Programs & Examples On #Volume shadow service

Volume Shadow Service (VSS), also called Volume Shadow Copy refers to a volume shapshot service built in to Microsoft Windows Operating Systems from XP or greater. Questions concerning the API should use this tag; you may also consider tagging your question Windows and the language of your choice.

Displaying Total in Footer of GridView and also Add Sum of columns(row vise) in last Column

int total = 0;
protected void gvEmp_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
total += Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "Amount"));
Label lblamount = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblTotal");
lblamount.Text = total.ToString();

Changing an element's ID with jQuery

I did something similar with this construct

  if({ ="something";

How to convert Observable<any> to array[]

This should work:

GetCountries():Observable<CountryData[]>  {
  return this.http.get(``)
    .map((res:Response) => <CountryData[]>res.json());

For this to work you will need to import the following:

import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'

Comparing two .jar files

Use Java Decompiler to turn the jar file into source code file, and then use WinMerge to perform comparison.

You should consult the copyright holder of the source code, to see whether it is OK to do so.

Rounded corners for <input type='text' /> using for IE

Writing from phone, but curvycorners is really good, since it adds it's own borders only if browser doesn't support it by default. In other words, browsers which already support some CSS3 will use their own system to provide corners.

AngularJS dynamic routing

Ok solved it.

Added the solution to GitHub -

In my app.js routing config:

$routeProvider.when('/pages/:name', {
    templateUrl: '/pages/home.html', 
    controller: CMSController 

Then in my CMS controller:

function CMSController($scope, $route, $routeParams) {

    $route.current.templateUrl = '/pages/' + $ + ".html";

    $.get($route.current.templateUrl, function (data) {
        $scope.$apply(function () {
CMSController.$inject = ['$scope', '$route', '$routeParams'];

With #views being my <div id="views" ng-view></div>

So now it works with standard routing and dynamic routing.

To test it I copied about.html called it portfolio.html, changed some of it's contents and entered /#/pages/portfolio into my browser and hey presto portfolio.html was displayed....

Updated Added $apply and $compile to the html so that dynamic content can be injected.

Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

I hope you have found a good solution. I had the same problem, and the way I worked around it is probably not the best but it is working now.

it involves creating a linked server and using dynamic sql - not the best, but if anyone can suggest something better, please comment/answer.

declare @sql nvarchar(max)

[DatabaseName] NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
[FILEID] [smallint] NOT NULL,
,filegroup VARCHAR(128)
,maxsize VARCHAR(25)


SELECT @SQL ='SELECT [DatabaseName],
        ,maxsize FROM OPENQUERY('+ QUOTENAME('THE_MONITOR') + ','''+ ' EXEC MASTER.DBO.monitoring_database_details '  +''')'
exec sp_executesql @sql



this is working for me now. I can guarantee the number of columns and type of columns returned by the stored procedure are the same as in this table, simply because I return the same table from the stored procedure.

thanks and regards marcelo

Where does pip install its packages?

By default, on Linux, Pip installs packages to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages.

Using virtualenv or --user during install will change this default location. If you use pip show make sure you are using the right user or else pip may not see the packages you are referencing.

Find files with size in Unix

Assuming you have GNU find:

find . -size +10000k -printf '%s %f\n'

If you want a constant width for the size field, you can do something like:

find . -size +10000k -printf '%10s %f\n'

Note that -size +1000k selects files of at least 10,240,000 bytes (k is 1024, not 1000). You said in a comment that you want files bigger than 1M; if that's 1024*1024 bytes, then this:

find . -size +1M ...

will do the trick -- except that it will also print the size and name of files that are exactly 1024*1024 bytes. If that matters, you could use:

find . -size +1048575c ...

You need to decide just what criterion you want.

How do I get an OAuth 2.0 authentication token in C#

The Rest Client answer is perfect! (I upvoted it)

But, just in case you want to go "raw"


I got this to work with HttpClient.


using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;

    private static async Task<Token> GetElibilityToken(HttpClient client)
        string baseAddress = @"";

        string grant_type = "client_credentials";
        string client_id = "myId";
        string client_secret = "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhItsSecret";

        var form = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    {"grant_type", grant_type},
                    {"client_id", client_id},
                    {"client_secret", client_secret},

        HttpResponseMessage tokenResponse = await client.PostAsync(baseAddress, new FormUrlEncodedContent(form));
        var jsonContent = await tokenResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        Token tok = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Token>(jsonContent);
        return tok;

internal class Token
    public string AccessToken { get; set; }

    public string TokenType { get; set; }

    public int ExpiresIn { get; set; }

    public string RefreshToken { get; set; }

Here is another working example (based off the answer above)......with a few more tweaks. Sometimes the token-service is finicky:

    private static async Task<Token> GetATokenToTestMyRestApiUsingHttpClient(HttpClient client)
        /* this code has lots of commented out stuff with different permutations of tweaking the request  */

        /* this is a version of asking for token using HttpClient.  aka, an alternate to using default libraries instead of RestClient */

        OAuthValues oav = GetOAuthValues(); /* object has has simple string properties for TokenUrl, GrantType, ClientId and ClientSecret */

        var form = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    { "grant_type", oav.GrantType },
                    { "client_id", oav.ClientId },
                    { "client_secret", oav.ClientSecret }

        /* now tweak the http client */
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("cache-control", "no-cache");

        /* try 1 */
        ////client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

        /* try 2 */
        ////client.DefaultRequestHeaders            .Accept            .Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));//ACCEPT header

        /* try 3 */
        ////does not compile */client.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");


        HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, oav.TokenUrl);
        /////req.RequestUri = new Uri(baseAddress);

        req.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(form);

        ////string jsonPayload = "{\"grant_type\":\"" + oav.GrantType + "\",\"client_id\":\"" + oav.ClientId + "\",\"client_secret\":\"" + oav.ClientSecret + "\"}";
        ////req.Content = new StringContent(jsonPayload,                                                Encoding.UTF8,                                                "application/json");//CONTENT-TYPE header

        req.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

        /* now make the request */
        ////HttpResponseMessage tokenResponse = await client.PostAsync(baseAddress, new FormUrlEncodedContent(form));
        HttpResponseMessage tokenResponse = await client.SendAsync(req);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("HttpResponseMessage.ReasonPhrase='{0}'", tokenResponse.ReasonPhrase));

        if (!tokenResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            throw new HttpRequestException("Call to get Token with HttpClient failed.");

        var jsonContent = await tokenResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        Token tok = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Token>(jsonContent);

        return tok;


Bonus Material!

If you ever get a

"The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure." can wire in a handler to see what is going on (and massage if necessary)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using System.Net;

namespace MyNamespace
    public class MyTokenRetrieverWithExtraStuff
        public static async Task<Token> GetElibilityToken()
            using (HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler())
                httpClientHandler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = CertificateValidationCallBack;
                using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler))
                    return await GetElibilityToken(client);

        private static async Task<Token> GetElibilityToken(HttpClient client)
            // throws certificate error if your cert is wired to localhost // 
            //string baseAddress = @"";

            //string baseAddress = @"https://localhost/someapp/oauth2/token";

        string baseAddress = @"";

        string grant_type = "client_credentials";
        string client_id = "myId";
        string client_secret = "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhItsSecret";

        var form = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    {"grant_type", grant_type},
                    {"client_id", client_id},
                    {"client_secret", client_secret},

            HttpResponseMessage tokenResponse = await client.PostAsync(baseAddress, new FormUrlEncodedContent(form));
            var jsonContent = await tokenResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            Token tok = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Token>(jsonContent);
            return tok;

        private static bool CertificateValidationCallBack(
        object sender,
        System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate,
        System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain chain,
        System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
            // If the certificate is a valid, signed certificate, return true.
            if (sslPolicyErrors == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None)
                return true;

            // If there are errors in the certificate chain, look at each error to determine the cause.
            if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors) != 0)
                if (chain != null && chain.ChainStatus != null)
                    foreach (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus status in chain.ChainStatus)
                        if ((certificate.Subject == certificate.Issuer) &&
                           (status.Status == System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot))
                            // Self-signed certificates with an untrusted root are valid. 
                            if (status.Status != System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags.NoError)
                                // If there are any other errors in the certificate chain, the certificate is invalid,
                                // so the method returns false.
                                return false;

                // When processing reaches this line, the only errors in the certificate chain are 
                // untrusted root errors for self-signed certificates. These certificates are valid
                // for default Exchange server installations, so return true.
                return true;

            /* overcome localhost and issue */
            if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) != 0)
                if (certificate.Subject.Contains("localhost"))
                    HttpRequestMessage castSender = sender as HttpRequestMessage;
                    if (null != castSender)
                        if (castSender.RequestUri.Host.Contains(""))
                            return true;

            return false;


        public class Token
            public string AccessToken { get; set; }

            public string TokenType { get; set; }

            public int ExpiresIn { get; set; }

            public string RefreshToken { get; set; }



I recently found (Jan/2020) an article about all this. I'll add a link here....sometimes having 2 different people show/explain it helps someone trying to learn it.

How can I get the current date and time in UTC or GMT in Java?

If you want to avoid parsing the date and just want a timestamp in GMT, you could use:

final Date gmt = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()
            - Calendar.getInstance().getTimeZone()

How do I translate an ISO 8601 datetime string into a Python datetime object?

Both ways:

Epoch to ISO time:

isoTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(epochTime))

ISO time to Epoch:

epochTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(isoTime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))

Eclipse hangs on loading workbench

The trouble with deleting files in .metadata directory is that you would have to start your workbench from scratch. So, it might take awhile to restore all your projects, especially if you have a number of them. Restoring .metadata from a backup just by replacing the existing files with the old backed up ones worked for me.

unable to install pg gem

This worked in my case:

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

I used:

  • Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
  • Ruby 2.2.2
  • Rails 4.2.1

Setting action for back button in navigation controller

Swift version of @onegray's answer

protocol RequestsNavigationPopVerification {
    var confirmationTitle: String { get }
    var confirmationMessage: String { get }

extension RequestsNavigationPopVerification where Self: UIViewController {
    var confirmationTitle: String {
        return "Go back?"

    var confirmationMessage: String {
        return "Are you sure?"

final class NavigationController: UINavigationController {

    func navigationBar(navigationBar: UINavigationBar, shouldPopItem item: UINavigationItem) -> Bool {

        guard let requestsPopConfirm = topViewController as? RequestsNavigationPopVerification else {
            return true

        let alertController = UIAlertController(title: requestsPopConfirm.confirmationTitle, message: requestsPopConfirm.confirmationMessage, preferredStyle: .Alert)

        alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .Cancel) { _ in
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
                let dimmed = navigationBar.subviews.flatMap { $0.alpha < 1 ? $0 : nil }
                UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25) {
                    dimmed.forEach { $0.alpha = 1 }

        alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Go back", style: .Default) { _ in
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {

        presentViewController(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)

        return false

Now in any controller, just conform to RequestsNavigationPopVerification and this behaviour is adopted by default.

LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

I had this problem minutes ago. It went away when I added 'extern "C"' to the main() definition.

Oddly, another simple program I wrote yesterday is almost identical, does not have the extern "C", yet compiled without this linker error.

This makes me think the problem is some subtle setting to be found deep in some configuration dialog, and that 'extern "C"' doesn't really solve the underlying problem, but superficially makes things work.

What is the Python equivalent of Matlab's tic and toc functions?

Have a look at the timeit module. It's not really equivalent but if the code you want to time is inside a function you can easily use it.

JSON to TypeScript class instance?

The best solution I found when dealing with Typescript classes and json objects: add a constructor in your Typescript class that takes the json data as parameter. In that constructor you extend your json object with jQuery, like this: $.extend( this, jsonData). $.extend allows keeping the javascript prototypes while adding the json object's properties.

export class Foo
    Name: string;
    getName(): string { return this.Name };

    constructor( jsonFoo: any )
        $.extend( this, jsonFoo);

In your ajax callback, translate your jsons in a your typescript object like this:

onNewFoo( jsonFoos : any[] )
  let receviedFoos = $.map( jsonFoos, (json) => { return new Foo( json ); } );

  // then call a method:
  let firstFooName = receviedFoos[0].GetName();

If you don't add the constructor, juste call in your ajax callback:

let newFoo = new Foo();
$.extend( newFoo, jsonData);
let name = newFoo.GetName()

...but the constructor will be useful if you want to convert the children json object too. See my detailed answer here.

