Programs & Examples On #Stockquotes

Download history stock prices automatically from yahoo finance in python

Extending @Def_Os's answer with an actual demo...

As @Def_Os has already said - using Pandas Datareader makes this task a real fun

In [12]: from pandas_datareader import data

pulling all available historical data for AAPL starting from 1980-01-01

#In [13]: aapl = data.DataReader('AAPL', 'yahoo', '1980-01-01')

# yahoo api is inconsistent for getting historical data, please use google instead.
In [13]: aapl = data.DataReader('AAPL', 'google', '1980-01-01')

first 5 rows

In [14]: aapl.head()
                 Open       High     Low   Close     Volume  Adj Close
1980-12-12  28.750000  28.875000  28.750  28.750  117258400   0.431358
1980-12-15  27.375001  27.375001  27.250  27.250   43971200   0.408852
1980-12-16  25.375000  25.375000  25.250  25.250   26432000   0.378845
1980-12-17  25.875000  25.999999  25.875  25.875   21610400   0.388222
1980-12-18  26.625000  26.750000  26.625  26.625   18362400   0.399475

last 5 rows

In [15]: aapl.tail()
                 Open       High        Low      Close    Volume  Adj Close
2016-06-07  99.250000  99.870003  98.959999  99.029999  22366400  99.029999
2016-06-08  99.019997  99.559998  98.680000  98.940002  20812700  98.940002
2016-06-09  98.500000  99.989998  98.459999  99.650002  26419600  99.650002
2016-06-10  98.529999  99.349998  98.480003  98.830002  31462100  98.830002
2016-06-13  98.690002  99.120003  97.099998  97.339996  37612900  97.339996

save all data as CSV file

In [16]: aapl.to_csv('d:/temp/aapl_data.csv')

d:/temp/aapl_data.csv - 5 first rows

Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close

Jackson with JSON: Unrecognized field, not marked as ignorable

The POJO should be defined as

Response class

public class Response {
    private List<Wrapper> wrappers;
    // getter and setter

Wrapper class

public class Wrapper {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    // getters and setters

and mapper to read value

Response response = mapper.readValue(jsonStr , Response.class);

What to do on TransactionTooLargeException

For me it was also the FragmentStatePagerAdapter, however overriding saveState() did not work. Here's how I fixed it:

When calling the FragmentStatePagerAdapter constructor, keep a separate list of fragments within the class, and add a method to remove the fragments:

class PagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {
    ArrayList<Fragment> items;

    PagerAdapter(ArrayList<Fragment> frags) {
        super(getFragmentManager()); //or getChildFragmentManager() or getSupportFragmentManager()
        this.items = new ArrayList<>();

    public void removeFragments() {
        Iterator<Fragment> iter = items.iterator();

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Fragment item =;
    //...getItem() and etc methods...

Then in the Activity, save the ViewPager position and call adapter.removeFragments() in the overridden onSaveInstanceState() method:

private int pagerPosition;

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    //save other view state here
    pagerPosition = mViewPager.getCurrentItem();

Lastly, in the overridden onResume() method, re-instantiate the adapter if it isn't null. (If it's null, then the Activity is being opened for the first time or after the app has been killed off by Android, in which onCreate will do the adapter creation.)

public void onResume() {
    if (adapter != null) {
        adapter = new PagerAdapter(frags);

How to get the parent dir location

I think use this is better:

os.path.realpath(__file__).rsplit('/', X)[0]

In [1]: __file__ = "/aParent/templates/blog1/page.html"

In [2]: os.path.realpath(__file__).rsplit('/', 3)[0]
Out[3]: '/aParent'

In [4]: __file__ = "/aParent/templates/blog1/page.html"

In [5]: os.path.realpath(__file__).rsplit('/', 1)[0]
Out[6]: '/aParent/templates/blog1'

In [7]: os.path.realpath(__file__).rsplit('/', 2)[0]
Out[8]: '/aParent/templates'

In [9]: os.path.realpath(__file__).rsplit('/', 3)[0]
Out[10]: '/aParent'

What is the difference between a mutable and immutable string in C#?

StringBuilder is a better option to concat a huge data string because the StringBuilder is a mutable string type and StringBuilder object is an immutable type, that means StringBuilder never create a new instance of object while concat the string.

If we are using string instead of StringBuilder to achieve for concatenation then it will create new instance in memory every time.

Returning a regex match in VBA (excel)

You need to access the matches in order to get at the SDI number. Here is a function that will do it (assuming there is only 1 SDI number per cell).

For the regex, I used "sdi followed by a space and one or more numbers". You had "sdi followed by a space and zero or more numbers". You can simply change the + to * in my pattern to go back to what you had.

Function ExtractSDI(ByVal text As String) As String

Dim result As String
Dim allMatches As Object
Dim RE As Object
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")

RE.pattern = "(sdi \d+)"
RE.Global = True
RE.IgnoreCase = True
Set allMatches = RE.Execute(text)

If allMatches.count <> 0 Then
    result = allMatches.Item(0).submatches.Item(0)
End If

ExtractSDI = result

End Function

If a cell may have more than one SDI number you want to extract, here is my RegexExtract function. You can pass in a third paramter to seperate each match (like comma-seperate them), and you manually enter the pattern in the actual function call:

Ex) =RegexExtract(A1, "(sdi \d+)", ", ")

Here is:

Function RegexExtract(ByVal text As String, _
                      ByVal extract_what As String, _
                      Optional seperator As String = "") As String

Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim result As String
Dim allMatches As Object
Dim RE As Object
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")

RE.pattern = extract_what
RE.Global = True
Set allMatches = RE.Execute(text)

For i = 0 To allMatches.count - 1
    For j = 0 To allMatches.Item(i).submatches.count - 1
        result = result & seperator & allMatches.Item(i).submatches.Item(j)

If Len(result) <> 0 Then
    result = Right(result, Len(result) - Len(seperator))
End If

RegexExtract = result

End Function

*Please note that I have taken "RE.IgnoreCase = True" out of my RegexExtract, but you could add it back in, or even add it as an optional 4th parameter if you like.

Convert Xml to Table SQL Server

The sp_xml_preparedocument stored procedure will parse the XML and the OPENXML rowset provider will show you a relational view of the XML data.

For details and more examples check the OPENXML documentation.

As for your question,

SET @XML = '<rows><row>

DECLARE @handle INT  
DECLARE @PrepareXmlStatus INT  

EXEC @PrepareXmlStatus= sp_xml_preparedocument @handle OUTPUT, @XML  

FROM    OPENXML(@handle, '/rows/row', 2)  
    WITH (
    IdInvernadero INT,
    IdProducto INT,
    IdCaracteristica1 INT,
    IdCaracteristica2 INT,
    Cantidad INT,
    Folio INT

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @handle 

jQuery: find element by text

Best way in my opinion.

$.fn.findByContentText = function (text) {
    return $(this).contents().filter(function () {
        return $(this).text().trim() == text.trim();

Sorted collection in Java

You can use Arraylist and Treemap, as you said you want repeated values as well then you cant use TreeSet, though it is sorted as well, but you have to define comparator.

Datatables - Search Box outside datatable

You can use the sDom option for this.

Default with search input in its own div:

sDom: '<"search-box"r>lftip'

If you use jQuery UI (bjQueryUI set to true):

sDom: '<"search-box"r><"H"lf>t<"F"ip>'

The above will put the search/filtering input element into it's own div with a class named search-box that is outside of the actual table.

Even though it uses its special shorthand syntax it can actually take any HTML you throw at it.

How to remove a web site from google analytics

Feb 2016 version: Admin tab, then select Property in the middle column, click Property Settings, then the Move To Trash Can button at the top right. No need to delete individual views.

Should URL be case sensitive?

Case Preservation

URLs are case-preserving, between client and server. But portions of URLs may or may not be case-sensitive, depending on the server, for a couple of reasons.

Case Sensitivity

The following bold parts of URLs may be case-sensitive, depending on the site and/or server configuration.

    http:// www. /abc/def.ghi?jkl=mno#pqr

    user @


Case-sensitivity in URLs can have several uses. Mainly:

  1. Native compatibility with case-sensitive filesystems.
  2. More compact data encoding within URLs, such as for serialization, hashing, IDs, permalinks, and URL shorteners.

As a developer, I believe the above can often be handled in better ways, but I also understand there are cases where a situation may not permit this.

For example, imagine an existing product that requires a lot of data placed in the "GET" URL, yet it must be compatible with the maximum URL lengths of all major servers, browsers, and caching/proxy mechanisms. To fit even a moderate-length command string (under 1,024 characters for some older browsers), you'd need to use every unique URL-safe character you could (which is basically what base64url encoding is).

In an Ideal World

Whether or not URLs should be case-sensitive is debatable. I personally believe they should not be, for simplicity (though it may create longer URLs, we have percent-escapes to easily handle cases where we must ensure preservation of exact characters, and there are ways to transfer data other than right in the URL).

Many seem to agree based on the fact that case-insensitive URLs are explicitly enabled for many popular sites and services, in order to increase usability. The most prominent example is the username portion of email addresses. Most email providers will ignore case and sometimes even dots and other symbols (like "[email protected]" being the same as "[email protected]"). Even though email usernames are case-sensitive by default, according to spec.

However, the fact is that despite what I or others might want, this is the state of how things currently work. And while an eventual worldwide transition to a case-insensitive URL standard is certainly possible, it would likely take quite a long time since case-sensitivity is currently used extensively around the web for various purposes.

Best Practices

As far as best practices go, as a user you can reasonably stick to lowercase for most situations and expect things to work. The main exceptions would be URLs that use case-based encoding or document paths with direct filesystem equivalents. However, such complex URLs are typically copy-pasted (or simply clicked) rather than manually typed.

As a web developer, you should consider keeping URLs as case-insensitive as possible. Though there are clearly some difficult-to-avoid situations, depending on context, as noted above.

Wait for async task to finish

How about calling a function from within your callback instead of returning a value in sync_call()?

function sync_call(input) {
    var value;

    // Assume the async call always succeed
    async_call(input, function(result) {
        value = result;
    } );

How to get the contents of a webpage in a shell variable?

There are many ways to get a page from the command line... but it also depends if you want the code source or the page itself:

If you need the code source:

with curl:

curl $url

with wget:

wget -O - $url

but if you want to get what you can see with a browser, lynx can be useful:

lynx -dump $url

I think you can find so many solutions for this little problem, maybe you should read all man pages for those commands. And don't forget to replace $url by your URL :)

Good luck :)

Changing the sign of a number in PHP?

A trivial

$num = $num <= 0 ? $num : -$num ;

or, the better solution, IMHO:

$num = -1 * abs($num)

As @VegardLarsen has posted,

the explicit multiplication can be avoided for shortness but I prefer readability over shortness

I suggest to avoid if/else (or equivalent ternary operator) especially if you have to manipulate a number of items (in a loop or using a lambda function), as it will affect performance.

"If the float is a negative, make it a positive."

In order to change the sign of a number you can simply do:

$num = 0 - $num;

or, multiply it by -1, of course :)

How do I append to a table in Lua

You are looking for the insert function, found in the table section of the main library.

foo = {}
table.insert(foo, "bar")
table.insert(foo, "baz")

Faster alternative in Oracle to SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sometable

Think about it: the database really has to go to every row to do that. In a multi-user environment my COUNT(*) could be different from your COUNT(*). It would be impractical to have a different counter for each and every session so you have literally to count the rows. Most of the time anyway you would have a WHERE clause or a JOIN in your query so your hypothetical counter would be of litte practical value.

There are ways to speed up things however: if you have an INDEX on a NOT NULL column Oracle will count the rows of the index instead of the table. In a proper relational model all tables have a primary key so the COUNT(*) will use the index of the primary key.

Bitmap index have entries for NULL rows so a COUNT(*) will use a bitmap index if there is one available.

Set default value of an integer column SQLite

Use the SQLite keyword default


This link is useful:

Difference between "or" and || in Ruby?

Both or and || evaluate to true if either operand is true. They evaluate their second operand only if the first is false.

As with and, the only difference between or and || is their precedence.

Just to make life interesting, and and or have the same precedence, while && has a higher precedence than ||.

C# looping through an array

Your for loop doesn't need to just add one. You can loop by three.

for(int i = 0; i < theData.Length; i+=3)
  string value1 = theData[i];
  string value2 = theData[i+1];
  string value3 = theData[i+2];

Basically, you are just using indexes to grab the values in your array. One point to note here, I am not checking to see if you go past the end of your array. Make sure you are doing bounds checking!

How to detect a mobile device with JavaScript?

As I (kind of without success) searched for the proper solution for my hack, I want to add my hack here nonetheless: I simply check for support of device orientation, which seems the most significant diffrence between mobiles and desktop:

var is_handheld=0; // just a global if(window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {is_handheld=1;}

That being said, imho a page should also offer manual choice between mobile / desktop layout. I got 1920*1080 and I can zoom in - an oversimplified and feature-reduced wordpressoid chunk is not always a good thing. Especially forcing a layout based on nonworking device detection - it happens all the time.

