[android] Accessing localhost:port from Android emulator

If you are using IIS Express you may need to bind to all hostnames instead of just `localhost'. Check this fine answer:


Tell IIS Express itself to bind to all ip addresses and hostnames. In your .config file (typically %userprofile%\My Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config, or $(solutionDir).vs\config\applicationhost.config for Visual Studio 2015), find your site's binding element, and add

<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:8080:*" />

Make sure to add it as a second binding instead of modifying the existing one or VS will just re-add a new site appended with a (1) Also, you may need to run VS as an administrator.

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Examples related to android-emulator

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Examples related to localhost

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Examples related to port

Docker - Bind for failed: port is already allocated How do I kill the process currently using a port on localhost in Windows? Node.js Port 3000 already in use but it actually isn't? Can't connect to Postgresql on port 5432 Spring Boot - How to get the running port Make docker use IPv4 for port binding How to change the default port of mysql from 3306 to 3360 Open firewall port on CentOS 7 Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server, Failed to register URL, Access is denied XAMPP Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4