Get top most UIViewController

extension UIWindow {

    func visibleViewController() -> UIViewController? {
        if let rootViewController: UIViewController = self.rootViewController {
            return UIWindow.getVisibleViewControllerFrom(vc: rootViewController)
        return nil

    static func getVisibleViewControllerFrom(vc:UIViewController) -> UIViewController {
        if let navigationController = vc as? UINavigationController,
            let visibleController = navigationController.visibleViewController  {
            return UIWindow.getVisibleViewControllerFrom( vc: visibleController )
        } else if let tabBarController = vc as? UITabBarController,
            let selectedTabController = tabBarController.selectedViewController {
            return UIWindow.getVisibleViewControllerFrom(vc: selectedTabController )
        } else {
            if let presentedViewController = vc.presentedViewController {
                return UIWindow.getVisibleViewControllerFrom(vc: presentedViewController)
            } else {
                return vc


if let topController = window.visibleViewController() {

How to prevent column break within an element?

The following code works to prevent column breaks inside elements:

-webkit-column-break-inside: avoid;
-moz-column-break-inside: avoid;
-o-column-break-inside: avoid;
-ms-column-break-inside: avoid;
column-break-inside: avoid;

What is cURL in PHP?

cURL is a way you can hit a URL from your code to get a HTML response from it. It's used for command line cURL from the PHP language.

// Step 1
$cSession = curl_init(); 
// Step 2
curl_setopt($cSession,CURLOPT_HEADER, false); 
// Step 3
// Step 4
// Step 5
echo $result;

Step 1: Initialize a curl session using curl_init().

Step 2: Set option for CURLOPT_URL. This value is the URL which we are sending the request to. Append a search term curl using parameter q=. Set option for CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER. True will tell curl to return the string instead of print it out. Set option for CURLOPT_HEADER, false will tell curl to ignore the header in the return value.

Step 3: Execute the curl session using curl_exec().

Step 4: Close the curl session we have created.

Step 5: Output the return string.

public function curlCall($apiurl, $auth, $rflag)
    $ch = curl_init($apiurl);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

    if($auth == 'auth') { 
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "passw:passw");
    } else {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "ss:ss1");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $dt = curl_exec($ch);        
    if($rflag != 1) {
        $dt = json_decode($dt,true);        
    return $dt;

This is also used for authentication. We can also set the username and password for authentication.

For more functionality, see the user manual or the following tutorial:

Java Wait for thread to finish

Thread has a method that does that for you join which will block until the thread has finished executing.

How to get file size in Java

Did a quick google. Seems that to find the file size you do this,

long size = f.length();

The differences between the three methods you posted can be found here

getFreeSpace() and getTotalSpace() are pretty self explanatory, getUsableSpace() seems to be the space that the JVM can use, which in most cases will be the same as the amount of free space.

How to define global variable in Google Apps Script

    var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();

function globalSetting(){
  //creating an array
  userProperties.setProperty('gemployeeName',"Rajendra Barge");
  userProperties.setProperty('gemployeeEmail'," [email protected]");

var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
function showUserForm(){

  var templete = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("userForm");
  var html = templete.evaluate();
  html.setTitle("Customer Data");


function appendData(data){
  var ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Data");
                Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT+05:30", "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss")

function errorMessage(){

Browser.msgBox("! All fields are mandetory");


SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

If you're working with SQL Server 2012 or later, this is now easy to fix. Add an offset 0 rows:

  COUNT(1) FROM Seanslar WHERE MONTH(tarihi) = 4
  GROUP BY refKlinik_id
  ORDER BY refKlinik_id OFFSET 0 ROWS
) as dorduncuay

Access properties file programmatically with Spring?

I have done this and it has worked.

Properties props = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadAllProperties("");
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer props2 = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();

That should work.

Quick-and-dirty way to ensure only one instance of a shell script is running at a time

If flock's limitations, which have already been described elsewhere on this thread, aren't an issue for you, then this should work:


    # exit if we are unable to obtain a lock; this would happen if 
    # the script is already running elsewhere
    # note: -x (exclusive) is the default
    flock -n 100 || exit

    # put commands to run here
    sleep 100
} 100>/tmp/myjob.lock 

Get row-index values of Pandas DataFrame as list?

If you're only getting these to manually pass into df.set_index(), that's unnecessary. Just directly do df.set_index['your_col_name', drop=False], already.

It's very rare in pandas that you need to get an index as a Python list (unless you're doing something pretty funky, or else passing them back to NumPy), so if you're doing this a lot, it's a code smell that you're doing something wrong.

How to add additional fields to form before submit?

May be useful for some:

(a function that allow you to add the data to the form using an object, with override for existing inputs, if there is) [pure js]

(form is a dom el, and not a jquery object [jqryobj.get(0) if you need])

function addDataToForm(form, data) {
    if(typeof form === 'string') {
        if(form[0] === '#') form = form.slice(1);
        form = document.getElementById(form);

    var keys = Object.keys(data);
    var name;
    var value;
    var input;

    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        name = keys[i];
        // removing the inputs with the name if already exists [overide]
        // console.log(form);, function (inpt) {
             if( === name) {

        value = data[name];
        input = document.createElement('input');
        input.setAttribute('name', name);
        input.setAttribute('value', value);
        input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');


    return form;

Use :

addDataToForm(form, {
    'uri': window.location.href,
     'kpi_val': 150,

you can use it like that too

var form = addDataToForm('myFormId', {
    'uri': window.location.href,
     'kpi_val': 150,

you can add # if you like too ("#myformid").

How to remove focus from single editText

<EditText android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@android:color/transparent" android:layout_width="match_parent" 

Force git stash to overwrite added files

To force git stash pop run this command

git stash show -p | git apply && git stash drop

Jquery insert new row into table at a certain index

try this:

$("table#myTable tr").last().after(data);

Function to check if a string is a date

if (strtotime($date)>strtotime(0)) { echo 'it is a date' }

How to make VS Code to treat other file extensions as certain language?

I found solution here:

Go to VS_CODE_FOLDER/resources/app/extensions/ and there update package.json

LINQ Join with Multiple Conditions in On Clause

You just need to name the anonymous property the same on both sides

on new { t1.ProjectID, SecondProperty = true } equals 
   new { t2.ProjectID, SecondProperty = t2.Completed } into j1

Based on the comments of @svick, here is another implementation that might make more sense:

from t1 in Projects
from t2 in Tasks.Where(x => t1.ProjectID == x.ProjectID && x.Completed == true)
select new { t1.ProjectName, t2.TaskName }

Using OpenGl with C#?

Concerning the (somewhat off topic I know but since it was brought up earlier) XNA vs OpenGL choice, it might be beneficial in several cases to go with OpenGL instead of XNA (and in other XNA instead of OpenGL...).

If you are going to run the applications on Linux or Mac using Mono, it might be a good choice to go with OpenGL. Also, which isn't so widely known I think, if you have customers that are going to run your applications in a Citrix environment, then DirectX/Direct3D/XNA won't be as economical a choice as OpenGL. The reason for this is that OpenGL applications can be co-hosted on a lesser number of servers (due to performance issues a single server cannot host an infinite number of application instances) than DirectX/XNA applications which demands dedicated virtual servers to run in hardware accelerated mode. Other requirements exists like supported graphics cards etc but I will keep to the XNA vs OpenGL issue. As an IT Architect, Software developer etc this will have to be considered before choosing between OpenGL and DirectX/XNA...

A side note is that WebGL is based on OpenGL ES3 afaik...

As a further note, these are not the only considerations, but they might make the choice easier for some...

What does HTTP/1.1 302 mean exactly?

HTTP code 302 is for redirection see

It tells the browse reading a page to go somewhere else and load another page. Its usage is very common.

ES6 class variable alternatives

ES7 class member syntax:

ES7 has a solution for 'junking' your constructor function. Here is an example:

class Car {_x000D_
  wheels = 4;_x000D_
  weight = 100;_x000D_
const car = new Car();_x000D_
console.log(car.wheels, car.weight);

The above example would look the following in ES6:

class Car {_x000D_
  constructor() {_x000D_
    this.wheels = 4;_x000D_
    this.weight = 100;_x000D_
const car = new Car();_x000D_
console.log(car.wheels, car.weight);

Be aware when using this that this syntax might not be supported by all browsers and might have to be transpiled an earlier version of JS.

Bonus: an object factory:

function generateCar(wheels, weight) {_x000D_
  class Car {_x000D_
    constructor() {}_x000D_
    wheels = wheels;_x000D_
    weight = weight;_x000D_
  return new Car();_x000D_
const car1 = generateCar(4, 50);_x000D_
const car2 = generateCar(6, 100);_x000D_
console.log(car1.wheels, car1.weight);_x000D_
console.log(car2.wheels, car2.weight);

How to read a file in reverse order?

with open("filename") as f:


How do I find numeric columns in Pandas?

Simple one-liner:


JSON response parsing in Javascript to get key/value pair

There are two ways to access properties of objects:

var obj = {a: 'foo', b: 'bar'};

obj.a //foo
obj['b'] //bar

Or, if you need to dynamically do it:

var key = 'b';
obj[key] //bar

If you don't already have it as an object, you'll need to convert it.

For a more complex example, let's assume you have an array of objects that represent users:

var users = [{name: 'Corbin', age: 20, favoriteFoods: ['ice cream', 'pizza']},
             {name: 'John', age: 25, favoriteFoods: ['ice cream', 'skittle']}];

To access the age property of the second user, you would use users[1].age. To access the second "favoriteFood" of the first user, you'd use users[0].favoriteFoods[2].

Another example: obj[2].key[3]["some key"]

That would access the 3rd element of an array named 2. Then, it would access 'key' in that array, go to the third element of that, and then access the property name some key.

As Amadan noted, it might be worth also discussing how to loop over different structures.

To loop over an array, you can use a simple for loop:

var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'],
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {

To loop over an object is a bit more complicated. In the case that you're absolutely positive that the object is a plain object, you can use a plain for (x in obj) { } loop, but it's a lot safer to add in a hasOwnProperty check. This is necessary in situations where you cannot verify that the object does not have inherited properties. (It also future proofs the code a bit.)

var user = {name: 'Corbin', age: 20, location: 'USA'},

for (key in user) {
    if (user.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        console.log(key + " = " + user[key]);

(Note that I've assumed whatever JS implementation you're using has console.log. If not, you could use alert or some kind of DOM manipulation instead.)

Grep for beginning and end of line?

Many answers provided for this question. Just wanted to add one more which uses bashism-

#! /bin/bash
while read -r || [[ -n "$REPLY" ]]; do
[[ "$REPLY" =~ ^(-rwx|drwx).*[[:digit:]]+$ ]] && echo "Got one -> $REPLY"
done <"$1"

@kurumi answer for bash, which uses case is also correct but it will not read last line of file if there is no newline sequence at the end(Just save the file without pressing 'Enter/Return' at the last line).

What is difference between sleep() method and yield() method of multi threading?

sleep() causes the thread to definitely stop executing for a given amount of time; if no other thread or process needs to be run, the CPU will be idle (and probably enter a power saving mode).

yield() basically means that the thread is not doing anything particularly important and if any other threads or processes need to be run, they should. Otherwise, the current thread will continue to run.

How to add new line in Markdown presentation?

See the original markdown specification (bold mine):

The implication of the “one or more consecutive lines of text” rule is that Markdown supports “hard-wrapped” text paragraphs. This differs significantly from most other text-to-HTML formatters (including Movable Type’s “Convert Line Breaks” option) which translate every line break character in a paragraph into a <br /> tag.

When you do want to insert a <br /> break tag using Markdown, you end a line with two or more spaces, then type return.

How to get the nvidia driver version from the command line?

To expand on ccc's answer, if you want to incorporate querying the card with a script, here is information on Nvidia site on how to do so:

Also, I found this thread researching powershell. Here is an example command that runs the utility to get the true memory available on the GPU to get you started.

# get gpu metrics
$cmd = "& 'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi' --query-gpu=name,utilization.memory,driver_version --format=csv"
$gpuinfo = invoke-expression $cmd | ConvertFrom-CSV
$gpuname = $
$gpuutil = $gpuinfo.'utilization.memory [%]'.Split(' ')[0]
$gpuDriver = $gpuinfo.driver_version

How do I use TensorFlow GPU?

