Yes, this is a classpath issue. You need to tell the compiler and runtime that the directory where your .class files live is part of the CLASSPATH. The directory that you need to add is the parent of the "com" directory at the start of your package structure.
You do this using the -classpath argument for both javac.exe and java.exe.
Should also ask how the 3rd party classes you're using are packaged. If they're in a JAR, and I'd recommend that you have them in one, you add the .jar file to the classpath:
java -classpath .;company.jar
Google for "Java classpath". It'll find links like this.
One more thing: "import" isn't loading classes. All it does it save you typing. When you include an import statement, you don't have to use the fully-resolved class name in your code - you can type "Foo" instead of "". That's all it's doing.