Programs & Examples On #Recursive cte

How to get selected option using Selenium WebDriver with Java

var option = driver.FindElement(By.Id("employmentType"));
        var selectElement = new SelectElement(option);

How do I supply an initial value to a text field?

TextEdittingController _controller = new TextEdittingController(text: "your Text");


  void initState() {
    _Controller.text = "Your Text";

Does the target directory for a git clone have to match the repo name?

Yes, it is possible:

git clone Packages 

You can specify the local root directory when using git clone.


The name of a new directory to clone into.
The "humanish" part of the source repository is used if no directory is explicitly given (repo for /path/to/repo.git and foo for host.xz:foo/.git).
Cloning into an existing directory is only allowed if the directory is empty.

As Chris comments, you can then rename that top directory.
Git only cares about the .git within said top folder, which you can get with various commands:

git rev-parse --show-toplevel git rev-parse --git-dir 

How to change package name of Android Project in Eclipse?

Renaming an Application- The Complete Guide

**A) for changing Just the application name
   (App name which is displayed below icon)
    in the Manifest.xml file, in <application tag, 
    then do the same in All the <activity Tags        

  B) For changing EVERYTHING 
   (folder names, Package names, Refrences,app name, etc.)
  *1) Renaming package names in gen folder and manifest.xml
      Right Click on Your project
      Android tools- Rename Application Package

  *2) Renaming package names in src folder 
      Expand src folder, Click on package (Single click) 
      Press Alt+Shift+R
      Check Update references and Rename subpackages      
   3) Renaming the app's main Folder (Optional)
      click on the application's folder (Single click)
      then Press Alt+Shift+R 

   4) Renaming application name- Refer "A)"**

Get current URL with jQuery?

If you want to get the path of the root site, use this:


Swift alert view with OK and Cancel: which button tapped?

You can easily do this by using UIAlertController

let alertController = UIAlertController(
       title: "Your title", message: "Your message", preferredStyle: .alert)
let defaultAction = UIAlertAction(
       title: "Close Alert", style: .default, handler: nil)
//you can add custom actions as well 

present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)


Reference: iOS Show Alert

Retrofit 2: Get JSON from Response body

Use this link to convert your JSON into POJO with select options as selected in image below

enter image description here

You will get a POJO class for your response like this

public class Result {

    private Integer id;
    private String username;
    private String level;

    * @return
    * The id
    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    * @param id
    * The id
    public void setId(Integer id) { = id;

    * @return
    * The username
    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

    * @param username
    * The Username
    public void setUsername(String username) {
        this.username = username;

    * @return
    * The level
    public String getLevel() {
        return level;

    * @param level
    * The Level
    public void setLevel(String level) {
        this.level = level;


and use interface like this:

Call<Result> checkLevel(@Field("id") int id);

and call like this:

Call<Result> call = api.checkLevel(1);
call.enqueue(new Callback<Result>() {
    public void onResponse(Call<Result> call, Response<Result> response) { 
        response.body(); // have your all data
        int id =response.body().getId();
        String userName = response.body().getUsername();
        String level = response.body().getLevel();
        }else   Toast.makeText(context,response.errorBody().string(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // this will tell you why your api doesnt work most of time


    public void onFailure(Call<Result> call, Throwable t) {
     Toast.makeText(context,t.toString(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // ALL NETWORK ERROR HERE


and use dependencies in Gradle

compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.3.0'
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.+'

NOTE: The error occurs because you changed your JSON into POJO (by use of addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()) in retrofit). If you want response in JSON then remove the addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()) from Retrofit. If not then use the above solution

Open PDF in new browser full window

var pdf = MyPdf.pdf;;

This will open the pdf document in a full window from JavaScript

A function to open windows would look like this:

function openPDF(pdf){;
  return false;

Iterating through struct fieldnames in MATLAB

Your fns is a cellstr array. You need to index in to it with {} instead of () to get the single string out as char.


Indexing in to it with () returns a 1-long cellstr array, which isn't the same format as the char array that the ".(name)" dynamic field reference wants. The formatting, especially in the display output, can be confusing. To see the difference, try this.

name_as_char = 'a'
name_as_cellstr = {'a'}

How to create a zip archive with PowerShell?

This script iterates all directories and zip each one

Get-ChildItem -Attributes d | foreach {write-zip $.Name "$($.Name).zip"}

What does the fpermissive flag do?

The -fpermissive flag causes the compiler to report some things that are actually errors (but are permitted by some compilers) as warnings, to permit code to compile even if it doesn't conform to the language rules. You really should fix the underlying problem. Post the smallest, compilable code sample that demonstrates the problem.

Downgrade some diagnostics about nonconformant code from errors to warnings. Thus, using -fpermissive will allow some nonconforming code to compile.

Convert to date format dd/mm/yyyy

Try this:

$old_date = Date_create("2010-04-19 18:31:27");
$new_date = Date_format($old_date, "d/m/Y");

How to switch from POST to GET in PHP CURL

Add this before calling curl_exec($curl_handle)

curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET');

jQuery using append with effects

Something like:

$('#test').append('<div id="newdiv">Hello</div>').hide().show('slow');

should do it?

Edit: sorry, mistake in code and took Matt's suggestion on board too.

Docker error cannot delete docker container, conflict: unable to remove repository reference

Noticed this is a 2-years old question, but still want to share my workaround for this particular question:

Firstly, run docker container ls -a to list all the containers you have and pinpoint the want you want to delete.

Secondly, delete the one with command docker container rm <CONTAINER ID> (If the container is currently running, you should stop it first, run docker container stop <CONTAINER ID> to gracefully stop the specified container, if it does not stop it for whatever the reason is, alternatively you can run docker container kill <CONTAINER ID> to force shutdown of the specified container).

Thirdly, remove the container by running docker container rm <CONTAINER ID>.

Lastly you can run docker image ls -a to view all the images and delete the one you want to by running docker image rm <hash>.

How to disable/enable select field using jQuery?

Just simply use:

var update_pizza = function () {
     $("#pizza_kind").prop("disabled", !$('#pizza').prop('checked'));



How Do I Make Glyphicons Bigger? (Change Size?)

Fontawesome has a perfect solution to this.

I implemented the same. just on your main .css file add this

.gi-2x{font-size: 2em;}
.gi-3x{font-size: 3em;}
.gi-4x{font-size: 4em;}
.gi-5x{font-size: 5em;}

In your example you just have to do this.

<div class = "jumbotron">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-globe gi-5x"></span>

Replace one substring for another string in shell script

I know this is old but since no one mentioned about using awk:

    firstString="I love Suzi and Marry"
    echo $firstString | awk '{gsub("Suzi","Sara"); print}'

Solve Cross Origin Resource Sharing with Flask

I used decorator given by Armin Ronacher with little modifications (due to different headers that are requested by the client).And that worked for me. (where I use angular as the requester requesting application/json type).

The code is slightly modified at below places,

from flask import jsonify

@app.route('/my_service', methods=['POST', 'GET','OPTIONS'])
def my_service():
    return jsonify(foo='cross domain ftw')

jsonify will send a application/json type, else it will be text/html. headers are added as the client in my case request for those headers

 const httpOptions = {
      headers: new HttpHeaders({
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    return<any>(url, item,httpOptions)

use "netsh wlan set hostednetwork ..." to create a wifi hotspot and the authentication can't work correctly


netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=hotspotname key=123456789

perform all steps in proper order.. for more detail with image ,have a look..this might help to setup hotspot correctly.

Trying to SSH into an Amazon Ec2 instance - permission error

Ok man, the only thing that worked for me was:

  1. Change permissions of the key

    chmod 400 mykey.pem

  2. Make sure to log in using ec2-user, and the correct ec2-99... address. The ec2-99 address is at the bottom of the aws console when you're logged in and seeing your instance listed

    ssh -i mykey.pem [email protected]

SQL permissions for roles

USE DataBaseName; GO --------- CREATE ROLE --------- CREATE ROLE Doctors ; GO  ---- Assign Role To users -------  CREATE USER [Username] FOR LOGIN [Domain\Username] EXEC sp_addrolemember N'Doctors', N'Username'  ----- GRANT Permission to Users Assinged with this Role----- GRANT ALL ON Table1, Table2, Table3 TO Doctors; GO 

Replace image src location using CSS

You could do this but it is hacky

.application-title {
   /* set these dims according to your image size */

.application-title img {

Here is a working example:

How do I remove javascript validation from my eclipse project?

Turn off the JavaScript Validator in the "Builders" config for your project:

  1. Right click your project
  2. Select Properties -> Builders
  3. Uncheck the "JavaScript Validator"

Then either restart your Eclipse or/and rename the .js to something like .js_ then back again.

How to go to a URL using jQuery?

why not using?


<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    function goToURL() {_x000D_
      location.href = '';_x000D_
  <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="goToURL(); return false;">Go To URL</a>_x000D_

phpmyadmin - count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable

Open the /usr/share/phpmyadmin/sql.lib.php file with elevated privileges, and edit the following in the function PMA_isRememberSortingOrder():

  1. ~ line 613 to fix the initial error:
    • Replace || count($analyzed_sql_results['select_expr'] == 1)
    • With || (count($analyzed_sql_results['select_expr']) == 1)
  2. ~ line 614 to fix the 500 error that will probably follow:
    • Replace && ($analyzed_sql_results['select_expr'][0] == '*')))
    • With && ($analyzed_sql_results['select_expr'][0] == '*'))

Restart your Apache server: sudo service apache2 restart.

Tested on Linux Mint 19.1 based on Ubuntu 18.04, with PhpMyAdmin 4.6.6 and PHP 7.2.

Why won't my PHP app send a 404 error?

Your code is technically correct. If you looked at the headers of that blank page, you'd see a 404 header, and other computers/programs would be able to correctly identify the response as file not found.

Of course, your users are still SOL. Normally, 404s are handled by the web server.

  • User: Hey, do you have anything for me at this URI webserver?
  • Webserver: No, I don't, 404! Here's a page to display for 404s.

The problem is, once the web server starts processing the PHP page, it's already passed the point where it would handle a 404

  • User: Hey, do you have anything for me at this URI webserver?
  • Webserver: Yes, I do, it's a PHP page. It'll tell you what the response code is
  • PHP: Hey, OMG 404!!!!!!!
  • Webserver: Well crap, the 404 page people have already gone home, so I'll just send along whatever PHP gave me

In addition to providing a 404 header, PHP is now responsible for outputting the actual 404 page.

Remove characters before character "."

You can use the IndexOf method and the Substring method like so:

string output = input.Substring(input.IndexOf('.') + 1);

The above doesn't have error handling, so if a period doesn't exist in the input string, it will present problems.

How to display list items as columns?

This can be done using CSS3 columns quite easily. Here's an example, HTML:

#limheight {_x000D_
    height: 300px; /*your fixed height*/_x000D_
    -webkit-column-count: 3;_x000D_
       -moz-column-count: 3;_x000D_
            column-count: 3; /*3 in those rules is just placeholder -- can be anything*/_x000D_
#limheight li {_x000D_
    display: inline-block; /*necessary*/_x000D_
<ul id = "limheight">_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 1</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 2</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 3</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 4</a></li>    _x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 5</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 6</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 7</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 8</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 9</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 10</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 11</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 12</a></li>    _x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 13</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 14</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 15</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 16</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 17</a></li>    _x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 18</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 19</a></li>_x000D_
 <li><a href="">Glee is awesome 20</a></li>_x000D_

Remove a git commit which has not been pushed

One way would be to delete the local branch and checkout that branch from the server if your local branch is ahead of remote by multiple commits and you need to uncommit all of them.

Before and After Suite execution hook in jUnit 4.x

Using annotations, you can do something like this:

import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.*;

class SomethingUnitTest {
    public static void runBeforeClass()


    public static void runAfterClass()


    public void setUp()


    public void tearDown()


    public void testSomethingOrOther()



private final static attribute vs private final attribute

private static final will be considered as constant and the constant can be accessed within this class only. Since, the keyword static included, the value will be constant for all the objects of the class.

private final variable value will be like constant per object.

You can refer the java.lang.String or look for the example below.

public final class Foo

    private final int i;
    private static final int j=20;

    public Foo(int val){

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Foo foo1= new Foo(10);

        Foo foo2= new Foo(40);




How to create a self-signed certificate for a domain name for development?

Another option is to create a self-signed certificate that allows you to specify the domain name per website. This means you can use it across many domain names.

In IIS Manager

  1. Click machine name node
  2. Open Server Certificates
  3. In Actions panel, choose 'Create Self-Signed Certificate'
  4. In 'Specify a friendly name...' name it *Dev (select 'Personal' from type list)
  5. Save

Now, on your website in IIS...

  1. Manage the bindings
  2. Create a new binding for Https
  3. Choose your self-signed certificate from the list
  4. Once selected, the domain name box will become enabled and you'll be able to input your domain name.

enter image description here

How can I backup a remote SQL Server database to a local drive?

If you use the Generate Scripts under SSMS, click the Advanced button. Under the 'Generate Scripts for the dependent objects' option, click True. By clicking that any dependencies of each object will also be scripted out in proper order.

How do I show a message in the foreach loop?

You are looking to see if a single value is in an array. Use in_array.

However note that case is important, as are any leading or trailing spaces. Use var_dump to find out the length of the strings too, and see if they fit.

Angular Material: mat-select not selecting default

You should be binding it as [value] in the mat-option as below,

<mat-select placeholder="Panel color" [(value)]="selected2">
  <mat-option *ngFor="let option of options2" [value]="">
    {{ }}


Setting the Vim background colors

supplement of windows

gvim version: 8.2

location of .gvimrc: %userprofile%/.gvimrc

" .gvimrc
colorscheme darkblue

Which color is allows me to choose?

Find your install directory and go to the directory of colors. in my case is: %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Vim\vim82\colors


How to do associative array/hashing in JavaScript

Since every object in JavaScript behaves like - and is generally implemented as - a hashtable, I just go with that...

var hashSweetHashTable = {};

Python JSON encoding

The data you are encoding is a keyless array, so JSON encodes it with [] brackets. See for more information about that. The curly braces are used for lists with key/value pairs.


JSON is built on two structures:

A collection of name/value pairs. In various languages, this is realized as an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list, or associative array. An ordered list of values. In most languages, this is realized as an array, vector, list, or sequence.

