Programs & Examples On #Effect systems

Making href (anchor tag) request POST instead of GET?

Using jQuery it is very simple assuming the URL you wish to post to is on the same server or has implemented CORS

$(function() {
  $("#employeeLink").on("click",function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // cancel the link itself
    $.post(this.href,function(data) {

If you insist on using frames which I strongly discourage, have a form and submit it with the link

<form action="employee.action" method="post" target="myFrame" id="myForm"></form>

and use (in plain JS)

 window.addEventListener("load",function() {
   document.getElementById("employeeLink").addEventListener("click",function(e) {
     e.preventDefault(); // cancel the link
     document.getElementById("myForm").submit(); // but make sure nothing has name or ID="submit"

Without a form we need to make one

 window.addEventListener("load",function() {
   document.getElementById("employeeLink").addEventListener("click",function(e) {
     e.preventDefault(); // cancel the actual link
     var myForm = document.createElement("form");
     myForm.action=this.href;// the href of the link"myFrame";

What are the differences between B trees and B+ trees?

One possible use of B+ trees is that it is suitable for situations where the tree grows so large that it does not fit into available memory. Thus, you'd generally expect to be doing multiple I/O's.
It does often happen that a B+ tree is used even when it in fact fits into memory, and then your cache manager might keep it there permanently. But this is a special case, not the general one, and caching policy is a separate from B+ tree maintenance as such.

Also, in a B+ tree, the leaf pages are linked together in a linked list (or doubly-linked list), which optimizes traversals (for range searches, sorting, etc.). So the number of pointers is a function of the specific algorithm that is used.

Javascript Get Element by Id and set the value

Coming across this question, no answer brought up the possibility of using .setAttribute() in addition to .value()

document.getElementById('some-input').setAttribute("value", "1337");

Though unlikely helpful for the original questioner, this addendum actually changes the content of the value in the pages source, which in turn makes the value update form.reset()-proof.

I hope this may help others.

(Or me in half a year when I've forgotten about js quirks...)

Clear History and Reload Page on Login/Logout Using Ionic Framework

In my case I need to clear just the view and restart the controller. I could get my intention with this snippet:

$ionicHistory.clearCache([$]).then(function() {

The cache still working and seems that just the view is cleared.

ionic --version says 1.7.5.

.keyCode vs. .which

I'd recommend event.key currently. MDN docs:

event.KeyCode and event.which both have nasty deprecated warnings at the top of their MDN pages:

For alphanumeric keys, event.key appears to be implemented identically across all browsers. For control keys (tab, enter, escape, etc), event.key has the same value across Chrome/FF/Safari/Opera but a different value in IE10/11/Edge (IEs apparently use an older version of the spec but match each other as of Jan 14 2018).

For alphanumeric keys a check would look something like:

event.key === 'a'

For control characters you'd need to do something like:

event.key === 'Esc' || event.key === 'Escape'

I used the example here to test on multiple browsers (I had to open in codepen and edit to get it to work with IE10):

event.code is mentioned in a different answer as a possibility, but IE10/11/Edge don't implement it, so it's out if you want IE support.

How to read a text file into a string variable and strip newlines?

It's hard to tell exactly what you're after, but something like this should get you started:

with open ("data.txt", "r") as myfile:
    data = ' '.join([line.replace('\n', '') for line in myfile.readlines()])

How to implement the Softmax function in Python

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

def softmax(x):
    return (np.exp(x).T / np.exp(x).sum(axis=-1)).T

logits = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [3, 10, 1], [1, 2, 5], [4, 6.5, 1.2], [3, 6, 1]])

sess = tf.Session()

How to use timeit module

If you want to compare two blocks of code / functions quickly you could do:

import timeit

start_time = timeit.default_timer()
print(timeit.default_timer() - start_time)

start_time = timeit.default_timer()
print(timeit.default_timer() - start_time)

Check whether a cell contains a substring

It's an old question but I think it is still valid.

Since there is no CONTAINS function, why not declare it in VBA? The code below uses the VBA Instr function, which looks for a substring in a string. It returns 0 when the string is not found.

Public Function CONTAINS(TextString As String, SubString As String) As Integer
    CONTAINS = InStr(1, TextString, SubString)
End Function

Make browser window blink in task Bar

                var oldTitle = document.title;
                var msg = "New Popup!";
                var timeoutId = false;

                var blink = function() {
                    document.title = document.title == msg ? oldTitle : msg;//Modify Title in case a popup

                    if(document.hasFocus())//Stop blinking and restore the Application Title
                        document.title = oldTitle;

                if (!timeoutId) {
                    timeoutId = setInterval(blink, 500);//Initiate the Blink Call
                };//Blink logic 

add image to uitableview cell

Standard UITableViewCell already contains UIImageView that appears to the left to all your labels if its image is set. You can access it using imageView property:

cell.imageView.image = someImage;

If for some reason standard behavior does not suit your needs (note that you can customize properties of that standard image view) then you can add your own UIImageView to the cell as Aman suggested in his answer. But in that approach you'll have to manage cell's layout yourself (e.g. make sure that cell labels do not overlap image). And do not add subviews to the cell directly - add them to cell's contentView:

// DO NOT!
[cell addSubview:imv]; 
// DO:
[cell.contentView addSubview:imv];

Can't drop table: A foreign key constraint fails

I realize this is stale for a while and an answer had been selected, but how about the alternative to allow the foreign key to be NULL and then choose ON DELETE SET NULL.

Basically, your table should be changed like so:

ALTER TABLE 'bericht' DROP FOREIGN KEY 'your_foreign_key';

ALTER TABLE 'bericht' ADD CONSTRAINT 'your_foreign_key' FOREIGN KEY ('column_foreign_key') REFERENCES 'other_table' ('column_parent_key') ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL;

Personally I would recommend using both "ON UPDATE CASCADE" as well as "ON DELETE SET NULL" to avoid unnecessary complications, however your set up may dictate a different approach.

Hope this helps.

How to count the NaN values in a column in pandas DataFrame

You can use the isna() method (or it's alias isnull() which is also compatible with older pandas versions < 0.21.0) and then sum to count the NaN values. For one column:

In [1]: s = pd.Series([1,2,3, np.nan, np.nan])

In [4]: s.isna().sum()   # or s.isnull().sum() for older pandas versions
Out[4]: 2

For several columns, it also works:

In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,np.nan], 'b':[np.nan,1,np.nan]})

In [6]: df.isna().sum()
a    1
b    2
dtype: int64

Is it good practice to use the xor operator for boolean checks?

if((boolean1 && !boolean2) || (boolean2 && !boolean1)) 
  //do it 

IMHO this code could be simplified:

if(boolean1 != boolean2) 
  //do it 

How do I create a comma-separated list using a SQL query?

To be agnostic, drop back and punt.

Select as a_name, as r_name
  from ApplicationsResource ar, Applications a, Resources r
 where = ar.app_id
   and = ar.resource_id
 order by,;

Now user your server programming language to concatenate a_names while r_name is the same as the last time.

How can I detect the encoding/codepage of a text file

If you can link to a C library, you can use libenca. See From the man page:

Enca reads given text files, or standard input when none are given, and uses knowledge about their language (must be supported by you) and a mixture of parsing, statistical analysis, guessing and black magic to determine their encodings.

It's GPL v2.

Is it possible to have a custom facebook like button?

It's possible with a lot of work.

Basically, you have to post likes action via the Open Graph API. Then, you can add a custom design to your like button.

But then, you''ll need to keep track yourself of the likes so a returning user will be able to unlike content he liked previously.

Plus, you'll need to ask user to log into your app and ask them the publish_action permission.

All in all, if you're doing this for an application, it may worth it. For a website where you basically want user to like articles, then this is really to much.

Also, consider that you increase your drop-off rate each time you ask user a permission via a Facebook login.

If you want to see an example, I've recently made an app using the open graph like button, just hover on some photos in the mosaique to see it

Is there a better way to refresh WebView?

You could call an mWebView.reload(); That's what it does

Executing a command stored in a variable from PowerShell

Here is yet another way without Invoke-Expression but with two variables (command:string and parameters:array). It works fine for me. Assume 7z.exe is in the system path.

$cmd = '7z.exe'
$prm = 'a', '-tzip', 'c:\temp\with space\', 'C:\TEMP\with space\changelog'

& $cmd $prm

If the command is known (7z.exe) and only parameters are variable then this will do

$prm = 'a', '-tzip', 'c:\temp\with space\', 'C:\TEMP\with space\changelog'

& 7z.exe $prm

BTW, Invoke-Expression with one parameter works for me, too, e.g. this works

$cmd = '& 7z.exe a -tzip "c:\temp\with space\" "C:\TEMP\with space\changelog"'

Invoke-Expression $cmd

P.S. I usually prefer the way with a parameter array because it is easier to compose programmatically than to build an expression for Invoke-Expression.

HTTP authentication logout via PHP

The best solution I found so far is (it is sort of pseudo-code, the $isLoggedIn is pseudo variable for http auth):

At the time of "logout" just store some info to the session saying that user is actually logged out.

function logout()
  //$isLoggedIn = false; //This does not work (point of this question)
  $_SESSION['logout'] = true;

In the place where I check for authentication I expand the condition:

function isLoggedIn()
  return $isLoggedIn && !$_SESSION['logout'];

Session is somewhat linked to the state of http authentication so user stays logged out as long as he keeps the browser open and as long as http authentication persists in the browser.

Reflection - get attribute name and value on property

If you mean "for attributes that take one parameter, list the attribute-names and the parameter-value", then this is easier in .NET 4.5 via the CustomAttributeData API:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;

public static class Program
    static void Main()
        PropertyInfo prop = typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Bar");
        var vals = GetPropertyAttributes(prop);
        // has: DisplayName = "abc", Browsable = false
    public static Dictionary<string, object> GetPropertyAttributes(PropertyInfo property)
        Dictionary<string, object> attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        // look for attributes that takes one constructor argument
        foreach (CustomAttributeData attribData in property.GetCustomAttributesData()) 

            if(attribData.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1)
                string typeName = attribData.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name;
                if (typeName.EndsWith("Attribute")) typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - 9);
                attribs[typeName] = attribData.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;

        return attribs;

class Foo
    public string Bar { get; set; }

Trigger event on body load complete js/jquery


  $(document).ready(function() {


what you are looking for?

Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ]

Global events are also deprecated.

Here's a patch, which fixes the browser and event issues:

--- jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js.orig   2010-11-11 23:31:54.000000000 +0100
+++ jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js    2013-03-22 23:25:29.996796800 +0100
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@

        titleHeight = 0, titleStr = '', start_pos, final_pos, busy = false, fx = $.extend($('<div/>')[0], { prop: 0 }),

-       isIE6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7 && !window.XMLHttpRequest,
+       isIE = !+"\v1",
+       isIE6 = isIE && window.XMLHttpRequest === undefined,

         * Private methods 
@@ -322,7 +324,7 @@

            if (":visible") && false === currentOpts.onCleanup(currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts)) {
-               $.event.trigger('fancybox-cancel');
+               $('.fancybox-inline-tmp').trigger('fancybox-cancel');

                busy = false;
@@ -389,7 +391,7 @@
                        content.html( tmp.contents() ).fadeTo(currentOpts.changeFade, 1, _finish);

-                   $.event.trigger('fancybox-change');
+                   $('.fancybox-inline-tmp').trigger('fancybox-change');

@@ -612,7 +614,7 @@

            if (currentOpts.type == 'iframe') {
-               $('<iframe id="fancybox-frame" name="fancybox-frame' + new Date().getTime() + '" frameborder="0" hspace="0" ' + ($.browser.msie ? 'allowtransparency="true""' : '') + ' scrolling="' + selectedOpts.scrolling + '" src="' + currentOpts.href + '"></iframe>').appendTo(content);
+               $('<iframe id="fancybox-frame" name="fancybox-frame' + new Date().getTime() + '" frameborder="0" hspace="0" ' + (isIE ? 'allowtransparency="true""' : '') + ' scrolling="' + selectedOpts.scrolling + '" src="' + currentOpts.href + '"></iframe>').appendTo(content);

@@ -912,7 +914,7 @@

        busy = true;

-       $.event.trigger('fancybox-cancel');
+       $('.fancybox-inline-tmp').trigger('fancybox-cancel');


@@ -957,7 +959,7 @@

-           $.event.trigger('fancybox-cleanup');
+           $('.fancybox-inline-tmp, select:not(#fancybox-tmp select)').trigger('fancybox-cleanup');


Reliable method to get machine's MAC address in C#

This method will determine the MAC address of the Network Interface used to connect to the specified url and port.

All the answers here are not capable of achieving this goal.

