[hibernate] deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)

I encountered this exception message as well. For me the problem was different. I wanted to delete a parent.

In one transaction:

  • First I called up the parent from the database.
  • Then I called a child element from a collection in the parent.
  • Then I referenced one field in the child (id)
  • Then I deleted the parent.
  • Then I called commit.
  • I got the "deleted object would be resaved" error.

It turns out that I had to do two separate transactions. I committed after referencing the field in the child. Then started a new commit for the delete.

There was no need to delete the child elements or empty the collections in the parent (assuming orphanRemoval = true.). In fact, this didn't work.

In sum, this error appears if you have a reference to a field in a child object when that object is being deleted.

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