sed 's/[^"]*"\([^"]*\).*/\1/'
does the job.
explanation of the part inside ' '
- s - tells sed to substitute
- / - start of regex string to search for
- [^"]* - any character that is not ", any number of times. (matching parameter name=)
- " - just a ".
- ([^"]*) - anything inside () will be saved for reference to use later. The \ are there so the brackets are not considered as characters to search for. [^"]* means the same as above. (matching RemoteHost for example)
- .* - any character, any number of times. (matching " access="readWrite"> /parameter)
- / - end of the search regex, and start of the substitute string.
- \1 - reference to that string we found in the brackets above.
- / end of the substitute string.
basically s/search for this/replace with this/ but we're telling him to replace the whole line with just a piece of it we found earlier.