Programs & Examples On #Beautifulsoup

Beautiful Soup is a Python package for parsing HTML/XML. The latest version of this package is version 4, imported as bs4.

python BeautifulSoup parsing table

from behave import *
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as ec
import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tabulate import tabulate

class readTableDataFromDB: 
    def LookupValueFromColumnSingleKey(context, tablexpath, rowName, columnName):
        print("element present readData From Table")
        element = context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(tablexpath+"/descendant::th")
        indexrow = 1
        indexcolumn = 1
        for values in element:
            valuepresent = values.text
            print("text present here::"+valuepresent+"rowName::"+rowName)
            if valuepresent.find(columnName) != -1:
                 print("current row"+str(indexrow) +"value"+valuepresent)
                 indexrow = indexrow+1    

        indexvalue = context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
        for valuescolumn in indexvalue:
            valuepresentcolumn = valuescolumn.text
            print("Team text present here::" +
            if valuepresentcolumn.find(rowName) != -1:
                print("current column"+str(indexcolumn) +
                indexcolumn = indexcolumn+1

        print("index column"+str(indexcolumn))
        print(tablexpath +"//descendant::tr["+str(indexcolumn)+"]/td["+str(indexrow)+"]")
        #lookupelement = context.driver.find_element_by_xpath(tablexpath +"//descendant::tr["+str(indexcolumn)+"]/td["+str(indexrow)+"]")
        return context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(tablexpath+"//descendant::tr["+str(indexcolumn)+"]/td["+str(indexrow)+"]")

    def LookupValueFromColumnTwoKeyssss(context, tablexpath, rowName, columnName, columnName1):
        print("element present readData From Table")
        element = context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
        indexrow = 1
        indexcolumn = 1
        indexcolumn1 = 1
        for values in element:
            valuepresent = values.text
            print("text present here::"+valuepresent)
            indexrow = indexrow+1
            if valuepresent == columnName:
                print("current row value"+str(indexrow)+"value"+valuepresent)

        for values in element:
            valuepresent = values.text
            print("text present here::"+valuepresent)
            indexrow = indexrow+1
            if valuepresent.find(columnName1) != -1:
                print("current row value"+str(indexrow)+"value"+valuepresent)

        indexvalue = context.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
        for valuescolumn in indexvalue:
            valuepresentcolumn = valuescolumn.text
            print("Team text present here::"+valuepresentcolumn)
            indexcolumn = indexcolumn+1
            if valuepresent.find(rowName) != -1:
                print("current column"+str(indexcolumn) +
        print("index column"+str(indexcolumn))
        lookupelement = context.driver.find_element_by_xpath(
        print(tablexpath +
        return context.driver.find_element_by_xpath(tablexpath+"//descendant::tr["+str(indexrow)+"]/td["+str(indexcolumn)+"]")

How to find children of nodes using BeautifulSoup

Yet another method - create a filter function that returns True for all desired tags:

def my_filter(tag):
    return ( == 'a' and == 'li' and
        'test' in tag.parent['class'])

Then just call find_all with the argument:

for a in soup(my_filter): # or soup.find_all(my_filter)
    print a

How to install beautiful soup 4 with python 2.7 on windows

Install pip

Download get-pip. Remember to save it as ""

Now go to the download folder. Right click on then open with python.exe.

You can add system variable by

(by doing this you can use pip and easy_install without specifying path)

1 Clicking on Properties of My Computer

2 Then chose Advanced System Settings

3 Click on Advanced Tab

4 Click on Environment Variables

5 From System Variables >>> select variable path.

6 Click edit then add the following lines at the end of it


(please dont copy this, just go to your python directory and copy the paths similar to this)

NB:- you have to do this once only.

Install beautifulsoup4

Open cmd and type

pip install beautifulsoup4

Beautiful Soup and extracting a div and its contents by ID

To find an element by its id:

div = soup.find(id="articlebody")

ImportError: No module named BeautifulSoup

First install beautiful soup version 4. write command in the terminal window:

pip install beautifulsoup4

then import the BeutifulSoup library

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' in python and CSV

just change wb to w




Python/BeautifulSoup - how to remove all tags from an element?

You can use the decompose method in bs4:

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<body><a href="">I linked to <i></i></a></body>')

for a in soup.find('a').children:
    if isinstance(a,bs4.element.Tag):

print soup

Out: <html><body><a href="">I linked to </a></body></html>

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character at special name

You really want to do this

flog.write("\nCompany Name: "+ pCompanyName.encode('utf-8'))

This is the "encode late" strategy described in this unicode presentation (slides 32 through 35).

How to find tags with only certain attributes - BeautifulSoup

find using an attribute in any tag

<th class="team" data-sort="team">Team</th>    
soup.find_all(attrs={"class": "team"}) 

<th data-sort="team">Team</th>  
soup.find_all(attrs={"data-sort": "team"}) 

can we use xpath with BeautifulSoup?

Nope, BeautifulSoup, by itself, does not support XPath expressions.

An alternative library, lxml, does support XPath 1.0. It has a BeautifulSoup compatible mode where it'll try and parse broken HTML the way Soup does. However, the default lxml HTML parser does just as good a job of parsing broken HTML, and I believe is faster.

Once you've parsed your document into an lxml tree, you can use the .xpath() method to search for elements.

    # Python 2
    from urllib2 import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib.request import urlopen
from lxml import etree

url =  ""
response = urlopen(url)
htmlparser = etree.HTMLParser()
tree = etree.parse(response, htmlparser)

There is also a dedicated lxml.html() module with additional functionality.

Note that in the above example I passed the response object directly to lxml, as having the parser read directly from the stream is more efficient than reading the response into a large string first. To do the same with the requests library, you want to set stream=True and pass in the response.raw object after enabling transparent transport decompression:

import lxml.html
import requests

url =  ""
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
response.raw.decode_content = True
tree = lxml.html.parse(response.raw)

Of possible interest to you is the CSS Selector support; the CSSSelector class translates CSS statements into XPath expressions, making your search for td.empformbody that much easier:

from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector

td_empformbody = CSSSelector('td.empformbody')
for elem in td_empformbody(tree):
    # Do something with these table cells.

Coming full circle: BeautifulSoup itself does have very complete CSS selector support:

for cell in'table#foobar td.empformbody'):
    # Do something with these table cells.

ImportError: No Module Named bs4 (BeautifulSoup)

If you are using Anaconda for package management, following should do:

conda install -c anaconda beautifulsoup4

Extracting an attribute value with beautifulsoup

you can also use this :

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv

url = ""
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.text

soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")
get_details = soup.find_all("input", attrs={"name":"stainfo"})

for val in get_details:
    get_val = val["value"]

How to remove \xa0 from string in Python?

There's many useful things in Python's unicodedata library. One of them is the .normalize() function.


new_str = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", unicode_str)

Replacing NFKD with any of the other methods listed in the link above if you don't get the results you're after.

BeautifulSoup getting href

You can use find_all in the following way to find every a element that has an href attribute, and print each one:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

html = '''<a href="some_url">next</a>
<span class="class"><a href="another_url">later</a></span>'''

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
    print "Found the URL:", a['href']

The output would be:

Found the URL: some_url
Found the URL: another_url

Note that if you're using an older version of BeautifulSoup (before version 4) the name of this method is findAll. In version 4, BeautifulSoup's method names were changed to be PEP 8 compliant, so you should use find_all instead.

If you want all tags with an href, you can omit the name parameter:

href_tags = soup.find_all(href=True)

Python BeautifulSoup extract text between element

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
for hit in soup.findAll(attrs={'class' : 'MYCLASS'}):
  hit = hit.text.strip()
  print hit

This will print: THIS IS MY TEXT Try this..

Python: BeautifulSoup - get an attribute value based on the name attribute

theharshest's answer is the best solution, but FYI the problem you were encountering has to do with the fact that a Tag object in Beautiful Soup acts like a Python dictionary. If you access tag['name'] on a tag that doesn't have a 'name' attribute, you'll get a KeyError.

bs4.FeatureNotFound: Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you requested: lxml. Do you need to install a parser library?

Instead of using lxml use html.parser, you can use this piece of code:

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

Using BeautifulSoup to extract text without tags

I think you can get it using subc1.text.

>>> html = """
    <strong class="offender">YOB:</strong> 1987<br />
    <strong class="offender">RACE:</strong> WHITE<br />
    <strong class="offender">GENDER:</strong> FEMALE<br />
    <strong class="offender">HEIGHT:</strong> 5'05''<br />
    <strong class="offender">WEIGHT:</strong> 118<br />
    <strong class="offender">EYE COLOR:</strong> GREEN<br />
    <strong class="offender">HAIR COLOR:</strong> BROWN<br />
>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
>>> print soup.text

YOB: 1987
HEIGHT: 5'05''

Or if you want to explore it, you can use .contents :

>>> p = soup.find('p')
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(p.contents)
 <strong class="offender">YOB:</strong>,
 u' 1987',
 <strong class="offender">RACE:</strong>,
 u' WHITE',
 <strong class="offender">GENDER:</strong>,
 u' FEMALE',
 <strong class="offender">HEIGHT:</strong>,
 u" 5'05''",
 <strong class="offender">WEIGHT:</strong>,
 u' 118',
 <strong class="offender">EYE COLOR:</strong>,
 u' GREEN',
 <strong class="offender">HAIR COLOR:</strong>,
 u' BROWN',

and filter out the necessary items from the list:

>>> data = dict(zip([x.text for x in p.contents[1::4]], [x.strip() for x in p.contents[2::4]]))
>>> pprint(data)
 u'HEIGHT:': u"5'05''",
 u'RACE:': u'WHITE',
 u'WEIGHT:': u'118',
 u'YOB:': u'1987'}

retrieve links from web page using python and BeautifulSoup

Why not use regular expressions:

import urllib2
import re
url = ""
page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
page =
links = re.findall(r"<a.*?\s*href=\"(.*?)\".*?>(.*?)</a>", page)
for link in links:
    print('href: %s, HTML text: %s' % (link[0], link[1]))

What should I use to open a url instead of urlopen in urllib3

You do not have to install urllib3. You can choose any HTTP-request-making library that fits your needs and feed the response to BeautifulSoup. The choice is though usually requests because of the rich feature set and convenient API. You can install requests by entering pip install requests in the command line. Here is a basic example:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

url = "url"
response = requests.get(url)

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")

BeautifulSoup Grab Visible Webpage Text

The title is inside an <nyt_headline> tag, which is nested inside an <h1> tag and a <div> tag with id "article".

soup.findAll('nyt_headline', limit=1)

Should work.

The article body is inside an <nyt_text> tag, which is nested inside a <div> tag with id "articleBody". Inside the <nyt_text> element, the text itself is contained within <p> tags. Images are not within those <p> tags. It's difficult for me to experiment with the syntax, but I expect a working scrape to look something like this.

text = soup.findAll('nyt_text', limit=1)[0]

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode characters

Even I faced the same issue with the encoding that occurs when you try to print it, read/write it or open it. As others mentioned above adding .encoding="utf-8" will help if you are trying to print it.


If you are trying to open scraped data and maybe write it into a file, then open the file with (......,encoding="utf-8")

with open(filename_csv , 'w', newline='',encoding="utf-8") as csv_file:

How to find elements by class

Other answers did not work for me.

In other answers the findAll is being used on the soup object itself, but I needed a way to do a find by class name on objects inside a specific element extracted from the object I obtained after doing findAll.

If you are trying to do a search inside nested HTML elements to get objects by class name, try below -

# parse html
page_soup = soup(, "html.parser")

# filter out items matching class name
all_songs = page_soup.findAll("li", "song_item")

# traverse through all_songs
for song in all_songs:

    # get text out of span element matching class 'song_name'
    # doing a 'find' by class name within a specific song element taken out of 'all_songs' collection
    song.find("span", "song_name").text

Points to note:

  1. I'm not explicitly defining the search to be on 'class' attribute findAll("li", {"class": "song_item"}), since it's the only attribute I'm searching on and it will by default search for class attribute if you don't exclusively tell which attribute you want to find on.

  2. When you do a findAll or find, the resulting object is of class bs4.element.ResultSet which is a subclass of list. You can utilize all methods of ResultSet, inside any number of nested elements (as long as they are of type ResultSet) to do a find or find all.

  3. My BS4 version - 4.9.1, Python version - 3.8.1

How can I get href links from HTML using Python?

Look at using the beautiful soup html parsing library.

You will do something like this:

import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(html)
for link in soup.findAll("a"):
    print link.get("href")

install beautiful soup using pip

The easy method that will work even in corrupted setup environment is :

To download and run it using command line



Extracting in c:\uu\uu\appdata\local\temp\tmpjxvil3 Now working in c:\u\u\appdata\local\temp\tmpjxvil3\setuptools-5.6 Installing Setuptools


pip install beautifulsoup4


Downloading/unpacking beautifulsoup4 Running ... egg_info for package Installing collected packages: beautifulsoup4 Running install for beautifulsoup4 Successfully installed beautifulsoup4 Cleaning up...

Bam ! |Done¬

BeautifulSoup: extract text from anchor tag

>>> txt = '<a class="title" href="">Nikon COOLPIX L26 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 5x Zoom NIKKOR Glass Lens and 3-inch LCD (Red)</a> '
>>> fragment = bs4.BeautifulSoup(txt)
>>> fragment
<a class="title" href="">Nikon COOLPIX L26 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 5x Zoom NIKKOR Glass Lens and 3-inch LCD (Red)</a> 
>>> fragment.find('a', {'class': 'title'})
<a class="title" href="">Nikon COOLPIX L26 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 5x Zoom NIKKOR Glass Lens and 3-inch LCD (Red)</a>
>>> fragment.find('a', {'class': 'title'}).string
u'Nikon COOLPIX L26 16.1 MP Digital Camera with 5x Zoom NIKKOR Glass Lens and 3-inch LCD (Red)'

Using BeautifulSoup to search HTML for string

In addition to the accepted answer. You can use a lambda instead of regex:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

html = """<p>test python</p>"""

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

print(soup(text=lambda t: "python" in t))


['test python']

BeautifulSoup getText from between <p>, not picking up subsequent paragraphs

This works well for specific articles where the text is all wrapped in <p> tags. Since the web is an ugly place, it's not always the case.

Often, websites will have text scattered all over, wrapped in different types of tags (e.g. maybe in a <span> or a <div>, or an <li>).

To find all text nodes in the DOM, you can use soup.find_all(text=True).

This is going to return some undesired text, like the contents of <script> and <style> tags. You'll need to filter out the text contents of elements you don't want.

blacklist = [
  # other elements,

text_elements = [t for t in soup.find_all(text=True) if not in blacklist]

If you are working with a known set of tags, you can tag the opposite approach:

whitelist = [

text_elements = [t for t in soup.find_all(text=True) if in whitelist]

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 20: ordinal not in range(128)

This is a classic python unicode pain point! Consider the following:

a = u'bats\u00E0'
print a
 => batsà

All good so far, but if we call str(a), let's see what happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe0' in position 4: ordinal not in range(128)

Oh dip, that's not gonna do anyone any good! To fix the error, encode the bytes explicitly with .encode and tell python what codec to use:

 => 'bats\xc3\xa0'
print a.encode('utf-8')
 => batsà


The issue is that when you call str(), python uses the default character encoding to try and encode the bytes you gave it, which in your case are sometimes representations of unicode characters. To fix the problem, you have to tell python how to deal with the string you give it by using .encode('whatever_unicode'). Most of the time, you should be fine using utf-8.

