Programs & Examples On #Surfaceview

SurfaceView is a widget on the Android platform which provides a dedicated drawing surface.

How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android?

Try calling setWillNotDraw(false) from surfaceCreated:

public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d(TAG,"Surface not created");

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    canvas.drawRect(area, rectanglePaint);
    Log.w(this.getClass().getName(), "On Draw Called");

and calling invalidate from onTouchEvent:

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

    return true;

Error inflating when extending a class

I think I figured out why this wasn't working. I was only providing a constructor for the case of one parameter 'context' when I should have provided a constructor for the two parameter 'Context, AttributeSet' case. I also needed to give the constructor(s) public access. Here's my fix:

public class GhostSurfaceCameraView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
        SurfaceHolder mHolder;
        Camera mCamera;

        public GhostSurfaceCameraView(Context context)
        public GhostSurfaceCameraView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
            super(context, attrs);
        public GhostSurfaceCameraView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
            super(context, attrs, defStyle);

How to set Android camera orientation properly?

This problem was solved a long time ago but I encountered some difficulties to put all pieces together so here is my final solution, I hope this will help others :

public void startPreview() {
        try {
            Log.i(TAG, "starting preview: " + started);

            // ....
            Camera.CameraInfo camInfo = new Camera.CameraInfo();
            Camera.getCameraInfo(cameraIndex, camInfo);
            int cameraRotationOffset = camInfo.orientation;
            // ...

            Camera.Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters();
            List<Camera.Size> previewSizes = parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
            Camera.Size previewSize = null;
            float closestRatio = Float.MAX_VALUE;

            int targetPreviewWidth = isLandscape() ? getWidth() : getHeight();
            int targetPreviewHeight = isLandscape() ? getHeight() : getWidth();
            float targetRatio = targetPreviewWidth / (float) targetPreviewHeight;

            Log.v(TAG, "target size: " + targetPreviewWidth + " / " + targetPreviewHeight + " ratio:" + targetRatio);
            for (Camera.Size candidateSize : previewSizes) {
                float whRatio = candidateSize.width / (float) candidateSize.height;
                if (previewSize == null || Math.abs(targetRatio - whRatio) < Math.abs(targetRatio - closestRatio)) {
                    closestRatio = whRatio;
                    previewSize = candidateSize;

            int rotation = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();
            int degrees = 0;
            switch (rotation) {
            case Surface.ROTATION_0:
                degrees = 0;
                break; // Natural orientation
            case Surface.ROTATION_90:
                degrees = 90;
                break; // Landscape left
            case Surface.ROTATION_180:
                degrees = 180;
                break;// Upside down
            case Surface.ROTATION_270:
                degrees = 270;
                break;// Landscape right
            int displayRotation;
            if (isFrontFacingCam) {
                displayRotation = (cameraRotationOffset + degrees) % 360;
                displayRotation = (360 - displayRotation) % 360; // compensate
                                                                    // the
                                                                    // mirror
            } else { // back-facing
                displayRotation = (cameraRotationOffset - degrees + 360) % 360;

            Log.v(TAG, "rotation cam / phone = displayRotation: " + cameraRotationOffset + " / " + degrees + " = "
                    + displayRotation);


            int rotate;
            if (isFrontFacingCam) {
                rotate = (360 + cameraRotationOffset + degrees) % 360;
            } else {
                rotate = (360 + cameraRotationOffset - degrees) % 360;

            Log.v(TAG, "screenshot rotation: " + cameraRotationOffset + " / " + degrees + " = " + rotate);

            Log.v(TAG, "preview size: " + previewSize.width + " / " + previewSize.height);
            parameters.setPreviewSize(previewSize.width, previewSize.height);

            Log.d(TAG, "preview started");

            started = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Error setting camera preview: " + e.getMessage());

How to have a transparent ImageButton: Android

Use ImageView... it have transparent background by default...

Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView?

I tried the answer of @mobistry:

canvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, Mode.CLEAR);

But it doesn't worked for me.

The solution, for me, was:

canvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, Mode.MULTIPLY);

Maybe some one has the same problem.

Android Camera Preview Stretched

Very important point here to understand , the SurfaceView size must be the same as the camera parameters size , it means they have the same aspect ratio then the Stretch effect will go off .

You have to get the correct supported camera preview size using params.getSupportedPreviewSizes() choose one of them and then change your SurfaceView and its holders to this size.

How to set cursor to input box in Javascript?

In JavaScript first focus on the control and then select the control to display the cursor on texbox...


or by using jQuery


How do I use the CONCAT function in SQL Server 2008 R2?

I suggest you cast all columns before you concat them

cast('data1' as varchar) + cast('data2' as varchar) + cast('data3' as varchar)

This should work for you.

CORS Access-Control-Allow-Headers wildcard being ignored?

Support for wildcards in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header was added to the living standard only in May 2016, so it may not be supported by all browsers. On browser which don't implement this yet, it must be an exact match:

If you expect a large number of headers, you can read in the value of the Access-Control-Request-Headers header and echo that value back in the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.

Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF

you could try this:

   1. Open the "Android Virtual device Manager"
   2. Select from one the listed devices there and run it.
   3. Right click your Android App -> Run As -> Android Application

It worked for me. I tried this on an emulator in eclipse. It takes a while before the app is run. For me it took 33 seconds. Wait until the message in the console says "Success!"

tell pip to install the dependencies of packages listed in a requirement file

Any way to do this without manually re-installing the packages in a new virtualenv to get their dependencies ? This would be error-prone and I'd like to automate the process of cleaning the virtualenv from no-longer-needed old dependencies.

That's what pip-tools package is for (from


$ pip install --upgrade pip  # pip-tools needs pip==6.1 or higher (!)
$ pip install pip-tools

Example usage for pip-compile

Suppose you have a Flask project, and want to pin it for production. Write the following line to a file:


Now, run pip-compile

$ pip-compile
# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile
# Make changes in, then run this to update:
#    pip-compile
itsdangerous==0.24        # via flask
jinja2==2.7.3             # via flask
markupsafe==0.23          # via jinja2
werkzeug==0.10.4          # via flask

And it will produce your requirements.txt, with all the Flask dependencies (and all underlying dependencies) pinned. Put this file under version control as well and periodically re-run pip-compile to update the packages.

Example usage for pip-sync

Now that you have a requirements.txt, you can use pip-sync to update your virtual env to reflect exactly what's in there. Note: this will install/upgrade/uninstall everything necessary to match the requirements.txt contents.

$ pip-sync
Uninstalling flake8-2.4.1:
  Successfully uninstalled flake8-2.4.1
Collecting click==4.1
  Downloading click-4.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (62kB)
    100% |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦| 65kB 1.8MB/s
  Found existing installation: click 4.0
    Uninstalling click-4.0:
      Successfully uninstalled click-4.0
Successfully installed click-4.1

java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=1888, result=0, data=null} to activity

I had this error message show up for me because I was using the network on the main thread and new versions of Android have a "strict" policy to prevent that. To get around it just throw whatever network connection call into an AsyncTask.


    AsyncTask<CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider, Integer, Void> task = new AsyncTask<CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider, Integer, Void>() {

        protected Void doInBackground(CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider... params) {
            AWSSessionCredentials creds = credentialsProvider.getCredentials();
            String id = credentialsProvider.getCachedIdentityId();
            Log.d("wooohoo", String.format("id=%s, token=%s", id, creds.getSessionToken()));
            return null;


How to run cron job every 2 hours

0 */2 * * *

The answer is from It is interesting.

Python map object is not subscriptable

In Python 3, map returns an iterable object of type map, and not a subscriptible list, which would allow you to write map[i]. To force a list result, write

payIntList = list(map(int,payList))

However, in many cases, you can write out your code way nicer by not using indices. For example, with list comprehensions:

payIntList = [pi + 1000 for pi in payList]
for pi in payIntList:

How do I set the time zone of MySQL?

In my case, the solution was to set serverTimezone parameter in Advanced settings to an appropriate value (CET for my time zone).

As I use IntelliJ, I use its Database module. While adding a new connection to the database and after adding all relevant parameters in tab General, there was an error on "Test Connection" button. Again, the solution is to set serverTimezone parameter in tab Advanced.

adding x and y axis labels in ggplot2

[Note: edited to modernize ggplot syntax]

Your example is not reproducible since there is no ex1221new (there is an ex1221 in Sleuth2, so I guess that is what you meant). Also, you don't need (and shouldn't) pull columns out to send to ggplot. One advantage is that ggplot works with data.frames directly.

You can set the labels with xlab() and ylab(), or make it part of the scale_*.* call.

ggplot(ex1221, aes(Discharge, Area)) +
  geom_point(aes(size=NO3)) + 
  scale_size_area() + 
  xlab("My x label") +
  ylab("My y label") +
  ggtitle("Weighted Scatterplot of Watershed Area vs. Discharge and Nitrogen Levels (PPM)")

enter image description here

ggplot(ex1221, aes(Discharge, Area)) +
  geom_point(aes(size=NO3)) + 
  scale_size_area("Nitrogen") + 
  scale_x_continuous("My x label") +
  scale_y_continuous("My y label") +
  ggtitle("Weighted Scatterplot of Watershed Area vs. Discharge and Nitrogen Levels (PPM)")

enter image description here

An alternate way to specify just labels (handy if you are not changing any other aspects of the scales) is using the labs function

ggplot(ex1221, aes(Discharge, Area)) +
  geom_point(aes(size=NO3)) + 
  scale_size_area() + 
  labs(size= "Nitrogen",
       x = "My x label",
       y = "My y label",
       title = "Weighted Scatterplot of Watershed Area vs. Discharge and Nitrogen Levels (PPM)")

which gives an identical figure to the one above.

Clear contents of cells in VBA using column reference

You can access entire column as a range using the Worksheet.Columns object

Something like:


should clear contents of A column

There is also the Worksheet.Rows object if you need to do something similar for rows

The error you are receiving is likely due to a missing with block.

You can read about with blocks here: Microsoft Help

How to ping an IP address

Here is a method for pinging an IP address in Java that should work on Windows and Unix systems:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class CommandLine
     * @param ipAddress The internet protocol address to ping
     * @return True if the address is responsive, false otherwise
    public static boolean isReachable(String ipAddress) throws IOException
        List<String> command = buildCommand(ipAddress);
        ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command);
        Process process = processBuilder.start();

        try (BufferedReader standardOutput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())))
            String outputLine;

            while ((outputLine = standardOutput.readLine()) != null)
                // Picks up Windows and Unix unreachable hosts
                if (outputLine.toLowerCase().contains("destination host unreachable"))
                    return false;

        return true;

    private static List<String> buildCommand(String ipAddress)
        List<String> command = new ArrayList<>();

        if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS)
        } else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_UNIX)
        } else
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported operating system");


        return command;

Make sure to add Apache Commons Lang to your dependencies.

Compile c++14-code with g++

G++ does support C++14 both via -std=c++14 and -std=c++1y. The latter was the common name for the standard before it was known in which year it would be released. In older versions (including yours) only the latter is accepted as the release year wasn't known yet when those versions were released.

I used "sudo apt-get install g++" which should automatically retrieve the latest version, is that correct?

It installs the latest version available in the Ubuntu repositories, not the latest version that exists.

The latest GCC version is 5.2.

Should I use past or present tense in git commit messages?

does it matter? people are generally smart enough to interpret messages correctly, if they aren't you probably shouldn't let them access your repository anyway!

Selecting last element in JavaScript array

This worked:


How to connect to SQL Server database from JavaScript in the browser?

This would be really bad to do because sharing your connection string opens up your website to so many vulnerabilities that you can't simply patch up, you have to use a different method if you want it to be secure. Otherwise you are opening up to a huge audience to take advantage of your site.

Copy directory contents into a directory with python

The python libs are obsolete with this function. I've done one that works correctly:

import os
import shutil

def copydirectorykut(src, dst):
    nom= src+'.txt'
    fitx= open(nom, 'w')

    for item in list:
        fitx.write("%s\n" % item)


    f = open(nom,'r')
    for line in f.readlines():
        if "." in line:
            if not os.path.exists(dst+'/'+line[:-1]):

Create a new database with MySQL Workbench

Click the database symbol with the plus sign (shown in the below picture). Enter a name and click Apply.

Add new database

This worked in MySQL Workbench 6.0

How to sum all column values in multi-dimensional array?

For example, you can pluck all fields from a result like this below.

I am picking out the 'balance' from an array and save to a variable

$kii =   $user->pluck('balance');

then on the next line u can sum like this:

$sum =  $kii->sum(); 

Hope it helps.

How to search for a string in cell array in MATLAB?

I see that everybody missed the most important flaw in your code:

strs = {'HA' 'KU' 'LA' 'MA' 'TATA'}

should be:

strs = {'HA' 'KU' 'NA' 'MA' 'TATA'} 


strs = {'HAKUNA' 'MATATA'}

Now if you stick to using


You'll have no worries :).

How to prevent a file from direct URL Access?

Try the following:

RewriteEngine on 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?localhost [NC] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?localhost.*$ [NC] 
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg)$ - [F]

Returns 403, if you access images directly, but allows them to be displayed on site.

Note: It is possible that when you open some page with image and then copy that image's path into the address bar you can see that image, it is only because of the browser's cache, in fact that image has not been loaded from the server (from Davo, full comment below).

docker mounting volumes on host

The VOLUME command will mount a directory inside your container and store any files created or edited inside that directory on your hosts disk outside the container file structure, bypassing the union file system.

The idea is that your volumes can be shared between your docker containers and they will stay around as long as there's a container (running or stopped) that references them.

You can have other containers mount existing volumes (effectively sharing them between containers) by using the --volumes-from command when you run a container.

The fundamental difference between VOLUME and -v is this: -v will mount existing files from your operating system inside your docker container and VOLUME will create a new, empty volume on your host and mount it inside your container.