PowerShell Remoting giving "Access is Denied" error

Running the command prompt or Powershell ISE as an administrator fixed this for me.

Synchronously waiting for an async operation, and why does Wait() freeze the program here

With small custom synchronization context, sync function can wait for completion of async function, without creating deadlock. Here is small example for WinForms app.

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub

    ' waiting inside Sync method for finishing async method
    Public Sub SyncMethod()
        Dim sc As New SC
    End Sub

    Public Async Function AsyncMethod() As Task(Of Boolean)
        Await Task.Delay(1000)
        Return True
    End Function

End Class

Public Class SC
    Inherits SynchronizationContext

    Dim OldContext As SynchronizationContext
    Dim ContextThread As Thread

    Sub New()
        OldContext = SynchronizationContext.Current
        ContextThread = Thread.CurrentThread
    End Sub

    Dim DataAcquired As New Object
    Dim WorkWaitingCount As Long = 0
    Dim ExtProc As SendOrPostCallback
    Dim ExtProcArg As Object

    Public Overrides Sub Post(d As SendOrPostCallback, state As Object)
        ExtProc = d
        ExtProcArg = state
    End Sub

    Dim ThreadSleep As Long = 0

    Private Sub AwakeThread()
        If Interlocked.Read(ThreadSleep) > 0 Then ContextThread.Resume()
    End Sub

    Public Sub WaitForTask(Tsk As Task)
        Dim aw = Tsk.GetAwaiter

        If aw.IsCompleted Then Exit Sub

        While Interlocked.Read(WorkWaitingCount) > 0 Or aw.IsCompleted = False
            If Interlocked.Read(WorkWaitingCount) = 0 Then
                Dim Proc = ExtProc
                Dim ProcArg = ExtProcArg
            End If
        End While

    End Sub

     Public Sub Release()
     End Sub

End Class

How do I configure Apache 2 to run Perl CGI scripts?

This post is intended to rescue the people who are suffering from *not being able to properly setup Apache2 for Perl on Ubuntu. (The system configurations specific to your Linux machine will be mentioned within square brackets, like [this]).

Possible outcome of an improperly setup Apache 2:

  1. Browser trying to download the .pl file instead of executing and giving out the result.
  2. Forbidden.
  3. Internal server error.

If one follows the steps described below with a reasonable intelligence, he/she can get through the errors mentioned above.

Before starting the steps. Go to /etc/hosts file and add IP address / domain-name` for example:

Step 1: Install apache2 Step 2: Install mod_perl Step 3: Configure apache2

open sites-available/default and add the following,

<Files ~ "\.(pl|cgi)$">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
    Options +ExecCGI
    PerlSendHeader On

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
<Directory [path-to-store-your-website-files-like-.html-(perl-scripts-should-be-stored-in-cgi-bin] >
####(The Perl/CGI scripts can be stored out of the cgi-bin directory, but that's a story for another day. Let's concentrate on washing out the issue at hand)
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ []

<Directory []>
    AllowOverride None
    Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    AddHandler cgi-script .pl
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all
<Files ~ "\.(pl|cgi)$">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
    Options +ExecCGI
    PerlSendHeader On

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
<Directory [path-to-store-your-website-files-like-.html-(perl-scripts-should-be-stored-in-cgi-bin] >
####(The Perl/CGI scripts can be stored out of the cgi-bin directory, but that's a story for another day. Let's concentrate on washing out the issue at hand)
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ []

<Directory []>
    AllowOverride None
    Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    AddHandler cgi-script .pl
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

Step 4:

Add the following lines to your /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file.

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
<Files ~ "\.pl$">
Options +ExecCGI
<Files ~ "\.cgi$">
Options +ExecCGI

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
<IfModule mod_alias.c>
Alias /perl/ /home/sly/host/perl/
<Location /perl>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI

<Files ~ "\.pl$">
Options +ExecCGI

Step 5:

Very important, or at least I guess so, only after doing this step, I got it to work.

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

<Files ~ "\.pl$">
Options +ExecCGI
<Files ~ "\.cgi$">
Options +ExecCGI

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
<IfModule mod_alias.c>
Alias /perl/ /home/sly/host/perl/
<Location /perl>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI

<Files ~ "\.pl$">
Options +ExecCGI

Step 6

Very important, or at least I guess so, only after doing this step, I got it to work.

Add the following to you /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file

<Files ~ "\.(pl|cgi)$">
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
Options +ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On

Step 7:

Now add, your Perl script as in the place where you mentioned before in step 3 as [].

Give permissions to the .pl file using chmod and then, type the webaddress/cgi-bin/ in the address bar of the browser, there you go, you got it.

(Now, many of the things would have been redundant in this post. Kindly ignore it.)

How to set the custom border color of UIView programmatically?

Swift 5*

I, always use view extension to make view corners round, set border color and width and it has been the most convenient way for me. just copy and paste this code and controlle these properties in attribute inspector.

extension UIView {
    var cornerRadius: CGFloat {
        get {
            return layer.cornerRadius
        set {
            layer.cornerRadius = newValue
    var borderWidth: CGFloat {
        get {
            return layer.borderWidth
        set {
            layer.borderWidth = newValue
    var borderColor: UIColor? {
        get {
            if let color = layer.borderColor {
                return UIColor(cgColor: color)
            return nil
        set {
            if let color = newValue {
                layer.borderColor = color.cgColor
            } else {
                layer.borderColor = nil

Counting the number of elements with the values of x in a vector

There is a standard function in R for that


Android Gradle plugin 0.7.0: "duplicate files during packaging of APK"

Files "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt" are case sensitive. So for SPring android library I had to add

android {
    packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/license.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/notice.txt'

html select option SELECTED

Just use the array of options, to see, which option is currently selected.

$options = array( 'one', 'two', 'three' );

$output = '';
for( $i=0; $i<count($options); $i++ ) {
  $output .= '<option ' 
             . ( $_GET['sel'] == $options[$i] ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' 
             . $options[$i] 
             . '</option>';

Sidenote: I would define a value to be some kind of id for each element, else you may run into problems, when two options have the same string representation.

How to fetch FetchType.LAZY associations with JPA and Hibernate in a Spring Controller

Spring Data JpaRepository

The Spring Data JpaRepository defines the following two methods:

  • getOne, which returns an entity proxy that is suitable for setting a @ManyToOne or @OneToOne parent association when persisting a child entity.
  • findById, which returns the entity POJO after running the SELECT statement that loads the entity from the associated table

However, in your case, you didn't call either getOne or findById:

Person person = personRepository.findOne(1L);

So, I assume the findOne method is a method you defined in the PersonRepository. However, the findOne method is not very useful in your case. Since you need to fetch the Person along with is roles collection, it's better to use a findOneWithRoles method instead.

Custom Spring Data methods

You can define a PersonRepositoryCustom interface, as follows:

public interface PersonRepository
    extends JpaRepository<Person, Long>, PersonRepositoryCustom { 


public interface PersonRepositoryCustom {
    Person findOneWithRoles(Long id);

And define its implementation like this:

public class PersonRepositoryImpl implements PersonRepositoryCustom {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public Person findOneWithRoles(Long id)() {
        return entityManager.createQuery("""
            select p 
            from Person p
            left join fetch p.roles
            where = :id 
            """, Person.class)
        .setParameter("id", id)

That's it!

CSS: Fix row height

HTML Table row heights will typically change proportionally to the table height, if the table height is larger than the height of your rows. Since the table is forcing the height of your rows, you can remove the table height to resolve the issue. If this is not acceptable, you can also give the rows explicit height, and add a third row that will auto size to the remaining table height.

Another option in CSS2 is the Max-Height Property, although it may lead to strange behavior in a table.


Converting bytes to megabytes

Megabyte means 2^20 bytes. I know that technically that doesn't mesh with the SI units, and that some folks have come up with a new terminology to mean 2^20. None of that matters. Efforts to change the language to "clarify" things are doomed to failure.

Hard-drive manufacturers use it to mean 1,000,000 bytes, because that's what it means in SI so they figure technically they aren't lying (while actually they are). That falls under lies, damn lies, and marketing.

Grant execute permission for a user on all stored procedures in database?

This is a solution that means that as you add new stored procedures to the schema, users can execute them without having to call grant execute on the new stored procedure:

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'asp_net')
DROP USER asp_net

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals 
WHERE name = N'db_execproc' AND type = 'R')
DROP ROLE [db_execproc]

--Create a database role....

--...with EXECUTE permission at the schema level...
GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::dbo TO db_execproc;

--Any stored procedures that are created in the dbo schema can be 
--executed by users who are members of the db_execproc database role

--...add a user e.g. for the NETWORK SERVICE login that uses
CREATE USER asp_net 

--...and add them to the roles you need
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_execproc', 'asp_net';
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', 'asp_net';
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datawriter', 'asp_net';

Reference: Grant Execute Permission on All Stored Procedures

Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory exception

In my case I was testing a Tomcat app in eclipse and got this error. I solved it by checking the .classpath file and corrected this entry:

<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER">
        <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
        <attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency" value="/WEB-INF/lib"/>

The attribute org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency had been missing.

How to retrieve absolute path given relative

My favourite solution was the one by @EugenKonkov because it didn't imply the presence of other utilities (the coreutils package).

But it failed for the relative paths "." and "..", so here is a slightly improved version handling these special cases.

It still fails if the user doesn't have the permission to cd into the parent directory of the relative path, though.

#! /bin/sh

# Takes a path argument and returns it as an absolute path. 
# No-op if the path is already absolute.
function to-abs-path {
    local target="$1"

    if [ "$target" == "." ]; then
        echo "$(pwd)"
    elif [ "$target" == ".." ]; then
        echo "$(dirname "$(pwd)")"
        echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")"; pwd)/$(basename "$1")"

Android SDK location

If you can run the "sdkmanager" from the command line, then running sdkmanager --verbose --list will reveal the paths it checks.

For example, I have installed the SDK in c:\spool\Android and for me running the sdkmanager --verbose --list looks like:

enter image description here

>sdkmanager --list --verbose
Info: Parsing c:\spool\Android\build-tools\27.0.3\package.xml
Info: Parsing c:\spool\Android\emulator\package.xml
Info: Parsing c:\spool\Android\extras\android\m2repository\package.xml
Info: Parsing c:\spool\Android\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager\package.xml
Info: Parsing c:\spool\Android\patcher\v4\package.xml
Info: Parsing c:\spool\Android\platform-tools\package.xml
Info: Parsing c:\spool\Android\platforms\android-27\package.xml
Info: Parsing c:\spool\Android\tools\package.xml
Installed packages:=====================] 100% Computing updates...
    Description:        Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.3
    Version:            27.0.3
    Installed Location: c:\spool\Android\build-tools\27.0.3

P.S. On another PC I let the Android Studio install the Android SDK for me, and the SDK ended up in C:\Users\MyUsername\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk.

Difference between Amazon EC2 and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

First off, EC2 and Elastic Compute Cloud are the same thing.

Next, AWS encompasses the range of Web Services that includes EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk. It also includes many others such as S3, RDS, DynamoDB, and all the others.


EC2 is Amazon's service that allows you to create a server (AWS calls these instances) in the AWS cloud. You pay by the hour and only what you use. You can do whatever you want with this instance as well as launch n number of instances.

Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk is one layer of abstraction away from the EC2 layer. Elastic Beanstalk will setup an "environment" for you that can contain a number of EC2 instances, an optional database, as well as a few other AWS components such as a Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-Scaling Group, Security Group. Then Elastic Beanstalk will manage these items for you whenever you want to update your software running in AWS. Elastic Beanstalk doesn't add any cost on top of these resources that it creates for you. If you have 10 hours of EC2 usage, then all you pay is 10 compute hours.

Running Wordpress

For running Wordpress, it is whatever you are most comfortable with. You could run it straight on a single EC2 instance, you could use a solution from the AWS Marketplace, or you could use Elastic Beanstalk.

What to pick?

In the case that you want to reduce system operations and just focus on the website, then Elastic Beanstalk would be the best choice for that. Elastic Beanstalk supports a PHP stack (as well as others). You can keep your site in version control and easily deploy to your environment whenever you make changes. It will also setup an Autoscaling group which can spawn up more EC2 instances if traffic is growing.

Here's the first result off of Google when searching for "elastic beanstalk wordpress":

How do I find the location of Python module sources?

datetime is a builtin module, so there is no (Python) source file.

For modules coming from .py (or .pyc) files, you can use mymodule.__file__, e.g.

> import random
> random.__file__

How do I get the last four characters from a string in C#?

Compared to some previous answers, the main difference is that this piece of code takes into consideration when the input string is:

  1. Null
  2. Longer than or matching the requested length
  3. Shorter than the requested length.

Here it is:

public static class StringExtensions
    public static string Right(this string str, int length)
        return str.Substring(str.Length - length, length);

    public static string MyLast(this string str, int length)
        if (str == null)
            return null;
        else if (str.Length >= length)
            return str.Substring(str.Length - length, length);
            return str;

Missing artifact

The above answer only adds the sqljdbc4.jar to the local repository. As a result, when creating the final project jar for distribution, sqljdbc4 will again be missing as was indicated in the comment by @Tony regarding runtime error.