An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs. An object begins with { (left brace) and ends with } (right brace). Each name is followed by : (colon) and the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).

An array is an ordered collection of values. An array begins with [ (left bracket) and ends with ] (right bracket). Values are separated by , (comma).

Get HTML code using JavaScript with a URL

You can use fetch to do that:

    .then(function (response) {
        switch (response.status) {
            // status "OK"
            case 200:
                return response.text();
            // status "Not Found"
            case 404:
                throw response;
    .then(function (template) {
    .catch(function (response) {
        // "Not Found"

Asynchronous with arrow function version:

(async () => {
    var response = await fetch('some_url');
    switch (response.status) {
        // status "OK"
        case 200:
            var template = await response.text();

        // status "Not Found"
        case 404:
            console.log('Not Found');

How to determine whether a substring is in a different string

In [7]: substring = "please help me out"

In [8]: string = "please help me out so that I could solve this"

In [9]: substring in string
Out[9]: True

Running a script inside a docker container using shell script

I was searching an answer for this same question and found ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile solution for me.


ENTRYPOINT / ; / ; /bin/bash

Now the scripts are executed when I start the container and I get the bash prompt after the scripts has been executed.

List(of String) or Array or ArrayList

look to the List AddRange method here

Angularjs $http post file and form data

I was unable to get Pavel's answer working as in when posting to a Web.Api application.

The issue appears to be with the deleting of the headers.

delete headers['Content-Type'];

In order to ensure the browsers was allowed to default the Content-Type along with the boundary parameter, I needed to set the Content-Type to undefined. Using Pavel's example the boundary was never being set resulting in a 400 HTTP exception.

The key was to remove the code deleting the headers shown above and to set the headers content type to null manually. Thus allowing the browser to set the properties.

headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}

Here is a full example.

$scope.Submit = form => {
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: 'api/FileTest',
                    headers: {'Content-Type': undefined},
                    data: {
                        FullName: $scope.FullName,
                        Email: $scope.Email,
                        File1: $scope.file
                    transformRequest: function (data, headersGetter) {
                        var formData = new FormData();
                        angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {
                            formData.append(key, value);
                        return formData;
                .success(function (data) {

                .error(function (data, status) {


                return false;

Load a WPF BitmapImage from a System.Drawing.Bitmap

Thanks to Hallgrim, here is the code I ended up with:

ScreenCapture = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(
   BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(width, height));

I also ended up binding to a BitmapSource instead of a BitmapImage as in my original question

View/edit ID3 data for MP3 files


Be aware that UltraID3Lib is no longer officially available, and thus no longer maintained. See comments below for the link to a Github project that includes this library

//using HundredMilesSoftware.UltraID3Lib;
UltraID3 u = new UltraID3();
u.Artist = "New Artist";

Write a file in external storage in Android

The code below creates a Documents directory and then a sub-directory for the application and saved the files to it.

public class loadDataTooDisk extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> {
    String sdCardFileTxt;
    protected String doInBackground(String... params)

        //check to see if external storage is avalibel
        if(canW == canR == true)
            //get the path to sdcard 
            File pathToExternalStorage = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
            //to this path add a new directory path and create new App dir (InstroList) in /documents Dir
            File appDirectory = new File(pathToExternalStorage.getAbsolutePath()  + "/documents/InstroList");
            // have the object build the directory structure, if needed.
            //test to see if it is a Text file
            if ( myNewFileName.endsWith(".txt") )

                //Create a File for the output file data
                File saveFilePath = new File (appDirectory, myNewFileName);
                //Adds the textbox data to the file
                    String newline = "\r\n";
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (saveFilePath);
                    OutputStreamWriter OutDataWriter  = new OutputStreamWriter(fos);

                    OutDataWriter.write(equipNo.getText() + newline);
                    // OutDataWriter.append(equipNo.getText() + newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equip_Type.getText() + newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equip_Make.getText()+ newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equipModel_No.getText()+ newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equip_Password.getText()+ newline);
                    OutDataWriter.append(equipWeb_Site.getText()+ newline);


                }catch(Exception e){
        return null;

This one builds the file name

   private String BuildNewFileName()
    { // creates a new filr name
        Time today = new Time(Time.getCurrentTimezone());

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append(today.year + "");                // Year)
        sb.append(today.monthDay + "");          // Day of the month (1-31)
        sb.append(today.month + "");              // Month (0-11))
        sb.append(today.format("%k:%M:%S"));      // Current time
        sb.append(".txt");                      //Completed file name

        myNewFileName = sb.toString();
        //Replace (:) with (_)
        myNewFileName = myNewFileName.replaceAll(":", "_");

        return myNewFileName;

Hope this helps! It took me a long time to get it working.

Relative path in HTML

You say your website is in http://localhost/mywebsite, and let's say that your image is inside a subfolder named pictures/:

Absolute path

If you use an absolute path, / would point to the root of the site, not the root of the document: localhost in your case. That's why you need to specify your document's folder in order to access the pictures folder:


And it would be the same as:


Relative path

A relative path is always relative to the root of the document, so if your html is at the same level of the directory, you'd need to start the path directly with your picture's directory name:


But there are other perks with relative paths:

dot-slash (./)

Dot (.) points to the same directory and the slash (/) gives access to it:

So this:


Would be the same as this:


Double-dot-slash (../)

In this case, a double dot (..) points to the upper directory and likewise, the slash (/) gives you access to it. So if you wanted to access a picture that is on a directory one level above of the current directory your document is, your URL would look like this:


You can play around with them as much as you want, a little example would be this:

Let's say you're on directory A, and you want to access directory X.

- root
   |- a
      |- A
   |- b
   |- x
      |- X

Your URL would look either:

Absolute path



Relative path


Python decorators in classes

The simple way to do it. All you need is to put the decorator method outside the class. You can still use it inside.

def my_decorator(func):
    #this is the key line. There's the aditional self parameter
    def wrap(self, *params, **kwargs):
        # you can use self here as if you were inside the class
        return func()
    return wrap

class Test(object):
    def bar(self):

How to add New Column with Value to the Existing DataTable?

Add the column and update all rows in the DataTable, for example:

DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
tbl.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", typeof(Int32)));
tbl.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string)));
for (Int32 i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    DataRow row = tbl.NewRow();
    row["ID"] = i;
    row["Name"] = i + ". row";
DataColumn newCol = new DataColumn("NewColumn", typeof(string));
newCol.AllowDBNull = true;
foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows) {
    row["NewColumn"] = "You DropDownList value";
//if you don't want to allow null-values'
newCol.AllowDBNull = false;

rmagick gem install "Can't find Magick-config"

Installing rmagick gem in Ubuntu

sudo aptitude Install Imagemagick and GraphicsMagick(If not aptitude go & install in s/w center) sudo aptitude Install libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev gem install rmagick -v 2.13.1

How do I make the scrollbar on a div only visible when necessary?


<div style='overflow:auto; width:400px;height:400px;'>here is some text</div>

why should I make a copy of a data frame in pandas

The primary purpose is to avoid chained indexing and eliminate the SettingWithCopyWarning.

Here chained indexing is something like dfc['A'][0] = 111

The document said chained indexing should be avoided in Returning a view versus a copy. Here is a slightly modified example from that document:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: dfc = pd.DataFrame({'A':['aaa','bbb','ccc'],'B':[1,2,3]})

In [3]: dfc
    A   B
0   aaa 1
1   bbb 2
2   ccc 3

In [4]: aColumn = dfc['A']

In [5]: aColumn[0] = 111
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

In [6]: dfc
    A   B
0   111 1
1   bbb 2
2   ccc 3

Here the aColumn is a view and not a copy from the original DataFrame, so modifying aColumn will cause the original dfc be modified too. Next, if we index the row first:

In [7]: zero_row = dfc.loc[0]

In [8]: zero_row['A'] = 222
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

In [9]: dfc
    A   B
0   111 1
1   bbb 2
2   ccc 3

This time zero_row is a copy, so the original dfc is not modified.

From these two examples above, we see it's ambiguous whether or not you want to change the original DataFrame. This is especially dangerous if you write something like the following:

In [10]: dfc.loc[0]['A'] = 333
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

In [11]: dfc
    A   B
0   111 1
1   bbb 2
2   ccc 3

This time it didn't work at all. Here we wanted to change dfc, but we actually modified an intermediate value dfc.loc[0] that is a copy and is discarded immediately. It’s very hard to predict whether the intermediate value like dfc.loc[0] or dfc['A'] is a view or a copy, so it's not guaranteed whether or not original DataFrame will be updated. That's why chained indexing should be avoided, and pandas generates the SettingWithCopyWarning for this kind of chained indexing update.

Now is the use of .copy(). To eliminate the warning, make a copy to express your intention explicitly:

In [12]: zero_row_copy = dfc.loc[0].copy()

In [13]: zero_row_copy['A'] = 444 # This time no warning

Since you are modifying a copy, you know the original dfc will never change and you are not expecting it to change. Your expectation matches the behavior, then the SettingWithCopyWarning disappears.

Note, If you do want to modify the original DataFrame, the document suggests you use loc:

In [14]: dfc.loc[0,'A'] = 555

In [15]: dfc
    A   B
0   555 1
1   bbb 2
2   ccc 3

How to give a Blob uploaded as FormData a file name?

For Chrome, Safari and Firefox, just use this:

form.append("blob", blob, filename);

(see MDN documentation)

drop down list value in

Say you have a drop down called ddlMonths:

ddlMonths.Items.Insert(0,new ListItem("Select a month","-1");

How to specify the download location with wget?

From the manual page:

-P prefix
           Set directory prefix to prefix.  The directory prefix is the
           directory where all other files and sub-directories will be
           saved to, i.e. the top of the retrieval tree.  The default
           is . (the current directory).

So you need to add -P /tmp/cron_test/ (short form) or --directory-prefix=/tmp/cron_test/ (long form) to your command. Also note that if the directory does not exist it will get created.

How do I install cURL on cygwin?

I searched for curl on the cygwin packages part of their home page.

I found this link But that wasn't helpful because I couldn't download anything

So I searched for the curl-7.20.1-1 cygwin on Google. I found this helpful site

That site had a link to download curl-7.20.1-1.tar.bz2. I unzipped it using 7zip. It unzips it into ./user/bin/ or something so I had to find curl.exe in the local /usr/bin folder and put it into my /bin folder of c:\cygwin

Finally I could use cURL!

This drove me crazy. I hope it helps someone!

Python sum() function with list parameter

Have you used the variable sum anywhere else? That would explain it.

>>> sum = 1
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3]
>>> numsum = (sum(numbers))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

The name sum doesn't point to the function anymore now, it points to an integer.

Solution: Don't call your variable sum, call it total or something similar.

Changing minDate and maxDate on the fly using jQuery DatePicker

I have changed min date property of date time picker by using this


I hope this one help to someone !

How to disable Compatibility View in IE

This should be enough to force an IE user to drop compatibility mode in any IE version:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE" />

However, there are a couple of caveats one should be aware of:

  • The meta tag above should be included as the very first tag under <head>. Only the <title> tag may be placed above it.

If you don't do that, you'll get an error on IE9 Dev Tools: X-UA-Compatible META tag ignored because document mode is already finalized.

  • If you want this markup to validate, make sure you remember to close the meta tag with a /> instead of just >.

  • Starting with IE11, edge mode is the preferred document mode. To support/enable that, use the HTML5 document type declaration <!doctype html>.

  • If you need to support webfonts on IE7, make sure you use <!DOCTYPE html>. I've tested it and found that rendering webfonts on IE7 got pretty unreliable when using <!doctype html>.

The use of Google Chrome Frame is popular, but unfortunately it's going to be dropped sometime this month, Jan. 2014.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE,chrome=1">

Extensive related info here. The tip on using it as the first meta tag is on a previously mentioned source here, which has been updated.

Using Auto Layout in UITableView for dynamic cell layouts & variable row heights

swift 4

    @IBOutlet weak var tableViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
    @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
    private var context = 1
 override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.tableView.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "contentSize", options: [.new,.prior], context: &context)
  // Added observer to adjust tableview height based on the content

    override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
        if context == &self.context{
            if let size = change?[NSKeyValueChangeKey.newKey] as? CGSize{
                tableViewHeightConstraint.constant = size.height + 50

//Remove observer
 deinit {



Can I convert a C# string value to an escaped string literal

What about Regex.Escape(String) ?

Regex.Escape escapes a minimal set of characters (\, *, +, ?, |, {, [, (,), ^, $,., #, and white space) by replacing them with their escape codes.

DATEDIFF function in Oracle

Just subtract the two dates:

select date '2000-01-02' - date '2000-01-01' as dateDiff
from dual;

The result will be the difference in days.

More details are in the manual:

Validation error: "No validator could be found for type: java.lang.Integer"

For this type error: UnexpectedTypeException ERROR: We are trying to use incorrect Hibernate validator annotation on any bean property. For this same issue for my Springboot project( validating type 'java.lang.Integer')

The solution that worked for me is using @NotNull for Integer. Broken pipe

Error message suggests that the client has closed the connection while the server is still trying to write out a response.

Refer to this link for more details:

Why do I always get the same sequence of random numbers with rand()?

Random number generators are not actually random, they like most software is completely predictable. What rand does is create a different pseudo-random number each time it is called One which appears to be random. In order to use it properly you need to give it a different starting point.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main ()
  /* initialize random seed: */
  srand ( time(NULL) );

  printf("random number %d\n",rand());
  printf("random number %d\n",rand());
  printf("random number %d\n",rand());
  printf("random number %d\n",rand());

  return 0;

Spring AMQP + RabbitMQ 3.3.5 ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN

just add login password to connect to RabbitMq

 CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = 
         new CachingConnectionFactory("rabbit_host");


How can I check if char* variable points to empty string?

if (!*ptr) { /* empty string  */}


if (*ptr)  { /* not empty */ }

Best ways to teach a beginner to program?

If your brother likes puzzles, I would recommend Python Challenge. I wouldn't use it as a formal teaching tool in a 1 on 1 tutorial, but it's something he can do when you're not together to challenge himself and have some fun.

