Programs & Examples On #Flash builder

Adobe's official IDE for the Flex SDK and AIR SDK. Based on Eclipse.

Failed to load JavaHL Library

On Kubuntu, my path to the library changed because of installing another Java version. Here's the whole picture, but in short:

sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
sudo find / -name

The output from the last command could look like this, for example:


This gives you the path, so you can add the following to your eclipse.ini:


Cropping an UIImage

Follow Answer of @Arne. I Just fixing to Category function. put it in Category of UIImage.


    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(rect.size, false, [self scale]);
    [self drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(-rect.origin.x, -rect.origin.y)];
    UIImage* cropped_image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return cropped_image;

Access a URL and read Data with R

Beside of read.csv(url("...")) you also can use read.table("http://...").


> sample <- read.table("")
> sample
                V1   V2   V3   V4 V5
1        Rochester 19.0 20.6 15.0  E
2         Syracuse 17.0 15.6 20.2  E
43         Atlanta  4.2 70.6 32.6  S

Regex to get string between curly braces

You can use this regex recursion to match everythin between, even another {} (like a JSON text) :


Docker - Bind for failed: port is already allocated

It might be a conflict with the same port specified in docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml or the same port specified explicitly and using an environment variable.

I had a docker-compose.yml with ports on a container specified using environment variables, and a docker-compose.override.yml with one of the same ports specified explicitly. Apparently docker tried to open both on the same container. docker container ls -a listed neither because the container could not start and list the ports.

2D arrays in Python

If you are concerned about memory footprint, the Python standard library contains the array module; these arrays contain elements of the same type.

java howto ArrayList push, pop, shift, and unshift

ArrayList is unique in its naming standards. Here are the equivalencies:

Array.push    -> ArrayList.add(Object o); // Append the list
Array.pop     -> ArrayList.remove(int index); // Remove list[index]
Array.shift   -> ArrayList.remove(0); // Remove first element
Array.unshift -> ArrayList.add(int index, Object o); // Prepend the list

Note that unshift does not remove an element, but instead adds one to the list. Also note that corner-case behaviors are likely to be different between Java and JS, since they each have their own standards.

How can I auto-elevate my batch file, so that it requests from UAC administrator rights if required?

Following solution is clean and works perfectly.

  1. Download Elevate zip file from

  2. Inside zip you should find two files: Elevate.exe and Elevate64.exe. (The latter is a native 64-bit compilation, if you require that, although the regular 32-bit version, Elevate.exe, should work fine with both the 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows)

  3. Copy the file Elevate.exe into a folder where Windows can always find it (such as C:/Windows). Or you better you can copy in same folder where you are planning to keep your bat file.

  4. To use it in a batch file, just prepend the command you want to execute as administrator with the elevate command, like this:

 elevate net start service ...

Create a root password for PHPMyAdmin

Well, I believe that I've solved the password configuration 'issue' - WampServer 2.2 - Windows 7.

The three steps that I did:

  1. In the MySQL console set a new password. To make that: mysqladmin -u root password 'your_password'

  2. In phpMyAdmin click in users and set the same password to the user root.

  3. Finally, set your new password in the Don't change anything else in this file.

This worked for me. Good luck!


How to make --no-ri --no-rdoc the default for gem install?

On Linux (and probably Mac):

echo 'gem: --no-document' >> ~/.gemrc

This one-liner used to be in comments here, but somehow disappeared.

Browser detection in JavaScript?

It is usually best to avoid browser-specific code where possible. The JQuery $.support property is available for detection of support for particular features rather than relying on browser name and version.

In Opera for example, you can fake an internet explorer or firefox instance.

alt text

A detailed description of can be found here:

Now deprecated according to jQuery.

We strongly recommend the use of an external library such as Modernizr instead of dependency on properties in

When coding websites, I always make sure, that basic functionality like navigation is also accessible to non-js users. This may be object to discussion and can be ignored if the homepage is targeted to a special audience.

Count number of objects in list

I spent ages trying to figure this out but it is simple! You can use length(·). length(mylist) will tell you the number of objects mylist contains.

... and just realised someone had already answered this- sorry!

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte X in position Y: character maps to <undefined>

TLDR? Try: file = open(filename, encoding='cp437)

Why? When one use:

file = open(filename)
text =

Python assumes the file uses the same codepage as current environment (cp1252 in case of the opening post) and tries to decode it to its own default UTF-8. If the file contains characters of values not defined in this codepage (like 0x90) we get UnicodeDecodeError. Sometimes we don't know the encoding of the file, sometimes the file's encoding may be unhandled by Python (like e.g. cp790), sometimes the file can contain mixed encodings.

If such characters are unneeded, one may decide to replace them by question marks, with:

file = open(filename, errors='replace')

Another workaround is to use:

file = open(filename, errors='ignore')

The characters are then left intact, but other errors will be masked too.

Quite good solution is to specify the encoding, yet not any encoding (like cp1252), but the one which has ALL characters defined (like cp437):

file = open(filename, encoding='cp437')

Codepage 437 is the original DOS encoding. All codes are defined, so there are no errors while reading the file, no errors are masked out, the characters are preserved (not quite left intact but still distinguishable).

Checking if sys.argv[x] is defined

In the end, the difference between try, except and testing len(sys.argv) isn't all that significant. They're both a bit hackish compared to argparse.

This occurs to me, though -- as a sort of low-budget argparse:

arg_names = ['command', 'x', 'y', 'operation', 'option']
args = dict(zip(arg_names, sys.argv))

You could even use it to generate a namedtuple with values that default to None -- all in four lines!

Arg_list = collections.namedtuple('Arg_list', arg_names)
args = Arg_list(*(args.get(arg, None) for arg in arg_names))

In case you're not familiar with namedtuple, it's just a tuple that acts like an object, allowing you to access its values using tup.attribute syntax instead of tup[0] syntax.

So the first line creates a new namedtuple type with values for each of the values in arg_names. The second line passes the values from the args dictionary, using get to return a default value when the given argument name doesn't have an associated value in the dictionary.

Adding horizontal spacing between divs in Bootstrap 3

The best solution is not to use the same element for column and panel:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <div class="panel" id="gameplay-away-team">Away Team</div>
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <div class="panel" id="gameplay-baseball-field">Baseball Field</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <div class="panel" id="gameplay-home-team">Home Team</div>

and some more styles:

#gameplay-baseball-field {
  padding-right: 10px;
  padding-left: 10px;

Angular - Can't make ng-repeat orderBy work

Here's a version of @Julian Mosquera's code that also supports a "fallback" field to use in case the primary field happens to be null or undefined:

yourApp.filter('orderObjectBy', function() {
  return function(items, field, fallback, reverse) {
    var filtered = [];
    angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
    filtered.sort(function (a, b) {
      var af = a[field];
      if(af === undefined || af === null) { af = a[fallback]; }

      var bf = b[field];
      if(bf === undefined || bf === null) { bf = b[fallback]; }

      return (af > bf ? 1 : -1);
    if(reverse) filtered.reverse();
    return filtered;

Convert UTC/GMT time to local time

In answer to Dana's suggestion:

The code sample now looks like:

string date = "Web service date"..ToString("R", ci);
DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.Parse(date);            
DateTime dt = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(convertedDate);

The original date was 20/08/08; the kind was UTC.

Both "convertedDate" and "dt" are the same:

21/08/08 10:00:26; the kind was local

How to get text of an element in Selenium WebDriver, without including child element text?

In the HTML which you have shared:

<div id="a">This is some
   <div id="b">text</div>

The text This is some is within a text node. To depict the text node in a structured way:

<div id="a">
    This is some
   <div id="b">text</div>

This Usecase

To extract and print the text This is some from the text node using Selenium's client you have 2 ways as follows:

  • Using splitlines(): You can identify the parent element i.e. <div id="a">, extract the innerHTML and then use splitlines() as follows:

    • using xpath:

    • using xpath:

  • Using execute_script(): You can also use the execute_script() method which can synchronously execute JavaScript in the current window/frame as follows:

    • using xpath and firstChild:

      parent_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='a']")
      print(driver.execute_script('return arguments[0].firstChild.textContent;', parent_element).strip())
    • using xpath and childNodes[n]:

      parent_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='a']")
      print(driver.execute_script('return arguments[0].childNodes[1].textContent;', parent_element).strip())

How do you align left / right a div without using float?

Another solution could be something like following (works depending on your element's display property):


<div class="left-align">Left</div>
<div class="right-align">Right</div>


.left-align {
  margin-left: 0;
  margin-right: auto;
.right-align {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: 0;

How to print a Groovy variable in Jenkins?

The following code worked for me:

echo userInput

Android: how to hide ActionBar on certain activities

To hide the ActionBar add this code into java file.

    ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();

In java how to get substring from a string till a character c?

The accepted answer is correct but it doesn't tell you how to use it. This is how you use indexOf and substring functions together.

String filename = "abc.def.ghi";     // full file name
int iend = filename.indexOf("."); //this finds the first occurrence of "." 
//in string thus giving you the index of where it is in the string

// Now iend can be -1, if lets say the string had no "." at all in it i.e. no "." is found. 
//So check and account for it.

String subString;
if (iend != -1) 
    subString= filename.substring(0 , iend); //this will give abc

Resize image with javascript canvas (smoothly)

I created a reusable Angular service to handle high quality resizing of images / canvases for anyone who's interested:

The service includes two solutions because they both have their own pros / cons. The lanczos convolution approach is higher quality at the cost of being slower, whereas the step-wise downscaling approach produces reasonably antialiased results and is significantly faster.

Example usage:

angular.module('demo').controller('ExampleCtrl', function (imageService) {
  // NOTE: it's bad practice to access the DOM inside a controller, 
  // but this is just to show the example usage.

  // resize by lanczos-sinc filter
  imageService.resize($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
    .then(function (resizedImage) {
      // do something with resized image

  // resize by stepping down image size in increments of 2x
  imageService.resizeStep($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
    .then(function (resizedImage) {
      // do something with resized image

How to sort 2 dimensional array by column value?

It's this simple:

var a = [[12, 'AAA'], [58, 'BBB'], [28, 'CCC'],[18, 'DDD']];


function sortFunction(a, b) {
    if (a[0] === b[0]) {
        return 0;
    else {
        return (a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : 1;

I invite you to read the documentation.

If you want to sort by the second column, you can do this:


function compareSecondColumn(a, b) {
    if (a[1] === b[1]) {
        return 0;
    else {
        return (a[1] < b[1]) ? -1 : 1;

The R %in% operator

You can use all

> all(1:6 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> all(1:60 %in% 0:36)

On a similar note, if you want to check whether any of the elements is TRUE you can use any

> any(1:6 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> any(1:60 %in% 0:36)
[1] TRUE
> any(50:60 %in% 0:36)

Difference between JOIN and INNER JOIN

As the other answers already state there is no difference in your example.

The relevant bit of grammar is documented here

<join_type> ::= 
    [ { INNER | { { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL } [ OUTER ] } } [ <join_hint> ] ]

Showing that all are optional. The page further clarifies that

INNER Specifies all matching pairs of rows are returned. Discards unmatched rows from both tables. When no join type is specified, this is the default.

The grammar does also indicate that there is one time where the INNER is required though. When specifying a join hint.

See the example below


       LOOP JOIN T2
         ON X = Y;

         ON X = Y;

enter image description here

How to format string to money

you will need to convert it to a decimal first, then format it with money format.


decimal decimalMoneyValue = 1921.39m;
string formattedMoneyValue = String.Format("{0:C}", decimalMoneyValue);

a working example:

I am not able launch JNLP applications using "Java Web Start"?

I know this is an older question but this past week I started to get a similar problem, so I leave here some notes regarding the solution that fits me.

This happened only in some Windows machines using even the last JRE to date (1.8.0_45).

The Java Web Start started to load but nothing happened and none of the previous solution attempts worked.

After some digging i've found this thread, which gives the same setup and a great explanation.

So, in conclusion, it was a memory problem in x86 JRE and since our JNLP's max heap was defined as 1024MB, we changed to 780MB as suggested and it was fixed.

However, if you need more than 780MB, can always try launching in a x64 JRE version.

Are strongly-typed functions as parameters possible in TypeScript?

Because you can't easily union a function definition and another data type, I find having these types around useful to strongly type them. Based on Drew's answer.

type Func<TArgs extends any[], TResult> = (...args: TArgs) => TResult; 
//Syntax sugar
type Action<TArgs extends any[]> = Func<TArgs, undefined>; 

Now you can strongly type every parameter and the return type! Here's an example with more parameters than what is above.

save(callback: Func<[string, Object, boolean], number>): number
    let str = "";
    let obj = {};
    let bool = true;
    let result: number = callback(str, obj, bool);
    return result;

Now you can write a union type, like an object or a function returning an object, without creating a brand new type that may need to be exported or consumed.

let myVar1: boolean | (parameters: object) => boolean;

//This works, but requires a type be defined each time
type myBoolFunc = (parameters: object) => boolean;
let myVar1: boolean | myBoolFunc;

//This works, with a generic type that can be used anywhere
let myVar2: boolean | Func<[object], boolean>;

How to convert password into md5 in jquery?

Get the field value through the id and send with ajax

var field = $("#field").val();
    type: "POST",
    url: "db.php",
    data: {variable_name:field},
    success: function(response) {

At db.php file get the variable name

$variable_name = $_GET['variable_name'];
mysql_query("SELECT password FROM table_name WHERE password='".md5($variable_name)."'");

Android file chooser

I used AndExplorer for this purpose and my solution is popup a dialog and then redirect on the market to install the misssing application:

My startCreation is trying to call external file/directory picker. If it is missing call show installResultMessage function.

private void startCreation(){
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    Uri startDir = Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard"));

    intent.putExtra("browser_filter_extension_whitelist", "*.csv");
    intent.putExtra("explorer_title", getText(R.string.andex_file_selection_title));
    intent.putExtra("browser_list_fontscale", "120%");
    intent.putExtra("browser_list_layout", "2");

         ApplicationInfo info = getPackageManager()
                                 .getApplicationInfo("lysesoft.andexplorer", 0 );

            startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_REQUEST_CODE);
    } catch( PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e ){
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage());

This methos is just pick up a dialog and if user wants install the external application from market

private void showInstallResultMessage(int msg_id) {
    AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

C++ initial value of reference to non-const must be an lvalue

When you call test with &nKByte, the address-of operator creates a temporary value, and you can't normally have references to temporary values because they are, well, temporary.

Either do not use a reference for the argument, or better yet don't use a pointer.

Hidden Features of Xcode

Use the Class Browser to show inherited methods

Apple's API reference documentation does not show methods inherited from a superclass. Sometimes, though. it's useful to be able to see the full range of functionality available for a class -- including a custom class of your own. You can use the Class Browser (from the Project menu) to display a flat or hierarchical list of all the classes related to a current project. The upper pane on the right hand side of the browser window shows a list of methods associated with the object selected in the browser. You can use the Configure Options sheet to select "Show Inherited Members" to show inherited methods as well as those defined by the selected class itself. You click the small book symbol to go to the corresponding documentation.

Web scraping with Java

There is also Jaunt Java Web Scraping & JSON Querying -

How to select only the records with the highest date in LINQ

Here is a simple way to do it

var lastPlayerControlCommand = this.ObjectContext.PlayerControlCommands
                                .Where(c => c.PlayerID == player.ID)

Also have a look this great LINQ place - LINQ to SQL Samples

Help with packages in java - import does not work

Okay, just to clarify things that have already been posted.

You should have the directory com, containing the directory company, containing the directory example, containing the file

From the folder containing com, run:

$ javac com\company\example\


$ java
Hello from MyClass!

These must both be done from the root of the source tree. Otherwise, javac and java won't be able to find any other packages (in fact, java wouldn't even be able to run MyClass).

A short example

I created the folders "testpackage" and "testpackage2". Inside testpackage, I created containing the following code:

package testpackage;

import testpackage2.MyClass;

public class TestPackageClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello from testpackage.TestPackageClass!");
        System.out.println("Now accessing " + MyClass.NAME);

Inside testpackage2, I created containing the following code:

package testpackage2;
public class MyClass {
    public static String NAME = "testpackage2.MyClass";

From the directory containing the two new folders, I ran:

C:\examples>javac testpackage\*.java

C:\examples>javac testpackage2\*.java


C:\examples>java testpackage.TestPackageClass
Hello from testpackage.TestPackageClass!
Now accessing testpackage2.MyClass

Does that make things any clearer?

White space at top of page

overflow: auto

Using overflow: auto on the <body> tag is a cleaner solution and will work a charm.