I wrote this answer years ago (in 2014). So I decided to give it a little "face lift". Please look at the updates section

    /// <summary>
    /// Get the MAC of the Netowrk Interface used to connect to the specified url.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="allowedURL">URL to connect to.</param>
    /// <param name="port">The port to use. Default is 80.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static PhysicalAddress GetCurrentMAC(string allowedURL, int port = 80)
        //create tcp client
        var client = new TcpClient();

        //start connection
        client.Client.Connect(new IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostAddresses(allowedURL)[0], port));

        //wai while connection is established

        //get the ip address from the connected endpoint
        var ipAddress = ((IPEndPoint)client.Client.LocalEndPoint).Address;

        //if the ip is ipv4 mapped to ipv6 then convert to ipv4
            ipAddress = ipAddress.MapToIPv4();        


        //disconnect the client and free the socket
        //this will dispose the client and close the connection if needed

        var allNetworkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();

        //return early if no network interfaces found
        if(!(allNetworkInterfaces?.Length > 0))
            return null;

        foreach(var networkInterface in allNetworkInterfaces)
            //get the unicast address of the network interface
            var unicastAddresses = networkInterface.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses;
            //skip if no unicast address found
            if(!(unicastAddresses?.Count > 0))

            //compare the unicast addresses to see 
            //if any match the ip address used to connect over the network
            for(var i = 0; i < unicastAddresses.Count; i++)
                var unicastAddress = unicastAddresses[i];

                //this is unlikely but if it is null just skip
                if(unicastAddress.Address == null)
                var ipAddressToCompare = unicastAddress.Address;


                //if the ip is ipv4 mapped to ipv6 then convert to ipv4
                    ipAddressToCompare = ipAddressToCompare.MapToIPv4();


                //skip if the ip does not match

                //return the mac address if the ip matches
                return networkInterface.GetPhysicalAddress();

        //not found so return null
        return null;

To call it you need to pass a URL to connect to like this:

var mac = GetCurrentMAC("");

You can also specify a port number. If not specified default is 80.



  • Added comments to explain the code.
  • Corrected to be used with newer operating systems that use IPV4 mapped to IPV6 ( like windows 10 ).
  • Reduced nesting.
  • Upgraded the code use "var".

Android Writing Logs to text File

In general, you must have a file handle before opening the stream. You have a fileOutputStream handle before createNewFile() in the else block. The stream does not create the file if it doesn't exist.

Not really android specific, but that's a lot IO for this purpose. What if you do many "write" operations one after another? You will be reading the entire contents and writing the entire contents, taking time, and more importantly, battery life.

I suggest using, seek()'ing to the end, then writeChars() to append. It will be much cleaner code and likely much faster.

How do I point Crystal Reports at a new database

Use the Database menu and "Set Datasource Location" menu option to change the name or location of each table in a report.

This works for changing the location of a database, changing to a new database, and changing the location or name of an individual table being used in your report.

To change the datasource connection, go the Database menu and click Set Datasource Location.

  1. Change the Datasource Connection:
    1. From the Current Data Source list (the top box), click once on the datasource connection that you want to change.
    2. In the Replace with list (the bottom box), click once on the new datasource connection.
    3. Click Update.
  2. Change Individual Tables:
    1. From the Current Data Source list (the top box), expand the datasource connection that you want to change.
    2. Find the table for which you want to update the location or name.
    3. In the Replace with list (the bottom box), expand the new datasource connection.
    4. Find the new table you want to update to point to.
    5. Click Update.
    6. Note that if the table name has changed, the old table name will still appear in the Field Explorer even though it is now using the new table. (You can confirm this be looking at the Table Name of the table's properties in Current Data Source in Set Datasource Location. Screenshot It's possible to rename the old table name to the new name from the context menu in Database Expert -> Selected Tables.
  3. Change Subreports:
    1. Repeat each of the above steps for any subreports you might have embedded in your report.
    2. Close the Set Datasource Location window.
  4. Any Commands or SQL Expressions:
    1. Go to the Database menu and click Database Expert.
    2. If the report designer used "Add Command" to write custom SQL it will be shown in the Selected Tables box on the right.
    3. Right click that command and choose "Edit Command".
    4. Check if that SQL is specifying a specific database. If so you might need to change it.
    5. Close the Database Expert window.
    6. In the Field Explorer pane on the right, right click any SQL Expressions.
    7. Check if the SQL Expressions are specifying a specific database. If so you might need to change it also.
    8. Save and close your Formula Editor window when you're done editing.

And try running the report again.

The key is to change the datasource connection first, then any tables you need to update, then the other stuff. The connection won't automatically change the tables underneath. Those tables are like goslings that've imprinted on the first large goose-like animal they see. They'll continue to bypass all reason and logic and go to where they've always gone unless you specifically manually change them.

To make it more convenient, here's a tip: You can "Show SQL Query" in the Database menu, and you'll see table names qualified with the database (like "Sales"."dbo"."Customers") for any tables that go straight to a specific database. That might make the hunting easier if you have a lot of stuff going on. When I tackled this problem I had to change each and every table to point to the new table in the new database.

how to get right offset of an element? - jQuery

Alex, Gary:

As requested, here is my comment posted as an answer:

var rt = ($(window).width() - ($whatever.offset().left + $whatever.outerWidth()));

Thanks for letting me know.

In pseudo code that can be expressed as:

The right offset is:

The window's width MINUS
( The element's left offset PLUS the element's outer width )

How to pause in C?

Under POSIX systems, the best solution seems to use:

#include <unistd.h>

pause ();

If the process receives a signal whose effect is to terminate it (typically by typing Ctrl+C in the terminal), then pause will not return and the process will effectively be terminated by this signal. A more advanced usage is to use a signal-catching function, called when the corresponding signal is received, after which pause returns, resuming the process.

Note: using getchar() will not work is the standard input is redirected; hence this more general solution.

Empty an array in Java / processing

Take double array as an example, if the initial input values array is not empty, the following code snippet is superior to traditional direct for-loop in time complexity:

public static void resetValues(double[] values) {
  int len = values.length;
  if (len > 0) {
    values[0] = 0.0;
  for (int i = 1; i < len; i += i) {
    System.arraycopy(values, 0, values, i, ((len - i) < i) ? (len - i) : i);

How to create an infinite loop in Windows batch file?

read help GOTO

and try

do it
goto again

Update Item to Revision vs Revert to Revision

To understand how the state of your working copy is different in both scenarios, you must understand the concept of the BASE revision:


The revision number of an item in a working copy. If the item has been locally modified, this refers to the way the item appears without those local modifications.

Your working copy contains a snapshot of each file (hidden in a .svn folder) in this BASE revision, meaning as it was when last retrieved from the repository. This explains why working copies take 2x the space and how it is possible that you can examine and even revert local modifications without a network connection.

Update item to Revision changes this base revision, making BASE out of date. When you try to commit local modifications, SVN will notice that your BASE does not match the repository HEAD. The commit will be refused until you do an update (and possibly a merge) to fix this.

Revert to revision does not change BASE. It is conceptually almost the same as manually editing the file to match an earlier revision.

count of entries in data frame in R

You can do summary(santa$Believe) and you will get the count for TRUE and FALSE

How to use in jQuery :not and hasClass() to get a specific element without a class

Use the not function instead:

var lastOpenSite = $(this).siblings().not('.closedTab');

hasClass only tests whether an element has a class, not will remove elements from the selected set matching the provided selector.

Named capturing groups in JavaScript regex?

ECMAScript 2018 introduces named capturing groups into JavaScript regexes.


  const auth = 'Bearer AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN'
  const { groups: { token } } = /Bearer (?<token>[^ $]*)/.exec(auth)
  console.log(token) // "Prints AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN"

If you need to support older browsers, you can do everything with normal (numbered) capturing groups that you can do with named capturing groups, you just need to keep track of the numbers - which may be cumbersome if the order of capturing group in your regex changes.

There are only two "structural" advantages of named capturing groups I can think of:

  1. In some regex flavors (.NET and JGSoft, as far as I know), you can use the same name for different groups in your regex (see here for an example where this matters). But most regex flavors do not support this functionality anyway.

  2. If you need to refer to numbered capturing groups in a situation where they are surrounded by digits, you can get a problem. Let's say you want to add a zero to a digit and therefore want to replace (\d) with $10. In JavaScript, this will work (as long as you have fewer than 10 capturing group in your regex), but Perl will think you're looking for backreference number 10 instead of number 1, followed by a 0. In Perl, you can use ${1}0 in this case.

Other than that, named capturing groups are just "syntactic sugar". It helps to use capturing groups only when you really need them and to use non-capturing groups (?:...) in all other circumstances.

The bigger problem (in my opinion) with JavaScript is that it does not support verbose regexes which would make the creation of readable, complex regular expressions a lot easier.

Steve Levithan's XRegExp library solves these problems.

What exactly does big ? notation represent?

First let's understand what big O, big Theta and big Omega are. They are all sets of functions.

Big O is giving upper asymptotic bound, while big Omega is giving a lower bound. Big Theta gives both.

Everything that is ?(f(n)) is also O(f(n)), but not the other way around.
T(n) is said to be in ?(f(n)) if it is both in O(f(n)) and in Omega(f(n)).
In sets terminology, ?(f(n)) is the intersection of O(f(n)) and Omega(f(n))

For example, merge sort worst case is both O(n*log(n)) and Omega(n*log(n)) - and thus is also ?(n*log(n)), but it is also O(n^2), since n^2 is asymptotically "bigger" than it. However, it is not ?(n^2), Since the algorithm is not Omega(n^2).

A bit deeper mathematic explanation

O(n) is asymptotic upper bound. If T(n) is O(f(n)), it means that from a certain n0, there is a constant C such that T(n) <= C * f(n). On the other hand, big-Omega says there is a constant C2 such that T(n) >= C2 * f(n))).

Do not confuse!

Not to be confused with worst, best and average cases analysis: all three (Omega, O, Theta) notation are not related to the best, worst and average cases analysis of algorithms. Each one of these can be applied to each analysis.

We usually use it to analyze complexity of algorithms (like the merge sort example above). When we say "Algorithm A is O(f(n))", what we really mean is "The algorithms complexity under the worst1 case analysis is O(f(n))" - meaning - it scales "similar" (or formally, not worse than) the function f(n).

Why we care for the asymptotic bound of an algorithm?

Well, there are many reasons for it, but I believe the most important of them are:

  1. It is much harder to determine the exact complexity function, thus we "compromise" on the big-O/big-Theta notations, which are informative enough theoretically.
  2. The exact number of ops is also platform dependent. For example, if we have a vector (list) of 16 numbers. How much ops will it take? The answer is: it depends. Some CPUs allow vector additions, while other don't, so the answer varies between different implementations and different machines, which is an undesired property. The big-O notation however is much more constant between machines and implementations.

To demonstrate this issue, have a look at the following graphs: enter image description here

It is clear that f(n) = 2*n is "worse" than f(n) = n. But the difference is not quite as drastic as it is from the other function. We can see that f(n)=logn quickly getting much lower than the other functions, and f(n) = n^2 is quickly getting much higher than the others.
So - because of the reasons above, we "ignore" the constant factors (2* in the graphs example), and take only the big-O notation.

In the above example, f(n)=n, f(n)=2*n will both be in O(n) and in Omega(n) - and thus will also be in Theta(n).
On the other hand - f(n)=logn will be in O(n) (it is "better" than f(n)=n), but will NOT be in Omega(n) - and thus will also NOT be in Theta(n).
Symetrically, f(n)=n^2 will be in Omega(n), but NOT in O(n), and thus - is also NOT Theta(n).

1Usually, though not always. when the analysis class (worst, average and best) is missing, we really mean the worst case.

Regex to match only uppercase "words" with some exceptions

To some extent, this is going to vary by the "flavour" of RegEx you're using. The following is based on .NET RegEx, which uses \b for word boundaries. In the last example, it also uses negative lookaround (?<!) and (?!) as well as non-capturing parentheses (?:)

Basically, though, if the terms always contain at least one uppercase letter followed by at least one number, you can use


For all-uppercase and numbers (total must be 2 or more):


For all-uppercase and numbers, but starting with at least one letter:


The granddaddy, to return items that have any combination of uppercase letters and numbers, but which are not single letters at the beginning of a line and which are not part of a line that is all uppercase:

(?:(?<!^)[A-Z]\b|(?<!^[A-Z0-9 ]*)\b[A-Z0-9]+\b(?![A-Z0-9 ]$))


The regex starts with (?:. The ?: signifies that -- although what follows is in parentheses, I'm not interested in capturing the result. This is called "non-capturing parentheses." Here, I'm using the paretheses because I'm using alternation (see below).

Inside the non-capturing parens, I have two separate clauses separated by the pipe symbol |. This is alternation -- like an "or". The regex can match the first expression or the second. The two cases here are "is this the first word of the line" or "everything else," because we have the special requirement of excluding one-letter words at the beginning of the line.

Now, let's look at each expression in the alternation.

The first expression is: (?<!^)[A-Z]\b. The main clause here is [A-Z]\b, which is any one capital letter followed by a word boundary, which could be punctuation, whitespace, linebreak, etc. The part before that is (?<!^), which is a "negative lookbehind." This is a zero-width assertion, which means it doesn't "consume" characters as part of a match -- not really important to understand that here. The syntax for negative lookbehind in .NET is (?<!x), where x is the expression that must not exist before our main clause. Here that expression is simply ^, or start-of-line, so this side of the alternation translates as "any word consisting of a single, uppercase letter that is not at the beginning of the line."

Okay, so we're matching one-letter, uppercase words that are not at the beginning of the line. We still need to match words consisting of all numbers and uppercase letters.

That is handled by a relatively small portion of the second expression in the alternation: \b[A-Z0-9]+\b. The \bs represent word boundaries, and the [A-Z0-9]+ matches one or more numbers and capital letters together.

The rest of the expression consists of other lookarounds. (?<!^[A-Z0-9 ]*) is another negative lookbehind, where the expression is ^[A-Z0-9 ]*. This means what precedes must not be all capital letters and numbers.

The second lookaround is (?![A-Z0-9 ]$), which is a negative lookahead. This means what follows must not be all capital letters and numbers.

So, altogether, we are capturing words of all capital letters and numbers, and excluding one-letter, uppercase characters from the start of the line and everything from lines that are all uppercase.

There is at least one weakness here in that the lookarounds in the second alternation expression act independently, so a sentence like "A P1 should connect to the J9" will match J9, but not P1, because everything before P1 is capitalized.

