[python] Logarithmic returns in pandas dataframe

Python pandas has a pct_change function which I use to calculate the returns for stock prices in a dataframe:

ndf['Return']= ndf['TypicalPrice'].pct_change()

I am using the following code to get logarithmic returns, but it gives the exact same values as the pct.change() function:

#np is for numpy

This question is related to python pandas

The answer is

@poulter7: I cannot comment on the other answers, so I post it as new answer: be careful with


as this will fail for indices which can become negative as well as risk factors e.g. negative interest rates. In these cases


is preferred and based on my experience generally the safer approach. It also evaluates the logarithm only once.

Whether you use +1 or -1 depends on the ordering of your time series. Use -1 for descending and +1 for ascending dates - in both cases the shift provides the preceding date's value.

The results might seem similar, but that is just because of the Taylor expansion for the logarithm. Since log(1 + x) ~ x, the results can be similar.


I am using the following code to get logarithmic returns, but it gives the exact same values as the pct.change() function.

is not quite correct.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'p': range(10)})

df['pct_change'] = df.pct_change()
df['log_stuff'] = \
df[['pct_change', 'log_stuff']].plot();

enter image description here

Log returns are simply the natural log of 1 plus the arithmetic return. So how about this?

df['pct_change'] = df.price.pct_change()
df['log_return'] = np.log(1 + df.pct_change)

Even more concise, utilizing Ximix's suggestion:

df['log_return'] = np.log1p(df.price.pct_change())

Single line, and only calculating logs once. First convert to log-space, then take the 1-period diff.


In earlier versions of numpy:
