Programs & Examples On #Graphic effects

How to reference Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel dll?

You have to check which version of Excel you are targeting?

If you are targeting Excel 2010 use version 14 (as per Grant's screenshot answer), Excel 2007 use version 12 . You can not support Excel 2003 using vS2012 as they do not have the correct Interop dll installed.

(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main' and undefined reference to function

This rule

main: producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o
   $(COMPILER) -pthread $(CCFLAGS) -o producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o

is wrong. It says to create a file named producer.o (with -o producer.o), but you want to create a file named main. Please excuse the shouting, but ALWAYS USE $@ TO REFERENCE THE TARGET:

main: producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o
   $(COMPILER) -pthread $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o

As Shahbaz rightly points out, the gmake professionals would also use $^ which expands to all the prerequisites in the rule. In general, if you find yourself repeating a string or name, you're doing it wrong and should use a variable, whether one of the built-ins or one you create.

main: producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o
   $(COMPILER) -pthread $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $^

How to check which version of Keras is installed?

Simple command to check keras version:

(py36) C:\WINDOWS\system32>python
Python 3.6.8 |Anaconda custom (64-bit) 

>>> import keras
Using TensorFlow backend.
>>> keras.__version__

Get month name from number

I created my own function converting numbers to their corresponding month.

def month_name (number):
    if number == 1:
        return "January"
    elif number == 2:
        return "February"
    elif number == 3:
        return "March"
    elif number == 4:
        return "April"
    elif number == 5:
        return "May"
    elif number == 6:
        return "June"
    elif number == 7:
        return "July"
    elif number == 8:
        return "August"
    elif number == 9:
        return "September"
    elif number == 10:
        return "October"
    elif number == 11:
        return "November"
    elif number == 12:
        return "December"

Then I can call the function. For example:

print (month_name (12))


>>> December

How can multiple rows be concatenated into one in Oracle without creating a stored procedure?

There are many way to do the string aggregation, but the easiest is a user defined function. Try this for a way that does not require a function. As a note, there is no simple way without the function.

This is the shortest route without a custom function: (it uses the ROW_NUMBER() and SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH functions )

SELECT questionid,
       KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY curr),',') AS elements
FROM   (SELECT questionid,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY questionid ORDER BY elementid) AS curr,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY questionid ORDER BY elementid) -1 AS prev
        FROM   emp)
GROUP BY questionid
CONNECT BY prev = PRIOR curr AND questionid = PRIOR questionid
START WITH curr = 1;

Easiest way to detect Internet connection on iOS?

Sorry for replying too late but I hope this answer can help somebody in future.

Following is a small native C code snippet that can check internet connectivity without any extra class.

Add the following headers:



    char *hostname;
    struct hostent *hostinfo;
    hostname = "";
    hostinfo = gethostbyname (hostname);
    if (hostinfo == NULL){
        NSLog(@"-> no connection!\n");
        return NO;
        NSLog(@"-> connection established!\n");
        return YES;

Swift 3

func isConnectedToInternet() -> Bool {
    let hostname = ""
    //let hostinfo = gethostbyname(hostname)
    let hostinfo = gethostbyname2(hostname, AF_INET6)//AF_INET6
    if hostinfo != nil {
        return true // internet available
     return false // no internet

Reading Properties file in Java

Many answers here describe dangerous methods where they instantiate a file input stream but do not get a reference to the input stream in order to close the stream later. This results in dangling input streams and memory leaks. The correct way of loading the properties should be similar to following:

    Properties prop = new Properties();
    try(InputStream fis = new FileInputStream("")) {
    catch(Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Unable to find the specified properties file");

Note the instantiating of the file input stream in try-with-resources block. Since a FileInputStream is autocloseable, it will be automatically closed after the try-with-resources block is exited. If you want to use a simple try block, you must explicitly close it using fis.close(); in the finally block.

Setting up maven dependency for SQL Server

Answer for the "new" and "cool" Microsoft.

Yay, SQL Server driver now under MIT license on


Answer for the "old" Microsoft:

For my use-case (integration testing) it was sufficient to use a system scope for the JDBC driver's dependency as such:


That way, I could put the JDBC driver into local version control. No need to have each developer manually set stuff up in their own repositories.

I took inspiration from this answer to another Stack Overflow question and I've also blogged about it here.

Prevent Bootstrap Modal from disappearing when clicking outside or pressing escape?

This code will prevent the modal from closing if you click outside the modal.

   $(document).ready(function () {
           backdrop: 'static',
           keyboard: false

How do I POST a x-www-form-urlencoded request using Fetch?

Use URLSearchParams

var data = new URLSearchParams();
data.append('userName', '[email protected]');
data.append('password', 'Password');
data.append('grant_type', 'password');

Add querystring parameters to link_to

If you want the quick and dirty way and don't worry about XSS attack, use params.merge to keep previous parameters. e.g.

<%= link_to 'Link', params.merge({:per_page => 20}) %>


Otherwise , check this answer: params.merge and cross site scripting

Best way to handle multiple constructors in Java

I would do the following:

public class Book
    private final String title;
    private final String isbn;

    public Book(final String t, final String i)
        if(t == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("t cannot be null");

        if(i == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("i cannot be null");

        title = t;
        isbn  = i;

I am making the assumption here that:

1) the title will never change (hence title is final) 2) the isbn will never change (hence isbn is final) 3) that it is not valid to have a book without both a title and an isbn.

Consider a Student class:

public class Student
    private final StudentID id;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public Student(final StudentID i,
                   final String    first,
                   final String    last)
        if(i == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("i cannot be null"); 

        if(first == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("first cannot be null"); 

        if(last == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("last cannot be null"); 

        id        = i;
        firstName = first;
        lastName  = last;

There a Student must be created with an id, a first name, and a last name. The student ID can never change, but a persons last and first name can change (get married, changes name due to losing a bet, etc...).

When deciding what constrructors to have you really need to think about what makes sense to have. All to often people add set/get methods because they are taught to - but very often it is a bad idea.

Immutable classes are much better to have (that is classes with final variables) over mutable ones. This book:,M1 (Effective Java) has a good discussion on immutability. Look at items 12 and 13.

Regular expression field validation in jQuery

Unless you're looking for something specific, you can already do Regular Expression matching using regular Javascript with strings.

For example, you can do matching using a string by something like this...

var phrase = "This is a phrase";
phrase = phrase.replace(/is/i, "is not");

Is there something you're looking for other than just Regular Expression matching in general?

Get SSID when WIFI is connected

Android 9 SSID showing NULL values use this code..

ConnectivityManager connManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
        NetworkInfo networkInfo = connManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);
        if (networkInfo.isConnected()) {
            WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
            WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
            String name = networkInfo.getExtraInfo();
            String ssid = wifiInfo.getSSID();
            return ssid.replaceAll("^\"|\"$", "");

How to make a round button?

Create an xml file named roundedbutton.xml in drawable folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="" 
    <solid android:color="#eeffffff" />
    <corners android:bottomRightRadius="8dp"

Finally set that as background to your Button as android:background = "@drawable/roundedbutton"

If you want to make it completely rounded, alter the radius and settle for something that is ok for you.

How to do an array of hashmaps?

You can't have an array of a generic type. Use List instead.

How do I use Access-Control-Allow-Origin? Does it just go in between the html head tags?

There are 3 ways to allow cross domain origin (excluding jsonp):

1) Set the header in the page directly using a templating language like PHP. Keep in mind there can be no HTML before your header or it will fail.

 <?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin:"); ?>

2) Modify the server configuration file (apache.conf) and add this line. Note that "*" represents allow all. Some systems might also need the credential set. In general allow all access is a security risk and should be avoided:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

3) To allow multiple domains on Apache web servers add the following to your config file

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    SetEnvIf Origin "http(s)?://(www\.)?(|$" AccessControlAllowOrigin=$0$1
    Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{AccessControlAllowOrigin}e env=AccessControlAllowOrigin
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

4) For development use only hack your browser and allow unlimited CORS using the Chrome Allow-Control-Allow-Origin extension

5) Disable CORS in Chrome: Quit Chrome completely. Open a terminal and execute the following. Just be cautious you are disabling web security:

open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir

What's the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL

A small correction to the original answer - delete also generates significant amounts of redo (as undo is itself protected by redo). This can be seen from autotrace output:

SQL> delete from t1;

10918 rows deleted.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.58

Execution Plan
   0      DELETE STATEMENT Optimizer=FIRST_ROWS (Cost=43 Card=1)
   1    0   DELETE OF 'T1'
   2    1     TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T1' (TABLE) (Cost=43 Card=1)

         30  recursive calls
      12118  db block gets
        213  consistent gets
        142  physical reads
    3975328  redo size
        441  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        537  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          4  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          2  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
      10918  rows processed

Android simple alert dialog

No my friend its very simple, try using this:

AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(AlertDialogActivity.this).create();
alertDialog.setTitle("Alert Dialog");
alertDialog.setMessage("Welcome to dear user.");

alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You clicked on OK", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

This tutorial shows how you can create custom dialog using xml and then show them as an alert dialog.

Convert CString to const char*

To convert a TCHAR CString to ASCII, use the CT2A macro - this will also allow you to convert the string to UTF8 (or any other Windows code page):

// Convert using the local code page
CString str(_T("Hello, world!"));
CT2A ascii(str);
TRACE(_T("ASCII: %S\n"), ascii.m_psz);

// Convert to UTF8
CString str(_T("Some Unicode goodness"));
CT2A ascii(str, CP_UTF8);
TRACE(_T("UTF8: %S\n"), ascii.m_psz);

// Convert to Thai code page
CString str(_T("Some Thai text"));
CT2A ascii(str, 874);
TRACE(_T("Thai: %S\n"), ascii.m_psz);

There is also a macro to convert from ASCII -> Unicode (CA2T) and you can use these in ATL/WTL apps as long as you have VS2003 or greater.

See the MSDN for more info.

How do I use raw_input in Python 3

Timmerman's solution works great when running the code, but if you don't want to get Undefined name errors when using pyflakes or a similar linter you could use the following instead:

    import __builtin__
    input = getattr(__builtin__, 'raw_input')
except (ImportError, AttributeError):

How to execute a shell script on a remote server using Ansible?

local_action runs the command on the local server, not on the servers you specify in hosts parameter.

Change your "Execute the script" task to

- name: Execute the script
  command: sh /home/test_user/

and it should do it.

You don't need to repeat sudo in the command line because you have defined it already in the playbook.

According to Ansible Intro to Playbooks user parameter was renamed to remote_user in Ansible 1.4 so you should change it, too

remote_user: test_user

So, the playbook will become:

- name: Transfer and execute a script.
  hosts: server
  remote_user: test_user
  sudo: yes
     - name: Transfer the script
       copy: dest=/home/test_user mode=0777

     - name: Execute the script
       command: sh /home/test_user/

Easy way to convert a unicode list to a list containing python strings?

Just json.dumps will fix the problem

json.dumps function actually converts all the unicode literals to string literals and it will be easy for us to load the data either in json file or csv file.

sample code:

import json
EmployeeList =  [u'1001', u'Karick', u'14-12-2020', u'1$']
result_list = json.dumps(EmployeeList)
print result_list

output: ["1001", "Karick", "14-12-2020", "1$"]

How can I get the value of a registry key from within a batch script?

For some reason Patrick Cuff's code doesn't work on my system (Windows 7) probably due to tryingToBeClever's comment. Modifying it a little did the trick:

@echo OFF

set KEY_NAME=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
set VALUE_NAME=DefaultColor

FOR /F "tokens=1-3" %%A IN ('REG QUERY %KEY_NAME% /v %VALUE_NAME% 2^>nul') DO (
    set ValueName=%%A
    set ValueType=%%B
    set ValueValue=%%C

if defined ValueName (
    @echo Value Name = %ValueName%
    @echo Value Type = %ValueType%
    @echo Value Value = %ValueValue%
) else (
    @echo %KEY_NAME%\%VALUE_NAME% not found.

phpmailer error "Could not instantiate mail function"

Check if sendmail is enabled, mostly if your server is provided by another company.

HTML - Alert Box when loading page


What is private bytes, virtual bytes, working set?

You should not try to use perfmon, task manager or any tool like that to determine memory leaks. They are good for identifying trends, but not much else. The numbers they report in absolute terms are too vague and aggregated to be useful for a specific task such as memory leak detection.

A previous reply to this question has given a great explanation of what the various types are.

You ask about a tool recommendation: I recommend Memory Validator. Capable of monitoring applications that make billions of memory allocations.

Disclaimer: I designed Memory Validator.

Why can't Python parse this JSON data?

As a python3 user,

The difference between load and loads methods is important especially when you read json data from file.

As stated in the docs:


Deserialize fp (a .read()-supporting text file or binary file containing a JSON document) to a Python object using this conversion table.


json.loads: Deserialize s (a str, bytes or bytearray instance containing a JSON document) to a Python object using this conversion table.

json.load method can directly read opened json document since it is able to read binary file.

with open('./recipes.json') as data:
  all_recipes = json.load(data)

As a result, your json data available as in a format specified according to this conversion table:

Selecting an element in iFrame jQuery

Take a look at this post:

$("#iframeID").contents().find("[tokenid=" + token + "]").html();

Place your selector in the find method.

This may not be possible however if the iframe is not coming from your server. Other posts talk about permission denied errors.

jQuery/JavaScript: accessing contents of an iframe

How do I scroll the UIScrollView when the keyboard appears?

All the answers here seem to forget about landscape possibilities. If you would like this to work when the device is rotated to a landscape view, then you will face problems.

The trick here is that although the view is aware of the orientation, the keyboard is not. This means in Landscape, the keyboards width is actually its height and visa versa.

