Programs & Examples On #Flowpanel

Class is inaccessible due to its protection level

Try adding the below code to the class that you want to use

public partial class Class

iterating over each character of a String in ruby 1.8.6 (each_char)

I have the same problem. I usually resort to String#split:

"ABCDEFG".split("").each do |i|
  puts i

I guess you could also implement it yourself like this:

class String
  def each_char
    self.split("").each { |i| yield i }

Edit: yet another alternative is String#each_byte, available in Ruby 1.8.6, which returns the ASCII value of each char in an ASCII string:

"ABCDEFG".each_byte do |i|
  puts i.chr # Fixnum#chr converts any number to the ASCII char it represents

Printing one character at a time from a string, using the while loop

Strings can have for loops to:

for a in string:
    print a

Two Decimal places using c#

The best approach if you want to ALWAYS show two decimal places (even if your number only has one decimal place) is to use


Check if an element is a child of a parent

.has() seems to be designed for this purpose. Since it returns a jQuery object, you have to test for .length as well:

if ($('div#hello').has(target).length) {
   alert('Target is a child of #hello');

How to use OpenSSL to encrypt/decrypt files?

As mentioned in the other answers, previous versions of openssl used a weak key derivation function to derive an AES encryption key from the password. However, openssl v1.1.1 supports a stronger key derivation function, where the key is derived from the password using pbkdf2 with a randomly generated salt, and multiple iterations of sha256 hashing (10,000 by default).

To encrypt a file:

 openssl aes-256-cbc -e -salt -pbkdf2 -iter 10000 -in plaintextfilename -out encryptedfilename

To decrypt a file:

  openssl aes-256-cbc -d -salt -pbkdf2 -iter 10000 -in encryptedfilename -out plaintextfilename

Powershell send-mailmessage - email to multiple recipients

Just creating a Powershell array will do the trick

$recipients = @("Marcel <[email protected]>", "Marcelt <[email protected]>")

The same approach can be used for attachments

$attachments = @("$PSScriptRoot\image003.png", "$PSScriptRoot\image004.jpg")

Injecting $scope into an angular service function()

Services are singletons, and it is not logical for a scope to be injected in service (which is case indeed, you cannot inject scope in service). You can pass scope as a parameter, but that is also a bad design choice, because you would have scope being edited in multiple places, making it hard for debugging. Code for dealing with scope variables should go in controller, and service calls go to the service.

Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods?

The exclamation point means many things, and sometimes you can't tell a lot from it other than "this is dangerous, be careful".

As others have said, in standard methods it's often used to indicate a method that causes an object to mutate itself, but not always. Note that many standard methods change their receiver and don't have an exclamation point (pop, shift, clear), and some methods with exclamation points don't change their receiver (exit!). See this article for example.

Other libraries may use it differently. In Rails an exclamation point often means that the method will throw an exception on failure rather than failing silently.

It's a naming convention but many people use it in subtly different ways. In your own code a good rule of thumbs is to use it whenever a method is doing something "dangerous", especially when two methods with the same name exist and one of them is more "dangerous" than the other. "Dangerous" can mean nearly anything though.

How can I change the thickness of my <hr> tag

Sub-pixel rendering in browsers

Sub-pixel rendering is tricky. You can't actually expect a monitor to render a less than a pixel thin line. But it's possible to provide sub-pixel dimensions. Depending on the browser they render these differently. Check this John Resig's blog post about it.

Basically if your monitor is an LCD and you're drawing vertical lines, you can easily draw a 1/3 pixel line. If your background is white, give your line colour of #f0f. To the eye this line will be 1/3 of pixel wide. Although it will be of some colour, if you'd magnify monitor, you'd see that only one segment of the whole pixel (consisting of RGB) will be dark. This is pretty much technique that's used for fine type hinting i.e. ClearType.

But horizontal lines can only be a full pixel high. That's technology limitation of LCD monitors. CRTs were even more complicated with their triangular phosphors (unless they were aperture grille type ie. Sony Trinitron) but that's a different story.

Basically providing a sub-pixel dimension and expecting it to render that way is same as expecting an integer variable to store a number of 1.2034759349. If you understand this is impossible, you should understand that monitors aren't able to render sub-pixel dimensions.

Cross browser safe style

But the way horizontal rules that blend in are usually done using colours. So if your background is for instance white (#fff) you can always make your HR very light. Like #eee.

The cross browser safe style for very light horizontal rule would be:

    background-color: #eee;
    border: 0 none;
    color: #eee;
    height: 1px;

And use a CSS file instead of in-line styles. They provide a central definition for the whole site not just a particular element. It makes maintainability much better.

Angular2 disable button

If you are using reactive forms and want to disable some input associated with a form control, you should place this disabled logic into you code and call yourFormControl.disable() or yourFormControl.enable()

Convert String (UTF-16) to UTF-8 in C#

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        String unicodeString =
        "This Unicode string contains two characters " +
        "with codes outside the traditional ASCII code range, " +
        "Pi (\u03a0) and Sigma (\u03a3).";

        Console.WriteLine("Original string:");
        UnicodeEncoding unicodeEncoding = new UnicodeEncoding();
        byte[] utf16Bytes = unicodeEncoding.GetBytes(unicodeString);
        char[] chars = unicodeEncoding.GetChars(utf16Bytes, 2, utf16Bytes.Length - 2);
        string s = new string(chars);
        Console.WriteLine("Char Array:");
        foreach (char c in chars) Console.Write(c);
        Console.WriteLine("String from Char Array:");


Oracle sqlldr TRAILING NULLCOLS required, but why?

Last column in your input file must have some data in it (be it space or char, but not null). I guess, 1st record contains null after last ',' which sqlldr won't recognize unless specifically asked to recognize nulls using TRAILING NULLCOLS option. Alternatively, if you don't want to use TRAILING NULLCOLS, you will have to take care of those NULLs before you pass the file to sqlldr. Hope this helps

Read XLSX file in Java

I don't know if it is up to date for Excel 2007, but for earlier versions I use the JExcelAPI

Open URL in Java to get the content

String url_open ="";

How to create an array of 20 random bytes?

Try the Random.nextBytes method:

byte[] b = new byte[20];
new Random().nextBytes(b);

Twig: in_array or similar possible within if statement?

another example following @jake stayman:

{% for key, item in row.divs %}
    {% if (key not in [1,2,9]) %} // eliminate element 1,2,9
        <li>{{ item }}</li>
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Best way to encode Degree Celsius symbol into web page?

  1. The degree sign belongs to the number, and not to the "C". You can regard the degree sign as a number symbol, just like the minus sign.
  2. There shall not be any space between the digits and the degree sign.
  3. There shall be a non-breaking space between the degree sign and the "C".

reading and parsing a TSV file, then manipulating it for saving as CSV (*efficiently*)

You should use the csv module to read the tab-separated value file. Do not read it into memory in one go. Each row you read has all the information you need to write rows to the output CSV file, after all. Keep the output file open throughout.

import csv

with open('sample.txt', newline='') as tsvin, open('new.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvout:
    tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
    csvout = csv.writer(csvout)

    for row in tsvin:
        count = int(row[4])
        if count > 0:
            csvout.writerows([row[2:4] for _ in range(count)])

or, using the itertools module to do the repeating with itertools.repeat():

from itertools import repeat
import csv

with open('sample.txt', newline='') as tsvin, open('new.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvout:
    tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
    csvout = csv.writer(csvout)

    for row in tsvin:
        count = int(row[4])
        if count > 0:
            csvout.writerows(repeat(row[2:4], count))

how to get curl to output only http response body (json) and no other headers etc


req=$(curl -s -X GET http://host:8080/some/resource -H "Accept: application/json") 2>&1
echo "${req}"

How to create a new file in unix?

Try > workdirectory/filename.txt

This would:

  • truncate the file if it exists
  • create if it doesn't exist

You can consider it equivalent to:

rm -f workdirectory/filename.txt; touch workdirectory/filename.txt

How to stop execution after a certain time in Java?

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long end = start + 60*1000; // 60 seconds * 1000 ms/sec
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end)
    // run


Check out this Article, it shows how to mimic SQL ROW_NUMBER() with a partition by in MySQL. I ran into this very same scenario in a WordPress Implementation. I needed ROW_NUMBER() and it wasn't there.

The example in the article is using a single partition by field. To partition by additional fields you could do something like this:

  SELECT  @row_num := IF(@prev_value=concat_ws('',t.col1,t.col2),@row_num+1,1) AS RowNumber
         ,@prev_value := concat_ws('',t.col1,t.col2)
    FROM table1 t,
         (SELECT @row_num := 1) x,
         (SELECT @prev_value := '') y
   ORDER BY t.col1,t.col2,t.col3,t.col4 

Using concat_ws handles null's. I tested this against 3 fields using an int, date, and varchar. Hope this helps. Check out the article as it breaks this query down and explains it.

Could not load type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' from assembly 'mscorlib

In my case after downgrading from .NET 4.5 to .NET 4.0 project was working fine on a local machine, but was failing on server after publishing.

Turns out that destination had some old assemblies, which were still referencing .NET 4.5.

Fixed it by enabling publishing option "Delete all existing files prior to publish"

Overlay with spinner

use a css3 class "spinner". It's more beautiful and you don't need .gif

enter image description here

.spinner {
   position: absolute;
   left: 50%;
   top: 50%;
   margin:0px auto;
   -webkit-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   -moz-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   -o-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   border-left:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-right:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-bottom:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-top:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.8);

@-webkit-keyframes rotation {
   from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@-moz-keyframes rotation {
   from {-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-moz-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@-o-keyframes rotation {
   from {-o-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-o-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@keyframes rotation {
   from {transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {transform: rotate(359deg);}

Exemple of what is looks like :

You can find a lot of css spinners like this here :


If I remember correctly, I set the DataSource property to null to clear the DataGridView:

datagridview.DataSource = null;

How do I clone a specific Git branch?

git --branch <branchname> <url>

But bash completion don't get this key: --branch

How to copy a file to multiple directories using the gnu cp command

As far as I can see it you can use the following:

ls | xargs -n 1 cp -i file.dat

The -i option of cp command means that you will be asked whether to overwrite a file in the current directory with the file.dat. Though it is not a completely automatic solution it worked out for me.

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

My mistake was different than everything so far mentioned. If you have no idea why you would have a detached head, then you probably don't. I was working on autopilot with git commit and git push, and hadn't read the output from git commit. Turns out, it was an error message because I forgot -am.

[colin] ~/github/rentap.js [master] M % git commit 'figured out some more stuff with the forms in views and started figuring out row and mode in models so also made matching routes and controllers'
error: pathspec 'figured out some more stuff with the forms in views and started figuring out row and mode in models so also made matching routes and controllers' did not match any file(s) known to git.
[colin] ~/github/rentap.js [master] M % git push
Enter passphrase for key '/home/colin/.ssh/id_ecdsa': 
Everything up-to-date

Fixed it by putting -am where I usually do:

[colin] ~/github/rentap.js [master] M % git commit -am 'figured out some more stuff with the forms in views and started figuring out row and mode in models so also made matching routes and controllers'

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

This may also happen if you have a faulty or accidental equation in your csv file. i.e - One of the cells in your csv file starts with an equals sign (=) (An excel equation) which will, in turn throw an error. If you fix, or remove this equation by getting rid of the equals sign, it should solve the ORA-06502 error.

how do I join two lists using linq or lambda expressions

The way to do this using the Extention Methods, instead of the linq query syntax would be like this:

var results = workOrders.Join(plans,
  wo => wo.WorkOrderNumber,
  p => p.WorkOrderNumber,
  (order,plan) => new {order.WorkOrderNumber, order.WorkDescription, plan.ScheduledDate}

ValueError when checking if variable is None or numpy.array

Using not a to test whether a is None assumes that the other possible values of a have a truth value of True. However, most NumPy arrays don't have a truth value at all, and not cannot be applied to them.

If you want to test whether an object is None, the most general, reliable way is to literally use an is check against None:

if a is None:

This doesn't depend on objects having a truth value, so it works with NumPy arrays.

Note that the test has to be is, not ==. is is an object identity test. == is whatever the arguments say it is, and NumPy arrays say it's a broadcasted elementwise equality comparison, producing a boolean array:

>>> a = numpy.arange(5)
>>> a == None
array([False, False, False, False, False])
>>> if a == None:
...     pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous.
 Use a.any() or a.all()

On the other side of things, if you want to test whether an object is a NumPy array, you can test its type:

# Careful - the type is np.ndarray, not np.array. np.array is a factory function.
if type(a) is np.ndarray:

You can also use isinstance, which will also return True for subclasses of that type (if that is what you want). Considering how terrible and incompatible np.matrix is, you may not actually want this:

# Again, ndarray, not array, because array is a factory function.
if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):

Type.GetType("namespace.a.b.ClassName") returns null

If it's a nested Type, you might be forgetting to transform a . to a +

Regardless, typeof( T).FullName will tell you what you should be saying

EDIT: BTW the usings (as I'm sure you know) are only directives to the compiler at compile time and cannot thus have any impact on the API call's success. (If you had project or assembly references, that could potentially have had influence - hence the information isnt useless, it just takes some filtering...)

How do I update an entity using spring-data-jpa?

This is how I solved the problem:

User inbound = ...
User existing = userRepository.findByFirstname(inbound.getFirstname());
if(existing != null) inbound.setId(existing.getId());;

CodeIgniter: How To Do a Select (Distinct Fieldname) MySQL Query

You can also run ->select('DISTINCT `field`', FALSE) and the second parameter tells CI not to escape the first argument.

With the second parameter as false, the output would be SELECT DISTINCT `field` instead of without the second parameter, SELECT `DISTINCT` `field`

How to get jQuery dropdown value onchange event

If you have simple dropdown like:

<select name="status" id="status">
    <option value="1">Active</option>
    <option value="0">Inactive</option>

Then you can use this code for getting value:


     var status = this.value;
     $("#icon_class, #background_class").hide();// hide multiple sections


How do I test for an empty JavaScript object?

Under the hood all empty check methods in all libraries use object keys checking logic. Its an odd way to make it understandable, which you can put in a method, Described here.

for(key in obj){
   //your work here.

Which has evolved in ES5, now put simply you can check the object's keys length, using Object.Keys method which takes your object as it's parameter:

if(Object.keys(obj).length > 0){
 //do your work here

Or if you are using Lodash (you must be) then.

 _.isEmpty(obj) //==true or false

How to compare strings in sql ignoring case?

More detail on Mr Dredel's answer and tuinstoel's comment. The data in the column will be stored in its specific case, but you can change your session's case-sensitivity for matching.

You can change either the session or the database to use linguistic or case insensitive searching. You can also set up indexes to use particular sort orders.



Once you start getting into non-english languages, with accents and so on, there's additional support for accent-insensitive. Some of the capabilities vary by version, so check out the Globablization document for your particular version of Oracle. The latest (11g) is here

How to enable PHP short tags?

