Programs & Examples On #Multipart mixed replace

Trigger to fire only if a condition is met in SQL Server

Given that a WHERE clause did not work, maybe this will:


      If (SELECT Attribute FROM INSERTED) LIKE 'NoHist_%'

      INSERT INTO SystemParameterHistory 
    FROM Inserted AS I

Android: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x5

Using DataBinding and setting background to the edittext with resources from the drawable folder causes the exception.

                            android:hint="Enter Your Name"


I just change the background from android:background="@drawable/rectangle" to android:background="@null"

Clean and Rebuild the Project.

How to read data From *.CSV file using javascript?

You can use PapaParse to help.

Here is a CodePen.

Papa.parse(e, {
            before: function(file, inputElem){ console.log('Attempting to Parse...')},
            error: function(err, file, inputElem, reason){ console.log(err); },
            complete: function(results, file){ $.PAYLOAD = results; }

Android: How to overlay a bitmap and draw over a bitmap?

For Kotlin fans:

  1. U can create a more generic extension :
 private fun Bitmap.addOverlay(@DimenRes marginTop: Int, @DimenRes marginLeft: Int, overlay: Bitmap): Bitmap? {
        val bitmapWidth = this.width
        val bitmapHeight = this.height
        val marginLeft = shareBitmapWidth - overlay.width - resources.getDimension(marginLeft)
        val finalBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, this

        val canvas = Canvas(finalBitmap)
        canvas.drawBitmap(this, Matrix(), null)
        canvas.drawBitmap(overlay, marginLeft, resources.getDimension(marginTop), null)
        return finalBitmap

  1. Then use it as follow:
 bitmap.addOverlay( R.dimen.top_margin, R.dimen.left_margin, overlayBitmap)

PHP Pass by reference in foreach

I found this example also tricky. Why that in the 2nd loop at the last iteration nothing happens ($v stays 'two'), is that $v points to $a[3] (and vice versa), so it cannot assign value to itself, so it keeps the previous assigned value :)

RegEx for Javascript to allow only alphanumeric

Try this... Replace you field ID with #name... a-z(a to z), A-Z(A to Z), 0-9(0 to 9)

    $('#name').keypress(function (e) {
        var regex = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+$");
        var str = String.fromCharCode(!e.charCode ? e.which : e.charCode);
        if (regex.test(str)) {
            return true;
        return false;

Check a collection size with JSTL

You can use like this


Use Invoke-WebRequest with a username and password for basic authentication on the GitHub API

I had to do this to get it to work:

$pair = "$($user):$($pass)"
$encodedCredentials = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Pair))
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic $encodedCredentials" }
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers $headers -OutFile Config.html

Best way to unselect a <select> in jQuery?

$("option:selected").attr("selected", false);

Running sites on "localhost" is extremely slow

This suggestion fixed it for me. Clear out the WebSiteCache in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebSiteCache

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

There are some cases can lead to this issue, if it occered in the middle of the code it will be "IndentationError: expected an indented block" or "SyntaxError: invalid syntax", if it at the last line it may "SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing":

Missing the body of "if","while"and"for" statement-->

root@nest:~/workplace# cat
l = [1,2,3]
for i in l:
root@nest:~/workplace# python3
  File "", line 3

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

Unclosed parentheses (Especially in complex nested states)-->

root@nest:~/workplace# cat
l = [1,2,3]
print( l
root@nest:~/workplace# python3
  File "", line 3

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

How to convert JSON to string?


Convert a value to JSON, optionally replacing values if a replacer function is specified, or optionally including only the specified properties if a replacer array is specified.

How do I store and retrieve a blob from sqlite?

You need to use sqlite's prepared statements interface. Basically, the idea is that you prepare a statement with a placeholder for your blob, then use one of the bind calls to "bind" your data...

SQLite Prepared Statements

x86 Assembly on a Mac

Forget about finding a IDE to write/run/compile assembler on Mac. But, remember mac is UNIX. See A decent guide (though short) to running assembler via GCC on Linux. You can mimic this. Macs use Intel chips so you want to look at Intel syntax.

What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

One liner explanation

The standard versioning system is (e.g. 2.4.1)

npm checks and fixes the version of a particular package based on these characters

~ : major version is fixed, minor version is fixed, matches any build number

e.g. : ~2.4.1 means it will check for 2.4.x where x is anything

^ : major version is fixed, matches any minor version, matches any build number

e.g. : ^2.4.1 means it will check for 2.x.x where x is anything

Qt. get part of QString

Use the left function:

QString yourString = "This is a string";
QString leftSide = yourString.left(5);
qDebug() << leftSide; // output "This "

Also have a look at mid() if you want more control.

How do I Set Background image in Flutter?

Other answers are great. This is another way it can be done.

  1. Here I use SizedBox.expand() to fill available space and for passing tight constraints for its children (Container).
  2. BoxFit.cover enum to Zoom the image and cover whole screen
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: SizedBox.expand( // -> 01
        child: Container(
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            image: DecorationImage(
              image: NetworkImage(''),
              fit: BoxFit.cover,    // -> 02


Exception : mockito wanted but not invoked, Actually there were zero interactions with this mock

@Jk1's answer is fine, but Mockito also allows for more succinct injection using annotations:

@InjectMocks MyClass myClass; //@InjectMocks automatically instantiates too
@Mock MyInterface myInterface

But regardless of which method you use, the annotations are not being processed (not even your @Mock) unless you somehow call the static MockitoAnnotation.initMocks() or annotate the class with @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class).

Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined - AngularJS not working

You need to move your angular app code below the inclusion of the angular libraries. At the time your angular code runs, angular does not exist yet. This is an error (see your dev tools console).

In this line:

var app = angular.module(`

you are attempting to access a variable called angular. Consider what causes that variable to exist. That is found in the angular.js script which must then be included first.


  <!-- In production use:
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="lib/angular/angular-route.js"></script>
  <script src="js/app.js"></script>
  <script src="js/services.js"></script>
  <script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
  <script src="js/filters.js"></script>
  <script src="js/directives.js"></script>

        var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);


            return function(scope, element,attrs) {
                element.bind('click',function() {alert('click')});


For completeness, it is true that your directive is similar to the already existing directive ng-click, but I believe the point of this exercise is just to practice writing simple directives, so that makes sense.

How to directly execute SQL query in C#?

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should not concatenate SQL queries unless you trust the user completely. Query concatenation involves risk of SQL Injection being used to take over the world, ...khem, your database.

If you don't want to go into details how to execute query using SqlCommand then you could call the same command line like this:

string userInput = "Brian";
var process = new Process();
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = string.Format(@"sqlcmd.exe -S .\PDATA_SQLEXPRESS -U sa -P 2BeChanged! -d PDATA_SQLEXPRESS  
     -s ; -W -w 100 -Q "" SELECT tPatCulIntPatIDPk, tPatSFirstname, tPatSName,
     tPatDBirthday  FROM  [dbo].[TPatientRaw] WHERE tPatSName = '{0}' """, userInput);

process.StartInfo = startInfo;

Just ensure that you escape each double quote " with ""

How to extract epoch from LocalDate and LocalDateTime?

The conversion you need requires the offset from UTC/Greewich, or a time-zone.

If you have an offset, there is a dedicated method on LocalDateTime for this task:

long epochSec = localDateTime.toEpochSecond(zoneOffset);

If you only have a ZoneId then you can obtain the ZoneOffset from the ZoneId:

ZoneOffset zoneOffset = ZoneId.of("Europe/Oslo").getRules().getOffset(ldt);

But you may find conversion via ZonedDateTime simpler:

long epochSec = ldt.atZone(zoneId).toEpochSecond();

How to read existing text files without defining path

As your project is a console project you can pass the path to the text files that you want to read via the string[] args

static void Main(string[] args)

Within Main you can check if arguments are passed

if (args.Length == 0){ System.Console.WriteLine("Please enter a parameter");}

Extract an argument

string fileToRead = args[0];

Nearly all languages support the concept of argument passing and follow similar patterns to C#.

For more C# specific see

Cleanest way to build an SQL string in Java

You can also have a look at MyBatis ( . It helps you write SQL statements outside your java code and maps the sql results into your java objects among other things.

PHP preg replace only allow numbers

You could also use T-Regx library:


T-Regx also:

  • Throws exceptions on fail (not false, null or warnings)
  • Has automatic delimiters (delimiters are not required!)
  • Has a lot cleaner api

How do I check particular attributes exist or not in XML?

You can actually index directly into the Attributes collection (if you are using C# not VB):

foreach (XmlNode xNode in nodeListName)
  XmlNode parent = xNode.ParentNode;
  if (parent.Attributes != null
     && parent.Attributes["split"] != null)
     parentSplit = parent.Attributes["split"].Value;

Jquery UI Datepicker not displaying

Ok, I finally found my solution.

If you are using templates on your view (using Moustache.js, or others...), you must take into account that some of your classes can be loaded twice, or will be created later. So, you must apply this function $(".datepicker" ).datepicker(); once the instance has been created.

Share data between AngularJS controllers

As pointed out by @MaNn in one of the comments of the accepted answers, the solution wont work if the page is refreshed.

The Solution for this is to use localStorage or sessionStorage for temporary persistence of the data you want to share across controllers.

  1. Either you make a sessionService whose GET and SET method, encrypts and decrypts the data and reads the data from either localStorage or sessionStorage. So now you use this service directly to read and write the data in the storage via any controller or service you want. This is a open approach and easy one
  2. Else you make a DataSharing Service and use localStorage inside it - so that if the page is refreshed the service will try and check the storage and reply back via the Getters and Setters you have made public or private in this service file.

Removing element from array in component state

You could use the update() immutability helper from react-addons-update, which effectively does the same thing under the hood, but what you're doing is fine.

this.setState(prevState => ({
  data: update(, {$splice: [[index, 1]]})

How to add "Maven Managed Dependencies" library in build path eclipse?

Make sure your packaging strategy defined in your pom.xml is not "pom". It should be "jar" or anything else. Once you do that, update your project right clicking on it and go to Maven -> Update Project...

how to evenly distribute elements in a div next to each other?

If someone wants to try a slightly different approach, they can use FLEX.


<div class="test">
    <div>Div 1</div>
    <div>Div 2</div>
    <div>Div 3</div>
    <div>Div 4</div>


.test {
    display: flex;
    flex-flow: row wrap;
    justify-content: space-around;
.test > div {
    margin-top: 10px;
    padding: 20px;
    background-color: #FF0000;

Here is the fiddle: (Try adding/removing divs as well)

Here is where I learned about this:

How to make JavaScript execute after page load?

These solutions will work:

<body onload="script();">


document.onload = function ...

or even

window.onload = function ...

Note that the last option is a better way to go since it is unobstrusive and is considered more standard.

'was not declared in this scope' error


{int y=((year-1)%100);int c=(year-1)/100;}

you declare and initialize the variables y, c, but you don't used them at all before they run out of scope. That's why you get the unused message.

Later in the function, y, c are undeclared, because the declarations you made only hold inside the block they were made in (the block between the braces {...}).