For an excellent exposition on this topic, see Ned Batchelder's PyCon talk here:

How to find tag with particular text with Beautiful Soup?

With bs4 4.7.1+ you can use :contains pseudo class to specify the td containing your search string

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = '''
  <td class="pos">\n
      "Some text:"\n
      <strong>some value</strong>\n
  <td class="pos">\n
      "Fixed text:"\n
      <strong>text I am looking for</strong>\n
  <td class="pos">\n
      "Some other text:"\n
      <strong>some other value</strong>\n
soup = bs(html, 'lxml')
print(soup.select_one('td:contains("Fixed text:")'))


Use requests library. Try this solution, or just add https:// before the URL:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re

pages = set()
def getLinks(pageUrl):
    global pages
    html = requests.get(""+pageUrl, verify=False).text
    bsObj = BeautifulSoup(html)
    for link in bsObj.findAll("a", href=re.compile("^(/wiki/)")):
        if 'href' in link.attrs:
            if link.attrs['href'] not in pages:
                #We have encountered a new page
                newPage = link.attrs['href']

Check if this works for you

Get current batchfile directory

Here's what I use at the top of all my batch files. I just copy/paste from my template folder.

@echo off
set batdir=%~dp0
:: set batdir=%CD%
pushd "%batdir%"

Setting current batch file's path to %batdir% allows you to call it in subsequent stmts in current batch file, regardless of where this batch file changes to. Using PUSHD allows you to use POPD to quickly set this batch file's path to original %batdir%. Remember, if using %batdir%ExtraDir or %batdir%\ExtraDir (depending on which version used above, ending backslash or not) you will need to enclose the entire string in double quotes if path has spaces (i.e. "%batdir%ExtraDir"). You can always use PUSHD %~dp0. [https: // nt/ syntax-args .html] has more on (%~) parameters.

Note that using (::) at beginning of a line makes it a comment line. More importantly, using :: allows you to include redirectors, pipes, special chars (i.e. < > | etc) in that comment.

:: ORIG STMT WAS: dir *.* | find /v "1917" > outfile.txt

Of course, Powershell does this and lots more.

how get yesterday and tomorrow datetime in c#

You want DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).

How to change an application icon programmatically in Android?

AndroidManifest.xml example:


        <activity android:name="com.pritesh.resourceidentifierexample.MainActivity"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
                <!--<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>-->

        <activity-alias android:label="RED"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

        <activity-alias android:label="GREEN"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

        <activity-alias android:label="BLUE"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


Then follow below given code in MainActivity:

ImageView imageView = (ImageView)findViewById(;
            int imageResourceId;
            String currentDateTimeString = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date());
            int hours = new Time(System.currentTimeMillis()).getHours();
            Log.d("DATE", "onCreate: "  + hours);

                    getComponentName(), PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);

            if(hours == 13)
                imageResourceId = this.getResources().getIdentifier("ic_android_red", "drawable", this.getPackageName());
                        new ComponentName("com.pritesh.resourceidentifierexample", "com.pritesh.resourceidentifierexample.MainActivity-Red"),
                        PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);
            }else if(hours == 14)
                imageResourceId = this.getResources().getIdentifier("ic_android_green", "drawable", this.getPackageName());
                        new ComponentName("com.pritesh.resourceidentifierexample", "com.pritesh.resourceidentifierexample.MainActivity-Green"),
                        PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);

                imageResourceId = this.getResources().getIdentifier("ic_android_blue", "drawable", this.getPackageName());
                        new ComponentName("com.pritesh.resourceidentifierexample", "com.pritesh.resourceidentifierexample.MainActivity-Blue"),
                        PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);



How to get the background color of an HTML element?

Using JQuery:

var color = $('#myDivID').css("background-color");

Syntax error: Illegal return statement in JavaScript

in javascript return statement only used inside function block. if you try to use return statement inside independent if else block it trigger syntax error : Illegal return statement in JavaScript

Here is my example code to avoid such error :

<script type = 'text/javascript'>
    var ss= 'no';
        alert('Status return true');   
        alert('Status return false'); 

    function getStatus(ask){
        return true;     
        return false;

Please check Jsfiddle example

Using array map to filter results with if conditional

Here's some info if someone comes upon this in 2019.

I think reduce vs map + filter might be somewhat dependent on what you need to loop through. Not sure on this but reduce does seem to be slower.

One thing is for sure - if you're looking for performance improvements the way you write the code is extremely important!

Here a JS perf test that shows the massive improvements when typing out the code fully rather than checking for "falsey" values (e.g. if (string) {...}) or returning "falsey" values where a boolean is expected.

Hope this helps someone

Check if string is in a pandas dataframe

Pandas seem to be recommending df.to_numpy since the other methods still raise a FutureWarning:

So, an alternative that would work int this case is:

c = b.to_numpy().tolist()
if 'Mel' in c:
     print("Mel is in the dataframe column Names")

Visual Studio SignTool.exe Not Found

The SignTool is available as part of the Windows SDK (which comes with Visual Studio Community 2015). Make sure to select the "ClickOnce Publishing Tools" from the feature list during the installation of Visual Studio 2015 to get the SignTool.

Once Visual Studio is installed you can run the signtool command from the Visual Studio Command Prompt. By default (on Windows 10) the SignTool will be installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\signtool.exe.

ClickOnce Publishing Tools Installation:

enter image description here

SignTool Location:

enter image description here

Trying to get property of non-object - CodeIgniter

In my case, I was looping through a series of objects from an XML file, but some of the instances apparently were not objects which was causing the error. Checking if the object was empty before processing it fixed the problem.

In other words, without checking if the object was empty, the script would error out on any empty object with the error as given below.

Trying to get property of non-object

For Example:

if (!empty($this->xml_data->thing1->thing2))
   foreach ($this->xml_data->thing1->thing2 as $thing)


How to execute Python code from within Visual Studio Code

To extend vlad2135's answer (read his first); that is how you set up Python debugging in Visual Studio Code with Don Jayamanne's great Python extension (which is a pretty full featured IDE for Python these days, and arguably one of Visual Studio Code's best language extensions, IMO).

Basically, when you click the gear icon, it creates a launch.json file in your .vscode directory in your workspace. You can also make this yourself, but it's probably just simpler to let Visual Studio Code do the heavy lifting. Here's an example file:

File launch.json

You'll notice something cool after you generate it. It automatically created a bunch of configurations (most of mine are cut off; just scroll to see them all) with different settings and extra features for different libraries or environments (like Django).

The one you'll probably end up using the most is Python; which is a plain (in my case C)Python debugger and is easiest to work with settings wise.

I'll make a short walkthrough of the JSON attributes for this one, since the others use the pretty much same configuration with only different interpreter paths and one or two different other features there.

  • name: The name of the configuration. A useful example of why you would change it is if you have two Python configurations which use the same type of config, but different arguments. It's what shows up in the box you see on the top left (my box says "python" since I'm using the default Python configuration).
  • type: Interpreter type. You generally don't want to change this one.
  • request: How you want to run your code, and you generally don't want to change this one either. Default value is "launch", but changing it to "attach" allows the debugger to attach to an already running Python process. Instead of changing it, add a configuration of type attach and use that.
  • stopOnEntry: Python debuggers like to have an invisible break-point when you start the program so you can see the entry-point file and where your first line of active code is. It drives some C#/Java programmers like me insane. false if you don't want it, true otherwise.
  • pythonPath: The path to your install of Python. The default value gets the extension level default in the user/workspace settings. Change it here if you want to have different Pythons for different debug processes. Change it in workspace settings if you want to change it for all debug processes set to the default configuration in a project. Change it in user setting to change where the extension finds Pythons across all projects. (4/12/2017 The following was fixed in extension version 0.6.1). Ironically enough, this gets auto-generated wrong. It auto-generates to "${config.python.pythonPath}" which is deprecated in the newer Visual Studio Code versions. It might still work, but you should use "${config:python.pythonPath}" instead for your default first python on your path or Visual Studio Code settings. (4/6/2017 Edit: This should be fixed in the next release. The team committed the fix a few days ago.)
  • program: The initial file that you debugger starts up when you hit run. "${workspaceRoot}" is the root folder you opened up as your workspace (When you go over to the file icon, the base open folder). Another neat trick if you want to get your program running quickly, or you have multiple entry points to your program is to set this to "${file}" which will start debugging at the file you have open and in focus in the moment you hit debug.
  • cwd: The current working directory folder of the project you're running. Usually you'll just want to leave this "${workspaceRoot}".
  • debugOptions: Some debugger flags. The ones in the picture are default flags, you can find more flags in the python debugger pages, I'm sure.
  • args: This isn't actually a default configuration setting, but a useful one nonetheless (and probably what the OP was asking about). These are the command line arguments that you pass in to your program. The debugger passes these in as though they you had typed: python [args] into your terminal; passing each JSON string in the list to the program in order.

You can go here for more information on the Visual Studio Code file variables you can use to configure your debuggers and paths.

You can go here for the extension's own documentation on launch options, with both optional and required attributes.

You can click the Add Configuration button at the bottom right if you don't see the config template already in the file. It'll give you a list to auto generate a configuration for most of the common debug processes out there.

Now, as per vlad's answer, you may add any breakpoints you need as per normal visual debuggers, choose which run configuration you want in the top left dropdown menu and you can tap the green arrow to the left to the configuration name to start your program.

Pro tip: Different people on your team use different IDEs and they probably don't need your configuration files. Visual Studio Code nearly always puts it's IDE files in one place (by design for this purpose; I assume), launch or otherwise so make sure to add directory .vscode/ to your .gitignore if this is your first time generating a Visual Studio Code file (this process will create the folder in your workspace if you don't have it already)!

How do you load custom UITableViewCells from Xib files?

I've decided to post since I don't like any of these answers -- things can always be more simple and this is by far the most concise way I've found.

1. Build your Xib in Interface Builder as you like it

  • Set File's Owner to class NSObject
  • Add a UITableViewCell and set its class to MyTableViewCellSubclass -- if your IB crashes (happens in Xcode > 4 as of this writing), just use a UIView of do the interface in Xcode 4 if you still have it laying around
  • Layout your subviews inside this cell and attach your IBOutlet connections to your @interface in the .h or .m (.m is my preference)

2. In your UIViewController or UITableViewController subclass

@implementation ViewController

static NSString *cellIdentifier = @"MyCellIdentier";

- (void) viewDidLoad {

    [self.tableView registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:@"MyTableViewCellSubclass" bundle:nil] forCellReuseIdentifier:cellIdentifier];

- (UITableViewCell*) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    MyTableViewCellSubclass *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:cellIdentifier];


    return cell;

3. In your MyTableViewCellSubclass

- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
    if (self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]) {

    return self;

How to find if a file contains a given string using Windows command line

From other post:

    find /c "string" file >NUL
    if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto notfound
        echo found
    goto done
        echo notfound
    goto done

Use the /i switch when you want case insensitive checking:

    find /i /c "string" file >NUL

Or something like: if not found write to file.

    find /c "%%P" file.txt  || ( echo %%P >> newfile.txt )

Or something like: if found write to file.

    find /c "%%P" file.txt  && ( echo %%P >> newfile.txt )

Or something like:

    find /c "%%P" file.txt  && ( echo found ) || ( echo not found )

Rounding a double value to x number of decimal places in swift

round a double value to x number of decimal
NO. of digits after decimal

var x = 1.5657676754
var y = (x*10000).rounded()/10000
print(y)  // 1.5658 

var x = 1.5657676754 
var y = (x*100).rounded()/100
print(y)  // 1.57 

var x = 1.5657676754
var y = (x*10).rounded()/10
print(y)  // 1.6

Writing an mp4 video using python opencv

This worked for me.

self._name = name + '.mp4'
self._cap = VideoCapture(0)
self._fourcc = VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V')
self._out = VideoWriter(self._name, self._fourcc, 20.0, (640,480))

Server configuration is missing in Eclipse

In my case, the server list was empty for Apache in "Run Configurations" when I opened

Run > Run Configurations enter image description here

I fixed this by creating a server in the Servers Panel as in other answers:

  1. Window -> Show view -> Servers
  2. Right click -> New -> Server : to create a new one

enter image description here

enter image description here

@import vs #import - iOS 7

It's a new feature called Modules or "semantic import". There's more info in the WWDC 2013 videos for Session 205 and 404. It's kind of a better implementation of the pre-compiled headers. You can use modules with any of the system frameworks in iOS 7 and Mavericks. Modules are a packaging together of the framework executable and its headers and are touted as being safer and more efficient than #import.

One of the big advantages of using @import is that you don't need to add the framework in the project settings, it's done automatically. That means that you can skip the step where you click the plus button and search for the framework (golden toolbox), then move it to the "Frameworks" group. It will save many developers from the cryptic "Linker error" messages.

You don't actually need to use the @import keyword. If you opt-in to using modules, all #import and #include directives are mapped to use @import automatically. That means that you don't have to change your source code (or the source code of libraries that you download from elsewhere). Supposedly using modules improves the build performance too, especially if you haven't been using PCHs well or if your project has many small source files.

Modules are pre-built for most Apple frameworks (UIKit, MapKit, GameKit, etc). You can use them with frameworks you create yourself: they are created automatically if you create a Swift framework in Xcode, and you can manually create a ".modulemap" file yourself for any Apple or 3rd-party library.

You can use code-completion to see the list of available frameworks:

enter image description here

Modules are enabled by default in new projects in Xcode 5. To enable them in an older project, go into your project build settings, search for "Modules" and set "Enable Modules" to "YES". The "Link Frameworks" should be "YES" too:

You have to be using Xcode 5 and the iOS 7 or Mavericks SDK, but you can still release for older OSs (say iOS 4.3 or whatever). Modules don't change how your code is built or any of the source code.

From the WWDC slides:

  • Imports complete semantic description of a framework
  • Doesn't need to parse the headers
  • Better way to import a framework’s interface
  • Loads binary representation
  • More flexible than precompiled headers
  • Immune to effects of local macro definitions (e.g. #define readonly 0x01)
  • Enabled for new projects by default

To explicitly use modules:

Replace #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> with @import Cocoa;

You can also import just one header with this notation:

@import iAd.ADBannerView;

The submodules autocomplete for you in Xcode.

adding x and y axis labels in ggplot2

since the data ex1221new was not given, so I have created a dummy data and added it to a data frame. Also, the question which was asked has few changes in codes like then ggplot package has deprecated the use of

"scale_area()" and nows uses scale_size_area()
"opts()" has changed to theme()

In my answer,I have stored the plot in mygraph variable and then I have used

mygraph$labels$x="Discharge of materials" #changes x axis title
       mygraph$labels$y="Area Affected" # changes y axis title

And the work is done. Below is the complete answer.


ex1221new<-data.frame(Discharge<-c(100:109),Area<-c(120:129),NO3<-seq(2,5,length.out = 10))
p <- ggplot(ex1221new, aes(discharge, area), main="Point")
mygraph<-p + geom_point(aes(size= nitrogen)) + 
  scale_size_area() + ggtitle("Weighted Scatterplot of Watershed Area vs. Discharge and Nitrogen Levels (PPM)")+
 plot.title =  element_text(color="Blue", size=30, hjust = 0.5), 

 # change the styling of both the axis simultaneously from this-
 axis.title = element_text(color = "Green", size = 20, family="Courier",)

   # you can change the  axis title from the code below
   mygraph$labels$x="Discharge of materials" #changes x axis title
   mygraph$labels$y="Area Affected" # changes y axis title


Also, you can change the labels title from the same formula used above -

mygraph$labels$size= "N2" #size contains the nitrogen level 

Add error bars to show standard deviation on a plot in R

In addition to @csgillespie's answer, segments is also vectorised to help with this sort of thing:

plot (x, y, ylim=c(0,6))
epsilon <- 0.02

enter image description here

How to use Comparator in Java to sort

Here's an example of a Comparator that will work for any zero arg method that returns a Comparable. Does something like this exist in a jdk or library?