ASP.NET Identity DbContext confusion

This is a late entry for folks, but below is my implementation. You will also notice I stubbed-out the ability to change the the KEYs default type: the details about which can be found in the following articles:

It should be noted that you cannot use Guid's for your keys. This is because under the hood they are a Struct, and as such, have no unboxing which would allow their conversion from a generic <TKey> parameter.


public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser, CustomRole, string, CustomUserLogin, CustomUserRole, CustomUserClaim>
    #region <Constructors>

    public ApplicationDbContext() : base(Settings.ConnectionString.Database.AdministrativeAccess)


    #region <Properties>

    //public DbSet<Case> Case { get; set; }


    #region <Methods>


    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

        //modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new ResourceConfiguration());
        //modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new OperationsToRolesConfiguration());



    public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
        return new ApplicationDbContext();



    public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser<string, CustomUserLogin, CustomUserRole, CustomUserClaim>
        #region <Constructors>

        public ApplicationUser()


        #region <Properties>

        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        public string LastName { get; set; }


        #region <Methods>

        #region private

        private void Init()
            Id = Guid.Empty.ToString();


        #region public

        public async Task<ClaimsIdentity> GenerateUserIdentityAsync(UserManager<ApplicationUser, string> manager)
            // Note the authenticationType must match the one defined in CookieAuthenticationOptions.AuthenticationType
            var userIdentity = await manager.CreateIdentityAsync(this, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);

            // Add custom user claims here

            return userIdentity;



    public class CustomUserStore : UserStore<ApplicationUser, CustomRole, string, CustomUserLogin, CustomUserRole, CustomUserClaim>
        #region <Constructors>

        public CustomUserStore(ApplicationDbContext context) : base(context)


    public class CustomUserRole : IdentityUserRole<string>

    public class CustomUserLogin : IdentityUserLogin<string>

    public class CustomUserClaim : IdentityUserClaim<string> 

    public class CustomRoleStore : RoleStore<CustomRole, string, CustomUserRole>
        #region <Constructors>

        public CustomRoleStore(ApplicationDbContext context) : base(context)


    public class CustomRole : IdentityRole<string, CustomUserRole>
        #region <Constructors>

        public CustomRole() { }
        public CustomRole(string name) 
            Name = name; 


How do check if a parameter is empty or null in Sql Server stored procedure in IF statement?

Of course that works; when @item1 = N'', it IS NOT NULL.

You can define @item1 as NULL by default at the top of your stored procedure, and then not pass in a parameter.

Java 8 Lambda function that throws exception?

Sneaky throw idiom enables bypassing CheckedException of Lambda expression. Wrapping a CheckedException in a RuntimeException is not good for strict error handling.

It can be used as a Consumer function used in a Java collection.

Here is a simple and improved version of jib's answer.

import static Throwing.rethrow;

public void testRethrow() {

    Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3).forEach(rethrow(e -> {
        int i = e.intValue();
        if (i == 3) {
            throw new IOException("i=" + i);

This just wrapps the lambda in a rethrow. It makes CheckedException rethrow any Exception that was thrown in your lambda.

public final class Throwing {
    private Throwing() {}

    public static <T> Consumer<T> rethrow(@Nonnull final ThrowingConsumer<T> consumer) {
        return consumer;

     * The compiler sees the signature with the throws T inferred to a RuntimeException type, so it
     * allows the unchecked exception to propagate.
    public static <E extends Throwable> void sneakyThrow(@Nonnull Throwable ex) throws E {
        throw (E) ex;


Find a complete code and unit tests here.

How to Maximize a firefox browser window using Selenium WebDriver with node.js

First instantiate a firefox driver

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

then maximize it


How to convert PDF files to images

The thread "converting PDF file to a JPEG image" is suitable for your request.

One solution is to use a third-party library. ImageMagick is a very popular and is freely available too. You can get a .NET wrapper for it here. The original ImageMagick download page is here.

And you also can take a look at the thread "How to open a page from a pdf file in pictureBox in C#".

If you use this process to convert a PDF to tiff, you can use this class to retrieve the bitmap from TIFF.

public class TiffImage
    private string myPath;
    private Guid myGuid;
    private FrameDimension myDimension;
    public ArrayList myImages = new ArrayList();
    private int myPageCount;
    private Bitmap myBMP;

    public TiffImage(string path)
        MemoryStream ms;
        Image myImage;

        myPath = path;
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(myPath, FileMode.Open);
        myImage = Image.FromStream(fs);
        myGuid = myImage.FrameDimensionsList[0];
        myDimension = new FrameDimension(myGuid);
        myPageCount = myImage.GetFrameCount(myDimension);
        for (int i = 0; i < myPageCount; i++)
            ms = new MemoryStream();
            myImage.SelectActiveFrame(myDimension, i);
            myImage.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp);
            myBMP = new Bitmap(ms);

Use it like so:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    TiffImage myTiff = new TiffImage("D:\\Some.tif");
    //imageBox is a PictureBox control, and the [] operators pass back
    //the Bitmap stored at that position in the myImages ArrayList in the TiffImage
    this.pictureBox1.Image = (Bitmap)myTiff.myImages[0];
    this.pictureBox2.Image = (Bitmap)myTiff.myImages[1];
    this.pictureBox3.Image = (Bitmap)myTiff.myImages[2];

Failed linking file resources

I know this question has been answered already, however, I still would like to add to what a lot has posted here for others having a similar but not specific problem.

This error sometimes also comes as “Android resource linking failed”. It is sometimes vague. The solution sometimes could be quite boring and painful but, this error is absolutely nothing serious.

In this case, the error is not Vague because Android Studio pointed to the problem file.

General Cause The error shows up when Gradle encounters an error (Usually a syntax or typo error) in one or more of your XML files.

Most of the XML files are located in the res folder, however, you might still find some outside the res folder. For example, the AndroidManifest.xml located in “/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml”. Here is an example of a layout file that would give the “Error: failed linking file resources” error.

Solution To solve this problem, all you have to do is go through each of your XML files to figure out where the error might be. This could sometimes be time-consuming but be rest assured that the error will disappear as soon as you find and fix the problem XML.

You might be lucky and Android Studio will point you in the exact direction just like the one asked in the question......

Other times like when you are using an older version of Android Studio, the error would not be this specific.

Here are some Tips to finding the problem XML quickly If you have a lot of XML files and it would be just too difficult to go through them one after the other, you could use the following tips to make the process easier:

Undo: Most times, you are already halfway through a project before you experience this issue. Meaning that it was a recent change to one of your XML files that caused the issue. If that is the case, you can try to undo your recent change to the XML files. To undo, simply use the key combination: Ctrl+Z.

Open every XML file: The second method involves simply opening every single XML file in your project (Without scanning). The reason for this is that sometimes, after opening the problem XML file, Android Studio then detects the error and underlines the exact line.

Error Message : Cannot find or open the PDB file

  1. Please check if the setting Generate Debug Info is Yes which under Project Propeties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Debugging tab. If not, try to change it to Yes.

  2. Those perticular pdb's ( for ntdll.dll, mscoree.dll, kernel32.dll, etc ) are for the windows API and shouldn't be needed for simple apps. However, if you cannot find pdb's for your own compiled projects, I suggest making sure the Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging > Working Directory uses the value from Project Properties > Configuration Properties > General > Output Directory .

  3. You need to run Visual c++ in "Run as Administrator" mode.Right click on the executable and click "Run as Administrator"


The workflow you describe should work as you've described it. It might help if you could show us the code around the creation of the Intent. In general, the following pattern should let you do what you're trying.

private void saveFullImage() {
  Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
  File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "test.jpg");
  outputFileUri = Uri.fromFile(file);
  intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, outputFileUri);
  startActivityForResult(intent, TAKE_PICTURE);

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
  if ((requestCode == TAKE_PICTURE) && (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK)) {
    // Check if the result includes a thumbnail Bitmap
    if (data == null) {    
      // TODO Do something with the full image stored
      // in outputFileUri. Perhaps copying it to the app folder

Note that it is the Camera Activity that will be creating and saving the file, and it's not actually part of your application, so it won't have write permission to your application folder. To save a file to your app folder, create a temporary file on the SD card and move it to your app folder in the onActivityResult handler.

Can iterators be reset in Python?


I've had the same issue before. After analyzing my code, I realized that attempting to reset the iterator inside of loops slightly increases the time complexity and it also makes the code a bit ugly.


Open the file and save the rows to a variable in memory.

# initialize list of rows
rows = []

# open the file and temporarily name it as 'my_file'
with open('myfile.csv', 'rb') as my_file:

    # set up the reader using the opened file
    myfilereader = csv.DictReader(my_file)

    # loop through each row of the reader
    for row in myfilereader:
        # add the row to the list of rows

Now you can loop through rows anywhere in your scope without dealing with an iterator.

Tomcat 404 error: The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists

Problem solved, I've not added the index.html. Which is point out in the web.xml

enter image description here

Note: a project may have more than one web.xml file.

if there are another web.xml in


Then you might need to add another index (this time index.jsp) to


How to get only the date value from a Windows Forms DateTimePicker control?

You mean how to get date without the time component? Use DateTimePicker.Value.Date But you need to format the output to your needs.

How can I check whether a numpy array is empty or not?

One caveat, though. Note that np.array(None).size returns 1! This is because a.size is equivalent to, np.array(None).shape is (), and an empty product is 1.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.array(None).size
>>> np.array(None).shape

Therefore, I use the following to test if a numpy array has elements:

>>> def elements(array):
    ...     return array.ndim and array.size

>>> elements(np.array(None))
>>> elements(np.array([]))
>>> elements(np.zeros((2,3,4)))

laravel compact() and ->with()

I just wanted to hop in here and correct (suggest alternative) to the previous answer....

You can actually use compact in the same way, however a lot neater for example...

return View::make('gameworlds.mygame', compact(array('fixtures', 'teams', 'selections')));

Or if you are using PHP > 5.4

return View::make('gameworlds.mygame', compact(['fixtures', 'teams', 'selections']));

This is far neater, and still allows for readability when reviewing what the application does ;)

WinSCP: Permission denied. Error code: 3 Error message from server: Permission denied

You possibly do not have create permissions to the folder. So WinSCP fails to create a temporary file for the transfer.

You have two options:

What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries?

You could create a YAML file and read it in using PyYaml.

Step 1: Create a YAML file, "employment.yml":

new jersey:
  mercer county:
    pumbers: 3
    programmers: 81
  middlesex county:
    salesmen: 62
    programmers: 81
new york:
  queens county:
    plumbers: 9
    salesmen: 36

Step 2: Read it in Python

import yaml
file_handle = open("employment.yml")
my_shnazzy_dictionary = yaml.safe_load(file_handle)

and now my_shnazzy_dictionary has all your values. If you needed to do this on the fly, you can create the YAML as a string and feed that into yaml.safe_load(...).

How to select from subquery using Laravel Query Builder?

I could not made your code to do the desired query, the AS is an alias only for the table abc, not for the derived table. Laravel Query Builder does not implicitly support derived table aliases, DB::raw is most likely needed for this.

The most straight solution I could came up with is almost identical to yours, however produces the query as you asked for:

$sql = Abc::groupBy('col1')->toSql();
$count = DB::table(DB::raw("($sql) AS a"))->count();

The produced query is

select count(*) as aggregate from (select * from `abc` group by `col1`) AS a;

How to set border on jPanel?

JPanel jPanel = new JPanel();


Here not only jPanel, you can add border to any Jcomponent

Left Outer Join using + sign in Oracle 11g

I saw some contradictions in the answers above, I just tried the following on Oracle 12c and the following is correct :


WHERE A.column = B.column(+)


WHERE B.column(+) = A.column

Reading CSV files using C#

I use this here:

Last time I was looking for something like this I found it as an answer to this question.

Regular expression to match a word or its prefix

Square brackets are meant for character class, and you're actually trying to match any one of: s, |, s (again), e, a, s (again), o and n.

Use parentheses instead for grouping:


or non-capturing group:


Note: Non-capture groups tell the engine that it doesn't need to store the match, while the other one (capturing group does). For small stuff, either works, for 'heavy duty' stuff, you might want to see first if you need the match or not. If you don't, better use the non-capture group to allocate more memory for calculation instead of storing something you will never need to use.

Creating a SearchView that looks like the material design guidelines

After a week of puzzling over this. I think I've figured it out.
I'm now using just an EditText inside of the Toolbar. This was suggested to me by oj88 on reddit.

I now have this:
New SearchView

First inside onCreate() of my activity I added the EditText with an image view on the right hand side to the Toolbar like this:

    // Setup search container view
    searchContainer = new LinearLayout(this);
    Toolbar.LayoutParams containerParams = new Toolbar.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
    containerParams.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL;

    // Setup search view
    toolbarSearchView = new EditText(this);
    // Set width / height / gravity
    int[] textSizeAttr = new int[]{android.R.attr.actionBarSize};
    int indexOfAttrTextSize = 0;
    TypedArray a = obtainStyledAttributes(new TypedValue().data, textSizeAttr);
    int actionBarHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(indexOfAttrTextSize, -1);
    LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(0, actionBarHeight);
    params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL;
    params.weight = 1;

    // Setup display
    toolbarSearchView.setPadding(2, 0, 0, 0);
    toolbarSearchView.setImeActionLabel("Search", EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED);
    try {
        // Set cursor colour to white
        Field f = TextView.class.getDeclaredField("mCursorDrawableRes");
        f.set(toolbarSearchView, R.drawable.edittext_whitecursor);
    } catch (Exception ignored) {

    // Search text changed listener
    toolbarSearchView.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {

        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
            Fragment mainFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
            if (mainFragment != null && mainFragment instanceof MainListFragment) {
                ((MainListFragment) mainFragment).search(s.toString());

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
            if (s.toString().length() <= 0) {
    ((LinearLayout) searchContainer).addView(toolbarSearchView);

    // Setup the clear button
    searchClearButton = new ImageView(this);
    Resources r = getResources();
    int px = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 16, r.getDisplayMetrics());
    LinearLayout.LayoutParams clearParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
    clearParams.gravity = Gravity.CENTER;
    searchClearButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_close_white_24dp); // TODO: Get this image from here:
    searchClearButton.setPadding(px, 0, px, 0);
    searchClearButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
    ((LinearLayout) searchContainer).addView(searchClearButton);

    // Add search view to toolbar and hide it

This worked, but then I came across an issue where onOptionsItemSelected() wasn't being called when I tapped on the home button. So I wasn't able to cancel the search by pressing the home button. I tried a few different ways of registering the click listener on the home button but they didn't work.

Eventually I found out that the ActionBarDrawerToggle I had was interfering with things, so I removed it. This listener then started working:

    toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            // toolbarHomeButtonAnimating is a boolean that is initialized as false. It's used to stop the user pressing the home button while it is animating and breaking things.
            if (!toolbarHomeButtonAnimating) {
                // Here you'll want to check if you have a search query set, if you don't then hide the search box.
                // My main fragment handles this stuff, so I call its methods.
                FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
                final Fragment fragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentById(;
                if (fragment != null && fragment instanceof MainListFragment) {
                    if (((MainListFragment) fragment).hasSearchQuery() || searchContainer.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {

            if (mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(findViewById(

So I can now cancel the search with the home button, but I can't press the back button to cancel it yet. So I added this to onBackPressed():

    FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
    final Fragment mainFragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentById(;
    if (mainFragment != null && mainFragment instanceof MainListFragment) {
        if (((MainListFragment) mainFragment).hasSearchQuery() || searchContainer.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {

I created this method to toggle visibility of the EditText and menu item:

public void displaySearchView(boolean visible) {
    if (visible) {
        // Stops user from being able to open drawer while searching

        // Hide search button, display EditText

        // Animate the home icon to the back arrow
        toggleActionBarIcon(ActionDrawableState.ARROW, mDrawerToggle, true);

        // Shift focus to the search EditText

        // Pop up the soft keyboard
        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                toolbarSearchView.dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent.obtain(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, 0, 0, 0));
                toolbarSearchView.dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent.obtain(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, 0, 0, 0));
        }, 200);
    } else {
        // Allows user to open drawer again

        // Hide the EditText and put the search button back on the Toolbar.
        // This sometimes fails when it isn't postDelayed(), don't know why.
        toolbarSearchView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        }, 200);

        // Turn the home button back into a drawer icon
        toggleActionBarIcon(ActionDrawableState.BURGER, mDrawerToggle, true);

        // Hide the keyboard because the search box has been hidden
        InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
        imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(toolbarSearchView.getWindowToken(), 0);

I needed a way to toggle the home button on the toolbar between the drawer icon and the back button. I eventually found the method below in this SO answer. Though I modified it slightly to made more sense to me:

private enum ActionDrawableState {

 * Modified version of this,<br>
 * I flipped the start offset around for the animations because it seemed like it was the wrong way around to me.<br>
 * I also added a listener to the animation so I can find out when the home button has finished rotating.
private void toggleActionBarIcon(final ActionDrawableState state, final ActionBarDrawerToggle toggle, boolean animate) {
    if (animate) {
        float start = state == ActionDrawableState.BURGER ? 1.0f : 0f;
        float end = Math.abs(start - 1);
            ValueAnimator offsetAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(start, end);
            offsetAnimator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());
            offsetAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
                public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
                    float offset = (Float) animation.getAnimatedValue();
                    toggle.onDrawerSlide(null, offset);
            offsetAnimator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
                public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {


                public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                    toolbarHomeButtonAnimating = false;

                public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {


                public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {

            toolbarHomeButtonAnimating = true;
    } else {
        if (state == ActionDrawableState.BURGER) {
        } else {

This works, I've managed to work out a few bugs that I found along the way. I don't think it's 100% but it works well enough for me.