Microsoft (and Oracle and other third party providers) restrict the distribution of their software as per the ENU/EULA. Therefore those software modules do not get added in Maven produced jars for distribution. There are hacks to get around it (such as providing the location of the 3rd party jar file at runtime), but as a developer you must be careful about violating the licensing.

A better approach for jdbc connectors/drivers is to use jTDS, which is compatible to most DBMS's, more reliable, faster (as per benchmarks), and distributed under GNU license. It will make your life much easier to use this than trying to pound the square peg into the round hole following any of the other techniques above.

iOS 11, 12, and 13 installed certificates not trusted automatically (self signed)

While writing this question, I discovered the answer. Installing a CA from Safari no longer automatically trusts it. I had to manually trust it from the Certificate Trust Settings panel (also mentioned in this question).

enter image description here

I debated canceling the question, but I thought it might be helpful to have some of the relevant code and log details someone might be looking for. Also, I never encountered the issue until iOS 11. I even went back and reconfirmed that it automatically works up through iOS 10.

I've never needed to touch that settings panel before, because any installed certificates were automatically trusted. Maybe it will change by the time iOS 11 ships, but I doubt it. Hopefully this helps save someone the time I wasted.

If anyone knows why this behaves differently for some people on different versions of iOS, I'd love to know in comments.

Update 1: Checking out the first iOS 12 beta, it looks like things remain the same. This question/answer/comments are still relevant on iOS 12.

Update 2: Same solution seems to be needed on iOS 13 beta builds as well.

What is "loose coupling?" Please provide examples


Essentially, coupling is how much a given object or set of object relies on another object or another set of objects in order to accomplish its task.

High Coupling

Think of a car. In order for the engine to start, a key must be inserted into the ignition, turned, gasoline must be present, a spark must occur, pistons must fire, and the engine must come alive. You could say that a car engine is highly coupled to several other objects. This is high coupling, but it's not really a bad thing.

Loose Coupling

Think of a user control for a web page that is responsible for allowing users to post, edit, and view some type of information. The single control could be used to let a user post a new piece of information or edit a new piece of information. The control should be able to be shared between two different paths - new and edit. If the control is written in such a way that it needs some type of data from the pages that will contain it, then you could say it's too highly coupled. The control should not need anything from its container page.

Git Bash: Could not open a connection to your authentication agent

Try using cygwin instead of bash. that worked for me

Using jQuery to programmatically click an <a> link

I had similar issue. try this $('#myAnchor').get(0).click();this works for me

Allow anything through CORS Policy

Just encountered with this issue in my rails application in production. A lot of answers here gave me hints and helped me to finally come to an answer that worked fine for me.

I am running Nginx and it was simple enough to just modify the my_app.conf file (where my_app is your app name). You can find this file in /etc/nginx/conf.d

If you do not have location / {} already you can just add it under server {}, then add add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'; under location / {}.

The final format should look something like this:

server {
    server_name ...;
    listen ...;
    root ...;

    location / {
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';

MS SQL 2008 - get all table names and their row counts in a DB

Try this it's simple and fast

FROM   sys.tables AS T 
   INNER JOIN sys.sysindexes AS I ON T.object_id = 
   AND I.indid < 2 ORDER  BY I.rows DESC

Git clone particular version of remote repository

You Can use simply

git checkout  commithash

in this sequence

git clone `URLTORepository`
cd `into your cloned folder`
git checkout commithash

commit hash looks like this "45ef55ac20ce2389c9180658fdba35f4a663d204"

convert 12-hour hh:mm AM/PM to 24-hour hh:mm

This question needs a newer answer :)

const convertTime12to24 = (time12h) => {_x000D_
  const [time, modifier] = time12h.split(' ');_x000D_
  let [hours, minutes] = time.split(':');_x000D_
  if (hours === '12') {_x000D_
    hours = '00';_x000D_
  if (modifier === 'PM') {_x000D_
    hours = parseInt(hours, 10) + 12;_x000D_
  return `${hours}:${minutes}`;_x000D_
console.log(convertTime12to24('01:02 PM'));_x000D_
console.log(convertTime12to24('05:06 PM'));_x000D_
console.log(convertTime12to24('12:00 PM'));_x000D_
console.log(convertTime12to24('12:00 AM'));

Using jq to parse and display multiple fields in a json serially

While both of the above answers work well if key,value are strings, I had a situation to append a string and integer (jq errors using the above expressions)

Requirement: To construct a url out below json

pradeep@seleniumframework>curl | jq .[0]
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   251  100   251    0     0   155k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  245k
  "Node": "myconsul",
  "Address": "",
  "ServiceID": "4ce41e90ede4:compassionate_wozniak:443",
  "ServiceName": "apache-443",
  "ServiceTags": [],
  "ServiceAddress": "",
  "ServicePort": 1443,
  "ServiceEnableTagOverride": false,
  "CreateIndex": 45,
  "ModifyIndex": 45


curl |
jq '.[0] | "http://" + .Address + ":" + "\(.ServicePort)"'

How to do jquery code AFTER page loading?

write the code that you want to be executed inside this. When your document is ready, this will be executed.

$(document).ready(function() { 


How to unzip a file in Powershell?

In PowerShell v5.1 this is slightly different compared to v5. According to MS documentation, it has to have a -Path parameter to specify the archive file path.

Expand-Archive -Path Draft.Zip -DestinationPath C:\Reference

Or else, this can be an actual path:

Expand-Archive -Path c:\Download\Draft.Zip -DestinationPath C:\Reference

Expand-Archive Doc

Replacing all non-alphanumeric characters with empty strings


value.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "")


[^abc] When a caret ^ appears as the first character inside square brackets, it negates the pattern. This pattern matches any character except a or b or c.

Looking at the keyword as two function:

  • [(Pattern)] = match(Pattern)
  • [^(Pattern)] = notMatch(Pattern)

Moreover regarding a pattern:

  • A-Z = all characters included from A to Z

  • a-z = all characters included from a to z

  • 0=9 = all characters included from 0 to 9

Therefore it will substitute all the char NOT included in the pattern

ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536

On Windows also check whether the file is not encrypted using EFS. I had the same problem untill I decrypted the file manualy.

sed one-liner to convert all uppercase to lowercase?

With tr:

# Converts upper to lower case 
$ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' < input.txt > output.txt

# Converts lower to upper case
$ tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' < input.txt > output.txt

Or, sed on GNU (but not BSD or Mac as they don't support \L or \U):

# Converts upper to lower case
$ sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/' input.txt > output.txt

# Converts lower to upper case
$ sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\U\1/' input.txt > output.txt

react-router - pass props to handler component

for the react-router 2.5.2,the solution is so easy:

  return (
    <h1>This is the parent component who pass the prop to this.props.children</h1>
    {this.props.children && React.cloneElement(this.props.children,{myProp:'value'})}

How to run a PowerShell script

Use the -File parameter in front of the filename. The quotes make PowerShell think it is a string of commands.

How to auto-reload files in Node.js?

my app structure:

NodeAPP (folder)
   |-- app (folder)
      |-- all other file is here
   |-- node_modules (folder)
   |-- package.json
   |-- server.js (my server file)

first install reload with this command:

npm install [-g] [--save-dev] reload

then change package.json:

"scripts": {
    "start": "nodemon -e css,ejs,js,json --watch app"

now you must use reload in your server file:

var express = require('express');
var reload = require('reload');
var app = express();

app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);

var server = app.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
    console.log( 'server is running on port ' + app.get('port'));

reload(server, app);

and for last change, end of your response send this script:

<script src="/reload/reload.js"></script>

now start your app with this code:

npm start

How do you run a .bat file from PHP?

 pclose(popen("start /B test.bat", "r")); die();

C# Convert a Base64 -> byte[]

This may be helpful

byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(stringInBase64);

SASS - use variables across multiple files

How about writing some color-based class in a global sass file, thus we don't need to care where variables are. Just like the following:

// base.scss 
@import "./_variables.scss";

    background: $bg-color;

and then, we can use the background-color class in any file. My point is that I don't need to import variable.scss in any file, just use it.

Why does GitHub recommend HTTPS over SSH?

Enabling SSH connections over HTTPS if it is blocked by firewall

Test if SSH over the HTTPS port is possible, run this SSH command:

$ ssh -T -p 443 [email protected]
Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
provide shell access.

If that worked, great! If not, you may need to follow our troubleshooting guide.

If you are able to SSH into [email protected] over port 443, you can override your SSH settings to force any connection to GitHub to run though that server and port.

To set this in your ssh config, edit the file at ~/.ssh/config, and add this section:

  Port 443

You can test that this works by connecting once more to GitHub:

$ ssh -T [email protected]
Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
provide shell access.

From Authenticating to GitHub / Using SSH over the HTTPS port

OpenCV - Saving images to a particular folder of choice

The solution provided by ebeneditos works perfectly.

But if you have cv2.imwrite() in several sections of a large code snippet and you want to change the path where the images get saved, you will have to change the path at every occurrence of cv2.imwrite() individually.

As Soltius stated, here is a better way. Declare a path and pass it as a string into cv2.imwrite()

import cv2
import os
img = cv2.imread('1.jpg', 1)
path = 'D:/OpenCV/Scripts/Images'
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(path , 'waka.jpg'), img)

Now if you want to modify the path, you just have to change the path variable.

Edited based on solution provided by Kallz

How to create empty folder in java?

You can create folder using the following Java code:

File dir = new File("nameoffolder");

By executing above you will have folder 'nameoffolder' in current folder.

How to enable C++11 in Qt Creator?

According to this site add

CONFIG += c++11

to your .pro file (see at the bottom of that web page). It requires Qt 5.

The other answers, suggesting

QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 (or QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x)

also work with Qt 4.8 and gcc / clang.

PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement

In PLSQL block, columns of select statements must be assigned to variables, which is not the case in SQL statements.

The second BEGIN's SQL statement doesn't have INTO clause and that caused the error.

   DSC           VARCHAR (512);
    WHERE PART_NUM = 'S0146404';

             || ','
             || RTRIM (PLANID.DESC_TEXT)
             || ','
             || CASE
                   WHEN PLANID.HIGH = 'TEST123'
                         WHEN TO_DATE (PROD.START_DATE) + 30 > SYSDATE
             || ','
             || 'GB'
             || ','
        INTO DSC
                ON PROD.PART_NUM = PLANID.VAL
                ON PROD.PROD_ID = PROD.ROW_ID
                ON VIS.PROD_ID = VISPROD.ROW_ID
       WHERE     PLANID.TYPE = 'Test Plan'
             AND PLANID.ACTIVE_FLG = 'Y'
             AND PROD.STATUS_CD = 'Active'


htaccess <Directory> deny from all

You can use from root directory:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(?:system)\b.* /403.html


RewriteRule ^(?:system)\b.* /403.php # with header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');

CSS background-size: cover replacement for Mobile Safari

There are answers over the net that try to solve this, however none of them functioned correctly for me. Goal: put a background image on the body and have background-size: cover; work mobile, without media queries, overflows, or hacky z-index: -1; position: absolute; overlays.

Here is what I did to solve this. It works on Chrome on Android even when keyboard drawer is active. If someone wants to test iPhone that would be cool:

body {
    background: #FFFFFF url('../image/something.jpg') no-repeat fixed top center;
    background-size: cover;
    -webkit-background-size: cover; /* safari may need this */

Here is the magic. Treat html like a wrapper with a ratio enforced height relative to the actual viewport. You know the classic responsive tag <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">? This is why the vh is used. Also, on the surface it would seem like body should get these rules, and it may look ok...until a change of height like when the keyboard opens up.

html {
    height: 100vh; /* set viewport constraint */
    min-height: 100%; /* enforce height */

How to check if a column exists before adding it to an existing table in PL/SQL?

Normally, I'd suggest trying the ANSI-92 standard meta tables for something like this but I see now that Oracle doesn't support it.

-- this works against most any other database
    C.COLUMN_NAME = 'columnname'
    AND T.TABLE_NAME = 'tablename'

Instead, it looks like you need to do something like

-- Oracle specific table/column query
    TABLE_NAME = 'tablename'
    AND COLUMN_NAME = 'columnname'

I do apologize in that I don't have an Oracle instance to verify the above. If it does not work, please let me know and I will delete this post.

Batch Script to Run as Administrator

You could put it as a startup item... Startup items don't show off a prompt to run as an administrator at all.

Check this article Elevated Program Shortcut Without UAC rompt

Can't import database through phpmyadmin file size too large

Use command line :


where MYDATABASE.sql is your sql file.

/etc/apt/sources.list" E212: Can't open file for writing

Or perhaps you are on a readonly mounted fs

Can I use break to exit multiple nested 'for' loops?

The break statement terminates the execution of the nearest enclosing do, for, switch, or while statement in which it appears. Control passes to the statement that follows the terminated statement.

from msdn.

