Programs & Examples On #Inherited

This tag refers to the classes or objects that a particular class inherits from.

How to extend / inherit components?

Let us understand some key limitations & features on Angular’s component inheritance system.

The component only inherits the class logic:

  • All meta-data in the @Component decorator is not inherited.
  • Component @Input properties and @Output properties are inherited.
  • Component lifecycle is not inherited.

These features are very important to have in mind so let us examine each one independently.

The Component only inherits the class logic

When you inherit a Component, all logic inside is equally inherited. It is worth noting that only public members are inherited as private members are only accessible in the class that implements them.

All meta-data in the @Component decorator is not inherited

The fact that no meta-data is inherited might seem counter-intuitive at first but, if you think about this it actually makes perfect sense. If you inherit from a Component say (componentA), you would not want the selector of ComponentA, which you are inheriting from to replace the selector of ComponentB which is the class that is inheriting. The same can be said for the template/templateUrl as well as the style/styleUrls.

Component @Input and @Output properties are inherited

This is another feature that I really love about component Inheritance in Angular. In a simple sentence, whenever you have a custom @Input and @Output property, these properties get inherited.

Component lifecycle is not inherited

This part is the one that is not so obvious especially to people who have not extensively worked with OOP principles. For example, say you have ComponentA which implements one of Angular’s many lifecycle hooks like OnInit. If you create ComponentB and inherit ComponentA, the OnInit lifecycle from ComponentA won't fire until you explicitly call it even if you do have this OnInit lifecycle for ComponentB.

Calling Super/Base Component Methods

In order to have the ngOnInit() method from ComponentA fire, we need to use the super keyword and then call the method we need which in this case is ngOnInit. The super keyword refers to the instance of the component that is being inherited from which in this case will be ComponentA.

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint. Cannot insert duplicate key in object

What is the value you're passing to the primary key (presumably "pk_OrderID")? You can set it up to auto increment, and then there should never be a problem with duplicating the value - the DB will take care of that. If you need to specify a value yourself, you'll need to write code to determine what the max value for that field is, and then increment that.

If you have a column named "ID" or such that is not shown in the query, that's fine as long as it is set up to autoincrement - but it's probably not, or you shouldn't get that err msg. Also, you would be better off writing an easier-on-the-eye query and using params. As the lad of nine years hence inferred, you're leaving your database open to SQL injection attacks if you simply plop in user-entered values. For example, you could have a method like this:

internal static int GetItemIDForUnitAndItemCode(string qry, string unit, string itemCode)
    int itemId;
    using (SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(ReportRunnerConstsAndUtils.CPSConnStr))
        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qry, sqlConn))
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Unit", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25).Value = unit;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@ItemCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25).Value = itemCode;
            itemId = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
    return itemId;

...that is called like so:

int itemId = SQLDBHelper.GetItemIDForUnitAndItemCode(GetItemIDForUnitAndItemCodeQuery, _unit, itemCode);

You don't have to, but I store the query separately:

public static readonly String GetItemIDForUnitAndItemCodeQuery = "SELECT PoisonToe FROM Platypi WHERE Unit = @Unit AND ItemCode = @ItemCode";

You can verify that you're not about to insert an already-existing value by (pseudocode):

bool alreadyExists = IDAlreadyExists(query, value) > 0;

The query is something like "SELECT COUNT FROM TABLE WHERE BLA = @CANDIDATEIDVAL" and the value is the ID you're potentially about to insert:

if (alreadyExists) // keep inc'ing and checking until false, then use that id value

Justin wants to know if this will work:

string exists = "SELECT 1 from AC_Shipping_Addresses where pk_OrderID = " _Order.OrderNumber; if (exists > 0)...

What seems would work to me is:

string existsQuery = string.format("SELECT 1 from AC_Shipping_Addresses where pk_OrderID = {0}", _Order.OrderNumber); 
// Or, better yet:
string existsQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) from AC_Shipping_Addresses where pk_OrderID = @OrderNumber"; 
// Now run that query after applying a value to the OrderNumber query param (use code similar to that above); then, if the result is > 0, there is such a record.

Spring RequestMapping for controllers that produce and consume JSON

You can use the @RestController instead of @Controller annotation.

Absolute and Flexbox in React Native

The first step would be to add

position: 'absolute',

then if you want the element full width, add

left: 0,
right: 0,

then, if you want to put the element in the bottom, add

bottom: 0,
// don't need set top: 0

if you want to position the element at the top, replace bottom: 0 by top: 0

How to target only IE (any version) within a stylesheet?

When using SASS I use the following 2 @media queries to target IE 6-10 & EDGE.

@media screen\9
    @import ie_styles
@media screen\0
    @import ie_styles


I also target later versions of EDGE using @support queries (add as many as you need)

@supports (-ms-ime-align:auto)
    @import ie_styles
@supports (-ms-accelerator:auto)
    @import ie_styles

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib

For me, having tried everything with no success, what worked was to remove @executable_path/Frameworks from the Packaging section (don't know how it came to be in there in the first place)

enter image description here

python - if not in list

Your code should work, but you can also try:

    if not item in mylist :

intelliJ IDEA 13 error: please select Android SDK

I had same problem once. every things seems right. I restart, delete and invalidate cache of Android studio, rebuild, clean and nothings changed. It is finally solved by click on Sync Project with Gradle Files button in android studio 3.0

Sync Project with Gradle Files button

How to configure SMTP settings in web.config

Set IIS to forward your mail to the remote server. The specifics vary greatly depending on the version of IIS. For IIS 7.5:

  1. Open IIS Manager
  2. Connect to your server if needed
  3. Select the server node; you should see an SMTP option on the right in the ASP.NET section
  4. Double-click the SMTP icon.
  5. Select the "Deliver e-mail to SMTP server" option and enter your server name, credentials, etc.

"Use the new keyword if hiding was intended" warning

Your class has a base class, and this base class also has a property (which is not virtual or abstract) called Events which is being overridden by your class. If you intend to override it put the "new" keyword after the public modifier. E.G.

public new EventsDataTable Events

If you don't wish to override it change your properties' name to something else.

The target ... overrides the `OTHER_LDFLAGS` build setting defined in `Pods/Pods.xcconfig

I added $(inherited) but my project was still not compiling. For me problem was flag "Build for active Architecture only", I had to set it to YES.

How do I change the font-size of an <option> element within <select>?

Like most form controls in HTML, the results of applying CSS to <select> and <option> elements vary a lot between browsers. Chrome, as you've found, won't let you apply and font styles to an <option> element directly --- if you do Inspect Element on it, you'll see the font-size: 14px declaration is crossed through as if it's been overridden by the cascade, but it's actually because Chrome is ignoring it.

However, Chrome will let you apply font styles to the <optgroup> element, so to achieve the result you want you can wrap all the <option>s in an <optgroup> and then apply your font styles to a .styled-select optgroup selector. If you want the optgroup sans-label, you may have to do some clever CSS with positioning or something to hide the white area at the top where the label would be shown, but that should be possible.

Forked to a new JSFiddle to show you what I mean:

Close a MessageBox after several seconds

A solution that works in WinForms:

var w = new Form() { Size = new Size(0, 0) };
    .ContinueWith((t) => w.Close(), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

MessageBox.Show(w, message, caption);

Based on the effect that closing the form that owns the message box will close the box as well.

Windows Forms controls have a requirement that they must be accessed on the same thread that created them. Using TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext() will ensure that, assuming that the example code above is executed on the UI thread, or an user-created thread. The example will not work correctly if the code is executed on a thread from a thread pool (e.g. a timer callback) or a task pool (e.g. on a task created with TaskFactory.StartNew or Task.Run with default parameters).

Meaning of @classmethod and @staticmethod for beginner?

Rostyslav Dzinko's answer is very appropriate. I thought I could highlight one other reason you should choose @classmethod over @staticmethod when you are creating an additional constructor.

In the example above, Rostyslav used the @classmethod from_string as a Factory to create Date objects from otherwise unacceptable parameters. The same can be done with @staticmethod as is shown in the code below:

class Date:
  def __init__(self, month, day, year):
    self.month = month   = day
    self.year  = year

  def display(self):
    return "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(self.month,, self.year)

  def millenium(month, day):
    return Date(month, day, 2000)

new_year = Date(1, 1, 2013)               # Creates a new Date object
millenium_new_year = Date.millenium(1, 1) # also creates a Date object. 

# Proof:
new_year.display()           # "1-1-2013"
millenium_new_year.display() # "1-1-2000"

isinstance(new_year, Date) # True
isinstance(millenium_new_year, Date) # True

Thus both new_year and millenium_new_year are instances of the Date class.

But, if you observe closely, the Factory process is hard-coded to create Date objects no matter what. What this means is that even if the Date class is subclassed, the subclasses will still create plain Date objects (without any properties of the subclass). See that in the example below:

class DateTime(Date):
  def display(self):
      return "{0}-{1}-{2} - 00:00:00PM".format(self.month,, self.year)

datetime1 = DateTime(10, 10, 1990)
datetime2 = DateTime.millenium(10, 10)

isinstance(datetime1, DateTime) # True
isinstance(datetime2, DateTime) # False

datetime1.display() # returns "10-10-1990 - 00:00:00PM"
datetime2.display() # returns "10-10-2000" because it's not a DateTime object but a Date object. Check the implementation of the millenium method on the Date class for more details.

datetime2 is not an instance of DateTime? WTF? Well, that's because of the @staticmethod decorator used.

In most cases, this is undesired. If what you want is a Factory method that is aware of the class that called it, then @classmethod is what you need.

Rewriting Date.millenium as (that's the only part of the above code that changes):

def millenium(cls, month, day):
    return cls(month, day, 2000)

ensures that the class is not hard-coded but rather learnt. cls can be any subclass. The resulting object will rightly be an instance of cls.
Let's test that out:

datetime1 = DateTime(10, 10, 1990)
datetime2 = DateTime.millenium(10, 10)

isinstance(datetime1, DateTime) # True
isinstance(datetime2, DateTime) # True

datetime1.display() # "10-10-1990 - 00:00:00PM"
datetime2.display() # "10-10-2000 - 00:00:00PM"

The reason is, as you know by now, that @classmethod was used instead of @staticmethod

What is System, out, println in System.out.println() in Java

System is a final class from the java.lang package.

out is a class variable of type PrintStream declared in the System class.

println is a method of the PrintStream class.

How to override trait function and call it from the overridden function?

Using another trait:

trait ATrait {
    function calc($v) {
        return $v+1;

class A {
    use ATrait;

trait BTrait {
    function calc($v) {
        return parent::calc($v);

class B extends A {
    use BTrait;

print (new B())->calc(2); // should print 4

@JsonProperty annotation on field as well as getter/setter

My observations based on a few tests has been that whichever name differs from the property name is one which takes effect:

For eg. consider a slight modification of your case:

private String fileName;

public String getFileName()
    return fileName;

public void setFileName(String fileName)
    this.fileName = fileName;

Both fileName field, and method getFileName, have the correct property name of fileName and setFileName has a different one fileName1, in this case Jackson will look for a fileName1 attribute in json at the point of deserialization and will create a attribute called fileName1 at the point of serialization.

Now, coming to your case, where all the three @JsonProperty differ from the default propertyname of fileName, it would just pick one of them as the attribute(FILENAME), and had any on of the three differed, it would have thrown an exception:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Conflicting property name definitions

How to programmatically set the ForeColor of a label to its default?

For example summer :

lblSummer.foreColor = color.Yellow;

Are static methods inherited in Java?

All the public and protected members can be inherited from any class while the default or package members can also be inherited from the class within the same package as that of the superclass. It does not depend whether it is static or non static member.

But it is also true that static member function do not take part in dynamic binding. If the signature of that static method is same in both parent and child class then concept of Shadowing applies, not polymorphism.

How to properly set the 100% DIV height to match document/window height?

You could make it absolute and put zeros to top and bottom that is:

#fullHeightDiv {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;

Inheriting from a template class in c++

Are you just trying to derive from Area<int>? In which case you do this:

class Rectangle : public Area<int>
    // ...

EDIT: Following the clarification, it seems you're actually trying to make Rectangle a template as well, in which case the following should work:

template <typename T>
class Rectangle : public Area<T>
    // ...

Error: vector does not name a type

You need to either qualify vector with its namespace (which is std), or import the namespace at the top of your CPP file:

using namespace std;

Private vs Protected - Visibility Good-Practice Concern

Well it is all about encapsulation if the paybill classes handles billing of payment then in product class why would it needs the whole process of billing process i.e payment method how to pay where to pay .. so only letting what are used for other classes and objects nothing more than that public for those where other classes would use too, protected for those limit only for extending classes. As you are madara uchiha the private is like "limboo" you can see it (you class only single class).

Using C++ base class constructors?

You'll need to declare constructors in each of the derived classes, and then call the base class constructor from the initializer list:

class D : public A
    D(const string &val) : A(0) {}
    D( int val ) : A( val ) {}

D variable1( "Hello" );
D variable2( 10 );

C++11 allows you to use the using A::A syntax you use in your decleration of D, but C++11 features aren't supported by all compilers just now, so best to stick with the older C++ methods until this feature is implemented in all the compilers your code will be used with.

Get size of all tables in database

sp_spaceused can get you information on the disk space used by a table, indexed view, or the whole database.

For example:

USE MyDatabase; GO

EXEC sp_spaceused N'User.ContactInfo'; GO

This reports the disk usage information for the ContactInfo table.

To use this for all tables at once:

USE MyDatabase; GO

sp_msforeachtable 'EXEC sp_spaceused [?]' GO

You can also get disk usage from within the right-click Standard Reports functionality of SQL Server. To get to this report, navigate from the server object in Object Explorer, move down to the Databases object, and then right-click any database. From the menu that appears, select Reports, then Standard Reports, and then "Disk Usage by Partition: [DatabaseName]".

How do I install Maven with Yum?

For those of you that are looking for a way to install Maven in 2018:

$ sudo yum install maven

is supported these days.

SQL Transaction Error: The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file

Had the exact same error in a procedure. It turns out the user running it (a technical user in our case) did not have sufficient rigths to create a temporary table.

EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_ddladmin', 'username_here';

did the trick

remove / reset inherited css from an element

One simple approach would be to use the !important modifier in css, but this can be overridden in the same way from users.

Maybe a solution can be achieved with jquery by traversing the entire DOM to find your (re)defined classes and removing / forcing css styles.

JSON Post with Customized HTTPHeader Field

I tried as you mentioned, but only first parameter is going through and rest all are appearing in the server as undefined. I am passing JSONWebToken as part of header.

    url: 'api/outletadd',
    type: 'post',
    data: { outletname:outletname , addressA:addressA , addressB:addressB, city:city , postcode:postcode , state:state , country:country , menuid:menuid },
    headers: {
        authorization: storedJWT
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data){
        alert("Outlet Created");
    error: function (data){
        alert("Outlet Creation Failed, please try again.");        


How do I call the base class constructor?

Use the name of the base class in an initializer-list. The initializer-list appears after the constructor signature before the method body and can be used to initialize base classes and members.

class Base
  Base(char* name)
     // ...

class Derived : Base
    : Base("hello")
      // ...

Or, a pattern used by some people is to define 'super' or 'base' yourself. Perhaps some of the people who favour this technique are Java developers who are moving to C++.

class Derived : Base
  typedef Base super;
    : super("hello")
      // ...

Disable/turn off inherited CSS3 transitions

Based on W3schools default transition value is: all 0s ease 0s, which should be the cross-browser compatible way of disabling the transition.

Here is a link:

CSS text-align: center; is not centering things

I don't Know you use any Bootstrap version but the useful helper class for centering and block an element in center it is .center-block because this class contain margin and display CSS properties but the .text-center class only contain the text-align property

Bootstrap Helper Class center-block

ActionBar text color

The most straight-forward way is to do this in the styles.xml.

Google's template styles.xml currently generates the following:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

If you add one more line before the closing tag, as shown, that will change the text color to what it should be with a Dark ActionBar:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
    <item name="actionBarTheme">@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar</item>

If you want to customize the color to something else, you can either specify your own color in colors.xml or even use a built-in color from Android using the android:textColorPrimary attribute:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
    <item name="actionBarTheme">@style/AppTheme.AppBarOverlay</item>

<style name="AppTheme.AppBarOverlay" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark.ActionBar">
    <item name="android:textColorPrimary">@android:color/darker_gray</item>

Note: This changes the color of the title and also the titles of any MenuItems displayed in the ActionBar.

Google Gson - deserialize list<class> object? (generic type)

Here is a solution that works with a dynamically defined type. The trick is creating the proper type of of array using Array.newInstance().

    public static <T> List<T> fromJsonList(String json, Class<T> clazz) {
    Object [] array = (Object[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clazz, 0);
    array = gson.fromJson(json, array.getClass());
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
    for (int i=0 ; i<array.length ; i++)
    return list; 

Get all inherited classes of an abstract class

Assuming they are all defined in the same assembly, you can do:

IEnumerable<AbstractDataExport> exporters = typeof(AbstractDataExport)
    .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AbstractDataExport)) && !t.IsAbstract)
    .Select(t => (AbstractDataExport)Activator.CreateInstance(t));

Adding and removing style attribute from div with jquery

If you are using jQuery, use css to add CSS

$("#voltaic_holder").css({'position': 'absolute',
    'top': '-75px'});

To remove CSS attributes

$("#voltaic_holder").css({'position': '',
    'top': ''});

How do I use arrays in C++?

Array creation and initialization

As with any other kind of C++ object, arrays can be stored either directly in named variables (then the size must be a compile-time constant; C++ does not support VLAs), or they can be stored anonymously on the heap and accessed indirectly via pointers (only then can the size be computed at runtime).

Automatic arrays

Automatic arrays (arrays living "on the stack") are created each time the flow of control passes through the definition of a non-static local array variable:

void foo()
    int automatic_array[8];

Initialization is performed in ascending order. Note that the initial values depend on the element type T:

  • If T is a POD (like int in the above example), no initialization takes place.
  • Otherwise, the default-constructor of T initializes all the elements.
  • If T provides no accessible default-constructor, the program does not compile.

Alternatively, the initial values can be explicitly specified in the array initializer, a comma-separated list surrounded by curly brackets:

    int primes[8] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};

Since in this case the number of elements in the array initializer is equal to the size of the array, specifying the size manually is redundant. It can automatically be deduced by the compiler:

    int primes[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};   // size 8 is deduced

It is also possible to specify the size and provide a shorter array initializer:

    int fibonacci[50] = {0, 1, 1};   // 47 trailing zeros are deduced

In that case, the remaining elements are zero-initialized. Note that C++ allows an empty array initializer (all elements are zero-initialized), whereas C89 does not (at least one value is required). Also note that array initializers can only be used to initialize arrays; they cannot later be used in assignments.

Static arrays

Static arrays (arrays living "in the data segment") are local array variables defined with the static keyword and array variables at namespace scope ("global variables"):

int global_static_array[8];

void foo()
    static int local_static_array[8];

(Note that variables at namespace scope are implicitly static. Adding the static keyword to their definition has a completely different, deprecated meaning.)

Here is how static arrays behave differently from automatic arrays:

  • Static arrays without an array initializer are zero-initialized prior to any further potential initialization.
  • Static POD arrays are initialized exactly once, and the initial values are typically baked into the executable, in which case there is no initialization cost at runtime. This is not always the most space-efficient solution, however, and it is not required by the standard.
  • Static non-POD arrays are initialized the first time the flow of control passes through their definition. In the case of local static arrays, that may never happen if the function is never called.