EDIT: If you want to add the search view in XML instead of Java do this:




            android:textColorHint="#b3ffffff" />

            android:src="@drawable/ic_close_white_24dp" />

onCreate() of your Activity:

    searchContainer = findViewById(;
    toolbarSearchView = (EditText) findViewById(;
    searchClearButton = (ImageView) findViewById(;

    // Setup search container view
    try {
        // Set cursor colour to white
        Field f = TextView.class.getDeclaredField("mCursorDrawableRes");
        f.set(toolbarSearchView, R.drawable.edittext_whitecursor);
    } catch (Exception ignored) {

    // Search text changed listener
    toolbarSearchView.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {

        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
            Fragment mainFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
            if (mainFragment != null && mainFragment instanceof MainListFragment) {
                ((MainListFragment) mainFragment).search(s.toString());

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

    // Clear search text when clear button is tapped
    searchClearButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

    // Hide the search view

jQuery text() and newlines

Try this:

$(someElem).html('this<br> has<br> newlines);

Search and replace in bash using regular expressions

These examples also work in bash no need to use sed:

echo ${MYVAR//[0-9]/N}

you can also use the character class bracket expressions

echo ${MYVAR//[[:digit:]]/N}



What @Lanaru wanted to know however, if I understand the question correctly, is why the "full" or PCRE extensions \s\S\w\W\d\D etc don't work as supported in php ruby python etc. These extensions are from Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE) and may not be compatible with other forms of shell based regular expressions.

These don't work:

echo ${hello//\d/}

echo $hello | sed 's/\d//g'

output with all literal "d" characters removed


but the following does work as expected

echo $hello | perl -pe 's/\d//g'



Hope that clarifies things a bit more but if you are not confused yet why don't you try this on Mac OS X which has the REG_ENHANCED flag enabled:

echo $MYVAR | grep -o -E '\d'

On most flavours of *nix you will only see the following output:



How can I properly handle 404 in ASP.NET MVC?

Requirements for 404

The following are my requirements for a 404 solution and below i show how i implement it:

  • I want to handle matched routes with bad actions
  • I want to handle matched routes with bad controllers
  • I want to handle un-matched routes (arbitrary urls that my app can't understand) - i don't want these bubbling up to the Global.asax or IIS because then i can't redirect back into my MVC app properly
  • I want a way to handle in the same manner as above, custom 404s - like when an ID is submitted for an object that does not exist (maybe deleted)
  • I want all my 404s to return an MVC view (not a static page) to which i can pump more data later if necessary (good 404 designs) and they must return the HTTP 404 status code


I think you should save Application_Error in the Global.asax for higher things, like unhandled exceptions and logging (like Shay Jacoby's answer shows) but not 404 handling. This is why my suggestion keeps the 404 stuff out of the Global.asax file.

Step 1: Have a common place for 404-error logic

This is a good idea for maintainability. Use an ErrorController so that future improvements to your well designed 404 page can adapt easily. Also, make sure your response has the 404 code!

public class ErrorController : MyController
    #region Http404

    public ActionResult Http404(string url)
        Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
        var model = new NotFoundViewModel();
        // If the url is relative ('NotFound' route) then replace with Requested path
        model.RequestedUrl = Request.Url.OriginalString.Contains(url) & Request.Url.OriginalString != url ?
            Request.Url.OriginalString : url;
        // Dont get the user stuck in a 'retry loop' by
        // allowing the Referrer to be the same as the Request
        model.ReferrerUrl = Request.UrlReferrer != null &&
            Request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString != model.RequestedUrl ?
            Request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString : null;

        // TODO: insert ILogger here

        return View("NotFound", model);
    public class NotFoundViewModel
        public string RequestedUrl { get; set; }
        public string ReferrerUrl { get; set; }


Step 2: Use a base Controller class so you can easily invoke your custom 404 action and wire up HandleUnknownAction

404s in ASP.NET MVC need to be caught at a number of places. The first is HandleUnknownAction.

The InvokeHttp404 method creates a common place for re-routing to the ErrorController and our new Http404 action. Think DRY!

public abstract class MyController : Controller
    #region Http404 handling

    protected override void HandleUnknownAction(string actionName)
        // If controller is ErrorController dont 'nest' exceptions
        if (this.GetType() != typeof(ErrorController))

    public ActionResult InvokeHttp404(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        IController errorController = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ErrorController>();
        var errorRoute = new RouteData();
        errorRoute.Values.Add("controller", "Error");
        errorRoute.Values.Add("action", "Http404");
        errorRoute.Values.Add("url", httpContext.Request.Url.OriginalString);
        errorController.Execute(new RequestContext(
             httpContext, errorRoute));

        return new EmptyResult();


Step 3: Use Dependency Injection in your Controller Factory and wire up 404 HttpExceptions

Like so (it doesn't have to be StructureMap):

MVC1.0 example:

public class StructureMapControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
    protected override IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType)
            if (controllerType == null)
                return base.GetControllerInstance(controllerType);
        catch (HttpException ex)
            if (ex.GetHttpCode() == (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                IController errorController = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ErrorController>();

                return errorController;
                throw ex;

        return ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType) as Controller;

MVC2.0 example:

    protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
            if (controllerType == null)
                return base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType);
        catch (HttpException ex)
            if (ex.GetHttpCode() == 404)
                IController errorController = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ErrorController>();

                return errorController;
                throw ex;

        return ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType) as Controller;

I think its better to catch errors closer to where they originate. This is why i prefer the above to the Application_Error handler.

This is the second place to catch 404s.

Step 4: Add a NotFound route to Global.asax for urls that fail to be parsed into your app

This route should point to our Http404 action. Notice the url param will be a relative url because the routing engine is stripping the domain part here? That is why we have all that conditional url logic in Step 1.

        routes.MapRoute("NotFound", "{*url}", 
            new { controller = "Error", action = "Http404" });

This is the third and final place to catch 404s in an MVC app that you don't invoke yourself. If you don't catch unmatched routes here then MVC will pass the problem up to ASP.NET (Global.asax) and you don't really want that in this situation.

Step 5: Finally, invoke 404s when your app can't find something

Like when a bad ID is submitted to my Loans controller (derives from MyController):

    // GET: /Detail/ID

    public ActionResult Detail(int ID)
        Loan loan = this._svc.GetLoans().WithID(ID);
        if (loan == null)
            return this.InvokeHttp404(HttpContext);
            return View(loan);

It would be nice if all this could be hooked up in fewer places with less code but i think this solution is more maintainable, more testable and fairly pragmatic.

Thanks for the feedback so far. I'd love to get more.

NOTE: This has been edited significantly from my original answer but the purpose/requirements are the same - this is why i have not added a new answer

Elegant way to create empty pandas DataFrame with NaN of type float

You could specify the dtype directly when constructing the DataFrame:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0,4),columns=['A'], dtype='float')
>>> df.dtypes
A    float64
dtype: object

Specifying the dtype forces Pandas to try creating the DataFrame with that type, rather than trying to infer it.

How do I run Selenium in Xvfb?

If you use Maven, you can use xvfb-maven-plugin to start xvfb before tests, run them using related DISPLAY environment variable, and stop xvfb after all.

Error: No module named psycopg2.extensions

It seems that you need gcc-4.0, and it would be helpful to specify your OS type and version.

Maybe this question will help you a bit: Installing GCC to Mac OS X Leopard without installing Xcode


I'm a Windows user, so I can't test your setup, but a quick google pointed to some more links:

Android Fastboot devices not returning device

I had the same issue, but I was running Ubuntu 12.04 through a VM. I am using a Nexus 10. I had added the usb device as a filter for the VM (using virtual box in the virtual machine's settings).

The device I had added was "samsung Nexus 10".

The problem is that once the device is in fastboot mode, it shows up as a different device: "Google, Inc Android 1.0." So doing "lsusb" in the VM showed no device connected, and obviously "fastboot devices" returned nothing until I added the "second" device as a filter for the VM as well.

Hope this helps someone.

Yes or No confirm box using jQuery

You can reuse your confirm:

    function doConfirm(body, $_nombrefuncion)
    {   var param = undefined;
        var $confirm = $("<div id='confirm' class='hide'></div>").dialog({
            autoOpen: false,
            buttons: {
                Yes: function() {
                param = true;
                No: function() {
                param = false;

// for this form just u must change or create a new function for to reuse the confirm
    function resultadoconfirmresetVTyBFD(param){
        $fecha = $("#asigfecha").val();
        if(param ==true){
              // DO THE CONFIRM

//Now just u must call the function doConfirm
    doConfirm('body message',resultadoconfirmresetVTyBFD);

What is 0x10 in decimal?

The simple version is 0x is a prefix denoting a hexadecimal number, source.

So the value you're computing is after the prefix, in this case 10.

But that is not the number 10. The most significant bit 1 denotes the hex value while 0 denotes the units.

So the simple math you would do is


1 * 16 + 0 = 16

Note - you use 16 because hex is base 16.

Another example:


15 * 16 + 7 = 247

You can get a list of values by searching for a hex table. For instance in this chart notice F corresponds with 15.

Can I do Android Programming in C++, C?

You can take a look also at C++ Builder XE6, and XE7 supports android in c++ code, and with Firemonkey library.

Pretty easy way to start, and native code. But the binaries have a big size.

How to do an update + join in PostgreSQL?

For those actually wanting to do a JOIN you can also use:

SET price = b_alias.unit_price
FROM      a AS a_alias
LEFT JOIN b AS b_alias ON a_alias.b_fk =
WHERE a_alias.unit_name LIKE 'some_value' 
AND =;

You can use the a_alias in the SET section on the right of the equals sign if needed. The fields on the left of the equals sign don't require a table reference as they are deemed to be from the original "a" table.

YAML equivalent of array of objects in JSON


You want this:

  - shares: -75.088
    date: 11/27/2015
  - shares: 75.088
    date: 11/26/2015


The YAML equivalent of a JSON object is a mapping, which looks like these:

# flow style
{ foo: 1, bar: 2 }
# block style
foo: 1
bar: 2

Note that the first characters of the keys in a block mapping must be in the same column. To demonstrate:

# OK
   foo: 1
   bar: 2
# Parse error
   foo: 1
    bar: 2


The equivalent of a JSON array in YAML is a sequence, which looks like either of these (which are equivalent):

# flow style
[ foo bar, baz ]
# block style
- foo bar
- baz

In a block sequence the -s must be in the same column.


Let's turn your JSON into YAML. Here's your JSON:

{"AAPL": [
    "shares": -75.088,
    "date": "11/27/2015"
    "shares": 75.088,
    "date": "11/26/2015"

As a point of trivia, YAML is a superset of JSON, so the above is already valid YAML—but let's actually use YAML's features to make this prettier.

Starting from the inside out, we have objects that look like this:

  "shares": -75.088,
  "date": "11/27/2015"

The equivalent YAML mapping is:

shares: -75.088
date: 11/27/2015

We have two of these in an array (sequence):

- shares: -75.088
  date: 11/27/2015
- shares: 75.088
  date: 11/26/2015

Note how the -s line up and the first characters of the mapping keys line up.

Finally, this sequence is itself a value in a mapping with the key AAPL:

  - shares: -75.088
    date: 11/27/2015
  - shares: 75.088
    date: 11/26/2015

Parsing this and converting it back to JSON yields the expected result:

  "AAPL": [
      "date": "11/27/2015", 
      "shares": -75.088
      "date": "11/26/2015", 
      "shares": 75.088

You can see it (and edit it interactively) here.

Converting date between DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD?

Your example code is wrong. This works:

import datetime

datetime.datetime.strptime("21/12/2008", "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

The call to strptime() parses the first argument according to the format specified in the second, so those two need to match. Then you can call strftime() to format the result into the desired final format.

Can I change the scroll speed using css or jQuery?

The scroll speed CAN be changed, adjusted, reversed, all of the above - via javascript (or a js library such as jQuery).

WHY would you want to do this? Parallax is just one of the reasons. I have no idea why anyone would argue against doing so -- the same negative arguments can be made against hiding DIVs, sliding elements up/down, etc. Websites are always a combination of technical functionality and UX design -- a good designer can use almost any technical capability to improve UX. That is what makes him/her good.

Toni Almeida of Portugal created a brilliant demo, reproduced below:

jsFiddle Demo


<div id="myDiv">
    Use the mouse wheel (not the scroll bar) to scroll this DIV. You will see that the scroll eventually slows down, and then stops. <span class="boldit">Use the mouse wheel (not the scroll bar) to scroll this DIV. You will see that the scroll eventually slows down, and then stops. </span>


  function wheel(event) {
      var delta = 0;
      if (event.wheelDelta) {(delta = event.wheelDelta / 120);}
      else if (event.detail) {(delta = -event.detail / 3);}

      if (event.preventDefault) {(event.preventDefault());}
      event.returnValue = false;

  function handle(delta) {
      var time = 1000;
      var distance = 300;

      $('html, body').stop().animate({
          scrollTop: $(window).scrollTop() - (distance * delta)
      }, time );

  if (window.addEventListener) {window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', wheel, false);}
    window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = wheel;


How to change default scrollspeed,scrollamount,scrollinertia of a webpage

Mac zip compress without __MACOSX folder?

You can't.

But what you can do is delete those unwanted folders after zipping. Command line zip takes different arguments where one, the -d, is for deleting contents based on a regex. So you can use it like this:

zip -d __MACOSX/\*

How to manage local vs production settings in Django?

My solution to that problem is also somewhat of a mix of some solutions already stated here:

  • I keep a file called that has the content USING_LOCAL = True in dev and USING_LOCAL = False in prod
  • In I do an import on that file to get the USING_LOCAL setting

I then base all my environment-dependent settings on that one:

    # dev database settings
    # prod database settings

I prefer this to having two separate files that I need to maintain as I can keep my settings structured in a single file easier than having them spread across several files. Like this, when I update a setting I don't forget to do it for both environments.

Of course that every method has its disadvantages and this one is no exception. The problem here is that I can't overwrite the file whenever I push my changes into production, meaning I can't just copy all files blindly, but that's something I can live with.

A column-vector y was passed when a 1d array was expected

Change this line:

model =, train_y)


model =, train_y.values.ravel())


.values will give the values in an array. (shape: (n,1)

.ravel will convert that array shape to (n, )

Converting Date and Time To Unix Timestamp

Using a date picker to get date and a time picker I get two variables, this is how I put them together in unixtime format and then pull them out...

let datetime = oDdate+' '+oDtime;
let unixtime = Date.parse(datetime)/1000;

to prove it:

let milliseconds = unixtime * 1000;
dateObject = new Date(milliseconds);


How to set upload_max_filesize in .htaccess?

What to do to correct this is create a file called php.ini and save it in the same location as your .htaccess file and enter the following code instead:

upload_max_filesize = "250M"
post_max_size = "250M"

Mockito: Inject real objects into private @Autowired fields

Mockito is not a DI framework and even DI frameworks encourage constructor injections over field injections.
So you just declare a constructor to set dependencies of the class under test :

private SomeService serviceMock;

private Demo demo;

/* ... */
public void beforeEach(){
   demo = new Demo(serviceMock);

Using Mockito spy for the general case is a terrible advise. It makes the test class brittle, not straight and error prone : What is really mocked ? What is really tested ?
@InjectMocks and @Spy also hurts the overall design since it encourages bloated classes and mixed responsibilities in the classes.
Please read the spy() javadoc before using that blindly (emphasis is not mine) :

Creates a spy of the real object. The spy calls real methods unless they are stubbed. Real spies should be used carefully and occasionally, for example when dealing with legacy code.

As usual you are going to read the partial mock warning: Object oriented programming tackles complexity by dividing the complexity into separate, specific, SRPy objects. How does partial mock fit into this paradigm? Well, it just doesn't... Partial mock usually means that the complexity has been moved to a different method on the same object. In most cases, this is not the way you want to design your application.

However, there are rare cases when partial mocks come handy: dealing with code you cannot change easily (3rd party interfaces, interim refactoring of legacy code etc.) However, I wouldn't use partial mocks for new, test-driven & well-designed code.

How to export data as CSV format from SQL Server using sqlcmd?

You can do it in a hackish way. Careful using the sqlcmd hack. If the data has double quotes or commas you will run into trouble.