  1. You have a Dockerfile that defines a VOLUME /var/lib/mysql.
  2. You build the docker image and tag it some-volume
  3. You run the container

And then,

  1. You have another docker image that you want to use this volume
  2. You run the docker container with the following: docker run --volumes-from some-volume docker-image-name:tag
  3. Now you have a docker container running that will have the volume from some-volume mounted in /var/lib/mysql

Note: Using --volumes-from will mount the volume over whatever exists in the location of the volume. I.e., if you had stuff in /var/lib/mysql, it will be replaced with the contents of the volume.

Type definition in object literal in TypeScript

If you're trying to write a type annotation, the syntax is:

var x: { property: string; } = { property: 'hello' };

If you're trying to write an object literal, the syntax is:

var x = { property: 'hello' };

Your code is trying to use a type name in a value position.

Set up adb on Mac OS X

For Mac users : Step 1: Install the Android Studio

Step2 : Open the terminal and type


Step 3: Type below mentioned command changing the userName:

export PATH=“/Users/{user_name}/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools”:$PATH

Difference between "this" and"super" keywords in Java

this is a reference to the object typed as the current class, and super is a reference to the object typed as its parent class.

In the constructor, this() calls a constructor defined in the current class. super() calls a constructor defined in the parent class. The constructor may be defined in any parent class, but it will refer to the one overridden closest to the current class. Calls to other constructors in this way may only be done as the first line in a constructor.

Calling methods works the same way. Calling this.method() calls a method defined in the current class where super.method() will call the same method as defined in the parent class.

Making the main scrollbar always visible

I do this:

html {
    margin-left: calc(100vw - 100%);
    margin-right: 0;

Then I don't have to look at the ugly greyed out scrollbar when it's not needed.

How can I get a Unicode character's code?

There is an open source library MgntUtils that has a Utility class StringUnicodeEncoderDecoder. That class provides static methods that convert any String into Unicode sequence vise-versa. Very simple and useful. To convert String you just do:

String codes = StringUnicodeEncoderDecoder.encodeStringToUnicodeSequence(myString);

For example a String "Hello World" will be converted into


It works with any language. Here is the link to the article that explains all te ditails about the library: MgntUtils. Look for the subtitle "String Unicode converter". The library could be obtained as a Maven artifact or taken from Github (including source code and Javadoc)

Start an external application from a Google Chrome Extension?

You can't launch arbitrary commands, but if your users are willing to go through some extra setup, you can use custom protocols.

E.g. you have the users set things up so that some-app:// links start "SomeApp", and then in my-awesome-extension you open a tab pointing to some-app://some-data-the-app-wants, and you're good to go!

ab load testing

Steps to set up Apache Bench(AB) on windows (IMO - Recommended).

Step 1 - Install Xampp.
Step 2 - Open CMD.
Step 3 - Go to the apache bench destination (cd C:\xampp\apache\bin) from CMD
Step 4 - Paste the command (ab -n 100 -c 10 -k -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" http://localhost:yourport/)
Step 5 - Wait for it. Your done

UPDATE with CASE and IN - Oracle

There is another workaround you can use to update using a join. This example below assumes you want to de-normalize a table by including a lookup value (in this case storing a users name in the table). The update includes a join to find the name and the output is evaluated in a CASE statement that supports the name being found or not found. The key to making this work is ensuring all the columns coming out of the join have unique names. In the sample code, notice how b.user_name conflicts with the a.user_name column and must be aliased with the unique name "user_user_name".

    SELECT a.user_id, a.user_name, b.user_name as user_user_name
    FROM some_table a
    LEFT OUTER JOIN user_table b ON a.user_id = b.user_id
    WHERE a.user_id IS NOT NULL
SET user_name = CASE
    WHEN user_user_name IS NOT NULL THEN user_user_name

compareTo() vs. equals()

A difference is that "foo".equals((String)null) returns false while "foo".compareTo((String)null) == 0 throws a NullPointerException. So they are not always interchangeable even for Strings.

css absolute position won't work with margin-left:auto margin-right: auto

EDIT : this answer used to claim that it isn't possible to center an absolutely positioned element with margin: auto;, but this simply isn't true. Because this is the most up-voted and accepted answer, I guessed I'd just change it to be correct.

When you apply the following CSS to an element

position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;

And then give the element a fixed width and height, such as 200px or 40%, the element will center itself.

Here's a Fiddle that demonstrates the effect.

Google Maps v3 - limit viewable area and zoom level

Here's my variant to solve the problem of viewable area's limitation.

        google.maps.event.addListener(, 'idle', function() {
            var minLat = strictBounds.getSouthWest().lat();
            var minLon = strictBounds.getSouthWest().lng();
            var maxLat = strictBounds.getNorthEast().lat();
            var maxLon = strictBounds.getNorthEast().lng();
            var cBounds  =;
            var cMinLat = cBounds.getSouthWest().lat();
            var cMinLon = cBounds.getSouthWest().lng();
            var cMaxLat = cBounds.getNorthEast().lat();
            var cMaxLon = cBounds.getNorthEast().lng();
            var centerLat =;
            var centerLon =;

            if((cMaxLat - cMinLat > maxLat - minLat) || (cMaxLon - cMinLon > maxLon - minLon))
            {   //We can't position the canvas to strict borders with a current zoom level
            if(cMinLat < minLat)
                var newCenterLat = minLat + ((cMaxLat-cMinLat) / 2);
            else if(cMaxLat > maxLat)
                var newCenterLat = maxLat - ((cMaxLat-cMinLat) / 2);
                var newCenterLat = centerLat;
            if(cMinLon < minLon)
                var newCenterLon = minLon + ((cMaxLon-cMinLon) / 2);
            else if(cMaxLon > maxLon)
                var newCenterLon = maxLon - ((cMaxLon-cMinLon) / 2);
                var newCenterLon = centerLon;

            if(newCenterLat != centerLat || newCenterLon != centerLon)
       google.maps.LatLng(newCenterLat, newCenterLon));

strictBounds is an object of new google.maps.LatLngBounds() type. self.gmap stores a Google Map object (new google.maps.Map()).

It really works but don't only forget to take into account the haemorrhoids with crossing 0th meridians and parallels if your bounds cover them.

How do I restart a program based on user input?

You can do this simply with a function. For example:

def script():
    # program code here...
    restart = raw_input("Would you like to restart this program?")
    if restart == "yes" or restart == "y":
    if restart == "n" or restart == "no":
        print "Script terminating. Goodbye."

Of course you can change a lot of things here. What is said, what the script will accept as a valid input, the variable and function names. You can simply nest the entire program in a user-defined function (Of course you must give everything inside an extra indent) and have it restart at anytime using this line of code: myfunctionname(). More on this here.

how to create a list of lists

Create your list before your loop, else it will be created at each loop.

>>> list1 = []
>>> for i in range(10) :
...   list1.append( range(i,10) )
>>> list1
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [6, 7, 8, 9], [7, 8, 9], [8, 9], [9]]

Is there functionality to generate a random character in Java?

If you don't mind adding a new library in your code you can generate characters with MockNeat (disclaimer: I am one of the authors).

MockNeat mock = MockNeat.threadLocal();

Character chr = mock.chars().val();
Character lowerLetter = mock.chars().lowerLetters().val();
Character upperLetter = mock.chars().upperLetters().val();
Character digit = mock.chars().digits().val();
Character hex = mock.chars().hex().val(); 

get current date from [NSDate date] but set the time to 10:00 am

As with all date manipulation you have to use NSDateComponents and NSCalendar

NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay fromDate:now];
[components setHour:10];
NSDate *today10am = [calendar dateFromComponents:components];

in iOS8 Apple introduced a convenience method that saves a few lines of code:

NSDate *d = [calendar dateBySettingHour:10 minute:0 second:0 ofDate:[NSDate date] options:0];


let calendar: NSCalendar! = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)
let now: NSDate! = NSDate()

let date10h = calendar.dateBySettingHour(10, minute: 0, second: 0, ofDate: now, options: NSCalendarOptions.MatchFirst)!

YouTube Autoplay not working

mute=1 or muted=1 as suggested by @Fab will work. However, if you wish to enable autoplay with sound you should add allow="autoplay" to your embedded <iframe>.

<iframe type="text/html" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

This is officially supported and documented in Google's Autoplay Policy Changes 2017 post

Iframe delegation A feature policy allows developers to selectively enable and disable use of various browser features and APIs. Once an origin has received autoplay permission, it can delegate that permission to cross-origin iframes with a new feature policy for autoplay. Note that autoplay is allowed by default on same-origin iframes.

<!-- Autoplay is allowed. -->
<iframe src="" allow="autoplay">

<!-- Autoplay and Fullscreen are allowed. -->
<iframe src="" allow="autoplay; fullscreen">

When the feature policy for autoplay is disabled, calls to play() without a user gesture will reject the promise with a NotAllowedError DOMException. And the autoplay attribute will also be ignored.

unix - count of columns in file

You could try

cat FILE | awk '{print NF}'

How can I run MongoDB as a Windows service?

This PowerShell Script Downloads and Installs MongoDB as Windows Service:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

$mongoDbPath = "C:\MongoDB" 
$mongoDbConfigPath = "$mongoDbPath\mongod.cfg"
$url = "" 
$zipFile = "$mongoDbPath\" 
$unzippedFolderContent ="$mongoDbPath\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.4.9"

if ((Test-Path -path $mongoDbPath) -eq $True) 
  write-host "Seems you already installed MongoDB"

md $mongoDbPath 
md "$mongoDbPath\log" 
md "$mongoDbPath\data" 
md "$mongoDbPath\data\db"

[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$mongoDbConfigPath", "dbpath=C:\MongoDB\data\db`r`n")
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$mongoDbConfigPath", "logpath=C:\MongoDB\log\mongo.log`r`n")
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$mongoDbConfigPath", "smallfiles=true`r`n")
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$mongoDbConfigPath", "noprealloc=true`r`n")

$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient 

$shellApp = New-Object -com shell.application 
$destination = $shellApp.namespace($mongoDbPath) 

Copy-Item "$unzippedFolderContent\*" $mongoDbPath -recurse

Remove-Item $unzippedFolderContent -recurse -force 
Remove-Item $zipFile -recurse -force

& $mongoDBPath\bin\mongod.exe --config $mongoDbConfigPath --install

& net start mongodb

Attempt to present UIViewController on UIViewController whose view is not in the window hierarchy

Another potential cause:

I had this issue when I was accidentally presenting the same view controller twice. (Once with performSegueWithIdentifer:sender: which was called when the button was pressed, and a second time with a segue connected directly to the button).

Effectively, two segues were firing at the same time, and I got the error: Attempt to present X on Y whose view is not in the window hierarchy!

How does one convert a HashMap to a List in Java?

Basically you should not mess the question with answer, because it is confusing.

Then you could specify what convert mean and pick one of this solution

List<Integer> keyList = Collections.list(Collections.enumeration(map.keySet()));

List<String> valueList = Collections.list(Collections.enumeration(map.values()));

Make Adobe fonts work with CSS3 @font-face in IE9

I tried the ttfpatch tool and it didn't work form me. Internet Exploder 9 and 10 still complained.

I found this nice Git gist and it solved my issues.

Just copy and paste the code in your css.

What should main() return in C and C++?

Standard C — Hosted Environment

For a hosted environment (that's the normal one), the C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011) says: Program startup

The function called at program startup is named main. The implementation declares no prototype for this function. It shall be defined with a return type of int and with no parameters:

int main(void) { /* ... */ }

or with two parameters (referred to here as argc and argv, though any names may be used, as they are local to the function in which they are declared):

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* ... */ }

or equivalent;10) or in some other implementation-defined manner.

If they are declared, the parameters to the main function shall obey the following constraints:

  • The value of argc shall be nonnegative.
  • argv[argc] shall be a null pointer.
  • If the value of argc is greater than zero, the array members argv[0] through argv[argc-1] inclusive shall contain pointers to strings, which are given implementation-defined values by the host environment prior to program startup. The intent is to supply to the program information determined prior to program startup from elsewhere in the hosted environment. If the host environment is not capable of supplying strings with letters in both uppercase and lowercase, the implementation shall ensure that the strings are received in lowercase.
  • If the value of argc is greater than zero, the string pointed to by argv[0] represents the program name; argv[0][0] shall be the null character if the program name is not available from the host environment. If the value of argc is greater than one, the strings pointed to by argv[1] through argv[argc-1] represent the program parameters.
  • The parameters argc and argv and the strings pointed to by the argv array shall be modifiable by the program, and retain their last-stored values between program startup and program termination.

10) Thus, int can be replaced by a typedef name defined as int, or the type of argv can be written as char **argv, and so on.

Program termination in C99 or C11

The value returned from main() is transmitted to the 'environment' in an implementation-defined way. Program termination

1 If the return type of the main function is a type compatible with int, a return from the initial call to the main function is equivalent to calling the exit function with the value returned by the main function as its argument;11) reaching the } that terminates the main function returns a value of 0. If the return type is not compatible with int, the termination status returned to the host environment is unspecified.

11) In accordance with 6.2.4, the lifetimes of objects with automatic storage duration declared in main will have ended in the former case, even where they would not have in the latter.

Note that 0 is mandated as 'success'. You can use EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS from <stdlib.h> if you prefer, but 0 is well established, and so is 1. See also Exit codes greater than 255 — possible?.

In C89 (and hence in Microsoft C), there is no statement about what happens if the main() function returns but does not specify a return value; it therefore leads to undefined behaviour. The exit function

¶5 Finally, control is returned to the host environment. If the value of status is zero or EXIT_SUCCESS, an implementation-defined form of the status successful termination is returned. If the value of status is EXIT_FAILURE, an implementation-defined form of the status unsuccessful termination is returned. Otherwise the status returned is implementation-defined.