(None of the above is specific to arrays. These rules apply equally well to other kinds of static objects.)

Array data members

Array data members are created when their owning object is created. Unfortunately, C++03 provides no means to initialize arrays in the member initializer list, so initialization must be faked with assignments:

class Foo
    int primes[8];


        primes[0] = 2;
        primes[1] = 3;
        primes[2] = 5;
        // ...

Alternatively, you can define an automatic array in the constructor body and copy the elements over:

class Foo
    int primes[8];


        int local_array[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};
        std::copy(local_array + 0, local_array + 8, primes + 0);

In C++0x, arrays can be initialized in the member initializer list thanks to uniform initialization:

class Foo
    int primes[8];


    Foo() : primes { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 }

This is the only solution that works with element types that have no default constructor.

Dynamic arrays

Dynamic arrays have no names, hence the only means of accessing them is via pointers. Because they have no names, I will refer to them as "anonymous arrays" from now on.

In C, anonymous arrays are created via malloc and friends. In C++, anonymous arrays are created using the new T[size] syntax which returns a pointer to the first element of an anonymous array:

std::size_t size = compute_size_at_runtime();
int* p = new int[size];

The following ASCII art depicts the memory layout if the size is computed as 8 at runtime:

(anonymous)  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          p: | | |                               int*

Obviously, anonymous arrays require more memory than named arrays due to the extra pointer that must be stored separately. (There is also some additional overhead on the free store.)

Note that there is no array-to-pointer decay going on here. Although evaluating new int[size] does in fact create an array of integers, the result of the expression new int[size] is already a pointer to a single integer (the first element), not an array of integers or a pointer to an array of integers of unknown size. That would be impossible, because the static type system requires array sizes to be compile-time constants. (Hence, I did not annotate the anonymous array with static type information in the picture.)

Concerning default values for elements, anonymous arrays behave similar to automatic arrays. Normally, anonymous POD arrays are not initialized, but there is a special syntax that triggers value-initialization:

int* p = new int[some_computed_size]();

(Note the trailing pair of parenthesis right before the semicolon.) Again, C++0x simplifies the rules and allows specifying initial values for anonymous arrays thanks to uniform initialization:

int* p = new int[8] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 };

If you are done using an anonymous array, you have to release it back to the system:

delete[] p;

You must release each anonymous array exactly once and then never touch it again afterwards. Not releasing it at all results in a memory leak (or more generally, depending on the element type, a resource leak), and trying to release it multiple times results in undefined behavior. Using the non-array form delete (or free) instead of delete[] to release the array is also undefined behavior.

Do subclasses inherit private fields?

I believe, answer is totally dependent on the question, which has been asked. I mean, if question is

Can we directly access the private field of the super-class from their sub-class ?

Then answer is No, if we go through the access specifier details, it is mentioned, private members are accessible only within the class itself.

But, if question is

Can we access the private field of the super-class from their sub-class ?

Which means, it doesn't matters, what you will do to access the private member. In that case, we can make public method in the super-class and you can access the private member. So, in this case you are creating one interface/bridge to access the private member.

Other OOPs language like C++, have the friend function concept, by which we can access the private member of other class.

What does @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) mean in CSS?

It means if the screen size is 1024 then only apply below CSS rules.

Serialize an object to XML

Extension class:

using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace MyProj.Extensions
    public static class XmlExtension
        public static string Serialize<T>(this T value)
            if (value == null) return string.Empty;

            var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));

            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter,new XmlWriterSettings{Indent = true}))
                    xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, value);
                    return stringWriter.ToString();


Foo foo = new Foo{MyProperty="I have been serialized"};

string xml = foo.Serialize();

Just reference the namespace holding your extension method in the file you would like to use it in and it'll work (in my example it would be: using MyProj.Extensions;)

Note that if you want to make the extension method specific to only a particular class(eg., Foo), you can replace the T argument in the extension method, eg.

public static string Serialize(this Foo value){...}

A python class that acts like dict

The problem with this chunk of code:

class myDict(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = {}

    def add(id, val):
        self._dict[id] = val

md = myDict()
md.add('id', 123) that your 'add' method (...and any method you want to be a member of a class) needs to have an explicit 'self' declared as its first argument, like:

def add(self, 'id', 23):

To implement the operator overloading to access items by key, look in the docs for the magic methods __getitem__ and __setitem__.

Note that because Python uses Duck Typing, there may actually be no reason to derive your custom dict class from the language's dict class -- without knowing more about what you're trying to do (e.g, if you need to pass an instance of this class into some code someplace that will break unless isinstance(MyDict(), dict) == True), you may be better off just implementing the API that makes your class sufficiently dict-like and stopping there.

How to find all the subclasses of a class given its name?

New-style classes (i.e. subclassed from object, which is the default in Python 3) have a __subclasses__ method which returns the subclasses:

class Foo(object): pass
class Bar(Foo): pass
class Baz(Foo): pass
class Bing(Bar): pass

Here are the names of the subclasses:

print([cls.__name__ for cls in Foo.__subclasses__()])
# ['Bar', 'Baz']

Here are the subclasses themselves:

# [<class '__main__.Bar'>, <class '__main__.Baz'>]

Confirmation that the subclasses do indeed list Foo as their base:

for cls in Foo.__subclasses__():
# <class '__main__.Foo'>
# <class '__main__.Foo'>

Note if you want subsubclasses, you'll have to recurse:

def all_subclasses(cls):
    return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union(
        [s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in all_subclasses(c)])

# {<class '__main__.Bar'>, <class '__main__.Baz'>, <class '__main__.Bing'>}

Note that if the class definition of a subclass hasn't been executed yet - for example, if the subclass's module hasn't been imported yet - then that subclass doesn't exist yet, and __subclasses__ won't find it.

You mentioned "given its name". Since Python classes are first-class objects, you don't need to use a string with the class's name in place of the class or anything like that. You can just use the class directly, and you probably should.

If you do have a string representing the name of a class and you want to find that class's subclasses, then there are two steps: find the class given its name, and then find the subclasses with __subclasses__ as above.

How to find the class from the name depends on where you're expecting to find it. If you're expecting to find it in the same module as the code that's trying to locate the class, then

cls = globals()[name]

would do the job, or in the unlikely case that you're expecting to find it in locals,

cls = locals()[name]

If the class could be in any module, then your name string should contain the fully-qualified name - something like 'pkg.module.Foo' instead of just 'Foo'. Use importlib to load the class's module, then retrieve the corresponding attribute:

import importlib
modname, _, clsname = name.rpartition('.')
mod = importlib.import_module(modname)
cls = getattr(mod, clsname)

However you find the class, cls.__subclasses__() would then return a list of its subclasses.

How to define custom exception class in Java, the easiest way?

Reason for this is explained in the Inheritance article of the Java Platform which says:

"A subclass inherits all the members (fields, methods, and nested classes) from its superclass. Constructors are not members, so they are not inherited by subclasses, but the constructor of the superclass can be invoked from the subclass."

Including external jar-files in a new jar-file build with Ant

From your ant buildfile, I assume that what you want is to create a single JAR archive that will contain not only your application classes, but also the contents of other JARs required by your application.

However your build-jar file is just putting required JARs inside your own JAR; this will not work as explained here (see note).

Try to modify this:

<jar destfile="${jar.file}" 
    <fileset dir="${classes.dir}" includes="**/*.class" />
    <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar" />

to this:

<jar destfile="${jar.file}" 
    <fileset dir="${classes.dir}" includes="**/*.class" />
    <zipgroupfileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar" />

More flexible and powerful solutions are the JarJar or One-Jar projects. Have a look into those if the above does not satisfy your requirements.

How can you represent inheritance in a database?

Alternatively, consider using a document databases (such as MongoDB) which natively support rich data structures and nesting.

How to calculate sum of a formula field in crystal Reports?

You Can simply Right Click Formula Fields- > new Give it a name like TotalCount then Right this code:

if(isnull(sum(count({YOURCOLUMN})))) then

and Save then Drag and drop TotalCount this field in header/footer. After you open the "count" bracket you can drop your column there from the above section.See the example in the Pictureenter image description here

Example to use shared_ptr?

The best way to add different objects into same container is to use make_shared, vector, and range based loop and you will have a nice, clean and "readable" code!

typedef std::shared_ptr<gate> Ptr   
vector<Ptr> myConatiner; 
auto andGate = std::make_shared<ANDgate>();
myConatiner.push_back(andGate );
auto orGate= std::make_shared<ORgate>();

for (auto& element : myConatiner)

Git will not init/sync/update new submodules

Below sync command resolved the issue :

git submodule sync

Using G++ to compile multiple .cpp and .h files

As rebenvp said I used:

g++ *.cpp -o output

And then do this for output:


But a better solution is to use make file. Read here to know more about make files.

Also make sure that you have added the required .h files in the .cpp files.

Android, ListView IllegalStateException: "The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification"

Several days ago I met the same problem and causes several thousands of crash per day, about 0.1% of users meet this situation. I tried setVisibility(GONE/VISIBLE) and requestLayout(), but crash count only decreases a little.

And I finally solved it. Nothing with setVisibility(GONE/VISIBLE). Nothing with requestLayout().

Finally I found the reason is I used a Handler to call notifyDataSetChanged() after update data, which may lead to a sort of:

  1. Updates data to a model object(I call it a DataSource)
  2. User touches listview(which may call checkForTap()/onTouchEvent() and finally calls layoutChildren() )
  3. Adapter gets data from model object and call notifyDataSetChanged() and update views

And I made another mistake that in getCount(), getItem() and getView(), I directly use fields in DataSource, rather than copy them to the adapter. So finally it crashes when:

  1. Adapter updates data which last response gives
  2. When next response back, DataSource updates data, which causes item count change
  3. User touches listview, which may be a tap or a move or flip
  4. getCount() and getView() is called, and listview finds data is not consistent, and throws exceptions like java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but.... Another common exception is an IndexOutOfBoundException if you use header/footer in ListView.

So solution is easy, I just copy data to adapter from my DataSource when my Handler triggers adapter to get data and calls notifyDataSetChanged(). The crash now never happens again.

Is there anyway to exclude artifacts inherited from a parent POM?

When you call a package but do not want some of its dependencies you can do a thing like this (in this case I did not want the old log4j to be added because I needed to use the newer one):



<!-- LOG4J -->

This works for me... but I am pretty new to java/maven so it is maybe not optimum.

Doing a join across two databases with different collations on SQL Server and getting an error

A general purpose way is to coerce the collation to DATABASE_DEFAULT. This removes hardcoding the collation name which could change.

It's also useful for temp table and table variables, and where you may not know the server collation (eg you are a vendor placing your system on the customer's server)

    sone_field collate DATABASE_DEFAULT
    inner join
    table_2 on table_1.field collate DATABASE_DEFAULT = table_2.field
where whatever

ASP.NET IIS Web.config [Internal Server Error]

I had the same problem.


  1. Click the right button in your site folder in "iis"
  2. "Convert to Application".

Looping Over Result Sets in MySQL

Something like this should do the trick (However, read after the snippet for more info)


  DECLARE var1 CHAR(16);    -- or approriate type

  DECLARE curs CURSOR FOR  SELECT something FROM somewhere WHERE some stuff;

    --Fld1 type,
    --Fld2 type,

  OPEN curs;

  SET bDone = 0;
    FETCH curs INTO var1,, b;

    IF whatever_filtering_desired
       -- here for whatever_transformation_may_be_desired
       INSERT INTO tblResults VALUES (var1, var2, var3 ...);
    END IF;

  CLOSE curs;
  SELECT * FROM tblResults;

A few things to consider...

Concerning the snippet above:

  • may want to pass part of the query to the Stored Procedure, maybe particularly the search criteria, to make it more generic.
  • If this method is to be called by multiple sessions etc. may want to pass a Session ID of sort to create a unique temporary table name (actually unnecessary concern since different sessions do not share the same temporary file namespace; see comment by Gruber, below)
  • A few parts such as the variable declarations, the SELECT query etc. need to be properly specified

More generally: trying to avoid needing a cursor.

I purposely named the cursor variable curs[e], because cursors are a mixed blessing. They can help us implement complicated business rules that may be difficult to express in the declarative form of SQL, but it then brings us to use the procedural (imperative) form of SQL, which is a general feature of SQL which is neither very friendly/expressive, programming-wise, and often less efficient performance-wise.

Maybe you can look into expressing the transformation and filtering desired in the context of a "plain" (declarative) SQL query.

Java Constructor Inheritance

Constructors are not polymorphic.
When dealing with already constructed classes, you could be dealing with the declared type of the object, or any of its subclasses. That's what inheritance is useful for.
Constructor are always called on the specific type,eg new String(). Hypothetical subclasses have no role in this.

Why use Select Top 100 Percent?

It was used for "intermediate materialization (Google search)"

Good article: Adam Machanic: Exploring the secrets of intermediate materialization

He even raised an MS Connect so it can be done in a cleaner fashion

My view is "not inherently bad", but don't use it unless 100% sure. The problem is, it works only at the time you do it and probably not later (patch level, schema, index, row counts etc)...

Worked example

This may fail because you don't know in which order things are evaluated

SELECT foo From MyTable WHERE ISNUMERIC (foo) = 1 AND CAST(foo AS int) > 100

And this may also fail because

    (SELECT foo From MyTable WHERE ISNUMERIC (foo) = 1) bar
    CAST(foo AS int) > 100

However, this did not in SQL Server 2000. The inner query is evaluated and spooled:

    (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT foo From MyTable WHERE ISNUMERIC (foo) = 1 ORDER BY foo) bar
    CAST(foo AS int) > 100

Note, this still works in SQL Server 2005

SELECT TOP 2000000000 ... ORDER BY...

The type or namespace name 'Objects' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Data'

if you want to use "System.Data.Objects.EntityFunctions"

use "System.Data.Entity.DbFunctions" in EF 6.1+

SQL JOIN, GROUP BY on three tables to get totals

I am not sure I got you but this might be what you are looking for:

SELECT i.invoiceid, sum(case when i.amount is not null then i.amount else 0 end), sum(case when i.amount is not null then i.amount else 0 end) - sum(case when p.amount is not null then p.amount else 0 end) AS amountdue
FROM invoices i
LEFT JOIN invoicepayments ip ON i.invoiceid = ip.invoiceid
LEFT JOIN payments p ON ip.paymentid = p.paymentid
LEFT JOIN customers c ON p.customerid = c.customerid
WHERE c.customernumber = '100'
GROUP BY i.invoiceid

This would get you the amounts sums in case there are multiple payment rows for each invoice

What is DOM element?

Document object model.
The DOM is the way Javascript sees its containing pages' data. It is an object that includes how the HTML/XHTML/XML is formatted, as well as the browser state.

A DOM element is something like a DIV, HTML, BODY element on a page. You can add classes to all of these using CSS, or interact with them using JS.

How can I use interface as a C# generic type constraint?

What you have settled for is the best you can do:

public bool Foo<T>() where T : IBase;

How can I disable inherited css styles?

You can use the unset keyword to reset a property.

div.rounded div div div {
    background-image: unset; /* reset background */
    padding: unset; /* reset padding */

More info on

Struct inheritance in C++

Yes, c++ struct is very similar to c++ class, except the fact that everything is publicly inherited, ( single / multilevel / hierarchical inheritance, but not hybrid and multiple inheritance ) here is a code for demonstration

using namespace std;

struct parent
    int data;
    parent() : data(3){};           // default constructor
    parent(int x) : data(x){};      // parameterized constructor
struct child : parent
    int a , b;
    child(): a(1) , b(2){};             // default constructor
    child(int x, int y) : a(x) , b(y){};// parameterized constructor
    child(int x, int y,int z)           // parameterized constructor
        a = x;
        b = y;
        data = z;
    child(const child &C)               // copy constructor
        a = C.a;
        b = C.b;
        data =;
int main()
   child c1 ,
         c2(10 , 20),
         c3(10 , 20, 30),

    auto print = [](const child &c) { cout<<c.a<<"\t"<<c.b<<"\t"<<<<endl; };

1       2       3
10      20      3
10      20      30
10      20      30

How to call a Parent Class's method from Child Class in Python?

class a(object):
    def my_hello(self):
        print "hello ravi"

class b(a):
    def my_hello(self):
    print "hi"

obj = b()

Does Index of Array Exist

Assuming you also want to check if the item is not null

if (array.Length > 25 && array[25] != null)
    //it exists

Why can't I inherit static classes?

Static classes and class members are used to create data and functions that can be accessed without creating an instance of the class. Static class members can be used to separate data and behavior that is independent of any object identity: the data and functions do not change regardless of what happens to the object. Static classes can be used when there is no data or behavior in the class that depends on object identity.

A class can be declared static, which indicates that it contains only static members. It is not possible to use the new keyword to create instances of a static class. Static classes are loaded automatically by the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) when the program or namespace that contains the class is loaded.

Use a static class to contain methods that are not associated with a particular object. For example, it is a common requirement to create a set of methods that do not act on instance data and are not associated to a specific object in your code. You could use a static class to hold those methods.

Following are the main features of a static class:

  1. They only contain static members.

  2. They cannot be instantiated.

  3. They are sealed.

  4. They cannot contain Instance Constructors (C# Programming Guide).

Creating a static class is therefore basically the same as creating a class that contains only static members and a private constructor. A private constructor prevents the class from being instantiated.

The advantage of using a static class is that the compiler can check to make sure that no instance members are accidentally added. The compiler will guarantee that instances of this class cannot be created.

Static classes are sealed and therefore cannot be inherited. They cannot inherit from any class except Object. Static classes cannot contain an instance constructor; however, they can have a static constructor. For more information, see Static Constructors (C# Programming Guide).

The simplest way to comma-delimit a list?

Java 8 and later

Using StringJoiner class :

StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(",");
for (Item item : list) {
return joiner.toString();

Using Stream, and Collectors:


Java 7 and earlier

See also #285523

String delim = "";
for (Item i : list) {
    delim = ",";

CSS to make HTML page footer stay at bottom of the page with a minimum height, but not overlap the page

Yet, another really simple solution is this one:

html, body {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    display: table;

footer {
    background-color: grey;
    display: table-row;
    height: 0;


The trick is to use a display:table for the whole document and display:table-row with height:0 for the footer.

Since the footer is the only body child that has a display as table-row, it is rendered at the bottom of the page.

Comparing object properties in c#

I would add the following line to the PublicInstancePropertiesEqual method to avoid copy & paste errors:

Assert.AreNotSame(self, to);

Overriding fields or properties in subclasses

option 2 is a bad idea. It will result in something called shadowing; Basically you have two different "MyInt" members, one in the mother, and the other in the daughter. The problem with this, is that methods that are implemented in the mother will reference the mother's "MyInt" while methods implemented in the daughter will reference the daughter's "MyInt". this can cause some serious readability issues, and confusion later down the line.

Personally, I think the best option is 3; because it provides a clear centralized value, and can be referenced internally by children without the hassle of defining their own fields -- which is the problem with option 1.

Daemon Threads Explanation

A simpler way to think about it, perhaps: when main returns, your process will not exit if there are non-daemon threads still running.

A bit of advice: Clean shutdown is easy to get wrong when threads and synchronization are involved - if you can avoid it, do so. Use daemon threads whenever possible.

