="text" placeholder="&#xF002; Search" style="font-family: Arial, 'Font Awesome 5 Free'" />

For FA5 Pro the font name is 'Font Awesome 5 Pro'

How to turn off INFO logging in Spark?

The way I do it is:

in the location I run the spark-submit script do

$ cp /etc/spark/conf/ .
$ nano

change INFO to what ever level of logging you want and then run your spark-submit

importing pyspark in python shell

dont run your py file as: python instead use: spark-submit

File input 'accept' attribute - is it useful?

Accept attribute was introduced in the RFC 1867, intending to enable file-type filtering based on MIME type for the file-select control. But as of 2008, most, if not all, browsers make no use of this attribute. Using client-side scripting, you can make a sort of extension based validation, for submit data of correct type (extension).

Other solutions for advanced file uploading require Flash movies like SWFUpload or Java Applets like JUpload.

How to display request headers with command line curl

curl's -v or --verbose option shows the HTTP request headers, among other things. Here is some sample output:

$ curl -v
* About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
*   Trying connected
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.16.4 (i386-apple-darwin9.0) libcurl/7.16.4 OpenSSL/0.9.7l zlib/1.2.3
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Location:
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 06:06:52 GMT
< Expires: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:06:52 GMT
< Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000
< Server: gws
< Content-Length: 219
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>301 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
<A HREF="">here</A>.
* Connection #0 to host left intact
* Closing connection #0

OS X Framework Library not loaded: 'Image not found'

If you are using Xcode 11, ensure that you have the framework added in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embed Content under Target settings - General. Change Embed status from - 'Do not Embed' to 'Embed & Sign'

How to calculate Date difference in Hive

If you need the difference in seconds (i.e.: you're comparing dates with timestamps, and not whole days), you can simply convert two date or timestamp strings in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' (or specify your string date format explicitly) using unix_timestamp(), and then subtract them from each other to get the difference in seconds. (And can then divide by 60.0 to get minutes, or by 3600.0 to get hours, etc.)


UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2017-12-05 10:01:30') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2017-12-05 10:00:00') AS time_diff -- This will return 90 (seconds). Unix_timestamp converts string dates into BIGINTs. 

More on what you can do with unix_timestamp() here, including how to convert strings with different date formatting:

jQuery and AJAX response header

try this:

type: "GET",
async: false,
complete: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
    var headers = XMLHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders();

How do you obtain a Drawable object from a resource id in android package?

As of API 21, you should use the getDrawable(int, Theme) method instead of getDrawable(int), as it allows you to fetch a drawable object associated with a particular resource ID for the given screen density/theme. Calling the deprecated getDrawable(int) method is equivalent to calling getDrawable(int, null).

You should use the following code from the support library instead:

ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_email)

Using this method is equivalent to calling:

    return resources.getDrawable(id, context.getTheme());
} else {
    return resources.getDrawable(id);

Best way to simulate "group by" from bash?

Solution ( group by like mysql)

grep -ioh "facebook\|xing\|linkedin\|googleplus" access-log.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n


3249  googleplus
4211 linkedin
5212 xing
7928 facebook

How to enable/disable bluetooth programmatically in android

Add the following permissions into your manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>

Enable bluetooth use this

BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();    
if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {
}else{Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Bluetooth Al-Ready Enable", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();}

Disable bluetooth use this

BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();    
if (mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {

How to get a date in YYYY-MM-DD format from a TSQL datetime field?

Starting with SQL Server 2012 (original question is for 2000):

SELECT FORMAT(GetDate(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')

Javascript - How to extract filename from a file input control

Nowadays there is a much simpler way:

var fileInput = document.getElementById('upload');   
var filename = fileInput.files[0].name;

Why am I getting a NoClassDefFoundError in Java?

I got this message after removing two files from the SRC library, and when I brought them back I kept seeing this error message.

My solution was: Restart Eclipse. Since then I haven't seen this message again :-)

How to open, read, and write from serial port in C?

For demo code that conforms to POSIX standard as described in Setting Terminal Modes Properly and Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems, the following is offered.
This code should execute correctly using Linux on x86 as well as ARM (or even CRIS) processors.
It's essentially derived from the other answer, but inaccurate and misleading comments have been corrected.

This demo program opens and initializes a serial terminal at 115200 baud for non-canonical mode that is as portable as possible.
The program transmits a hardcoded text string to the other terminal, and delays while the output is performed.
The program then enters an infinite loop to receive and display data from the serial terminal.
By default the received data is displayed as hexadecimal byte values.

To make the program treat the received data as ASCII codes, compile the program with the symbol DISPLAY_STRING, e.g.


If the received data is ASCII text (rather than binary data) and you want to read it as lines terminated by the newline character, then see this answer for a sample program.

#define TERMINAL    "/dev/ttyUSB0"

#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h> 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int set_interface_attribs(int fd, int speed)
    struct termios tty;

    if (tcgetattr(fd, &tty) < 0) {
        printf("Error from tcgetattr: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    cfsetospeed(&tty, (speed_t)speed);
    cfsetispeed(&tty, (speed_t)speed);

    tty.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);    /* ignore modem controls */
    tty.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
    tty.c_cflag |= CS8;         /* 8-bit characters */
    tty.c_cflag &= ~PARENB;     /* no parity bit */
    tty.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;     /* only need 1 stop bit */
    tty.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;    /* no hardware flowcontrol */

    /* setup for non-canonical mode */
    tty.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON);
    tty.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);
    tty.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;

    /* fetch bytes as they become available */
    tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;

    if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tty) != 0) {
        printf("Error from tcsetattr: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    return 0;

void set_mincount(int fd, int mcount)
    struct termios tty;

    if (tcgetattr(fd, &tty) < 0) {
        printf("Error tcgetattr: %s\n", strerror(errno));

    tty.c_cc[VMIN] = mcount ? 1 : 0;
    tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 5;        /* half second timer */

    if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tty) < 0)
        printf("Error tcsetattr: %s\n", strerror(errno));

int main()
    char *portname = TERMINAL;
    int fd;
    int wlen;
    char *xstr = "Hello!\n";
    int xlen = strlen(xstr);

    fd = open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_SYNC);
    if (fd < 0) {
        printf("Error opening %s: %s\n", portname, strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    /*baudrate 115200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit */
    set_interface_attribs(fd, B115200);
    //set_mincount(fd, 0);                /* set to pure timed read */

    /* simple output */
    wlen = write(fd, xstr, xlen);
    if (wlen != xlen) {
        printf("Error from write: %d, %d\n", wlen, errno);
    tcdrain(fd);    /* delay for output */

    /* simple noncanonical input */
    do {
        unsigned char buf[80];
        int rdlen;

        rdlen = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
        if (rdlen > 0) {
            buf[rdlen] = 0;
            printf("Read %d: \"%s\"\n", rdlen, buf);
#else /* display hex */
            unsigned char   *p;
            printf("Read %d:", rdlen);
            for (p = buf; rdlen-- > 0; p++)
                printf(" 0x%x", *p);
        } else if (rdlen < 0) {
            printf("Error from read: %d: %s\n", rdlen, strerror(errno));
        } else {  /* rdlen == 0 */
            printf("Timeout from read\n");
        /* repeat read to get full message */
    } while (1);

For an example of an efficient program that provides buffering of received data yet allows byte-by-byte handing of the input, then see this answer.

How to use bootstrap-theme.css with bootstrap 3?

Upon downloading Bootstrap 3.x, you'll get bootstrap.css and bootstrap-theme.css (not to mention the minified versions of these files that are also present).


bootstrap.css is completely styled and ready to use, if such is your desire. It is perhaps a bit plain but it is ready and it is there.

You do not need to use bootstrap-theme.css if you don't want to and things will be just fine.


bootstrap-theme.css is just what the name of the file is trying to suggest: it is a theme for bootstrap that is creatively considered 'THE bootstrap theme'. The name of the file confuses things just a bit since the base bootstrap.css already has styling applied and I, for one, would consider those styles to be the default. But that conclusion is apparently incorrect in light of things said in the Bootstrap documentation's examples section in regard to this bootstrap-theme.css file:

"Load the optional Bootstrap theme for a visually enhanced experience."

The above quote is found here on a thumbnail that links to this example page The idea is that bootstrap-theme.css is THE bootstrap theme AND it's optional.

Themes at

About the themes at These themes are not implemented like bootstrap-theme.css. The BootSwatch themes are modified versions of the original bootstrap.css. So, you should definitely NOT use a theme from BootSwatch AND the bootstrap-theme.css file at the same time.

Custom Theme

About Your Own Custom Theme: You might choose to modify bootstrap-theme.css when creating your own theme. Doing so may make it easier to make styling changes without accidentally breaking any of that built-in Bootstrap goodness.

How would I create a UIAlertView in Swift?

