[hibernate] deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)

This post contains a brilliant trick to detect where the cascade problem is:
Try to replace on Cascade at the time with Cascade.None() until you do not get the error and then you have detected the cascade causing the problem.

Then solve the problem either by changing the original cascade to something else or using Tom Anderson answer.

Examples related to hibernate

Hibernate Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement How does spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto property exactly work in Spring? Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource : Invocation of init method failed JPA Hibernate Persistence exception [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory Disable all Database related auto configuration in Spring Boot Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment] HikariCP - connection is not available Hibernate-sequence doesn't exist How to find distinct rows with field in list using JPA and Spring? Spring Data JPA and Exists query

Examples related to jakarta-ee

Java 11 package javax.xml.bind does not exist javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure The type java.io.ObjectInputStream cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files Deploying Maven project throws java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid LOC header (bad signature) web.xml is missing and <failOnMissingWebXml> is set to true WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type Customer with qualifiers @Default Name [jdbc/mydb] is not bound in this Context An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". java.lang.NullPointerException How to consume a SOAP web service in Java java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer

Examples related to jpa

No converter found capable of converting from type to type How does spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto property exactly work in Spring? Deserialize Java 8 LocalDateTime with JacksonMapper Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource : Invocation of init method failed How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data? JPA Hibernate Persistence exception [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory How to return a custom object from a Spring Data JPA GROUP BY query How to find distinct rows with field in list using JPA and Spring? What is this spring.jpa.open-in-view=true property in Spring Boot? Spring Data JPA and Exists query

Examples related to one-to-many

Laravel - Form Input - Multiple select for a one to many relationship JPA OneToMany and ManyToOne throw: Repeated column in mapping for entity column (should be mapped with insert="false" update="false") What is the meaning of the CascadeType.ALL for a @ManyToOne JPA association What's the difference between @JoinColumn and mappedBy when using a JPA @OneToMany association deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations) Difference between one-to-many and many-to-one relationship Hibernate throws MultipleBagFetchException - cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags Difference Between One-to-Many, Many-to-One and Many-to-Many? What is “the inverse side of the association” in a bidirectional JPA OneToMany/ManyToOne association? JPA - Persisting a One to Many relationship