I tried following the above tutorial. Thing is tensorflow changes a lot and so do the NVIDIA versions needed for running on a GPU. The next issue is that your driver version determines your toolkit version etc. As of today this information about the software requirements should shed some light on how they interplay:

NVIDIA® GPU drivers —CUDA 9.0 requires 384.x or higher.
CUDA® Toolkit —TensorFlow supports CUDA 9.0.
CUPTI ships with the CUDA Toolkit.
cuDNN SDK (>= 7.2) Note: Make sure your GPU has compute compatibility >3.0
(Optional) NCCL 2.2 for multiple GPU support.
(Optional) TensorRT 4.0 to improve latency and throughput for inference on some models.

And here you'll find the up-to-date requirements stated by tensorflow (which will hopefully be updated by them on a regular basis).

Remove border radius from Select tag in bootstrap 3

You can use -webkit-border-radius: 0;. Like this:-

-webkit-border-radius: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 1px solid grey;
outline-offset: -1px;

This will give square corners as well as dropdown arrows. Using -webkit-appearance: none; is not recommended as it will turn off all the styling done by Chrome.

how to change namespace of entire project?

You can use ReSharper for namespace refactoring. It will give 30 days free trial. It will change namespace as per folder structure.


  1. Right click on the project/folder/files you want to refactor.

  2. If you have installed ReSharper then you will get an option Refactor->Adjust Namespaces.... So click on this.

enter image description here

It will automatically change the name spaces of all the selected files.

Avoiding NullPointerException in Java

It is possible to define util methods which handles nested null-checks in an almost pretty way with Java 8 lambdas.

void example() {
    Entry entry = new Entry();
    // This is the same as H-MANs solution 
    Person person = getNullsafe(entry, e -> e.getPerson());    
    // Get object in several steps
    String givenName = getNullsafe(entry, e -> e.getPerson(), p -> p.getName(), n -> n.getGivenName());
    // Call void methods
    doNullsafe(entry, e -> e.getPerson(), p -> p.getName(), n -> n.nameIt());        

/** Return result of call to f1 with o1 if it is non-null, otherwise return null. */
public static <R, T1> R getNullsafe(T1 o1, Function<T1, R> f1) {
    if (o1 != null) return f1.apply(o1);
    return null; 

public static <R, T0, T1> R getNullsafe(T0 o0, Function<T0, T1> f1, Function<T1, R> f2) {
    return getNullsafe(getNullsafe(o0, f1), f2);

public static <R, T0, T1, T2> R getNullsafe(T0 o0, Function<T0, T1> f1, Function<T1, T2> f2, Function<T2, R> f3) {
    return getNullsafe(getNullsafe(o0, f1, f2), f3);

/** Call consumer f1 with o1 if it is non-null, otherwise do nothing. */
public static <T1> void doNullsafe(T1 o1, Consumer<T1> f1) {
    if (o1 != null) f1.accept(o1);

public static <T0, T1> void doNullsafe(T0 o0, Function<T0, T1> f1, Consumer<T1> f2) {
    doNullsafe(getNullsafe(o0, f1), f2);

public static <T0, T1, T2> void doNullsafe(T0 o0, Function<T0, T1> f1, Function<T1, T2> f2, Consumer<T2> f3) {
    doNullsafe(getNullsafe(o0, f1, f2), f3);

class Entry {
    Person getPerson() { return null; }

class Person {
    Name getName() { return null; }

class Name {
    void nameIt() {}
    String getGivenName() { return null; }

(This answer was first posted here.)

How to Execute stored procedure from SQL Plus?

You have two options, a PL/SQL block or SQL*Plus bind variables:

var z number

execute  my_stored_proc (-1,2,0.01,:z)

print z

Advantages of SQL Server 2008 over SQL Server 2005?

Someone with more reputation can copy this into the main answer:

  • Change Tracking. Allows you to get info on what changes happened to which rows since a specific version.
  • Change Data Capture. Allows all changes to be captured and queried. (Enterprise)

setup android on eclipse but don't know SDK directory

Late to the conversion...

For me, I found this at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk

This is the default location for Windows 64-bit.

Also, try to recall some of your default locations when not presented with some suggestions.

How do you unit test private methods?

You should not be testing the private methods of your code in the first place. You should be testing the 'public interface' or API, the public things of your classes. The API are all the public methods you expose to outside callers.

The reason is that once you start testing the private methods and internals of your class you are coupling the implementation of your class (the private things) to your tests. This means that when you decide to change your implementation details you will also have to change your tests.

You should for this reason avoid using InternalsVisibleToAtrribute.

Here is a great talk by Ian Cooper which covers this subject: Ian Cooper: TDD, where did it all go wrong

Converting a string to a date in JavaScript

var a = "13:15"_x000D_
var b = toDate(a, "h:m")_x000D_
function toDate(dStr, format) {_x000D_
  var now = new Date();_x000D_
  if (format == "h:m") {_x000D_
    now.setHours(dStr.substr(0, dStr.indexOf(":")));_x000D_
    now.setMinutes(dStr.substr(dStr.indexOf(":") + 1));_x000D_
    return now;_x000D_
  } else_x000D_
    return "Invalid Format";_x000D_

Delete keychain items when an app is uninstalled

C# Xamarin version

    const string FIRST_RUN = "hasRunBefore";
    var userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults;
    if (!userDefaults.BoolForKey(FIRST_RUN))
        //TODO: remove keychain items
        userDefaults.SetBool(true, FIRST_RUN);

... and to clear records from the keychain (TODO comment above)

        var securityRecords = new[] { SecKind.GenericPassword,
        foreach (var recordKind in securityRecords)
            SecRecord query = new SecRecord(recordKind);

Are one-line 'if'/'for'-statements good Python style?

More generally, all of the following are valid syntactically:

if condition:

if condition: do_something()

if condition:

if condition: do_something(); do_something_else()


td widths, not working?

I use

<td nowrap="nowrap">

to prevent wrap Reference:

How can I retrieve Id of inserted entity using Entity framework?

There are two strategies:

  1. Use Database-generated ID (int or GUID)


    You should perform SaveChanges() to get the ID for just saved entities.


    Can use int identity.

  2. Use client generated ID - GUID only.

    Pros: Minification of SaveChanges operations. Able to insert a big graph of new objects per one operation.


    Allowed only for GUID

Android image caching

To download an image and save to the memory card you can do it like this.

//First create a new URL object 
URL url = new URL("")

//Next create a file, the example below will save to the SDCARD using JPEG format
File file = new File("/sdcard/example.jpg");

//Next create a Bitmap object and download the image to bitmap
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openStream());

//Finally compress the bitmap, saving to the file previously created
bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, new FileOutputStream(file));

Don't forget to add the Internet permission to your manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Name node is in safe mode. Not able to leave

try this, it will work

sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave

How to change users in TortoiseSVN

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the window.
  3. Click TortoiseSVN ? Settings.
  4. Click Saved Data.
  5. Click Clear beside Authentication Data (see below).
  6. Check the authentication items to clear.
  7. Click OK.

All saved Authentication Data for all projects is deleted.

You will have to re-enter credentials to reconnect.

Clear Button

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to com.testing.models.Account

Solve problem with two method parse common

  1. Whith type is an object
public <T> T jsonToObject(String json, Class<T> type) {
        T target = null;
        try {
            target = objectMapper.readValue(json, type);
        } catch (Jsenter code hereonProcessingException e) {
        return target;
  1. With type is collection wrap object
public <T> T jsonToObject(String json, TypeReference<T> type) {
    T target = null;
    try {
        target = objectMapper.readValue(json, type);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
    return target;

Making a PowerShell POST request if a body param starts with '@'

@Frode F. gave the right answer.

By the Way Invoke-WebRequest also prints you the 200 OK and a lot of bla, bla, bla... which might be useful but I still prefer the Invoke-RestMethod which is lighter.

Also, keep in mind that you need to use | ConvertTo-Json for the body only, not the header:

$body = @{
 "OptionalEmail"="[email protected]"
} | ConvertTo-Json

$header = @{

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://MyServer/WSVistaWebClient/RESTService.svc/member/search" -Method 'Post' -Body $body -Headers $header | ConvertTo-HTML

and you can then append a | ConvertTo-HTML at the end of the request for better readability

Angular: Cannot Get /

Many answers dont really make sense but still have upvotes, makes me currious why that would still work in some cases.

In angular.json

"serve": {
  "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
  "options": {
    "deployUrl": "/",
    "baseHref": "/",

worked for me.

Python slice first and last element in list

What about this?

>>> first_element, last_element = some_list[0], some_list[-1]

How to use environment variables in docker compose

add env to .env file

Such as


then save it to


prepare() {
        local inFile=$(pwd)/$INPUTFILE
        local outFile=$(pwd)/$RESULT_NAME
        cp $inFile $outFile
        while read -r line; do
               sed -i -e "s/\${${pair[0]}}/${pair[1]}/g" $outFile
            done <.env
deploy() {
        docker stack deploy -c $outFile $NAME


Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n

In C#:

public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
  return k == 0 ? new[] { new T[0] } :
    elements.SelectMany((e, i) =>
      elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(k - 1).Select(c => (new[] {e}).Concat(c)));


var result = Combinations(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, 3);



How to find where javaw.exe is installed?

It worked to me:

    String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
    File f = new File(javaHome);
    f = new File(f, "bin");
    f = new File(f, "javaw.exe"); //or f = new File(f, "javaws.exe"); //work too
    System.out.println(f + "    exists: " + f.exists());

JavaScript TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null

Your missing a ' after night. right here getElementById('Night

react button onClick redirect page

Don't use a button as a link. Instead, use a link styled as a button.

<Link to="/signup" className="btn btn-primary">Sign up</Link>

Bridged networking not working in Virtualbox under Windows 10

This is how I mananged to fix this problem:

Enable "Windows 8" compatibility for VirtualBox executable: right-click on VirtualBox shortcut>Properties: in Properties dialog box: switch to "Compatibility" tab, under "Compatibility mode" section, select the check box next to: "Run this program in compatibility mode", make sure "Windows 8" is selected in combo box. click Ok, run VirtualBox again! (it's not needed to run as Administrator)

p.s.: It seems that VirtualBox doesn't yet fully support Windows 10, so some features might not work properly on some computers

How to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS

Update: Although this answer has been accepted a few years ago, note that its approach is now recommended against by the Apache documentation. Use a Redirect instead. See this answer.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

Creating an index on a table variable

It should be understood that from a performance standpoint there are no differences between @temp tables and #temp tables that favor variables. They reside in the same place (tempdb) and are implemented the same way. All the differences appear in additional features. See this amazingly complete writeup:

Although there are cases where a temp table can't be used such as in table or scalar functions, for most other cases prior to v2016 (where even filtered indexes can be added to a table variable) you can simply use a #temp table.

The drawback to using named indexes (or constraints) in tempdb is that the names can then clash. Not just theoretically with other procedures but often quite easily with other instances of the procedure itself which would try to put the same index on its copy of the #temp table.

To avoid name clashes, something like this usually works:

declare @cmd varchar(500)='CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_temp'+cast(newid() as varchar(40))+'] ON #temp (NonUniqueIndexNeeded);';
exec (@cmd);

This insures the name is always unique even between simultaneous executions of the same procedure.

Laravel Eloquent - distinct() and count() not working properly together

I came across the same problem.

If you install laravel debug bar you can see the queries and often see the problem


change to


You need to set the values to return as distinct. If you don't set the select fields it will return all the columns in the database and all will be unique. So set the query to distinct and only select the columns that make up your 'distinct' value you might want to add more. ->select('pid','date') to get all the unique values for a user in a day

Image vs zImage vs uImage

What is the difference between them?

Image: the generic Linux kernel binary image file.

zImage: a compressed version of the Linux kernel image that is self-extracting.

uImage: an image file that has a U-Boot wrapper (installed by the mkimage utility) that includes the OS type and loader information.
A very common practice (e.g. the typical Linux kernel Makefile) is to use a zImage file. Since a zImage file is self-extracting (i.e. needs no external decompressors), the wrapper would indicate that this kernel is "not compressed" even though it actually is.

Note that the author/maintainer of U-Boot considers the (widespread) use of using a zImage inside a uImage questionable:

Actually it's pretty stupid to use a zImage inside an uImage. It is much better to use normal (uncompressed) kernel image, compress it using just gzip, and use this as poayload for mkimage. This way U-Boot does the uncompresiong instead of including yet another uncompressor with each kernel image.

(quoted from

Which type of kernel image do I have to use?

