[google-chrome-devtools] When adding a Javascript library, Chrome complains about a missing source map, why?

My code

    <!-- Load TensorFlow.js -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs"></script> 
    <!-- Load Posenet -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow-models/posenet"></script> 

    <img id='cat' src='./pose/images/aa_085.jpg'/>
  <!-- Place your code in the script tag below. You can also use an external .js file -->
    var flipHorizontal = false;

    var imageElement = document.getElementById('cat');

    posenet.load().then(function(net) {
      const pose = net.estimateSinglePose(imageElement, {
        flipHorizontal: true
      return pose;

Rarely use HTML and JS, almost forget the most fundamentals, can any one kindly point out my fool? Error info attached.

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tf.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

This question is related to google-chrome-devtools

The answer is

In my case, I had to deactivate AdBlock and it worked fine.

When it s annoying with warnings like: DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for http://********/bootstrap/4.5.0/css/bootstrap.min.css.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

Follow this path and remove that tricky /*# sourceMappingURL=bootstrap.min.css.map */ in bootstrap.min.css

I had similar problem when i was trying to work with coco-ssd. I think this problem is caused because of the version. I changed version of tfjs to 0.9.0 and coco-ssd version to 1.1.0 and it worked for me. (you can search for posenet versions on : https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/@tensorflow-models/posenet)

<!-- Load TensorFlow.js-->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/[email protected]"></script>
<!-- Load the coco-ssd model. -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow-models/[email protected]"</script>

In my case, some broken url found in layout.

Newer files on JsDelivr get the sourcemap added automatically to the end of them. This is fine and doesn't throw any SourceMap-related notice in the console as long as you load the files from JsDelivr. The problem occurs only when you copy then load these files from your own server. In order to fix this for locally loaded files simply remove the last line in the JS file(s) downloaded from JsDelivr. It should look something like this:

//# sourceMappingURL=/sm/64bec5fd901c75766b1ade899155ce5e1c28413a4707f0120043b96f4a3d8f80.map

As you can see it's commented out but Chrome still parses it.

Also i'd face same kind of problem for kendo Telerk Ui javaScript file. For that you need to do , Unchecked the 'Enable JavaScript source maps' and 'Enable CSS source map' from inspect element as shown in image and Refresh the WebPage.

In setting of Inspect elelment

Unchecked the 'Enable JavaScript
source maps' and 'Enable CSS source map'

This worked for me

Deactivate AdBlock.

Go to inspect -> settings gear -> Uncheck 'enable javascript source maps' and 'enable css source map'.


In my case I had to remove React Dev Tools from Chrome to stop seeing the strange errors during development of React app using a local Express server with a create-react-app client (which uses Webpack). In the interest of community I did a sanity check and quit everything - server/client server/Chrome - and then I opened Chrome and reinstalled React Dev Tools... Started things back up and am seeing this funky address and error again: Error seems to be from React Dev Tools extension in my case

While, the fix as per Valeri works, but its only for tfjs.

If you're expecting for body-pix or any other tensor-flow/models, you would be facing the same. It is an open issue too and the team is working on the fix!


But, if you don't have problem in degrading the version (if anyone wants to use body-pix) from latest docs, below both links works fine as I've tested the same:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/[email protected]/dist/tf.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow-models/[email protected]"></script> 

I get this warning in Angular if I run:

ng serve --sourceMap=false

To fix:

ng serve

Try to see if it works in Incognito Mode. If it does, then it's a bug in recent Chrome. On my computer the following fix worked:

  1. Quit Chrome
  2. Delete your full Chrome cache folder
  3. Restart Chrome