Standard C++ — Hosted Environment

The C++11 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2011) says:

3.6.1 Main function [basic.start.main]

¶1 A program shall contain a global function called main, which is the designated start of the program. [...]

¶2 An implementation shall not predefine the main function. This function shall not be overloaded. It shall have a return type of type int, but otherwise its type is implementation defined. All implementations shall allow both of the following definitions of main:

int main() { /* ... */ }


int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* ... */ }

In the latter form argc shall be the number of arguments passed to the program from the environment in which the program is run. If argc is nonzero these arguments shall be supplied in argv[0] through argv[argc-1] as pointers to the initial characters of null-terminated multibyte strings (NTMBSs) ( and argv[0] shall be the pointer to the initial character of a NTMBS that represents the name used to invoke the program or "". The value of argc shall be non-negative. The value of argv[argc] shall be 0. [ Note: It is recommended that any further (optional) parameters be added after argv. —end note ]

¶3 The function main shall not be used within a program. The linkage (3.5) of main is implementation-defined. [...]

¶5 A return statement in main has the effect of leaving the main function (destroying any objects with automatic storage duration) and calling std::exit with the return value as the argument. If control reaches the end of main without encountering a return statement, the effect is that of executing

return 0;

The C++ standard explicitly says "It [the main function] shall have a return type of type int, but otherwise its type is implementation defined", and requires the same two signatures as the C standard to be supported as options. So a 'void main()' is directly not allowed by the C++ standard, though there's nothing it can do to stop a non-standard implementation allowing alternatives. Note that C++ forbids the user from calling main (but the C standard does not).

There's a paragraph of §18.5 Start and termination in the C++11 standard that is identical to the paragraph from § The exit function in the C11 standard (quoted above), apart from a footnote (which simply documents that EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE are defined in <cstdlib>).

Standard C — Common Extension

Classically, Unix systems support a third variant:

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { ... }

The third argument is a null-terminated list of pointers to strings, each of which is an environment variable which has a name, an equals sign, and a value (possibly empty). If you do not use this, you can still get at the environment via 'extern char **environ;'. This global variable is unique among those in POSIX in that it does not have a header that declares it.

This is recognized by the C standard as a common extension, documented in Annex J:

J.5.1 Environment arguments

¶1 In a hosted environment, the main function receives a third argument, char *envp[], that points to a null-terminated array of pointers to char, each of which points to a string that provides information about the environment for this execution of the program (

Microsoft C

The Microsoft VS 2010 compiler is interesting. The web site says:

The declaration syntax for main is

 int main();

or, optionally,

int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]);

Alternatively, the main and wmain functions can be declared as returning void (no return value). If you declare main or wmain as returning void, you cannot return an exit code to the parent process or operating system by using a return statement. To return an exit code when main or wmain is declared as void, you must use the exit function.

It is not clear to me what happens (what exit code is returned to the parent or OS) when a program with void main() does exit — and the MS web site is silent too.

Interestingly, MS does not prescribe the two-argument version of main() that the C and C++ standards require. It only prescribes a three argument form where the third argument is char **envp, a pointer to a list of environment variables.

The Microsoft page also lists some other alternatives — wmain() which takes wide character strings, and some more.

The Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 version of this page does not list void main() as an alternative. The versions from Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 onwards do.

Standard C — Freestanding Environment

As noted early on, the requirements above apply to hosted environments. If you are working with a freestanding environment (which is the alternative to a hosted environment), then the standard has much less to say. For a freestanding environment, the function called at program startup need not be called main and there are no constraints on its return type. The standard says:

5.1.2 Execution environments

Two execution environments are defined: freestanding and hosted. In both cases, program startup occurs when a designated C function is called by the execution environment. All objects with static storage duration shall be initialized (set to their initial values) before program startup. The manner and timing of such initialization are otherwise unspecified. Program termination returns control to the execution environment. Freestanding environment

In a freestanding environment (in which C program execution may take place without any benefit of an operating system), the name and type of the function called at program startup are implementation-defined. Any library facilities available to a freestanding program, other than the minimal set required by clause 4, are implementation-defined.

The effect of program termination in a freestanding environment is implementation-defined.

The cross-reference to clause 4 Conformance refers to this:

¶5 A strictly conforming program shall use only those features of the language and library specified in this International Standard.3) It shall not produce output dependent on any unspecified, undefined, or implementation-defined behavior, and shall not exceed any minimum implementation limit.

¶6 The two forms of conforming implementation are hosted and freestanding. A conforming hosted implementation shall accept any strictly conforming program. A conforming freestanding implementation shall accept any strictly conforming program in which the use of the features specified in the library clause (clause 7) is confined to the contents of the standard headers <float.h>, <iso646.h>, <limits.h>, <stdalign.h>, <stdarg.h>, <stdbool.h>, <stddef.h>, <stdint.h>, and <stdnoreturn.h>. A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any strictly conforming program.4)

¶7 A conforming program is one that is acceptable to a conforming implementation.5)

3) A strictly conforming program can use conditional features (see provided the use is guarded by an appropriate conditional inclusion preprocessing directive using the related macro. For example:

#ifdef __STDC_IEC_559__ /* FE_UPWARD defined */
    /* ... */
    /* ... */

4) This implies that a conforming implementation reserves no identifiers other than those explicitly reserved in this International Standard.

5) Strictly conforming programs are intended to be maximally portable among conforming implementations. Conforming programs may depend upon non-portable features of a conforming implementation.

It is noticeable that the only header required of a freestanding environment that actually defines any functions is <stdarg.h> (and even those may be — and often are — just macros).

Standard C++ — Freestanding Environment

Just as the C standard recognizes both hosted and freestanding environment, so too does the C++ standard. (Quotes from ISO/IEC 14882:2011.)

1.4 Implementation compliance [intro.compliance]

¶7 Two kinds of implementations are defined: a hosted implementation and a freestanding implementation. For a hosted implementation, this International Standard defines the set of available libraries. A freestanding implementation is one in which execution may take place without the benefit of an operating system, and has an implementation-defined set of libraries that includes certain language-support libraries (

¶8 A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program. Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this International Standard. Having done so, however, they can compile and execute such programs.

¶9 Each implementation shall include documentation that identifies all conditionally-supported constructs that it does not support and defines all locale-specific characteristics.3

3) This documentation also defines implementation-defined behavior; see 1.9. Freestanding implementations [compliance]

Two kinds of implementations are defined: hosted and freestanding (1.4). For a hosted implementation, this International Standard describes the set of available headers.

A freestanding implementation has an implementation-defined set of headers. This set shall include at least the headers shown in Table 16.

The supplied version of the header <cstdlib> shall declare at least the functions abort, atexit, at_quick_exit, exit, and quick_exit (18.5). The other headers listed in this table shall meet the same requirements as for a hosted implementation.

Table 16 — C++ headers for freestanding implementations

Subclause                           Header(s)
18.2  Types                         <cstddef>
18.3  Implementation properties     <cfloat> <limits> <climits>
18.4  Integer types                 <cstdint>
18.5  Start and termination         <cstdlib>
18.6  Dynamic memory management     <new>
18.7  Type identification           <typeinfo>
18.8  Exception handling            <exception>
18.9  Initializer lists             <initializer_list>
18.10 Other runtime support         <cstdalign> <cstdarg> <cstdbool>
20.9  Type traits                   <type_traits>
29    Atomics                       <atomic>

What about using int main() in C?

The standard § of the C11 standard shows the preferred notation — int main(void) — but there are also two examples in the standard which show int main(): § ¶8 and § ¶20. Now, it is important to note that examples are not 'normative'; they are only illustrative. If there are bugs in the examples, they do not directly affect the main text of the standard. That said, they are strongly indicative of expected behaviour, so if the standard includes int main() in an example, it suggests that int main() is not forbidden, even if it is not the preferred notation. The sizeof and _Alignof operators

¶8 EXAMPLE 3 In this example, the size of a variable length array is computed and returned from a function:

#include <stddef.h>

size_t fsize3(int n)
    char b[n+3]; // variable length array
    return sizeof b; // execution time sizeof
int main()
    size_t size;
    size = fsize3(10); // fsize3 returns 13
    return 0;

Android Bluetooth Example

I have also used following link as others have suggested you for bluetooth communication.

The thing is all you need is a class

this class has following threads:

  1. Accept
  2. Connecting
  3. Connected

Now when you call start function of the BluetoothChatService like:


It starts accept thread which means it will start looking for connection.

Now when you call


Here first argument is device object that you can get from paired devices list or when you scan for devices you will get all the devices in range you can pass that object to this function and 2nd argument is a boolean to make secure or insecure connection.

connect function will start connecting thread which will look for any device which is running accept thread.

When such a device is found both accept thread and connecting thread will call connected function in BluetoothChatService:

connected(mmSocket, mmDevice, mSocketType);

this method starts connected thread in both the devices: Using this socket object connected thread obtains the input and output stream to the other device. And calls read function on inputstream in a while loop so that it's always trying read from other device so that whenever other device send a message this read function returns that message.

BluetoothChatService also has a write method which takes byte[] as input and calls write method on connected thread.

mChatService.write("your message".getByte());

write method in connected thread just write this byte data to outputsream of the other device.

public void write(byte[] buffer) {
   try {
    // Share the sent message back to the UI Activity
    // mHandler.obtainMessage(
    // BluetoothGameSetupActivity.MESSAGE_WRITE, -1, -1,
    // buffer).sendToTarget();
    } catch (IOException e) {
    Log.e(TAG, "Exception during write", e);

Now to communicate between two devices just call write function on mChatService and handle the message that you will receive on the other device.

Activity transition in Android

For a list of default animations see:

There is in fact fade_in and fade_out for API level 1 and up.

What values for checked and selected are false?

No value is considered false, only the absence of the attribute. There are plenty of invalid values though, and some implementations might consider certain invalid values as false.

HTML5 spec :

The disabled content attribute is a boolean attribute. :

The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the false value.

If the attribute is present, its value must either be the empty string or a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the attribute's canonical name, with no leading or trailing whitespace.


The following are valid, equivalent and true:

<input type="checkbox" checked />
<input type="checkbox" checked="" />
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" />
<input type="checkbox" checked="ChEcKeD" />

The following are invalid:

<input type="checkbox" checked="0" />
<input type="checkbox" checked="1" />
<input type="checkbox" checked="false" />
<input type="checkbox" checked="true" />

The absence of the attribute is the only valid syntax for false:

<input type="checkbox" />


If you care about writing valid XHTML, use checked="checked", since <input checked> is invalid and other alternatives are less readable. Else, just use <input checked> as it is shorter.

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; Want to configure a password as root being the user

If you have ERROR 1064 (42000) or ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected in Mysql 5.7, you must specify the location of the user table, the location is mysql.table_name Then the code will work.

sudo mysql -u root -p

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=password('elephant7') WHERE user='root';

How to create a cron job using Bash automatically without the interactive editor?

echo "0 * * * * docker system prune --force >/dev/null 2>&1" | sudo tee /etc/cron.daily/dockerprune

'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. (System.Data)

You have to use now the new XLSX-Driver from Access-Redist (32/64-Bit). The current XLS-Driver are corrupted since last cumulative update.

After MySQL install via Brew, I get the error - The server quit without updating PID file

Solved this using sudo chown -R _mysql:_mysql /usr/local/var/mysql Thanks to Matteo Alessani

How does the "position: sticky;" property work?

Funny moment that wasn't obvious for me: at least in Chrome 70 position: sticky is not applied if you've set it using DevTools.

How to customize Bootstrap 3 tab color

To have the active tab also styled, merge the answer from this thread, from Mansukh Khandhar, with this other answer, from lmgonzalves:

.nav-tabs > > a {
  background-color: yellow !important;
  border: medium none;
  border-radius: 0;

How to use npm with ASP.NET Core

What is the right approach for doing this?

There are a lot of "right" approaches, you just have decide which one best suites your needs. It appears as though you're misunderstanding how to use node_modules...

If you're familiar with NuGet you should think of npm as its client-side counterpart. Where the node_modules directory is like the bin directory for NuGet. The idea is that this directory is just a common location for storing packages, in my opinion it is better to take a dependency on the packages you need as you have done in the package.json. Then use a task runner like Gulp for example to copy the files you need into your desired wwwroot location.

I wrote a blog post about this back in January that details npm, Gulp and a whole bunch of other details that are still relevant today. Additionally, someone called attention to my SO question I asked and ultimately answered myself here, which is probably helpful.

I created a Gist that shows the gulpfile.js as an example.

In your Startup.cs it is still important to use static files:


This will ensure that your application can access what it needs.

Creating a recursive method for Palindrome

String source = "liril";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(source);
String r = sb.reverse().toString();
if (source.equals(r)) {
    System.out.println("Palindrome ...");
} else {
    System.out.println("Not a palindrome...");

LINQ with groupby and count

userInfos.GroupBy(userInfo => userInfo.metric)
        .OrderBy(group => group.Key)
        .Select(group => Tuple.Create(group.Key, group.Count()));

How to see my Eclipse version?

Go to Help -> About Eclipse Sdk

enter image description here

enter image description here

No numeric types to aggregate - change in groupby() behaviour?

How are you generating your data?

See how the output shows that your data is of 'object' type? the groupby operations specifically check whether each column is a numeric dtype first.

In [31]: data
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 2557 entries, 2004-01-01 00:00:00 to 2010-12-31 00:00:00
Freq: <1 DateOffset>
Columns: 360 entries, -89.75 to 89.75
dtypes: object(360)

look ?

Did you initialize an empty DataFrame first and then filled it? If so that's probably why it changed with the new version as before 0.9 empty DataFrames were initialized to float type but now they are of object type. If so you can change the initialization to DataFrame(dtype=float).

