I boiled my head over this issue and it has happened due to a careless mistake on handling the callbacks. non returned callbacks cause the response to be set twice.!
My program had a code which validate request and query the DB. after validating if error is there, I was calling back the index.js with the validation errors . And if validation passes it goes ahead and hit the db with success/failure.
var error = validateRequestDetails("create",queryReq);
if (error)
callback(error, null);
some code
callback(null, success);
What was happening is : Incase validation fails the callback get called and response get set. But not returned. So it still continues the method goes to db and hit success/failure . It calls the same callback again causing the response to be set twice now.
So solution is simple, you need to 'return' the callback so that the method don't continue executing, once the error has occurred and hence set the response object once
var error = validateRequestDetails("create",queryReq);
if (error)
callback(error, null);
some code
callback(null, success);