You can use a simple script to do it properly:

' Data Exporter                                                 '
'                                                               '
' Description: Allows the output of data to CSV file from a SQL '
'       statement to either Oracle, SQL Server, or MySQL        '
' Author: C. Peter Chen,                   '
' Version Tracker:                                              '
'       1.0   20080414 Original version                         '
'   1.1   20080807 Added email functionality                '
option explicit
dim dbType, dbHost, dbName, dbUser, dbPass, outputFile, email, subj, body, smtp, smtpPort, sqlstr

' Configuration '
dbType = "oracle"                 ' Valid values: "oracle", "sqlserver", "mysql"
dbHost = "dbhost"                 ' Hostname of the database server
dbName = "dbname"                 ' Name of the database/SID
dbUser = "username"               ' Name of the user
dbPass = "password"               ' Password of the above-named user
outputFile = "c:\output.csv"      ' Path and file name of the output CSV file
email = "[email protected]"           ' Enter email here should you wish to email the CSV file (as attachment); if no email, leave it as empty string ""
  subj = "Email Subject"          ' The subject of your email; required only if you send the CSV over email
  body = "Put a message here!"    ' The body of your email; required only if you send the CSV over email
  smtp = ""        ' Name of your SMTP server; required only if you send the CSV over email
  smtpPort = 25                   ' SMTP port used by your server, usually 25; required only if you send the CSV over email
sqlStr = "select user from dual"  ' SQL statement you wish to execute
' End Configuration '

dim fso, conn

'Create filesystem object 
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Database connection info
set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
Conn.ConnectionTimeout = 30
Conn.CommandTimeout = 30
if dbType = "oracle" then"Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=" & dbUser & ";Password=" & dbPass & ";Data Source=" & dbName & ";Persist Security Info=False")
elseif dbType = "sqlserver" then"Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & dbHost & ";Database=" & dbName & ";Uid=" & dbUser & ";Pwd=" & dbPass & ";")
elseif dbType = "mysql" then"DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=" & dbHost & ";PORT=3306;DATABASE=" & dbName & "; UID=" & dbUser & "; PASSWORD=" & dbPass & "; OPTION=3")
end if

' Subprocedure to generate data.  Two parameters:
'   1. fPath=where to create the file
'   2. sqlstr=the database query
sub MakeDataFile(fPath, sqlstr)
    dim a, showList, intcount
    set a = fso.createtextfile(fPath)

    set showList = conn.execute(sqlstr)
    for intcount = 0 to showList.fields.count -1
        if intcount <> showList.fields.count-1 then
            a.write """" & showList.fields(intcount).name & ""","
            a.write """" & showList.fields(intcount).name & """"
        end if
    a.writeline ""

    do while not showList.eof
        for intcount = 0 to showList.fields.count - 1
            if intcount <> showList.fields.count - 1 then
                a.write """" & showList.fields(intcount).value & ""","
                a.write """" & showList.fields(intcount).value & """"
            end if
        a.writeline ""
    set showList = nothing

    set a = nothing
end sub

' Call the subprocedure
call MakeDataFile(outputFile,sqlstr)

' Close
set fso = nothing
set conn = nothing

if email <> "" then
    dim objMessage
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objMessage.Subject = "Test Email from vbs"
    objMessage.From = email
    objMessage.To = email
    objMessage.TextBody = "Please see attached file."
    objMessage.AddAttachment outputFile

    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = smtp
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = smtpPort


end if

'You're all done!!  Enjoy the file created.
msgbox("Data Writer Done!")

Source: Writing SQL output to CSV with VBScript.

How to run a Maven project from Eclipse?

Your Maven project doesn't seem to be configured as a Eclipse Java project, that is the Java nature is missing (the little 'J' in the project icon).

To enable this, the <packaging> element in your pom.xml should be jar (or similar).

Then, right-click the project and select Maven > Update Project Configuration

For this to work, you need to have m2eclipse installed. But since you had the _ New ... > New Maven Project_ wizard, I assume you have m2eclipse installed.

Why is C so fast, and why aren't other languages as fast or faster?

It's not so much about the language as the tools and libraries. The available libraries and compilers for C are much older than for newer languages. You might think this would make them slower, but au contraire.

These libraries were written at a time when processing power and memory were at a premium. They had to be written very efficiently in order to work at all. Developers of C compilers have also had a long time to work in all sorts of clever optimizations for different processors. C's maturity and wide adoption makes for a signficant advantage over other languages of the same age. It also gives C a speed advantage over newer tools that don't emphasize raw performance as much as C had to.

Track a new remote branch created on GitHub

If you don't have an existing local branch, it is truly as simple as:

git fetch
git checkout <remote-branch-name>

For instance if you fetch and there is a new remote tracking branch called origin/feature/Main_Page, just do this:

git checkout feature/Main_Page

This creates a local branch with the same name as the remote branch, tracking that remote branch. If you have multiple remotes with the same branch name, you can use the less ambiguous:

git checkout -t <remote>/<remote-branch-name>

If you already made the local branch and don't want to delete it, see How do you make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?.

Spring Data JPA Update @Query not updating?

The EntityManager doesn't flush change automatically by default. You should use the following option with your statement of query:

@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
@Query("update RssFeedEntry feedEntry set =:isRead where =:entryId")
void markEntryAsRead(@Param("entryId") Long rssFeedEntryId, @Param("isRead") boolean isRead);

error: unknown type name ‘bool’

Somewhere in your code there is a line #include <string>. This by itself tells you that the program is written in C++. So using g++ is better than gcc.

For the missing library: you should look around in the file system if you can find a file called Use the locate command, try /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, /opt/flex/lib, or use the brute-force find / | grep /libl.

Once you have found the file, you have to add the directory to the compiler command line, for example:

g++ -o scan lex.yy.c -L/opt/flex/lib -ll

SQL Server JOIN missing NULL values

for some reason I couldn't get it to work with the outer join.

So I used:

SELECT * from t1 where not Id in (SELECT DISTINCT from t2)

How to install MinGW-w64 and MSYS2?

Unfortunately, the MinGW-w64 installer you used sometimes has this issue. I myself am not sure about why this happens (I think it has something to do with Sourceforge URL redirection or whatever that the installer currently can't handle properly enough).

Anyways, if you're already planning on using MSYS2, there's no need for that installer.

  1. Download MSYS2 from this page (choose 32 or 64-bit according to what version of Windows you are going to use it on, not what kind of executables you want to build, both versions can build both 32 and 64-bit binaries).

  2. After the install completes, click on the newly created "MSYS2 Shell" option under either MSYS2 64-bit or MSYS2 32-bit in the Start menu. Update MSYS2 according to the wiki (although I just do a pacman -Syu, ignore all errors and close the window and open a new one, this is not recommended and you should do what the wiki page says).

  3. Install a toolchain

    a) for 32-bit:

    pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc

    b) for 64-bit:

    pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
  4. install any libraries/tools you may need. You can search the repositories by doing

    pacman -Ss name_of_something_i_want_to_install


    pacman -Ss gsl

    and install using

    pacman -S package_name_of_something_i_want_to_install


    pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gsl

    and from then on the GSL library is automatically found by your MinGW-w64 64-bit compiler!

  5. Open a MinGW-w64 shell:

    a) To build 32-bit things, open the "MinGW-w64 32-bit Shell"

    b) To build 64-bit things, open the "MinGW-w64 64-bit Shell"

  6. Verify that the compiler is working by doing

    gcc -v

If you want to use the toolchains (with installed libraries) outside of the MSYS2 environment, all you need to do is add <MSYS2 root>/mingw32/bin or <MSYS2 root>/mingw64/bin to your PATH.

How do I prevent 'git diff' from using a pager?

This worked for me with Git version 2.1.4 on Linux:

git config --global --replace-all core.pager cat

This makes Git use cat instead of less. cat just dumps the output of diff to the screen without any paging.

I want to execute shell commands from Maven's pom.xml

2 Options:

  1. You want to exec a command from maven without binding to any phase, you just type the command and maven runs it, you just want to maven to run something, you don't care if we are in compile/package/... Let's say I want to run npm start with maven, you can achieve it with the below:

mvn exec:exec -Pstart-node

For that you need the below maven section


  1. You want to run an arbitrary command from maven while you are at a specific phase, for example when I'm at install phase I want to run npm install you can do that with:

mvn install

And for that to work you would need the below section:


        <id>npm install (initialize)</id>

Has anyone ever got a remote JMX JConsole to work?

Adding -Djava.rmi.server.hostname='<host ip>' resolved this problem for me.

List all virtualenv

Run workon with no argument to list available environments.

How to generate a random string of a fixed length in Go?

Here is a simple and performant solution for a cryptographically secure random string.

package main

import (

var alphabet = []byte("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")

func main() {

func generate(size int) string {
    b := make([]byte, size)
    for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
        b[i] = alphabet[b[i] / 5]
    return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))


Benchmark  95.2 ns/op      16 B/op      1 allocs/op

QComboBox - set selected item based on the item's data

If you know the text in the combo box that you want to select, just use the setCurrentText() method to select that item.

ui->comboBox->setCurrentText("choice 2");

From the Qt 5.7 documentation

The setter setCurrentText() simply calls setEditText() if the combo box is editable. Otherwise, if there is a matching text in the list, currentIndex is set to the corresponding index.

So as long as the combo box is not editable, the text specified in the function call will be selected in the combo box.


How to check if an element of a list is a list (in Python)?

Expression you are looking for may be:

return any( isinstance(e, list) for e in my_list )


>>> my_list = [1,2]
>>> any( isinstance(e, list) for e in my_list )
>>> my_list = [1,2, [3,4,5]]
>>> any( isinstance(e, list) for e in my_list )

How to hide only the Close (x) button?

Well you can hide the close button by changing the FormBorderStyle from the properties section or programmatically in the constructor using:

public Form1()
this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;

then you create a menu strip item to exit the application.


How to config Tomcat to serve images from an external folder outside webapps?

You could have a redirect servlet. In you web.xml you'd have:


All your images would be in "/images", which would be intercepted by the servlet. It would then read in the relevant file in whatever folder and serve it right back out. For example, say you have a gif in your images folder, c:\Server_Images\smilie.gif. In the web page would be <img src="http:/".... In the servlet, HttpServletRequest.getPathInfo() would yield "/smilie.gif". Which the servlet would find in the folder.

Display MessageBox in ASP

If you want to do it from code behind, try this:

System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "AlertBox", "alert('Message');", true);

I have filtered my Excel data and now I want to number the rows. How do I do that?

Try this:

On first row set value 1 (e.g cell A1)

on next row set: =A1+1

Finally autocomplete the remaining rows

How do I change the hover over color for a hover over table in Bootstrap?


<table class="table table-hover">
            <td>[email protected]</td>
            <td>[email protected]</td>
            <td>[email protected]</td>


.table-hover thead tr:hover th, .table-hover tbody tr:hover td {
    background-color: #D1D119;

The css code indicate that:

mouse over row:

.table-hover > thead > tr:hover

background color of th will change to #D1D119


Same action will happen for tbody

.table-hover tbody tr:hover td

Intent from Fragment to Activity

in your receiving intent use as

Intent intent = getActivity().getIntent();

and in your send intent

Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(),Main2Activity.class);

remember both are in fragments

Android Emulator sdcard push error: Read-only file system

I increased the virtual memory of sdcard up to 512 MB for the emulator and that was enough

Parsing JSON with Unix tools

If you have php:

php -r 'var_export(json_decode(`curl`, 1));'

For example:
we have resource that provides json with countries iso codes: and we can easily see it in a shell with curl:


but it looks not very convenient, and not readable, better parse json and see readable structure:

php -r 'var_export(json_decode(`curl`, 1));'

This code will print something like:

array (
  'BD' => 'BGD',
  'BE' => 'BEL',
  'BF' => 'BFA',
  'BG' => 'BGR',
  'BA' => 'BIH',
  'BB' => 'BRB',
  'WF' => 'WLF',
  'BL' => 'BLM',

if you have nested arrays this output will looks much better...

Hope this will helpful...

How to change a text with jQuery

Could do it with :contains() selector as well:

$('#toptitle:contains("Profil")').text("New word");


save a pandas.Series histogram plot to file

You can use ax.figure.savefig():

import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series([0, 1])
ax = s.plot.hist()

This has no practical benefit over ax.get_figure().savefig() as suggested in Philip Cloud's answer, so you can pick the option you find the most aesthetically pleasing. In fact, get_figure() simply returns self.figure:

# Source from snippet linked above
def get_figure(self):
    """Return the `.Figure` instance the artist belongs to."""
    return self.figure

REST / SOAP endpoints for a WCF service

This post has already a very good answer by "Community wiki" and I also recommend to look at Rick Strahl's Web Blog, there are many good posts about WCF Rest like this.

I used both to get this kind of MyService-service... Then I can use the REST-interface from jQuery or SOAP from Java.

This is from my Web.Config:

  <service name="MyService" behaviorConfiguration="MyServiceBehavior">
   <endpoint name="rest" address="" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="MyService" behaviorConfiguration="restBehavior"/>
   <endpoint name="mex" address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="MyService"/>
   <endpoint name="soap" address="soap" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="MyService"/>
   <behavior name="MyServiceBehavior">
    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
    <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
   <behavior name="restBehavior">

And this is my service-class (.svc-codebehind, no interfaces required):

    /// <summary> MyService documentation here ;) </summary>
[ServiceContract(Name = "MyService", Namespace = "http://myservice/", SessionMode = SessionMode.NotAllowed)]
//[ServiceKnownType(typeof (IList<MyDataContractTypes>))]
[ServiceBehavior(Name = "MyService", Namespace = "http://myservice/")]
public class MyService
    [OperationContract(Name = "MyResource1")]
    [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, UriTemplate = "MyXmlResource/{key}")]
    public string MyResource1(string key)
        return "Test: " + key;

    [OperationContract(Name = "MyResource2")]
    [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "MyJsonResource/{key}")]
    public string MyResource2(string key)
        return "Test: " + key;

Actually I use only Json or Xml but those both are here for a demo purpose. Those are GET-requests to get data. To insert data I would use method with attributes:

[OperationContract(Name = "MyResourceSave")]
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "MyJsonResource")]
public string MyResourceSave(string thing){

Create Directory When Writing To File In Node.js

If you don't want to use any additional package, you can call the following function before creating your file:

var path = require('path'),
    fs = require('fs');

function ensureDirectoryExistence(filePath) {
  var dirname = path.dirname(filePath);
  if (fs.existsSync(dirname)) {
    return true;

Define the selected option with the old input in Laravel / Blade

      <select class="form-control" name="kategori_id">
        <option value="">-- PILIH --</option>
        @foreach($kategori as $id => $nama)
            @if(old('kategori_id', $produk->kategori_id) == $id )
            <option value="{{ $id }}" selected>{{ $nama }}</option>
            <option value="{{ $id }}">{{ $nama }}</option>

Java regex to extract text between tags

    String s = "<B><G>Test</G></B><C>Test1</C>";

    String pattern ="\\<(.+)\\>([^\\<\\>]+)\\<\\/\\1\\>";

       int count = 0;

        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
        Matcher m =  p.matcher(s);

What is the purpose of XSD files?

An .xsd file is called an XML schema. Via an XML schema, we may require a certain structure in a given XML - which elements in which order, how many times, with which attributes, how they are nested, etc. If we have a schema for our XML input, we can verify that it contains the data we need it to contain, and nothing else, with a few lines invoking a schema validator.

Get exit code for command in bash/ksh

There are several things wrong with your script.

Functions (subroutines) should be declared before attempting to call them. You probably want to return() but not exit() from your subroutine to allow the calling block to test the success or failure of a particular command. That aside, you don't capture 'ERROR_CODE' so that is always zero (undefined).

It's good practice to surround your variable references with curly braces, too. Your code might look like:

command="/bin/date -u"          #...Example Only

safeRunCommand() {
   cmnd="$@"           whitespace passed and preserved
   ERROR_CODE=$?       we have it for the command we want
   if [ ${ERROR_CODE} != 0 ]; then
      printf "Error when executing command: '${command}'\n"
      exit ${ERROR_CODE}        #...consider 'return()' here

safeRunCommand $command
safeRunCommand $command

Where does Internet Explorer store saved passwords?

Short answer: in the Vault. Since Windows 7, a Vault was created for storing any sensitive data among it the credentials of Internet Explorer. The Vault is in fact a LocalSystem service - vaultsvc.dll.

Long answer: Internet Explorer allows two methods of credentials storage: web sites credentials (for example: your Facebook user and password) and autocomplete data. Since version 10, instead of using the Registry a new term was introduced: Windows Vault. Windows Vault is the default storage vault for the credential manager information.

You need to check which OS is running. If its Windows 8 or greater, you call VaultGetItemW8. If its isn't, you call VaultGetItemW7.

To use the "Vault", you load a DLL named "vaultcli.dll" and access its functions as needed.

A typical C++ code will be:

hVaultLib = LoadLibrary(L"vaultcli.dll");

if (hVaultLib != NULL) 
    pVaultEnumerateItems = (VaultEnumerateItems)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultEnumerateItems");
    pVaultEnumerateVaults = (VaultEnumerateVaults)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultEnumerateVaults");
    pVaultFree = (VaultFree)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultFree");
    pVaultGetItemW7 = (VaultGetItemW7)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultGetItem");
    pVaultGetItemW8 = (VaultGetItemW8)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultGetItem");
    pVaultOpenVault = (VaultOpenVault)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultOpenVault");
    pVaultCloseVault = (VaultCloseVault)GetProcAddress(hVaultLib, "VaultCloseVault");

    bStatus = (pVaultEnumerateVaults != NULL)
        && (pVaultFree != NULL)
        && (pVaultGetItemW7 != NULL)
        && (pVaultGetItemW8 != NULL)
        && (pVaultOpenVault != NULL)
        && (pVaultCloseVault != NULL)
        && (pVaultEnumerateItems != NULL);

Then you enumerate all stored credentials by calling


Then you go over the results.

How to avoid pressing Enter with getchar() for reading a single character only?

By default, the C library buffers the output until it sees a return. To print out the results immediately, use fflush:

while((c=getchar())!= EOF)      

Get SELECT's value and text in jQuery

You can do like this, to get the currently selected value:


& to get the currently selected text:


Compare two DataFrames and output their differences side-by-side

Extending answer of @cge, which is pretty cool for more readability of result:

a[a != b][np.any(a != b, axis=1)].join(pd.DataFrame('a<->b', index=a.index, columns=['a<=>b'])).join(
        b[a != b][np.any(a != b, axis=1)]
        ,rsuffix='_b', how='outer'

Full demonstration example:

import numpy as np, pandas as pd

a = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(7,3), columns=list('ABC'))
b = a.copy()
b.iloc[0,2] = np.nan
b.iloc[1,0] = 7
b.iloc[3,1] = 77
b.iloc[4,2] = 777

a[a != b][np.any(a != b, axis=1)].join(pd.DataFrame('a<->b', index=a.index, columns=['a<=>b'])).join(
        b[a != b][np.any(a != b, axis=1)]
        ,rsuffix='_b', how='outer'

How do I find which rpm package supplies a file I'm looking for?