Multiple Inheritance in C#

This is along the lines of Lawrence Wenham's answer, but depending on your use case, it may or may not be an improvement -- you don't need the setters.

public interface IPerson {
  int GetAge();
  string GetName();

public interface IGetPerson {
  IPerson GetPerson();

public static class IGetPersonAdditions {
  public static int GetAgeViaPerson(this IGetPerson getPerson) { // I prefer to have the "ViaPerson" in the name in case the object has another Age property.
    IPerson person = getPerson.GetPersion();
    return person.GetAge();
  public static string GetNameViaPerson(this IGetPerson getPerson) {
    return getPerson.GetPerson().GetName();

public class Person: IPerson, IGetPerson {
  private int Age {get;set;}
  private string Name {get;set;}
  public IPerson GetPerson() {
    return this;
  public int GetAge() {  return Age; }
  public string GetName() { return Name; }

Now any object that knows how to get a person can implement IGetPerson, and it will automatically have the GetAgeViaPerson() and GetNameViaPerson() methods. From this point, basically all Person code goes into IGetPerson, not into IPerson, other than new ivars, which have to go into both. And in using such code, you don't have to be concerned about whether or not your IGetPerson object is itself actually an IPerson.

Check if option is selected with jQuery, if not select a default

Look at the selectedIndex of the select element. BTW, that's a plain ol' DOM thing, not JQuery-specific.

How to create a windows service from java app

If you use Gradle Build Tool you can try my windows-service-plugin, which facilitates using of Apache Commons Daemon Procrun.

To create a java windows service application with the plugin you need to go through several simple steps.

  1. Create a main service class with the appropriate method.

    public class MyService {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String command = "start";
            if (args.length > 0) {
                command = args[0];
            if ("start".equals(command)) {
                // process service start function
            } else {
                // process service stop function
  2. Include the plugin into your build.gradle file.

    buildscript {
      repositories {
        maven {
          url ""
      dependencies {
        classpath ""
    apply plugin: ""

    The same script snippet for new, incubating, plugin mechanism introduced in Gradle 2.1:

    plugins {
      id "" version "1.1.0"
  3. Configure the plugin.

    windowsService {
      architecture = 'amd64'
      displayName = 'TestService'
      description = 'Service generated with using gradle plugin'   
      startClass = 'MyService'
      startMethod = 'main'
      startParams = 'start'
      stopClass = 'MyService'
      stopMethod = 'main'
      stopParams = 'stop'
      startup = 'auto'
  4. Run createWindowsService gradle task to create a windows service distribution.

That's all you need to do to create a simple windows service. The plugin will automatically download Apache Commons Daemon Procrun binaries, extract this binaries to the service distribution directory and create batch files for installation/uninstallation of the service.

In ${project.buildDir}/windows-service directory you will find service executables, batch scripts for installation/uninstallation of the service and all runtime libraries. To install the service run <project-name>-install.bat and if you want to uninstall the service run <project-name>-uninstall.bat. To start and stop the service use <project-name>w.exe executable.

Note that the method handling service start should create and start a separate thread to carry out the processing, and then return. The main method is called from different threads when you start and stop the service.

For more information, please read about the plugin and Apache Commons Daemon Procrun.

Calling the base constructor in C#

You can also do a conditional check with parameters in the constructor, which allows some flexibility.

public MyClass(object myObject=null): base(myObject ?? new myOtherObject())


public MyClass(object myObject=null): base(myObject==null ? new myOtherObject(): myObject)

JsonParseException : Illegal unquoted character ((CTRL-CHAR, code 10)

This error occurs when you are sending JSON data to server. Maybe in your string you are trying to add new line character by using /n.

If you add / before /n, it should work, you need to escape new line character.

"Hello there //n start coding"

The result should be as following

Hello there
start coding

Exclude all transitive dependencies of a single dependency

What is your reason for excluding all transitive dependencies?

If there is a particular artifact (such as commons-logging) which you need to exclude from every dependency, the Version 99 Does Not Exist approach might help.

Update 2012: Don't use this approach. Use maven-enforcer-plugin and exclusions. Version 99 produces bogus dependencies and the Version 99 repository is offline (there are similar mirrors but you can't rely on them to stay online forever either; it's best to use only Maven Central).

Constructors in Go

There are some equivalents of constructors for when the zero values can't make sensible default values or for when some parameter is necessary for the struct initialization.

Supposing you have a struct like this :

type Thing struct {
    Name  string
    Num   int

then, if the zero values aren't fitting, you would typically construct an instance with a NewThing function returning a pointer :

func NewThing(someParameter string) *Thing {
    p := new(Thing)
    p.Name = someParameter
    p.Num = 33 // <- a very sensible default value
    return p

When your struct is simple enough, you can use this condensed construct :

func NewThing(someParameter string) *Thing {
    return &Thing{someParameter, 33}

If you don't want to return a pointer, then a practice is to call the function makeThing instead of NewThing :

func makeThing(name string) Thing {
    return Thing{name, 33}

Reference : Allocation with new in Effective Go.

How can I remove an entry in global configuration with git config?

I'm not sure what you mean by "undo" the change. You can remove the core.excludesfile setting like this:

git config --global --unset core.excludesfile

And of course you can simply edit the config file:

git config --global --edit

...and then remove the setting by hand.

Eclipse: How to install a plugin manually?

You can try this

click Help>Install New Software on the menu bar

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

How do I convert a org.w3c.dom.Document object to a String?

use some thing like

import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;

//method to convert Document to String
public String getStringFromDocument(Document doc)
       DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc);
       StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
       StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer);
       TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
       Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
       transformer.transform(domSource, result);
       return writer.toString();
    catch(TransformerException ex)
       return null;

Get current date in milliseconds

NSTimeInterval milisecondedDate = ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000);

<SELECT multiple> - how to allow only one item selected?

Just don't make it a select multiple, but set a size to it, such as:

  <select name="user" id="userID" size="3">

Working example:

MySQL direct INSERT INTO with WHERE clause

If I understand the goal is to insert a new record to a table but if the data is already on the table: skip it! Here is my answer:

INSERT INTO tbl_member 
SELECT a.Field1,a.Field2,a.Field3,... 
FROM (SELECT Field1 = [NewValueField1], Field2 = [NewValueField2], Field3 = [NewValueField3], ...) AS a 
LEFT JOIN tbl_member AS b 
ON a.Field1 = b.Field1 

The record to be inserted is in the new value fields.

Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony 2

I have came across the very-very-same problem.

In short:

  • Willing to have original CSS in an "internal" dir (Resources/assets/css/a.css)
  • Willing to have the images in the "public" dir (Resources/public/images/devil.png)
  • Willing that twig takes that CSS, recompiles it into web/css/a.css and make it point the image in /web/bundles/mynicebundle/images/devil.png

I have made a test with ALL possible (sane) combinations of the following:

  • @notation, relative notation
  • Parse with cssrewrite, without it
  • CSS image background vs direct <img> tag src= to the very same image than CSS
  • CSS parsed with assetic and also without parsing with assetic direct output
  • And all this multiplied by trying a "public dir" (as Resources/public/css) with the CSS and a "private" directory (as Resources/assets/css).

This gave me a total of 14 combinations on the same twig, and this route was launched from

  • "/app_dev.php/"
  • "/app.php/"
  • and "/"

thus giving 14 x 3 = 42 tests.

Additionally, all this has been tested working in a subdirectory, so there is no way to fool by giving absolute URLs because they would simply not work.

The tests were two unnamed images and then divs named from 'a' to 'f' for the CSS built FROM the public folder and named 'g to 'l' for the ones built from the internal path.

I observed the following:

Only 3 of the 14 tests were shown adequately on the three URLs. And NONE was from the "internal" folder (Resources/assets). It was a pre-requisite to have the spare CSS PUBLIC and then build with assetic FROM there.

These are the results:

  1. Result launched with /app_dev.php/ Result launched with /app_dev.php/

  2. Result launched with /app.php/ Result launched with /app.php/

  3. Result launched with / enter image description here

So... ONLY - The second image - Div B - Div C are the allowed syntaxes.

Here there is the TWIG code:

            {% stylesheets 'bundles/commondirty/css_original/container.css' filter="cssrewrite" %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

    {# First Row: ABCDEF #}

            <link href="{{ '../bundles/commondirty/css_original/a.css' }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            <link href="{{ asset( 'bundles/commondirty/css_original/b.css' ) }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

            {% stylesheets 'bundles/commondirty/css_original/c.css' filter="cssrewrite" %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

            {% stylesheets 'bundles/commondirty/css_original/d.css' %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

            {% stylesheets '@CommonDirtyBundle/Resources/public/css_original/e.css' filter="cssrewrite" %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

            {% stylesheets '@CommonDirtyBundle/Resources/public/css_original/f.css' %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

    {# First Row: GHIJKL #}

            <link href="{{ '../../src/Common/DirtyBundle/Resources/assets/css/g.css' }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            <link href="{{ asset( '../src/Common/DirtyBundle/Resources/assets/css/h.css' ) }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

            {% stylesheets '../src/Common/DirtyBundle/Resources/assets/css/i.css' filter="cssrewrite" %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

            {% stylesheets '../src/Common/DirtyBundle/Resources/assets/css/j.css' %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

            {% stylesheets '@CommonDirtyBundle/Resources/assets/css/k.css' filter="cssrewrite" %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

            {% stylesheets '@CommonDirtyBundle/Resources/assets/css/l.css' %}
                <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            {% endstylesheets %}

        <div class="container">
                <img alt="Devil" src="../bundles/commondirty/images/devil.png">
                <img alt="Devil" src="{{ asset('bundles/commondirty/images/devil.png') }}">
                <div class="a">
                <div class="b">
                <div class="c">
                <div class="d">
                <div class="e">
                <div class="f">
                <div class="g">
                <div class="h">
                <div class="i">
                <div class="j">
                <div class="k">
                <div class="l">

The container.css:

    border: 1px solid red;
    padding: 0px;

div.container img, div.container div 
    border: 1px solid green;
    padding: 5px;
    margin: 5px;
    width: 64px;
    height: 64px;
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top;

And a.css, b.css, c.css, etc: all identical, just changing the color and the CSS selector.

    background: red url('../images/devil.png');

The "directories" structure is:

Directories Directories

All this came, because I did not want the individual original files exposed to the public, specially if I wanted to play with "less" filter or "sass" or similar... I did not want my "originals" published, only the compiled one.

But there are good news. If you don't want to have the "spare CSS" in the public directories... install them not with --symlink, but really making a copy. Once "assetic" has built the compound CSS, and you can DELETE the original CSS from the filesystem, and leave the images:

Compilation process Compilation process

Note I do this for the --env=prod environment.

Just a few final thoughts:

  • This desired behaviour can be achieved by having the images in "public" directory in Git or Mercurial and the "css" in the "assets" directory. That is, instead of having them in "public" as shown in the directories, imagine a, b, c... residing in the "assets" instead of "public", than have your installer/deployer (probably a Bash script) to put the CSS temporarily inside the "public" dir before assets:install is executed, then assets:install, then assetic:dump, and then automating the removal of CSS from the public directory after assetic:dump has been executed. This would achive EXACTLY the behaviour desired in the question.

  • Another (unknown if possible) solution would be to explore if "assets:install" can only take "public" as the source or could also take "assets" as a source to publish. That would help when installed with the --symlink option when developing.

  • Additionally, if we are going to script the removal from the "public" dir, then, the need of storing them in a separate directory ("assets") disappears. They can live inside "public" in our version-control system as there will be dropped upon deploy to the public. This allows also for the --symlink usage.

BUT ANYWAY, CAUTION NOW: As now the originals are not there anymore (rm -Rf), there are only two solutions, not three. The working div "B" does not work anymore as it was an asset() call assuming there was the original asset. Only "C" (the compiled one) will work.

So... there is ONLY a FINAL WINNER: Div "C" allows EXACTLY what it was asked in the topic: To be compiled, respect the path to the images and do not expose the original source to the public.

The winner is C

The winner is C

CSS Vertical align does not work with float

Vertical alignment doesn't work with floated elements, indeed. That's because float lifts the element from the normal flow of the document. You might want to use other vertical aligning techniques, like the ones based on transform, display: table, absolute positioning, line-height, js (last resort maybe) or even the plain old html table (maybe the first choice if the content is actually tabular). You'll find that there's a heated debate on this issue.

However, this is how you can vertically align YOUR 3 divs:

    width: 500px;
    background: pink;

.left {
    width: 150px;       
    margin-right: 10px;
    background: yellow;  
    vertical-align: middle; 

.left2 {
    width: 150px;    
    margin-right: 10px;
    background: aqua; 
    vertical-align: middle; 

    width: 150px;
    background: orange;
    vertical-align: middle; 

Not sure why you needed both fixed width, display: inline-block and floating.

What is the <leader> in a .vimrc file?

Be aware that when you do press your <leader> key you have only 1000ms (by default) to enter the command following it.

This is exacerbated because there is no visual feedback (by default) that you have pressed your <leader> key and vim is awaiting the command; and so there is also no visual way to know when this time out has happened.

If you add set showcmd to your vimrc then you will see your <leader> key appear in the bottom right hand corner of vim (to the left of the cursor location) and perhaps more importantly you will see it disappear when the time out happens.

The length of the timeout can also be set in your vimrc, see :help timeoutlen for more information.

Check if number is prime number

I've implemented a different method to check for primes because:

  • Most of these solutions keep iterating through the same multiple unnecessarily (for example, they check 5, 10, and then 15, something that a single % by 5 will test for).
  • A % by 2 will handle all even numbers (all integers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8).
  • A % by 5 will handle all multiples of 5 (all integers ending in 5).
  • What's left is to test for even divisions by integers ending in 1, 3, 7, or 9. But the beauty is that we can increment by 10 at a time, instead of going up by 2, and I will demonstrate a solution that is threaded out.
  • The other algorithms are not threaded out, so they don't take advantage of your cores as much as I would have hoped.
  • I also needed support for really large primes, so I needed to use the BigInteger data-type instead of int, long, etc.

Here is my implementation:

public static BigInteger IntegerSquareRoot(BigInteger value)
    if (value > 0)
        int bitLength = value.ToByteArray().Length * 8;
        BigInteger root = BigInteger.One << (bitLength / 2);
        while (!IsSquareRoot(value, root))
            root += value / root;
            root /= 2;
        return root;
    else return 0;

private static Boolean IsSquareRoot(BigInteger n, BigInteger root)
    BigInteger lowerBound = root * root;
    BigInteger upperBound = (root + 1) * (root + 1);
    return (n >= lowerBound && n < upperBound);

static bool IsPrime(BigInteger value)
    Console.WriteLine("Checking if {0} is a prime number.", value);
    if (value < 3)
        if (value == 2)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
            return true;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is below 2.", value);
            return false;
        if (value % 2 == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by 2.", value);
            return false;
        else if (value == 5)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
            return true;
        else if (value % 5 == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by 5.", value);
            return false;
            // The only way this number is a prime number at this point is if it is divisible by numbers ending with 1, 3, 7, and 9.
            AutoResetEvent success = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent failure = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent onesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent threesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent sevensSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            AutoResetEvent ninesSucceeded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            BigInteger squareRootedValue = IntegerSquareRoot(value);
            Thread ones = new Thread(() =>
                for (BigInteger i = 11; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
                    if (value % i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
            Thread threes = new Thread(() =>
                for (BigInteger i = 3; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
                    if (value % i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
            Thread sevens = new Thread(() =>
                for (BigInteger i = 7; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
                    if (value % i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
            Thread nines = new Thread(() =>
                for (BigInteger i = 9; i <= squareRootedValue; i += 10)
                    if (value % i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a prime number because it is divisible by {1}.", value, i);
            Thread successWaiter = new Thread(() =>
                AutoResetEvent.WaitAll(new WaitHandle[] { onesSucceeded, threesSucceeded, sevensSucceeded, ninesSucceeded });
            int result = AutoResetEvent.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { success, failure });
            catch { }
            catch { }
            catch { }
            catch { }
            catch { }
            if (result == 1)
                return false;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} is a prime number.", value);
                return true;

Update: If you want to implement a solution with trial division more rapidly, you might consider having a cache of prime numbers. A number is only prime if it is not divisible by other prime numbers that are up to the value of its square root. Other than that, you might consider using the probabilistic version of the Miller-Rabin primality test to check for a number's primality if you are dealing with large enough values (taken from Rosetta Code in case the site ever goes down):

// Miller-Rabin primality test as an extension method on the BigInteger type.
// Based on the Ruby implementation on this page.
public static class BigIntegerExtensions
  public static bool IsProbablePrime(this BigInteger source, int certainty)
    if(source == 2 || source == 3)
      return true;
    if(source < 2 || source % 2 == 0)
      return false;

    BigInteger d = source - 1;
    int s = 0;

    while(d % 2 == 0)
      d /= 2;
      s += 1;

    // There is no built-in method for generating random BigInteger values.
    // Instead, random BigIntegers are constructed from randomly generated
    // byte arrays of the same length as the source.
    RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
    byte[] bytes = new byte[source.ToByteArray().LongLength];
    BigInteger a;

    for(int i = 0; i < certainty; i++)
        // This may raise an exception in Mono 2.10.8 and earlier.
        a = new BigInteger(bytes);
      while(a < 2 || a >= source - 2);

      BigInteger x = BigInteger.ModPow(a, d, source);
      if(x == 1 || x == source - 1)

      for(int r = 1; r < s; r++)
        x = BigInteger.ModPow(x, 2, source);
        if(x == 1)
          return false;
        if(x == source - 1)

      if(x != source - 1)
        return false;

    return true;

Google Play error "Error while retrieving information from server [DF-DFERH-01]"

This is a reported bug with Google: Bug Report. It seems to be related with Google's servers and is very intermittent. IE, you'll notice how all the comments revolve around a few specific days. Haven't been able to fix it myself, but the one comment suggests trying the following:

  1. Shutdown your device.
  2. Remove your sim card.
  3. Turn on your device.
  4. Connect your device to a non-local (PR) server, like ATT, TMobile, Spring. If you have a friend ask for a wifi thetering.
  5. Open the Play Store.
  6. Shutdown and re-install the sim card.
  7. Turn on.

It seems this error is only related to the static responses from Google. Using real product IDs don't suffer from this problem.

Update: My answer here is pretty old and the InApp purchase library has changed quite a bit since. Refer to @Ehsan Sajjad answer instead.

