[json] Is there a limit on how much JSON can hold?

I am using jquery, JSON, and AJAX for a comment system. I am curious, is there a size limit on what you can send through/store with JSON? Like if a user types a large amount and I send it through JSON is there some sort of maximum limit?

Also can any kind of text be sent through JSON. for example sometime I allow users to use html, will this be ok?

This question is related to json

The answer is

If you are working with ASP.NET MVC, you can solve the problem by adding the MaxJsonLength to your result:

var jsonResult = Json(new
    draw = param.Draw,
    recordsTotal = count,
    recordsFiltered = count,
    data = result
}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;

There is really no limit on the size of JSON data to be send or receive. We can send Json data in file too. According to the capabilities of browser that you are working with, Json data can be handled.

Surely everyone's missed a trick here. The current file size limit of a json file is 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 characters or if you prefer bytes, or even 2^64 bytes if you're looking at 64 bit infrastructures at least.

For all intents, and purposes we can assume it's unlimited as you'll probably have a hard time hitting this issue...

It depends on the implementation of your JSON writer/parser. Microsoft's DataContractJsonSerializer seems to have a hard limit around 8kb (8192 I think), and it will error out for larger strings.

Edit: We were able to resolve the 8K limit for JSON strings by setting the MaxJsonLength property in the web config as described in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1151993/61569

Implementations are free to set limits on JSON documents, including the size, so choose your parser wisely. See RFC 7159, Section 9. Parsers:

"An implementation may set limits on the size of texts that it accepts. An implementation may set limits on the maximum depth of nesting. An implementation may set limits on the range and precision of numbers. An implementation may set limits on the length and character contents of strings."

The maximum length of JSON strings. The default is 2097152 characters, which is equivalent to 4 MB of Unicode string data.

Refer below URL


There is no fixed limit on how large a JSON data block is or any of the fields.

There are limits to how much JSON the JavaScript implementation of various browsers can handle (e.g. around 40MB in my experience). See this question for example.