This is an old question, but the current answers are incorrect :)

Use yum whatprovides, with the absolute path to the file you want (which may be wildcarded). For example:

yum whatprovides '*bin/grep'


grep-2.5.1-55.el5.x86_64 : The GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities.
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /bin/grep

You may prefer the output and speed of the repoquery tool, available in the yum-utils package.

sudo yum install yum-utils
repoquery --whatprovides '*bin/grep'

repoquery can do other queries such as listing package contents, dependencies, reverse-dependencies, etc.

How can I convert an Integer to localized month name in Java?

Just inserting the line


will do the trick.

include external .js file in node.js app

you can put

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

at the top of your car.js file for it to work, or you can do what Raynos said to do.

Are nested try/except blocks in Python a good programming practice?

A good and simple example for nested try/except could be the following:

import numpy as np

def divide(x, y):
        out = x/y
            out = np.inf * x / abs(x)
            out = np.nan
        return out

Now try various combinations and you will get the correct result:

divide(15, 3)
# 5.0

divide(15, 0)
# inf

divide(-15, 0)
# -inf

divide(0, 0)
# nan

(Of course, we have NumPy, so we don't need to create this function.)

How to fix 'Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False' for imdb.load_data() function?

Use this

 from tensorflow.keras.datasets import imdb

instead of this

 from keras.datasets import imdb

How can I avoid Java code in JSP files, using JSP 2?

If somebody is really against programming in more languages than one, I suggest GWT. Theoretically, you can avoid all the JavaScript and HTML elements, because Google Toolkit transforms all the client and shared code to JavaScript. You won't have problem with them, so you have a webservice without coding in any other languages. You can even use some default CSS from somewhere as it is given by extensions (smartGWT or Vaadin). You don't need to learn dozens of annotations.

Of course, if you want, you can hack yourself into the depths of the code and inject JavaScript and enrich your HTML page, but really you can avoid it if you want, and the result will be good as it was written in any other frameworks. I it's say worth a try, and the basic GWT is well-documented.

And of course many fellow programmers hereby described or recommended several other solutions. GWT is for people who really don't want to deal with the web part or to minimize it.

How to check if another instance of my shell script is running

I you want the "pidof" method, here is the trick:

    if pidof -o %PPID -x "">/dev/null; then
        echo "Process already running"

Where the -o %PPID parameter tells to omit the pid of the calling shell or shell script. More info in the pidof man page.

Change visibility of ASP.NET label with JavaScript

If you need to manipulate it on the client side, you can't use the Visible property on the server side. Instead, set its CSS display style to "none". For example:

<asp:Label runat="server" id="Label1" style="display: none;" />

Then, you could make it visible on the client side with:

document.getElementById('Label1').style.display = 'inherit';

You could make it hidden again with:

document.getElementById('Label1').style.display = 'none';

Keep in mind that there may be issues with the ClientID being more complex than "Label1" in practice. You'll need to use the ClientID with getElementById, not the server side ID, if they differ.

ggplot with 2 y axes on each side and different scales

For me the tricky part was figuring out the transformation function between the two axis. I used myCurveFit for that.

> dput(combined_80_8192 %>% filter (time > 270, time < 280))
structure(list(run = c(268L, 268L, 268L, 268L, 268L, 268L, 268L, 
268L, 268L, 268L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 263L, 
263L, 263L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 269L, 
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    2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 
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    80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L, 80L), time = c(270.166006903445, 
    271.173853699836, 272.175873251122, 273.177524313334, 274.182946177105, 
    275.188959464989, 276.189675339937, 277.198250244799, 278.204619457189, 
    279.212562800009, 270.164199199177, 271.168527215152, 272.173072994958, 
    273.179210429715, 274.184351047337, 275.18980754378, 276.194816792995, 
    277.198598277809, 278.202398083519, 279.210634593917, 270.210674322891, 
    271.212395107473, 272.218871923292, 273.219060500457, 274.220486359614, 
    275.22401452372, 276.229646658839, 277.231060448138, 278.240407241942, 
    279.2437126347, 270.283554249858, 271.293168593832, 272.298574288769, 
    273.304413221348, 274.306272082517, 275.309023049011, 276.317805897347, 
    277.324403550028, 278.332855848701, 279.334046374594, 270.118608539613, 
    271.127947700074, 272.133887145863, 273.135726000491, 274.135994529981, 
    275.136563912708, 276.140120735361, 277.144298344151, 278.146885137621, 
    279.147552358659, 270.206015567272, 271.214618077209, 272.216566814903, 
    273.225435592582, 274.234014573683, 275.242949179958, 276.248417809711, 
    277.248800670023, 278.249750333404, 279.252926560188, 270.217182684494, 
    271.218357511397, 272.224698488895, 273.231112784327, 274.238740508457, 
    275.242715184122, 276.249053562718, 277.250325509798, 278.258488063493, 
    279.261141590137, 270.282904173953, 271.284689544638, 272.294220723234, 
    273.299749415592, 274.30628880553, 275.312075103126, 276.31579134717, 
    277.321905523606, 278.326305136748, 279.333056502253, 270.258991527456, 
    271.260224091407, 272.270076810133, 273.27052037648, 274.274119348094, 
    275.280808254502, 276.286353887245, 277.287064312339, 278.294444793276, 
    279.296772014594, 270.333066283904, 271.33877455992, 272.345842319903, 
    273.350858180493, 274.353972278505, 275.360454510107, 276.365088896161, 
    277.369166956941, 278.372571708911, 279.38017503079), distanceToTx = c(80.255266401689, 
    80.156059067023, 79.98823695539, 79.826647129071, 79.76678667135, 
    79.788239825292, 79.734539327997, 79.74766421514, 79.801243848241, 
    79.765920888341, 80.255266401689, 80.15850240049, 79.98823695539, 
    79.826647129071, 79.76678667135, 79.788239825292, 79.735078924078, 
    79.74766421514, 79.801243848241, 79.764622734914, 80.251248121732, 
    80.146436869316, 79.984682320466, 79.82292012342, 79.761908518748, 
    79.796988776281, 79.736920997657, 79.745038376718, 79.802638836686, 
    79.770029970452, 80.243475525691, 80.127918207499, 79.978303140866, 
    79.816259117883, 79.749322030693, 79.809916018889, 79.744456560867, 
    79.738655068783, 79.788697533211, 79.784288359619, 80.260412958482, 
    80.168426829066, 79.992034911214, 79.830845773284, 79.7756751763, 
    79.778156038931, 79.732399593756, 79.752769548846, 79.799967731078, 
    79.757585110481, 80.251248121732, 80.146436869316, 79.984682320466, 
    79.822062073459, 79.75884601899, 79.801590491435, 79.738335109094, 
    79.74347007248, 79.803215965043, 79.771471198955, 80.250257298678, 
    80.146436869316, 79.983831684476, 79.822062073459, 79.75884601899, 
    79.801590491435, 79.738335109094, 79.74347007248, 79.803849157574, 
    79.771471198955, 80.243475525691, 80.130180105198, 79.978303140866, 
    79.816881283718, 79.749322030693, 79.80984572883, 79.744456560867, 
    79.738655068783, 79.790548644175, 79.784288359619, 80.246349000313, 
    80.137056554491, 79.980581246037, 79.818924707937, 79.753176142361, 
    79.808777040341, 79.741609845588, 79.740770913572, 79.796316397253, 
    79.777593733292, 80.238796415443, 80.119021911134, 79.974810568944, 
    79.814065350562, 79.743657315504, 79.810146783217, 79.749945098869, 
    79.737122584544, 79.781650522348, 79.791554933936), headerNoError = c(0.99999999989702, 
    0.9999999999981, 0.99999999999946, 0.9999999928026, 0.99999873265475, 
    0.77080141574964, 0.99007491438593, 0.99994396605059, 0.45588747062284, 
    0.93484381262491, 0.99999999989702, 0.99999999999816, 0.99999999999946, 
    0.9999999928026, 0.99999873265475, 0.77080141574964, 0.99008458785106, 
    0.99994396605059, 0.45588747062284, 0.93480223051707, 0.99999999989735, 
    0.99999999999789, 0.99999999999946, 0.99999999287551, 0.99999876302649, 
    0.46903147501117, 0.98835168988253, 0.99994427085086, 0.45235035271542, 
    0.93496741877335, 0.99999999989803, 0.99999999999781, 0.99999999999948, 
    0.99999999318224, 0.99994254156311, 0.46891362282273, 0.93382613917348, 
    0.99994594904099, 0.93002915596843, 0.93569767251247, 0.99999999989658, 
    0.99999999998074, 0.99999999999946, 0.99999999272802, 0.99999871586781, 
    0.76935240919896, 0.99002587758346, 0.99999881589732, 0.46179415706093, 
    0.93417422376389, 0.99999999989735, 0.99999999999789, 0.99999999999946, 
    0.99999999289347, 0.99999876940486, 0.46930769326427, 0.98837353639905, 
    0.99994447154714, 0.16313586712094, 0.93500824170148, 0.99999999989744, 
    0.99999999999789, 0.99999999999946, 0.99999999289347, 0.99999876940486, 
    0.46930769326427, 0.98837353639905, 0.99994447154714, 0.16330039178981, 
    0.93500824170148, 0.99999999989803, 0.99999999999781, 0.99999999999948, 
    0.99999999316541, 0.99994254156311, 0.46794586553266, 0.93382613917348, 
    0.99994594904099, 0.9303627789484, 0.93569767251247, 0.99999999989778, 
    0.9999999999978, 0.99999999999948, 0.99999999311433, 0.99999878195152, 
    0.47101897739483, 0.93368891853679, 0.99994556595217, 0.7571113417265, 
    0.93553999975802, 0.99999999998191, 0.99999999999784, 0.99999999999971, 
    0.99999891129658, 0.99994309267792, 0.46510628979591, 0.93442584181035, 
    0.99894450514543, 0.99890078483692, 0.76933812306423), receivedPower_dbm = c(-93.023492290586, 
    -92.388378035287, -92.205716340607, -93.816400586752, -95.023489422885, 
    -100.86308557253, -98.464763536915, -96.175707680373, -102.06189538385, 
    -99.716653422746, -93.023492290586, -92.384760627397, -92.205716340607, 
    -93.816400586752, -95.023489422885, -100.86308557253, -98.464201120719, 
    -96.175707680373, -102.06189538385, -99.717150021506, -93.022927803442, 
    -92.404017215549, -92.204561341714, -93.814319484729, -95.016990717792, 
    -102.01669022332, -98.558088145955, -96.173817001483, -102.07406915124, 
    -99.71517574876, -93.021813165972, -92.409586309743, -92.20229160243, 
    -93.805335867418, -96.184419849593, -102.01709540787, -99.728735187547, 
    -96.163233028048, -99.772547164798, -99.706399753853, -93.024204617071, 
    -92.745813384859, -92.206884754512, -93.818508150122, -95.027018807793, 
    -100.87000577258, -98.467607232407, -95.005311380324, -102.04157607608, 
    -99.724619517, -93.022927803442, -92.404017215549, -92.204561341714, 
    -93.813803344588, -95.015606885523, -102.0157405687, -98.556982278361, 
    -96.172566862738, -103.21871579865, -99.714687230796, -93.022787428238, 
    -92.404017215549, -92.204274688493, -93.813803344588, -95.015606885523, 
    -102.0157405687, -98.556982278361, -96.172566862738, -103.21784988098, 
    -99.714687230796, -93.021813165972, -92.409950613665, -92.20229160243, 
    -93.805838770576, -96.184419849593, -102.02042267497, -99.728735187547, 
    -96.163233028048, -99.768774335378, -99.706399753853, -93.022228914406, 
    -92.411048503835, -92.203136463155, -93.807357409082, -95.012865008237, 
    -102.00985717796, -99.730352912911, -96.165675535906, -100.92744056572, 
    -99.708301333236, -92.735781110993, -92.408137395049, -92.119533319039, 
    -94.982938427575, -96.181073124017, -102.03018610927, -99.721633629806, 
    -97.32940323644, -97.347613268692, -100.87007386786), snr = c(49.848348091678, 
    57.698190927109, 60.17669971462, 41.529809724535, 31.452202106925, 
    8.1976890851341, 14.240447804094, 24.122884195464, 6.2202875499406, 
    10.674183333671, 49.848348091678, 57.746270018264, 60.17669971462, 
    41.529809724535, 31.452202106925, 8.1976890851341, 14.242292077376, 
    24.122884195464, 6.2202875499406, 10.672962852322, 49.854827699773, 
    57.49079026127, 60.192705735317, 41.549715223147, 31.499301851462, 
    6.2853718719014, 13.937702343688, 24.133388256416, 6.2028757927148, 
    10.677815810561, 49.867624820879, 57.417115267867, 60.224172277442, 
    41.635752021705, 24.074540962859, 6.2847854917092, 10.644529778044, 
    24.19227425387, 10.537686730745, 10.699414795917, 49.84017267426, 
    53.139646558768, 60.160512118809, 41.509660845114, 31.42665220053, 
    8.1846370024428, 14.231126423354, 31.584125885363, 6.2494585568733, 
    10.654622041348, 49.854827699773, 57.49079026127, 60.192705735317, 
    41.55465351989, 31.509340361646, 6.2867464196657, 13.941251828322, 
    24.140336174865, 4.765718874642, 10.679016976694, 49.856439162736, 
    57.49079026127, 60.196678846453, 41.55465351989, 31.509340361646, 
    6.2867464196657, 13.941251828322, 24.140336174865, 4.7666691818074, 
    10.679016976694, 49.867624820879, 57.412299088098, 60.224172277442, 
    41.630930975211, 24.074540962859, 6.279972363168, 10.644529778044, 
    24.19227425387, 10.546845071479, 10.699414795917, 49.862851240855, 
    57.397787176282, 60.212457625018, 41.61637603957, 31.529239767749, 
    6.2952688513108, 10.640565481982, 24.178672145334, 8.0771089950663, 
    10.694731030907, 53.262541905639, 57.43627424514, 61.382796189332, 
    31.747253311549, 24.093100244121, 6.2658701281075, 10.661949889074, 
    18.495227442305, 18.417839037171, 8.1845086722809), frameId = c(15051, 
    15106, 15165, 15220, 15279, 15330, 15385, 15452, 15511, 15566, 
    15019, 15074, 15129, 15184, 15239, 15298, 15353, 15412, 15471, 
    15526, 14947, 14994, 15057, 15112, 15171, 15226, 15281, 15332, 
    15391, 15442, 14971, 15030, 15085, 15144, 15203, 15262, 15321, 
    15380, 15435, 15490, 14915, 14978, 15033, 15092, 15147, 15198, 
    15257, 15312, 15371, 15430, 14975, 15034, 15089, 15140, 15195, 
    15254, 15313, 15368, 15427, 15478, 14987, 15046, 15105, 15160, 
    15215, 15274, 15329, 15384, 15447, 15506, 14943, 15002, 15061, 
    15116, 15171, 15230, 15285, 15344, 15399, 15454, 14971, 15026, 
    15081, 15136, 15195, 15258, 15313, 15368, 15423, 15478, 15039, 
    15094, 15149, 15204, 15263, 15314, 15369, 15428, 15487, 15546
    ), packetOkSinr = c(0.99999999314881, 0.9999999998736, 0.99999999996428, 
    0.99999952114066, 0.99991568416005, 3.00628034688444e-08, 
    0.51497487795954, 0.99627877136019, 0, 0.011303253101957, 
    0.99999999314881, 0.99999999987726, 0.99999999996428, 0.99999952114066, 
    0.99991568416005, 3.00628034688444e-08, 0.51530974419663, 
    0.99627877136019, 0, 0.011269851265775, 0.9999999931708, 
    0.99999999985986, 0.99999999996428, 0.99999952599145, 0.99991770469509, 
    0, 0.45861812482641, 0.99629897628155, 0, 0.011403119534097, 
    0.99999999321568, 0.99999999985437, 0.99999999996519, 0.99999954639936, 
    0.99618434878558, 0, 0.010513119213425, 0.99641022914441, 
    0.00801687746446111, 0.012011103529927, 0.9999999931195, 
    0.99999999871861, 0.99999999996428, 0.99999951617905, 0.99991456738049, 
    2.6525298291169e-08, 0.51328066587104, 0.9999212220316, 0, 
    0.010777054258914, 0.9999999931708, 0.99999999985986, 0.99999999996428, 
    0.99999952718674, 0.99991812902805, 0, 0.45929307038653, 
    0.99631228046814, 0, 0.011436292559188, 0.99999999317629, 
    0.99999999985986, 0.99999999996428, 0.99999952718674, 0.99991812902805, 
    0, 0.45929307038653, 0.99631228046814, 0, 0.011436292559188, 
    0.99999999321568, 0.99999999985437, 0.99999999996519, 0.99999954527918, 
    0.99618434878558, 0, 0.010513119213425, 0.99641022914441, 
    0.00821047996950475, 0.012011103529927, 0.99999999319919, 
    0.99999999985345, 0.99999999996519, 0.99999954188106, 0.99991896371849, 
    0, 0.010410830482692, 0.996384831822, 9.12484388049251e-09, 
    0.011877185067536, 0.99999999879646, 0.9999999998562, 0.99999999998077, 
    0.99992756868677, 0.9962208785486, 0, 0.010971897073662, 
    0.93214999078663, 0.92943956665979, 2.64925478221656e-08), 
    snir = c(49.848348091678, 57.698190927109, 60.17669971462, 
    41.529809724535, 31.452202106925, 8.1976890851341, 14.240447804094, 
    24.122884195464, 6.2202875499406, 10.674183333671, 49.848348091678, 
    57.746270018264, 60.17669971462, 41.529809724535, 31.452202106925, 
    8.1976890851341, 14.242292077376, 24.122884195464, 6.2202875499406, 
    10.672962852322, 49.854827699773, 57.49079026127, 60.192705735317, 
    41.549715223147, 31.499301851462, 6.2853718719014, 13.937702343688, 
    24.133388256416, 6.2028757927148, 10.677815810561, 49.867624820879, 
    57.417115267867, 60.224172277442, 41.635752021705, 24.074540962859, 
    6.2847854917092, 10.644529778044, 24.19227425387, 10.537686730745, 
    10.699414795917, 49.84017267426, 53.139646558768, 60.160512118809, 
    41.509660845114, 31.42665220053, 8.1846370024428, 14.231126423354, 
    31.584125885363, 6.2494585568733, 10.654622041348, 49.854827699773, 
    57.49079026127, 60.192705735317, 41.55465351989, 31.509340361646, 
    6.2867464196657, 13.941251828322, 24.140336174865, 4.765718874642, 
    10.679016976694, 49.856439162736, 57.49079026127, 60.196678846453, 
    41.55465351989, 31.509340361646, 6.2867464196657, 13.941251828322, 
    24.140336174865, 4.7666691818074, 10.679016976694, 49.867624820879, 
    57.412299088098, 60.224172277442, 41.630930975211, 24.074540962859, 
    6.279972363168, 10.644529778044, 24.19227425387, 10.546845071479, 
    10.699414795917, 49.862851240855, 57.397787176282, 60.212457625018, 
    41.61637603957, 31.529239767749, 6.2952688513108, 10.640565481982, 
    24.178672145334, 8.0771089950663, 10.694731030907, 53.262541905639, 
    57.43627424514, 61.382796189332, 31.747253311549, 24.093100244121, 
    6.2658701281075, 10.661949889074, 18.495227442305, 18.417839037171, 
    8.1845086722809), ookSnirBer = c(8.8808636558081e-24, 3.2219795637026e-27, 
    2.6468895519653e-28, 3.9807779074715e-20, 1.0849324265615e-15, 
    2.5705217057696e-05, 4.7313805615763e-08, 1.8800438086075e-12, 
    0.00021005320203921, 1.9147343768384e-06, 8.8808636558081e-24, 
    3.0694773489537e-27, 2.6468895519653e-28, 3.9807779074715e-20, 
    1.0849324265615e-15, 2.5705217057696e-05, 4.7223753038869e-08, 
    1.8800438086075e-12, 0.00021005320203921, 1.9171738578051e-06, 
    8.8229427230445e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27, 2.6045198111088e-28, 
    3.9014083702734e-20, 1.0342658440386e-15, 0.00019591630514278, 
    6.4692014108683e-08, 1.8600094209271e-12, 0.0002140067535655, 
    1.9074922485477e-06, 8.7096574467175e-24, 4.2779443633862e-27, 
    2.5231916788231e-28, 3.5761615214425e-20, 1.9750692814982e-12, 
    0.0001960392878411, 1.9748966344895e-06, 1.7515881895994e-12, 
    2.2078334799411e-06, 1.8649940680806e-06, 8.954486301678e-24, 
    3.2021085732779e-25, 2.690441113724e-28, 4.0627628846548e-20, 
    1.1134484878561e-15, 2.6061691733331e-05, 4.777159157954e-08, 
    9.4891388749738e-16, 0.00020359398491544, 1.9542110660398e-06, 
    8.8229427230445e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27, 2.6045198111088e-28, 
    3.8819641115984e-20, 1.0237769828158e-15, 0.00019562832342849, 
    6.4455095380046e-08, 1.8468752030971e-12, 0.0010099091367628, 
    1.9051035165106e-06, 8.8085966897635e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27, 
    2.594108048185e-28, 3.8819641115984e-20, 1.0237769828158e-15, 
    0.00019562832342849, 6.4455095380046e-08, 1.8468752030971e-12, 
    0.0010088638355194, 1.9051035165106e-06, 8.7096574467175e-24, 
    4.2987746909572e-27, 2.5231916788231e-28, 3.593647329558e-20, 
    1.9750692814982e-12, 0.00019705170257492, 1.9748966344895e-06, 
    1.7515881895994e-12, 2.1868296425817e-06, 1.8649940680806e-06, 
    8.7517439682173e-24, 4.3621551072316e-27, 2.553168170837e-28, 
    3.6469582463164e-20, 1.0032983660212e-15, 0.00019385229409318, 
    1.9830820164805e-06, 1.7760568361323e-12, 2.919419915209e-05, 
    1.8741284335866e-06, 2.8285944348148e-25, 4.1960751547207e-27, 
    7.8468215407139e-29, 8.0407329049747e-16, 1.9380328071065e-12, 
    0.00020004849911333, 1.9393279417733e-06, 5.9354475879597e-10, 
    6.4258355913627e-10, 2.6065221215415e-05), ookSnrBer = c(8.8808636558081e-24, 
    3.2219795637026e-27, 2.6468895519653e-28, 3.9807779074715e-20, 
    1.0849324265615e-15, 2.5705217057696e-05, 4.7313805615763e-08, 
    1.8800438086075e-12, 0.00021005320203921, 1.9147343768384e-06, 
    8.8808636558081e-24, 3.0694773489537e-27, 2.6468895519653e-28, 
    3.9807779074715e-20, 1.0849324265615e-15, 2.5705217057696e-05, 
    4.7223753038869e-08, 1.8800438086075e-12, 0.00021005320203921, 
    1.9171738578051e-06, 8.8229427230445e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27, 
    2.6045198111088e-28, 3.9014083702734e-20, 1.0342658440386e-15, 
    0.00019591630514278, 6.4692014108683e-08, 1.8600094209271e-12, 
    0.0002140067535655, 1.9074922485477e-06, 8.7096574467175e-24, 
    4.2779443633862e-27, 2.5231916788231e-28, 3.5761615214425e-20, 
    1.9750692814982e-12, 0.0001960392878411, 1.9748966344895e-06, 
    1.7515881895994e-12, 2.2078334799411e-06, 1.8649940680806e-06, 
    8.954486301678e-24, 3.2021085732779e-25, 2.690441113724e-28, 
    4.0627628846548e-20, 1.1134484878561e-15, 2.6061691733331e-05, 
    4.777159157954e-08, 9.4891388749738e-16, 0.00020359398491544, 
    1.9542110660398e-06, 8.8229427230445e-24, 3.9715925056443e-27, 
    2.6045198111088e-28, 3.8819641115984e-20, 1.0237769828158e-15, 
    0.00019562832342849, 6.4455095380046e-08, 1.8468752030971e-12, 
    0.0010099091367628, 1.9051035165106e-06, 8.8085966897635e-24, 
    3.9715925056443e-27, 2.594108048185e-28, 3.8819641115984e-20, 
    1.0237769828158e-15, 0.00019562832342849, 6.4455095380046e-08, 
    1.8468752030971e-12, 0.0010088638355194, 1.9051035165106e-06, 
    8.7096574467175e-24, 4.2987746909572e-27, 2.5231916788231e-28, 
    3.593647329558e-20, 1.9750692814982e-12, 0.00019705170257492, 
    1.9748966344895e-06, 1.7515881895994e-12, 2.1868296425817e-06, 
    1.8649940680806e-06, 8.7517439682173e-24, 4.3621551072316e-27, 
    2.553168170837e-28, 3.6469582463164e-20, 1.0032983660212e-15, 
    0.00019385229409318, 1.9830820164805e-06, 1.7760568361323e-12, 
    2.919419915209e-05, 1.8741284335866e-06, 2.8285944348148e-25, 
    4.1960751547207e-27, 7.8468215407139e-29, 8.0407329049747e-16, 
    1.9380328071065e-12, 0.00020004849911333, 1.9393279417733e-06, 
    5.9354475879597e-10, 6.4258355913627e-10, 2.6065221215415e-05
    )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -100L), .Names = c("run", 
"repetition", "module", "configname", "packetByteLength", "numVehicles", 
"dDistance", "time", "distanceToTx", "headerNoError", "receivedPower_dbm", 
"snr", "frameId", "packetOkSinr", "snir", "ookSnirBer", "ookSnrBer"