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Comparator;

public class NamedMethodComparator implements Comparator<Object> {

    // instance variables

    private String methodName;

    private boolean isAsc;

    // constructor

    public NamedMethodComparator(String methodName, boolean isAsc) {
        this.methodName = methodName;
        this.isAsc = isAsc;

     * Method to compare two objects using the method named in the constructor.
    public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
        Comparable comp1 = getValue(obj1, methodName);
        Comparable comp2 = getValue(obj2, methodName);
        if (isAsc) {
            return comp1.compareTo(comp2);
        } else {
            return comp2.compareTo(comp1);

    // implementation

    private Comparable getValue(Object obj, String methodName) {
        Method method = getMethod(obj, methodName);
        Comparable comp = getValue(obj, method);
        return comp;

    private Method getMethod(Object obj, String methodName) {
        try {
            Class[] signature = {};
            Method method = obj.getClass().getMethod(methodName, signature);
            return method;
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            throw new RuntimeException(exp);

    private Comparable getValue(Object obj, Method method) {
        Object[] args = {};
        try {
            Object rtn = method.invoke(obj, args);
            Comparable comp = (Comparable) rtn;
            return comp;
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            throw new RuntimeException(exp);


Get client IP address via third party web service

A more reliable REST endpoint would be

Returns the ip address along with the geo-location too. Also has cross-domain requests enabled (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) so you don't have to code around JSONP.

How to redirect to a route in laravel 5 by using href tag if I'm not using blade or any template?

In addition to @chanafdo answer, you can use route name

when working with laravel blade

<a href="{{route('login')}}">login here</a> with parameter in route name

when go to url like URI: profile/{id} <a href="{{route('profile', ['id' => 1])}}">login here</a>

without blade

<a href="<?php echo route('login')?>">login here</a>

with parameter in route name

when go to url like URI: profile/{id} <a href="<?php echo route('profile', ['id' => 1])?>">login here</a>

As of laravel 5.2 you can use @php @endphp to create as <?php ?> in laravel blade. Using blade your personal opinion but I suggest to use it. Learn it. It has many wonderful features as template inheritance, Components & Slots,subviews etc...

How can I use a carriage return in a HTML tooltip?

Just use this:

<a title='Tool&#x0aTip&#x0aOn&#x0aNew&#x0aLine'>link with tip</a>

You can add new line on title by using this &#x0a.

Converting Long to Date in Java returns 1970

New Date(number) returns a date that's number milliseconds after 1 Jan 1970. Odds are you date format isn't showing hours, minutes, and seconds for you to see that it's just a little bit after 1 Jan 1970.

You need to parse the date according to the correct parsing routing. I don't know what a 1220227200 is, but if it's seconds after 1 JAN 1970, then multiply it to yield milliseconds. If it is not, then convert it in some manner to milliseconds after 1970 (if you want to continue to use java.util.Date).

HTML Image not displaying, while the src url works

In your angular.json folder structure should be like this

"assets": [             

not this

"assets": [     

This solved my problem.

How to get an element by its href in jquery?

If you want to get any element that has part of a URL in their href attribute you could use:

$( 'a[href*=""]' );

This will select all elements with a href that contains, for example:

As stated by @BalusC in the comments below, it will also match elements that have at any position in the href, like

Copy all values from fields in one class to another through reflection

If you don't mind using a third party library, BeanUtils from Apache Commons will handle this quite easily, using copyProperties(Object, Object).

How to convert QString to int?

Use .toInt() for int .toFloat() for float and .toDouble() for double


How to copy a folder via cmd?

xcopy "%userprofile%\Desktop\?????????" "D:\Backup\" /s/h/e/k/f/c

should work, assuming that your language setting allows Cyrillic (or you use Unicode fonts in the console).

For reference about the arguments:

sql query to find the duplicate records

If your RDBMS supports the OVER clause...

       title, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY title) as cnt
    ) T
   cnt DESC

How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s)

I was struggling with the above solutions when I wanted to automate my ordering process for n columns, whose column names could be different each time. I found a super helpful function from the psych package to do this in a straightforward manner:

dfOrder(myDf, columnIndices)

where columnIndices are indices of one or more columns, in the order in which you want to sort them. More information here:

dfOrder function from 'psych' package

Generating a unique machine id

In my program I first check for Terminal Server and use the WTSClientHardwareId. Else the MAC address of the local PC should be adequate.

If you really want to use the list of properties you provided leave out things like Name and DriverVersion, Clockspeed, etc. since it's possibly OS dependent. Try outputting the same info on both operating systems and leave out that which differs between.

How to show a GUI message box from a bash script in linux?

Example bash script for using Gambas GTK/QT Controls(GUI Objects): The Gambas IDE can be used to design even large GUIs and act as a GUI server. Example expplications can be downloaded from the Gambas App store.

enter image description here

What is the difference between json.dump() and json.dumps() in python?

The functions with an s take string parameters. The others take file streams.

Format Instant to String

Or if you still want to use formatter created from pattern you can just use LocalDateTime instead of Instant:

LocalDateTime datetime =;
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(datetime)

jQuery Multiple ID selectors

Make sure upload plugin implements this.each in it so that it will execute the logic for all the matching elements. It should ideally work

$("#upload_link,#upload_link2,#upload_link3").upload(function(){ });

Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0

Dbcp is production ready if configured properly.

It is for example used on a commerce Website of 350000 visitors/ day and with pools of 200 connections.

It handles very well timeouts provided you configure it correctly.

Version 2 is on progress and it has a background which makes it reliable since Many Production problems have been tackled.

We use it for our batch server solution and it has been running hundreds of batches That work on millions of lines in database.

Performance tests run by tomcat jdbc pool show it has better performance than cp30.

Initial bytes incorrect after Java AES/CBC decryption

Lot of people including myself face lot of issues in making this work due to missing some information like, forgetting to convert to Base64, initialization vectors, character set, etc. So I thought of making a fully functional code.

Hope this will be useful to you all: To compile you need additional Apache Commons Codec jar, which is available here:

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

public class Encryptor {
    public static String encrypt(String key, String initVector, String value) {
        try {
            IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(initVector.getBytes("UTF-8"));
            SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "AES");

            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5PADDING");
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, iv);

            byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(value.getBytes());
            System.out.println("encrypted string: "
                    + Base64.encodeBase64String(encrypted));

            return Base64.encodeBase64String(encrypted);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        return null;

    public static String decrypt(String key, String initVector, String encrypted) {
        try {
            IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(initVector.getBytes("UTF-8"));
            SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "AES");

            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5PADDING");
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, iv);

            byte[] original = cipher.doFinal(Base64.decodeBase64(encrypted));

            return new String(original);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        return null;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String key = "Bar12345Bar12345"; // 128 bit key
        String initVector = "RandomInitVector"; // 16 bytes IV

        System.out.println(decrypt(key, initVector,
                encrypt(key, initVector, "Hello World")));

The easiest way to replace white spaces with (underscores) _ in bash

This is borderline programming, but look into using tr:

$ echo "this is just a test" | tr -s ' ' | tr ' ' '_'

Should do it. The first invocation squeezes the spaces down, the second replaces with underscore. You probably need to add TABs and other whitespace characters, this is for spaces only.

How do I test which class an object is in Objective-C?

To test if object is an instance of class a:

[yourObject isKindOfClass:[a class]]
// Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is an instance of 
// given class or an instance of any class that inherits from that class.


[yourObject isMemberOfClass:[a class]]
// Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is an instance of a 
// given class.

To get object's class name you can use NSStringFromClass function:

NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([yourObject class]);

or c-function from objective-c runtime api:

#import <objc/runtime.h>

/* ... */

const char* className = class_getName([yourObject class]);
NSLog(@"yourObject is a: %s", className);

EDIT: In Swift

if touch.view is UIPickerView {
    // touch.view is of type UIPickerView

Comment out HTML and PHP together

Instead of using HTML comments (which have no effect on PHP code -- which will still be executed), you should use PHP comments:

<?php /*
      <td><?php echo $entry_keyword; ?></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="keyword" value="<?php echo $keyword; ?>" /></td>
      <td><?php echo $entry_sort_order; ?></td>
      <td><input name="sort_order" value="<?php echo $sort_order; ?>" size="1" /></td>
*/ ?>

With that, the PHP code inside the HTML will not be executed; and nothing (not the HTML, not the PHP, not the result of its non-execution) will be displayed.

Just one note: you cannot nest C-style comments... which means the comment will end at the first */ encountered.

Can gcc output C code after preprocessing?


This is another good option to have in mind:

gcc -save-temps -c -o main.o main.c


#define INC 1

int myfunc(int i) {
    return i + INC;

and now, besides the normal output main.o, the current working directory also contains the following files:

  • main.i is the desired prepossessed file containing:

    # 1 "main.c"
    # 1 "<built-in>"
    # 1 "<command-line>"
    # 31 "<command-line>"
    # 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
    # 32 "<command-line>" 2
    # 1 "main.c"
    int myfunc(int i) {
        return i + 1;
  • main.s is a bonus :-) and contains the generated assembly:

        .file   "main.c"
        .globl  myfunc
        .type   myfunc, @function
        pushq   %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        .cfi_offset 6, -16
        movq    %rsp, %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 6
        movl    %edi, -4(%rbp)
        movl    -4(%rbp), %eax
        addl    $1, %eax
        popq    %rbp
        .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
        .size   myfunc, .-myfunc
        .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.0"
        .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

If you want to do it for a large number of files, consider using instead:


which saves the intermediate files to the same directory as the -o object output instead of the current working directory, thus avoiding potential basename conflicts.

The advantage of this option over -E is that it is easy to add it to any build script, without interfering much in the build itself.

Another cool thing about this option is if you add -v:

gcc -save-temps -c -o main.o -v main.c

it actually shows the explicit files being used instead of ugly temporaries under /tmp, so it is easy to know exactly what is going on, which includes the preprocessing / compilation / assembly steps:

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/cc1 -E -quiet -v -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu main.c -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -fpch-preprocess -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Wformat-security -o main.i
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/cc1 -fpreprocessed main.i -quiet -dumpbase main.c -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -auxbase-strip main.o -version -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Wformat-security -o main.s
as -v --64 -o main.o main.s

Tested in Ubuntu 19.04 amd64, GCC 8.3.0.

CMake predefined targets

CMake automatically provides a targets for the preprocessed file:

make help

shows us that we can do:

make main.i

and that target runs:

Preprocessing C source to CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.c.i
/usr/bin/cc    -E /home/ciro/bak/hello/main.c > CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.c.i

so the file can be seen at CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.c.i

Tested on cmake 3.16.1.

mongoError: Topology was destroyed

This error is due to mongo driver dropping the connection for any reason (server was down for example).

By default mongoose will try to reconnect for 30 seconds then stop retrying and throw errors forever until restarted.

You can change this by editing these 2 fields in the connection options

    { server: { 
        // sets how many times to try reconnecting
        reconnectTries: Number.MAX_VALUE,
        // sets the delay between every retry (milliseconds)
        reconnectInterval: 1000 

connection options documentation

Why does the JFrame setSize() method not set the size correctly?

There are lots of good reasons for setting the size of a frame. One is to remember the last size the user set, and restore those settings. I have this code which seems to work for me:

package javatools.swing;
import java.util.prefs.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class FramePositionMemory {
    public static final String WIDTH_PREF = "-width";

    public static final String HEIGHT_PREF = "-height";

    public static final String XPOS_PREF = "-xpos";

    public static final String YPOS_PREF = "-ypos";
    String prefix;
    Window frame;
    Class<?> cls;

    public FramePositionMemory(String prefix, Window frame, Class<?> cls) {
        this.prefix = prefix;
        this.frame = frame;
        this.cls = cls;

    public void loadPosition() {
        Preferences prefs = (Preferences)Preferences.userNodeForPackage(cls);
    //  Restore the most recent mainframe size and location
        int width = prefs.getInt(prefix + WIDTH_PREF, frame.getWidth());
        int height = prefs.getInt(prefix + HEIGHT_PREF, frame.getHeight());
        System.out.println("WID: " + width + " HEI: " + height);
        Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        int xpos = (screenSize.width - width) / 2;
        int ypos = (screenSize.height - height) / 2;
        xpos = prefs.getInt(prefix + XPOS_PREF, xpos);
        ypos = prefs.getInt(prefix + YPOS_PREF, ypos);
        frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
        frame.setLocation(xpos, ypos);

    public void storePosition() {
        Preferences prefs = (Preferences)Preferences.userNodeForPackage(cls);
        prefs.putInt(prefix + WIDTH_PREF, frame.getWidth());
        prefs.putInt(prefix + HEIGHT_PREF, frame.getHeight());
        Point loc = frame.getLocation();
        prefs.putInt(prefix + XPOS_PREF, (int)loc.getX());
        prefs.putInt(prefix + YPOS_PREF, (int)loc.getY());
        System.out.println("STORE: " + frame.getWidth() + " " + frame.getHeight() + " " + loc.getX() + " " + loc.getY());
public class Main {
void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new Frame();
        final FramePositionMemory fm = new FramePositionMemory("scannacs2", frame, Main.class);
        frame.setSize(400, 400); // default size in the absence of previous setting

        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
            public void run() {


Automatically start a Windows Service on install

Use ServiceController to start your service from code.

Update: And more correct way to start service from the command line is to use "sc" (Service Controller) command instead of "net".

Where does Visual Studio look for C++ header files?

Visual Studio looks for headers in this order:

  • In the current source directory.
  • In the Additional Include Directories in the project properties (Project -> [project name] Properties, under C/C++ | General).
  • In the Visual Studio C++ Include directories under Tools ? Options ? Projects and Solutions ? VC++ Directories.
  • In new versions of Visual Studio (2015+) the above option is deprecated and a list of default include directories is available at Project Properties ? Configuration ? VC++ Directories

In your case, add the directory that the header is to the project properties (Project Properties ? Configuration ? C/C++ ? General ? Additional Include Directories).

How to represent matrices in python

Take a look at this answer:

from numpy import matrix
from numpy import linalg
A = matrix( [[1,2,3],[11,12,13],[21,22,23]]) # Creates a matrix.
x = matrix( [[1],[2],[3]] )                  # Creates a matrix (like a column vector).
y = matrix( [[1,2,3]] )                      # Creates a matrix (like a row vector).
print A.T                                    # Transpose of A.
print A*x                                    # Matrix multiplication of A and x.
print A.I                                    # Inverse of A.
print linalg.solve(A, x)     # Solve the linear equation system.

How can I check that JButton is pressed? If the isEnable() is not work?

JButton#isEnabled changes the user interactivity of a component, that is, whether a user is able to interact with it (press it) or not.

When a JButton is pressed, it fires a actionPerformed event.

You are receiving Add button is pressed when you press the confirm button because the add button is enabled. As stated, it has nothing to do with the pressed start of the button.

Based on you code, if you tried to check the "pressed" start of the add button within the confirm button's ActionListener it would always be false, as the button will only be in the pressed state while the add button's ActionListeners are being called.

Based on all this information, I would suggest you might want to consider using a JCheckBox which you can then use JCheckBox#isSelected to determine if it has being checked or not.