To modify Apples recommended way of changing the content insets and get it support landscape orientation, I would recommend using the following:

// Call this method somewhere in your view controller setup code.
- (void)registerForKeyboardNotifications
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
            name:UIKeyboardDidShowNotification object:nil];
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
             name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification object:nil];

// Called when the UIKeyboardDidShowNotification is sent.
- (void)keyboardWasShown:(NSNotification*)aNotification
    UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation];
    CGSize keyboardSize = [[[notif userInfo] objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] CGRectValue].size;
    if (orientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft || orientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight ) {
        CGSize origKeySize = keyboardSize;
        keyboardSize.height = origKeySize.width;
        keyboardSize.width = origKeySize.height;
    UIEdgeInsets contentInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, keyboardSize.height, 0);
    scroller.contentInset = contentInsets;
    scroller.scrollIndicatorInsets = contentInsets;

    // If active text field is hidden by keyboard, scroll it so it's visible
    // Your application might not need or want this behavior.
    CGRect rect = scroller.frame;
    rect.size.height -= keyboardSize.height;
    NSLog(@"Rect Size Height: %f", rect.size.height);

    if (!CGRectContainsPoint(rect, activeField.frame.origin)) {
        CGPoint point = CGPointMake(0, activeField.frame.origin.y - keyboardSize.height);
        NSLog(@"Point Height: %f", point.y);
        [scroller setContentOffset:point animated:YES];

// Called when the UIKeyboardWillHideNotification is sent    
- (void)keyboardWillBeHidden:(NSNotification*)aNotification
    UIEdgeInsets contentInsets = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
    scrollView.contentInset = contentInsets;
    scrollView.scrollIndicatorInsets = contentInsets;

The part to pay attention to here is the following:

UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation];
CGSize keyboardSize = [[[notif userInfo] objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] CGRectValue].size;
if (orientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft || orientation == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight ) {
    CGSize origKeySize = keyboardSize;
    keyboardSize.height = origKeySize.width;
    keyboardSize.width = origKeySize.height;

What is does, is detects what orientation the device is in. If it is landscape, it will 'swap' the width and height values of the keyboardSize variable to ensure that the correct values are being used in each orientation.

How Can I Resolve:"can not open 'git-upload-pack' " error in eclipse?

to fix SSL issue you can also try doing this.

Download the NetworkSolutionsDVServerCA2.crt from the bitbucket server and add it to the ca-bundle.crt

ca-bundle.crt needs to be copied from the git install directory and copied to your home directory

cp -r git/mingw64/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt ~/

then do this. this worked for me cat NetworkSolutionsDVServerCA2.crt >> ca-bundle.crt

git config --global http.sslCAInfo ~/ca-bundle.crt

git config --global http.sslverify true

Set a default parameter value for a JavaScript function

Use this if you want to use latest ECMA6 syntax:

function myFunction(someValue = "This is DEFAULT!") {_x000D_
  console.log("someValue --> ", someValue);_x000D_
myFunction("Not A default value") // calling the function without default value_x000D_
myFunction()  // calling the function with default value

It is called default function parameters. It allows formal parameters to be initialized with default values if no value or undefined is passed. NOTE: It wont work with Internet Explorer or older browsers.

For maximum possible compatibility use this:

function myFunction(someValue) {_x000D_
  someValue = (someValue === undefined) ? "This is DEFAULT!" : someValue;_x000D_
  console.log("someValue --> ", someValue);_x000D_
myFunction("Not A default value") // calling the function without default value_x000D_
myFunction()  // calling the function with default value

Both functions have exact same behavior as each of these example rely on the fact that the parameter variable will be undefined if no parameter value was passed when calling that function.

Is this how you define a function in jQuery?


You define the functions exactly the same way you would in regular javascript.

//document ready

var myBlah = function(blah){

Also: There is no need for the $

Regular expression that doesn't contain certain string


In Java this will find all files ending in ".ftl" but not ending in ".inc.ftl", which is exactly what I wanted.

CSS 3 slide-in from left transition

Here is another solution using css transform (for performance purposes on mobiles, see answer of @mate64 ) without having to use animations and keyframes.

I created two versions to slide-in from either side.

$('#toggle').click(function() {_x000D_
.slide-in {_x000D_
  z-index: 10; /* to position it in front of the other content */_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden; /* to prevent scrollbar appearing */_x000D_
.slide-in.from-left {_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
.slide-in.from-right {_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
.slide-in-content {_x000D_
  padding: 5px 20px;_x000D_
  background: #eee;_x000D_
  transition: transform .5s ease; /* our nice transition */_x000D_
.slide-in.from-left .slide-in-content {_x000D_
  transform: translateX(-100%);_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);_x000D_
.slide-in.from-right .slide-in-content {_x000D_
  transform: translateX(100%);_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);_x000D_
_x000D_ .slide-in-content {_x000D_
  transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="slide-in from-left">_x000D_
  <div class="slide-in-content">_x000D_
<div class="slide-in from-right">_x000D_
  <div class="slide-in-content">_x000D_
<button id="toggle" style="position:absolute; top: 120px;">Toggle</button>

Image encryption/decryption using AES256 symmetric block ciphers

As mentioned by Nacho.L PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 derivation is used as it is more secured.

import android.util.Base64;


import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

public class AESEncyption {

    private static final int pswdIterations = 10;
    private static final int keySize = 128;
    private static final String cypherInstance = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding";
    private static final String secretKeyInstance = "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1";
    private static final String plainText = "sampleText";
    private static final String AESSalt = "exampleSalt";
    private static final String initializationVector = "8119745113154120";

    public static String encrypt(String textToEncrypt) throws Exception {

        SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(getRaw(plainText, AESSalt), "AES");
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(cypherInstance);
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, new IvParameterSpec(initializationVector.getBytes()));
        byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(textToEncrypt.getBytes());
        return Base64.encodeToString(encrypted, Base64.DEFAULT);

    public static String decrypt(String textToDecrypt) throws Exception {

        byte[] encryted_bytes = Base64.decode(textToDecrypt, Base64.DEFAULT);
        SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(getRaw(plainText, AESSalt), "AES");
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(cypherInstance);
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, new IvParameterSpec(initializationVector.getBytes()));
        byte[] decrypted = cipher.doFinal(encryted_bytes);
        return new String(decrypted, "UTF-8");

    private static byte[] getRaw(String plainText, String salt) {
        try {
            SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(secretKeyInstance);
            KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(plainText.toCharArray(), salt.getBytes(), pswdIterations, keySize);
            return factory.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded();
        } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        return new byte[0];


How to change facet labels?

Change the underlying factor level names with something like:

# Using the Iris data
> i <- iris
> levels(i$Species)
[1] "setosa"     "versicolor" "virginica" 
> levels(i$Species) <- c("S", "Ve", "Vi")
> ggplot(i, aes(Petal.Length)) + stat_bin() + facet_grid(Species ~ .)

Can local storage ever be considered secure?

As an exploration of this topic, I have a presentation titled "Securing TodoMVC Using the Web Cryptography API" (video, code).

It uses the Web Cryptography API to store the todo list encrypted in localStorage by password protecting the application and using a password derived key for encryption. If you forget or lose the password, there is no recovery. (Disclaimer - it was a POC and not intended for production use.)

As the other answers state, this is still susceptible to XSS or malware installed on the client computer. However, any sensitive data would also be in memory when the data is stored on the server and the application is in use. I suggest that offline support may be the compelling use case.

In the end, encrypting localStorage probably only protects the data from attackers that have read only access to the system or its backups. It adds a small amount of defense in depth for OWASP Top 10 item A6-Sensitive Data Exposure, and allows you to answer "Is any of this data stored in clear text long term?" correctly.

How to get the path of src/test/resources directory in JUnit?

I have a Maven3 project using JUnit 4.12 and Java8. In order to get the path of a file called myxml.xml under src/test/resources, I do this from within the test case:

public void testApp()
    File inputXmlFile = new File(this.getClass().getResource("/myxml.xml").getFile());

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with IntelliJ IDE. Reference here.

How do I set Java's min and max heap size through environment variables?

I think your only option is to wrap java in a script that substitutes the environment variables into the command line

Task not serializable: when calling function outside closure only on classes not objects

def upper(name: String) : String = { 
var uppper : String  =  name.toUpperCase()

val toUpperName = udf {(EmpName: String) => upper(EmpName)}
val emp_details = """[{"id": "1","name": "James Butt","country": "USA"},
{"id": "2", "name": "Josephine Darakjy","country": "USA"},
{"id": "3", "name": "Art Venere","country": "USA"},
{"id": "4", "name": "Lenna Paprocki","country": "USA"},
{"id": "5", "name": "Donette Foller","country": "USA"},
{"id": "6", "name": "Leota Dilliard","country": "USA"}]"""

val df_emp =
val df_upperName= df_name.withColumn("name",toUpperName($"name")).filter("id='5'")

this will give error org.apache.spark.SparkException: Task not serializable at org.apache.spark.util.ClosureCleaner$.ensureSerializable(ClosureCleaner.scala:304)

Solution -


object obj_upper extends Serializable { 
  def upper(name: String) : String = 
    var uppper : String  =  name.toUpperCase()
val toUpperName = udf {(EmpName: String) => upper(EmpName)}

val df_upperName= 

Error in Swift class: Property not initialized at super.init call

Quote from The Swift Programming Language, which answers your question:

“Swift’s compiler performs four helpful safety-checks to make sure that two-phase initialization is completed without error:”

Safety check 1 “A designated initializer must ensure that all of the “properties introduced by its class are initialized before it delegates up to a superclass initializer.”

Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.

C# - How to convert string to char?


string str = "Hello";
char[] characters = str.ToCharArray();

If you have a single character string, You can also try

string str = "A";
char character = char.Parse(str);    

string str = "A";
char character = str.ToCharArray()[0];

How do I check if a number is positive or negative in C#?

Of course no-one's actually given the correct answer,

num != 0   // num is positive *or* negative!

Downloading jQuery UI CSS from Google's CDN

Google is hosting jQueryUI css at this link

If you look at this code directly, it is importing the css using @import which can be slow. You may want to factor the import into its parts to gain a slight performance benefit:

What does DIM stand for in Visual Basic and BASIC?

Dimension a variable, basically you are telling the compiler that you are going to need a variable of this type at some point.

Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java?

I think Jon Skeet has the correct answer. I'd just like to add that you can access shadowed variables from superclasses of superclasses by casting this:

interface I { int x = 0; }
class T1 implements I { int x = 1; }
class T2 extends T1 { int x = 2; }
class T3 extends T2 {
        int x = 3;
        void test() {
                System.out.println("x=\t\t"          + x);
                System.out.println("super.x=\t\t"    + super.x);
                System.out.println("((T2)this).x=\t" + ((T2)this).x);
                System.out.println("((T1)this).x=\t" + ((T1)this).x);
                System.out.println("((I)this).x=\t"  + ((I)this).x);

class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                new T3().test();

which produces the output:

x=              3
super.x=        2
((T2)this).x=   2
((T1)this).x=   1
((I)this).x=    0

(example from the JLS)

However, this doesn't work for method calls because method calls are determined based on the runtime type of the object.

How to run a task when variable is undefined in ansible?

Strictly stated you must check all of the following: defined, not empty AND not None.

For "normal" variables it makes a difference if defined and set or not set. See foo and bar in the example below. Both are defined but only foo is set.

On the other side registered variables are set to the result of the running command and vary from module to module. They are mostly json structures. You probably must check the subelement you're interested in. See xyz and xyz.msg in the example below:

cat > test.yml <<EOF
- hosts:

    foo: ""          # foo is defined and foo == '' and foo != None
    bar:             # bar is defined and bar != '' and bar == None


  - debug:
      msg : ""
    register: xyz    # xyz is defined and xyz != '' and xyz != None
                     # xyz.msg is defined and xyz.msg == '' and xyz.msg != None

  - debug:
      msg: "foo is defined and foo == '' and foo != None"
    when: foo is defined and foo == '' and foo != None

  - debug:
      msg: "bar is defined and bar != '' and bar == None"
    when: bar is defined and bar != '' and bar == None

  - debug:
      msg: "xyz is defined and xyz != '' and xyz != None"
    when: xyz is defined and xyz != '' and xyz != None
  - debug:
      msg: "{{ xyz }}"

  - debug:
      msg: "xyz.msg is defined and xyz.msg == '' and xyz.msg != None"
    when: xyz.msg is defined and xyz.msg == '' and xyz.msg != None
  - debug:
      msg: "{{ xyz.msg }}"
ansible-playbook -v test.yml

Asus Zenfone 5 not detected by computer

This should solve your problem.

  1. Download the Asus USB Driver for Zenfone 5 here
  2. Extract the rar file
  3. Go to your Device Manager if you're on Windows (Make sure you've connected your phone to your computer)
  4. Choose update driver then browse the path to where the extracted rar file is. It should prompt something on your phone, just accept it
  5. Try it on your IDE, just select run configurations

Check if a specific value exists at a specific key in any subarray of a multidimensional array

** PHP >= 5.5

simply u can use this

$key = array_search(40489, array_column($userdb, 'uid'));

Let's suppose this multi dimensional array:

(0) => Array
        (uid) => '100',
        (name) => 'Sandra Shush',
        (url) => 'urlof100'

(1) => Array
        (uid) => '5465',
        (name) => 'Stefanie Mcmohn',
        (pic_square) => 'urlof100'

(2) => Array
        (uid) => '40489',
        (name) => 'Michael',
        (pic_square) => 'urlof40489'

$key = array_search(40489, array_column($userdb, 'uid'));

How to Implement DOM Data Binding in JavaScript

There is a very simple barebones implementation of 2-way data-binding in this link "Easy Two-Way Data Binding in JavaScript"

The previous link along with ideas from knockoutjs, backbone.js and agility.js, led to this light-weight and fast MVVM framework, ModelView.js based on jQuery which plays nicely with jQuery and of which i am the humble (or maybe not so humble) author.