Finding the transformation function

  1. y1 --> y2 This function is used to transform the data of the secondary y axis to be "normalized" according to the first y axis

enter image description here

transformation function: f(y1) = 0.025*x + 2.75

  1. y2 --> y1 This function is used to transform the break points of the first y axis to the values of the second y axis. Note that the axis are swapped now.

enter image description here

transformation function: f(y1) = 40*x - 110


Note how the transformation functions are used in the ggplot call to transform the data "on-the-fly"

ggplot(data=combined_80_8192 %>% filter (time > 270, time < 280), aes(x=time) ) +
  stat_summary(aes(y=receivedPower_dbm ), fun.y=mean, geom="line", colour="black") +
  stat_summary(aes(y=packetOkSinr*40 - 110 ), fun.y=mean, geom="line", colour="black", position = position_dodge(width=10)) +
  scale_x_continuous() +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-0,-110,-10), "y_first", sec.axis=sec_axis(~.*0.025+2.75, name="y_second") ) 

The first stat_summary call is the one that sets the base for the first y axis. The second stat_summary call is called to transform the data. Remember that all of the data will take as base the first y axis. So that data needs to be normalized for the first y axis. To do that I use the transformation function on the data: y=packetOkSinr*40 - 110

Now to transform the second axis I use the opposite function within the scale_y_continuous call: sec.axis=sec_axis(~.*0.025+2.75, name="y_second").

enter image description here

How to change the height of a <br>?

<span style="line-height:40px;"><br></span> 

You'd have to do this inline and on each
element but it should work on most browsers Fiddle with the line height to get the desired effect. If you make it inline on each element, it should work across most browsers and e-mail(but this is too complex to discuss here).

OpenJDK8 for windows

Go to this link

Download version tar.gz for windows and just extract files to the folder by your needs. On the left pane, you can select which version of openjdk to download

Tutorial: unzip as expected. You need to set system variable PATH to include your directory with openjdk so you can type java -version in console.

JDK vs OpenJDK

How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code?

Explained here Language-specific editor settings but specifically:

  1. Ctrl+Shift+P and type "Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings"
  2. Select the language or add section in the file (start typing "[" to see list of suggestions) or edit section as you like if already there. Example:

    "[markdown]": {
        "editor.wordWrap": "on",
    "[plaintext]": {
        "editor.wordWrap": "bounded",
    "[typescript]": {
        "editor.tabSize": 2,
        "editor.wordWrap": "off",

How can I easily add storage to a VirtualBox machine with XP installed?

I am glad you were able to get this done in this manner, but you can (and I did) use the GParted tool for my Windows XP host by following the helpful entry by Eric. To re-iterate/expand on his solution (don't be afraid of the # steps, I'm trying to help newbies here, so there are necessarily more detailed instructions!):

  1. change the size of the virtual hard disk via the VBoxManage modifyhd command, which is well-documented here and in the VirtualBox documentation.

  2. download the GParted-live ( or search the internet for GParted-live ISO. The important part is to get the live (.iso) verison, which is in the form of a bootable .ISO (CD) image.

  3. Mount this new .ISO to the CD virtual drive in the host machine's Storage settings

  4. If necessary/desired, change the boot order in the System settings for the host machine, to boot from CD before Hard Disk (alternatively, you can press F12 when it's booting up, and select the device)

  5. start your VM; if you changed the boot order, it will boot to the GParted-live ISO; otherwise press F12 to do this.

  6. do not be afraid or get too confused/wrapped up in the initial options you are presented; I selected all the defaults (booting to GParted default, default key mapping, language (assuming English - sorry for my non-English friends!), display, etc.). Read it, but just press enter at each prompt. With a Windows VM you should be fine with all the defaults, and if you're not, you're not going to break anything, and the instructions are pretty good about what to do if the defaults don't work.

  7. it will boot to a GUI environment and start the GParted utility. Highlight the c: drive (assuming that's the drive you want to increase the size on) and select resize/move.

  8. change to the new size you want in MB (they abbreviate MiB) - just add the new amount available (represented in the bottom number - MiB following) to the middle number. E.g: I changed mine from like 4000 MiB (e.g., 4GB - my initial size) to 15000 MiB (15 GB) because I'd added 10 GB to my virtual disk. Then click OK.

  9. Click Apply. Once it's done you'll have to reboot - for whatever reason my mouse did not work on the desktop icons on the GUI (I could not click exit) so I just closed the VM window and selected reboot. I did not even have to unmount the ISO, it apparently did it automatically.

  10. Let Windows go through the disk check - remember, you just changed the size outside of Windows, so it has no record of this. This will presumably allow it to update itself with the new info. Once it completes and you log in, you'll likely be told that Windows needs to reboot to use your 'new device' (at least in XP it did for me). Just reboot and you are done!

How to set top position using jquery

Just for reference, if you are using:


To get the position, it can be affected by the position of the parent element. Thus you may want to be consistent and use the following to set it:

$(el).offset({top: pos});

As opposed to the CSS methods above.

How do I get the number of elements in a list?

The len() function can be used with several different types in Python - both built-in types and library types. For example:

>>> len([1, 2, 3])

Double border with different color

you can add infinite borders using box-shadow using css3 suppose you want to apply multiple borders on one div then code is like:

div {
    border-radius: 4px;
    /* #1 */
    border: 5px solid hsl(0, 0%, 40%);
    /* #2 */
    padding: 5px;
    background: hsl(0, 0%, 20%);
    /* #3 */
    outline: 5px solid hsl(0, 0%, 60%);
    /* #4 AND INFINITY!!! (CSS3 only) */
        0 0 0 10px red,
        0 0 0 15px orange,
        0 0 0 20px yellow,
        0 0 0 25px green,
        0 0 0 30px blue;

Pandas group-by and sum

Use GroupBy.sum:


Fruit   Name         
Apples  Bob        16
        Mike        9
        Steve      10
Grapes  Bob        35
        Tom        87
        Tony       15
Oranges Bob        67
        Mike       57
        Tom        15
        Tony        1

Have border wrap around text

Try this and see if you get what you are aiming for:

<div id='page' style='width: 600px'>_x000D_
  <h1 style='border:2px black solid; font-size:42px; width:fit-content; width:-webkit-fit-content; width:-moz-fit-content;'>Title</h1>_x000D_

Difference between filter and filter_by in SQLAlchemy

filter_by is used for simple queries on the column names using regular kwargs, like


The same can be accomplished with filter, not using kwargs, but instead using the '==' equality operator, which has been overloaded on the object:


You can also write more powerful queries using filter, such as expressions like:


Append data to a POST NSURLRequest

All the changes to the NSMutableURLRequest must be made before calling NSURLConnection.

I see this problem as I copy and paste the code above and run TCPMon and see the request is GET instead of the expected POST.

NSURL *aUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:aUrl

[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
NSString *postString = @"company=Locassa&quality=AWESOME!";
[request setHTTPBody:[postString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

NSURLConnection *connection= [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request 

How can I listen for a click-and-hold in jQuery?

var timeoutId = 0;

$('#myElement').on('mousedown', function() {
    timeoutId = setTimeout(myFunction, 1000);
}).on('mouseup mouseleave', function() {

Edit: correction per AndyE...thanks!

Edit 2: using bind now for two events with same handler per gnarf

conflicting types error when compiling c program using gcc

You have to declare your functions before main()

(or declare the function prototypes before main())

As it is, the compiler sees my_print (my_string); in main() as a function declaration.

Move your functions above main() in the file, or put:

void my_print (char *);
void my_print2 (char *);

Above main() in the file.