Detecting scroll direction

This is an addition to what prateek has answered.There seems to be a glitch in the code in IE so i decided to modify it a bit nothing fancy(just another condition)

$('document').ready(function() {
var lastScrollTop = 0;
   var st = $(this).scrollTop();
   if (st > lastScrollTop){
   else if(st == lastScrollTop)
     //do nothing 
     //In IE this is an important condition because there seems to be some instances where the last scrollTop is equal to the new one
   else {
   lastScrollTop = st;

How do you get a directory listing sorted by creation date in python?

Alex Coventry's answer will produce an exception if the file is a symlink to an unexistent file, the following code corrects that answer:

import time
import datetime
sorted(filter(os.path.isfile, os.listdir('.')), 
    key=lambda p: os.path.exists(p) and os.stat(p).st_mtime or time.mktime(

When the file doesn't exist, now() is used, and the symlink will go at the very end of the list.

How to run a Maven project from Eclipse?

Your Maven project doesn't seem to be configured as a Eclipse Java project, that is the Java nature is missing (the little 'J' in the project icon).

To enable this, the <packaging> element in your pom.xml should be jar (or similar).

Then, right-click the project and select Maven > Update Project Configuration

For this to work, you need to have m2eclipse installed. But since you had the _ New ... > New Maven Project_ wizard, I assume you have m2eclipse installed.

Can there exist two main methods in a Java program?

enter image description here

Case :1 > We have two main method but with "Main" AND "main2" so jvm only a=calling "main" method .

2> Same method but diff params, still jvm calling "main(String[] args) " meyhod.

3> Exactly same method but it gives copile time error as you can not have two same name method in a single class !!!

Hope it will give you clear pic

How to create custom spinner like border around the spinner with down triangle on the right side?


    style="@style/spinner_style" />


    <style name="spinner_style">
          <item name="android:layout_width">match_parent</item>
          <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
          <item name="android:background">@drawable/gradient_spinner</item>
          <item name="android:layout_margin">10dp</item>
          <item name="android:paddingLeft">8dp</item>
          <item name="android:paddingRight">20dp</item>
          <item name="android:paddingTop">5dp</item>
          <item name="android:paddingBottom">5dp</item>
          <item name="android:popupBackground">#DFFFFFFF</item>

gradient_spinner.xml (in drawable folder)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

                    <gradient android:angle="90" android:endColor="#B3BBCC" android:startColor="#E8EBEF" android:type="linear" />

                    <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#000000" />

                    <corners android:radius="4dp" />

                    <padding android:bottom="3dp" android:left="3dp" android:right="3dp" android:top="3dp" />
            <item ><bitmap android:gravity="bottom|right" android:src="@drawable/spinner_arrow" />


@drawable/spinner_arrow is your bottom right corner image

How to hide a View programmatically?

Try this:


How can I know which radio button is selected via jQuery?


     $("#submit").click(function(){      _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
         <td>Sales Promotion</td>_x000D_
         <td><input type="radio" name="q12_3" value="1">1</td>_x000D_
         <td><input type="radio" name="q12_3" value="2">2</td>_x000D_
         <td><input type="radio" name="q12_3" value="3">3</td>_x000D_
         <td><input type="radio" name="q12_3" value="4">4</td>_x000D_
         <td><input type="radio" name="q12_3" value="5">5</td>_x000D_
<button id="submit">submit</button>

Android. WebView and loadData

WebView.loadData() is not working properly at all. What I had to do was:

String header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>";
myWebView.loadData(header+myHtmlString, "text/html", "UTF-8");

I think in your case you should replace UTF-8 with latin1 or ISO-8859-1 both in header and in WebView.loadData().

And, to give a full answer, here is the official list of encodings:

I update my answer to be more inclusive:

To use WebView.loadData() with non latin1 encodings you have to encode html content. Previous example was not correctly working in Android 4+, so I have modified it to look as follows:

WebSettings settings = myWebView.getSettings();
    String base64 = Base64.encodeToString(htmlString.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT);
    myWebView.loadData(base64, "text/html; charset=utf-8", "base64");
} else {
    String header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>";
    myWebView.loadData(header + htmlString, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", null);


But later I have switched to WebView.loadDataWithBaseURL() and the code became very clean and not depending on Android version:

WebSettings settings = myWebView.getSettings();
myWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, htmlString, "text/html", "utf-8", null);

For some reason these functions have completely different implementation.

Add Whatsapp function to website, like sms, tel

below link will open the whatsapp. Here "0123456789" is the contact of the person you want to communicate with.


Create XML file using java

package com.server;


import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.w3c.dom.*;


import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;

public class XmlServlet extends HttpServlet

  NodeList list;
  Connection con=null;
  Statement st=null;
  ResultSet rs = null;
  String xmlString ;
  BufferedWriter bw;
  String displayTo;
  String displayFrom;
  String addressto;
  String addressFrom;
  Date send;
  String Subject;
  String body;
  String category;
  Document doc1;
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
   throws ServletException,IOException{

    System.out.print("on server");  

  PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
  System.out.print("on server");

    DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    //creating a new instance of a DOM to build a DOM tree.
    doc1 = docBuilder.newDocument();
    new XmlServlet().createXmlTree(doc1);

    System.out.print("on server");

  catch(Exception e)


  public void createXmlTree(Document doc) throws Exception {
  //This method creates an element node



      con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3308/plz","root","root1");
      st = con.createStatement();

      rs = st.executeQuery("select * from data");

      Element root = doc.createElement("message");



       System.out.println(displayFrom +"getdataname");

         System.out.println(addressto +"getdataname");

       System.out.println(addressFrom +"getdataname");

       System.out.println(send +"getdataname");

       System.out.println(Subject +"getdataname");


       System.out.println(category +"getdataname");

       //adding a node after the last child node of ssthe specified node.

        Element element1 = doc.createElement("Header");

        Element child1 = doc.createElement("To");


        Element child2 = doc.createElement("From");


        Element child3 = doc.createElement("Send");

        Text text2 = doc.createTextNode(send.toString());

        Element child4 = doc.createElement("Subject");

        Text text3 = doc.createTextNode(Subject);

        Element child5 = doc.createElement("category");

        Text text44 = doc.createTextNode(category);

        Element element2 = doc.createElement("Body");

        Text text1 = doc.createTextNode(body);

        Element child1 = doc.createElement("name");
        Text text = doc.createTextNode(getdataname);
        Element element = doc.createElement("address");
        Text text1 = doc.createTextNode( getdataaddress);

//TransformerFactory instance is used to create Transformer objects. 
  TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
  Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer();

  transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
  // transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "3");

  // create string from xml tree
  StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
  StreamResult result = new StreamResult(sw);
  DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
  transformer.transform(source, result);

  xmlString = sw.toString();

  File file = new File("./war/ds/newxml.xml");
  bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file)));

    catch(Exception e)
      System.out.print("after while loop exception"+e.toString());

  System.out.println("successfully done.....");

If strings starts with in PowerShell

$Group is an object, but you will actually need to check if $Group.samaccountname.StartsWith("string").

Change $Group.StartsWith("S_G_") to $Group.samaccountname.StartsWith("S_G_").

How do I execute a program from Python? os.system fails due to spaces in path

For python >= 3.5 should be used in place of

import subprocess['notepad.exe', 'test.txt'])

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState

My app has a fragment to loading in 3 secs, but when the fist screen is preparing to show, I press home button and resume run it, it show the same error, so It edit my code and it ran very smooth:

new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (saveIns == null) {
                mFragment = new Fragment_S1_loading();
                        .replace(, mFragment).commit();
            // Loading screen in 3 secs:
            mCountDownTimerLoading = new CountDownTimer(3000, 1000) {

                public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {


                public void onFinish() {
                    if (saveIns == null) {// TODO bug when start app and press home
                                            // button
                                        new Fragment_S2_sesstion1()).commitAllowingStateLoss();

NOTE: add commitAllowingStateLoss() instead of commit()

What REST PUT/POST/DELETE calls should return by a convention?

I like Alfonso Tienda responce from HTTP status code for update and delete?

Here are some Tips:


  • 200 (if you want send some additional data in the Response) or 204 (recommended).

  • 202 Operation deleted has not been committed yet.

  • If there's nothing to delete, use 204 or 404 (DELETE operation is idempotent, delete an already deleted item is operation successful, so you can return 204, but it's true that idempotent doesn't necessarily imply the same response)

Other errors:

  • 400 Bad Request (Malformed syntax or a bad query is strange but possible).
  • 401 Unauthorized Authentication failure
  • 403 Forbidden: Authorization failure or invalid Application ID.
  • 405 Not Allowed. Sure.
  • 409 Resource Conflict can be possible in complex systems.
  • And 501, 502 in case of errors.


If you're updating an element of a collection

  • 200/204 with the same reasons as DELETE above.
  • 202 if the operation has not been commited yet.

The referenced element doesn't exists:

  • PUT can be 201 (if you created the element because that is your behaviour)

  • 404 If you don't want to create elements via PUT.

  • 400 Bad Request (Malformed syntax or a bad query more common than in case of DELETE).

  • 401 Unauthorized

  • 403 Forbidden: Authentication failure or invalid Application ID.

  • 405 Not Allowed. Sure.

  • 409 Resource Conflict can be possible in complex systems, as in DELETE.

  • 422 Unprocessable entity It helps to distinguish between a "Bad request" (e.g. malformed XML/JSON) and invalid field values

  • And 501, 502 in case of errors.

How to Select Every Row Where Column Value is NOT Distinct

How about

SELECT EmailAddress, CustomerName FROM Customers a
WHERE Exists ( SELECT emailAddress FROM customers c WHERE a.customerName != c.customerName AND a.EmailAddress = c.EmailAddress)

Why can't I duplicate a slice with `copy()`?

The builtin copy(dst, src) copies min(len(dst), len(src)) elements.

So if your dst is empty (len(dst) == 0), nothing will be copied.

Try tmp := make([]int, len(arr)) (Go Playground):

arr := []int{1, 2, 3}
tmp := make([]int, len(arr))
copy(tmp, arr)

Output (as expected):

[1 2 3]
[1 2 3]

Unfortunately this is not documented in the builtin package, but it is documented in the Go Language Specification: Appending to and copying slices:

The number of elements copied is the minimum of len(src) and len(dst).


Finally the documentation of copy() has been updated and it now contains the fact that the minimum length of source and destination will be copied:

Copy returns the number of elements copied, which will be the minimum of len(src) and len(dst).

Force youtube embed to start in 720p

The first example below does not work for me, but the second one does (in Chrome).

<iframe width="720" height="405" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe>
<iframe width="720" height="405" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe>

I believe the first one uses the new HTML5 youtube player whereas the bottom one (which works) uses the older flash player. However, the second one doesn't seem to load correctly in Safari/Firefox etc so probably not usable.

Javascript logical "!==" operator?

reference here

!== is the strict not equal operator and only returns a value of true if both the operands are not equal and/or not of the same type. The following examples return a Boolean true:

a !== b 
a !== "2" 
4 !== '4' 

Can the jQuery UI Datepicker be made to disable Saturdays and Sundays (and holidays)?

There is the beforeShowDay option, which takes a function to be called for each date, returning true if the date is allowed or false if it is not. From the docs:


The function takes a date as a parameter and must return an array with [0] equal to true/false indicating whether or not this date is selectable and 1 equal to a CSS class name(s) or '' for the default presentation. It is called for each day in the datepicker before is it displayed.

Display some national holidays in the datepicker.

$(".selector").datepicker({ beforeShowDay: nationalDays})   

natDays = [
  [1, 26, 'au'], [2, 6, 'nz'], [3, 17, 'ie'],
  [4, 27, 'za'], [5, 25, 'ar'], [6, 6, 'se'],
  [7, 4, 'us'], [8, 17, 'id'], [9, 7, 'br'],
  [10, 1, 'cn'], [11, 22, 'lb'], [12, 12, 'ke']

function nationalDays(date) {
    for (i = 0; i < natDays.length; i++) {
      if (date.getMonth() == natDays[i][0] - 1
          && date.getDate() == natDays[i][1]) {
        return [false, natDays[i][2] + '_day'];
  return [true, ''];

One built in function exists, called noWeekends, that prevents the selection of weekend days.

$(".selector").datepicker({ beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends })

To combine the two, you could do something like (assuming the nationalDays function from above):

$(".selector").datepicker({ beforeShowDay: noWeekendsOrHolidays})   

function noWeekendsOrHolidays(date) {
    var noWeekend = $.datepicker.noWeekends(date);
    if (noWeekend[0]) {
        return nationalDays(date);
    } else {
        return noWeekend;

Update: Note that as of jQuery UI 1.8.19, the beforeShowDay option also accepts an optional third paremeter, a popup tooltip

Finding the number of days between two dates

number of days between two dates in PHP

      function dateDiff($date1, $date2)  //days find function
            $diff = strtotime($date2) - strtotime($date1); 
            return abs(round($diff / 86400)); 
       //start day
       $date1 = "11-10-2018";        
       // end day
       $date2 = "31-10-2018";    
       // call the days find fun store to variable 
       $dateDiff = dateDiff($date1, $date2); 

       echo "Difference between two dates: ". $dateDiff . " Days "; 

How do I monitor the computer's CPU, memory, and disk usage in Java?

This works for me perfectly without any external API, just native Java hidden feature :)

OperatingSystemMXBean osBean = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(
// What % CPU load this current JVM is taking, from 0.0-1.0

// What % load the overall system is at, from 0.0-1.0

Creating a .dll file in C#.Net

You need to make a class library and not a Console Application. The console application is translated into an .exe whereas the class library will then be compiled into a dll which you can reference in your windows project.

  • Right click on your Console Application -> Properties -> Change the Output type to Class Library

enter image description here

How can I Insert data into SQL Server using VBNet

Function ExtSql(ByVal sql As String) As Boolean
    Dim cnn As SqlConnection
    Dim cmd As SqlCommand
    cnn = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.mySqlConnectionString)
        cmd = New SqlCommand
        cmd.Connection = cnn
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
        cmd.CommandText = sql
    Catch ex As Exception
        Return False
    End Try
    Return True
End Function

How to use protractor to check if an element is visible?

