[javascript] Disable hover effects on mobile browsers

I really wanted a pure css solution to this myself, since sprinkling a weighty javascript solution around all of my views seemed like an unpleasant option. Finally found the @media.hover query, which can detect "whether the primary input mechanism allows the user to hover over elements." This avoids touch devices where "hovering" is more of an emulated action than a direct capability of the input device.

So for example, if I have a link:

<a href="/" class="link">Home</a>

Then I can safely style it to only :hover when the device easily supports it with this css:

@media (hover: hover) {
  .link:hover { /* hover styles */ }

While most modern browsers support interaction media feature queries, some popular browsers such as IE and Firefox do not. In my case this works fine, since I only intended to support Chrome on desktop and Chrome and Safari on mobile.

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Examples related to touch

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