[java] What's the difference between @JoinColumn and mappedBy when using a JPA @OneToMany association

What is the difference between:

public class Company {

    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL , fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "companyIdRef", referencedColumnName = "companyId")
    private List<Branch> branches;


public class Company {

    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL , fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "companyIdRef")
    private List<Branch> branches;

This question is related to java hibernate jpa orm one-to-many

The answer is

I disagree with the accepted answer here by Óscar López. That answer is inaccurate!

It is NOT @JoinColumn which indicates that this entity is the owner of the relationship. Instead, it is the @ManyToOne annotation which does this (in his example).

The relationship annotations such as @ManyToOne, @OneToMany and @ManyToMany tell JPA/Hibernate to create a mapping. By default, this is done through a seperate Join Table.


The purpose of @JoinColumn is to create a join column if one does not already exist. If it does, then this annotation can be used to name the join column.


The purpose of the MappedBy parameter is to instruct JPA: Do NOT create another join table as the relationship is already being mapped by the opposite entity of this relationship.

Remember: MappedBy is a property of the relationship annotations whose purpose is to generate a mechanism to relate two entities which by default they do by creating a join table. MappedBy halts that process in one direction.

The entity not using MappedBy is said to be the owner of the relationship because the mechanics of the mapping are dictated within its class through the use of one of the three mapping annotations against the foreign key field. This not only specifies the nature of the mapping but also instructs the creation of a join table. Furthermore, the option to suppress the join table also exists by applying @JoinColumn annotation over the foreign key which keeps it inside the table of the owner entity instead.

So in summary: @JoinColumn either creates a new join column or renames an existing one; whilst the MappedBy parameter works collaboratively with the relationship annotations of the other (child) class in order to create a mapping either through a join table or by creating a foreign key column in the associated table of the owner entity.

To illustrate how MapppedBy works, consider the code below. If MappedBy parameter were to be deleted, then Hibernate would actually create TWO join tables! Why? Because there is a symmetry in many-to-many relationships and Hibernate has no rationale for selecting one direction over the other.

We therefore use MappedBy to tell Hibernate, we have chosen the other entity to dictate the mapping of the relationship between the two entities.

public class Driver {
    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "drivers")
    private List<Cars> cars;

public class Cars {
    private List<Drivers> drivers;

Adding @JoinColumn(name = "driverID") in the owner class (see below), will prevent the creation of a join table and instead, create a driverID foreign key column in the Cars table to construct a mapping:

public class Driver {
    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "drivers")
    private List<Cars> cars;

public class Cars {
    @JoinColumn(name = "driverID")
    private List<Drivers> drivers;

The annotation @JoinColumn indicates that this entity is the owner of the relationship (that is: the corresponding table has a column with a foreign key to the referenced table), whereas the attribute mappedBy indicates that the entity in this side is the inverse of the relationship, and the owner resides in the "other" entity. This also means that you can access the other table from the class which you've annotated with "mappedBy" (fully bidirectional relationship).

In particular, for the code in the question the correct annotations would look like this:

public class Company {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "company",
               orphanRemoval = true,
               fetch = FetchType.LAZY,
               cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private List<Branch> branches;

public class Branch {
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "companyId")
    private Company company;

JPA is a layered API, the different levels have their own annotations. The highest level is the (1) Entity level which describes persistent classes then you have the (2) relational database level which assume the entities are mapped to a relational database and (3) the java model.

Level 1 annotations: @Entity, @Id, @OneToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, @ManyToMany. You can introduce persistency in your application using these high level annotations alone. But then you have to create your database according to the assumptions JPA makes. These annotations specify the entity/relationship model.

Level 2 annotations: @Table, @Column, @JoinColumn, ... Influence the mapping from entities/properties to the relational database tables/columns if you are not satisfied with JPA's defaults or if you need to map to an existing database. These annotations can be seen as implementation annotations, they specify how the mapping should be done.

In my opinion it is best to stick as much as possible to the high level annotations and then introduce the lower level annotations as needed.

To answer the questions: the @OneToMany/mappedBy is nicest because it only uses the annotations from the entity domain. The @oneToMany/@JoinColumn is also fine but it uses an implementation annotation where this is not strictly necessary.