It is possible to get around this issue, but it would almost triple the length of the regex. Trying to do so much in a single regex is seldom, if ever, justfied. You'll be better off breaking up the work either into multiple regexes or a combination of regex and standard string processing commands in your programming language of choice.

Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?

Draft Links:

C++11 (+editorial fixes): N3337 HTML, PDF

C++14 (+editorial fixes): N4140 HTML, PDF

C11 N1570 (text)

C99 N1256

Drafts of the Standard are circulated for comment prior to ratification and publication.

Note that a working draft is not the standard currently in force, and it is not exactly the published standard

How to set the image from drawable dynamically in android?

Here i am setting the frnd_inactive image from drawable to the image

 imageview= (ImageView)findViewById(;

Mockito How to mock and assert a thrown exception?

Unrelated to mockito, one can catch the exception and assert its properties. To verify that the exception did happen, assert a false condition within the try block after the statement that throws the exception.

100% width in React Native Flexbox

just remove the alignItems: 'center' in the container styles and add textAlign: "center" to the line1 style like given below.

It will work well

container: {
  flex: 1,
  justifyContent: 'center',
  backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
  borderWidth: 1,

line1: {
    backgroundColor: '#FDD7E4',

How to click a href link using Selenium

To click() on the element with text as App Configuration you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:

  • linkText:

    driver.findElement(By.linkText("App Configuration")).click();
  • cssSelector:

  • xpath:

    driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[@href='/docs/configuration' and text()='App Configuration']")).click();

Ideally, to click() on the element you need to induce WebDriverWait for the elementToBeClickable() and you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:

  • linkText:

    new WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.linkText("App Configuration"))).click();
  • cssSelector:

    new WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.cssSelector("a[href='/docs/configuration']"))).click();
  • xpath:

    new WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//a[@href='/docs/configuration' and text()='App Configuration']"))).click();


You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussions in:

Reading *.wav files in Python

IMHO, the easiest way to get audio data from a sound file into a NumPy array is SoundFile:

import soundfile as sf
data, fs ='/usr/share/sounds/ekiga/voicemail.wav')

This also supports 24-bit files out of the box.

There are many sound file libraries available, I've written an overview where you can see a few pros and cons. It also features a page explaining how to read a 24-bit wav file with the wave module.

How to pass all arguments passed to my bash script to a function of mine?

I needed a variation on this, which I expect will be useful to others:

function diffs() {
        diff "${@:3}" <(sort "$1") <(sort "$2")

The "${@:3}" part means all the members of the array starting at 3. So this function implements a sorted diff by passing the first two arguments to diff through sort and then passing all other arguments to diff, so you can call it similarly to diff:

diffs file1 file2 [other diff args, e.g. -y]

How to capture the "virtual keyboard show/hide" event in Android?

I have sort of a hack to do this. Although there doesn't seem to be a way to detect when the soft keyboard has shown or hidden, you can in fact detect when it is about to be shown or hidden by setting an OnFocusChangeListener on the EditText that you're listening to.

EditText et = (EditText) findViewById(;
et.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener()
        public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean hasFocus)
            //hasFocus tells us whether soft keyboard is about to show

NOTE: One thing to be aware of with this hack is that this callback is fired immediately when the EditText gains or loses focus. This will actually fire right before the soft keyboard shows or hides. The best way I've found to do something after the keyboard shows or hides is to use a Handler and delay something ~ 400ms, like so:

EditText et = (EditText) findViewById(;
et.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener()
        public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean hasFocus)
            new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable()
                    public void run()
                        //do work here
                }, 400);

Validating an XML against referenced XSD in C#

I had do this kind of automatic validation in VB and this is how I did it (converted to C#):

XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
settings.ValidationFlags = settings.ValidationFlags |
XmlReader XMLvalidator = XmlReader.Create(reader, settings);

Then I subscribed to the settings.ValidationEventHandler event while reading the file.

How do I write JSON data to a file?

Writing JSON to a File

import json

data = {}
data['people'] = []
    'name': 'Scott',
    'website': '',
    'from': 'Nebraska'
    'name': 'Larry',
    'website': '',
    'from': 'Michigan'
    'name': 'Tim',
    'website': '',
    'from': 'Alabama'

with open('data.txt', 'w') as outfile:
    json.dump(data, outfile)

Reading JSON from a File

import json

with open('data.txt') as json_file:
    data = json.load(json_file)
    for p in data['people']:
        print('Name: ' + p['name'])
        print('Website: ' + p['website'])
        print('From: ' + p['from'])

No input file specified

Citing :

If you want to use GoDaddy as a host and you find yourself getting "No input file specified" errors in the control panel, you'll need to create a php5.ini file in your weboot with the following rule:

cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

best easy answer just one line change and you are all set.

recommended for godaddy hosting.

jQuery each loop in table row

Use immediate children selector >:

$('#tblOne > tbody  > tr')

Description: Selects all direct child elements specified by "child" of elements specified by "parent".

How to hide output of subprocess in Python 2.7

Here's a more portable version (just for fun, it is not necessary in your case):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT

    from subprocess import DEVNULL # py3k
except ImportError:
    import os
    DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')

text = u"René Descartes"
p = Popen(['espeak', '-b', '1'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=STDOUT)
assert p.returncode == 0 # use appropriate for your program error handling here

How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in MySQL?

The result is truncated to the maximum length that is given by the group_concat_max_len system variable, which has a default value of 1024 characters, so we first do:

SET group_concat_max_len=100000000;

and then, for example:

SELECT pub_id,GROUP_CONCAT(cate_id SEPARATOR ' ') FROM book_mast GROUP BY pub_id

Datatable vs Dataset

A DataTable object represents tabular data as an in-memory, tabular cache of rows, columns, and constraints. The DataSet consists of a collection of DataTable objects that you can relate to each other with DataRelation objects.

angular-cli server - how to specify default port

There might be a situation when you want to use NodeJS environment variable to specify Angular CLI dev server port. One of the possible solution is to move CLI dev server running into a separate NodeJS script, which will read port value (e.g from .env file) and use it executing ng serve with port parameter:

// run-env.js
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const child_process = require('child_process');

const config = dotenv.config()
const DEV_SERVER_PORT = process.env.DEV_SERVER_PORT || 4200;

const child = child_process.exec(`ng serve --port=${DEV_SERVER_PORT}`);
child.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(data.toString()));

Then you may a) run this script directly via node run-env, b) run it via npm by updating package.json, for example

"scripts": {
  "start": "node run-env"

run-env.js should be committed to the repo, .env should not. More details on the approach can be found in this post: How to change Angular CLI Development Server Port via .env.

Converting milliseconds to minutes and seconds with Javascript

const Minutes = ((123456/60000).toFixed(2)).replace('.',':');

//Result = 2:06

We divide the number in milliseconds (123456) by 60000 to give us the same number in minutes, which here would be 2.0576.

toFixed(2) - Rounds the number to nearest two decimal places, which in this example gives an answer of 2.06.

You then use replace to swap the period for a colon.

Add more than one parameter in Twig path

Consider making your route:

    pattern: /files/management/{project}/{user}
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeTestBundle:File:manage }

since they are required fields. It will make your url's prettier, and be a bit easier to manage.

Your Controller would then look like

 public function projectAction($project, $user)

REST API - file (ie images) processing - best practices

Your second solution is probably the most correct. You should use the HTTP spec and mimetypes the way they were intended and upload the file via multipart/form-data. As far as handling the relationships, I'd use this process (keeping in mind I know zero about your assumptions or system design):

  1. POST to /users to create the user entity.
  2. POST the image to /images, making sure to return a Location header to where the image can be retrieved per the HTTP spec.
  3. PATCH to /users/carPhoto and assign it the ID of the photo given in the Location header of step 2.

CSS :selected pseudo class similar to :checked, but for <select> elements

This worked for me :

select option {
   color: black;
select:not(:checked) {
   color: gray;

How to change the value of attribute in appSettings section with Web.config transformation

I do not like transformations to have any more info than needed. So instead of restating the keys, I simply state the condition and intention. It is much easier to see the intention when done like this, at least IMO. Also, I try and put all the xdt attributes first to indicate to the reader, these are transformations and not new things being defined.

  <add xdt:Locator="Condition(@key='developmentModeUserId')" xdt:Transform="Remove" />
  <add xdt:Locator="Condition(@key='developmentMode')" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes"

In the above it is much easier to see that the first one is removing the element. The 2nd one is setting attributes. It will set/replace any attributes you define here. In this case it will simply set value to false.

add a temporary column with a value

I'm rusty on SQL but I think you could use select as to make your own temporary query columns.

select field1, field2, 'example' as newfield from table1

That would only exist in your query results, of course. You're not actually modifying the table.

Debugging PHP Mail() and/or PHPMailer

It looks like the class.phpmailer.php file is corrupt. I would download the latest version and try again.

I've always used phpMailer's SMTP feature:

$mail->Host = "localhost";

And if you need debug info:

$mail->SMTPDebug  = 2; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
                       // 1 = errors and messages
                       // 2 = messages only

Writing data to a local text file with javascript


<div id="addnew">
    <input type="text" id="id">
    <input type="text" id="content">
    <input type="button" value="Add" id="submit">

<div id="check">
    <input type="text" id="input">
    <input type="button" value="Search" id="search">

JS (writing to the txt file):

function writeToFile(d1, d2){
    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    var fh = fso.OpenTextFile("data.txt", 8, false, 0);
    fh.WriteLine(d1 + ',' + d2);
var submit = document.getElementById("submit");
submit.onclick = function () {
    var id      = document.getElementById("id").value;
    var content = document.getElementById("content").value;
    writeToFile(id, content);

checking a particular row:

function readFile(){
    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    var fh = fso.OpenTextFile("data.txt", 1, false, 0);
    var lines = "";
    while (!fh.AtEndOfStream) {
        lines += fh.ReadLine() + "\r";
    return lines;
var search = document.getElementById("search");
search.onclick = function () {
    var input   = document.getElementById("input").value;
    if (input != "") {
        var text    = readFile();
        var lines   = text.split("\r");
        var result;
        for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            if (lines[i].match(new RegExp(input))) {
                result = "Found: " + lines[i].split(",")[1];
        if (result) { alert(result); }
        else { alert(input + " not found!"); }

Put these inside a .hta file and run it. Tested on W7, IE11. It's working. Also if you want me to explain what's going on, say so.

CSS3 Transition - Fade out effect

You forgot to add a position property to the .dummy-wrap class, and the top/left/bottom/right values don't apply to statically positioned elements (the default)

How to disable a ts rule for a specific line?

You can use /* tslint:disable-next-line */ to locally disable tslint. However, as this is a compiler error disabling tslint might not help.

You can always temporarily cast $ to any:

delete ($ as any).summernote.options.keyMap.pc.TAB

which will allow you to access whatever properties you want.

Edit: As of Typescript 2.6, you can now bypass a compiler error/warning for a specific line:

if (false) {
    // @ts-ignore: Unreachable code error

Note that the official docs "recommend you use [this] very sparingly". It is almost always preferable to cast to any instead as that better expresses intent.

.setAttribute("disabled", false); changes editable attribute to false

Using method set and remove attribute

function radioButton(o) {_x000D_
  var text = document.querySelector("textarea");_x000D_
  if (o.value == "on") {_x000D_
    text.removeAttribute("disabled", "");_x000D_
    text.setAttribute("enabled", "");_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    text.removeAttribute("enabled", "");_x000D_
    text.setAttribute("disabled", "");_x000D_
<input type="radio" name="radioButton" value="on" onclick = "radioButton(this)" />Enable_x000D_
<input type="radio" name="radioButton" value="off" onclick = "radioButton(this)" />Disabled<hr/>_x000D_
<textarea disabled ></textarea>

How to throw a C++ exception

You could define a message to throw when a certain error occurs:

throw std::invalid_argument( "received negative value" );

or you could define it like this:

std::runtime_error greatScott("Great Scott!");          
double getEnergySync(int year) {                        
    if (year == 1955 || year == 1885) throw greatScott; 
    return 1.21e9;                                      

Typically, you would have a try ... catch block like this:

try {
// do something that causes an exception
}catch (std::exception& e){ std::cerr << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; }

Get value from JToken that may not exist (best practices)

I would write GetValue as below

public static T GetValue<T>(this JToken jToken, string key, T defaultValue = default(T))
    dynamic ret = jToken[key];
    if (ret == null) return defaultValue;
    if (ret is JObject) return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(ret.ToString());
    return (T)ret;

This way you can get the value of not only the basic types but also complex objects. Here is a sample

public class ClassA
    public int I;
    public double D;
    public ClassB ClassB;
public class ClassB
    public int I;
    public string S;

var jt = JToken.Parse("{ I:1, D:3.5, ClassB:{I:2, S:'test'} }");

int i1 = jt.GetValue<int>("I");
double d1 = jt.GetValue<double>("D");
ClassB b = jt.GetValue<ClassB>("ClassB");

Access PHP variable in JavaScript

I'm not sure how necessary this is, and it adds a call to getElementById, but if you're really keen on getting inline JavaScript out of your code, you can pass it as an HTML attribute, namely:

<span class="metadata" id="metadata-size-of-widget" title="<?php echo json_encode($size_of_widget) ?>"></span>

And then in your JavaScript:

var size_of_widget = document.getElementById("metadata-size-of-widget").title;

Flask Download a File

To download file on flask call. File name is Examples.pdf When I am hitting it should get download.


from flask import Flask
from flask import send_file
app = Flask(__name__)

def downloadFile ():
    #For windows you need to use drive name [ex: F:/Example.pdf]
    path = "/Examples.pdf"
    return send_file(path, as_attachment=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':,debug=True) 

'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

I had the same problem. Try to make a bat-file to start the Qt Creator. Add something like this to the bat-file:

call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"  

Now I can compile and get:

jom 1.0.8 - empower your cores
11:10:08: The process "C:\QTsdk\qtcreator\bin\jom.exe" exited normally.

