[php] Deleting an element from an array in PHP

I came here because I wanted to see if there was a more elegant solution to this problem than using unset($arr[$i]). To my disappointment these answers are either wrong or do not cover every edge case.

Here is why array_diff() does not work. Keys are unique in the array, while elements are not always unique.

$arr = [1,2,2,3];

foreach($arr as $i => $n){
    $b = array_diff($arr,[$n]);
    echo "\n".json_encode($b);



If two elements are the same they will be remove. This also applies for array_search() and array_flip().

I saw a lot of answers with array_slice() and array_splice(), but these functions only work with numeric arrays. All the answers I am aware if here does not answer the question, and so here is a solution that will work.

$arr = [1,2,3];

foreach($arr as $i => $n){
    $b = array_merge(array_slice($arr,0,$i),array_slice($arr,$i+1));
    echo "\n".json_encode($b);



Since unset($arr[$i]) will work on both associative array and numeric arrays this still does not answer the question.

This solution is to compare the keys and with a tool that will handle both numeric and associative arrays. I use array_diff_uassoc() for this. This function compares the keys in a call back function.

$arr = [1,2,2,3];
//$arr = ['a'=>'z','b'=>'y','c'=>'x','d'=>'w'];
foreach($arr as $key => $n){
    $b = array_diff_uassoc($arr, [$key=>$n], function($a,$b) {
        if($a != $b){
            return 1;
    echo "\n".json_encode($b);