How to save picture to iPhone photo library?

In Swift 2.2

UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image: UIImage, _ completionTarget: AnyObject?, _ completionSelector: Selector, _ contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>)

If you do not want to be notified when the image is done saving then you may pass nil in the completionTarget, completionSelector and contextInfo parameters.


UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, self, #selector(self.imageSaved(_:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:)), nil)

func imageSaved(image: UIImage!, didFinishSavingWithError error: NSError?, contextInfo: AnyObject?) {
        if (error != nil) {
            // Something wrong happened.
        } else {
            // Everything is alright.

The important thing to note here is that your method that observes the image saving should have these 3 parameters else you will run into NSInvocation errors.

Hope it helps.

How to run java application by .bat file


java Application


The javac command will compile the java program and the java command will run the program and pause will pause the result until you cross it.

git: Switch branch and ignore any changes without committing

switching to a new branch losing changes:

git checkout -b YOUR_NEW_BRANCH_NAME --force

switching to an existing branch losing changes:

git checkout YOUR_BRANCH --force

PowerShell script to return members of multiple security groups

This is cleaner and will put in a csv.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$Groups = (Get-AdGroup -filter * | Where {$ -like "**"} | select name -expandproperty name)

$Table = @()

$Record = [ordered]@{
"Group Name" = ""
"Name" = ""
"Username" = ""

Foreach ($Group in $Groups)

$Arrayofmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -identity $Group | select name,samaccountname

foreach ($Member in $Arrayofmembers)
$Record."Group Name" = $Group
$Record."Name" = $
$Record."UserName" = $Member.samaccountname
$objRecord = New-Object PSObject -property $Record
$Table += $objrecord



$Table | export-csv "C:\temp\SecurityGroups.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Lists in ConfigParser

I faced the same problem in the past. If you need more complex lists, consider creating your own parser by inheriting from ConfigParser. Then you would overwrite the get method with that:

    def get(self, section, option):
    """ Get a parameter
    if the returning value is a list, convert string value to a python list"""
    value = SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
    if (value[0] == "[") and (value[-1] == "]"):
        return eval(value)
        return value

With this solution you will also be able to define dictionaries in your config file.

But be careful! This is not as safe: this means anyone could run code through your config file. If security is not an issue in your project, I would consider using directly python classes as config files. The following is much more powerful and expendable than a ConfigParser file:

class Section
    bar = foo
class Section2
    bar2 = baz
class Section3
    barList=[ item1, item2 ]

Align button at the bottom of div using CSS

Parent container has to have this:

position: relative;

Button itself has to have this:

position: relative;
bottom: 20px;
right: 20px;

or whatever you like

How do I break out of a loop in Scala?

This has changed in Scala 2.8 which has a mechanism for using breaks. You can now do the following:

import scala.util.control.Breaks._
var largest = 0
// pass a function to the breakable method
breakable { 
    for (i<-999 to 1  by -1; j <- i to 1 by -1) {
        val product = i * j
        if (largest > product) {
            break  // BREAK!!
        else if (product.toString.equals(product.toString.reverse)) {
            largest = largest max product

How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file?

At no point in the history of computing has it ever been possible to prevent reverse-engineering of software when you give a working copy of it to your attacker. Also, in most likelihood, it never will be possible.

With that understood, there is an obvious solution: don't give your secrets to your attacker. While you can't protect the contents of your APK, what you can protect is anything you don't distribute. Typically this is server-side software used for things like activation, payments, rule-enforcement, and other juicy bits of code. You can protect valuable assets by not distributing them in your APK. Instead, set up a server that responds to requests from your app, "uses" the assets (whatever that might mean) and then sends the result back to the app. If this model doesn't work for the assets you have in mind, then you may want to re-think your strategy.

Also, if your primary goal is to prevent app piracy: don't even bother. You've already burned more time and money on this problem than any anti-piracy measure could possibly ever hope to save you. The return on investment for solving this problem is so low that it doesn't make sense to even think about it.

jQuery if statement, syntax

You can wrap jQuery calls inside normal JavaScript code. So, for example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    if (someCondition && someOtherCondition) {
        // Make some jQuery call.

Stream file using ASP.NET MVC FileContentResult in a browser with a name?

This might be helpful for whoever else faces this problem. I finally figured out a solution. Turns out, even if we use the inline for "content-disposition" and specify a file name, the browsers still do not use the file name. Instead browsers try and interpret the file name based on the Path/URL.

You can read further on this URL: Securly download file inside browser with correct filename

This gave me an idea, I just created my URL route that would convert the URL and end it with the name of the file I wanted to give the file. So for e.g. my original controller call just consisted of passing the Order Id of the Order being printed. I was expecting the file name to be of the format Order{0}.pdf where {0} is the Order Id. Similarly for quotes, I wanted Quote{0}.pdf.

In my controller, I just went ahead and added an additional parameter to accept the file name. I passed the filename as a parameter in the URL.Action method.

I then created a new route that would map that URL to the format: http://localhost/ShoppingCart/PrintQuote/1054/Quote1054.pdf

routes.MapRoute("", "{controller}/{action}/{orderId}/{fileName}",
                new { controller = "ShoppingCart", action = "PrintQuote" }
                , new string[] { "x.x.x.Controllers" }

This pretty much solved my issue. Hoping this helps someone!

Cheerz, Anup

Get the current language in device

You can try to get locale from system resources:

PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
Resources resources = packageManager.getResourcesForApplication("android");
String language = resources.getConfiguration().locale.getLanguage();

How to set calculation mode to manual when opening an excel file?

The best way around this would be to create an Excel called 'launcher.xlsm' in the same folder as the file you wish to open. In the 'launcher' file put the following code in the 'Workbook' object, but set the constant TargetWBName to be the name of the file you wish to open.

Private Const TargetWBName As String = "myworkbook.xlsx"

'// First, a function to tell us if the workbook is already open...
Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean
' returns TRUE if the workbook is open
    WorkbookOpen = False
    On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen
    If Len(Application.Workbooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then
        WorkbookOpen = True
        Exit Function
    End If
End Function

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    'Check if our target workbook is open
    If WorkbookOpen(TargetWBName) = False Then
        'set calculation to manual
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        Workbooks.Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & TargetWBName
        Me.Close False
    End If
End Sub

Set the constant 'TargetWBName' to be the name of the workbook that you wish to open. This code will simply switch calculation to manual, then open the file. The launcher file will then automatically close itself. *NOTE: If you do not wish to be prompted to 'Enable Content' every time you open this file (depending on your security settings) you should temporarily remove the 'me.close' to prevent it from closing itself, save the file and set it to be trusted, and then re-enable the 'me.close' call before saving again. Alternatively, you could just set the False to True after Me.Close

Getting Textarea Value with jQuery

you have id="#message"... should be id="message"

Get week of year in JavaScript like in PHP


Date.prototype.getWeek = function() {
    var onejan = new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,1);
    var millisecsInDay = 86400000;
    return Math.ceil((((this - onejan) /millisecsInDay) + onejan.getDay()+1)/7);

How to search a string in a single column (A) in excel using VBA

Below are two methods that are superior to looping. Both handle a "no-find" case.

  1. The VBA equivalent of a normal function VLOOKUP with error-handling if the variable doesn't exist (INDEX/MATCH may be a better route than VLOOKUP, ie if your two columns A and B were in reverse order, or were far apart)
  2. VBAs FIND method (matching a whole string in column A given I use the xlWhole argument)

    Sub Method1()
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim strOut As String
    Dim bFailed As Boolean
    strSearch = "trees"
    On Error Resume Next
    strOut = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strSearch, Range("A:B"), 2, False)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then bFailed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not bFailed Then
    MsgBox "corresponding value is " & vbNewLine & strOut
    MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Method2()
        Dim rng1 As Range
        Dim strSearch As String
        strSearch = "trees"
        Set rng1 = Range("A:A").Find(strSearch, , xlValues, xlWhole)
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Find has matched " & strSearch & vbNewLine & "corresponding cell is " & rng1.Offset(0, 1)
            MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
        End If
    End Sub

Read properties file outside JAR file

I have a similar case: wanting my *.jar file to access a file in a directory next to said *.jar file. Refer to THIS ANSWER as well.

My file structure is:

./ - the root of your program
|__ *.jar
|__ dir-next-to-jar/some.txt

I'm able to load a file (say, some.txt) to an InputStream inside the *.jar file with the following:

InputStream stream = null;
        stream = ThisClassName.class.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/dir-next-to-jar/some.txt");
    catch(Exception e) {
        System.out.print("error file to stream: ");

Then do whatever you will with the stream

Multidimensional Array [][] vs [,]

double[,] is a 2d array (matrix) while double[][] is an array of arrays (jagged arrays) and the syntax is:

double[][] ServicePoint = new double[10][];

Replace multiple whitespaces with single whitespace in JavaScript string

Something like this:

var s = "  a  b     c  ";_x000D_
  s.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')_x000D_

List(of String) or Array or ArrayList

For those who are stuck maintaining old .net, here is one that works in .net framework 2.x:

Dim lstOfStrings As New List(of String)( new String(){"v1","v2","v3"} )

Syntax error on print with Python 3

It looks like you're using Python 3.0, in which print has turned into a callable function rather than a statement.

print('Hello world!')

Disabling Strict Standards in PHP 5.4

.htaccess php_value is working only if you use PHP Server API as module of Web server Apache. Use IfModule syntax:

# PHP 5, Apache 1 and 2.
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
    php_value error_reporting 30711

If you use PHP Server API CGI/FastCGI use

ini_set('error_reporting', 30711);


error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE);

in your PHP code, or PHP configuration files .user.ini | php.ini modification:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE

on your virtual host, server level.

JQuery / JavaScript - trigger button click from another button click event

If it does not work by using the click() method like suggested in the accepted answer, then you can try this:

//trigger second button

How to add custom Http Header for C# Web Service Client consuming Axis 1.4 Web service

If you want to send a custom HTTP Header (not a SOAP Header) then you need to use the HttpWebRequest class the code would look like:

HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", token);

You cannot add HTTP headers using the visual studio generated proxy, which can be a real pain.

How can I get the behavior of GNU's readlink -f on a Mac?

Better late than never, I suppose. I was motivated to develop this specifically because my Fedora scripts weren't working on the Mac. The problem is dependencies and Bash. Macs don't have them, or if they do, they are often somewhere else (another path). Dependency path manipulation in a cross-platform Bash script is a headache at best and a security risk at worst - so it's best to avoid their use, if possible.

The function get_realpath() below is simple, Bash-centric, and no dependencies are required. I uses only the Bash builtins echo and cd. It is also fairly secure, as everything gets tested at each stage of the way and it returns error conditions.

