[javascript] dropzone.js - how to do something after ALL files are uploaded

I am using dropzone.js for my drag-drop file upload solution. I am stuck at something where I need to call a function after all the files are uploaded. In this case,

Dropzone.options.filedrop = {
    maxFilesize: 4096,
    init: function () {
        this.on("complete", function (file) {

doSomething() will be called for each file that has been uploaded. How can I call a function after all the files are uploaded?

This question is related to javascript jquery dropzone.js

The answer is

this.on("totaluploadprogress", function(totalBytes, totalBytesSent){

                    if(totalBytes == 100) {

                        //all done! call func here

There is probably a way (or three) to do this... however, I see one issue with your goal: how do you know when all the files have been uploaded? To rephrase in a way that makes more sense... how do you know what "all" means? According to the documentation, init gets called at the initialization of the Dropzone itself, and then you set up the complete event handler to do something when each file that's uploaded is complete. But, what mechanism is the user given to allow the program to know when he's dropped all the files he's intended to drop? If you are assuming that he/she will do a batch drop (i.e., drop onto the Dropzone 2-whatever number of files, at once, in one drop action), then the following code could/possibly should work:

Dropzone.options.filedrop = {
    maxFilesize: 4096,
    init: function () {
        var totalFiles = 0,
            completeFiles = 0;
        this.on("addedfile", function (file) {
            totalFiles += 1;
        this.on("removed file", function (file) {
            totalFiles -= 1;
        this.on("complete", function (file) {
            completeFiles += 1;
            if (completeFiles === totalFiles) {

Basically, you watch any time someone adds/removes files from the Dropzone, and keep a count in closure variables. Then, when each file download is complete, you increment the completeFiles progress counter var, and see if it now equals the totalCount you'd been watching and updating as the user placed things in the Dropzone. (Note: never used the plug-in/JS lib., so this is best guess as to what you could do to get what you want.)

I was trying to work with that solutions but it doesn't work. But later I was realize that the function it wasn't declared so I watch in to the dropzone.com page and take the example to call events. So finally work on my site. For those like me who don't understand JavaScript very well, I leave you the example.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/dropzone.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This example uses jQuery so it creates the Dropzone, only when the DOM has
// loaded.

// Disabling autoDiscover, otherwise Dropzone will try to attach twice.
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
// or disable for specific dropzone:
// Dropzone.options.myDropzone = false;

$(function() {
  // Now that the DOM is fully loaded, create the dropzone, and setup the
  // event listeners
  var myDropzone = new Dropzone(".dropzone");

  myDropzone.on("queuecomplete", function(file, res) {
      if (myDropzone.files[0].status != Dropzone.SUCCESS ) {
          alert('yea baby');
      } else {
          alert('cry baby');


The accepted answer is not necessarily correct. queuecomplete will be called even when the selected file is larger than the max file size.

The proper event to use is successmultiple or completemultiple.

Reference: http://www.dropzonejs.com/#event-successmultiple

Just use queuecomplete that's what its there for and its so so simple. Check the docs http://www.dropzonejs.com/

queuecomplete > Called when all files in the queue finished uploading.

      this.on("queuecomplete", function (file) {
          alert("All files have uploaded ");

In addition to @enyo's answer in checking for files that are still uploading or in the queue, I also created a new function in dropzone.js to check for any files in an ERROR state (ie bad file type, size, etc).

Dropzone.prototype.getErroredFiles = function () {
    var file, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
    _ref = this.files;
    _results = [];
    for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        file = _ref[_i];
        if (file.status === Dropzone.ERROR) {
    return _results;

And thus, the check would become:

  if (this.getUploadingFiles().length === 0 && this.getQueuedFiles().length === 0 && this.getErroredFiles().length === 0) {

A 'queuecomplete' event has been added. See Issue 317.

I up-voted you as your method is simple. I did make only a couple of slight amends as sometimes the event fires even though there are no bytes to send - On my machine it did it when I clicked the remove button on a file.

myDropzone.on("totaluploadprogress", function(totalPercentage, totalBytesToBeSent, totalBytesSent ){
            if(totalPercentage >= 100 && totalBytesSent) {
                // All done! Call func here