You can also call frame.astype(float)

`React/RCTBridgeModule.h` file not found


  #import "RCTBridgeModule.h"


 #import "React/RCTBridgeModule.h"

'Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object' error during postback

Somebody posted quite a few form fields to your page. The new default max introduced by the recent security update is 1000.

Try adding the following setting in your web.config's <appsettings> block. in this block you are maximizing the MaxHttpCollection values this will override the defaults set by .net Framework. you can change the value accordingly as per your form needs

    <add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="2001" />

For more information please read this post. For more insight into the security patch by microsoft you can read this Knowledge base article

How to sort a collection by date in MongoDB?

collection.find().sort('date':1).exec(function(err, doc) {});

this worked for me


Scatter plots in Pandas/Pyplot: How to plot by category

With plt.scatter, I can only think of one: to use a proxy artist:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(10,1,30).reshape(10,3), index = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', freq = 'M', periods = 10), columns = ('one', 'two', 'three'))
df['key1'] = (4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,8)
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
x=ax1.scatter(df['one'], df['two'], marker = 'o', c = df['key1'], alpha = 0.8)

circles=[Line2D(range(1), range(1), color='w', marker='o', markersize=10, markerfacecolor=item) for item in ccm((array([4,6,8])-4.0)/4)]
leg = plt.legend(circles, ['4','6','8'], loc = "center left", bbox_to_anchor = (1, 0.5), numpoints = 1)

And the result is:

enter image description here

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

When I look at the solutions, it seems the problem is always something that prevents the spring library to be loaded. It could be a dependency problem or a deployment problem.

In my case, it was the maven repository that somehow got corrupt. What solved the problem was to remove the folder `C:\Users(my name).m2\repository' and rebuild.

Auto line-wrapping in SVG text

I have posted the following walkthrough for adding some fake word-wrapping to an SVG "text" element here:

SVG Word Wrap - Show stopper?

You just need to add a simple JavaScript function, which splits your string into shorter "tspan" elements. Here's an example of what it looks like:

Example SVG

Hope this helps !

Selecting rows where remainder (modulo) is 1 after division by 2?

select * from table where value % 2 = 1 works fine in mysql.

What are the integrity and crossorigin attributes?

Both attributes have been added to Bootstrap CDN to implement Subresource Integrity.

Subresource Integrity defines a mechanism by which user agents may verify that a fetched resource has been delivered without unexpected manipulation Reference

Integrity attribute is to allow the browser to check the file source to ensure that the code is never loaded if the source has been manipulated.

Crossorigin attribute is present when a request is loaded using 'CORS' which is now a requirement of SRI checking when not loaded from the 'same-origin'. More info on crossorigin

More detail on Bootstrap CDNs implementation

Python read in string from file and split it into values

Something like this - for each line read into string variable a:

>>> a = "123,456"
>>> b = a.split(",")
>>> b
['123', '456']
>>> c = [int(e) for e in b]
>>> c
[123, 456]
>>> x, y = c
>>> x
>>> y

Now you can do what is necessary with x and y as assigned, which are integers.

jQuery UI autocomplete with JSON

I understand that its been answered already. but I hope this will help someone in future and saves so much time and pain.

complete code is below: This one I did for a textbox to make it Autocomplete in CiviCRM. Hope it helps someone

CRM.$( 'input[id^=custom_78]' ).autocomplete({
            autoFill: true,
            select: function (event, ui) {
                    var label = ui.item.label;
                    var value = ui.item.value;
                    // Update subject field to add book year and book product
                    var book_year_value = CRM.$('select[id^=custom_77]  option:selected').text().replace('Book Year ','');
                    //book_year_value.replace('Book Year ','');
                    var subject_value = book_year_value + '/' + ui.item.label;
                    CRM.$( 'input[name=product_select_id]' ).val(ui.item.value);
                    return false;
            source: function(request, response) {
                    url: productUrl,
                        data: {
                                        'subCategory' : cj('select[id^=custom_77]').val(),
                                        's': request.term,
                    beforeSend: function( xhr ) {
                        xhr.overrideMimeType( "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined" );

                    success: function(result){
                                result = jQuery.parseJSON( result);
                                response(CRM.$.map(result, function (val,key) {
                                                         return {
                                                                 label: val,
                                                                 value: key
                .done(function( data ) {
                    if ( console && console.log ) {
                     // console.log( "Sample of dataas:", data.slice( 0, 100 ) );

PHP code on how I'm returning data to this jquery ajax call in autocomplete:

 * This class contains all product related functions that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
class CRM_Civicrmactivitiesproductlink_Page_AJAX {
  static function getProductList() {
        $name   = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 's', $_GET );
    $name   = CRM_Utils_Type::escape( $name, 'String' );
    $limit  = '10';

        $strSearch = "description LIKE '%$name%'";

        $subCategory   = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'subCategory', $_GET );
    $subCategory   = CRM_Utils_Type::escape( $subCategory, 'String' );

        if (!empty($subCategory))
                $strSearch .= " AND sub_category = ".$subCategory;

        $query = "SELECT id , description as data FROM abc_books WHERE $strSearch";
        $resultArray = array();
        $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery( $query );
        while ( $dao->fetch( ) ) {
            $resultArray[$dao->id] = $dao->data;//creating the array to send id as key and data as value
        echo json_encode($resultArray);

Simple dictionary in C++

Here's the map solution:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>

typedef std::map<char, char> BasePairMap;

int main()
    BasePairMap m;
    m['A'] = 'T';
    m['T'] = 'A';
    m['C'] = 'G';
    m['G'] = 'C';

    std::cout << "A:" << m['A'] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "T:" << m['T'] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "C:" << m['C'] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "G:" << m['G'] << std::endl;

    return 0;

Make element fixed on scroll

You can do this with css too.

just use position:fixed; for what you want to be fixed when you scroll down.

you can have some examples here:

How do I return an int from EditText? (Android)

For now, use an EditText. Use android:inputType="number" to force it to be numeric. Convert the resulting string into an integer (e.g., Integer.parseInt(myEditText.getText().toString())).

In the future, you might consider a NumberPicker widget, once that becomes available (slated to be in Honeycomb).

How to trigger a phone call when clicking a link in a web page on mobile phone

Most modern devices support the tel: scheme. So use <a href="tel:555-555-5555">555-555-5555</a> and you should be good to go.

If you want to use it for an image, the <a> tag can handle the <img/> placed in it just like other normal situations with : <a href="tel:555-555-5555"><img src="path/to/phone/icon.jpg" /></a>

How to bundle an Angular app for production

2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (TypeScript) with Angular CLI

OneTime Setup

  • npm install -g @angular/cli
  • ng new projectFolder creates a new application

Bundling Step

  • ng build --prod (run in command line when directory is projectFolder)

    flag prod bundle for production (see the Angular documentation for the list of option included with the production flag).

  • Compress using Brotli compression the resources using the following command

    for i in dist/*; do brotli $i; done

bundles are generated by default to projectFolder/dist(/$projectFolder for v6+)**


Sizes with Angular 11.0.5 with CLI 11.0.5and option CSS without Angular routing

  • dist/main-[es-version].[hash].js Your application bundled [ ES5 size: 136 KB for new Angular CLI application empty, 38 KB compressed].
  • dist/polyfill-[es-version].[hash].bundle.js the polyfill dependencies (@angular, RxJS...) bundled [ ES5 size: 36 KB for new Angular CLI application empty, 11 KB compressed].
  • dist/index.html entry point of your application.
  • dist/runtime-[es-version].[hash].bundle.js webpack loader
  • dist/style.[hash].bundle.css the style definitions
  • dist/assets resources copied from the Angular CLI assets configuration


You can get a preview of your application using the ng serve --prod command that starts a local HTTP server such that the application with production files is accessible using http://localhost:4200.

For a production usage, you have to deploy all the files from the dist folder in the HTTP server of your choice.

Remove Datepicker Function dynamically

Destroy the datepicker's instance when you don't want it and create new instance whenever necessary.

I know this is ugly but only this seems to be working...

Check this out

 $("#ddlSearchType").change(function () {
        if ($(this).val() == "Required Date" || $(this).val() == "Submitted Date") {

          else {

How to create an AVD for Android 4.0

I just did the same. If you look in the "Android SDK Manager" in the "Android 4.0 (API 14)" section you'll see a few packages. One of these is named "ARM EABI v7a System Image".

This is what you need to download in order to create an Android 4.0 virtual device:

The Android SDK download system

Move view with keyboard using Swift

One of the popular answers on this thread uses the following code:

func keyboardWillShow(sender: NSNotification) {
    self.view.frame.origin.y -= 150
func keyboardWillHide(sender: NSNotification) {
    self.view.frame.origin.y += 150

There's an obvious problem with offsetting your view by a static amount. It'll look nice on one device but will look bad on any other size configuration. You'll need to get the keyboards height and use that as your offset value.

Here's a solution that works on all devices and handles the edge-case where the user hides the predictive text field while typing.


Important to note below, we're passing self.view.window in as our object parameter. This will provide us with data from our Keyboard, such as its height!

@IBOutlet weak var messageField: UITextField!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillShow:"), name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: self.view.window)
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillHide:"), name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: self.view.window)

func keyboardWillHide(sender: NSNotification) {
    let userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject] = sender.userInfo!
    let keyboardSize: CGSize = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey]!.CGRectValue.size
    self.view.frame.origin.y += keyboardSize.height

We'll make it look nice on all devices and handle the case where the user adds or removes the predictive text field.

func keyboardWillShow(sender: NSNotification) {
    let userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject] = sender.userInfo!
    let keyboardSize: CGSize = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey]!.CGRectValue.size
    let offset: CGSize = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey]!.CGRectValue.size

    if keyboardSize.height == offset.height {
        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
            self.view.frame.origin.y -= keyboardSize.height
    } else {
        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
            self.view.frame.origin.y += keyboardSize.height - offset.height

Remove Observers

Don't forget to remove your observers before you leave the view to prevent unnecessary messages from being transmitted.

override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().removeObserver(self, name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: self.view.window)
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().removeObserver(self, name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: self.view.window)

Update based on question from comments:

If you have two or more text-fields, you can check to see if your view.frame.origin.y is at zero.

func keyboardWillShow(sender: NSNotification) {
    let userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject] = sender.userInfo!

    let keyboardSize: CGSize = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey]!.CGRectValue.size
    let offset: CGSize = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey]!.CGRectValue.size

    if keyboardSize.height == offset.height {
        if self.view.frame.origin.y == 0 {
            UIView.animateWithDuration(0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
                self.view.frame.origin.y -= keyboardSize.height
    } else {
        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.1, animations: { () -> Void in
            self.view.frame.origin.y += keyboardSize.height - offset.height

How to align texts inside of an input?

Use the text-align property in your CSS:

input { 
    text-align: right; 

This will take effect in all the inputs of the page.
Otherwise, if you want to align the text of just one input, set the style inline:

<input type="text" style="text-align:right;"/> 

HTML text input field with currency symbol

Try This

<label style="position: relative; left:15px;">$</label>
<input type="text" style="text-indent: 15px;">

Batch file include external file for variables

Let's not forget good old parameters. When starting your *.bat or *.cmd file you can add up to nine parameters after the command file name:

call myscript.bat \\path\to\my\file.ext type
call myscript.bat \\path\to\my\file.ext "Del /F"

Example script

The myscript.bat could be something like this:

@Echo Off
Echo The path of this scriptfile %~0
Echo The name of this scriptfile %~n0
Echo The extension of this scriptfile %~x0
If "%~2"=="" (
   Echo Parameter missing, quitting.
   GoTo :EOF
If Not Exist "%~1" (
   Echo File does not exist, quitting.
   GoTo :EOF
Echo Going to %~2 this file: %~1
%~2 "%~1"
If %errorlevel%  NEQ 0 (
   Echo Failed to %~2 the %~1.
@Echo On

Example output

c:\>c:\bats\myscript.bat \\server\path\x.txt type
The path of this scriptfile c:\bats\myscript.bat
The name of this scriptfile myscript
The extension of this scriptfile .bat

Going to type this file: \\server\path\x.txt
This is the content of the file:
Some alphabets: ABCDEFG abcdefg
Some numbers: 1234567890

c:\>c:\bats\myscript.bat \\server\path\x.txt "del /f "
The path of this scriptfile c:\bats\myscript.bat
The name of this scriptfile myscript
The extension of this scriptfile .bat

Going to del /f  this file: \\server\path\x.txt


Drop rows with all zeros in pandas data frame

df = df [~( df [ ['kt'  'b'   'tt'  'mky' 'depth', ] ] == 0).all(axis=1) ]

Try this command its perfectly working.

Determine the number of rows in a range

I am sure that you probably wanted the answer that @GSerg gave. There is also a worksheet function called rows that will give you the number of rows.

So, if you have a named data range called Data that has 7 rows, then =ROWS(Data) will show 7 in that cell.

Collections.emptyList() returns a List<Object>?

the emptyList method has this signature:

public static final <T> List<T> emptyList()

That <T> before the word List means that it infers the value of the generic parameter T from the type of variable the result is assigned to. So in this case:

List<String> stringList = Collections.emptyList();

The return value is then referenced explicitly by a variable of type List<String>, so the compiler can figure it out. In this case:


There's no explicit return variable for the compiler to use to figure out the generic type, so it defaults to Object.

What is your favorite C programming trick?

Here is an example how to make C code completly unaware about what is actually used of HW for running the app. The main.c does the setup and then the free layer can be implemented on any compiler/arch. I think it is quite neat for abstracting C code a bit, so it does not get to be to spesific.

Adding a complete compilable example here.