If you don't want to follow symlinks, then put set -P at the front of the script, but otherwise cd should resolve the symlinks by default. It's been tested with file arguments that are {absolute | relative | symlink | local} and it returns the absolute path to the file. So far we've not had any problems with it.

function get_realpath() {

if [[ -f "$1" ]]
    # file *must* exist
    if cd "$(echo "${1%/*}")" &>/dev/null
        # file *may* not be local
        # exception is ./file.ext
        # try 'cd .; cd -;' *works!*
        local tmppwd="$PWD"
        cd - &>/dev/null
        # file *must* be local
        local tmppwd="$PWD"
    # file *cannot* exist
    return 1 # failure

# reassemble realpath
echo "$tmppwd"/"${1##*/}"
return 0 # success


You can combine this with other functions get_dirname, get_filename, get_stemname and validate_path. These can be found at our GitHub repository as realpath-lib (full disclosure - this is our product but we offer it free to the community without any restrictions). It also could serve as a instructional tool - it's well documented.

We've tried our best to apply so-called 'modern Bash' practices, but Bash is a big subject and I'm certain there will always be room for improvement. It requires Bash 4+ but could be made to work with older versions if they are still around.

What is the difference between <section> and <div>?

<section> marks up a section, <div> marks up a generic block with no associated semantics.

use jQuery to get values of selected checkboxes

Source - More Detail

Get Selected Checkboxes Value Using jQuery

Then we write jQuery script to get selected checkbox value in an array using jQuery each(). Using this jQuery function it runs a loop to get the checked value and put it into an array.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Get Selected Checkboxes Value Using jQuery</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $(".btn").click(function() {
                var locationthemes = [];
                $.each($("input[name='locationthemes']:checked"), function() {
                alert("My location themes colors are: " + locationthemes.join(", "));
        <form method="POST">
        <h3>Select your location themes:</h3>
        <input type="checkbox" name="locationthemes" id="checkbox-1" value="2" class="custom" />
        <label for="checkbox-1">Castle</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="locationthemes" id="checkbox-2" value="3" class="custom" />
        <label for="checkbox-2">Barn</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="locationthemes" id="checkbox-3" value="5" class="custom" />
        <label for="checkbox-3">Restaurant</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="locationthemes" id="checkbox-4" value="8" class="custom" />
        <label for="checkbox-4">Bar</label>
        <button type="button" class="btn">Get Values</button>

How to receive JSON as an MVC 5 action method parameter

You are sending a array of string

var usersRoles = [];
jQuery("#dualSelectRoles2 option").each(function () {

So change model type accordingly

 public ActionResult AddUser(List<string> model)

How to Sort Date in descending order From Arraylist Date in android?

Date's compareTo() you're using will work for ascending order.

To do descending, just reverse the value of compareTo() coming out. You can use a single Comparator class that takes in a flag/enum in the constructor that identifies the sort order

public int compare(MyObject lhs, MyObject rhs) {

    if(SortDirection.Ascending == m_sortDirection) {
        return lhs.MyDateTime.compareTo(rhs.MyDateTime);

    return rhs.MyDateTime.compareTo(lhs.MyDateTime);

You need to call Collections.sort() to actually sort the list.

As a side note, I'm not sure why you're defining your map inside your for loop. I'm not exactly sure what your code is trying to do, but I assume you want to populate the indexed values from your for loop in to the map.

MySQL "NOT IN" query

Unfortunately it seems to be a issue with MySql usage of "NOT IN" clause, the screen-shoot below shows the sub-query option returning wrong results:

mysql> show variables like '%version%';
| Variable_name           | Value                        |
| innodb_version          | 1.1.8                        |
| protocol_version        | 10                           |
| slave_type_conversions  |                              |
| version                 | 5.5.21                       |
| version_comment         | MySQL Community Server (GPL) |
| version_compile_machine | x86_64                       |
| version_compile_os      | Linux                        |
7 rows in set (0.07 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from TABLE_A where TABLE_A.Pkey not in (select distinct TABLE_B.Fkey from TABLE_B );
| count(*) |
|        0 |
1 row in set (0.07 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from TABLE_A left join TABLE_B on TABLE_A.Pkey = TABLE_B.Fkey where TABLE_B.Pkey is null;
| count(*) |
|      139 |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from TABLE_A where NOT EXISTS (select * FROM TABLE_B WHERE TABLE_B.Fkey = TABLE_A.Pkey );
| count(*) |
|      139 |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)


Send response to all clients except sender

I am using namespaces and rooms - I found'room1').emit('event', 'hi');

to work where'room1').emit('event', 'hi');

did not

(should anyone else face that problem)

DLL Load Library - Error Code 126

This can also happen when you're trying to load a DLL and that in turn needs another DLL which cannot be not found.

Switch/toggle div (jQuery)

I used this way to do that for multiple blocks without conjuring new JavaScript code:

<a href="#" data-toggle="thatblock">Show/Hide Content</a>

<div id="thatblock" style="display: none">
  Here is some description that will appear when we click on the button

Then a JavaScript portion for all such cases:

$(function() {
  $('*[data-toggle]').click(function() {
    return false;

How can I increase a scrollbar's width using CSS?

You can stablish specific toolbar for div

div::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 12px;

div::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
border-radius: 10px;

see demo in

How do you clear the SQL Server transaction log?

-- DON'T FORGET TO BACKUP THE DB :D (Check [here][1]) 

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
-- Truncate the log by changing the database recovery model to SIMPLE.
ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2008R2
-- Shrink the truncated log file to 1 MB.
DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks2008R2_Log, 1);
-- Reset the database recovery model.
ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2008R2


You may want to backup first.

Java: JSON -> Protobuf & back conversion

Adding to Ophirs answer, JsonFormat is available even before protobuf 3.0. However, the way to do it differs a little bit.

In Protobuf 3.0+, the JsonFormat class is a singleton and therefore do something like the below

String jsonString = "";

In Protobuf 2.5+, the below should work

String jsonString = "";
JsonFormat jsonFormat = new JsonFormat();
jsonString = jsonFormat.printToString(yourProtobufMessage);

Here is a link to a tutorial I wrote that uses the JsonFormat class in a TypeAdapter that can be registered to a GsonBuilder object. You can then use Gson's toJson and fromJson methods to convert the proto data to Java and back.

Replying to jean . If we have the protobuf data in a file and want to parse it into a protobuf message object, use the merge method TextFormat class. See the below snippet:

// Let your proto text data be in a file MessageDataAsProto.prototxt
// Read it into string  
String protoDataAsString = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("MessageDataAsProto.prototxt"));

// Create an object of the message builder
MyMessage.Builder myMsgBuilder = MyMessage.newBuilder();

// Use text format to parse the data into the message builder
TextFormat.merge(protoDataAsString, ExtensionRegistry.getEmptyRegistry(), myMsgBuilder);

// Build the message and return

Asus Zenfone 5 not detected by computer

This should solve your problem.

  1. Download the Asus USB Driver for Zenfone 5 here
  2. Extract the rar file
  3. Go to your Device Manager if you're on Windows (Make sure you've connected your phone to your computer)
  4. Choose update driver then browse the path to where the extracted rar file is. It should prompt something on your phone, just accept it
  5. Try it on your IDE, just select run configurations

How can I loop through enum values for display in radio buttons?

Two options:

for (let item in MotifIntervention) {
    if (isNaN(Number(item))) {


Object.keys(MotifIntervention).filter(key => !isNaN(Number(MotifIntervention[key])));

(code in playground)


String enums look different than regular ones, for example:

enum MyEnum {
    A = "a",
    B = "b",
    C = "c"

Compiles into:

var MyEnum;
(function (MyEnum) {
    MyEnum["A"] = "a";
    MyEnum["B"] = "b";
    MyEnum["C"] = "c";
})(MyEnum || (MyEnum = {}));

Which just gives you this object:

    A: "a",
    B: "b",
    C: "c"

You can get all the keys (["A", "B", "C"]) like this:


And the values (["a", "b", "c"]):

Object.keys(MyEnum).map(key => MyEnum[key])

Or using Object.values():


dbms_lob.getlength() vs. length() to find blob size in oracle

length and dbms_lob.getlength return the number of characters when applied to a CLOB (Character LOB). When applied to a BLOB (Binary LOB), dbms_lob.getlength will return the number of bytes, which may differ from the number of characters in a multi-byte character set.

As the documentation doesn't specify what happens when you apply length on a BLOB, I would advise against using it in that case. If you want the number of bytes in a BLOB, use dbms_lob.getlength.

Cannot read property length of undefined

perhaps, you can first determine if the DOM does really exists,

function walkmydog() {
    //when the user starts entering
    var dom = document.getElementById('WallSearch');
    if(dom == null){
        alert('sorry, WallSearch DOM cannot be found');
        return false;    

    if(dom.value.length == 0){

if (document.addEventListener){
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", walkmydog, false);

long long in C/C++


num3 = 100000000000LL;

And BTW, in C++ this is a compiler extension, the standard does not define long long, thats part of C99.

Is it possible for UIStackView to scroll?

Adding some new perspective for macOS Catalyst. Since macOS apps support window resizing, it is possible that your UIStackView will transition from an unscrollable status to a scrollable one, or vice versa. There are two subtle things here:

  • UIStackView is designed to fit all area it can.
  • During the transition, UIScrollView will attempt to resize its bounds to account for the newly gained/lost area underneath your navigation bar (or toolbar in the case of macOS apps).

This will unfortunately create an infinite loop. I am not extremely familiar with UIScrollView and its adjustedContentInset, but from my log in its layoutSubviews method, I am seeing the following behavior:

  • One enlarges the window.
  • UIScrollView attempts to shrink its bounds (since no need for the area underneath the toolbar).
  • UIStackView follows.
  • Somehow UIScrollView is unsatisfied, and decide to restore to the larger bounds. This feels very odd to me since what I am seeing from the log is that UIScrollView.bounds.height == UIStackView.bounds.height.
  • UIStackView follows.
  • Then loop to step 2.

It appears to me that two steps would fix the issue:

  • Align to UIScrollView.topMargin.
  • Set contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior to .never.

Here I am concerned with a vertically scrollable view with a vertically growing UIStackView. For a horizontal pair, change the code accordingly.

Hope it helps anyone in the future. Couldn't find anyone mentioning this on the Internet and it costed me quite a long time to figure out what happened.

Selenium WebDriver.get(url) does not open the URL

You need to first declare url as a sting as below:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
from import WebDriverWait # available since 2.4.0
import time

# Create a new instance of the Firefox driver

String URL = "";

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

# go to the google home page

How to fix Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence

I have met the same problem and after long investigation of my XML file I found the problem: there was few unescaped characters like « ».

Advantage of switch over if-else statement

IMO this is a perfect example of what switch fall-through was made for.

Truncate a SQLite table if it exists?

After deleting I'm also using VACUUM command. So for full TRUNCATE equivalent I use this code:

DELETE FROM <table>;
UPDATE SQLITE_SEQUENCE SET seq = 0 WHERE name = '<table>';

Deleting isn't working for me for reset Auto Increment

DELETE FROM "sqlite_sequence" WHERE "name"='<table>';

To read more about VACUUM you can go here:

Make one div visible and another invisible

Making it invisible with visibility still makes it use up space. Rather try set the display to none to make it invisible, and then set the display to block to make it visible.