What is the volatile keyword useful for?

While I see many good Theoretical explanations in the answers mentioned here, I am adding a practical example with an explanation here:



public class VisibilityDemonstration {

private static int sCount = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    new Consumer().start();
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    new Producer().start();

static class Consumer extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        int localValue = -1;
        while (true) {
            if (localValue != sCount) {
                System.out.println("Consumer: detected count change " + sCount);
                localValue = sCount;
            if (sCount >= 5) {
        System.out.println("Consumer: terminating");

static class Producer extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        while (sCount < 5) {
            int localValue = sCount;
            System.out.println("Producer: incrementing count to " + localValue);
            sCount = localValue;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        System.out.println("Producer: terminating");

In the above code, there are two threads - Producer and Consumer.

The producer thread iterates over the loop 5 times (with a sleep of 1000 milliSecond or 1 Sec) in between. In every iteration, the producer thread increases the value of sCount variable by 1. So, the producer changes the value of sCount from 0 to 5 in all iterations

The consumer thread is in a constant loop and print whenever the value of sCount changes until the value reaches 5 where it ends.

Both the loops are started at the same time. So both the producer and consumer should print the value of sCount 5 times.


Consumer: detected count change 0
Producer: incrementing count to 1
Producer: incrementing count to 2
Producer: incrementing count to 3
Producer: incrementing count to 4
Producer: incrementing count to 5
Producer: terminating


In the above program, when the producer thread updates the value of sCount, it does update the value of the variable in the main memory(memory from where every thread is going to initially read the value of variable). But the consumer thread reads the value of sCount only the first time from this main memory and then caches the value of that variable inside its own memory. So, even if the value of original sCount in main memory has been updated by the producer thread, the consumer thread is reading from its cached value which is not updated. This is called VISIBILITY PROBLEM .



In the above code, replace the line of code where sCount is declared by the following :

private volatile  static int sCount = 0;


Consumer: detected count change 0
Producer: incrementing count to 1
Consumer: detected count change 1
Producer: incrementing count to 2
Consumer: detected count change 2
Producer: incrementing count to 3
Consumer: detected count change 3
Producer: incrementing count to 4
Consumer: detected count change 4
Producer: incrementing count to 5
Consumer: detected count change 5
Consumer: terminating
Producer: terminating


When we declare a variable volatile, it means that all reads and all writes to this variable or from this variable will go directly into the main memory. The values of these variables will never be cached.

As the value of the sCount variable is never cached by any thread, the consumer always reads the original value of sCount from the main memory(where it is being updated by producer thread). So, In this case the output is correct where both the threads prints the different values of sCount 5 times.

In this way, the volatile keyword solves the VISIBILITY PROBLEM .

What are public, private and protected in object oriented programming?

A public item is one that is accessible from any other class. You just have to know what object it is and you can use a dot operator to access it. Protected means that a class and its subclasses have access to the variable, but not any other classes, they need to use a getter/setter to do anything with the variable. A private means that only that class has direct access to the variable, everything else needs a method/function to access or change that data. Hope this helps.

Docker: Container keeps on restarting again on again

Try adding these params to your docker yml file

restart: "no"
  restart: always
  restart: on-failure
  restart: unless-stopped
    POSTGRES_DB: "db_name"

Final file should look something like this

  restart: "no"
  restart: always
  restart: on-failure
  restart: unless-stopped
  image: postgres:latest
    - /data/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
    - "5432:5432"
    POSTGRES_DB: "db_name"

How to count the number of true elements in a NumPy bool array

boolarr.sum(axis=1 or axis=0)

axis = 1 will output number of trues in a row and axis = 0 will count number of trues in columns so


will be (3,1)

C# Break out of foreach loop after X number of items

This should work.

int i = 1;
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listView.Items) {
    if(++i == 50) break;

Temporary tables in stored procedures

For all those recommending using table variables, be cautious in doing so. Table variable cannot be indexed whereas a temp table can be. A table variable is best when working with small amounts of data but if you are working on larger sets of data (e.g. 50k records) a temp table will be much faster than a table variable.

Also keep in mind that you can't rely on a try/catch to force a cleanup within the stored procedure. certain types of failures cannot be caught within a try/catch (e.g. compile failures due to delayed name resolution) if you want to be really certain you may need to create a wrapper stored procedure that can do a try/catch of the worker stored procedure and do the cleanup there.

e.g. create proc worker AS BEGIN -- do something here END

create proc wrapper AS
    Create table #...
       exec worker
       exec worker2 -- using same temp table
       -- etc
       -- handle transaction cleanup here
       drop table #...

One place where table variables are always useful is they do not get rolled back when a transaction is rolled back. This can be useful for capturing debug data that you want to commit outside the primary transaction.

Download history stock prices automatically from yahoo finance in python

You can check out the yahoo_fin package. It was initially created after Yahoo Finance changed their API (documentation is here:

from yahoo_fin import stock_info as si

aapl_data = si.get_data("aapl")

nflx_data = si.get_data("nflx")





Split data frame string column into multiple columns

An easy way is to use sapply() and the [ function:

before <- data.frame(attr = c(1,30,4,6), type=c('foo_and_bar','foo_and_bar_2'))
out <- strsplit(as.character(before$type),'_and_')

For example:

> data.frame(t(sapply(out, `[`)))
   X1    X2
1 foo   bar
2 foo bar_2
3 foo   bar
4 foo bar_2

sapply()'s result is a matrix and needs transposing and casting back to a data frame. It is then some simple manipulations that yield the result you wanted:

after <- with(before, data.frame(attr = attr))
after <- cbind(after, data.frame(t(sapply(out, `[`))))
names(after)[2:3] <- paste("type", 1:2, sep = "_")

At this point, after is what you wanted

> after
  attr type_1 type_2
1    1    foo    bar
2   30    foo  bar_2
3    4    foo    bar
4    6    foo  bar_2

Using set_facts and with_items together in Ansible

Looks like this behavior is how Ansible currently works, although there is a lot of interest in fixing it to work as desired. There's currently a pull request with the desired functionality so hopefully this will get incorporated into Ansible eventually.

How can I add (simple) tracing in C#?

DotNetCoders has a starter article on it: They talk about how to set up the switches in the configuration file and how to write the code, but it is pretty old (2002).

There's another article on CodeProject: A Treatise on Using Debug and Trace classes, including Exception Handling, but it's the same age.

CodeGuru has another article on custom TraceListeners: Implementing a Custom TraceListener

Storing JSON in database vs. having a new column for each key

It seems that you're mainly hesitating whether to use a relational model or not.

As it stands, your example would fit a relational model reasonably well, but the problem may come of course when you need to make this model evolve.

If you only have one (or a few pre-determined) levels of attributes for your main entity (user), you could still use an Entity Attribute Value (EAV) model in a relational database. (This also has its pros and cons.)

If you anticipate that you'll get less structured values that you'll want to search using your application, MySQL might not be the best choice here.

If you were using PostgreSQL, you could potentially get the best of both worlds. (This really depends on the actual structure of the data here... MySQL isn't necessarily the wrong choice either, and the NoSQL options can be of interest, I'm just suggesting alternatives.)

Indeed, PostgreSQL can build index on (immutable) functions (which MySQL can't as far as I know) and in recent versions, you could use PLV8 on the JSON data directly to build indexes on specific JSON elements of interest, which would improve the speed of your queries when searching for that data.


Since there won't be too many columns on which I need to perform search, is it wise to use both the models? Key-per-column for the data I need to search and JSON for others (in the same MySQL database)?

Mixing the two models isn't necessarily wrong (assuming the extra space is negligible), but it may cause problems if you don't make sure the two data sets are kept in sync: your application must never change one without also updating the other.

A good way to achieve this would be to have a trigger perform the automatic update, by running a stored procedure within the database server whenever an update or insert is made. As far as I'm aware, the MySQL stored procedure language probably lack support for any sort of JSON processing. Again PostgreSQL with PLV8 support (and possibly other RDBMS with more flexible stored procedure languages) should be more useful (updating your relational column automatically using a trigger is quite similar to updating an index in the same way).

What is the recommended way to delete a large number of items from DynamoDB?

What I ideally want to do is call LogTable.DeleteItem(user_id) - Without supplying the range, and have it delete everything for me.

An understandable request indeed; I can imagine advanced operations like these might get added over time by the AWS team (they have a history of starting with a limited feature set first and evaluate extensions based on customer feedback), but here is what you should do to avoid the cost of a full scan at least:

  1. Use Query rather than Scan to retrieve all items for user_id - this works regardless of the combined hash/range primary key in use, because HashKeyValue and RangeKeyCondition are separate parameters in this API and the former only targets the Attribute value of the hash component of the composite primary key..

    • Please note that you''ll have to deal with the query API paging here as usual, see the ExclusiveStartKey parameter:

      Primary key of the item from which to continue an earlier query. An earlier query might provide this value as the LastEvaluatedKey if that query operation was interrupted before completing the query; either because of the result set size or the Limit parameter. The LastEvaluatedKey can be passed back in a new query request to continue the operation from that point.

  2. Loop over all returned items and either facilitate DeleteItem as usual

    • Update: Most likely BatchWriteItem is more appropriate for a use case like this (see below for details).


As highlighted by ivant, the BatchWriteItem operation enables you to put or delete several items across multiple tables in a single API call [emphasis mine]:

To upload one item, you can use the PutItem API and to delete one item, you can use the DeleteItem API. However, when you want to upload or delete large amounts of data, such as uploading large amounts of data from Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) or migrate data from another database in to Amazon DynamoDB, this API offers an efficient alternative.

Please note that this still has some relevant limitations, most notably:

  • Maximum operations in a single request — You can specify a total of up to 25 put or delete operations; however, the total request size cannot exceed 1 MB (the HTTP payload).

  • Not an atomic operation — Individual operations specified in a BatchWriteItem are atomic; however BatchWriteItem as a whole is a "best-effort" operation and not an atomic operation. That is, in a BatchWriteItem request, some operations might succeed and others might fail. [...]

Nevertheless this obviously offers a potentially significant gain for use cases like the one at hand.

sub and gsub function?

That won't work if the string contains more than one match... try this:

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ gsub("/", "_") ; system( "echo "  $0) }'

or better (if the echo isn't a placeholder for something else):

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ gsub("/", "_") ; print $0 }'

In your case you want to make a copy of the value before changing it:

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ c=$0; gsub("/", "_", c) ; system( "echo " $0 " " c )}'

Reading string by char till end of line C/C++

If you are using C function fgetc then you should check a next character whether it is equal to the new line character or to EOF. For example

unsigned int count = 0;
while ( 1 )
   int c = fgetc( FileStream );

   if ( c == EOF || c == '\n' )
      printF( "The length of the line is %u\n", count );
      count = 0;
      if ( c == EOF ) break;

or maybe it would be better to rewrite the code using do-while loop. For example

unsigned int count = 0;
   int c = fgetc( FileStream );

   if ( c == EOF || c == '\n' )
      printF( "The length of the line is %u\n", count );
      count = 0;
} while ( c != EOF );

Of course you need to insert your own processing of read xgaracters. It is only an example how you could use function fgetc to read lines of a file.

But if the program is written in C++ then it would be much better if you would use std::ifstream and std::string classes and function std::getline to read a whole line.

AJAX cross domain call

If you are using a php script to get the answer from the remote server, add this line at the begining:

header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

Simple calculations for working with lat/lon and km distance?

Interesting that I didn't see a mention of UTM coordinates.

At least if you want to add km to the same zone, it should be straightforward (in Python : )

utm.from_latlon and utm.to_latlon.

WAITING at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)

I had a similar issue, and following previous answers (thanks!), I was able to search and find how to handle correctly the ThreadPoolExecutor terminaison.

In my case, that just fix my progressive increase of similar blocked threads:

  • I've used ExecutorService::awaitTermination(x, TimeUnit) and ExecutorService::shutdownNow() (if necessary) in my finally clause.
  • For information, I've used the following commands to detect thread count & list locked threads:

    ps -u javaAppuser -L|wc -l

    jcmd `ps -C java -o pid=` Thread.print >> threadPrintDayA.log

    jcmd `ps -C java -o pid=` Thread.print >> threadPrintDayAPlusOne.log

    cat threadPrint*.log |grep "pool-"|wc -l

Split pandas dataframe in two if it has more than 10 rows

Below is a simple function implementation which splits a DataFrame to chunks and a few code examples:

import pandas as pd

def split_dataframe_to_chunks(df, n):
    df_len = len(df)
    count = 0
    dfs = []

    while True:
        if count > df_len-1:

        start = count
        count += n
        #print("%s : %s" % (start, count))
        dfs.append(df.iloc[start : count])
    return dfs

# Create a DataFrame with 10 rows
df = pd.DataFrame([i for i in range(10)])

# Split the DataFrame to chunks of maximum size 2
split_df_to_chunks_of_2 = split_dataframe_to_chunks(df, 2)
print([len(i) for i in split_df_to_chunks_of_2])
# prints: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

# Split the DataFrame to chunks of maximum size 3
split_df_to_chunks_of_3 = split_dataframe_to_chunks(df, 3)
print([len(i) for i in split_df_to_chunks_of_3])
# prints [3, 3, 3, 1]

Switch statement with returns -- code correctness

Wouldn't it be better to have an array with

arr[0] = "blah"
arr[1] = "foo"
arr[2] = "bar"

and do return arr[something];?