How to format a JavaScript date

This function I inspired by java's SimpleDateFormat provides various formats such as:

dd-MMM-yyyy ? 17-Jul-2018
yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssXX ? 20180717T120856+0900
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX ? 2018-07-17T12:08:56+09:00
E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z ? Tue, 17 Jul 2018 12:08:56 +0900
yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss Z ? 2018.07.17 at 12:08:56 +0900
EEE, MMM d, ''yy ? Tue, Jul 17, '18
h:mm a ? 12:08 PM
hh 'o''''clock' a, X ? 12 o'clock PM, +09

Code example:

function formatWith(formatStr, date, opts) {_x000D_
        if (!date) {_x000D_
            date = new Date();_x000D_
        opts = opts || {};_x000D_
        let _days = opts.days;_x000D_
        if (!_days) {_x000D_
            _days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];_x000D_
        let _months = opts.months;_x000D_
        if (!_months) {_x000D_
            _months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];_x000D_
        const pad = (number, strDigits, isUnpad) => {_x000D_
            const strNum = number.toString();_x000D_
            if (!isUnpad && strNum.length > strDigits.length) {_x000D_
                return strNum;_x000D_
            } else {_x000D_
                return ('0000' + strNum).slice(-strDigits.length);_x000D_
        const timezone = (date, letter) => {_x000D_
            const chunk = [];_x000D_
            const offset = -date.getTimezoneOffset();_x000D_
            chunk.push(offset === 0 ? 'Z' : offset > 0 ? '+' : '-');//add Z or +,-_x000D_
            if (offset === 0) return chunk;_x000D_
            chunk.push(pad(Math.floor(offset / 60), '00'));//hour_x000D_
            if (letter === 'X') return chunk.join('');_x000D_
            if (letter === 'XXX') chunk.push(':');_x000D_
            chunk.push(pad((offset % 60), '00'));//min_x000D_
            return chunk.join('');_x000D_
        const ESCAPE_DELIM = '\0';_x000D_
        const escapeStack = [];_x000D_
        const escapedFmtStr = formatStr.replace(/'.*?'/g, m => {_x000D_
            escapeStack.push(m.replace(/'/g, ''));_x000D_
            return ESCAPE_DELIM + (escapeStack.length - 1) + ESCAPE_DELIM;_x000D_
        const formattedStr = escapedFmtStr_x000D_
            .replace(/y{4}|y{2}/g, m => pad(date.getFullYear(), m, true))_x000D_
            .replace(/M{3}/g, m => _months[date.getMonth()])_x000D_
            .replace(/M{1,2}/g, m => pad(date.getMonth() + 1, m))_x000D_
            .replace(/M{1,2}/g, m => pad(date.getMonth() + 1, m))_x000D_
            .replace(/d{1,2}/g, m => pad(date.getDate(), m))_x000D_
            .replace(/H{1,2}/g, m => pad(date.getHours(), m))_x000D_
            .replace(/h{1,2}/g, m => {_x000D_
                const hours = date.getHours();_x000D_
                return pad(hours === 0 ? 12 : hours > 12 ? hours - 12 : hours, m);_x000D_
            .replace(/a{1,2}/g, m => date.getHours() >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM')_x000D_
            .replace(/m{1,2}/g, m => pad(date.getMinutes(), m))_x000D_
            .replace(/s{1,2}/g, m => pad(date.getSeconds(), m))_x000D_
            .replace(/S{3}/g, m => pad(date.getMilliseconds(), m))_x000D_
            .replace(/[E]+/g, m => _days[date.getDay()])_x000D_
            .replace(/[Z]+/g, m => timezone(date, m))_x000D_
            .replace(/X{1,3}/g, m => timezone(date, m))_x000D_
        const unescapedStr = formattedStr.replace(/\0\d+\0/g, m => {_x000D_
            const unescaped = escapeStack.shift();_x000D_
            return unescaped.length > 0 ? unescaped : '\'';_x000D_
        return unescapedStr;_x000D_
    //Let's format with above function_x000D_
    const dateStr = '2018/07/17 12:08:56';_x000D_
    const date = new Date(dateStr);_x000D_
    const patterns = [_x000D_
        "E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z",//RFC1123(RFC822) like email_x000D_
        "yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss Z",//hh shows 1-12_x000D_
        "EEE, MMM d, ''yy",_x000D_
        "h:mm a",_x000D_
        "hh 'o''''clock' a, X",_x000D_
    for (let pattern of patterns) {_x000D_
        console.log(`${pattern} ? ${formatWith(pattern, date)}`);_x000D_

And you can use this as a library

Also released as a NPM module.You can use this on node.js or use this from CDN for browser.


const {SimpleDateFormat} = require('@riversun/simple-date-format');

on browser

<script src="[email protected]/dist/simple-date-format.js"></script>

Write code as follows.

const date = new Date('2018/07/17 12:08:56');
const sdf = new SimpleDateFormat();
console.log(sdf.formatWith("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", date));//to be "2018-07-17T12:08:56+09:00"

Source code here on github:

How to import RecyclerView for Android L-preview

implementation ''

implementation ''

Above works for me in build.gradle file

NPM doesn't install module dependencies

I had the same problem. But on the same machine one project had good package.json, where all my dependencies are successfully installed. And in another project my package.json dependencies were not installed no matter what i do. I just copied the package.json and pasted into that another project. And it worked! The difference i have found was only empty line at the start of file. Dont know or it influences anything, maybe some other problem. But the problem was only the package.json file.

need to add a class to an element

You probably need something like:

result.className = 'red'; 

In pure JavaScript you should use className to deal with classes. jQuery has an abstraction called addClass for it.

How to delete all rows from all tables in a SQL Server database?

In my case, I needed to set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER on. This led to a slight modification of Mark Rendle's answer above:


Java: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

As original question was - how to ignore the cert error, here is solution for those using SpringBoot and RestTemplate

public class SomeService {

    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;    

    private static HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory createRequestFactory() {
        try {
            SSLContextBuilder sslContext = new SSLContextBuilder();
            sslContext.loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustAllStrategy());
            CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom().setSSLContext(;
            HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
            return requestFactory;
        } catch (KeyManagementException | KeyStoreException | NoSuchAlgorithmException var3) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't create HTTP Request factory ignore SSL cert validity: ", var3);

    public SomeService(RestTemplate restTemplate, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
        this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
        this.dimetorURL = dimetorURL;

    public ResponseEntity<ResponseObject> sendRequest(RequestObject requestObject) {
        return, HttpMethod.GET, ResponseObject.class);

Trim specific character from a string

A regex-less version which is easy on the eye:

const trim = (str, chars) => str.split(chars).filter(Boolean).join(chars);

For use cases where we're certain that there's no repetition of the chars off the edges.

React Modifying Textarea Values

As a newbie in React world, I came across a similar issues where I could not edit the textarea and struggled with binding. It's worth knowing about controlled and uncontrolled elements when it comes to react.

The value of the following uncontrolled textarea cannot be changed because of value

 <textarea type="text" value="some value"
    onChange={(event) => this.handleOnChange(event)}></textarea>

The value of the following uncontrolled textarea can be changed because of use of defaultValue or no value attribute

<textarea type="text" defaultValue="sample" 
    onChange={(event) => this.handleOnChange(event)}></textarea>

<textarea type="text" 
   onChange={(event) => this.handleOnChange(event)}></textarea>

The value of the following controlled textarea can be changed because of how value is mapped to a state as well as the onChange event listener

<textarea value={this.state.textareaValue} 
onChange={(event) => this.handleOnChange(event)}></textarea>

Here is my solution using different syntax. I prefer the auto-bind than manual binding however, if I were to not use {(event) => this.onXXXX(event)} then that would cause the content of textarea to be not editable OR the event.preventDefault() does not work as expected. Still a lot to learn I suppose.

class Editor extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      textareaValue: ''
  handleOnChange(event) {
  handleOnSubmit(event) {
      textareaValue: this.state.textareaValue + ' [Saved on ' + (new Date()).toLocaleString() + ']'
  render() {
    return <div>
        <form onSubmit={(event) => this.handleOnSubmit(event)}>
          <textarea rows={10} cols={30} value={this.state.textareaValue} 
            onChange={(event) => this.handleOnChange(event)}></textarea>
          <input type="submit" value="Save"/>
ReactDOM.render(<Editor />, document.getElementById("content"));

The versions of libraries are

"babel-cli": "6.24.1",
"babel-preset-react": "6.24.1"
"React & ReactDOM v15.5.4" 

Create a rounded button / button with border-radius in Flutter

Different ways to create a Rounded button are as follows

FlatButton Button with Shape RoundedRectangleBorder

minWidth: 260,
height: 60,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
side: BorderSide(color:,
color: Colors.white,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
onPressed: () {},
child: Text(
"Add to Cart".toUpperCase(),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14.0,

RaisedButton Button with Shape RoundedRectangleBorder

EdgeInsets.only(left: 100, right: 100, top: 20, bottom: 20),
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(28.0),
side: BorderSide(color:,
onPressed: () {},
textColor: Colors.white,
child: Text("Buy now".toUpperCase(),
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14)),

RaisedButton Button with Shape StadiumBorder()

EdgeInsets.only(left: 100, right: 100, top: 20, bottom: 20),
shape: StadiumBorder(),
onPressed: () {},
child: Text("Button"),

RaisedButton Button with ClipRRect

borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(40),
child: RaisedButton(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(
left: 100, right: 100, top: 20, bottom: 20),
onPressed: () {},
child: Text("Button"),

RaisedButton Button with ClipOval

child: RaisedButton(
onPressed: () {},
child: Text("Button"),

RaisedButton Button with ButtonTheme

shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20)),
child: RaisedButton(
onPressed: () {},
child: Text("Button"),

practical demonstration of a round button can be found in below dartpad link

Rounded Button Demo Examples on DartPad

screenshot of dartpad

How to perform an SQLite query within an Android application?

This will return you the required cursor

Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {"_id", "title", "title_raw"}, 
                "title_raw like " + "'%Smith%'", null, null, null, null);

Python non-greedy regexes

>>> x = "a (b) c (d) e"
>>>"\(.*\)", x).group()
'(b) c (d)'
>>>"\(.*?\)", x).group()

According to the docs:

The '*', '+', and '?' qualifiers are all greedy; they match as much text as possible. Sometimes this behavior isn’t desired; if the RE <.*> is matched against '<H1>title</H1>', it will match the entire string, and not just '<H1>'. Adding '?' after the qualifier makes it perform the match in non-greedy or minimal fashion; as few characters as possible will be matched. Using .*? in the previous expression will match only '<H1>'.

Optimum way to compare strings in JavaScript?

Well in JavaScript you can check two strings for values same as integers so yo can do this:

  • "A" < "B"
  • "A" == "B"
  • "A" > "B"

And therefore you can make your own function that checks strings the same way as the strcmp().

So this would be the function that does the same:

function strcmp(a, b)
    return (a<b?-1:(a>b?1:0));  

Java: parse int value from a char

Using binary AND with 0b1111:

String element = "el5";

char c = element.charAt(2);

System.out.println(c & 0b1111); // => '5' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0101 & 0b0000_1111 => 5

// '0' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0000 & 0b0000_1111 => 0
// '1' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0001 & 0b0000_1111 => 1
// '2' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0010 & 0b0000_1111 => 2
// '3' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0011 & 0b0000_1111 => 3
// '4' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0100 & 0b0000_1111 => 4
// '5' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0101 & 0b0000_1111 => 5
// '6' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0110 & 0b0000_1111 => 6
// '7' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_0111 & 0b0000_1111 => 7
// '8' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_1000 & 0b0000_1111 => 8
// '9' & 0b1111 => 0b0011_1001 & 0b0000_1111 => 9

How can I upload fresh code at github?

You can create GitHub repositories via the command line using their Repositories API (

Check Creating github repositories with command line | Do it yourself Android for example usage.

In C - check if a char exists in a char array

Assuming your input is a standard null-terminated C string, you want to use strchr:

#include <string.h>

char* foo = "abcdefghijkl";
if (strchr(foo, 'a') != NULL)
  // do stuff

If on the other hand your array is not null-terminated (i.e. just raw data), you'll need to use memchr and provide a size:

#include <string.h>

char foo[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' }; // note last element isn't '\0'
if (memchr(foo, 'a', sizeof(foo)))
  // do stuff

angular-cli server - how to proxy API requests to another server?

Here is another way of proxying when you need more flexibility:

You can use the 'router' option and some javascript code to rewrite the target URL dynamically. For this, you need to specify a javascript file instead of a json file as the --proxy-conf parameter in your 'start' script parameter list:

"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.js --base-href /"

As shown above, the --base-href parameter also needs to be set to / if you otherwise set the <base href="..."> to a path in your index.html. This setting will override that and it's necessary to make sure URLs in the http requests are correctly constructed.

Then you need the following or similar content in your proxy.conf.js (not json!):

const PROXY_CONFIG = {
    "/api/*": {
        router: function (req) {
            var target = ''; // or some custom code
            return target;
        changeOrigin: true,
        secure: false

module.exports = PROXY_CONFIG;

Note that the router option can be used in two ways. One is when you assign an object containing key value pairs where the key is the requested host/path to match and the value is the rewritten target URL. The other way is when you assign a function with some custom code, which is what I'm demonstrating in my examples here. In the latter case I found that the target option still needs to be set to something in order for the router option to work. If you assign a custom function to the router option then the target option is not used so it could be just set to true. Otherwise, it needs to be the default target URL.

Webpack uses http-proxy-middleware so you'll find useful documentation there:

The following example will get the developer name from a cookie to determine the target URL using a custom function as router:

const PROXY_CONFIG = {
    "/api/*": {
        target: true,
        router: function (req) {
            var devName = '';
            var rc = req.headers.cookie;
            rc && rc.split(';').forEach(function( cookie ) {
                var parts = cookie.split('=');
                if(parts.shift().trim() == 'dev') {
                    devName = decodeURI(parts.join('='));
            var target = 'https://www.'+ (devName ? devName + '.' : '' ) +''; 
            return target;
        changeOrigin: true,
        secure: false

module.exports = PROXY_CONFIG;

(The cookie is set for localhost and path '/' and with a long expiry using a browser plugin. If the cookie doesn't exist, the URL will point to the live site.)

What is the difference between List and ArrayList?

There's no difference between list implementations in both of your examples. There's however a difference in a way you can further use variable myList in your code.

When you define your list as:

List myList = new ArrayList();

you can only call methods and reference members that are defined in the List interface. If you define it as:

ArrayList myList = new ArrayList();

you'll be able to invoke ArrayList-specific methods and use ArrayList-specific members in addition to those whose definitions are inherited from List.

Nevertheless, when you call a method of a List interface in the first example, which was implemented in ArrayList, the method from ArrayList will be called (because the List interface doesn't implement any methods).

That's called polymorphism. You can read up on it.

Convert RGBA PNG to RGB with PIL

Here's a solution in pure PIL.

def blend_value(under, over, a):
    return (over*a + under*(255-a)) / 255

def blend_rgba(under, over):
    return tuple([blend_value(under[i], over[i], over[3]) for i in (0,1,2)] + [255])

white = (255, 255, 255, 255)

im =
p = im.load()
for y in range(im.size[1]):
    for x in range(im.size[0]):
        p[x,y] = blend_rgba(white, p[x,y])'/tmp/output.png')

Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected]

I was facing the identical problem and followed the (very clearly spelled out) steps in Vinod's reply, however this then created a different error:

Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed

I did a bit more digging and poking around and (while I'm not sure why this worked) I solved it by:
- Going back into IIS6.0 management console
- Open SMTP Virtual Server properties
- On General tab, changing the 'IP Address:' setting back to '(All Unassigned)'

Not sure why this works, but hopefully will help out someone facing the same problem in the future.

"date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings..."

You can set the timezone in your .htaccess file

php_value date.timezone UTC

How do I reference a cell within excel named range?

There are a couple different ways I would do this:

1) Mimic Excel Tables Using with a Named Range

In your example, you named the range A10:A20 "Age". Depending on how you wanted to reference a cell in that range you could either (as @Alex P wrote) use =INDEX(Age, 5) or if you want to reference a cell in range "Age" that is on the same row as your formula, just use:

=INDEX(Age, ROW()-ROW(Age)+1)

This mimics the relative reference features built into Excel tables but is an alternative if you don't want to use a table.

If the named range is an entire column, the formula simplifies as:

=INDEX(Age, ROW())

2) Use an Excel Table

Alternatively if you set this up as an Excel table and type "Age" as the header title of the Age column, then your formula in columns to the right of the Age column can use a formula like this:


Trim leading and trailing spaces from a string in awk

If you want to trim all spaces, only in lines that have a comma, and use awk, then the following will work for you:

awk -F, '/,/{gsub(/ /, "", $0); print} ' input.txt

If you only want to remove spaces in the second column, change the expression to

awk -F, '/,/{gsub(/ /, "", $2); print$1","$2} ' input.txt

Note that gsub substitutes the character in // with the second expression, in the variable that is the third parameter - and does so in-place - in other words, when it's done, the $0 (or $2) has been modified.

Full explanation:

-F,            use comma as field separator 
               (so the thing before the first comma is $1, etc)
/,/            operate only on lines with a comma 
               (this means empty lines are skipped)
gsub(a,b,c)    match the regular expression a, replace it with b, 
               and do all this with the contents of c
print$1","$2   print the contents of field 1, a comma, then field 2
input.txt      use input.txt as the source of lines to process

EDIT I want to point out that @BMW's solution is better, as it actually trims only leading and trailing spaces with two successive gsub commands. Whilst giving credit I will give an explanation of how it works.

gsub(/^[ \t]+/,"",$2);    - starting at the beginning (^) replace all (+ = zero or more, greedy)
                             consecutive tabs and spaces with an empty string
gsub(/[ \t]+$/,"",$2)}    - do the same, but now for all space up to the end of string ($)
1                         - ="true". Shorthand for "use default action", which is print $0
                          - that is, print the entire (modified) line

Java: How to access methods from another class

public class WeatherResponse {

private int cod;
private String base;
private Weather main;

public int getCod(){
    return this.cod;

public void setCod(int cod){
    this.cod = cod;

public String getBase(){
    return base;

public void setBase(String base){
    this.base = base;

public Weather getWeather() {
    return main;

// default constructor, getters and setters

another class

public class Weather {

private int id;
private String main;
private String description;

public String getMain(){
    return main;

public void setMain(String main){
    this.main = main;

public String getDescription(){
    return description;

public void setDescription(String description){
    this.description = description;

// default constructor, getters and setters

// accessing methods
// success!

    Log.i("App", weatherResponse.getBase());
    Log.i("App", weatherResponse.getWeather().getMain());
    Log.i("App", weatherResponse.getWeather().getDescription());

PHP Redirect with POST data

I have another solution that makes this possible. It requires the client be running Javascript (which I think is a fair requirement these days).

Simply use an AJAX request on Page A to go and generate your invoice number and customer details in the background (your previous Page B), then once the request gets returned successfully with the correct information - simply complete the form submission over to your payment gateway (Page C).

This will achieve your result of the user only clicking one button and proceeding to the payment gateway. Below is some pseudocode


<form id="paymentForm" method="post" action="">
  <input type="hidden" id="customInvoiceId" .... />
  <input type="hidden" .... />

  <input type="submit" id="submitButton" />

JS (using jQuery for convenience but trivial to make pure Javascript):

$('#submitButton').click(function(e) {
  e.preventDefault(); //This will prevent form from submitting

  //Do some stuff like build a list of things being purchased and customer details

  $.getJSON('setupOrder.php', {listOfProducts: products, customerDetails: details }, function(data) {
  if (!data.error) {
    $('#paymentForm #customInvoiceID').val(;
    $('#paymentForm').submit();   //Send client to the payment processor

Python: Ignore 'Incorrect padding' error when base64 decoding


string += '=' * (-len(string) % 4)  # restore stripped '='s

Credit goes to a comment somewhere here.

>>> import base64

>>> enc = base64.b64encode('1')

>>> enc
>>> 'MQ=='

>>> base64.b64decode(enc)
>>> '1'

>>> enc = enc.rstrip('=')

>>> enc
>>> 'MQ'

>>> base64.b64decode(enc)
TypeError: Incorrect padding

>>> base64.b64decode(enc + '=' * (-len(enc) % 4))
>>> '1'


Characters allowed in a URL

EDIT: As @Jukka K. Korpela correctly points out, RFC 1738 was updated by RFC 3986. This has expanded and clarified the characters valid for host, unfortunately it's not easily copied and pasted, but I'll do my best.