This answer will be robust enough to work for elements that aren't on the page, therefore failing gracefully (not throwing an exception) if the selector failed to find the element.

const nameSelector = '[data-automation="name-input"]';
const nameInputIsDisplayed = () => {
    return $$(nameSelector).count()
        .then(count => count !== 0)
it('should be displayed', () => {
    nameInputIsDisplayed().then(isDisplayed => {

Dart: mapping a list (

I try this same method, but with a different list with more values in the function map. My problem was to forget a return statement. This is very important :)

 bottom: new TabBar(
      controller: _controller,
      isScrollable: true,
      tabs: { return Tab(text: title)}).toList()

How do you render primitives as wireframes in OpenGL?

use this function: void glPolygonMode( GLenum face, GLenum mode);

face : Specifies the polygons that mode applies to. can be GL_FRONT for front side of the polygone and GL_BACK for his back and GL_FRONT_AND_BACK for both.

mode : Three modes are defined and can be specified in mode:

GL_POINT :Polygon vertices that are marked as the start of a boundary edge are drawn as points.

GL_LINE : Boundary edges of the polygon are drawn as line segments. (your target)

GL_FILL : The interior of the polygon is filled.

P.S : glPolygonMode controls the interpretation of polygons for rasterization in the graphics pipeline.

for more information look at the OpenGL reference pages in khronos group :

Read XLSX file in Java

You can use Apache Tika for that:

String parse(File xlsxFile) {
    return new Tika().parseToString(xlsxFile);

Tika uses Apache POI for parsing XLSX files.

Here are some usage examples for Tiki.

Alternatively, if you want to handle each cell of the spreadsheet individually, here's one way to do this with POI:

void parse(File xlsx) {
    try (XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(xlsx)) {
        // Handle each cell in each sheet
        workbook.forEach(sheet -> sheet.forEach(row -> row.forEach(this::handle)));
    catch (InvalidFormatException | IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Can't parse file " + xlsx);

void handle(Cell cell) {
    final String cellContent;
    switch (cell.getCellType()) {
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
            cellContent = cell.getStringCellValue();
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
            cellContent = String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue());
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
            cellContent = String.valueOf(cell.getBooleanCellValue());
            cellContent = "Don't know how to handle cell " + cell;

"No Content-Security-Policy meta tag found." error in my phonegap application

For me it was enough to reinstall whitelist plugin:

cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-whitelist

and then

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist

It looks like updating from previous versions of Cordova was not succesful.

Easiest way to loop through a filtered list with VBA?

a = 2
x = 0

Do Until Cells(a, 1).Value = ""
If Rows(a).Hidden = False Then
x = Cells(a, 1).Value + x
End If
a = a + 1

End Sub

Python For loop get index

Use the enumerate() function to generate the index along with the elements of the sequence you are looping over:

for index, w in enumerate(loopme):
    print "CURRENT WORD IS", w, "AT CHARACTER", index 

Easy way to make a confirmation dialog in Angular?

You could use sweetalert:

npm install sweetalert --save

Then, simply import it into your application:

import swal from 'sweetalert';

If you pass two arguments, the first one will be the modal's title, and the second one its text.

swal("Here's the title!", "...and here's the text!");

In Python, how do I loop through the dictionary and change the value if it equals something?

for k, v in mydict.iteritems():
    if v is None:
        mydict[k] = ''

In a more general case, e.g. if you were adding or removing keys, it might not be safe to change the structure of the container you're looping on -- so using items to loop on an independent list copy thereof might be prudent -- but assigning a different value at a given existing index does not incur any problem, so, in Python 2.any, it's better to use iteritems.

In Python3 however the code gives AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems' error. Use items() instead of iteritems() here.

Refer to this post.

How to add Button over image using CSS?

Adapt this example to your code


<div class="img-holder">
    <img src="images/img-1.png" alt="image description"/>
    <a class="link" href=""></a>


.img-holder {position: relative;}
.img-holder .link {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 10px; /*your button position*/
    right: 10px; /*your button position*/

IOCTL Linux device driver

The ioctl function is useful for implementing a device driver to set the configuration on the device. e.g. a printer that has configuration options to check and set the font family, font size etc. ioctl could be used to get the current font as well as set the font to a new one. A user application uses ioctl to send a code to a printer telling it to return the current font or to set the font to a new one.

int ioctl(int fd, int request, ...)
  1. fd is file descriptor, the one returned by open;
  2. request is request code. e.g GETFONT will get the current font from the printer, SETFONT will set the font on the printer;
  3. the third argument is void *. Depending on the second argument, the third may or may not be present, e.g. if the second argument is SETFONT, the third argument can be the font name such as "Arial";

int request is not just a macro. A user application is required to generate a request code and the device driver module to determine which configuration on device must be played with. The application sends the request code using ioctl and then uses the request code in the device driver module to determine which action to perform.

A request code has 4 main parts

    1. A Magic number - 8 bits
    2. A sequence number - 8 bits
    3. Argument type (typically 14 bits), if any.
    4. Direction of data transfer (2 bits).  

If the request code is SETFONT to set font on a printer, the direction for data transfer will be from user application to device driver module (The user application sends the font name "Arial" to the printer). If the request code is GETFONT, direction is from printer to the user application.

In order to generate a request code, Linux provides some predefined function-like macros.

1._IO(MAGIC, SEQ_NO) both are 8 bits, 0 to 255, e.g. let us say we want to pause printer. This does not require a data transfer. So we would generate the request code as below

#define PRIN_MAGIC 'P'
#define NUM 0

and now use ioctl as

ret_val = ioctl(fd, PAUSE_PRIN);

The corresponding system call in the driver module will receive the code and pause the printer.

  1. __IOW(MAGIC, SEQ_NO, TYPE) MAGIC and SEQ_NO are the same as above, and TYPE gives the type of the next argument, recall the third argument of ioctl is void *. W in __IOW indicates that the data flow is from user application to driver module. As an example, suppose we want to set the printer font to "Arial".
#define PRIN_MAGIC 'S'
#define SEQ_NO 1
#define SETFONT __IOW(PRIN_MAGIC, SEQ_NO, unsigned long)


char *font = "Arial";
ret_val = ioctl(fd, SETFONT, font); 

Now font is a pointer, which means it is an address best represented as unsigned long, hence the third part of _IOW mentions type as such. Also, this address of font is passed to corresponding system call implemented in device driver module as unsigned long and we need to cast it to proper type before using it. Kernel space can access user space and hence this works. other two function-like macros are __IOR(MAGIC, SEQ_NO, TYPE) and __IORW(MAGIC, SEQ_NO, TYPE) where the data flow will be from kernel space to user space and both ways respectively.

Please let me know if this helps!

Convert a number range to another range, maintaining ratio

Actually there are some cases that above answers would break. Such as wrongly input value, wrongly input range, negative input/output ranges.

def remap( x, oMin, oMax, nMin, nMax ):

    #range check
    if oMin == oMax:
        print "Warning: Zero input range"
        return None

    if nMin == nMax:
        print "Warning: Zero output range"
        return None

    #check reversed input range
    reverseInput = False
    oldMin = min( oMin, oMax )
    oldMax = max( oMin, oMax )
    if not oldMin == oMin:
        reverseInput = True

    #check reversed output range
    reverseOutput = False   
    newMin = min( nMin, nMax )
    newMax = max( nMin, nMax )
    if not newMin == nMin :
        reverseOutput = True

    portion = (x-oldMin)*(newMax-newMin)/(oldMax-oldMin)
    if reverseInput:
        portion = (oldMax-x)*(newMax-newMin)/(oldMax-oldMin)

    result = portion + newMin
    if reverseOutput:
        result = newMax - portion

    return result

#test cases
print remap( 25.0, 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, -1.0 ), "==", 0.5
print remap( 25.0, 100.0, -100.0, -1.0, 1.0 ), "==", -0.25
print remap( -125.0, -100.0, -200.0, 1.0, -1.0 ), "==", 0.5
print remap( -125.0, -200.0, -100.0, -1.0, 1.0 ), "==", 0.5
#even when value is out of bound
print remap( -20.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 1.0 ), "==", -0.2

What's the point of the X-Requested-With header?

Some frameworks are using this header to detect xhr requests e.g. grails spring security is using this header to identify xhr request and give either a json response or html response as response.

Most Ajax libraries (Prototype, JQuery, and Dojo as of v2.1) include an X-Requested-With header that indicates that the request was made by XMLHttpRequest instead of being triggered by clicking a regular hyperlink or form submit button.


SASS and @font-face

In case anyone was wondering - it was probably my css...

  font-family: "bingo"
  src: url('bingo.eot')
  src: local('bingo')
  src: url('bingo.svg#bingo') format('svg')
  src: url('bingo.otf') format('opentype')

will render as

@font-face {
  font-family: "bingo";
  src: url('bingo.eot');
  src: local('bingo');
  src: url('bingo.svg#bingo') format('svg');
  src: url('bingo.otf') format('opentype'); }

which seems to be close enough... just need to check the SVG rendering

Testing if a checkbox is checked with jQuery

function chkb(bool){
return 1;
return 0;

var statusNum=chkb($("#ans").is(':checked'));

statusNum will equal 1 if the checkbox is checked, and 0 if it is not.

EDIT: You could add the DOM to the function as well.

function chkb(el){
return 1;
return 0;

var statusNum=chkb($("#ans"));

Creating a Custom Event

You need to declare your event in the class from myObject :

public event EventHandler<EventArgs> myMethod; //you should name it as an event, like ObjectChanged.

then myNameEvent is the callback to handle the event, and it can be in any other class

How to send a model in jQuery $.ajax() post request to MVC controller method

If you need to send the FULL model to the controller, you first need the model to be available to your javascript code.

In our app, we do this with an extension method:

public static class JsonExtensions
    public static string ToJson(this Object obj)
        return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(obj);

On the view, we use it to render the model:

<script type="javascript">
  var model = <%= Model.ToJson() %>

You can then pass the model variable into your $.ajax call.

How to write some data to excel file(.xlsx)

You can use ClosedXML for this.

Store your table in a DataTable and you can export the table to excel by this simple snippet:

XLWorkbook workbook = new XLWorkbook();
DataTable table = GetYourTable();
workbook.Worksheets.Add(table );

You can read the documentation of ClosedXML to learn more. Hope this helps!

How to add background image for input type="button"?

Just to add to the answers, I think the specific reason in this case, in addition to the misplaced no-repeat, is the space between url and (:

background-image: url ('/image/btn.png') no-repeat; /* Won't work */
background-image: url('/image/btn.png'); /* Should work */

Spring @PropertySource using YAML

Another option is to set the spring.config.location through @TestPropertySource:

@TestPropertySource(properties = { "spring.config.location = classpath:<path-to-your-yml-file>" }

read string from .resx file in C#

Try this, works for me.. simple

Assume that your resource file name is "TestResource.resx", and you want to pass key dynamically then,

string resVal = TestResource.ResourceManager.GetString(dynamicKeyVal);

Add Namespace

using System.Resources;

How to get Activity's content view?

How about

View view = Activity.getCurrentFocus();

How can I get onclick event on webview in android?

I think you can also use MotionEvent.ACTION_UP state, example:

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
    switch (v.getId()) {
        if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            if (isheadAndFootShow == false) {
                isheadAndFootShow = true;
            } else {
                isheadAndFootShow = false;
            return true;

    return false;

Use JAXB to create Object from XML String

If you want to parse using InputStreams

public Object xmlToObject(String xmlDataString) {
        Object converted = null;
        try {
            JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Response.class);
            Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
            InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlDataString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            converted = unmarshaller.unmarshal(stream);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
        return converted;

Get the closest number out of an array

The most efficient would be a binary search. However even simple solutions can exit when the next number is a further match from the current. Nearly all solutions here are not taking into account that the array is ordered and iterating though the whole thing :/

const closest = (orderedArray, value, valueGetter = item => item) =>_x000D_
  orderedArray.find((item, i) =>_x000D_
    i === orderedArray.length - 1 ||_x000D_
    Math.abs(value - valueGetter(item)) < Math.abs(value - valueGetter(orderedArray[i + 1])));_x000D_
var data = [2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202, 242, 282, 322, 362];_x000D_
console.log('21 -> 2', closest(data, 21) === 2);_x000D_
console.log('22 -> 42', closest(data, 22) === 42); // equidistant between 2 and 42, select highest_x000D_
console.log('23 -> 42', closest(data, 23) === 42);_x000D_
console.log('80 -> 82', closest(data, 80) === 82);

This can be run on non-primitives too e.g. closest(data, 21, item => item.age)

Change find to findIndex to return the index in the array.

Javascript - sort array based on another array


const arrayMap = itemsArray.reduce(
  (accumulator, currentValue) => ({
    [currentValue[1]]: currentValue,
const result = => arrayMap[key]);

More examples with different input arrays

Is it possible to apply CSS to half of a character?

Now on GitHub as a Plugin!

enter image description here Feel free to fork and improve.

Demo | Download Zip | (Redirects to GitHub)

  • Pure CSS for a Single Character
  • JavaScript used for automation across text or multiple characters
  • Preserves Text Accessibility for screen readers for the blind or visually impaired

Part 1: Basic Solution

Half Style on text


This works on any dynamic text, or a single character, and is all automated. All you need to do is add a class on the target text and the rest is taken care of.

Also, the accessibility of the original text is preserved for screen readers for the blind or visually impaired.

Explanation for a single character:

Pure CSS. All you need to do is to apply .halfStyle class to each element that contains the character you want to be half-styled.

For each span element containing the character, you can create a data attribute, for example here data-content="X", and on the pseudo element use content: attr(data-content); so the .halfStyle:before class will be dynamic and you won't need to hard code it for every instance.

Explanation for any text:

Simply add textToHalfStyle class to the element containing the text.