If it's about the practice in general, you should keep the break statements in the switch. In the event that you don't need return statements in the future, it lessens the chance it will fall through to the next case.

Finding Variable Type in JavaScript

Use typeof:

> typeof "foo"
> typeof true
> typeof 42

So you can do:

if(typeof bar === 'number') {

Be careful though if you define these primitives with their object wrappers (which you should never do, use literals where ever possible):

> typeof new Boolean(false)
> typeof new String("foo")
> typeof new Number(42)

The type of an array is still object. Here you really need the instanceof operator.


Another interesting way is to examine the output of Object.prototype.toString:

"[object Array]"
>"foo bar")
"[object String]"
"[object Number]"
"[object Boolean]"
> String("foo bar"))
"[object String]"
"[object Null]"
"[object RegExp]"
"[object Undefined]"

With that you would not have to distinguish between primitive values and objects.

How do I loop through a date range?

you can use this.

 DateTime dt0 = new DateTime(2009, 3, 10);
 DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2009, 3, 26);

 for (; dt0.Date <= dt1.Date; dt0=dt0.AddDays(3))
    //take action

JavaScript/jQuery - How to check if a string contain specific words

This will

/\bword\b/.test("Thisword is not valid");

return false, when this one

/\bword\b/.test("This word is valid");

will return true.

What are Bearer Tokens and token_type in OAuth 2?

Anyone can define "token_type" as an OAuth 2.0 extension, but currently "bearer" token type is the most common one.

Basically that's what Facebook is using. Their implementation is a bit behind from the latest spec though.

If you want to be more secure than Facebook (or as secure as OAuth 1.0 which has "signature"), you can use "mac" token type.

However, it will be hard way since the mac spec is still changing rapidly.

Gradle sync failed: failed to find Build Tools revision 24.0.0 rc1

  1. Follow the below procedure to solve the error.

  2. Go to File -> Project structure.

enter image description here

  1. From the drop down box, you will know all the version of build tools that are installed in your android studio.
  2. Look for a higher version. If Gradle cannot find 24.0.0, check if 24.0.1 is present in drop down.
  3. Do a complete code search. Find all the places where "24.0.0" is found. Replace it with "24.0.1"
  4. Do a gradle sync.

Disable double-tap "zoom" option in browser on touch devices

I know this may be old, but I found a solution that worked perfectly for me. No need for crazy meta tags and stopping content zooming.

I'm not 100% sure how cross-device it is, but it worked exactly how I wanted to.

$('.no-zoom').bind('touchend', function(e) {
  // Add your code here. 
  // This line still calls the standard click event, in case the user needs to interact with the element that is being clicked on, but still avoids zooming in cases of double clicking.

This will simply disable the normal tapping function, and then call a standard click event again. This prevents the mobile device from zooming, but otherwise functions as normal.

EDIT: This has now been time-tested and running in a couple live apps. Seems to be 100% cross-browser and platform. The above code should work as a copy-paste solution for most cases, unless you want custom behavior before the click event.

How to fill a Javascript object literal with many static key/value pairs efficiently?

It works fine with the object literal notation:

var map = { key : { "aaa", "rrr" }, 
            key2: { "bbb", "ppp" } // trailing comma leads to syntax error in IE!

Btw, the common way to instantiate arrays

var array = [];
// directly with values:
var array = [ "val1", "val2", 3 /*numbers may be unquoted*/, 5, "val5" ];

and objects

var object = {};

Also you can do either:     // this is prefered but you can also do
obj["property"]  // this is the way to go when you have the keyname stored in a var

var key = "property";
obj[key] // is the same like

Can I install the "app store" in an IOS simulator?

This is NOT possible

The Simulator does not run ARM code, ONLY x86 code. Unless you have the raw source code from Apple, you won't see the App Store on the Simulator.

The app you write you will be able to test in the Simulator by running it directly from Xcode even if you don't have a developer account. To test your app on an actual device, you will need to be apart of the Apple Developer program.

Sublime Text 2: How do I change the color that the row number is highlighted?

This post is for Sublime 3.

I just installed Sublime 3, the 64 bit version, on Ubuntu 14.04. I can't tell the difference between this version and Sublime 2 as far as user interface. The reason I didn't go with Sublime 2 is that it gives an annoying "GLib critical" error messages.

Anyways - previous posts mentioned the file /sublime_text_3/Packages/Color\ Scheme\ -\ Default.sublime-package

I wanted to give two tips here with respect to this file in Sublime 3:

  1. You can edit it with pico and use ^W to search the theme name. The first search result will bring you to an XML style entry where you can change the values. Make a copy before you experiment.
  2. If you choose the theme in the sublime menu (under Preferences/Color Scheme) before you change this file, then the changes will be cached and your change will not take effect. So delete the cached version and restart sublime for the changes to take effect. The cached version is at ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Color Scheme - Default/

Make Div Draggable using CSS

I found this is really helpful:

// Make the DIV element draggable:_x000D_
function dragElement(elmnt) {_x000D_
  var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0;_x000D_
  if (document.getElementById( + "header")) {_x000D_
    // if present, the header is where you move the DIV from:_x000D_
    document.getElementById( + "header").onmousedown = dragMouseDown;_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    // otherwise, move the DIV from anywhere inside the DIV:_x000D_
    elmnt.onmousedown = dragMouseDown;_x000D_
  function dragMouseDown(e) {_x000D_
    e = e || window.event;_x000D_
    // get the mouse cursor position at startup:_x000D_
    pos3 = e.clientX;_x000D_
    pos4 = e.clientY;_x000D_
    document.onmouseup = closeDragElement;_x000D_
    // call a function whenever the cursor moves:_x000D_
    document.onmousemove = elementDrag;_x000D_
  function elementDrag(e) {_x000D_
    e = e || window.event;_x000D_
    // calculate the new cursor position:_x000D_
    pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX;_x000D_
    pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY;_x000D_
    pos3 = e.clientX;_x000D_
    pos4 = e.clientY;_x000D_
    // set the element's new position:_x000D_ = (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2) + "px";_x000D_ = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px";_x000D_
  function closeDragElement() {_x000D_
    // stop moving when mouse button is released:_x000D_
    document.onmouseup = null;_x000D_
    document.onmousemove = null;_x000D_
#mydiv {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  z-index: 9;_x000D_
  background-color: #f1f1f1;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
#mydivheader {_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  cursor: move;_x000D_
  z-index: 10;_x000D_
  background-color: #2196F3;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
 <!-- Draggable DIV -->_x000D_
<div id="mydiv">_x000D_
  <!-- Include a header DIV with the same name as the draggable DIV, followed by "header" -->_x000D_
  <div id="mydivheader">Click here to move</div>_x000D_

I hope you can use it to!

Importing a CSV file into a sqlite3 database table using Python

The following can also add fields' name based on the CSV header:

import sqlite3

def csv_sql(file_dir,table_name,database_name):
    con = sqlite3.connect(database_name)
    cur = con.cursor()
    # Drop the current table by: 
    # cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;" % table_name)

    with open(file_dir, 'r') as fl:
        hd = fl.readline()[:-1].split(',')
        ro = fl.readlines()
        db = [tuple(ro[i][:-1].split(',')) for i in range(len(ro))]

    header = ','.join(hd)
    cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s);" % (table_name,header))
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);" % (table_name,header,('?,'*len(hd))[:-1]), db)

# Example:

How to convert string to integer in UNIX

Use this:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    const char *d1 = "11";
    int d1int = atoi(d1);
    printf("d1 = %d\n", d1);
    return 0;


How to "pretty" format JSON output in Ruby on Rails

Check out Awesome Print. Parse the JSON string into a Ruby Hash, then display it with ap like so:

require "awesome_print"
require "json"

json = '{"holy": ["nested", "json"], "batman!": {"a": 1, "b": 2}}'


With the above, you'll see:

  "holy" => [
    [0] "nested",
    [1] "json"
  "batman!" => {
    "a" => 1,
    "b" => 2

Awesome Print will also add some color that Stack Overflow won't show you.

What is code coverage and how do YOU measure it?

Code coverage has been explained well in the previous answers. So this is more of an answer to the second part of the question.

We've used three tools to determine code coverage.

  1. JTest - a proprietary tool built over JUnit. (It generates unit tests as well.)
  2. Cobertura - an open source code coverage tool that can easily be coupled with JUnit tests to generate reports.
  3. Emma - another - this one we've used for a slightly different purpose than unit testing. It has been used to generate coverage reports when the web application is accessed by end-users. This coupled with web testing tools (example: Canoo) can give you very useful coverage reports which tell you how much code is covered during typical end user usage.

We use these tools to

  • Review that developers have written good unit tests
  • Ensure that all code is traversed during black-box testing

Changing button text onclick

This is simple way to change Submit to loading state   

 <button id="custSub" type="submit" class="button left tiny" data-text-swap="Processing.. &nbsp;">Submit &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></button>

    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {

        $("button").on("click", function() {
          var el = $(this);
          if (el.html() =="text-swap")) {
          } else {
  "text-original", el.html());
          setTimeout(function () {
           }, 500);


Git - how delete file from remote repository

If you deleted a file from the working tree, then commit the deletion:

git commit -a -m "A file was deleted"

And push your commit upstream:

git push

How can I change IIS Express port for a site

You can first start IIS express from command line and give it a port with /port:port-number see other options.

How to get the full url in Express?

You can use this function in the route like this

app.get('/one/two', function (req, res) {
    const url = getFullUrl(req);

 * Gets the self full URL from the request
 * @param {object} req Request
 * @returns {string} URL
const getFullUrl = (req) => `${req.protocol}://${}${req.originalUrl}`;

req.protocol will give you http or https, will give you the full host name like, req.originalUrl will give the rest pathName(in your case /one/two)

Performing Breadth First Search recursively

Let v be the starting vertex

Let G be the graph in question

The following is the pseudo code without using queue

Initially label v as visited as you start from v
    for all adjacent vertices w of v in G:
        if vertex w is not visited:
            label w as visited
    for all adjacent vertices w of v in G:
        recursively call BFS(G,w)

Accessing the logged-in user in a template

For symfony 2.6 and above we can use

{{ app.user.getFirstname() }}

as global variable for Twig template has been deprecated and will be removed from 3.0

more info:

and see the global variables in

Oracle insert from select into table with more columns

just select '0' as the value for the desired column

jquery $(this).id return Undefined

$(this) and this aren't the same. The first represents a jQuery object wrapped around your element. The second is just your element. The id property exists on the element, but not the jQuery object. As such, you have a few options:

  1. Access the property on the element directly:

  2. Access it from the jQuery object:


  3. Pull the object out of jQuery:

    $(this).get(0).id; // Or $(this)[0].id

  4. Get the id from the event object:

    When events are raised, for instance a click event, they carry important information and references around with them. In your code above, you have a click event. This event object has a reference to two items: currentTarget and target.

    Using target, you can get the id of the element that raised the event. currentTarget would simply tell you which element the event is currently bubbling through. These are not always the same.

    $("#button").on("click", function(e){ console.log( ) });

Of all of these, the best option is to just access it directly from this itself, unless you're engaged in a series of nested events, then it might be best to use the event object of each nested event (give them all unique names) to reference elements in higher or lower scopes.

Multi column forms with fieldsets

I disagree that .form-group should be within .col-*-n elements. In my experience, all the appropriate padding happens automatically when you use .form-group like .row within a form.

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
        <label for="user_login">Username</label>
        <input class="form-control" id="user_login" name="user[login]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />

Check out this demo.

Altering the demo slightly by adding .form-horizontal to the form tag changes some of that padding.

<form action="#" method="post" class="form-horizontal">

Check out this demo.

When in doubt, inspect in Chrome or use Firebug in Firefox to figure out things like padding and margins. Using .row within the form fails in edsioufi's fiddle because .row uses negative left and right margins thereby drawing the horizontal bounds of the divs classed .row beyond the bounds of the containing fieldsets.

Change type of varchar field to integer: "cannot be cast automatically to type integer"

I got the same problem. Than I realized I had a default string value for the column I was trying to alter. Removing the default value made the error go away :)

How can I escape square brackets in a LIKE clause?

I needed to exclude names that started with an underscore from a query, so I ended up with this:

WHERE b.[name] not like '\_%' escape '\'  -- use \ as the escape character

Overlay a background-image with an rgba background-color

Yes, there is a way to do this. You could use a pseudo-element after to position a block on top of your background image. Something like this:

The css for the :after looks like this:

#the-div:hover:after {
    content: ' ';
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);

When you want to apply this to a non-empty element, and just get the overlay on the background, you can do so by applying a positive z-index to the element, and a negative one to the :after. Something like this:

#the-div {
    z-index: 1;
#the-div:hover:after {
    z-index: -1;

And the updated fiddle:

Android studio Error "Unsupported Modules Detected: Compilation is not supported for following modules"

1- close the project

2- close Android Studio IDE

3- delete the .idea directory

4- delete all .iml files

5- open Android Studio IDE and import the project

JQuery Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close'

I had a similar problem and in my case, the issue was different (I am using Django templates).

The order of JS was different (I know that's the first thing you check but I was almost sure that that was not the case, but it was). The js calling the dialog was called before jqueryUI library was called.

I am using Django, so was inheriting a template and using {{super.block}} to inherit code from the block as well to the template. I had to move {{super.block}} at the end of the block which solved the issue. The js calling the dialog was declared in the Media class in Django's I spent more than an hour to figure it out. Hope this helps someone.