In first matched order:

host        = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name

IP-literal  = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture  ) "]"

IPvFuture   = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" )

IPv6address =         6( h16 ":" ) ls32
                  /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
                  / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
                  / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
                  / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
                  / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
                  / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
                  / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
                  / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"

ls32        = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
                  ; least-significant 32 bits of address

h16         = 1*4HEXDIG 
               ; 16 bits of address represented in hexadecimal

IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet

dec-octet   = DIGIT                 ; 0-9
              / %x31-39 DIGIT         ; 10-99
              / "1" 2DIGIT            ; 100-199
              / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT     ; 200-249
              / "25" %x30-35          ; 250-255

reg-name    = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims )

unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"     <---This seems like a practical shortcut, most closely resembling original answer

reserved    = gen-delims / sub-delims

gen-delims  = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"

sub-delims  = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
              / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG

Original answer from RFC 1738 specification:

Thus, only alphanumerics, the special characters "$-_.+!*'(),", and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.

^ obsolete since 1998.

Exit Shell Script Based on Process Exit Code

  1. How do I get the exit code of cmd1 in cmd1|cmd2

    First, note that cmd1 exit code could be non-zero and still don't mean an error. This happens for instance in

    cmd | head -1

    You might observe a 141 (or 269 with ksh93) exit status of cmd1, but it's because cmd was interrupted by a SIGPIPE signal when head -1 terminated after having read one line.

    To know the exit status of the elements of a pipeline cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3

    a. with Z shell (zsh):

    The exit codes are provided in the pipestatus special array. cmd1 exit code is in $pipestatus[1], cmd3 exit code in $pipestatus[3], so that $? is always the same as $pipestatus[-1].

    b. with Bash:

    The exit codes are provided in the PIPESTATUS special array. cmd1 exit code is in ${PIPESTATUS[0]}, cmd3 exit code in ${PIPESTATUS[2]}, so that $? is always the same as ${PIPESTATUS: -1}.


    For more details see Z shell.

How to determine if one array contains all elements of another array

You can monkey-patch the Array class:

class Array
    def contains_all?(ary)
        ary.uniq.all? { |x| count(x) >= ary.count(x) }


irb(main):131:0> %w[a b c c].contains_all? %w[a b c]
=> true
irb(main):132:0> %w[a b c c].contains_all? %w[a b c c]
=> true
irb(main):133:0> %w[a b c c].contains_all? %w[a b c c c]
=> false
irb(main):134:0> %w[a b c c].contains_all? %w[a]
=> true
irb(main):135:0> %w[a b c c].contains_all? %w[x]
=> false
irb(main):136:0> %w[a b c c].contains_all? %w[]
=> true
irb(main):137:0> %w[a b c d].contains_all? %w[d c h]
=> false
irb(main):138:0> %w[a b c d].contains_all? %w[d b c]
=> true

Of course the method can be written as a standard-alone method, eg

def contains_all?(a,b)
    b.uniq.all? { |x| a.count(x) >= b.count(x) }

and you can invoke it like

contains_all?(%w[a b c c], %w[c c c])

Indeed, after profiling, the following version is much faster, and the code is shorter.

def contains_all?(a,b)
    b.all? { |x| a.count(x) >= b.count(x) }

Renaming a branch in GitHub

Simple as that. In order to rename a Git branch locally and remotely use this snippet (tested and works like a charm):

git branch -m <oldBranchName> <newBranchName>
git push origin :<oldBranchName>
git push --set-upstream origin <newBranchName>


  1. Rename step:

Git reference: With a -m or -M option, <oldbranch> will be renamed to <newbranch>. If <oldbranch> had a corresponding reflog, it is renamed to match <newbranch>, and a reflog entry is created to remember the branch renaming. If <newbranch> exists, -M must be used to force the rename to happen.

  1. Delete step:

Git reference: git push origin :experimental Find a ref that matches experimental in the origin repository (e.g. refs/heads/experimental), and delete it.

  1. Update on remote repository step (upstream reference for tracking):

Git reference: --set-upstream For every branch that is up to date or successfully pushed, add upstream (tracking) reference, used by argument-less git-pull[1] and other commands. For more information, see branch.<name>.merge in git-config[1].

How to use string.substr() function?

Possible solution without using substr()


using namespace std;

int main() {
    string c="12345";
    int p=0;

    for(int i=0;i<c.length();i++) {

        if (p % 2 == 0 && i != c.length()-1) {
            cout<<" "<<c[i];

Makefile to compile multiple C programs?

all: program1 program2

    gcc -Wall -o prog1 program1.c

    gcc -Wall -o prog2 program2.c

Error: the entity type requires a primary key

When I used the Scaffold-DbContext command, it didn't include the "[key]" annotation in the model files or the "entity.HasKey(..)" entry in the "modelBuilder.Entity" blocks. My solution was to add a line like this in every "modelBuilder.Entity" block in the *Context.cs file:

entity.HasKey(X => x.Id);

I'm not saying this is better, or even the right way. I'm just saying that it worked for me.

Why doesn't JUnit provide assertNotEquals methods?

I am working on JUnit in java 8 environment, using jUnit4.12

for me: compiler was not able to find the method assertNotEquals, even when I used
import org.junit.Assert;

So I changed
assertNotEquals("addb", string);
Assert.assertNotEquals("addb", string);

So if you are facing problem regarding assertNotEqual not recognized, then change it to Assert.assertNotEquals(,); it should solve your problem

Common elements comparison between 2 lists

Just use list comprehension.

Half line solution:

common_elements = [x for x in list1 if x in list2]

If that helped, consider upvoting my answer.

How to generate Javadoc from command line

D:\>javadoc *.java

If you want to create dock file of lang package then path should be same where your lang package is currently. For example, I created a folder name javaapi and unzipped the src zip file, then used the command below.

C:\Users\Techsupport1\Desktop\javaapi\java\lang> javadoc *.java

Linq Query Group By and Selecting First Items

First of all, I wouldn't use a multi-dimensional array. Only ever seen bad things come of it.

Set up your variable like this:

IEnumerable<IEnumerable<string>> data = new[] {
    new[]{"...", "...", "..."},
    ... etc ...

Then you'd simply go:

var firsts = data.Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault()).Where(x => x != null); 

The Where makes sure it prunes any nulls if you have an empty list as an item inside.

Alternatively you can implement it as:

string[][] = new[] {
    ... etc ...

This could be used similarly to a [x,y] array but it's used like this: [x][y]

What are best practices that you use when writing Objective-C and Cocoa?


Historically, memory management of outlets has been poor. Current best practice is to declare outlets as properties:

@interface MyClass :NSObject {
    NSTextField *textField;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *textField;

Using properties makes the memory management semantics clear; it also provides a consistent pattern if you use instance variable synthesis.

Unable to send email using Gmail SMTP server through PHPMailer, getting error: SMTP AUTH is required for message submission on port 587. How to fix?

So I just solved my own "SMTP connection failure" error and I wanted to post the solution just in case it helps anyone else.

I used the EXACT code given in the PHPMailer example gmail.phps file. It worked simply while I was using MAMP and then I got the SMTP connection error once I moved it on to my personal server.

All of the Stack Overflow answers I read, and all of the troubleshooting documentation from PHPMailer said that it wasn't an issue with PHPMailer. That it was a settings issue on the server side. I tried different ports (587, 465, 25), I tried 'SSL' and 'TLS' encryption. I checked that openssl was enabled in my php.ini file. I checked that there wasn't a firewall issue. Everything checked out, and still nothing.

The solution was that I had to remove this line:


Now it all works. I don't know why, but it works. The rest of my code is copied and pasted from the PHPMailer example file.

Limit the size of a file upload (html input element)

const input = document.getElementById('input')_x000D_
input.addEventListener('change', (event) => {_x000D_
  const target = event.target_x000D_
   if (target.files && target.files[0]) {_x000D_
      /*Maximum allowed size in bytes_x000D_
        5MB Example_x000D_
        Change first operand(multiplier) for your needs*/_x000D_
      const maxAllowedSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;_x000D_
      if (target.files[0].size > maxAllowedSize) {_x000D_
       // Here you can ask your users to load correct file_x000D_
        target.value = ''_x000D_
<input type="file" id="input" />

Cannot call getSupportFragmentManager() from activity

Your activity doesn't extend FragmentActivity from the support library, therefore the method is not present in the superclass

If you are targeting api 11 or above, you could use Activity.getFragmentManager instead.

HTML5 live streaming

Live streaming in HTML5 is possible via the use of Media Source Extensions (MSE) - the relatively new W3C standard: MSE is an an extension of HTML5 <video> tag; the javascript on webpage can fetch audio/video segments from the server and push them to MSE for playback. The fetching mechanism can be done via HTTP requests (MPEG-DASH) or via WebSockets. As of September 2016 all major browsers on all devices support MSE. iOS is the only exception.

For high latency (5+ seconds) HTML5 live video streaming you can consider MPEG-DASH implementations by video.js or Wowza streaming engine.

For low latency, near real-time HTML5 live video streaming, take a look at EvoStream media server, Unreal media server, and WebRTC.

g++ undefined reference to typeinfo

One possible reason is because you are declaring a virtual function without defining it.

When you declare it without defining it in the same compilation unit, you're indicating that it's defined somewhere else - this means the linker phase will try to find it in one of the other compilation units (or libraries).

An example of defining the virtual function is:

virtual void fn() { /* insert code here */ }

In this case, you are attaching a definition to the declaration, which means the linker doesn't need to resolve it later.

The line

virtual void fn();

declares fn() without defining it and will cause the error message you asked about.

It's very similar to the code:

extern int i;
int *pi = &i;

which states that the integer i is declared in another compilation unit which must be resolved at link time (otherwise pi can't be set to it's address).

Where is NuGet.Config file located in Visual Studio project?

Visual Studio reads NuGet.Config files from the solution root. Try moving it there instead of placing it in the same folder as the project.

You can also place the file at %appdata%\NuGet\NuGet.Config and it will be used everywhere.

How do I install PHP cURL on Linux Debian?

I wrote an article on topis how to [manually install curl on debian linu][1]x.

[1]: This is its shortcut:

  1. cd /usr/local/src
  2. wget
  3. tar -xvzf curl-7.36.0.tar.gz
  4. rm *.gz
  5. cd curl-7.6.0
  6. ./configure
  7. make
  8. make install

And restart Apache. If you will have an error during point 6, try to run apt-get install build-essential.

How can I count the number of elements of a given value in a matrix?

Use nnz instead of sum. No need for the double call to collapse matrices to vectors and it is likely faster than sum.

nnz(your_matrix == 5)


SQL update query using joins

Try like this...

Update t1.Column1 = value 
from tbltemp as t1 
inner join tblUser as t2 on t2.ID = t1.UserID 
where t1.[column1]=value and t2.[Column1] = value;

OnClick in Excel VBA

In order to trap repeated clicks on the same cell, you need to move the focus to a different cell, so that each time you click, you are in fact moving the selection.

The code below will select the top left cell visible on the screen, when you click on any cell. Obviously, it has the flaw that it won't trap a click on the top left cell, but that can be managed (eg by selecting the top right cell if the activecell is the top left).

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
  'put your code here to process the selection, then..
  ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Cells(1, 1).Select
End Sub

Qt - reading from a text file

You have to replace string line

QString line = in.readLine();

into while:

QFile file("/home/hamad/lesson11.txt");
if(! {
    QMessageBox::information(0, "error", file.errorString());

QTextStream in(&file);

while(!in.atEnd()) {
    QString line = in.readLine();    
    QStringList fields = line.split(",");    


How to ping ubuntu guest on VirtualBox

Using NAT (the default) this is not possible. Bridged Networking should allow it. If bridged does not work for you (this may be the case when your network adminstration does not allow multiple IP addresses on one physical interface), you could try 'Host-only networking' instead.

For configuration of Host-only here is a quote from the vbox manual(which is pretty good).

For host-only networking, like with internal networking, you may find the DHCP server useful that is built into VirtualBox. This can be enabled to then manage the IP addresses in the host-only network since otherwise you would need to configure all IP addresses statically.

In the VirtualBox graphical user interface, you can configure all these items in the global settings via "File" -> "Settings" -> "Network", which lists all host-only networks which are presently in use. Click on the network name and then on the "Edit" button to the right, and you can modify the adapter and DHCP settings.

how to toggle (hide/show) a table onClick of <a> tag in java script

You are always passing in true to the toggleMethod, so it will always "show" the table. I would create a global variable that you can flip inside the toggle method instead.

Alternatively you can check the visibility state of the table instead of an explicit variable

If "0" then leave the cell blank

=iferror(1/ (1/ H15+G16-F16 ), "")

this way avoids repeating the central calculation (which can often be much longer or more processor hungry than the one you have here...


git ignore exception

!foo.dll in .gitignore, or (every time!) git add -f foo.dll

Recursive Fibonacci

int fib(int x) 
    if (x < 2)
      return x;
      return (fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2));

Using ffmpeg to encode a high quality video

A couple of things:

  • You need to set the video bitrate. I have never used minrate and maxrate so I don't know how exactly they work, but by setting the bitrate using the -b switch, I am able to get high quality video. You need to come up with a bitrate that offers a good tradeoff between compression and video quality. You may have to experiment with this because it all depends on the frame size, frame rate and the amount of motion in the content of your video. Keep in mind that DVD tends to be around 4-5 Mbit/s on average for 720x480, so I usually start from there and decide whether I need more or less and then just experiment. For example, you could add -b 5000k to the command line to get more or less DVD video bitrate.

  • You need to specify a video codec. If you don't, ffmpeg will default to MPEG-1 which is quite old and does not provide near the amount of compression as MPEG-4 or H.264. If your ffmpeg version is built with libx264 support, you can specify -vcodec libx264 as part of the command line. Otherwise -vcodec mpeg4 will also do a better job than MPEG-1, but not as well as x264.

  • There are a lot of other advanced options that will help you squeeze out the best quality at the lowest bitrates. Take a look here for some examples.

Least common multiple for 3 or more numbers

For anyone looking for quick working code, try this:

I wrote a function lcm_n(args, num) which computes and returns the lcm of all the numbers in the array args. The second parameternum is the count of numbers in the array.

Put all those numbers in an array args and then call the function like lcm_n(args,num);

This function returns the lcm of all those numbers.

Here is the implementation of the function lcm_n(args, num):

int lcm_n(int args[], int num) //lcm of more than 2 numbers
    int i, temp[num-1];

        return lcm(args[0], args[1]);
           temp[i] = args[i];   

        temp[num-2] = lcm(args[num-2], args[num-1]);
        return lcm_n(temp,num-1);

This function needs below two functions to work. So, just add them along with it.

int lcm(int a, int b) //lcm of 2 numbers
    return (a*b)/gcd(a,b);

int gcd(int a, int b) //gcd of 2 numbers
    int numerator, denominator, remainder;

    //Euclid's algorithm for computing GCD of two numbers
    if(a > b)
        numerator = a;
        denominator = b;
        numerator = b;
        denominator = a;
    remainder = numerator % denominator;

    while(remainder != 0)
        numerator   = denominator;
        denominator = remainder;
        remainder   = numerator % denominator;

    return denominator;

Pythonic way to create a long multi-line string

I like this approach because it privileges reading. In cases where we have long strings there is no way! Depending on the level of indentation you are in and still limited to 80 characters per line... Well... No need to say anything else

In my view, the Python style guides are still very vague. I took the Eero Aaltonen approach, because it privileges reading and common sense. I understand that style guides should help us and not make our lives a mess.

class ClassName():
    def method_name():
        if condition_0:
            if condition_1:
                if condition_2:
                    some_variable_0 =\
        'some_attr_0': 'value_0',
        'some_attr_1': 'value_1',
        'some_attr_2': '""" + some_variable_1 + """'

How to compare strings

You could use strcmp():

/* strcmp example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main ()
  char szKey[] = "apple";
  char szInput[80];
  do {
     printf ("Guess my favourite fruit? ");
     gets (szInput);
  } while (strcmp (szKey,szInput) != 0);
  puts ("Correct answer!");
  return 0;

convert string array to string

Like this:

string str= test[0]+test[1];

You can also use a loop:

for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
    str += test[i];

Git push failed, "Non-fast forward updates were rejected"

I encountered the same error, just add "--force" to the command, it works

git push origin master --force

URL Encode a string in jQuery for an AJAX request

I'm using MVC3/EntityFramework as back-end, the front-end consumes all of my project controllers via jquery, posting directly (using $.post) doesnt requires the data encription, when you pass params directly other than URL hardcoded. I already tested several chars i even sent an URL(this one as a parameter and had no issue at all even though encodeURIComponent works great when you pass all data in within the URL (hardcoded)

Hardcoded URL i.e.>

 var encodedName = encodeURIComponent(name);
 var url = "ControllerName/ActionName/" + encodedName + "/" + keyword + "/" + description + "/" + linkUrl + "/" + includeMetrics + "/" + typeTask + "/" + project + "/" + userCreated + "/" + userModified + "/" + status + "/" + parent;; // + name + "/" + keyword + "/" + description + "/" + linkUrl + "/" + includeMetrics + "/" + typeTask + "/" + project + "/" + userCreated + "/" + userModified + "/" + status + "/" + parent;

Otherwise dont use encodeURIComponent and instead try passing params in within the ajax post method

 var url = "ControllerName/ActionName/";   
        { name: nameVal, fkKeyword: keyword, description: descriptionVal, linkUrl: linkUrlVal, includeMetrics: includeMetricsVal, FKTypeTask: typeTask, FKProject: project, FKUserCreated: userCreated, FKUserModified: userModified, FKStatus: status, FKParent: parent },
 function (data) {.......});

How to show/hide JPanels in a JFrame?

Call parent.remove(panel), where parent is the container that you want the frame in and panel is the panel you want to add.

Django datetime issues (

David had the right answer. The parenthesis () makes it so that the callable is called every time the model is evaluated. If you remove the () from (or, if using the naive datetime object) to make it just this:

Then it will work as you expect:
New objects will receive the current date when they are created, but the date won't be overridden every time you do makemigrations/migrate.

I just encountered this. Much thanks to David.

Attach IntelliJ IDEA debugger to a running Java process

Also, don't forget you need to add "-Xdebug" flag in app JAVA_OPTS if you want connect in debug mode.

How to compile Tensorflow with SSE4.2 and AVX instructions?

I just ran into this same problem, it seems like Yaroslav Bulatov's suggestion doesn't cover SSE4.2 support, adding --copt=-msse4.2 would suffice. In the end, I successfully built with

bazel build -c opt --copt=-mavx --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mfma --copt=-mfpmath=both --copt=-msse4.2 --config=cuda -k //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package

without getting any warning or errors.

Probably the best choice for any system is:

bazel build -c opt --copt=-march=native --copt=-mfpmath=both --config=cuda -k //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package

(Update: the build scripts may be eating -march=native, possibly because it contains an =.)

-mfpmath=both only works with gcc, not clang. -mfpmath=sse is probably just as good, if not better, and is the default for x86-64. 32-bit builds default to -mfpmath=387, so changing that will help for 32-bit. (But if you want high-performance for number crunching, you should build 64-bit binaries.)

I'm not sure what TensorFlow's default for -O2 or -O3 is. gcc -O3 enables full optimization including auto-vectorization, but that sometimes can make code slower.

What this does: --copt for bazel build passes an option directly to gcc for compiling C and C++ files (but not linking, so you need a different option for cross-file link-time-optimization)

x86-64 gcc defaults to using only SSE2 or older SIMD instructions, so you can run the binaries on any x86-64 system. (See That's not what you want. You want to make a binary that takes advantage of all the instructions your CPU can run, because you're only running this binary on the system where you built it.

-march=native enables all the options your CPU supports, so it makes -mavx512f -mavx2 -mavx -mfma -msse4.2 redundant. (Also, -mavx2 already enables -mavx and -msse4.2, so Yaroslav's command should have been fine). Also if you're using a CPU that doesn't support one of these options (like FMA), using -mfma would make a binary that faults with illegal instructions.

