Programs & Examples On #Cppcms

CppCMS is an open source, high performance, model-view-controller, C++ web development framework.

Convert a list to a data frame

The package data.table has the function rbindlist which is a superfast implementation of, list(...)).

It can take a list of lists, data.frames or data.tables as input.

ll <- list(a = list(var.1 = 1, var.2 = 2, var.3 = 3)
  , b = list(var.1 = 4, var.2 = 5, var.3 = 6)
  , c = list(var.1 = 7, var.2 = 8, var.3 = 9)
  , d = list(var.1 = 10, var.2 = 11, var.3 = 12)

DT <- rbindlist(ll)

This returns a data.table inherits from data.frame.

If you really want to convert back to a data.frame use

For loop in Objective-C

You mean fast enumeration? You question is very unclear.

A normal for loop would look a bit like this:

unsigned int i, cnt = [someArray count];
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
   // do loop stuff
   id someObject = [someArray objectAtIndex:i];

And a loop with fast enumeration, which is optimized by the compiler, would look like this:

for(id someObject in someArray)
   // do stuff with object

Keep in mind that you cannot change the array you are using in fast enumeration, thus no deleting nor adding when using fast enumeration

How to use source: function()... and AJAX in JQuery UI autocomplete

This is completely new working code with sample AJAX call.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

    <div id="project-label">Select a project (type "j" for a start):</div>
    <img id="project-icon" src="images/transparent_1x1.png" class="ui-state-default" alt="" />
    <input id="project" />
    <input type="hidden" id="project-i" />

@*Auto Complete*@
    $(function () {

            minLength: 0,
            source : function( request, response ) {
                    url: "",
                    dataType: "jsonp",
                    data: {
                        q: request.term
                    success: function (data) {
                        response( data );
            focus: function (event, ui) {
                return false;
            select: function (event, ui) {

                return false;
            .data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {
                return $("<li>")
                    .data("ui-autocomplete-item", item)
                    .append("<a> " + + "<br>" + + "</a>")

Plot smooth line with PyPlot

I presume you mean curve-fitting and not anti-aliasing from the context of your question. PyPlot doesn't have any built-in support for this, but you can easily implement some basic curve-fitting yourself, like the code seen here, or if you're using GuiQwt it has a curve fitting module. (You could probably also steal the code from SciPy to do this as well).

How to check if an element is off-screen

There's a jQuery plugin here which allows users to test whether an element falls within the visible viewport of the browser, taking the browsers scroll position into account.


You can also check for partial visibility:

$('#element').visible( true);

One drawback is that it only works with vertical positioning / scrolling, although it should be easy enough to add horizontal positioning into the mix.

Create code first, many to many, with additional fields in association table

It's not possible to create a many-to-many relationship with a customized join table. In a many-to-many relationship EF manages the join table internally and hidden. It's a table without an Entity class in your model. To work with such a join table with additional properties you will have to create actually two one-to-many relationships. It could look like this:

public class Member
    public int MemberID { get; set; }

    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<MemberComment> MemberComments { get; set; }

public class Comment
    public int CommentID { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<MemberComment> MemberComments { get; set; }

public class MemberComment
    [Key, Column(Order = 0)]
    public int MemberID { get; set; }
    [Key, Column(Order = 1)]
    public int CommentID { get; set; }

    public virtual Member Member { get; set; }
    public virtual Comment Comment { get; set; }

    public int Something { get; set; }
    public string SomethingElse { get; set; }

If you now want to find all comments of members with LastName = "Smith" for example you can write a query like this:

var commentsOfMembers = context.Members
    .Where(m => m.LastName == "Smith")
    .SelectMany(m => m.MemberComments.Select(mc => mc.Comment))

... or ...

var commentsOfMembers = context.MemberComments
    .Where(mc => mc.Member.LastName == "Smith")
    .Select(mc => mc.Comment)

Or to create a list of members with name "Smith" (we assume there is more than one) along with their comments you can use a projection:

var membersWithComments = context.Members
    .Where(m => m.LastName == "Smith")
    .Select(m => new
        Member = m,
        Comments = m.MemberComments.Select(mc => mc.Comment)

If you want to find all comments of a member with MemberId = 1:

var commentsOfMember = context.MemberComments
    .Where(mc => mc.MemberId == 1)
    .Select(mc => mc.Comment)

Now you can also filter by the properties in your join table (which would not be possible in a many-to-many relationship), for example: Filter all comments of member 1 which have a 99 in property Something:

var filteredCommentsOfMember = context.MemberComments
    .Where(mc => mc.MemberId == 1 && mc.Something == 99)
    .Select(mc => mc.Comment)

Because of lazy loading things might become easier. If you have a loaded Member you should be able to get the comments without an explicit query:

var commentsOfMember = member.MemberComments.Select(mc => mc.Comment);

I guess that lazy loading will fetch the comments automatically behind the scenes.


Just for fun a few examples more how to add entities and relationships and how to delete them in this model:

1) Create one member and two comments of this member:

var member1 = new Member { FirstName = "Pete" };
var comment1 = new Comment { Message = "Good morning!" };
var comment2 = new Comment { Message = "Good evening!" };
var memberComment1 = new MemberComment { Member = member1, Comment = comment1,
                                         Something = 101 };
var memberComment2 = new MemberComment { Member = member1, Comment = comment2,
                                         Something = 102 };

context.MemberComments.Add(memberComment1); // will also add member1 and comment1
context.MemberComments.Add(memberComment2); // will also add comment2


2) Add a third comment of member1:

var member1 = context.Members.Where(m => m.FirstName == "Pete")
if (member1 != null)
    var comment3 = new Comment { Message = "Good night!" };
    var memberComment3 = new MemberComment { Member = member1,
                                             Comment = comment3,
                                             Something = 103 };

    context.MemberComments.Add(memberComment3); // will also add comment3

3) Create new member and relate it to the existing comment2:

var comment2 = context.Comments.Where(c => c.Message == "Good evening!")
if (comment2 != null)
    var member2 = new Member { FirstName = "Paul" };
    var memberComment4 = new MemberComment { Member = member2,
                                             Comment = comment2,
                                             Something = 201 };


4) Create relationship between existing member2 and comment3:

var member2 = context.Members.Where(m => m.FirstName == "Paul")
var comment3 = context.Comments.Where(c => c.Message == "Good night!")
if (member2 != null && comment3 != null)
    var memberComment5 = new MemberComment { Member = member2,
                                             Comment = comment3,
                                             Something = 202 };


5) Delete this relationship again:

var memberComment5 = context.MemberComments
    .Where(mc => mc.Member.FirstName == "Paul"
        && mc.Comment.Message == "Good night!")
if (memberComment5 != null)

6) Delete member1 and all its relationships to the comments:

var member1 = context.Members.Where(m => m.FirstName == "Pete")
if (member1 != null)

This deletes the relationships in MemberComments too because the one-to-many relationships between Member and MemberComments and between Comment and MemberComments are setup with cascading delete by convention. And this is the case because MemberId and CommentId in MemberComment are detected as foreign key properties for the Member and Comment navigation properties and since the FK properties are of type non-nullable int the relationship is required which finally causes the cascading-delete-setup. Makes sense in this model, I think.