// jQuery for automated mode_x000D_
jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    var text, chars, $el, i, output;_x000D_
    // Iterate over all class occurences_x000D_
    $('.textToHalfStyle').each(function(idx, el) {_x000D_
    $el = $(el);_x000D_
    text = $el.text();_x000D_
    chars = text.split('');_x000D_
    // Set the screen-reader text_x000D_
    $el.html('<span style="position: absolute !important;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">' + text + '</span>');_x000D_
    // Reset output for appending_x000D_
    output = '';_x000D_
    // Iterate over all chars in the text_x000D_
    for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {_x000D_
        // Create a styled element for each character and append to container_x000D_
        output += '<span aria-hidden="true" class="halfStyle" data-content="' + chars[i] + '">' + chars[i] + '</span>';_x000D_
    // Write to DOM only once_x000D_
.halfStyle {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    font-size: 80px; /* or any font size will work */_x000D_
    color: black; /* or transparent, any color */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    white-space: pre; /* to preserve the spaces from collapsing */_x000D_
.halfStyle:before {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 1;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Single Characters:</p>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="X">X</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Y">Y</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Z">Z</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="A">A</span>_x000D_
<span class="textToHalfStyle">Half-style, please.</span>

(JSFiddle demo)

Part 2: Advanced solution - Independent left and right parts

Half Style on text - advanced - With Text Shadow

With this solution you can style left and right parts, individually and independently.

Everything is the same, only more advanced CSS does the magic.

jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    var text, chars, $el, i, output;_x000D_
    // Iterate over all class occurences_x000D_
    $('.textToHalfStyle').each(function(idx, el) {_x000D_
        $el = $(el);_x000D_
        text = $el.text();_x000D_
        chars = text.split('');_x000D_
        // Set the screen-reader text_x000D_
        $el.html('<span style="position: absolute !important;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">' + text + '</span>');_x000D_
        // Reset output for appending_x000D_
        output = '';_x000D_
        // Iterate over all chars in the text_x000D_
        for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {_x000D_
            // Create a styled element for each character and append to container_x000D_
            output += '<span aria-hidden="true" class="halfStyle" data-content="' + chars[i] + '">' + chars[i] + '</span>';_x000D_
        // Write to DOM only once_x000D_
.halfStyle {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    font-size: 80px; /* or any font size will work */_x000D_
    color: transparent; /* hide the base character */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    white-space: pre; /* to preserve the spaces from collapsing */_x000D_
.halfStyle:before { /* creates the left part */_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 1;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
    color: #f00; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px -2px 0px #af0; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle:after { /* creates the right part */_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    direction: rtl; /* very important, will make the width to start from right */_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    z-index: 2;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    left: 50%;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
    color: #000; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #0af; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Single Characters:</p>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="X">X</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Y">Y</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Z">Z</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="A">A</span>_x000D_
<span class="textToHalfStyle">Half-style, please.</span>

(JSFiddle demo)

Part 3: Mix-Match and Improve

Now that we know what is possible, let's create some variations.

-Horizontal Half Parts

  • Without Text Shadow:

    Horizontal Half Parts - No Text Shadow

  • Possibility of Text Shadow for each half part independently:

    halfStyle - Horizontal Half Parts - With Text Shadow

// jQuery for automated mode_x000D_
jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    var text, chars, $el, i, output;_x000D_
    // Iterate over all class occurences_x000D_
    $('.textToHalfStyle').each(function(idx, el) {_x000D_
        $el = $(el);_x000D_
        text = $el.text();_x000D_
        chars = text.split('');_x000D_
        // Set the screen-reader text_x000D_
        $el.html('<span style="position: absolute !important;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">' + text + '</span>');_x000D_
        // Reset output for appending_x000D_
        output = '';_x000D_
        // Iterate over all chars in the text_x000D_
        for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {_x000D_
            // Create a styled element for each character and append to container_x000D_
            output += '<span aria-hidden="true" class="halfStyle" data-content="' + chars[i] + '">' + chars[i] + '</span>';_x000D_
        // Write to DOM only once_x000D_
.halfStyle {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  font-size: 80px; /* or any font size will work */_x000D_
  color: transparent; /* hide the base character */_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  white-space: pre; /* to preserve the spaces from collapsing */_x000D_
.halfStyle:before { /* creates the top part */_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  z-index: 2;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  height: 50%;_x000D_
  content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
  color: #f00; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
  text-shadow: 2px -2px 0px #af0; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle:after { /* creates the bottom part */_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
  color: #000; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #0af; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Single Characters:</p>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="X">X</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Y">Y</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Z">Z</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="A">A</span>_x000D_
<span class="textToHalfStyle">Half-style, please.</span>

(JSFiddle demo)

-Vertical 1/3 Parts

  • Without Text Shadow:

    halfStyle - Vertical 1/3 Parts - No Text Shadow

  • Possibility of Text Shadow for each 1/3 part independently:

    halfStyle - Vertical 1/3 Parts - With Text Shadow

// jQuery for automated mode_x000D_
jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    var text, chars, $el, i, output;_x000D_
    // Iterate over all class occurences_x000D_
    $('.textToHalfStyle').each(function(idx, el) {_x000D_
    $el = $(el);_x000D_
    text = $el.text();_x000D_
    chars = text.split('');_x000D_
    // Set the screen-reader text_x000D_
    $el.html('<span style="position: absolute !important;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">' + text + '</span>');_x000D_
    // Reset output for appending_x000D_
    output = '';_x000D_
    // Iterate over all chars in the text_x000D_
    for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {_x000D_
        // Create a styled element for each character and append to container_x000D_
        output += '<span aria-hidden="true" class="halfStyle" data-content="' + chars[i] + '">' + chars[i] + '</span>';_x000D_
    // Write to DOM only once_x000D_
.halfStyle { /* base char and also the right 1/3 */_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    font-size: 80px; /* or any font size will work */_x000D_
    color: transparent; /* hide the base character */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    white-space: pre; /* to preserve the spaces from collapsing */_x000D_
    color: #f0f; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #0af; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle:before { /* creates the left 1/3 */_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 2;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    width: 33.33%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
    color: #f00; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px -2px 0px #af0; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle:after { /* creates the middle 1/3 */_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 1;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    width: 66.66%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
    color: #000; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #af0; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Single Characters:</p>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="X">X</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Y">Y</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Z">Z</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="A">A</span>_x000D_
<span class="textToHalfStyle">Half-style, please.</span>

(JSFiddle demo)

-Horizontal 1/3 Parts

  • Without Text Shadow:

    halfStyle - Horizontal 1/3 Parts - No Text Shadow

  • Possibility of Text Shadow for each 1/3 part independently:

    halfStyle - Horizontal 1/3 Parts - With Text Shadow

// jQuery for automated mode_x000D_
jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    var text, chars, $el, i, output;_x000D_
    // Iterate over all class occurences_x000D_
    $('.textToHalfStyle').each(function(idx, el) {_x000D_
    $el = $(el);_x000D_
    text = $el.text();_x000D_
    chars = text.split('');_x000D_
    // Set the screen-reader text_x000D_
    $el.html('<span style="position: absolute !important;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">' + text + '</span>');_x000D_
    // Reset output for appending_x000D_
    output = '';_x000D_
    // Iterate over all chars in the text_x000D_
    for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {_x000D_
        // Create a styled element for each character and append to container_x000D_
        output += '<span aria-hidden="true" class="halfStyle" data-content="' + chars[i] + '">' + chars[i] + '</span>';_x000D_
    // Write to DOM only once_x000D_
.halfStyle { /* base char and also the bottom 1/3 */_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  font-size: 80px; /* or any font size will work */_x000D_
  color: transparent;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  white-space: pre; /* to preserve the spaces from collapsing */_x000D_
  color: #f0f;_x000D_
  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #0af; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle:before { /* creates the top 1/3 */_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  z-index: 2;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  height: 33.33%;_x000D_
  content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
  color: #f00; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
  text-shadow: 2px -2px 0px #fa0; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle:after { /* creates the middle 1/3 */_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  height: 66.66%;_x000D_
  content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
  color: #000; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #af0; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Single Characters:</p>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="X">X</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Y">Y</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Z">Z</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="A">A</span>_x000D_
<span class="textToHalfStyle">Half-style, please.</span>

(JSFiddle demo)

-HalfStyle Improvement By @KevinGranger

halfStyle - KevinGranger

// jQuery for automated mode_x000D_
jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    var text, chars, $el, i, output;_x000D_
    // Iterate over all class occurences_x000D_
    $('.textToHalfStyle').each(function(idx, el) {_x000D_
    $el = $(el);_x000D_
    text = $el.text();_x000D_
    chars = text.split('');_x000D_
    // Set the screen-reader text_x000D_
    $el.html('<span style="position: absolute !important;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">' + text + '</span>');_x000D_
    // Reset output for appending_x000D_
    output = '';_x000D_
    // Iterate over all chars in the text_x000D_
    for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {_x000D_
        // Create a styled element for each character and append to container_x000D_
        output += '<span aria-hidden="true" class="halfStyle" data-content="' + chars[i] + '">' + chars[i] + '</span>';_x000D_
    // Write to DOM only once_x000D_
body {_x000D_
    background-color: black;_x000D_
.textToHalfStyle {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    margin: 200px 0 0 0;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
.halfStyle {_x000D_
    font-family: 'Libre Baskerville', serif;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    width: 1;_x000D_
    font-size: 70px;_x000D_
    color: black;_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    white-space: pre;_x000D_
    text-shadow: 1px 2px 0 white;_x000D_
.halfStyle:before {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 1;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Single Characters:</p>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="X">X</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Y">Y</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Z">Z</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="A">A</span>_x000D_
<span class="textToHalfStyle">Half-style, please.</span>

(JSFiddle demo)

-PeelingStyle improvement of HalfStyle by @SamTremaine

halfStyle - SamTremaine

// jQuery for automated mode_x000D_
jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    var text, chars, $el, i, output;_x000D_
    // Iterate over all class occurences_x000D_
    $('.textToHalfStyle').each(function(idx, el) {_x000D_
    $el = $(el);_x000D_
    text = $el.text();_x000D_
    chars = text.split('');_x000D_
    // Set the screen-reader text_x000D_
    $el.html('<span style="position: absolute !important;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">' + text + '</span>');_x000D_
    // Reset output for appending_x000D_
    output = '';_x000D_
    // Iterate over all chars in the text_x000D_
    for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {_x000D_
        // Create a styled element for each character and append to container_x000D_
        output += '<span aria-hidden="true" class="halfStyle" data-content="' + chars[i] + '">' + chars[i] + '</span>';_x000D_
    // Write to DOM only once_x000D_
.halfStyle {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    font-size: 68px;_x000D_
    color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    white-space: pre;_x000D_
    transform: rotate(4deg);_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);_x000D_
.halfStyle:before { /* creates the left part */_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 1;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: -0.5px;_x000D_
    left: -3px;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content);_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    pointer-events: none;_x000D_
    color: #FFF;_x000D_
    transform: rotate(-4deg);_x000D_
    text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #000;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Single Characters:</p>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="X">X</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Y">Y</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="Z">Z</span>_x000D_
<span class="halfStyle" data-content="A">A</span>_x000D_
<span class="textToHalfStyle">Half-style, please.</span>

(JSFiddle demo and on

Part 4: Ready for Production

Customized different Half-Style style-sets can be used on desired elements on the same page. You can define multiple style-sets and tell the plugin which one to use.

The plugin uses data attribute data-halfstyle="[-CustomClassName-]" on the target .textToHalfStyle elements and makes all the necessary changes automatically.

So, simply on the element containing the text add textToHalfStyle class and data attribute data-halfstyle="[-CustomClassName-]". The plugin will do the rest of the job.

halfStyle - Multiple on Same Page

Also the CSS style-sets' class definitions match the [-CustomClassName-] part mentioned above and is chained to .halfStyle, so we will have .halfStyle.[-CustomClassName-]

jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    var halfstyle_text, halfstyle_chars, $halfstyle_el, halfstyle_i, halfstyle_output, halfstyle_style;_x000D_
    // Iterate over all class occurrences_x000D_
    $('.textToHalfStyle').each(function(idx, halfstyle_el) {_x000D_
        $halfstyle_el = $(halfstyle_el);_x000D_
        halfstyle_style = $'halfstyle') || 'hs-base';_x000D_
        halfstyle_text = $halfstyle_el.text();_x000D_
        halfstyle_chars = halfstyle_text.split('');_x000D_
        // Set the screen-reader text_x000D_
        $halfstyle_el.html('<span style="position: absolute !important;clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);">' + halfstyle_text + '</span>');_x000D_
        // Reset output for appending_x000D_
        halfstyle_output = '';_x000D_
        // Iterate over all chars in the text_x000D_
        for (halfstyle_i = 0; halfstyle_i < halfstyle_chars.length; halfstyle_i++) {_x000D_
            // Create a styled element for each character and append to container_x000D_
            halfstyle_output += '<span aria-hidden="true" class="halfStyle ' + halfstyle_style + '" data-content="' + halfstyle_chars[halfstyle_i] + '">' + halfstyle_chars[halfstyle_i] + '</span>';_x000D_
        // Write to DOM only once_x000D_
/* start half-style hs-base */_x000D_
.halfStyle.hs-base {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    font-size: 80px; /* or any font size will work */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    white-space: pre; /* to preserve the spaces from collapsing */_x000D_
    color: #000; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle.hs-base:before {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 1;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    width: 50%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    color: #f00; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
/* end half-style hs-base */_x000D_
/* start half-style hs-horizontal-third */_x000D_
.halfStyle.hs-horizontal-third { /* base char and also the bottom 1/3 */_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    font-size: 80px; /* or any font size will work */_x000D_
    color: transparent;_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    white-space: pre; /* to preserve the spaces from collapsing */_x000D_
    color: #f0f;_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #0af; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle.hs-horizontal-third:before { /* creates the top 1/3 */_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    z-index: 2;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    height: 33.33%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
    color: #f00; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px -2px 0px #fa0; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
.halfStyle.hs-horizontal-third:after { /* creates the middle 1/3 */_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    z-index: 1;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    height: 66.66%;_x000D_
    content: attr(data-content); /* dynamic content for the pseudo element */_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    pointer-events: none; /* so the base char is selectable by mouse */_x000D_
    color: #000; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
    text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #af0; /* for demo purposes */_x000D_
/* end half-style hs-horizontal-third */_x000D_
/* start half-style hs-PeelingStyle, by user SamTremaine on */_x000D_
.halfStyle.hs-PeelingStyle {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  font-size: 68px;_x000D_
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  white-space: pre;_x000D_
  transform: rotate(4deg);_x000D_
  text-shadow: 2px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);_x000D_
.halfStyle.hs-PeelingStyle:before { /* creates the left part */_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: -0.5px;_x000D_
  left: -3px;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  content: attr(data

How to use if statements in LESS

LESS has guard expressions for mixins, not individual attributes.