How to make bootstrap 3 fluid layout without horizontal scrollbar

This was introduced in v3.1.0:

Commit #62736046 added ".container-fluid variation for full-width containers and layouts".

Difference between 2 dates in SQLite

Firstly, it's not clear what your date format is. There already is an answer involving strftime("%s").

I like to expand on that answer.

SQLite has only the following storage classes: NULL, INTEGER, REAL, TEXT or BLOB. To simplify things, I'm going to assume dates are REAL containing the seconds since 1970-01-01. Here's a sample schema for which I will put in the sample data of "1st December 2018":

CREATE TABLE Payment (DateCreated REAL);
INSERT INTO Payment VALUES (strftime("%s", "2018-12-01"));

Now let's work out the date difference between "1st December 2018" and now (as I write this, it is midday 12th December 2018):

Date difference in days:

SELECT (strftime("%s", "now") - DateCreated) / 86400.0 FROM Payment;
-- Output: 11.066875

Date difference in hours:

SELECT (strftime("%s", "now") - DateCreated) / 3600.0 FROM Payment;
-- Output: 265.606388888889

Date difference in minutes:

SELECT (strftime("%s", "now") - DateCreated) / 60.0 FROM Payment;
-- Output: 15936.4833333333

Date difference in seconds:

SELECT (strftime("%s", "now") - DateCreated) FROM Payment;
-- Output: 956195.0

Should I use past or present tense in git commit messages?

Stick with the present tense imperative because

  • it's good to have a standard
  • it matches tickets in the bug tracker which naturally have the form "implement something", "fix something", or "test something."

Error #2032: Stream Error

From a quick google search it seems that the problem is a file or url couldn't be found be the HTTPservice.

Here are the links where I found this information:

How can I convert string date to NSDate?

Swift 3,4:

2 useful conversions:

string(from: Date) // to convert from Date to a String
date(from: String) // to convert from String to Date

Usage: 1.

let date = Date() //gives today's date
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy"
let todaysDateInUKFormat = dateFormatter.string(from: date)


 let someDateInString = "23.06.2017"
 var getDateFromString = someDateInString)

top nav bar blocking top content of the page

Add to your JS:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    'padding-top': $(".navbar").outerHeight() + 'px'

How to get the current time in Google spreadsheet using script editor?

Use the Date object provided by javascript. It's not unique or special to Google's scripting environment.

How to do a PUT request with curl?

Using the -X flag with whatever HTTP verb you want:

curl -X PUT -d arg=val -d arg2=val2 localhost:8080

This example also uses the -d flag to provide arguments with your PUT request.

Is there a way to detach matplotlib plots so that the computation can continue?

Use matplotlib's calls that won't block:

Using draw():

from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, draw, show
print('continue computation')

# at the end call show to ensure window won't close.

Using interactive mode:

from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, ion, show
ion() # enables interactive mode
plot([1,2,3]) # result shows immediatelly (implicit draw())

print('continue computation')

# at the end call show to ensure window won't close.

npm install won't install devDependencies

I had a package-lock.json file from an old version of my package.json, I deleted that and then everything installed correctly.

How to print to console in pytest?

I originally came in here to find how to make PyTest print in VSCode's console while running/debugging the unit test from there. This can be done with the following launch.json configuration. Given .venv the virtual environment folder.

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "PyTest",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "stopOnEntry": false,
            "pythonPath": "${config:python.pythonPath}",
            "module": "pytest",
            "args": [
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "env": {},
            "envFile": "${workspaceRoot}/.venv",
            "debugOptions": [

Can you disable tabs in Bootstrap?

None of the answers work for me. Remove data-toggle="tab" from the a prevents the tab from activating, but it also adds the #tabId hash to the URL. That is unacceptable to me. What is also unacceptable is using javascript.

What does work is added the disabled class to the li and removing the href attribute of its containing a.

Ignoring NaNs with str.contains

In addition to the above answers, I would say for columns having no single word name, you may use:-

df[df['Product ID'].str.contains("foo") == True]

Hope this helps.

How to change the JDK for a Jenkins job?

If you have a multi-config (matrix) job, you do not have a JDK dropdown but need to configure the jdk as build axis.

link_to method and click event in Rails

another solution is catching onClick event and for aggregate data to js function you can


<%= link_to "Action", 'javascript:;', class: 'my-class', data: { 'array' => %w(foo bar) } %>


// handle my-class click
$('').on('click', function () {
  var link = $(this);
  var array ='array');

Python unicode equal comparison failed

You may use the == operator to compare unicode objects for equality.

>>> s1 = u'Hello'
>>> s2 = unicode("Hello")
>>> type(s1), type(s2)
(<type 'unicode'>, <type 'unicode'>)
>>> s1==s2
>>> s3='Hello'.decode('utf-8')
>>> type(s3)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> s1==s3

But, your error message indicates that you aren't comparing unicode objects. You are probably comparing a unicode object to a str object, like so:

>>> u'Hello' == 'Hello'
>>> u'Hello' == '\x81\x01'
__main__:1: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal

See how I have attempted to compare a unicode object against a string which does not represent a valid UTF8 encoding.

Your program, I suppose, is comparing unicode objects with str objects, and the contents of a str object is not a valid UTF8 encoding. This seems likely the result of you (the programmer) not knowing which variable holds unicide, which variable holds UTF8 and which variable holds the bytes read in from a file.

I recommend, especially the advice to create a "Unicode Sandwich."

Exchange Powershell - How to invoke Exchange 2010 module from inside script?

import-module Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010aTry with some implementation like:

$exchangeser = "MTLServer01"
$session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionURI http://${exchangeserver}/powershell/ -Authentication kerberos
import-PSSession $session 


add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010

How to increment a JavaScript variable using a button press event

I believe you need something similar to the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
var count;
function increment(){



<input type="button" onClick="increment()" value="Increment"/>


<input type="button" onClick="count++" value="Increment"/>

Insert Data Into Tables Linked by Foreign Key

Use stored procedures.

And even assuming you would want not to use stored procedures - there is at most 3 commands to be run, not 4. Second getting id is useless, as you can do "INSERT INTO ... RETURNING".

How to change the application launcher icon on Flutter?

Best way is to change launcher icons separately for both iOS and Android.

Change the icons in iOS and Android module separately. The plugin produces different size icons from the same icon which are distorted.

Follow this link:

Add a summary row with totals

Try to use union all as below

SELECT [Type], [Total Sales] From Before
union all
SELECT 'Total', Sum([Total Sales]) From Before

if you have problem with ordering, as i-one suggested try this:

select [Type], [Total Sales] 
from (SELECT [Type], [Total Sales], 0 [Key] 
      From Before 
      union all 
      SELECT 'Total', Sum([Total Sales]), 1 From Before) sq 
order by [Key], Type

Real world use of JMS/message queues?

I've used it to send intraday trades between different fund management systems. If you want to learn more about what a great technology messaging is, I can thoroughly recommend the book "Enterprise Integration Patterns". There are some JMS examples for things like request/reply and publish/subscribe.

Messaging is an excellent tool for integration.

Change size of axes title and labels in ggplot2

To change the size of (almost) all text elements, in one place, and synchronously, rel() is quite efficient:
g+theme(text = element_text(size=rel(3.5))

You might want to tweak the number a bit, to get the optimum result. It sets both the horizontal and vertical axis labels and titles, and other text elements, on the same scale. One exception is faceted grids' titles which must be manually set to the same value, for example if both x and y facets are used in a graph:
theme(text = element_text(size=rel(3.5)), strip.text.x = element_text(size=rel(3.5)), strip.text.y = element_text(size=rel(3.5)))

How to use a variable in the replacement side of the Perl substitution operator?

# perl -de 0
$res =~ s/$match/$sub/gee
p $res

Be careful, though. This causes two layers of eval to occur, one for each e at the end of the regex:

  1. $sub --> $1
  2. $1 --> final value, in the example, 1234

Regex pattern to match at least 1 number and 1 character in a string

This solution accepts at least 1 number and at least 1 character:


throwing exceptions out of a destructor

So my question is this - if throwing from a destructor results in undefined behavior, how do you handle errors that occur during a destructor?

The main problem is this: you can't fail to fail. What does it mean to fail to fail, after all? If committing a transaction to a database fails, and it fails to fail (fails to rollback), what happens to the integrity of our data?

Since destructors are invoked for both normal and exceptional (fail) paths, they themselves cannot fail or else we're "failing to fail".

This is a conceptually difficult problem but often the solution is to just find a way to make sure that failing cannot fail. For example, a database might write changes prior to committing to an external data structure or file. If the transaction fails, then the file/data structure can be tossed away. All it has to then ensure is that committing the changes from that external structure/file an atomic transaction that can't fail.

The pragmatic solution is perhaps just make sure that the chances of failing on failure are astronomically improbable, since making things impossible to fail to fail can be almost impossible in some cases.

The most proper solution to me is to write your non-cleanup logic in a way such that the cleanup logic can't fail. For example, if you're tempted to create a new data structure in order to clean up an existing data structure, then perhaps you might seek to create that auxiliary structure in advance so that we no longer have to create it inside a destructor.

This is all much easier said than done, admittedly, but it's the only really proper way I see to go about it. Sometimes I think there should be an ability to write separate destructor logic for normal execution paths away from exceptional ones, since sometimes destructors feel a little bit like they have double the responsibilities by trying to handle both (an example is scope guards which require explicit dismissal; they wouldn't require this if they could differentiate exceptional destruction paths from non-exceptional ones).

Still the ultimate problem is that we can't fail to fail, and it's a hard conceptual design problem to solve perfectly in all cases. It does get easier if you don't get too wrapped up in complex control structures with tons of teeny objects interacting with each other, and instead model your designs in a slightly bulkier fashion (example: particle system with a destructor to destroy the entire particle system, not a separate non-trivial destructor per particle). When you model your designs at this kind of coarser level, you have less non-trivial destructors to deal with, and can also often afford whatever memory/processing overhead is required to make sure your destructors cannot fail.

And that's one of the easiest solutions naturally is to use destructors less often. In the particle example above, perhaps upon destroying/removing a particle, some things should be done that could fail for whatever reason. In that case, instead of invoking such logic through the particle's dtor which could be executed in an exceptional path, you could instead have it all done by the particle system when it removes a particle. Removing a particle might always be done during a non-exceptional path. If the system is destroyed, maybe it can just purge all particles and not bother with that individual particle removal logic which can fail, while the logic that can fail is only executed during the particle system's normal execution when it's removing one or more particles.

There are often solutions like that which crop up if you avoid dealing with lots of teeny objects with non-trivial destructors. Where you can get tangled up in a mess where it seems almost impossible to be exception-safety is when you do get tangled up in lots of teeny objects that all have non-trivial dtors.

It would help a lot if nothrow/noexcept actually translated into a compiler error if anything which specifies it (including virtual functions which should inherit the noexcept specification of its base class) attempted to invoke anything that could throw. This way we'd be able to catch all this stuff at compile-time if we actually write a destructor inadvertently which could throw.

Converting a char to ASCII?

Uhm, what's wrong with this:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int, char **)
    char c = 'A';

    int x = c; // Look ma! No cast!

    cout << "The character '" << c << "' has an ASCII code of " << x << endl;

    return 0;

TortoiseSVN icons not showing up under Windows 7

Changing the registry worked for me.

If its helpful to anyone, I initially prefixed "z_" to the entries in "ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers" that I wanted to move down. However that didn't seem to bring up the TortoiseSVN entries. It might be due to case sensitivity wherein lowercase "z" still precedes uppercase "T". Finally, prefixing with "Z_" instead did the trick.

Datatype for storing ip address in SQL Server

For people using .NET can use IPAddress class to parse IPv4/IPv6 string and store it as a VARBINARY(16). Can use the same class to convert byte[] to string. If want to convert the VARBINARY in SQL:

--  dbo.varbinaryToIpString(CAST(0x7F000001 AS VARBINARY(4))) IPv4,
--  dbo.varbinaryToIpString(CAST(0x20010DB885A3000000008A2E03707334 AS VARBINARY(16))) IPv6

FUNCTION dbo.varbinaryToIpString
    @varbinaryValue VARBINARY(16)
    IF @varbinaryValue IS NULL
    IF DATALENGTH(@varbinaryValue) = 4
            CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING(@varbinaryValue, 1, 1))) + '.' +
            CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING(@varbinaryValue, 2, 1))) + '.' +
            CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING(@varbinaryValue, 3, 1))) + '.' +
            CONVERT(VARCHAR(3), CONVERT(INT, SUBSTRING(@varbinaryValue, 4, 1)))
    IF DATALENGTH(@varbinaryValue) = 16
            sys.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, @varbinaryValue,  1, 2) + ':' +
            sys.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, @varbinaryValue,  3, 2) + ':' +
            sys.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, @varbinaryValue,  5, 2) + ':' +
            sys.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, @varbinaryValue,  7, 2) + ':' +
            sys.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, @varbinaryValue,  9, 2) + ':' +
            sys.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, @varbinaryValue, 11, 2) + ':' +
            sys.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, @varbinaryValue, 13, 2) + ':' +
            sys.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, @varbinaryValue, 15, 2)

    RETURN 'Invalid'

Visual Studio Code - is there a Compare feature like that plugin for Notepad ++?