Converting String Array to an Integer Array

You could read the entire input line from scanner, then split the line by , then you have a String[], parse each number into int[] with index one to one matching...(assuming valid input and no NumberFormatExceptions) like

String line = scanner.nextLine();
String[] numberStrs = line.split(",");
int[] numbers = new int[numberStrs.length];
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)
   // Note that this is assuming valid input
   // If you want to check then add a try/catch 
   // and another index for the numbers if to continue adding the others (see below)
   numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);

As YoYo's answer suggests, the above can be achieved more concisely in Java 8:

int[] numbers =",")).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray();  

To handle invalid input

You will need to consider what you want need to do in this case, do you want to know that there was bad input at that element or just skip it.

If you don't need to know about invalid input but just want to continue parsing the array you could do the following:

int index = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)
        numbers[index] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
        //Do nothing or you could print error if you want
// Now there will be a number of 'invalid' elements 
// at the end which will need to be trimmed
numbers = Arrays.copyOf(numbers, index);

The reason we should trim the resulting array is that the invalid elements at the end of the int[] will be represented by a 0, these need to be removed in order to differentiate between a valid input value of 0.

Results in

Input: "2,5,6,bad,10"
Output: [2,3,6,10]

If you need to know about invalid input later you could do the following:

Integer[] numbers = new Integer[numberStrs.length];
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)        
        numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)   
        numbers[i] = null;

In this case bad input (not a valid integer) the element will be null.

Results in

Input: "2,5,6,bad,10"
Output: [2,3,6,null,10]

You could potentially improve performance by not catching the exception (see this question for more on this) and use a different method to check for valid integers.

Create Table from JSON Data with angularjs and ng-repeat

The solution you are looking for is in Angular's official tutorial. In this tutorial Phones are loaded from a JSON file using Angulars $http service . In the code below we use $http.get to load a phones.json file saved in the phones directory:

var phonecatApp = angular.module('phonecatApp', []);   
phonecatApp.controller('PhoneListCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
 $http.get('phones/phones.json').success(function(data) {
$scope.phones = data;
$scope.orderProp = 'age';

We then iterate over the phones:

  <tbody ng-repeat="i in phones">
    <tr ng-repeat="e in i.details">

What is a simple command line program or script to backup SQL server databases?

declare @PATH VARCHAR(200)='D:\MyBackupFolder\'
 -- path where you want to take backups


DatabaseName NVARCHAR(200)


SELECT       'MyDatabase1'
UNION SELECT 'MyDatabase2'
UNION SELECT 'MyDatabase3'
UNION SELECT 'MyDatabase4'

-- your databases List


PRINT '---------------------FULL BACKUP SCRIPT-------------------------'+CHAR(10)

+ REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( CAST ( CAST ( GETDATE () AS DATETIME2 ) AS VARCHAR ( 100 )), '-' , '_' ), ' ' , '_' ), '.' , '_' ), ':' , '' )+'.bak'''+CHAR(10)+'WITH COMPRESSION, STATS = 10'+CHAR(10)+'GO'+CHAR(10)

 PRINT '---------------------DIFF BACKUP SCRIPT-------------------------'+CHAR(10)

  SET  @COUNT  =0 SET  @RN  =1 SET @SCRIPT ='' SET @DBNAME =''
+ REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( CAST ( CAST ( GETDATE () AS DATETIME2 ) AS VARCHAR ( 100 )), '-' , '_' ), ' ' , '_' ), '.' , '_' ), ':' , '' )+'.diff'''+CHAR(10)+'WITH DIFFERENTIAL, COMPRESSION, STATS = 10'+CHAR(10)+'GO'+CHAR(10)

adding multiple event listeners to one element

Semi-related, but this is for initializing one unique event listener specific per element.

You can use the slider to show the values in realtime, or check the console. On the <input> element I have a attr tag called data-whatever, so you can customize that data if you want to.

sliders = document.querySelectorAll("input");_x000D_
sliders.forEach(item=> {_x000D_
  item.addEventListener('input', (e) => {_x000D_
    console.log(`${item.getAttribute("data-whatever")} is this value: ${}`);_x000D_
    item.nextElementSibling.textContent =;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
span {_x000D_
  padding-right: 30px;_x000D_
  margin-left: 5px;_x000D_
* {_x000D_
  font-size: 12px_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <input type="range" min="1" data-whatever="size" max="800" value="50" id="sliderSize">_x000D_
  <input type="range" min="1" data-whatever="OriginY" max="800" value="50" id="sliderOriginY">_x000D_
  <input type="range" min="1" data-whatever="OriginX" max="800" value="50" id="sliderOriginX">_x000D_

Rotate label text in seaborn factorplot

This is still a matplotlib object. Try this:

# <your code here>
locs, labels = plt.xticks()
plt.setp(labels, rotation=45)

How can I view the allocation unit size of a NTFS partition in Vista?

start > run > MSINFO32

goto components

goto storage

goto disk

on the right look for Bytes/Sector

How to open adb and use it to send commands

The adb tool can be found in sdk/platform-tools/

If you don't see this directory in your SDK, launch the SDK Manager and install "Android SDK Platform-tools"

Also update your PATH environment variable to include the platform-tools/ directory, so you can execute adb from any location.

Read url to string in few lines of java code

Java 11+:

URI uri = URI.create("");
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(uri).build();
String content = HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString()).body();

How to pass variable from jade template file to a script file?

#{} is for escaped string interpolation which automatically escapes the input and is thus more suitable for plain strings rather than JS objects:

script var data = #{JSON.stringify(data)}
<script>var data = {&quot;foo&quot;:&quot;bar&quot;} </script>

!{} is for unescaped code interpolation, which is more suitable for objects:

script var data = !{JSON.stringify(data)}
<script>var data = {"foo":"bar"} </script>

CAUTION: Unescaped code can be dangerous. You must be sure to sanitize any user inputs to avoid cross-site scripting (XSS).


{ foo: 'bar </script><script> alert("xss") //' }

will become:

<script>var data = {"foo":"bar </script><script> alert("xss") //"}</script>

Possible solution: Use .replace(/<\//g, '<\\/')

script var data = !{JSON.stringify(data).replace(/<\//g, '<\\/')}
<script>var data = {"foo":"bar<\/script><script>alert(\"xss\")//"}</script>

The idea is to prevent the attacker to:

  1. Break out of the variable: JSON.stringify escapes the quotes
  2. Break out of the script tag: if the variable contents (which you might not be able to control if comes from the database for ex.) has a </script> string, the replace statement will take care of it

How to change the background-color of jumbrotron?

You don't necessarily have to use custom CSS (or even worse inline CSS), in Bootstrap 4 you can use the utility classes for colors, like:

<div class="jumbotron bg-dark text-white">

And if you need other colors than the default ones, just add additional bg-classes using the same naming convention. This keeps the code neat and understandable.

You might also need to set text-white on child-elements inside the jumbotron, like headings.

How to detect Adblock on my website?

I've only tested with AdBlock... if the ads.js file solution won't work for you, this may..

Somewhere in your <body> add:

<div class="ads-wrapper adTop adUnit"></div>

then you can detect if AdBlock is enabled after DOM ready and then trigger whatever you intend to do:

var adBlockDetected = null;
$(document).ready(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        adBlockDetected = !$('.ads-wrapper').length > 0 || !$('.ads-wrapper').is(':visible');

        if (adBlockDetected) {
    }, 1000); // give adblock time to do what it does best

$(document).on('adblock-detected', function() {
    // ... your code here

C# Break out of foreach loop after X number of items

Or just use a regular for loop instead of foreach. A for loop is slightly faster (though you won't notice the difference except in very time critical code).

How to print Unicode character in Python?