So you'd create a mixin like this:

.debug(@debug) when (@debug = true) {
    header {
      background-color: yellow;
      #title {
          background-color: orange;

    article {
      background-color: red;

And turn it on or off by calling .debug(true); or .debug(false) (or not calling it at all).

python, sort descending dataframe with pandas

For pandas 0.17 and above, use this :

test = df.sort_values('one', ascending=False)

Since 'one' is a series in the pandas data frame, hence pandas will not accept the arguments in the form of a list.

Button text toggle in jquery

If you're setting the button text by using the 'value' attribute you'll need to set

  • $(this).val()

instead of:

  • $(this).text()

Also in my situation it worked better to add the JQuery direct to the onclick event of the button:

onclick="$(this).val(function (i, text) { return text == 'PUSH ME' ? 'DON'T PUSH ME' : 'PUSH ME'; });"

Java current machine name and logged in user?

To get the currently logged in user:


To get the host name of the machine:


To answer the last part of your question, the Java API says that getHostName() will return

the host name for this IP address, or if the operation is not allowed by the security check, the textual representation of the IP address.

How do I solve this "Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null" error?

Just reorder or make sure, the (DOM or HTML) is loaded before the JavaScript.

$.focus() not working

Just in case anybody else stumbles across this question and had the same situation I had - I was trying to set the focus after clicking on another element, yet the focus didn't appear to work. It turns out I just needed an e.preventDefault(); - here's an example:

$('#recipients ul li').mousedown(function(e) {
    // add recipient to list
    // focus back onto the input
    // prevent the focus from leaving

This helped:

If you call HTMLElement.focus() from a mousedown event handler, you must call event.preventDefault() to keep the focus from leaving the HTMLElement. Source:

Print array without brackets and commas

Basically, don't use ArrayList.toString() - build the string up for yourself. For example:

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String value : publicArray) {
String text = builder.toString();

(Personally I wouldn't call the variable publicArray when it's not actually an array, by the way.)

How to use Class<T> in Java?

It is confusing in the beginning. But it helps in the situations below :

class SomeAction implements Action {

// Later in the code.
Class<Action> actionClass = Class.forName("SomeAction"); 
Action action = actionClass.newInstance();
// Notice you get an Action instance, there was no need to cast.

Html5 Full screen video

You can use html5 video player which has full screen playback option. This is a very good html5 player to have a look.

Spring MVC: Error 400 The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect

@CookieValue(value="abc",required=true) String m

when I changed required from true to false,it worked out.

Dynamic require in RequireJS, getting "Module name has not been loaded yet for context" error?

The limitation relates to the simplified CommonJS syntax vs. the normal callback syntax:

Loading a module is inherently an asynchronous process due to the unknown timing of downloading it. However, RequireJS in emulation of the server-side CommonJS spec tries to give you a simplified syntax. When you do something like this:

var foomodule = require('foo');
// do something with fooModule

What's happening behind the scenes is that RequireJS is looking at the body of your function code and parsing out that you need 'foo' and loading it prior to your function execution. However, when a variable or anything other than a simple string, such as your example...

var module = require(path); // Call RequireJS require

...then Require is unable to parse this out and automatically convert it. The solution is to convert to the callback syntax;

var moduleName = 'foo';
require([moduleName], function(fooModule){
    // do something with fooModule

Given the above, here is one possible rewrite of your 2nd example to use the standard syntax:

define(['dyn_modules'], function (dynModules) {
    require(dynModules, function(){
        // use arguments since you don't know how many modules you're getting in the callback
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
            var mymodule = arguments[i];
            // do something with mymodule...


EDIT: From your own answer, I see you're using underscore/lodash, so using _.values and _.object can simplify the looping through arguments array as above.

How can I move a tag on a git branch to a different commit?

More precisely, you have to force the addition of the tag, then push with option --tags and -f:

git tag -f -a <tagname>
git push -f --tags

Accessing clicked element in angularjs

While AngularJS allows you to get a hand on a click event (and thus a target of it) with the following syntax (note the $event argument to the setMaster function; documentation here:

function AdminController($scope) {    
  $scope.setMaster = function(obj, $event){

this is not very angular-way of solving this problem. With AngularJS the focus is on the model manipulation. One would mutate a model and let AngularJS figure out rendering.

The AngularJS-way of solving this problem (without using jQuery and without the need to pass the $event argument) would be:

<div ng-controller="AdminController">
    <ul class="list-holder">
        <li ng-repeat="section in sections" ng-class="{active : isSelected(section)}">
            <a ng-click="setMaster(section)">{{}}</a>
    {{selected | json}}

where methods in the controller would look like this:

$scope.setMaster = function(section) {
    $scope.selected = section;

$scope.isSelected = function(section) {
    return $scope.selected === section;

Here is the complete jsFiddle:

How to choose the id generation strategy when using JPA and Hibernate

The API Doc are very clear on this.

All generators implement the interface This is a very simple interface. Some applications can choose to provide their own specialized implementations, however, Hibernate provides a range of built-in implementations. The shortcut names for the built-in generators are as follows:


generates identifiers of type long, short or int that are unique only when no other process is inserting data into the same table. Do not use in a cluster.


supports identity columns in DB2, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Sybase and HypersonicSQL. The returned identifier is of type long, short or int.


uses a sequence in DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SAP DB, McKoi or a generator in Interbase. The returned identifier is of type long, short or int


uses a hi/lo algorithm to efficiently generate identifiers of type long, short or int, given a table and column (by default hibernate_unique_key and next_hi respectively) as a source of hi values. The hi/lo algorithm generates identifiers that are unique only for a particular database.


uses a hi/lo algorithm to efficiently generate identifiers of type long, short or int, given a named database sequence.


uses a 128-bit UUID algorithm to generate identifiers of type string that are unique within a network (the IP address is used). The UUID is encoded as a string of 32 hexadecimal digits in length.


uses a database-generated GUID string on MS SQL Server and MySQL.


selects identity, sequence or hilo depending upon the capabilities of the underlying database.


lets the application assign an identifier to the object before save() is called. This is the default strategy if no element is specified.


retrieves a primary key, assigned by a database trigger, by selecting the row by some unique key and retrieving the primary key value.


uses the identifier of another associated object. It is usually used in conjunction with a primary key association.


a specialized sequence generation strategy that utilizes a database sequence for the actual value generation, but combines this with JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys to return the generated identifier value as part of the insert statement execution. This strategy is only supported on Oracle 10g drivers targeted for JDK 1.4. Comments on these insert statements are disabled due to a bug in the Oracle drivers.

If you are building a simple application with not much concurrent users, you can go for increment, identity, hilo etc.. These are simple to configure and did not need much coding inside the db.

You should choose sequence or guid depending on your database. These are safe and better because the id generation will happen inside the database.

Update: Recently we had an an issue with idendity where primitive type (int) this was fixed by using warapper type (Integer) instead.

How can I round a number in JavaScript? .toFixed() returns a string?

You should use it like below.

var someNumber: number = 0.000000;
someNumber = Number(someNumber.toFixed(2))

Parse XLSX with Node and create json

**podria ser algo asi en react y electron**

 xslToJson = workbook => {
        //var data = [];
        var sheet_name_list = workbook.SheetNames[0];
        return XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheet_name_list], {
            raw: false,
            dateNF: "DD-MMM-YYYY",
            defval: ""

    handleFile = (file /*:File*/) => {
        /* Boilerplate to set up FileReader */
        const reader = new FileReader();
        const rABS = !!reader.readAsBinaryString;

        reader.onload = e => {
            /* Parse data */
            const bstr =;
            const wb =, { type: rABS ? "binary" : "array" });
            /* Get first worksheet */
            let arr = this.xslToJson(wb);

            console.log("arr ", arr)
            var dataNueva = []

            arr.forEach(data => {
                console.log("data renaes ", data)
            // this.setState({ DataEESSsend: dataNueva })
            console.log("dataNueva ", dataNueva)


        if (rABS) reader.readAsBinaryString(file);
        else reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);

    handleChange = e => {
        const files =;
        if (files && files[0]) {

SQL server ignore case in a where expression

I found another solution elsewhere; that is, to use


but everyone here is saying that, in SQL Server, it doesn't matter because it's ignoring case anyway? I'm pretty sure our database is case-sensitive.

Detect if HTML5 Video element is playing

var video_switch  = 0;

function play() {

    var media = document.getElementById('video');

    if (video_switch == 0)
        video_switch = 1;
    else if (video_switch == 1)
        video_switch = 0;

How to split data into trainset and testset randomly?

Well first of all there's no such thing as "arrays" in Python, Python uses lists and that does make a difference, I suggest you use NumPy which is a pretty good library for Python and it adds a lot of Matlab-like functionality.You can get started here Numpy for Matlab users

Delete commit on gitlab

We've had similar problem and it was not enough to only remove commit and force push to GitLab.
It was still available in GitLab interface using url:<group>/<project>/commit/<commit hash>

We've had to remove project from GitLab and recreate it to get rid of this commit in GitLab UI.

Drop Down Menu/Text Field in one

You can do this natively with HTML5 <datalist>:

<label>Choose a browser from this list:_x000D_
<input list="browsers" name="myBrowser" /></label>_x000D_
<datalist id="browsers">_x000D_
  <option value="Chrome">_x000D_
  <option value="Firefox">_x000D_
  <option value="Internet Explorer">_x000D_
  <option value="Opera">_x000D_
  <option value="Safari">_x000D_
  <option value="Microsoft Edge">_x000D_

Difference in make_shared and normal shared_ptr in C++

About efficiency and concernig time spent on allocation, I made this simple test below, I created many instances through these two ways (one at a time):

for (int k = 0 ; k < 30000000; ++k)
    // took more time than using new
    std::shared_ptr<int> foo = std::make_shared<int> (10);

    // was faster than using make_shared
    std::shared_ptr<int> foo2 = std::shared_ptr<int>(new int(10));

The thing is, using make_shared took the double time compared with using new. So, using new there are two heap allocations instead of one using make_shared. Maybe this is a stupid test but doesn't it show that using make_shared takes more time than using new? Of course, I'm talking about time used only.

Build android release apk on Phonegap 3.x CLI

I know this question asks about Phonegap 3.X specifically, but just for reference any Phonegap version above 4.0.0 uses Gradle instead of Ant to build by default. To use Ant instead of Gradle you can add this to your config.xml:

<preference name="android-build-tool" value="ant" />

When using Gradle the keystore signing information now needs to go into a new location (as outlined in this post). Create new file called '' in the same folder as "build.gradle" file and put inside the following content:

// if you don't want to enter the password at every build, you can store it with this

How to validate phone numbers using regex

It's near to impossible to handle all sorts of international phone numbers using simple regex.

You'd be better off using a service like, they're offering a free JSON API for international phone number validation, plus you'll get some useful details on country, location, carrier and line type with every request.

How to play a sound using Swift?

Swift 3

import AVFoundation

var myAudio: AVAudioPlayer!

    let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "example", ofType: "mp3")!
    let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
do {
    let sound = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url)
    myAudio = sound
} catch {

//If you want to stop the sound, you should use its stop()method.if you try to stop a sound that doesn't exist your app will crash, so it's best to check that it exists.

if myAudio != nil {
    myAudio = nil

How do I find files that do not contain a given string pattern?

I had good luck with

grep -H -E -o -c "foo" */*/*.ext | grep ext:0

My attempts with grep -v just gave me all the lines without "foo".

React component initialize state from props

Update for React 16.3 alpha introduced static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) (docs) as a replacement for componentWillReceiveProps.

getDerivedStateFromProps is invoked after a component is instantiated as well as when it receives new props. It should return an object to update state, or null to indicate that the new props do not require any state updates.

Note that if a parent component causes your component to re-render, this method will be called even if props have not changed. You may want to compare new and previous values if you only want to handle changes.

It is static, therefore it does not have direct access to this (however it does have access to prevState, which could store things normally attached to this e.g. refs)

edited to reflect @nerfologist's correction in comments

Why do we check up to the square root of a prime number to determine if it is prime?

A more intuitive explanation would be :-

The square root of 100 is 10. Let's say a x b = 100, for various pairs of a and b.

If a == b, then they are equal, and are the square root of 100, exactly. Which is 10.

If one of them is less than 10, the other has to be greater. For example, 5 x 20 == 100. One is greater than 10, the other is less than 10.

Thinking about a x b, if one of them goes down, the other must get bigger to compensate, so the product stays at 100. They pivot around the square root.

The square root of 101 is about 10.049875621. So if you're testing the number 101 for primality, you only need to try the integers up through 10, including 10. But 8, 9, and 10 are not themselves prime, so you only have to test up through 7, which is prime.

Because if there's a pair of factors with one of the numbers bigger than 10, the other of the pair has to be less than 10. If the smaller one doesn't exist, there is no matching larger factor of 101.

If you're testing 121, the square root is 11. You have to test the prime integers 1 through 11 (inclusive) to see if it goes in evenly. 11 goes in 11 times, so 121 is not prime. If you had stopped at 10, and not tested 11, you would have missed 11.

You have to test every prime integer greater than 2, but less than or equal to the square root, assuming you are only testing odd numbers.


How to center the content inside a linear layout?

android:gravity handles the alignment of its children,

android:layout_gravity handles the alignment of itself.

So use one of these.

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".Main" >

        android:gravity="center" >

            android:src="@drawable/ic_speak" />

        android:gravity="center" >

            android:src="@drawable/ic_readtext" />



<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".Main" >

        android:layout_weight="1" >

            android:src="@drawable/ic_speak" />

        android:layout_weight="1" >

            android:src="@drawable/ic_readtext" />


Make text wrap in a cell with FPDF?

Text Wrap:

The MultiCell is used for print text with multiple lines. It has the same atributes of Cell except for ln and link.

$pdf->MultiCell( 200, 40, $reportSubtitle, 1);

Line Height:

What multiCell does is to spread the given text into multiple cells, this means that the second parameter defines the height of each line (individual cell) and not the height of all cells (collectively).

MultiCell(float w, float h, string txt [, mixed border [, string align [, boolean fill]]])

You can read the full documentation here.

How can I stop float left?

Okay I just realized the answer is to remove the first float left from the first DIV. Don't know why I didn't see that before.