You could choose whatever you want to program for.
For economy of storage, you should probably chose a compressed image over the uncompressed one.
Beware that executing the kernel (presumably the Linux kernel) involves more than just loading the kernel image into memory. Depending on the architecture (e.g. ARM) and the Linux kernel version (e.g. with or without DTB), there are registers and memory buffers that may have to be prepared for the kernel. In one instance there was also hardware initialization that U-Boot performed that had to be replicated.


I know that u-boot needs a kernel in uImage format.

That is accurate for all versions of U-Boot which only have the bootm command.
But more recent versions of U-Boot could also have the bootz command that can boot a zImage.

Best practice for partial updates in a RESTful service

It doesn't matter. In terms of REST, you can't do a GET, because it's not cacheable, but it doesn't matter if you use POST or PATCH or PUT or whatever, and it doesn't matter what the URL looks like. If you're doing REST, what matters is that when you get a representation of your resource from the server, that representation is able give the client state transition options.

If your GET response had state transitions, the client just needs to know how to read them, and the server can change them if needed. Here an update is done using POST, but if it was changed to PATCH, or if the URL changes, the client still knows how to make an update:

  "customer" :
    "update" : 
      "method": "POST",
      "href": "https://server/customer/123/"

You could go as far as to list required/optional parameters for the client to give back to you. It depends on the application.

As far as business operations, that might be a different resource linked to from the customer resource. If you want to send an email to the customer, maybe that service is it's own resource that you can POST to, so you might include the following operation in the customer resource:

  "method": "POST",
  "href": "http://server/emailservice/send?customer=1234"

Some good videos, and example of the presenter's REST architecture are these. Stormpath only uses GET/POST/DELETE, which is fine since REST has nothing to do with what operations you use or how URLs should look (except GETs should be cacheable):,,

Aligning a button to the center

Here is what worked for me:

    <input type="submit" style="margin-left: 50%">

If you only add margin, without the left part, it will center the submit button into the middle of your entire page, making it difficult to find and rendering your form incomplete for people who don't have the patience to find a submit button lol. margin-left centers it within the same line, so it's not further down your page than you intended. You can also use pixels instead of percentage if you just want to indent the submit button a bit and not all the way halfway across the page.

How to add a footer to the UITableView?

Swift 2.1.1 below works:

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, viewForFooterInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
        let v = UIView()
        v.backgroundColor = UIColor.RGB(53, 60, 62)
        return v

    func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForFooterInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
        return 80

If use self.theTable.tableFooterView = tableFooter there is a space between last row and tableFooterView.

Recursively find files with a specific extension

Using find's -regex argument:

find . -regex '.*/Robert\.\(h\|cpp\)$'

Or just using -name:

find . -name 'Robert.*' -a \( -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' \)

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

In my case i ran into the same error, while running spring mvc application due to wrong mapping in my mvc controller


i changed the above mapping to



 @RequestMapping(value="/private/updatestatus",method = RequestMethod.GET)

C: scanf to array


scanf("%d", &array[0]);

and use == for comparision instead of =

HTML Best Practices: Should I use &rsquo; or the special keyboard shortcut?

You should only use &rsquo; if your intention is to make either a closed single quotation mark or an apostrophe. Both of these punctuation marks are curved in shape in most fonts. If your intent is to make a foot mark, go the other route. A foot mark is always a straight vertical mark.

It’s a matter of typography. One way is correct; the other is not.

Regex: ignore case sensitivity

regular expression for validate 'abc' ignoring case sensitive


Android Center text on canvas

I create a method to simplify this:

    public static void drawCenterText(String text, RectF rectF, Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {
    Paint.Align align = paint.getTextAlign();
    float x;
    float y;
    if (align == Paint.Align.LEFT) {
        x = rectF.centerX() - paint.measureText(text) / 2;
    } else if (align == Paint.Align.CENTER) {
        x = rectF.centerX();
    } else {
        x = rectF.centerX() + paint.measureText(text) / 2;
    metrics = paint.getFontMetrics();
    float acent = Math.abs(metrics.ascent);
    float descent = Math.abs(metrics.descent);
    y = rectF.centerY() + (acent - descent) / 2f;
    canvas.drawText(text, x, y, paint);

    Log.e("ghui", "top:" + + ",ascent:" + metrics.ascent
            + ",dscent:" + metrics.descent + ",leading:" + metrics.leading + ",bottom" + metrics.bottom);

rectF is the area you want draw the text,That's it. Details

How do I change the default library path for R packages

Windows 10 on a Network

Having your packages stored on the network drive can slow down the performance of R / R Studio considerably, and you spend a lot of time waiting for the libraries to load/install, due to the bottlenecks of having to retrieve and push data over the server back to your local host. See the following for instructions on how to create an .RProfile on your local machine:

  1. Create a directory called C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\R\3.4 (or whatever R version you are using, and where you will store your local R packages- your directory location may be different than mine)
  2. On R Console, type Sys.getenv("HOME") to get your home directory (this is where your .RProfile will be stored and R will always check there for packages- and this is on the network if packages are stored there)
  3. Create a file called .Rprofile and place it in :\YOUR\HOME\DIRECTORY\ON_NETWORK (the directory you get after typing Sys.getenv("HOME") in R Console)
  4. File contents of .Rprofile should be like this:

#search 2 places for packages- install new packages to first directory- load built-in packages from the second (this is from your base R package- will be different for some)

.libPaths(c("C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\R\3.4", "C:/Program Files/Microsoft/R Client/R_SERVER/library"))

message("*** Setting libPath to local hard drive ***")

#insert a sleep command at line 12 of the unpackPkgZip function. So, just after the package is unzipped.

trace(utils:::unpackPkgZip, quote(Sys.sleep(2)), at=12L, print=TRUE)

message("*** Add 2 second delay when installing packages, to accommodate virus scanner for R 3.4 (fixed in R 3.5+)***")

# fix problem with tcltk for sqldf package:

options(gsubfn.engine = "R")

message("*** Successfully loaded .Rprofile ***")
  1. Restart R Studio and verify that you see that the messages above are displayed.

Now you can enjoy faster performance of your application on local host, vs. storing the packages on the network and slowing everything down.

The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it

This works for me.

new Thread(() =>

        Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = false;
        Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, (SendOrPostCallback)delegate {

          //Your Code here.

        }, null);

BULK INSERT with identity (auto-increment) column

Don't BULK INSERT into your real tables directly.

I would always

  1. insert into a staging table dbo.Employee_Staging (without the IDENTITY column) from the CSV file
  2. possibly edit / clean up / manipulate your imported data
  3. and then copy the data across to the real table with a T-SQL statement like:

    INSERT INTO dbo.Employee(Name, Address) 
       SELECT Name, Address
       FROM dbo.Employee_Staging

How to design RESTful search/filtering?

As I'm using a laravel/php backend I tend to go with something like this:


PHP automatically turns [] params into an array, so in this example I'll end up with a $filter variable that holds an array/object of filters, along with a page and any related resources I want eager loaded.

If you use another language, this might still be a good convention and you can create a parser to convert [] to an array.

TimeSpan to DateTime conversion

If you only need to show time value in a datagrid or label similar, best way is convert directly time in datetime datatype.

SELECT CONVERT(datetime,myTimeField) as myTimeField FROM Table1

ValueError: Wrong number of items passed - Meaning and suggestions?

Not sure if this is relevant to your question but it might be relevant to someone else in the future: I had a similar error. Turned out that the df was empty (had zero rows) and that is what was causing the error in my command.

How to implement history.back() in angular.js

Angular routes watch the browser's location, so simply using window.history.back() on clicking something would work.


<div class="nav-header" ng-click="doTheBack()">Reverse!</div>


$scope.doTheBack = function() {

I usually create a global function called '$back' on my app controller, which I usually put on the body tag.

angular.module('myApp').controller('AppCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
  $scope.$back = function() { 

Then anywhere in my app I can just do <a ng-click="$back()">Back</a>

(If you want it to be more testable, inject the $window service into your controller and use $window.history.back()).

Iterator Loop vs index loop

By writing your client code in terms of iterators you abstract away the container completely.

Consider this code:

class ExpressionParser // some generic arbitrary expression parser
    template<typename It>
    void parse(It begin, const It end)
        using namespace std;
        using namespace std::placeholders;
        for_each(begin, end, 
            bind(&ExpressionParser::process_next, this, _1);
    // process next char in a stream (defined elsewhere)
    void process_next(char c);

client code:

ExpressionParser p;

std::string expression("SUM(A) FOR A in [1, 2, 3, 4]");
p.parse(expression.begin(), expression.end());

std::istringstream file("expression.txt");
p.parse(std::istringstream<char>(file), std::istringstream<char>());

char expr[] = "[12a^2 + 13a - 5] with a=108";
p.parse(std::begin(expr), std::end(expr));

Edit: Consider your original code example, implemented with :

using namespace std;

vector<int> myIntVector;
// Add some elements to myIntVector

copy(myIntVector.begin(), myIntVector.end(), 
    std::ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));

Converting a char to uppercase

Since you know the chars are lower case, you can subtract the according ASCII value to make them uppercase:

char a = 'a';
a -= 32;
System.out.println("a is " + a); //a is A

Here is an ASCII table for reference

How to install a gem or update RubyGems if it fails with a permissions error

This worked for me. Plus, if you installed gems as root before, it fixes that problem by changing ownership back to you (better security-wise).

sudo chown -R `whoami` /Library/Ruby/Gems

iOS change navigation bar title font and color

Don't forget to add the Raw values of the keys to avoid compile errors.

    let textAttributes:[NSAttributedStringKey: Any] = [NSAttributedStringKey(rawValue: NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor.rawValue), NSAttributedStringKey(rawValue: NSAttributedStringKey.font.rawValue):UIFont(name:"OpenSans", size: 17)!]
    navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = textAttributes

How to print Unicode character in Python?

If you're trying to print() Unicode, and getting ascii codec errors, check out this page, the TLDR of which is do export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 before firing up python (this variable controls what sequence of bytes the console tries to encode your string data as). Internally, Python3 uses UTF-8 by default (see the Unicode HOWTO) so that's not the problem; you can just put Unicode in strings, as seen in the other answers and comments. It's when you try and get this data out to your console that the problem happens. Python thinks your console can only handle ascii. Some of the other answers say, "Write it to a file, first" but note they specify the encoding (UTF-8) for doing so (so, Python doesn't change anything in writing), and then use a method for reading the file that just spits out the bytes without any regard for encoding, which is why that works.

Regex - Does not contain certain Characters

Here you go:


This will test for string that has no < and no >

If you want to test for a string that may have < and >, but must also have something other you should use just

[^<>] (or ^.*[^<>].*$)

Where [<>] means any of < or > and [^<>] means any that is not of < or >.

And of course the mandatory link.

How long is the SHA256 hash?

I prefer to use BINARY(32) since it's the optimized way!

You can place in that 32 hex digits from (00 to FF).

Therefore BINARY(32)!

Comparing two integer arrays in Java

From what I see you just try to see if they are equal, if this is true, just go with something like this:

boolean areEqual = Arrays.equals(arr1, arr2);

This is the standard way of doing it.

Please note that the arrays must be also sorted to be considered equal, from the JavaDoc:

Two arrays are considered equal if both arrays contain the same number of elements, and all corresponding pairs of elements in the two arrays are equal. In other words, two arrays are equal if they contain the same elements in the same order.

Sorry for missing that.

How to add jQuery to an HTML page?

Include javascript using script tags just before your ending body tag. Preferably you will want to put it in a separate file and link to it to keep things a little more organized and easier to read. Theres a simple article here that will show you how

HTML 5 Geo Location Prompt in Chrome

As already mentioned in the answer by robertc, Chrome blocks certain functionality, like the geo location with local files. An easier alternative to setting up an own web server would be to just start Chrome with the parameter --allow-file-access-from-files. Then you can use the geo location, provided you didn't turn it off in your settings.

Spring MVC + JSON = 406 Not Acceptable

Try adding

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET,headers = {"Accept=text/xml, application/json"})

on getShopInJSON().

It worked for me.

Remove a specific character using awk or sed

Use sed's substitution: sed 's/"//g'

s/X/Y/ replaces X with Y.

g means all occurrences should be replaced, not just the first one.

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied

 <location path="Path/To/Public/Folder">
        <allow users="?"/>

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR

Check the document encoding.

I had this same problem. I develop on Windows XP using Notepad++ and WampServer to run Apache locally and all was fine. After uploading to hosting provider that uses Apache on Unix I got this error. I had no extra PHP tags or white-space from extra lines after the closing tag.