Java: How to read a text file

Using Java 7 to read files with NIO.2

Import these packages:

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

This is the process to read a file:

Path file = Paths.get("C:\\Java\\file.txt");

if(Files.exists(file) && Files.isReadable(file)) {

    try {
        // File reader
        BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(file, Charset.defaultCharset());

        String line;
        // read each line
        while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            // tokenize each number
            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, " ");
            while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                // parse each integer in file
                int element = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken());
    } catch (Exception e) {

To read all lines of a file at once:

Path file = Paths.get("C:\\Java\\file.txt");
List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

C Program to find day of week given date

int fm(int date, int month, int year) {
int fmonth, leap;
if ((year % 100 == 0) && (year % 400 != 0))
leap = 0;
   else if (year % 4 == 0)
  leap = 1;
  leap = 0;

  fmonth = 3 + (2 - leap) * ((month + 2) / (2 * month))+ (5 * month + month / 9) / 2;

 fmonth = fmonth % 7;

  return fmonth;
int day_of_week(int date, int month, int year) {

   int dayOfWeek;
   int YY = year % 100;
   int century = year / 100;

   printf("\nDate: %d/%d/%d \n", date, month, year);

   dayOfWeek = 1.25 * YY + fm(date, month, year) + date - 2 * (century % 4);

   //remainder on division by 7
   dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek % 7;

   switch (dayOfWeek) {
      case 0:
         printf("weekday = Saturday");
      case 1:
         printf("weekday = Sunday");
      case 2:
         printf("weekday = Monday");
      case 3:
         printf("weekday = Tuesday");
      case 4:
         printf("weekday = Wednesday");
      case 5:
         printf("weekday = Thursday");
      case 6:
         printf("weekday = Friday");
         printf("Incorrect data");
   return 0;
int main() {
   int date, month, year;

   printf("\nEnter the year ");
   scanf("%d", &year);

   printf("\nEnter the month ");
   scanf("%d", &month);

   printf("\nEnter the date ");
   scanf("%d", &date);

   day_of_week(date, month, year);

   return 0;

OUTPUT: Enter the year 2012

Enter the month 02

Enter the date 29

Date: 29/2/2012

weekday = Wednesday

How to Get XML Node from XDocument

The .Elements operation returns a LIST of XElements - but what you really want is a SINGLE element. Add this:

XElement Contacts = (from xml2 in XMLDoc.Elements("Contacts").Elements("Node")
                    where xml2.Element("ID").Value == variable
                    select xml2).FirstOrDefault();

This way, you tell LINQ to give you the first (or NULL, if none are there) from that LIST of XElements you're selecting.


Double decimal formatting in Java

You can use any one of the below methods

  1. If you are using java.text.DecimalFormat

    DecimalFormat decimalFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); 


    DecimalFormat decimalFormat =  new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); 
  2. If you want to convert it into simple string format

    System.out.println(String.format("%.2f", 4.0)); 

All the above code will print 4.00

Nexus 7 (2013) and Win 7 64 - cannot install USB driver despite checking many forums and online resources has some great toolkits. I ran into a similar problem with my Galaxy Nexus.... Ran the corresponding toolkit, which configured my system and downloaded the correct drivers. I then went into Windows Hardware manager after connecting the phone... Windows reported the exclamation that it couldn't find the device driver, so I ran update, and gave it the drivers directory the toolkit had created... and everything started working great. Hope this helps :)

Is there a CSS parent selector?

There is no parent selector; just the way there is no previous sibling selector. One good reason for not having these selectors is because the browser has to traverse through all children of an element to determine whether or not a class should be applied. For example, if you wrote:

body:contains-selector( { background: red; }

Then the browser will have to wait until it has loaded and parsed everything until the </body> to determine if the page should be red or not.

The article Why we don't have a parent selector explains it in detail.

Determine SQL Server Database Size

I always liked going after it directly:

    DB_NAME( dbid ) AS DatabaseName, 
    CAST( ( SUM( size ) * 8 ) / ( 1024.0 * 1024.0 ) AS decimal( 10, 2 ) ) AS DbSizeGb 
    DB_NAME( dbid )

Sum all values in every column of a data.frame in R

We can use dplyr to select only numeric columns and purr to get sum for all columns. (can be used to get what ever value for all columns, such as mean, min, max, etc. )


people %>%
    select_if(is.numeric) %>%

Or another easy way by only using dplyr

people %>%
    summarize_if(is.numeric, sum, na.rm=TRUE)

How do I subscribe to all topics of a MQTT broker

Subscribing to # gives you a subscription to everything except for topics that start with a $ (these are normally control topics anyway).

It is better to know what you are subscribing to first though, of course, and note that some broker configurations may disallow subscribing to # explicitly.

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)

I think the easiest is to use Fastlane:

sudo gem install fastlane -NV
hash -r # for bash
rehash # for zsh
fastlane sigh resign ./path/app.ipa --signing_identity "Apple Distribution: Company Name" -p "my.mobileprovision"

How do I implement Cross Domain URL Access from an Iframe using Javascript?

You have a couple of options:

  1. Scope the domain down (see document.domain) in both the containing page and the iframe to the same thing. Then they will not be bound by 'same origin' constraints.

  2. Use postMessage which is supported by all HTML5 browsers for cross-domain communication.

How to retrieve element value of XML using Java?

If the XML is well formed then you can convert it to Document. By using the XPath you can get the XML Elements.

String xml = "<stackusers><name>Yash</name><age>30</age></stackusers>";

Form XML-String Create Document and find the elements using its XML-Path.

Document doc = getDocument(xml, true);

    public static Document getDocument(String xmlData, boolean isXMLData) throws Exception {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc;
        if (isXMLData) {
            InputSource ips = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(new StringReader(xmlData));
            doc = dBuilder.parse(ips);
        } else {
            doc = dBuilder.parse( new File(xmlData) );
        return doc;

Use org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI to get Node or NodeList.

System.out.println("XPathAPI:"+getNodeValue(doc, "/stackusers/age/text()"));

NodeList nodeList = getNodeList(doc, "/stackusers");
System.out.println("XPathAPI NodeList:"+ getXmlContentAsString(nodeList));
System.out.println("XPathAPI NodeList:"+ getXmlContentAsString(nodeList.item(0)));

    public static String getNodeValue(Document doc, String xpathExpression) throws Exception {
        Node node = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc, xpathExpression);
        String nodeValue = node.getNodeValue();
        return nodeValue;
    public static NodeList getNodeList(Document doc, String xpathExpression) throws Exception {
        NodeList result = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, xpathExpression);
        return result;

Using javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory

System.out.println("javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory:"+getXPathFactoryValue(doc, "/stackusers/age"));

    static XPath xpath = javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
    public static String getXPathFactoryValue(Document doc, String xpathExpression) throws XPathExpressionException, TransformerException, IOException {
        Node node = (Node) xpath.evaluate(xpathExpression, doc, XPathConstants.NODE);
        String nodeStr = getXmlContentAsString(node);
        return nodeStr;

Using Document Element.

System.out.println("DocumentElementText:"+getDocumentElementText(doc, "age"));

    public static String getDocumentElementText(Document doc, String elementName) {
        return doc.getElementsByTagName(elementName).item(0).getTextContent();

Get value in between two strings.

String nodeVlaue = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.substringBetween(xml, "<age>", "</age>");

Full Example:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String xml = "<stackusers><name>Yash</name><age>30</age></stackusers>";
    Document doc = getDocument(xml, true);
    String nodeVlaue = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.substringBetween(xml, "<age>", "</age>");
    System.out.println("DocumentElementText:"+getDocumentElementText(doc, "age"));
    System.out.println("javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory:"+getXPathFactoryValue(doc, "/stackusers/age"));
    System.out.println("XPathAPI:"+getNodeValue(doc, "/stackusers/age/text()"));
    NodeList nodeList = getNodeList(doc, "/stackusers");
    System.out.println("XPathAPI NodeList:"+ getXmlContentAsString(nodeList));
    System.out.println("XPathAPI NodeList:"+ getXmlContentAsString(nodeList.item(0)));
public static String getXmlContentAsString(Node node) throws TransformerException, IOException {
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
    int length = childNodes.getLength();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        stringBuilder.append( toString(childNodes.item(i), true) );
    return stringBuilder.toString();


XPathAPI NodeList:<stackusers>
XPathAPI NodeList:<name>Yash</name><age>30</age>

Get cursor position (in characters) within a text Input field

Easier update:

Use field.selectionStart example in this answer.

Thanks to @commonSenseCode for pointing this out.

Old answer:

Found this solution. Not jquery based but there is no problem to integrate it to jquery:

** Returns the caret (cursor) position of the specified text field (oField).
** Return value range is 0-oField.value.length.
function doGetCaretPosition (oField) {

  // Initialize
  var iCaretPos = 0;

  // IE Support
  if (document.selection) {

    // Set focus on the element

    // To get cursor position, get empty selection range
    var oSel = document.selection.createRange();

    // Move selection start to 0 position
    oSel.moveStart('character', -oField.value.length);

    // The caret position is selection length
    iCaretPos = oSel.text.length;

  // Firefox support
  else if (oField.selectionStart || oField.selectionStart == '0')
    iCaretPos = oField.selectionDirection=='backward' ? oField.selectionStart : oField.selectionEnd;

  // Return results
  return iCaretPos;

How to parse json string in Android?

Use JSON classes for parsing e.g

JSONObject mainObject = new JSONObject(Your_Sring_data);
JSONObject uniObject = mainObject.getJSONObject("university");
String  uniName = uniObject.getString("name");
String uniURL = uniObject.getString("url");

JSONObject oneObject = mainObject.getJSONObject("1");
String id = oneObject.getString("id");

what does mysql_real_escape_string() really do?

The function adds an escape character, the backslash, \, before certain potentially dangerous characters in a string passed in to the function. The characters escaped are

\x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a.

This can help prevent SQL injection attacks which are often performed by using the ' character to append malicious code to an SQL query.

Angular 2 / 4 / 5 - Set base href dynamically

Based on your (@sharpmachine) answer, I was able to further refactor it a little, so that we don't have to hack out a function in index.html.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { APP_BASE_HREF, Location } from '@angular/common';

import { AppComponent } from './';
import { getBaseLocation } from './shared/common-functions.util';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
  providers: [
        provide: APP_BASE_HREF,
        useFactory: getBaseLocation
export class AppModule { }

And, ./shared/common-functions.util.ts contains:

export function getBaseLocation() {
    let paths: string[] = location.pathname.split('/').splice(1, 1);
    let basePath: string = (paths && paths[0]) || 'my-account'; // Default: my-account
    return '/' + basePath;

How to count the frequency of the elements in an unordered list?

In Python 2.7+, you could use collections.Counter to count items

>>> a = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,5]
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> c=Counter(a)
>>> c.values()
[4, 4, 2, 1, 2]
>>> c.keys()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

How to check if a user likes my Facebook Page or URL using Facebook's API

You can use (PHP)

$isFan = file_get_contents("" . USER_TOKEN . "&page_id=" . FB_FANPAGE_ID);

That will return one of three:

  • string true string false json
  • formatted response of error if token
  • or page_id are not valid

I guess the only not-using-token way to achieve this is with the signed_request Jason Siffring just posted. My helper using PHP SDK:

function isFan(){
    global $facebook;
    $request = $facebook->getSignedRequest();
    return $request['page']['liked'];

Print the data in ResultSet along with column names

For those who wanted more better version of the resultset printing as util class This was really helpful for printing resultset and does many things from a single util... thanks to Hami Torun!

In this class printResultSet uses ResultSetMetaData in a generic way have a look at it..

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringJoiner;

public final class DBTablePrinter {

     * Column type category for CHAR, VARCHAR
     * and similar text columns.
    public static final int CATEGORY_STRING = 1;
     * Column type category for TINYINT, SMALLINT,
     * INT and BIGINT columns.
    public static final int CATEGORY_INTEGER = 2;
     * Column type category for REAL, DOUBLE,
     * and DECIMAL columns.
    public static final int CATEGORY_DOUBLE = 3;
     * Column type category for date and time related columns like
    public static final int CATEGORY_DATETIME = 4;
     * Column type category for BOOLEAN columns.
    public static final int CATEGORY_BOOLEAN = 5;
     * Column type category for types for which the type name
     * will be printed instead of the content, like BLOB,
     * BINARY, ARRAY etc.
    public static final int CATEGORY_OTHER = 0;
     * Default maximum number of rows to query and print.
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS = 10;
     * Default maximum width for text columns
     * (like a VARCHAR) column.
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_TEXT_COL_WIDTH = 150;

     * Overloaded method that prints rows from table tableName
     * to standard out using the given database connection
     * conn. Total number of rows will be limited to
     * {@link #DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS} and
     * {@link #DEFAULT_MAX_TEXT_COL_WIDTH} will be used to limit
     * the width of text columns (like a VARCHAR column).
     * @param conn      Database connection object (java.sql.Connection)
     * @param tableName Name of the database table
    public static void printTable(Connection conn, String tableName) {
        printTable(conn, tableName, DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS, DEFAULT_MAX_TEXT_COL_WIDTH);

     * Overloaded method that prints rows from table tableName
     * to standard out using the given database connection
     * conn. Total number of rows will be limited to
     * maxRows and
     * {@link #DEFAULT_MAX_TEXT_COL_WIDTH} will be used to limit
     * the width of text columns (like a VARCHAR column).
     * @param conn      Database connection object (java.sql.Connection)
     * @param tableName Name of the database table
     * @param maxRows   Number of max. rows to query and print
    public static void printTable(Connection conn, String tableName, int maxRows) {
        printTable(conn, tableName, maxRows, DEFAULT_MAX_TEXT_COL_WIDTH);

     * Overloaded method that prints rows from table tableName
     * to standard out using the given database connection
     * conn. Total number of rows will be limited to
     * maxRows and
     * maxStringColWidth will be used to limit
     * the width of text columns (like a VARCHAR column).
     * @param conn              Database connection object (java.sql.Connection)
     * @param tableName         Name of the database table
     * @param maxRows           Number of max. rows to query and print
     * @param maxStringColWidth Max. width of text columns
    public static void printTable(Connection conn, String tableName, int maxRows, int maxStringColWidth) {
        if (conn == null) {
            System.err.println("DBTablePrinter Error: No connection to database (Connection is null)!");
        if (tableName == null) {
            System.err.println("DBTablePrinter Error: No table name (tableName is null)!");
        if (tableName.length() == 0) {
            System.err.println("DBTablePrinter Error: Empty table name!");
        if (maxRows 
     * ResultSet to standard out using {@link #DEFAULT_MAX_TEXT_COL_WIDTH}
     * to limit the width of text columns.
     * @param rs The ResultSet to print
    public static void printResultSet(ResultSet rs) {
        printResultSet(rs, DEFAULT_MAX_TEXT_COL_WIDTH);

     * Overloaded method to print rows of a 
     * ResultSet to standard out using maxStringColWidth
     * to limit the width of text columns.
     * @param rs                The ResultSet to print
     * @param maxStringColWidth Max. width of text columns
    public static void printResultSet(ResultSet rs, int maxStringColWidth) {
        try {
            if (rs == null) {
                System.err.println("DBTablePrinter Error: Result set is null!");
            if (rs.isClosed()) {
                System.err.println("DBTablePrinter Error: Result Set is closed!");
            if (maxStringColWidth  columns = new ArrayList(columnCount);

            // List of table names. Can be more than one if it is a joined
            // table query
            List tableNames = new ArrayList(columnCount);

            // Get the columns and their meta data.
            // NOTE: columnIndex for rsmd.getXXX methods STARTS AT 1 NOT 0
            for (int i = 1; i  maxStringColWidth) {
                                value = value.substring(0, maxStringColWidth - 3) + "...";

                    // Adjust the column width
                    c.setWidth(value.length() > c.getWidth() ? value.length() : c.getWidth());
                } // END of for loop columnCount

            } // END of while (

            At this point we have gone through meta data, get the
            columns and created all Column objects, iterated over the
            ResultSet rows, populated the column values and adjusted
            the column widths.
            We cannot start printing just yet because we have to prepare
            a row separator String.

            // For the fun of it, I will use StringBuilder
            StringBuilder strToPrint = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder rowSeparator = new StringBuilder();

            Prepare column labels to print as well as the row separator.
            It should look something like this:
            +--------+------------+------------+-----------+  (row separator)
            | EMP_NO | BIRTH_DATE | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME |  (labels row)
            +--------+------------+------------+-----------+  (row separator)

            // Iterate over columns
            for (Column c : columns) {
                int width = c.getWidth();

                // Center the column label
                String toPrint;
                String name = c.getLabel();
                int diff = width - name.length();

                if ((diff % 2) == 1) {
                    // diff is not divisible by 2, add 1 to width (and diff)
                    // so that we can have equal padding to the left and right
                    // of the column label.

                int paddingSize = diff / 2; // InteliJ says casting to int is redundant.

                // Cool String repeater code thanks to user102008 at

                String padding = new String(new char[paddingSize]).replace("\0", " ");

                toPrint = "| " + padding + name + padding + " ";
                // END centering the column label


                rowSeparator.append(new String(new char[width + 2]).replace("\0", "-"));

            String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");

            // Is this really necessary ??
            lineSeparator = lineSeparator == null ? "\n" : lineSeparator;


            strToPrint.insert(0, rowSeparator);

            StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ");
            for (String name : tableNames) {

            String info = "Printing " + rowCount;
            info += rowCount > 1 ? " rows from " : " row from ";
            info += tableNames.size() > 1 ? "tables " : "table ";
            info += sj.toString();


            // Print out the formatted column labels

            String format;

            // Print out the rows
            for (int i = 0; i 
     * Integers should not be truncated so column widths should
     * be adjusted without a column width limit. Text columns should be
     * left justified and can be truncated to a max. column width etc...