If you are using Ubuntu with Apache+php5, then on current versions there are 2 places where you need to change to short_open_tag = On

  1. /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini - this is for the pages loaded through your web server (Apache)
  2. /etc/php5/cli/php.ini - this configuration is used when you launch your php files from command line, like: php yourscript.php - that goes for manually or cronjob executed php files directly on the server.

Simple JavaScript Checkbox Validation

Another simple way is to create a function and check if the checkbox(es) are checked or not, and disable a button that way using jQuery.


<input type="checkbox" id="myCheckbox" />
<input type="submit" id="myButton" />


var alterDisabledState = function () {

var isMyCheckboxChecked = $('#myCheckbox').is(':checked');

     if (isMyCheckboxChecked) {
     else {
             $('myButton').attr("disabled", "disabled");

Now you have a button that is disabled until they select the checkbox, and now you have a better user experience. I would make sure that you still do the server side validation though.

C++ auto keyword. Why is it magic?

It's just taking a generally useless keyword and giving it a new, better functionality. It's standard in C++11, and most C++ compilers with even some C++11 support will support it.

H2 database error: Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process"

Simple step: Go to the task manager and kill the java process

then start your apllication

What is the difference between pip and conda?

I may have found one further difference of a minor nature. I have my python environments under /usr rather than /home or whatever. In order to install to it, I would have to use sudo install pip. For me, the undesired side effect of sudo install pip was slightly different than what are widely reported elsewhere: after doing so, I had to run python with sudo in order to import any of the sudo-installed packages. I gave up on that and eventually found I could use sudo conda to install packages to an environment under /usr which then imported normally without needing sudo permission for python. I even used sudo conda to fix a broken pip rather than using sudo pip uninstall pip or sudo pip --upgrade install pip.

Java String to Date object of the format "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss"

For future reference:

 yyyy => 4 digit year
 MM   => 2 digit month (you must type MM in ALL CAPS)
 dd   => 2 digit "day of the month"

 HH   => 2-digit "hour in day" (0 to 23)
 mm   => 2-digit minute (you must type mm in lowercase)
 ss   => 2-digit seconds
 SSS  => milliseconds

So "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" returns "2018-01-05 09:49:32"

But "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm a" returns "Jan 05, 2018 09:49 am"

The so-called examples at show only output. They do not tell you what formats to use!

Prevent direct access to a php include file

I have a file that I need to act differently when it's included vs when it's accessed directly (mainly a print() vs return()) Here's some modified code:

if(count(get_included_files()) ==1) exit("Direct access not permitted.");

The file being accessed is always an included file, hence the == 1.  

Reset push notification settings for app

Another just for testing solution to this is by simply changing your bundle id. Just don't forget to change it back once you're done!

Get the first N elements of an array?

Use array_slice()

This is an example from the PHP manual: array_slice

$input = array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
$output = array_slice($input, 0, 3);   // returns "a", "b", and "c"

There is only a small issue

If the array indices are meaningful to you, remember that array_slice will reset and reorder the numeric array indices. You need the preserve_keys flag set to trueto avoid this. (4th parameter, available since 5.0.2).


$output = array_slice($input, 2, 3, true);


array([3]=>'c', [4]=>'d', [5]=>'e');

How to access a preexisting collection with Mongoose?

Here's an abstraction of Will Nathan's answer if anyone just wants an easy copy-paste add-in function:

function find (name, query, cb) {
    mongoose.connection.db.collection(name, function (err, collection) {

simply do find(collection_name, query, callback); to be given the result.

for example, if I have a document { a : 1 } in a collection 'foo' and I want to list its properties, I do this:

find('foo', {a : 1}, function (err, docs) {
//output: [ { _id: 4e22118fb83406f66a159da5, a: 1 } ]

Routing for custom ASP.NET MVC 404 Error page

This solution doesn't need web.config file changes or catch-all routes.

First, create a controller like this;

public class ErrorController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewBag.Title = "Regular Error";
        return View();

    public ActionResult NotFound404()
        ViewBag.Title = "Error 404 - File not Found";
        return View("Index");

Then create the view under "Views/Error/Index.cshtml" as;

      Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
  <p>We're sorry, page you're looking for is, sadly, not here.</p>

Then add the following in the Global asax file as below:

protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Do whatever you want to do with the error

        //Show the custom error page...
        var routeData = new RouteData();
        routeData.Values["controller"] = "Error";

        if ((Context.Server.GetLastError() is HttpException) && ((Context.Server.GetLastError() as HttpException).GetHttpCode() != 404))
            routeData.Values["action"] = "Index";
            // Handle 404 error and response code
            Response.StatusCode = 404;
            routeData.Values["action"] = "NotFound404";
        Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; // If you are using IIS7, have this line
        IController errorsController = new ErrorController();
        HttpContextWrapper wrapper = new HttpContextWrapper(Context);
        var rc = new System.Web.Routing.RequestContext(wrapper, routeData);


If you still get the custom IIS error page after doing this, make sure the following sections are commented out(or empty) in the web config file:

   <customErrors mode="Off" />

Android camera android.hardware.Camera deprecated

Now we have to use android.hardware.camera2 as android.hardware.Camera is deprecated which will only work on API >23 FlashLight

   public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

     Button button;

     Boolean light=true;

     CameraDevice cameraDevice;

     private CameraManager cameraManager;

     private CameraCharacteristics cameraCharacteristics;

     String cameraId;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        cameraManager = (CameraManager) 
        try {
          cameraId = cameraManager.getCameraIdList()[0];
        } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                    try {

                    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {

                    else {

                    try {

                    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {



Disable hover effects on mobile browsers

Right, I jst had a similar problem but managed to fix it with media queries and simple CSS. I'm sure I'm breaking some rules here, but it's working for me.

I basically had to take a massive application someone made, and make it responsive. They used jQueryUI and asked me not to tamper with any of their jQuery, so I was restricted to using CSS alone.

When I pressed one of their buttons in touchscreen mode, the hover effect woudld fire for a second before the button's action took effect. Here's how I fixed it.

@media only screen and (max-width:1024px) {

            height: 44px;


How do I make a newline after a twitter bootstrap element?

Using br elements is fine, and as long as you don't need a lot of space between elements, is actually a logical thing to do as anyone can read your code and understand what spacing logic you are using.

The alternative is to create a custom class for white space. In bootstrap 4 you can use

<div class="w-100"></div>

to make a blank row across the page, but this is no different to using the <br> tag. The downside to creating a custom class for white space is that it can be a pain to read for others who view your code. A custom class would also apply the same amount of white space each time you used it, so if you wanted different amounts of white space on the same page, then you would need to create several white space classes.

In most cases, it is just easier to use <br> or <div class="w-100"></div> for the sake of ease and readability. it doesn't look pretty, but it works.

Count the number of occurrences of a character in a string in Javascript

Simply, use the split to find out the number of occurrences of a character in a string.

mainStr.split(',').length // gives 4 which is the number of strings after splitting using delimiter comma

mainStr.split(',').length - 1 // gives 3 which is the count of comma

How to get exception message in Python properly

To improve on the answer provided by @artofwarfare, here is what I consider a neater way to check for the message attribute and print it or print the Exception object as a fallback.

except Exception as e:
    print getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))

The call to repr is optional, but I find it necessary in some use cases.

Update #1:

Following the comment by @MadPhysicist, here's a proof of why the call to repr might be necessary. Try running the following code in your interpreter:

    raise Exception 
except Exception as e:
    print(getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
    print(getattr(e, 'message', str(e)))

Update #2:

Here is a demo with specifics for Python 2.7 and 3.5:

HTTPS setup in Amazon EC2

This answer is focused to someone that buy a domain in another site (as GoDaddy) and want to use the Amazon free certificate with Certificate Manager

This answer uses Amazon Classic Load Balancer (paid) see the pricing before using it

Step 1 - Request a certificate with Certificate Manager

Go to Certificate Manager > Request Certificate > Request a public certificate

On Domain name you will add and * and go on Next

Chose Email validation and Confirm and Request

Open the email that you have received (on the email account that you have buyed the domain) and aprove the request

After this, check if the validation status of and * is sucess, if is sucess you can continue to Step 2

Step 2 - Create a Security Group to a Load Balancer

On EC2 go to Security Groups > and Create a Security Group and add the http and https inbound

It will be something like: enter image description here

Step 3 - Create the Load Balancer

EC2 > Load Balancer > Create Load Balancer > Classic Load Balancer (Third option)

Create LB inside - the vpc of your project On Load Balancer Protocol add Http and Https enter image description here

Next > Select exiting security group

Choose the security group that you have create in the previous step

Next > Choose certificate from ACM

Select the certificate of the step 1

Next >

on Health check i've used the ping path / (one slash instead of /index.html)

Step 4 - Associate your instance with the security group of load balancer

EC2 > Instances > click on your project > Actions > Networking > Change Security Groups

Add the Security Group of your Load Balancer

Step 5

EC2 > Load Balancer > Click on the load balancer that you have created > copy the DNS Name (A Record), it will be something like

Go to Route 53 > Routes Zones > click on the domain name > Go to Records Sets (If you are don't have your domain here, create a hosted zone with Domain Name: and Type: Public Hosted Zone)

Check if you have a record type A (probably not), create/edit record set with name empty, type A, alias Yes and Target the dns that you have copied

Create also a new Record Set of type A, name *, alias Yes and Target your domain ( This will make possible access your site with and Note: You will need to configure your reverse proxy (Nginx/Apache) to do so.

On NS copy the 4 Name Servers values to use on the next Step, it will be something like:

Go to EC2 > Instances > And copy the IPv4 Public IP too

Step 6

On the domain register site that you have buyed the domain (in my case GoDaddy)

Change the routing to http : <Your IPv4 Public IP Number> and select Forward with masking

Change the Name Servers (NS) to the 4 NS that you have copied, this can take 48 hours to make effect

Can I mask an input text in a bat file?

I would probably just do:

echo Before you enter your password, make sure no-one is looking!
set /P password=Password:  
echo Thanks, got that.

So you get a prompt, then the screen clears after it's entered.

Note that the entered password will be stored in the CMD history if the batch file is executed from a command prompt (Thanks @Mark K Cowan).

If that wasn't good enough, I would either switch to python, or write an executable instead of a script.

I know none of these are perfect soutions, but maybe one is good enough for you :)

append multiple values for one key in a dictionary

If you want a (almost) one-liner:

from collections import deque

d = {}
deque((d.setdefault(year, []).append(value) for year, value in source_of_data), maxlen=0)

Using dict.setdefault, you can encapsulate the idea of "check if the key already exists and make a new list if not" into a single call. This allows you to write a generator expression which is consumed by deque as efficiently as possible since the queue length is set to zero. The deque will be discarded immediately and the result will be in d.

This is something I just did for fun. I don't recommend using it. There is a time and a place to consume arbitrary iterables through a deque, and this is definitely not it.

What's the difference setting Embed Interop Types true and false in Visual Studio?

This option was introduced in order to remove the need to deploy very large PIAs (Primary Interop Assemblies) for interop.

It simply embeds the managed bridging code used that allows you to talk to unmanaged assemblies, but instead of embedding it all it only creates the stuff you actually use in code.

Read more in Scott Hanselman's blog post about it and other VS improvements here.

As for whether it is advised or not, I'm not sure as I don't need to use this feature. A quick web search yields a few leads:

The only risk of turning them all to false is more deployment concerns with PIA files and a larger deployment if some of those files are large.

Make 2 functions run at the same time

The thread module does work simultaneously unlike multiprocess, but the timing is a bit off. The code below prints a "1" and a "2". These are called by different functions respectively. I did notice that when printed to the console, they would have slightly different timings.

from threading import Thread

def one():
    while(1 == num):
def two():
    while(1 == num):

p1 = Thread(target = one)
p2 = Thread(target = two)


Output: (Note the space is for the wait in between printing)





Not sure if there is a way to correct this, or if it matters at all. Just something I noticed.

Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer?

I've had the same error as you have and it turned out that there was nothing wrong with the code. The problem was that the webserver was sending the wrong Content-Type header.

Try wireshark or something similar to see what content-type the webserver is sending.

How do I do word Stemming or Lemmatization?

The most current version of the stemmer in NLTK is Snowball.

You can find examples on how to use it here:

trim left characters in sql server?

You can use LEN in combination with SUBSTRING:

SELECT SUBSTRING(myColumn, 7, LEN(myColumn)) from myTable

How can I check MySQL engine type for a specific table?


This will give you (among other things) an Engine column, which is what you want.

How to get a view table query (code) in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

In Management Studio, open the Object Explorer.

  • Go to your database
  • There's a subnode Views
  • Find your view
  • Choose Script view as > Create To > New query window

and you're done!

enter image description here

If you want to retrieve the SQL statement that defines the view from T-SQL code, use this:

FROM sys.views v
INNER JOIN sys.sql_modules m ON m.object_id = v.object_id
WHERE name = 'Example_1'

Google maps Places API V3 autocomplete - select first option on enter

Here is a solution that does not make a geocoding request that may return an incorrect result:

It simulates a down-arrow keypress whenever the user hits return inside the autocomplete field. The ? event is triggered before the return event so it simulates the user selecting the first suggestion using the keyboard.

Here is the code (tested on Chrome and Firefox) :

<script src=''></script>
<script src=""></script>
    var pac_input = document.getElementById('searchTextField');

    (function pacSelectFirst(input) {
        // store the original event binding function
        var _addEventListener = (input.addEventListener) ? input.addEventListener : input.attachEvent;

        function addEventListenerWrapper(type, listener) {
            // Simulate a 'down arrow' keypress on hitting 'return' when no pac suggestion is selected,
            // and then trigger the original listener.
            if (type == "keydown") {
                var orig_listener = listener;
                listener = function(event) {
                    var suggestion_selected = $(".pac-item-selected").length > 0;
                    if (event.which == 13 && !suggestion_selected) {
                        var simulated_downarrow = $.Event("keydown", {
                            keyCode: 40,
                            which: 40
                        orig_listener.apply(input, [simulated_downarrow]);

                    orig_listener.apply(input, [event]);

            _addEventListener.apply(input, [type, listener]);

        input.addEventListener = addEventListenerWrapper;
        input.attachEvent = addEventListenerWrapper;

        var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);


Generate SQL Create Scripts for existing tables with Query

First of all I love the script written by devart and I wanted to use it, but I found some limitation, so I decided to improve it:

  • I fixed the bug that limits the script at 4000 chars (it's still possible that some crazy table still exceeds the limits)
  • I fixed the bug/limitation in case the table uses a nonclustered primary key
  • I replaced '[' with quotename
  • I added the name of the default constraints
  • I changed the logic to identify the source table
  • I added the possibility to drop and recreate the table and its FKs
  • I added the possibility to generate specific attributes
  • I added the support for table compression
  • I added the possibility the generate the scripts for any number of tables
  • I fixed the limitation of 4000 varchar() when printing the result
  • I replaced '' with N''
  • I added the option to generate messages during the execution, because my final script (with the insert into) can take so long that I want to know what it's doing
  • I added the generation of an "Insert into"

I didn't have time to test it properly and I tested it only on SQL Server 2012/4

The next version will change the generation of FKs because they need to be added at the end. Otherwise they may fail.