I use Portable winpython in Windows, it includes IPython QT console, I could achieve the following.

>>>print ("??")

>>>print ("????")

>>>str = "??"

>>>print (str)

your console interpreter should support unicode in order to show unicode characters.

Typescript sleep

If you are using angular5 and above, please include the below method in your ts file.

async delay(ms: number) {
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(()=>resolve(), ms)).then(()=>console.log("fired"));

then call this delay() method wherever you want.


validateInputValues() {
    if (null ==|| "") {
            {severity: 'error', summary: 'ID is Required.'});
        this.delay(3000).then(any => {

This will disappear message growl after 3 seconds.

Call a global variable inside module

Sohnee solutions is cleaner, but you can also try


How do you use variables in a simple PostgreSQL script?

Postgresql does not have bare variables, you could use a temporary table. variables are only available in code blocks or as a user-interface feature.

If you need a bare variable you could use a temporary table:


SELECT dbo.PubLists.*
FROM   dbo.PubLists,list
WHERE  Name = list.column1;

$(window).width() not the same as media query

If you don't have to support IE9 you can just use window.matchMedia() (MDN documentation).

function checkPosition() {
    if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches) {
    } else {

window.matchMedia is fully consistent with the CSS media queries and the browser support is quite good:


If you have to support more browsers you can use Modernizr's mq method, it supports all browsers that understand media queries in CSS.

if ('(max-width: 767px)')) {
} else {

What causes HttpHostConnectException?

A "connection refused" error happens when you attempt to open a TCP connection to an IP address / port where there is nothing currently listening for connections. If nothing is listening, the OS on the server side "refuses" the connection.

If this is happening intermittently, then the most likely explanations are (IMO):

  • the server you are talking ("" / port 60) to is going up and down, OR
  • there is something1 between your client and the proxy that is intermittently sending requests to a non-functioning host, or something.

Is this possible that this exception is caused when a search request is made from Android applications as our website don't support a request is being made from android applications.

It seems unlikely. You said that the "connection refused" exception message says that it is the proxy that is refusing the connection, not your server. Besides if a server was going to not handle certain kinds of request, it still has to accept the TCP connection to find out what the request is ... before it can reject it.

1 - For example, it could be a DNS that round-robin resolves the DNS name to different IP addresses. Or it could be an IP-based load balancer.

Is it possible to create static classes in PHP (like in C#)?

you can have those "static"-like classes. but i suppose, that something really important is missing: in php you don't have an app-cycle, so you won't get a real static (or singleton) in your whole application...

see Singleton in PHP

Flutter: Run method on Widget build complete

Try SchedulerBinding,

                .addPostFrameCallback((_) => setState(() {
              isDataFetched = true;

Python class input argument

You just need to do it in correct syntax. Let me give you a minimal example I just did with Python interactive shell:

>>> class MyNameClass():
...   def __init__(self, myname):
...       print myname
>>> p1 = MyNameClass('John')

Xcode: failed to get the task for process

Change the profile for code signing. Select your project, go to Build Settings > Code Signing Identity. Switch to other developer profile.

How to make MySQL table primary key auto increment with some prefix

I know it is late but I just want to share on what I have done for this. I'm not allowed to add another table or trigger so I need to generate it in a single query upon insert. For your case, can you try this query.

ENAME VARCHAR(30) not null

Perform a select and use this select query and save to the parameter @IDNUMBER

        (MAX(`IDNUMBER`), 'LHPL',-1) + 1), 5, '0')), 'LHPL001')

And then Insert query will be :


The result will be the same as the other answer but the difference is, you will not need to create another table or trigger. I hope that I can help someone that have a same case as mine.

Detect home button press in android

This works for me. You can override onUserLeaveHint method

    protected void onUserLeaveHint() {

Apache won't follow symlinks (403 Forbidden)

With the option FollowSymLinks enabled:

$ rg "FollowSymLinks" /etc/httpd/
269:    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

you need all the directories in symlink to be executable by the user httpd is using.

so for this general use case:

cd /path/to/your/web
sudo ln -s $PWD /srv/http/

You can check owner an permissions with namei:

$ namei -m /srv/http/web
f: /srv/http/web
 drwxr-xr-x /
 drwxr-xr-x srv
 drwxr-xr-x http
 lrwxrwxrwx web -> /path/to/your/web
   drwxr-xr-x /
   drwxr-xr-x path
   drwx------ to
   drwxr-xr-x your
   drwxr-xr-x web

In my case to directory was only executable for my user:

Enable execution by others solve it:

chmod o+x /path/to

See the non executable directory could be different, or you need to affect groups instead others, that depends on your case.

How to automatically generate a stacktrace when my program crashes

You can use DeathHandler - small C++ class which does everything for you, reliable.

Using :before and :after CSS selector to insert Html

content doesn't support HTML, only text. You should probably use javascript, jQuery or something like that.

Another problem with your code is " inside a " block. You should mix ' and " (class='headingDetail').

If content did support HTML you could end up in an infinite loop where content is added inside content.

git stash changes apply to new branch?

Is the standard procedure not working?

  • make changes
  • git stash save
  • git branch xxx HEAD
  • git checkout xxx
  • git stash pop


  • make changes
  • git stash
  • git checkout -b xxx
  • git stash pop

How to get the type of T from a member of a generic class or method?

If you dont need the whole Type variable and just want to check the type you can easily create a temp variable and use is operator.

T checkType = default(T);

if (checkType is MyClass)

Fixing npm path in Windows 8 and 10

If, like me, you have MSYS_NO_PATHCONV = 1 configured as a user variable for Git Bash, this issue will be triggered. To workaround, you can either remove this variable or use a different shell (PowerShell) for npm.

Including jars in classpath on commandline (javac or apt)


apt -classpath /sac/tools/thirdparty/jaxws-ri/jaxws-ri-2.1.4/lib/jsr181-api.jar:.

works but it gives me another error, see new question

Iterating through list of list in Python

So wait, this is just a list-within-a-list?

The easiest way is probably just to use nested for loops:

>>> a = [[1, 3, 4], [2, 4, 4], [3, 4, 5]]
>>> a
[[1, 3, 4], [2, 4, 4], [3, 4, 5]]
>>> for list in a:
...     for number in list:
...         print number

Or is it something more complicated than that? Arbitrary nesting or something? Let us know if there's something else as well.

Also, for performance reasons, you might want to look at using list comprehensions to do this:

async await return Task

This is a Task that is returning a Task of type String (C# anonymous function or in other word a delegation is used 'Func')

    public static async Task<string> MyTask()
        //C# anonymous AsyncTask
        return await Task.FromResult<string>(((Func<string>)(() =>
            // your code here
            return  "string result here";


What is %0|%0 and how does it work?

This is known as a fork bomb. It keeps splitting itself until there is no option but to restart the system.

Simulating a click in jQuery/JavaScript on a link



using .trigger() you can simulate many type of events, just passing it as the parameter.

What is the difference between IEnumerator and IEnumerable?

IEnumerable and IEnumerator are both interfaces. IEnumerable has just one method called GetEnumerator. This method returns (as all methods return something including void) another type which is an interface and that interface is IEnumerator. When you implement enumerator logic in any of your collection class, you implement IEnumerable (either generic or non generic). IEnumerable has just one method whereas IEnumerator has 2 methods (MoveNext and Reset) and a property Current. For easy understanding consider IEnumerable as a box that contains IEnumerator inside it (though not through inheritance or containment). See the code for better understanding:

class Test : IEnumerable, IEnumerator
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public object Current
        get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

    public bool MoveNext()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void Reset()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

How to remove numbers from string using Regex.Replace?