Take a closer look at How to Use Buttons for more details

Get local IP address

For a laugh, thought I'd try and get a single LINQ statement by using the new C# 6 null-conditional operator. Looks pretty crazy and probably horribly inefficient, but it works.

private string GetLocalIPv4(NetworkInterfaceType type = NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet)
    // Bastardized from:

    return NetworkInterface
        .FirstOrDefault(ni =>
            ni.NetworkInterfaceType == type
            && ni.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up
            && ni.GetIPProperties().GatewayAddresses.FirstOrDefault() != null
            && ni.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) != null
        .FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
        ?? string.Empty;

Logic courtesy of Gerardo H (and by reference compman2408).

$(form).ajaxSubmit is not a function

Drupal 8

Drupal 8 does not include JS-libraries to pages automaticly. So most probably if you meet this error you need to attach 'core/jquery.form' library to your page (or form). Add something like this to your render array:

$form['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/jquery.form';

How to Set focus to first text input in a bootstrap modal after shown

Try to remove the tabIndex property of the modal, when your input/textbox is open. Set it back to what ever it was, when you close input/textbox. This would resolve the issue irrespective bootstrap version, and without compromising the user experience flow.

IDEA: javac: source release 1.7 requires target release 1.7

In IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 the "Target bytecode version" is in a different place.

The following change worked for me:

File > Settings... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler : change Target bytecode version from 1.5 to 1.8

enter image description here

enter image description here

MySQL: Curdate() vs Now()

For questions like this, it is always worth taking a look in the manual first. Date and time functions in the mySQL manual

CURDATE() returns the DATE part of the current time. Manual on CURDATE()

NOW() returns the date and time portions as a timestamp in various formats, depending on how it was requested. Manual on NOW().

Address validation using Google Maps API

Google's geocoding api does what want you want. As Xerus points out, as long as you are not using the geocoded points on a non-google Map, you should be good (terms of service). Specifically,

3.1 Use without a Google Map. Customer may use Google Maps Content from the Geocoding API in Customer Applications without a corresponding Google Map.

3.3 No use with a non-Google map.  Customer must not use Google Maps Content from the Geocoding API in conjunction with a non-Google map.

Extracting text from a PDF file using PDFMiner in python?

Here is a working example of extracting text from a PDF file using the current version of PDFMiner(September 2016)

from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
from io import StringIO

def convert_pdf_to_txt(path):
    rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
    retstr = StringIO()
    codec = 'utf-8'
    laparams = LAParams()
    device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, codec=codec, laparams=laparams)
    fp = open(path, 'rb')
    interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
    password = ""
    maxpages = 0
    caching = True

    for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fp, pagenos, maxpages=maxpages, password=password,caching=caching, check_extractable=True):

    text = retstr.getvalue()

    return text

PDFMiner's structure changed recently, so this should work for extracting text from the PDF files.

Edit : Still working as of the June 7th of 2018. Verified in Python Version 3.x

Edit: The solution works with Python 3.7 at October 3, 2019. I used the Python library pdfminer.six, released on November 2018.

Your project contains error(s), please fix it before running it

I had the same error, when I copied a project to another computer.

I then checked all properties of the project on both machines, and the only thing that was different was the order of items in Java Build Path - tab Order and Export.

I moved the items Android X.X.X and Android Dependencies above the other 2 in the list (in my case, src and gen folders) and voila, it worked again!

I'm not really sure if the different order was actually the problem, but at least changing it (and saving the properties again) seemed to help...

org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not insert [com.sample.Person]

I sovled this errors by modifying the Database charset.Old Database charset is cp1252 and i conver to utf-8

How to re-create database for Entity Framework?

I would like to add that Lin's answer is correct.

If you improperly delete the MDF you will have to fix it. To fix the screwed up connections in the project to the MDF. Short answer; recreate and delete it properly.

  1. Create a new MDF and name it the same as the old MDF, put it in the same folder location. You can create a new project and create a new mdf. The mdf does not have to match your old tables, because were going to delete it. So create or copy an old one to the correct folder.
  2. Open it in server explorer [double click the mdf from solution explorer]
  3. Delete it in server explorer
  4. Delete it from solution explorer
  5. run update-database -force [Use force if necessary]

Done, enjoy your new db

UPDATE 11/12/14 - I use this all the time when I make a breaking db change. I found this is a great way to roll back your migrations to the original db:

  • Puts the db back to original
  • Run the normal migration to put it back to current

    1. Update-Database -TargetMigration:0 -force [This will destroy all tables and all data.]
    2. Update-Database -force [use force if necessary]

What's the quickest way to multiply multiple cells by another number?

To multiply a column of numbers with a constant(same number), I have done like this.

Let C2 to C12 be different numbers which need to be multiplied by a single number (constant). Then type the numbers from C2 to C12.


C       D       E=PRODUCT(C2:C12,20)

25  1   500
30      600
35      700
40      800
45      900
50      1000
55      1100
60      1200
65      1300
70      1400
75      1500

What does a circled plus mean?

That's the XOR operator, not the PLUS operator

XOR works bit by bit, without carrying over like PLUS does

1 XOR 1 = 0
1 XOR 0 = 1
0 XOR 0 = 0
0 XOR 1 = 1

Creating an Array from a Range in VBA

This function returns an array regardless of the size of the range.

Ranges will return an array unless the range is only 1 cell and then it returns a single value instead. This function will turn the single value into an array (1 based, the same as the array's returned by ranges)

This answer improves on previous answers as it will return an array from a range no matter what the size. It is also more efficient that other answers as it will return the array generated by the range if possible. Works with single dimension and multi-dimensional arrays

The function works by trying to find the upper bounds of the array. If that fails then it must be a single value so we'll create an array and assign the value to it.

Public Function RangeToArray(inputRange As Range) As Variant()
Dim size As Integer
Dim inputValue As Variant, outputArray() As Variant

    ' inputValue will either be an variant array for ranges with more than 1 cell
    ' or a single variant value for range will only 1 cell
    inputValue = inputRange

    On Error Resume Next
    size = UBound(inputValue)

    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        RangeToArray = inputValue
        On Error GoTo 0
        ReDim outputArray(1 To 1, 1 to 1)
        outputArray(1,1) = inputValue
        RangeToArray = outputArray
    End If

    On Error GoTo 0

End Function

jQuery - What are differences between $(document).ready and $(window).load?

$(document).ready(function(e) { 
    // executes when HTML-Document is loaded and DOM is ready  
    console.log("page is loading now"); 

$(document).load(function(e) { 
    //when html page complete loaded
    console.log("completely loaded"); 

Query to list number of records in each table in a database

As seen here, this will return correct counts, where methods using the meta data tables will only return estimates.

    CREATE PROCEDURE ListTableRowCounts 

        CREATE TABLE #TableCounts
            TableName VARCHAR(500), 
            CountOf INT 

        INSERT #TableCounts
            EXEC sp_msForEachTable 
                'SELECT PARSENAME(''?'', 1), 
                COUNT(*) FROM ? WITH (NOLOCK)' 

        SELECT TableName , CountOf 
            FROM #TableCounts
            ORDER BY TableName 

        DROP TABLE #TableCounts

How to find the socket connection state in C?

You should try to use: getpeername function.

now when the connection is down you will get in errno: ENOTCONN - The socket is not connected. which means for you DOWN.

else (if no other failures) there the return code will 0 --> which means UP.

resources: man page:

What is the difference between H.264 video and MPEG-4 video?

H.264 is a new standard for video compression which has more advanced compression methods than the basic MPEG-4 compression. One of the advantages of H.264 is the high compression rate. It is about 1.5 to 2 times more efficient than MPEG-4 encoding. This high compression rate makes it possible to record more information on the same hard disk.
The image quality is also better and playback is more fluent than with basic MPEG-4 compression. The most interesting feature however is the lower bit-rate required for network transmission.
So the 3 main advantages of H.264 over MPEG-4 compression are:
- Small file size for longer recording time and better network transmission.
- Fluent and better video quality for real time playback
- More efficient mobile surveillance application

H264 is now enshrined in MPEG4 as part 10 also known as AVC

Refer to:

Hope this helps.

How to configure CORS in a Spring Boot + Spring Security application?

I solved this problem by: `

CorsConfigurationSource corsConfigurationSource() {
    CorsConfiguration configuration = new CorsConfiguration();
    configuration.setAllowedHeaders(Arrays.asList("Access-Control-Allow-Headers","Access-Control-Allow-Origin","Access-Control-Request-Method", "Access-Control-Request-Headers","Origin","Cache-Control", "Content-Type", "Authorization"));
    configuration.setAllowedMethods(Arrays.asList("DELETE", "GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT"));
    UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
    source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", configuration);
    return source;


How to download and save a file from Internet using Java?

When using Java 7+ use the following method to download a file from the Internet and save it to some directory:

private static Path download(String sourceURL, String targetDirectory) throws IOException
    URL url = new URL(sourceURL);
    String fileName = sourceURL.substring(sourceURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, sourceURL.length());
    Path targetPath = new File(targetDirectory + File.separator + fileName).toPath();
    Files.copy(url.openStream(), targetPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

    return targetPath;

Documentation here.

How can I store HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> inside a list?

Always try to use interface reference in Collection, this adds more flexibility.
What is the problem with the below code?

List<Map<String,List<String>>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String,List<String>>>();//This is the final list you need
Map<String, List<String>> map1 = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();//This is one instance of the  map you want to store in the above list.
List<String> arraylist1 = new ArrayList<String>();
arraylist1.add("Text1");//And so on..
//And so on...
list.add(map1);//In this way you can add.

You can easily do it like the above.

How to change Hash values?

Since ruby 2.4.0 you can use native Hash#transform_values method:

hash = {"a" => "b", "c" => "d"}
new_hash = hash.transform_values(&:upcase)
# => {"a" => "B", "c" => "D"}

There is also destructive Hash#transform_values! version.

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in

As you might have already about knew the error. This is due to trying to access the empty array or trying to access the value of empty key of array. In my project, I am dealing with this error with counting the array and displaying result.

You can do it like this:

if(count($votes) == '0'){

    echo 'Sorry, no votes are available at the moment.';
    //do the stuff with votes

count($votes) counts the $votes array. If it is equal to zero (0), you can display your custom message or redirect to certain page else you can do stuff with $votes. In this way you can remove the Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in notice in PHP.

Two arrays in foreach loop


$codes = array ('tn','us','fr');
$names = array ('Tunisia','United States','France');

echo '<table>';

foreach(array_keys($codes) as $i) {

     echo '<tr><td>';
     echo ($i + 1);
     echo '</td><td>';
     echo $codes[$i];
     echo '</td><td>';
     echo $names[$i];
     echo '</td></tr>';

echo '</table>';


Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint. Cannot insert duplicate key in object

Make sure if your table doesn't already have rows whose Primary Key values are same as the the Primary Key Id in your Query.

How to remove old Docker containers

First, stop running containers before attempting to remove them

Remove running containers

docker rm $(docker stop -t=1 $(docker ps -q))

You could use kill instead of stop. In my case I prefer stop since I tend to rerun them vs. creating a new one every time so I try to shut them down nicely.

Note: Trying to stop a container will give you an error:

Error: Impossible to remove a running container, please stop it first

Remove all containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

How do I convert a Python 3 byte-string variable into a regular string?

You had it nearly right in the last line. You want

str(bytes_string, 'utf-8')

because the type of bytes_string is bytes, the same as the type of b'abc'.

What is the difference between `let` and `var` in swift?

The let keyword defines a constant:

let theAnswer = 42

The theAnswer cannot be changed afterwards. This is why anything weak can't be written using let. They need to change during runtime and you must be using var instead.

The var defines an ordinary variable.

What is interesting:

The value of a constant doesn’t need to be known at compile time, but you must assign the value exactly once.

Another strange feature:

You can use almost any character you like for constant and variable names, including Unicode characters:

let  = "dogcow"

Excerpts From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.


Because comments asking for adding other facts to the answer, converting this to community wiki answer. Feel free edit the answer to make it better.

Check if an element is present in a Bash array

As bash does not have a built-in value in array operator and the =~ operator or the [[ "${array[@]" == *"${item}"* ]] notation keep confusing me, I usually combine grep with a here-string:

colors=('black' 'blue' 'light green')
if grep -q 'black' <<< "${colors[@]}"
    echo 'match'

Beware however that this suffers from the same false positives issue as many of the other answers that occurs when the item to search for is fully contained, but is not equal to another item:

if grep -q 'green' <<< "${colors[@]}"
    echo 'should not match, but does'

If that is an issue for your use case, you probably won't get around looping over the array:

for color in "${colors[@]}"
    if [ "${color}" = 'green' ]
        echo "should not match and won't"

for color in "${colors[@]}"
    if [ "${color}" = 'light green' ]
        echo 'match'

Spring: How to get parameters from POST body?

You will need these imports...

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

And, if you're using Maven, you'll also need this in the dependencies block of the pom.xml file in your project's base directory.


Then the above-listed fix by Jason will work:

    public ResponseEntity<Boolean> saveData(HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response, Model model){
        String jsonString = request.getParameter("json");

C# static class why use?

Static classes can be useful in certain situations, but there is a potential to abuse and/or overuse them, like most language features.

As Dylan Smith already mentioned, the most obvious case for using a static class is if you have a class with only static methods. There is no point in allowing developers to instantiate such a class.

The caveat is that an overabundance of static methods may itself indicate a flaw in your design strategy. I find that when you are creating a static function, its a good to ask yourself -- would it be better suited as either a) an instance method, or b) an extension method to an interface. The idea here is that object behaviors are usually associated with object state, meaning the behavior should belong to the object. By using a static function you are implying that the behavior shouldn't belong to any particular object.

Polymorphic and interface driven design are hindered by overusing static functions -- they cannot be overriden in derived classes nor can they be attached to an interface. Its usually better to have your 'helper' functions tied to an interface via an extension method such that all instances of the interface have access to that shared 'helper' functionality.

One situation where static functions are definitely useful, in my opinion, is in creating a .Create() or .New() method to implement logic for object creation, for instance when you want to proxy the object being created,

public class Foo
    public static Foo New(string fooString)
        ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();

        return (Foo)generator.CreateClassProxy
             (typeof(Foo), new object[] { fooString }, new Interceptor()); 

This can be used with a proxying framework (like Castle Dynamic Proxy) where you want to intercept / inject functionality into an object, based on say, certain attributes assigned to its methods. The overall idea is that you need a special constructor because technically you are creating a copy of the original instance with special added functionality.

Source file 'Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs' could not be found

I got the error using TFS, my AssemblyInfo wasn't mapped in the branch I was working on.

What exactly is node.js used for?

From Node.js website

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

Event-driven means that the server only reacts when an event occurs. This allow us to create high performance, highly scalable, “real-time” applications.

Finally, this is probably the best article that will get you excited about Node.js

How to clear File Input

This should work:

$imageClear.on('click', function() { 

How to display hexadecimal numbers in C?

Your code has no problem. It does print the way you want. Alternatively, you can do this:


Get nth character of a string in Swift programming language

Best way which worked for me is:

var firstName = "Olivia"
var lastName = "Pope"

var nameInitials.text = "\(firstName.prefix(1))" + "\    (lastName.prefix(1))"


How do you fadeIn and animate at the same time?

Another way to do simultaneous animations if you want to call them separately (eg. from different code) is to use queue. Again, as with Tinister's answer you would have to use animate for this and not fadeIn:

$('.tooltip').css('opacity', 0);

$('.tooltip').animate({opacity: 1}, {queue: false, duration: 'slow'});
$('.tooltip').animate({ top: "-10px" }, 'slow');

How to pass password automatically for rsync SSH command?