Any comment will be appreciated.

set transaction isolation level read uncommitted;

--NB: Crazy table can still have truncation at 4000 because of unexpected number of indexes or other very long list of columns/defaults etc
-- triggers are not supported
-- xml indexes are not supported

DECLARE @Tables table(id int identity(1,1), [name] sysname);
insert into @Tables([name])
DECLARE @object_id                          int;
DECLARE @SourceDatabase nvarchar(max) = N'SourceTest'; --this is used only by the insert 
DECLARE @TargetDatabase nvarchar(max) = N'DescTest';   --this is used only by the insert and USE <DBName>

--- options ---
DECLARE @UseTransaction                     bit = 0; 
DECLARE @GenerateUseDatabase                bit = 0;
DECLARE @GenerateFKs                        bit = 1;
DECLARE @GenerateIdentity                   bit = 1;
DECLARE @GenerateCollation                  bit = 0;
DECLARE @GenerateCreateTable                bit = 1;
DECLARE @GenerateIndexes                    bit = 1;
DECLARE @GenerateConstraints                bit = 1;
DECLARE @GenerateKeyConstraints             bit = 1;
DECLARE @GenerateConstraintNameOfDefaults   bit = 1;
DECLARE @GenerateDropIfItExists             bit = 1;
DECLARE @GenerateDropFKIfItExists           bit = 0;
DECLARE @GenerateDelete                     bit = 0;
DECLARE @GenerateInsertInto                 bit = 0;
DECLARE @GenerateIdentityInsert             int = 0; --0 ignore set,but add column; 1 generate; 2 ignore set and column
DECLARE @GenerateSetNoCount                 int = 2; --0 ignore set,1=set on, 2=set off 
DECLARE @GenerateMessages                   bit = 1; --print with no wait
DECLARE @GenerateDataCompressionOptions     bit = 1; --TODO: generates the compression option only of the table, not the indexes
                                                    --NB: the compression options reflects the design value.
                                                    --The actual compression of a the page is saved here
                                                    --SELECT * from sys.dm_db_database_page_allocations(DB_ID(), @object_ID, 0, 1, 'DETAILED')

--- Let's play
DECLARE @DataTypeSpacer                     int = 45; --this is just to improve the formatting of the script ...
DECLARE @name                               sysname;
DECLARE @SQL                                NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''

DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT [name] from @Tables
OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name  

    SET @object_id = object_ID(@name)
    goto CreateScript;
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name 
CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor 


DECLARE @CurrentIndent nvarchar(max) = ''

;WITH index_column AS 
        , ic.index_id
        , ic.is_descending_key
        , ic.is_included_column
    FROM sys.index_columns ic WITH (NOWAIT)
    JOIN sys.columns c WITH (NOWAIT) ON ic.[object_id] = c.[object_id] AND ic.column_id = c.column_id
    WHERE ic.[object_id] = @object_id
fk_columns AS 
        , cname =
        , rcname =
    FROM sys.foreign_key_columns k WITH (NOWAIT)
    JOIN sys.columns rc WITH (NOWAIT) ON rc.[object_id] = k.referenced_object_id AND rc.column_id = k.referenced_column_id 
    JOIN sys.columns c WITH (NOWAIT) ON c.[object_id] = k.parent_object_id AND c.column_id = k.parent_column_id
    WHERE k.parent_object_id = @object_id and @GenerateFKs = 1

    --------------------  USE DATABASE   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            CASE WHEN @GenerateUseDatabase = 1
            THEN N'USE ' + @TargetDatabase + N';' + @CR
            ELSE N'' END 
        as nvarchar(max))
    --------------------  SET NOCOUNT   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            CASE @GenerateSetNoCount 
            WHEN 1 THEN N'SET NOCOUNT ON;' + @CR
            WHEN 2 THEN N'SET NOCOUNT OFF;' + @CR
            ELSE N'' END 
        as nvarchar(max))
    --------------------  USE TRANSACTION  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            CASE WHEN @UseTransaction = 1
                N'SET XACT_ABORT ON' + @CR
                + N'BEGIN TRY' + @CR
                + N'BEGIN TRAN' + @CR
            ELSE N'' END 
        as nvarchar(max))
    --------------------  DROP SYNONYM   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        CASE WHEN @GenerateDropIfItExists = 1
                    N'IF OBJECT_ID(''' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N''',''SN'') IS NOT NULL DROP SYNONYM ' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N';' + @CR 
            as nvarchar(max))
            as nvarchar(max))
    --------------------  DROP IS Exists --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        CASE WHEN @GenerateDropIfItExists = 1
            --Drop table if exists
                N'IF OBJECT_ID(''' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N''',''U'') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N';' + @CR 
            as nvarchar(max))
            + @CR
        ELSE N'' END 
    --------------------  DROP IS Exists --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        CAST((CASE WHEN @GenerateMessages = 1 and @GenerateDropFKIfItExists = 1 THEN 
            N'RAISERROR(''DROP CONSTRAINTS OF %s'',10,1, ''' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N''') WITH NOWAIT;' + @CR            
        ELSE N'' END) as nvarchar(max)) 
        CASE WHEN @GenerateDropFKIfItExists = 1
            --Drop foreign keys
                        N'ALTER TABLE ' + quotename( + N'.' + quotename( + N' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + RTRIM( + N';' + @CR
                    as nvarchar(max))
                FROM sys.tables t
                INNER JOIN sys.foreign_keys f ON f.parent_object_id = t.object_id
                INNER JOIN sys.schemas      s ON s.schema_id = f.schema_id
                WHERE f.referenced_object_id = @object_id
                FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)'))
            ,N'') + @CR
        ELSE N'' END 
    --------------------- CREATE TABLE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CAST((CASE WHEN @GenerateMessages = 1 THEN 
        N'RAISERROR(''CREATE TABLE %s'',10,1, ''' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N''') WITH NOWAIT;' + @CR           
    ELSE N'' END) as nvarchar(max)) 
    CASE WHEN @GenerateCreateTable = 1 THEN 
            N'CREATE TABLE ' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + @CR + N'(' + @CR + STUFF((
                    @TB + N',' + quotename( + N' ' + ISNULL(replicate(' ',@DataTypeSpacer - len(quotename(,'')  --isnull(replicate) then len(quotename( > @DataTypeSpacer
                    CASE WHEN c.is_computed = 1
                        THEN N' AS ' + cc.[definition] 
                        ELSE UPPER( + 
                            CASE WHEN IN (N'varchar', N'char', N'varbinary', N'binary', N'text')
                                    THEN N'(' + CASE WHEN c.max_length = -1 THEN N'MAX' ELSE CAST(c.max_length AS NVARCHAR(5)) END + N')'
                                    WHEN IN (N'nvarchar', N'nchar', N'ntext')
                                    THEN N'(' + CASE WHEN c.max_length = -1 THEN N'MAX' ELSE CAST(c.max_length / 2 AS NVARCHAR(5)) END + N')'
                                    WHEN IN (N'datetime2', N'time2', N'datetimeoffset') 
                                    THEN N'(' + CAST(c.scale AS NVARCHAR(5)) + N')'
                                    WHEN = N'decimal' 
                                    THEN N'(' + CAST(c.[precision] AS NVARCHAR(5)) + N',' + CAST(c.scale AS NVARCHAR(5)) + N')'
                                ELSE N''
                            END +
                            CASE WHEN c.collation_name IS NOT NULL and @GenerateCollation = 1 THEN N' COLLATE ' + c.collation_name ELSE N'' END +
                            CASE WHEN c.is_nullable = 1 THEN N' NULL' ELSE N' NOT NULL' END +
                            CASE WHEN dc.[definition] IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN @GenerateConstraintNameOfDefaults = 1 THEN N' CONSTRAINT ' + quotename( ELSE N'' END + N' DEFAULT' + dc.[definition] ELSE N'' END + 
                            CASE WHEN ic.is_identity = 1 and @GenerateIdentity = 1 THEN N' IDENTITY(' + CAST(ISNULL(ic.seed_value, N'0') AS NCHAR(1)) + N',' + CAST(ISNULL(ic.increment_value, N'1') AS NCHAR(1)) + N')' ELSE N'' END 
                    END + @CR
                AS nvarchar(Max))
            FROM sys.columns c WITH (NOWAIT)
                INNER JOIN sys.types tp WITH (NOWAIT) ON c.user_type_id = tp.user_type_id
                LEFT JOIN sys.computed_columns cc WITH (NOWAIT) ON c.[object_id] = cc.[object_id] AND c.column_id = cc.column_id
                LEFT JOIN sys.default_constraints dc WITH (NOWAIT) ON c.default_object_id != 0 AND c.[object_id] = dc.parent_object_id AND c.column_id = dc.parent_column_id
                LEFT JOIN sys.identity_columns ic WITH (NOWAIT) ON c.is_identity = 1 AND c.[object_id] = ic.[object_id] AND c.column_id = ic.column_id
            WHERE c.[object_id] = @object_id
            ORDER BY c.column_id
            FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, @TB + N' ')
    as nvarchar(max))
        CAST('' as nvarchar(max)) 
    ---------------------- Key Constraints ----------------------------------------------------------------
        case when @GenerateKeyConstraints <> 1 THEN N'' ELSE 
            ISNULL((SELECT @TB + N', CONSTRAINT ' + quotename( + N' PRIMARY KEY ' + ISNULL(kidx.type_desc, N'') + N'(' + 
                        (SELECT STUFF((
                            SELECT N', ' + quotename( + N' ' + CASE WHEN ic.is_descending_key = 1 THEN N'DESC' ELSE N'ASC' END
                            FROM sys.index_columns ic WITH (NOWAIT)
                            JOIN sys.columns c WITH (NOWAIT) ON c.[object_id] = ic.[object_id] AND c.column_id = ic.column_id
                            WHERE ic.is_included_column = 0
                                AND ic.[object_id] = k.parent_object_id 
                                AND ic.index_id = k.unique_index_id     
                            FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, N''))
                + N')' + @CR
                FROM sys.key_constraints k WITH (NOWAIT) LEFT JOIN sys.indexes kidx ON
                    k.parent_object_id = kidx.object_id and k.unique_index_id = kidx.index_id
                WHERE k.parent_object_id = @object_id 
                    AND k.[type] = N'PK'), N'') + N')'  + @CR
    as nvarchar(max))
            @GenerateDataCompressionOptions = 1 
            (SELECT top 1 data_compression_desc from sys.partitions where object_ID = @object_id and index_id = 1) <> N'NONE'
            N'WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION=' + (SELECT top 1 data_compression_desc from sys.partitions where object_ID = @object_id and index_id = 1) + N')' + @CR
            N'' + @CR
    END as nvarchar(max))
    --------------------- FOREIGN KEYS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CAST((CASE WHEN @GenerateMessages = 1 and @GenerateDropFKIfItExists = 1 THEN 
        N'RAISERROR(''CREATING FK OF  %s'',10,1, ''' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N''') WITH NOWAIT;' + @CR            
    ELSE N'' END) as nvarchar(max)) 
        ISNULL((SELECT (
            SELECT @CR +
            N'ALTER TABLE ' + + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + + N' WITH' 
            + CASE WHEN fk.is_not_trusted = 1 
                THEN N' NOCHECK' 
                ELSE N' CHECK' 
            END + 
            N' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + quotename(  + N' FOREIGN KEY(' 
            + STUFF((
                SELECT N', ' + quotename(k.cname) + N''
                FROM fk_columns k
                WHERE k.constraint_object_id = fk.[object_id]
                FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, N'')
            + N')' +
            N' REFERENCES ' + quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(ro.[schema_id])) + N'.' + quotename( + N' ('
            + STUFF((
                SELECT N', ' + quotename(k.rcname) + N''
                FROM fk_columns k
                WHERE k.constraint_object_id = fk.[object_id]
                FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, N'')
            + N')'
            + CASE 
                WHEN fk.delete_referential_action = 1 THEN N' ON DELETE CASCADE' 
                WHEN fk.delete_referential_action = 2 THEN N' ON DELETE SET NULL'
                WHEN fk.delete_referential_action = 3 THEN N' ON DELETE SET DEFAULT' 
                ELSE N'' 
            + CASE 
                WHEN fk.update_referential_action = 1 THEN N' ON UPDATE CASCADE'
                WHEN fk.update_referential_action = 2 THEN N' ON UPDATE SET NULL'
                WHEN fk.update_referential_action = 3 THEN N' ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT'  
                ELSE N'' 
            + @CR + N'ALTER TABLE ' + + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + + N' CHECK CONSTRAINT ' + quotename(  + N'' + @CR
        FROM sys.foreign_keys fk WITH (NOWAIT)
        JOIN sys.objects ro WITH (NOWAIT) ON ro.[object_id] = fk.referenced_object_id
        WHERE fk.parent_object_id = @object_id
        FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)')), N'')
    as nvarchar(max))
    --------------------- INDEXES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CAST((CASE WHEN @GenerateMessages = 1 and @GenerateIndexes = 1 THEN 
        N'RAISERROR(''CREATING INDEXES OF  %s'',10,1, ''' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N''') WITH NOWAIT;' + @CR           
    ELSE N'' END) as nvarchar(max)) 
    case when @GenerateIndexes = 1 THEN 
                @CR + N'CREATE' + CASE WHEN i.is_unique = 1 THEN N' UNIQUE ' ELSE N' ' END 
                        + i.type_desc + N' INDEX ' + quotename( + N' ON ' + + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + + N' (' +
                        SELECT N', ' + quotename( + N'' + CASE WHEN c.is_descending_key = 1 THEN N' DESC' ELSE N' ASC' END
                        FROM index_column c
                        WHERE c.is_included_column = 0
                            AND c.index_id = i.index_id
                        FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, N'') + N')'  
                        + ISNULL(@CR + N'INCLUDE (' + 
                            SELECT N', ' + quotename( + N''
                            FROM index_column c
                            WHERE c.is_included_column = 1
                                AND c.index_id = i.index_id
                            FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 2, N'') + N')', N'')  + @CR
                FROM sys.indexes i WITH (NOWAIT)
                WHERE i.[object_id] = @object_id
                    AND i.is_primary_key = 0
                    AND i.[type] in (1,2)
                    and @GenerateIndexes = 1
                FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
            ), N'')
        as nvarchar(max))
        CAST(N'' as nvarchar(max))
    ------------------------  @GenerateDelete     ----------------------------------------------------------
    CAST((CASE WHEN @GenerateMessages = 1 and @GenerateDelete = 1 THEN 
        N'RAISERROR(''TRUNCATING  %s'',10,1, ''' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N''') WITH NOWAIT;' + @CR            
    ELSE N'' END) as nvarchar(max)) 
    CASE WHEN @GenerateDelete = 1 THEN
            (CASE WHEN exists (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE referenced_object_id = @object_id) THEN 
                N'DELETE FROM ' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N';' + @CR
                N'TRUNCATE TABLE ' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N';' + @CR
        AS NVARCHAR(max))
        CAST(N'' as nvarchar(max))
    ------------------------- @GenerateInsertInto ----------------------------------------------------------
    CAST((CASE WHEN @GenerateMessages = 1 and @GenerateDropFKIfItExists = 1 THEN 
        N'RAISERROR(''INSERTING INTO  %s'',10,1, ''' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N''') WITH NOWAIT;' + @CR            
    ELSE N'' END) as nvarchar(max)) 
    CASE WHEN @GenerateInsertInto = 1
                CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * from sys.columns c where c.[object_id] = @object_id and is_identity = 1) AND @GenerateIdentityInsert = 1 THEN 
                    N'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N' ON;' + @CR
                    CAST('' AS nvarchar(max))
                N'INSERT INTO ' + QUOTENAME(@TargetDatabase) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N'(' 
                + @CR
                    @TB + N' ' + SUBSTRING(
                        SELECT @TB + ','+ quotename(Name) + @CR 
                        from sys.columns c 
                                c.[object_id] = @object_id 
                            AND system_type_ID <> 189 /*timestamp*/ 
                            AND is_computed = 0
                            and (is_identity = 0 or @GenerateIdentityInsert in (0,1))
                        FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)')