Try the following:

var output = Regex.Replace(input, @"[\d-]", string.Empty);

The \d identifier simply matches any digit character.

AJAX POST and Plus Sign ( + ) -- How to Encode?

To make it more interesting and to hopefully enable less hair pulling for someone else. Using python, built dictionary for a device which we can use curl to configure.

Problem: {"timezone":"+5"} //throws an error " 5"

Solution: {"timezone":"%2B"+"5"} //Works

So, in a nutshell:

var = {"timezone":"%2B"+"5"}
json = JSONEncoder().encode(var)["curl",ipaddress,"-XPUT","-d","data="+json])

Thanks to this post!

How to invoke function from external .c file in C?

make a file classAusiliaria.h and in there provide your method signatures.

Now instead of including the .c file include this .h file.

How to search in commit messages using command line?

git log --grep=<pattern>
    Limit the commits output to ones with log message that matches the 
    specified pattern (regular expression).

--git help log

Number of days between past date and current date in Google spreadsheet

If you are using the two formulas at the same time, it will not work... Here is a simple spreadsheet with it working: If you are still getting problems I would need to know what type of erroneous result you are getting.

Today() returns a numeric integer value: Returns the current computer system date. The value is updated when your document recalculates. TODAY is a function without arguments.

PHP namespaces and "use"

The use operator is for giving aliases to names of classes, interfaces or other namespaces. Most use statements refer to a namespace or class that you'd like to shorten:

use My\Full\Namespace;

is equivalent to:

use My\Full\Namespace as Namespace;
// Namespace\Foo is now shorthand for My\Full\Namespace\Foo

If the use operator is used with a class or interface name, it has the following uses:

// after this, "new DifferentName();" would instantiate a My\Full\Classname
use My\Full\Classname as DifferentName;

// global class - making "new ArrayObject()" and "new \ArrayObject()" equivalent
use ArrayObject;

The use operator is not to be confused with autoloading. A class is autoloaded (negating the need for include) by registering an autoloader (e.g. with spl_autoload_register). You might want to read PSR-4 to see a suitable autoloader implementation.

Lumen: get URL parameter in a Blade view

More simple in Laravel 5.7 and 5.8

{{ Request()->parameter }}

Dynamic require in RequireJS, getting "Module name has not been loaded yet for context" error?

The limitation relates to the simplified CommonJS syntax vs. the normal callback syntax:

Loading a module is inherently an asynchronous process due to the unknown timing of downloading it. However, RequireJS in emulation of the server-side CommonJS spec tries to give you a simplified syntax. When you do something like this:

var foomodule = require('foo');
// do something with fooModule

What's happening behind the scenes is that RequireJS is looking at the body of your function code and parsing out that you need 'foo' and loading it prior to your function execution. However, when a variable or anything other than a simple string, such as your example...

var module = require(path); // Call RequireJS require

...then Require is unable to parse this out and automatically convert it. The solution is to convert to the callback syntax;

var moduleName = 'foo';
require([moduleName], function(fooModule){
    // do something with fooModule

Given the above, here is one possible rewrite of your 2nd example to use the standard syntax:

define(['dyn_modules'], function (dynModules) {
    require(dynModules, function(){
        // use arguments since you don't know how many modules you're getting in the callback
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
            var mymodule = arguments[i];
            // do something with mymodule...


EDIT: From your own answer, I see you're using underscore/lodash, so using _.values and _.object can simplify the looping through arguments array as above.

Laravel Eloquent - distinct() and count() not working properly together

The following should work


Java 8 stream map to list of keys sorted by values

You can sort a map by value as below, more example here

//Sort a Map by their Value.
Map<Integer, String> random = new HashMap<Integer, String>();


Map<Integer, String> sortedMap =
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue,
                        (e1, e2) -> e2, LinkedHashMap::new));
System.out.println("Sorted Map: " + Arrays.toString(sortedMap.entrySet().toArray()));

node.js, with SSL

For enterprise applications it should be noted that you should not be handling https in your code. It should be auto upgraded via IIS or nginx. The app shouldn't know about what protocols are used.

Execute an action when an item on the combobox is selected

The simple solution would be to use a ItemListener. When the state changes, you would simply check the currently selected item and set the text accordingly

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;

public class TestComboBox06 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new TestComboBox06();

    public TestComboBox06() {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
                } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {

                JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test");
                frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                frame.add(new TestPane());


    public class TestPane extends JPanel {

        private JComboBox cb;
        private JTextField field;

        public TestPane() {
            cb = new JComboBox(new String[]{"Item 1", "Item 2"});
            field = new JTextField(12);



            cb.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
                public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
                    Object item = cb.getSelectedItem();
                    if ("Item 1".equals(item)) {
                    } else if ("Item 2".equals(item)) {



A better solution would be to create a custom object that represents the value to be displayed and the value associated with it...


Now I no longer have a 10 month chewing on my ankles, I updated the example to use a ListCellRenderer which is a more correct approach then been lazy and overriding toString

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;

public class TestComboBox06 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new TestComboBox06();

    public TestComboBox06() {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
                } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {

                JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test");
                frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                frame.add(new TestPane());


    public class TestPane extends JPanel {

        private JComboBox cb;
        private JTextField field;

        public TestPane() {
            cb = new JComboBox(new Item[]{
                new Item("Item 1", "20"), 
                new Item("Item 2", "30")});
            cb.setRenderer(new ItemCelLRenderer());
            field = new JTextField(12);



            cb.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
                public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
                    Item item = (Item)cb.getSelectedItem();


    public class Item {
        private String value;
        private String text;

        public Item(String text, String value) {
            this.text = text;
            this.value = value;

        public String getText() {
            return text;

        public String getValue() {
            return value;


    public class ItemCelLRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer {

        public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?> list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
            super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
            if (value instanceof Item) {
            return this;



How do I set an un-selectable default description in a select (drop-down) menu in HTML?

Put your prompt in the 1st option and disable it:

    <option disabled selected>”Select a language”</option>

The first option will automatically be the selected default (what you see first when you look at the drop-down) but adding the selected attribute is more clear and actually needed when the first field is a disabled field.

The disabled attribute will make the option be un-selectable/grayed out.

Other answers suggest setting disabled=“disabled” but that’s only necessary if you need to parse as XHTML, which is basically a more strict version of HTML. disabled on it’s on is enough for standard HTML.

If you want to make the selection “required” (without accepting the “Select a language” option as an accepted answer):

Add the required attribute to selection and set the first option’s value to the empty string ””.

<selection required>
    <option disabled value=“”>Select a language</option>

Python: get key of index in dictionary

You could do something like this:

i={'foo':'bar', 'baz':'huh?'}
keys=i.keys()  #in python 3, you'll need `list(i.keys())`
print keys[values.index("bar")]  #'foo'

However, any time you change your dictionary, you'll need to update your keys,values because dictionaries are not ordered in versions of Python prior to 3.7. In these versions, any time you insert a new key/value pair, the order you thought you had goes away and is replaced by a new (more or less random) order. Therefore, asking for the index in a dictionary doesn't make sense.

As of Python 3.6, for the CPython implementation of Python, dictionaries remember the order of items inserted. As of Python 3.7+ dictionaries are ordered by order of insertion.