I found a flow which is fastest for me, by first associating a keyboard shortcut Alt+k to "Compare Active File With..." (#a). (Similar to wisbucky's answer but further improved and more step-wise.)

Then, to compare two files:

  1. Open or focus file B (will be editable in compare view by default). E.g. by drag-drop from File Explorer to VS Code's center.
  2. Open or focus file A.
  3. Press Alt+k, a quick open menu will be shown with file B focused.
  4. Press Enter.

Result: file A on left and file B on right. (Tested on VS Code 1.27.1)


#a - to do so, press Ctrl-k Ctrl-s to show Keyboard Shortcuts, type compare on the top search box, and double click the "Keybinding" column for "Compare Active File With...", press Alt+k then Enter to assign it.

Executing Shell Scripts from the OS X Dock?

As long as your script is executable and doesn't have any extension you can drag it as-is to the right side (Document side) of the Dock and it will run in a terminal window when clicked instead of opening an editor.

If you want to have an extension (like, you can go to the file info window in Finder and change the default application for that particular script from whatever it is (TextEdit, TextMate, whatever default is set on your computer for .sh files) to Terminal. It will then just execute instead of opening in a text editor. Again, you will have to drag it to the right side of the Dock.

How to let an ASMX file output JSON

From WebService returns XML even when ResponseFormat set to JSON:

Make sure that the request is a POST request, not a GET. Scott Guthrie has a post explaining why.

Though it's written specifically for jQuery, this may also be useful to you:
Using jQuery to Consume ASP.NET JSON Web Services

How to check if function exists in JavaScript?

I like using this method:

function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
  var getType = {};
  return functionToCheck && === '[object Function]';


if ( isFunction(me.onChange) ) {
    me.onChange(str); // call the function with params

Make header and footer files to be included in multiple html pages

I tried this: Create a file header.html like

<!-- Meta -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<!-- JS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/jquery-1.11.1.min.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/angular.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/angular-resource.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/angular-route.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css">

<title>Your application</title>

Now include header.html in your HTML pages like:

   <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/jquery-1.11.1.min.js" ></script>
     $(function(){ $("head").load("header.html") });

Works perfectly fine.

Call async/await functions in parallel

I vote for:

await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]);

Be aware of the moment you call functions, it may cause unexpected result:

// Supposing anotherCall() will trigger a request to create a new User

if (callFirst) {
  await someCall();
} else {
  await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]); // --> create new User here

But following always triggers request to create new User

// Supposing anotherCall() will trigger a request to create a new User

const someResult = someCall();
const anotherResult = anotherCall(); // ->> This always creates new User

if (callFirst) {
  await someCall();
} else {
  const finalResult = [await someResult, await anotherResult]

How to Set Active Tab in jQuery Ui

Simple jQuery solution - find the <a> element where href="x" and click it:


pthread function from a class

You can't do it the way you've written it because C++ class member functions have a hidden this parameter passed in. pthread_create() has no idea what value of this to use, so if you try to get around the compiler by casting the method to a function pointer of the appropriate type, you'll get a segmetnation fault. You have to use a static class method (which has no this parameter), or a plain ordinary function to bootstrap the class:

class C
    void *hello(void)
        std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    static void *hello_helper(void *context)
        return ((C *)context)->hello();
C c;
pthread_t t;
pthread_create(&t, NULL, &C::hello_helper, &c);

Using variables inside a bash heredoc

Don't use quotes with <<EOF:

sudo tee "/path/to/outfile" > /dev/null <<EOF
Some text that contains my $var

Variable expansion is the default behavior inside of here-docs. You disable that behavior by quoting the label (with single or double quotes).

How to call an action after click() in Jquery?

you can write events on elements like chain,

   //action on click
   //action on mouseup (just before click event)

i've used it for removing cart items. same object, doing some action, after another action

Left function in c#

Just write what you really wanted to know:

fac.GetCachedValue("Auto Print Clinical Warnings").ToLower().StartsWith("y")

It's much simpler than anything with substring.

How to check whether a pandas DataFrame is empty?

You can use the attribute df.empty to check whether it's empty or not:

if df.empty:
    print('DataFrame is empty!')

Source: Pandas Documentation

Drawing a line/path on Google Maps

This is full source code to draw direction path from source latitude and longitude to destination latitude and longitude. I have changed the above code to fit for latitude and longitude rather than source and destination. So anyone who is accessing his latitude and longitude through his gps can get the direction from his gps device to the destination coordinates.

Thanks to above answers we could make such a change and get path direction.

public class DrawMapActivity extends MapActivity {
     MapView myMapView = null;
     MapController myMC = null;
     GeoPoint geoPoint = null;
     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

      myMapView = (MapView) findViewById(;

      geoPoint = null;
      double fromLat = 12.303534;
      double fromLong = 76.64611;
      double toLat = 12.9715987;
      double toLong = 77.5945627;

      String sourceLat = Double.toString(fromLat);
      String sourceLong = Double.toString(fromLong);
      String destinationLat = Double.toString(toLat);
      String destinationLong = Double.toString(toLong);

      String pairs[] = getDirectionData(sourceLat,sourceLong, destinationLat, destinationLong );
      String[] lngLat = pairs[0].split(",");

      GeoPoint startGP = new GeoPoint((int) (Double.parseDouble(lngLat[1]) * 1E6), (int) (Double.parseDouble(lngLat[0]) * 1E6));

      myMC = myMapView.getController();
      geoPoint = startGP;
      myMapView.getOverlays().add(new DirectionPathOverlay(startGP, startGP));


      GeoPoint gp1;
      GeoPoint gp2 = startGP;

      for (int i = 1; i < pairs.length; i++) {
       lngLat = pairs[i].split(",");
       gp1 = gp2;
       // watch out! For GeoPoint, first:latitude, second:longitude

       gp2 = new GeoPoint((int) (Double.parseDouble(lngLat[1]) * 1E6),(int) (Double.parseDouble(lngLat[0]) * 1E6));
       myMapView.getOverlays().add(new DirectionPathOverlay(gp1, gp2));
       Log.d("xxx", "pair:" + pairs[i]);

      // END POINT
      myMapView.getOverlays().add(new DirectionPathOverlay(gp2, gp2));



     protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      return false;

     private String[] getDirectionData(String sourceLat, String sourceLong, String destinationLat, String destinationLong) {

      String urlString = "" +"saddr="+sourceLat+","+sourceLong+"&daddr="+destinationLat+","+destinationLong + "&ie=UTF8&0&om=0&output=kml";
      Log.d("URL", urlString);
      Document doc = null;
      HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
      URL url = null;
      String pathConent = "";

      try {

       url = new URL(urlString.toString());
       urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
       DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
       DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
       doc = db.parse(urlConnection.getInputStream());

      } catch (Exception e) {

      NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("LineString");
      for (int s = 0; s < nl.getLength(); s++) {
       Node rootNode = nl.item(s);
       NodeList configItems = rootNode.getChildNodes();
       for (int x = 0; x < configItems.getLength(); x++) {
        Node lineStringNode = configItems.item(x);
        NodeList path = lineStringNode.getChildNodes();
        pathConent = path.item(0).getNodeValue();
      String[] tempContent = pathConent.split(" ");
      return tempContent;



     class DirectionPathOverlay extends Overlay {

        private GeoPoint gp1;
        private GeoPoint gp2;

        public DirectionPathOverlay(GeoPoint gp1, GeoPoint gp2) {
            this.gp1 = gp1;
            this.gp2 = gp2;

        public boolean draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow,
                long when) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
            if (shadow == false) {

                Paint paint = new Paint();
                Point point = new Point();
                projection.toPixels(gp1, point);
                Point point2 = new Point();
                projection.toPixels(gp2, point2);
                canvas.drawLine((float) point.x, (float) point.y, (float) point2.x,(float) point2.y, paint);
            return super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow, when);

        public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow);


Hope it helps for other Stack Overflow users

oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ClassNotFoundException

In Eclipse,

When you use JDBC in your servlet, the driver jar must be placed in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your project.

Access PHP variable in JavaScript

You can't, you'll have to do something like

<script type="text/javascript">
   var php_var = "<?php echo $php_var; ?>";

You can also load it with AJAX

rhino is right, the snippet lacks of a type for the sake of brevity.

Also, note that if $php_var has quotes, it will break your script. You shall use addslashes, htmlentities or a custom function.

git ignore all files of a certain type, except those in a specific subfolder

An optional prefix ! which negates the pattern; any matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become included again. If a negated pattern matches, this will override lower precedence patterns sources.


How can I represent a range in Java?

If you are checking against a lot of intervals, I suggest using an interval tree.

What are pipe and tap methods in Angular tutorial?

You are right, the documentation lacks of those methods. However when I dug into rxjs repository, I found nice comments about tap (too long to paste here) and pipe operators:

   * Used to stitch together functional operators into a chain.
   * @method pipe
   * @return {Observable} the Observable result of all of the operators having
   * been called in the order they were passed in.
   * @example
   * import { map, filter, scan } from 'rxjs/operators';
   * Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
   *   .pipe(
   *     filter(x => x % 2 === 0),
   *     map(x => x + x),
   *     scan((acc, x) => acc + x)
   *   )
   *   .subscribe(x => console.log(x))

In brief:

Pipe: Used to stitch together functional operators into a chain. Before we could just do observable.filter().map().scan(), but since every RxJS operator is a standalone function rather than an Observable's method, we need pipe() to make a chain of those operators (see example above).

Tap: Can perform side effects with observed data but does not modify the stream in any way. Formerly called do(). You can think of it as if observable was an array over time, then tap() would be an equivalent to Array.forEach().

Unique on a dataframe with only selected columns

Here are a couple dplyr options that keep non-duplicate rows based on columns id and id2:

df %>% distinct(id, id2, .keep_all = TRUE)
df %>% group_by(id, id2) %>% filter(row_number() == 1)
df %>% group_by(id, id2) %>% slice(1)

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?

It's easy,this is my solution using objects!


public class Person implements Serializable{

    private String name;
    private int age;

    //get & set


Method Notification

  Person person = new Person();
  person.setName("david hackro");

    Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, Person.class);
    notificationIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);

NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
                .setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT))

New Activity

 private Person person;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    person = (Person) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("person");

Good Luck!!

What's the difference between [ and [[ in Bash?

In bash, contrary to [, [[ prevents word splitting of variable values.

Recursion or Iteration?

There are many cases where it gives a much more elegant solution over the iterative method, the common example being traversal of a binary tree, so it isn't necessarily more difficult to maintain. In general, iterative versions are usually a bit faster (and during optimization may well replace a recursive version), but recursive versions are simpler to comprehend and implement correctly.

Inputting a default image in case the src attribute of an html <img> is not valid?

I don't think it is possible using just HTML. However using javascript this should be doable. Bassicly we loop over each image, test if it is complete and if it's naturalWidth is zero then that means that it not found. Here is the code:

fixBrokenImages = function( url ){
    var img = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
    var i=0, l=img.length;
        var t = img[i];
        if(t.naturalWidth === 0){
            //this image is broken
            t.src = url;

Use it like this:

 window.onload = function() {

Tested in Chrome and Firefox

What is a segmentation fault?

A segmentation fault is caused by a request for a page that the process does not have listed in its descriptor table, or an invalid request for a page that it does have listed (e.g. a write request on a read-only page).

A dangling pointer is a pointer that may or may not point to a valid page, but does point to an "unexpected" segment of memory.

Logo image and H1 heading on the same line

Just stick the img tag inside the h1 tag as part of the content.

pip install access denied on Windows

Try to delete the folder c:\\users\\bruno\\appdata\\local\\temp\\easy_install-0fme6u manually and then retry the pip command.

How to call Stored Procedures with EntityFramework?

This is what I recently did for my Data Visualization Application which has a 2008 SQL Database. In this example I am recieving a list returned from a stored procedure:

public List<CumulativeInstrumentsDataRow> GetCumulativeInstrumentLogs(RunLogFilter filter)
        EFDbContext db = new EFDbContext();
        if (filter.SystemFullName == string.Empty)
            filter.SystemFullName = null;
        if (filter.Reconciled == null)
            filter.Reconciled = 1;
        string sql = GetRunLogFilterSQLString("[dbo].[rm_sp_GetCumulativeInstrumentLogs]", filter);
        return db.Database.SqlQuery<CumulativeInstrumentsDataRow>(sql).ToList();

And then this extension method for some formatting in my case:

public string GetRunLogFilterSQLString(string procedureName, RunLogFilter filter)
            return string.Format("EXEC {0} {1},{2}, {3}, {4}", procedureName, filter.SystemFullName == null ? "null" : "\'" + filter.SystemFullName + "\'", filter.MinimumDate == null ? "null" : "\'" + filter.MinimumDate.Value + "\'", filter.MaximumDate == null ? "null" : "\'" + filter.MaximumDate.Value + "\'", +filter.Reconciled == null ? "null" : "\'" + filter.Reconciled + "\'");


How to avoid variable substitution in Oracle SQL Developer with 'trinidad & tobago'

this will work as you asked without CHAR(38):

update t set country = 'Trinidad and Tobago' where country = 'trinidad & '|| 'tobago';

create table table99(col1 varchar(40));
insert into table99 values('Trinidad &' || '  Tobago');
insert into table99 values('Trinidad &' || '  Tobago');
insert into table99 values('Trinidad &' || '  Tobago');
insert into table99 values('Trinidad &' || '  Tobago');
SELECT * FROM table99;

update table99 set col1 = 'Trinidad and Tobago' where col1 = 'Trinidad &'||'  Tobago';

How can I detect Internet Explorer (IE) and Microsoft Edge using JavaScript?