                + N')' + @CR + N'SELECT ' 
                + @CR
                    @TB + N' ' + SUBSTRING(
                        SELECT @TB + ','+ quotename(Name) + @CR 
                        FROM sys.columns c 
                        WHERE   c.[object_id] = @object_id 
                            and system_type_ID <> 189 /*timestamp*/ 
                            and is_computed = 0                     
                            and (is_identity = 0 or @GenerateIdentityInsert  in (0,1))
                        FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE).value(N'.', N'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
                + N'FROM ' + @SourceDatabase +  N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id))            
                + N';' + @CR
                + CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * from sys.columns c where c.[object_id] = @object_id and is_identity = 1)  AND @GenerateIdentityInsert = 1 THEN 
                    N'SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + quotename(OBJECT_schema_name(@object_id)) + N'.' + quotename(OBJECT_NAME(@object_id)) + N' OFF;'+ @CR
                    CAST('' AS nvarchar(max))
        as nvarchar(max))
        as nvarchar(max))
    --------------------  USE TRANSACTION  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        CASE WHEN @UseTransaction = 1
            @CR + N'COMMIT TRAN; '
            + @CR + N'END TRY'
            + @CR + N'BEGIN CATCH'
            + @CR + N'  IF XACT_STATE() IN (-1,1)'
            + @CR + N'      ROLLBACK TRAN;'
            + @CR + N''
            + @CR + N'  SELECT   ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber  '
            + @CR + N'          ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity  '
            + @CR + N'          ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState  '
            + @CR + N'          ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure  '
            + @CR + N'          ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine  '
            + @CR + N'          ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; '
            + @CR + N'END CATCH'
        ELSE N'' END 
    as nvarchar(max))

--print is limited to 4000 chars, if necessary, I use multiple print
--to maintain the consistency of the script, I split near the closest CrLF to the max chunk size
DECLARE @i  int = 1;
DECLARE @maxChunk integer = 3990;
DECLARE @len integer = @maxChunk;

WHILE @i < len(@SQL)
    IF len(@SQL) > (@i + @len)
        set @len = len(substring(@SQL, @i, @maxChunk)) - CHARINDEX(@CR, reverse(substring(@SQL, @i, @len))) + 1
    PRINT substring(@SQL, @i, @len)
    set @i      =  @i + @len
    set @len    =  @maxChunk

--SELECT datalength(@SQL), @sql
--EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL

goto backFromCreateScript;

C# Convert string from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) H

You need to fix the source of the string in the first place.

A string in .NET is actually just an array of 16-bit unicode code-points, characters, so a string isn't in any particular encoding.

It's when you take that string and convert it to a set of bytes that encoding comes into play.

In any case, the way you did it, encoded a string to a byte array with one character set, and then decoding it with another, will not work, as you see.

Can you tell us more about where that original string comes from, and why you think it has been encoded wrong?

MySQL match() against() - order by relevance and column?

I was just playing around with this, too. One way you can add extra weight is in the ORDER BY area of the code.

For example, if you were matching 3 different columns and wanted to more heavily weight certain columns:

SELECT search.*,
MATCH (name) AGAINST ('black' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS name_match,
MATCH (keywords) AGAINST ('black' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS keyword_match,
MATCH (description) AGAINST ('black' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS description_match
FROM search
WHERE MATCH (name, keywords, description) AGAINST ('black' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
ORDER BY (name_match * 3  + keyword_match * 2  + description_match) DESC LIMIT 0,100;

Need to find a max of three numbers in java

It would help if you provided the error you are seeing. Look at and you will see that max only returns the max between two numbers, so likely you code is not even compiling.

Solve all your compilation errors first.

Then your homework will consist of finding the max of three numbers by comparing the first two together, and comparing that max result with the third value. You should have enough to find your answer now.

How to rename array keys in PHP?

foreach ($basearr as &$row)
    $row['value'] = $row['url'];
    unset( $row['url'] );


Changing capitalization of filenames in Git

To bulk git mv files to lowercase on macOS:

for f in *; do git mv "$f" "`echo $f | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"`"; done

It will lowercase all files in a folder.

Launch an event when checking a checkbox in Angular2

You can use ngModel like

<input type="checkbox" [ngModel]="checkboxValue" (ngModelChange)="addProp($event)" data-md-icheck/>

To update the checkbox state by updating the property checkboxValue in your code and when the checkbox is changed by the user addProp() is called.

What's the difference between lists enclosed by square brackets and parentheses in Python?

The first is a list, the second is a tuple. Lists are mutable, tuples are not.

Take a look at the Data Structures section of the tutorial, and the Sequence Types section of the documentation.

How long to brute force a salted SHA-512 hash? (salt provided)

I want to know the time to brute force for when the password is a dictionary word and also when it is not a dictionary word.

Dictionary password

Ballpark figure: there are about 1,000,000 English words, and if a hacker can compute about 10,000 SHA-512 hashes a second (update: see comment by CodesInChaos, this estimate is very low), 1,000,000 / 10,000 = 100 seconds. So it would take just over a minute to crack a single-word dictionary password for a single user. If the user concatenates two dictionary words, you're in the area of a few days, but still very possible if the attacker is cares enough. More than that and it starts getting tough.

Random password

If the password is a truly random sequence of alpha-numeric characters, upper and lower case, then the number of possible passwords of length N is 60^N (there are 60 possible characters). We'll do the calculation the other direction this time; we'll ask: What length of password could we crack given a specific length of time? Just use this formula:

N = Log60(t * 10,000) where t is the time spent calculating hashes in seconds (again assuming 10,000 hashes a second).

1 minute:    3.2
5 minute:    3.6
30 minutes:  4.1
2 hours:     4.4
3 days:      5.2

So given a 3 days we'd be able to crack the password if it's 5 characters long.

This is all very ball-park, but you get the idea. Update: see comment below, it's actually possible to crack much longer passwords than this.

What's going on here?

Let's clear up some misconceptions:

  • The salt doesn't make it slower to calculate hashes, it just means they have to crack each user's password individually, and pre-computed hash tables (buzz-word: rainbow tables) are made completely useless. If you don't have a precomputed hash-table, and you're only cracking one password hash, salting doesn't make any difference.

  • SHA-512 isn't designed to be hard to brute-force. Better hashing algorithms like BCrypt, PBKDF2 or SCrypt can be configured to take much longer to compute, and an average computer might only be able to compute 10-20 hashes a second. Read This excellent answer about password hashing if you haven't already.

  • update: As written in the comment by CodesInChaos, even high entropy passwords (around 10 characters) could be bruteforced if using the right hardware to calculate SHA-512 hashes.

Notes on accepted answer:

The accepted answer as of September 2014 is incorrect and dangerously wrong:

In your case, breaking the hash algorithm is equivalent to finding a collision in the hash algorithm. That means you don't need to find the password itself (which would be a preimage attack)... Finding a collision using a birthday attack takes O(2^n/2) time, where n is the output length of the hash function in bits.

The birthday attack is completely irrelevant to cracking a given hash. And this is in fact a perfect example of a preimage attack. That formula and the next couple of paragraphs result in dangerously high and completely meaningless values for an attack time. As demonstrated above it's perfectly possible to crack salted dictionary passwords in minutes.

The low entropy of typical passwords makes it possible that there is a relatively high chance of one of your users using a password from a relatively small database of common passwords...

That's why generally hashing and salting alone is not enough, you need to install other safety mechanisms as well. You should use an artificially slowed down entropy-enducing method such as PBKDF2 described in PKCS#5...

Yes, please use an algorithm that is slow to compute, but what is "entropy-enducing"? Putting a low entropy password through a hash doesn't increase entropy. It should preserve entropy, but you can't make a rubbish password better with a hash, it doesn't work like that. A weak password put through PBKDF2 is still a weak password.

Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically

To add margins directly to items (some items allow direct editing of margins), you can do:

LayoutParams lp = ((ViewGroup) something).getLayoutParams();
if( lp instanceof MarginLayoutParams )
    ((MarginLayoutParams) lp).topMargin = ...;
    ((MarginLayoutParams) lp).leftMargin = ...;
    //... etc
    Log.e("MyApp", "Attempted to set the margins on a class that doesn't support margins: "+something.getClass().getName() );

...this works without needing to know about / edit the surrounding layout. Note the "instanceof" check in case you try and run this against something that doesn't support margins.

How to execute .sql script file using JDBC

You can read the script line per line with a BufferedReader and append every line to a StringBuilder so that the script becomes one large string.

Then you can create a Statement object using JDBC and call statement.execute(stringBuilder.toString()).

syntaxerror: "unexpected character after line continuation character in python" math

The backslash \ is the line continuation character the error message is talking about, and after it, only newline characters/whitespace are allowed (before the next non-whitespace continues the "interrupted" line.

print "This is a very long string that doesn't fit" + \
      "on a single line"

Outside of a string, a backslash can only appear in this way. For division, you want a slash: /.

If you want to write a verbatim backslash in a string, escape it by doubling it: "\\"

In your code, you're using it twice:

 print("Length between sides: " + str((length*length)*2.6) +
       " \ 1.5 = " +                   # inside a string; treated as literal
       str(((length*length)*2.6)\1.5)+ # outside a string, treated as line cont
                                       # character, but no newline follows -> Fail
       " Units")

Watermark / hint text / placeholder TextBox

If rather than having the watermark's visibility depend on the control's focus state, you want it to depend on whether the user has entered any text, you can update John Myczek's answer (from OnWatermarkChanged down) to

static void OnWatermarkChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
    var textbox = (TextBox)d;
    textbox.Loaded += UpdateWatermark;
    textbox.TextChanged += UpdateWatermark;

static void UpdateWatermark(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
    var textbox = (TextBox)sender;
    var layer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(textbox);
    if (layer != null) {
        if (textbox.Text == string.Empty) {
            layer.Add(new WatermarkAdorner(textbox, GetWatermark(textbox)));
        } else {
            var adorners = layer.GetAdorners(textbox);
            if (adorners == null) {

            foreach (var adorner in adorners) {
                if (adorner is WatermarkAdorner) {
                    adorner.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

This makes more sense if your textbox gets focus automatically when displaying the form, or when databinding to the Text property.

Also if your watermark is always just a string, and you need the style of the watermark to match the style of the textbox, then in the Adorner do:

contentPresenter = new ContentPresenter {
    Content = new TextBlock {
        Text = (string)watermark,
        Foreground = Control.Foreground,
        Background = Control.Background,
        FontFamily = Control.FontFamily,
        FontSize = Control.FontSize,

PHP Session Destroy on Log Out Button

// logout

if(isset($_GET['logout'])) {


Exception thrown in catch and finally clause

The easiest way to think of this is imagine that there is a variable global to the entire application that is holding the current exception.

Exception currentException = null;

As each exception is thrown, "currentException" is set to that exception. When the application ends, if currentException is != null, then the runtime reports the error.

Also, the finally blocks always run before the method exits. You could then requite the code snippet to:

public class C1 {

    public static void main(String [] argv) throws Exception {
        try {

        catch ( Exception i ) {
            // <-- currentException = Exception, as thrown by q()'s finally block
            throw( new MyExc2() ); // <-- currentException = MyExc2
        finally {
             // <-- currentException = MyExc2, thrown from main()'s catch block
            throw( new MyExc1() ); // <-- currentException = MyExc1

    }  // <-- At application exit, currentException = MyExc1, from main()'s finally block. Java now dumps that to the console.

    static void q() throws Exception {
        try {
            throw( new MyExc1() ); // <-- currentException = MyExc1
        catch( Exception y ) {
           // <-- currentException = null, because the exception is caught and not rethrown
        finally {
            throw( new Exception() ); // <-- currentException = Exception

The order in which the application executes is:


Git Bash doesn't see my PATH

In case your git-bash's PATH presents but not latest and you don't want a reboot but regenerate your PATHs, you can try the following:

  • Close all cmd.exe, powershell.exe, and git-bash.exe and reopen one cmd.exe window from the Start Menu or Desktop context.
  • If you changed system-wide PATH, you may also need to open one privileged cmd window.
  • Open Git bash from Windows Explorer context menu and see if the PATH env is updated. Please note that the terminal in IntelliJ IDEA is probably a login shell or some other kind of magic, so PATH in it may won't change until you restart IDEA.
  • If that does not work, you may need to close all Windows Explorer process as well and retry the steps above.

Note: This doesn't work with all Windows versions, and open cmd.exe anywhere other than the Start Menu or Desktop context menu may not work, tested with my 4 computers and 3 of them works. I didn't figure out why this works, but since the PATH environment variable is generated automatically when I login and logout, I'd not to mess up that variable with variable concatenation.

Pass object to javascript function

Answering normajeans' question about setting default value. Create a defaults object with same properties and merge with the arguments object

If using ES6:

    function yourFunction(args){
        let defaults = {opt1: true, opt2: 'something'};
        let params = {...defaults, ...args}; // right-most object overwrites 

Older Browsers using Object.assign(target, source):

    function yourFunction(args){
        var defaults = {opt1: true, opt2: 'something'};
        var params = Object.assign(defaults, args) // args overwrites as it is source

How can I group data with an Angular filter?

If you need that in js code. You can use injected method of angula-filter lib. Like this.

function controller($scope, $http, groupByFilter) {     

   var groupedData = groupByFilter(originalArray, 'groupPropName');


How does HTTP_USER_AGENT work?

The user agent string is a text that the browsers themselves send to the webserver to identify themselves, so that websites can send different content based on the browser or based on browser compatibility.

Mozilla is a browser rendering engine (the one at the core of Firefox) and the fact that Chrome and IE contain the string Mozilla/4 or /5 identifies them as being compatible with that rendering engine.

How to execute an Oracle stored procedure via a database link

The syntax is

EXEC mySchema.myPackage.myProcedure@myRemoteDB( 'someParameter' );

How to use multiple @RequestMapping annotations in spring?

Doesn't need to. RequestMapping annotation supports wildcards and ant-style paths. Also looks like you just want a default view, so you can put

<mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="welcome"/>

in your config file. That will forward all requests to the Root to the welcome view.

MySQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on create and on update


Regex in JavaScript for validating decimal numbers

Try a regular expression like this:


Allowed: 1, 10.8, 10.89, .89, 0.89, 1000

Not Allowed: 20. , 50.89.9, 12.999, ., Null character Note this works for positive numbers

Make a link open a new window (not tab)

Browsers control a lot of this functionality but

<a href="" target="_blank">Go to Yahoo</a>

will attempt to open in a new window.

Php $_POST method to get textarea value

Make sure your escaping the HTML characters


// Always check an input variable is set before you use it
if (isset($_POST['contact_list'])) {
    // Escape any html characters
    echo htmlentities($_POST['contact_list']);

This would occur because of the angle brackets and the browser thinking they are tags.


How to tell if JRE or JDK is installed

You can open up terminal and simply type

java -version // this will check your jre version
javac -version // this will check your java compiler version if you installed 

this should show you the version of java installed on the system (assuming that you have set the path of the java in system environment).

And if you haven't, add it via

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/jdk1.x

and if you unsure if you have java at all on your system just use find in terminal

i.e. find / -name "java"

Javascript Append Child AFTER Element

You can use:

if (parentGuest.nextSibling) {
  parentGuest.parentNode.insertBefore(childGuest, parentGuest.nextSibling);
else {

But as Pavel pointed out, the referenceElement can be null/undefined, and if so, insertBefore behaves just like appendChild. So the following is equivalent to the above:

parentGuest.parentNode.insertBefore(childGuest, parentGuest.nextSibling);

Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android

So from the android developer site on Data Storage:

User Preferences

Shared preferences are not strictly for saving "user preferences," such as what ringtone a user has chosen. If you're interested in creating user preferences for your application, see PreferenceActivity, which provides an Activity framework for you to create user preferences, which will be automatically persisted (using shared preferences).

So I think it is okay since it is simply just key-value pairs which are persisted.

To the original poster, this is not that hard. You simply just iterate through your array list and add the items. In this example I use a map for simplicity but you can use an array list and change it appropriately:

// my list of names, icon locations
Map<String, String> nameIcons = new HashMap<String, String>();
nameIcons.put("Noel", "/location/to/noel/icon.png");
nameIcons.put("Bob", "another/location/to/bob/icon.png");
nameIcons.put("another name", "last/location/icon.png");

SharedPreferences keyValues = getContext().getSharedPreferences("name_icons_list", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor keyValuesEditor = keyValues.edit();

for (String s : nameIcons.keySet()) {
    // use the name as the key, and the icon as the value
    keyValuesEditor.putString(s, nameIcons.get(s));

You would do something similar to read the key-value pairs again. Let me know if this works.

Update: If you're using API level 11 or later, there is a method to write out a String Set

How do I create a shortcut via command-line in Windows?

Cannot be done with pure batch.Check the shortcutJS.bat - it is a jscript/bat hybrid and should be used with .bat extension:

call shortcutJS.bat -linkfile "%~n0.lnk" -target  "%~f0" -linkarguments "some arguments"

With -help you can check the other options (you can set icon , admin permissions and etc.)

Access And/Or exclusions

Seeing that it appears you are running using the SQL syntax, try with the correct wild card.

SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE (someTable.Field NOT LIKE '%RISK%') AND (someTable.Field NOT LIKE '%Blah%') AND someTable.SomeOtherField <> 4; 

Copy/duplicate database without using mysqldump


function cloneDatabase($dbName, $newDbName){
    global $admin;
    $db_check = @mysql_select_db ( $dbName );
    $getTables  =   $admin->query("SHOW TABLES");   
    $tables =   array();
    while($row = mysql_fetch_row($getTables)){
        $tables[]   =   $row[0];
    $createTable    =   mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE `$newDbName` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;") or die(mysql_error());
    foreach($tables as $cTable){
        $db_check   =   @mysql_select_db ( $newDbName );
        $create     =   $admin->query("CREATE TABLE $cTable LIKE ".$dbName.".".$cTable);
        if(!$create) {
            $error  =   true;
        $insert     =   $admin->query("INSERT INTO $cTable SELECT * FROM ".$dbName.".".$cTable);
    return !isset($error);

// usage
$clone  = cloneDatabase('dbname','newdbname');  // first: toCopy, second: new database

input checkbox true or checked or yes

Accordingly to W3C checked input's attribute can be absent/ommited or have "checked" as its value. This does not invalidate other values because there's no restriction to the browser implementation to allow values like "true", "on", "yes" and so on. To guarantee that you'll write a cross-browser checkbox/radio use checked="checked", as recommended by W3C.

disabled, readonly and ismap input's attributes go on the same way.


empty is not a valid value for checked, disabled, readonly and ismap input's attributes, as warned by @Quentin

Unbound classpath container in Eclipse

For those using sdkman, this helped me.

Use Case:
I was using identifier 8.0.202-amzn
I decided to install Azul Zulu as follows: sdk install java 13.0.2-zulu

Error: And then i got this unbound error.

1. Right-click on your project in Eclipse/STS
2. Choose Build Path > Configure Build Path...
3. Under Libraries, remove the JRE Library, for my case 8.0.202-amzn
4. Under Libraries, click on Modulepath > Add Library...
5. Choose JRE System Library, click Next
6. Choose Alternate JRE, click on Installed JREs...
7. Your previous configured value should be there
8. If it is there, edit it, if it is not there, add one
9. Make sure the name is: 13.0.2-zulu
10. And the location(JRE home) is: /Users/jumping_monkey/.sdkman/candidates/java/current
11. Click Apply and close
12. Click Finish
13. Voila!

You will see JRE System Library [13.0.2-zulu] in your Project Explorer and all errors gone


Set the value of a variable with the result of a command in a Windows batch file

The only way I've seen it done is if you do this:

for /f "delims=" %a in ('ver') do @set foobar=%a

ver is the version command for Windows and on my system it produces:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]


Best way to style a TextBox in CSS

You can use:


Define your common style attributes inside this. and for extra style you can add a class then.

Vertically align an image inside a div with responsive height

Try this one

          vertical-align: middle;

PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 8978294 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0

If changing the post_max_size settings from XAMPP folders. It did not work for you try this.

From XAMPP control panel, click config then PHP (php.ini) and edit post_max_size and upload_max_filesize to a higher number in this file instead. Stop Apache server. Start Apache server. This worked for me.

JavaScript - XMLHttpRequest, Access-Control-Allow-Origin errors

I think you've missed the point of access control.

A quick recap on why CORS exists: Since JS code from a website can execute XHR, that site could potentially send requests to other sites, masquerading as you and exploiting the trust those sites have in you(e.g. if you have logged in, a malicious site could attempt to extract information or execute actions you never wanted) - this is called a CSRF attack. To prevent that, web browsers have very stringent limitations on what XHR you can send - you are generally limited to just your domain, and so on.

Now, sometimes it's useful for a site to allow other sites to contact it - sites that provide APIs or services, like the one you're trying to access, would be prime candidates. CORS was developed to allow site A(e.g. to say "I trust site B, so you can send XHR from it to me". This is specified by site A sending "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" headers in its responses.

In your specific case, it seems that doesn't bother to use CORS. Your best bet is to contact the site owner and find out why, if you want to use with a browser script. Alternatively, you could try using an extension(those should have higher XHR privileges).

What is the difference between i++ and ++i?

Just for the record, in C++, if you can use either (i.e.) you don't care about the ordering of operations (you just want to increment or decrement and use it later) the prefix operator is more efficient since it doesn't have to create a temporary copy of the object. Unfortunately, most people use posfix (var++) instead of prefix (++var), just because that is what we learned initially. (I was asked about this in an interview). Not sure if this is true in C#, but I assume it would be.

How do I check if a Sql server string is null or empty

this syntax :

FROM tbl_directorylisting listing
WHERE (civilite_etudiant IS NULL)

worked for me in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP3)

inner join in linq to entities

public IList<Splitting> get(Guid companyId, long customrId) {    
    var res=from c in Customers_data_source
            where c.CustomerId = customrId && c.CompanyID == companyId
            from s in Splittings_data_srouce
            where s.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
            select s;

    return res.ToList();

"Stack overflow in line 0" on Internet Explorer

I ran into this problem recently and wrote up a post about the particular case in our code that was causing this problem.

The quick summary is: recursion that passes through the host global object is limited to a stack depth of 13. In other words, if the reference your function call is using (not necessarily the function itself) was defined with some form = function, then recursing through foo is limited to a depth of 13.

get url content PHP

Use cURL,

Check if you have it via phpinfo();

And for the code:

function getHtml($url, $post = null) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
    if(!empty($post)) {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    return $result;

Example JavaScript code to parse CSV data

Here's my PEG(.js) grammar that seems to do ok at RFC 4180 (i.e. it handles the examples at

  = [\n\r]* first:line rest:([\n\r]+ data:line { return data; })* [\n\r]* { rest.unshift(first); return rest; }

  = first:field rest:("," text:field { return text; })*
    & { return !!first || rest.length; } // ignore blank lines
    { rest.unshift(first); return rest; }

  = '"' text:char* '"' { return text.join(''); }
  / text:[^\n\r,]* { return text.join(''); }

  = '"' '"' { return '"'; }
  / [^"]

Try it out at or Download the generated parser at

CHECK constraint in MySQL is not working

Check constraints are supported as of version 8.0.15 (yet to be released)

[23 Jan 16:24] Paul Dubois

Posted by developer: Fixed in 8.0.15.

Previously, MySQL permitted a limited form of CHECK constraint syntax, but parsed and ignored it. MySQL now implements the core features of table and column CHECK constraints, for all storage engines. Constraints are defined using CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements.

Is there a constraint that restricts my generic method to numeric types?

If all you want is use one numeric type, you could consider creating something similar to an alias in C++ with using.

So instead of having the very generic

T ComputeSomething<T>(T value1, T value2) where T : INumeric { ... }

you could have

using MyNumType = System.Double;
T ComputeSomething<MyNumType>(MyNumType value1, MyNumType value2) { ... }

That might allow you to easily go from double to int or others if needed, but you wouldn't be able to use ComputeSomething with double and int in the same program.

But why not replace all double to int then? Because your method may want to use a double whether the input is double or int. The alias allows you to know exactly which variable uses the dynamic type.

SyntaxError: "can't assign to function call"

You are assigning to a function call:

invest(initial_amount,top_company(5,year,year+1)) = subsequent_amount

which is illegal in Python. The question is, what do you want to do? What does invest() do? I suppose it returns a value, namely what you're trying to use as subsequent_amount, right?

If so, then something like this should work:

amount = invest(amount,top_company(5,year,year+1),year)

MySQL count occurrences greater than 2

SELECT word, COUNT(*) FROM words GROUP by word HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

Why can't radio buttons be "readonly"?

This is the trick you can go with.

<input type="radio" name="name" onclick="this.checked = false;" />

Meaning of $? (dollar question mark) in shell scripts

It has the last status code (exit value) of a command.

What is the difference between absolute and relative xpaths? Which is preferred in Selenium automation testing?

An absolute xpath in HTML DOM starts with /html e.g.


and a relative xpath finds the closed id to the dom element and generates xpath starting from that element e.g.


You can use firepath (firebug) for generating both types of xpaths

It won't make any difference which xpath you use in selenium, the former may be faster than the later one (but it won't be observable)

Absolute xpaths are prone to more regression as slight change in DOM makes them invalid or refer to a wrong element

PDF Blob - Pop up window not showing content

I ended up just downloading my pdf using below code

function downloadPdfDocument(fileName){

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/pdf/" + fileName, true);
req.responseType = "blob";
fileName += "_" + new Date() + ".pdf";

req.onload = function (event) {

    var blob = req.response;

    //for IE
    if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
        window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName);
    } else {

        var link = document.createElement('a');
        link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = fileName;;



How to serialize Object to JSON?

One can use the Jackson library as well.

Add Maven Dependency:


Simply do this:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString( serializableObject );

AngularJS Directive Restrict A vs E

One of the pitfalls as I know is IE problem with custom elements. As quoted from the docs:

3) you do not use custom element tags such as (use the attribute version instead)

4) if you do use custom element tags, then you must take these steps to make IE 8 and below happy

<!doctype html>
  <html xmlns:ng="" id="ng-app" ng-app="optionalModuleName">
      <!--[if lte IE 8]>

          // Optionally these for CSS

How do I make a matrix from a list of vectors in R?

One option is to use

 >, a)
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
 [1,]    1    1    2    3    4    5
 [2,]    2    1    2    3    4    5
 [3,]    3    1    2    3    4    5
 [4,]    4    1    2    3    4    5
 [5,]    5    1    2    3    4    5
 [6,]    6    1    2    3    4    5
 [7,]    7    1    2    3    4    5
 [8,]    8    1    2    3    4    5
 [9,]    9    1    2    3    4    5
[10,]   10    1    2    3    4    5

HintPath vs ReferencePath in Visual Studio

Although this is an old document, but it helped me resolve the problem of 'HintPath' being ignored on another machine. It was because the referenced DLL needed to be in source control as well:


To include and then reference an outer-system assembly
1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project that needs to reference the assembly,,and then click Add Existing Item.
2. Browse to the assembly, and then click OK. The assembly is then copied into the project folder and automatically added to VSS (assuming the project is already under source control).
3. Use the Browse button in the Add Reference dialog box to set a file reference to assembly in the project folder.

What is the difference between JVM, JDK, JRE & OpenJDK?

Another aspect worth mentioning:

JDK (java development kit)

You will need it for development purposes like the name suggests.

For example: a software company will have JDK install in their computer because they will need to develop new software which involves compiling and running their Java programs as well.

So we can say that JDK = JRE + JVM.

JRE (java run-time environment)

It's needed to run Java programs. You can't compile Java programs with it .

For example: a regular computer user who wants to run some online games then will need JRE in his system to run Java programs.

JVM (java virtual machine)

As you might know it run the bytecodes. It make Java platform independent because it executes the .class file which you get after you compile the Java program regardless of whether you compile it on Windows, Mac or Linux.

Open JDK

Well, like I said above. Now JDK is made by different company, one of them which happens to be an open source and free for public use is OpenJDK, while some others are Oracle Corporation's JRockit JDK or IBM JDK.

However they all might appear the same to general user.


If you are a Java programmer you will need JDK in your system and this package will include JRE and JVM as well but if you are normal user who like to play online games then you will only need JRE and this package will not have JDK in it.

In other words JDK is grandfather JRE is father and JVM is their son.

Interpreting segfault messages

Error 4 means "The cause was a user-mode read resulting in no page being found.". There's a tool that decodes it here.

Here's the definition from the kernel. Keep in mind that 4 means that bit 2 is set and no other bits are set. If you convert it to binary that becomes clear.