Scp command syntax for copying a folder from local machine to a remote server

scp -r C:/site user@server_ip:path

path is the place, where site will be copied into the remote server

EDIT: As I said in my comment, try pscp, as you want to use scp using PuTTY.

The other option is WinSCP

How to automatically reload a page after a given period of inactivity

Yes dear,then you have to use Ajax technology. to changes contents of particular html tag:

        <script src=""></script>
        <title>Ajax Page</title>
        setInterval(function () { autoloadpage(); }, 30000); // it will call the function autoload() after each 30 seconds. 
        function autoloadpage() {
                url: "URL of the destination page",
                type: "POST",
                success: function(data) {
                    $("div#wrapper").html(data); // here the wrapper is main div
    <div id="wrapper">
    contents will be changed automatically. 

.jar error - could not find or load main class

Thanks jbaliuka for the suggestion. I opened the registry editor (by typing regedit in cmd) and going to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > jarfile > shell > open > command, then opening (Default) and changing the value from

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*


"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -jar "%1" %*

(I just removed the w in javaw.exe.) After that you have to right click a jar -> open with -> choose default program -> navigate to your java folder and open \jre7\bin\java.exe (or any other java.exe file in you java folder). If it doesn't work, try switching to javaw.exe, open a jar file with it, then switch back.

I don't know anything about editing the registry except that it's dangerous, so you might wanna back it up before doing this (in the top bar, File>Export).

The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

I was getting this issue intermittently, I had followed the instructions here and very similar ones elsewhere. All was configured correctly.

This page: helped me find the problem.

Basically I had duplicate CID's for the MSDTC across both servers. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CID

See: section Ensure that MSDTC is assigned a unique CID value

I am working with virtual servers and our server team likes to use the same image for every server. It's a simple fix and we didn't need a restart. But the DTC service did need setting to Automatic startup and did need to be started after the re-install.

How to include !important in jquery

I solved this problem with:

inputObj.css('cssText', inputObj.attr('style')+'padding-left: ' + (width + 5) + 'px !IMPORTANT;');

So no inline-Style is lost, an the last overrides the first

How do I use a third-party DLL file in Visual Studio C++?

You only need to use LoadLibrary if you want to late bind and only resolve the imported functions at runtime. The easiest way to use a third party dll is to link against a .lib.

In reply to your edit:

Yes, the third party API should consist of a dll and/or a lib that contain the implementation and header files that declares the required types. You need to know the type definitions whichever method you use - for LoadLibrary you'll need to define function pointers, so you could just as easily write your own header file instead. Basically, you only need to use LoadLibrary if you want late binding. One valid reason for this would be if you aren't sure if the dll will be available on the target PC.

Concatenating string and integer in python

Python is an interesting language in that while there is usually one (or two) "obvious" ways to accomplish any given task, flexibility still exists.

s = "string"
i = 0

print (s + repr(i))

The above code snippet is written in Python3 syntax but the parentheses after print were always allowed (optional) until version 3 made them mandatory.

Hope this helps.


How to convert unsigned long to string

char buffer [50];

unsigned long a = 5;

int n=sprintf (buffer, "%lu", a);

Cannot enqueue Handshake after invoking quit

I think this issue is similar to mine:

  1. Connect to MySQL
  2. End MySQL service (should not quit node script)
  3. Start MySQL service, Node reconnects to MySQL
  4. Query the DB -> FAIL (Cannot enqueue Query after fatal error.)

I solved this issue by recreating a new connection with the use of promises (q).


'use strict';
var config          = require('./../config.js');
var colors          = require('colors');
var mysql           = require('mysql');
var q               = require('q');
var MySQLConnection = {};

MySQLConnection.connect = function(){
    var d = q.defer();
    MySQLConnection.connection = mysql.createConnection({
        host                : 'localhost',
        user                : 'root',
        password            : 'password',
        database            : 'database'

    MySQLConnection.connection.connect(function (err) {
        if(err) {
            console.log('Not connected '.red, err.toString().red, ' RETRYING...'.blue);
        } else {
            console.log('Connected to Mysql. Exporting..'.blue);
    return d.promise;

module.exports = MySQLConnection;


var colors          = require('colors');
var mysqlCon        = require('./mysql-con.js');
    mysql = con;
    mysql.on('error', function (err, result) {
        console.log('error occurred. Reconneting...'.purple);
    mysql.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function (err, results) {
            if(err) console.log('err',err);
            console.log('Works bro ',results);

mysqlAPI.reconnect = function(){
      console.log("connected. getting new reference");
        mysql = con;
        mysql.on('error', function (err, result) {
    }, function (error) {
      console.log("try again");
        setTimeout(mysqlAPI.reconnect, 2000);

I hope this helps.

malloc for struct and pointer in C

When you allocate memory for struct Vector you just allocate memory for pointer x, i.e. for space, where its value, which contains address, will be placed. So such way you do not allocate memory for the block, on which y.x will reference.

How do I launch a Git Bash window with particular working directory using a script?

Windows 10

This is basically @lengxuehx's answer, but updated for Win 10, and it assumes your bash installation is from Git Bash for Windows from git's official downloads.

cmd /c (start /b "%cd%" "C:\Program Files\GitW\git-bash.exe") && exit

I ended up using this after I lost my context-menu items for Git Bash as my command to run from the registry settings. In case you're curious about that, I did this:

  1. Create a new key called Bash in the shell key at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell
  2. Add a string value to Icon (not a new key!) that is the full path to your git-bash.exe, including the git-bash.exe part. You might need to wrap this in quotes.
  3. Edit the default value of Bash to the text you want to use in the context menu enter image description here
  4. Add a sub-key to Bash called command
  5. Modify command's default value to cmd /c (start /b "%cd%" "C:\Program Files\GitW\git-bash.exe") && exit enter image description here

Then you should be able to close the registry and start using Git Bash from anywhere that's a real directory. For example, This PC is not a real directory.

enter image description here

HTML5 video - show/hide controls programmatically

<video id="myvideo">
  <source src="path/to/movie.mp4" />

<p onclick="toggleControls();">Toggle</p>

var video = document.getElementById("myvideo");

function toggleControls() {
  if (video.hasAttribute("controls")) {
  } else {

See it working on jsFiddle:

Pass in an array of Deferreds to $.when()

To pass an array of values to any function that normally expects them to be separate parameters, use Function.prototype.apply, so in this case you need:

$.when.apply($, my_array).then( ___ );


In ES6, you can use the ... spread operator instead:

$.when(...my_array).then( ___ );

In either case, since it's unlikely that you'll known in advance how many formal parameters the .then handler will require, that handler would need to process the arguments array in order to retrieve the result of each promise.

Get specific object by id from array of objects in AngularJS

I know I am too late to answer but it's always better to show up rather than not showing up at all :). ES6 way to get it:

$http.get("data/SampleData.json").then(response => {
let id = 'xyz';
let item = => === id);
console.log(item); //your desired item

How to call a parent class function from derived class function?

I'll take the risk of stating the obvious: You call the function, if it's defined in the base class it's automatically available in the derived class (unless it's private).

If there is a function with the same signature in the derived class you can disambiguate it by adding the base class's name followed by two colons base_class::foo(...). You should note that unlike Java and C#, C++ does not have a keyword for "the base class" (super or base) since C++ supports multiple inheritance which may lead to ambiguity.

class left {
    void foo();

class right {
    void foo();

class bottom : public left, public right {
    void foo()
        //base::foo();// ambiguous

        // and when foo() is not called for 'this':
        bottom b;
        b.left::foo();  // calls from 'left'
        b.right::foo();  // call from 'right'

Incidentally, you can't derive directly from the same class twice since there will be no way to refer to one of the base classes over the other.

class bottom : public left, public left { // Illegal

Problems with installation of Google App Engine SDK for php in OS X

It's likely that the download was corrupted if you are getting an error with the disk image. Go back to the downloads page at and look at the SHA1 checksum. Then, go to your Terminal app on your mac and run the following:

openssl sha1 [put the full path to the file here without brackets] 

For example:

openssl sha1 /Users/me/Desktop/myFile.dmg 

If you get a different value than the one on the Downloads page, you know your file is not properly downloaded and you should try again.

How do you unit test private methods?

There are 2 types of private methods. Static Private Methods and Non Static Private methods(Instance Methods). The following 2 articles explain how to unit test private methods with examples.

  1. Unit Testing Static Private Methods
  2. Unit Testing Non Static Private Methods

Calling stored procedure with return value

ExecuteScalar(); will work, but an output parameter would be a superior solution.

Switch focus between editor and integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code

Generally, VS Code uses ctrl+j to open Terminal, so I created a keybinding to switch with ctrl+k combination, like below at keybindings.json:

        "key": "ctrl+k",
        "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus"
        "key": "ctrl+k",
        "command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup",
        "when": "terminalFocus"

SQL Server find and replace specific word in all rows of specific column

You can also export the database and then use a program like notepad++ to replace words and then inmport aigain.

Moving Git repository content to another repository preserving history

Perfectly described here

First, we have to fetch all of the remote branches and tags from the existing repository to our local index:

git fetch origin

We can check for any missing branches that we need to create a local copy of:

git branch -a

Let’s use the SSH-cloned URL of our new repository to create a new remote in our existing local repository:

git remote add new-origin [email protected]:manakor/manascope.git

Now we are ready to push all local branches and tags to the new remote named new-origin:

git push --all new-origin 
git push --tags new-origin

Let’s make new-origin the default remote:

git remote rm origin

Rename new-origin to just origin, so that it becomes the default remote:

git remote rename new-origin origin

UML class diagram enum

Typically you model the enum itself as a class with the enum stereotype

Truncate string in Laravel blade templates

In Laravel 4 & 5 (up to 5.7), you can use str_limit, which limits the number of characters in a string.

While in Laravel 7 up, you can use the Str::limit helper.

//For Laravel  to Laravel 7

{{ Illuminate\Support\Str::limit($post->title, 20, $end='...') }}

Git: Pull from other remote

git pull is really just a shorthand for git pull <remote> <branchname>, in most cases it's equivalent to git pull origin master. You will need to add another remote and pull explicitly from it. This page describes it in detail:

Does "git fetch --tags" include "git fetch"?

git fetch upstream --tags

works just fine, it will only get new tags and will not get any other code base.

Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()?

Imagine, bind is not available. you can easily construct it as follow :

var someFunction=...
var objToBind=....

var bindHelper =  function (someFunction, objToBind) {
    return function() {
        someFunction.apply( objToBind, arguments );


How to convert hex to rgb using Java?

The other day I'd been solving the similar issue and found convenient to convert hex color string to int array [alpha, r, g, b]:

 * Hex color string to int[] array converter
 * @param hexARGB should be color hex string: #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB
 * @return int[] array: [alpha, r, g, b]
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException

public static int[] hexStringToARGB(String hexARGB) throws IllegalArgumentException {

    if (!hexARGB.startsWith("#") || !(hexARGB.length() == 7 || hexARGB.length() == 9)) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hex color string is incorrect!");

    int[] intARGB = new int[4];

    if (hexARGB.length() == 9) {
        intARGB[0] = Integer.valueOf(hexARGB.substring(1, 3), 16); // alpha
        intARGB[1] = Integer.valueOf(hexARGB.substring(3, 5), 16); // red
        intARGB[2] = Integer.valueOf(hexARGB.substring(5, 7), 16); // green
        intARGB[3] = Integer.valueOf(hexARGB.substring(7), 16); // blue
    } else hexStringToARGB("#FF" + hexARGB.substring(1));

    return intARGB;

Dataframe to Excel sheet

From your above needs, you will need to use both Python (to export pandas data frame) and VBA (to delete existing worksheet content and copy/paste external data).

With Python: use the to_csv or to_excel methods. I recommend the to_csv method which performs better with larger datasets.

from pandas import ExcelWriter

writer = ExcelWriter('PythonExport.xlsx')

yourdf.to_csv('PythonExport.csv', sep=',')

With VBA: copy and paste source to destination ranges.

Fortunately, in VBA you can call Python scripts using Shell (assuming your OS is Windows).

Sub DataFrameImport()
  Shell "C:\pathTo\python.exe", vbNormalFocus


End Sub

Alternatively, you can do vice versa: run a macro (ClearExistingContent) with Python. Be sure your Excel file is a macro-enabled (.xlsm) one with a saved macro to delete Sheet 5 content only. Note: macros cannot be saved with csv files.

import os
import win32com.client
from pandas import ExcelWriter

if os.path.exists("C:\Full Location\To\excelsheet.xlsm"):
  wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(Filename="C:\Full Location\To\excelsheet.xlsm")

  del xl

  writer = ExcelWriter('C:\Full Location\To\excelsheet.xlsm')

How to increase image size of pandas.DataFrame.plot in jupyter notebook?

If you want to make a change global to the whole notebook:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [10, 5]

Changing the highlight color when selecting text in an HTML text input

Here is the rub:

    ::selection {
      background: #ffb7b7; /* WebKit/Blink Browsers /
    ::-moz-selection {
      background: #ffb7b7; / Gecko Browsers */
Within the selection selector, color and background are the only properties that work. What you can do for some extra flair, is change the selection color for different paragraphs or different sections of the page.

All I did was use different selection color for paragraphs with different classes: {
      background: #ffb7b7;
    } {
      background: #ffb7b7;
    } {
      background: #a8d1ff;
    } {
      background: #a8d1ff;
    p.yellow::selection {
      background: #fff2a8;
    p.yellow::-moz-selection {
      background: #fff2a8;
Note how the selectors are not combined, even though >the style block is doing the same thing. It doesn't work if you combine them:

<pre>/* Combining like this WILL NOT WORK */
p.yellow::-moz-selection {
  background: #fff2a8;

That's because browsers ignore the entire selector if there is a part of it they don't understand or is invalid. There is some exceptions to this (IE 7?) but not in relation to these selectors.



