[android] How to make a round button?

  1. Use the Image Buttons and make the background as the image you want.
  2. Create the images from the android asset studio link -

" https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-launcher.html#foreground.type=image&foreground.space.trim=0&foreground.space.pad=0.25&foreColor=rgba(94%2C%20126%2C%20142%2C%200)&backColor=rgb(96%2C%20125%2C%20139)&crop=1&backgroundShape=circle&effects=none&name=ic_home "

and download it, extraxt it , inside that look for mipmap-hdpi folder.

  1. copy the image from the mipmap-hdpi folder and paste it in the drwable folder of your android project.

  2. Now set the background as that image.