For me this was caused by the encoding of the text documents. I used the "Convert to UTF-8 without BOM" option in Notepad++(under Encoding tab) and reloaded to the web server. Problem fixed, no code/editing changes required.

"Call to undefined function mysql_connect()" after upgrade to php-7

From the PHP Manual:

Warning This extension was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, and it was removed in PHP 7.0.0. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also MySQL: choosing an API guide. Alternatives to this function include:



use MySQLi or PDO

$con = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database');

javascript: pause setTimeout();

Typescript implementation based on top rated answer

/** Represents the `setTimeout` with an ability to perform pause/resume actions */
export class Timer {
    private _start: Date;
    private _remaining: number;
    private _durationTimeoutId?: NodeJS.Timeout;
    private _callback: (...args: any[]) => void;
    private _done = false;
    get done () {
        return this._done;

    constructor(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms = 0) {
        this._callback = () => {
            this._done = true;
        this._remaining = ms;

    /** pauses the timer */
    pause(): Timer {
        if (this._durationTimeoutId && !this._done) {
            this._remaining -= new Date().getTime() - this._start.getTime();
        return this;

    /** resumes the timer */
    resume(): Timer {
        if (!this._durationTimeoutId && !this._done) {
            this._start = new Date;
            this._durationTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._callback, this._remaining);
        return this;

     * clears the timeout and marks it as done. 
     * After called, the timeout will not resume
    clearTimeout() {
        this._done = true;

    private _clearTimeoutRef() {
        if (this._durationTimeoutId) {
            this._durationTimeoutId = undefined;


Pie chart with jQuery


Limitations: lines, points, filled areas, bars, pie and combinations of these

From an interaction perspective, Flot by far will get you as close as possible to Flash graphing as you can get with jQuery. Whilst the graph output is pretty slick, and great looking, you can also interact with data points. What I mean by this is you can have the ability to hover over a data point and get visual feedback on the value of that point in the graph.

The trunk version of flot supports pie charts.

Flot Zoom capability.

On top of this, you also have the ability to select a chunk of the graph to get data back for a particular “zone”. As a secondary feature to this “zoning”, you can also select an area on a graph and zoom in to see the data points a little more closely. Very cool.


Limitations: Pie, Line, Bar, Combination

Sparklines is my favourite mini graphing tool out there. Really great for dashboard style graphs (think Google Analytics dashboard next time you login). Because they’re so tiny, they can be included in line (as in the example above). Another nice idea which can be used in all graphing plugins is the self-refresh capabilities. Their Mouse-Speed demo shows you the power of live charting at its best.

Query Chart 0.21

Limitations: Area, Line, Bar and combinations of these

jQuery Chart 0.21 isn’t the nicest looking charting plugin out there it has to be said. It’s pretty basic in functionality when it comes to the charts it can handle, however it can be flexible if you can put in some time and effort into it.

Adding values into a chart is relatively simple:


    "label"  : "Leads",
    "type"   : "Line",
    "color"  : "#008800",
    "values" : ["100","124","222","44","123","23","99"]


Limitations: Bar, Line

jQchart is an odd one, they’ve built in animation transistions and drag/drop functionality into the chart, however it’s a little clunky – and seemingly pointless. It does generate nice looking charts if you get the CSS setup right, but there are better out there.


Limitations: Bar and Stacked Bar

Tuftegraph sells itself as “pretty bar graphs that you would show your mother”. It comes close, Flot is prettier, but Tufte does lend itself to be very lightweight. Although with that comes restrictions – there are few options to choose from, so you get what you’re given. Check it out for a quick win bar chart.

Format telephone and credit card numbers in AngularJS

I created an AngularJS module to handle this issue regarding phonenumbers for myself with a custom directive and accompanying filter.

jsfiddle example:

Filter use example: <p>{{ phonenumberValue | phonenumber }}</p>

Filter code:

.filter('phonenumber', function() {
    Format phonenumber as: c (xxx) xxx-xxxx
        or as close as possible if phonenumber length is not 10
        if c is not '1' (country code not USA), does not use country code

    return function (number) {
        @param {Number | String} number - Number that will be formatted as telephone number
        Returns formatted number: (###) ###-####
            if number.length < 4: ###
            else if number.length < 7: (###) ###

        Does not handle country codes that are not '1' (USA)
        if (!number) { return ''; }

        number = String(number);

        // Will return formattedNumber. 
        // If phonenumber isn't longer than an area code, just show number
        var formattedNumber = number;

        // if the first character is '1', strip it out and add it back
        var c = (number[0] == '1') ? '1 ' : '';
        number = number[0] == '1' ? number.slice(1) : number;

        // # (###) ###-#### as c (area) front-end
        var area = number.substring(0,3);
        var front = number.substring(3, 6);
        var end = number.substring(6, 10);

        if (front) {
            formattedNumber = (c + "(" + area + ") " + front);  
        if (end) {
            formattedNumber += ("-" + end);
        return formattedNumber;

Directive use example:

<phonenumber-directive placeholder="'Input phonenumber here'" model='myModel.phonenumber'></phonenumber-directive>

Directive code:

.directive('phonenumberDirective', ['$filter', function($filter) {
    Intended use:
        <phonenumber-directive placeholder='prompt' model='someModel.phonenumber'></phonenumber-directive>
        someModel.phonenumber: {String} value which to bind only the numeric characters [0-9] entered
            ie, if user enters 617-2223333, value of 6172223333 will be bound to model
        prompt: {String} text to keep in placeholder when no numeric input entered

    function link(scope, element, attributes) {

        // scope.inputValue is the value of input element used in template
        scope.inputValue = scope.phonenumberModel;

        scope.$watch('inputValue', function(value, oldValue) {

            value = String(value);
            var number = value.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '');
            scope.phonenumberModel = number;
            scope.inputValue = $filter('phonenumber')(number);

    return {
        link: link,
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            phonenumberPlaceholder: '=placeholder',
            phonenumberModel: '=model',
        // templateUrl: '/static/phonenumberModule/template.html',
        template: '<input ng-model="inputValue" type="tel" class="phonenumber" placeholder="{{phonenumberPlaceholder}}" title="Phonenumber (Format: (999) 9999-9999)">',

Full code with module and how to use it:

How to convert TimeStamp to Date in Java?

Not sure what you're trying to select in the query, but keep in mind that UNIX_TIMESTAMP() without arguments returns the time now. You should probably provide a valid time as argument, or change the condition.


Here is an example of a time bound query based on the question:

PreparedStatement statement = con
        .prepareStatement("select * from orders where status='Q' AND date > ?");
Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("01/01/2000");
statement.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()));

EDIT: timestamp column

In case of timestamp use java.sql.Timestamp and PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(), ie:

PreparedStatement statement = con
        .prepareStatement("select * from orders where status='Q' AND date > ?");
Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("01/01/2000");
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
statement.setTimestamp(1, timestamp);

Make multiple-select to adjust its height to fit options without scroll bar

To remove the scrollbar add the following CSS:

select[multiple] {
    overflow-y: auto;

Here's a snippet:

select[multiple] {_x000D_
  overflow-y: auto;_x000D_
  <option value="1">One</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">Two</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3">Three</option>_x000D_
<select multiple size="3">_x000D_
  <option value="1">One</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">Two</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3">Three</option>_x000D_

Delete a closed pull request from GitHub

This is the reply I received from Github when I asked them to delete a pull request:

"Thanks for getting in touch! Pull requests can't be deleted through the UI at the moment and we'll only delete pull requests when they contain sensitive information like passwords or other credentials."

How Big can a Python List Get?

I got this from here on a x64 bit system: Python 3.7.0b5 (v3.7.0b5:abb8802389, May 31 2018, 01:54:01) [MSC v.1913 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

enter image description here

Running Selenium Webdriver with a proxy in Python

As stated by @Dugini, some config entries have been removed. Maximal:

webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX['proxy'] = {

How do I give PHP write access to a directory?

An easy way is to let PHP create the directory itself in the first place.

 $dir = 'myDir';

 // create new directory with 744 permissions if it does not exist yet
 // owner will be the user/group the PHP script is run under
 if ( !file_exists($dir) ) {
     mkdir ($dir, 0744);

 file_put_contents ($dir.'/test.txt', 'Hello File');

This saves you the hassle with permissions.

How to put text over images in html?

The <img> element is empty — it doesn't have an end tag.

If the image is a background image, use CSS. If it is a content image, then set position: relative on a container, then absolutely position the image and/or text within it.

What is best tool to compare two SQL Server databases (schema and data)?

I would definitely go with AdeptSQL if you're using MSSQL. It's the least good looking but the most talented db compare tool amongst the ones I've tried. It can compare both the structure and the data. It tells you which tables exist on one db but does not exist on the other, compares the structure and data of the common ones and it can produce the script to synchronize the two. It's not free but has a 30 day trial (as far as I can remember)

Storyboard doesn't contain a view controller with identifier

Use your identifier(@"drivingDetails") as Storyboard ID.

C++: Print out enum value as text

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

enum TEnum

#define VAR_NAME_HELPER(name) #name

#define CHECK_STATE_STR(x) case(x):return VAR_NAME(x);

const char *State2Str(const TEnum state)
      return "Invalid";

int main()
  int myInt=12345;
  cout << VAR_NAME(EOne) " " << VAR_NAME(myInt) << endl;

  for(int i = -1; i < 5;   i)
    cout << i << " " << State2Str((TEnum)i) << endl;
  return 0;

Image resolution for new iPhone 6 and 6+, @3x support added?

I've tried in a sample project to use standard, @2x and @3x images, and the iPhone 6+ simulator uses the @3x image. So it would seem that there are @3x images to be done (if the simulator actually replicates the device's behavior). But the strange thing is that all devices (simulators) seem to use this @3x image when it's on the project structure, iPhone 4S/iPhone 5 too.
The lack of communication from Apple on a potential @3x structure, while they ask developers to publish their iOS8 apps is quite confusing, especially when seeing those results on simulator.

**Edit from Apple's Website **: Also found this on the "What's new on iOS 8" section on Apple's developer space :

Support for a New Screen Scale The iPhone 6 Plus uses a new Retina HD display with a screen scale of 3.0. To provide the best possible experience on these devices, include new artwork designed for this screen scale. In Xcode 6, asset catalogs can include images at 1x, 2x, and 3x sizes; simply add the new image assets and iOS will choose the correct assets when running on an iPhone 6 Plus. The image loading behavior in iOS also recognizes an @3x suffix.

Still not understanding why all devices seem to load the @3x. Maybe it's because I'm using regular files and not xcassets ? Will try soon.

Edit after further testing : Ok it seems that iOS8 has a talk in this. When testing on an iOS 7.1 iPhone 5 simulator, it uses correctly the @2x image. But when launching the same on iOS 8 it uses the @3x on iPhone 5. Not sure if that's a wanted behavior or a mistake/bug in iOS8 GM or simulators in Xcode 6 though.

How do you change the formatting options in Visual Studio Code?

Same thing happened to me just now. I set prettier as the Default Formatter in Settings and it started working again. My Default Formatter was null.

To set VSCODE Default Formatter

File -> Preferences -> Settings (for Windows) Code -> Preferences -> Settings (for Mac)

Search for "Default Formatter". In the dropdown, prettier will show as esbenp.prettier-vscode.

VSCODE Editor Option

What does LPCWSTR stand for and how should it be handled with?

LPCWSTR stands for "Long Pointer to Constant Wide String". The W stands for Wide and means that the string is stored in a 2 byte character vs. the normal char. Common for any C/C++ code that has to deal with non-ASCII only strings.=

To get a normal C literal string to assign to a LPCWSTR, you need to prefix it with L

LPCWSTR a = L"TestWindow";

'foo' was not declared in this scope c++

In C++ you are supposed to declare functions before you can use them. In your code integrate is not declared before the point of the first call to integrate. The same applies to sum. Hence the error. Either reorder your definitions so that function definition precedes the first call to that function, or introduce a [forward] non-defining declaration for each function.

Additionally, defining external non-inline functions in header files in a no-no in C++. Your definitions of SkewNormalEvalutatable::SkewNormalEvalutatable, getSkewNormal, integrate etc. have no business being in header file.

Also SkewNormalEvalutatable e(); declaration in C++ declares a function e, not an object e as you seem to assume. The simple SkewNormalEvalutatable e; will declare an object initialized by default constructor.