Reproducing sample code below (from blog post link):

Sample code for DataBinder

function DataBinder( object_id ) {
  // Use a jQuery object as simple PubSub
  var pubSub = jQuery({});

  // We expect a `data` element specifying the binding
  // in the form: data-bind-<object_id>="<property_name>"
  var data_attr = "bind-" + object_id,
      message = object_id + ":change";

  // Listen to change events on elements with the data-binding attribute and proxy
  // them to the PubSub, so that the change is "broadcasted" to all connected objects
  jQuery( document ).on( "change", "[data-" + data_attr + "]", function( evt ) {
    var $input = jQuery( this );

    pubSub.trigger( message, [ $ data_attr ), $input.val() ] );

  // PubSub propagates changes to all bound elements, setting value of
  // input tags or HTML content of other tags
  pubSub.on( message, function( evt, prop_name, new_val ) {
    jQuery( "[data-" + data_attr + "=" + prop_name + "]" ).each( function() {
      var $bound = jQuery( this );

      if ( $"input, textarea, select") ) {
        $bound.val( new_val );
      } else {
        $bound.html( new_val );

  return pubSub;

For what concerns the JavaScript object, a minimal implementation of a User model for the sake of this experiment could be the following:

function User( uid ) {
  var binder = new DataBinder( uid ),

      user = {
        attributes: {},

        // The attribute setter publish changes using the DataBinder PubSub
        set: function( attr_name, val ) {
          this.attributes[ attr_name ] = val;
          binder.trigger( uid + ":change", [ attr_name, val, this ] );

        get: function( attr_name ) {
          return this.attributes[ attr_name ];

        _binder: binder

  // Subscribe to the PubSub
  binder.on( uid + ":change", function( evt, attr_name, new_val, initiator ) {
    if ( initiator !== user ) {
      user.set( attr_name, new_val );

  return user;

Now, whenever we want to bind a model’s property to a piece of UI we just have to set an appropriate data attribute on the corresponding HTML element:

// javascript
var user = new User( 123 );
user.set( "name", "Wolfgang" );

<!-- html -->
<input type="number" data-bind-123="name" />

How to close activity and go back to previous activity in android

Just don't call finish() on your MainActivity then this eliminates the need to Override your onBackPressed() in your SecondActivity unless you are doing other things in that function. If you feel the "need" for this back button then you can simply call finish() on the SecondActivity and that will take you to your MainActivity as long as you haven't called finish() on it

Copy file from source directory to binary directory using CMake

if you want to copy folder from currant directory to binary (build folder) folder


then the syntexe is :

file(COPY pathSource DESTINATION pathDistination)

How to limit the maximum value of a numeric field in a Django model?

You could also create a custom model field type - see

In this case, you could 'inherit' from the built-in IntegerField and override its validation logic.

The more I think about this, I realize how useful this would be for many Django apps. Perhaps a IntegerRangeField type could be submitted as a patch for the Django devs to consider adding to trunk.

This is working for me:

from django.db import models

class IntegerRangeField(models.IntegerField):
    def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, **kwargs):
        self.min_value, self.max_value = min_value, max_value
        models.IntegerField.__init__(self, verbose_name, name, **kwargs)
    def formfield(self, **kwargs):
        defaults = {'min_value': self.min_value, 'max_value':self.max_value}
        return super(IntegerRangeField, self).formfield(**defaults)

Then in your model class, you would use it like this (field being the module where you put the above code):

size = fields.IntegerRangeField(min_value=1, max_value=50)

OR for a range of negative and positive (like an oscillator range):

size = fields.IntegerRangeField(min_value=-100, max_value=100)

What would be really cool is if it could be called with the range operator like this:

size = fields.IntegerRangeField(range(1, 50))

But, that would require a lot more code since since you can specify a 'skip' parameter - range(1, 50, 2) - Interesting idea though...

HTML colspan in CSS

There is no colspan in css as far as I know, but there will be column-span for multi column layout in the near future, but since it is only a draft in CSS3, you can check it in here. Anyway you can do a workaround using div and span with table-like display like this.

This would be the HTML:

<div class="table">
  <div class="row">
    <span class="cell red first"></span>
    <span class="cell blue fill"></span>
    <span class="cell green last"></span>
<div class="table">
  <div class="row">
    <span class="cell black"></span>

And this would be the css:

  /* this is to reproduce table-like structure
     for the sake of table-less layout. */
  .table { display:table; table-layout:fixed; width:100px; }
  .row { display:table-row; height:10px; }
  .cell { display:table-cell; }

  /* this is where the colspan tricks works. */
  span { width:100%; }

  /* below is for visual recognition test purposes only. */
  .red { background:red; }
  .blue { background:blue; }
  .green { background:green; }
  .black { background:black; }

  /* this is the benefit of using table display, it is able 
     to set the width of it's child object to fill the rest of 
     the parent width as in table */
  .first { width: 20px; }
  .last { width: 30px; }
  .fill { width: 100%; }

The only reason to use this trick is to gain the benefit of table-layout behaviour, I use it alot if only setting div and span width to certain percentage didn't fullfil our design requirement.

But if you don't need to benefit from the table-layout behaviour, then durilai's answer would suit you enough.

Difference between x86, x32, and x64 architectures?

x86 means Intel 80x86 compatible. This used to include the 8086, a 16-bit only processor. Nowadays it roughly means any CPU with a 32-bit Intel compatible instruction set (usually anything from Pentium onwards). Never read x32 being used.

x64 means a CPU that is x86 compatible but has a 64-bit mode as well (most often the 64-bit instruction set as introduced by AMD is meant; Intel's idea of a 64-bit mode was totally stupid and luckily Intel admitted that and is now using AMDs variant).

So most of the time you can simplify it this way: x86 is Intel compatible in 32-bit mode, x64 is Intel compatible in 64-bit mode.

How to get all the AD groups for a particular user?

PrincipalContext pc1 = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "DomainName", UserAccountOU, UserName, Password);
UserPrincipal UserPrincipalID = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc1, IdentityType.SamAccountName, UserID);

searcher.Filter = "(&(ObjectClass=group)(member = " + UserPrincipalID.DistinguishedName + "));

Why does flexbox stretch my image rather than retaining aspect ratio?

Adding margin to align images:

Since we wanted the image to be left-aligned, we added:

img {
  margin-right: auto;

Similarly for image to be right-aligned, we can add margin-right: auto;. The snippet shows a demo for both types of alignment.

Good Luck...

div {_x000D_
  display:flex; _x000D_
  border: 2px black solid;_x000D_
h1 {_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
hr {_x000D_
  border: 1px black solid;_x000D_
  width: 100%_x000D_
}_x000D_ {_x000D_
  margin-right: auto;_x000D_
img.two {_x000D_
  margin-left: auto;_x000D_
  <h1>Flex Box</h1>_x000D_
  <hr />_x000D_
  <img src="" class="one" _x000D_
  <img src="" class="two" _x000D_
  <hr />_x000D_

Is there a limit on how much JSON can hold?

There is really no limit on the size of JSON data to be send or receive. We can send Json data in file too. According to the capabilities of browser that you are working with, Json data can be handled.

Escaping a forward slash in a regular expression

If you are using C#, you do not need to escape it.

Move an array element from one array position to another

My 2c. Easy to read, it works, it's fast, it doesn't create new arrays.

function move(array, from, to) {
  if( to === from ) return array;

  var target = array[from];                         
  var increment = to < from ? -1 : 1;

  for(var k = from; k != to; k += increment){
    array[k] = array[k + increment];
  array[to] = target;
  return array;

Removing ul indentation with CSS

This code will remove the indentation and list bullets.

ul {
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;

open() in Python does not create a file if it doesn't exist

The advantage of the following approach is that the file is properly closed at the block's end, even if an exception is raised on the way. It's equivalent to try-finally, but much shorter.

with open("file.dat","a+") as f:

a+ Opens a file for both appending and reading. The file pointer is at the end of the file if the file exists. The file opens in the append mode. If the file does not exist, it creates a new file for reading and writing. -Python file modes

seek() method sets the file's current position. [, (0|1|2)])
pos .. position of the r/w pointer
[] .. optionally
() .. one of ->
  0 .. absolute position
  1 .. relative position to current
  2 .. relative position from end

Only "rwab+" characters are allowed; there must be exactly one of "rwa" - see Stack Overflow question Python file modes detail.

How to add certificate chain to keystore?

I solved the problem by cat'ing all the pems together:

cat cert.pem chain.pem fullchain.pem >all.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in all.pem -inkey privkey.pem -out cert_and_key.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile chain.pem -caname root -password MYPASSWORD
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass MYPASSWORD -destkeypass MYPASSWORD -destkeystore MyDSKeyStore.jks -srckeystore cert_and_key.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass MYPASSWORD -alias tomcat
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file chain.pem -keystore MyDSKeyStore.jks -storepass MYPASSWORD

(keytool didn't know what to do with a PKCS7 formatted key)

I got all the pems from letsencrypt

How to get the current branch name in Git?

If you really want the last branch/tag checked out in detached HEAD state as well.

git reflog HEAD | grep 'checkout:' | head -1 | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev

Update This is nicer if you have and aren't scared of awk.

git reflog HEAD | grep 'checkout:' | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}'

Initialise numpy array of unknown length

You can do this:

a = np.array([])
for x in y:
    a = np.append(a, x)

How to create a Calendar table for 100 years in Sql

This SQL Server User Defined Function resolves the problem efficiently.No recursion, no complex loops. It takes a very short time to generate.

ALTER FUNCTION [GA].[udf_GenerateCalendar]
     @StartDate  DATE        -- StartDate
   , @EndDate    DATE        -- EndDate
           Date       DATE 

Purpose:   Generate a sequence of dates based on StartDate and EndDate 


    DECLARE @counter INTEGER = 1 

    DECLARE @days table(
        day INTEGER NOT NULL 

    DECLARE @months table(
        month INTEGER NOT NULL 

    DECLARE @years table(
        year INTEGER NOT NULL 

    DECLARE @calendar table(
        Date DATE NOT NULL 

    -- Populate generic days 
    SET @counter = 1 
    WHILE @counter <= 31 
        INSERT INTO @days 
        SELECT @counter dia 

        SELECT @counter = @counter + 1 

    -- Populate generic months 
    SET @counter = 1 
    WHILE @counter <= 12 
        INSERT INTO @months 
        SELECT @counter month 

        SELECT @counter = @counter + 1 

    -- Populate generic years 
    SET @counter = YEAR(@StartDate) 
    WHILE @counter <= YEAR(@EndDate) 
        INSERT INTO @years 
        SELECT @counter year 

        SELECT @counter = @counter + 1 

    INSERT @calendar (Date) 
    SELECT Date 
    FROM ( 
            CONVERT(Date, [Date], 102) AS Date 
        FROM ( 
                    y.year * 10000 
                    + m.month * 100 
                    AS VARCHAR(8)) AS Date 
            FROM @days d, @months m, @years y 
                    y.year * 10000 
                    + m.month * 100 
                    AS VARCHAR(8)) 
                    ) = 1 
        ) A 
    ) A 

    INSERT @Results (Date) 
    SELECT Date 
    FROM @calendar 
    WHERE Date BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

DECLARE @StartDate DATE = '2015-08-01'
DECLARE @EndDate   DATE = '2015-08-31'
select * from [GA].[udf_GenerateCalendar](@StartDate, @EndDate)

make arrayList.toArray() return more specific types

Like this:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

String[] a = list.toArray(new String[0]);

Before Java6 it was recommended to write:

String[] a = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

because the internal implementation would realloc a properly sized array anyway so you were better doing it upfront. Since Java6 the empty array is preferred, see .toArray(new MyClass[0]) or .toArray(new MyClass[myList.size()])?

If your list is not properly typed you need to do a cast before calling toArray. Like this:

    List l = new ArrayList<String>();

    String[] a = ((List<String>)l).toArray(new String[l.size()]);

Why isn't Python very good for functional programming?

I would never call Python “functional” but whenever I program in Python the code invariably ends up being almost purely functional.

Admittedly, that's mainly due to the extremely nice list comprehension. So I wouldn't necessarily suggest Python as a functional programming language but I would suggest functional programming for anyone using Python.

Sql Server return the value of identity column after insert statement


after the insert statement

Please refer the following links

How can I wrap text in a label using WPF?

try use this

lblresult.Content = lblresult.Content + "prime are :" + j + "\n";

How to generate classes from wsdl using Maven and wsimport?

Even though this is bit late response, may be helpful for someone. Look like you have used pluginManagement. If you use pluginManagement , it will not pick the plug-in execution.

It should be under


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'length' in

The in operator only works on objects. You are using it on a string. Make sure your value is an object before you using $.each. In this specific case, you have to parse the JSON:

$.each(JSON.parse(myData), ...);

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init()

For Ubuntu

Install Curl extension for PHP & restart apache server.

sudo apt-get install php5-curl
sudo service apache2 restart

For Windows

Problem arises because of not including the lib_curl.dll to PHP. also load following extension if not working,so those extension in php.ini or remove comment if already exist in php.ini file then remove comment.


Now restart apache server. If you get an error "Unable to Load php_curl.dll", copy SSLEAY32.PHP, libEAY32.dll (OpenSSL) Libraries to the System32 folder.

Line break in SSRS expression

Use the vbcrlf for new line in SSSR. e.g.

= First(Fields!SAPName.Value, "DataSet1") & vbcrlf & First(Fields!SAPStreet.Value, "DataSet1") & vbcrlf & First(Fields!SAPCityPostal.Value, "DataSet1") & vbcrlf & First(Fields!SAPCountry.Value, "DataSet1") 

Scheduling recurring task in Android

I have created on time task in which the task which user wants to repeat, add in the Custom TimeTask run() method. it is successfully reoccurring.

 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.Timer;
 import java.util.TimerTask;

 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.view.View;
 import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
 import android.widget.Button;
 import android.widget.CheckBox;
 import android.widget.TextView;
 import android.content.Intent;

 public class MainActivity extends Activity {

     CheckBox optSingleShot;
     Button btnStart, btnCancel;
     TextView textCounter;

     Timer timer;
     MyTimerTask myTimerTask;

     int tobeShown = 0  ;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    optSingleShot = (CheckBox)findViewById(;
    btnStart = (Button)findViewById(;
    btnCancel = (Button)findViewById(;
    textCounter = (TextView)findViewById(;
    tobeShown = 1;

    if(timer != null){

    //re-schedule timer here
    //otherwise, IllegalStateException of
    //"TimerTask is scheduled already" 
    //will be thrown
    timer = new Timer();
    myTimerTask = new MyTimerTask();

        //singleshot delay 1000 ms
        timer.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000);
        //delay 1000ms, repeat in 5000ms
        timer.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000, 1000);

    btnStart.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){

        public void onClick(View arg0) {

            Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, ActivityB.class);

            /*if(timer != null){

            //re-schedule timer here
            //otherwise, IllegalStateException of
            //"TimerTask is scheduled already" 
            //will be thrown
            timer = new Timer();
            myTimerTask = new MyTimerTask();

                //singleshot delay 1000 ms
                timer.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000);
                //delay 1000ms, repeat in 5000ms
                timer.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000, 1000);

    btnCancel.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){

        public void onClick(View v) {
            if (timer!=null){
                timer = null;


protected void onResume() {

    if(timer != null){

    //re-schedule timer here
    //otherwise, IllegalStateException of
    //"TimerTask is scheduled already" 
    //will be thrown
    timer = new Timer();
    myTimerTask = new MyTimerTask();

        //singleshot delay 1000 ms
        timer.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000);
        //delay 1000ms, repeat in 5000ms
        timer.schedule(myTimerTask, 1000, 1000);

protected void onPause() {

    if (timer!=null){
        timer = null;


protected void onStop() {

    if (timer!=null){
        timer = null;


class MyTimerTask extends TimerTask {

    public void run() {

        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = 
                new SimpleDateFormat("dd:MMMM:yyyy HH:mm:ss a");
        final String strDate = simpleDateFormat.format(calendar.getTime());

        runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){

            public void run() {


Python way to clone a git repository

You can use dload

import dload

pip install dload

How do I check if an object has a key in JavaScript?

You should use hasOwnProperty. For example:


Note: If you are using ESLint, the above may give you an error for violating the no-prototype-builtins rule, in that case the workaround is as below:, 'myKey');

Search for a string in all tables, rows and columns of a DB

Actually Im agree with MikeW (+1) it's better to use profiler for this case.

Anyway, if you really need to grab all (n)varchar columns in db and make a search. See below. I suppose to use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables + dynamic SQL. The plain search:

DECLARE @SearchText VARCHAR(100) 
SET @SearchText = '12'
DECLARE @Tables TABLE(N INT, TableName VARCHAR(100), ColumnNamesCSV VARCHAR(2000), SQL VARCHAR(4000))

INSERT INTO @Tables (TableName, ColumnNamesCSV)
        ( SELECT C.Column_Name + ',' 
          FROM   INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns C 
                 AND C.DATA_TYPE IN ('nvarchar','varchar') 
                 FOR XML PATH('')


INSERT INTO @Tables (N, TableName, ColumnNamesCSV)
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY TableName), TableName, ColumnNamesCSV  
FROM   @Tables


UPDATE @Tables 
SET ColumnNamesCSV = SUBSTRING(ColumnNamesCSV, 0, LEN(ColumnNamesCSV))

UPDATE @Tables 
SET SQL = 'SELECT * FROM ['+TableName+'] WHERE '''+@SearchText+''' IN ('+ColumnNamesCSV+')'

        @I INT, 
        @SQL VARCHAR(4000)

SELECT @I = 1, 
       @C = COUNT(1) 
FROM   @Tables

    SET @I = @I+1

and one with LIKE clause:

DECLARE @SearchText VARCHAR(100) 
SET @SearchText = '12'

DECLARE @Tables TABLE(N INT, TableName VARCHAR(100), ColumnNamesCSVLike VARCHAR(2000), LIKESQL VARCHAR(4000))

INSERT INTO @Tables (TableName, ColumnNamesCSVLike)
         (   SELECT  C.Column_Name + ' LIKE ''%'+@SearchText+'%'' OR ' 
             FROM    INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns C 
                     AND C.DATA_TYPE IN ('nvarchar','varchar') 
          FOR XML PATH(''))


INSERT INTO @Tables (N, TableName, ColumnNamesCSVLike)
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY TableName), TableName, ColumnNamesCSVLike 
FROM @Tables


UPDATE @Tables 
SET  ColumnNamesCSVLike = SUBSTRING(ColumnNamesCSVLike, 0, LEN(ColumnNamesCSVLike)-2)

UPDATE @Tables SET LIKESQL = 'SELECT * FROM ['+TableName+'] WHERE '+ColumnNamesCSVLike

        @I INT, 
        @LIKESQL VARCHAR(4000)

SELECT @I = 1, 
       @C = COUNT(1) 
FROM @Tables

    SET @I = @I +1

What is the purpose of shuffling and sorting phase in the reducer in Map Reduce Programming?

I've always assumed this was necessary as the output from the mapper is the input for the reducer, so it was sorted based on the keyspace and then split into buckets for each reducer input. You want to ensure all the same values of a Key end up in the same bucket going to the reducer so they are reduced together. There is no point sending K1,V2 and K1,V4 to different reducers as they need to be together in order to be reduced.

Tried explaining it as simply as possible

How to get current route in Symfony 2?

With Symfony 4.2.7, I'm able to implement the following in my twig template, which displays the custom route name I defined in my controller(s).

In index.html.twig

<div class="col">
    {% set current_path =  app.request.get('_route') %}
    {{ current_path }}

In my controller


    class ArticleController extends AbstractController {
         * @Route("/", name="article_list")
         * @Method({"GET"})
        public function index() {


The result prints out "article_list" to the desired page in my browser.

Display the current date and time using HTML and Javascript with scrollable effects in hta application

Try this one:


<div id="para1"></div>


document.getElementById("para1").innerHTML = formatAMPM();

function formatAMPM() {
var d = new Date(),
    minutes = d.getMinutes().toString().length == 1 ? '0'+d.getMinutes() : d.getMinutes(),
    hours = d.getHours().toString().length == 1 ? '0'+d.getHours() : d.getHours(),
    ampm = d.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am',
    months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'],
    days = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'];
return days[d.getDay()]+' '+months[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getDate()+' '+d.getFullYear()+' '+hours+':'+minutes+ampm;


Mon Sep 18 2017 12:40pm

HTML5 File API read as text and binary

Note in 2018: readAsBinaryString is outdated. For use cases where previously you'd have used it, these days you'd use readAsArrayBuffer (or in some cases, readAsDataURL) instead.

readAsBinaryString says that the data must be represented as a binary string, where:

...every byte is represented by an integer in the range [0..255].

JavaScript originally didn't have a "binary" type (until ECMAScript 5's WebGL support of Typed Array* (details below) -- it has been superseded by ECMAScript 2015's ArrayBuffer) and so they went with a String with the guarantee that no character stored in the String would be outside the range 0..255. (They could have gone with an array of Numbers instead, but they didn't; perhaps large Strings are more memory-efficient than large arrays of Numbers, since Numbers are floating-point.)

If you're reading a file that's mostly text in a western script (mostly English, for instance), then that string is going to look a lot like text. If you read a file with Unicode characters in it, you should notice a difference, since JavaScript strings are UTF-16** (details below) and so some characters will have values above 255, whereas a "binary string" according to the File API spec wouldn't have any values above 255 (you'd have two individual "characters" for the two bytes of the Unicode code point).

If you're reading a file that's not text at all (an image, perhaps), you'll probably still get a very similar result between readAsText and readAsBinaryString, but with readAsBinaryString you know that there won't be any attempt to interpret multi-byte sequences as characters. You don't know that if you use readAsText, because readAsText will use an encoding determination to try to figure out what the file's encoding is and then map it to JavaScript's UTF-16 strings.

You can see the effect if you create a file and store it in something other than ASCII or UTF-8. (In Windows you can do this via Notepad; the "Save As" as an encoding drop-down with "Unicode" on it, by which looking at the data they seem to mean UTF-16; I'm sure Mac OS and *nix editors have a similar feature.) Here's a page that dumps the result of reading a file both ways:

<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<title>Show File Data</title>
<style type='text/css'>
body {
    font-family: sans-serif;
<script type='text/javascript'>

    function loadFile() {
        var input, file, fr;

        if (typeof window.FileReader !== 'function') {
            bodyAppend("p", "The file API isn't supported on this browser yet.");

        input = document.getElementById('fileinput');
        if (!input) {
            bodyAppend("p", "Um, couldn't find the fileinput element.");
        else if (!input.files) {
            bodyAppend("p", "This browser doesn't seem to support the `files` property of file inputs.");
        else if (!input.files[0]) {
            bodyAppend("p", "Please select a file before clicking 'Load'");
        else {
            file = input.files[0];
            fr = new FileReader();
            fr.onload = receivedText;

        function receivedText() {
            showResult(fr, "Text");

            fr = new FileReader();
            fr.onload = receivedBinary;

        function receivedBinary() {
            showResult(fr, "Binary");

    function showResult(fr, label) {
        var markup, result, n, aByte, byteStr;

        markup = [];
        result = fr.result;
        for (n = 0; n < result.length; ++n) {
            aByte = result.charCodeAt(n);
            byteStr = aByte.toString(16);
            if (byteStr.length < 2) {
                byteStr = "0" + byteStr;
        bodyAppend("p", label + " (" + result.length + "):");
        bodyAppend("pre", markup.join(" "));

    function bodyAppend(tagName, innerHTML) {
        var elm;

        elm = document.createElement(tagName);
        elm.innerHTML = innerHTML;

<form action='#' onsubmit="return false;">
<input type='file' id='fileinput'>
<input type='button' id='btnLoad' value='Load' onclick='loadFile();'>

If I use that with a "Testing 1 2 3" file stored in UTF-16, here are the results I get:

Text (13):

54 65 73 74 69 6e 67 20 31 20 32 20 33

Binary (28):

ff fe 54 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 69 00 6e 00 67 00 20 00 31 00 20 00 32 00 20 00 33 00

As you can see, readAsText interpreted the characters and so I got 13 (the length of "Testing 1 2 3"), and readAsBinaryString didn't, and so I got 28 (the two-byte BOM plus two bytes for each character).

* XMLHttpRequest.response with responseType = "arraybuffer" is supported in HTML 5.

** "JavaScript strings are UTF-16" may seem like an odd statement; aren't they just Unicode? No, a JavaScript string is a series of UTF-16 code units; you see surrogate pairs as two individual JavaScript "characters" even though, in fact, the surrogate pair as a whole is just one character. See the link for details.

crudrepository findBy method signature with multiple in operators?

The following signature will do:

List<Email> findByEmailIdInAndPincodeIn(List<String> emails, List<String> pinCodes);

Spring Data JPA supports a large number of keywords to build a query. IN and AND are among them.

Common Header / Footer with static HTML

Short of using a local templating system like many hundreds now exist in every scripting language or even using your homebrewed one with sed or m4 and sending the result over to your server, no, you'd need at least SSI.

What is the suggested way to install brew, node.js, io.js, nvm, npm on OS X?

I'm super late to this but I didn't like the other answers

Installing Homebrew

For brew run

"$(curl -fsSL"

Installing node & npm

You SHOULD NOT use brew to install node and npm.

I've seen a few places suggested that you should use Homebrew to install Node (like alexpods answer and in this Team Treehouse blog Post) but installing this way you're more prone to run into issues as npm and brew are both package managers and you should have a package manager manage another package manager this leads to problems, like this bug offical npm issues Error: Refusing to delete: /usr/local/bin/npm or this Can't uninstall npm module on OSX

You can read more on the topic in DanHerbert's post Fixing npm On Mac OS X for Homebrew Users, where he goes on to say

Also, using the Homebrew installation of npm will require you to use sudo when installing global packages. Since one of the core ideas behind Homebrew is that apps can be installed without giving them root access, this is a bad idea.

For Everything else

I'd use npm; but you really should just follow the install instruction for each modules following the directions on there website as they will be more aware of any issue or bug they have than anyone else


VARCHAR means that it's a variable-length character, so it's only going to take as much space as is necessary. But if you knew something about the underlying structure, it may make sense to restrict VARCHAR to some maximum amount.

For instance, if you were storing comments from the user, you may limit the comment field to only 4000 characters; if so, it doesn't really make any sense to make the sql table have a field that's larger than VARCHAR(4000).

Convert a List<T> into an ObservableCollection<T>

The Observable Collection constructor will take an IList or an IEnumerable.

If you find that you are going to do this a lot you can make a simple extension method:

    public static ObservableCollection<T> ToObservableCollection<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
        return new ObservableCollection<T>(enumerable);

CSV with comma or semicolon?

best way will be to save it in a text file with csv extension:

Sub ExportToCSV()
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim Name  As String

Dim pathfile As String

Dim fs As Object
    Dim stream As Object

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error GoTo fileexists

i = 15
Name = Format(Now(), "ddmmyyHHmmss")
pathfile = "D:\1\" & Name & ".csv"

Set stream = fs.CreateTextFile(pathfile, False, True)


If Err.Number = 58 Then
    MsgBox "File already Exists"
    'Your code here
End If
On Error GoTo 0

j = 1
Do Until IsEmpty(ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value)

    stream.WriteLine (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 1).Value & ";" & Replace(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 6).Value, ".", ","))

    j = j + 1
    i = i + 1


End Sub

In Python how should I test if a variable is None, True or False

I would like to stress that, even if there are situations where if expr : isn't sufficient because one wants to make sure expr is True and not just different from 0/None/whatever, is is to be prefered from == for the same reason S.Lott mentionned for avoiding == None.

It is indeed slightly more efficient and, cherry on the cake, more human readable.

In [1]: %timeit (1 == 1) == True
38.1 ns ± 0.116 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

In [2]: %timeit (1 == 1) is True
33.7 ns ± 0.141 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

Exit single-user mode

I had the same problem, and the session_id to kill was found using this query:

Select request_session_id From sys.dm_tran_locks Where resource_database_id=DB_ID('BI_DB_Rep');

What does enctype='multipart/form-data' mean?

enctype='multipart/form-data' means that no characters will be encoded. that is why this type is used while uploading files to server.
So multipart/form-data is used when a form requires binary data, like the contents of a file, to be uploaded

Change language for bootstrap DateTimePicker

If you use moment.js the you need to load moment-with-locales.min.js not moment.min.js. Otherwise, your locale: 'ru' will not work.