The annotation mappedBy ideally should always be used in the Parent side (Company class) of the bi directional relationship, in this case it should be in Company class pointing to the member variable 'company' of the Child class (Branch class)

The annotation @JoinColumn is used to specify a mapped column for joining an entity association, this annotation can be used in any class (Parent or Child) but it should ideally be used only in one side (either in parent class or in Child class not in both) here in this case i used it in the Child side (Branch class) of the bi directional relationship indicating the foreign key in the Branch class.

below is the working example :

parent class , Company

public class Company {

    private int companyId;
    private String companyName;
    private List<Branch> branches;

    public int getCompanyId() {
        return companyId;

    public void setCompanyId(int companyId) {
        this.companyId = companyId;

    public String getCompanyName() {
        return companyName;

    public void setCompanyName(String companyName) {
        this.companyName = companyName;

    public List<Branch> getBranches() {
        return branches;

    public void setBranches(List<Branch> branches) {
        this.branches = branches;


child class, Branch

public class Branch {

    private int branchId;
    private String branchName;
    private Company company;

    public int getBranchId() {
        return branchId;

    public void setBranchId(int branchId) {
        this.branchId = branchId;

    public String getBranchName() {
        return branchName;

    public void setBranchName(String branchName) {
        this.branchName = branchName;

    public Company getCompany() {
        return company;

    public void setCompany(Company company) {
        this.company = company;


I'd just like to add that @JoinColumn does not always have to be related to the physical information location as this answer suggests. You can combine @JoinColumn with @OneToMany even if the parent table has no table data pointing to the child table.

How to define unidirectional OneToMany relationship in JPA

Unidirectional OneToMany, No Inverse ManyToOne, No Join Table

It seems to only be available in JPA 2.x+ though. It's useful for situations where you want the child class to just contain the ID of the parent, not a full on reference.

Let me make it simple.
You can use @JoinColumn on either sides irrespective of mapping.

Let's divide this into three cases.
1) Uni-directional mapping from Branch to Company.
2) Bi-direction mapping from Company to Branch.
3) Only Uni-directional mapping from Company to Branch.

So any use-case will fall under this three categories. So let me explain how to use @JoinColumn and mappedBy.
1) Uni-directional mapping from Branch to Company.
Use JoinColumn in Branch table.
2) Bi-direction mapping from Company to Branch.
Use mappedBy in Company table as describe by @Mykhaylo Adamovych's answer.
3)Uni-directional mapping from Company to Branch.
Just use @JoinColumn in Company table.

public class Company {

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL , fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Branch> branches;

This says that in based on the foreign key "courseId" mapping in branches table, get me list of all branches. NOTE: you can't fetch company from branch in this case, only uni-directional mapping exist from company to branch.

Unidirectional one-to-many association

If you use the @OneToMany annotation with @JoinColumn, then you have a unidirectional association, like the one between the parent Post entity and the child PostComment in the following diagram:

Unidirectional one-to-many association

When using a unidirectional one-to-many association, only the parent side maps the association.

In this example, only the Post entity will define a @OneToMany association to the child PostComment entity:

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
@JoinColumn(name = "post_id")
private List<PostComment> comments = new ArrayList<>();

Bidirectional one-to-many association

If you use the @OneToMany with the mappedBy attribute set, you have a bidirectional association. In our case, both the Post entity has a collection of PostComment child entities, and the child PostComment entity has a reference back to the parent Post entity, as illustrated by the following diagram:

Bidirectional one-to-many association

In the PostComment entity, the post entity property is mapped as follows:

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Post post;

The reason we explicitly set the fetch attribute to FetchType.LAZY is because, by default, all @ManyToOne and @OneToOne associations are fetched eagerly, which can cause N+1 query issues.

In the Post entity, the comments association is mapped as follows:

    mappedBy = "post",
    cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
    orphanRemoval = true
private List<PostComment> comments = new ArrayList<>();

The mappedBy attribute of the @OneToMany annotation references the post property in the child PostComment entity, and, this way, Hibernate knows that the bidirectional association is controlled by the @ManyToOne side, which is in charge of managing the Foreign Key column value this table relationship is based on.

For a bidirectional association, you also need to have two utility methods, like addChild and removeChild:

public void addComment(PostComment comment) {

public void removeComment(PostComment comment) {

These two methods ensure that both sides of the bidirectional association are in sync. Without synchronizing both ends, Hibernate does not guarantee that association state changes will propagate to the database.

Which one to choose?

The unidirectional @OneToMany association does not perform very well, so you should avoid it.

You are better off using the bidirectional @OneToMany which is more efficient.

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