/* free.h */
#ifndef _FREE_H_
#define _FREE_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned char ubyte;

typedef void (*F_ParameterlessFunction)() ;
typedef void (*F_CommandFunction)(ubyte byte) ;

void F_SetupLowerLayer (
F_ParameterlessFunction initRequest,
F_CommandFunction sending_command,
F_CommandFunction *receiving_command);

/* free.c */
static F_ParameterlessFunction Init_Lower_Layer = NULL;
static F_CommandFunction Send_Command = NULL;
static ubyte init = 0;
void recieve_value(ubyte my_input)
    if(init == 0)
        init = 1;
    printf("Receiving 0x%02x\n",my_input);

void F_SetupLowerLayer (
    F_ParameterlessFunction initRequest,
    F_CommandFunction sending_command,
    F_CommandFunction *receiving_command)
    Init_Lower_Layer = initRequest;
    Send_Command = sending_command;
    *receiving_command = &recieve_value;

/* main.c */
int my_hw_do_init()
    printf("Doing HW init\n");
    return 0;
int my_hw_do_sending(ubyte send_this)
    printf("doing HW sending 0x%02x\n",send_this);
    return 0;
F_CommandFunction my_hw_send_to_read = NULL;

int main (void)
    ubyte rx = 0x40;

    return 0;

Can we have multiple "WITH AS" in single sql - Oracle SQL

Aditya or others, can you join or match up t2 with t1 in your example, i.e. translated to my code,

with t1 as (select * from AA where FIRSTNAME like 'Kermit'),
     t2 as (select * from BB B join t1 on t1.FIELD1 = B.FIELD1)

I am not clear whether only WHERE is supported for joining, or what joining approach is supported within the 2nd WITH entity. Some of the examples have the WHERE A=B down in the body of the select "below" the WITH clauses.

The error I'm getting following these WITH declarations is the identifiers (field names) in B are not recognized, down in the body of the rest of the SQL. So the WITH syntax seems to run OK, but cannot access the results from t2.

C# - How to convert string to char?

var theString = "TEST";
char[] myChar = theString.ToCharArray();

I tested this in the C# interactive window of Visual Studio 2019 and got:

char[4] { 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T' }

C# "internal" access modifier when doing unit testing

Keep using private by default. If a member shouldn't be exposed beyond that type, it shouldn't be exposed beyond that type, even to within the same project. This keeps things safer and tidier - when you're using the object, it's clearer which methods you're meant to be able to use.

Having said that, I think it's reasonable to make naturally-private methods internal for test purposes sometimes. I prefer that to using reflection, which is refactoring-unfriendly.

One thing to consider might be a "ForTest" suffix:

internal void DoThisForTest(string name)

private void DoThis(string name)
    // Real implementation

Then when you're using the class within the same project, it's obvious (now and in the future) that you shouldn't really be using this method - it's only there for test purposes. This is a bit hacky, and not something I do myself, but it's at least worth consideration.

what is the use of annotations @Id and @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)? Why the generationtype is identity?

Simply, @Id: This annotation specifies the primary key of the entity. 

@GeneratedValue: This annotation is used to specify the primary key generation strategy to use. i.e Instructs database to generate a value for this field automatically. If the strategy is not specified by default AUTO will be used. 

GenerationType enum defines four strategies: 
1. Generation Type . TABLE, 
2. Generation Type. SEQUENCE,
3. Generation Type. IDENTITY   
4. Generation Type. AUTO


With this strategy, underlying persistence provider must use a database sequence to get the next unique primary key for the entities. 


With this strategy, underlying persistence provider must use a database table to generate/keep the next unique primary key for the entities. 

This GenerationType indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity using a database identity column. IDENTITY column is typically used in SQL Server. This special type column is populated internally by the table itself without using a separate sequence. If underlying database doesn't support IDENTITY column or some similar variant then the persistence provider can choose an alternative appropriate strategy. In this examples we are using H2 database which doesn't support IDENTITY column.

This GenerationType indicates that the persistence provider should automatically pick an appropriate strategy for the particular database. This is the default GenerationType, i.e. if we just use @GeneratedValue annotation then this value of GenerationType will be used. 


Oracle - How to create a readonly user

Execute the following procedure for example as user system.

Set p_owner to the schema owner and p_readonly to the name of the readonly user.

create or replace
procedure createReadOnlyUser(p_owner in varchar2, p_readonly in varchar2) 
    execute immediate 'create user '||p_readonly||' identified by '||p_readonly;
    execute immediate 'grant create session to '||p_readonly;
    execute immediate 'grant select any dictionary to '||p_readonly;
    execute immediate 'grant create synonym to '||p_readonly;

   FOR R IN (SELECT owner, object_name from all_objects where object_type in('TABLE', 'VIEW') and owner=p_owner) LOOP
      execute immediate 'grant select on '||p_owner||'.'||R.object_name||' to '||p_readonly;
   FOR R IN (SELECT owner, object_name from all_objects where object_type in('FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE') and owner=p_owner) LOOP
      execute immediate 'grant execute on '||p_owner||'.'||R.object_name||' to '||p_readonly;
   FOR R IN (SELECT owner, object_name FROM all_objects WHERE object_type in('TABLE', 'VIEW') and owner=p_owner) LOOP
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create synonym '||p_readonly||'.'||R.object_name||' for '||R.owner||'."'||R.object_name||'"';
   FOR R IN (SELECT owner, object_name from all_objects where object_type in('FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE') and owner=p_owner) LOOP
      execute immediate 'create synonym '||p_readonly||'.'||R.object_name||' for '||R.owner||'."'||R.object_name||'"';

C# How do I click a button by hitting Enter whilst textbox has focus?

In Visual Studio 2017, using c#, just add the AcceptButton attribute to your button, in my example "btnLogIn":

this.btnLogIn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
//....other settings
this.AcceptButton = this.btnLogIn;

Bootstrap 3 breakpoints and media queries

Bootstrap does not document the media queries very well. Those variables of @screen-sm, @screen-md, @screen-lg are actually referring to LESS variables and not simple CSS.

When you customize Bootstrap you can change the media query breakpoints and when it compiles the @screen-xx variables are changed to whatever pixel width you defined as screen-xx. This is how a framework like this can be coded once and then customized by the end user to fit their needs.

A similar question on here that might provide more clarity: Bootstrap 3.0 Media queries

In your CSS, you will still have to use traditional media queries to override or add to what Bootstrap is doing.

In regards to your second question, that is not a typo. Once the screen goes below 768px the framework becomes completely fluid and resizes at any device width, removing the need for breakpoints. The breakpoint at 480px exists because there are specific changes that occur to the layout for mobile optimization.

To see this in action, go to this example on their site (, and resize your window to see how it treats the design after 768px.

Converting BitmapImage to Bitmap and vice versa

Here the async version.

public static Task<BitmapSource> ToBitmapSourceAsync(this Bitmap bitmap)
    return Task.Run(() =>
        using (System.IO.MemoryStream memory = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
            bitmap.Save(memory, ImageFormat.Png);
            memory.Position = 0;
            BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
            bitmapImage.StreamSource = memory;
            bitmapImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
            return bitmapImage as BitmapSource;


getSupportActionBar() The method getSupportActionBar() is undefined for the type TaskActivity. Why?

Here is another solution you could have used. It is working in my app.

      public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); actionBar =getSupportActionBar();

Then you can get rid of that import for the one line ActionBar use.

returning a Void object

There is no generic type which will tell the compiler that a method returns nothing.

I believe the convention is to use Object when inheriting as a type parameter


Propagate the type parameter up and then let users of your class instantiate using Object and assigning the object to a variable typed using a type-wildcard ?:

interface B<E>{ E method(); }

class A<T> implements B<T>{

    public T method(){
        // do something
        return null;

A<?> a = new A<Object>();

Can (a== 1 && a ==2 && a==3) ever evaluate to true?

If you ever get such an interview question (or notice some equally unexpected behavior in your code) think about what kind of things could possibly cause a behavior that looks impossible at first glance:

  1. Encoding: In this case the variable you are looking at is not the one you think it is. This can happen if you intentionally mess around with Unicode using homoglyphs or space characters to make the name of a variable look like another one, but encoding issues can also be introduced accidentally, e.g. when copying & pasting code from the Web that contains unexpected Unicode code points (e.g. because a content management system did some "auto-formatting" such as replacing fl with Unicode 'LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL' (U+FB02)).

  2. Race conditions: A race-condition might occur, i.e. a situation where code is not executing in the sequence expected by the developer. Race conditions often happen in multi-threaded code, but multiple threads are not a requirement for race conditions to be possible – asynchronicity is sufficient (and don't get confused, async does not mean multiple threads are used under the hood).

    Note that therefore JavaScript is also not free from race conditions just because it is single-threaded. See here for a simple single-threaded – but async – example. In the context of an single statement the race condition however would be rather hard to hit in JavaScript.

    JavaScript with web workers is a bit different, as you can have multiple threads. @mehulmpt has shown us a great proof-of-concept using web workers.

  3. Side-effects: A side-effect of the equality comparison operation (which doesn't have to be as obvious as in the examples here, often side-effects are very subtle).

These kind of issues can appear in many programming languages, not only JavaScript, so we aren't seeing one of the classical JavaScript WTFs here1.

Of course, the interview question and the samples here all look very contrived. But they are a good reminder that:

  • Side-effects can get really nasty and that a well-designed program should be free from unwanted side-effects.
  • Multi-threading and mutable state can be problematic.
  • Not doing character encoding and string processing right can lead to nasty bugs.

1 For example, you can find an example in a totally different programming language (C#) exhibiting a side-effect (an obvious one) here.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Apache\htdocs\test.php on line 2

Uncomment the line extension=php_mysql.dll in your "php.ini" file and restart Apache.

Additionally, "libmysql.dll" file must be available to Apache, i.e., it must be either in available in Windows systems PATH or in Apache working directory.

See more about installing MySQL extension in manual.

P.S. I would advise to consider MySQL extension as deprecated and to use MySQLi or even PDO for working with databases (I prefer PDO).

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary

You can use for loop to iterate over the dictionary and get the name of key you want to find in the dictionary, after that check if it exist or not using if condition:

dic = {'first' : 12, 'second' : 123}
for each in dic:
    if each == 'second': 
        print('the key exists and the corresponding value can be updated in the dictionary')

Add comma to numbers every three digits

You could use Number.toLocaleString():

var number = 1557564534;_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = number.toLocaleString();_x000D_
// 1,557,564,534

batch file to check 64bit or 32bit OS

I use either of the following:


echo 64-bit...

echo 32-bit...


or I set the bit variable, which I later use in my script to run the correct setup.

IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (set bit=x64) ELSE (set bit=x86)


IF "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" (set bit=x86) else (set bit=x64)

Hope this helps.

Get timezone from DateTime

DateTime itself contains no real timezone information. It may know if it's UTC or local, but not what local really means.

DateTimeOffset is somewhat better - that's basically a UTC time and an offset. However, that's still not really enough to determine the timezone, as many different timezones can have the same offset at any one point in time. This sounds like it may be good enough for you though, as all you've got to work with when parsing the date/time is the offset.

The support for time zones as of .NET 3.5 is a lot better than it was, but I'd really like to see a standard "ZonedDateTime" or something like that - a UTC time and an actual time zone. It's easy to build your own, but it would be nice to see it in the standard libraries.

EDIT: Nearly four years later, I'd now suggest using Noda Time which has a rather richer set of date/time types. I'm biased though, as the main author of Noda Time :)

Why does the JFrame setSize() method not set the size correctly?

The top border of frame is of size 30.You can write code for printing the coordinate of any point on the frame using MouseInputAdapter.You will find when the cursor is just below the top border of the frame the y coordinate is not zero , its close to 30.Hence if you give size to frame 300 * 300 , the size available for putting the components on the frame is only 300 * 270.So if you need to have size 300 * 300 ,give 300 * 330 size of the frame.

Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible?

If you know what types your stack will be used with, you can instantiate them expicitly in the cpp file, and keep all relevant code there.

It is also possible to export these across DLLs (!) but it's pretty tricky to get the syntax right (MS-specific combinations of __declspec(dllexport) and the export keyword).

We've used that in a math/geom lib that templated double/float, but had quite a lot of code. (I googled around for it at the time, don't have that code today though.)

Selection with .loc in python

  1. Whenever slicing (a:n) can be used, it can be replaced by fancy indexing (e.g. [a,b,c,...,n]). Fancy indexing is nothing more than listing explicitly all the index values instead of specifying only the limits.

  2. Whenever fancy indexing can be used, it can be replaced by a list of Boolean values (a mask) the same size than the index. The value will be True for index values that would have been included in the fancy index, and False for the values that would have been excluded. It's another way of listing some index values, but which can be easily automated in NumPy and Pandas, e.g by a logical comparison (like in your case).

The second replacement possibility is the one used in your example. In:

iris_data.loc[iris_data['class'] == 'versicolor', 'class'] = 'Iris-versicolor'

the mask

iris_data['class'] == 'versicolor'

is a replacement for a long and silly fancy index which would be list of row numbers where class column (a Series) has the value versicolor.

Whether a Boolean mask appears within a .iloc or .loc (e.g. df.loc[mask]) indexer or directly as the index (e.g. df[mask]) depends on wether a slice is allowed as a direct index. Such cases are shown in the following indexer cheat-sheet:

Pandas indexers loc and iloc cheat-sheet
Pandas indexers loc and iloc cheat-sheet

How to convert an int array to String with toString method in Java

Using the utility I describe here, you can have a more control over the string representation you get for your array.

String[] s = { "hello", "world" };
RichIterable<String> r = RichIterable.from(s);
r.mkString();                 // gives "hello, world"
r.mkString(" | ");            // gives "hello | world"
r.mkString("< ", ", ", " >"); // gives "< hello, world >"

Custom CSS for <audio> tag?

There is not currently any way to style HTML5 <audio> players using CSS. Instead, you can leave off the control attribute, and implement your own controls using Javascript. If you don't want to implement them all on your own, I'd recommend using an existing themeable HTML5 audio player, such as jPlayer.