Inserting a Python datetime.datetime object into MySQL

If you're just using a python (not a full datetime.datetime), just cast the date as a string. This is very simple and works for me (mysql, python 2.7, Ubuntu). The column published_date is a MySQL date field, the python variable publish_date is

# make the record for the passed link info
sql_stmt = "INSERT INTO snippet_links (" + \
    "link_headline, link_url, published_date, author, source, coco_id, link_id)" + \
    "VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ;"

sql_data = ( title, link, str(publish_date), \
             author, posted_by, \
             str(coco_id), str(link_id) )

    dbc.execute(sql_stmt, sql_data )
except Exception, e:

invalid use of incomplete type

Not exactly what you were asking, but you can make action a template member function:

template<typename Subclass>
class A {
        //Why doesn't it like this?
        template<class V> void action(V var) {

class B : public A<B> {
        typedef int mytype;

        B() {}

        void do_action(mytype var) {
                // Do stuff

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    B myInstance;
    return 0;

How to manually update datatables table with new JSON data

You can use:



Update. And yes current documentation is not so good but if you are okay using older versions you can refer legacy documentation.

Remove all values within one list from another list?

>>> a = range(1, 10)
>>> [x for x in a if x not in [2, 3, 7]]
[1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9]

Retrieve the commit log for a specific line in a file?

If the position of the line (line number) stays the same through the history of the file, this will show you the contents of the line at each commit:

git log --follow --pretty=format:"%h" -- 'path/to/file' | while read -r hash; do echo $hash && git show $hash:'path/to/file' | head -n 544 | tail -n1; done

Change 544 to the line number and path/to/file to the file path.

Android Studio: “Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'” if project is created on drive C:

I had the same problem. Try to go to Build - Rebuild project. I didn't get that problem again and my app successfully started.

Android XXHDPI resources

xxhdpi was not specified before but now new devices S4, HTC one are surely comes inside xxhdpi .These device dpi are around 440. I do not know exact limit for xxhdpi See how to develop android application for xxhdpi device Samsung S4 I know this is late answer but as thing had change since the question asked

Note Google Nexus 10 need to add a 144*144px icon in the drawable-xxhdpi or drawable-480dpi folder.

Add an element to an array in Swift

In Swift 4.2: You can use

myArray.append("Tim") //To add "Tim" into array


myArray.insert("Tim", at: 0) //Change 0 with specific location 

AngularJS: how to enable $locationProvider.html5Mode with deeplinking

This problem was due to the use of AngularJS 1.1.5 (which was unstable, and obviously had some bug or different implementation of the routing than it was in 1.0.7)

turning it back to 1.0.7 solved the problem instantly.

have tried the 1.2.0rc1 version, but have not finished testing as I had to rewrite some of the router functionality since they took it out of the core.

anyway, this problem is fixed when using AngularJS vs 1.0.7.

Wpf control size to content?

If you are using the grid or alike component: In XAML, make sure that the elements in the grid have Grid.Row and Grid.Column defined, and ensure tha they don't have margins. If you used designer mode, or Expression Blend, it could have assigned margins relative to the whole grid instead of to particular cells. As for cell sizing, I add an extra cell that fills up the rest of the space:

        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="*"/>

How to completely remove Python from a Windows machine?

Windows 7 64-bit, with both Python3.4 and Python2.7 installed at some point :)

I'm using Py.exe to route to Py2 or Py3 depending on the script's needs - but I previously improperly uninstalled Python27 before.

Py27 was removed manually from C:\python\Python27 (the folder Python27 was deleted by me previously)

Upon re-installing Python27, it gave the above error you specify.
It would always back out while trying to 'remove shortcuts' during the installation process.

I placed a copy of Python27 back in that original folder, at C:\Python\Python27, and re-ran the same failing Python27 installer. It was happy locating those items and removing them, and proceeded with the install.

This is not the answer that addresses registry key issues (others mention that) but it is somewhat of a workaround if you know of previous installations that were improperly removed.

You could have some insight to this by opening "regedit" and searching for "Python27" - a registry key appeared in my command-shell Cache pointing at c:\python\python27\ (which had been removed and was not present when searching in the registry upon finding it).

That may help point to previously improperly removed installations.

Good luck!

Python using enumerate inside list comprehension

Here's a way to do it:

>>> mylist = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> [item for item in enumerate(mylist)]
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd')]

Alternatively, you can do:

>>> [(i, j) for i, j in enumerate(mylist)]
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd')]

The reason you got an error was that you were missing the () around i and j to make it a tuple.

What is the best way to remove a table row with jQuery?

Another one by empty() :


Difference between numpy dot() and Python 3.5+ matrix multiplication @

The @ operator calls the array's __matmul__ method, not dot. This method is also present in the API as the function np.matmul.

>>> a = np.random.rand(8,13,13)
>>> b = np.random.rand(8,13,13)
>>> np.matmul(a, b).shape
(8, 13, 13)

From the documentation:

matmul differs from dot in two important ways.

  • Multiplication by scalars is not allowed.
  • Stacks of matrices are broadcast together as if the matrices were elements.

The last point makes it clear that dot and matmul methods behave differently when passed 3D (or higher dimensional) arrays. Quoting from the documentation some more:

For matmul:

If either argument is N-D, N > 2, it is treated as a stack of matrices residing in the last two indexes and broadcast accordingly.


For 2-D arrays it is equivalent to matrix multiplication, and for 1-D arrays to inner product of vectors (without complex conjugation). For N dimensions it is a sum product over the last axis of a and the second-to-last of b

Google Play error "Error while retrieving information from server [DF-DFERH-01]"

This is a reported bug with Google: Bug Report. It seems to be related with Google's servers and is very intermittent. IE, you'll notice how all the comments revolve around a few specific days. Haven't been able to fix it myself, but the one comment suggests trying the following:

  1. Shutdown your device.
  2. Remove your sim card.
  3. Turn on your device.
  4. Connect your device to a non-local (PR) server, like ATT, TMobile, Spring. If you have a friend ask for a wifi thetering.
  5. Open the Play Store.
  6. Shutdown and re-install the sim card.
  7. Turn on.

It seems this error is only related to the static responses from Google. Using real product IDs don't suffer from this problem.

Update: My answer here is pretty old and the InApp purchase library has changed quite a bit since. Refer to @Ehsan Sajjad answer instead.

Disable developer mode extensions pop up in Chrome

Ruby based watir-webdriver use something like this: :chrome, :switches => %w[ --disable-extensions ] )

In c# what does 'where T : class' mean?

It is a generic type constraint. In this case it means that the generic type T has to be a reference type (class, interface, delegate, or array type).

python: creating list from string

input = ['word1, 23, 12','word2, 10, 19','word3, 11, 15']
output = []
for item in input:
    items = item.split(',')
    output.append([items[0], int(items[1]), int(items[2])])

Apache SSL Configuration Error (SSL Connection Error)

I had this error when I first followed instructions to set up the default apache2 ssl configuration, by putting a symlink for /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled. I then subsequently tried to add another NameVirtualHost on port 443 in another configuration file, and started getting this error.

I fixed it by deleting the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl symlink, and then just having these lines in another config file (httpd.conf, which probably isn't good form, but worked):

NameVirtualHost *:443

<VirtualHost *:443>
  SSLEngine on
  SSLCertificateChainFile    /etc/apache2/ssl/chain_file.crt
  SSLCertificateFile    /etc/apache2/ssl/site_certificate.crt
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/site_key.key
  DocumentRoot /var/www/mywebsite_root/


Logarithmic returns in pandas dataframe

Log returns are simply the natural log of 1 plus the arithmetic return. So how about this?

df['pct_change'] = df.price.pct_change()
df['log_return'] = np.log(1 + df.pct_change)

Even more concise, utilizing Ximix's suggestion:

df['log_return'] = np.log1p(df.price.pct_change())

Using unset vs. setting a variable to empty

As has been said, using unset is different with arrays as well

$ foo=(4 5 6)

$ foo[2]=

$ echo ${#foo[*]}

$ unset foo[2]

$ echo ${#foo[*]}

Adding line break in C# Code behind page

All you need to do is add \n or to write on files go \r\n.


say you wanted to write duck(line break) cow this is how you would do it Console.WriteLine("duck\n cow");

Edit: I think I didn't understand the question. You can use

cow".Replace("\r\n", "")

as a linebreak in code, that produces \r\n which is used Windows.

sql like operator to get the numbers only

You can use the following to only include valid characters:


WHERE Col NOT LIKE '%[^0-9.]%'



How to check if an element does NOT have a specific class?

sdleihssirhc's answer is of course the correct one for the case in the question, but just as a reference if you need to select elements that don't have a certain class, you can use the not selector:

// select all divs that don't have class test
$( 'div' ).not( ".test" );
$( 'div:not(.test)' );  // <-- alternative 

FileNotFoundException while getting the InputStream object from HttpURLConnection

I don't know about your Spring/JAXB combination, but the average REST webservice won't return a response body on POST/PUT, just a response status. You'd like to determine it instead of the body.


InputStream response = con.getInputStream();


int status = con.getResponseCode();

All available status codes and their meaning are available in the HTTP spec, as linked before. The webservice itself should also come along with some documentation which overviews all status codes supported by the webservice and their special meaning, if any.

If the status starts with 4nn or 5nn, you'd like to use getErrorStream() instead to read the response body which may contain the error details.

InputStream error = con.getErrorStream();

Simulating Button click in javascript

The smallest change to fix this would be to change




click() is a jQuery method. Also, you had a collision between the double-quotes used for the HTML element attribute and those use for the JavaScript function argument.

Creating a list of pairs in java

Sounds like you need to create your own pair class (see discussion here). Then make a List of that pair class you created

C# how to convert File.ReadLines into string array?

File.ReadLines() returns an object of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<String>
File.ReadAllLines() returns an array of strings.

If you want to use an array of strings you need to call the correct function.

You could use Jim solution, just use ReadAllLines() or you could change your return type.

This would also work:

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<String> lines = File.ReadLines("c:\\file.txt");

You can use any generic collection which implements IEnumerable. IList for an example.

Should I use 'border: none' or 'border: 0'?

I use:

border: 0;

From 8.5.4 in CSS 2.1:


Value: [ <border-width> || <border-style> || <'border-top-color'> ] | inherit

So either of your methods look fine.

Conditional Count on a field

I think you may be after

    jobID, JobName,
    sum(case when Priority = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as priority1,
    sum(case when Priority = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as priority2,
    sum(case when Priority = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as priority3,
    sum(case when Priority = 4 then 1 else 0 end) as priority4,
    sum(case when Priority = 5 then 1 else 0 end) as priority5
group by 
    jobID, JobName

However I am uncertain if you need to the jobID and JobName in your results if so remove them and remove the group by,

How can I set a proxy server for gem?

In Addition to @Yifei answer. If you have special character like @, &, $

You have to go with percent-encode | encode the special characters. E.g. instead of this:

http://foo:B@[email protected]:80

you write this:

http://foo:B%[email protected]:80

So @ gets replaced with %40.

Java String split removed empty values

From String.split() API Doc:

Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression. This method works as if by invoking the two-argument split method with the given expression and a limit argument of zero. Trailing empty strings are therefore not included in the resulting array.

Overloaded String.split(regex, int) is more appropriate for your case.

REST API Login Pattern

Principled Design of the Modern Web Architecture by Roy T. Fielding and Richard N. Taylor, i.e. sequence of works from all REST terminology came from, contains definition of client-server interaction:

All REST interactions are stateless. That is, each request contains all of the information necessary for a connector to understand the request, independent of any requests that may have preceded it.

This restriction accomplishes four functions, 1st and 3rd are important in this particular case:

  • 1st: it removes any need for the connectors to retain application state between requests, thus reducing consumption of physical resources and improving scalability;
  • 3rd: it allows an intermediary to view and understand a request in isolation, which may be necessary when services are dynamically rearranged;

And now lets go back to your security case. Every single request should contains all required information, and authorization/authentication is not an exception. How to achieve this? Literally send all required information over wires with every request.

One of examples how to archeive this is hash-based message authentication code or HMAC. In practice this means adding a hash code of current message to every request. Hash code calculated by cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret cryptographic key. Cryptographic hash function is either predefined or part of code-on-demand REST conception (for example JavaScript). Secret cryptographic key should be provided by server to client as resource, and client uses it to calculate hash code for every request.

There are a lot of examples of HMAC implementations, but I'd like you to pay attention to the following three:

How it works in practice

If client knows the secret key, then it's ready to operate with resources. Otherwise he will be temporarily redirected (status code 307 Temporary Redirect) to authorize and to get secret key, and then redirected back to the original resource. In this case there is no need to know beforehand (i.e. hardcode somewhere) what the URL to authorize the client is, and it possible to adjust this schema with time.

Hope this will helps you to find the proper solution!

Comma separated results in SQL

For Sql Server 2017 and later you can use the new STRING_AGG function

The following example replaces null values with 'N/A' and returns the names separated by commas in a single result cell.

SELECT STRING_AGG ( ISNULL(FirstName,'N/A'), ',') AS csv 
FROM Person.Person;

Here is the result set.


Perhaps a more common use case is to group together and then aggregate, just like you would with SUM, COUNT or AVG.

SELECT a.articleId, title, STRING_AGG (tag, ',') AS tags 
FROM dbo.Article AS a       
LEFT JOIN dbo.ArticleTag AS t 
    ON a.ArticleId = t.ArticleId 
GROUP BY a.articleId, title;

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode - character maps to <undefined>, print function

If you are using Windows command line to print the data, you should use

chcp 65001

This worked for me!

Shell script to capture Process ID and kill it if exist


#Find the Process ID for syncapp running instance

PID=`ps -ef | grep syncapp 'awk {print $2}'`

if [[ -z "$PID" ]] then
--->    Kill -9 PID

Not sure if this helps, but 'kill' is not spelled correctly. It's capitalized.

Try 'kill' instead.

ConvergenceWarning: Liblinear failed to converge, increase the number of iterations

I reached the point that I set, up to max_iter=1200000 on my LinearSVC classifier, but still the "ConvergenceWarning" was still present. I fix the issue by just setting dual=False and leaving max_iter to its default.

With LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs') classifier, you should increase max_iter. Mine have reached max_iter=7600 before the "ConvergenceWarning" disappears when training with large dataset's features.

rails + MySQL on OSX: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

I got this issue "Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib" when importing MySQLdb from MySQL For python3:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3, in <module>
    import MySQLdb
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.4-py3.5-macosx-10.11-x86_64.egg/MySQLdb/", line 19, in <module>
    import _mysql
ImportError: dlopen(/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.4-py3.5-macosx-10.11-x86_64.egg/, 2): Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib
  Referenced from: /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.4-py3.5-macosx-10.11-x86_64.egg/
  Reason: image not found

Solution works for me: Mac OS X 10.11.1 Python3.5

Edit ~/.bash_profile:
export PATH="/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH"
export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/lib:$PATH"
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib

How to print a list with integers without the brackets, commas and no quotes?

If you're using Python 3, or appropriate Python 2.x version with from __future__ import print_function then:

data = [7, 7, 7, 7]
print(*data, sep='')

Otherwise, you'll need to convert to string and print:

print ''.join(map(str, data))

How do I set <table> border width with CSS?

<table style='border:1px solid black'>

This should work. I use the shorthand syntax for borders.

Specified cast is not valid.. how to resolve this

Use Convert.ToDouble(value) rather than (double)value. It takes an object and supports all of the types you asked for! :)

Also, your method is always returning a string in the code above; I'd recommend having the method indicate so, and give it a more obvious name (public string FormatLargeNumber(object value))

C# version of java's synchronized keyword?

Take note, with full paths the line: [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] should look like


Terminal Multiplexer for Microsoft Windows - Installers for GNU Screen or tmux

Both tmux and GNU Screen work under cygwin. They can be installed from the cygwin installer. Just search for their name there and you probably will get to the latest version (at least for tmux).

Object array initialization without default constructor

I don't think there's type-safe method that can do what you want.

Concatenate string with field value in MySQL

MySQL uses CONCAT() to concatenate strings

SELECT * FROM tableOne 
LEFT JOIN tableTwo
ON tableTwo.query = CONCAT('category_id=', tableOne.category_id)

C#: calling a button event handler method without actually clicking the button

It's just a method on your form, you can call it just like any other method. You just have to create an EventArgs object to pass to it, (and pass it the handle of the button as sender)

GoogleMaps API KEY for testing

There seems no way to have google maps api key free without credit card. To test the functionality of google map you can use it while leaving the api key field "EMPTY". It will show a message saying "For Development Purpose Only". And that way you can test google map functionality without putting billing information for google map api key.

<script src="" async defer></script>

How do I find the location of my Python site-packages directory?

There are two types of site-packages directories, global and per user.

  1. Global site-packages ("dist-packages") directories are listed in sys.path when you run:

    python -m site

    For a more concise list run getsitepackages from the site module in Python code:

    python -c 'import site; print(site.getsitepackages())'

    Note: With virtualenvs getsitepackages is not available, sys.path from above will list the virtualenv's site-packages directory correctly, though. In Python 3, you may use the sysconfig module instead:

    python3 -c 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_paths()["purelib"])'
  2. The per user site-packages directory (PEP 370) is where Python installs your local packages:

    python -m site --user-site

    If this points to a non-existing directory check the exit status of Python and see python -m site --help for explanations.

    Hint: Running pip list --user or pip freeze --user gives you a list of all installed per user site-packages.

Practical Tips

  • <package>.__path__ lets you identify the location(s) of a specific package: (details)

    $ python -c "import setuptools as _; print(_.__path__)"
  • <module>.__file__ lets you identify the location of a specific module: (difference)

    $ python3 -c "import os as _; print(_.__file__)"
  • Run pip show <package> to show Debian-style package information:

    $ pip show pytest
    Name: pytest
    Version: 3.8.2
    Summary: pytest: simple powerful testing with Python
    Author: Holger Krekel, Bruno Oliveira, Ronny Pfannschmidt, Floris Bruynooghe, Brianna Laugher, Florian Bruhin and others
    Author-email: None
    License: MIT license
    Location: /home/peter/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages
    Requires: more-itertools, atomicwrites, setuptools, attrs, pathlib2, six, py, pluggy

When should I use semicolons in SQL Server?

By default, SQL statements are terminated with semicolons. You use a semicolon to terminate statements unless you've (rarely) set a new statement terminator.

If you're sending just one statement, technically you can dispense with the statement terminator; in a script, as you're sending more than one statement, you need it.

In practice, always include the terminator even if you're just sending one statement to the database.

Edit: in response to those saying statement terminators are not required by [particular RDBMS], while that may be true, they're required by the ANSI SQL Standard. In all programming, if we can adhere to a Standard without loss of functionality, we should, because then neither our code or our habits are tied to one proprietary vendor.

With some C compilers, it's possible to have main return void, even though the Standard requires main to return int. But doing so makes our code, and ourselves, less portable.

The biggest difficulty in programming effectively isn't learning new things, it's unlearning bad habits. To the extent that we can avoid acquiring bad habits in the first place, it's a win for us, for our code, and for anyone reading or using our code.

Why would you use String.Equals over ==?

There's a writeup on this article which you might find to be interesting, with some quotes from Jon Skeet. It seems like the use is pretty much the same.

Jon Skeet states that the performance of instance Equals "is slightly better when the strings are short—as the strings increase in length, that difference becomes completely insignificant."

postgreSQL - psql \i : how to execute script in a given path

i did try this and its working in windows machine to run a sql file on a specific schema.

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U username -d databasename -v schema=schemaname < e:\Table.sql

docker build with --build-arg with multiple arguments

It's a shame that we need multiple ARG too, it results in multiple layers and slows down the build because of that, and for anyone also wondering that, currently there is no way to set multiple ARGs.

Checking if an input field is required using jQuery

$('form#register input[required]')

It will only return inputs which have required attribute.

How to return HTTP 500 from ASP.NET Core RC2 Web Api?

When you want to return a JSON response in MVC .Net Core You can also use:

Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;//Equals to HTTPResponse 500
return Json(new { responseText = "my error" });

This will return both JSON result and HTTPStatus. I use it for returning results to jQuery.ajax().

Identify duplicates in a List

If you use Eclipse Collections, this will work:

MutableList<Integer> list = Lists.mutable.with(1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3);
Set<Integer> dupes = list.toBag().selectByOccurrences(i -> i > 1).toSet();
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.mutable.with(1, 3), dupes);

Update: As of Eclipse Collections 9.2 you can now use selectDuplicates

MutableList<Integer> list = Lists.mutable.with(1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3);
Set<Integer> dupes = list.toBag().selectDuplicates().toSet();
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.mutable.with(1, 3), dupes);

You can also use primitive collections to accomplish this:

IntList list = IntLists.mutable.with(1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3);
IntSet dupes = list.toBag().selectDuplicates().toSet();
Assert.assertEquals(IntSets.mutable.with(1, 3), dupes);

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections.

cannot find module "lodash"

though npm install lodash would work, I think that it's a quick solution but there is a possibility that there are other modules not correctly installed in browser-sync.

lodash is part of browser-sync. The best solution is the one provided by Saebyeok. Re-install browser-sync and that should fix the problem.

Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined - AngularJS not working

Just to complement m59's correct answer, here is a working jsfiddle:

<body ng-app='myApp'>
        <button my-directive>Click Me!</button>


How to redirect from one URL to another URL?

window.location.href = "URL2"

inside a JS block on the page or in an included file; that's assuming you really want to do it on the client. Usually, the server sends the redirect via a 300-series response.

How to prevent Google Colab from disconnecting?

function ClickConnect()

this worked for me but use wisely

happy learning :)

git pull remote branch cannot find remote ref

I had this issue when after rebooted and the last copy of VSCode reopened. The above fix did not work, but when I closed and reopened VSCode via explorer it worked. Here are the steps I did:

//received fatal error_x000D_
git remote remove origin_x000D_
git init_x000D_
git remote add origin git@github:<yoursite>/<your project>.git_x000D_
// still received an err _x000D_
//restarted VSCode and folder via IE _x000D_
//updated one char and resaved the index.html  _x000D_
git add ._x000D_
git commit -m "blah"_x000D_
git push origin master

What is the difference between Forking and Cloning on GitHub?

In case you did what the questioner hinted at (forgot to fork and just locally cloned a repo, made changes and now need to issue a pull request) you can get back on track:

  1. fork the repo you want to send pull request to
  2. push your local changes to your remote
  3. issue pull request


for you ask

update file1 f1
set file1.firstfield=
select 'BIT OF TEXT' || f2.something
from file2 f2
where substr(f1.firstfield,10,20) = substr(f2.anotherfield,1,10)
where exists
select * from file2 f2
where substr(f1.firstfield,10,20) = substr(f2.anotherfield,1,10)
and f1.firstfield like 'BLAH%'

if join give multiple result you can force update like this

update file1 f1
set file1.firstfield=
select 'BIT OF TEXT' || f2.something
from file2 f2
where substr(f1.firstfield,10,20) = substr(f2.anotherfield,1,10)
fetch first rows only
where exists
select * from file2 f2
where substr(f1.firstfield,10,20) = substr(f2.anotherfield,1,10)
and f1.firstfield like 'BLAH%' 

template methode

update table1 f1
set (f1.field1, f1.field2, f1.field3, f1.field4)=
select f2.field1, f2.field2, f2.field3, 'CONSTVALUE'
from table2 f2
where (f1.key1, f1.key2)=(f2.key1, f2.key2) 
where exists 
select * from table2 f2
where (f1.key1, f1.key2)=(f2.key1, f2.key2)

Python: avoid new line with print command

You simply need to do:

print 'lakjdfljsdf', # trailing comma

However in:

print 'lkajdlfjasd', 'ljkadfljasf'

There is implicit whitespace (ie ' ').

You also have the option of:

import sys
sys.stdout.write('some data here without a new line')

Is it possible to sort a ES6 map object?

According MDN documentation:

A Map object iterates its elements in insertion order.

You could do it this way:

var map = new Map();
map.set('2-1', "foo");
map.set('0-1', "bar");
map.set('3-1', "baz");

var mapAsc = new Map([].sort());


Using .sort(), remember that the array is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element. So 2-1, 0-1, 3-1 will be sorted correctly.

How can foreign key constraints be temporarily disabled using T-SQL?

WITH CHECK CHECK is almost certainly required!

This point was raised in some of the answers and comments but I feel that it is important enough to call it out again.

Re-enabling a constraint using the following command (no WITH CHECK) will have some serious drawbacks.



Specifies whether the data in the table is or is not validated against a newly added or re-enabled FOREIGN KEY or CHECK constraint. If not specified, WITH CHECK is assumed for new constraints, and WITH NOCHECK is assumed for re-enabled constraints.

If you do not want to verify new CHECK or FOREIGN KEY constraints against existing data, use WITH NOCHECK. We do not recommend doing this, except in rare cases. The new constraint will be evaluated in all later data updates. Any constraint violations that are suppressed by WITH NOCHECK when the constraint is added may cause future updates to fail if they update rows with data that does not comply with the constraint.

The query optimizer does not consider constraints that are defined WITH NOCHECK. Such constraints are ignored until they are re-enabled by using ALTER TABLE table WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL.

Note: WITH NOCHECK is the default for re-enabling constraints. I have to wonder why...

  1. No existing data in the table will be evaluated during the execution of this command - successful completion is no guarantee that the data in the table is valid according to the constraint.
  2. During the next update of the invalid records, the constraint will be evaluated and will fail - resulting in errors that may be unrelated to the actual update that is made.
  3. Application logic that relies on the constraint to ensure that data is valid may fail.
  4. The query optimizer will not make use of any constraint that is enabled in this way.

The sys.foreign_keys system view provides some visibility into the issue. Note that it has both an is_disabled and an is_not_trusted column. is_disabled indicates whether future data manipulation operations will be validated against the constraint. is_not_trusted indicates whether all of the data currently in the table has been validated against the constraint.


Are your constraints to be trusted? Find out...

SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE is_not_trusted = 1;

PHP String to Float

You want the non-locale-aware floatval function:

float floatval ( mixed $var ) - Gets the float value of a string.


$string = '122.34343The';
$float  = floatval($string);
echo $float; // 122.34343

What does -save-dev mean in npm install grunt --save-dev

When you use the parameter "--save" your dependency will go inside the #1 below in package.json. When you use the parameter "--save-dev" your dependency will go inside the #2 below in package.json.

#1. "dependencies": these packages are required by your application in production.

#2. "devDependencies": these packages are only needed for development and testing

JQuery Find #ID, RemoveClass and AddClass


$("#testID #testID2").removeClass("test2").addClass("test3");

Because you have assigned an id to img too, you can simply do this too:


And finally, you can do this too:

$("#testID img").removeClass("test2").addClass("test3");

How do I improve ASP.NET MVC application performance?

When accessing data via LINQ rely on IQueryable ...

Why use AsQueryable() instead of List()?

... and leverge a good Repository pattern:

Loading Subrecords in the Repository Pattern

This will optimize data access to ensure only the data needed is loaded and when only it is needed.

How to get an object's properties in JavaScript / jQuery?

You can look up an object's keys and values by either invoking JavaScript's native for in loop:

var obj = {
    foo:    'bar',
    base:   'ball'

for(var key in obj) {
    alert('key: ' + key + '\n' + 'value: ' + obj[key]);

or using jQuery's .each() method:

$.each(obj, function(key, element) {
    alert('key: ' + key + '\n' + 'value: ' + element);

With the exception of six primitive types, everything in ECMA-/JavaScript is an object. Arrays; functions; everything is an object. Even most of those primitives are actually also objects with a limited selection of methods. They are cast into objects under the hood, when required. To know the base class name, you may invoke the Object.prototype.toString method on an object, like this:


The above will output [object Array].