Also, you receive the last parameter of integrate (and of sum) by value as an object of Evaluatable type. That means that attempting to pass SkewNormalEvalutatable as last argument of integrate will result in SkewNormalEvalutatable getting sliced to Evaluatable. Polymorphism won't work because of that. If you want polymorphic behavior, you have to receive this parameter by reference or by pointer, but not by value.

Image change every 30 seconds - loop

Just use That.Its Easy.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
     var images = new Array()
     images[0] = "img1.jpg";
     images[1] = "img2.jpg";
     images[2] = "img3.jpg";
     setInterval("changeImage()", 30000);
     var x=0;

     function changeImage()
                if (images.length == x) 
                    x = 0;

And in Body Write this Code:-

<img id="img" src="imgstart.jpg">

Convert string to hex-string in C#

var result = string.Join("", input.Select(c => ((int)c).ToString("X2")));


var result  =string.Join("", 
                input.Select(c=> String.Format("{0:X2}", Convert.ToInt32(c))));

What do parentheses surrounding an object/function/class declaration mean?

...but what about the previous round parenteses surrounding all the function declaration?

Specifically, it makes JavaScript interpret the 'function() {...}' construct as an inline anonymous function expression. If you omitted the brackets:

function() {

You'd get a syntax error, because the JS parser would see the 'function' keyword and assume you're starting a function statement of the form:

function doSomething() {

...and you can't have a function statement without a function name.

function expressions and function statements are two different constructs which are handled in very different ways. Unfortunately the syntax is almost identical, so it's not just confusing to the programmer, even the parser has difficulty telling which you mean!

Why does git revert complain about a missing -m option?

By default git revert refuses to revert a merge commit as what that actually means is ambiguous. I presume that your HEAD is in fact a merge commit.

If you want to revert the merge commit, you have to specify which parent of the merge you want to consider to be the main trunk, i.e. what you want to revert to.

Often this will be parent number one, for example if you were on master and did git merge unwanted and then decided to revert the merge of unwanted. The first parent would be your pre-merge master branch and the second parent would be the tip of unwanted.

In this case you could do:

git revert -m 1 HEAD

How to reset par(mfrow) in R

You can reset the mfrow parameter


Is it bad to have my virtualenv directory inside my git repository?

If you know which operating systems your application will be running on, I would create one virtualenv for each system and include it in my repository. Then I would make my application detect which system it is running on and use the corresponding virtualenv.

The system could e.g. be identified using the platform module.

In fact, this is what I do with an in-house application I have written, and to which I can quickly add a new system's virtualenv in case it is needed. This way, I do not have to rely on that pip will be able to successfully download the software my application requires. I will also not have to worry about compilation of e.g. psycopg2 which I use.

If you do not know which operating system your application may run on, you are probably better off using pip freeze as suggested in other answers here.

There is already an object named in the database

"There is already an object named 'AboutUs' in the database."

This exception tells you that somebody has added an object named 'AboutUs' to the database already.

AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true; can lead to it since data base versions are not controlled by you in this case. In order to avoid unpredictable migrations and make sure that every developer on the team works with the same data base structure I suggest you set AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;.

Automatic migrations and Coded migrations can live alongside if you are very careful and the only one developer on a project.

There is a quote from Automatic Code First Migrations post on Data Developer Center:

Automatic Migrations allows you to use Code First Migrations without having a code file in your project for each change you make. Not all changes can be applied automatically - for example column renames require the use of a code-based migration.

Recommendation for Team Environments

You can intersperse automatic and code-based migrations but this is not recommended in team development scenarios. If you are part of a team of developers that use source control you should either use purely automatic migrations or purely code-based migrations. Given the limitations of automatic migrations we recommend using code-based migrations in team environments.

relative path to CSS file


Absolute: The browser will always interpret / as the root of the hostname. For example, if my site was and I specified /css/images.css then it would search for that at If your project root was actually at /myproject/ it would not find the css file. Therefore, you need to determine where your project folder root is relative to the hostname, and specify that in your href notation.

Relative: If you want to reference something you know is in the same path on the url - that is, if it is in the same folder, for example and, and you know that it will always be this way, you can go against convention and specify a relative path by not putting a leading / in front of your path, for example, css/style.css.

Filesystem Notations: Additionally, you can use standard filesystem notations like ... If you do it would be the same as If you want to reference something that is one directory up from your file, use ../myFile.css.

Your Specific Case

In your case, you have two options:

  • <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ServletApp/css/styles.css"/>
  • <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styles.css"/>

The first will be more concrete and compatible if you move things around, however if you are planning to keep the file in the same location, and you are planning to remove the /ServletApp/ part of the URL, then the second solution is better.

Python & Matplotlib: Make 3D plot interactive in Jupyter Notebook

For 3-D visualization pythreejs is the best way to go probably in the notebook. It leverages the interactive widget infrastructure of the notebook, so connection between the JS and python is seamless.

A more advanced library is bqplot which is a d3-based interactive viz library for the iPython notebook, but it only does 2D

How to Serialize a list in java?

As pointed out already, most standard implementations of List are serializable. However you have to ensure that the objects referenced/contained within the list are also serializable.

How to count duplicate value in an array in javascript

You can solve it without using any for/while loops ou forEach.

function myCounter(inputWords) {        
    return inputWords.reduce( (countWords, word) => {
        countWords[word] = ++countWords[word] || 1;
        return countWords;
    }, {});

Hope it helps you!

How to increase executionTimeout for a long-running query?

in my case, I need to have my wcf running for more than 2 hours. Setting and did not work at all. The wcf did not execute longer than maybe 20~30 minutes. So I changed the idle timeout setting of application pool in IIS manager then it worked! In IIS manager, choose your application pool and right click on it and choose advanced settings then change the idle timeout setting to any minutes you want. So, I think setting the web.config and setting the application pool are both needed.

How to set an button align-right with Bootstrap?

Try this:

<div class="row">
<div class="alert alert-info" style="min-height:100px;">
    <div class="col-xs-9">
        <a href="#" class="alert-link">Summary:Its some
    <div class="col-xs-3">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Large      button</button>


JavaScript onclick redirect

There are several issues in your code :

  • You are handling the click event of a submit button, whose default behavior is to post a request to the server and reload the page. You have to inhibit this behavior by returning false from your handler:

    onclick="SubmitFrm(); return false;"
  • value cannot be called because it is a property, not a method:

    var Searchtxt = document.getElementById("txtSearch").value;
  • The search query you are sending in the query string has to be encoded:

    window.location = ""
        + encodeURIComponent(Searchtxt);

Update Rows in SSIS OLEDB Destination

You can't do a bulk-update in SSIS within a dataflow task with the OOB components.

The general pattern is to identify your inserts, updates and deletes and push the updates and deletes to a staging table(s) and after the Dataflow Task, use a set-based update or delete in an Execute SQL Task. Look at Andy Leonard's Stairway to Integration Services series. Scroll about 3/4 the way down the article to "Set-Based Updates" to see the pattern.

Stage data

Set based updates

enter image description here

You'll get much better performance with a pattern like this versus using the OLE DB Command transformation for anything but trivial amounts of data.

If you are into third party tools, I believe CozyRoc and I know PragmaticWorks have a merge destination component.

How do I upload a file with metadata using a REST web service?

I realize this is a very old question, but hopefully this will help someone else out as I came upon this post looking for the same thing. I had a similar issue, just that my metadata was a Guid and int. The solution is the same though. You can just make the needed metadata part of the URL.

POST accepting method in your "Controller" class:

public Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostFile(string name, float latitude, float longitude)
    //See for how to accept a file
    return null;

Then in whatever you're registering routes, WebApiConfig.Register(HttpConfiguration config) for me in this case.

    name: "FooController",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{name}/{latitude}/{longitude}",
    defaults: new { }

Can't check signature: public key not found

You get that error because you don't have the public key of the person who signed the message.

gpg should have given you a message containing the ID of the key that was used to sign it. Obtain the public key from the person who encrypted the file and import it into your keyring (gpg2 --import key.asc); you should be able to verify the signature after that.

If the sender submitted its public key to a keyserver (for instance,, then you may be able to import the key directly from the keyserver:

gpg2 --keyserver --search-keys <sender_name_or_address>

In Linux, how to tell how much memory processes are using?

First get the pid:

ps ax | grep [process name]

And then:

top -p PID

You can watch various processes in the same time:

top -p PID1 -p PID2 

Custom Date Format for Bootstrap-DatePicker

Perhaps you can check it here for the LATEST version always

    format: 'mm/dd/yyyy',
    startDate: '-3d'


$.fn.datepicker.defaults.format = "mm/dd/yyyy";
    startDate: '-3d'

how to check for datatype in node js- specifically for integer

i have used it in this way and its working fine

quantity=prompt("Please enter the quantity","1");
if (!isNaN( quantity ))

return totalAmount;

What is EOF in the C programming language?

nput from a terminal never really "ends" (unless the device is disconnected), but it is useful to enter more than one "file" into a terminal, so a key sequence is reserved to indicate end of input. In UNIX the translation of the keystroke to EOF is performed by the terminal driver, so a program does not need to distinguish terminals from other input files. By default, the driver converts a Control-D character at the start of a line into an end-of-file indicator. To insert an actual Control-D (ASCII 04) character into the input stream, the user precedes it with a "quote" command character (usually Control-V). AmigaDOS is similar but uses Control-\ instead of Control-D.

In Microsoft's DOS and Windows (and in CP/M and many DEC operating systems), reading from the terminal will never produce an EOF. Instead, programs recognize that the source is a terminal (or other "character device") and interpret a given reserved character or sequence as an end-of-file indicator; most commonly this is an ASCII Control-Z, code 26. Some MS-DOS programs, including parts of the Microsoft MS-DOS shell (COMMAND.COM) and operating-system utility programs (such as EDLIN), treat a Control-Z in a text file as marking the end of meaningful data, and/or append a Control-Z to the end when writing a text file. This was done for two reasons:

  1. Backward compatibility with CP/M. The CP/M file system only recorded the lengths of files in multiples of 128-byte "records", so by convention a Control-Z character was used to mark the end of meaningful data if it ended in the middle of a record. The MS-DOS filesystem has always recorded the exact byte-length of files, so this was never necessary on MS-DOS.

  2. It allows programs to use the same code to read input from both a terminal and a text file.

jquery count li elements inside ul -> length?

Warning: Answers above only work most of the time!

In jQuery version 3.3.1 (haven't tested other versions)

$("#myList li").length; 

works only if your list items don't wrap. If your items wrap in the list then this code counts the number of lines occupied not the number of <li> elements.


gets the actual number of <li> elements in your list not the number of lines that are occupied.

How to use Morgan logger?

Morgan should not be used to log in the way you're describing. Morgan was built to do logging in the way that servers like Apache and Nginx log to the error_log or access_log. For reference, this is how you use morgan:

var express     = require('express'),
    app         = express(),
    morgan      = require('morgan'); // Require morgan before use

// You can set morgan to log differently depending on your environment
if (app.get('env') == 'production') {
  app.use(morgan('common', { skip: function(req, res) { return res.statusCode < 400 }, stream: __dirname + '/../morgan.log' }));
} else {

Note the production line where you see morgan called with an options hash {skip: ..., stream: __dirname + '/../morgan.log'}

The stream property of that object determines where the logger outputs. By default it's STDOUT (your console, just like you want) but it'll only log request data. It isn't going to do what console.log() does.

If you want to inspect things on the fly use the built in util library:

var util = require('util');
console.log(util.inspect(anyObject)); // Will give you more details than console.log

So the answer to your question is that you're asking the wrong question. But if you still want to use Morgan for logging requests, there you go.

'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable error

The error TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable means that you tried to call a numpy array as a function. We can reproduce the error like so in the repl:

In [16]: import numpy as np

In [17]: np.array([1,2,3])()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-17-1abf8f3c8162> in <module>()
----> 1 np.array([1,2,3])()

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

If we are to assume that the error is indeed coming from the snippet of code that you posted (something that you should check,) then you must have reassigned either pd.rolling_mean or pd.rolling_std to a numpy array earlier in your code.

What I mean is something like this:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Works
Out[3]: array([ nan,  nan,  nan])

In [4]: pd.rolling_mean = np.array([1,2,3])

In [5]: pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/user/<ipython-input-5-f528129299b9> in <module>()
----> 1 pd.rolling_mean(np.array([1,2,3]), 20, min_periods=5) # Doesn't work anymore...

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

So, basically you need to search the rest of your codebase for pd.rolling_mean = ... and/or pd.rolling_std = ... to see where you may have overwritten them.