How to create many labels and textboxes dynamically depending on the value of an integer variable?

Suppose you have a button that when pressed sets n to 5, you could then generate labels and textboxes on your form like so.

var n = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    //Create label
    Label label = new Label();
    label.Text = String.Format("Label {0}", i);
    //Position label on screen
    label.Left = 10;
    label.Top = (i + 1) * 20;
    //Create textbox
    TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
    //Position textbox on screen
    textBox.Left = 120;
    textBox.Top = (i + 1) * 20;
    //Add controls to form

This will not only add them to the form but position them decently as well.

MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots

you must chmod and chown the new folder

chown -R redis and chmod ...

How can I pop-up a print dialog box using Javascript?

You can tie it to button or on load of the page.


Can I stop 100% Width Text Boxes from extending beyond their containers?

Just style the input to offset for the extra padding. In the following example the padding on the input would be 10px on the left and right for a total padding offset of 20px:

   width: calc(100% - 20px);

Ruby, Difference between exec, system and %x() or Backticks

They do different things. exec replaces the current process with the new process and never returns. system invokes another process and returns its exit value to the current process. Using backticks invokes another process and returns the output of that process to the current process.

Updating a date in Oracle SQL table

Here is how you set the date and time:

update user set expiry_date=TO_DATE('31/DEC/2017 12:59:59', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') where id=123;

Output (echo/print) everything from a PHP Array

 //@parram $data-array,$d-if true then die by default it is false
 //@author Your name

 function p($data,$d = false){

     echo "<pre>"; 
     echo "</pre>"; 

     if($d == TRUE){

Use this function every time whenver you need to string or array it will wroks just GREAT.
There are 2 Patameters
1.$data - It can be Array or String
2.$d - By Default it is FALSE but if you set to true then it will execute die() function

In your case you can use in this way....

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    p($row); // Use this function if you use above function in your page.

Data binding to SelectedItem in a WPF Treeview

Answer with attached properties and no external dependencies, should the need ever arise!

You can create an attached property that is bindable and has a getter and setter:

public class TreeViewHelper
    private static Dictionary<DependencyObject, TreeViewSelectedItemBehavior> behaviors = new Dictionary<DependencyObject, TreeViewSelectedItemBehavior>();

    public static object GetSelectedItem(DependencyObject obj)
        return (object)obj.GetValue(SelectedItemProperty);

    public static void SetSelectedItem(DependencyObject obj, object value)
        obj.SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value);

    // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for SelectedItem.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
    public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedItemProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("SelectedItem", typeof(object), typeof(TreeViewHelper), new UIPropertyMetadata(null, SelectedItemChanged));

    private static void SelectedItemChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (!(obj is TreeView))

        if (!behaviors.ContainsKey(obj))
            behaviors.Add(obj, new TreeViewSelectedItemBehavior(obj as TreeView));

        TreeViewSelectedItemBehavior view = behaviors[obj];

    private class TreeViewSelectedItemBehavior
        TreeView view;
        public TreeViewSelectedItemBehavior(TreeView view)
            this.view = view;
            view.SelectedItemChanged += (sender, e) => SetSelectedItem(view, e.NewValue);

        internal void ChangeSelectedItem(object p)
            TreeViewItem item = (TreeViewItem)view.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(p);
            item.IsSelected = true;

Add the namespace declaration containing that class to your XAML and bind as follows (local is how I named the namespace declaration):

        <TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Root.Children}" local:TreeViewHelper.SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}">


Now you can bind the selected item, and also set it in your view model to change it programmatically, should that requirement ever arise. This is, of course, assuming that you implement INotifyPropertyChanged on that particular property.

Finding the 'type' of an input element

Check the type property. Would that suffice?

How To change the column order of An Existing Table in SQL Server 2008

If your table doesn't have any records you can just drop then create your table.

If it has records you can do it using your SQL Server Management Studio.

Just click your table > right click > click Design then you can now arrange the order of the columns by dragging the fields on the order that you want then click save.

Best Regards

Detecting Browser Autofill

I used this solution for same problem.

HTML code should change to this:

<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="text" name="password" id="txt_password" />

and jQuery code should be in document.ready:


Git Push ERROR: Repository not found

remote: Repository not found. can be a frustratingly misleading error message from when trying to push to an HTTPS remote where you don't have write permissions.

Check your write permissions on the repository!

Trying an SSH remote to the same repository shows a different response:

% git remote add ssh [email protected]:our-organisation/some-repository.git

% git fetch ssh
* [new branch]        MO_Adding_ECS_configs             -> ssh/MO_Adding_ECS_configs
* [new branch]        update_gems                       -> ssh/update_gems

% git push ssh     
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

"The correct access rights?"

Well why didn't you say so?

It's worth noting at this point that while the SSH failure mode in this scenario is slightly better, I use HTTPS remotes over SSH because GitHub recommend HTTPS over SSH.

I understand that GitHub uses "Not Found" where it means "Forbidden" in some circumstances to prevent inadvertently reveling the existence of a private repository.

Requests that require authentication will return 404 Not Found, instead of 403 Forbidden, in some places. This is to prevent the accidental leakage of private repositories to unauthorized users.


This is a fairly common practice around the web, indeed it is defined:

The 404 (Not Found) status code indicates that the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.

--6.5.4. 404 Not Found, RFC 7231 HTTP/1.1 Semantics and Content (emphasis mine)

What makes no sense to me is when I am authenticated with GitHub using a credential helper and I have access to that repository (having successfully cloned and fetched it) that GitHub would choose to hide its existence from me because of missing write permissions.

Checking using a web browser confirmed that I didn't have write permissions to the repository. Our team's GitHub administrators were able to grant my team write access in a short time and I was able to push the branch up.

Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android

I have a solution for your problem. You can check the ScrollView code it handles only vertical scrolling and ignores the horizontal one and modify this. I wanted a view like a webview, so modified ScrollView and it worked well for me. But this may not suit your needs.

Let me know what kind of UI you are targeting for.


Ravi Pandit

CSS rotation cross browser with jquery.animate()

CSS-Transforms are not possible to animate with jQuery, yet. You can do something like this:

function AnimateRotate(angle) {
    // caching the object for performance reasons
    var $elem = $('#MyDiv2');

    // we use a pseudo object for the animation
    // (starts from `0` to `angle`), you can name it as you want
    $({deg: 0}).animate({deg: angle}, {
        duration: 2000,
        step: function(now) {
            // in the step-callback (that is fired each step of the animation),
            // you can use the `now` paramter which contains the current
            // animation-position (`0` up to `angle`)
                transform: 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)'

You can read more about the step-callback here:

And, btw: you don't need to prefix css3 transforms with jQuery 1.7+


You can wrap this in a jQuery-plugin to make your life a bit easier:

$.fn.animateRotate = function(angle, duration, easing, complete) {
  return this.each(function() {
    var $elem = $(this);

    $({deg: 0}).animate({deg: angle}, {
      duration: duration,
      easing: easing,
      step: function(now) {
           transform: 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)'
      complete: complete || $.noop



I optimized it a bit to make the order of easing, duration and complete insignificant.

$.fn.animateRotate = function(angle, duration, easing, complete) {
  var args = $.speed(duration, easing, complete);
  var step = args.step;
  return this.each(function(i, e) {
    args.complete = $.proxy(args.complete, e);
    args.step = function(now) {
      $.style(e, 'transform', 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)');
      if (step) return step.apply(e, arguments);

    $({deg: 0}).animate({deg: angle}, args);

Update 2.1

Thanks to matteo who noted an issue with the this-context in the complete-callback. If fixed it by binding the callback with jQuery.proxy on each node.

I've added the edition to the code before from Update 2.

Update 2.2

This is a possible modification if you want to do something like toggle the rotation back and forth. I simply added a start parameter to the function and replaced this line:

$({deg: start}).animate({deg: angle}, args);

If anyone knows how to make this more generic for all use cases, whether or not they want to set a start degree, please make the appropriate edit.

The quite simple!

Mainly you've two ways to reach the desired result. But at the first, let's take a look on the arguments:

jQuery.fn.animateRotate(angle, duration, easing, complete)

Except of "angle" are all of them optional and fallback to the default jQuery.fn.animate-properties:

duration: 400
easing: "swing"
complete: function () {}


This way is the short one, but looks a bit unclear the more arguments we pass in.

$(node).animateRotate(90, function () {});
$(node).animateRotate(90, 1337, 'linear', function () {});


I prefer to use objects if there are more than three arguments, so this syntax is my favorit:

$(node).animateRotate(90, {
  duration: 1337,
  easing: 'linear',
  complete: function () {},
  step: function () {}

how to convert .java file to a .class file

A .java file is the code file. A .class file is the compiled file.

It's not exactly "conversion" - it's compilation. Suppose your file was called "", you would write (in the command prompt):


It will create a herb.class file in the current folder.

It is "executable" only if it contains a static void main(String[]) method inside it. If it does, you can execute it by running (again, command prompt:)

 java herb

Construct pandas DataFrame from list of tuples of (row,col,values)

You can pivot your DataFrame after creating:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df.pivot(index=0, columns=1, values=2)
# avg DataFrame
1      c1     c2
r1  avg11  avg12
r2  avg21  avg22
>>> df.pivot(index=0, columns=1, values=3)
# stdev DataFrame
1        c1       c2
r1  stdev11  stdev12
r2  stdev21  stdev22

Change project name on Android Studio

Change the Project Name

Change the name of your project by closing the Android Studio, go to your project folder, rename it…

enter image description here

Delete the .idea folder and .iml file. (To show hidden folders, press Cmd + Shift + . (dot) ).

enter image description here

Open the settings.gradle file with a text editor, like VSCode, and change the to your new project name.

enter image description here

Done! The project name has been changed! Just open your project with the Android Studio and Gradle will sync again.

How can I get the IP address from NIC in Python?

It worked for me

 import subprocess
 my_ip = subprocess.Popen(['ifconfig eth0 | awk "/inet /" | cut -d":" -f 2 | cut -d" " -f1'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
 (IP,errors) = my_ip.communicate()
 print IP

Build error, This project references NuGet

This problem appeared for me when I was creating folders in the filesystem (not in my solution) and moved some projects around.

Turns out that the package paths are relative from the csproj files. So I had to change the "HintPath" of my references:

<Reference Include="EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, processorArchitecture=MSIL">


<Reference Include="EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

Notice the double "..\" in 'HintPath'.

I also had to change my error conditions, for example I had to change:

<Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.1.1\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.1.1\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props'))" />


<Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.1.1\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.1.1\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props'))" />

Again, notice the double "..\".

Difference between onStart() and onResume()

Short answer:

We can't live without onStart because that is the state when the activity becomes "visible" to the user, but the user cant "interact" with it yet may be cause it's overlapped with some other small dialog. This ability to interact with the user is the one that differentiates onStart and onResume. Think of it as a person behind a glass door. You can see the person but you can't interact (talk/listen/shake hands) with him. OnResume is like the door opener after which you can begin the interaction.

Additionally onRestart() is the least understood one. We can ask the question as to why not directly go to onStart() or onResume() after onStop() instead of onRestart(). It becomes easier to understand if we note that onRestart() is partially equivalent to onCreate() if the creation part is omitted. Basically both states lead to onStart() (i.e the Activity becomes visible). So both the states have to "prepare" the stuff to be displayed. OnCreate has the additional responsibility to "create" the stuff to be displayed

So their code structures might fit to something like:





The entire confusion is caused since Google chose non-intuitive names instead of something as follows:

onCreateAndPrepareToDisplay()   [instead of onCreate() ]
onPrepareToDisplay()            [instead of onRestart() ]
onVisible()                     [instead of onStart() ]
onBeginInteraction()            [instead of onResume() ]
onPauseInteraction()            [instead of onPause() ]
onInvisible()                   [instead of onStop]
onDestroy()                     [no change] 

The Activity Diagram might be interpreted as:

Android Activity Lifecycle

Objective-C : BOOL vs bool

As mentioned above BOOL could be an unsigned char type depending on your architecture, while bool is of type int. A simple experiment will show the difference why BOOL and bool can behave differently:

bool ansicBool = 64;
if(ansicBool != true) printf("This will not print\n");

printf("Any given vlaue other than 0 to ansicBool is evaluated to %i\n", ansicBool);

BOOL objcBOOL = 64;
if(objcBOOL != YES) printf("This might print depnding on your architecture\n");

printf("BOOL will keep whatever value you assign it: %i\n", objcBOOL);

if(!objcBOOL) printf("This will not print\n");

printf("! operator will zero objcBOOL %i\n", !objcBOOL);

if(!!objcBOOL) printf("!! will evaluate objcBOOL value to %i\n", !!objcBOOL);

To your surprise if(objcBOOL != YES) will evaluates to 1 by the compiler, since YES is actually the character code 1, and in the eyes of compiler, character code 64 is of course not equal to character code 1 thus the if statement will evaluate to YES/true/1 and the following line will run. However since a none zero bool type always evaluates to the integer value of 1, the above issue will not effect your code. Below are some good tips if you want to use the Objective-C BOOL type vs the ANSI C bool type:

  • Always assign the YES or NO value and nothing else.
  • Convert BOOL types by using double not !! operator to avoid unexpected results.
  • When checking for YES use if(!myBool) instead of if(myBool != YES) it is much cleaner to use the not ! operator and gives the expected result.

MySQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on create and on update


Using Java generics for JPA findAll() query with WHERE clause

I found this page very useful

public abstract class GenericDAOWithJPA<T, ID extends Serializable> {

    private Class<T> persistentClass;

    //This you might want to get injected by the container
    protected EntityManager entityManager;

    public GenericDAOWithJPA() {
            this.persistentClass = (Class<T>) ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];

    public List<T> findAll() {
            return entityManager.createQuery("Select t from " + persistentClass.getSimpleName() + " t").getResultList();

Set a request header in JavaScript

For people looking this up now:

It seems that now setting the User-Agent header is allowed since Firefox 43. See for the current list of forbidden headers.