You can use this simple extension with n number of buttons and associated actions swift4 and above

extension UIViewController {
    func popupAlert(title: String?, message: String?, actionTitles:[String?], actions:[((UIAlertAction) -> Void)?]) {
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
        for (index, title) in actionTitles.enumerated() {
            let action = UIAlertAction(title: title, style: .default, handler: actions[index])
        self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

you can use it like ,

self.popupAlert(title: "Message", message: "your message", actionTitles: ["first","second","third"], actions:[
            {action1 in
                //action for first btn click
            {action2 in
                //action for second btn click
            {action3 in
                //action for third btn click
            }, nil]) 

How can I create a dropdown menu from a List in Tkinter?

To create a "drop down menu" you can use OptionMenu in tkinter

Example of a basic OptionMenu:

from Tkinter import *

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set("one") # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, "one", "two", "three")


More information (including the script above) can be found here.

Creating an OptionMenu of the months from a list would be as simple as:

from tkinter import *

] #etc

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *OPTIONS)


In order to retrieve the value the user has selected you can simply use a .get() on the variable that we assigned to the widget, in the below case this is variable:

from tkinter import *

] #etc

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *OPTIONS)

def ok():
    print ("value is:" + variable.get())

button = Button(master, text="OK", command=ok)


I would highly recommend reading through this site for further basic tkinter information as the above examples are modified from that site.

Converting from longitude\latitude to Cartesian coordinates

You can do it this way on Java.

public List<Double> convertGpsToECEF(double lat, double longi, float alt) {

    double a=6378.1;
    double b=6356.8;
    double N;
    double e= 1-(Math.pow(b, 2)/Math.pow(a, 2));
    N= a/(Math.sqrt(1.0-(e*Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(lat)), 2))));
    double cosLatRad=Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat));
    double cosLongiRad=Math.cos(Math.toRadians(longi));
    double sinLatRad=Math.sin(Math.toRadians(lat));
    double sinLongiRad=Math.sin(Math.toRadians(longi));
    double x =(N+0.001*alt)*cosLatRad*cosLongiRad;
    double y =(N+0.001*alt)*cosLatRad*sinLongiRad;
    double z =((Math.pow(b, 2)/Math.pow(a, 2))*N+0.001*alt)*sinLatRad;

    List<Double> ecef= new ArrayList<>();

    return ecef;


Python Loop: List Index Out of Range

You are accessing the list elements and then using them to attempt to index your list. This is not a good idea. You already have an answer showing how you could use indexing to get your sum list, but another option would be to zip the list with a slice of itself such that you can sum the pairs.

b = [i + j for i, j in zip(a, a[1:])]

Connecting to TCP Socket from browser using javascript

ws2s project is aimed at bring socket to browser-side js. It is a websocket server which transform websocket to socket.

ws2s schematic diagram

enter image description here

code sample:

var socket = new WS2S("wss://").newSocket()

socket.onReady = () => {
  socket.connect("", 80)
  socket.send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n")

socket.onRecv = (data) => {
  console.log('onRecv', data)

ggplot2 legend to bottom and horizontal

Here is how to create the desired outcome:

library(reshape2); library(tidyverse)
melt(outer(1:4, 1:4), varnames = c("X1", "X2")) %>%
ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(aes(X1, X2, fill = value)) + 
  scale_fill_continuous(guide = guide_legend()) +
        legend.spacing.x = unit(0, 'cm'))+
  guides(fill = guide_legend(label.position = "bottom"))

Created on 2019-12-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Edit: no need for these imperfect options anymore, but I'm leaving them here for reference.

Two imperfect options that don't give you exactly what you were asking for, but pretty close (will at least put the colours together).

library(reshape2); library(tidyverse)
df <- melt(outer(1:4, 1:4), varnames = c("X1", "X2"))
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(X1, X2)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = value))
p1 + scale_fill_continuous(guide = guide_legend()) +
 theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="vertical")

p1 + scale_fill_continuous(guide = "colorbar") + theme(legend.position="bottom")

Created on 2019-02-28 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

pip broke. how to fix DistributionNotFound error?

I was able to resolve this like so:

$ brew update
$ brew doctor
$ brew uninstall python
$ brew install python --build-from-source    # took ~5 mins
$ python --version                           # => Python 2.7.9
$ pip install --upgrade pip

I'm running w/ the following stuff (as of Jan 2, 2015):

OS X Yosemite
Version 10.10.1

$ brew -v
Homebrew 0.9.5

$ python --version
Python 2.7.9

$ ipython --version

$ pip --version
pip 6.0.3 from /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.9/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-6.0.3-py2.7.egg (python 2.7)

$ which pip

How to persist a property of type List<String> in JPA?

I had the same problem so I invested the possible solution given but at the end I decided to implement my ';' separated list of String.

so I have

// a ; separated list of arguments
String arguments;

public List<String> getArguments() {
    return Arrays.asList(arguments.split(";"));

This way the list is easily readable/editable in the database table;

String parsing in Java with delimiter tab "\t" using split

String.split implementations will have serious limitations if the data in a tab-delimited field itself contains newline, tab and possibly " characters.

TAB-delimited formats have been around for donkey's years, but format is not standardised and varies. Many implementations don't escape characters (newlines and tabs) appearing within a field. Rather, they follow CSV conventions and wrap any non-trivial fields in "double quotes". Then they escape only double-quotes. So a "line" could extend over multiple lines.

Reading around I heard "just reuse apache tools", which sounds like good advice.

In the end I personally chose opencsv. I found it light-weight, and since it provides options for escape and quote characters it should cover most popular comma- and tab- delimited data formats.


CSVReader tabFormatReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("yourfile.tsv"), '\t');

How do you use script variables in psql?

I've posted a new solution for this on another thread.

It uses a table to store variables, and can be updated at any time. A static immutable getter function is dynamically created (by another function), triggered by update to your table. You get nice table storage, plus the blazing fast speeds of an immutable getter.

Replace all whitespace characters

If you use

str.replace(/\s/g, "");

it replaces all whitespaces. For example:

var str = "hello my world";
str.replace(/\s/g, "") //the result will be "hellomyworld"

How to install Android Studio on Ubuntu?

To install android studio on ubuntu here is the simplest way possible:

First of all, you have to install Ubuntu Make before installing Android Studio. Type following commands in the same order one by one on terminal:

1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make

2) sudo apt-get update

3) sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make

Now since you are done with Ubuntu make, use below command to install Android Studio:

4) umake android

While installation it will give you a couple of option which you can handle. So, Installation is done. You can open it and run an App of your choice. Isn’t it very easy? Let me know if you go through any problem, I can help.

Source Install Android Studio

Is Constructor Overriding Possible?

Constructor looks like a method but name should be as class name and no return value.

Overriding means what we have declared in Super class, that exactly we have to declare in Sub class it is called Overriding. Super class name and Sub class names are different.

If you trying to write Super class Constructor in Sub class, then Sub class will treat that as a method not constructor because name should not match with Sub class name. And it will give an compilation error that methods does not have return value. So we should declare as void, then only it will compile.

What does "request for member '*******' in something not a structure or union" mean?

It may also happen in the following case:

eg. if we consider the push function of a stack:

typedef struct stack
    int a[20];
    int head;

void push(stack **s)
    int data;
    printf("Enter data:");
    scanf("%d",&(*s->a[++*s->head])); /* this is where the error is*/

    stack *s;
    s=(stack *)calloc(1,sizeof(stack));
    return 0;

The error is in the push function and in the commented line. The pointer s has to be included within the parentheses. The correct code:

scanf("%d",&( (*s)->a[++(*s)->head]));

How to replace a string in an existing file in Perl?


Uh, what??



or, if you insist on using a variable (which is not necessary when using $_, but I just want to show the right syntax):

$_ =~ s/blue/red/g;

Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby

this code returns only filenames with their extension (without a global path)


Select top 1 result using JPA

Try like this

String sql = "SELECT t FROM table t";
Query query = em.createQuery(sql);
List result = query.getResultList();

It should work


You can also try like this


How to override toString() properly in Java?

You can creating new object in the toString(). use

return "Name = " + +" height= " + this.height;

instead of

return Kid(, this.height, this.bDay);

You may change the return string as required. There are other ways to store date instead calander.

How can I autoplay a video using the new embed code style for Youtube?

None of yours are solved my problem. But, I found a good solution for me to work properly right now. In between tags write this code:

<div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
  <iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%" 
    src="**[CHANGE HERE WITH YOUR YOUTUBE VIDEO ID]**?autoplay=1&controls=0&showinfo=0&autohide=1">

Best way to parse command line arguments in C#?

There is a command line argument parser at

It can parse arguments using
1. attributes
2. explicit calls
3. single line of multiple arguments OR string array

It can handle things like the following:

-config:Qa -startdate:${today} -region:'New York' Settings01

It's very easy to use.

Difference between map and collect in Ruby?