 * Page fault error code bits
 *      bit 0 == 0 means no page found, 1 means protection fault
 *      bit 1 == 0 means read, 1 means write
 *      bit 2 == 0 means kernel, 1 means user-mode
 *      bit 3 == 1 means use of reserved bit detected
 *      bit 4 == 1 means fault was an instruction fetch
#define PF_PROT         (1<<0)
#define PF_WRITE        (1<<1)
#define PF_USER         (1<<2)
#define PF_RSVD         (1<<3)
#define PF_INSTR        (1<<4)

Now then, "ip 00007f9bebcca90d" means the instruction pointer was at 0x00007f9bebcca90d when the segfault happened.

"[7f9beb83a000+f6f000]" tells you:

  • The object the crash was in: ""
  • The base address of that object "7f9beb83a000"
  • How big that object is: "f6f000"

If you take the base address and subtract it from the ip, you get the offset into that object:

0x00007f9bebcca90d - 0x7f9beb83a000 = 0x49090D

Then you can run addr2line on it:

addr2line -e /usr/lib64/qt45/lib/ -fCi 0x49090D

In my case it wasn't successful, either the copy I installed isn't identical to yours, or it's stripped.

Is there a REAL performance difference between INT and VARCHAR primary keys?

Depends on the length.. If the varchar will be 20 characters, and the int is 4, then if you use an int, your index will have FIVE times as many nodes per page of index space on disk... That means that traversing the index will require one fifth as many physical and/or logical reads..

So, if performance is an issue, given the opportunity, always use an integral non-meaningful key (called a surrogate) for your tables, and for Foreign Keys that reference the rows in these tables...

At the same time, to guarantee data consistency, every table where it matters should also have a meaningful non-numeric alternate key, (or unique Index) to ensure that duplicate rows cannot be inserted (duplicate based on meaningful table attributes) .

For the specific use you are talking about (like state lookups ) it really doesn't matter because the size of the table is so small.. In general there is no impact on performance from indices on tables with less than a few thousand rows...

How do MySQL indexes work?

The first thing you must know is that indexes are a way to avoid scanning the full table to obtain the result that you're looking for.

There are different kinds of indexes and they're implemented in the storage layer, so there's no standard between them and they also depend on the storage engine that you're using.

InnoDB and the B+Tree index

For InnoDB, the most common index type is the B+Tree based index, that stores the elements in a sorted order. Also, you don't have to access the real table to get the indexed values, which makes your query return way faster.

The "problem" about this index type is that you have to query for the leftmost value to use the index. So, if your index has two columns, say last_name and first_name, the order that you query these fields matters a lot.

So, given the following table:

    last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    INDEX (last_name, first_name)

This query would take advantage of the index:

SELECT last_name, first_name FROM person
WHERE last_name = "John" AND first_name LIKE "J%"

But the following one would not

SELECT last_name, first_name FROM person WHERE first_name = "Constantine"

Because you're querying the first_name column first and it's not the leftmost column in the index.

This last example is even worse:

SELECT last_name, first_name FROM person WHERE first_name LIKE "%Constantine"

Because now, you're comparing the rightmost part of the rightmost field in the index.

The hash index

This is a different index type that unfortunately, only the memory backend supports. It's lightning fast but only useful for full lookups, which means that you can't use it for operations like >, < or LIKE.

Since it only works for the memory backend, you probably won't use it very often. The main case I can think of right now is the one that you create a temporary table in the memory with a set of results from another select and perform a lot of other selects in this temporary table using hash indexes.

If you have a big VARCHAR field, you can "emulate" the use of a hash index when using a B-Tree, by creating another column and saving a hash of the big value on it. Let's say you're storing a url in a field and the values are quite big. You could also create an integer field called url_hash and use a hash function like CRC32 or any other hash function to hash the url when inserting it. And then, when you need to query for this value, you can do something like this:

SELECT url FROM url_table WHERE url_hash=CRC32("");

The problem with the above example is that since the CRC32 function generates a quite small hash, you'll end up with a lot of collisions in the hashed values. If you need exact values, you can fix this problem by doing the following:

SELECT url FROM url_table 
WHERE url_hash=CRC32("") AND url="";

It's still worth to hash things even if the collision number is high cause you'll only perform the second comparison (the string one) against the repeated hashes.

Unfortunately, using this technique, you still need to hit the table to compare the url field.

Wrap up

Some facts that you may consider every time you want to talk about optimization:

  1. Integer comparison is way faster than string comparison. It can be illustrated with the example about the emulation of the hash index in InnoDB.

  2. Maybe, adding additional steps in a process makes it faster, not slower. It can be illustrated by the fact that you can optimize a SELECT by splitting it into two steps, making the first one store values in a newly created in-memory table, and then execute the heavier queries on this second table.

MySQL has other indexes too, but I think the B+Tree one is the most used ever and the hash one is a good thing to know, but you can find the other ones in the MySQL documentation.

I highly recommend you to read the "High Performance MySQL" book, the answer above was definitely based on its chapter about indexes.

How to generate and validate a software license key?

Caveat: you can't prevent users from pirating, but only make it easier for honest users to do the right thing.

Assuming you don't want to do a special build for each user, then:

  • Generate yourself a secret key for the product
  • Take the user's name
  • Concatentate the users name and the secret key and hash with (for example) SHA1
  • Unpack the SHA1 hash as an alphanumeric string. This is the individual user's "Product Key"
  • Within the program, do the same hash, and compare with the product key. If equal, OK.

But, I repeat: this won't prevent piracy

I have recently read that this approach is not cryptographically very sound. But this solution is already weak (as the software itself has to include the secret key somewhere), so I don't think this discovery invalidates the solution as far as it goes.

Just thought I really ought to mention this, though; if you're planning to derive something else from this, beware.

Task continuation on UI thread

Call the continuation with TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext():

    Task UITask= task.ContinueWith(() =>
     this.TextBlock1.Text = "Complete"; 
    }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

This is suitable only if the current execution context is on the UI thread.

how to get session id of client in Client

Have a look at my primer on exactly this topic.


var sio = require(''),
    app = require('express').createServer();

sio = sio.listen(app);

sio.on('connection', function (client) {
  console.log('client connected');

  // send the clients id to the client itself.

  client.on('disconnect', function () {
    console.log('client disconnected');

Laravel - check if Ajax request

Those who prefer to use laravel helpers they can check if a request is ajax using laravel request() helper.

   // code

Javascript close alert box

I guess you could open a popup window and call that a dialog box. I'm unsure of the details, but I'm pretty sure you can close a window programmatically that you opened from javascript. Would this suffice?

How to access site running apache server over lan without internet connection

  1. navigate to C:\wamp\alias.
  2. make file with project name and like phpmyadmin.conf
  3. add the following section and change :

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Deny,Allow Allow from all

change directory to your directory path like c:\wamp\www\projectfolder

  1. make sure you make the same in httpd.conf for all directory like first directory:

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all

second directory:

<Directory "c:/wamp/www/">

# Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All",
# or any combination of:
#   Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
# Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
# doesn't give it to you.
# The Options directive is both complicated and important.  Please see
# for more information.
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
#   Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    AllowOverride all

# Controls who can get stuff from this server.

#   onlineoffline tag - don't remove
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from all


<Directory "icons">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Importing a CSV file into a sqlite3 database table using Python

Many thanks for bernie's answer! Had to tweak it a bit - here's what worked for me:

import csv, sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect("pcfc.sl3")
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute("CREATE TABLE PCFC (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, type INTEGER, term TEXT, definition TEXT);")
reader = csv.reader(open('PC.txt', 'r'), delimiter='|')
for row in reader:
    to_db = [unicode(row[0], "utf8"), unicode(row[1], "utf8"), unicode(row[2], "utf8")]
    curs.execute("INSERT INTO PCFC (type, term, definition) VALUES (?, ?, ?);", to_db)

My text file (PC.txt) looks like this:

1 | Term 1 | Definition 1
2 | Term 2 | Definition 2
3 | Term 3 | Definition 3

Checking for a null object in C++

You can use a special designated object as the null object in case of references as follows:

class SomeClass

        int operator==(SomeClass &object)
            if(this == &object) 
                    return true;

            return false;

    static SomeClass NullObject;

SomeClass SomeClass::NullObject;

void print(SomeClass &val)
    if(val == SomeClass::NullObject)
        printf("\nNOT NULL");

End of File (EOF) in C

EOF is -1 because that's how it's defined. The name is provided by the standard library headers that you #include. They make it equal to -1 because it has to be something that can't be mistaken for an actual byte read by getchar(). getchar() reports the values of actual bytes using positive number (0 up to 255 inclusive), so -1 works fine for this.

The != operator means "not equal". 0 stands for false, and anything else stands for true. So what happens is, we call the getchar() function, and compare the result to -1 (EOF). If the result was not equal to EOF, then the result is true, because things that are not equal are not equal. If the result was equal to EOF, then the result is false, because things that are equal are not (not equal).

The call to getchar() returns EOF when you reach the "end of file". As far as C is concerned, the 'standard input' (the data you are giving to your program by typing in the command window) is just like a file. Of course, you can always type more, so you need an explicit way to say "I'm done". On Windows systems, this is control-Z. On Unix systems, this is control-D.

The example in the book is not "wrong". It depends on what you actually want to do. Reading until EOF means that you read everything, until the user says "I'm done", and then you can't read any more. Reading until '\n' means that you read a line of input. Reading until '\0' is a bad idea if you expect the user to type the input, because it is either hard or impossible to produce this byte with a keyboard at the command prompt :)

jQuery .scrollTop(); + animation

Try this code:

    $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 600);
    return false;

Windows Scheduled task succeeds but returns result 0x1

I found that I have ticked "Run whether user is logged on or not" and it returns a silent failure.

When I changed tick "Run only when user is logged on" instead it works for me.

Auto Resize Image in CSS FlexBox Layout and keeping Aspect Ratio?

You might want to try the very new and simple CSS3 feature:

img { 
  object-fit: contain;

It preserves the picture ratio (as when you use the background-picture trick), and in my case worked nicely for the same issue.

Be careful though, it is not supported by IE (see support details here).

Debug JavaScript in Eclipse

Use the debugging tools supported by the browser. As mentioned above Firebug for Firefox Chrome Developer Tools from Chrome IE Developer for IE.

That way you can detect cross-browser issues. To help reduce the cross-browser issues, use a javascript framework ie jQuery, YUI, moo tools, etc.

Below is a screenshot (javascript-debug.png) of what it looks lime in Firebug.
1) hit 'F12'
2) click the 'Script' tab and 'enable it' (if you are already on your page - hit 'F5' to re-load)
3) next to the 'All' drop down, there will be another dropdown to the right. Select your javascript file from that dropdown.
In the screenshot, I've set a break-point at line 42 by 'left-mouse-click'. This will enable you to break, inspect, watch, etc.

enter image description here

How to detect my browser version and operating system using JavaScript?

To get the new Microsoft Edge based on a Mozilla core add:

else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Edg"))!=-1) {
 browserName = "Microsoft Edge";
 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+5);


// In Chrome, the true version is after "Chrome" 
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Chrome"))!=-1) {
 browserName = "Chrome";
 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7);

How to get current available GPUs in tensorflow?

The accepted answer gives you the number of GPUs but it also allocates all the memory on those GPUs. You can avoid this by creating a session with fixed lower memory before calling device_lib.list_local_devices() which may be unwanted for some applications.

I ended up using nvidia-smi to get the number of GPUs without allocating any memory on them.

import subprocess

n = str(subprocess.check_output(["nvidia-smi", "-L"])).count('UUID')

How to read file from relative path in Java project? cannot find the path specified

I wanted to parse 'command.json' inside src/main//js/ For that I copied json file in src folder and gave the absolute path like this :

Object obj  = parser.parse(new FileReader("./src/command.json"));

Set active tab style with AngularJS

Simplest solution here:

How to set bootstrap navbar active class with Angular JS?

Which is:

Use ng-controller to run a single controller outside of the ng-view:

<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" ng-controller="HeaderController">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
        <li ng-class="{ active: isActive('/')}"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
        <li ng-class="{ active: isActive('/dogs')}"><a href="/dogs">Dogs</a></li>
        <li ng-class="{ active: isActive('/cats')}"><a href="/cats">Cats</a></li>
<div ng-view></div>

and include in controllers.js:

function HeaderController($scope, $location) 
    $scope.isActive = function (viewLocation) { 
        return viewLocation === $location.path();

'foo' was not declared in this scope c++

In general, in C++ functions have to be declared before you call them. So sometime before the definition of getSkewNormal(), the compiler needs to see the declaration:

double integrate (double start, double stop, int numSteps, Evaluatable evalObj);

Mostly what people do is put all the declarations (only) in the header file, and put the actual code -- the definitions of the functions and methods -- into a separate source (*.cc or *.cpp) file. This neatly solves the problem of needing all the functions to be declared.

Insert Unicode character into JavaScript

One option is to put the character literally in your script, e.g.:

const omega = 'O';

This requires that you let the browser know the correct source encoding, see Unicode in JavaScript

However, if you can't or don't want to do this (e.g. because the character is too exotic and can't be expected to be available in the code editor font), the safest option may be to use new-style string escape or String.fromCodePoint:

const omega = '\u{3a9}';

// or:

const omega = String.fromCodePoint(0x3a9);

This is not restricted to UTF-16 but works for all unicode code points. In comparison, the other approaches mentioned here have the following downsides:

  • HTML escapes (const omega = '&#937';): only work when rendered unescaped in an HTML element
  • old style string escapes (const omega = '\u03A9';): restricted to UTF-16
  • String.fromCharCode: restricted to UTF-16

PHP FPM - check if running

Here is how you can do it with a socket on php-fpm 7

install socat
apt-get install socat


  if echo /dev/null | socat UNIX:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock - ; then
    echo "$home/run/php-fpm.sock connect OK"
    echo "$home/run/php-fpm.sock connect ERROR"

You can also check if the service is running like this.

service php7.0-fpm status | grep running

It will return

Active: active (running) since Sun 2017-04-09 12:48:09 PDT; 48s ago

How can I display a list view in an Android Alert Dialog?

Isn't it smoother to make a method to be called after the creation of the EditText unit in an AlertDialog, for general use?

public static void EditTextListPicker(final Activity activity, final EditText EditTextItem, final String SelectTitle, final String[] SelectList) {
    EditTextItem.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
        public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
            AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity);
            builder.setItems(SelectList, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int item) {
            return false;

Python list subtraction operation

if duplicate and ordering items are problem :

[i for i in a if not i in b or b.remove(i)]

a = [1,2,3,3,3,3,4]
b = [1,3]
result: [2, 3, 3, 3, 4]

How do I delete an exported environment variable?

Walkthrough of creating and deleting an environment variable in bash:

Test if the DUALCASE variable exists:

el@apollo:~$ env | grep DUALCASE

It does not, so create the variable and export it:

el@apollo:~$ DUALCASE=1
el@apollo:~$ export DUALCASE

Check if it is there:

el@apollo:~$ env | grep DUALCASE

It is there. So get rid of it:

el@apollo:~$ unset DUALCASE

Check if it's still there:

el@apollo:~$ env | grep DUALCASE

The DUALCASE exported environment variable is deleted.

