[c#] Multidimensional Array [][] vs [,]

double[][] ServicePoint = new double[10][9]; // <-- gives an error (1)
double[,] ServicePoint = new double[10,9]; // <-- ok (2)

What's their difference? (1) yields an error, what's the reason?


double d = new double[9]
ServicePoint[0] = d;

using (2) will prompt an error. Why?

This question is related to c# arrays multidimensional-array

The answer is

double[][] is an array of arrays and double[,] is a matrix. If you want to initialize an array of array, you will need to do this:

double[][] ServicePoint = new double[10][]
for(var i=0;i<ServicePoint.Length;i++)
    ServicePoint[i] = new double[9];

Take in account that using arrays of arrays will let you have arrays of different lengths:

ServicePoint[0] = new double[10];
ServicePoint[1] = new double[3];
ServicePoint[2] = new double[5];
//and so on...

In the first instance you are trying to create what is called a jagged array.

double[][] ServicePoint = new double[10][9].

The above statement would have worked if it was defined like below.

double[][] ServicePoint = new double[10][]

what this means is you are creating an array of size 10 ,that can store 10 differently sized arrays inside it.In simple terms an Array of arrays.see the below image,which signifies a jagged array.

enter image description here


The second one is basically a two dimensional array and the syntax is correct and acceptable.

  double[,] ServicePoint = new double[10,9];//<-ok (2)

And to access or modify a two dimensional array you have to pass both the dimensions,but in your case you are passing just a single dimension,thats why the error

Correct usage would be

ServicePoint[0][2] ,Refers to an item on the first row ,third column.

Pictorial rep of your two dimensional array

enter image description here

double[][] are called jagged arrays , The inner dimensions aren’t specified in the declaration. Unlike a rectangular array, each inner array can be an arbitrary length. Each inner array is implicitly initialized to null rather than an empty array. Each inner array must be created manually: Reference [C# 4.0 in nutshell The definitive Reference]

for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Length; i++)
    matrix[i] = new int [3]; // Create inner array
    for (int j = 0; j < matrix[i].Length; j++)
        matrix[i][j] = i * 3 + j;

double[,] are called rectangular arrays, which are declared using commas to separate each dimension. The following piece of code declares a rectangular 3-by-3 two-dimensional array, initializing it with numbers from 0 to 8:

int [,] matrix = new int [3, 3];
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.GetLength(0); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < matrix.GetLength(1); j++)
        matrix [i, j] = i * 3 + j;

double[,] is a 2d array (matrix) while double[][] is an array of arrays (jagged arrays) and the syntax is:

double[][] ServicePoint = new double[10][];

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