[r] How to change facet labels?

I have another way to achieve the same goal without changing the underlying data:

ggplot(transform(survey, survey = factor(survey,
        labels = c("Hosp 1", "Hosp 2", "Hosp 3", "Hosp 4"))), aes(x = age)) +
  stat_bin(aes(n = nrow(h3),y=..count../n), binwidth = 10) +
  scale_y_continuous(formatter = "percent", breaks = c(0, 0.1, 0.2)) +
  facet_grid(hospital ~ .) +
  opts(panel.background = theme_blank())

What I did above is changing the labels of the factor in the original data frame, and that is the only difference compared with your original code.

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How to change facet labels?