The official solution (and others) were incomplete when I first visited, so I came back, years later, to post this alternate approach in case any others wound up here intending to use a public/private key-pair:

Execute this from the target backup machine, which pulls from source to target backup

rsync -av --delete -e 'ssh -p 59333 -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' [email protected]:/home/user/Server/ /home/keith/Server/

Execute this from the source machine, which sends from source to target backup

rsync -av --delete -e 'ssh -p 59333 -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' /home/user/Server/ [email protected]:/home/user/Server/

And, if you are not using an alternate port for ssh, then consider the more elegant examples below:

Execute this from the target backup machine, which pulls from source to target backup:

sudo rsync -avi --delete [email protected]:/var/www/ /media/sdb1/backups/www/

Execute this from the source machine, which sends from source to target backup:

sudo rsync -avi --delete /media/sdb1/backups/www/ [email protected]:/var/www/

If you are still getting prompted for a password, then you need to check your ssh configuration in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and verify that the users in source and target each have the others' respective public ssh key by sending each over with ssh-copy-id [email protected].

(Again, this is for using ssh key-pairs without a password, as an alternate approach, and not for passing the password over via a file.)

Check if two lists are equal

Enumerable.SequenceEqual(FirstList.OrderBy(fElement => fElement), 
                         SecondList.OrderBy(sElement => sElement))

Is it ok to scrape data from Google results?

Google will eventually block your IP when you exceed a certain amount of requests.

How to make MySQL table primary key auto increment with some prefix

If you really need this you can achieve your goal with help of separate table for sequencing (if you don't mind) and a trigger.


CREATE TABLE table1_seq

Now the trigger

CREATE TRIGGER tg_table1_insert

Then you just insert rows to table1

INSERT INTO Table1 (name) 
VALUES ('Jhon'), ('Mark');

And you'll have

|      ID | NAME |
| LHPL001 | Jhon |
| LHPL002 | Mark |

Here is SQLFiddle demo

LaTeX beamer: way to change the bullet indentation?

I use the package enumitem. You may then set such margins when you declare your lists (enumerate, description, itemize):

    \item Foo
    \item Bar

Naturally, the package provides lots of other nice customizations for lists (use 'label=' to change the bullet, use 'itemsep=' to change the spacing between items, etc...)

Split string in C every white space

Consider using strtok_r, as others have suggested, or something like:

void printWords(const char *string) {
    // Make a local copy of the string that we can manipulate.
    char * const copy = strdup(string);
    char *space = copy;
    // Find the next space in the string, and replace it with a newline.
    while (space = strchr(space,' ')) *space = '\n';
    // There are no more spaces in the string; print out our modified copy.
    printf("%s\n", copy);
    // Free our local copy

Partly JSON unmarshal into a map in Go

This can be accomplished by Unmarshaling into a map[string]json.RawMessage.

var objmap map[string]json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &objmap)

To further parse sendMsg, you could then do something like:

var s sendMsg
err = json.Unmarshal(objmap["sendMsg"], &s)

For say, you can do the same thing and unmarshal into a string:

var str string
err = json.Unmarshal(objmap["say"], &str)

EDIT: Keep in mind you will also need to export the variables in your sendMsg struct to unmarshal correctly. So your struct definition would be:

type sendMsg struct {
    User string
    Msg  string


Use grep to report back only line numbers

You're going to want the second field after the colon, not the first.

grep -n "text to find" file.txt | cut -f2 -d:

Print text instead of value from C enum

Enumerations in C are basically syntactical sugar for named lists of automatically-sequenced integer values. That is, when you have this code:

int main()
    enum Days{Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday};

    Days TheDay = Monday;

Your compiler actually spits out this:

int main()
    int TheDay = 1; // Monday is the second enumeration, hence 1. Sunday would be 0.

Therefore, outputting a C enumeration as a string is not an operation that makes sense to the compiler. If you want to have human-readable strings for these, you will need to define functions to convert from enumerations to strings.

Animate an element's width from 0 to 100%, with it and it's wrapper being only as wide as they need to be, without a pre-set width, in CSS3 or jQuery

Got it to work by transitioning the padding as well as the width.


<div class='label gray'>+
</div><!-- must be connected to prevent gap --><div class='contents-wrapper'>
    <div class="gray contents">These are the contents of this div</div>
.gray {
    background: #ddd;
.contents-wrapper, .label, .contents {
    display: inline-block;
.label, .contents {
    overflow: hidden; /* must be on both divs to prevent dropdown behavior */
    height: 20px;
.label {
    padding: 10px 10px 15px;
.contents {
    padding: 10px 0px 15px; /* no left-right padding at beginning */
    white-space: nowrap; /* keeps text all on same line */
    width: 0%;
    -webkit-transition: width 1s ease-in-out, padding-left 1s ease-in-out, 
        padding-right 1s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: width 1s ease-in-out, padding-left 1s ease-in-out, 
        padding-right 1s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: width 1s ease-in-out, padding-left 1s ease-in-out, 
        padding-right 1s ease-in-out;
    transition: width 1s ease-in-out, padding-left 1s ease-in-out, 
        padding-right 1s ease-in-out;
.label:hover + .contents-wrapper .contents {
    width: 100%;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;

How do you log content of a JSON object in Node.js?

console.dir() is the most direct way.

javascript scroll event for iPhone/iPad?

Since iOS 8 came out, this problem does not exist any more. The scroll event is now fired smoothly in iOS Safari as well.

So, if you register the scroll event handler and check window.pageYOffset inside that event handler, everything works just fine.

Monad in plain English? (For the OOP programmer with no FP background)

See my answer to "What is a monad?"

It begins with a motivating example, works through the example, derives an example of a monad, and formally defines "monad".

It assumes no knowledge of functional programming and it uses pseudocode with function(argument) := expression syntax with the simplest possible expressions.

This C++ program is an implementation of the pseudocode monad. (For reference: M is the type constructor, feed is the "bind" operation, and wrap is the "return" operation.)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template <class A> class M
    A val;
    std::string messages;

template <class A, class B>
M<B> feed(M<B> (*f)(A), M<A> x)
    M<B> m = f(x.val);
    m.messages = x.messages + m.messages;
    return m;

template <class A>
M<A> wrap(A x)
    M<A> m;
    m.val = x;
    m.messages = "";
    return m;

class T {};
class U {};
class V {};

M<U> g(V x)
    M<U> m;
    m.messages = "called g.\n";
    return m;

M<T> f(U x)
    M<T> m;
    m.messages = "called f.\n";
    return m;

int main()
    V x;
    M<T> m = feed(f, feed(g, wrap(x)));
    std::cout << m.messages;

What is @ModelAttribute in Spring MVC?

@ModelAttribute will create a attribute with the name specified by you (@ModelAttribute("Testing") Test test) as Testing in the given example ,Test being the bean test being the reference to the bean and Testing will be available in model so that you can further use it on jsp pages for retrieval of values that you stored in you ModelAttribute.

change array size

This worked well for me to create a dynamic array from a class array.

var s = 0;
var songWriters = new SongWriterDetails[1];
foreach (var contributor in Contributors)
    Array.Resize(ref songWriters, s++);
    songWriters[s] = new SongWriterDetails();
    songWriters[s].DisplayName = contributor.Name;
    songWriters[s].PartyId = contributor.Id;

Failed to resolve:

I get the same issue and i solved it by replacing :

implementation ''


implementation ''

and everything solved and worked well.

Android, How can I Convert String to Date?

String source = "24/10/17";

String[] sourceSplit= source.split("/");

int anno= Integer.parseInt(sourceSplit[2]);
int mese= Integer.parseInt(sourceSplit[1]);
int giorno= Integer.parseInt(sourceSplit[0]);

    GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
  Date   data1= calendar.getTime();
  SimpleDateFormat myFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("20yy-MM-dd");

    String   dayFormatted= myFormat.format(data1);

    System.out.println("data formattata,-->"+dayFormatted);

How to import functions from different js file in a Vue+webpack+vue-loader project

I was trying to organize my vue app code, and came across this question , since I have a lot of logic in my component and can not use other sub-coponents , it makes sense to use many functions in a separate js file and call them in the vue file, so here is my attempt

1)The Component (.vue file)

//MyComponent.vue file
  <div>Hello {{name}}</div>
  <button @click="function_A">Read Name</button>
  <button @click="function_B">Write Name</button>
  <button @click="function_C">Reset</button>

import Mylib from "./Mylib"; // <-- import
export default {
  name: "MyComponent",
  data() {
    return {
      name: "Bob",
      message: "click on the buttons"
  methods: {
    function_A() {
      Mylib.myfuncA(this); // <---read data
    function_B() {
      Mylib.myfuncB(this); // <---write data
    function_C() {
      Mylib.myfuncC(this); // <---write data

2)The External js file

let exports = {};

// this (vue instance) is passed as that , so we
// can read and write data from and to it as we please :)
exports.myfuncA = (that) => {
  that.message =
  "you hit ''myfuncA'' function that is located in Mylib.js  and = " +;

exports.myfuncB = (that) => {
  that.message =
  "you hit ''myfuncB'' function that is located in Mylib.js and now I will change the name to Nassim"; = "Nassim"; // <-- change name to Nassim

exports.myfuncC = (that) => {
  that.message =
  "you hit ''myfuncC'' function that is located in Mylib.js and now I will change the name back to Bob"; = "Bob"; // <-- change name to Bob

export default exports;

enter image description here 3)see it in action :


after getting more experience with Vue , I found out that you could use mixins too to split your code into different files and make it easier to code and maintain see

How to add a custom right-click menu to a webpage?

You can do it with this code. visit here for full tutorial with automatic edge detection

$(document).ready(function () {
        //prevent default context menu for right click

        var menu = $(".menu"); 

        //hide menu if already shown

        //get x and y values of the click event
        var pageX = e.pageX;
        var pageY = e.pageY;

        //position menu div near mouse cliked area
        menu.css({top: pageY , left: pageX});

        var mwidth = menu.width();
        var mheight = menu.height();
        var screenWidth = $(window).width();
        var screenHeight = $(window).height();

        //if window is scrolled
        var scrTop = $(window).scrollTop();

        //if the menu is close to right edge of the window
        if(pageX+mwidth > screenWidth){

        //if the menu is close to bottom edge of the window
        if(pageY+mheight > screenHeight+scrTop){

        //finally show the menu;

 $("html").on("click", function(){


Set colspan dynamically with jquery

How about

$([your selector]).attr('colspan',3);

I would imagine that to work but have no way to test at the moment. Using .attr() would be the usual jQuery way of setting attributes of elements in the wrapped set.

As has been mentioned in another answer, in order to get this to work would require removing the td elements that have no text in them from the DOM. It may be easier to do this all server side


As was mentioned in the comments, there is a bug in attempting to set colspan using attr() in IE, but the following works in IE6 and FireFox 3.0.13.

Working Demo

notice the use of the attribute colSpan and not colspan - the former works in both IE and Firefox, but the latter does not work in IE. Looking at jQuery 1.3.2 source, it would appear that attr() attempts to set the attribute as a property of the element if

  1. it exists as a property on the element (colSpan exists as a property and defaults to 1 on <td> HTMLElements in IE and FireFox)
  2. the document is not xml and
  3. the attribute is none of href, src or style

using colSpan as opposed to colspan works with attr() because the former is a property defined on the element whereas the latter is not.

the fall-through for attr() is to attempt to use setAttribute() on the element in question, setting the value to a string, but this causes problems in IE (bug #1070 in jQuery)

// convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE) see #1070
elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value ); 

In the demo, for each row, the text in each cell is evaluated. If the text is a blank string, then the cell is removed and a counter incremented. The first cell in the row that does not have class="colTime" has a colspan attribute set to the value of the counter + 1 (for the span it occupies itself).

After this, for each row, the text in the cell with class="colspans" is set to the colspan attribute values of each cell in the row from left to right.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<script src=""></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
body { background-color: #000; font: 16px Helvetica, Arial; color: #fff; }
td { text-align: center; }
<table  class="tblSimpleAgenda" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
            <th align="left">Time</th>
            <th align="left">Room 1</th>
            <th align="left">Room 2</th>
            <th align="left">Room 3</th> 
            <th align="left">Colspans (L -> R)</th>
        <tr valign="top">
            <td class="colTime">09:00 – 10:00</td>
            <td class="col1"></td>
            <td class="col2">Meeting 2</td>
            <td class="col3"></td>
            <td class="colspans">holder</td>

        <tr valign="top">
            <td class="colTime">10:00 – 10:45</td>
            <td class="col1">Meeting 1</td>
            <td class="col2">Meeting 2</td>
            <td class="col3">Meeting 3</td>    
             <td class="colspans">holder</td> 

        <tr valign="top">
            <td class="colTime">11:00 – 11:45</td>
            <td class="col1">Meeting 1</td>
            <td class="col2">Meeting 2</td>
            <td class="col3">Meeting 3</td>
            <td class="colspans">holder</td>     

        <tr valign="top">
            <td class="colTime">11:00 – 11:45</td>
            <td class="col1">Meeting 1</td>
            <td class="col2">Meeting 2</td>
            <td class="col3"></td>
            <td class="colspans">holder</td>     


jQuery code

$(function() {

  $('table.tblSimpleAgenda tr').each(function() {
    var tr = this;
    var counter = 0;

    $('td', tr).each(function(index, value) {
      var td = $(this);

      if (td.text() == "") {

    if (counter !== 0) {
      $('td:not(.colTime):first', tr)
        .attr('colSpan', '' + parseInt(counter + 1,10) + '');

    var td = $(this);
    var colspans = [];

    td.siblings().each(function() {
      colspans.push(($(this).attr('colSpan')) == null ? 1 : $(this).attr('colSpan'));



This is just a demonstration to show that attr() can be used, but to be aware of it's implementation and the cross-browser quirks that come with it. I've also made some assumptions about your table layout in the demo (i.e. apply the colspan to the first "non-Time" cell in each row), but hopefully you get the idea.

How to bind bootstrap popover on dynamic elements

Probably way too late but this is another option:

    selector: '[rel=popover]',
    trigger: 'hover',
    html: true,
    content: function () {
        return $(this).parents('.row').first().find('.metaContainer').html();

How do I remove/delete a folder that is not empty?

You can use os.system command for simplicity:

import os
os.system("rm -rf dirname")

As obvious, it actually invokes system terminal to accomplish this task.

SQL - Query to get server's IP address

The server might have multiple IP addresses that it is listening on. If your connection has the VIEW SERVER STATE server permission granted to it, you can run this query to get the address you have connected to SQL Server:

SELECT dec.local_net_address
FROM sys.dm_exec_connections AS dec
WHERE dec.session_id = @@SPID;

This solution does not require you to shell out to the OS via xp_cmdshell, which is a technique that should be disabled (or at least strictly secured) on a production server. It may require you to grant VIEW SERVER STATE to the appropriate login, but that is a far smaller security risk than running xp_cmdshell.

The technique mentioned by GilM for the server name is the preferred one:


String strip() for JavaScript?

A better polyfill from the MDN that supports removal of BOM and NBSP:

if (!String.prototype.trim) {
  String.prototype.trim = function () {
    return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');

Bear in mind that modifying built-in prototypes comes with a performance hit (due to the JS engine bailing on a number of runtime optimizations), and in performance critical situations you may need to consider the alternative of defining myTrimFunction(string) instead. That being said, if you are targeting an older environment without native .trim() support, you are likely to have more important performance issues to deal with.