I did a benchmark test to try and answer this question, then found this post so here are my findings (which differ slightly from the other answers)

Here is the benchmark code:

require 'benchmark'

h = { abc: 'hello', 'another_key' => 123, 4567 => 'third' }
a = 1..10
many = 500_000 do |b|
  GC.start"hash keys collect") do
    many.times do

  GC.start"hash keys map") do
    many.times do

  GC.start"array collect") do
    many.times do

  GC.start"array map") do
    many.times do

And the results I got were:

                   user     system      total        real
hash keys collect  0.540000   0.000000   0.540000 (  0.570994)
hash keys map      0.500000   0.010000   0.510000 (  0.517126)
array collect      1.670000   0.020000   1.690000 (  1.731233)
array map          1.680000   0.020000   1.700000 (  1.744398) 

Perhaps an alias isn't free?

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 service fails to start

I agree with Greg that the log is the best place to start. We've experienced something similar and the fix was to ensure that admins have full permissions to the registry location HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Security prior to starting the installation. HTH.

How to set focus on input field?

I have found some of the other answers to be overly complicated when all you really need is this

app.directive('autoFocus', function($timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'AC',
        link: function(_scope, _element) {
            }, 0);

usage is

<input name="theInput" auto-focus>

We use the timeout to let things in the dom render, even though it is zero, it at least waits for that - that way this works in modals and whatnot too

Read CSV with Scanner()

I have seen many production problems caused by code not handling quotes ("), newline characters within quotes, and quotes within the quotes; e.g.: "he said ""this""" should be parsed into: he said "this"

Like it was mentioned earlier, many CSV parsing examples out there just read a line, and then break up the line by the separator character. This is rather incomplete and problematic.

For me and probably those who prefer build verses buy (or use somebody else's code and deal with their dependencies), I got down to classic text parsing programming and that worked for me:

 * Parse CSV data into an array of String arrays. It handles double quoted values.
 * @param is input stream
 * @param separator
 * @param trimValues
 * @param skipEmptyLines
 * @return an array of String arrays
 * @throws IOException
public static String[][] parseCsvData(InputStream is, char separator, boolean trimValues, boolean skipEmptyLines)
    throws IOException
    ArrayList<String[]> data = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    ArrayList<String> row = new ArrayList<String>();
    StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer();
    int ch = -1;
    int prevCh = -1;
    boolean inQuotedValue = false;
    boolean quoteAtStart = false;
    boolean rowIsEmpty = true;
    boolean isEOF = false;

    while (true)
        prevCh = ch;
        ch = (isEOF) ? -1 :;

        // Handle carriage return line feed
        if (prevCh == '\r' && ch == '\n')
        if (inQuotedValue)
            if (ch == -1)
                inQuotedValue = false;
                isEOF = true;

                if (ch == '"')
                    inQuotedValue = false;
        else if (ch == separator || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == -1)
            // Add the value to the row
            String s = value.toString();

            if (quoteAtStart && s.endsWith("\""))
                s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);
            if (trimValues)
                s = s.trim();
            rowIsEmpty = (s.length() > 0) ? false : rowIsEmpty;

            if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == -1)
                // Add the row to the result
                if (!skipEmptyLines || !rowIsEmpty)
                    data.add(row.toArray(new String[0]));
                rowIsEmpty = true;

                if (ch == -1)
        else if (prevCh == '"')
            inQuotedValue = true;
            if (ch == '"')
                inQuotedValue = true;
                quoteAtStart = (value.length() == 0) ? true : false;
    return data.toArray(new String[0][]);

Unit Test:

String[][] data = parseCsvData(new ByteArrayInputStream("foo,\"\",,\"bar\",\"\"\"music\"\"\",\"carriage\r\nreturn\",\"new\nline\"\r\nnext,line".getBytes()), ',', true, true);
for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < data.length; rowIdx++)

generates the output:

[foo, , , bar, "music", carriage
return, new
[next, line]

Purge Kafka Topic

Temporarily update the retention time on the topic to one second: --zookeeper <zkhost>:2181 --alter --topic <topic name> --config

And in newer Kafka releases, you can also do it with kafka-configs --entity-type topics --zookeeper <zkhost>:2181 --entity-type topics --alter --entity-name <topic name> --add-config

then wait for the purge to take effect (about one minute). Once purged, restore the previous value.

php codeigniter count rows

replace the query inside your model function with this

$query = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM home");

in view:

echo $query->num_rows();

How would I get a cron job to run every 30 minutes?

crontab does not understand "intervals", it only understands "schedule"

valid hours: 0-23 -- valid minutes: 0-59

example #1

30 * * * * your_command

this means "run when the minute of each hour is 30" (would run at: 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, etc)

example #2

*/30 * * * * your_command

this means "run when the minute of each hour is evenly divisible by 30" (would run at: 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, etc)

example #3

0,30 * * * * your_command

this means "run when the minute of each hour is 0 or 30" (would run at: 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, etc)

it's another way to accomplish the same results as example #2

example #4

19 * * * * your_command

this means "run when the minute of each hour is 19" (would run at: 1:19, 2:19, 3:19, etc)

example #5

*/19 * * * * your_command

this means "run when the minute of each hour is evenly divisible by 19" (would run at: 1:19, 1:38, 1:57, 2:19, 2:38, 2:57 etc)

note: several refinements have been made to this post by various users including the author

Frontend tool to manage H2 database

If you are running it as an embedded database in spring I use the following configuration to enable the built in web client when the main app is running:

<!-- Run H2 web server within application that will access the same in-memory database -->
<bean id="h2Server" class="" factory-method="createTcpServer" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop" depends-on="h2WebServer">
    <constructor-arg value="-tcp,-tcpAllowOthers,-tcpPort,9092"/>
<bean id="h2WebServer" class="" factory-method="createWebServer" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
    <constructor-arg value="-web,-webAllowOthers,-webPort,8082"/>

How to position the div popup dialog to the center of browser screen?

Here, this ones working. :)

upd: Just in case jsfiddle is not responding here is the code...

    padding: 28px 26px 33px 25px;
    border-radius: 7px;
    margin:30px auto 0;
    // here it comes
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -400px; // 1/2 width
    margin-top: -40px; // 1/2 height


<div class="holder">     
    <div id="popup" class="popup">            
        <div class="content">some lengthy text</div>

How to center icon and text in a android button with width set to "fill parent"

<style name="captionOnly">
    <item name="android:background">@null</item>
    <item name="android:clickable">false</item>
    <item name="android:focusable">false</item>
    <item name="android:minHeight">0dp</item>
    <item name="android:minWidth">0dp</item>

   android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

       android:text="Button Challenge" />

Put the FrameLayout in LinearLayout and set orientation to Horizontal.

php function mail() isn't working

I think you are not configured properly,

if you are using XAMPP then you can easily send mail from localhost.

for example you can configure C:\xampp\php\php.ini and c:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini for gmail to send mail.

in C:\xampp\php\php.ini find extension=php_openssl.dll and remove the semicolon from the beginning of that line to make SSL working for gmail for localhost.

in php.ini file find [mail function] and change
sendmail_from = [email protected]
sendmail_path = "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

(use the above send mail path only and it will work)

Now Open C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini. Replace all the existing code in sendmail.ini with following code

[email protected]
[email protected]

Now you have done!! create php file with mail function and send mail from localhost.


First, make sure you PHP installation has SSL support (look for an "openssl" section in the output from phpinfo()).

You can set the following settings in your PHP.ini:


How to split the name string in mysql?

There is no string split function in MySQL. so you have to create your own function. This will help you. More details at this link.


  x VARCHAR(255),
  delim VARCHAR(12),
  pos INT
       LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(x, delim, pos -1)) + 1),
       delim, '');


SELECT SPLIT_STR(string, delimiter, position)


SELECT SPLIT_STR('a|bb|ccc|dd', '|', 3) as third;

| third |
| ccc   |

$(window).width() not the same as media query



This solved my problem

The project description file (.project) for my project is missing

If you keep a backup of your worskpace folder, then all you need to do is restore the following folder from the backup:


How to pass a textbox value from view to a controller in MVC 4?

Try the following in your view to check the output from each. The first one updates when the view is called a second time. My controller uses the key ShowCreateButton and has the optional parameter _createAction with a default value - you can change this to your key/parameter

@Html.TextBox("_createAction", null, new { Value = (string)ViewBag.ShowCreateButton })
@Html.TextBox("_createAction", ViewBag.ShowCreateButton )

How to hide a status bar in iOS?

A complete solution in swift, in your view controller

// you can use your own logic to determine if you need to hide status bar
// I just put a var here for now
var hideStatusBar = false
override func preferStatusBarHidden() -> Bool {
    return hideStatus

// in other method to manually toggle status bar
func updateUI() {
    hideStatusBar = true
    // call this method to update status bar

How do I set the eclipse.ini -vm option?

