even i faced the same problem. The possibility of this could be usage of same port by two or more application/process. In Some cases you can use different port number which will avoid this problem, but in other case you have to manually kill the process with help of command prompt.
The command to kill is, In your command prompt first enter this command
After this you can able to see list of process running with process ID. For example,
From this select the process you want to stop, for example consider the process id 304 is your server and you have problem with that. Then enter this command.
C:\Users\A611003>Taskkill /PID 304 /F
This will kill that process now you can clean, publish your server and start it.
Note: If you fail to add /F in the above command it does nothing. It is the force kill. you can also try/? for list of available options.