[mongodb] Mongoose limit/offset and count query

Bit of an odd one on query performance... I need to run a query which does a total count of documents, and can also return a result set that can be limited and offset.

So, I have 57 documents in total, and the user wants 10 documents offset by 20.

I can think of 2 ways of doing this, first is query for all 57 documents (returned as an array), then using array.slice return the documents they want. The second option is to run 2 queries, the first one using mongo's native 'count' method, then run a second query using mongo's native $limit and $skip aggregators.

Which do you think would scale better? Doing it all in one query, or running two separate ones?


// 1 query
var limit = 10;
var offset = 20;

Animals.find({}, function (err, animals) {
    if (err) {
        return next(err);

    res.send({count: animals.length, animals: animals.slice(offset, limit + offset)});

// 2 queries
Animals.find({}, {limit:10, skip:20} function (err, animals) {            
    if (err) {
        return next(err);

    Animals.count({}, function (err, count) {
        if (err) {
            return next(err);

        res.send({count: count, animals: animals});

This question is related to mongodb mongoose

The answer is

Instead of using 2 separate queries, you can use aggregate() in a single query:

Aggregate "$facet" can be fetch more quickly, the Total Count and the Data with skip & limit


      //{$sort: {...}}



        "stage1" : [ {"$group": {_id:null, count:{$sum:1}}} ],

        "stage2" : [ { "$skip": 0}, {"$limit": 2} ]
     {$unwind: "$stage1"},
      //output projection
        count: "$stage1.count",
        data: "$stage2"


output as follows:-

     count: 50,
     data: [

Also, have a look at https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/facet/

After having to tackle this issue myself, I would like to build upon user854301's answer.

Mongoose ^4.13.8 I was able to use a function called toConstructor() which allowed me to avoid building the query multiple times when filters are applied. I know this function is available in older versions too but you'll have to check the Mongoose docs to confirm this.

The following uses Bluebird promises:

let schema = Query.find({ name: 'bloggs', age: { $gt: 30 } });

// save the query as a 'template'
let query = schema.toConstructor();

return Promise.join(

    function (total, data) {
        return { data: data, total: total }

Now the count query will return the total records it matched and the data returned will be a subset of the total records.

Please note the () around query() which constructs the query.

    { '$match'    : { } },
    { '$sort'     : { '_id' : -1 } },
    { '$facet'    : {
        metadata: [ { $count: "total" } ],
        data: [ { $skip: 1 }, { $limit: 10 },{ '$project' : {"_id":0} } ] // add projection here wish you re-shape the docs
    } }
] )

Instead of using two queries to find the total count and skip the matched record.
$facet is the best and optimized way.

  1. Match the record
  2. Find total_count
  3. skip the record
  4. And also can reshape data according to our needs in the query.

There is a library that will do all of this for you, check out mongoose-paginate-v2