Also note that what you're asking is probably not what you actually want. There is no guarantee that the inverse mapping in a dictionary is unique. In other words, you could have the following dictionary:

d={'i':1, 'j':1}

In that case, it is impossible to know whether you want i or j and in fact no answer here will be able to tell you which ('i' or 'j') will be picked (again, because dictionaries are unordered). What do you want to happen in that situation? You could get a list of acceptable keys ... but I'm guessing your fundamental understanding of dictionaries isn't quite right.

How to change button text or link text in JavaScript?

You can simply use:

document.getElementById(button_id).innerText = 'Your text here';

If you want to use HTML formatting, use the innerHTML property instead.

How to add an existing folder with files to SVN?

I don't use commands. You should be able to do this using the GUI:

  • Right-click an empty space in your My Documents folder, select TortoiseSVN > Repo-browser.
  • Enter http://subversion... (your URL path to your Subversion server/directory you will save to) as your path and select OK
  • Right-click the root directory in Repo and select Add folder. Give it the name of your project and create it.
  • Right-click the project folder in the Repo-browser and select Checkout. The Checkout directory will be your Visual Studio\Projects\{your project} folder. Select OK.
  • You will receive a warning that the folder is not empty. Say Yes to checkout/export to that folder - it will not overwrite your project files.
  • Open your project folder. You will see question marks on folders that are associated with your VS project that have not yet been added to Subversion. Select those folders using Ctrl + Click, then right-click one of the selected items and select TortoiseSVN > Add
  • Select OK on the prompt
  • Your files should add. Select OK on the Add Finished! dialog
  • Right-click in an empty area of the folder and select Refresh. You’ll see “+” icons on the folders/files, now
  • Right-click an empty area in the folder once again and select SVN Commit
  • Add a message regarding what you are committing and click OK

Opening a new tab to read a PDF file

Just use target on your tag <a>

<a href="newsletter_01.pdf" target="_blank">Read more</a>

The target attribute specifies where to open the link. Using "_blank" will make your browser to open a new window/tab.

You could also use target in many ways. See

How do I dump an object's fields to the console?

You might find a use for the methods method which returns an array of methods for an object. It's not the same as print_r, but still useful at times.

>> "Hello".methods.sort
=> ["%", "*", "+", "<", "<<", "<=", "<=>", "==", "===", "=~", ">", ">=", "[]", "[]=", "__id__", "__send__", "all?", "any?", "between?", "capitalize", "capitalize!", "casecmp", "center", "chomp", "chomp!", "chop", "chop!", "class", "clone", "collect", "concat", "count", "crypt", "delete", "delete!", "detect", "display", "downcase", "downcase!", "dump", "dup", "each", "each_byte", "each_line", "each_with_index", "empty?", "entries", "eql?", "equal?", "extend", "find", "find_all", "freeze", "frozen?", "grep", "gsub", "gsub!", "hash", "hex", "id", "include?", "index", "inject", "insert", "inspect", "instance_eval", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "instance_variables", "intern", "is_a?", "is_binary_data?", "is_complex_yaml?", "kind_of?", "length", "ljust", "lstrip", "lstrip!", "map", "match", "max", "member?", "method", "methods", "min", "next", "next!", "nil?", "object_id", "oct", "partition", "private_methods", "protected_methods", "public_methods", "reject", "replace", "respond_to?", "reverse", "reverse!", "rindex", "rjust", "rstrip", "rstrip!", "scan", "select", "send", "singleton_methods", "size", "slice", "slice!", "sort", "sort_by", "split", "squeeze", "squeeze!", "strip", "strip!", "sub", "sub!", "succ", "succ!", "sum", "swapcase", "swapcase!", "taguri", "taguri=", "taint", "tainted?", "to_a", "to_f", "to_i", "to_s", "to_str", "to_sym", "to_yaml", "to_yaml_properties", "to_yaml_style", "tr", "tr!", "tr_s", "tr_s!", "type", "unpack", "untaint", "upcase", "upcase!", "upto", "zip"]

Submit form using <a> tag

Using Jquery you can do something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('#btnSubmit').click(function() {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form action="" id="deleteFrm" method="POST">_x000D_
  <a id="btnSubmit">Submit</a>_x000D_

DateTimeFormat in TypeScript

This should work...

var displayDate = new Date().toLocaleDateString();


But I suspect you are trying it on something else, for example:

var displayDate =; // No!


Auto increment primary key in SQL Server Management Studio 2012

I had this issue where I had already created the table and could not change it without dropping the table so what I did was: (Not sure when they implemented this but had it in SQL 2016)

Right click on the table in the Object Explorer:

Script Table as > DROP And CREATE To > New Query Editor Window

Then do the edit to the script said by Josien; scroll to the bottom where the CREATE TABLE is, find your Primary Key and append IDENTITY(1,1) to the end before the comma. Run script.

The DROP and CREATE script was also helpful for me because of this issue. (Which the generated script handles.)

Jinja2 template variable if None Object set a default value

You can simply add "default none" to your variable as the form below mentioned:

{{ your_var | default('NONE', boolean=true) }}

Simplest way to wait some asynchronous tasks complete, in Javascript?

With deferred (another promise/deferred implementation) you can do:

// Setup 'pdrop', promise version of 'drop' method
var deferred = require('deferred');
mongoose.Collection.prototype.pdrop =

// Drop collections:['aaa','bbb','ccc'], function(name){
    return conn.collection(name).pdrop()(function () {
}).end(function () {
    console.log("all dropped");
}, null);

Asking the user for input until they give a valid response

Try this one:-

def takeInput(required):
  print 'ooo or OOO to exit'
  ans = raw_input('Enter: ')

  if not ans:
      print "You entered nothing...!"
      return takeInput(required) 

      ##  FOR Exit  ## 
  elif ans in ['ooo', 'OOO']:
    print "Closing instance."

    if ans.isdigit():
      current = 'int'
    elif set('[~!@#$%^&*()_+{}":/\']+$').intersection(ans):
      current = 'other'
    elif isinstance(ans,basestring):
      current = 'str'        
      current = 'none'

  if required == current :
    return ans
    return takeInput(required)

## pass the value in which type you want [str/int/special character(as other )]
print "input: ", takeInput('str')

CSS Always On Top

Ensure position is on your element and set the z-index to a value higher than the elements you want to cover.

element {
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 999;

div {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 99;

It will probably require some more work than that but it's a start since you didn't post any code.

MySQL - How to increase varchar size of an existing column in a database without breaking existing data?

I normally use this statement:

ALTER TABLE `table_name`
  CHANGE COLUMN `col_name` `col_name` VARCHAR(10000);

But, I think SET will work too, never have tried it. :)

redistributable offline .NET Framework 3.5 installer for Windows 8

You don't have to copy everything to C:\dotnet35. Usually all the files are already copied to the folder C:\Windows\WinSxS. Then the command becomes (assuming Windows was installed to C:): "Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:C:\Windows\WinSxS /LimitAccess" If not you can also point the command to the DVD directly. Then the command becomes (assuming DVD is mounted to D:): "Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess".