You have to edit the eclipse.ini file to have an entry similar to this:

C:\Java\JDK\1.5\bin\javaw.exe (your location of java executable)
-Xms64m   (based on you memory requirements)

Also remember that in eclipse.ini, anything meant for Eclipse should be before the -vmargs line and anything for JVM should be after the -vmargs line.

Compare two Lists for differences

I think you're looking for a method like this:

public static IEnumerable<TResult> CompareSequences<T1, T2, TResult>(IEnumerable<T1> seq1,
    IEnumerable<T2> seq2, Func<T1, T2, TResult> comparer)
    var enum1 = seq1.GetEnumerator();
    var enum2 = seq2.GetEnumerator();

    while (enum1.MoveNext() && enum2.MoveNext())
        yield return comparer(enum1.Current, enum2.Current);

It's untested, but it should do the job nonetheless. Note that what's particularly useful about this method is that it's full generic, i.e. it can take two sequences of arbitrary (and different) types and return objects of any type.

This solution of course assumes that you want to compare the nth item of seq1 with the nth item in seq2. If you want to do match the elements in the two sequences based on a particular property/comparison, then you'll want to perform some sort of join operation (as suggested by danbruc using Enumerable.Join. Do let me know if it neither of these approaches is quite what I'm after and maybe I can suggest something else.

Edit: Here's an example of how you might use the CompareSequences method with the comparer function you originally posted.

// Prints out to the console all the results returned by the comparer function (CompareTwoClass_ReturnDifferences in this case).
var results = CompareSequences(list1, list2, CompareTwoClass_ReturnDifferences);
int index;    

foreach(var element in results)
    Console.WriteLine("{0:#000} {1}", index++, element.ToString());

IIS Express gives Access Denied error when debugging ASP.NET MVC

I opened my web.config file, and found and removed this section:

  <deny users="?" />

and my site came up, but there are issuues with the authentication..

Does Java have an exponential operator?

To do this with user input:

public static void getPow(){
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter first integer: ");    // 3
    int first = sc.nextInt();
    System.out.println("Enter second integer: ");    // 2
    int second = sc.nextInt();
    System.out.println(first + " to the power of " + second + " is " + 
        (int) Math.pow(first, second));    // outputs 9

How do I multiply each element in a list by a number?

from functools import partial as p
from operator import mul

is one way you could do it ... your teacher probably knows a much less complicated way that was probably covered in class

npm ERR! network getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

First I check whether proxy is set for me or not using this :

npm config get proxy

It returned null then I run this command

npm config set strict-ssl=false

It disable strict-ssl for that cmd session.

You can see complete list of config using this

npm config list ls -l

How can I change the default Django date template format?

{{yourDate|date:'*Prefered Format*'}}


{{yourDate|date:'F d, Y'}}

For preferred format:

"CASE" statement within "WHERE" clause in SQL Server 2008

Thanks for this question, actually I am looking for something else which is in below query. this may helps someone.


above query is to fill in dropdown which blank values shows as "(blank)". Also if we pass this value into sql where clause to get blank values with other values I don't know how to handle that. And finally came up with below solution this may helps to somebody.

here it is ,


Malformed String ValueError ast.literal_eval() with String representation of Tuple

ast.literal_eval (located in parses the tree with ast.parse first, then it evaluates the code with quite an ugly recursive function, interpreting the parse tree elements and replacing them with their literal equivalents. Unfortunately the code is not at all expandable, so to add Decimal to the code you need to copy all the code and start over.

For a slightly easier approach, you can use ast.parse module to parse the expression, and then the ast.NodeVisitor or ast.NodeTransformer to ensure that there is no unwanted syntax or unwanted variable accesses. Then compile with compile and eval to get the result.

The code is a bit different from literal_eval in that this code actually uses eval, but in my opinion is simpler to understand and one does not need to dig too deep into AST trees. It specifically only allows some syntax, explicitly forbidding for example lambdas, attribute accesses (foo.__dict__ is very evil), or accesses to any names that are not deemed safe. It parses your expression fine, and as an extra I also added Num (float and integer), list and dictionary literals.

Also, works the same on 2.7 and 3.3

import ast
import decimal

source = "(Decimal('11.66985'), Decimal('1e-8'),"\
    "(1,), (1,2,3), 1.2, [1,2,3], {1:2})"

tree = ast.parse(source, mode='eval')

# using the NodeTransformer, you can also modify the nodes in the tree,
# however in this example NodeVisitor could do as we are raising exceptions
# only.
class Transformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
    ALLOWED_NAMES = set(['Decimal', 'None', 'False', 'True'])
        'Expression', # a top node for an expression
        'Tuple',      # makes a tuple
        'Call',       # a function call (hint, Decimal())
        'Name',       # an identifier...
        'Load',       # loads a value of a variable with given identifier
        'Str',        # a string literal

        'Num',        # allow numbers too
        'List',       # and list literals
        'Dict',       # and dicts...

    def visit_Name(self, node):
        if not in self.ALLOWED_NAMES:
            raise RuntimeError("Name access to %s is not allowed" %

        # traverse to child nodes
        return self.generic_visit(node)

    def generic_visit(self, node):
        nodetype = type(node).__name__
        if nodetype not in self.ALLOWED_NODE_TYPES:
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid expression: %s not allowed" % nodetype)

        return ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit(self, node)

transformer = Transformer()

# raises RuntimeError on invalid code

# compile the ast into a code object
clause = compile(tree, '<AST>', 'eval')

# make the globals contain only the Decimal class,
# and eval the compiled object
result = eval(clause, dict(Decimal=decimal.Decimal))


How can I make my string property nullable?

String is a reference type and always nullable, you don't need to do anything special. Specifying that a type is nullable is necessary only for value types.

BadImageFormatException. This will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed

To revise IIS

  1. Select Application Pools.
  2. Clic in ASP .NET V4.0 Classic.
  3. Select Advanced Settings.
  4. In General, option Enable 32-Bit Applications, default is false. Select TRUE.
  5. Refresh and check site.


Platform: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise - 64Bit - IIS 7.5

Reference - What does this regex mean?

The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ

See also a lot of general hints and useful links at the tag details page.

Online tutorials


Character Classes

Escape Sequences


(Also see "Flavor-Specific Information ? Java ? The functions in Matcher")





Common Tasks

Advanced Regex-Fu

Flavor-Specific Information

(Except for those marked with *, this section contains non-Stack Overflow links.)

General information

(Links marked with * are non-Stack Overflow links.)

Examples of regex that can cause regex engine to fail

Tools: Testers and Explainers

(This section contains non-Stack Overflow links.)

Set background image according to screen resolution

I know it's too old question but thought to answer, it might will help someone. If you see twitter, you will find something very tricky but pure css approach to achieve this.

<div class="background"><img src="home-bg.png" /></div>
Applied CSS
.background {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
    height: 200%;
    left: -50%;
    position: fixed;
    width: 200%;}

.background img{
    bottom: 0;
    display: block;
    left: 0;
    margin: auto;
    min-height: 50%;
    min-width: 50%;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;}

This background images fits to all size. even portrait view of ipad. it always adjust the image in center. if you zoom out; image will remain the same.

Jasmine.js comparing arrays

I had a similar issue where one of the arrays was modified. I was using it for $httpBackend, and the returned object from that was actually a $promise object containing the array (not an Array object).

You can create a jasmine matcher to match the array by creating a toBeArray function:

beforeEach(function() {
  'use strict';
    toBeArray: function(array) {
      this.message = function() {
        return "Expected " + angular.mock.dump(this.actual) + " to be array " + angular.mock.dump(array) + ".";
      var arraysAreSame = function(x, y) {
         var arraysAreSame = true;
         for(var i; i < x.length; i++)
            if(x[i] !== y[i])
               arraysAreSame = false;
         return arraysAreSame;
      return arraysAreSame(this.actual, array);

And then just use it in your tests like the other jasmine matchers:

it('should compare arrays properly', function() {
  var array1, array2;
  /* . . . */

Add directives from directive in AngularJS

In cases where you have multiple directives on a single DOM element and where the order in which they’re applied matters, you can use the priority property to order their application. Higher numbers run first. The default priority is 0 if you don’t specify one.