Flutter does not find android sdk

What worked is Tools->Flutter->open Android module in Android studio, For me plugin flutter_email_sender was giving this error, so I copied file into it and the build become successful. enter image description here

Or Open Terminal Run touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/<macusername>/Library/Android/sdk
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/Users/<macusername>/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

Run source ~/.bash_profile in android studio terminal

Convert a bitmap into a byte array

A MemoryStream can be helpful for this. You could put it in an extension method:

public static class ImageExtensions
    public static byte[] ToByteArray(this Image image, ImageFormat format)
        using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
            image.Save(ms, format);
            return ms.ToArray();

You could just use it like:

var image = new Bitmap(10, 10);
// Draw your image
byte[] arr = image.ToByteArray(ImageFormat.Bmp);

I partially disagree with prestomanifto's answer in regards to the ImageConverter. Do not use ImageConverter. There's nothing technically wrong with it, but simply the fact that it uses boxing/unboxing from object tells me it's code from the old dark places of the .NET framework and its not ideal to use with image processing (it's overkill for converting to a byte[] at least), especially when you consider the following.

I took a look at the ImageConverter code used by the .Net framework, and internally it uses code almost identical to the one I provided above. It creates a new MemoryStream, saves the Bitmap in whatever format it was in when you provided it, and returns the array. Skip the extra overhead of creating an ImageConverter class by using MemoryStream

Check/Uncheck checkbox with JavaScript

I agree with the current answers, but in my case it does not work, I hope this code help someone in the future:

// check

How to add a ScrollBar to a Stackpanel

If you mean, you want to scroll through multiple items in your stackpanel, try putting a grid around it. By definition, a stackpanel has infinite length.

So try something like this:

   <Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
        <StackPanel Width="311">
              <TextBlock Text="{Binding A}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextExtraLargeStyle}" FontStretch="Condensed" FontSize="28" />
              <TextBlock Text="{Binding B}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="12,-6,12,0" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextSubtleStyle}"/>

You could even make this work with a ScrollViewer

Does a "Find in project..." feature exist in Eclipse IDE?

Open Search Dialog Search-> Search... or use Shortcut Ctrl + H.

  1. Containing text: Type the expression for which you wish to do the text search.
  2. Choose if you want Case sensitive, Regular expression or Whole word
  3. File name patterns: In this field, enter all the file name patterns for the files to find or search through for the specified expression.
  4. Scope: Choose the scope of your search. You can either search the whole workspace, pre-defined working sets, previously selected resources or projects enclosing the selected resources.
  5. Press Search

enter image description here

Mocking a class: Mock() or patch()?

Key points which explain difference and provide guidance upon working with unittest.mock

  1. Use Mock if you want to replace some interface elements(passing args) of the object under test
  2. Use patch if you want to replace internal call to some objects and imported modules of the object under test
  3. Always provide spec from the object you are mocking
    • With patch you can always provide autospec
    • With Mock you can provide spec
    • Instead of Mock, you can use create_autospec, which intended to create Mock objects with specification.

In the question above the right answer would be to use Mock, or to be more precise create_autospec (because it will add spec to the mock methods of the class you are mocking), the defined spec on the mock will be helpful in case of an attempt to call method of the class which doesn't exists ( regardless signature), please see some

from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import Mock, create_autospec, patch

class MyClass:
    def method(foo, bar):

def something(some_class: MyClass):
    arg = 1
    # Would fail becuase of wrong parameters passed to methd.
    return some_class.method(arg)

def second(some_class: MyClass):
    arg = 1
    return some_class.unexisted_method(arg)

class TestSomethingTestCase(TestCase):
    def test_something_with_autospec(self):
        mock = create_autospec(MyClass)
        mock.method.return_value = True
        # Fails because of signature misuse.
        result = something(mock)
    def test_something(self):
        mock = Mock()  # Note that Mock(spec=MyClass) will also pass, because signatures of mock don't have spec.
        mock.method.return_value = True
        result = something(mock)
    def test_second_with_patch_autospec(self):
        with patch(f'{__name__}.MyClass', autospec=True) as mock:
            # Fails because of signature misuse.
            result = second(mock)

class TestSecondTestCase(TestCase):
    def test_second_with_autospec(self):
        mock = Mock(spec=MyClass)
        # Fails because of signature misuse.
        result = second(mock)
    def test_second_with_patch_autospec(self):
        with patch(f'{__name__}.MyClass', autospec=True) as mock:
            # Fails because of signature misuse.
            result = second(mock)
    def test_second(self):
        mock = Mock()
        mock.unexisted_method.return_value = True
        result = second(mock)

The test cases with defined spec used fail because methods called from something and second functions aren't complaint with MyClass, which means - they catch bugs, whereas default Mock will display.

As a side note there is one more option: use patch.object to mock just the class method which is called with.

The good use cases for patch would be the case when the class is used as inner part of function:

def something():
    arg = 1
    return MyClass.method(arg)

Then you will want to use patch as a decorator to mock the MyClass.

Add a Progress Bar in WebView

I try dismis progress on method onPageFinished(), but not good too much, it has time delay to render webview.

try with onPageCommitVisible() better:

val progressBar = ProgressDialog(context)
    val url = "your url here"
    web_container.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true

    web_container.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
        override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, url: String): Boolean {
            return true

        override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView?, url: String?) {
            super.onPageFinished(view, url)
        override fun onPageCommitVisible(view: WebView?, url: String?) {
            super.onPageCommitVisible(view, url)
    web_container.setOnKeyListener(View.OnKeyListener { _, keyCode, event ->
        if (keyCode == KEYCODE_BACK && event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
                && web_container.canGoBack()) {
            return@OnKeyListener true
        return@OnKeyListener false

LogisticRegression: Unknown label type: 'continuous' using sklearn in python

I struggled with the same issue when trying to feed floats to the classifiers. I wanted to keep floats and not integers for accuracy. Try using regressor algorithms. For example:

import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn import svm

classifiers = [

trainingData    = np.array([ [2.3, 4.3, 2.5],  [1.3, 5.2, 5.2],  [3.3, 2.9, 0.8],  [3.1, 4.3, 4.0]  ])
trainingScores  = np.array( [3.4, 7.5, 4.5, 1.6] )
predictionData  = np.array([ [2.5, 2.4, 2.7],  [2.7, 3.2, 1.2] ])

for item in classifiers:
    clf = item, trainingScores)

How to get the request parameters in Symfony 2?

Most of the cases like getting query string or form parameters are covered in answers above.

When working with raw data, like a raw JSON string in the body that you would like to give as an argument to json_decode(), the method Request::getContent() can be used.

$content = $request->getContent();

Additional useful informations on HTTP requests in Symfony can be found on the HttpFoundation package's documentation.

Select row and element in awk

To expand on Dennis's answer, use awk's -v option to pass the i and j values:

# print the j'th field of the i'th line
awk -v i=5 -v j=3 'FNR == i {print $j}'

Can the Unix list command 'ls' output numerical chmod permissions?

Use this to display the Unix numerical permission values (octal values) and file name.

stat -c '%a %n' *

Use this to display the Unix numerical permission values (octal values) and the folder's sgid and sticky bit, user name of the owner, group name, total size in bytes and file name.

stat -c '%a %A %U %G %s %n' *

enter image description here

Add %y if you need time of last modification in human-readable format. For more options see stat.

Better version using an Alias

Using an alias is a more efficient way to accomplish what you need and it also includes color. The following displays your results organized by group directories first, display in color, print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) edit your ~/.bashrc and add an alias for your account or globally by editing /etc/profile.d/

Typing cls displays your new LS command results.

alias cls="ls -lha --color=always -F --group-directories-first |awk '{k=0;s=0;for(i=0;i<=8;i++){;k+=((substr(\$1,i+2,1)~/[rwxst]/)*2^(8-i));};j=4;for(i=4;i<=10;i+=3){;s+=((substr(\$1,i,1)~/[stST]/)*j);j/=2;};if(k){;printf(\"%0o%0o \",s,k);};print;}'"

Alias is the most efficient solution

Folder Tree

While you are editing your bashrc or include the following alias to see a graphical representation where typing lstree will display your current folder tree structure

alias lstree="ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g' -e 's/^/   /' -e 's/-/|/'"

It would display:


'LIKE ('%this%' OR '%that%') and something=else' not working

Try something like:

WHERE (column LIKE '%this%' OR column LIKE '%that%') AND something = else

angularjs getting previous route path

This alternative also provides a back function.

The template:

<a ng-click='back()'>Back</a>

The module: ($rootScope, $location) {

    var history = [];

    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {

    $rootScope.back = function () {
        var prevUrl = history.length > 1 ? history.splice(-2)[0] : "/";


Find the max of 3 numbers in Java with different data types

if you want to do a simple, it will be like this

// Fig. 6.3:
// Programmer-declared method maximum with three double parameters.
import java.util.Scanner;

public class MaximumFinder
  // obtain three floating-point values and locate the maximum value
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // create Scanner for input from command window
    Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    // prompt for and input three floating-point values
      "Enter three floating-point values separated by spaces: ");
    double number1 = input.nextDouble(); // read first double
    double number2 = input.nextDouble(); // read second double
    double number3 = input.nextDouble(); // read third double

    // determine the maximum value
    double result = maximum(number1, number2, number3);

    // display maximum value
    System.out.println("Maximum is: " + result);

  // returns the maximum of its three double parameters          
  public static double maximum(double x, double y, double z)     
    double maximumValue = x; // assume x is the largest to start

    // determine whether y is greater than maximumValue         
    if (y > maximumValue)                                       
      maximumValue = y;                                        

    // determine whether z is greater than maximumValue         
    if (z > maximumValue)                                       
      maximumValue = z;                                        

    return maximumValue;                                        
} // end class MaximumFinder

and the output will be something like this

Enter three floating-point values separated by spaces: 9.35 2.74 5.1
Maximum is: 9.35

References Java™ How To Program (Early Objects), Tenth Edition

bind/unbind service example (android)

Add these methods to your Activity:

private MyService myServiceBinder;
public ServiceConnection myConnection = new ServiceConnection() {

    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder binder) {
        myServiceBinder = ((MyService.MyBinder) binder).getService();

    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
        myService = null;

public Handler myHandler = new Handler() {
    public void handleMessage(Message message) {
        Bundle data = message.getData();

public void doBindService() {
    Intent intent = null;
    intent = new Intent(this, BTService.class);
    // Create a new Messenger for the communication back
    // From the Service to the Activity
    Messenger messenger = new Messenger(myHandler);
    intent.putExtra("MESSENGER", messenger);

    bindService(intent, myConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

And you can bind to service by ovverriding onResume(), and onPause() at your Activity class.

protected void onResume() {

    Log.d("activity", "onResume");
    if (myService == null) {

protected void onPause() {
    //FIXME put back

    Log.d("activity", "onPause");
    if (myService != null) {
        myService = null;

Note, that when binding to a service only the onCreate() method is called in the service class. In your Service class you need to define the myBinder method:

private final IBinder mBinder = new MyBinder();
private Messenger outMessenger;

public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {
    Bundle extras = arg0.getExtras();
    // Get messager from the Activity
    if (extras != null) {
        Log.d("service","onBind with extra");
        outMessenger = (Messenger) extras.get("MESSENGER");
    return mBinder;

public class MyBinder extends Binder {
    MyService getService() {
        return MyService.this;

After you defined these methods you can reach the methods of your service at your Activity:

private void showServiceData() {  

and finally you can start your service when some event occurs like _BOOT_COMPLETED_

public class MyReciever  extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        String action = intent.getAction();
        if (action.equals("android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED")) {
            Intent service = new Intent(context, myService.class);

note that when starting a service the onCreate() and onStartCommand() is called in service class and you can stop your service when another event occurs by stopService() note that your event listener should be registerd in your Android manifest file:

<receiver android:name="MyReciever" android:enabled="true" android:exported="true">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />

How to make a shape with left-top round rounded corner and left-bottom rounded corner?

for others there are a solution for any API level , you can place a item on top of each other example :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="" >

<!-- my firt item with 4 corners radius(8dp)
                android:color="#3D689A" />

            <corners android:topLeftRadius="8dp" />
<!-- my second item is on top right for a fake corner radius(0dp)
            <solid android:color="#5C83AF" />
<!-- my third item is on bottom left for a fake corner radius(0dp)
            <solid android:color="#5C83AF" />


the result with light color to show you the three items :

enter image description here

the final result :

enter image description here

Best regards.

Clear an input field with Reactjs?

Also after React v 16.8+ you have an ability to use hooks

import React, {useState} from 'react';

const ControlledInputs = () => {
  const [firstName, setFirstName] = useState(false);

  const handleSubmit = (e) => {
    if (firstName) {
      console.log('firstName :>> ', firstName);

  return (
      <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
          <label htmlFor="firstName">Name: </label>
            onChange={(e) => setFirstName(}
        <button type="submit">add person</button>

C - gettimeofday for computing time?

To subtract timevals:

gettimeofday(&t0, 0);
/* ... */
gettimeofday(&t1, 0);
long elapsed = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000 + t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec;

This is assuming you'll be working with intervals shorter than ~2000 seconds, at which point the arithmetic may overflow depending on the types used. If you need to work with longer intervals just change the last line to:

long long elapsed = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000LL + t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec;

How do I define a method in Razor?

You mean inline helper?

@helper SayHello(string name)
    <div>Hello @name</div>


how do I print an unsigned char as hex in c++ using ostream?

I think we are missing an explanation of how these type conversions work.

char is platform dependent signed or unsigned. In x86 char is equivalent to signed char.

When an integral type (char, short, int, long) is converted to a larger capacity type, the conversion is made by adding zeros to the left in case of unsigned types and by sign extension for signed ones. Sign extension consists in replicating the most significant (leftmost) bit of the original number to the left till we reach the bit size of the target type.

Hence if I am in a signed char by default system and I do this:

char a = 0xF0; // Equivalent to the binary: 11110000
std::cout << std::hex << static_cast<int>(a);

We would obtain F...F0 since the leading 1 bit has been extended.

If we want to make sure that we only print F0 in any system we would have to make an additional intermediate type cast to an unsigned char so that zeros are added instead and, since they are not significant for a integer with only 8-bits, not printed:

char a = 0xF0; // Equivalent to the binary: 11110000
std::cout << std::hex << static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned char>(a));

This produces F0

Google MAP API Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null

Year, geocodezip's answer is correct. So change your code like this: (if you still in trouble, or maybe somebody else in the future)

<script type="text/javascript">

function initialize() {
    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644);
    var myOptions = {
        zoom: 8,
        center: latlng,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "load", initialize);


Save byte array to file

You can use:

File.WriteAllBytes("Foo.txt", arrBytes); // Requires System.IO

If you have an enumerable and not an array, you can use:

File.WriteAllBytes("Foo.txt", arrBytes.ToArray()); // Requires System.Linq

Preloading images with jQuery

you can load images in your html somewhere using css display:none; rule, then show them when you want with js or jquery

don't use js or jquery functions to preload is just a css rule Vs many lines of js to be executed

example: Html

<img src="someimg.png" class="hide" alt=""/>




//if want to show img 
//if want to hide

Preloading images by jquery/javascript is not good cause images takes few milliseconds to load in page + you have milliseconds for the script to be parsed and executed, expecially then if they are big images, so hiding them in hml is better also for performance, cause image is really preloaded without beeing visible at all, until you show that!