Ignore 'Security Warning' running script from command line

None of this worked in my specific instance. What did was changing to a NetBIOS name from the FQDN.

Instead of:

Using the name bypasses the "automatically detect intranet network" config in IE.

See Option 1 in the blog here:

How do I escape spaces in path for scp copy in Linux?

I had huge difficulty getting this to work for a shell variable containing a filename with whitespace. For some reason using:

file="foo bar/baz"
scp [email protected]:"'$file'"

as in @Adrian's answer seems to fail.

Turns out that what works best is using a parameter expansion to prepend backslashes to the whitespace as follows:

file="foo bar/baz"
file=${file// /\\ }
scp [email protected]:"$file"

How to get the filename without the extension from a path in Python?

import os

filename = C:\\Users\\Public\\Videos\\Sample Videos\\wildlife.wmv

This returns the filename without the extension(C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\wildlife)

temp = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]  

Now you can get just the filename from the temp with

os.path.basename(temp)   #this returns just the filename (wildlife)

What is the purpose of willSet and didSet in Swift?

My understanding is that set and get are for computed properties (no backing from stored properties)

if you are coming from an Objective-C bare in mind that the naming conventions have changed. In Swift an iVar or instance variable is named stored property

Example 1 (read only property) - with warning:

var test : Int {
    get {
        return test

This will result in a warning because this results in a recursive function call (the getter calls itself).The warning in this case is "Attempting to modify 'test' within its own getter".

Example 2. Conditional read/write - with warning

var test : Int {
    get {
        return test
    set (aNewValue) {
        //I've contrived some condition on which this property can be set
        //(prevents same value being set)
        if (aNewValue != test) {
            test = aNewValue

Similar problem - you cannot do this as it's recursively calling the setter. Also, note this code will not complain about no initialisers as there is no stored property to initialise.

Example 3. read/write computed property - with backing store

Here is a pattern that allows conditional setting of an actual stored property

//True model data
var _test : Int = 0

var test : Int {
    get {
        return _test
    set (aNewValue) {
        //I've contrived some condition on which this property can be set
        if (aNewValue != test) {
            _test = aNewValue

Note The actual data is called _test (although it could be any data or combination of data) Note also the need to provide an initial value (alternatively you need to use an init method) because _test is actually an instance variable

Example 4. Using will and did set

//True model data
var _test : Int = 0 {

    //First this
    willSet {
        println("Old value is \(_test), new value is \(newValue)")

    //value is set

    //Finaly this
    didSet {
        println("Old value is \(oldValue), new value is \(_test)")

var test : Int {
    get {
        return _test
    set (aNewValue) {
        //I've contrived some condition on which this property can be set
        if (aNewValue != test) {
            _test = aNewValue

Here we see willSet and didSet intercepting a change in an actual stored property. This is useful for sending notifications, synchronisation etc... (see example below)

Example 5. Concrete Example - ViewController Container

//Underlying instance variable (would ideally be private)
var _childVC : UIViewController? {
    willSet {
        //REMOVE OLD VC
        println("Property will set")
        if (_childVC != nil) {
            self.setOverrideTraitCollection(nil, forChildViewController: _childVC)
        if (newValue) {


    //I can't see a way to 'stop' the value being set to the same controller - hence the computed property

    didSet {
        //ADD NEW VC
        println("Property did set")
        if (_childVC) {
//                var views  = NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(self.view)    .. NOT YET SUPPORTED (NSDictionary bridging not yet available)

            //Add subviews + constraints
            _childVC!.view.setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(false)       //For now - until I add my own constraints
            let views = ["view" : _childVC!.view] as NSMutableDictionary
            let layoutOpts = NSLayoutFormatOptions(0)
            let lc1 : AnyObject[] = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("|[view]|",  options: layoutOpts, metrics: NSDictionary(), views: views)
            let lc2 : AnyObject[] = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("V:|[view]|", options: layoutOpts, metrics: NSDictionary(), views: views)

            //Forward messages to child

//Computed property - this is the property that must be used to prevent setting the same value twice
//unless there is another way of doing this?
var childVC : UIViewController? {
    get {
        return _childVC
    set(suggestedVC) {
        if (suggestedVC != _childVC) {
            _childVC = suggestedVC

Note the use of BOTH computed and stored properties. I've used a computed property to prevent setting the same value twice (to avoid bad things happening!); I've used willSet and didSet to forward notifications to viewControllers (see UIViewController documentation and info on viewController containers)

I hope this helps, and please someone shout if I've made a mistake anywhere here!

How do I create a circle or square with just CSS - with a hollow center?

To my knowledge there is no cross-browser compatible way to make a circle with CSS & HTML only.

For the square I guess you could make a div with a border and a z-index higher than what you are putting it over. I don't understand why you would need to do this, when you could just put a border on the image or "something" itself.

If anyone else knows how to make a circle that is cross browser compatible with CSS & HTML only, I would love to hear about it!

@Caspar Kleijne border-radius does not work in IE8 or below, not sure about 9.

How to find if an array contains a string

I'm afraid I don't think there's a shortcut to do this - if only someone would write a linq wrapper for VB6!

You could write a function that does it by looping through the array and checking each entry - I don't think you'll get cleaner than that.

There's an example article that provides some details here:

What is your single most favorite command-line trick using Bash?

This prevents less (less is more) from clearing the screen at the end of a file:

export LESS="-X"

How can I calculate an md5 checksum of a directory?

Checksum all files, including both content and their filenames

grep -ar -e . /your/dir | md5sum | cut -c-32

Same as above, but only including *.py files

grep -ar -e . --include="*.py" /your/dir | md5sum | cut -c-32

You can also follow symlinks if you want

grep -aR -e . /your/dir | md5sum | cut -c-32

Other options you could consider using with grep

-s, --no-messages         suppress error messages
-D, --devices=ACTION      how to handle devices, FIFOs and sockets;
-Z, --null                print 0 byte after FILE name
-U, --binary              do not strip CR characters at EOL (MSDOS/Windows)

Open terminal here in Mac OS finder

Ok, I realize that this is a bit late... maybe this alternative wasn't available at the moment of writing the post?

Anyway, I've found installing the pos package via Fink (a prerequisite in this case, maybe there is something similar for those who uses MacPorts?) to be the easiest solution. You get two commands:

  1. posd - which gives the current directory of the frontmost Finder window (for which you presumably make an alias cdf=cd posd)
  2. fdc - which switches the current directory of the frontmost Finder window to the Terminal pwd. This is slightly different from 'open .' which always opens a new finder window.

Yes, you have to switch to the Terminal window before writing cdf, but I suppose that's quite cheap comparing to clicking a button in the Finder toolbar. And it works with iTerm as well, you don't have to download a separate Finder toolbar button that opens an iTerm window. This is the same approach as proposed by PCheese, but you don't have to clutter your .bash_profile.

Looping through a DataTable

     foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) 
        foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)

Can I map a hostname *and* a port with /etc/hosts?

No, that's not possible. The port is not part of the hostname, so it has no meaning in the hosts-file.

want current date and time in "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SS" format

The following code gives expected output. Is that you want?

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;

public class DateAndTime {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SS");
        String strDate = sdf.format(cal.getTime());
        System.out.println("Current date in String Format: " + strDate);

        SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat();
        sdf1.applyPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SS");
        Date date = sdf1.parse(strDate);
        String string=sdf1.format(date);
        System.out.println("Current date in Date Format: " + string);


Can't compare naive and aware <= challenge.datetime_end

You are trying to set the timezone for date_time which already has a timezone. Use replace and astimezone functions.

local_tz = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')

current_time =

How do I use Bash on Windows from the Visual Studio Code integrated terminal?

This answer is similar to the top voted answer, but with an important distinction: a lot of the previous answers on this question focus on running Git Bash while my answer focuses on running WSL Bash.

  1. Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux on your Windows 10 machine.

  2. Open Visual Studio Code and press and hold Ctrl + ` to open the terminal.

  3. Open the command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P.

  4. Type - Select Default Shell.

  5. Select WSL Bash (NOT Git Bash) from the options.

enter image description here

  1. Click on the + icon in the terminal window. The new terminal now will be a WSL Bash terminal!

Compare two folders which has many files inside contents

Diff command in Unix is used to find the differences between files(all types). Since directory is also a type of file, the differences between two directories can easily be figure out by using diff commands. For more option use man diff on your unix box.

 -b              Ignores trailing blanks  (spaces  and  tabs)
                 and   treats  other  strings  of  blanks  as

 -i              Ignores the case of  letters.  For  example,
                 `A' will compare equal to `a'.
 -t              Expands <TAB> characters  in  output  lines.
                 Normal or -c output adds character(s) to the
                 front of each line that may adversely affect
                 the indentation of the original source lines
                 and  make  the  output  lines  difficult  to
                 interpret.  This  option  will  preserve the
                 original source's indentation.

 -w              Ignores all blanks (<SPACE> and <TAB>  char-
                 acters)  and  treats  all  other  strings of
                 blanks   as   equivalent.    For    example,
                 `if ( a == b )'   will   compare   equal  to

and there are many more.

Spring Boot @Value Properties

I had the same issue get value for my property in my service class. I resolved it by using @ConfigurationProperties instead of @Value.

  1. create a class like this:

    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "file")
    public class FileProperties {
        private String directory;

        public String getDirectory() {
            return directory;

        public void setDirectory(String dir) {
   = dir;

  1. add the following to your BootApplication class:
  1. Inject FileProperties to your PrintProperty class, then you can get hold of the property through the getter method. ) .done( ) and success:

The reason to prefer Promises over callback functions is to have multiple callbacks and to avoid the problems like Callback Hell.

Callback hell (for more details, refer Asynchronous javascript, or javascript that uses callbacks, is hard to get right intuitively. A lot of code ends up looking like this:

asyncCall(function(err, data1){
    if(err) return callback(err);       
    anotherAsyncCall(function(err2, data2){
        if(err2) return calllback(err2);
        oneMoreAsyncCall(function(err3, data3){
            if(err3) return callback(err3);
            // are we done yet?

With Promises above code can be rewritten as below:

    // do something...
    return anotherAsyncCall();
    // do something...  
    return oneMoreAsyncCall();    
    // the third and final async response
.fail(function(err) {
    // handle any error resulting from any of the above calls    

adding child nodes in treeview

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=NIKOLAY;Initial Catalog=PlanZadanie;Integrated Security=True");
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        public void loadTree(TreeView tree)
            cmd.Connection = con;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT [RAZDEL_ID],[NAME_RAZDEL] FROM [tbl_RAZDEL]";
                SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("?????? ? ??????????: " + ex.Message);


How do I fix a "Performance counter registry hive consistency" when installing SQL Server R2 Express?

I had this same problem. For me this solution worked for SQL Server 2008 R2 Express.

  1. Create a shortcut for SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe (This is the name of the file I used)
  2. Right-click on the shortcut and click "Properties"
  3. Look for a box under the shortcut tab that says "Target"
  4. Inside of the target box, add to whatever is already in there this line:

/Action=install /SKIPRULES=PerfMonCounterNotCorruptedCheck

Of course this does not fix the underlying issue but it is a workaround because this fix also works on the principle of skipping the Performance counter check in the setup. The difference is this method worked for me when doing it through the command line failed.