DateTime.TryParse issue with dates of yyyy-dd-MM format

If you give the user the opportunity to change the date/time format, then you'll have to create a corresponding format string to use for parsing. If you know the possible date formats (i.e. the user has to select from a list), then this is much easier because you can create those format strings at compile time.

If you let the user do free-format design of the date/time format, then you'll have to create the corresponding DateTime format strings at runtime.

In Subversion can I be a user other than my login name?

I believe you can set the SVN_USER environment variable to change your SVN username.

Moving from one activity to another Activity in Android


I think this line of code should be moved to the next activity...

favicon.png vs favicon.ico - why should I use PNG instead of ICO?

The theoretical advantage of *.ico files is that they are containers than can hold more than one icon. You could for instance store an image with alpha channel and a 16 colour version for legacy systems, or you could add 32x32 and 48x48 icons (which would show up when e.g. dragging a link to Windows explorer).

This good idea, however, tends to clash with browser implementations.

How do I set a Windows scheduled task to run in the background?

As noted by Mattias Nordqvist in the comments below, you can also select the radio button option "Run whether user is logged on or not". When saving the task, you will be prompted once for the user password. bambams noted that this wouldn't grant System permissions to the process, and also seems to hide the command window.

It's not an obvious solution, but to make a Scheduled Task run in the background, change the User running the task to "SYSTEM", and nothing will appear on your screen.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Split Spark Dataframe string column into multiple columns

Here's a solution to the general case that doesn't involve needing to know the length of the array ahead of time, using collect, or using udfs. Unfortunately this only works for spark version 2.1 and above, because it requires the posexplode function.

Suppose you had the following DataFrame:

df = spark.createDataFrame(
        [1, 'A, B, C, D'], 
        [2, 'E, F, G'], 
        [3, 'H, I'], 
        [4, 'J']
    , ["num", "letters"]
#|num|   letters|
#|  1|A, B, C, D|
#|  2|   E, F, G|
#|  3|      H, I|
#|  4|         J|

Split the letters column and then use posexplode to explode the resultant array along with the position in the array. Next use pyspark.sql.functions.expr to grab the element at index pos in this array.

import pyspark.sql.functions as f
        f.split("letters", ", ").alias("letters"),
        f.posexplode(f.split("letters", ", ")).alias("pos", "val")
#|num|     letters|pos|val|
#|  1|[A, B, C, D]|  0|  A|
#|  1|[A, B, C, D]|  1|  B|
#|  1|[A, B, C, D]|  2|  C|
#|  1|[A, B, C, D]|  3|  D|
#|  2|   [E, F, G]|  0|  E|
#|  2|   [E, F, G]|  1|  F|
#|  2|   [E, F, G]|  2|  G|
#|  3|      [H, I]|  0|  H|
#|  3|      [H, I]|  1|  I|
#|  4|         [J]|  0|  J|

Now we create two new columns from this result. First one is the name of our new column, which will be a concatenation of letter and the index in the array. The second column will be the value at the corresponding index in the array. We get the latter by exploiting the functionality of pyspark.sql.functions.expr which allows us use column values as parameters.
        f.split("letters", ", ").alias("letters"),
        f.posexplode(f.split("letters", ", ")).alias("pos", "val")
#|num|   name|val|
#|  1|letter0|  A|
#|  1|letter1|  B|
#|  1|letter2|  C|
#|  1|letter3|  D|
#|  2|letter0|  E|
#|  2|letter1|  F|
#|  2|letter2|  G|
#|  3|letter0|  H|
#|  3|letter1|  I|
#|  4|letter0|  J|

Now we can just groupBy the num and pivot the DataFrame. Putting that all together, we get:
        f.split("letters", ", ").alias("letters"),
        f.posexplode(f.split("letters", ", ")).alias("pos", "val")
#|  1|      A|      B|      C|      D|
#|  3|      H|      I|   null|   null|
#|  2|      E|      F|      G|   null|
#|  4|      J|   null|   null|   null|

Change multiple files

u can make

'xxxx' text u search and will replace it with 'yyyy'

grep -Rn '**xxxx**' /path | awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs sed -i 's/**xxxx**/**yyyy**/'

There is an error in XML document (1, 41)

First check the variables declared using proper Datatypes. I had a same problem then I have checked, by mistake I declared SAPUser as int datatype so that the error occurred. One more thing XML file stores its data using concept like array but its first index starts having +1. e.g. if error is in(7,2) then check for 6th line always.....

Color picker utility (color pipette) in Ubuntu

You can install the package gcolor2 for this:

sudo apt-get install gcolor2


Applications -> Graphics -> GColor2

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo

Sometimes isMinifyEnabled = false may help (make sure you clean the project before launch)

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected [

Are you using php 5.4 on your local? the render line is using the new way of initializing arrays. Try replacing ["title" => "Welcome "] with array("title" => "Welcome ")

Preloading images with JavaScript

In my case it was useful to add a callback to your function for onload event:

function preloadImage(url, callback)
    var img=new Image();
    img.onload = callback;

And then wrap it for case of an array of URLs to images to be preloaded with callback on all is done:

function preloadImages(urls, allImagesLoadedCallback){
    var loadedCounter = 0;
  var toBeLoadedNumber = urls.length;
    preloadImage(url, function(){
            console.log('Number of loaded images: ' + loadedCounter);
      if(loadedCounter == toBeLoadedNumber){
  function preloadImage(url, anImageLoadedCallback){
      var img = new Image();
      img.onload = anImageLoadedCallback;
      img.src = url;

// Let's call it:
], function(){
    console.log('All images were loaded');

Use VBA to Clear Immediate Window?

I tested this code based on all the comments above. Seems to work flawlessly. Comments?

Sub ResetImmediate()  
        Debug.Print String(5, "*") & " Hi there mom. " & String(5, "*") & vbTab & "Smile"  
        Application.SendKeys "^g ^a {DEL} {HOME}"  
        Debug.Print "Bye Mom!"  
End Sub

Previously used the Debug.Print String(200, chr(10)) which takes advantage of the Buffer overflow limit of 200 lines. Didn't like this method much but it works.

Prevent scroll-bar from adding-up to the Width of page on Chrome

All you need to do is add:

html {
    overflow-y: scroll;

In your css file as this will have the scroller whether it is needed or not though you just won't be able to scroll

This means that the viewport will have the same width for both

How to append a newline to StringBuilder

For Kotlin,

StringBuilder().appendLine("your text");

Though this is a java question, this is also the first google result for Kotlin, might come in handy.

How do I put an image into my picturebox using ImageLocation?

if you provide a bad path or a broken link, if the compiler cannot find the image, the picture box would display an X icon on its body.

PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            Image = Image.FromFile(@"c:\Images\test.jpg"),
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage


PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            ImageLocation = @"c:\Images\test.jpg",
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage

i'm not sure where you put images in your folder structure but you can find the path as bellow

 picture.ImageLocation = Path.Combine(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "Resources\Images\1.jpg");

How to add a 'or' condition in #ifdef

May use this-

#if defined CONDITION1 || defined CONDITION2
//your code here

This also does the same-

#if defined(CONDITION1) || defined(CONDITION2)
//your code here


  • AND: #if defined CONDITION1 && defined CONDITION2
  • XOR: #if defined CONDITION1 ^ defined CONDITION2
  • AND NOT: #if defined CONDITION1 && !defined CONDITION2

Multiple commands on a single line in a Windows batch file

Can be achieved also with scriptrunner

ScriptRunner.exe -appvscript demoA.cmd arg1 arg2 -appvscriptrunnerparameters -wait -timeout=30 -rollbackonerror -appvscript demoB.ps1 arg3 arg4 -appvscriptrunnerparameters -wait -timeout=30 

Which also have some features as rollback , timeout and waiting.

The Role Manager feature has not been enabled

You can do this by reading from the boolean property at:


This is a direct read from the enabled attribute of the roleManager element in the web.config:

    <roleManager enabled="true" />

For more information, check out this MSDN sample:

Creating a batch file, for simple javac and java command execution

  1. Open Notepad

  2. Type in the following:

    javac *
    java Main
  3. SaveAs Main.bat or whatever name you wish to use for the batch file

Make sure that is in the same folder along with your batch file

Double Click on the batch file to run the file

How to get mouse position in jQuery without mouse-events?

use window.event - it contains last event and as any event contains pageX, pageY etc. Works for Chrome, Safari, IE but not FF.

Make a float only show two decimal places

If you need to float value as well:

NSString* formattedNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.02f", myFloat];
float floatTwoDecimalDigits = atof([formattedNumber UTF8String]);

Correct way to work with vector of arrays

Every element of your vector is a float[4], so when you resize every element needs to default initialized from a float[4]. I take it you tried to initialize with an int value like 0?


static float zeros[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
myvector.resize(newsize, zeros);

Is there a decorator to simply cache function return values?

There is fastcache, which is "C implementation of Python 3 functools.lru_cache. Provides speedup of 10-30x over standard library."

Same as chosen answer, just different import:

from fastcache import lru_cache
@lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False)
def f(a, b):

Also, it comes installed in Anaconda, unlike functools which needs to be installed.

Resize on div element

There is a really nice, easy to use, lightweight (uses native browser events for detection) plugin for both basic JavaScript and for jQuery that was released this year. It performs perfectly:

Best way to work with transactions in MS SQL Server Management Studio

The easisest thing to do is to wrap your code in a transaction, and then execute each batch of T-SQL code line by line.

For example,

Begin Transaction

         -Do some T-SQL queries here.

Rollback transaction -- OR commit transaction

If you want to incorporate error handling you can do so by using a TRY...CATCH BLOCK. Should an error occur you can then rollback the tranasction within the catch block.

For example:

USE AdventureWorks;

    -- Generate a constraint violation error.
    DELETE FROM Production.Product
    WHERE ProductID = 980;
        ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber
        ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity
        ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState
        ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure
        ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine
        ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;

    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0


See the following link for more details.

Hope this helps but please let me know if you need more details.

Quick way to create a list of values in C#?

Check out C# 3.0's Collection Initializers.

var list = new List<string> { "test1", "test2", "test3" };

Query to display all tablespaces in a database and datafiles

If you want to get a list of all tablespaces used in the current database instance, you can use the DBA_TABLESPACES view as shown in the following SQL script example:

SQL> connect SYSTEM/fyicenter

------------------------------ --------- ---------
SYSTEM                         ONLINE    PERMANENT
UNDO                           ONLINE    UNDO
SYSAUX                         ONLINE    PERMANENT
TEMP                           ONLINE    TEMPORARY
USERS                          ONLINE    PERMANENT

How to loop through all but the last item of a list?

for x in y[:-1]

If y is a generator, then the above will not work.

Removing a list of characters in string

Perhaps a more modern and functional way to achieve what you wish:

>>> subj = 'A.B!C?'
>>> list = set([',', '!', '.', ';', '?'])
>>> filter(lambda x: x not in list, subj)

please note that for this particular purpose it's quite an overkill, but once you need more complex conditions, filter comes handy

AJAX in Chrome sending OPTIONS instead of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE?

            url: '###',
            contentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
            async: false,
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: true,
                crossDomain: true,
                Authorization: "Bearer ...."

            method: 'POST',

            data: JSON.stringify( request ),
            success: function (data) {

the contentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', or just contentType: 'text/plain', works for me! regards!!

IN-clause in HQL or Java Persistence Query Language

Using pure JPA with Hibernate 5.0.2.Final as the actual provider the following seems to work with positional parameters as well:

    @NamedQuery(name = "byAttributes", query = "select e from Entity e where e.attribute in (?1)") })
public class Entity {
    @Column(name = "attribute")
    private String attribute;

public class Dao {
    public List<Entity> findByAttributes(Set<String> attributes) {
        Query query = em.createNamedQuery("byAttributes");
        query.setParameter(1, attributes);

        List<Entity> entities = query.getResultList();
        return entities;

How to find item with max value using linq?

With EF or LINQ to SQL:

var item = db.Items.OrderByDescending(i => i.Value).FirstOrDefault();

With LINQ to Objects I suggest to use morelinq extension MaxBy (get morelinq from nuget):

var item = items.MaxBy(i => i.Value);

Maven: Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor error

I had to change my password to the latest in the user.home/.m2/settings.xml file!

Swift: Determine iOS Screen size

In Swift 3.0

let screenSize = UIScreen.main.bounds
let screenWidth = screenSize.width
let screenHeight = screenSize.height

In older swift: Do something like this:

let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds

then you can access the width and height like this:

let screenWidth = screenSize.width
let screenHeight = screenSize.height

if you want 75% of your screen's width you can go:

let screenWidth = screenSize.width * 0.75

Swift 4.0

// Screen width.
public var screenWidth: CGFloat {
    return UIScreen.main.bounds.width

// Screen height.
public var screenHeight: CGFloat {
    return UIScreen.main.bounds.height

In Swift 5.0

let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds

How do write IF ELSE statement in a MySQL query

You're looking for case:

case when action = 2 and state = 0 then 1 else 0 end as state

MySQL has an if syntax (if(action=2 and state=0, 1, 0)), but case is more universal.

Note that the as state there is just aliasing the column. I'm assuming this is in the column list of your SQL query.

How to getText on an input in protractor

You have to use Promise to print or store values of element.

 var ExpectedValue:string ="";
          element("xyz")).getAttribute("value").then(function (Text) {

                        expect(Text.trim()).toEqual("ExpectedValue", "Wrong page navigated");//Assertion
        console.log("Text");//Print here in Console


How do I pass a URL with multiple parameters into a URL?