EDIT: after the discussion, here's the complete working solution. The key was to remove the attribute: element.removeAttr("common-things");, and also element.removeAttr("data-common-things"); (in case users specify data-common-things in the html)

  .directive('commonThings', function ($compile) {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      replace: false, 
      terminal: true, //this setting is important, see explanation below
      priority: 1000, //this setting is important, see explanation below
      compile: function compile(element, attrs) {
        element.attr('tooltip', '{{dt()}}');
        element.attr('tooltip-placement', 'bottom');
        element.removeAttr("common-things"); //remove the attribute to avoid indefinite loop
        element.removeAttr("data-common-things"); //also remove the same attribute with data- prefix in case users specify data-common-things in the html

        return {
          pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {  },
          post: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {  

Working plunker is available at:


  .directive('commonThings', function ($compile) {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      replace: false,
      terminal: true,
      priority: 1000,
      link: function link(scope,element, attrs) {
        element.attr('tooltip', '{{dt()}}');
        element.attr('tooltip-placement', 'bottom');
        element.removeAttr("common-things"); //remove the attribute to avoid indefinite loop
        element.removeAttr("data-common-things"); //also remove the same attribute with data- prefix in case users specify data-common-things in the html



Explanation why we have to set terminal: true and priority: 1000 (a high number):

When the DOM is ready, angular walks the DOM to identify all registered directives and compile the directives one by one based on priority if these directives are on the same element. We set our custom directive's priority to a high number to ensure that it will be compiled first and with terminal: true, the other directives will be skipped after this directive is compiled.

When our custom directive is compiled, it will modify the element by adding directives and removing itself and use $compile service to compile all the directives (including those that were skipped).

If we don't set terminal:true and priority: 1000, there is a chance that some directives are compiled before our custom directive. And when our custom directive uses $compile to compile the element => compile again the already compiled directives. This will cause unpredictable behavior especially if the directives compiled before our custom directive have already transformed the DOM.

For more information about priority and terminal, check out How to understand the `terminal` of directive?

An example of a directive that also modifies the template is ng-repeat (priority = 1000), when ng-repeat is compiled, ng-repeat make copies of the template element before other directives get applied.

Thanks to @Izhaki's comment, here is the reference to ngRepeat source code:

How to exit when back button is pressed?

To exit from an Android app, just simply use. in your Main Activity, or you can use Android manifest file to set


CSS3 Fade Effect

The scrolling effect is cause by specifying the generic 'background' property in your css instead of the more specific background-image. By setting the background property, the animation will transition between all properties.. Background-Color, Background-Image, Background-Position.. Etc Thus causing the scrolling effect..


a {
-webkit-transition-property: background-image 300ms ease-in 200ms;
-moz-transition-property: background-image 300ms ease-in 200ms;
-o-transition-property: background-image 300ms ease-in 200ms;
transition: background-image 300ms ease-in 200ms;

Singular matrix issue with Numpy

As it was already mentioned in previous answers, your matrix cannot be inverted, because its determinant is 0. But if you still want to get inverse matrix, you can use np.linalg.pinv, which leverages SVD to approximate initial matrix.

How to return 2 values from a Java method?

Return an Array Of Objects

private static Object[] f () 
     double x =1.0;  
     int y= 2 ;
     return new Object[]{Double.valueOf(x),Integer.valueOf(y)};  

m2eclipse error

Encountered the same problem. For my case i was working behind a proxy.

My solution was

  1. Modify the settings.xml file in the .m2 folder to add the proxy configuration.

    proxy true http 4145

  2. In eclipse Click update settings button. Menu: Windows>>Preferences>>Maven>>User Settings

  3. Delete the .m2/repository folder
  4. Refresh my maven project.

After step 4 - eclipse took a few minutes downloading files and project refreshed successfully.

pip install failing with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied on directory

Option a) Create a virtualenv, activate it and install:

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Option b) Install in your homedir:

pip install --user -r requirements.txt

My recommendation use safe (a) option, so that requirements of this project do not interfere with other projects requirements.

BackgroundWorker vs background Thread

I want to point out one behavior of BackgroundWorker class that wasn't mentioned yet. You can make a normal Thread to run in background by setting the Thread.IsBackground property.

Background threads are identical to foreground threads, except that background threads do not prevent a process from terminating. [1]

You can test this behavoir by calling the following method in the constructor of your form window.

void TestBackgroundThread()
    var thread = new Thread((ThreadStart)delegate()
        long count = 0;
        while (true)
            Debug.WriteLine("Thread loop count: " + count);

    // Choose one option:
    thread.IsBackground = true; // <--- This will make the thread run in background
    thread.IsBackground = false; // <--- This will delay program termination


When the IsBackground property is set to true and you close the window, then your application will terminate normaly.

But when the IsBackground property is set to false (by default) and you close the window, then just the window will disapear but the process will still keep running.

The BackgroundWorker class utilize a Thread that runs in the background.

ReactJS call parent method

To do this you pass a callback as a property down to the child from the parent.

For example:

var Parent = React.createClass({

    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            value: 'foo'

    changeHandler: function(value) {
            value: value

    render: function() {
        return (
                <Child value={this.state.value} onChange={this.changeHandler} />

var Child = React.createClass({
    propTypes: {
        value:      React.PropTypes.string,
        onChange:   React.PropTypes.func
    getDefaultProps: function() {
        return {
            value: ''
    changeHandler: function(e) {
        if (typeof this.props.onChange === 'function') {
    render: function() {
        return (
            <input type="text" value={this.props.value} onChange={this.changeHandler} />

In the above example, Parent calls Child with a property of value and onChange. The Child in return binds an onChange handler to a standard <input /> element and passes the value up to the Parent's callback if it's defined.

As a result the Parent's changeHandler method is called with the first argument being the string value from the <input /> field in the Child. The result is that the Parent's state can be updated with that value, causing the parent's <span /> element to update with the new value as you type it in the Child's input field.

Load local javascript file in chrome for testing?

Look at where your html file is, the path you provided is relative not absolute. Are you sure it's placed correctly. According to the path you gave in the example above: "src="../js/moment.js" " the JS file is one level higher in hierarchy. So it should be placed as following:

Parent folder sub-folder html file js (this is a folder) moment.js

The double dots means the parent folder from current directory, in your case, the current directory is the location of html file.

But to make your life easier using a server will safe you troubles of doing this manually since the server directory is same all time so it's much easier.

importing go files in same folder

No import is necessary as long as you declare both a.go and b.go to be in the same package. Then, you can use go run to recognize multiple files with:

$ go run a.go b.go

Prime numbers between 1 to 100 in C Programming Language

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
    int i,j;
    int b=0;
    for (i=2;i<=100;i++){
        for (j=2;j<=i;j++){
            if (i%j==0){
        if (i==j)
            print f("\n%d",j);
    getch ();

How do I replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript?

There are lot of answers here, and all of them are based on two methods:

  • METHOD1: split the string using two substrings and stuff the character between them
  • METHOD2: convert the string to character array, replace one array member and join it

Personally, I would use these two methods in different cases. Let me explain.

@FabioPhms: Your method was the one I initially used and I was afraid that it is bad on string with lots of characters. However, question is what's a lot of characters? I tested it on 10 "lorem ipsum" paragraphs and it took a few milliseconds. Then I tested it on 10 times larger string - there was really no big difference. Hm.

@vsync, @Cory Mawhorter: Your comments are unambiguous; however, again, what is a large string? I agree that for 32...100kb performance should better and one should use substring-variant for this one operation of character replacement.

But what will happen if I have to make quite a few replacements?

I needed to perform my own tests to prove what is faster in that case. Let's say we have an algorithm that will manipulate a relatively short string that consists of 1000 characters. We expect that in average each character in that string will be replaced ~100 times. So, the code to test something like this is:

var str = "... {A LARGE STRING HERE} ...";

for(var i=0; i<100000; i++)
  var n = '' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
  var p = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
  // replace character *n* on position *p*

I created a fiddle for this, and it's here. There are two tests, TEST1 (substring) and TEST2 (array conversion).


  • TEST1: 195ms
  • TEST2: 6ms

It seems that array conversion beats substring by 2 orders of magnitude! So - what the hell happened here???

What actually happens is that all operations in TEST2 are done on array itself, using assignment expression like strarr2[p] = n. Assignment is really fast compared to substring on a large string, and its clear that it's going to win.

So, it's all about choosing the right tool for the job. Again.

How to grep for two words existing on the same line?

You cat try with below command

cat log|grep -e word1 -e word2

How to load npm modules in AWS Lambda?

Also in the many IDEs now, ex: VSC, you can install an extension for AWS and simply click upload from there, no effort of typing all those commands + region.

Here's an example:

enter image description here

A generic list of anonymous class

You can create a list of dynamic.

List<dynamic> anons=new List<dynamic>();
foreach (Model model in models)
   var anon= new
      Id = model.Id,

"dynamic" gets initialized by the first value added.

Initialise a list to a specific length in Python

If the "default value" you want is immutable, @eduffy's suggestion, e.g. [0]*10, is good enough.

But if you want, say, a list of ten dicts, do not use [{}]*10 -- that would give you a list with the same initially-empty dict ten times, not ten distinct ones. Rather, use [{} for i in range(10)] or similar constructs, to construct ten separate dicts to make up your list.

How to run a Maven project from Eclipse?

(Alt + Shift + X) , then M to Run Maven Build. You will need to specify the Maven goals you want on Run -> Run Configurations

How to manipulate arrays. Find the average. Beginner Java

Couple of problems:

The while should be a for You are not returning a value but you have declared a return type of double

double average = sum / data.length;;

sum and data.length are both ints so the division will return an int - check your types

double semi-colon, probably won't break it, just looks odd.

