[jquery] How to get a jqGrid selected row cells value

Does anyone know how to get the cells value of the selected row of JQGrid ? i m using mvc with JQGrid, i want to access the value of the hidden column of the selected row ?

This question is related to jquery asp.net-mvc jqgrid jqgrid-asp.net

The answer is

Just Checkout This :

Solution 1 :

In Subgrid Function You have to write following :

var selectid = $(this).jqGrid('getCell', row_id, 'id');

Where row_id is the variable which you define in subgrid as parameter. And id is the column name which you want to get value of the cell.

Solution 2 :

If You Get Jqgrid Row Id In alert Then set your primary key id as key:true In ColModels. So You will get value of your database id in alert. Like this :

{name:"id",index:"id",hidden:true, width:15,key:true, jsonmap:"id"},

Just to add, you can also retrieve a jqGrid cell value, based on the rowID plus column index (rather than the Column name):

So, to fetch the value in the forth column (column index # 3) for the row with primary key ID 1234, we could use this:

var rowID = 1234;
var columnIndex = 3;
var cellValue = $("#" + rowID).find('td').eq(columnIndex).text();

Btw, on a completely unrelated topic (but please don't vote me down):

I didn't realise that you can, fairly easily, link text boxes to your jqGrid, so your users can do instant searching, without having to open the Search dialog.

enter image description here

To do this, you need a bit of HTML like this:

<input type="text" name="employeeName" id="employeeName" style="width:250px" />

<!--  This will be my jqGrid control and pager -->
<table id="tblEmployees"></table>
<div id="pager"></div>

And a bit of JavaScript like this:

$("#employeeName").on('change keyup paste', function () {

function SearchByEmployeeName()
    //  Fetch the text from our <input> control
    var searchString = $("#employeeName").val();

    //  Prepare to pass a new search filter to our jqGrid
    var f = { groupOp: "AND", rules: [] };

    //  Remember to change the following line to reflect the jqGrid column you want to search for your string in
    //  In this example, I'm searching through the UserName column.

    f.rules.push({ field: "UserName", op: "cn", data: searchString });

    var grid = $('#tblEmployees');
    grid[0].p.search = f.rules.length > 0;
    $.extend(grid[0].p.postData, { filters: JSON.stringify(f) });
    grid.trigger("reloadGrid", [{ page: 1 }]);

This is a real game-changer for me... it really makes jqGrid much more user friendly.

Users can immediately start typing in their search string, rather than needing to open the Search dialog, remember to change the operator to "contains", then start typing, and close the search dialog again.

You can use in this manner also

var rowId =$("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');  
var rowData = jQuery("#list").getRowData(rowId);
var colData = rowData['UserId'];   // perticuler Column name of jqgrid that you want to access

Use "selrow" to get the selected row Id

var myGrid = $('#myGridId');

var selectedRowId = myGrid.jqGrid("getGridParam", 'selrow');

and then use getRowData to get the selected row at index selectedRowId.

var selectedRowData = myGrid.getRowData(selectedRowId);

If the multiselect is set to true on jqGrid, then use "selarrrow" to get list of selected rows:

var selectedRowIds = myGrid.jqGrid("getGridParam", 'selarrrow');

Use loop to iterate the list of selected rows:

var selectedRowData;

for(selectedRowIndex = 0; selectedRowIndex < selectedRowIds .length; selectedRowIds ++) {

   selectedRowData = myGrid.getRowData(selectedRowIds[selectedRowIndex]);


yo have to declarate de vars...

var selectedRowId = $('#list').jqGrid ('getGridParam', 'selrow');
var columnName = $('#list').jqGrid('getCell', selectedRowId, 'columnName');

var nombre_img_articulo = $('#list').jqGrid('getCell', selectedRowId, 'img_articulo');

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Examples related to jqgrid-asp.net

How to get a jqGrid selected row cells value