There are several other class names, like [object Object], [object Function], [object Date], [object String], [object Number], [object Array], and [object Regex].

How to apply a function to two columns of Pandas dataframe

Returning a list from apply is a dangerous operation as the resulting object is not guaranteed to be either a Series or a DataFrame. And exceptions might be raised in certain cases. Let's walk through a simple example:

df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 5, (5,3)),
                  columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
   a  b  c
0  4  0  0
1  2  0  1
2  2  2  2
3  1  2  2
4  3  0  0

There are three possible outcomes with returning a list from apply

1) If the length of the returned list is not equal to the number of columns, then a Series of lists is returned.

df.apply(lambda x: list(range(2)), axis=1)  # returns a Series
0    [0, 1]
1    [0, 1]
2    [0, 1]
3    [0, 1]
4    [0, 1]
dtype: object

2) When the length of the returned list is equal to the number of columns then a DataFrame is returned and each column gets the corresponding value in the list.

df.apply(lambda x: list(range(3)), axis=1) # returns a DataFrame
   a  b  c
0  0  1  2
1  0  1  2
2  0  1  2
3  0  1  2
4  0  1  2

3) If the length of the returned list equals the number of columns for the first row but has at least one row where the list has a different number of elements than number of columns a ValueError is raised.

i = 0
def f(x):
    global i
    if i == 0:
        i += 1
        return list(range(3))
    return list(range(4))

df.apply(f, axis=1) 
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (5, 4), indices imply (5, 3)

Answering the problem without apply

Using apply with axis=1 is very slow. It is possible to get much better performance (especially on larger datasets) with basic iterative methods.

Create larger dataframe

df1 = df.sample(100000, replace=True).reset_index(drop=True)


# apply is slow with axis=1
%timeit df1.apply(lambda x: mylist[x['col_1']: x['col_2']+1], axis=1)
2.59 s ± 76.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

# zip - similar to @Thomas
%timeit [mylist[v1:v2+1] for v1, v2 in zip(df1.col_1, df1.col_2)]  
29.5 ms ± 534 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

@Thomas answer

%timeit list(map(get_sublist, df1['col_1'],df1['col_2']))
34 ms ± 459 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Installing Numpy on 64bit Windows 7 with Python 2.7.3

It is not improbable, that programmers looking for python on windows, also use the Python Tools for Visual Studio. In this case it is easy to install additional packages, by taking advantage of the included "Python Environment" Window. "Overview" is selected within the window as default. You can select "Pip" there.

Then you can install numpy without additional work by entering numpy into the seach window. The coresponding "install numpy" instruction is already suggested.

Nevertheless I had 2 easy to solve Problems in the beginning:

  • "error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat": This problem has been solved here. Although I did not find it at that time and instead installed the C++ Compiler for Python.
  • Then the installation continued but failed because of an additional inner exception. Installing .NET 3.5 solved this.

Finally the installation was done. It took some time (5 minutes), so don't cancel the process to early.

How to merge specific files from Git branches

None of the other current answers will actually "merge" the files, as if you were using the merge command. (At best they'll require you to manually pick diffs.) If you actually want to take advantage of merging using the information from a common ancestor, you can follow a procedure based on one found in the "Advanced Merging" section of the git Reference Manual.

For this protocol, I'm assuming you're wanting to merge the file 'path/to/file.txt' from origin/master into HEAD - modify as appropriate. (You don't have to be in the top directory of your repository, but it helps.)

# Find the merge base SHA1 (the common ancestor) for the two commits:
git merge-base HEAD origin/master

# Get the contents of the files at each stage
git show <merge-base SHA1>:path/to/file.txt > ./file.common.txt
git show HEAD:path/to/file.txt > ./file.ours.txt
git show origin/master:path/to/file.txt > ./file.theirs.txt

# You can pre-edit any of the files (e.g. run a formatter on it), if you want.

# Merge the files
git merge-file -p ./file.ours.txt ./file.common.txt ./file.theirs.txt > ./file.merged.txt

# Resolve merge conflicts in ./file.merged.txt
# Copy the merged version to the destination
# Clean up the intermediate files

git merge-file should use all of your default merge settings for formatting and the like.

Also note that if your "ours" is the working copy version and you don't want to be overly cautious, you can operate directly on the file:

git merge-base HEAD origin/master
git show <merge-base SHA1>:path/to/file.txt > ./file.common.txt
git show origin/master:path/to/file.txt > ./file.theirs.txt
git merge-file path/to/file.txt ./file.common.txt ./file.theirs.txt

How to open a WPF Popup when another control is clicked, using XAML markup only?

I did something simple, but it works.

I used a typical ToggleButton, which I restyled as a textblock by changing its control template. Then I just bound the IsChecked property on the ToggleButton to the IsOpen property on the popup. Popup has some properties like StaysOpen that let you modify the closing behavior.

The following works in XamlPad.

  <ToggleButton Name="button"> 
      <ControlTemplate TargetType="ToggleButton">
        <TextBlock>Click Me Here!!</TextBlock>
  <Popup IsOpen="{Binding IsChecked, ElementName=button}" StaysOpen="False">
    <Border Background="LightYellow">
      <TextBlock>I'm the popup</TextBlock>

How to change line color in EditText

for API below 21, you can use theme attribute in EditText put below code into style file

<style name="MyEditTextTheme">
    <item name="colorControlNormal">#FFFFFF</item>
    <item name="colorControlActivated">#FFFFFF</item>
    <item name="colorControlHighlight">#FFFFFF</item>

use this style in EditText as

    android:singleLine="true" />

What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?

The other answers so far have a lot of technical information. I will try to answer, as requested, in simple terms.

Serialization is what you do to an instance of an object if you want to dump it to a raw buffer, save it to disk, transport it in a binary stream (e.g., sending an object over a network socket), or otherwise create a serialized binary representation of an object. (For more info on serialization see Java Serialization on Wikipedia).

If you have no intention of serializing your class, you can add the annotation just above your class @SuppressWarnings("serial").

If you are going to serialize, then you have a host of things to worry about all centered around the proper use of UUID. Basically, the UUID is a way to "version" an object you would serialize so that whatever process is de-serializing knows that it's de-serializing properly. I would look at Ensure proper version control for serialized objects for more information.

Spring Boot Remove Whitelabel Error Page

Here's an alternative method which is very similar to the "old way" of specifying error mappings in web.xml.

Just add this to your Spring Boot configuration:

public class Application implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory> {

    public void customize(ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory factory) {
        factory.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, "/errors/403.html"));
        factory.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "/errors/404.html"));
        factory.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage("/errors/500.html"));


Then you can define the error pages in the static content normally.

The customizer can also be a separate @Component, if desired.

Create a zip file and download it

I have experienced exactly the same problem. In my case, the source of it was the permissions of the folder in which I wanted to create the zip file that were all set to read only. I changed it to read and write and it worked.

If the file is not created on your local-server when you run the script, you most probably have the same problem as I did.

When adding a Javascript library, Chrome complains about a missing source map, why?

In my case, I had to deactivate AdBlock and it worked fine.

Defining array with multiple types in TypeScript

I've settled on the following format for typing arrays that can have items of multiple types.

Array<ItemType1 | ItemType2 | ItemType3>

This works well with testing and type guards.

This format doesn't work well with testing or type guards:

(ItemType1 | ItemType2 | ItemType3)[]

How to call any method asynchronously in c#

Check out the MSDN article Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await if you can afford to play with new stuff. It was added to .NET 4.5.

Example code snippet from the link (which is itself from this MSDN sample code project):

// Three things to note in the signature: 
//  - The method has an async modifier.  
//  - The return type is Task or Task<T>. (See "Return Types" section.)
//    Here, it is Task<int> because the return statement returns an integer. 
//  - The method name ends in "Async."
async Task<int> AccessTheWebAsync()
    // You need to add a reference to System.Net.Http to declare client.
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    // GetStringAsync returns a Task<string>. That means that when you await the 
    // task you'll get a string (urlContents).
    Task<string> getStringTask = client.GetStringAsync("");

    // You can do work here that doesn't rely on the string from GetStringAsync.

    // The await operator suspends AccessTheWebAsync. 
    //  - AccessTheWebAsync can't continue until getStringTask is complete. 
    //  - Meanwhile, control returns to the caller of AccessTheWebAsync. 
    //  - Control resumes here when getStringTask is complete.  
    //  - The await operator then retrieves the string result from getStringTask. 
    string urlContents = await getStringTask;

    // The return statement specifies an integer result. 
    // Any methods that are awaiting AccessTheWebAsync retrieve the length value. 
    return urlContents.Length;


If AccessTheWebAsync doesn't have any work that it can do between calling GetStringAsync and awaiting its completion, you can simplify your code by calling and awaiting in the following single statement.

string urlContents = await client.GetStringAsync();

More details are in the link.

How to open a folder in Windows Explorer from VBA?

Thanks to PhilHibbs comment (on VBwhatnow's answer) I was finally able to find a solution that both reuses existing windows and avoids flashing a CMD-window at the user:

Dim path As String
path = CurrentProject.path & "\"
Shell "cmd /C start """" /max """ & path & """", vbHide

where 'path' is the folder you want to open.

(In this example I open the folder where the current workbook is saved.)


  • Avoids opening new explorer instances (only sets focus if window exists).
  • The cmd-window is never visible thanks to vbHide.
  • Relatively simple (does not need to reference win32 libraries).


  • Window maximization (or minimization) is mandatory.


At first I tried using only vbHide. This works nicely... unless there is already such a folder opened, in which case the existing folder window becomes hidden and disappears! You now have a ghost window floating around in memory and any subsequent attempt to open the folder after that will reuse the hidden window - seemingly having no effect.

In other words when the 'start'-command finds an existing window the specified vbAppWinStyle gets applied to both the CMD-window and the reused explorer window. (So luckily we can use this to un-hide our ghost-window by calling the same command again with a different vbAppWinStyle argument.)

However by specifying the /max or /min flag when calling 'start' it prevents the vbAppWinStyle set on the CMD window from being applied recursively. (Or overrides it? I don't know what the technical details are and I'm curious to know exactly what the chain of events is here.)

Get exit code of a background process

I would change your approach slightly. Rather than checking every few seconds if the command is still alive and reporting a message, have another process that reports every few seconds that the command is still running and then kill that process when the command finishes. For example:


cmd() { sleep 5; exit 24; }

cmd &   # Run the long running process
pid=$!  # Record the pid

# Spawn a process that coninually reports that the command is still running
while echo "$(date): $pid is still running"; do sleep 1; done &

# Set a trap to kill the reporter when the process finishes
trap 'kill $echoer' 0

# Wait for the process to finish
if wait $pid; then
    echo "cmd succeeded"
    echo "cmd FAILED!! (returned $?)"

How do I wait for an asynchronously dispatched block to finish?

Sometimes, Timeout loops are also helpful. May you wait until you get some (may be BOOL) signal from async callback method, but what if no response ever, and you want to break out of that loop? Here below is solution, mostly answered above, but with an addition of Timeout.


NSTimer * timer;
BOOL timeout;

CCSensorRead * sensorRead ;

- (void)testSensorReadConnection
    [self startTimeoutTimer];

    dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);

    while (dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW)) {

        /* Either you get some signal from async callback or timeout, whichever occurs first will break the loop */
        if (sensorRead.isConnected || timeout)

        [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
                                 beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:CONNECTION_CHECK_INTERVAL]];


    [self stopTimeoutTimer];

    if (timeout)
        NSLog(@"No Sensor device found in %f seconds", CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS);


-(void) startTimeoutTimer {

    timeout = NO;

    [timer invalidate];
    timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS target:self selector:@selector(connectionTimeout) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
    [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];

-(void) stopTimeoutTimer {
    [timer invalidate];
    timer = nil;

-(void) connectionTimeout {
    timeout = YES;

    [self stopTimeoutTimer];

How to list all databases in the mongo shell?

From the command line issue

mongo --quiet --eval  "printjson(db.adminCommand('listDatabases'))"

which gives output

    "databases" : [
            "name" : "admin",
            "sizeOnDisk" : 978944,
            "empty" : false
            "name" : "local",
            "sizeOnDisk" : 77824,
            "empty" : false
            "name" : "meteor",
            "sizeOnDisk" : 778240,
            "empty" : false
    "totalSize" : 1835008,
    "ok" : 1

How do I link object files in C? Fails with "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64"

Add foo1.c , foo2.c , foo3.c and makefile in one folder the type make in bash

if you do not want to use the makefile, you can run the command

gcc -c foo1.c foo2.c foo3.c


gcc -o output foo1.o foo2.o foo3.o


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void funk1();

void funk1() {
    printf ("\nfunk1\n");

int main(void) {

    char *arg2;
    size_t nbytes = 100;

    while ( 1 ) {

        printf ("\nargv2 = %s\n" , arg2);
        printf ("\n:> ");
        getline (&arg2 , &nbytes , stdin);
        if( strcmp (arg2 , "1\n") == 0 ) {
            funk1 ();
        } else if( strcmp (arg2 , "2\n") == 0 ) {
            funk2 ();
        } else if( strcmp (arg2 , "3\n") == 0 ) {
            funk3 ();
        } else if( strcmp (arg2 , "4\n") == 0 ) {
            funk4 ();
        } else {
            funk5 ();


#include <stdio.h>
void funk2(){
void funk3(){


#include <stdio.h>

void funk4(){
void funk5(){


outputTest: foo1.o foo2.o foo3.o
    gcc -o output foo1.o foo2.o foo3.o
    make removeO

outputTest.o: foo1.c foo2.c foo3.c
    gcc -c foo1.c foo2.c foo3.c

    rm -f *.o output

    rm -f *.o

Customizing the template within a Directive

Here's what I ended up using.