PHP7 : install ext-dom issue

For CentOS, RHEL, Fedora:

$ yum search php-xml
============================================================================================================ N/S matched: php-xml ============================================================================================================
php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php-xmlseclibs.noarch : PHP library for XML Security
php54-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php54-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php55-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php55-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php56-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php56-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php70-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php70-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php71-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php71-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php72-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php72-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php73-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php73-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol

Then select the php-xml version matching your php version:

# php -v
PHP 7.2.11 (cli) (built: Oct 10 2018 10:00:29) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

# sudo yum install -y php72-php-xml.x86_64

"Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module" when importing ECMAScript 6

I don't know whether this has appeared obvious here. I would like to point out that as far as client-side (browser) JavaScript is concerned, you can add type="module" to both external as well as internal js scripts.

Say, you have a file 'module.js':

var a = 10;
export {a};

You can use it in an external script, in which you do the import, eg.:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>
<script type="module" src="test.js"></script><!-- Here use type="module" rather than type="text/javascript" -->


import {a} from "./module.js";

You can also use it in an internal script, eg.:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>
<script type="module">
    import {a} from "./module.js";

It is worthwhile mentioning that for relative paths, you must not omit the "./" characters, ie.:

import {a} from "module.js";     // this won't work

Angular 1 - get current URL parameters

You could inject $routeParams to your controller and access all the params that where used when the route was resolved.


// route was:

function MyCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $log) {
    // use the params
    $$routeParams.type, $;

See angular $routeParams documentation for further information.

SVG rounded corner

You have explicitly set your stroke-linejoin to round but your stroke-width to 0, so of course you're not going to see rounded corners if you have no stroke to round.

Here's a modified example with rounded corners made through strokes:

<path d="M64.5 45.5 82.5 45.5 82.5 64.5 64.5 64.5 z"
      fill="#a0a700" />

Otherwise—if you need an actual rounded shape fill and not just a rounded fatty stroke—you must do what @Jlange says and make an actual rounded shape.

Passing an array as a function parameter in JavaScript

Note this

function FollowMouse() {
    for(var i=0; i< arguments.length; i++) {
        arguments[i] = event.clientY+"px";
        arguments[i].style.left = event.clientX+"px";



html page

<body onmousemove="FollowMouse(d1,d2,d3)">

<p><div id="d1" style="position: absolute;">Follow1</div></p>
<div id="d2" style="position: absolute;"><p>Follow2</p></div>
<div id="d3" style="position: absolute;"><p>Follow3</p></div>


can call function with any Args

<body onmousemove="FollowMouse(d1,d2)">


<body onmousemove="FollowMouse(d1)">

Javascript isnull

You could try this:

if(typeof(results) == "undefined") { 
    return 0;
} else {
    return results[1] || 0;

Check if date is in the past Javascript

function isPrevDate() {
    alert("startDate is " + Startdate);
    if(Startdate.length != 0 && Startdate !='') {
        var start_date = Startdate.split('-');
        alert("Input date: "+ start_date);
        alert("start date arrray format " + start_date);
        var a = new Date(start_date);
        //alert("The date is a" +a);
        var today = new Date();
        var day = today.getDate();
        var mon = today.getMonth()+1;
        var year = today.getFullYear();
        today = (mon+"/"+day+"/"+year);
        var today = new Date(today);
        alert("Today: "+today.getTime());
        alert("a : "+a.getTime());
        if(today.getTime() > a.getTime() )
            alert("Please select Start date in range");
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

Example of AES using Crypto++

Official document of Crypto++ AES is a good start. And from my archive, a basic implementation of AES is as follows:

Please refer here with more explanation, I recommend you first understand the algorithm and then try to understand each line step by step.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "modes.h"
#include "aes.h"
#include "filters.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    //Key and IV setup
    //AES encryption uses a secret key of a variable length (128-bit, 196-bit or 256-   
    //bit). This key is secretly exchanged between two parties before communication   
    //begins. DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH= 16 bytes
    CryptoPP::byte key[ CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH ], iv[ CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE ];
    memset( key, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH );
    memset( iv, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE );

    // String and Sink setup
    std::string plaintext = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide...";
    std::string ciphertext;
    std::string decryptedtext;

    // Dump Plain Text
    std::cout << "Plain Text (" << plaintext.size() << " bytes)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << plaintext;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Create Cipher Text
    CryptoPP::AES::Encryption aesEncryption(key, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
    CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption cbcEncryption( aesEncryption, iv );

    CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfEncryptor(cbcEncryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( ciphertext ) );
    stfEncryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( plaintext.c_str() ), plaintext.length() );

    // Dump Cipher Text
    std::cout << "Cipher Text (" << ciphertext.size() << " bytes)" << std::endl;

    for( int i = 0; i < ciphertext.size(); i++ ) {

        std::cout << "0x" << std::hex << (0xFF & static_cast<CryptoPP::byte>(ciphertext[i])) << " ";

    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Decrypt
    CryptoPP::AES::Decryption aesDecryption(key, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
    CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption cbcDecryption( aesDecryption, iv );

    CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( decryptedtext ) );
    stfDecryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( ciphertext.c_str() ), ciphertext.size() );

    // Dump Decrypted Text
    std::cout << "Decrypted Text: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << decryptedtext;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;

For installation details :

sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libcrypto++-doc libcrypto++-utils

How different is Objective-C from C++?

Obj-C has much more dynamic capabilities in the language itself, whereas C++ is more focused on compile-time capabilities with some dynamic capabilities.

In, C++ parametric polymorphism is checked at compile-time, whereas in Obj-C, parametric polymorphism is achieved through dynamic dispatch and is not checked at compile-time.

Obj-C is very dynamic in nature. You can add methods to a class during run-time. Also, it has introspection at run-time to look at classes. In C++, the definition of class can't change, and all introspection must be done at compile-time. Although, the dynamic nature of Obj-C could be achieved in C++ using a map of functions(or something like that), it is still more verbose than in Obj-C.

In C++, there is a lot more checks that can be done at compile time. For example, using a variant type(like a union) the compiler can enforce that all cases are written or handled. So you don't forget about handling the edge cases of a problem. However, all these checks come at a price when compiling. Obj-C is much faster at compiling than C++.

Does Java SE 8 have Pairs or Tuples?

UPDATE: This answer is in response to the original question, Does Java SE 8 have Pairs or Tuples? (And implicitly, if not, why not?) The OP has updated the question with a more complete example, but it seems like it can be solved without using any kind of Pair structure. [Note from OP: here is the other correct answer.]

The short answer is no. You either have to roll your own or bring in one of the several libraries that implements it.

Having a Pair class in Java SE was proposed and rejected at least once. See this discussion thread on one of the OpenJDK mailing lists. The tradeoffs are not obvious. On the one hand, there are many Pair implementations in other libraries and in application code. That demonstrates a need, and adding such a class to Java SE will increase reuse and sharing. On the other hand, having a Pair class adds to the temptation of creating complicated data structures out of Pairs and collections without creating the necessary types and abstractions. (That's a paraphrase of Kevin Bourillion's message from that thread.)

I recommend everybody read that entire email thread. It's remarkably insightful and has no flamage. It's quite convincing. When it started I thought, "Yeah, there should be a Pair class in Java SE" but by the time the thread reached its end I had changed my mind.

Note however that JavaFX has the javafx.util.Pair class. JavaFX's APIs evolved separately from the Java SE APIs.

As one can see from the linked question What is the equivalent of the C++ Pair in Java? there is quite a large design space surrounding what is apparently such a simple API. Should the objects be immutable? Should they be serializable? Should they be comparable? Should the class be final or not? Should the two elements be ordered? Should it be an interface or a class? Why stop at pairs? Why not triples, quads, or N-tuples?

And of course there is the inevitable naming bikeshed for the elements:

  • (a, b)
  • (first, second)
  • (left, right)
  • (car, cdr)
  • (foo, bar)
  • etc.

One big issue that has hardly been mentioned is the relationship of Pairs to primitives. If you have an (int x, int y) datum that represents a point in 2D space, representing this as Pair<Integer, Integer> consumes three objects instead of two 32-bit words. Furthermore, these objects must reside on the heap and will incur GC overhead.

It would seem clear that, like Streams, it would be essential for there to be primitive specializations for Pairs. Do we want to see:


Even an IntIntPair would still require one object on the heap.

These are, of course, reminiscent of the proliferation of functional interfaces in the java.util.function package in Java SE 8. If you don't want a bloated API, which ones would you leave out? You could also argue that this isn't enough, and that specializations for, say, Boolean should be added as well.

My feeling is that if Java had added a Pair class long ago, it would have been simple, or even simplistic, and it wouldn't have satisfied many of the use cases we are envisioning now. Consider that if Pair had been added in the JDK 1.0 time frame, it probably would have been mutable! (Look at java.util.Date.) Would people have been happy with that? My guess is that if there were a Pair class in Java, it would be kinda-sort-not-really-useful and everybody will still be rolling their own to satisfy their needs, there would be various Pair and Tuple implementations in external libraries, and people would still be arguing/discussing about how to fix Java's Pair class. In other words, kind of in the same place we're at today.

Meanwhile, some work is going on to address the fundamental issue, which is better support in the JVM (and eventually the Java language) for value types. See this State of the Values document. This is preliminary, speculative work, and it covers only issues from the JVM perspective, but it already has a fair amount of thought behind it. Of course there are no guarantees that this will get into Java 9, or ever get in anywhere, but it does show the current direction of thinking on this topic.

How to bind WPF button to a command in ViewModelBase?

 <Grid >
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
    <Button Command="{Binding ClickCommand}" Width="100" Height="100" Content="wefwfwef"/>

the code behind for the window:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
        DataContext = new ViewModelBase();

The ViewModel:

public class ViewModelBase
    private ICommand _clickCommand;
    public ICommand ClickCommand
            return _clickCommand ?? (_clickCommand = new CommandHandler(() => MyAction(), ()=> CanExecute));
     public bool CanExecute
            // check if executing is allowed, i.e., validate, check if a process is running, etc. 
            return true/false;

    public void MyAction()


Command Handler:

 public class CommandHandler : ICommand
    private Action _action;
    private Func<bool> _canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates instance of the command handler
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="action">Action to be executed by the command</param>
    /// <param name="canExecute">A bolean property to containing current permissions to execute the command</param>
    public CommandHandler(Action action, Func<bool> canExecute)
        _action = action;
        _canExecute = canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Wires CanExecuteChanged event 
    /// </summary>
    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
        add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
        remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Forcess checking if execute is allowed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameter"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return _canExecute.Invoke();

    public void Execute(object parameter)

I hope this will give you the idea.

Laravel Eloquent - Get one Row

Using Laravel Eloquent you can get one row using first() method,

it returns first row of table if where() condition is not found otherwise it gives the first matched row of given criteria.




$user = User::where('email',$email)->first(); 
//$user = User::whereEmail($email)->first();

Remove characters except digits from string using Python?

You can use filter:

filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), "dasdasd2313dsa")

On python3.0 you have to join this (kinda ugly :( )

''.join(filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), "dasdasd2313dsa"))

How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data?

This is more an object initialzation question more than a jpa question, both methods work and you can have both of them at the same time , usually if the data member value is ready before the instantiation you use the constructor parameters, if this value could be updated after the instantiation you should have a setter.

How to change max_allowed_packet size

For anyone running MySQL on Amazon RDS service, this change is done via parameter groups. You need to create a new PG or use an existing one (other than the default, which is read-only).

You should search for the max_allowed_packet parameter, change its value, and then hit save.

Back in your MySQL instance, if you created a new PG, you should attach the PG to your instance (you may need a reboot). If you changed a PG that was already attached to your instance, changes will be applied without reboot, to all your instances that have that PG attached.

show distinct column values in pyspark dataframe: python

Run this first


Then run

    SELECT distinct
        column name

Loop through all the rows of a temp table and call a stored procedure for each row

you could use a cursor:

DECLARE @id int
DECLARE @pass varchar(100)

OPEN cur

FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @id, @pass

    EXEC mysp @id, @pass ... -- call your sp here
    FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @id, @pass

CLOSE cur    

How to listen for a WebView finishing loading a URL?

The renderer will not finish rendering when the OnPageFinshed method is called or the progress reaches 100% so both methods don't guarantee you that the view was completely rendered.

But you can figure out from OnLoadResource method what has been already rendered and what is still rendering. And this method gets called several times.

        public void onLoadResource(WebView view, String url) {
            super.onLoadResource(view, url);
           // Log and see all the urls and know exactly what is being rendered and visible. If you wanna know when the entire page is completely rendered, find the last url from log and check it with if clause and implement your logic there.
            if (url.contains("assets/loginpage/img/ui/forms/")) {
                // loginpage is rendered and visible now.
               // your logic here.


How to completely uninstall python 2.7.13 on Ubuntu 16.04

How I do:

# Remove python2
sudo apt purge -y python2.7-minimal

# You already have Python3 but 
# don't care about the version 
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

# Same for pip
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip

# Confirm the new version of Python: 3
python --version

How do you make a div follow as you scroll?

The post is old but I found a perfect CSS for the purpose and I want to share it.

A sticky element toggles between relative and fixed, depending on the scroll position. It is positioned relative until a given offset position is met in the viewport - then it "sticks" in place (like position:fixed).

    div.sticky {
        position: -webkit-sticky; /* Safari */
        position: sticky;
        top: 0;
        background-color: green;
        border: 2px solid #4CAF50;


Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor error

In my case, it was because of exception inside the constructor of my injected dependency (in your example - inside DashboardRepository constructor). The exception was caught somewhere inside MVC infrastructure. I found this after I added logs in relevant places.

Better techniques for trimming leading zeros in SQL Server?

replace(ltrim(replace(Fieldname.TableName, '0', '')), '', '0')

The suggestion from Thomas G worked for our needs.

The field in our case was already string and only the leading zeros needed to be trimmed. Mostly it's all numeric but sometimes there are letters so the previous INT conversion would crash.

How to empty a redis database?

Be careful here.

FlushDB deletes all keys in the current database while FlushALL deletes all keys in all databases on the current host.

How to get WooCommerce order details



Here is a custom function I have made, to make the things clear for you, related to get the data of an order ID. You will see all the different RAW outputs you can get and how to get the data you need…

Using print_r() function (or var_dump() function too) allow to output the raw data of an object or an array.