Error Code: 1406. Data too long for column - MySQL

I got the same error while using the imagefield in Django. post_picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='home2/khamulat/', height_field=None, default=None, width_field=None, max_length=None)

I just removed the excess code as shown above to post_picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/uploads/blog/%Y/%m/%d', height_field=None, default=None, width_field=None, max_length=None) and the error was gone

Passing an array of data as an input parameter to an Oracle procedure

If the types of the parameters are all the same (varchar2 for example), you can have a package like this which will do the following:


   TYPE assoc_array_varchar2_t IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

   PROCEDURE your_proc(p_parm IN assoc_array_varchar2_t);

END test_pkg;


   PROCEDURE your_proc(p_parm IN assoc_array_varchar2_t) AS
      FOR i IN p_parm.first .. p_parm.last
      END LOOP;


END test_pkg;

Then, to call it you'd need to set up the array and pass it:

  l_array testuser.test_pkg.assoc_array_varchar2_t;
  l_array(0) := 'hello';
  l_array(1) := 'there';  


Change the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery

I know this is a old question and the above solutions works fine except in some cases.


<select id="select_selector">
<option value="1">Item1</option>
<option value="2">Item2</option>
<option value="3">Item3</option>
<option value="4" selected="selected">Item4</option>
<option value="5">Item5</option>

So Item 4 will show as "Selected" in the browser and now you want to change the value as 3 and show "Item3" as selected instead of Item4.So as per the above solutions,if you use


You will see that Item 3 as selected in browser.But when you process the data either in php or asp , you will find the selected value as "4".The reason is that , your html will look like this.

<select id="select_selector">
<option value="1">Item1</option>
<option value="2">Item2</option>
<option value="3" selected="selected">Item3</option>
<option value="4" selected="selected">Item4</option>
<option value="5">Item5</option>

and it gets the last value as "4" in sever side language.


newselectedIndex = 3;
jQuery("#select_selector option:selected").removeAttr("selected");
jQuery("#select_selector option[value='"+newselectedIndex +"']").attr('selected', 'selected');  

EDIT: Add single quote around "+newselectedIndex+" so that the same functionality can be used for non-numerical values.

So what I do is actually ,removed the selected attribute and then make the new one as selected.

I would appreciate comments on this from senior programmers like @strager , @y0mbo , @ISIK and others

HTML img scaling

I know that this question has been asked for a long time but as of today one simple answer is:

<img src="image.png" style="width: 55vw; min-width: 330px;" />

The use of vw in here tells that the width is relative to 55% of the width of the viewport.

All the major browsers nowadays support this.

Check this link.

Unable to generate an explicit migration in entity framework

This error means there are pending migrations need to be commited before you can execute another explicit migration. You can choose to

  1. Execute those pending migrations using Update-Database command
  2. Delete those pending migrations. Safest way is open Migrations folder, right click on [201203170856167_left] > Exclude from project

After this one you can start "Add-Migration ..." again

Hope it helps

How do I add 1 day to an NSDate?

NSDate *today=[NSDate date];
NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components=[[NSDateComponents alloc] init];;
NSDate *targetDate =[calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:today options: 0];

Detect when browser receives file download

This Java/Spring example detects the end of a Download, at which point it hides the "Loading..." indicator.

Approach: On the JS side, set a Cookie with a Max Expiration Age of 2 min, and poll every second for cookie expiration. Then the server-side overrides this cookie with an earlier expiration age -- the completion of the server process. As soon as the cookie expiration is detected in the JS polling, "Loading..." is hidden.

JS Side

function buttonClick() { // Suppose this is the handler for the button that starts
    $("#loadingProgressOverlay").show();  // show loading animation
    startDownloadChecker("loadingProgressOverlay", 120);
    // Here you launch the download URL...
    window.location.href = "";

// This JS function detects the end of a download.
// It does timed polling for a non-expired Cookie, initially set on the 
// client-side with a default max age of 2 min., 
// but then overridden on the server-side with an *earlier* expiration age 
// (the completion of the server operation) and sent in the response. 
// Either the JS timer detects the expired cookie earlier than 2 min. 
// (coming from the server), or the initial JS-created cookie expires after 2 min. 
function startDownloadChecker(imageId, timeout) {

    var cookieName = "ServerProcessCompleteChecker";  // Name of the cookie which is set and later overridden on the server
    var downloadTimer = 0;  // reference to timer object    

    // The cookie is initially set on the client-side with a specified default timeout age (2 min. in our application)
    // It will be overridden on the server side with a new (earlier) expiration age (the completion of the server operation), 
    // or auto-expire after 2 min.
    setCookie(cookieName, 0, timeout);

    // set timer to check for cookie every second
    downloadTimer = window.setInterval(function () {

        var cookie = getCookie(cookieName);

        // If cookie expired (NOTE: this is equivalent to cookie "doesn't exist"), then clear "Loading..." and stop polling
        if ((typeof cookie === 'undefined')) {
            $("#" + imageId).hide();

    }, 1000); // Every second

// These are helper JS functions for setting and retrieving a Cookie
function setCookie(name, value, expiresInSeconds) {
    var exdate = new Date();
    exdate.setTime(exdate.getTime() + expiresInSeconds * 1000);
    var c_value = escape(value) + ((expiresInSeconds == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString());
    document.cookie = name + "=" + c_value + '; path=/';

function getCookie(name) {
    var parts = document.cookie.split(name + "=");
    if (parts.length == 2 ) {
        return parts.pop().split(";").shift();

Java/Spring Server Side

    public String download(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        //... Some logic for downloading, returning a result ...

        // Create a Cookie that will override the JS-created Max-Age-2min Cookie 
        // with an earlier expiration (same name)
        Cookie myCookie = new Cookie("ServerProcessCompleteChecker", "-1");
        myCookie.setMaxAge(0); // this is immediate expiration, 
                               // but can also add +3 sec. for any flushing concerns
        //... -- presumably the download is writing to the Output Stream...
        return null;

Make an Installation program for C# applications and include .NET Framework installer into the setup

You need to create installer, which will check if user has required .NET Framework 4.0. You can use WiX to create installer. It's very powerfull and customizable. Also you can use ClickOnce to create installer - it's very simple to use. It will allow you with one click add requirement to install .NET Framework 4.0.

Switch role after connecting to database

If someone still needs it (like I do).

The specified role_name must be a role that the current session user is a member of.

We need to make the current session user a member of the role:

create role myrole;
set role myrole;
grant myrole to myuser;
set role myrole;


Role ROLE created.

Error starting at line : 4 in command -
set role myrole
Error report -
ERROR: permission denied to set role "myrole"

Grant succeeded.

Role SET succeeded.

HTML input fields does not get focus when clicked

I had this problem because of this code:

$("#table tbody tr td:first-child").bind("mousedown", function(e){

I resolved it by removing


New code:

$("#table tbody tr td:first-child").bind("mousedown", function(){

How do I load external fonts into an HTML document?

Take a look at this A List Apart article. The pertinent CSS is:

@font-face {
  font-family: "Kimberley";
  src: url( format("truetype");
h1 { font-family: "Kimberley", sans-serif }

The above will work in Chrome/Safari/FireFox. As Paul D. Waite pointed out in the comments you can get it to work with IE if you convert the font to the EOT format.

The good news is that this seems to degrade gracefully in older browsers, so as long as you're aware and comfortable with the fact that not all users will see the same font, it's safe to use.

How to remove all white spaces from a given text file

Try this:

sed -e 's/[\t ]//g;/^$/d' 

(found here)

The first part removes all tabs (\t) and spaces, and the second part removes all empty lines

Entity Framework: table without primary key

Composite keys can also be done with Entity Framework Fluent API

public class MyModelConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<MyModel>
     public MyModelConfiguration()
        HasKey(x => new { x.SourceId, x.StartDate, x.EndDate, x.GmsDate });

How to create json by JavaScript for loop?

