I built a gem hash_parser that first checks if a hash is safe or not using ruby_parser
gem. Only then, it applies the eval
You can use it as
require 'hash_parser'
# this executes successfully
a = "{ :key_a => { :key_1a => 'value_1a', :key_2a => 'value_2a' },
:key_b => { :key_1b => 'value_1b' } }"
p HashParser.new.safe_load(a)
# this throws a HashParser::BadHash exception
a = "{ :key_a => system('ls') }"
p HashParser.new.safe_load(a)
The tests in https://github.com/bibstha/ruby_hash_parser/blob/master/test/test_hash_parser.rb give you more examples of the things I've tested to make sure eval is safe.