TensorFlow's ./configure defaults to enabling -march=native, so using that should avoid needing to specify compiler options manually.

-march=native enables -mtune=native, so it optimizes for your CPU for things like which sequence of AVX instructions is best for unaligned loads.

This all applies to gcc, clang, or ICC. (For ICC, you can use -xHOST instead of -march=native.)

Open a URL without using a browser from a batch file

Try winhttpjs.bat. It uses a winhttp request object that should be faster than
Msxml2.XMLHTTP as there isn't any DOM parsing of the response. It is capable to do requests with body and all HTTP methods.

call winhttpjs.bat -saveTo c:\something.html

How to save a spark DataFrame as csv on disk?

Apache Spark does not support native CSV output on disk.

You have four available solutions though:

  1. You can convert your Dataframe into an RDD :

    def convertToReadableString(r : Row) = ???{ convertToReadableString }.saveAsTextFile(filepath)

    This will create a folder filepath. Under the file path, you'll find partitions files (e.g part-000*)

    What I usually do if I want to append all the partitions into a big CSV is

    cat filePath/part* > mycsvfile.csv

    Some will use coalesce(1,false) to create one partition from the RDD. It's usually a bad practice, since it may overwhelm the driver by pulling all the data you are collecting to it.

    Note that df.rdd will return an RDD[Row].

  2. With Spark <2, you can use databricks spark-csv library:

    • Spark 1.4+:

    • Spark 1.3:,"com.databricks.spark.csv")
  3. With Spark 2.x the spark-csv package is not needed as it's included in Spark.

  4. You can convert to local Pandas data frame and use to_csv method (PySpark only).

Note: Solutions 1, 2 and 3 will result in CSV format files (part-*) generated by the underlying Hadoop API that Spark calls when you invoke save. You will have one part- file per partition.

Center-align a HTML table

Try this -

<table align="center" style="margin: 0px auto;"></table>

Half circle with CSS (border, outline only)

You could use border-top-left-radius and border-top-right-radius properties to round the corners on the box according to the box's height (and added borders).

Then add a border to top/right/left sides of the box to achieve the effect.

Here you go:

.half-circle {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px; /* as the half of the width */
    background-color: gold;
    border-top-left-radius: 110px;  /* 100px of height + 10px of border */
    border-top-right-radius: 110px; /* 100px of height + 10px of border */
    border: 10px solid gray;
    border-bottom: 0;


Alternatively, you could add box-sizing: border-box to the box in order to calculate the width/height of the box including borders and padding.

.half-circle {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px; /* as the half of the width */
    border-top-left-radius: 100px;
    border-top-right-radius: 100px;
    border: 10px solid gray;
    border-bottom: 0;

    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;

UPDATED DEMO. (Demo without background color)

How to add anything in <head> through jquery/javascript?

With jquery you have other option:

$('head').html($('head').html() + '...');

anyway it is working. JavaScript option others said, thats correct too.

MySQL 'create schema' and 'create database' - Is there any difference

The documentation of MySQL says :

CREATE DATABASE creates a database with the given name. To use this statement, you need the CREATE privilege for the database. CREATE SCHEMA is a synonym for CREATE DATABASE as of MySQL 5.0.2.

So, it would seem normal that those two instruction do the same.

MATLAB - multiple return values from a function?

Change the function that you get one single Result=[array, listp, freep]. So there is only one result to be displayed

How to do the equivalent of pass by reference for primitives in Java

You cannot pass primitives by reference in Java. All variables of object type are actually pointers, of course, but we call them "references", and they are also always passed by value.

In a situation where you really need to pass a primitive by reference, what people will do sometimes is declare the parameter as an array of primitive type, and then pass a single-element array as the argument. So you pass a reference int[1], and in the method, you can change the contents of the array.

selecting rows with id from another table

Try this (subquery):

   (SELECT term_id FROM terms_relation WHERE taxonomy = "categ")

Or you can try this (JOIN):

SELECT t.* FROM terms AS t 
   INNER JOIN terms_relation AS tr 
   ON = tr.term_id AND tr.taxonomy = "categ"

If you want to receive all fields from two tables:

SELECT,, t.slug, tr.description, tr.created_at, tr.updated_at 
  FROM terms AS t 
   INNER JOIN terms_relation AS tr 
   ON = tr.term_id AND tr.taxonomy = "categ"

How to add favicon.ico in ASP.NET site

Check out this great tutorial on favicons and browser support.

expand/collapse table rows with JQuery

A JavaScript accordion does the trick.

This fiddle by W3Schools makes a simple task even more simple using nothing but javascript, which i partially reproduce below.

button.accordion {
    background-color: #eee;
    color: #444;
    font-size: 15px;
    cursor: pointer;
}, button.accordion:hover {
    background-color: #ddd; 

div.panel {
    padding: 0 18px;
    display: none;
    background-color: white;
} {
    display: block;
var acc = document.getElementsByClassName("accordion");
var i;

for (i = 0; i < acc.length; i++) {
    acc[i].onclick = function(){
<button class="accordion">Section 1</button>
<div class="panel">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
<button class="accordion">Table</button>
<div class="panel">
  <p><table name="detail_table">...</table></p>
<button class="accordion"><table name="button_table">...</table></button>
<div class="panel">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
  <table name="detail_table">...</table>
  <img src=...></img>

if using php, don't forget to convert " to '. You can also use tables of data inside the button and it will still work.

How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript

Demo on JSFiddle

here's a tiny stand alone method that:

  • attempts to consolidate the answers on this page, without using a library
  • works in older browsers
  • supports surrogate pairs (like emojis)
  • applies character overrides (what's that? not sure exactly)

i don't know too much about unicode, but it seems to be working well.

// escape a string for display in html
// see also: 
// polyfill for String.prototype.codePointAt
// how to convert characters to html entities
// html overrides from 
// /

var _escape_overrides = { 0x00:'\uFFFD',0x80:'\u20AC',0x82:'\u201A',0x83:'\u0192',0x84:'\u201E',0x85:'\u2026',0x86:'\u2020',0x87:'\u2021',0x88:'\u02C6',0x89:'\u2030',0x8A:'\u0160',0x8B:'\u2039',0x8C:'\u0152',0x8E:'\u017D',0x91:'\u2018',0x92:'\u2019',0x93:'\u201C',0x94:'\u201D',0x95:'\u2022',0x96:'\u2013',0x97:'\u2014',0x98:'\u02DC',0x99:'\u2122',0x9A:'\u0161',0x9B:'\u203A',0x9C:'\u0153',0x9E:'\u017E',0x9F:'\u0178' }; 

function escapeHtml(str){
    return str.replace(/([\u0000-\uD799]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uFFFF])/g, function(c) {
        var c1 = c.charCodeAt(0);
        // ascii character, use override or escape
        if( c1 <= 0xFF ) return (c1=_escape_overrides[c1])?c1:escape(c).replace(/%(..)/g,"&#x$1;");
        // utf8/16 character
        else if( c.length == 1 ) return "&#" + c1 + ";"; 
        // surrogate pair
        else if( c.length == 2 && c1 >= 0xD800 && c1 <= 0xDBFF ) return "&#" + ((c1-0xD800)*0x400 + c.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00 + 0x10000) + ";"
        // no clue .. 
        else return "";

How to unset a JavaScript variable?

ECMAScript 2015 offers Reflect API. It is possible to delete object property with Reflect.deleteProperty():

Reflect.deleteProperty(myObject, 'myProp');
// it is equivalent to:
delete myObject.myProp;
delete myObject['myProp'];

To delete property of global window object:

Reflect.deleteProperty(window, 'some_var');

In some cases properties cannot be deleted (when the property is not configurable) and then this function returns false (as well as delete operator). In other cases returns true:

Object.defineProperty(window, 'some_var', {
    configurable: false,
    writable: true,
    enumerable: true,
    value: 'some_val'

var frozen = Object.freeze({ myProperty: 'myValue' });
var regular = { myProperty: 'myValue' };
var blank = {};

console.log(Reflect.deleteProperty(window, 'some_var')); // false
console.log(window.some_var); // some_var

console.log(Reflect.deleteProperty(frozen, 'myProperty')); // false
console.log(frozen.myProperty); // myValue

console.log(Reflect.deleteProperty(regular, 'myProperty')); // true
console.log(regular.myProperty); // undefined

console.log(Reflect.deleteProperty(blank, 'notExistingProperty')); // true
console.log(blank.notExistingProperty); // undefined

There is a difference between deleteProperty function and delete operator when run in strict mode:

'use strict'

var frozen = Object.freeze({ myProperty: 'myValue' });

Reflect.deleteProperty(frozen, 'myProperty'); // false
delete frozen.myProperty;
// TypeError: property "myProperty" is non-configurable and can't be deleted

How to convert strings into integers in Python?

I want to share an available option that doesn't seem to be mentioned here yet:


Will generate a random permutation of array x. Not exactly what you asked for, but it is a potential solution to similar questions.

Button Width Match Parent

This one worked for me

width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width-100,

How to calculate the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution function in python?

Starting Python 3.8, the standard library provides the NormalDist object as part of the statistics module.

It can be used to get the inverse cumulative distribution function (inv_cdf - inverse of the cdf), also known as the quantile function or the percent-point function for a given mean (mu) and standard deviation (sigma):

from statistics import NormalDist

NormalDist(mu=10, sigma=2).inv_cdf(0.95)
# 13.289707253902943

Which can be simplified for the standard normal distribution (mu = 0 and sigma = 1):

# 1.6448536269514715

How do I detach objects in Entity Framework Code First?

If you want to detach existing object follow @Slauma's advice. If you want to load objects without tracking changes use:

var data = context.MyEntities.AsNoTracking().Where(...).ToList();

As mentioned in comment this will not completely detach entities. They are still attached and lazy loading works but entities are not tracked. This should be used for example if you want to load entity only to read data and you don't plan to modify them.

Mysql password expired. Can't connect

WARNING: this will allow any user to login

I had to try something else. Since my root password expired and altering was not an option because

Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 45, found 46. The table is probably corrupted

temporarly adding skip-grant-tables under [mysqld] in my.cnf and restarting mysql did the trick

CSS Transition doesn't work with top, bottom, left, right

Are there properties that aren't 'transitional'?

Answer: Yes.

If the property is not listed here it is not 'transitional'.

Reference: Animatable CSS Properties

.NET NewtonSoft JSON deserialize map to a different property name

Adding to Jacks solution. I need to Deserialize using the JsonProperty and Serialize while ignoring the JsonProperty (or vice versa). ReflectionHelper and Attribute Helper are just helper classes that get a list of properties or attributes for a property. I can include if anyone actually cares. Using the example below you can serialize the viewmodel and get "Amount" even though the JsonProperty is "RecurringPrice".

    /// <summary>
    /// Ignore the Json Property attribute. This is usefule when you want to serialize or deserialize differently and not 
    /// let the JsonProperty control everything.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    public class IgnoreJsonPropertyResolver<T> : DefaultContractResolver
        private Dictionary<string, string> PropertyMappings { get; set; }

        public IgnoreJsonPropertyResolver()
            this.PropertyMappings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            var properties = ReflectionHelper<T>.GetGetProperties(false)();
            foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
                var jsonProperty = AttributeHelper.GetAttribute<JsonPropertyAttribute>(propertyInfo);
                if (jsonProperty != null)
                    PropertyMappings.Add(jsonProperty.PropertyName, propertyInfo.Name);

        protected override string ResolvePropertyName(string propertyName)
            string resolvedName = null;
            var resolved = this.PropertyMappings.TryGetValue(propertyName, out resolvedName);
            return (resolved) ? resolvedName : base.ResolvePropertyName(propertyName);


        var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
        settings.DateFormatString = "YYYY-MM-DD";
        settings.ContractResolver = new IgnoreJsonPropertyResolver<PlanViewModel>();
        var model = new PlanViewModel() {Amount = 100};
        var strModel = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model,settings);


public class PlanViewModel

    /// <summary>
    ///     The customer is charged an amount over an interval for the subscription.
    /// </summary>
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "RecurringPrice")]
    public double Amount { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    ///     Indicates the number of intervals between each billing. If interval=2, the customer would be billed every two
    ///     months or years depending on the value for interval_unit.
    /// </summary>
    public int Interval { get; set; } = 1;

    /// <summary>
    ///     Number of free trial days that can be granted when a customer is subscribed to this plan.
    /// </summary>
    public int TrialPeriod { get; set; } = 30;

    /// <summary>
    /// This indicates a one-time fee charged upfront while creating a subscription for this plan.
    /// </summary>
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "SetupFee")]
    public double SetupAmount { get; set; } = 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// String representing the type id, usually a lookup value, for the record.
    /// </summary>
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "TypeId")]
    public string Type { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Billing Frequency
    /// </summary>
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "BillingFrequency")]
    public string Period { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// String representing the type id, usually a lookup value, for the record.
    /// </summary>
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "PlanUseType")]
    public string Purpose { get; set; }

Why does this "Slow network detected..." log appear in Chrome?

I hide this by set console setting

Console settings -> User messages only

WebAPI Multiple Put/Post parameters

public string MyMethod([FromBody]JObject data)
    Customer customer = data["customerData"].ToObject<Customer>();
    Product product = data["productData"].ToObject<Product>();
    Employee employee = data["employeeData"].ToObject<Employee>();
    //... other class....

using referance

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

Use Request for JQuery Ajax

var customer = {
    "Name": "jhon",
    "Id": 1,
var product = {
    "Name": "table",
    "CategoryId": 5,
    "Count": 100
var employee = {
    "Name": "Fatih",
    "Id": 4,

var myData = {};
myData.customerData = customer;
myData.productData = product;
myData.employeeData = employee;

    type: 'POST',
    async: true,
    dataType: "json",
    url: "Your Url",
    data: myData,
    success: function (data) {
        console.log("Response Data ?");
    error: function (err) {

How to create a simple map using JavaScript/JQuery

Just use plain objects:

var map = { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" }
function get(k){
  return map[k];

How to print last two columns using awk

You can make use of variable NF which is set to the total number of fields in the input record:

awk '{print $(NF-1),"\t",$NF}' file

this assumes that you have at least 2 fields.

Which is better, return value or out parameter?

You can only have one return value whereas you can have multiple out parameters.

You only need to consider out parameters in those cases.

However, if you need to return more than one parameter from your method, you probably want to look at what you're returning from an OO approach and consider if you're better off return an object or a struct with these parameters. Therefore you're back to a return value again.

Get everything after and before certain character in SQL Server

if Input= and Output should be pg102a-wlc01s

we can use below query :

select Substring(,0,charindex('.',,0)), from tbl_name pc

CSS width of a <span> tag

You can't specify the width of an element with display inline. You could put something in it like a non-breaking space ( ) and then set the padding to give it some more width but you can't control it directly.

You could use display inline-block but that isn't widely supported.

A real hack would be to put an image inside and then set the width of that. Something like a transparent 1 pixel GIF. Not the recommended approach however.

Trigger a keypress/keydown/keyup event in JS/jQuery?

I thought I would draw your attention that in the specific context where a listener was defined within a jQuery plugin, then the only thing that successfully simulated the keypress event for me, eventually caught by that listener, was to use setTimeout(). e.g.

setTimeout(function() { $("#txtName").keypress() } , 1000);

Any use of $("#txtName").keypress() was ignored, although placed at the end of the .ready() function. No particular DOM supplement was being created asynchronously anyway.

Abstraction vs Encapsulation in Java

OO Abstraction occurs during class level design, with the objective of hiding the implementation complexity of how the the features offered by an API / design / system were implemented, in a sense simplifying the 'interface' to access the underlying implementation.

The process of abstraction can be repeated at increasingly 'higher' levels (layers) of classes, which enables large systems to be built without increasing the complexity of code and understanding at each layer.

For example, a Java developer can make use of the high level features of FileInputStream without concern for how it works (i.e. file handles, file system security checks, memory allocation and buffering will be managed internally, and are hidden from consumers). This allows the implementation of FileInputStream to be changed, and as long as the API (interface) to FileInputStream remains consistent, code built against previous versions will still work.

Similarly, when designing your own classes, you will want to hide internal implementation details from others as far as possible.

In the Booch definition1, OO Encapsulation is achieved through Information Hiding, and specifically around hiding internal data (fields / members representing the state) owned by a class instance, by enforcing access to the internal data in a controlled manner, and preventing direct, external change to these fields, as well as hiding any internal implementation methods of the class (e.g. by making them private).

For example, the fields of a class can be made private by default, and only if external access to these was required, would a get() and/or set() (or Property) be exposed from the class. (In modern day OO languages, fields can be marked as readonly / final / immutable which further restricts change, even within the class).

Example where NO information hiding has been applied (Bad Practice):

class Foo {
   // BAD - NOT Encapsulated - code external to the class can change this field directly
   // Class Foo has no control over the range of values which could be set.
   public int notEncapsulated;

Example where field encapsulation has been applied:

class Bar {
   // Improvement - access restricted only to this class
   private int encapsulatedPercentageField;

   // The state of Bar (and its fields) can now be changed in a controlled manner
   public void setEncapsulatedField(int percentageValue) {
      if (percentageValue >= 0 && percentageValue <= 100) {
          encapsulatedPercentageField = percentageValue;
      // else throw ... out of range

Example of immutable / constructor-only initialization of a field:

class Baz {
   private final int immutableField;

   public void Baz(int onlyValue) {
      // ... As above, can also check that onlyValue is valid
      immutableField = onlyValue;
   // Further change of `immutableField` outside of the constructor is NOT permitted, even within the same class 

Re : Abstraction vs Abstract Class

Abstract classes are classes which promote reuse of commonality between classes, but which themselves cannot directly be instantiated with new() - abstract classes must be subclassed, and only concrete (non abstract) subclasses may be instantiated. Possibly one source of confusion between Abstraction and an abstract class was that in the early days of OO, inheritance was more heavily used to achieve code reuse (e.g. with associated abstract base classes). Nowadays, composition is generally favoured over inheritance, and there are more tools available to achieve abstraction, such as through Interfaces, events / delegates / functions, traits / mixins etc.

Re : Encapsulation vs Information Hiding

The meaning of encapsulation appears to have evolved over time, and in recent times, encapsulation can commonly also used in a more general sense when determining which methods, fields, properties, events etc to bundle into a class.

Quoting Wikipedia:

In the more concrete setting of an object-oriented programming language, the notion is used to mean either an information hiding mechanism, a bundling mechanism, or the combination of the two.

For example, in the statement

I've encapsulated the data access code into its own class

.. the interpretation of encapsulation is roughly equivalent to the Separation of Concerns or the Single Responsibility Principal (the "S" in SOLID), and could arguably be used as a synonym for refactoring.

[1] Once you've seen Booch's encapsulation cat picture you'll never be able to forget encapsulation - p46 of Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 2nd Ed

Regex Named Groups in Java

(Update: August 2011)

As geofflane mentions in his answer, Java 7 now support named groups.
tchrist points out in the comment that the support is limited.
He details the limitations in his great answer "Java Regex Helper"

Java 7 regex named group support was presented back in September 2010 in Oracle's blog.

In the official release of Java 7, the constructs to support the named capturing group are:

  • (?<name>capturing text) to define a named group "name"
  • \k<name> to backreference a named group "name"
  • ${name} to reference to captured group in Matcher's replacement string
  • name) to return the captured input subsequence by the given "named group".