How to set xampp open localhost:8080 instead of just localhost

I believe the admin button will open the default configuration always. It simply contains a link to localhost/xampp and it doesn't read the server configuration.

If you change the default settings, you know what you changed and you can enter the URL directly in the browser.

How to display a list using ViewBag

This is what i did and It worked...


ViewBag.DisplaylList = listData; 


var dispalyList= @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(this.ViewBag.DisplaylList));
for(var i=0;i<dispalyList.length; i++){

 var row = dispalyList[i];


What's the syntax for mod in java

Another way is:

boolean isEven = false;
if((a % 2) == 0)
    isEven = true;

But easiest way is still:

boolean isEven = (a % 2) == 0;

Like @Steve Kuo said.

The most accurate way to check JS object's type?

I'd argue that most of the solutions shown here suffer from being over-engineerd. Probably the most simple way to check if a value is of type [object Object] is to check against the .constructor property of it:

function isObject (a) { return a != null && a.constructor === Object; }

or even shorter with arrow-functions:

const isObject = a => a != null && a.constructor === Object;

The a != null part is necessary because one might pass in null or undefined and you cannot extract a constructor property from either of these.

It works with any object created via:

  • the Object constructor
  • literals {}

Another neat feature of it, is it's ability to give correct reports for custom classes which make use of Symbol.toStringTag. For example:

class MimicObject {
  get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
    return 'Object';

The problem here is that when calling Object.prototype.toString on an instance of it, the false report [object Object] will be returned:

let fakeObj = new MimicObject();; // -> [object Object]

But checking against the constructor gives a correct result:

let fakeObj = new MimicObject();
fakeObj.constructor === Object; // -> false

How to convert a file to utf-8 in Python?

Thanks for the replies, it works!

And since the source files are in mixed formats, I added a list of source formats to be tried in sequence (sourceFormats), and on UnicodeDecodeError I try the next format:

from __future__ import with_statement

import os
import sys
import codecs
from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector

targetFormat = 'utf-8'
outputDir = 'converted'
detector = UniversalDetector()

def get_encoding_type(current_file):
    for line in file(current_file):
        if detector.done: break
    return detector.result['encoding']

def convertFileBestGuess(filename):
   sourceFormats = ['ascii', 'iso-8859-1']
   for format in sourceFormats:
        with, 'rU', format) as sourceFile:
      except UnicodeDecodeError:

def convertFileWithDetection(fileName):
    print("Converting '" + fileName + "'...")
        with, 'rU', format) as sourceFile:
    except UnicodeDecodeError:

    print("Error: failed to convert '" + fileName + "'.")

def writeConversion(file):
    with + '/' + fileName, 'w', targetFormat) as targetFile:
        for line in file:

# Off topic: get the file list and call convertFile on each file
# ...

(EDIT by Rudro Badhon: this incorporates the original try multiple formats until you don't get an exception as well as an alternate approach that uses chardet.universaldetector)

MongoDB: How to find the exact version of installed MongoDB

From the Java API:

Document result = mongoDatabase.runCommand(new Document("buildInfo", 1));
String version = (String) result.get("version");
List<Integer> versionArray = (List<Integer>) result.get("versionArray");

Best font for coding

Inconsolata ( is a great monospaced font for programming. Earlier versions tend to act weird on OS X, but the newer versions work out very well.

How to force an entire layout View refresh?


Guys I tried all of your Solutions but they did not worked for me, I have to set setVisibility of EditText to VISIBLE and this EditText should be visible then in ScrollView, but I was unable to refresh root view to take effect. I solved my problem, when I need to refresh the view so I changed the ScrollView visibility to GONE and then again set it to VISIBLE to take effect and it worked for me. This is not the exact solution but it only worked.

 private void refreshView(){

Git - Pushing code to two remotes

In recent versions of Git you can add multiple pushurls for a given remote. Use the following to add two pushurls to your origin:

git remote set-url --add --push origin git://original/repo.git
git remote set-url --add --push origin git://another/repo.git

So when you push to origin, it will push to both repositories.

UPDATE 1: Git and 1.8.1 (and possibly other versions) seem to have a bug that causes --add to replace the original URL the first time you use it, so you need to re-add the original URL using the same command. Doing git remote -v should reveal the current URLs for each remote.

UPDATE 2: Junio C. Hamano, the Git maintainer, explained it's how it was designed. Doing git remote set-url --add --push <remote_name> <url> adds a pushurl for a given remote, which overrides the default URL for pushes. However, you may add multiple pushurls for a given remote, which then allows you to push to multiple remotes using a single git push. You can verify this behavior below:

$ git clone git://original/repo.git
$ git remote -v
origin  git://original/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git://original/repo.git (push)
$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.'

Now, if you want to push to two or more repositories using a single command, you may create a new remote named all (as suggested by @Adam Nelson in comments), or keep using the origin, though the latter name is less descriptive for this purpose. If you still want to use origin, skip the following step, and use origin instead of all in all other steps.

So let's add a new remote called all that we'll reference later when pushing to multiple repositories:

$ git remote add all git://original/repo.git
$ git remote -v
all git://original/repo.git (fetch)               <-- ADDED
all git://original/repo.git (push)                <-- ADDED
origin  git://original/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git://original/repo.git (push)
$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.all'
remote.all.url=git://original/repo.git            <-- ADDED
remote.all.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/all/* <-- ADDED

Then let's add a pushurl to the all remote, pointing to another repository:

$ git remote set-url --add --push all git://another/repo.git
$ git remote -v
all git://original/repo.git (fetch)
all git://another/repo.git (push)                 <-- CHANGED
origin  git://original/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git://original/repo.git (push)
$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.all'
remote.all.pushurl=git://another/repo.git         <-- ADDED

Here git remote -v shows the new pushurl for push, so if you do git push all master, it will push the master branch to git://another/repo.git only. This shows how pushurl overrides the default url (remote.all.url).

Now let's add another pushurl pointing to the original repository:

$ git remote set-url --add --push all git://original/repo.git
$ git remote -v
all git://original/repo.git (fetch)
all git://another/repo.git (push)
all git://original/repo.git (push)                <-- ADDED
origin  git://original/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git://original/repo.git (push)
$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.all'
remote.all.pushurl=git://original/repo.git        <-- ADDED

You see both pushurls we added are kept. Now a single git push all master will push the master branch to both git://another/repo.git and git://original/repo.git.

Command-line tool for finding out who is locking a file

Handle didn't find that WhatsApp is holding lock on a file .tmp.node in temp folder. ProcessExplorer - Find works better Look at this answer

Reporting Services permissions on SQL Server R2 SSRS

First, Make sure that the current user is a member of Local Administrator Group on the server that running SSRS to can manage SSRS permissions,

Note: By default, the local admins have full permission to manage SSRS.

Now, try to do the following:

Note: if the issue still exists, so it's not a permission issue, you need to adjust the Internet Explorer settings as mentioned at User does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed

Makefile to compile multiple C programs?

# 'A Generic Makefile for Building Multiple main() Targets in $PWD'
# Author:  Robert A. Nader (2012)
# Email: naderra at some g
# Web: xiberix
#  The purpose of this makefile is to compile to executable all C source
#  files in CWD, where each .c file has a main() function, and each object
#  links with a common LDFLAG.
#  This makefile should suffice for simple projects that require building
#  similar executable targets.  For example, if your CWD build requires
#  exclusively this pattern:
#  cc -c $(CFLAGS) main_01.c
#  cc main_01.o $(LDFLAGS) -o main_01
#  cc -c $(CFLAGS) main_2..c
#  cc main_02.o $(LDFLAGS) -o main_02
#  etc, ... a common case when compiling the programs of some chapter,
#  then you may be interested in using this makefile.
#  What YOU do:
#  Set PRG_SUFFIX_FLAG below to either 0 or 1 to enable or disable
#  the generation of a .exe suffix on executables
#  Set CFLAGS and LDFLAGS according to your needs.
#  What this makefile does automagically:
#  Sets SRC to a list of *.c files in PWD using wildcard.
#  Sets PRGS BINS and OBJS using pattern substitution.
#  Compiles each individual .c to .o object file.
#  Links each individual .o to its corresponding executable.
CFLAGS := -g -Wall $(CFLAGS_INC)
## ==================- NOTHING TO CHANGE BELOW THIS LINE ===================
SRCS := $(wildcard *.c)
PRGS := $(patsubst %.c,%,$(SRCS))
BINS := $(patsubst %,%$(PRG_SUFFIX),$(PRGS))
## OBJS are automagically compiled by make.
OBJS := $(patsubst %,%.o,$(PRGS))
all : $(BINS)
## For clarity sake we make use of:
OBJ = $(patsubst %$(PRG_SUFFIX),%.o,$@)
ifeq ($(PRG_SUFFIX_FLAG),0)
        BIN = $(patsubst %$(PRG_SUFFIX),%,$@)
        BIN = $@
## Compile the executables
    $(CC) $(OBJ)  $(LDFLAGS) -o $(BIN)
## $(OBJS) should be automagically removed right after linking.
ifeq ($(PRG_SUFFIX_FLAG),0)
    $(RM) $(PRGS)
    $(RM) $(BINS)
rebuild: veryclean all
## eof Generic_Multi_Main_PWD.makefile

Hide HTML element by id

<style type="text/css">
  #nav-ask{ display:none; }

How can I determine the current CPU utilization from the shell?

You need to sample the load average for several seconds and calculate the CPU utilization from that. If unsure what to you, get the sources of "top" and read it.

How to use Global Variables in C#?

A useful feature for this is using static

As others have said, you have to create a class for your globals:

public static class Globals {
    public const float PI = 3.14;

But you can import it like this in order to no longer write the class name in front of its static properties:

using static Globals;
Console.WriteLine("Pi is " + PI);

Put buttons at bottom of screen with LinearLayout?




combining two string variables

IMO, froadie's simple concatenation is fine for a simple case like you presented. If you want to put together several strings, the string join method seems to be preferred:

the_text = ''.join(['the ', 'quick ', 'brown ', 'fox ', 'jumped ', 'over ', 'the ', 'lazy ', 'dog.'])

Edit: Note that join wants an iterable (e.g. a list) as its single argument.

How can I find where Python is installed on Windows?

If you have the py command installed, which you likely do, then just use the --list-paths argument to the command:

py --list-paths

Example output:

Installed Pythons found by py Launcher for Windows
-3.8-32 C:\Users\cscott\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\python.exe *
-2.7-64 C:\Python27\python.exe

The * indicates the currently active version for scripts executed using the py command.

CMake output/build directory

As of CMake Wiki:

CMAKE_BINARY_DIR if you are building in-source, this is the same as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR, otherwise this is the top level directory of your build tree

Compare these two variables to determine if out-of-source build was started

How to create own dynamic type or dynamic object in C#?

ExpandoObject is what are you looking for.

dynamic MyDynamic = new ExpandoObject(); // note, the type MUST be dynamic to use dynamic invoking.
MyDynamic.A = "A";
MyDynamic.B = "B";
MyDynamic.C = "C";
MyDynamic.TheAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything = 42;

scrollIntoView Scrolls just too far

Fix it in 20 seconds:

This solution belongs to @Arseniy-II, I have just simplified it into a function.

function _scrollTo(selector, yOffset = 0){
  const el = document.querySelector(selector);
  const y = el.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset + yOffset;

  window.scrollTo({top: y, behavior: 'smooth'});

Usage (you can open up the console right here in StackOverflow and test it out):

_scrollTo('#question-header', 0);

I'm currently using this in production and it is working just fine.

How to set password for Redis?

How to set redis password ?

step 1. stop redis server using below command /etc/init.d/redis-server stop

step 2.enter command : sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

step 3.find # requirepass foobared word and remove # and change foobared to YOUR PASSWORD

ex. requirepass root

Android Camera Preview Stretched

I gave up the calculations and simply get the size of the view where I want the camera preview displayed and set the camera's preview size the same (just flipped width/height due to rotation) in my custom SurfaceView implementation:

@Override // CameraPreview extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback { 
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {

    Display display = ((WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(

    if (display.getRotation() == Surface.ROTATION_0) {
        final Camera.Parameters params = camera.getParameters();
        // viewParams is from the view where the preview is displayed
        params.setPreviewSize(viewParams.height, viewParams.width);
    // I do not enable rotation, so this can otherwise stay as is

How to replace a string in an existing file in Perl?

Anything wrong with a one-liner?

$ perl -pi.bak -e 's/blue/red/g' *_classification.dat


  • -p processes, then prints <> line by line
  • -i activates in-place editing. Files are backed up using the .bak extension
  • The regex substitution acts on the implicit variable, which are the contents of the file, line-by-line

Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices

If you just need to resolve one dependency for the purpose of passing it to the constructor of another dependency you are registering, you can do this.

Let's say you had a service that took in a string and an ISomeService.

public class AnotherService : IAnotherService
    public AnotherService(ISomeService someService, string serviceUrl)

When you go to register this inside Startup.cs, you'll need to do this:

services.AddScoped<IAnotherService>(ctx => 
      new AnotherService(ctx.GetService<ISomeService>(), "")

How do I concatenate a boolean to a string in Python?

answer = True
myvar = "the answer is " + str(answer)

Python does not do implicit casting, as implicit casting can mask critical logic errors. Just cast answer to a string itself to get its string representation ("True"), or use string formatting like so:

myvar = "the answer is %s" % answer

Note that answer must be set to True (capitalization is important).

iOS Detection of Screenshot?