If you just want to give users using a MS browser a warning or something, this code should be good.


<p id="IE">You are not using a microsoft browser</p>


using_ms_browser = navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' || (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Edge') > -1) || (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Trident') > -1);

if (using_ms_browser == true){
    document.getElementById('IE').innerHTML = "You are using a MS browser"

Thanks to @GavinoGrifoni

How to kill a child process by the parent process?

In the parent process, fork()'s return value is the process ID of the child process. Stuff that value away somewhere for when you need to terminate the child process. fork() returns zero(0) in the child process.

When you need to terminate the child process, use the kill(2) function with the process ID returned by fork(), and the signal you wish to deliver (e.g. SIGTERM).

Remember to call wait() on the child process to prevent any lingering zombies.

How to specify "does not contain" in dplyr filter

Note that %in% returns a logical vector of TRUE and FALSE. To negate it, you can use ! in front of the logical statement:

SE_CSVLinelist_filtered <- filter(SE_CSVLinelist_clean, 
 !where_case_travelled_1 %in% 
   c('Outside Canada','Outside province/territory of residence but within Canada'))

Regarding your original approach with -c(...), - is a unary operator that "performs arithmetic on numeric or complex vectors (or objects which can be coerced to them)" (from help("-")). Since you are dealing with a character vector that cannot be coerced to numeric or complex, you cannot use -.

typedef struct vs struct definitions

In C (not C++), you have to declare struct variables like:

struct myStruct myVariable;

In order to be able to use myStruct myVariable; instead, you can typedef the struct:

typedef struct myStruct someStruct;
someStruct myVariable;

You can combine struct definition and typedefs it in a single statement which declares an anonymous struct and typedefs it.

typedef struct { ... } myStruct;

Remove non-ASCII characters from CSV

awk '{ sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9\"!@#$%^&*|_\[](){}", ""); print }' MYinputfile.txt > pipe_out_to_CONVERTED_FILE.txt

php - insert a variable in an echo string

Variable interpolation does not happen in single quotes. You need to use double quotes as:

$i = 1
echo "<p class=\"paragraph$i\"></p>";

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'D:\Sources\**\node_modules\fsevents\node_modules\abbrev\package.json'

I got the same problem just doing an npm install. Run with antivirus disabled (if you use Windows Defender, turn off Real-Time protection and Cloud-based protection). That worked for me!

Foreach loop in C++ equivalent of C#

Using boost is the best option as it helps you to provide a neat and concise code, but if you want to stick to STL

void listbox_add(const char* item, ListBox &lb)

int foo()
    const char* starr[] = {"ram", "mohan", "sita"};
    ListBox listBox;
                  starr + sizeof(starr)/sizeof(char*),
                  std::bind2nd(std::ptr_fun(&listbox_add), listBox));


Get a list of all functions and procedures in an Oracle database


The column STATUS tells you whether the object is VALID or INVALID. If it is invalid, you have to try a recompile, ORACLE can't tell you if it will work before.

apache not accepting incoming connections from outside of localhost

Try disabling iptables: service iptables stop

If this works, enable TCP port 80 to your firewall rules: run system-config-selinux from root, and enable TCP port 80 (HTTP) on your firewall.

How to normalize a NumPy array to within a certain range?

If the array contains both positive and negative data, I'd go with:

import numpy as np

a = np.random.rand(3,2)

# Normalised [0,1]
b = (a - np.min(a))/np.ptp(a)

# Normalised [0,255] as integer: don't forget the parenthesis before astype(int)
c = (255*(a - np.min(a))/np.ptp(a)).astype(int)        

# Normalised [-1,1]
d = 2.*(a - np.min(a))/np.ptp(a)-1

If the array contains nan, one solution could be to just remove them as:

def nan_ptp(a):
    return np.ptp(a[np.isfinite(a)])

b = (a - np.nanmin(a))/nan_ptp(a)

However, depending on the context you might want to treat nan differently. E.g. interpolate the value, replacing in with e.g. 0, or raise an error.

Finally, worth mentioning even if it's not OP's question, standardization:

e = (a - np.mean(a)) / np.std(a)

URL encoding in Android

you can use below methods

public static String parseUrl(String surl) throws Exception
    URL u = new URL(surl);
    return new URI(u.getProtocol(), u.getAuthority(), u.getPath(), u.getQuery(), u.getRef()).toString();


public String parseURL(String url, Map<String, String> params)
    Builder builder = Uri.parse(url).buildUpon();
    for (String key : params.keySet())
        builder.appendQueryParameter(key, params.get(key));

the second one is better than first.

In Powershell what is the idiomatic way of converting a string to an int?

For me $numberAsString -as [int] of @Shay Levy is the best practice, I also use [type]::Parse(...) or [type]::TryParse(...)

But, depending on what you need you can just put a string containing a number on the right of an arithmetic operator with a int on the left the result will be an Int32:

PS > $b = "10"
PS > $a = 0 + $b
PS > $a.gettype()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     Int32                                    System.ValueType

You can use Exception (try/parse) to behave in case of Problem

Find text in string with C#

Simply add this code:

if (string.Contains("search_text")) { MessageBox.Show("Message."); }

How to create a stopwatch using JavaScript?

well after a few modification of the code provided by mace,i ended up building a stopwatch.

  <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
    #center {
     margin: 30%  30%;
     font-family: tahoma;
    .stopwatch {
         border:1px solid #000;
         background-color: #eee;
         text-align: center;
         height: 230px;
         overflow: hidden;
     .stopwatch span{
         display: block;
         font-size: 100px;
     .stopwatch p{
         display: inline-block;
         font-size: 40px;
     .stopwatch a{
         color :#000;
         text-decoration: none;
         padding: 12px 14px;
         border: 1px solid #000;
      <div id="center">
            <div class="timer stopwatch"></div>

      const Stopwatch = function(elem, options) {
        let timer = createTimer(),
          startButton = createButton("start", start),
          stopButton = createButton("stop", stop),
          resetButton = createButton("reset", reset),
          hrs = 0,
          min = 0;

        // default options
        options = options || {};
        options.delay = options.delay || 1;

        // append elements

        // initialize

        // private functions
        function createTimer() {
          return document.createElement("span");

        function createButton(action, handler) {
          if (action !== "reset") {
            let a = document.createElement("a");
            a.href = "#" + action;
            a.innerHTML = action;
            a.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
            return a;
          } else if (action === "reset") {
            let a = document.createElement("a");
            a.href = "#" + action;
            a.innerHTML = action;
            a.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
            return a;

        function start() {
          if (!interval) {
            offset =;
            interval = setInterval(update, options.delay);

        function stop() {
          if (interval) {
            interval = null;

        function reset() {
          clock = 0;

        function clean() {
          min = 0;
          hrs = 0;
          clock = 0;

        function update() {
          clock += delta();

        function render() {
          if (Math.floor(clock / 1000) === 60) {
            if (min === 60) {
              min = 0;
          timer.innerHTML =
            hrs + "<p>hrs</p>" + min + "<p>min</p>" + Math.floor(clock / 1000)+ "<p>sec</p>";

        function delta() {
          var now =,
            d = now - offset;

          offset = now;
          return d;

      // Initiating the Stopwatch
      var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("timer");

      for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) {
        new Stopwatch(elems[i]);

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

I have make some changes in my case in: xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php

i have searched for : $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] and change the value at right side...

You can change Right hand Value to any higher value, like '5000'. and it works.

How can I change Mac OS's default Java VM returned from /usr/libexec/java_home

I had a similar situation, and the following process worked for me:

  1. In the terminal, type

    vi ~/.profile
  2. Then add this line in the file, and save

    export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk<version>.jdk/Contents/Home

    where version is the one on your computer, such as 1.7.0_25

  3. Exit the editor, then type the following command make it become effective

    source ~/.profile 

Then type java -version to check the result

    java -version 

What is .profile? From:

.profile file is a hidden file. It is an optional file which tells the system which commands to run when the user whose profile file it is logs in. For example, if my username is bruno and there is a .profile file in /Users/bruno/, all of its contents will be executed during the log-in procedure.

What is the purpose of using -pedantic in GCC/G++ compiler?

If you're writing code that you envisage is going to be compiled on a wide variety of platforms, with a number of different compilers, then using these flags yourself will help to ensure you don't produce code that only compiles under GCC.

Provide an image for WhatsApp link sharing

2020 standards

It takes a few steps to get the perfect preview for WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and bookmark icons for pc's and mobile devices. If you like reading go to - but make sure to read steps 1 - 6 in this answer to get the best WhatsApp preview.

Please note: some apps or websites use cache or even store the website preview to their database. This means when you're testing your link in WhatsApp or Facebook for example, you'll most likely not see any difference right away. Using another link (another page) will do the trick. But as soon as you use that link once, this "please note" section starts all over again.

Step 1: title

Maximum of 65 characters

<title>your keyword rich title of the website and/or webpage</title>

Step 2: description

Maximum of 155 characters

<meta name="description" content="description of your website/webpage, make sure you use keywords!">

Step 3: og:title

Maximum 35 characters

<meta property="og:title" content="short title of your website/webpage" />

Step 4: og:url

Full link to the current webpage address

<meta property="og:url" content="" />

Step 5: og:description

Maximum 65 characters

<meta property="og:description" content="description of your website/webpage">

Step 6: og:image

Image(JPG or PNG) with a size less than 300KB and minimum dimensions of 300 x 200 *. This image should be served via a HTTPS connection with a valid non-self-signed certificate.

<meta property="og:image" content="//">

* @RichDeBourke mentioned this to me, but apparently WhatsApp has increased its maximum image size (dimensions as well as file size). I did some tests: it does not work consistently every time on every device. I tested 2.x Mb images and even that seemed to work 9/10 times. <300KB is the safest approach, but you should be fine using larger images as of 18-02-2020. I would recommend keeping the file size below 2MB, though. And definitely throw your image through TinyPNG or any other image compression algorithm if you haven't already.

If you completed the steps above, you can now see your preview in WhatsApp! However, be aware of the "please note" section above.

Step 7: og:type

In order for your object to be represented within the graph, you need to specify its type. Here's a list of the global types available: You can also specify your own types.

<meta property="og:type" content="article" />

Step 8: og:locale

The locale of the resource. You can also use og:locale:alternate if you have other language translations available.

If you don't specify og:locale, it defaults to en_US.

<meta property="og:locale" content="en_GB" />
<meta property="og:locale:alternate" content="fr_FR" />
<meta property="og:locale:alternate" content="es_ES" />

Step 9: Twitter

For the best Twitter support read this.

Step 10: Facebook

For the best Facebook support read this.

Step 11: favicon

For the best favicon support for all browsers and devices read this.

Bonus step 12: video/audio

It's also possible to share audio/video. Facebook and twitter for example share videos very well. Read

How to set time to midnight for current day?

Using some of the above recommendations, the following function and code is working for search a date range:

Set date with the time component set to 00:00:00

public static DateTime GetDateZeroTime(DateTime date)
    return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 0, 0, 0);


var modifieddatebegin = Tools.Utilities.GetDateZeroTime(form.modifieddatebegin);

var modifieddateend = Tools.Utilities.GetDateZeroTime(form.modifieddateend.AddDays(1));

How do I compile and run a program in Java on my Mac?

Other solutions are good enough to answer your query. However, if you are looking for just one command to do that for you -

Create a file name "run", in directory where your Java files are. And save this in your file -

javac "$"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "--------Run output-------"
  java "$1"

give this file run permission by running -

chmod 777 

Now you can run any of your files by merely running -

./run <yourfilename> (don't add .java in filename)

Google Maps Android API v2 - Interactive InfoWindow (like in original android google maps)

Just a speculation, I have not enough experience to try it... )-:

Since GoogleMap is a fragment, it should be possible to catch marker onClick event and show custom fragment view. A map fragment will be still visible on the background. Does anybody tried it? Any reason why it could not work?

The disadvantage is that map fragment would be freezed on backgroud, until a custom info fragment return control to it.

Immediate exit of 'while' loop in C++

  if (choice==99)

Trust me, that will exit the loop. If that doesn't work nothing will. Mind, this may not be what you want...

move div with CSS transition


This should work. you have to have browser dependent code

C++ convert string to hexadecimal and vice versa

Simplest example using the Standard Library.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
  char c = 'n';
  cout << "HEX " << hex << (int)c << endl;  // output in hexadecimal
  cout << "ASC" << c << endl; // output in ascii
  return 0;

To check the output, codepad returns: 6e

and an online ascii-to-hexadecimal conversion tool yields 6e as well. So it works.