Is it possible to register a http+domain-based URL Scheme for iPhone apps, like YouTube and Maps?

I think the least intrusive way of doing this is as follows:

  1. Check if the user-agent is that of an iPhone/iPod Touch
  2. Check for an appInstalled cookie
  3. If the cookie exists and is set to true, set window.location to your-uri:// (or do the redirect server side)
  4. If the cookie doesn't exist, open a "Did you know Your Site Name has an iPhone application?" modal with a "Yep, I've already got it", "Nope, but I'd love to try it", and "Leave me alone" button.
    1. The "Yep" button sets the cookie to true and redirects to your-uri://
    2. The "Nope" button redirects to "" which will open the App Store on the device
    3. The "Leave me alone" button sets the cookie to false and closes the modal

The other option I've played with but found a little clunky was to do the following in Javascript:

setTimeout(function() {
  window.location = "";
}, 25);

// If "custom-uri://" is registered the app will launch immediately and your
// timer won't fire. If it's not set, you'll get an ugly "Cannot Open Page"
// dialogue prior to the App Store application launching
window.location = "custom-uri://";

Copying HTML code in Google Chrome's inspect element

This is bit tricky

Now a days most of website new techniques to save websites from scraping

1st Technique

Ctrl+U this will show you Page Source enter image description here

2nd Technique

This one is small hack if the website has ajax like functionality.

Just Hover the mouse key on inspect element untill whole screen becomes just right click then and copy element enter image description here

That's it you are good to go.

How to check if a map contains a key in Go?

Searched on the go-nuts email list and found a solution posted by Peter Froehlich on 11/15/2009.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
        dict := map[string]int {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2}
        value, ok := dict["baz"]
        if ok {
                fmt.Println("value: ", value)
        } else {
                fmt.Println("key not found")

Or, more compactly,

if value, ok := dict["baz"]; ok {
    fmt.Println("value: ", value)
} else {
    fmt.Println("key not found")

Note, using this form of the if statement, the value and ok variables are only visible inside the if conditions.

H2 database error: Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process"

H2 is still running (I can guarantee it). You need to use a TCP connection for multiple users such as ->

<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/C:\Database\Data\production;"/>



It also means you need to start the server in TCP mode. Honesetly, it is pretty straight forward in the documentation.

Force kill the process (javaw.exe for Windows), and make sure that any application that might have started it is shut down. You have an active lock.

How to change a field name in JSON using Jackson

Have you tried using @JsonProperty?

public class City {
   Long id;
   String name;

   public String getName() { return name; }

   public void setName(String name){ = name; }

   public Long getId() { return id; }

   public void setId(Long id){ = id; }

How to undo a git pull?

git reflog show should show you the history of HEAD. You can use that to figure out where you were before the pull. Then you can reset your HEAD to that commit.

Declare global variables in Visual Studio 2010 and VB.NET

The various answers in this blog seem to be defined by SE's who promote strict adherence to the usual rules of object-oriented programming (use a Public Class with public shared (aka static), and fully-qualified class references, or SE's who promote using the backward-compatibility feature (Module) for which the compiler obviously needs to do the same thing to make it work.

As a SE with 30+ years of experience, I would propose the following guidelines:

  1. If you are writing all new code (not attempting to convert a legacy app) that you avoid using these forms altogether except in the rare instance that you really DO need to have a static variable because they can cause terrible consequences (and really hard-to-find bugs). (Multithread and multiprocessing code requires semaphores around static variables...)

  2. If you are modifying a small application that already has a few global variables, then formulate them so they are not obscured by Modules, that is, use the standard rules of object-oriented programming to re-create them as public static and access them by full qualification so others can figure out what is going on.

  3. If you have a huge legacy application with dozens or hundreds of global variables, by all means, use Modules to define them. There is no reason to waste time when getting the application working, because you are probably already behind the 8-ball in time spent on Properties, etc.

Mongoose limit/offset and count query

There is a library that will do all of this for you, check out mongoose-paginate-v2

How do I add FTP support to Eclipse?

I'm not sure if this works for you, but when I do small solo PHP projects with Eclipse, the first thing I set up is an Ant script for deploying the project to a remote testing environment. I code away locally, and whenever I want to test it, I just hit the shortcut which updates the remote site.

Eclipse has good Ant support out of the box, and the scripts aren't hard to make.

jQuery remove special characters from string and more

this will remove all the special character

 str.replace(/[_\W]+/g, "");

this is really helpful and solve my issue. Please run the below code and ensure it works

var str="hello world !#to&you%*()";_x000D_
console.log(str.replace(/[_\W]+/g, ""));

How to compare dates in datetime fields in Postgresql?

When you compare update_date >= '2013-05-03' postgres casts values to the same type to compare values. So your '2013-05-03' was casted to '2013-05-03 00:00:00'.

So for update_date = '2013-05-03 14:45:00' your expression will be that:

'2013-05-03 14:45:00' >= '2013-05-03 00:00:00' AND '2013-05-03 14:45:00' <= '2013-05-03 00:00:00'

This is always false

To solve this problem cast update_date to date:

select * from table where update_date::date >= '2013-05-03' AND update_date::date <= '2013-05-03' -> Will return result

How to create directory automatically on SD card

Here is what works for me.

 uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" 

in your manifest and the code below

public static boolean createDirIfNotExists(String path) {
    boolean ret = true;

    File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), path);
    if (!file.exists()) {
        if (!file.mkdirs()) {
            Log.e("TravellerLog :: ", "Problem creating Image folder");
            ret = false;
    return ret;

HTML5 Video not working in IE 11

It was due to IE Document-mode version too low. Press 'F12' and using higher version( My case, above version 9 is OK)

Ignoring SSL certificate in Apache HttpClient 4.3

On top of PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager along with Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> socketFactoryRegistry = RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory> create().register("https", sslFactory).build(); If you want an asynchronous httpclient using PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager the code shoudl be similar to following

SSLContextBuilder builder = SSLContexts.custom();
builder.loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustStrategy() {
    public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)
            throws CertificateException {
        return true;
SSLContext sslContext =;
SchemeIOSessionStrategy sslioSessionStrategy = new SSLIOSessionStrategy(sslContext, 
                new HostnameVerifier(){
            public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
                return true;// TODO as of now allow all hostnames
Registry<SchemeIOSessionStrategy> sslioSessionRegistry = RegistryBuilder.<SchemeIOSessionStrategy>create().register("https", sslioSessionStrategy).build();
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager ncm  = new PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager(new DefaultConnectingIOReactor(),sslioSessionRegistry);
CloseableHttpAsyncClient asyncHttpClient = HttpAsyncClients.custom().setConnectionManager(ncm).build();

How to take input in an array + PYTHON?

data = []
n = int(raw_input('Enter how many elements you want: '))
for i in range(0, n):
    x = raw_input('Enter the numbers into the array: ')

Now this doesn't do any error checking and it stores data as a string.

How do I append one string to another in Python?

it really depends on your application. If you're looping through hundreds of words and want to append them all into a list, .join() is better. But if you're putting together a long sentence, you're better off using +=.

Sum values in foreach loop php

You can use array_sum().

$total = array_sum($group);

Hash String via SHA-256 in Java

Java 8: Base64 available:

    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "SHA-512" );
    md.update( inbytes );
    byte[] aMessageDigest = md.digest();

    String outEncoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( aMessageDigest );
    return( outEncoded );

Can RDP clients launch remote applications and not desktops

Using an RDP connection file you can set the alternate shell to be your application; the file syntax is like

alternate shell:s:c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe

and you pass that as a command-line argument to mstsc.exe; this similar to chrissr's solution, but without affecting every RDP session you launch. A fuller summary of settings here.

Unable to load DLL (Module could not be found HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

Also faced the same problem when using unmanaged c/c++ dll file in c# environment.

1.Checked the compatibility of dll with 32bit or 64bit CPU.

2.Checked the correct paths of DLL .bin folder, system32/sysWOW64 , or given path.

3.Checked if PDB(Programme Database) files are missing.This video gives you ans best undestand about pdb files.

When running 32-bit C/C++ binary code in 64bit system, could arise this because of platform incompatibility. You can change it from Build>Configuration manager.

Test if characters are in a string

You can use grep

grep("es", "Test")
[1] 1
grep("et", "Test")

javascript function wait until another function to finish

Following answer can help in this and other similar situations like synchronous AJAX call -

Working example

  console.log('Finally, I can execute!!!');
  console.log('This is error message.');

function waitForMe(){
    // Returns promise
    console.log('Inside waitForMe');
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        if(true){ // Try changing to 'false'
                console.log('waitForMe\'s function succeeded');
            }, 2500);
                console.log('waitForMe\'s else block failed');
            }, 2500);

Make a dictionary with duplicate keys in Python

You can't have a dict with duplicate keys for definition! Instead you can use a single key and, as value, a list of elements that had that key.