Extra commands to help clear your local and environment variables:

Unset all local variables back to default on login:

el@apollo:~$ CAN="chuck norris"
el@apollo:~$ set | grep CAN
CAN='chuck norris'
el@apollo:~$ env | grep CAN
el@apollo:~$ exec bash
el@apollo:~$ set | grep CAN
el@apollo:~$ env | grep CAN

exec bash command cleared all the local variables but not environment variables.

Unset all environment variables back to default on login:

el@apollo:~$ export DOGE="so wow"
el@apollo:~$ env | grep DOGE
DOGE=so wow
el@apollo:~$ env -i bash
el@apollo:~$ env | grep DOGE

env -i bash command cleared all the environment variables to default on login.

Why should C++ programmers minimize use of 'new'?

  • C++ doesn't employ any memory manager by its own. Other languages like C#, Java has garbage collector to handle the memory
  • C++ implementations typically use operating system routines to allocate the memory and too much new/delete could fragment the available memory
  • With any application, if the memory is frequently being used it's advisable to pre-allocate it and release when not required.
  • Improper memory management could lead memory leaks and it's really hard to track. So using stack objects within the scope of function is a proven technique
  • The downside of using stack objects are, it creates multiple copies of objects on returning, passing to functions etc. However smart compilers are well aware of these situations and they've been optimized well for performance
  • It's really tedious in C++ if the memory being allocated and released in two different places. The responsibility for release is always a question and mostly we rely on some commonly accessible pointers, stack objects (maximum possible) and techniques like auto_ptr (RAII objects)
  • The best thing is that, you've control over the memory and the worst thing is that you will not have any control over the memory if we employ an improper memory management for the application. The crashes caused due to memory corruptions are the nastiest and hard to trace.

Objective-C: Calling selectors with multiple arguments

@Shane Arney


You might also want to mention that this method is only for passing maximum 2 arguments, and it cannot be delayed. (such as performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:).

kinda weird that apple only supports 2 objects to be send and didnt make it more generic.

horizontal line and right way to code it in html, css

My simple solution is to style hr with css to have zero top & bottom margins, zero border, 1 pixel height and contrasting background color. This can be done by setting the style directly or by defining a class, for example, like:

.thin_hr {

Remove scrollbars from textarea

Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll using CSS

To hide the scrollbar use -webkit- because it is supported by major browsers (Google Chrome, Safari or newer versions of Opera). There are many other options for the other browsers which are listed below:

    -webkit- (Chrome, Safari, newer versions of Opera):
    .element::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0 !important }
    -moz- (Firefox):
    .element { overflow: -moz-scrollbars-none; }
    -ms- (Internet Explorer +10):
    .element { -ms-overflow-style: none; }


The Definitive C Book Guide and List


Introductory, no previous programming experience

  • C++ Primer * (Stanley Lippman, Josée Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo) (updated for C++11) Coming at 1k pages, this is a very thorough introduction into C++ that covers just about everything in the language in a very accessible format and in great detail. The fifth edition (released August 16, 2012) covers C++11. [Review]

    * Not to be confused with C++ Primer Plus (Stephen Prata), with a significantly less favorable review.

  • Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup, 2nd Edition - May 25, 2014) (updated for C++11/C++14) An introduction to programming using C++ by the creator of the language. A good read, that assumes no previous programming experience, but is not only for beginners.

Introductory, with previous programming experience

  • A Tour of C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup) (2nd edition for C++17) The “tour” is a quick (about 180 pages and 14 chapters) tutorial overview of all of standard C++ (language and standard library, and using C++11) at a moderately high level for people who already know C++ or at least are experienced programmers. This book is an extended version of the material that constitutes Chapters 2-5 of The C++ Programming Language, 4th edition.

  • Accelerated C++ (Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo, 1st Edition - August 24, 2000) This basically covers the same ground as the C++ Primer, but does so on a fourth of its space. This is largely because it does not attempt to be an introduction to programming, but an introduction to C++ for people who've previously programmed in some other language. It has a steeper learning curve, but, for those who can cope with this, it is a very compact introduction to the language. (Historically, it broke new ground by being the first beginner's book to use a modern approach to teaching the language.) Despite this, the C++ it teaches is purely C++98. [Review]

Best practices

  • Effective C++ (Scott Meyers, 3rd Edition - May 22, 2005) This was written with the aim of being the best second book C++ programmers should read, and it succeeded. Earlier editions were aimed at programmers coming from C, the third edition changes this and targets programmers coming from languages like Java. It presents ~50 easy-to-remember rules of thumb along with their rationale in a very accessible (and enjoyable) style. For C++11 and C++14 the examples and a few issues are outdated and Effective Modern C++ should be preferred. [Review]

  • Effective Modern C++ (Scott Meyers) This is basically the new version of Effective C++, aimed at C++ programmers making the transition from C++03 to C++11 and C++14.

  • Effective STL (Scott Meyers) This aims to do the same to the part of the standard library coming from the STL what Effective C++ did to the language as a whole: It presents rules of thumb along with their rationale. [Review]


  • More Effective C++ (Scott Meyers) Even more rules of thumb than Effective C++. Not as important as the ones in the first book, but still good to know.

  • Exceptional C++ (Herb Sutter) Presented as a set of puzzles, this has one of the best and thorough discussions of the proper resource management and exception safety in C++ through Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII) in addition to in-depth coverage of a variety of other topics including the pimpl idiom, name lookup, good class design, and the C++ memory model. [Review]

  • More Exceptional C++ (Herb Sutter) Covers additional exception safety topics not covered in Exceptional C++, in addition to discussion of effective object-oriented programming in C++ and correct use of the STL. [Review]

  • Exceptional C++ Style (Herb Sutter) Discusses generic programming, optimization, and resource management; this book also has an excellent exposition of how to write modular code in C++ by using non-member functions and the single responsibility principle. [Review]

  • C++ Coding Standards (Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu) “Coding standards” here doesn't mean “how many spaces should I indent my code?” This book contains 101 best practices, idioms, and common pitfalls that can help you to write correct, understandable, and efficient C++ code. [Review]

  • C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (David Vandevoorde and Nicolai M. Josuttis) This is the book about templates as they existed before C++11. It covers everything from the very basics to some of the most advanced template metaprogramming and explains every detail of how templates work (both conceptually and at how they are implemented) and discusses many common pitfalls. Has excellent summaries of the One Definition Rule (ODR) and overload resolution in the appendices. A second edition covering C++11, C++14 and C++17 has been already published. [Review]

  • C++ 17 - The Complete Guide (Nicolai M. Josuttis) This book describes all the new features introduced in the C++17 Standard covering everything from the simple ones like 'Inline Variables', 'constexpr if' all the way up to 'Polymorphic Memory Resources' and 'New and Delete with overaligned Data'. [Review]

  • C++ in Action (Bartosz Milewski). This book explains C++ and its features by building an application from ground up. [Review]

  • Functional Programming in C++ (Ivan Cukic). This book introduces functional programming techniques to modern C++ (C++11 and later). A very nice read for those who want to apply functional programming paradigms to C++.

  • Professional C++ (Marc Gregoire, 5th Edition - Feb 2021) Provides a comprehensive and detailed tour of the C++ language implementation replete with professional tips and concise but informative in-text examples, emphasizing C++20 features. Uses C++20 features, such as modules and std::format throughout all examples.


  • Modern C++ Design (Andrei Alexandrescu) A groundbreaking book on advanced generic programming techniques. Introduces policy-based design, type lists, and fundamental generic programming idioms then explains how many useful design patterns (including small object allocators, functors, factories, visitors, and multi-methods) can be implemented efficiently, modularly, and cleanly using generic programming. [Review]

  • C++ Template Metaprogramming (David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy)

  • C++ Concurrency In Action (Anthony Williams) A book covering C++11 concurrency support including the thread library, the atomics library, the C++ memory model, locks and mutexes, as well as issues of designing and debugging multithreaded applications. A second edition covering C++14 and C++17 has been already published. [Review]

  • Advanced C++ Metaprogramming (Davide Di Gennaro) A pre-C++11 manual of TMP techniques, focused more on practice than theory. There are a ton of snippets in this book, some of which are made obsolete by type traits, but the techniques, are nonetheless useful to know. If you can put up with the quirky formatting/editing, it is easier to read than Alexandrescu, and arguably, more rewarding. For more experienced developers, there is a good chance that you may pick up something about a dark corner of C++ (a quirk) that usually only comes about through extensive experience.

Reference Style - All Levels

  • The C++ Programming Language (Bjarne Stroustrup) (updated for C++11) The classic introduction to C++ by its creator. Written to parallel the classic K&R, this indeed reads very much like it and covers just about everything from the core language to the standard library, to programming paradigms to the language's philosophy. [Review] Note: All releases of the C++ standard are tracked in the question "Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?".

  • C++ Standard Library Tutorial and Reference (Nicolai Josuttis) (updated for C++11) The introduction and reference for the C++ Standard Library. The second edition (released on April 9, 2012) covers C++11. [Review]

  • The C++ IO Streams and Locales (Angelika Langer and Klaus Kreft) There's very little to say about this book except that, if you want to know anything about streams and locales, then this is the one place to find definitive answers. [Review]

C++11/14/17/… References:

  • The C++11/14/17 Standard (INCITS/ISO/IEC 14882:2011/2014/2017) This, of course, is the final arbiter of all that is or isn't C++. Be aware, however, that it is intended purely as a reference for experienced users willing to devote considerable time and effort to its understanding. The C++17 standard is released in electronic form for 198 Swiss Francs.

  • The C++17 standard is available, but seemingly not in an economical form – directly from the ISO it costs 198 Swiss Francs (about $200 US). For most people, the final draft before standardization is more than adequate (and free). Many will prefer an even newer draft, documenting new features that are likely to be included in C++20.

  • Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14) (PDF only) (Scott Meyers) (updated for C++14) These are the presentation materials (slides and some lecture notes) of a three-day training course offered by Scott Meyers, who's a highly respected author on C++. Even though the list of items is short, the quality is high.

  • The C++ Core Guidelines (C++11/14/17/…) (edited by Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter) is an evolving online document consisting of a set of guidelines for using modern C++ well. The guidelines are focused on relatively higher-level issues, such as interfaces, resource management, memory management and concurrency affecting application architecture and library design. The project was announced at CppCon'15 by Bjarne Stroustrup and others and welcomes contributions from the community. Most guidelines are supplemented with a rationale and examples as well as discussions of possible tool support. Many rules are designed specifically to be automatically checkable by static analysis tools.

  • The C++ Super-FAQ (Marshall Cline, Bjarne Stroustrup and others) is an effort by the Standard C++ Foundation to unify the C++ FAQs previously maintained individually by Marshall Cline and Bjarne Stroustrup and also incorporating new contributions. The items mostly address issues at an intermediate level and are often written with a humorous tone. Not all items might be fully up to date with the latest edition of the C++ standard yet.

  • (C++03/11/14/17/…) (initiated by Nate Kohl) is a wiki that summarizes the basic core-language features and has extensive documentation of the C++ standard library. The documentation is very precise but is easier to read than the official standard document and provides better navigation due to its wiki nature. The project documents all versions of the C++ standard and the site allows filtering the display for a specific version. The project was presented by Nate Kohl at CppCon'14.

Classics / Older

Note: Some information contained within these books may not be up-to-date or no longer considered best practice.

  • The Design and Evolution of C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup) If you want to know why the language is the way it is, this book is where you find answers. This covers everything before the standardization of C++.

  • Ruminations on C++ - (Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo) [Review]

  • Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms (James Coplien) A predecessor of the pattern movement, it describes many C++-specific “idioms”. It's certainly a very good book and might still be worth a read if you can spare the time, but quite old and not up-to-date with current C++.

  • Large Scale C++ Software Design (John Lakos) Lakos explains techniques to manage very big C++ software projects. Certainly, a good read, if it only was up to date. It was written long before C++ 98 and misses on many features (e.g. namespaces) important for large-scale projects. If you need to work in a big C++ software project, you might want to read it, although you need to take more than a grain of salt with it. The first volume of a new edition is released in 2019.

  • Inside the C++ Object Model (Stanley Lippman) If you want to know how virtual member functions are commonly implemented and how base objects are commonly laid out in memory in a multi-inheritance scenario, and how all this affects performance, this is where you will find thorough discussions of such topics.

  • The Annotated C++ Reference Manual (Bjarne Stroustrup, Margaret A. Ellis) This book is quite outdated in the fact that it explores the 1989 C++ 2.0 version - Templates, exceptions, namespaces and new casts were not yet introduced. Saying that however, this book goes through the entire C++ standard of the time explaining the rationale, the possible implementations, and features of the language. This is not a book to learn programming principles and patterns on C++, but to understand every aspect of the C++ language.

  • Thinking in C++ (Bruce Eckel, 2nd Edition, 2000). Two volumes; is a tutorial style free set of intro level books. Downloads: vol 1, vol 2. Unfortunately they're marred by a number of trivial errors (e.g. maintaining that temporaries are automatically const), with no official errata list. A partial 3rd party errata list is available at, but it is apparently not maintained.

  • Scientific and Engineering C++: An Introduction to Advanced Techniques and Examples (John Barton and Lee Nackman) It is a comprehensive and very detailed book that tried to explain and make use of all the features available in C++, in the context of numerical methods. It introduced at the time several new techniques, such as the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP, also called Barton-Nackman trick). It pioneered several techniques such as dimensional analysis and automatic differentiation. It came with a lot of compilable and useful code, ranging from an expression parser to a Lapack wrapper. The code is still available online. Unfortunately, the books have become somewhat outdated in the style and C++ features, however, it was an incredible tour-de-force at the time (1994, pre-STL). The chapters on dynamics inheritance are a bit complicated to understand and not very useful. An updated version of this classic book that includes move semantics and the lessons learned from the STL would be very nice.

Alternative to itoa() for converting integer to string C++?

If you are interested in fast as well as safe integer to string conversion method and not limited to the standard library, I can recommend the format_int method from the {fmt} library:

fmt::format_int(42).str();   // convert to std::string
fmt::format_int(42).c_str(); // convert and get as a C string
                             // (mind the lifetime, same as std::string::c_str())

According to the integer to string conversion benchmarks from Boost Karma, this method several times faster than glibc's sprintf or std::stringstream. It is even faster than Boost Karma's own int_generator as was confirm by an independent benchmark.

Disclaimer: I'm the author of this library.

In Bash, how do I add a string after each line in a file?

  1. Pure POSIX shell and sponge:

    while read l ; do printf '%s\n' "$l" "${suffix}" ; done < file | 
    sponge file
  2. xargs and printf:

    xargs -L 1 printf "%s${suffix}\n" < file | sponge file
  3. Using join:

    join file file -e "${suffix}" -o 1.1,2.99999 | sponge file
  4. Shell tools using paste, yes, head & wc:

    paste file <(yes "${suffix}" | head -$(wc -l < file) ) | sponge file

    Note that paste inserts a Tab char before $suffix.

Of course sponge can be replaced with a temp file, afterwards mv'd over the original filename, as with some other answers...

Change key pair for ec2 instance

This answer is useful in the case you no longer have SSH access to the existing server (i.e. you lost your private key).