Other alternatives for pre-Java 7 were:

(Original answer: Jan 2009, with the next two links now broken)

You can not refer to named group, unless you code your own version of Regex...

That is precisely what Gorbush2 did in this thread.


(limited implementation, as pointed out again by tchrist, as it looks only for ASCII identifiers. tchrist details the limitation as:

only being able to have one named group per same name (which you don’t always have control over!) and not being able to use them for in-regex recursion.

Note: You can find true regex recursion examples in Perl and PCRE regexes, as mentioned in Regexp Power, PCRE specs and Matching Strings with Balanced Parentheses slide)



"TEST 123"


"(?<login>\\w+) (?<id>\\d+)"

Access ==> TEST"login") ==> TEST ==> login


matcher.replaceAll("aaaaa_$1_sssss_$2____") ==> aaaaa_TEST_sssss_123____
matcher.replaceAll("aaaaa_${login}_sssss_${id}____") ==> aaaaa_TEST_sssss_123____ 

(extract from the implementation)

public final class Pattern
     * Parses a group and returns the head node of a set of nodes that process
     * the group. Sometimes a double return system is used where the tail is
     * returned in root.
    private Node group0() {
        boolean capturingGroup = false;
        Node head = null;
        Node tail = null;
        int save = flags;
        root = null;
        int ch = next();
        if (ch == '?') {
            ch = skip();
            switch (ch) {

            case '<':   // (?<xxx)  look behind or group name
                ch = read();
                int start = cursor;
                // test forGroupName
                int startChar = ch;
                while(ASCII.isWord(ch) && ch != '>') ch=read();
                if(ch == '>'){
                    // valid group name
                    int len = cursor-start;
                    int[] newtemp = new int[2*(len) + 2];
                    //System.arraycopy(temp, start, newtemp, 0, len);
                    StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
                    for(int i = start; i< cursor; i++){
                    // create Named group
                    head = createGroup(false);
                    ((GroupTail)root).name = name.toString();

                    capturingGroup = true;
                    tail = root;
           = expr(tail);

INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY (do nothing)

HOW TO IMPLEMENT 'insert if not exist'?



  1. simple.


  1. too slow.

  2. auto-increment key will CHANGE(increase by 1) if there is entry matches unique key or primary key, because it deletes the old entry then insert new one.



  1. simple.


  1. auto-increment key will not change if there is entry matches unique key or primary key but auto-increment index will increase by 1

  2. some other errors/warnings will be ignored such as data conversion error.



  1. you can easily implement 'save or update' function with this


  1. looks relatively complex if you just want to insert not update.

  2. auto-increment key will not change if there is entry matches unique key or primary key but auto-increment index will increase by 1

4. Any way to stop auto-increment key increasing if there is entry matches unique key or primary key?

As mentioned in the comment below by @toien: "auto-increment column will be effected depends on innodb_autoinc_lock_mode config after version 5.1" if you are using innodb as your engine, but this also effects concurrency, so it needs to be well considered before used. So far I'm not seeing any better solution.

Vertically and horizontally centering text in circle in CSS (like iphone notification badge)

Interesting question! While there are plenty of guides on horizontally and vertically centering a div, an authoritative treatment of the subject where the centered div is of an unpredetermined width is conspicuously absent.

Let's apply some basic constraints:

  • No Javascript
  • No mangling of the display property to table-cell, which is of questionable support status

Given this, my entry into the fray is the use of the inline-block display property to horizontally center the span within an absolutely positioned div of predetermined height, vertically centered within the parent container in the traditional top: 50%; margin-top: -123px fashion.

Markup: div > div > span


body > div { position: relative; height: XYZ; width: XYZ; }
div > div { 
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  height: 30px;
  margin-top: -15px; 
  text-align: center;}
div > span { display: inline-block; }


An alternate solution that doesn't require extraneous markups but that very likely produces more problems than it solves is to use the line-height property. Don't do this. But it is included here as an academic note:

Opening a .ipynb.txt File

Try the following steps:

  1. Download the file open it in the Juypter Notebook.
  2. Go to File -> Rename and remove the .txt extension from the end; so now the file name has just .ipynb extension.
  3. Now reopen it from the Juypter Notebook.

How to make a smooth image rotation in Android?

Rotation Object programmatically.

// clockwise rotation :

    public void rotate_Clockwise(View view) {
        ObjectAnimator rotate = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "rotation", 180f, 0f);
//        rotate.setRepeatCount(10);

// AntiClockwise rotation :

 public void rotate_AntiClockwise(View view) {
        ObjectAnimator rotate = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "rotation", 0f, 180f);
//        rotate.setRepeatCount(10);

view is object of your ImageView or other widgets.

rotate.setRepeatCount(10); use to repeat your rotation.

500 is your animation time duration.

Eloquent Collection: Counting and Detect Empty

When using ->get() you cannot simply use any of the below:

if (empty($result)) { }
if (!$result) { }
if ($result) { }

Because if you dd($result); you'll notice an instance of Illuminate\Support\Collection is always returned, even when there are no results. Essentially what you're checking is $a = new stdClass; if ($a) { ... } which will always return true.

To determine if there are any results you can do any of the following:

if ($result->first()) { } 
if (!$result->isEmpty()) { }
if ($result->count()) { }
if (count($result)) { }

You could also use ->first() instead of ->get() on the query builder which will return an instance of the first found model, or null otherwise. This is useful if you need or are expecting only one result from the database.

$result = Model::where(...)->first();
if ($result) { ... }

Notes / References

Bonus Information

The Collection and the Query Builder differences can be a bit confusing to newcomers of Laravel because the method names are often the same between the two. For that reason it can be confusing to know what one you’re working on. The Query Builder essentially builds a query until you call a method where it will execute the query and hit the database (e.g. when you call certain methods like ->all() ->first() ->lists() and others). Those methods also exist on the Collection object, which can get returned from the Query Builder if there are multiple results. If you're not sure what class you're actually working with, try doing var_dump(User::all()) and experimenting to see what classes it's actually returning (with help of get_class(...)). I highly recommend you check out the source code for the Collection class, it's pretty simple. Then check out the Query Builder and see the similarities in function names and find out when it actually hits the database.

OpenCV with Network Cameras

#include <stdio.h>
#include "opencv.hpp"

int main(){

    CvCapture *camera=cvCaptureFromFile("http://username:pass@cam_address/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=640x480&req_fps=30&.mjpg");
    if (camera==NULL)
        printf("camera is null\n");
        printf("camera is not null");

    while (cvWaitKey(10)!=atoi("q")){
        double t1=(double)cvGetTickCount();
        IplImage *img=cvQueryFrame(camera);
        double t2=(double)cvGetTickCount();
        printf("time: %gms  fps: %.2g\n",(t2-t1)/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.), 1000./((t2-t1)/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.)));

How to hide form code from view code/inspect element browser?

document.onkeydown = function(e) {_x000D_
if(event.keyCode == 123) {_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'E'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 'I'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 'J'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'U'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'S'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'H'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'A'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 'E'.charCodeAt(0)){_x000D_
return false;_x000D_

Try this code

How to check if multiple array keys exists

// sample data
$requiredKeys = ['key1', 'key2', 'key3'];
$arrayToValidate = ['key1' => 1, 'key2' => 2, 'key3' => 3];

function keysExist(array $requiredKeys, array $arrayToValidate) {
    if ($requiredKeys === array_keys($arrayToValidate)) {
        return true;

    return false;

Split string into array of characters?

You can just assign the string to a byte array (the reverse is also possible). The result is 2 numbers for each character, so Xmas converts to a byte array containing {88,0,109,0,97,0,115,0}
or you can use StrConv

Dim bytes() as Byte
bytes = StrConv("Xmas", vbFromUnicode)

which will give you {88,109,97,115} but in that case you cannot assign the byte array back to a string.
You can convert the numbers in the byte array back to characters using the Chr() function

How do you do natural logs (e.g. "ln()") with numpy in Python?

I usually do like this:

from numpy import log as ln

Perhaps this can make you more comfortable.

How to close a web page on a button click, a hyperlink or a link button click?

To close a windows form (System.Windows.Forms.Form) when one of its button is clicked: in Visual Studio, open the form in the designer, right click on the button and open its property page, then select the field DialogResult an set it to OK or the appropriate value.

How to make <input type="date"> supported on all browsers? Any alternatives?

Just use <script src="modernizr.js"></script> in the <head> section, and the script will add classes which help you to separate the two cases: if it's supported by the current browser, or if it's not.

Plus follow the links posted in this thread. It will help you: HTML5 input type date, color, range support in Firefox and Internet Explorer

How to find out which JavaScript events fired?

Regarding Chrome, checkout the monitorEvents() via the command line API.

  • Open the console via Menu > Tools > JavaScript Console.

  • Enter monitorEvents(window);

  • View the console flooded with events

     mousemove MouseEvent {dataTransfer: ...}
     mouseout MouseEvent {dataTransfer: ...}
     mouseover MouseEvent {dataTransfer: ...}
     change Event {clipboardData: ...}

There are other examples in the documentation. I'm guessing this feature was added after the previous answer.

Writing handler for UIAlertAction

create alert, tested in xcode 9

let alert = UIAlertController(title: "title", message: "message", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: self.finishAlert))
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

and the function

func finishAlert(alert: UIAlertAction!)

Multi-line bash commands in makefile

The ONESHELL directive allows to write multiple line recipes to be executed in the same shell invocation.

all: foo

SOURCE_FILES = $(shell find . -name '*.c')

    for F in $^; do
    gcc "$${FILES[@]}" -o $@

There is a drawback though : special prefix characters (‘@’, ‘-’, and ‘+’) are interpreted differently.

How to correctly catch change/focusOut event on text input in React.js?

If you want to only trigger validation when the input looses focus you can use onBlur

Trivia: React <17 listens to blur event and >=17 listens to focusout event.

Found 'OR 1=1/* sql injection in my newsletter database

Its better if you use validation code to the users input for making it restricted to use symbols and part of code in your input form. If you embeed php in html code your php code have to become on the top to make sure that it is not ignored as comment if a hacker edit the page and add /* in your html code

Redis: How to access Redis log file

You can also login to the redis-cli and use the MONITOR command to see what queries are happening against Redis.

How to form a correct MySQL connection string?

try creating connection string this way:

MySqlConnectionStringBuilder conn_string = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();
conn_string.Server = "";
conn_string.UserID = "a455555_test";
conn_string.Password = "a455555_me";
conn_string.Database = "xxxxxxxx";

using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string.ToString()))
using (MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
{    //watch out for this SQL injection vulnerability below
     cmd.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT Test (lat, long) VALUES ({0},{1})",
                                    OSGconv.deciLat, OSGconv.deciLon);

How to make a promise from setTimeout


// Promisify setTimeout
const pause = (ms, cb, ...args) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(async () => {
      try {
        resolve(await cb?.(...args))
      } catch (error) {
    }, ms)


// Test 1
pause(1000).then(() => console.log('called'))
// Test 2
pause(1000, (a, b, c) => [a, b, c], 1, 2, 3).then(value => console.log(value))
// Test 3
pause(1000, () => {
  throw Error('foo')
}).catch(error => console.error(error))

What is the difference between logical data model and conceptual data model?

I need to produce both a logical model and a conceptual model. All the explanations here are really vague. The link posted above just shows the difference being that a conceptual model is a logical model without fields. Ok fine, I don't mention the name of the database. It appears to be totally redundant.

I really don't know what 'semantic' means. can someone explain what I would do differently using 'english' and possibly post a link to better examples than a picture that shows one picture that has fields and one that does not. The buzzwords are all well and good, but its so vague its not useful to practically implement.

do I do anything other than take my logical model (which is basically my physical model reversed engineered out of the DB, click a button in said tools and the images look a little different and then take off the data types).

From what i can practically see (and without buzzwords)

physical model: actually tables. The little pictures have data types in them and named pk/fk constraints Logical Model: click the little button my tool (using Oracles SQL Developer Data Modeller, I dont have an erwin license and 2010 visio no longer reverse engineers out of the DB), and then the images on the screen change slightly. The data types are gone and the names of the constraints are gone, then the colors of the table representations changes to purple (so now I call them entities).

ok. so what would my Conceptual model look like other then: exact same thing as my logical model minus the fields. I would think there is more to it than this. Reciting that its a 'semantic' representation of data sounds real nice and fancy, but doesn't make sense to someone who has not made one of these before.

Listing only directories using ls in Bash?

Try this one. It works for all Linux distribution.

ls -ltr | grep drw

How to restart service using command prompt?

PowerShell features a Restart-Service cmdlet, which either starts or restarts the service as appropriate.

The Restart-Service cmdlet sends a stop message and then a start message to the Windows Service Controller for a specified service. If a service was already stopped, it is started without notifying you of an error.

You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass an object that represents each service that you want to restart.

It is a little more foolproof than running two separate commands.

The easiest way to use it just pass either the service name or the display name directly:

Restart-Service 'Service Name'

It can be used directly from the standard cmd prompt with a command like:

powershell -command "Restart-Service 'Service Name'"

Break string into list of characters in Python

fO = open(filename, 'rU')
lst = list(

How to reset Django admin password?

In case you do not know the usernames as created here. You can get the users as described by @FallenAngel above.

python shell 
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
usrs = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True)
#identify the user
your_user = usrs.filter(username="yourusername")[0]
#youruser = usrs.get(username="yourusername")
#then set the password

However in the event that you created your independent user model. A simple case is when you want to use email as a username instead of the default user name. In which case your user model lives somewhere such as your_accounts_app.models then the above solution wont work. In this case you can instead use the get_user_model method

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model 
super_users = get_user_model().objects.filter(is_superuser=True)
#proceed to get identify your user
# and set their user password

Regex using javascript to return just numbers

The answers given don't actually match your question, which implied a trailing number. Also, remember that you're getting a string back; if you actually need a number, cast the result:

item=item.replace('^.*\D(\d*)$', '$1');
if (!/^\d+$/.test(item)) throw 'parse error: number not found';

If you're dealing with numeric item ids on a web page, your code could also usefully accept an Element, extracting the number from its id (or its first parent with an id); if you've an Event handy, you can likely get the Element from that, too.

When is it practical to use Depth-First Search (DFS) vs Breadth-First Search (BFS)?

Nice Explanation from

An example of BFS

Here’s an example of what a BFS would look like. This is something like Level Order Tree Traversal where we will use QUEUE with ITERATIVE approach (Mostly RECURSION will end up with DFS). The numbers represent the order in which the nodes are accessed in a BFS:

enter image description here

In a depth first search, you start at the root, and follow one of the branches of the tree as far as possible until either the node you are looking for is found or you hit a leaf node ( a node with no children). If you hit a leaf node, then you continue the search at the nearest ancestor with unexplored children.

An example of DFS

Here’s an example of what a DFS would look like. I think post order traversal in binary tree will start work from the Leaf level first. The numbers represent the order in which the nodes are accessed in a DFS:

enter image description here

Differences between DFS and BFS

Comparing BFS and DFS, the big advantage of DFS is that it has much lower memory requirements than BFS, because it’s not necessary to store all of the child pointers at each level. Depending on the data and what you are looking for, either DFS or BFS could be advantageous.

For example, given a family tree if one were looking for someone on the tree who’s still alive, then it would be safe to assume that person would be on the bottom of the tree. This means that a BFS would take a very long time to reach that last level. A DFS, however, would find the goal faster. But, if one were looking for a family member who died a very long time ago, then that person would be closer to the top of the tree. Then, a BFS would usually be faster than a DFS. So, the advantages of either vary depending on the data and what you’re looking for.

One more example is Facebook; Suggestion on Friends of Friends. We need immediate friends for suggestion where we can use BFS. May be finding the shortest path or detecting the cycle (using recursion) we can use DFS.

Android Gradle Could not reserve enough space for object heap

I tried several solutions, nothing seemed to work. Setting my system JDK to match Android Studio's solved the problem.

Ensure your system java

java -version

Is the same as Androids

File > Project Structure > JDK Location

SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

Try moving the order by clause outside sub select and add the order by field in sub select


(SELECT COUNT(1) ,refKlinik_id FROM Seanslar WHERE MONTH(tarihi) = 4 GROUP BY refKlinik_id)
as dorduncuay 

ORDER BY refKlinik_id 

DirectX SDK (June 2010) Installation Problems: Error Code S1023

I've had the same problem twice already and the easiest and most concise solution that I found is located here (in MSDN Blogs -> Games for Windows and the DirectX SDK). However, just in case that page goes down, here's the method:

  1. Remove the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package version 10.0.40219 (Service Pack 1) from the system (both x86 and x64 if applicable). This can be easily done via a command-line with administrator rights:

    MsiExec.exe /passive /X{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}
    MsiExec.exe /passive /X{1D8E6291-B0D5-35EC-8441-6616F567A0F7}
  2. Install the DirectX SDK (June 2010)

  3. Reinstall the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package version 10.0.40219 (Service Pack 1). On an x64 system, you should install both the x86 and x64 versions of the C++ REDIST. Be sure to install the most current version available, which at this point is the KB 2565063 with a security fix.

Note: This issue does not affect earlier version of the DirectX SDK which deploy the VS 2005 / VS 2008 CRT REDIST and do not deploy the VS 2010 CRT REDIST. This issue does not affect the DirectX End-User Runtime web or stand-alone installer as those packages do not deploy any version of the VC++ CRT.

File Checksum Integrity Verifier: This of course assumes you actually have an uncorrupted copy of the DirectX SDK setup package. The best way to validate this it to run

fciv -sha1 DXSDK_Jun10.exe

and verify you get

8fe98c00fde0f524760bb9021f438bd7d9304a69 dxsdk_jun10.exe

Bash: Echoing a echo command with a variable in bash

echo "echo "we are now going to work with ${ser}" " >> $servfile

Escape all " within quotes with \. Do this with variables like \$servicetest too:

echo "echo \"we are now going to work with \${ser}\" " >> $servfile    
echo "read -p \"Please enter a service: \" ser " >> $servfile
echo "if [ \$servicetest > /dev/null ];then " >> $servfile

Eclipse - Unable to install breakpoint due to missing line number attributes

For Web project with Tomcat server, I resolved it by using following steps.

  1. Open Window -> Show view -> Other -> Servers.
  2. Double click on the running tomcat server. (Overview of tomcat server will be opened)
  3. Now Click on Launch configuration link.
  4. Click on the sources Tab.
  5. Click on Add.
  6. Choose java project
  7. All your projects will be displayed.
  8. Select the on You want to debug.
  9. Save the configuration and Restart or build the application again.

How to change Jquery UI Slider handle

This change only first handle in multihandle slider. In apiDoc you can see:"For example, if you specify values: [ 1, 5, 18 ] and create one custom handle, the plugin will create the other two."

How do I make the method return type generic?

What you're looking for here is abstraction. Code against interfaces more and you should have to do less casting.