If you want a single JavaScript object such as the following:

{ uniqueIDofSelect: "uniqueID", optionValue: "2" }

(where option 2, "Absent", is the current selection) then the following code should produce it:

  var jsObj = null;
  var status = document.getElementsByName("status")[0];
  for (i = 0, i < status.options.length, ++i) {
     if (options[i].selected ) {
        jsObj = { uniqueIDofSelect:, optionValue: options[i].value };

If you want an array of all such objects (not just the selected one), use michael's code but swap out status.options[i].text for

If you want a string that contains a JSON representation of the selected object, use this instead:

  var jsonStr = "";
  var status = document.getElementsByName("status")[0];
  for (i = 0, i < status.options.length, ++i) {
     if (options[i].selected ) {
        jsonStr = '{ '
                  + '"uniqueIDofSelect" : '
                  + '"' + + '"'
                  + ", "
                  + '"optionValue" : '
                  + '"'+ options[i].value + '"'
                  + ' }';

Is there a bash command which counts files?

You can use the -R option to find the files along with those inside the recursive directories

ls -R | wc -l // to find all the files

ls -R | grep log | wc -l // to find the files which contains the word log

you can use patterns on the grep

Spring,Request method 'POST' not supported

For information i removed the action attribute and i got this error when i call an ajax post..Even though my action attribute in the form looks like this action="javascript://;"

I thought I had it from the ajax call and serializing the form but I added the dummy action attribute to the form back again and it worked.

How to add icon to mat-icon-button

Just add the <mat-icon> inside mat-button or mat-raised-button. See the example below. Note that I am using material icon instead of your svg for demo purpose:

<button mat-button>
    Start Recording


<button mat-raised-button color="accent">
    Start Recording

Here is a link to stackblitz demo.

Scala best way of turning a Collection into a Map-by-key?

Scala 2.13+

instead of "breakOut" => (t.getP, t)).to(Mat)

Scroll to "View":

Sending email with attachments from C#, attachments arrive as Part 1.2 in Thunderbird

I've made a short code to do that and I want to share it with you.

Here the main code:

public void Send(string from, string password, string to, string Message, string subject, string host, int port, string file)

  MailMessage email = new MailMessage();
  email.From = new MailAddress(from);
  email.Subject = subject;
  email.Body = Message;
  SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(host, port);
  smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
  NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential(from, password);
  smtp.Credentials = nc;
  smtp.EnableSsl = true;
  email.IsBodyHtml = true;
  email.Priority = MailPriority.Normal;
  email.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

  if (file.Length > 0)
    Attachment attachment;
    attachment = new Attachment(file);

  // smtp.Send(email);
  smtp.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(SendCompletedCallBack);
  string userstate = "sending ...";
  smtp.SendAsync(email, userstate);

private static void SendCompletedCallBack(object sender,AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) {
  string result = "";
  if (e.Cancelled)
    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} send canceled.", e.UserState),"Message",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  else if (e.Error != null)
    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} {1}", e.UserState, e.Error), "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  else {
    MessageBox.Show("your message is sended", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


In your button do stuff like this
you can add your jpg or pdf files and more .. this is just an example

using (OpenFileDialog attachement = new OpenFileDialog()
  Filter = "Exel Client|*.png",
  ValidateNames = true
if (attachement.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
  Send("[email protected]", "gmail_password", 
       "[email protected]", "just smile ", "mail with attachement",
       "", 587, attachement.FileName);


How to get the PID of a process by giving the process name in Mac OS X ?

This solution matches the process name more strictly:

ps -Ac -o pid,comm | awk '/^ *[0-9]+ Dropbox$/ {print $1}'

This solution has the following advantages:

  • it ignores command line arguments like tail -f ~/Dropbox
  • it ignores processes inside a directory like ~/Dropbox/
  • it ignores processes with names like ~/

From Arraylist to Array

There are two styles to convert a collection to an array: either using a pre-sized array (like c.toArray(new String[c.size()])) or using an empty array (like c.toArray(new String[0])). In older Java versions using pre-sized array was recommended, as the reflection call which is necessary to create an array of proper size was quite slow. However since late updates of OpenJDK 6 this call was intrinsified, making the performance of the empty array version the same and sometimes even better, compared to the pre-sized version. Also passing pre-sized array is dangerous for a concurrent or synchronized collection as a data race is possible between the size and toArray call which may result in extra nulls at the end of the array, if the collection was concurrently shrunk during the operation. You can follow the uniform style: either using an empty array (which is recommended in modern Java) or using a pre-sized array (which might be faster in older Java versions or non-HotSpot based JVMs).

There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table that match the referencing column list in the foreign key

Another thing is - if your keys are very complicated sometimes you need to replace the places of the fields and it helps :

if this dosent work:

foreign key (ISBN, Title) references BookTitle (ISBN, Title)

Then this might work (not for this specific example but in general) :

foreign key (Title,ISBN) references BookTitle (Title,ISBN)

Git error: src refspec master does not match any

The quick possible answer: When you first successfully clone an empty git repository, the origin has no master branch. So the first time you have a commit to push you must do:

git push origin master

Which will create this new master branch for you. Little things like this are very confusing with git.

If this didn't fix your issue then it's probably a gitolite-related issue:

Your conf file looks strange. There should have been an example conf file that came with your gitolite. Mine looks like this:

repo    phonegap                                                                                                                                                                           
    RW+     =   myusername otherusername                                                                                                                                               

repo    gitolite-admin                                                                                                                                                                         
    RW+     =   myusername                                                                                                                                                               

Please make sure you're setting your conf file correctly.

Gitolite actually replaces the gitolite user's account with a modified shell that doesn't accept interactive terminal sessions. You can see if gitolite is working by trying to ssh into your box using the gitolite user account. If it knows who you are it will say something like "Hi XYZ, you have access to the following repositories: X, Y, Z" and then close the connection. If it doesn't know you, it will just close the connection.

Lastly, after your first git push failed on your local machine you should never resort to creating the repo manually on the server. We need to know why your git push failed initially. You can cause yourself and gitolite more confusion when you don't use gitolite exclusively once you've set it up.

unknown type name 'uint8_t', MinGW

I had to include "PROJECT_NAME/osdep.h" and that includes the os specific configurations.

I would look in other files using the types you are interested in and find where/how they are defined (by looking at includes).

PageSpeed Insights 99/100 because of Google Analytics - How can I cache GA?

Well, if Google is cheating on you, you can cheat Google back:

This is the user-agent for pageSpeed:

“Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/536.8 (KHTML, like Gecko; Google Page Speed Insights) Chrome/19.0.1084.36 Safari/536.8”

You can insert a conditional to avoid serving the analytics script to PageSpeed:

<?php if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Speed Insights') === false): ?>
// your analytics code here
<?php endif; ?>

Obviously, it won't make any real improvement, but if your only concern is getting a 100/100 score this will do it.

C dynamically growing array

These posts may be in the wrong order! This is #2 in a series of 3 posts. Sorry.

I've "taken a few liberties" with Lie Ryan's code, implementing a linked list so individual elements of his vector can be accessed via a linked list. This allows access, but admittedly it is time-consuming to access individual elements due to search overhead, i.e. walking down the list until you find the right element. I'll cure this by maintaining an address vector containing subscripts 0 through whatever paired with memory addresses. This is still not as efficient as a plain-and-simple array would be, but at least you don't have to "walk the list" searching for the proper item.