Reading file using fscanf() in C

In your code:

while(fscanf(fp,"%s %c",item,&status) == 1)  

why 1 and not 2? The scanf functions return the number of objects read.

Is there a performance difference between a for loop and a for-each loop?

Even with something like an ArrayList or Vector, where "get" is a simple array lookup, the second loop still has additional overhead that the first one doesn't. I would expect it to be a tiny bit slower than the first.

Upload files from Java client to a HTTP server

Here is how you would do it with Apache HttpClient (this solution is for those who don't mind using a 3rd party library):

    HttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create()
                       .addPart("file", new FileBody(file))

    HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url);

    HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
    HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);

Refresh Page and Keep Scroll Position

I modified Sanoj Dushmantha's answer to use sessionStorage instead of localStorage. However, despite the documentation, browsers will still store this data even after the browser is closed. To fix this issue, I am removing the scroll position after it is reset.

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
        var scrollpos = sessionStorage.getItem('scrollpos');
        if (scrollpos) {
            window.scrollTo(0, scrollpos);

    window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
        sessionStorage.setItem('scrollpos', window.scrollY);

Eclipse - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I had the exact same problem but I figured it out! Go to your project file and right click on it, then click Refresh or hit F5. Then try and run it. If it still doesn't work then just forget it, as I had the EXACT same problem and it just means you version of Eclipse is garbage.

Vim: insert the same characters across multiple lines

An alternative that can be more flexible:

Example: To enter the text XYZ at the beginning of the line

:%norm IXYZ

What's happening here?

  • % == Execute on every line
  • norm == Execute the following keys in normal mode
  • I == Insert at beginning of line
  • XYZ == The text you want to enter

Then you hit Enter, and it executes.

Specific to your request:

:%norm Ivendor_

You can also choose a particular range:

:2,4norm Ivendor_

Or execute over a selected visual range:

:'<,'>norm Ivendor_

How to downgrade php from 7.1.1 to 5.6 in xampp 7.1.1?

i was trying the same, so i downloaded the .7zip version of XAMPP with php 5.6.33 from

then followed the steps below: 1. rename c:\xampp\php to c:\xampp\php7 2. raname C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf to httpd-xampp7.OLD 3. copy php folder from XAMPP_5.6 7zip archive to c:\xampp\ 4. copy file httpd-xampp.conf from XAMPP_5.6 7zip archive to C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\

open xampp control panel and start Apache and then visit ( i am using port 82 instead of default 80) http://localhost and then click PHPInfo to see if it is working as expected.

Opening localhost shows dashboard

Opening phpinfo shows version 5.6

How to permanently set $PATH on Linux/Unix?

the best simple way is the following line:
PATH="<directory you want to include>:$PATH"
in your .bashrc file in home directory.
It will not get reset even if you close the terminal or reboot your PC. Its permanent

AngularJS/javascript converting a date String to date object

try this


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
  Hello, {{newDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}!


var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

function MyCtrl($scope) {
    var collectionDate = '2002-04-26T09:00:00'; 

    $scope.newDate =new Date(collectionDate);


How to import spring-config.xml of one project into spring-config.xml of another project?

For some reason, import as suggested by Ricardo didnt work for me. I got it working with following statement:

<import resource="classpath*:/spring-config.xml" />

How can I run NUnit tests in Visual Studio 2017?

Install the NUnit and NunitTestAdapter package to your test projects from Manage Nunit packages. to perform the same: 1 Right-click on menu Project ? click "Manage NuGet Packages". 2 Go to the "Browse" tab -> Search for the Nunit (or any other package which you want to install) 3 Click on the Package -> A side screen will open "Select the project and click on the install.

Perform your tasks (Add code) If your project is a Console application then a play/run button is displayed on the top click on that any your application will run and If your application is a class library Go to the Test Explorer and click on "Run All" option.

Difference between mkdir() and mkdirs() in java for


creates only one directory at a time, if it is parent that one only. other wise it can create the sub directory(if the specified path is existed only) and do not create any directories in between any two directories. so it can not create smultiple directories in one directory


create the multiple directories(in between two directories also) at a time.

How to convert datetime to timestamp using C#/.NET (ignoring current timezone)

JonSkeet has a good answer but as an alternative if you wanted to keep the result more portable you could convert the date into an ISO 8601 format which could then be read into most other frameworks but this may fall outside your requirements.


How do I localize the jQuery UI Datepicker?

1. You need to load the jQuery UI i18n files:

<script src="//">

2. Use $.datepicker.setDefaults function to set defaults for ALL datepickers.

3. In case you want to override setting(s) before setting defaults you can use this:

var options = $.extend(
    {},                                  // empty object
    $.datepicker.regional["fr"],         // fr regional
    { dateFormat: "d MM, y" /*, ... */ } // your custom options

The order of parameters is important because of the way jQuery.extend works. Two incorrect examples:

 * This overwrites the global variable itself instead of creating a
 * customized copy of french regional settings
$.extend($.datepicker.regional["fr"], { dateFormat: "d MM, y"});

 * The desired dateFormat is overwritten by french regional 
 * settings' date format
$.extend({ dateFormat: "d MM, y"}, $.datepicker.regional["fr"]);

How to generate and manually insert a uniqueidentifier in sql server?

Kindly check Column ApplicationId datatype in Table aspnet_Users , ApplicationId column datatype should be uniqueidentifier .

*Your parameter order is passed wrongly , Parameter @id should be passed as first argument, but in your script it is placed in second argument..*

So error is raised..

Please refere sample script:

DECLARE @id uniqueidentifier
SET @id = NEWID()
Create Table #temp1(AppId uniqueidentifier)

insert into #temp1 values(@id)

Select * from #temp1

Drop Table #temp1

Stop and Start a service via batch or cmd file?

You can use the NET START command and then check the ERRORLEVEL environment variable, e.g.

net start [your service]
if %errorlevel% == 2 echo Could not start service.
if %errorlevel% == 0 echo Service started successfully.
echo Errorlevel: %errorlevel%

Disclaimer: I've written this from the top of my head, but I think it'll work.

jquery $('.class').each() how many items?

If you're using chained syntax:

$(".class").each(function() {
    // ...

...I don't think there's any (reasonable) way for the code within the each function to know how many items there are. (Unreasonable ways would involve repeating the selector and using index.)

But it's easy enough to make the collection available to the function that you're calling in each. Here's one way to do that:

var collection = $(".class");
collection.each(function() {
    // You can access `collection.length` here.

As a somewhat convoluted option, you could convert your jQuery object to an array and then use the array's forEach. The arguments that get passed to forEach's callback are the entry being visited (what jQuery gives you as this and as the second argument), the index of that entry, and the array you called it on:

$(".class").get().forEach(function(entry, index, array) {
    // Here, array.length is the total number of items

That assumes an at least vaguely modern JavaScript engine and/or a shim for Array#forEach.

Or for that matter, give yourself a new tool:

// Loop through the jQuery set calling the callback:
//    loop(callback, thisArg);
// Callback gets called with `this` set to `thisArg` unless `thisArg`
// is falsey, in which case `this` will be the element being visited.
// Arguments to callback are `element`, `index`, and `set`, where
// `element` is the element being visited, `index` is its index in the
// set, and `set` is the jQuery set `loop` was called on.
// Callback's return value is ignored unless it's `=== false`, in which case
// it stops the loop.
$.fn.loop = function(callback, thisArg) {
    var me = this;
    return this.each(function(index, element) {
        return || element, element, index, me);


$(".class").loop(function(element, index, set) {
    // Here, set.length is the length of the set

How to copy files across computers using SSH and MAC OS X Terminal

You can do this with the scp command, which uses the ssh protocol to copy files across machines. It extends the syntax of cp to allow references to other systems:

scp username1@hostname1:/path/to/file username2@hostname2:/path/to/other/file

Copy something from this machine to some other machine:

scp /path/to/local/file username@hostname:/path/to/remote/file

Copy something from another machine to this machine:

scp username@hostname:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/file

Copy with a port number specified:

scp -P 1234 username@hostname:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/file

Change value of input onchange?

You can't access your fieldname as a global variable. Use document.getElementById:

function updateInput(ish){
    document.getElementById("fieldname").value = ish;



Get data type of field in select statement in ORACLE

I came into the same situation. As a workaround, I just created a view (If you have privileges) and described it and dropped it later. :)

API pagination best practices

Pagination is generally a "user" operation and to prevent overload both on computers and the human brain you generally give a subset. However, rather than thinking that we don't get the whole list it may be better to ask does it matter?

If an accurate live scrolling view is needed, REST APIs which are request/response in nature are not well suited for this purpose. For this you should consider WebSockets or HTML5 Server-Sent Events to let your front end know when dealing with changes.

Now if there's a need to get a snapshot of the data, I would just provide an API call that provides all the data in one request with no pagination. Mind you, you would need something that would do streaming of the output without temporarily loading it in memory if you have a large data set.

For my case I implicitly designate some API calls to allow getting the whole information (primarily reference table data). You can also secure these APIs so it won't harm your system.

printf not printing on console

You could try writing to stderr, rather than stdout.

fprintf(stderr, "Hello, please enter your age\n");

You should also have a look at this relevant thread.

Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?

It appears to me that RFC 2616 does not specify this.

From section 4.3:

The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in the request's message-headers. A message-body MUST NOT be included in a request if the specification of the request method (section 5.1.1) does not allow sending an entity-body in requests. A server SHOULD read and forward a message-body on any request; if the request method does not include defined semantics for an entity-body, then the message-body SHOULD be ignored when handling the request.

And section 9.7:

The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully. However, the server SHOULD NOT indicate success unless, at the time the response is given, it intends to delete the resource or move it to an inaccessible location.

A successful response SHOULD be 200 (OK) if the response includes an entity describing the status, 202 (Accepted) if the action has not yet been enacted, or 204 (No Content) if the action has been enacted but the response does not include an entity.

If the request passes through a cache and the Request-URI identifies one or more currently cached entities, those entries SHOULD be treated as stale. Responses to this method are not cacheable.c

So it's not explicitly allowed or disallowed, and there's a chance that a proxy along the way might remove the message body (although it SHOULD read and forward it).

Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched

This problem occurs because while creating the AVD manager in the "Create new Android virtual device(AVD)" dialog window ,"Snapshot" was marked as "Enabled" by me.


Create a new AVD manager with the "Enabled" checkbox not checked and then try running the project with the newly created AVD manager as "Target" , the problem will not occur anymore

Bootstrap 3, 4 and 5 .container-fluid with grid adding unwanted padding

You only need these CSS properties in .container class of Bootstrap and you can put inside him the normal grid system without someone content of the container will be out of him (without scroll-x in the viewport).


<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
            Your content here!
    ... more rows


/* Bootstrap custom */
    padding-left: 0rem;
    padding-right: 0rem;
    overflow: hidden;

Set up Python simpleHTTPserver on Windows

From Stack Overflow question What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer":

The following works for me:

python -m http.server [<portNo>]

Because I am using Python 3 the module SimpleHTTPServer has been replaced by http.server, at least in Windows.