Rather than html encoding your URL parameter, you need to URL encode it:

You can do this easily in most languages - in javascript:

var encodedParam = encodeURIComponent('');
// encodedParam = ''

(there are equivalent methods in other languages too)

How to refresh or show immediately in datagridview after inserting?

Try below piece of code.


How can I use interface as a C# generic type constraint?

If possible, I went with a solution like this. It only works if you want several specific interfaces (e.g. those you have source access to) to be passed as a generic parameter, not any.

  • I let my interfaces, which came into question, inherit an empty interface IInterface.
  • I constrained the generic T parameter to be of IInterface

In source, it looks like this:

  • Any interface you want to be passed as the generic parameter:

    public interface IWhatever : IInterface
        // IWhatever specific declarations
  • IInterface:

    public interface IInterface
        // Nothing in here, keep moving
  • The class on which you want to put the type constraint:

    public class WorldPeaceGenerator<T> where T : IInterface
        // Actual world peace generating code

Java: Calculating the angle between two points in degrees

What about something like :

angle = angle % 360;

How can I tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport?

Update: Time marches on and so have our browsers. This technique is no longer recommended and you should use Dan's solution if you do not need to support version of Internet Explorer before 7.

Original solution (now outdated):

This will check if the element is entirely visible in the current viewport:

function elementInViewport(el) {
  var top = el.offsetTop;
  var left = el.offsetLeft;
  var width = el.offsetWidth;
  var height = el.offsetHeight;

  while(el.offsetParent) {
    el = el.offsetParent;
    top += el.offsetTop;
    left += el.offsetLeft;

  return (
    top >= window.pageYOffset &&
    left >= window.pageXOffset &&
    (top + height) <= (window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) &&
    (left + width) <= (window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth)

You could modify this simply to determine if any part of the element is visible in the viewport:

function elementInViewport2(el) {
  var top = el.offsetTop;
  var left = el.offsetLeft;
  var width = el.offsetWidth;
  var height = el.offsetHeight;

  while(el.offsetParent) {
    el = el.offsetParent;
    top += el.offsetTop;
    left += el.offsetLeft;

  return (
    top < (window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) &&
    left < (window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth) &&
    (top + height) > window.pageYOffset &&
    (left + width) > window.pageXOffset

Best Way to Refresh Adapter/ListView on Android

You should use adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(). What does the logs says when you use that?

Validate phone number using angular js

use ng-intl-tel-input to validate mobile numbers for all countries. you can set default country also. on npm:

more details:

How to get C# Enum description from value?

int value = 1;
string description = Enumerations.GetEnumDescription((MyEnum)value);

The default underlying data type for an enum in C# is an int, you can just cast it.

Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

I realize this is a several years old question, but...

On Access 2010, you can use InStrRev() to do this. Hope this helps.

Simplest way to throw an error/exception with a custom message in Swift 2?

@nick-keets's solution is most elegant, but it did break down for me in test target with the following compile time error:

Redundant conformance of 'String' to protocol 'Error'

Here's another approach:

struct RuntimeError: Error {
    let message: String

    init(_ message: String) {
        self.message = message

    public var localizedDescription: String {
        return message

And to use:

throw RuntimeError("Error message.")

How to format a number as percentage in R?

You can use the scales package just for this operation (without loading it with require or library)


Redis strings vs Redis hashes to represent JSON: efficiency?

It depends on how you access the data:

Go for Option 1:

  • If you use most of the fields on most of your accesses.
  • If there is variance on possible keys

Go for Option 2:

  • If you use just single fields on most of your accesses.
  • If you always know which fields are available

P.S.: As a rule of the thumb, go for the option which requires fewer queries on most of your use cases.

MATLAB - multiple return values from a function?

Matlab allows you to return multiple values as well as receive them inline.

When you call it, receive individual variables inline:

[array, listp, freep] = initialize(size)

How to create and write to a txt file using VBA

To elaborate on Ben's answer:

If you add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime and correctly type the variable fso you can take advantage of autocompletion (Intellisense) and discover the other great features of FileSystemObject.

Here is a complete example module:

Option Explicit

' Go to Tools -> References... and check "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" to be able to use
' the FileSystemObject which has many useful features for handling files and folders
Public Sub SaveTextToFile()

    Dim filePath As String
    filePath = "C:\temp\MyTestFile.txt"

    ' The advantage of correctly typing fso as FileSystemObject is to make autocompletion
    ' (Intellisense) work, which helps you avoid typos and lets you discover other useful
    ' methods of the FileSystemObject
    Dim fso As FileSystemObject
    Set fso = New FileSystemObject
    Dim fileStream As TextStream

    ' Here the actual file is created and opened for write access
    Set fileStream = fso.CreateTextFile(filePath)

    ' Write something to the file
    fileStream.WriteLine "something"

    ' Close it, so it is not locked anymore

    ' Here is another great method of the FileSystemObject that checks if a file exists
    If fso.FileExists(filePath) Then
        MsgBox "Yay! The file was created! :D"
    End If

    ' Explicitly setting objects to Nothing should not be necessary in most cases, but if
    ' you're writing macros for Microsoft Access, you may want to uncomment the following
    ' two lines (see for details):
    'Set fileStream = Nothing
    'Set fso = Nothing

End Sub

Tool to Unminify / Decompress JavaScript

Similar to Stone's answer, but for Windows/.NET developers:

If you have Visual Studio and ReSharper - An easy alternative for formatting Javascript is:

  • Open the file with Visual Studio;
  • Click on ReSharper > Tools > Cleanup Code (Ctrl+E, C);
  • Select "Default: Reformat code", and click OK;
  • Crack open a beer.

Capture iOS Simulator video for App Preview

You can record a portion of the screen with built-in screenshot utility:

  1. Press Shift-Command-5 to show a control panel.
  2. Select enter image description here.
  3. Select a portion of the screen you want to record. That would be the iPhone simulator.
  4. Click enter image description here to stop recording.
  5. A thumbnail will appear at the bottom right corner of the screen. You can edit it before saving.

If you want to visualize mouse clicks, after step 1 select Options control and enable Show Mouse Clicks.

How to make a flat list out of list of lists?

matplotlib.cbook.flatten() will work for nested lists even if they nest more deeply than the example.

import matplotlib
l = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8, 9]]
l2 = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8, [9, 10, [11, 12, [13]]]]]
print list(matplotlib.cbook.flatten(l2))


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]

This is 18x faster than underscore._.flatten:

Average time over 1000 trials of matplotlib.cbook.flatten: 2.55e-05 sec
Average time over 1000 trials of underscore._.flatten: 4.63e-04 sec
(time for underscore._)/(time for matplotlib.cbook) = 18.1233394636

Get hours difference between two dates in Moment Js

Following code block shows how to calculate the difference in number of days between two dates using MomentJS.

var now = moment(new Date()); //todays date
var end = moment("2015-12-1"); // another date
var duration = moment.duration(now.diff(end));
var days = duration.asDays();

Pip freeze vs. pip list

pip list shows ALL installed packages.

pip freeze shows packages YOU installed via pip (or pipenv if using that tool) command in a requirements format.

Remark below that setuptools, pip, wheel are installed when pipenv shell creates my virtual envelope. These packages were NOT installed by me using pip:

test1 % pipenv shell
Creating a virtualenv for this project…
Pipfile: /Users/terrence/Development/Python/Projects/test1/Pipfile
Using /usr/local/Cellar/pipenv/2018.11.26_3/libexec/bin/python3.8 (3.8.1) to create virtualenv…
? Creating virtual environment...
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
? Successfully created virtual environment! 

Now review & compare the output of the respective commands where I've only installed cool-lib and sampleproject (of which peppercorn is a dependency):

test1 % pip freeze       <== Packages I'VE installed w/ pip

-e git+<snip>71#egg=cool_lib

test1 % pip list         <== All packages, incl. ones I've NOT installed w/ pip

Package       Version Location                                                                    
------------- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
cool-lib      0.1  /Users/terrence/.local/share/virtualenvs/test1-y2Zgz1D2/src/cool-lib           <== Installed w/ `pip` command
peppercorn    0.6       <== Dependency of "sampleproject"
pip           20.0.2  
sampleproject 1.3.1     <== Installed w/ `pip` command
setuptools    45.1.0  
wheel         0.34.2

Input Type image submit form value?

well if i was in your place i would do this.I would have an hidden field and based on the input image field i would change the hidden field value(jQuery), and then finally submit the hidden field whose value reflects the image field.

test if event handler is bound to an element in jQuery

I had the same need & quickly patched an existing code to be able to do something like this:

 if( $('.scroll').hasHandlers('mouseout') )  // could be click, or '*'...
   ... code ..

It works for event delegation too:

 if ( $('#main').hasHandlers('click','.simple-search') )  ...

It is available here : jquery-handler-toolkit.js

Node.js Port 3000 already in use but it actually isn't?

I have solved this problem because the MongoDB or there is another app u had run it before on this port, so to solve it kill the process from task manager, or just change the number of the port from 3000 to any other one.

Cannot find "Package Explorer" view in Eclipse

You might be in debug mode. If this is the problem, you can simply click on the "Java" button (next to the "Debug" button) in the upper-right hand corner, or click on "Open Perspective" and then select "Java (default)" from the "Open Perspective" window.

Copy Files from Windows to the Ubuntu Subsystem

You should be able to access your windows system under the /mnt directory. For example inside of bash, use this to get to your pictures directory:

cd /mnt/c/Users/<ubuntu.username>/Pictures

Hope this helps!

How to sort an array based on the length of each element?

#created a sorting function to sort by length of elements of list
def sort_len(a):
    num = len(a)
    d = {}
    i = 0
    while i<num:
        d[i] = len(a[i])
        i += 1
    b = list(d.values())
    c = []
    for i in b:
        for j in range(num):
            if j in list(d.keys()):
                if d[j] == i:
    return c

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". in a Maven Project

The message you mention is quite clear:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

SLF4J API could not find a binding, and decided to default to a NOP implementation. In your case slf4j-log4j12.jar was somehow not visible when the LoggerFactory class was loaded into memory, which is admittedly very strange. What does "mvn dependency:tree" tell you?

The various dependency declarations may not even be directly at cause here. I strongly suspect that a pre-1.6 version of slf4j-api.jar is being deployed without your knowledge.

Only detect click event on pseudo-element

None of these answers are reliable, and mine wont be much more reliable.

Caveats aside, if you do get into the lucky scenario where the element you're trying to have clicked doesn't have padding (such that all of the "inner" space of the element is completely covered by sub-elements), then you can check the target of the click event against the container itself. If it matches, that means you've clicked a :before or :after element.

Obviously this would not be feasible with both types (before and after) however I have implemented it as a hack/speed fix and it is working very well, without a bunch of position checking, which may be inaccurate depending on about a million different factors.

What's the difference between process.cwd() vs __dirname?

Knowing the scope of each can make things easier to remember.

process is node's global object, and .cwd() returns where node is running.

__dirname is module's property, and represents the file path of the module. In node, one module resides in one file.

Similarly, __filename is another module's property, which holds the file name of the module.

Get the first item from an iterable that matches a condition


thefirst = [i for i in range(10) if i > 3][0]

If youre not sure that any element will be valid according to the criteria, you should enclose this with try/except since that [0] can raise an IndexError.

git cherry-pick says "...38c74d is a merge but no -m option was given"

Simplify. Cherry-pick the commits. Don't cherry-pick the merge.

Here's a rewrite of the accepted answer that ideally clarifies the advantages/risks of possible approaches:

You're trying to cherry pick fd9f578, which was a merge with two parents.

Instead of cherry-picking a merge, the simplest thing is to cherry pick the commit(s) you actually want from each branch in the merge.

Since you've already merged, it's likely all your desired commits are in your list. Cherry-pick them directly and you don't need to mess with the merge commit.


The way a cherry-pick works is by taking the diff that a changeset represents (the difference between the working tree at that point and the working tree of its parent), and applying the changeset to your current branch.

If a commit has two or more parents, as is the case with a merge, that commit also represents two or more diffs. The error occurs because of the uncertainty over which diff should apply.


If you determine you need to include the merge vs cherry-picking the related commits, you have two options:

  1. (More complicated and obscure; also discards history) you can indicate which parent should apply.

    • Use the -m option to do so. For example, git cherry-pick -m 1 fd9f578 will use the first parent listed in the merge as the base.

    • Also consider that when you cherry-pick a merge commit, it collapses all the changes made in the parent you didn't specify to -m into that one commit. You lose all their history, and glom together all their diffs. Your call.

  2. (Simpler and more familiar; preserves history) you can use git merge instead of git cherry-pick.

    • As is usual with git merge, it will attempt to apply all commits that exist on the branch you are merging, and list them individually in your git log.

Understanding __getitem__ method

__getitem__ can be used to implement "lazy" dict subclasses. The aim is to avoid instantiating a dictionary at once that either already has an inordinately large number of key-value pairs in existing containers, or has an expensive hashing process between existing containers of key-value pairs, or if the dictionary represents a single group of resources that are distributed over the internet.

As a simple example, suppose you have two lists, keys and values, whereby {k:v for k,v in zip(keys, values)} is the dictionary that you need, which must be made lazy for speed or efficiency purposes:

class LazyDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, keys, values):
        self.keys = keys
        self.values = values
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key not in self:
                i = self.keys.index(key)
                self.__setitem__(self.keys.pop(i), self.values.pop(i))
            except ValueError, IndexError:
                raise KeyError("No such key-value pair!!")
        return super().__getitem__(key)


>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> b = [1,2,2,3]
>>> c = LazyDict(a,b)
>>> c[1]
>>> c[4]
>>> c[2]
>>> c[3]
>>> d = LazyDict(a,b)
>>> d.items()

Calling a method inside another method in same class

It is just an overload. The add method is from the ArrayList class. Look that Staff inherits from it.