Also, if you'd like, you can put in reload(pd) just before your snippet, which should make it run by restoring the value of pd to what you originally imported it as, but I still highly recommend that you try to find where you may have reassigned the given functions.

printf and long double

From the printf manpage:

l (ell) A following integer conversion corresponds to a long int or unsigned long int argument, or a following n conversion corresponds to a pointer to a long int argument, or a following c conversion corresponds to a wint_t argument, or a following s conversion corresponds to a pointer to wchar_t argument.


L A following a, A, e, E, f, F, g, or G conversion corresponds to a long double argument. (C99 allows %LF, but SUSv2 does not.)

So, you want %Le , not %le

Edit: Some further investigation seems to indicate that Mingw uses the MSVC/win32 runtime(for stuff like printf) - which maps long double to double. So mixing a compiler (like gcc) that provides a native long double with a runtime that does not seems to .. be a mess.

Simple PHP form: Attachment to email (code golf)

PEAR::Mail_Mime? Sure, PEAR dependency of (min) 2 files (just mail_mime itself if you edit it to remove the pear dependencies), but it works well. Additionally, most servers have PEAR installed to some extent, and in the best cases they have Pear/Mail and Pear/Mail_Mime. Something that cannot be said for most other libraries offering the same functionality.

You may also consider looking in to PHP's IMAP extension. It's a little more complicated, and requires more setup (not enabled or installed by default), but is must more efficient at compilng and sending messages to an IMAP capable server.

AES Encrypt and Decrypt

Code provided by SHS didn't work for me, but this one apparently did (I used a Bridging Header: #import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h>):

extension String {

    func aesEncrypt(key:String, iv:String, options:Int = kCCOptionPKCS7Padding) -> String? {
        if let keyData = String.Encoding.utf8),
            let data = String.Encoding.utf8),
            let cryptData    = NSMutableData(length: Int((data.count)) + kCCBlockSizeAES128) {

            let keyLength              = size_t(kCCKeySizeAES128)
            let operation: CCOperation = UInt32(kCCEncrypt)
            let algoritm:  CCAlgorithm = UInt32(kCCAlgorithmAES128)
            let options:   CCOptions   = UInt32(options)

            var numBytesEncrypted :size_t = 0

            let cryptStatus = CCCrypt(operation,
                                      (keyData as NSData).bytes, keyLength,
                                      (data as NSData).bytes, data.count,
                                      cryptData.mutableBytes, cryptData.length,

            if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {
                cryptData.length = Int(numBytesEncrypted)
                let base64cryptString = cryptData.base64EncodedString(options: .lineLength64Characters)
                return base64cryptString

            else {
                return nil
        return nil

    func aesDecrypt(key:String, iv:String, options:Int = kCCOptionPKCS7Padding) -> String? {
        if let keyData = String.Encoding.utf8),
            let data = NSData(base64Encoded: self, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters),
            let cryptData    = NSMutableData(length: Int((data.length)) + kCCBlockSizeAES128) {

            let keyLength              = size_t(kCCKeySizeAES128)
            let operation: CCOperation = UInt32(kCCDecrypt)
            let algoritm:  CCAlgorithm = UInt32(kCCAlgorithmAES128)
            let options:   CCOptions   = UInt32(options)

            var numBytesEncrypted :size_t = 0

            let cryptStatus = CCCrypt(operation,
                                      (keyData as NSData).bytes, keyLength,
                                      data.bytes, data.length,
                                      cryptData.mutableBytes, cryptData.length,

            if UInt32(cryptStatus) == UInt32(kCCSuccess) {
                cryptData.length = Int(numBytesEncrypted)
                let unencryptedMessage = String(data: cryptData as Data, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8)
                return unencryptedMessage
            else {
                return nil
        return nil


From my ViewController:

 let encoded = message.aesEncrypt(key: keyString, iv: iv)
 let unencode = encoded?.aesDecrypt(key: keyString, iv: iv)

How to set maximum height for table-cell?

By CSS 2.1 rules, the height of a table cell is “the minimum height required by the content”. Thus, you need to restrict the height indirectly using inner markup, normally a div element (<td><div>content</div></td>), and set height and overflow properties on the the div element (without setting display: table-cell on it, of course, as that would make its height obey CSS 2.1 table cell rules).

Keyboard shortcuts are not active in Visual Studio with Resharper installed

I would first try resetting all Visual Studio settings (Tools > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings), then go to the Resharper > Options > Keyboard & Menus and re-apply the keyboard shortcut scheme.

I had to do something similar once.

How to declare a structure in a header that is to be used by multiple files in c?


#ifndef A_H
#define A_H

struct a { 
    int i;
    struct b {
        int j;


there you go, now you just need to include a.h to the files where you want to use this structure.

How to generate classes from wsdl using Maven and wsimport?

I see some people prefer to generate sources into the target via jaxws-maven-plugin AND make this classes visible in source via build-helper-maven-plugin. As an argument for this structure

the version management system (svn/etc.) would always notice changed sources

With git it is not true. So you can just configure jaxws-maven-plugin to put them into your sources, but not under the target folder. Next time you build your project, git will not mark these generated files as changed. Here is the simple solution with only one plugin:



          <keep>true</keep> <!--used by default-->

Additionally (just to note) in this example SOAP classes are generated with Fluent API, so you can create them like:

A a = new A()

Python and pip, list all versions of a package that's available?

You can try to install package version that does to exist. Then pip will list available versions

pip install hell==99999
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement hell==99999
(from versions: 0.1.0, 0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.2.3, 0.2.4, 0.3.0,
0.3.1, 0.3.2, 0.3.3, 0.3.4, 0.4.0, 0.4.1)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for hell==99999

Possible to perform cross-database queries with PostgreSQL?

Note: As the original asker implied, if you are setting up two databases on the same machine you probably want to make two schemas instead - in that case you don't need anything special to query across them.


Use postgres_fdw (foreign data wrapper) to connect to tables in any Postgres database - local or remote.

Note that there are foreign data wrappers for other popular data sources. At this time, only postgres_fdw and file_fdw are part of the official Postgres distribution.

For Postgres versions before 9.3

Versions this old are no longer supported, but if you need to do this in a pre-2013 Postgres installation, there is a function called dblink.

I've never used it, but it is maintained and distributed with the rest of PostgreSQL. If you're using the version of PostgreSQL that came with your Linux distro, you might need to install a package called postgresql-contrib.

Correct redirect URI for Google API and OAuth 2.0

There's no problem with using a localhost url for Dev work - obviously it needs to be changed when it comes to production.

You need to go here: and then follow the link for the API Console - link's in the Basic Steps section. When you've filled out the new application form you'll be asked to provide a redirect Url. Put in the page you want to go to once access has been granted.

When forming the Google oAuth Url - you need to include the redirect url - it has to be an exact match or you'll have problems. It also needs to be UrlEncoded.

Bash script prints "Command Not Found" on empty lines

This might be trivial and not related to the OP's question, but I often made this mistaken at the beginning when I was learning scripting

VAR_NAME = $(hostname)
echo "the hostname is ${VAR_NAME}"  

This will produce 'command not found' response. The correct way is to eliminate the spaces


Bootstrap modal z-index

The modal dialog can be positioned on top by overriding its z-index property:

.modal.fade {
  z-index: 10000000 !important;

Hide HTML element by id

@Adam Davis, the code you entered is actually a jQuery call. If you already have the library loaded, that works just fine, otherwise you will need to append the CSS

<style type="text/css">
    #nav-ask{ display:none; }

or if you already have a "hideMe" CSS Class:

<script type="text/javascript">

    if(document.getElementById && document.createTextNode)


Stopping Docker containers by image name - Ubuntu

Two ways to stop running a container:

1. $docker stop container_ID

2. $docker kill container_ID

You can get running containers using the following command:

$docker ps

Following links for more information:

Regex to match a 2-digit number (to validate Credit/Debit Card Issue number)

You can use the start (^) and end ($) of line indicators:


Some language also have functions that allows you to match against an entire string, where-as you were using a find function. Matching against the entire string will make your regex work as an alternative to the above. The above regex will also work, but the ^ and $ will be redundant.

x86 Assembly on a Mac

Don't forget that unlike Windows, all Unix based system need to have the source before destination unlike Windows

On Windows its:

mov $source , %destination

but on the Mac its the other way around.

How to start debug mode from command prompt for apache tomcat server?

A short answer is to add the following options when the JVM is started.

JAVA_OPTS=" $JAVA_OPTS -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8080"

Print execution time of a shell command

For a line-by-line delta measurement, try gnonom.

It is a command line utility, a bit like moreutils's ts, to prepend timestamp information to the standard output of another command. Useful for long-running processes where you'd like a historical record of what's taking so long.

Piping anything to gnomon will prepend a timestamp to each line, indicating how long that line was the last line in the buffer--that is, how long it took the next line to appear. By default, gnomon will display the seconds elapsed between each line, but that is configurable.

gnomon demo

Converting Chart.js canvas chart to image using .toDataUrl() results in blank image

Chart.JS API has changed since this was posted and older examples did not seem to be working for me. here is an updated fiddle that works on the newer versions


    <canvas id="canvas" height="450" width="600"></canvas>
    <img id="url" />


function done(){
  var url=myLine.toBase64Image();

var options = {
  bezierCurve : false,
  animation: {
    onComplete: done

var myLine = new 

How to get first and last day of week in Oracle?

Unless this is a one-off data conversion, chances are you will benefit from using a calendar table.

Having such a table makes it really easy to filter or aggregate data for non-standard periods in addition to regular ISO weeks. Weeks usually behave a bit differently across companies and the departments within them. As soon as you leave "ISO-land" the built-in date functions can't help you.

create table calender(
   day           date      not null -- Truncated date
  ,iso_year_week number(6) not null -- ISO Year week  (IYYYIW)
  ,retail_week   number(6) not null -- Monday to Sunday (YYYYWW)
  ,purchase_week number(6) not null -- Sunday to Saturday (YYYYWW)
  ,primary key(day)

You can either create additional tables for "purchase_weeks" or "retail_weeks", or simply aggregate on the fly:

select a.colA
  from your_table_with_weeks a
  join (select iso_year_week
              ,min(day) as first_day
              ,max(day) as last_day
          from calendar
            by iso_year_week
       ) b on(a.iso_year_week = b.iso_year_week)

If you process a large number of records, aggregating on the fly won't make a noticable difference, but if you are performing single-row you would benefit from creating tables for the weeks as well.

Using calendar tables provides a subtle performance benefit in that the optimizer can provide better estimates on static columns than on nested add_months(to_date(to_char())) function calls.

Converting bytes to megabytes

The answer is that #1 is technically correct based on the real meaning of the Mega prefix, however (and in life there is always a however) the math for that doesn't come out so nice in base 2, which is how computers count, so #2 is what people really use.

Auto Increment after delete in MySQL

Primary autoincrement keys in database are used to uniquely identify a given row and shouldn't be given any business meaning. So leave the primary key as is and add another column called for example courseOrder. Then when you delete a record from the database you may want to send an additional UPDATE statement in order to decrement the courseOrder column of all rows that have courseOrder greater than the one you are currently deleting.

As a side note you should never modify the value of a primary key in a relational database because there could be other tables that reference it as a foreign key and modifying it might violate referential constraints.

Get IFrame's document, from JavaScript in main document

You should be able to access the document in the IFRAME using the following code:


However, you will not be able to do this if the page in the frame is loaded from a different domain (such as THis is because of the browser's Same Origin Policy.

Can't find/install

Had that issue on Ubuntu 14.04, In my case I had also missing:

Could not open library '': cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory

Make sure your symbolic link is pointing to proper file, cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu and list libXtst with:

 ll |grep libXtst                                                                                                                                                           
 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root        16 Oct  7  2016 ->
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root     22880 Aug 16  2013

Then just create proper symbolic link using:

sudo ln -s

List again:

ll | grep libXtst
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root        12 Sep 20 10:23 libXtst ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root        12 Sep 20 10:23 ->
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root        16 Oct  7  2016 ->
-rw-r--r--   1 root root     22880 Aug 16  2013

all set!