How to uncheck a radio button?

Use this

$("input[name='nameOfYourRadioButton']").attr("checked", false);

How to disable scrolling temporarily?

Building on Cheyenne Forbes' answer, and one I found here via fcalderan: Just disable scroll not hide it? and to fix Hallodom's issue of the scrollbar disappearing


    position: fixed;


whatever.onclick = function(){
whatevertoclose.onclick = function(){

This code does jump you to the top of the page, but I think that fcalderan's code has a workaround.

Could not install Gradle distribution from ''

In my case I had to go to

File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Gradle

and then I changed the Service directory path, which was pointing to a wrong location.

How do I Merge two Arrays in VBA?

This function will do as JohnFx suggested and allow for varied lengths on the arrays

Function mergeArrays(ByVal arr1 As Variant, ByVal arr2 As Variant) As Variant
    Dim holdarr As Variant
    Dim ub1 As Long
    Dim ub2 As Long
    Dim bi As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim newind As Long

        ub1 = UBound(arr1) + 1
        ub2 = UBound(arr2) + 1

        bi = IIf(ub1 >= ub2, ub1, ub2)

        ReDim holdarr(ub1 + ub2 - 1)

        For i = 0 To bi
            If i < ub1 Then
                holdarr(newind) = arr1(i)
                newind = newind + 1
            End If

            If i < ub2 Then
                holdarr(newind) = arr2(i)
                newind = newind + 1
            End If
        Next i

        mergeArrays = holdarr
End Function

Stylesheet not updating

I had a similar problem, made all the more infuriating by simply being very SLOW to update. I couldn't get my changes to take effect while working on the site to save my life (trying all manner of clearing my browser cache and cookies), but if I came back to the site later in the day or opened another browser, there they were.

I also solved the problem by disabling the Supercacher software at my host's cpanel (Siteground). You can also use the "flush" button for individual directories to test if that's it before disabling.

Creating a timer in python

Your code's perfect except that you must do the following replacement:

minutes += 1 #instead of mins = minutes + 1


minutes = minutes + 1 #instead of mins = minutes + 1

but here's another solution to this problem:

def wait(time_in_seconds):
    time.sleep(time_in_seconds) #here it would be 1200 seconds (20 mins)

How do I make a text input non-editable?

Add readonly:

<input type="text" value="3" class="field left" readonly>

If you want the value to be not submitted in a form, instead add the disabled attribute.

<input type="text" value="3" class="field left" disabled>

There is no way to use CSS that always works to do this.

Why? CSS can't "disable" anything. You can still turn off display or visibility and use pointer-events: none but pointer-events doesn't work on versions of IE that came out earlier than IE 11.

How to use GNU Make on Windows?

Although this question is old, it is still asked by many who use MSYS2.

I started to use it this year to replace CygWin, and I'm getting pretty satisfied.

To install make, open the MSYS2 shell and type the following commands:

# Update the package database and core system packages
pacman -Syu
# Close shell and open again if needed

# Update again
pacman -Su

# Install make
pacman -S make

# Test it (show version)
make -v

Bootstrap4 adding scrollbar to div

Yes, It is possible, Just add a class like anyclass and give some CSS style. Live

.anyClass {
  overflow-y: scroll;

.anyClass {_x000D_
  overflow-y: scroll;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class=" col-md-2">_x000D_
  <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked anyClass">_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link active" href="#">Active</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    </li><li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    </li><li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    </li><li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    </li><li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
    <li class="nav-item">_x000D_
      <a class="nav-link disabled" href="#">Disabled</a>_x000D_

iOS download and save image inside app

You can download image without blocking UI with using NSURLSessionDataTask.

+(void)downloadImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url completionBlock:(void (^)(BOOL succeeded, UIImage *image))completionBlock
 NSURLSessionDataTask*  _sessionTask = [[NSURLSession sharedSession] dataTaskWithRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url]
                                            completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
    if (error != nil)
          if ([error code] == NSURLErrorAppTransportSecurityRequiresSecureConnection)
      [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock: ^{
                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                        UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:data];




    [_sessionTask resume];

Equal sized table cells to fill the entire width of the containing table

You don't even have to set a specific width for the cells, table-layout: fixed suffices to spread the cells evenly.

ul {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
    table-layout: fixed;_x000D_
    border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
li {_x000D_
    display: table-cell;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    border: 1px solid hotpink;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
    word-wrap: break-word;_x000D_

Note that for table-layout to work the table styled element must have a width set (100% in my example).

deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)

The Solution is to 'break' the relationship between the objects, and then try to delete again. The answer is in your log:

(remove deleted object from associations): [com.xeno.advertisingsuite.web.domain.PlaylistadMap#6]

Explain: what?(remove association) Where?[PlaylistadMap object with id#6]

Can I use git diff on untracked files?

usually when i work with remote location teams it is important for me that i have prior knowledge what change done by other teams in same file, before i follow git stages untrack-->staged-->commit for that i wrote an bash script which help me to avoid unnecessary resolve merge conflict with remote team or make new local branch and compare and merge on main branch

#set -x 
branchname=`git branch | grep -F '*' |  awk '{print $2}'`
echo $branchname
git fetch origin ${branchname}
for file in `git status | grep "modified" | awk "{print $2}" `
git difftool FETCH_HEAD $file ;

in above script i fetch remote main branch (not necessary its master branch)to FETCH_HEAD them make a list of my modified file only and compare modified files to git difftool

here many difftool supported by git, i configure 'Meld Diff Viewer' for good GUI comparison .

How to get on scroll events?

// @HostListener('scroll', ['$event']) // for scroll events of the current element
@HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event']) // for window scroll events
onScroll(event) {


<div (scroll)="onScroll($event)"></div>

Java FileReader encoding issue

For Java 7+ doc you can use this:

BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Here are all Charsets doc

For example if your file is in CP1252, use this method


Here is other canonical names for Java encodings both for IO and NIO doc

If you do not know with exactly encoding you have got in a file, you may use some third-party libs like this tool from Google this which works fairly neat.

Automatically add all files in a folder to a target using CMake?

The answer by Kleist certainly works, but there is an important caveat:

When you write a Makefile manually, you might generate a SRCS variable using a function to select all .cpp and .h files. If a source file is later added, re-running make will include it.

However, CMake (with a command like file(GLOB ...)) will explicitly generate a file list and place it in the auto-generated Makefile. If you have a new source file, you will need to re-generate the Makefile by re-running cmake.

edit: No need to remove the Makefile.

Assigning multiple styles on an HTML element

The way you have used the HTML syntax is problematic.

This is how the syntax should be


In your case, this will be the way to do

<h2 style="text-align :center; font-family :tahoma" >TITLE</h2>

A further example would be as follows

<div class ="row">
    <button type="button" style= "margin-top : 20px; border-radius: 15px" 
    class="btn btn-primary">View Full Profile</button>

Reset the database (purge all), then seed a database

As of Rails 5, the rake commandline tool has been aliased as rails so now

rails db:reset instead of rake db:reset

will work just as well

How to delete a file or folder?

To remove all files in folder

import os
import glob

files = glob.glob(os.path.join('path/to/folder/*'))
files = glob.glob(os.path.join('path/to/folder/*.csv')) // It will give all csv files in folder
for file in files:

To remove all folders in a directory

from shutil import rmtree
import os

// os.path.join()  # current working directory.

for dirct in os.listdir(os.path.join('path/to/folder')):

How to prompt for user input and read command-line arguments

var = raw_input("Please enter something: ")
print "you entered", var

Or for Python 3:

var = input("Please enter something: ")
print("You entered: " + var)

VirtualBox Cannot register the hard disk already exists

I found a solution

File -> Virtual Media Manager -> Removed existing images (note, I removed them only from the registry).

I followed these steps.

After that I could update the path in the VM settings.

Cannot open local file - Chrome: Not allowed to load local resource

Chrome specifically blocks local file access this way for security reasons.

Here's a workaround to enable the flag in Chrome (and open your system up to vulnerabilities):

c:\Program Files (x86)\google\chrome\Application\chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files

jQuery Call to WebService returns "No Transport" error

I solved it simply by removing the domain from the request url.


After: /_vti_bin/service.svc

How do I use Assert.Throws to assert the type of the exception?

Assert.Throws returns the exception that's thrown which lets you assert on the exception.

var ex = Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => user.MakeUserActive());
Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo("Actual exception message"));

So if no exception is thrown, or an exception of the wrong type is thrown, the first Assert.Throws assertion will fail. However if an exception of the correct type is thrown then you can now assert on the actual exception that you've saved in the variable.

By using this pattern you can assert on other things than the exception message, e.g. in the case of ArgumentException and derivatives, you can assert that the parameter name is correct:

var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => foo.Bar(null));
Assert.That(ex.ParamName, Is.EqualTo("bar"));

You can also use the fluent API for doing these asserts:

Assert.That(() => foo.Bar(null), 

or alternatively

    Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() =>

A little tip when asserting on exception messages is to decorate the test method with the SetCultureAttribute to make sure that the thrown message is using the expected culture. This comes into play if you store your exception messages as resources to allow for localization.

Finding the handle to a WPF window

Well, instead of passing Application.Current.MainWindow, just pass a reference to whichever window it is you want: new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle and so on.

How to launch another aspx web page upon button click?

Edited and fixed (thanks to Shredder)

If you mean you want to open a new tab, try the below:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Form.Target = "_blank";

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


This will keep the original page to stay open and cause the redirects on the current page to affect the new tab only.


List of IP Space used by Facebook

The list from 2020-05-23 is:

The method to fetch this list is already documented on Facebook's Developer site, you can make a whois call to see all IPs assigned to Facebook:

whois -h -- '-i origin AS32934' | grep ^route

Creating watermark using html and css



How do I make bootstrap table rows clickable?

That code transforms any bootstrap table row that has data-href attribute set into a clickable element

Note: data-href attribute is a valid tr attribute (HTML5), href attributes on tr element are not.

    $('.table tr[data-href]').each(function(){
            }).click( function(){ 
                document.location = $(this).attr('data-href'); 

How to resolve the "ADB server didn't ACK" error?

For me it didn't work , it was related to a path problem happened after android studio 2.0 preview 1, I needed to update genymotion and virtual box, and apparently they tried to use same port for adb.

Solution is explained here link! Basically you just need to:

1) open genymotion settings

2) specify sdk path for the adb manually

3) adb kill-server

4) adb start-server

Python string prints as [u'String']

[u'String'] is a text representation of a list that contains a Unicode string on Python 2.

If you run print(some_list) then it is equivalent to
print'[%s]' % ', '.join(map(repr, some_list)) i.e., to create a text representation of a Python object with the type list, repr() function is called for each item.

Don't confuse a Python object and its text representationrepr('a') != 'a' and even the text representation of the text representation differs: repr(repr('a')) != repr('a').

repr(obj) returns a string that contains a printable representation of an object. Its purpose is to be an unambiguous representation of an object that can be useful for debugging, in a REPL. Often eval(repr(obj)) == obj.