The example below is in C# but the concept remains the same.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;

namespace GenericsTest
class MainClass
    public static void Main (string[] args)
        _HasFriends jerry = new Mouse();
        jerry.AddFriend("spike", new Dog());
        jerry.AddFriend("quacker", new Duck());


interface _HasFriends
    void AddFriend(string name, _Animal animal);

    T CallFriend<T>(string name) where T : _Animal;

interface _Animal
    void Speak();

abstract class AnimalBase : _Animal, _HasFriends
    private Dictionary<string, _Animal> friends = new Dictionary<string, _Animal>();

    public abstract void Speak();

    public void AddFriend(string name, _Animal animal)
        friends.Add(name, animal);

    public T CallFriend<T>(string name) where T : _Animal
        return (T) friends[name];

class Mouse : AnimalBase
    public override void Speak() { Squeek(); }

    private void Squeek()
        Console.WriteLine ("Squeek! Squeek!");

class Dog : AnimalBase
    public override void Speak() { Bark(); }

    private void Bark()
        Console.WriteLine ("Woof!");

class Duck : AnimalBase
    public override void Speak() { Quack(); }

    private void Quack()
        Console.WriteLine ("Quack! Quack!");

Setting Android Theme background color

Open res -> values -> styles.xml and to your <style> add this line replacing with your image path <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background</item>. Example:


    <!-- Base application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
        <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background</item>


There is a <item name ="android:colorBackground">@color/black</item> also, that will affect not only your main window background but all the component in your app. Read about customize theme here.

If you want version specific styles:

If a new version of Android adds theme attributes that you want to use, you can add them to your theme while still being compatible with old versions. All you need is another styles.xml file saved in a values directory that includes the resource version qualifier. For example:

res/values/styles.xml        # themes for all versions
res/values-v21/styles.xml    # themes for API level 21+ only

Because the styles in the values/styles.xml file are available for all versions, your themes in values-v21/styles.xml can inherit them. As such, you can avoid duplicating styles by beginning with a "base" theme and then extending it in your version-specific styles.

Read more here(doc in theme).

how to get file path from sd card in android

As some people indicated, the officially accepted answer does not quite return the external removable SD card. And i ran upon the following thread that proposes a method I've tested on some Android devices and seems to work reliably, so i thought of re-sharing here as i don't see it in the other responses:

Kudos to paresh996 for coming up with the answer itself, and i can attest I've tried on Samsung S7 and S7edge and seems to work.

Now, i needed a method that returned a valid path where to read files, and that considered the fact that there might not be an external SD, in which case the internal storage should be returned, so i modified the code from paresh996 to this :

File getStoragePath() {
    String removableStoragePath;
    File fileList[] = new File("/storage/").listFiles();
    for (File file : fileList) {
       if(!file.getAbsolutePath().equalsIgnoreCase(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()) && file.isDirectory() && file.canRead()) {
            return file;
    return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();

How can I check whether a radio button is selected with JavaScript?

This is also working, avoiding to call for an element id but calling it using as an array element.

The following code is based on the fact that an array, named as the radiobuttons group, is composed by radiobuttons elements in the same order as they where declared in the html document:

   && !document.yourformname.yourradioname[1].checked){
    alert('is this working for all?');
    return false;

How to replace � in a string

dissect the URL code and unicode error. this symbol came to me as well on google translate in the armenian text and sometimes the broken burmese.

C# : Out of Memory exception

You should not try to bring all the list at once, te size of the elements in the database is not the same that the one it takes into memory. If you want to process the elements you should use a for each loop and take advantage of entity framework lazy loading so you dont bring all the elements into memory at once. In case you want to show the list use pagination (.Skip() and .take() )

Counting number of lines, words, and characters in a text file

You could use regular expressions to count for you.

String subject = "First Line\n Second Line\nThird Line";  
Matcher wordM = Pattern.compile("\\b\\S+?\\b").matcher(subject); //matches a word
Matcher charM = Pattern.compile(".").matcher(subject); //matches a character
Matcher newLineM = Pattern.compile("\\r?\\n").matcher(subject); //matches a linebreak

int words=0,chars=0,newLines=1; //newLines is initially 1 because the first line has no corresponding linebreak

while(wordM.find()) words++;
while(charM.find()) chars++;
while(newLineM.find()) newLines++;

System.out.println("Words: "+words);
System.out.println("Chars: "+chars);
System.out.println("Lines: "+newLines);

What is the difference between HTML tags and elements?

lets put this in a simple term. An element is a set of opening and closing tags in use.



Tag H1 opening tag


H1 closing tag


CSS center display inline block?

Great article i found what worked best for me was to add a % to the size

.wrap {

How to Load Ajax in Wordpress

Firstly, you should read this page thoroughly

Secondly, ajax_script is not defined so you should change to: url: ajaxurl. I don't see your function1() in the above code but you might already define it in other file.

And finally, learn how to debug ajax call using Firebug, network and console tab will be your friends. On the PHP side, print_r() or var_dump() will be your friends.

Format a Go string without printing?

fmt.SprintF function returns a string and you can format the string the very same way you would have with fmt.PrintF

How to define static constant in a class in swift

Perhaps a nice idiom for declaring constants for a class in Swift is to just use a struct named MyClassConstants like the following.

struct MyClassConstants{
    static let testStr = "test"
    static let testStrLength = countElements(testStr)

    static let arrayOfTests: [String] = ["foo", "bar", testStr]

In this way your constants will be scoped within a declared construct instead of floating around globally.


I've added a static array constant, in response to a comment asking about static array initialization. See Array Literals in "The Swift Programming Language".

Notice that both string literals and the string constant can be used to initialize the array. However, since the array type is known the integer constant testStrLength cannot be used in the array initializer.

How to get the index with the key in Python dictionary?

#Creating dictionary
animals = {"Cat" : "Pat", "Dog" : "Pat", "Tiger" : "Wild"}

#Convert dictionary to list (array)
keys = list(animals)

#Printing 1st dictionary key by index

#Done :)

Bloomberg BDH function with ISIN

To download ISIN code data the only place I see this is on the ISIN organizations website, try, they should have a function where you can easily download.

What is difference between Implicit wait and Explicit wait in Selenium WebDriver?

Adding another point of view to above mentioned solutions.

Implicit Wait: When created, is alive until the WebDriver object dies. And is like common for all operations.

Explicit wait, can be declared for a particular operation depending upon the webElement behavior. It has the benefit of customizing the polling time and satisfaction of the condition.
For example, we declared implicit Wait of 10 secs but an element takes more than that, say 20 seconds and sometimes may appears on 5 secs, so in this scenario, Explicit wait is declared.

WAMP 403 Forbidden message on Windows 7

I had this problem too. The route of my problem was I had made a mistake in my vhosts.conf file. If you are using vhosts this is another thing to check

Difference between two lists

var list3 = list1.Where(x => !list2.Any(z => z.Id == x.Id)).ToList();

Note: list3 will contain the items or objects that are not in both lists. Note: Its ToList() not toList()

How to use a class from one C# project with another C# project

  1. In the 'Solution Explorer' tree, expand the P2 project and then right-click the project and select 'Add Reference' from the menu.
  2. On the 'Add Reference' dialog, select the 'Projects' tab and select your P1 project.
  3. If you are using namespaces then you will need to import the namespaces for your P1 types by adding 'using' statements to your files in P2.

Note that the types in P1 that you wish to access directly must have a sufficient access level: typically this means they must be made public.

Convert Iterator to ArrayList

List result = new ArrayList();
while (i.hasNext()){

Name does not exist in the current context

I came across a similar problem with a meta tag. In the designer.cs, the control was defined as:

protected global::System.Web.UI.HtmlControl.HtmlGenericControl metatag;

I had to move the definition to the .aspx.cs file and define as:

protected global::System.Web.UI.HtmlControl.HtmlMeta metatag;

XMLHttpRequest status 0 (responseText is empty)

I just had this issue because I used as my server, changed it to localhost and it works.

node.js string.replace doesn't work?

Strings are always modelled as immutable (atleast in heigher level languages python/java/javascript/Scala/Objective-C).

So any string operations like concatenation, replacements always returns a new string which contains intended value, whereas the original string will still be same.

Get the last element of a std::string

You probably want to check the length of the string first and do something like this:

if (!myStr.empty())
    char lastChar = *myStr.rbegin();

Custom height Bootstrap's navbar

your markup was a bit messed up. Here's the styles you need and proper html


.navbar-nav li a {
    line-height: 150px;
    height: 150px;
    padding-top: 0;


<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
    <div class="navbar-header">
        <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
            <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>

        <a class="navbar-brand" href="#"><img src="img/logo.png" /></a>

    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
        <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
            <li><a href="">Portfolio</a></li>
            <li><a href="">Blog</a></li>
            <li><a href="">Contact</a></li>

Or check out the fiddle at:

Reversing an Array in Java

 public void swap(int[] arr,int a,int b)
    int temp=arr[a];
public int[] reverseArray(int[] arr){
    int size=arr.length-1;

    for(int i=0;i<size;i++){



    return arr;

Using NOT operator in IF conditions

No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the ! operator in if..then..else statements.

The naming of variables, and in your example, methods is what is important. If you are using:

if(!isPerson()) { ... } // Nothing wrong with this


if(!balloons()) { ... } // method is named badly

It all comes down to readability. Always aim for what is the most readable and you won't go wrong. Always try to keep your code continuous as well, for instance, look at Bill the Lizards answer.

Stretch Image to Fit 100% of Div Height and Width

You're mixing notations. It should be:

<img src="folder/file.jpg" width="200" height="200">

(note, no px). Or:

<img src="folder/file.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;">

(using the style attribute) The style attribute could be replaced with the following CSS:

#mydiv img {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;


#mydiv img {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

How to get a context in a recycler view adapter

You can use like this view.getContext()


holder.tv_room_name.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

            Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


getting the reason why websockets closed with close code 1006

This may be your websocket URL you are using in device are not same(You are hitting different websocket URL from android/iphonedevice )

Should I always use a parallel stream when possible?

JB hit the nail on the head. The only thing I can add is that Java 8 doesn't do pure parallel processing, it does paraquential. Yes I wrote the article and I've been doing F/J for thirty years so I do understand the issue.

Calculating sum of repeated elements in AngularJS ng-repeat

In html

<b class="text-primary">Total Amount: ${{ data.allTicketsTotalPrice() }}</b>

in javascript

  app.controller('myController', function ($http) {
            var vm = this;          
            vm.allTicketsTotalPrice = function () {
                var totalPrice = 0;
                angular.forEach(vm.ticketTotalPrice, function (value, key) {
                    totalPrice += parseFloat(value);
                return totalPrice.toFixed(2);

How to get memory available or used in C#

You can use:

Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

To get the current process and use:


To get the private memory usage. For more information look at this link.

Getting the WordPress Post ID of current post


$post = $wp_query->post;

Then pass the function:


MySQL Orderby a number, Nulls last

You can coalesce your NULLs in the ORDER BY statement:

select * from tablename
where <conditions>
order by
    coalesce(position, 0) ASC, 
    id DESC

If you want the NULLs to sort on the bottom, try coalesce(position, 100000). (Make the second number bigger than all of the other position's in the db.)

What does `return` keyword mean inside `forEach` function?

From the Mozilla Developer Network:

There is no way to stop or break a forEach() loop other than by throwing an exception. If you need such behavior, the forEach() method is the wrong tool.

Early termination may be accomplished with:

The other Array methods: every(), some(), find(), and findIndex() test the array elements with a predicate returning a truthy value to determine if further iteration is required.

How does bitshifting work in Java?

You can use e.g. this API if you would like to see bitString presentation of your numbers. Uncommons Math

Example (in jruby)

bitString ="12").toString(2))
bitString.setBit(1, true)
bitString.toNumber => 14

edit: Changed api link and add a little example

Count of "Defined" Array Elements

Loop and count in all browsers:

var cnt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] !== undefined) {

In modern browsers:

var cnt = 0;
arr.foreach(function(val) {
    if (val !== undefined) { ++cnt; }

JavaScript chop/slice/trim off last character in string

The easiest method is to use the slice method of the string, which allows negative positions (corresponding to offsets from the end of the string):

const s = "your string";
const withoutLastFourChars = s.slice(0, -4);

If you needed something more general to remove everything after (and including) the last underscore, you could do the following (so long as s is guaranteed to contain at least one underscore):

const s = "your_string";_x000D_
const withoutLastChunk = s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("_"));_x000D_

How to force a web browser NOT to cache images

I use PHP's file modified time function, for example:

echo <img  src='Images/image.png?" . filemtime('Images/image.png') . "'  />";

If you change the image then the new image is used rather than the cached one, due to having a different modified timestamp.

Redirect all output to file in Bash

Credits to osexp2003 and j.a. …

Instead of putting:

&>> your_file.log

behind a line in:

crontab -e

I use:

exec &>> your_file.log

at the beginning of a BASH script.

Advantage: You have the log definitions within your script. Good for Git etc.

How to format numbers by prepending 0 to single-digit numbers?

Edit (2021):

It's no longer necessary to format numbers by hand like this anymore. This answer was written way-back-when in the distant year of 2011 when IE was important and babel and bundlers were just a wonderful, hopeful dream.

I think it would be a mistake to delete this answer; however in case you find yourself here, I would like to kindly direct your attention to the second highest voted answer to this question as of this edit.

It will introduce you to the use of .toLocaleString() with the options parameter of {minimumIntegerDigits: 2}. Exciting stuff. Below I've recreated all three examples from my original answer using this method for your convenience.

[7, 7.5, -7.2345].forEach(myNumber => {
  let formattedNumber = myNumber.toLocaleString('en-US', {
    minimumIntegerDigits: 2,
    useGrouping: false
    'Input:    ' + myNumber + '\n' +
    'Output:   ' + formattedNumber

Original Answer:

The best method I've found is something like the following:

(Note that this simple version only works for positive integers)

var myNumber = 7;
var formattedNumber = ("0" + myNumber).slice(-2);

For decimals, you could use this code (it's a bit sloppy though).

var myNumber = 7.5;
var dec = myNumber - Math.floor(myNumber);
myNumber = myNumber - dec;
var formattedNumber = ("0" + myNumber).slice(-2) + dec.toString().substr(1);

Lastly, if you're having to deal with the possibility of negative numbers, it's best to store the sign, apply the formatting to the absolute value of the number, and reapply the sign after the fact. Note that this method doesn't restrict the number to 2 total digits. Instead it only restricts the number to the left of the decimal (the integer part). (The line that determines the sign was found here).

var myNumber = -7.2345;
var sign = myNumber?myNumber<0?-1:1:0;
myNumber = myNumber * sign + ''; // poor man's absolute value
var dec = myNumber.match(/\.\d+$/);
var int = myNumber.match(/^[^\.]+/);

var formattedNumber = (sign < 0 ? '-' : '') + ("0" + int).slice(-2) + (dec !== null ? dec : '');

How can I represent a range in Java?

You will have an if-check no matter how efficient you try to optimize this not-so-intensive computation :) You can subtract the upper bound from the number and if it's positive you know you are out of range. You can perhaps perform some boolean bit-shift logic to figure it out and you can even use Fermat's theorem if you want (kidding :) But the point is "why" do you need to optimize this comparison? What's the purpose?

Get query from java.sql.PreparedStatement

You can add log4jdbc to your project. This adds logging of sql commands as they execute + a lot of other information.

android adb turn on wifi via adb

I was in the same situation on a Samsung Mini II. I got around it eventually by holding down the power button until the "power off" menu appeared. From this menu it was possible to enable the network data connection.

Then signing in to my google account using (rather than seemed to do the trick. Though the change of address may just have given the phone time to warm up the 3g connection rather than making any real difference.

How can I force gradle to redownload dependencies?

Deleting all the caches makes download all the dependacies again. so it take so long time and it is boring thing wait again again to re download all the dependancies.

How ever i could be able to resolve this below way.

Just delete groups which need to be refreshed.

Ex : if we want to refresh com.user.test group

rm -fr ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.user.test/

then remove dependency from build.gradle and re add it. then it will refresh dependencies what we want.

How to upgrade docker-compose to latest version

The easiest way to have a permanent and sustainable solution for the Docker Compose installation and the way to upgrade it, is to just use the package manager pip with:

pip install docker-compose

I was searching for a good solution for the ugly "how to upgrade to the latest version number"-problem, which appeared after you´ve read the official docs - and just found it occasionally - just have a look at the docker-compose pip package - it should reflect (mostly) the current number of the latest released Docker Compose version.

A package manager is always the best solution if it comes to managing software installations! So you just abstract from handling the versions on your own.

How to use operator '-replace' in PowerShell to replace strings of texts with special characters and replace successfully

In your example, you prepended your source string with AccountKey= but not your target string.

$c = $c -replace 'AccountKey=eKkij32jGEIYIEqAR5RjkKgf4OTiMO6SAyF68HsR/Zd/KXoKvSdjlUiiWyVV2+OUFOrVsd7jrzhldJPmfBBpQA==','AccountKey=DdOegAhDmLdsou6Ms6nPtP37bdw6EcXucuT47lf9kfClA6PjGTe3CfN+WVBJNWzqcQpWtZf10tgFhKrnN48lXA=='

By not including that in the target string, the resulting string will remove AccountKey= instead of replacing it. You correctly do this with the AccountName= example, which seems to support this conclusion since it is not giving you any problems. If you really mean to have that prepended, then this may resolve your issue.

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

The issue is caused by the DNS failing to resolve the hostname. Try using the IP address instead of the "computer name".

Rails: How can I rename a database column in a Ruby on Rails migration?

Simply create a new migration, and in a block, use rename_column as below.

rename_column :your_table_name, :hased_password, :hashed_password

Set 4 Space Indent in Emacs in Text Mode

Update: Since Emacs 24.4:

tab-stop-list is now implicitly extended to infinity. Its default value is changed to nil which means a tab stop every tab-width columns.

which means that there's no longer any need to be setting tab-stop-list in the way shown below, as you can keep it set to nil.

Original answer follows...

It always pains me slightly seeing things like (setq tab-stop-list 4 8 12 ................) when the number-sequence function is sitting there waiting to be used.

(setq tab-stop-list (number-sequence 4 200 4))


(defun my-generate-tab-stops (&optional width max)
  "Return a sequence suitable for `tab-stop-list'."
  (let* ((max-column (or max 200))
         (tab-width (or width tab-width))
         (count (/ max-column tab-width)))
    (number-sequence tab-width (* tab-width count) tab-width)))

(setq tab-width 4)
(setq tab-stop-list (my-generate-tab-stops))

how to set JAVA_OPTS for Tomcat in Windows?

Apparently the correct form is without the ""

As in

set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512M -Xmx1024M

PHPMailer AddAddress()

You need to call the AddAddress method once for every recipient. Like so:

$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'Person One');
$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'Person Two');
// ..

To make things easy, you should loop through an array to do this.

$recipients = array(
   '[email protected]' => 'Person One',
   '[email protected]' => 'Person Two',
   // ..
foreach($recipients as $email => $name)
   $mail->AddAddress($email, $name);

Better yet, add them as Carbon Copy recipients.

$mail->AddCC('[email protected]', 'Person One');
$mail->AddCC('[email protected]', 'Person Two');
// ..

To make things easy, you should loop through an array to do this.

$recipients = array(
   '[email protected]' => 'Person One',
   '[email protected]' => 'Person Two',
   // ..
foreach($recipients as $email => $name)
   $mail->AddCC($email, $name);

Can I dynamically add HTML within a div tag from C# on load event?

You want to put code in the master page code behind that inserts HTML into the contents of a page that is using that master page?

I would not search for the control via FindControl as this is a fragile solution that could easily be broken if the name of the control changed.

Your best bet is to declare an event in the master page that any child page could handle. The event could pass the HTML as an EventArg.

Java Ordered Map

The SortedMap interface (with the implementation TreeMap) should be your friend.

The interface has the methods:

  • keySet() which returns a set of the keys in ascending order
  • values() which returns a collection of all values in the ascending order of the corresponding keys

So this interface fulfills exactly your requirements. However, the keys must have a meaningful order. Otherwise you can used the LinkedHashMap where the order is determined by the insertion order.

DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block?

In Flask shell, all I needed to do was a session.rollback() to get past this.