Playing .mp3 and .wav in Java?

I would recommend using the BasicPlayerAPI. It's open source, very simple and it doesn't require JavaFX.

After downloading and extracting the zip-file one should add the following jar-files to the build path of the project:

  • basicplayer3.0.jar
  • all the jars from the lib directory (inside BasicPlayer3.0)

Here is a minimalistic usage example:

String songName = "HungryKidsofHungary-ScatteredDiamonds.mp3";
String pathToMp3 = System.getProperty("user.dir") +"/"+ songName;
BasicPlayer player = new BasicPlayer();
try { URL("file:///" + pathToMp3));;
} catch (BasicPlayerException | MalformedURLException e) {

Required imports:

import javazoom.jlgui.basicplayer.BasicPlayer;
import javazoom.jlgui.basicplayer.BasicPlayerException;

That's all you need to start playing music. The Player is starting and managing his own playback thread and provides play, pause, resume, stop and seek functionality.

For a more advanced usage you may take a look at the jlGui Music Player. It's an open source WinAmp clone:

The first class to look at would be PlayerUI (inside the package javazoom.jlgui.player.amp). It demonstrates the advanced features of the BasicPlayer pretty well.

MySql : Grant read only options?

Various permissions that you can grant to a user are

ALL PRIVILEGES- This would allow a MySQL user all access to a designated database (or if no database is selected, across the system)
CREATE- allows them to create new tables or databases
DROP- allows them to them to delete tables or databases
DELETE- allows them to delete rows from tables
INSERT- allows them to insert rows into tables
SELECT- allows them to use the Select command to read through databases
UPDATE- allow them to update table rows
GRANT OPTION- allows them to grant or remove other users' privileges

To provide a specific user with a permission, you can use this framework:

GRANT [type of permission] ON [database name].[table name] TO ‘[username]’@'localhost’;

I found this article very helpful

What is the correct way to write HTML using Javascript?

There are many ways to write html with JavaScript.

document.write is only useful when you want to write to page before it has actually loaded. If you use document.write() after the page has loaded (at onload event) it will create new page and overwrite the old content. Also it doesn't work with XML, that includes XHTML.

From other hand other methods can't be used before DOM has been created (page loaded), because they work directly with DOM.

These methods are:

  • node.innerHTML = "Whatever";
  • document.createElement('div'); and node.appendChild(), etc..

In most cases node.innerHTML is better since it's faster then DOM functions. Most of the time it also make code more readable and smaller.

WPF: simple TextBox data binding

Name2 is a field. WPF binds only to properties. Change it to:

public string Name2 { get; set; }

Be warned that with this minimal implementation, your TextBox won't respond to programmatic changes to Name2. So for your timer update scenario, you'll need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged:

partial class Window1 : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

  protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

  private string _name2;

  public string Name2
    get { return _name2; }
      if (value != _name2)
         _name2 = value;

You should consider moving this to a separate data object rather than on your Window class.

Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3

Maybe you installed a pod file and you are still trying to build from the .xcodeproj file instead of .xcworkspace

How can I exclude multiple folders using Get-ChildItem -exclude?

I wanted a solution that didn't involve looping over every single item and doing ifs. Here's a solution that is just a simple recursive function over Get-ChildItem. We just loop and recurse over directories.

function Get-RecurseItem {
    param (
        [string[]]$Exclude = @(),
        [string]$Include = '*'
    Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $Path '*') -Exclude $Exclude -Directory | ForEach-Object {
        @(Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $_ '*') -Include $Include -Exclude $Exclude -File) + ``
        @(Get-RecurseItem -Path $_ -Include $Include -Exclude $Exclude)

How can I display a tooltip message on hover using jQuery?

Take a look at ToolTipster

  • easy to use
  • flexible
  • pretty lightweight, compared to some other tooltip plugins (39kB)
  • looks better, without additional styling
  • has a good set of predefined themes

How to convert a color integer to a hex String in Android?

String int2string = Integer.toHexString(INTEGERColor); //to ARGB
String HtmlColor = "#"+ int2string.substring(int2string.length() - 6, int2string.length()); // a stupid way to append your color

Saving a select count(*) value to an integer (SQL Server)

[update] -- Well, my own foolishness provides the answer to this one. As it turns out, I was deleting the records from myTable before running the select COUNT statement.

How did I do that and not notice? Glad you asked. I've been testing a sql unit testing platform (tsqlunit, if you're interested) and as part of one of the tests I ran a truncate table statement, then the above. After the unit test is over everything is rolled back, and records are back in myTable. That's why I got a record count outside of my tests.

Sorry everyone...thanks for your help.

No process is on the other end of the pipe (SQL Server 2012)

I have the same proplem "A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)"

My connection is:

server=POS06\SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename=C:...\Datas.mdf;Initial Catalog= Datas; User ID= sa; Pwd=12345; Connect Timeout=10;

But My SQL is POS06\MSQL2014

Change the connection string to

server=POS06\MSQL2014 ; AttachDbFilename=C:...\Datas.mdf;Initial Catalog= Datas; User ID= sa; Pwd=12345; Connect Timeout=10;

it worked.

Find stored procedure by name

When I have a Store Procedure name, and do not know which database it belongs to, I use the following -

Use [master]

DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(50)   
DECLARE @statement NVARCHAR(max)

--Status 48 (mirrored db)
SELECT name FROM MASTER.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE STATUS NOT LIKE 48 AND name NOT IN ('master','model','msdb','tempdb','distribution')  

OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  

SELECT @statement = 'SELECT * FROM ['+@dbname+'].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES  WHERE [ROUTINE_NAME] LIKE ''%name_of_proc%'''+';'
print @statement

EXEC sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

how to get file path from sd card in android

There are different Names of SD-Cards.

This Code check every possible Name (I don't guarantee that these are all names but the most are included)

It prefers the main storage.

 private String SDPath() {
    String sdcardpath = "";

    if (new File("/data/sdext4/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext4/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext4/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext3/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext3/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext3/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext2/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext2/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext2/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext1/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext1/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext/";


    if (new File("mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard/external_sd/";
    if (new File("mnt/extsdcard/").exists() && new File("mnt/extsdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/extsdcard/";
    if (new File("mnt/external_sd/").exists() && new File("mnt/external_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/external_sd/";
    if (new File("mnt/emmc/").exists() && new File("mnt/emmc/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/emmc/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard0/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard0/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard0/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard/";

    if (new File("/storage/removable/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("/storage/removable/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/removable/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("/storage/external_SD/").exists() && new File("/storage/external_SD/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/external_SD/";
    if (new File("/storage/ext_sd/").exists() && new File("/storage/ext_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/ext_sd/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard0/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard0/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard0/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard/";
    if (sdcardpath.contentEquals("")){
        sdcardpath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();

    Log.v("SDFinder","Path: " + sdcardpath);
    return sdcardpath;

Write to .txt file?

Well, you need to first get a good book on C and understand the language.

FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("c:\\test.txt", "wb");
if(fp == null)
char x[10]="ABCDEFGHIJ";
fwrite(x, sizeof(x[0]), sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]), fp);

How to install a gem or update RubyGems if it fails with a permissions error

Installing gem or updating RubyGems fails with permissions error Then Type This Command

sudo gem install cocoapods

How can I pass a username/password in the header to a SOAP WCF Service

The answers above are so wrong! DO NOT add custom headers. Judging from your sample xml, it is a standard WS-Security header. WCF definitely supports it out of the box. When you add a service reference you should have basicHttpBinding binding created for you in the config file. You will have to modify it to include security element with mode TransportWithMessageCredential and message element with clientCredentialType = UserName:

  <binding name="usernameHttps">
    <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
      <message clientCredentialType="UserName"/>

The config above is telling WCF to expect userid/password in the SOAP header over HTTPS. Then you can set id/password in your code before making a call:

var service = new MyServiceClient();
service.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
service.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";

Unless this particular service provider deviated from the standard, it should work.

How to top, left justify text in a <td> cell that spans multiple rows

try this

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
table, th, td {_x000D_
    border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
<table style="width:50%;">_x000D_
    <tr style="height:100px">_x000D_
      <td valign="top">January</td>_x000D_
      <td valign="bottom">$100</td>_x000D_
<p><b>Note:</b> The valign attribute is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.</p>_x000D_

use valign="top" for td style

Android: Share plain text using intent (to all messaging apps)

Images or binary data:

Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(new File(getFilesDir(), "foo.jpg"));
sharingIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri.toString());
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sharingIntent, "Share image using"));

or HTML:

Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
sharingIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, Html.fromHtml("<p>This is the text shared.</p>"));
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sharingIntent,"Share using"));

How do I revert to a previous package in Anaconda?

I know it was not available at the time, but now you could also use Anaconda navigator to install a specific version of packages in the environments tab.

Math constant PI value in C

In C Pi is defined in math.h: #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

Find (and kill) process locking port 3000 on Mac

In your .bash_profile, create a shortcut for terminate the 3000 process:

  lsof -P | grep ':3000' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 

Then, call $terminate if it's blocked.

format a Date column in a Data Frame

This should do it (where df is your dataframe)

df$JoiningDate <- as.Date(df$JoiningDate , format = "%m/%d/%y")

df[order(df$JoiningDate ),]

How can I recursively find all files in current and subfolders based on wildcard matching?

With Python>3.5, using glob, . pointing to your current folder and looking for .txt files:

 python -c "import glob;[print(x) for x in glob.glob('./**/*txt', recursive=True)]"

For older versions of Python, you can install glob2

SQL Server Group By Month

DECLARE @start [datetime] = 2010/4/1;

Should be...

DECLARE @start [datetime] = '2010-04-01';

The one you have is dividing 2010 by 4, then by 1, then converting to a date. Which is the 57.5th day from 1900-01-01.

Try SELECT @start after your initialisation to check if this is correct.

Update R using RStudio

Don't use Rstudio to update R. Rstudio IS NOT R, Rstudio is just an IDE. This answer is a summary of previous answers for different OS. For all OS it is convenient to have a look in advance what will happen with the packages you have already installed here.

WINDOWS ->> Open CMD/Powershell as an administrator and type "R" to go into interactive mode. If this does not work, search and run RGui.exe instead of writing R in the console ...and then:

lib_path <- gsub( "/", "\\\\" , Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"))
install.packages("installr", lib = lib_path)
install.packages("stringr", lib_path)
library(stringr, lib.loc = lib_path)
library(installr, lib.loc = lib_path)

MacOS ->> You can use updateR package. The package is not on CRAN, so you’ll need to run the following code in Rgui:

updateR(admin_password = "PASSWORD") # Where "PASSWORD" stands for your system password

Note that it is planned to merge updateR and installR in the near future to work for both Mac and Windows.

Linux ->> For the moment installr is NOT available for Linux/MacOS (see documentation for current version 0.20). As R is installed, you can follow these instructions (in Ubuntu, although the idea is the same in other distros: add the source, update and upgrade and install.)

How can I get a specific parameter from

The easiest way is to have

if ('yourtext=') >= 0) {
    // your code
} else {
    // what happens?


The indexOf(text) function returns

  • A WHOLE NUMBER BELOW 0 when the text passed in the function is not in whatever variable or string you are looking for - in this case
  • A WHOLE NUMBER EQUAL TO 0 OR HIGHER when the text passed in the function is in whatever variable or string you are looking for - in this case

I hope this was useful, @gumbo

Git checkout - switching back to HEAD

You can stash (save the changes in temporary box) then, back to master branch HEAD.

$ git add .
$ git stash
$ git checkout master

Jump Over Commits Back and Forth:

  • Go to a specific commit-sha.

      $ git checkout <commit-sha>
  • If you have uncommitted changes here then, you can checkout to a new branch | Add | Commit | Push the current branch to the remote.

      # checkout a new branch, add, commit, push
      $ git checkout -b <branch-name>
      $ git add .
      $ git commit -m 'Commit message'
      $ git push origin HEAD          # push the current branch to remote 
      $ git checkout master           # back to master branch now
  • If you have changes in the specific commit and don't want to keep the changes, you can do stash or reset then checkout to master (or, any other branch).

      # stash
      $ git add -A
      $ git stash
      $ git checkout master
      # reset
      $ git reset --hard HEAD
      $ git checkout master
  • After checking out a specific commit if you have no uncommitted change(s) then, just back to master or other branch.

      $ git status          # see the changes
      $ git checkout master
      # or, shortcut
      $ git checkout -      # back to the previous state

What is the dual table in Oracle?

It's a sort of dummy table with a single record used for selecting when you're not actually interested in the data, but instead want the results of some system function in a select statement:

e.g. select sysdate from dual;


Why do Sublime Text 3 Themes not affect the sidebar?

I thought I would put a note here that explains a basic misconception for a lot of people who are using these Text Editors... Sublime Text in particular (or at least that's the one I use, so I don't know how it works for other editors):

There are "Themes" and there are "Color Schemes". They are similar but affect different things. "Themes" actively change the entire UI, and can include a Color Scheme if you set it up that way. This typically includes the sidebar, and can also include options for the file tabs, and some even include icons for the sidebar as well. And then we have "Color Schemes" which only change the coding windows and nothing else... not the Sidebar, nor the File tabs, etc.

The confusion happens because some people call Color Schemes "Themes" which makes folks think that their "Theme" is going to change everything.... when technically, it's just a color scheme.

And an additional note: Themes don't automatically install for all users. When I install a Theme, I have to open my User preferences (under "preferences > Settings - User"), and then you have to add the line which says something like:

"theme": "Theme-Name.sublime-theme" 

(where "Theme-Name" is the name of your theme).

This is different than just activating a color scheme. If you've chosen a color scheme via the dropdown menus in Sublime Text, you will see a line in there like this:

"color_scheme": "Packages/Color-Scheme-Name.tmTheme"

(where "Color-Scheme-Name" is the name of your color scheme).

Angular 2 @ViewChild annotation returns undefined

This worked for me.

My component named 'my-component', for example, was displayed using *ngIf="showMe" like so:

<my-component [showMe]="showMe" *ngIf="showMe"></my-component>

So, when the component is initialized the component is not yet displayed until "showMe" is true. Thus, my @ViewChild references were all undefined.

This is where I used @ViewChildren and the QueryList that it returns. See angular article on QueryList and a @ViewChildren usage demo.

You can use the QueryList that @ViewChildren returns and subscribe to any changes to the referenced items using rxjs as seen below. @ViewChild does not have this ability.

import { Component, ViewChildren, ElementRef, OnChanges, QueryList, Input } from '@angular/core';
import 'rxjs/Rx';

    selector: 'my-component',
    templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.css']
export class MyComponent implements OnChanges {

  @ViewChildren('ref') ref: QueryList<any>; // this reference is just pointing to a template reference variable in the component html file (i.e. <div #ref></div> )
  @Input() showMe; // this is passed into my component from the parent as a    

  ngOnChanges () { // ngOnChanges is a component LifeCycle Hook that should run the following code when there is a change to the components view (like when the child elements appear in the DOM for example)
    if(showMe) // this if statement checks to see if the component has appeared becuase ngOnChanges may fire for other reasons
      this.ref.changes.subscribe( // subscribe to any changes to the ref which should change from undefined to an actual value once showMe is switched to true (which triggers *ngIf to show the component)
        (result) => {
          // console.log(result.first['_results'][0].nativeElement);                                         

          // Do Stuff with referenced element here...   
      ); // end subscribe
    } // end if
  } // end onChanges 
} // end Class

Hope this helps somebody save some time and frustration.

