[java] How to get the path of src/test/resources directory in JUnit?

You can't use a file from a resource folder for tests in a common case. The reason is that resource files in the resource folder are stored inside a jar. So they don't have a real path in the file system.

The most simple solution can be:

  1. Copy a file from resources to the temporary folder and get a path to that temporary file.
  2. Do tests using a temporary path.
  3. Delete the temporary file.

TemporaryFolder from JUnit can be used to create temporary files and delete it after test is complited. Classes from guava library are used to copy a file form resource folder.

Please, notice that if we use a subfolder in the resources folder, like good one, we don't have to add leading / to the resource path.

public class SomeTest {

    public TemporaryFolder tmpFolder = new TemporaryFolder();

    public void doSomethinge() throws IOException {
        File file = createTmpFileFromResource(tmpFolder, "file.txt");
        File goodFile = createTmpFileFromResource(tmpFolder, "good/file.txt");

        // do testing here

    private static File createTmpFileFromResource(TemporaryFolder folder,
                                                  String classLoaderResource) throws IOException {
        URL resource = Resources.getResource(classLoaderResource);

        File tmpFile = folder.newFile();
        return tmpFile;