I'm very new to AngularJS, so would love to see better / alternative solutions.

angular.module('formComponents', [])
    .directive('formInput', function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            scope: {},
            link: function(scope, element, attrs)
                var type = attrs.type || 'text';
                var required = attrs.hasOwnProperty('required') ? "required='required'" : "";
                var htmlText = '<div class="control-group">' +
                    '<label class="control-label" for="' + attrs.formId + '">' + attrs.label + '</label>' +
                        '<div class="controls">' +
                        '<input type="' + type + '" class="input-xlarge" id="' + attrs.formId + '" name="' + attrs.formId + '" ' + required + '>' +
                        '</div>' +

Example usage:

<form-input label="Application Name" form-id="appName" required/></form-input>
<form-input type="email" label="Email address" form-id="emailAddress" required/></form-input>
<form-input type="password" label="Password" form-id="password" /></form-input>

Laravel Unknown Column 'updated_at'

In the model, write the below code;

public $timestamps = false;

This would work.

Explanation : By default laravel will expect created_at & updated_at column in your table. By making it to false it will override the default setting.

compareTo with primitives -> Integer / int

If you need just logical value (as it almost always is), the following one-liner will help you:

boolean ifIntsEqual = !((Math.max(a,b) - Math.min(a, b)) > 0);

And it works even in Java 1.5+, maybe even in 1.1 (i don't have one). Please tell us, if you can test it in 1.5-.

This one will do too:

boolean ifIntsEqual = !((Math.abs(a-b)) > 0);

How can I select an element by name with jQuery?

You can get the element in JQuery by using its ID attribute like this:


How to get text and a variable in a messagebox

I wanto to display the count of rows in the excel sheet after the filter option has been applied.

So I declared the count of last rows as a variable that can be added to the Msgbox

Sub lastrowcall()
Dim hm As Worksheet
Dim dm As Worksheet
Set dm = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("datecopy")
Set hm = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Home")
Dim lngStart As String, lngEnd As String
lngStart = hm.Range("E23").Value
lngEnd = hm.Range("E25").Value
Dim last_row As String
last_row = dm.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

MsgBox ("Number of test results between the selected dates " + lngStart + " 
and " + lngEnd + " are " + last_row + ". Please Select Yes to continue 

End Sub

Getting Index of an item in an arraylist; have to loop it

public int getIndex(String itemName)
    for (int i = 0; i < arraylist.size(); i++)
        AuctionItem auction = arraylist.get(i);
        if (itemName.equals(auction.getname()))
            return i;

    return -1;

What exactly is the meaning of an API?

Application program interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. An API specifies how software components should interact and APIs are used when programming graphical user interface (GUI) components. A good API makes it easier to develop a program by providing all the building blocks. A programmer then puts the blocks together.


How to use SVG markers in Google Maps API v3

If you need a full svg not only a path and you want it to be modifiable on client side (e.g. change text, hide details, ...) you can use an alternative data 'URL' with included svg:

var svg = '<svg width="400" height="110"><rect width="300" height="100" /></svg>';
icon.url = 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8;base64,' + btoa(svg);

JavaScript (Firefox) btoa() is used to get the base64 encoding from the SVG text. Your may also use to generate base data URLs.

Here is a full example jsfiddle:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <div id="map" style="width: 500px; height: 400px;"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
                zoom: 10,
                center: new google.maps.LatLng(-33.92, 151.25),
                mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

            var template = [
                '<?xml version="1.0"?>',
                    '<svg width="26px" height="26px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" version="1.1" xmlns="">',
                        '<circle stroke="#222" fill="{{ color }}" cx="50" cy="50" r="35"/>',
            var svg = template.replace('{{ color }}', '#800');

            var docMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: new google.maps.LatLng(-33.92, 151.25),
                map: map,
                title: 'Dynamic SVG Marker',
                icon: { url: 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(svg), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(20, 20) },
optimized: false

            var docMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: new google.maps.LatLng(-33.95, 151.25),
                map: map,
                title: 'Dynamic SVG Marker',
                icon: { url: 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8;base64,' + btoa(svg), scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(20, 20) },
optimized: false

Additional Information can be found here.

Avoid base64 encoding:

In order to avoid base64 encoding you can replace 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8;base64,' + btoa(svg) with 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(svg)

This should work with modern browsers down to IE9. The advantage is that encodeURIComponent is a default js function and available in all modern browsers. You might also get smaller links but you need to test this and consider to use ' instead of " in your svg.

Also see Optimizing SVGs in data URIs for additional info.

IE support: In order to support SVG Markers in IE one needs two small adaptions as described here: SVG Markers in IE. I updated the example code to support IE.

What is the difference between putting a property on application.yml or bootstrap.yml in spring boot?

I have just asked the Spring Cloud guys and thought I should share the info I have here.

bootstrap.yml is loaded before application.yml.

It is typically used for the following:

  • when using Spring Cloud Config Server, you should specify and inside bootstrap.yml
  • some encryption/decryption information

Technically, bootstrap.yml is loaded by a parent Spring ApplicationContext. That parent ApplicationContext is loaded before the one that uses application.yml.

How to implement a tree data-structure in Java?

You should start by defining what a tree is (for the domain), this is best done by defining the interface first. Not all trees structures are modifyable, being able to add and remove nodes should be an optional feature, so we make an extra interface for that.

There's no need to create node objects which hold the values, in fact I see this as a major design flaw and overhead in most tree implementations. If you look at Swing, the TreeModel is free of node classes (only DefaultTreeModel makes use of TreeNode), as they are not really needed.

public interface Tree <N extends Serializable> extends Serializable {
    List<N> getRoots ();
    N getParent (N node);
    List<N> getChildren (N node);

Mutable tree structure (allows to add and remove nodes):

public interface MutableTree <N extends Serializable> extends Tree<N> {
    boolean add (N parent, N node);
    boolean remove (N node, boolean cascade);

Given these interfaces, code that uses trees doesn't have to care much about how the tree is implemented. This allows you to use generic implementations as well as specialized ones, where you realize the tree by delegating functions to another API.

Example: file tree structure

public class FileTree implements Tree<File> {

    public List<File> getRoots() {

    public File getParent(File node) {
        return node.getParentFile();

    public List<File> getChildren(File node) {
        if (node.isDirectory()) {
            File[] children = node.listFiles();
            if (children != null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();

Example: generic tree structure (based on parent/child relations):

public class MappedTreeStructure<N extends Serializable> implements MutableTree<N> {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        MutableTree<String> tree = new MappedTreeStructure<>();
        tree.add("A", "B");
        tree.add("A", "C");
        tree.add("C", "D");
        tree.add("E", "A");

    private final Map<N, N> nodeParent = new HashMap<>();
    private final LinkedHashSet<N> nodeList = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    private void checkNotNull(N node, String parameterName) {
        if (node == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(parameterName + " must not be null");

    public boolean add(N parent, N node) {
        checkNotNull(parent, "parent");
        checkNotNull(node, "node");

        // check for cycles
        N current = parent;
        do {
            if (node.equals(current)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(" node must not be the same or an ancestor of the parent");
        } while ((current = getParent(current)) != null);

        boolean added = nodeList.add(node);
        nodeParent.put(node, parent);
        return added;

    public boolean remove(N node, boolean cascade) {
        checkNotNull(node, "node");

        if (!nodeList.contains(node)) {
            return false;
        if (cascade) {
            for (N child : getChildren(node)) {
                remove(child, true);
        } else {
            for (N child : getChildren(node)) {
        return true;

    public List<N> getRoots() {
        return getChildren(null);

    public N getParent(N node) {
        checkNotNull(node, "node");
        return nodeParent.get(node);

    public List<N> getChildren(N node) {
        List<N> children = new LinkedList<>();
        for (N n : nodeList) {
            N parent = nodeParent.get(n);
            if (node == null && parent == null) {
            } else if (node != null && parent != null && parent.equals(node)) {
        return children;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        dumpNodeStructure(builder, null, "- ");
        return builder.toString();

    private void dumpNodeStructure(StringBuilder builder, N node, String prefix) {
        if (node != null) {
            prefix = "  " + prefix;
        for (N child : getChildren(node)) {
            dumpNodeStructure(builder, child, prefix);

What is the difference between bool and Boolean types in C#

bool is an alias for System.Boolean just as int is an alias for System.Int32. See a full list of aliases here: Built-In Types Table (C# Reference).

How do you programmatically set an attribute?

Usually, we define classes for this.

class XClass( object ):
   def __init__( self ):
       self.myAttr= None

x= XClass()
x.myAttr= 'magic'

However, you can, to an extent, do this with the setattr and getattr built-in functions. However, they don't work on instances of object directly.

>>> a= object()
>>> setattr( a, 'hi', 'mom' )
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'hi'

They do, however, work on all kinds of simple classes.

class YClass( object ):

y= YClass()
setattr( y, 'myAttr', 'magic' )

Resizing an iframe based on content

Work with jquery on load (cross browser):

 <iframe src="your_url" marginwidth="0"  marginheight="0" scrolling="No" frameborder="0"  hspace="0" vspace="0" id="containiframe" onload="loaderIframe();" height="100%"  width="100%"></iframe>

function loaderIframe(){
var heightIframe = $('#containiframe').contents().find('body').height();
$('#frame').css("height", heightFrame);

on resize in responsive page:

if($('#containiframe').length !== 0) {
var heightIframe = $('#containiframe').contents().find('body').height();
 $('#frame').css("height", heightFrame);

How do you use the "WITH" clause in MySQL?

'Common Table Expression' feature is not available in MySQL, so you have to go to make a view or temporary table to solve, here I have used a temporary table.

The stored procedure mentioned here will solve your need. If I want to get all my team members and their associated members, this stored procedure will help:

user_id   |   team_id
admin     |   NULL
ramu      |   admin
suresh    |   admin
kumar     |   ramu
mahesh    |   ramu
randiv    |   suresh


DROP PROCEDURE `user_hier`//
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `user_hier`(in team_id varchar(50))
declare count int;
declare tmp_team_id varchar(50);
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE res_hier(user_id varchar(50),team_id varchar(50))engine=memory;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_hier(user_id varchar(50),team_id varchar(50))engine=memory;
set tmp_team_id = team_id;
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO count FROM user_table WHERE user_table.team_id=tmp_team_id;
WHILE count>0 DO
insert into res_hier select user_table.user_id,user_table.team_id from user_table where user_table.team_id=tmp_team_id;
insert into tmp_hier select user_table.user_id,user_table.team_id from user_table where user_table.team_id=tmp_team_id;
select user_id into tmp_team_id from tmp_hier limit 0,1;
select count(*) into count from tmp_hier;
delete from tmp_hier where user_id=tmp_team_id;
end while;
select * from res_hier;
drop temporary table if exists res_hier;
drop temporary table if exists tmp_hier;

This can be called using:

mysql>call user_hier ('admin')//

Forward declaring an enum in C++

There is indeed no such thing as a forward declaration of enum. As an enum's definition doesn't contain any code that could depend on other code using the enum, it's usually not a problem to define the enum completely when you're first declaring it.

If the only use of your enum is by private member functions, you can implement encapsulation by having the enum itself as a private member of that class. The enum still has to be fully defined at the point of declaration, that is, within the class definition. However, this is not a bigger problem as declaring private member functions there, and is not a worse exposal of implementation internals than that.

If you need a deeper degree of concealment for your implementation details, you can break it into an abstract interface, only consisting of pure virtual functions, and a concrete, completely concealed, class implementing (inheriting) the interface. Creation of class instances can be handled by a factory or a static member function of the interface. That way, even the real class name, let alone its private functions, won't be exposed.

What is Activity.finish() method doing exactly?

Various answers and notes are claiming that finish() can skip onPause() and onStop() and directly execute onDestroy(). To be fair, the Android documentation on this ( notes "Activity is finishing or being destroyed by the system" which is pretty ambiguous but might suggest that finish() can jump to onDestroy().

The JavaDoc on finish() is similarly disappointing ( and does not actually note what method(s) are called in response to finish().

So I wrote this mini-app below which logs each state upon entry. It includes a button which calls finish() -- so you can see the logs of which methods get fired. This experiment would suggested that finish() does indeed also call onPause() and onStop(). Here is the output I get:

2170-2170/? D/LIFECYCLE_DEMO? INSIDE: onCreate
2170-2170/? D/LIFECYCLE_DEMO? INSIDE: onStart
2170-2170/? D/LIFECYCLE_DEMO? INSIDE: onResume
2170-2170/? D/LIFECYCLE_DEMO? User just clicked button to initiate finish() 
2170-2170/? D/LIFECYCLE_DEMO? INSIDE: onPause
2170-2170/? D/LIFECYCLE_DEMO? INSIDE: onStop 
2170-2170/? D/LIFECYCLE_DEMO? INSIDE: onDestroy

package com.mvvg.apps.lifecycle;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class AndroidLifecycle extends Activity {

    private static final String TAG = "LIFECYCLE_DEMO";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.d(TAG, "INSIDE: onCreate");
        LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
        Button button = new Button(this);
        button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {
                Toast.makeText(AndroidLifecycle.this, "Initiating finish()",
                Log.d(TAG, "User just clicked button to initiate finish()");



    protected void onStart() {
        Log.d(TAG, "INSIDE: onStart");

    protected void onStop() {
        Log.d(TAG, "INSIDE: onStop");

    protected void onDestroy() {
        Log.d(TAG, "INSIDE: onDestroy");

    protected void onPause() {
        Log.d(TAG, "INSIDE: onPause");

    protected void onResume() {
        Log.d(TAG, "INSIDE: onResume");


What are the correct version numbers for C#?

  • C# 1.0 with Visual Studio.NET

  • C# 2.0 with Visual Studio 2005

  • C# 3.0 with Visual Studio 2008

  • C# 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010

  • C# 5.0 with Visual Studio 2012

  • C# 6.0 with Visual Studio 2015

  • C# 7.0 with Visual Studio 2017

  • C# 8.0 with Visual Studio 2019

C# refresh DataGridView when updating or inserted on another form

DataGridView.Refresh and And DataGridView.Update are methods that are inherited from Control. They have to do with redrawing the control which is why new rows don't appear.

My guess is the data retrieval is on the Form_Load. If you want your Button on Form B to retrieve the latest data from the database then that's what you have to do whatever Form_Load is doing.

A nice way to do that is to separate your data retrieval calls into a separate function and call it from both the From Load and Button Click events.