Latest SWIFT 3:

func detectScreenShot(action: @escaping () -> ()) {
        let mainQueue = OperationQueue.main
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .UIApplicationUserDidTakeScreenshot, object: nil, queue: mainQueue) { notification in
            // executes after screenshot

In viewDidLoad, call this function

detectScreenShot { () -> () in
 print("User took a screen shot")


NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(test), name: .UIApplicationUserDidTakeScreenshot, object: nil)

    func test() {
    //do stuff here

works totally fine. I don't see any points of mainQueue...

How to place the "table" at the middle of the webpage?

The shortest and easiest answer is: you shouldn't vertically center things in webpages. HTML and CSS simply are not created with that in mind. They are text formatting languages, not user interface design languages.

That said, this is the best way I can think of. However, this will NOT WORK in Internet Explorer 7 and below!

  html, body {
    height: 100%;
  #tableContainer-1 {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    display: table;
  #tableContainer-2 {
    vertical-align: middle;
    display: table-cell;
    height: 100%;
  #myTable {
    margin: 0 auto;
<div id="tableContainer-1">
  <div id="tableContainer-2">
    <table id="myTable" border>
      <tr><td>Name</td><td>J W BUSH</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Company</td><td>BLAH BLAH</td></tr>

Jquery, Clear / Empty all contents of tbody element?




    <tbody id="tbodyid">

Works for me

jQuery detect if textarea is empty

You just need to get the value of the texbox and see if it has anything in it:

if (!$(`#textareaid`).val().length)
     //do stuff

How to check if a character in a string is a digit or letter

You could use the existing methods from the Character class. Take a look at the docs:

So, you could do something like this...

String character =;
char c = character.charAt(0);
if (Character.isDigit(c)) { 
} else if (Character.isLetter(c)) {

If you ever want to know exactly how this is implemented, you could always look at the Java source code.

php get values from json encode

json_decode will return the same array that was originally encoded. For instanse, if you

$array = json_decode($json, true);
echo $array['countryId'];


$obj= json_decode($json);

echo $obj->countryId;

These both will echo 84. I think json_encode and json_decode function names are self-explanatory...

Trying to git pull with error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied

In my case work that: I just wrote sudo before the command :

sudo npm run deploy

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\DB' not found and I also cannot use a new Model

I like to do this witch i think is cleaner :

1 - Add the model to namespace:

use App\Employee;

2 - then you can do :

$employees = Employee::get();

or maybe somthing like this:

$employee = Employee::where('name', 'John')->first();

How should I call 3 functions in order to execute them one after the other?

I believe the async library will provide you a very elegant way to do this. While promises and callbacks can get a little hard to juggle with, async can give neat patterns to streamline your thought process. To run functions in serial, you would need to put them in an async waterfall. In async lingo, every function is called a task that takes some arguments and a callback; which is the next function in the sequence. The basic structure would look something like:

  // A list of functions
      // Function no. 1 in sequence
      callback(null, arg);
  function(arg, callback){
      // Function no. 2 in sequence
function(err, results){
   // Optional final callback will get results for all prior functions

I've just tried to briefly explain the structure here. Read through the waterfall guide for more information, it's pretty well written.

Use virtualenv with Python with Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu

I was able to use the workspace setting that other people on this page have been asking for.

In Preferences, ?+P, search for python.pythonPath in the search bar.

You should see something like:

// Path to Python, you can use a custom version of Python by modifying this setting to include the full path.
"python.pythonPath": "python"

Then click on the WORKSPACE SETTINGS tab on the right side of the window. This will make it so the setting is only applicable to the workspace you're in.

Afterwards, click on the pencil icon next to "python.pythonPath". This should copy the setting over the workspace settings.

Change the value to something like:

"python.pythonPath": "${workspaceFolder}/venv"

How do I get the time of day in javascript/Node.js?

Check out the moment.js library. It works with browsers as well as with Node.JS. Allows you to write




without prior writing of any functions.

How to Get JSON Array Within JSON Object?

  Gson gson = new Gson();
                Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Data>>() {}.getType();
                List<Data>     cartProductList = gson.fromJson(response.body().get("data"), listType);
                Toast.makeText(getContext(), ""+cartProductList.get(0).getCity(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

How do I dynamically assign properties to an object in TypeScript?

Although the compiler complains it should still output it as you require. However, this will work.

var s = {};
s['prop'] = true;

ASP.Net MVC Redirect To A Different View

Here's what you can do:

return View("another view name", anotherviewmodel);

ArrayList initialization equivalent to array initialization

Well, in Java there's no literal syntax for lists, so you have to do .add().

If you have a lot of elements, it's a bit verbose, but you could either:

  1. use Groovy or something like that
  2. use Arrays.asList(array)

2 would look something like:

String[] elements = new String[] {"Ryan", "Julie", "Bob"};
List list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(elements));

This results in some unnecessary object creation though.

Logging POST data from $request_body

nginx log format taken from here:

no need to install anything extra

worked for me for GET and POST requests:

upstream my_upstream {
   server upstream_ip:upstream_port;

location / {
    log_format postdata '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                       '"$request" $status $bytes_sent '
                       '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$request_body"';
    access_log /path/to/nginx_access.log postdata;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_pass http://my_upstream;

just change upstream_ip and upstream_port

How to pass IEnumerable list to controller in MVC including checkbox state?

Use a list instead and replace your foreach loop with a for loop:

@model IList<BlockedIPViewModel>

@using (Html.BeginForm()) 

    @for (var i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++) 
                @Html.HiddenFor(x => x[i].IP)           
                @Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x[i].Checked)
                @Html.DisplayFor(x => x[i].IP)
        <input type="submit" value="Unblock IPs" />

Alternatively you could use an editor template:

@model IEnumerable<BlockedIPViewModel>

@using (Html.BeginForm()) 
        <input type="submit" value="Unblock IPs" />

and then define the template ~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/BlockedIPViewModel.cshtml which will automatically be rendered for each element of the collection:

@model BlockedIPViewModel
        @Html.HiddenFor(x => x.IP)
        @Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x.Checked)
        @Html.DisplayFor(x => x.IP)

The reason you were getting null in your controller is because you didn't respect the naming convention for your input fields that the default model binder expects to successfully bind to a list. I invite you to read the following article.

Once you have read it, look at the generated HTML (and more specifically the names of the input fields) with my example and yours. Then compare and you will understand why yours doesn't work.

switch() statement usage

In short, yes. But there are times when you might favor one vs. the other. Google "case switch vs. if else". There are some discussions already on SO too. Also, here is a good video that talks about it in the context of MATLAB:

Personally, when I have 3 or more cases, I usually just go with case/switch.

The type WebMvcConfigurerAdapter is deprecated

I have been working on Swagger equivalent documentation library called Springfox nowadays and I found that in the Spring 5.0.8 (running at present), interface WebMvcConfigurer has been implemented by class WebMvcConfigurationSupport class which we can directly extend.

import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurationSupport;

public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { }

And this is how I have used it for setting my resource handling mechanism as follows -

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {


How do I access command line arguments in Python?

You can use sys.argv to get the arguments as a list.

If you need to access individual elements, you can use


where i is index, 0 will give you the python filename being executed. Any index after that are the arguments passed.

Select row on click react-table

The answer you selected is correct, however if you are using a sorting table it will crash since rowInfo will became undefined as you search, would recommend using this function instead

                getTrGroupProps={(state, rowInfo, column, instance) => {
                    if (rowInfo !== undefined) {
                        return {
                            onClick: (e, handleOriginal) => {
                              console.log('It was in this row:', rowInfo)
                                  firstNameState: rowInfo.row.firstName,
                                  lastNameState: rowInfo.row.lastName,
                            style: {
                                cursor: 'pointer',
                                background: === this.state.selectedIndex ? '#00afec' : 'white',
                                color: === this.state.selectedIndex ? 'white' : 'black'

JavaScript load a page on button click

Don't abuse form elements where <a> elements will suffice.

    /* or put this in your stylesheet */

    .button {
        display: inline-block;
        padding: 3px 5px;
        border: 1px solid #000;
        background: #eee;


<!-- instead of abusing a button or input element -->
<a href="url" class="button">text</a>

How do I check in python if an element of a list is empty?


if l[i]:
    print 'Found element!'
    print 'Empty element.'

MySQL DAYOFWEEK() - my week begins with monday

Could write a udf and take a value to tell it which day of the week should be 1 would look like this (drawing on answer from John to use MOD instead of CASE):

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `reporting`.`udfDayOfWeek`;
CREATE FUNCTION `reporting`.`udfDayOfWeek` (
  _date DATETIME,
  _firstDay TINYINT
) RETURNS tinyint(4)
  DECLARE _dayOfWeek, _offset TINYINT;
  SET _offset = 8 - _firstDay;
  SET _dayOfWeek = (DAYOFWEEK(_date) + _offset) MOD 7;
  IF _dayOfWeek = 0 THEN
    SET _dayOfWeek = 7;
  RETURN _dayOfWeek;

To call this function to give you the current day of week value when your week starts on a Tuesday for instance, you'd call:

SELECT udfDayOfWeek(NOW(), 3);

Nice thing about having it as a udf is you could also call it on a result set field like this:

  udfDayOfWeek(p.SignupDate, 3) AS SignupDayOfWeek,
FROM Profile p;

Can I run javascript before the whole page is loaded?

Not only can you, but you have to make a special effort not to if you don't want to. :-)

When the browser encounters a classic script tag when parsing the HTML, it stops parsing and hands over to the JavaScript interpreter, which runs the script. The parser doesn't continue until the script execution is complete (because the script might do document.write calls to output markup that the parser should handle).

That's the default behavior, but you have a few options for delaying script execution:

  1. Use JavaScript modules. A type="module" script is deferred until the HTML has been fully parsed and the initial DOM created. This isn't the primary reason to use modules, but it's one of the reasons:

    <script type="module" src="./my-code.js"></script>
    <!-- Or -->
    <script type="module">
    // Your code here

    The code will be fetched (if it's separate) and parsed in parallel with the HTML parsing, but won't be run until the HTML parsing is done. (If your module code is inline rather than in its own file, it is also deferred until HTML parsing is complete.)

    This wasn't available when I first wrote this answer in 2010, but here in 2020, all major modern browsers support modules natively, and if you need to support older browsers, you can use bundlers like Webpack and Rollup.js.

  2. Use the defer attribute on a classic script tag:

    <script defer src="./my-code.js"></script>

    As with the module, the code in my-code.js will be fetched and parsed in parallel with the HTML parsing, but won't be run until the HTML parsing is done. But, defer doesn't work with inline script content, only with external files referenced via src.

  3. I don't think it's what you want, but you can use the async attribute to tell the browser to fetch the JavaScript code in parallel with the HTML parsing, but then run it as soon as possible, even if the HTML parsing isn't complete. You can put it on a type="module" tag, or use it instead of defer on a classic script tag.

  4. Put the script tag at the end of the document, just prior to the closing </body> tag:

    <!doctype html>
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- The document's HTML goes here -->
    <script type="module" src="./my-code.js"></script><!-- Or inline script -->

    That way, even though the code is run as soon as its encountered, all of the elements defined by the HTML above it exist and are ready to be used.

    It used to be that this caused an additional delay on some browsers because they wouldn't start fetching the code until the script tag was encountered, but modern browsers scan ahead and start prefetching. Still, this is very much the third choice at this point, both modules and defer are better options.

The spec has a useful diagram showing a raw script tag, defer, async, type="module", and type="module" async and the timing of when the JavaScript code is fetched and run:

enter image description here

Here's an example of the default behavior, a raw script tag:

.found {_x000D_
    color: green;_x000D_
<p>Paragraph 1</p>_x000D_
    if (typeof NodeList !== "undefined" && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {_x000D_
        NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;_x000D_
    document.querySelectorAll("p").forEach(p => {_x000D_
<p>Paragraph 2</p>

(See my answer here for details around that NodeList code.)

When you run that, you see "Paragraph 1" in green but "Paragraph 2" is black, because the script ran synchronously with the HTML parsing, and so it only found the first paragraph, not the second.

In contrast, here's a type="module" script:

.found {_x000D_
    color: green;_x000D_
<p>Paragraph 1</p>_x000D_
<script type="module">_x000D_
    document.querySelectorAll("p").forEach(p => {_x000D_
<p>Paragraph 2</p>

Notice how they're both green now; the code didn't run until HTML parsing was complete. That would also be true with a defer script with external content (but not inline content).

(There was no need for the NodeList check there because any modern browser supporting modules already has forEach on NodeList.)

In this modern world, there's no real value to the DOMContentLoaded event of the "ready" feature that PrototypeJS, jQuery, ExtJS, Dojo, and most others provided back in the day (and still provide); just use modules or defer. Even back in the day, there wasn't much reason for using them (and they were often used incorrectly, holding up page presentation while the entire jQuery library was loaded because the script was in the head instead of after the document), something some developers at Google flagged up early on. This was also part of the reason for the YUI recommendation to put scripts at the end of the body, again back in the day.

How to make bootstrap column height to 100% row height?

You can solve that using display table.

Here is the updated JSFiddle that solves your problem.


.body {
    display: table;
    background-color: green;

.left-side {
    background-color: blue;
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;
    border: 1px solid;

.right-side {
    background-color: red;
    float: none;
    display: table-cell;
    border: 1px solid;


<div class="row body">
        <div class="col-xs-9 left-side">
        <div class="col-xs-3 right-side">