So first I output this data to show the object or the array hierarchy. Then I use different syntax depending on the type of that variable (string, array or object) to output the specific data needed.

IMPORTANT: With $order object you can use most of WC_order or WC_Abstract_Order methods (using the object syntax)…

Here is the code:

function get_order_details($order_id){

    // 1) Get the Order object
    $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );

    // OUTPUT
    echo '<h3>RAW OUTPUT OF THE ORDER OBJECT: </h3>';
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo '<h3>THE ORDER OBJECT (Using the object syntax notation):</h3>';
    echo '$order->order_type: ' . $order->order_type . '<br>';
    echo '$order->id: ' . $order->id . '<br>';
    echo '<h4>THE POST OBJECT:</h4>';
    echo '$order->post->ID: ' . $order->post->ID . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_author: ' . $order->post->post_author . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_date: ' . $order->post->post_date . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_date_gmt: ' . $order->post->post_date_gmt . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_content: ' . $order->post->post_content . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_title: ' . $order->post->post_title . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_excerpt: ' . $order->post->post_excerpt . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_status: ' . $order->post->post_status . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->comment_status: ' . $order->post->comment_status . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->ping_status: ' . $order->post->ping_status . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_password: ' . $order->post->post_password . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_name: ' . $order->post->post_name . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->to_ping: ' . $order->post->to_ping . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->pinged: ' . $order->post->pinged . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_modified: ' . $order->post->post_modified . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_modified_gtm: ' . $order->post->post_modified_gtm . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_content_filtered: ' . $order->post->post_content_filtered . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_parent: ' . $order->post->post_parent . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->guid: ' . $order->post->guid . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->menu_order: ' . $order->post->menu_order . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_type: ' . $order->post->post_type . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->post_mime_type: ' . $order->post->post_mime_type . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->comment_count: ' . $order->post->comment_count . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post->filter: ' . $order->post->filter . '<br>';
    echo '<h4>THE ORDER OBJECT (again):</h4>';
    echo '$order->order_date: ' . $order->order_date . '<br>';
    echo '$order->modified_date: ' . $order->modified_date . '<br>';
    echo '$order->customer_message: ' . $order->customer_message . '<br>';
    echo '$order->customer_note: ' . $order->customer_note . '<br>';
    echo '$order->post_status: ' . $order->post_status . '<br>';
    echo '$order->prices_include_tax: ' . $order->prices_include_tax . '<br>';
    echo '$order->tax_display_cart: ' . $order->tax_display_cart . '<br>';
    echo '$order->display_totals_ex_tax: ' . $order->display_totals_ex_tax . '<br>';
    echo '$order->display_cart_ex_tax: ' . $order->display_cart_ex_tax . '<br>';
    echo '$order->formatted_billing_address->protected: ' . $order->formatted_billing_address->protected . '<br>';
    echo '$order->formatted_shipping_address->protected: ' . $order->formatted_shipping_address->protected . '<br><br>';
    echo '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br><br>';

    // 2) Get the Order meta data
    $order_meta = get_post_meta($order_id);

    echo '<h3>RAW OUTPUT OF THE ORDER META DATA (ARRAY): </h3>';
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo '<h3>THE ORDER META DATA (Using the array syntax notation):</h3>';
    echo '$order_meta[_order_key][0]: ' . $order_meta[_order_key][0] . '<br>';
    echo '$order_meta[_order_currency][0]: ' . $order_meta[_order_currency][0] . '<br>';
    echo '$order_meta[_prices_include_tax][0]: ' . $order_meta[_prices_include_tax][0] . '<br>';
    echo '$order_meta[_customer_user][0]: ' . $order_meta[_customer_user][0] . '<br>';
    echo '$order_meta[_billing_first_name][0]: ' . $order_meta[_billing_first_name][0] . '<br><br>';
    echo 'And so on ……… <br><br>';
    echo '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br><br>';

    // 3) Get the order items
    $items = $order->get_items();


    foreach ( $items as $item_id => $item_data ) {

        echo '<h4>RAW OUTPUT OF THE ORDER ITEM NUMBER: '. $item_id .'): </h4>';
        echo '<br><br>';
        echo 'Item ID: ' . $item_id. '<br>';
        echo '$item_data["product_id"] <i>(product ID)</i>: ' . $item_data['product_id'] . '<br>';
        echo '$item_data["name"] <i>(product Name)</i>: ' . $item_data['name'] . '<br>';

        // Using get_item_meta() method
        echo 'Item quantity <i>(product quantity)</i>: ' . $order->get_item_meta($item_id, '_qty', true) . '<br><br>';
        echo 'Item line total <i>(product quantity)</i>: ' . $order->get_item_meta($item_id, '_line_total', true) . '<br><br>';
        echo 'And so on ……… <br><br>';
        echo '- - - - - - - - - - - - - <br><br>';
    echo '- - - - - - E N D - - - - - <br><br>';

Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or theme) or also in any plugin file.

Usage (if your order ID is 159 for example):


This code is tested and works.

Updated code on November 21, 2016

Prevent form redirect OR refresh on submit?

It looks like you're missing a return false.

Problems installing the devtools package

I worked through a number of issues installing all of the following to get devtools to install on Ubuntu 18.04.1.

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev

How to grep (search) committed code in the Git history

Jeet's answer works in PowerShell.

git grep -n <regex> $(git rev-list --all)

The following displays all files, in any commit, that contain a password.

# Store intermediate result
$result = git grep -n "password" $(git rev-list --all)

# Display unique file names
$result | select -unique { $_ -replace "(^.*?:)|(:.*)", "" }

Replace String in all files in Eclipse

I have tried the following option in Helios Version of Eclipse. Simply press CTRL+F you will get the "Find/Replace" Window on your screen

enter image description here

vagrant primary box defined but commands still run against all boxes

The primary flag seems to only work for vagrant ssh for me.

In the past I have used the following method to hack around the issue.

# stage box intended for configuration closely matching production if ARGV[1] == 'stage'     config.vm.define "stage" do |stage|         box_setup stage, \         "", "deploy/playbook_full_stack.yml", "deploy/hosts/vagrant_stage.yml"     end end 

How do I convert from int to Long in Java?

I have this little toy, that also deals with non generic interfaces. I'm OK with it throwing a ClassCastException if feed wrong (OK and happy)

public class TypeUtil {
    public static long castToLong(Object o) {
        Number n = (Number) o;
        return n.longValue();

Delete everything in a MongoDB database

For Meteor developers.

  1. Open a second terminal window while running your app in localhost:3000.

  2. In your project's folder run, meteor mongo.

    coolName = new Mongo.Collection('yourCollectionName');

  3. Then simply enter db.yourCollectionName.drop();

  4. You'll automatically see the changes in your local server.

For everybody else.


How to Set Focus on JTextField?

If you want your JTextField to be focused when your GUI shows up, you can use this:

in = new JTextField(40);
f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowOpened( WindowEvent e ){

Where f would be your JFrame and in is your JTextField.

Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve

People answering about offline work is active is right. But it was located in different place in my case. To find it in the top bar menu select

  1. View/Tool Windows/ Graddle
  2. Toogle the offline button if active. It is a small rectangle with two centered slashes

In adittion you can clic the help menu in the top bar menu and write "gradle" and it suggest the locations.

Datetime current year and month in Python

You can write the accepted answer as a one-liner using date.replace:

datem =

The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion

Specify the maxrecursion option at the end of the query:

from EmployeeTree
option (maxrecursion 0)

That allows you to specify how often the CTE can recurse before generating an error. Maxrecursion 0 allows infinite recursion.

Root user/sudo equivalent in Cygwin?

What I usually do is have a registry "Open Here" helper in order to open a cygwin shell with administrative privileges quite easy from anywhere in my computer.

Be aware you have to have the cygwin "chere" package installed, use "chere -i -m" from an elevated cygwin shell first.

Assuming your cygwin installation is in C:\cygwin...

Here's the registry code:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="Open Cygwin Here as Root"

@="c:\\cygwin\\bin\\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -e /bin/xhere /bin/bash.exe"


@="Open Cygwin Here as Root"

@="c:\\cygwin\\bin\\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -e /bin/xhere /bin/bash.exe"


@="Open Cygwin Here as Root"

@="c:\\cygwin\\bin\\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -e /bin/xhere /bin/bash.exe"

Hope this helps. Let me know if it works for you. Thanks.

PS: You can grab this code, copy and paste it and save it in a name.reg file to run it... or you can manually add the values.

How to check SQL Server version

select charindex(  'Express',@@version)

if this value is 0 is not a express edition

Oracle "(+)" Operator

In Oracle, (+) denotes the "optional" table in the JOIN. So in your query,

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...
FROM a,b

it's a LEFT OUTER JOIN of table 'b' to table 'a'. It will return all data of table 'a' without losing its data when the other side (optional table 'b') has no data.

Diagram of Left Outer Join

The modern standard syntax for the same query would be

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

or with a shorthand for (not supported by all databases):

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

If you remove (+) then it will be normal inner join query

Older syntax, in both Oracle and other databases:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...
FROM a,b

More modern syntax:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

Or simply:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

Diagram of Inner Join

It will only return all data where both 'a' & 'b' tables 'id' value is same, means common part.

If you want to make your query a Right Join

This is just the same as a LEFT JOIN, but switches which table is optional.

Diagram of Right Outer Join

Old Oracle syntax:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...
FROM a,b

Modern standard syntax:

SELECT,, a.col_2, b.col_2, ...

Ref & help:

Left Outer Join using + sign in Oracle 11g

How to parseInt in Angular.js

<input type="number" string-to-number ng-model="num1">
<input type="number" string-to-number ng-model="num2">

Total: {{num1 + num2}}

and in js :

parseInt($scope.num1) + parseInt($scope.num2)

Comparing two columns, and returning a specific adjacent cell in Excel

In cell D2 and copied down:


How to refresh app upon shaking the device?

I have tried several implementations, but would like to share my own. It uses G-force as unit for the threshold calculation. It makes it a bit easier to understand what is going on, and also with setting a good threshold.

It simply registers a increase in G force and triggers the listener if it exceeds the threshold. It doesn't use any direction thresholds, cause you don't really need that if you just want to register a good shake.

Of-course you need the standard registering and UN-registering of this listener in the Activity.

Also, to check what threshold you need, I recommend the following app (I am not in any way connected to that app)

    public class UmitoShakeEventListener implements SensorEventListener {

     * The gforce that is necessary to register as shake. (Must include 1G
     * gravity)
    private final float shakeThresholdInGForce = 2.25F;

    private final float gravityEarth = SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH;

    private OnShakeListener listener;

    public void setOnShakeListener(OnShakeListener listener) {
        this.listener = listener;

    public interface OnShakeListener {
        public void onShake();

    public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
        // ignore


    public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {

        if (listener != null) {
            float x = event.values[0];
            float y = event.values[1];
            float z = event.values[2];

            float gX = x / gravityEarth;
            float gY = y / gravityEarth;
            float gZ = z / gravityEarth;

            //G-Force will be 1 when there is no movement. (gravity)
            float gForce = FloatMath.sqrt(gX * gX + gY * gY + gZ * gZ); 

            if (gForce > shakeThresholdInGForce) {




Regular Expression: Any character that is NOT a letter or number

  • Match letters only /[A-Z]/ig
  • Match anything not letters /[^A-Z]/ig
  • Match number only /[0-9]/g or /\d+/g
  • Match anything not number /[^0-9]/g or /\D+/g
  • Match anything not number or letter /[^A-Z0-9]/ig

There are other possible patterns

The name 'ViewBag' does not exist in the current context

For MVC5, in case you are building an application from scratch. You need to add a web.config file to the Views folder and paste the following code in it.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <sectionGroup name="system.web.webPages.razor" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorWebSectionGroup, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
      <section name="host" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />
      <section name="pages" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorPagesSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />

    <host factoryType="System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
    <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Routing" />

Note that for MVC 3 you will have to change version to at

<host factoryType="System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />

You may have to close and open the *.cshtml page again to see the changes.

Spring Boot - How to log all requests and responses with exceptions in single place?

As suggested previously, Logbook is just about perfect for this, but I did have a little trouble setting it up when using Java modules, due to a split package between logbook-api and logbook-core.

For my Gradle + Spring Boot project, I needed


dependencies {
    compileOnly group: 'org.zalando', name: 'logbook-api', version: '2.4.1'
    runtimeOnly group: 'org.zalando', name: 'logbook-spring-boot-starter', version: '2.4.1'


    <!-- HTTP Requests and Responses -->
    <logger name="org.zalando.logbook" level="trace" />

Git Clone from GitHub over https with two-factor authentication

As per @Nitsew's answer, Create your personal access token and use your token as your username and enter with blank password.

Later you won't need any credentials to access all your private repo(s).

Mockito test a void method throws an exception

If you ever wondered how to do it using the new BDD style of Mockito:

willThrow(new Exception()).given(mockedObject).methodReturningVoid(...));

And for future reference one may need to throw exception and then do nothing:

willThrow(new Exception()).willDoNothing().given(mockedObject).methodReturningVoid(...));


The error means that your are trying to look up JNDI name, that is not attached to any EJB component - the component with that name does not exist.

As far as dir structure is concerned: you have to create a JAR file with EJB components. As I understand you want to play with EJB 2.X components (at least the linked example suggests that) so the structure of the JAR file should be:

/com/mypackage/MyEJB.class /com/mypackage/MyEJBInterface.class /com/mypackage/etc... etc... java classes /META-INF/ejb-jar.xml /META-INF/jboss.xml

The JAR file is more or less ZIP file with file extension changed from ZIP to JAR.

BTW. If you use JBoss 5, you can work with EJB 3.0, which are much more easier to configure. The simplest component is

public class MyEJB implements MyEJBInterface{
   public void bussinesMethod(){


No ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml is needed, just EJB JAR with MyEJB and MyEJBInterface compiled classes.

Now in your client code you need to lookup "MyComponentName".

C# Telnet Library

I ended up finding MinimalistTelnet and adapted it to my uses. I ended up needing to be able to heavily modify the code due to the unique** device that I am attempting to attach to.

** Unique in this instance can be validly interpreted as brain-dead.