Convert integer value to matching Java Enum

As @MeBigFatGuy says, except you can make your static {...} block use a loop over the values() collection:

static {
    for (PcapLinkType type : PcapLinkType.values()) {
        intToTypeMap.put(type.getValue(), type);

Using Python, how can I access a shared folder on windows network?

I had the same issue as OP but none of the current answers solved my issue so to add a slightly different answer that did work for me:

Running Python 3.6.5 on a Windows Machine, I used the format


so the combination of double backslashes from reading @Johnsyweb UNC link and adding the r in front as recommended solved my similar to OP's issue.

How to create and handle composite primary key in JPA

Key class:

@Access (AccessType.FIELD)
public class EntryKey implements Serializable {

    public EntryKey() {

    public EntryKey(final Long id, final Long version) { = id;
        this.version = version;

    public Long getId() {

    public void setId(Long id) { = id;

    public Long getVersion() {
        return this.version;

    public void setVersion(Long version) {
        this.version = version;

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        if (this == other)
            return true;
        if (!(other instanceof EntryKey))
            return false;
        EntryKey castOther = (EntryKey) other;
        return id.equals( && version.equals(castOther.version);

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int hash = 17;
        hash = hash * prime +;
        hash = hash * prime + this.version.hashCode();
        return hash;

    @Column (name = "ID")
    private Long id;
    @Column (name = "VERSION")
    private Long operatorId;

Entity class:

@Table (name = "YOUR_TABLE_NAME")
public class Entry implements Serializable {

    public EntryKey getKey() {
        return this.key;

    public void setKey(EntryKey id) { = id;


    private EntryKey key;

How can I duplicate it with another Version?

You can detach entity which retrieved from provider, change the key of Entry and then persist it as a new entity.

C++ template typedef

C++11 added alias declarations, which are generalization of typedef, allowing templates:

template <size_t N>
using Vector = Matrix<N, 1>;

The type Vector<3> is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

In C++03, the closest approximation was:

template <size_t N>
struct Vector
    typedef Matrix<N, 1> type;

Here, the type Vector<3>::type is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

JAXB: How to ignore namespace during unmarshalling XML document?

I believe you must add the namespace to your xml document, with, for example, the use of a SAX filter.

That means:

  • Define a ContentHandler interface with a new class which will intercept SAX events before JAXB can get them.
  • Define a XMLReader which will set the content handler

then link the two together:

public static Object unmarshallWithFilter(Unmarshaller unmarshaller, source) throws FileNotFoundException, JAXBException 
    FileReader fr = null;
    try {
        fr = new FileReader(source);
        XMLReader reader = new NamespaceFilterXMLReader();
        InputSource is = new InputSource(fr);
        SAXSource ss = new SAXSource(reader, is);
        return unmarshaller.unmarshal(ss);
    } catch (SAXException e) {
        //not technically a jaxb exception, but close enough
        throw new JAXBException(e);
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        //not technically a jaxb exception, but close enough
        throw new JAXBException(e);
    } finally {
        FileUtil.close(fr); //replace with this some safe close method you have

How to change navigation bar color in iOS 7 or 6?

I'm not sure about changing the tint vs the background color but this is how you change the tint color of the Navigation Bar:

Try this code..

[navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[UIColor redColor]; //Red as an example.

What is the difference between Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows and Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop?

More importantly, the 2013 versions of Visual Studio Express have all the languages that comes with the commercial versions. You can use the Windows desktop versions not only to program using Windows Forms, it is possible to write those windowed applications with any language that comes with the software, may it be C++ using the windows.h header if you want to actually learn how to create windows applications from scratch, or use Windows form to create windows in C# or visual Basic.

In the past, you had to download one version for each language or type of content. Or just download an all-in-one that still installed separate versions of the software for different languages. Now with 2013 you get all the languages needed in each content oriented version of the 2013 express.

You pick what matters the most to you.

Besides, it might be a good way to learn using notepad and the command line to write and compile, but I find that a bit tedious to use. While using an IDE might be overwhelming at first, you start small, learning how to create a project, write code, compile your code. They have gone way over their heads to ease up your day when you take it for the first time.

"&" meaning after variable type

It means you're passing the variable by reference.

In fact, in a declaration of a type, it means reference, just like:

int x = 42;
int& y = x;

declares a reference to x, called y.

Write Base64-encoded image to file

Other option using apache-commons:

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

File file = new File( "path" );
byte[] bytes = Base64.decodeBase64( "base64" );
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile( file, bytes );

Best practice to call ConfigureAwait for all server-side code

Update: ASP.NET Core does not have a SynchronizationContext. If you are on ASP.NET Core, it does not matter whether you use ConfigureAwait(false) or not.

For ASP.NET "Full" or "Classic" or whatever, the rest of this answer still applies.

Original post (for non-Core ASP.NET):

This video by the ASP.NET team has the best information on using async on ASP.NET.

I had read that it is more performant since it doesn't have to switch thread contexts back to the original thread context.

This is true with UI applications, where there is only one UI thread that you have to "sync" back to.

In ASP.NET, the situation is a bit more complex. When an async method resumes execution, it grabs a thread from the ASP.NET thread pool. If you disable the context capture using ConfigureAwait(false), then the thread just continues executing the method directly. If you do not disable the context capture, then the thread will re-enter the request context and then continue to execute the method.

So ConfigureAwait(false) does not save you a thread jump in ASP.NET; it does save you the re-entering of the request context, but this is normally very fast. ConfigureAwait(false) could be useful if you're trying to do a small amount of parallel processing of a request, but really TPL is a better fit for most of those scenarios.

However, with ASP.NET Web Api, if your request is coming in on one thread, and you await some function and call ConfigureAwait(false) that could potentially put you on a different thread when you are returning the final result of your ApiController function.

Actually, just doing an await can do that. Once your async method hits an await, the method is blocked but the thread returns to the thread pool. When the method is ready to continue, any thread is snatched from the thread pool and used to resume the method.

The only difference ConfigureAwait makes in ASP.NET is whether that thread enters the request context when resuming the method.

I have more background information in my MSDN article on SynchronizationContext and my async intro blog post.

How can I build a recursive function in python?

I'm wondering whether you meant "recursive". Here is a simple example of a recursive function to compute the factorial function:

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n - 1)

The two key elements of a recursive algorithm are:

  • The termination condition: n == 0
  • The reduction step where the function calls itself with a smaller number each time: factorial(n - 1)

Does WGET timeout?

Since in your question you said it's a PHP script, maybe the best solution could be to simply add in your script:


In this way even if wget terminates, the PHP script goes on being processed at least until it does not exceeds max_execution_time limit (ini directive: 30 seconds by default).

As per wget anyay you should not change its timeout, according to the UNIX manual the default wget timeout is 900 seconds (15 minutes), whis is much larger that the 5-6 minutes you need.

Can a shell script set environment variables of the calling shell?

You should use modules, see

EDIT: The modules package has not been updated since 2012 but still works ok for the basics. All the new features, bells and whistles happen in lmod this day (which I like it more):

How to convert a datetime to string in T-SQL

This has been answered by a lot of people, but I feel like the simplest solution has been left out.

SQL SERVER (I believe its 2012+) has implicit string equivalents for DATETIME2 as shown here

Look at the section on "Supported string literal formats for datetime2"

To answer the OPs question explicitly:

SELECT @myDt = @myVar


Jan 23 2019 12:24PM             
2019-01-23 12:24:00.0000000

Note: The first variable (myVar) is actually holding the value '2019-01-23 12:24:00.0000000' as well. It just gets formatted to Jan 23 2019 12:24PM due to default formatting set for SQL SERVER that gets called on when you use PRINT. Don't get tripped up here by that, the actual string in (myVer) = '2019-01-23 12:24:00.0000000'

How do I call a JavaScript function on page load?

You have to call the function you want to be called on load (i.e., load of the document/page). For example, the function you want to load when document or page load is called "yourFunction". This can be done by calling the function on load event of the document. Please see the code below for more detail.

Try the code below:

<script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function () {
    function yourFunction(){
      //some code

Selecting multiple classes with jQuery

Have you tried this?

$('.myClass, .myOtherClass').removeClass('theclass');

how to find all indexes and their columns for tables, views and synonyms in oracle

SELECT * FROM user_cons_columns WHERE table_name = 'table_name';

Get skin path in Magento?

To get current skin URL use this Mage::getDesign()->getSkinUrl()

How do you synchronise projects to GitHub with Android Studio?

For Android Studio 0.8.9: VCS --> Import into version contraol --> Share project on Github. It doesn't give you option to share in a specific repository or at least I couldn't find (my limitation!).

You can add your github info here: File --> Settings --> Version COntraol --> Github.

How do I get the result of a command in a variable in windows?

Just use the result from the FOR command. For example (inside a batch file):

for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir /b /a-d /od FILESA*') do (echo %%I)

You can use the %%I as the value you want. Just like this: %%I.

And in advance the %%I does not have any spaces or CR characters and can be used for comparisons!!

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute

The problem is in your playerMovement method. You are creating the string name of your room variables (ID1, ID2, ID3):

letsago = "ID" + str(self.dirDesc.values())

However, what you create is just a str. It is not the variable. Plus, I do not think it is doing what you think its doing:


If you REALLY needed to find the variable this way, you could use the eval function:

>>>foo = 'Hello World!'
'Hello World!'

or the globals function:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Foo, self).__init__()
    def test(self, name):

foo = Foo()
bar = 'Hello World!'

However, instead I would strongly recommend you rethink you class(es). Your userInterface class is essentially a Room. It shouldn't handle player movement. This should be within another class, maybe GameManager or something like that.

Returning unique_ptr from functions

I think it's perfectly explained in item 25 of Scott Meyers' Effective Modern C++. Here's an excerpt:

The part of the Standard blessing the RVO goes on to say that if the conditions for the RVO are met, but compilers choose not to perform copy elision, the object being returned must be treated as an rvalue. In effect, the Standard requires that when the RVO is permitted, either copy elision takes place or std::move is implicitly applied to local objects being returned.

Here, RVO refers to return value optimization, and if the conditions for the RVO are met means returning the local object declared inside the function that you would expect to do the RVO, which is also nicely explained in item 25 of his book by referring to the standard (here the local object includes the temporary objects created by the return statement). The biggest take away from the excerpt is either copy elision takes place or std::move is implicitly applied to local objects being returned. Scott mentions in item 25 that std::move is implicitly applied when the compiler choose not to elide the copy and the programmer should not explicitly do so.

In your case, the code is clearly a candidate for RVO as it returns the local object p and the type of p is the same as the return type, which results in copy elision. And if the compiler chooses not to elide the copy, for whatever reason, std::move would've kicked in to line 1.

How do I make a transparent canvas in html5?

Can't comment the last answer but the fix is relatively easy. Just set the background color of your opaque canvas:

#canvas1 { background-color: black; } //opaque canvas
#canvas2 { ... } //transparent canvas

I'm not sure but it looks like that the background-color is inherited as transparent from the body.

casting int to char using C++ style casting

You can implicitly convert between numerical types, even when that loses precision:

char c = i;

However, you might like to enable compiler warnings to avoid potentially lossy conversions like this. If you do, then use static_cast for the conversion.

Of the other casts:

  • dynamic_cast only works for pointers or references to polymorphic class types;
  • const_cast can't change types, only const or volatile qualifiers;
  • reinterpret_cast is for special circumstances, converting between pointers or references and completely unrelated types. Specifically, it won't do numeric conversions.
  • C-style and function-style casts do whatever combination of static_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast is needed to get the job done.

Run bash command on jenkins pipeline

According to this document, you should be able to do it like so:

node {
    sh "#!/bin/bash \n" + 
       "echo \"Hello from \$SHELL\""

How to Execute stored procedure from SQL Plus?

You forgot to put z as an bind variable.

The following EXECUTE command runs a PL/SQL statement that references a stored procedure:


Note that the value returned by the stored procedure is being return into :Z

Changing the default title of confirm() in JavaScript?

You can't unfortunately. The only way is to simulate this with a call.

How do I create a constant in Python?

from enum import Enum
class StringConsts(str,Enum):

print(f'Truth is  {StringConsts.ONE=="one"}') #Truth is True
StringConsts.ONE="one" #Error: Cannot reassign

This mixin of Enum and str gives you the power of not having to reimplement setattr (through Enum) and comparison to other str objects (through str).

This might deprecate completely.

Function Pointers in Java

Check the closures how they have been implemented in the lambdaj library. They actually have a behavior very similar to C# delegates:

PHP: trying to create a new line with "\n"

If you want a new line character to be inserted into a plain text stream then you could use the OS independent global PHP_EOL

echo "foo";
echo PHP_EOL ;
echo "bar";

In HTML terms you would see a newline between foo and bar if you looked at the source code of the page.

ergo, it is useful if you are outputting say, a loop of values for a select box and you value having html source code which is "prettier" or easier to read for yourself later. e.g.

foreach( $dogs as $dog )
echo "<option>$dog</option>" . PHP_EOL ;

How to load a UIView using a nib file created with Interface Builder

I found this blog posting by Aaron Hillegass (author, instructor, Cocoa ninja) to be very enlightening. Even if you don't adopt his modified approach to loading NIB files through a designated initializer you will probably at least get a better understanding of the process that's going on. I've been using this method lately to great success!

How to insert multiple rows from a single query using eloquent/fluent

It is really easy to do a bulk insert in Laravel with or without the query builder. You can use the following official approach.

    ['name' => 'Pierre Yem Mback', 'city' => 'Eseka', 'salary' => 10000000],
    ['name' => 'Dial rock 360', 'city' => 'Yaounde', 'salary' => 20000000],
    ['name' => 'Ndibou La Menace', 'city' => 'Dakar', 'salary' => 40000000]
], ['name', 'city'], ['salary']);

Why doesn't document.addEventListener('load', function) work in a greasemonkey script?

Apparently, document.addEventListener() is unreliable, and hence, my error. Use window.addEventListener() with the same parameters, instead.

How to copy to clipboard using Access/VBA?

I couldn't figure out how to use the API using the first Google results. Fortunately a thread somewhere pointed me to this link:

Which works nicely. :)

Java Array Sort descending?

an alternative could be (for numbers!!!)

  1. multiply the Array by -1
  2. sort
  3. multiply once again with -1

Literally spoken:

array = -Arrays.sort(-array)

How to check if a json key exists?

A better way, instead of using a conditional like:

if (json.has("club")) {
    String club = json.getString("club"));

is to simply use the existing method optString(), like this:

String club = json.optString("club);

the optString("key") method will return an empty String if the key does not exist and won't, therefore, throw you an exception.

IndexError: too many indices for array

The message that you are getting is not for the default Exception of Python:

For a fresh python list, IndexError is thrown only on index not being in range (even docs say so).

>>> l = []
>>> l[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

If we try passing multiple items to list, or some other value, we get the TypeError:

>>> l[1, 2]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple

>>> l[float('NaN')]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float

However, here, you seem to be using matplotlib that internally uses numpy for handling arrays. On digging deeper through the codebase for numpy, we see:

static NPY_INLINE npy_intp
unpack_tuple(PyTupleObject *index, PyObject **result, npy_intp result_n)
    npy_intp n, i;
    n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(index);
    if (n > result_n) {
                        "too many indices for array");
        return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        result[i] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(index, i);
    return n;

where, the unpack method will throw an error if it the size of the index is greater than that of the results.

So, Unlike Python which raises a TypeError on incorrect Indexes, Numpy raises the IndexError because it supports multidimensional arrays.