To avoid calling repr(), you could print list items directly (if they are all Unicode strings) e.g.: print ",".join(some_list)—it prints a comma separated list of the strings: String

Do not encode a Unicode string to bytes using a hardcoded character encoding, print Unicode directly instead. Otherwise, the code may fail because the encoding can't represent all the characters e.g., if you try to use 'ascii' encoding with non-ascii characters. Or the code silently produces mojibake (corrupted data is passed further in a pipeline) if the environment uses an encoding that is incompatible with the hardcoded encoding.

How do I set specific environment variables when debugging in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2005 at least, you can specify changes to environment variables in the project settings.

Open your project. Go to Project -> Properties... Under Configuration Properties -> Debugging, edit the 'Environment' value to set environment variables.

For example, if you want to add the directory "c:\foo\bin" to the path when debugging your application, set the 'Environment' value to "PATH=%PATH%;c:\foo\bin".

Here's a screenshot of the settings dialog

Pandas read_csv low_memory and dtype options

df = pd.read_csv('somefile.csv', low_memory=False)

This should solve the issue. I got exactly the same error, when reading 1.8M rows from a CSV.

Free space in a CMD shell

If you run "dir c:\", the last line will give you the free disk space.

Edit: Better solution: "fsutil volume diskfree c:"

How to reset Android Studio

We can no longer reset android studio to it's default state by the answers/methods given in this question from android studio 3.2.0 Here is the updated new method to do it (It consumes less time as it does not require any update/installation).

For Windows/Mac

  1. Open my computer

  2. Go to C:\Users\Username\.android\build-cache

  3. Delete the cache/files found inside the folder build-cache

  4. Note: do not delete the folder named as "3.2.0" and "3.2.1" which will be inside the build-cache

  5. Restart Android studio.

and that would completely reset your android studio settings from Android studio 3.2.0 and up.

Change all files and folders permissions of a directory to 644/755

The shortest one I could come up with is:

chmod -R a=r,u+w,a+X /foo

which works on GNU/Linux, and I believe on Posix in general (from my reading of:

What this does is:

  1. Set file/directory to r__r__r__ (0444)
  2. Add w for owner, to get rw_r__r__ (0644)
  3. Set execute for all if a directory (0755 for dir, 0644 for file).

Importantly, the step 1 permission clears all execute bits, so step 3 only adds back execute bits for directories (never files). In addition, all three steps happen before a directory is recursed into (so this is not equivalent to e.g.

chmod -R a=r /foo
chmod -R u+w /foo
chmod -R a+X /foo

since the a=r removes x from directories, so then chmod can't recurse into them.)

Padding or margin value in pixels as integer using jQuery

The parseInt function has a "radix" parameter which defines the numeral system used on the conversion, so calling parseInt(jQuery('#something').css('margin-left'), 10); returns the left margin as an Integer.

This is what JSizes use.

Bitbucket fails to authenticate on git pull

You can update your Bitbucket credentials from the OSX Keychain.

Updating your cached credentials via the command line:

$ git credential-osxkeychain erase
[press return]

If it's successful, nothing will print out. To test that it works, try and clone a repository from Bitbucket. If you are prompted for a password, the keychain entry was deleted.

Unable to load script.Make sure you are either running a Metro server or that your bundle '' is packaged correctly for release

These steps really help me:

Step 1: Create a directory in android/app/src/main/assets

Linux command: mkdir android/app/src/main/assets

Step 2: Rename (in root directory) to index.js (Maybe there is an index.js file in which case you do not need to rename it) then run the following command:

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

Step 3: Build your APK: react-native run-android

Please use index.js in latest version.

Enjoy :)

Adding values to specific DataTable cells

I think you can't do that but atleast you can update it. In order to edit an existing row in a DataTable, you need to locate the DataRow you want to edit, and then assign the updated values to the desired columns.


DataSet1.Tables(0).Rows(4).Item(0) = "Updated Company Name"
DataSet1.Tables(0).Rows(4).Item(1) = "Seattle"


Detect when a window is resized using JavaScript ?

You can use .resize() to get every time the width/height actually changes, like this:

$(window).resize(function() {
  //resize just happened, pixels changed

You can view a working demo here, it takes the new height/width values and updates them in the page for you to see. Remember the event doesn't really start or end, it just "happens" when a resize occurs...there's nothing to say another one won't happen.

Edit: By comments it seems you want something like a "on-end" event, the solution you found does this, with a few exceptions (you can't distinguish between a mouse-up and a pause in a cross-browser way, the same for an end vs a pause). You can create that event though, to make it a bit cleaner, like this:

$(window).resize(function() {
    if(this.resizeTO) clearTimeout(this.resizeTO);
    this.resizeTO = setTimeout(function() {
    }, 500);

You could have this is a base file somewhere, whatever you want to do...then you can bind to that new resizeEnd event you're triggering, like this:

$(window).bind('resizeEnd', function() {
    //do something, window hasn't changed size in 500ms

You can see a working demo of this approach here ?

How to dismiss keyboard for UITextView with return key?

I found the answer by josebama to be the most complete and clean answer available in this thread.

Below is the Swift 4 syntax for it:

func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn _: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
    let resultRange = text.rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet.newlines, options: .backwards)
    if text.count == 1 && resultRange != nil {
        // Do any additional stuff here
        return false
    return true

Xcode is not currently available from the Software Update server

For OSX 10.11 or more you can download from here

(The link in the accepted answer doesn't display command line tools for El Capitan (OSX 10.11))

Simple java program of pyramid

You can try in this way.

   for(int a=5;a>0;a--){
        int b=0;
           System.out.print(" ");
        for (int j=b;j<5;j++){
            System.out.print(" $ ");


Out put

     $  $ 
    $  $  $ 
   $  $  $  $ 

How to add a ListView to a Column in Flutter?

return new MaterialApp(
    home: new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(
        title: new Text("Login / Signup"),
      body: new Container(
        child: new Center(
          child: ListView(
          scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
            children: <Widget>[
              new TextField(
                decoration: new InputDecoration(
                  hintText: "E M A I L    A D D R E S S"
              new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00)),
              new TextField(obscureText: true,
                decoration: new InputDecoration(
                  hintText: "P A S S W O R D"
              new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00)),
              new TextField(decoration: new InputDecoration(
                hintText: "U S E R N A M E"
              new RaisedButton(onPressed: null,
              child:  new Text("SIGNUP"),),
              new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00)),
              new RaisedButton(onPressed: null,
              child: new Text("LOGIN"),),
              new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00)),
              new ListView(scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
              children: <Widget>[
                new RaisedButton(onPressed: null,
                child: new Text("Facebook"),),
                new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(5.00)),
                new RaisedButton(onPressed: null,
                child: new Text("Google"),)

        margin: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00),

Confusion: @NotNull vs. @Column(nullable = false) with JPA and Hibernate

The most recent versions of hibernate JPA provider applies the bean validation constraints (JSR 303) like @NotNull to DDL by default (thanks to hibernate.validator.apply_to_ddl property defaults to true). But there is no guarantee that other JPA providers do or even have the ability to do that.

You should use bean validation annotations like @NotNull to ensure, that bean properties are set to a none-null value, when validating java beans in the JVM (this has nothing to do with database constraints, but in most situations should correspond to them).

You should additionally use the JPA annotation like @Column(nullable = false) to give the jpa provider hints to generate the right DDL for creating table columns with the database constraints you want. If you can or want to rely on a JPA provider like Hibernate, which applies the bean validation constraints to DDL by default, then you can omit them.

How to delete all instances of a character in a string in python?

I suggest split (not saying that the other answers are invalid, this is just another way to do it):

def findreplace(char, string):
   return ''.join(string.split(char))

Splitting by a character removes all the characters and turns it into a list. Then we join the list with the join function. You can see the ipython console test below

In[112]: findreplace('i', 'it is icy')
Out[112]: 't s cy'

And the speed...

In[114]: timeit("findreplace('it is icy','i')", "from __main__ import findreplace")
Out[114]: 0.9927914671134204

Not as fast as replace or translate, but ok.

Clone only one branch

I have done with below single git command:

git clone [url] -b [branch-name] --single-branch

data.table vs dplyr: can one do something well the other can't or does poorly?

Here's my attempt at a comprehensive answer from the dplyr perspective, following the broad outline of Arun's answer (but somewhat rearranged based on differing priorities).


There is some subjectivity to syntax, but I stand by my statement that the concision of data.table makes it harder to learn and harder to read. This is partly because dplyr is solving a much easier problem!

One really important thing that dplyr does for you is that it constrains your options. I claim that most single table problems can be solved with just five key verbs filter, select, mutate, arrange and summarise, along with a "by group" adverb. That constraint is a big help when you're learning data manipulation, because it helps order your thinking about the problem. In dplyr, each of these verbs is mapped to a single function. Each function does one job, and is easy to understand in isolation.

You create complexity by piping these simple operations together with %>%. Here's an example from one of the posts Arun linked to:

diamonds %>%
  filter(cut != "Fair") %>%
  group_by(cut) %>%
    AvgPrice = mean(price),
    MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
    Count = n()
  ) %>%

Even if you've never seen dplyr before (or even R!), you can still get the gist of what's happening because the functions are all English verbs. The disadvantage of English verbs is that they require more typing than [, but I think that can be largely mitigated by better autocomplete.

Here's the equivalent data.table code:

diamondsDT <- data.table(diamonds)
  cut != "Fair", 
  .(AvgPrice = mean(price),
    MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
    Count = .N
  by = cut

It's harder to follow this code unless you're already familiar with data.table. (I also couldn't figure out how to indent the repeated [ in a way that looks good to my eye). Personally, when I look at code I wrote 6 months ago, it's like looking at a code written by a stranger, so I've come to prefer straightforward, if verbose, code.

Two other minor factors that I think slightly decrease readability:

  • Since almost every data table operation uses [ you need additional context to figure out what's happening. For example, is x[y] joining two data tables or extracting columns from a data frame? This is only a small issue, because in well-written code the variable names should suggest what's happening.

  • I like that group_by() is a separate operation in dplyr. It fundamentally changes the computation so I think should be obvious when skimming the code, and it's easier to spot group_by() than the by argument to [.data.table.

I also like that the the pipe isn't just limited to just one package. You can start by tidying your data with tidyr, and finish up with a plot in ggvis. And you're not limited to the packages that I write - anyone can write a function that forms a seamless part of a data manipulation pipe. In fact, I rather prefer the previous data.table code rewritten with %>%:

diamonds %>% 
  data.table() %>% 
  .[cut != "Fair", 
    .(AvgPrice = mean(price),
      MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
      Count = .N
    by = cut
  ] %>% 

And the idea of piping with %>% is not limited to just data frames and is easily generalised to other contexts: interactive web graphics, web scraping, gists, run-time contracts, ...)