Logging with Retrofit 2

for Retrofit 2.0.2 the code is like

   **HttpLoggingInterceptor logging = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
        OkHttpClient.Builder httpClient=new OkHttpClient.Builder();

        if (retrofit == null) {
            retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

if (select count(column) from table) > 0 then

You cannot directly use a SQL statement in a PL/SQL expression:

SQL> begin
  2     if (select count(*) from dual) >= 1 then
  3        null;
  4     end if;
  5  end;
  6  /
        if (select count(*) from dual) >= 1 then
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-06550: line 2, column 6:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following:

You must use a variable instead:

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
  2     v_count number;
  3  begin
  4     select count(*) into v_count from dual;
  6     if v_count >= 1 then
  7             dbms_output.put_line('Pass');
  8     end if;
  9  end;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Of course, you may be able to do the whole thing in SQL:

update my_table
set x = y
where (select count(*) from other_table) >= 1;

It's difficult to prove that something is not possible. Other than the simple test case above, you can look at the syntax diagram for the IF statement; you won't see a SELECT statement in any of the branches.

Using Git, show all commits that are in one branch, but not the other(s)

For those still looking for a simple answer, check out git cherry. It compares actual diffs instead of commit hashes. That means it accommodates commits that have been cherry picked or rebased.

First checkout the branch you want to delete:

git checkout [branch-to-delete]

then use git cherry to compare it to your main development branch:

git cherry -v master

Example output:

+ 8a14709d08c99c36e907e47f9c4dacebeff46ecb Commit message
+ b30ccc3fb38d3d64c5fef079a761c7e0a5c7da81 Another commit message
- 85867e38712de930864c5edb7856342e1358b2a0 Yet another message

Note: The -v flag is to include the commit message along with the SHA hash.

Lines with the '+' in front are in the branch-to-delete, but not the master branch. Those with a '-' in front have an equivalent commit in master.

For JUST the commits that aren't in master, combine cherry pick with grep:

git cherry -v master | grep "^\+"

Example output:

+ 8a14709d08c99c36e907e47f9c4dacebeff46ecb Commit message
+ b30ccc3fb38d3d64c5fef079a761c7e0a5c7da81 Another commit message

Center image in table td in CSS

Center a div inside td using margin, the trick is to make the div width same as image width.

    <div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 130px">
          <img src="me.jpg" alt="me" style="width: 130px" />

Apache 2.4 - Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

This problem can be caused by requests for certain files that don't exist. For example, requests for files in wp-content/uploads/ where the file does not exist.

If this is the situation you're seeing, you can solve the problem by going to .htaccess and changing this line:

RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]


RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) - [L]

The underlying issue is that the rule above triggers a rewrite to the exact same url with a slash in front and because there was a rewrite, the newly rewritten request goes back through the rules again and the same rule is triggered. By changing that line's "$1" to "-", no rewrite happens and so the rewriting process does not start over again with the same URL.

It's possible that there's a difference in how apache 2.2 and 2.4 handle this situation of only-difference-is-a-slash-in-front and that's why the default rules provided by WordPress aren't working perfectly.

Paste text on Android Emulator

Just copy from wherever, click and hold on the emulator phone's edit text where you want the text to go (kind of like you would press and hold to paste on an actual phone), the PASTE option will appear, then PASTE.

get list of packages installed in Anaconda

For script creation at Windows cmd or powershell prompt:

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3
conda list
pip list

How to set default text for a Tkinter Entry widget

Use Entry.insert. For example:

    from tkinter import *  # Python 3.x
except Import Error:
    from Tkinter import *  # Python 2.x

root = Tk()
e = Entry(root)
e.insert(END, 'default text')

Or use textvariable option:

    from tkinter import *  # Python 3.x
except Import Error:
    from Tkinter import *  # Python 2.x

root = Tk()
v = StringVar(root, value='default text')
e = Entry(root, textvariable=v)

Oracle SqlPlus - saving output in a file but don't show on screen

Try This:

sqlplus -s ${ORA_CONN_STR} <<EOF >/dev/null

How do I convert a org.w3c.dom.Document object to a String?

use some thing like

import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;

//method to convert Document to String
public String getStringFromDocument(Document doc)
       DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc);
       StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
       StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer);
       TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
       Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
       transformer.transform(domSource, result);
       return writer.toString();
    catch(TransformerException ex)
       return null;

Need a row count after SELECT statement: what's the optimal SQL approach?

There are only two ways to be 100% certain that the COUNT(*) and the actual query will give consistent results:

  • Combined the COUNT(*) with the query, as in your Approach 2. I recommend the form you show in your example, not the correlated subquery form shown in the comment from kogus.
  • Use two queries, as in your Approach 1, after starting a transaction in SNAPSHOT or SERIALIZABLE isolation level.

Using one of those isolation levels is important because any other isolation level allows new rows created by other clients to become visible in your current transaction. Read the MSDN documentation on SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION for more details.

PHP header(Location: ...): Force URL change in address bar

why all of this location url?


you can just use


if the php files are in the same folder and this is better because if you want to host the files or change the port you will have no problem reaching this URL.

HTML / CSS How to add image icon to input type="button"?

What I would do is do this:

Use a button type

 <button type="submit" style="background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.0); border:none;" id="resultButton" onclick="showResults();"><img src="images/search.png" /></button>

I used background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.0); So that the original background color of a button goes away. The same with the border:none; it will take the original border away.

How to create a numpy array of arbitrary length strings?

You can do so by creating an array of dtype=object. If you try to assign a long string to a normal numpy array, it truncates the string:

>>> a = numpy.array(['apples', 'foobar', 'cowboy'])
>>> a[2] = 'bananas'
>>> a
array(['apples', 'foobar', 'banana'], 

But when you use dtype=object, you get an array of python object references. So you can have all the behaviors of python strings:

>>> a = numpy.array(['apples', 'foobar', 'cowboy'], dtype=object)
>>> a
array([apples, foobar, cowboy], dtype=object)
>>> a[2] = 'bananas'
>>> a
array([apples, foobar, bananas], dtype=object)

Indeed, because it's an array of objects, you can assign any kind of python object to the array:

>>> a[2] = {1:2, 3:4}
>>> a
array([apples, foobar, {1: 2, 3: 4}], dtype=object)

However, this undoes a lot of the benefits of using numpy, which is so fast because it works on large contiguous blocks of raw memory. Working with python objects adds a lot of overhead. A simple example:

>>> a = numpy.array(['abba' for _ in range(10000)])
>>> b = numpy.array(['abba' for _ in range(10000)], dtype=object)
>>> %timeit a.copy()
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.51 us per loop
>>> %timeit b.copy()
10000 loops, best of 3: 48.4 us per loop

How to state in requirements.txt a direct github source

requirements.txt allows the following ways of specifying a dependency on a package in a git repository as of pip 7.0:1

[-e] git+git://
[-e] git+
[-e] git+ssh://
-e [email protected]:SomeProject#egg=SomeProject (deprecated as of Jan 2020)

For Github that means you can do (notice the omitted -e):


Why the extra answer?
I got somewhat confused by the -e flag in the other answers so here's my clarification:

The -e or --editable flag means that the package is installed in <venv path>/src/SomeProject and thus not in the deeply buried <venv path>/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/SomeProject it would otherwise be placed in.2


How to getElementByClass instead of GetElementById with JavaScript?

The getElementsByClassName method is now natively supported by the most recent versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE and Opera, you could make a function to check if a native implementation is available, otherwise use the Dustin Diaz method:

function getElementsByClassName(node,classname) {
  if (node.getElementsByClassName) { // use native implementation if available
    return node.getElementsByClassName(classname);
  } else {
    return (function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node) {
        if ( node == null )
          node = document;
        var classElements = [],
            els = node.getElementsByTagName("*"),
            elsLen = els.length,
            pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)"), i, j;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
          if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
              classElements[j] = els[i];
        return classElements;
    })(classname, node);


function toggle_visibility(className) {
   var elements = getElementsByClassName(document, className),
       n = elements.length;
   for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     var e = elements[i];

     if( == 'block') { = 'none';
     } else { = 'block';

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string

I use codeignator and I got the error:

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string.

for this post I get my result

I use in my model section

$query = $this->db->get('user', 10);
        return $query->result();

and from this post I use

$query = $this->db->get('user', 10);
        return $query->row();

and I solved my problem

How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

Just add this to the page and no other worries, will handle rest for you:

$('input').live('click mousedown mouseup focus keydown change blur', function(e) {

You can also use console.log('Input event:' + e.type) to make it easier.

Removing duplicate rows from table in Oracle

For best performance, here is what I wrote :
(see execution plan)

DELETE FROM your_table
WHERE rowid IN 
  (select t1.rowid from your_table  t1
      SELECT MIN(rowid) as rowid, column1,column2, column3
      FROM your_table 
      GROUP BY column1, column2, column3
  )  co1 ON (t1.rowid = co1.rowid)
  WHERE co1.rowid IS NULL

CSS: 100% font size - 100% of what?

My understanding is that when the font is set as follows

body {
  font-size: 100%;

the browser will render the font as per the user settings for that browser.

The spec says that % is rendered

relative to parent element's font size

In this case, I take that to mean what the browser is set to.

How do I check if a list is empty?

Simple way is checking the length is equal zero.

if len(a) == 0:
    print("a is empty")

Set variable with multiple values and use IN

Ideally you shouldn't be splitting strings in T-SQL at all.

Barring that change, on older versions before SQL Server 2016, create a split function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitStrings
    @List      nvarchar(max), 
    @Delimiter nvarchar(2)
      SELECT CONVERT(xml, N'<root><i>' 
        + REPLACE(@List, @Delimiter, N'</i><i>') 
        + N'</i></root>')
    SELECT Item = LTRIM(RTRIM(i.i.value(N'.',N'nvarchar(max)')))
      FROM x CROSS APPLY x.nodes(N'//root/i') AS i(i)

Now you can say:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000);

SET @Values = 'A, B, C';

  INNER JOIN dbo.SplitStrings(@Values, ',') AS s
    ON s.Item = foo.myField;

On SQL Server 2016 or above (or Azure SQL Database), it is much simpler and more efficient, however you do have to manually apply LTRIM() to take away any leading spaces:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000) = 'A, B, C';

    ON LTRIM(s.value) = foo.myField;

Click a button programmatically

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Button2_Click(Sender, e)
End Sub

This Code call button click event programmatically

Removing items from a ListBox in

Use simply:

  • To take your last edit into account: Do that before you add the new items

MSDN: ListBox.ObjectCollection.Clear

Removes all items from the collection.

Note that the problem with your approach is that RemoveAt changes the index of all remaining items.

When you remove an item from the list, the indexes change for subsequent items in the list. All information about the removed item is deleted. You can use this method to remove a specific item from the list by specifying the index of the item to remove from the list. To specify the item to remove instead of the index to the item, use the Remove method. To remove all items from the list, use the Clear method.

If you want to use RemoveAt anyway, you can go backwards, for example with:

a for-loop:

For i As Int32 = ListBox2.Items.Count To 0 Step -1

or a while

While ListBox2.Items.Count > 0
    ListBox2.Items.RemoveAt(ListBox2.Items.Count - 1)
End While

old C# code

for (int i = ListBox2.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

while(ListBox2.Items.Count > 0)
    ListBox2.Items.RemoveAt(ListBox2.Items.Count - 1);

Selecting text in an element (akin to highlighting with your mouse)

Jason's code can not be used for elements inside an iframe (as the scope differs from window and document). I fixed that problem and I modified it in order to be used as any other jQuery plugin (chainable):

Example 1: Selection of all text inside < code > tags with single click and add class "selected":

$(function() {
    $("code").click(function() {

Example 2: On button click, select an element inside an Iframe:

$(function() {
    $("button").click(function() {

Note: remember that the iframe source should reside in the same domain to prevent security errors.

jQuery Plugin:

jQuery.fn.selText = function() {
    var obj = this[0];
    if ($.browser.msie) {
        var range = obj.offsetParent.createTextRange();
    } else if ($.browser.mozilla || $.browser.opera) {
        var selection = obj.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection();
        var range = obj.ownerDocument.createRange();
    } else if ($.browser.safari) {
        var selection = obj.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection();
        selection.setBaseAndExtent(obj, 0, obj, 1);
    return this;

I tested it in IE8, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome (current versions). I'm not sure if it works in older IE versions (sincerely I don't care).

Laravel view not found exception

This error also occurs when you try to move the whole project directory to other path. And you happened to run the following commands below BEFORE you move.

php artisan optimize --force
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache

Mine error message shows like this enter image description here

As you can see the old path was written in the compiled.php. So, to fix the problem. Simply run the same command AGAIN under the project folder in your new folder location.

php artisan optimize --force
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache

Hope this helps.