So you can follow these steps:

  1. See if the current element's (of your initial set) key is in the final dict. If it is, go to step 3
  2. Update dict with key
  3. Append the new value to the dict[key] list
  4. Repeat [1-3]

How can I specify the required Node.js version in package.json?

Just like said Ibam, engineStrict is now deprecated. But I've found this solution:


import semver from 'semver';
import { engines } from './package';

const version = engines.node;
if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, version)) {
  console.log(`Required node version ${version} not satisfied with current version ${process.version}.`);


  "name": "my package",
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=50.9" // intentionally so big version number
  "scripts": {
    "requirements-check": "babel-node check-version.js",
    "postinstall": "npm run requirements-check"

Find out more here:


And one more thing. A dotfile '.nvmrc' can be used for requiring specific node version -

But, it is only respected by npm scripts (and yarn scripts).

How to format font style and color in echo

You should also use the style 'color' and not 'font-color'


foreach($months as $key => $month){
        echo "<style = 'color: #ff0000;'> Movie List for {$key} 2013 </style>";


In general, the comments on double and single quotes are correct in other suggestions. $Variables only execute in double quotes.

Visual Studio 2010 always thinks project is out of date, but nothing has changed

I had this problem in VS2013 (Update 5) and there can be two reasons for that, both of which you can find by enabling "Detailed" build output under "Tools"->"Projects and Solutions"->"Build and Run".

  1. "Forcing recompile of all source files due to missing PDB "..."
    This happens when you disable debug information output in your compiler options (Under Project settings: „C/C++“->“Debug Information Format“ to „None“ and „Linker“->“Generate Debug Info“ to „No“: ). If you have left „C/C++“->“Program Database File Name“ at the default (which is „$(IntDir)vc$(PlatformToolsetVersion).pdb“), VS will not find the file due to a bug (
    To fix it, simply clear the file name to "" (empty field).

  2. "Forcing rebuild of all source files due to a change in the command line since the last build."
    This seems to be a known VS bug too ( and seems to be fixed in newer versions (but not VS2013). I known of no workaround, but if you do, by all means, post it here.

How to Load RSA Private Key From File

You need to convert your private key to PKCS8 format using following command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private_key_file  -nocrypt > pkcs8_key

After this your java program can read it.

How to fix "set SameSite cookie to none" warning?

For those can not create PHP session and working with live domain at local. You should delete live sites secure cookie first.

Full answer ;

How to fix Error: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key tableView.'

Any chance that you changed the name of your table view from "tableView" to "myTableView" at some point?

How to solve could not create the virtual machine error of Java Virtual Machine Launcher?

I was facing the same issue while i was using JDK 1.8.0_05 64 bit and eclipse-jee-oxygen-3a-win32-x86_64 on Windows 64 bit Operating System.

enter image description here

Finally i resolved the issue by changing JDK version jdk1.8.0_05 to jdk1.8.0_172

master branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, how to 'undiverge' branches'?

I had same message when I was trying to edit last commit message, of already pushed commit, using: git commit --amend -m "New message" When I pushed the changes using git push --force-with-lease repo_name branch_name there were no issues.

How to create a regex for accepting only alphanumeric characters?

[a-zA-Z0-9] will only match ASCII characters, it won't match

String target = new String("A" + "\u00ea" + "\u00f1" +
                             "\u00fc" + "C");

If you also want to match unicode characters:

String pat = "^[\\p{L}0-9]*$";

How to secure RESTful web services?

If choosing between OAuth versions, go with OAuth 2.0.

OAuth bearer tokens should only be used with a secure transport.

OAuth bearer tokens are only as secure or insecure as the transport that encrypts the conversation. HTTPS takes care of protecting against replay attacks, so it isn't necessary for the bearer token to also guard against replay.

While it is true that if someone intercepts your bearer token they can impersonate you when calling the API, there are plenty of ways to mitigate that risk. If you give your tokens a long expiration period and expect your clients to store the tokens locally, you have a greater risk of tokens being intercepted and misused than if you give your tokens a short expiration, require clients to acquire new tokens for every session, and advise clients not to persist tokens.

If you need to secure payloads that pass through multiple participants, then you need something more than HTTPS/SSL, since HTTPS/SSL only encrypts one link of the graph. This is not a fault of OAuth.

Bearer tokens are easy to for clients to obtain, easy for clients to use for API calls and are widely used (with HTTPS) to secure public facing APIs from Google, Facebook, and many other services.

How to get first 5 characters from string

You can use the substr function like this:

echo substr($myStr, 0, 5);

The second argument to substr is from what position what you want to start and third arguments is for how many characters you want to return.

How can you have SharePoint Link Lists default to opening in a new window?

Under the Links Tab ==> Edit the URL Item ==> Under the URL (Type the Web address)- format the value as follows:

Example: if the URL = ==> then suffix the value with ==>

  • #openinnewwindow/,'" target="'

SO, the final value should read as ==>,'" target="'

DONE ==> this will open the URL in New Window

Access images inside public folder in laravel

I have created an Asset helper of my own.

First I defined the asset types and path in app/config/assets.php:

return array(

    | Assets paths
    | Location of all application assets, relative to the public folder,
    | may be used together with absolute paths or with URLs.

    'images' => '/storage/images',
    'css' => '/assets/css',
    'img' => '/assets/img',
    'js' => '/assets/js'

Then the actual Asset class:

class Asset
    private static function getUrl($type, $file)
        return URL::to(Config::get('assets.' . $type) . '/' . $file);

    public static function css($file)
        return self::getUrl('css', $file);

    public static function img($file)
        return self::getUrl('img', $file);

    public static function js($file)
        return self::getUrl('js', $file);


So in my view I can do this to show an image:

{{ HTML::image(Asset::img('logo.png'), "My logo")) }}

Or like this to implement a Java script:

{{ HTML::script(Asset::js('my_script.js')) }}

Sorting HTML table with JavaScript

In case your table does not have ths but only tds (with headers included) you can try the following which is based on Nick Grealy's answer above:

const getCellValue = (tr, idx) => tr.children[idx].innerText || tr.children[idx].textContent;_x000D_
const comparer = (idx, asc) => (a, b) => ((v1, v2) => _x000D_
    v1 !== '' && v2 !== '' && !isNaN(v1) && !isNaN(v2) ? v1 - v2 : v1.toString().localeCompare(v2)_x000D_
    )(getCellValue(asc ? a : b, idx), getCellValue(asc ? b : a, idx));_x000D_
// do the work..._x000D_
document.querySelectorAll('tr:first-child td').forEach(td => td.addEventListener('click', (() => {_x000D_
    const table = td.closest('table');_x000D_
        .sort(comparer(Array.from(td.parentNode.children).indexOf(td), this.asc = !this.asc))_x000D_
        .forEach(tr => table.appendChild(tr) );_x000D_
@charset "UTF-8";_x000D_
@import url('');_x000D_
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;_x000D_
  margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
table {_x000D_
 border:#ccc 1px solid;_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
table td {_x000D_
 border-top: 1px solid #ffffff;_x000D_
 border-bottom:1px solid #e0e0e0;_x000D_
 border-left: 1px solid #e0e0e0;_x000D_
 background: #fafafa;_x000D_
 background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#fbfbfb), to(#fafafa));_x000D_
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #fbfbfb,  #fafafa);_x000D_
  width: 6.9in;_x000D_
table tbody tr:first-child td_x000D_
 background: #124!important;_x000D_
table tbody tr th_x000D_
  border-left: 1px solid #e0e0e0;_x000D_
 background: #124!important;_x000D_

What is polymorphism, what is it for, and how is it used?

Polymorphism gives you the ability to create one module calling another, and yet have the compile time dependency point against the flow of control instead of with the flow of control.

By using polymorphism, a high level module does not depend on low-level module. Both depend on abstractions. This helps us to apply the dependency inversion principle(

This is where I found the above definition. Around 50 minutes into the video the instructor explains the above.

How do I filter query objects by date range in Django?

Is simple,


Works for me

The type WebMvcConfigurerAdapter is deprecated

I have been working on Swagger equivalent documentation library called Springfox nowadays and I found that in the Spring 5.0.8 (running at present), interface WebMvcConfigurer has been implemented by class WebMvcConfigurationSupport class which we can directly extend.

import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurationSupport;

public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { }

And this is how I have used it for setting my resource handling mechanism as follows -

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {


How do I install pip on macOS or OS X?

UPDATED 2020 August: MacOs Cataline

Install homebrew

mkdir homebrew && curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C homebrew

Add the path:

sudo nano  ~/.bash_profile

Add this line:
export PATH="$HOME/homebrew/bin:$PATH"

Install python3:

brew install python

This python (v3) install pip3, in order to use only 'pip' , add an alias:

sudo nano  ~/.bash_profile
Add this line:
alias pip=pip3

UPDATED 2019 October: MacOs Mojave

MacOS comes with python2, but not with pip. Anyway, it's better to manage it with homebrew, you must install it before:

Install python2:

brew install python

WARNING: for a modern macOS (2019) this can install python3, and for python2 you really need to do: brew install python@2

Install python3:

brew install python3

UPDATE: Python 3

If you install python3, pip will be installed automatically.

brew install python3

NEW 2019: now to use pip version 3, use pip3 , or you can execute: python3, to use version 3. When you install packages with pip3 they will be separated from python2.

OLD: You need only to upgrade pip, but before that you need create a virtual environment to work with Python 3. You can use a project folder or any folder:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip

Check the versions:

pip -V
python --version

NEW 2019:
pip3 -V
python3 --version

To deactivate the environment:

$ deactivate

Is there a command to refresh environment variables from the command prompt in Windows?

The easiest way to add a variable to the path without rebooting for the current session is to open the command prompt and type:


and press enter.

to check if your variable loaded, type


and press enter. However, the variable will only be a part of the path until you reboot.

Angular 2.0 and Modal Dialog

I use ngx-bootstrap for my project.

You can find the demo here

The github is here

How to use:

  1. Install ngx-bootstrap

  2. Import to your module

// RECOMMENDED (doesn't work with system.js)
import { ModalModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal';
// or
import { ModalModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap';

  imports: [ModalModule.forRoot(),...]
export class AppModule(){}
  1. Simple static modal
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" (click)="">Static modal</button>
<div class="modal fade" bsModal #staticModal="bs-modal" [config]="{backdrop: 'static'}"
tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mySmallModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-sm">
   <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
         <h4 class="modal-title pull-left">Static modal</h4>
         <button type="button" class="close pull-right" aria-label="Close" (click)="staticModal.hide()">
         <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
      <div class="modal-body">
         This is static modal, backdrop click will not close it.
         Click <b>&times;</b> to close modal.

when exactly are we supposed to use "public static final String"?

final indicates that the value of the variable won't change - in other words, a constant whose value can't be modified after it is declared.

Use public final static String when you want to create a String that:

  1. belongs to the class (static: no instance necessary to use it), and that
  2. won't change (final), for instance when you want to define a String constant that will be available to all instances of the class, and to other objects using the class.


public final static String MY_CONSTANT = "SomeValue";

// ... in some other code, possibly in another object, use the constant:
if (input.equals(MyClass.MY_CONSTANT)


public static final int ERROR_CODE = 127;

It isn't required to use final, but it keeps a constant from being changed inadvertently during program execution, and serves as an indicator that the variable is a constant.

Even if the constant will only be used - read - in the current class and/or in only one place, it's good practice to declare all constants as final: it's clearer, and during the lifetime of the code the constant may end up being used in more than one place.

Furthermore using final may allow the implementation to perform some optimization, e.g. by inlining an actual value where the constant is used.

How can I get query parameters from a URL in Vue.js?

If your url looks something like this:

Where '123' is a parameter named 'id' (url like /something/:id), try with:


POST unchecked HTML checkboxes

What I did was a bit different. First I changed the values of all the unchecked checkboxes. To "0", then selected them all, so the value would be submitted.

function checkboxvalues(){_x000D_
  $("#checkbox-container input:checkbox").each(function({ _x000D_
      $(this).prop("checked", true);_x000D_

AngularJS custom filter function

You can use it like this:

Like you found, filter accepts predicate function which accepts item by item from the array. So, you just have to create an predicate function based on the given criteria.

In this example, criteriaMatch is a function which returns a predicate function which matches the given criteria.


<div ng-repeat="item in items | filter:criteriaMatch(criteria)">
  {{ item }}


$scope.criteriaMatch = function( criteria ) {
  return function( item ) {
    return ===;

Android SDK location should not contain whitespace, as this cause problems with NDK tools

As the warning message states, the SDK location should not contain whitespace.

Your SDK is at C:\Users\Giacomo B\AppData\Local\Android\sdk. There is a whitespace character in Giacomo B.

The easiest solution is to move the SDK somewhere else, where there is no space or other whitespace character in the path, such as C:\Android\sdk. You can point both Android Studio installations to the new location.

Console output in a Qt GUI app?

One solution is to run powershell and redirect the output to whatever stream you want.

Below is an example of running powershell from cmd.exe and redirecting my_exec.exe output to both the console and an output.txt file:

powershell ".\my_exec.exe | tee output.txt"

Running PowerShell as another user, and launching a script

Here's also nice way to achieve this via UI.

0) Right click on PowerShell icon when on task bar

1) Shift + right click on Windows PowerShell

2) "Run as different user"


Embed youtube videos that play in fullscreen automatically

This was pretty well answered over here: How to make a YouTube embedded video a full page width one?

If you add '?rel=0&autoplay=1' to the end of the url in the embed code (like this)

<iframe id="video" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

of the video it should play on load. Here's a demo over at jsfiddle.

How to force a html5 form validation without submitting it via jQuery

According to the question html5 validity should be validate able using jQuery at first and in most of the answer this is not happening and the reason for this is as following:

while validating using html5 form's default function

checkValidity();// returns true/false

we need to understand that jQuery returns object array, while selecting like this


therefore, you need to specify the first index to make checkValidity() function work


here is the complete solution:

<button type="button" name="button" onclick="saveData()">Save</button>

function saveData()
          type: "POST",
          url: "save.php",
          data: data,
          success: function(resp){console.log("Response: "+resp);}

ScrollTo function in AngularJS

Another suggestion. One directive with selector.


<button type="button" scroll-to="#catalogSection">Scroll To</button>


app.directive('scrollTo', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            element.on('click', function () {

                var target = $(attrs.scrollTo);
                if (target.length > 0) {
                    $('html, body').animate({
                        scrollTop: target.offset().top

Also notice $anchorScroll

Compare two objects in Java with possible null values

For those on android, who can't use API 19's Objects.equals(str1, str2), there is this:

android.text.TextUtils.equals(str1, str2);

It is null safe. It rarely has to use the more expensive string.equals() method because identical strings on android almost always compare true with the "==" operand thanks to Android's String Pooling, and length checks are a fast way to filter out most mismatches.

Source Code:

 * Returns true if a and b are equal, including if they are both null.
 * <p><i>Note: In platform versions 1.1 and earlier, this method only worked  well if
 * both the arguments were instances of String.</i></p>
 * @param a first CharSequence to check
 * @param b second CharSequence to check
 * @return true if a and b are equal
public static boolean equals(CharSequence a, CharSequence b) {
    if (a == b) return true;
    int length;
    if (a != null && b != null && (length = a.length()) == b.length()) {
        if (a instanceof String && b instanceof String) {
            return a.equals(b);
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                if (a.charAt(i) != b.charAt(i)) return false;
            return true;
    return false;

HTML form with side by side input fields

I would go with Larry K's solution, but you can also set the display to inline-block if you want the benefits of both block and inline elements.

You can do this in the div tag by inserting:


Or in a CSS stylesheet with this method:

div { display:inline-block; }

Hope it helps, but as earlier mentioned, I would personally go for Larry K's solution ;-)

How to close the current fragment by using Button like the back button?

Try this:

public void removeFragment(Fragment fragment){ fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager(); fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();


Displaying tooltip on mouse hover of a text

For the sake of ease of use and understandability.

You can simply put a Tooltip anywhere on your form (from toolbox). You will then be given an options in the Properties of everything else in your form to determine what is displayed in that Tooltip (it reads something like "ToolTip on toolTip1"). Anytime you hover on an object, the text in that property will be displayed as a tooltip.

This does not cover custom on-the-fly tooltips like the original question is asking for. But I am leaving this here for others that do not need

Why do I need 'b' to encode a string with Base64?

base64 encoding takes 8-bit binary byte data and encodes it uses only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /* so it can be transmitted over channels that do not preserve all 8-bits of data, such as email.

Hence, it wants a string of 8-bit bytes. You create those in Python 3 with the b'' syntax.

If you remove the b, it becomes a string. A string is a sequence of Unicode characters. base64 has no idea what to do with Unicode data, it's not 8-bit. It's not really any bits, in fact. :-)

In your second example:

>>> encoded = base64.b64encode('data to be encoded')

All the characters fit neatly into the ASCII character set, and base64 encoding is therefore actually a bit pointless. You can convert it to ascii instead, with

>>> encoded = 'data to be encoded'.encode('ascii')

Or simpler:

>>> encoded = b'data to be encoded'

Which would be the same thing in this case.

* Most base64 flavours may also include a = at the end as padding. In addition, some base64 variants may use characters other than + and /. See the Variants summary table at Wikipedia for an overview.