Memory and performance

I've lumped these together, because, to me, they're not that important. Most R users work with well under 1 million rows of data, and dplyr is sufficiently fast enough for that size of data that you're not aware of processing time. We optimise dplyr for expressiveness on medium data; feel free to use data.table for raw speed on bigger data.

The flexibility of dplyr also means that you can easily tweak performance characteristics using the same syntax. If the performance of dplyr with the data frame backend is not good enough for you, you can use the data.table backend (albeit with a somewhat restricted set of functionality). If the data you're working with doesn't fit in memory, then you can use a database backend.

All that said, dplyr performance will get better in the long-term. We'll definitely implement some of the great ideas of data.table like radix ordering and using the same index for joins & filters. We're also working on parallelisation so we can take advantage of multiple cores.


A few things that we're planning to work on in 2015:

  • the readr package, to make it easy to get files off disk and in to memory, analogous to fread().

  • More flexible joins, including support for non-equi-joins.

  • More flexible grouping like bootstrap samples, rollups and more

I'm also investing time into improving R's database connectors, the ability to talk to web apis, and making it easier to scrape html pages.

Run bash command on jenkins pipeline

According to this document, you should be able to do it like so:

node {
    sh "#!/bin/bash \n" + 
       "echo \"Hello from \$SHELL\""

PHP-FPM and Nginx: 502 Bad Gateway

I made all this similar tweaks, but from time to time I was getting 501/502 errors (daily).

This are my settings on /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf to avoid 501 and 502 nginx errors… The server has 16Gb RAM. This configuration is for a 8Gb RAM server so…

sudo nano /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

then set the following values for

pm.max_children = 70
pm.start_servers = 20
pm.min_spare_servers = 20
pm.max_spare_servers = 35
pm.max_requests = 500

After this changes restart php-fpm

sudo service php-fpm restart

How to use Console.WriteLine in ASP.NET (C#) during debug?

If for whatever reason you'd like to catch the output of Console.WriteLine, you CAN do this:

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var writer = new LogWriter();

public class LogWriter : TextWriter
    public override void WriteLine(string value)
        //do whatever with value

    public override Encoding Encoding
        get { return Encoding.Default; }

Start a fragment via Intent within a Fragment

You cannot open new fragments. Fragments need to be always hosted by an activity. If the fragment is in the same activity (eg tabs) then the back key navigation is going to be tricky I am assuming that you want to open a new screen with that fragment.

So you would simply create a new activity and put the new fragment in there. That activity would then react to the intent either explicitly via the activity class or implicitly via intent filters.

What are the different usecases of PNG vs. GIF vs. JPEG vs. SVG?

If you opt for JPEG, and you're dealing with images for a website, you may want to consider the Google Guetzli perceptual encoder, which is freely available. In my experience, for a fixed quality Guetzli produces smaller files than standard JPEG encoding libraries, while maintaining full compatibility with the JPEG standard (so your images will have the same compatibility as common JPEG images).

The only drawback is that Guetzli takes lot of time to encode.. but this is done only once, when you prepare the image for the website, while the benefits remains forever! Smaller images will take less time to download, so your website speed will increase in the everyday use.

Capture Video of Android's Screen

My suggestion is also to use a screen recorder, such as SMRecorder. Instead of using the emulator, which is slow - especially for games and things you would want a video of, I recommend using a VirtualBox VM, with Android installed. You can connect the Dalvik debugger to it and debug you app there. If the debugger slows down you app too much, disconnect it to record the video. There are many links out there explaining how to set up the Android VM for debugging. I find it far better than the emulator. Now this does not take care of capturing screens directly on the device, in case you app uses the accelerometer, or the camera that are not available on the PC. For that I would use the android market app mentioned above.

Why do we assign a parent reference to the child object in Java?

This situation happens when you have several implementations. Let me explain. Supppose you have several sorting algorithm and you want to choose at runtime the one to implement, or you want to give to someone else the capability to add his implementation. To solve this problem you usually create an abstract class (Parent) and have different implementation (Child). If you write:

Child c = new Child();

you bind your implementation to Child class and you can't change it anymore. Otherwise if you use:

Parent p = new Child();

as long as Child extends Parent you can change it in the future without modifying the code.

The same thing can be done using interfaces: Parent isn't anymore a class but a java Interface.

In general you can use this approch in DAO pattern where you want to have several DB dependent implementations. You can give a look at FactoryPatter or AbstractFactory Pattern. Hope this can help you.

Get only the Date part of DateTime in mssql

We can use this method:


Last parameter changes the format to only to get time or date in specific formats.

How to create bitmap from byte array?

You'll need to get those bytes into a MemoryStream:

Bitmap bmp;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(imageData))
    bmp = new Bitmap(ms);

That uses the Bitmap(Stream stream) constructor overload.

UPDATE: keep in mind that according to the documentation, and the source code I've been reading through, an ArgumentException will be thrown on these conditions:

stream does not contain image data or is null.
stream contains a PNG image file with a single dimension greater than 65,535 pixels.

Why SQL Server throws Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric?

Numeric defines the TOTAL number of digits, and then the number after the decimal.

A numeric(3,2) can only hold up to 9.99.

How to: Add/Remove Class on mouseOver/mouseOut - JQuery .hover?

You forgot the dot of class selector of result class.

Live Demo

  function () {
  function () {

You can use toggleClass on hover event

Live Demo

 $(".result").hover(function () {

catching stdout in realtime from subprocess

Some rules of thumb for subprocess.

  • Never use shell=True. It needlessly invokes an extra shell process to call your program.
  • When calling processes, arguments are passed around as lists. sys.argv in python is a list, and so is argv in C. So you pass a list to Popen to call subprocesses, not a string.
  • Don't redirect stderr to a PIPE when you're not reading it.
  • Don't redirect stdin when you're not writing to it.


import subprocess, time, os, sys
cmd = ["rsync.exe", "-vaz", "-P", "source/" ,"dest/"]

p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,

for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
    print(">>> " + line.rstrip())

That said, it is probable that rsync buffers its output when it detects that it is connected to a pipe instead of a terminal. This is the default behavior - when connected to a pipe, programs must explicitly flush stdout for realtime results, otherwise standard C library will buffer.

To test for that, try running this instead:

cmd = [sys.executable, '']

and create a file with the contents:

import sys
import time
print ("Hello")
print ("World")

Executing that subprocess should give you "Hello" and wait 10 seconds before giving "World". If that happens with the python code above and not with rsync, that means rsync itself is buffering output, so you are out of luck.

A solution would be to connect direct to a pty, using something like pexpect.


You should be able to do the count on the purch variable:



var purch = from purchase in myBlaContext.purchases
select purchase;


Select row with most recent date per user

Possibly you can do group by user and then order by time desc. Something like as below

  SELECT * FROM lms_attendance group by user order by time desc;

MySQL Workbench: "Can't connect to MySQL server on' (10061)" error

Just try to run the following command manually:

C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.17\bin\mysqld.exe --console

It worked for me :)

How can I use iptables on centos 7?

I modified the /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables-config file changing:




And this:




This seemed to save the changes I made using the iptables commands through a reboot.

Hide html horizontal but not vertical scrollbar

For me:

.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-bdiv {
   position: relative;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   overflow-y: auto;  <------
   overflow-x: hidden; <-----
   text-align: left;

Of course remove the arrows

How to set the style -webkit-transform dynamically using JavaScript?

To animate your 3D object, use the code:



    var x = 100;
    var y = 0;
    x += 1;
    y += 1;
    var element = document.getElementById('cube'); = "translateZ(-100px) rotateY("+x+"deg) rotateX("+y+"deg)"; //for safari and chrome = "translateZ(-100px) rotateY("+x+"deg) rotateX("+y+"deg)"; //for firefox
//for other browsers use:   "msTransform",    "OTransform",    "transform"



Is the size of C "int" 2 bytes or 4 bytes?

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("size of int: %d", (int)sizeof(int));
    return 0;

This returns 4, but it's probably machine dependant.

How to create a Java / Maven project that works in Visual Studio Code?

This is not a particularly good answer as it explains how to run your java code n VS Code and not necessarily a Maven project, but it worked for me because I could not get around to doing the manual configuration myself. I decided to use this method instead since it is easier and faster.

Install VSCode (and for windows, set your environment variables), then install vscode:extension/vscjava.vscode-java-pack as detailed above, and then install the code runner extension pack, which basically sets up the whole process (in the background) as explained in the accepted answer above and then provides a play button to run your java code when you're ready.

This was all explained in this video.

Again, this is not the best solution, but if you want to cut to the chase, you may find this answer useful.

How to set background color in jquery

You actually got it. Just forgot some quotes.

$(this).css({backgroundColor: 'red'});


$(this).css('background-color', 'red');

You don't need to pass over a map/object to set only one property. You can just put pass it as string. Note that if passing an object you cannot use a -. All CSS properties which have such a character are mapped with capital letters.

Reference: .css()

Visual Studio: How to show Overloads in IntelliSense?

The default key binding for this is Ctrl+Shift+Space. The underlying Visual Studio command is Edit.ParameterInfo.

If the standard keybinding doesn't work for you (possible in some profiles) then you can change it via the keyboard options page

  • Tools -> Options
  • Keyboard
  • Type in Edit.ParameterInfo
  • Change the shortcut key
  • Hit Assign

What is the 'override' keyword in C++ used for?

Wikipedia says:

Method overriding, in object oriented programming, is a language feature that allows a subclass or child class to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by one of its superclasses or parent classes.

In detail, when you have an object foo that has a void hello() function:

class foo {
    virtual void hello(); // Code : printf("Hello!");

A child of foo, will also have a hello() function:

class bar : foo {
    // no functions in here but yet, you can call
    // bar.hello()

However, you may want to print "Hello Bar!" when hello() function is being called from a bar object. You can do this using override

class bar : foo {
    virtual void hello() override; // Code : printf("Hello Bar!");

Powershell Invoke-WebRequest Fails with SSL/TLS Secure Channel

It works for me...

if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type)
    $certCallback = @"
        using System;
        using System.Net;
        using System.Net.Security;
        using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
        public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback
            public static void Ignore()
                if(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null)
                    ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += 
                            Object obj, 
                            X509Certificate certificate, 
                            X509Chain chain, 
                            SslPolicyErrors errors
                            return true;
        Add-Type $certCallback

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri

How do I iterate and modify Java Sets?

I don't like very much iterator's semantic, please consider this as an option. It's also safer as you publish less of your internal state

private Map<String, String> JSONtoMAP(String jsonString) {

    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString);
    Map<String, String> outMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    for (String curKey : (Set<String>) json.keySet()) {
        outMap.put(curKey, json.getString(curKey));

    return outMap;


Postgres: clear entire database before re-creating / re-populating from bash script

If you don't actually need a backup of the database dumped onto disk in a plain-text .sql script file format, you could connect pg_dump and pg_restore directly together over a pipe.

To drop and recreate tables, you could use the --clean command-line option for pg_dump to emit SQL commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to (the commands for) creating them. (This will not drop the whole database, just each table/sequence/index/etc. before recreating them.)

The above two would look something like this:

pg_dump -U username --clean | pg_restore -U username