You can also do this:

template<class T> std::string toHexString(const T& value, int width) {
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << hex;
    if (width > 0) {
        oss << setw(width) << setfill('0');
    oss << value;
    return oss.str();

Java Byte Array to String to Byte Array

Can you not just send the bytes as bytes, or convert each byte to a character and send as a string? Doing it like you are will take up a minimum of 85 characters in the string, when you only have 11 bytes to send. You could create a string representation of the bytes, so it'd be "[B@405217f8", which can easily be converted to a bytes or bytearray object in Python. Failing that, you could represent them as a series of hexadecimal digits ("5b42403430353231376638") taking up 22 characters, which could be easily decoded on the Python side using binascii.unhexlify().

How to update attributes without validation

All the validation from model are skipped when we use validate: false

user = false)

Rebuild all indexes in a Database

Also a good script, although my laptop ran out of memory, but this was on a very large table

USE [<mydatabasename>]

--/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--Arguments             Data Type               Description
--------------          ------------            ------------
--@FillFactor           [int]                   Specifies a percentage that indicates how full the Database Engine should make the leaf level
--                                              of each index page during index creation or alteration. The valid inputs for this parameter
--                                              must be an integer value from 1 to 100 The default is 0.
--                                              For more information, see

--@PadIndex             [varchar](3)            Specifies index padding. The PAD_INDEX option is useful only when FILLFACTOR is specified,
--                                              because PAD_INDEX uses the percentage specified by FILLFACTOR. If the percentage specified
--                                              for FILLFACTOR is not large enough to allow for one row, the Database Engine internally
--                                              overrides the percentage to allow for the minimum. The number of rows on an intermediate
--                                              index page is never less than two, regardless of how low the value of fillfactor. The valid
--                                              inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF. The default is OFF.
--                                              For more information, see

--@SortInTempDB         [varchar](3)            Specifies whether to store temporary sort results in tempdb. The valid inputs for this
--                                              parameter are ON or OFF. The default is OFF.
--                                              For more information, see

--@OnlineRebuild        [varchar](3)            Specifies whether underlying tables and associated indexes are available for queries and data
--                                              modification during the index operation. The valid inputs for this parameter are ON or OFF.
--                                              The default is OFF.
--                                              Note: Online index operations are only available in Enterprise edition of Microsoft
--                                                      SQL Server 2005 and above.
--                                              For more information, see

--@DataCompression      [varchar](4)            Specifies the data compression option for the specified index, partition number, or range of
--                                              partitions. The options  for this parameter are as follows:
--                                                  > NONE - Index or specified partitions are not compressed.
--                                                  > ROW  - Index or specified partitions are compressed by using row compression.
--                                                  > PAGE - Index or specified partitions are compressed by using page compression.
--                                              The default is NONE.
--                                              Note: Data compression feature is only available in Enterprise edition of Microsoft
--                                                      SQL Server 2005 and above.
--                                              For more information about compression, see

--@MaxDOP               [int]                   Overrides the max degree of parallelism configuration option for the duration of the index
--                                              operation. The valid input for this parameter can be between 0 and 64, but should not exceed
--                                              number of processors available to SQL Server.
--                                              For more information, see
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/

-- Ensure a USE <databasename> statement has been executed first.


DECLARE  @Version                           [numeric] (18, 10)
        ,@SQLStatementID                    [int]
        ,@CurrentTSQLToExecute              [nvarchar](max)
        ,@FillFactor                        [int]        = 100 -- Change if needed
        ,@PadIndex                          [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed
        ,@SortInTempDB                      [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed
        ,@OnlineRebuild                     [varchar](3) = N'OFF' -- Change if needed
        ,@LOBCompaction                     [varchar](3) = N'ON' -- Change if needed
        ,@DataCompression                   [varchar](4) = N'NONE' -- Change if needed
        ,@MaxDOP                            [int]        = NULL -- Change if needed
        ,@IncludeDataCompressionArgument    [char](1);

IF OBJECT_ID(N'TempDb.dbo.#Work_To_Do') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #Work_To_Do
      [sql_id] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1)
                     PRIMARY KEY ,
      [tsql_text] [varchar](1024) ,
      [completed] [bit]

SET @Version = CAST(LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)), CHARINDEX('.', CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128))) - 1) + N'.' + REPLACE(RIGHT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)), LEN(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128))) - CHARINDEX('.', CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(N'ProductVersion') AS [nvarchar](128)))), N'.', N'') AS [numeric](18, 10))

IF @DataCompression IN (N'PAGE', N'ROW', N'NONE')
    AND (
        @Version >= 10.0
        AND SERVERPROPERTY(N'EngineEdition') = 3
    SET @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'Y'

IF @IncludeDataCompressionArgument IS NULL
    SET @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'N'

INSERT INTO #Work_To_Do ([tsql_text], [completed])
        WHEN @PadIndex IS NULL
            THEN 'PAD_INDEX =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[is_padded]
                    WHEN 1
                        THEN 'ON'
                    WHEN 0
                        THEN 'OFF'
        ELSE 'PAD_INDEX =' + SPACE(1) + @PadIndex
        END + CASE
        WHEN @FillFactor IS NULL
            THEN ', FILLFACTOR =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](3), REPLACE(i.[fill_factor], 0, 100))
        ELSE ', FILLFACTOR =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](3), @FillFactor)
        END + CASE
        WHEN @SortInTempDB IS NULL
            THEN ''
        ELSE ', SORT_IN_TEMPDB =' + SPACE(1) + @SortInTempDB
        END + CASE
        WHEN @OnlineRebuild IS NULL
            THEN ''
        ELSE ', ONLINE =' + SPACE(1) + @OnlineRebuild
        END + ', STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE =' + SPACE(1) + CASE st.[no_recompute]
        WHEN 0
            THEN 'OFF'
        WHEN 1
            THEN 'ON'
        END + ', ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[allow_row_locks]
        WHEN 0
            THEN 'OFF'
        WHEN 1
            THEN 'ON'
        END + ', ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS =' + SPACE(1) + CASE i.[allow_page_locks]
        WHEN 0
            THEN 'OFF'
        WHEN 1
            THEN 'ON'
        END + CASE
        WHEN @IncludeDataCompressionArgument = N'Y'
            THEN CASE
                    WHEN @DataCompression IS NULL
                        THEN ''
                    ELSE ', DATA_COMPRESSION =' + SPACE(1) + @DataCompression
        ELSE ''
        END + CASE
        WHEN @MaxDop IS NULL
            THEN ''
        ELSE ', MAXDOP =' + SPACE(1) + CONVERT([varchar](2), @MaxDOP)
        END + SPACE(1) + ')'
FROM [sys].[tables] t1
INNER JOIN [sys].[indexes] i ON t1.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
    AND i.[index_id] > 0
    AND i.[type] IN (1, 2)
INNER JOIN [sys].[stats] AS st WITH (NOLOCK) ON st.[object_id] = t1.[object_id]
    AND st.[name] = i.[name]

SELECT @SQLStatementID = MIN([sql_id])
FROM #Work_To_Do
WHERE [completed] = 0

    SELECT @CurrentTSQLToExecute = [tsql_text]
    FROM #Work_To_Do
    WHERE [sql_id] = @SQLStatementID

    PRINT @CurrentTSQLToExecute

    EXEC [sys].[sp_executesql] @CurrentTSQLToExecute

    UPDATE #Work_To_Do
    SET [completed] = 1
    WHERE [sql_id] = @SQLStatementID

    SELECT @SQLStatementID = MIN([sql_id])
    FROM #Work_To_Do
    WHERE [completed] = 0

How to decode HTML entities using jQuery?

Here are still one problem: Escaped string does not look readable when assigned to input value

var string = _.escape("<img src=fake onerror=alert('boo!')>");


Why should hash functions use a prime number modulus?

Usually a simple hash function works by taking the "component parts" of the input (characters in the case of a string), and multiplying them by the powers of some constant, and adding them together in some integer type. So for example a typical (although not especially good) hash of a string might be:

(first char) + k * (second char) + k^2 * (third char) + ...

Then if a bunch of strings all having the same first char are fed in, then the results will all be the same modulo k, at least until the integer type overflows.

[As an example, Java's string hashCode is eerily similar to this - it does the characters reverse order, with k=31. So you get striking relationships modulo 31 between strings that end the same way, and striking relationships modulo 2^32 between strings that are the same except near the end. This doesn't seriously mess up hashtable behaviour.]

A hashtable works by taking the modulus of the hash over the number of buckets.

It's important in a hashtable not to produce collisions for likely cases, since collisions reduce the efficiency of the hashtable.

Now, suppose someone puts a whole bunch of values into a hashtable that have some relationship between the items, like all having the same first character. This is a fairly predictable usage pattern, I'd say, so we don't want it to produce too many collisions.

It turns out that "because of the nature of maths", if the constant used in the hash, and the number of buckets, are coprime, then collisions are minimised in some common cases. If they are not coprime, then there are some fairly simple relationships between inputs for which collisions are not minimised. All the hashes come out equal modulo the common factor, which means they'll all fall into the 1/n th of the buckets which have that value modulo the common factor. You get n times as many collisions, where n is the common factor. Since n is at least 2, I'd say it's unacceptable for a fairly simple use case to generate at least twice as many collisions as normal. If some user is going to break our distribution into buckets, we want it to be a freak accident, not some simple predictable usage.

Now, hashtable implementations obviously have no control over the items put into them. They can't prevent them being related. So the thing to do is to ensure that the constant and the bucket counts are coprime. That way you aren't relying on the "last" component alone to determine the modulus of the bucket with respect to some small common factor. As far as I know they don't have to be prime to achieve this, just coprime.

But if the hash function and the hashtable are written independently, then the hashtable doesn't know how the hash function works. It might be using a constant with small factors. If you're lucky it might work completely differently and be nonlinear. If the hash is good enough, then any bucket count is just fine. But a paranoid hashtable can't assume a good hash function, so should use a prime number of buckets. Similarly a paranoid hash function should use a largeish prime constant, to reduce the chance that someone uses a number of buckets which happens to have a common factor with the constant.

In practice, I think it's fairly normal to use a power of 2 as the number of buckets. This is convenient and saves having to search around or pre-select a prime number of the right magnitude. So you rely on the hash function not to use even multipliers, which is generally a safe assumption. But you can still get occasional bad hashing behaviours based on hash functions like the one above, and prime bucket count could help further.

Putting about the principle that "everything has to be prime" is as far as I know a sufficient but not a necessary condition for good distribution over hashtables. It allows everybody to interoperate without needing to assume that the others have followed the same rule.

[Edit: there's another, more specialized reason to use a prime number of buckets, which is if you handle collisions with linear probing. Then you calculate a stride from the hashcode, and if that stride comes out to be a factor of the bucket count then you can only do (bucket_count / stride) probes before you're back where you started. The case you most want to avoid is stride = 0, of course, which must be special-cased, but to avoid also special-casing bucket_count / stride equal to a small integer, you can just make the bucket_count prime and not care what the stride is provided it isn't 0.]

NodeJS / Express: what is "app.use"?

In express if we import express from "express" and use app = express(); then app having all functionality of express

if we use app.use()

with any module/middleware function to use in whole express project

java howto ArrayList push, pop, shift, and unshift

I was facing with this problem some time ago and I found java.util.LinkedList is best for my case. It has several methods, with different namings, but they're doing what is needed:

push()    -> LinkedList.addLast(); // Or just LinkedList.add();
pop()     -> LinkedList.pollLast();
shift()   -> LinkedList.pollFirst();
unshift() -> LinkedList.addFirst();

How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android?

Try calling setWillNotDraw(false) from surfaceCreated:

public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d(TAG,"Surface not created");

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    canvas.drawRect(area, rectanglePaint);
    Log.w(this.getClass().getName(), "On Draw Called");

and calling invalidate from onTouchEvent:

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

    return true;

Integrate ZXing in Android Studio

Anybody facing the same issues, follow the simple steps:

Import the project android from downloaded zxing-master zip file using option Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc.) and add the dollowing 2 lines of codes in your app level build.gradle file and and you are ready to run.

So simple, yahh...

dependencies {
        compile group: '', name: 'core', version: '3.2.1'
        compile group: '', name: 'android-core', version: '3.2.0'


You can always find latest version core and android core from below links:

UPDATE (29.05.2019)

Add these dependencies instead:

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

Check existence of directory and create if doesn't exist

Here's the simple check, and creates the dir if doesn't exists:

## Provide the dir name(i.e sub dir) that you want to create under main dir:
output_dir <- file.path(main_dir, sub_dir)

if (!dir.exists(output_dir)){
} else {
    print("Dir already exists!")