* See also: * java.sql.Types * * @param type Generic SQL type * @return The category this type belongs to */ private static int whichCategory(int type) { switch (type) { case Types.BIGINT: case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SMALLINT: case Types.INTEGER: return CATEGORY_INTEGER; case Types.REAL: case Types.DOUBLE: case Types.DECIMAL: return CATEGORY_DOUBLE; case Types.DATE: case Types.TIME: case Types.TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE: case Types.TIMESTAMP: case Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE: return CATEGORY_DATETIME; case Types.BOOLEAN: return CATEGORY_BOOLEAN; case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.NVARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: case Types.LONGNVARCHAR: case Types.CHAR: case Types.NCHAR: return CATEGORY_STRING; default: return CATEGORY_OTHER; } } /** * Represents a database table column. */ private static class Column { /** * Column label. */ private String label; /** * Generic SQL type of the column as defined in * * java.sql.Types * . */ private int type; /** * Generic SQL type name of the column as defined in * * java.sql.Types * . */ private String typeName; /** * Width of the column that will be adjusted according to column label * and values to be printed. */ private int width = 0; /** * Column values from each row of a ResultSet. */ private List values = new ArrayList(); /** * Flag for text justification using String.format. * Empty string ("") to justify right, * dash (-) to justify left. * * @see #justifyLeft() */ private String justifyFlag = ""; /** * Column type category. The columns will be categorised according * to their column types and specific needs to print them correctly. */ private int typeCategory = 0; /** * Constructs a new Column with a column label, * generic SQL type and type name (as defined in * * java.sql.Types * ) * * @param label Column label or name * @param type Generic SQL type * @param typeName Generic SQL type name */ public Column(String label, int type, String typeName) { this.label = label; this.type = type; this.typeName = typeName; } /** * Returns the column label * * @return Column label */ public String getLabel() { return label; } /** * Returns the generic SQL type of the column * * @return Generic SQL type */ public int getType() { return type; } /** * Returns the generic SQL type name of the column * * @return Generic SQL type name */ public String getTypeName() { return typeName; } /** * Returns the width of the column * * @return Column width */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * Sets the width of the column to width * * @param width Width of the column */ public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } /** * Adds a String representation (value) * of a value to this column object's {@link #values} list. * These values will come from each row of a * * ResultSet * of a database query. * * @param value The column value to add to {@link #values} */ public void addValue(String value) { values.add(value); } /** * Returns the column value at row index i. * Note that the index starts at 0 so that getValue(0) * will get the value for this column from the first row * of a * ResultSet. * * @param i The index of the column value to get * @return The String representation of the value */ public String getValue(int i) { return values.get(i); } /** * Returns the value of the {@link #justifyFlag}. The column * values will be printed using String.format and * this flag will be used to right or left justify the text. * * @return The {@link #justifyFlag} of this column * @see #justifyLeft() */ public String getJustifyFlag() { return justifyFlag; } /** * Sets {@link #justifyFlag} to "-" so that * the column value will be left justified when printed with * String.format. Typically numbers will be right * justified and text will be left justified. */ public void justifyLeft() { this.justifyFlag = "-"; } /** * Returns the generic SQL type category of the column * * @return The {@link #typeCategory} of the column */ public int getTypeCategory() { return typeCategory; } /** * Sets the {@link #typeCategory} of the column * * @param typeCategory The type category */ public void setTypeCategory(int typeCategory) { this.typeCategory = typeCategory; } } }

This is the scala version of doing this... which will print column names and data as well in a generic way...

def printQuery(res: ResultSet): Unit = {
    val rsmd = res.getMetaData
    val columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount
    var rowCnt = 0
    val s = StringBuilder.newBuilder
    while ( {

      if (rowCnt == 0) {
        s.append("| ")
        for (i <- 1 to columnCount) {
          val name = rsmd.getColumnName(i)
          s.append("| ")
      rowCnt += 1
      s.append("| ")
      for (i <- 1 to columnCount) {
        if (i > 1)
          s.append(" | ")
      s.append(" |")
    System.out.println(s"TOTAL: $rowCnt rows")

In Angular, What is 'pathmatch: full' and what effect does it have?

pathMatch = 'full' results in a route hit when the remaining, unmatched segments of the URL match is the prefix path

pathMatch = 'prefix' tells the router to match the redirect route when the remaining URL begins with the redirect route's prefix path.


pathMatch: 'full' means, that the whole URL path needs to match and is consumed by the route matching algorithm.

pathMatch: 'prefix' means, the first route where the path matches the start of the URL is chosen, but then the route matching algorithm is continuing searching for matching child routes where the rest of the URL matches.

How to disable Python warnings?

import sys
if not sys.warnoptions:
    import warnings

Change ignore to default when working on the file or adding new functionality to re-enable warnings.

Tomcat is not deploying my web project from Eclipse

Same problem, not sure why it occurred only after upgrading from Spring v3.2.x to v4.2.x.

Solved it by doing the following:

  1. Clear all eclipse files [.classpath, .project, .settings/].
  2. Perform >mvn eclipse:eclipse
  3. Perform eclipse>project>properties>deployment assembly add [referenced projects, additional classpaths].

Publish and Start the module in Tomcat tab, it now starts properly.

Hide console window from Process.Start C#

This should work, try;

Add a System Reference.

using System.Diagnostics;

Then use this code to run your command in a hiden CMD Window.

Process cmd = new Process();
cmd.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
cmd.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
cmd.StartInfo.Arguments = "Enter your command here";

Error: Can't set headers after they are sent to the client

I had this issue when I was nesting promises. A promise inside of a promise would return 200 to the server, but then the outer promise's catch statement would return a 500. Once I fixed this, the problem went away.

How to adjust an UIButton's imageSize?

Here is the other solution to scale an imageView of UIButton.

button.imageView?.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)

PHP - regex to allow letters and numbers only

  • Missing end anchor $
  • Missing multiplier
  • Missing end delimiter

So it should fail anyway, but if it may work, it matches against just one digit at the beginning of the string.


yii2 hidden input value

You can use this code line in view(form)

 <?= $form->field($model, 'hidden1')->hiddenInput(['value'=>'your_value'])->label(false) ?>

Please refere this as example

If your need to pass currant date and time as hidden input : Model attribute is 'created_on' and its value is retrieve from date('Y-m-d H:i:s') , just like:"2020-03-10 09:00:00"

  <?= $form->field($model, 'created_on')->hiddenInput(['value'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')])->label(false) ?>

Default values and initialization in Java

All member variables have to load into the heap, so they have to be initialized with default values when an instance of class is created.

In case of local variables, they don't get loaded into the heap. They are stored on the stack until they are being used. This is before Java 7, so we need to explicitly initialize them.

How to combine GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING

Steps for Using Group by,Having By and Order by...

Select Attitude ,count(*) from Person
group by person
HAving PersonAttitude='cool and friendly'
Order by PersonName.

Google Maps V3 marker with label

If you just want to show label below the marker, then you can extend google maps Marker to add a setter method for label and you can define the label object by extending google maps overlayView like this..

<script type="text/javascript">
    var point = { lat: 22.5667, lng: 88.3667 };
    var markerSize = { x: 22, y: 40 };

    google.maps.Marker.prototype.setLabel = function(label){
        this.label = new MarkerLabel({
          marker: this,
          text: label
        this.label.bindTo('position', this, 'position');

    var MarkerLabel = function(options) {
        this.span = document.createElement('span');
        this.span.className = 'map-marker-label';

    MarkerLabel.prototype = $.extend(new google.maps.OverlayView(), {
        onAdd: function() {
            var self = this;
            this.listeners = [
            google.maps.event.addListener(this, 'position_changed', function() { self.draw();    })];
        draw: function() {
            var text = String(this.get('text'));
            var position = this.getProjection().fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.get('position'));
            this.span.innerHTML = text;
   = (position.x - (markerSize.x / 2)) - (text.length * 3) + 10 + 'px';
   = (position.y - markerSize.y + 40) + 'px';
    function initialize(){
        var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(, point.lng);
        var gmap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), {
            zoom: 5,
            center: myLatLng,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        var myMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
            map: gmap,
            position: myLatLng,
            label: 'Hello World!',
            draggable: true
        position: absolute;
    color: blue;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: bold;

This will work.

AngularJS 1.2 $injector:modulerr

The problem was caused by missing inclusion of ngRoute module. Since version 1.1.6 it's a separate part:

<script src=""></script>

var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ngRoute']);

Getting the Facebook like/share count for a given URL

use below URL and replace myurl with your post url and you will get all the things

but keep in mind it will give you response in XML format only

Example :


Bash command line and input limit

The limit for the length of a command line is not imposed by the shell, but by the operating system. This limit is usually in the range of hundred kilobytes. POSIX denotes this limit ARG_MAX and on POSIX conformant systems you can query it with

$ getconf ARG_MAX    # Get argument limit in bytes

E.g. on Cygwin this is 32000, and on the different BSDs and Linux systems I use it is anywhere from 131072 to 2621440.

If you need to process a list of files exceeding this limit, you might want to look at the xargs utility, which calls a program repeatedly with a subset of arguments not exceeding ARG_MAX.

To answer your specific question, yes, it is possible to attempt to run a command with too long an argument list. The shell will error with a message along "argument list too long".

Note that the input to a program (as read on stdin or any other file descriptor) is not limited (only by available program resources). So if your shell script reads a string into a variable, you are not restricted by ARG_MAX. The restriction also does not apply to shell-builtins.

How to calculate difference in hours (decimal) between two dates in SQL Server?

DATEDIFF but note it returns an integer so if you need fractions of hours use something like this:-

CAST(DATEDIFF(ss, startDate, endDate) AS decimal(precision, scale)) / 3600

How to generate an openSSL key using a passphrase from the command line?

genrsa has been replaced by genpkey & when run manually in a terminal it will prompt for a password:

openssl genpkey -aes-256-cbc -algorithm RSA -out /etc/ssl/private/key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096

However when run from a script the command will not ask for a password so to avoid the password being viewable as a process use a function in a shell script:

get_passwd() {
    local passwd=
    echo -ne "Enter passwd for private key: ? "; read -s passwd
    openssl genpkey -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:$passwd -algorithm RSA -out $PRIV_KEY -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:$PRIV_KEYSIZE

Display / print all rows of a tibble (tbl_df)

I prefer to turn the tibble to data.frame. It shows everything and you're done

df %>% data.frame 

Add a new line to a text file in MS-DOS

You can easily append to the end of a file, by using the redirection char twice (>>).

This will copy source.txt to destination.txt, overwriting destination in the process:

type source.txt > destination.txt

This will copy source.txt to destination.txt, appending to destination in the process:

type source.txt >> destination.txt

Get day of week using NSDate

Swift 3 Date extension

extension Date {
    var weekdayOrdinal: Int {
        return Calendar.current.component(.weekday, from: self)

git push to specific branch

If your Local branch and remote branch is the same name then you can just do it:

git push origin branchName

When your local and remote branch name is different then you can just do it:

git push origin localBranchName:remoteBranchName

How to run certain task every day at a particular time using ScheduledExecutorService?

You can use below class to schedule your task every day particular time

package interfaces;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class CronDemo implements Runnable{

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Long delayTime;

        ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);

        final Long initialDelay =, 30), ChronoUnit.MINUTES);

        if (initialDelay > TimeUnit.DAYS.toMinutes(1)) {
            delayTime =, 30), ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
        } else {
            delayTime = initialDelay;

        scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new CronDemo(), delayTime, TimeUnit.DAYS.toMinutes(1), TimeUnit.MINUTES);


    public void run() {
        System.out.println("I am your job executin at:" + new Date());

How to stop a looping thread in Python?

Depends on what you run in that thread. If that's your code, then you can implement a stop condition (see other answers).

However, if what you want is to run someone else's code, then you should fork and start a process. Like this:

import multiprocessing
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=your_proc_function, args=())

now, whenever you want to stop that process, send it a SIGTERM like this:


And it's not slow: fractions of a second. Enjoy :)

Alter table to modify default value of column

Following Justin's example, the command below works in Postgres:

alter table foo alter column col2 set default 'bar';

How do I "commit" changes in a git submodule?

$ git submodule status --recursive

Is also a life saver in this situation. You can use it and gitk --all to keep track of your sha1's and verify your sub-modules are pointing at what you think they are.

Calculating percentile of dataset column

Using {dplyr}:


# percentiles
infert %>% 
  mutate(PCT = ntile(age, 100))

# quartiles
infert %>% 
  mutate(PCT = ntile(age, 4))

# deciles
infert %>% 
  mutate(PCT = ntile(age, 10))

How to convert date format to milliseconds?

beginupd.getTime() will give you time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT till the time you have specified in Date object

How can I create database tables from XSD files?

Might take a look at the XSD tool in visual studio 2k8... I have created a relational dataset from an xsd and it might help your out somehow.

animating addClass/removeClass with jQuery

You could use jquery ui's switchClass, Heres an example:

$( "selector" ).switchClass( "oldClass", "newClass", 1000, "easeInOutQuad" );

Or see this jsfiddle.

How can I scroll up more (increase the scroll buffer) in iTerm2?

macOS default termianl

macOS 10.15.7

  1. open Terminal
  2. click Prefrences...
  3. select Window tab
  4. just change Scrollback to Limit number of rows to: what your wanted.

my screenshots

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Clear variable in python

Actually, that does not delete the variable/property. All it will do is set its value to None, therefore the variable will still take up space in memory. If you want to completely wipe all existence of the variable from memory, you can just type:

del self.left

Error: Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool

This workaround also works with 15.04 (64bit). Since there isn't (yet?) lib32bz2-1.0 for vivid:

I installed the one from Utopic.

Android: Getting "Manifest merger failed" error after updating to a new version of gradle

The answer are accepted but one thing you could also do is to define the libraries from your project structure. What you can do is :

  1. Comment all the libraries in which problem is coming
  2. Goto your project structure
  3. Add libraries from there and it'll sync automatically and the problem goes off.
  4. If problem persists try looking from the error log that what library is it demanding after following all the above 3 steps.

What happens is the predefined libraries as off now now I'm taking the appcompat:26.0.0-alpha1 it uses the older version of the things when you add something new and tries to resolve it with the old stuffs. When you add it from your project structure, it'll add the same thing but with the new stuffs to resolve it. Your problem would be resolved.

How to get the current time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:Sec.Millisecond format in Java?

The doc in Java 8 names it fraction-of-second , while in Java 6 was named millisecond. This brought me to confusion

How to use sed to extract substring

grep was born to extract things:

grep -Po 'name="\K[^"]*'

test with your data:

kent$  echo '<parameter name="PortMappingEnabled" access="readWrite" type="xsd:boolean"></parameter>
  <parameter name="PortMappingLeaseDuration" access="readWrite" activeNotify="canDeny" type="xsd:unsignedInt"></parameter>
  <parameter name="RemoteHost" access="readWrite"></parameter>
  <parameter name="ExternalPort" access="readWrite" type="xsd:unsignedInt"></parameter>
  <parameter name="ExternalPortEndRange" access="readWrite" type="xsd:unsignedInt"></parameter>
  <parameter name="InternalPort" access="readWrite" type="xsd:unsignedInt"></parameter>
  <parameter name="PortMappingProtocol" access="readWrite"></parameter>
  <parameter name="InternalClient" access="readWrite"></parameter>
  <parameter name="PortMappingDescription" access="readWrite"></parameter>
'|grep -Po 'name="\K[^"]*'

Accessing localhost:port from Android emulator

If you are using IIS Express you may need to bind to all hostnames instead of just `localhost'. Check this fine answer:

Tell IIS Express itself to bind to all ip addresses and hostnames. In your .config file (typically %userprofile%\My Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config, or $(solutionDir).vs\config\applicationhost.config for Visual Studio 2015), find your site's binding element, and add

<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:8080:*" />

Make sure to add it as a second binding instead of modifying the existing one or VS will just re-add a new site appended with a (1) Also, you may need to run VS as an administrator.

How to pass a value from one Activity to another in Android?

Thats trivial, use Intent.putExtra to pass data to activity you start. Use then Bundle.getExtra to retrieve it.

There are lots of such questions already be sure to use search first next time.

auto refresh for every 5 mins

Refresh document every 300 seconds using HTML Meta tag add this inside the head tag of the page

 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300">

Using Script:

            setInterval(function() {
                }, 300000); 

jQuery won't parse my JSON from AJAX query

According to the specification, your return is invalid. The names are always quoted, so you should be returning

{ "title": "One", "key": "1" }


[ { "title": "One", "key": "1" }, { "title": "Two", "key": "2" } ]

This may not be the problem with your setup, since you say one of them works now, but it should be fixed for correctness in case you need to switch to another JSON parser in the future.

Bootstrap 3 modal responsive

From the docs:

Modals have two optional sizes, available via modifier classes to be placed on a .modal-dialog: modal-lg and modal-sm (as of 3.1).

Also the modal dialogue will scale itself on small screens (as of 3.1.1).

How to extract week number in sql

Try to replace 'w' for 'iw'. For example:

SELECT to_char(to_date(TRANSDATE, 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'iw') as weeknumber from YOUR_TABLE;

How do I create a crontab through a script

In Ubuntu and many other distros, you can just put a file into the /etc/cron.d directory containing a single line with a valid crontab entry. No need to add a line to an existing file.

If you just need something to run daily, just put a file into /etc/cron.daily. Likewise, you can also drop files into /etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.monthly, and /etc/cron.weekly.

Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Background-Image inside Div

The way to do this is by using background-size so in your case:

background-size: 50% 50%;


You can set the width and the height of the elements to percentages as well

How to chain scope queries with OR instead of AND?

Just posting the Array syntax for same column OR queries to help peeps out.

Person.where(name: ["John", "Steve"])