If you still have SSH access, please use one of the answers below.

Here is what I did, thanks to Eric Hammond's blog post:

  1. Stop the running EC2 instance
  2. Detach its /dev/xvda1 volume (let's call it volume A) - see here
  3. Start new t1.micro EC2 instance, using my new key pair. Make sure you create it in the same subnet, otherwise you will have to terminate the instance and create it again. - see here
  4. Attach volume A to the new micro instance, as /dev/xvdf (or /dev/sdf)
  5. SSH to the new micro instance and mount volume A to /mnt/tmp
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp; sudo mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/tmp
  1. Copy ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to /mnt/tmp/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
  2. Logout
  3. Terminate micro instance
  4. Detach volume A from it
  5. Attach volume A back to the main instance as /dev/xvda
  6. Start the main instance
  7. Login as before, using your new .pem file

That's it.

Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?

If your code says "int newVal=42" then you would reasonably expect that newVal is never uninitialised. But if you goto over this statement (which is what you're doing) then that's exactly what happens - newVal is in-scope but has not been assigned.

If that is what you really meant to happen then the language requires to make it explicit by saying "int newVal; newVal = 42;". Otherwise you can limit the scope of newVal to the single case, which is more likely what you wanted.

It may clarify things if you consider the same example but with "const int newVal = 42;"

Access-Control-Allow-Origin wildcard subdomains, ports and protocols

When setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin in .htaccess, only following worked:

SetEnvIf Origin "http(s)?://(.+\.)?domain\.com(:\d{1,5})?$" CRS=$0
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "%{CRS}e" env=CRS

I tried several other suggested keywords Header append, Header set, none worked as suggested in many answers on SO, though I have no idea if these keywords are outdated or not valid for nginx.

Here is my complete solution:

SetEnvIf Origin "http(s)?://(.+\.)?domain\.com(:\d{1,5})?$" CRS=$0
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "%{CRS}e" env=CRS
Header merge Vary "Origin"

Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *

# Cached for a day
Header always set Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400

RewriteEngine On

# Respond with 200OK for OPTIONS
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [R=200,L]

How to add images to on GitHub?

We can do this simply,

  • create a New Issue on GitHub
  • drag and drop images on the body div of Issue

after a few seconds, a link will be generated. Now, copy the link or image URL and use it any supported platform.

How to add a Browse To File dialog to a VB.NET application

You're looking for the OpenFileDialog class.

For example:

Sub SomeButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SomeButton.Click
    Using dialog As New OpenFileDialog
        If dialog.ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then Return
        File.Copy(dialog.FileName, newPath)
    End Using
End Sub

jQuery: click function exclude children.

Here is an example. Green square is parent and yellow square is child element.

Hope that this helps.

var childElementClicked;_x000D_
     childElementClicked = true;_x000D_
  if( childElementClicked != true ) {_x000D_
   // It is clicked on parent but not on child._x000D_
      // Now do some action that you want._x000D_
      alert('Clicked on parent');_x000D_
      alert('Clicked on child');_x000D_
    childElementClicked = false;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="parentElement">_x000D_
  <div id="childElement">_x000D_

How to get a context in a recycler view adapter

If you are using Databinding on layout you can get the context from holder. An exemple below.

public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull GenericViewHolder holder, int position) {
    View currentView = holder.binding.getRoot().findViewById(;// id of your root layout
    currentView.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(holder.binding.getRoot().getContext(), R.color.light_green));

SQL server 2008 backup error - Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

I've faced this error, when there was no enough free space to create backup.

How do I select text nodes with jQuery?

For me, plain old .contents() appeared to work to return the text nodes, just have to be careful with your selectors so that you know they will be text nodes.

For example, this wrapped all the text content of the TDs in my table with pre tags and had no problems.

jQuery("#resultTable td").content().wrap("<pre/>")

Determine version of Entity Framework I am using?

If you open the references folder and locate, click the item, then check the runtime version number in the Properties explorer, you will see the sub version as well. Mine for instance shows v4.0.30319 with the Version property showing

What's the best way to generate a UML diagram from Python source code?

You may have heard of Pylint that helps statically checking Python code. Few people know that it comes with a tool named Pyreverse that draws UML diagrams from the python code it reads. Pyreverse uses graphviz as a backend.

It is used like this:

pyreverse -o png -p yourpackage .

where the . can also be a single file.

Excel VBA: AutoFill Multiple Cells with Formulas

The approach you're looking for is FillDown. Another way so you don't have to kick your head off every time is to store formulas in an array of strings. Combining them gives you a powerful method of inputting formulas by the multitude. Code follows:

Sub FillDown()

    Dim strFormulas(1 To 3) As Variant

    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
        strFormulas(1) = "=SUM(A2:B2)"
        strFormulas(2) = "=PRODUCT(A2:B2)"
        strFormulas(3) = "=A2/B2"

        .Range("C2:E2").Formula = strFormulas
    End With

End Sub


Result as of line: .Range("C2:E2").Formula = strFormulas:

enter image description here

Result as of line: .Range("C2:E11").FillDown:

enter image description here

Of course, you can make it dynamic by storing the last row into a variable and turning it to something like .Range("C2:E" & LRow).FillDown, much like what you did.

Hope this helps!

'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

On my Windows 7 machine I have the following environment variables:

  • JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07

  • M2_HOME=C:\apache-maven-3.0.3

On my PATH variable, I have (among others) the following:

  • %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%M2_HOME%\bin

I tried doing what you've done with %M2% having the nested %M2_HOME% and it also works.

PHP Include for HTML?

You can use php code in files with extension .php and only there (iff other is not defined in your server settings).

Just rename your file *.html to *.php

If you want to allow php code processing in files of different format, you have two options to do that:

1) Modifying httpd.conf to allow this for all projects on your server, by adding:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .htm .html

2) Creating .htaccess file in your separate project top directory with:

<Files />
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .html

For second option you need to allow use of .htaccess files in your httpd.conf, by adding the following settings:

AllowOverride All
AccessFileName .htaccess

*that is correct for Apache HTTP Server

Apply formula to the entire column

To be clear when you us the drag indicator it will only copy the cell values down the column whilst there is a value in the adjacent cell in a given row. As soon as the drag operation sees an adjacent cell that is blank it will stop copying the formula down.



If the above is a spreadsheet then using the double click drag indicator on the 'b' cell will fill row 2 but not row three or four.

cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable

  • the object which implements Comparable is Fegan.

The method compareTo you are overidding in it should have a Fegan object as a parameter whereas you are casting it to a FoodItems. Your compareTo implementation should describe how a Fegan compare to another Fegan.

  • To actually do your sorting, you might want to make your FoodItems implement Comparable aswell and copy paste your actual compareTo logic in it.

Printing image with PrintDocument. how to adjust the image to fit paper size

The parameters that you are passing into the DrawImage method should be the size you want the image on the paper rather than the size of the image itself, the DrawImage command will then take care of the scaling for you. Probably the easiest way is to use the following override of the DrawImage command.

args.Graphics.DrawImage(i, args.MarginBounds);

Note: This will skew the image if the proportions of the image are not the same as the rectangle. Some simple math on the size of the image and paper size will allow you to create a new rectangle that fits in the bounds of the paper without skewing the image.

In MS DOS copying several files to one file

type data1.csv > combined.csv
type data2.csv >> combined.csv
type data3.csv >> combined.csv
type data4.csv >> combined.csv


Assume that your using files without headers and all files have the same columns.

How do I include a file over 2 directories back?

if you are using php7 you can use dirname function with level parameter of 2, for example :

dirname("/usr/local/lib", 2);

the second parameter "2" indicate how many level up

dirname referance

jquery save json data object in cookie

It is not good practice to save the value that is returned from JSON.stringify(userData) to a cookie; it can lead to a bug in some browsers.

Before using it, you should convert it to base64 (using btoa), and when reading it, convert from base64 (using atob).

val = JSON.stringify(userData)
val = btoa(val)


How to make Python script run as service?

for my script of python, I use...

To START python script :

start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile --exec $DAEMON

To STOP python script :

kill -9 $PID
rm -f $PIDFILE

P.S.: sorry for poor English, I'm from CHILE :D

How to check if array element is null to avoid NullPointerException in Java

public static void main(String s[])
    int firstArray[] = {2, 14, 6, 82, 22};
    int secondArray[] = {3, 16, 12, 14, 48, 96};
    int number = getCommonMinimumNumber(firstArray, secondArray);
    System.out.println("The number is " + number);

public static int getCommonMinimumNumber(int firstSeries[], int secondSeries[])
    Integer result =0;
    if ( firstSeries.length !=0 && secondSeries.length !=0 )
        one : for (int i = 0 ; i < firstSeries.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < secondSeries.length; j++)
                if ( firstSeries[i] ==secondSeries[j])
                    result =firstSeries[i];
                    break one;
                    result = -999;
    else if ( firstSeries == Null || secondSeries == null)
        result =-999;

        result = -999;

    return result;

public static int[] series(int number[])

    int temp;
    boolean fixed = false;
    while(fixed == false)
        fixed = true;
        for ( int i =0 ; i < number.length-1; i++)
            if ( number[i] > number[i+1])
                temp = number[i+1];
                number[i+1] = number[i];
                number[i] = temp;
                fixed = false;
    /*for ( int i =0 ;i< number.length;i++)
    return number;


write a shell script to ssh to a remote machine and execute commands

There are a number of ways to handle this.

My favorite way is to install on the remote systems and also your own public key. (Figure out a way to get these installed on the VM, somehow you got an entire Unix system installed, what's a couple more files?)

With your ssh agent forwarded, you can now log in to every system without a password.

And even better, that pam module will authenticate for sudo with your ssh key pair so you can run with root (or any other user's) rights as needed.

You don't need to worry about the host key interaction. If the input is not a terminal then ssh will just limit your ability to forward agents and authenticate with passwords.

You should also look into packages like Capistrano. Definitely look around that site; it has an introduction to remote scripting.

Individual script lines might look something like this:

ssh remote-system-name command arguments ... # so, for exmaple,
ssh sudo puppet apply

Convert a string to int using sql query

You could use CAST or CONVERT:



Change Project Namespace in Visual Studio


  1. Goto menu: Project -> WindowsFormsApplication16 Properties/
  2. write MyName in Assembly name and Default namespace textbox, then save.


  1. open one old .cs file ( a class or a form)
  2. right click on WindowsFormsApplication16 in front of namespace, goto Refactor -> Rename .
  3. write MyName in New name textbox, in Rename Message Box.
  4. press Ok, then Apply

Prevent form redirect OR refresh on submit?

In the opening tag of your form, set an action attribute like so:

<form id="contactForm" action="#">

Is there a method that tells my program to quit?

See sys.exit. That function will quit your program with the given exit status.

PopupWindow $BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid

Try to use it

LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater).getApplicationContext().getSystemService(LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
View view = inflate.from(YourActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.yourLayout, null);

Setting Elastic search limit to "unlimited"

Another approach is to first do a searchType: 'count', then and then do a normal search with size set to results.count.

The advantage here is it avoids depending on a magic number for UPPER_BOUND as suggested in this similar SO question, and avoids the extra overhead of building too large of a priority queue that Shay Banon describes here. It also lets you keep your results sorted, unlike scan.

The biggest disadvantage is that it requires two requests. Depending on your circumstance, this may be acceptable.

How to delete a whole folder and content?

//To delete all the files of a specific folder & subfolder
public static void deleteFiles(File directory, Context c) {
    try {
        for (File file : directory.listFiles()) {
            if (file.isFile()) {
                final ContentResolver contentResolver = c.getContentResolver();
                String canonicalPath;
                try {
                    canonicalPath = file.getCanonicalPath();
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    canonicalPath = file.getAbsolutePath();
                final Uri uri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external");
                final int result = contentResolver.delete(uri,
                        MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.DATA + "=?", new String[]{canonicalPath});
                if (result == 0) {
                    final String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
                    if (!absolutePath.equals(canonicalPath)) {
                                MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.DATA + "=?", new String[]{absolutePath});
                if (file.exists()) {
                    if (file.exists()) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                        if (file.exists()) {
            } else
                deleteFiles(file, c);
    } catch (Exception e) {

here is your solution it will also refresh the gallery as well.

How the single threaded non blocking IO model works in Node.js

Node.js uses libuv behind the scenes. libuv has a thread pool (of size 4 by default). Therefore Node.js does use threads to achieve concurrency.

However, your code runs on a single thread (i.e., all of the callbacks of Node.js functions will be called on the same thread, the so called loop-thread or event-loop). When people say "Node.js runs on a single thread" they are really saying "the callbacks of Node.js run on a single thread".

How to configure a HTTP proxy for svn

In windows 7, you may have to edit this file


http-proxy-host =
http-proxy-port = 3128

Redirect to new Page in AngularJS using $location

If you want to change ng-view you'll have to use the '#'

$window.location.href= "#operation";

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function while using jQuery UI

You may see if you are not loading jQuery twice somehow. Especially after your plugin JavaScript file loaded.

I has the same error and found that one of my external PHP files was loading jQuery again.

Define the selected option with the old input in Laravel / Blade

<select name="gender" class="form-control" id="gender">
                                <option value="">Select Gender</option>
                                <option value="M" @if (old('gender') == "M") {{ 'selected' }} @endif>Male</option>
                                <option value="F" @if (old('gender') == "F") {{ 'selected' }} @endif>Female</option>

JavaScript object: access variable property by name as string

ThiefMaster's answer is 100% correct, although I came across a similar problem where I needed to fetch a property from a nested object (object within an object), so as an alternative to his answer, you can create a recursive solution that will allow you to define a nomenclature to grab any property, regardless of depth:

function fetchFromObject(obj, prop) {

    if(typeof obj === 'undefined') {
        return false;

    var _index = prop.indexOf('.')
    if(_index > -1) {
        return fetchFromObject(obj[prop.substring(0, _index)], prop.substr(_index + 1));

    return obj[prop];

Where your string reference to a given property ressembles property1.property2

Code and comments in JsFiddle.

Java Embedded Databases Comparison

I have used Derby and i really hate it's data type conversion functions, especially date/time functions. (Number Type)<--> Varchar conversion it's a pain.

So that if you plan use data type conversions in your DB statements consider the use of othe embedded DB, i learn it too late.

Latest Derby Version data type conversions

Clear text from textarea with selenium

In the most recent Selenium version, use:


How to set initial size of std::vector?

You need to use the reserve function to set an initial allocated size or do it in the initial constructor.

vector<CustomClass *> content(20000);


vector<CustomClass *> content;

When you reserve() elements, the vector will allocate enough space for (at least?) that many elements. The elements do not exist in the vector, but the memory is ready to be used. This will then possibly speed up push_back() because the memory is already allocated.

Simple way to convert datarow array to datatable

Here is the solution. It should work fine.

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = dsData.Tables[0].Clone();
DataRows[] drResults = dsData.Tables[0].Select("ColName = 'criteria');

foreach(DataRow dr in drResults)
    object[] row = dr.ItemArray;

Electron: jQuery is not defined

you may try the following code:

mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
        webPreferences: {