"ImportError: no module named 'requests'" after installing with pip

In Windows it worked for me only after trying the following: 1. Open cmd inside the folder where "requests" is unpacked. (CTRL+SHIFT+right mouse click, choose the appropriate popup menu item) 2. (Here is the path to your pip3.exe)\pip3.exe install requests Done

Transferring files over SSH

You need to specify both source and destination, and if you want to copy directories you should look at the -r option.

So to recursively copy /home/user/whatever from remote server to your current directory:

scp -pr user@remoteserver:whatever .

How to set a variable to current date and date-1 in linux?

You can also use the shorter format

From the man page:

%F     full date; same as %Y-%m-%d


date_today=$(date +%F)
date_dir=$(date +%F -d yesterday)

Adding external resources (CSS/JavaScript/images etc) in JSP

Using Following Code You Solve thisQuestion.... If you run a file using localhost server than this problem solve by following Jsp Page Code.This Code put Between Head Tag in jsp file

<style type="text/css">
    <%@include file="css/style.css" %>
<script type="text/javascript">
    <%@include file="js/script.js" %>

How can building a heap be O(n) time complexity?

I really like explanation by Jeremy west.... another approach which is really easy for understanding is given here

since, buildheap depends using depends on heapify and shiftdown approach is used which depends upon sum of the heights of all nodes. So, to find the sum of height of nodes which is given by S = summation from i = 0 to i = h of (2^i*(h-i)), where h = logn is height of the tree solving s, we get s = 2^(h+1) - 1 - (h+1) since, n = 2^(h+1) - 1 s = n - h - 1 = n- logn - 1 s = O(n), and so complexity of buildheap is O(n).

Calling Member Functions within Main C++

You need to create an object since printInformation() is non-static. Try:

int main() {

MyClass o;

fgetc( stdin );


How can I display an image from a file in Jupyter Notebook?

Another option for plotting inline from an array of images could be:

import IPython
def showimg(a):

where a is an array

(720, 1280, 3)

Maven is not working in Java 8 when Javadoc tags are incomplete

Add into the global properties section in the pom file:


The common solution provided here in the other answers (adding that property in the plugins section) did not work for some reason. Only by setting it globally I could build the javadoc jar successfully.

In PANDAS, how to get the index of a known value?

Using the .loc[] accessor:

In [25]: a.loc[a['c1'] == 8].index[0]
Out[25]: 4

Can also use the get_loc() by setting 'c1' as the index. This will not change the original dataframe.

In [17]: a.set_index('c1').index.get_loc(8)
Out[17]: 4

jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area

As for me here the most easily way to add text(Tab -> \t) in textarea by cursor position and save the focus on cursor:

$('#text').keyup(function () {
    var cursor = $('#text').prop('selectionStart');
    //if cursot is first in textarea
    if (cursor == 0) {
        //i will add tab in line
        $('#text').val('\t' + $('#text').val());
        //here we set the cursor position
        $('#text').prop('selectionEnd', 1);
    } else {
        var value = $('#text').val();
        //save the value before cursor current position
        var valToCur = value.substring(0, cursor);
        //save the value after cursor current position
        var valAfter = value.substring(cursor, value.length);
        //save the new value with added tab in text
        $('#text').val(valToCur + '\t' + valAfter);
        //set focus of cursot after insert text (1 = because I add only one symbol)
        $('#text').prop('selectionEnd', cursor + 1);

PDF to byte array and vice versa

This works for me:

try(InputStream pdfin = new FileInputStream("input.pdf");OutputStream pdfout = new FileOutputStream("output.pdf")){
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int bytesRead;
    while((bytesRead =!=-1){

But Jon's answer doesn't work for me if used in the following way:

try(InputStream pdfin = new FileInputStream("input.pdf");OutputStream pdfout = new FileOutputStream("output.pdf")){

    int k = readFully(pdfin).length;

Outputs zero as length. Why is that ?

Convert floats to ints in Pandas?

Expanding on @Ryan G mentioned usage of the pandas.DataFrame.astype(<type>) method, one can use the errors=ignore argument to only convert those columns that do not produce an error, which notably simplifies the syntax. Obviously, caution should be applied when ignoring errors, but for this task it comes very handy.

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(3, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
>>> df *= 10
>>> print(df)
...           A       B       C       D
... 0   2.16861 8.34139 1.83434 6.91706
... 1   5.85938 9.71712 5.53371 4.26542
... 2   0.50112 4.06725 1.99795 4.75698

>>> df['E'] = list('XYZ')
>>> df.astype(int, errors='ignore')
>>> print(df)
...     A   B   C   D   E
... 0   2   8   1   6   X
... 1   5   9   5   4   Y
... 2   0   4   1   4   Z

From pandas.DataFrame.astype docs:

errors : {‘raise’, ‘ignore’}, default ‘raise’

Control raising of exceptions on invalid data for provided dtype.

  • raise : allow exceptions to be raised
  • ignore : suppress exceptions. On error return original object

New in version 0.20.0.

How to convert Hexadecimal #FFFFFF to System.Drawing.Color

You can do

var color =  System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF");

Or this (you will need the System.Windows.Media namespace)

var color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FFFFFF");

How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?

GO to App -> then Targets -> Build Phases -> Compile Source

Now, Select the file in which you want to disable ARC

paste this snippet "-fno-objc-arc" After pasting press ENTER

in each file where you want to disable ARC.

Android: Flush DNS

You have a few options:

  • Release an update for your app that uses a different hostname that isn't in anyone's cache.
  • Same thing, but using the IP address of your server
  • Have your users go into settings -> applications -> Network Location -> Clear data.

You may want to check that last step because i don't know for a fact that this is the appropriate service. I can't really test that right now. Good luck!

How to merge 2 List<T> and removing duplicate values from it in C#

Use Linq's Union:

using System.Linq;
var l1 = new List<int>() { 1,2,3,4,5 };
var l2 = new List<int>() { 3,5,6,7,8 };
var l3 = l1.Union(l2).ToList();

How to change the background colour's opacity in CSS

Use RGBA like this: background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5)

How to create a delay in Swift?

To create a simple time delay, you can import Darwin and then use sleep(seconds) to do the delay. That only takes whole seconds, though, so for more precise measurements you can import Darwin and use usleep(millionths of a second) for very precise measurement. To test this, I wrote:

import Darwin
print("This is one.")
print("This is two.")
print("This is three.")

Which prints, then waits for 1 sec and prints, then waits for 0.4 sec then prints. All worked as expected.

How to dynamically create generic C# object using reflection?

It seems to me the last line of your example code should simply be:

Task<Item> itsMe = o as Task<Item>;

Or am I missing something?

C compiling - "undefined reference to"?

Make sure your declare the tolayer5 function as a prototype, or define the full function definition, earlier in the file where you use it.

What does the SQL Server Error "String Data, Right Truncation" mean and how do I fix it?

Either the parameter supplied for ZIP_CODE is larger (in length) than ZIP_CODEs column width or the parameter supplied for CITY is larger (in length) than CITYs column width.

It would be interesting to know the values supplied for the two ? placeholders.

Does C# have extension properties?

Because I recently needed this, I looked at the source of the answer in:

c# extend class by adding properties

and created a more dynamic version:

public static class ObjectExtenders
    static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<object, List<stringObject>> Flags = new ConditionalWeakTable<object, List<stringObject>>();

    public static string GetFlags(this object objectItem, string key)
        return Flags.GetOrCreateValue(objectItem).Single(x => x.Key == key).Value;

    public static void SetFlags(this object objectItem, string key, string value)
        if (Flags.GetOrCreateValue(objectItem).Any(x => x.Key == key))
            Flags.GetOrCreateValue(objectItem).Single(x => x.Key == key).Value = value;
            Flags.GetOrCreateValue(objectItem).Add(new stringObject()
                Key = key,
                Value = value

    class stringObject
        public string Key;
        public string Value;

It can probably be improved a lot (naming, dynamic instead of string), I currently use this in CF 3.5 together with a hacky ConditionalWeakTable (

How do I test a website using XAMPP?

Make a new folder inside htdocs and access it in browser.Like this or this. Always start Apache when you start working or check whether it has started (in Control panel of xampp).

What is the difference between tinyint, smallint, mediumint, bigint and int in MySQL?

The size of storage required and how big the numbers can be.

On SQL Server:

  • tinyint 1 byte, 0 to 255
  • smallint 2 bytes, -215 (-32,768) to 215-1 (32,767)
  • int 4 bytes, -231 (-2,147,483,648) to 231-1 (2,147,483,647)
  • bigint 8 bytes, -263 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 263-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)

You can store the number 1 in all 4, but a bigint will use 8 bytes, while a tinyint will use 1 byte.

CSS pseudo elements in React

You can use styled components.

Install it with npm i styled-components

import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';

const YourEffect = styled.div`
  height: 50px;
  position: relative;
  &:after {
    // whatever you want with normal CSS syntax. Here, a custom orange line as example
    content: '';
    width: 60px;
    height: 4px;
    background: orange
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;

const YourComponent = props => {
  return (

export default YourComponent

How to print out more than 20 items (documents) in MongoDB's shell?

Could always do:{print(tojson(f, '', true));});

To get that compact view.

Also, I find it very useful to limit the fields returned by the find so:{},{name:1}).forEach(function(f){print(tojson(f, '', true));});

which would return only the _id and name field from foo.

how to use the Box-Cox power transformation in R

Applying the BoxCox transformation to data, without the need of any underlying model, can be done currently using the package geoR. Specifically, you can use the function boxcoxfit() for finding the best parameter and then predict the transformed variables using the function BCtransform().

Passing a variable from one php include file to another: global vs. not

This is all you have to do:


global $name;
$name = 'james';

string.IsNullOrEmpty(string) vs. string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(string)

string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) - if you'd like to check string value has been provided

string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) - basically this is already a sort of business logic implementation (i.e. why " " is bad, but something like "~~" is good).

My advice - do not mix business logic with technical checks. So, for example, string.IsNullOrEmpty is the best to use at the beginning of methods to check their input parameters.

Offline Speech Recognition In Android (JellyBean)

A simple and flexible offline recognition on Android is implemented by CMUSphinx, an open source speech recognition toolkit. It works purely offline, fast and configurable It can listen continuously for keyword, for example.

You can find latest code and tutorial here.

Update in 2019: Time goes fast, CMUSphinx is not that accurate anymore. I recommend to try Kaldi toolkit instead. The demo is here.

Bootstrap 3: Offset isn't working?

Which version of bootstrap are you using? The early versions of Bootstrap 3 (3.0, 3.0.1) didn't work with this functionality.

col-md-offset-0 should be working as seen in this bootstrap example found here (

<div class="row">
   <div class="col-sm-5 col-md-6">.col-sm-5 .col-md-6</div>
   <div class="col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-6 col-md-offset-0">.col-sm-5 .col-sm-offset-2 .col-md-6 .col-md-offset-0</div>

command to remove row from a data frame

eldNew <- eld[-14,]

See ?"[" for a start ...

For ‘[’-indexing only: ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘...’ can be logical vectors, indicating elements/slices to select. Such vectors are recycled if necessary to match the corresponding extent. ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘...’ can also be negative integers, indicating elements/slices to leave out of the selection.

(emphasis added)

edit: looking around I notice How to delete the first row of a dataframe in R? , which has the answer ... seems like the title should have popped to your attention if you were looking for answers on SO?

edit 2: I also found How do I delete rows in a data frame? , searching SO for delete row data frame ...


Arduino IDE can't find ESP8266WiFi.h file

When programming the NODEMCU card with the Arduino IDE, you need to customize it and you must have selected the correct card.

Open Arduino IDE and go to files and click on the preference in the Arduino IDE.

Add the following link to the Additional Manager URLS section: "" and press the OK button.

Then click Tools> Board Manager. Type "ESP8266" in the text box to search and install the ESP8266 software for Arduino IDE.

You will be successful when you try to program again by selecting the NodeMCU card after these operations. I hope I could help.

How can I add an item to a SelectList in MVC

A work-around is to use @tvanfosson's answer (the selected answer) and use JQuery (or Javascript) to set the option's value to 0:

$(document).ready(function () {
        $('#DropDownListId option:first').val('0');

Hope this helps.

Making a UITableView scroll when text field is selected

I have just solved such a problem by myself after I referred a mass of solutions found via Google and Stack Overflow.

First, please assure that you have set up an IBOutlet of your UIScrollView, Then please take a close look at Apple Doc: Keyboard Management. Finally, if you can scroll the background, but the keyboard still covers the Text Fields, please have a look at this piece of code:

// If active text field is hidden by keyboard, scroll it so it's visible
// Your application might not need or want this behavior.
CGRect aRect = self.view.frame;
aRect.size.height -= kbSize.height;

if (aRect.size.height < activeField.frame.origin.y+activeField.frame.size.height) {

    CGPoint scrollPoint = CGPointMake(0.0, activeField.frame.origin.y+activeField.frame.size.height-aRect.size.height);

    [scrollView setContentOffset:scrollPoint animated:YES];

The main difference between this piece and Apple's lies in the if condition. I believe apple's calculation of scroll distance and condition of whether text field covered by keyboard are not accurate, so I made my modification as above.

Let me know if it works