    // Based on code from
typedef struct STRUCT_SS_VECTOR
{   size_t size; // # of vector elements
    void** items; // makes up one vector element's component contents
    int subscript; // this element's subscript nmbr, 0 thru whatever
    struct STRUCT_SS_VECTOR* this_element; // linked list via this ptr
    struct STRUCT_SS_VECTOR* next_element; // and next ptr
} ss_vector;

ss_vector* vector; // ptr to vector of components

ss_vector* ss_init_vector(size_t item_size) // item_size is size of one array member
{   vector= malloc(sizeof(ss_vector)); 
    vector->this_element = vector; 
    vector->size = 0; // initialize count of vector component elements
    vector->items = calloc(1, item_size); // allocate & zero out memory for one linked list element
    //      If there's an array of element addresses/subscripts, install it now.
    return vector->this_element;

ss_vector* ss_vector_append(ss_vector* vec_element,                 int i) 
//                                                                          ^--ptr to this element  ^--element nmbr
{   ss_vector* local_vec_element=0;
    // If there is already a next element, recurse to end-of-linked-list
    {   local_vec_element= ss_vector_append(vec_element->next_element,i); // recurse to end of list
        return local_vec_element;
    // vec_element is NULL, so make a new element and add at end of list
    local_vec_element= calloc(1,sizeof(ss_vector)); // memory for one component
    local_vec_element->this_element=local_vec_element; // save the address
    local_vec_element->subscript=i; //vec_element->size; 
    local_vec_element->size=i; // increment # of vector components
    //      If there's an array of element addresses/subscripts, update it now.
    return local_vec_element;

void ss_vector_free_one_element(int i,gboolean Update_subscripts) 
{   // Walk the entire linked list to the specified element, patch up 
    //      the element ptrs before/next, then free its contents, then free it.
    //      Walk the rest of the list, updating subscripts, if requested.
    //      If there's an array of element addresses/subscripts, shift it along the way.
    ss_vector* vec_element;
    struct STRUCT_SS_VECTOR* this_one;
    struct STRUCT_SS_VECTOR* next_one;
    while((vec_element->this_element->subscript!=i)&&(vec_element->next_element!=(size_t) 0)) // skip
    {   this_one=vec_element->this_element; // trailing ptr
        next_one=vec_element->next_element; // will become current ptr
    // now at either target element or end-of-list
    {   printf("vector element not found\n");return;}
    // free this one
    this_one->next_element=next_one->next_element;// previous element points to element after current one
    printf("freeing element[%i] at %lu",next_one->subscript,(size_t)next_one);
    printf(" between %lu and %lu\n",(size_t)this_one,(size_t)next_one->next_element);
    free(next_one); // free the current element
    // renumber if requested
    {   i=0;
        while(vec_element!=(size_t) 0)
        {   vec_element->subscript=i;
    //      If there's an array of element addresses/subscripts, update it now.
/*  // Check: temporarily show the new list
    while(vec_element!=(size_t) 0)
    {   printf("   remaining element[%i] at %lu\n",vec_element->subscript,(size_t)vec_element->this_element);
    } */
} // void ss_vector_free_one_element()

void ss_vector_insert_one_element(ss_vector* vec_element,int place) 
{   // Walk the entire linked list to specified element "place", patch up 
    //      the element ptrs before/next, then calloc an element and store its contents at "place".
    //      Increment all the following subscripts.
    //      If there's an array of element addresses/subscripts, make a bigger one, 
    //      copy the old one, then shift appropriate members.
    // ***Not yet implemented***
} // void ss_vector_insert_one_element()

void ss_vector_free_all_elements(void) 
{   // Start at "vector".Walk the entire linked list, free each element's contents, 
    //      free that element, then move to the next one.
    //      If there's an array of element addresses/subscripts, free it.
    ss_vector* vec_element;
    struct STRUCT_SS_VECTOR* next_one;
    while(vec_element->next_element!=(size_t) 0)
    {   next_one=vec_element->next_element;
        // free(vec_element->items) // don't forget to free these
    // get rid of the last one.
    // free(vec_element->items)
    //      If there's an array of element addresses/subscripts, free it now.
printf("\nall vector elements & contents freed\n");
} // void ss_vector_free_all_elements()

// defining some sort of struct, can be anything really
typedef struct APPLE_STRUCT
{   int id; // one of the data in the component
    int other_id; // etc
    struct APPLE_STRUCT* next_element;
} apple; // description of component

apple* init_apple(int id) // make a single component
{   apple* a; // ptr to component
    a = malloc(sizeof(apple)); // memory for one component
    a->id = id; // populate with data
    // don't mess with aa->last_rec here
    return a; // return pointer to component

int return_id_value(int i,apple* aa) // given ptr to component, return single data item
{   printf("was inserted as apple[%i].id = %i     ",i,aa->id);

ss_vector* return_address_given_subscript(ss_vector* vec_element,int i) 
// always make the first call to this subroutine with global vbl "vector"
{   ss_vector* local_vec_element=0;
    // If there is a next element, recurse toward end-of-linked-list
    {   if((vec_element->this_element->subscript==i))
        {   return vec_element->this_element;}
        local_vec_element= return_address_given_subscript(vec_element->next_element,i); // recurse to end of list
        return local_vec_element;
    {   if((vec_element->this_element->subscript==i)) // last element
        {   return vec_element->this_element;}
        // otherwise, none match
        printf("reached end of list without match\n");
        return (size_t) 0;
} // return_address_given_subscript()

int Test(void)  // was "main" in the original example
{   ss_vector* local_vector;
    local_vector=ss_init_vector(sizeof(apple)); // element "0"
    for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) // inserting items "1" thru whatever
    {   local_vector=ss_vector_append(vector,i);}   
    // test search function
    printf("\n NEXT, test search for address given subscript\n");
    printf("finished return_address_given_subscript(5) with vector at %lu\n",(size_t)local_vector);
    printf("finished return_address_given_subscript(0) with vector at %lu\n",(size_t)local_vector);
    printf("finished return_address_given_subscript(9) with vector at %lu\n",(size_t)local_vector);
    // test single-element removal
    printf("\nNEXT, test single element removal\n");
    ss_vector_free_one_element(5,FALSE); // without renumbering subscripts
    ss_vector_free_one_element(3,TRUE);// WITH renumbering subscripts
    // ---end of program---
    // don't forget to free everything
    return 0;

Creating an abstract class in Objective-C

Instead of trying to create an abstract base class, consider using a protocol (similar to a Java interface). This allows you to define a set of methods, and then accept all objects that conform to the protocol and implement the methods. For example, I can define an Operation protocol, and then have a function like this:

- (void)performOperation:(id<Operation>)op
   // do something with operation

Where op can be any object implementing the Operation protocol.

If you need your abstract base class to do more than simply define methods, you can create a regular Objective-C class and prevent it from being instantiated. Just override the - (id)init function and make it return nil or assert(false). It's not a very clean solution, but since Objective-C is fully dynamic, there's really no direct equivalent to an abstract base class.

How to insert a line break before an element using CSS

Yes, totally doable but it is definitely a total hack (people may give you dirty looks for writing such code).

Here is the HTML:

<div>lorem ipdum dolor sit <span id="restart">amit e pluribus unum</span></div>

Here is the CSS:

#restart:before { content: 'hiddentext'; font-size:0; display:block; line-height:0; }

Here is the fiddle:

sql server invalid object name - but tables are listed in SSMS tables list

For me I had rename from




Java: set timeout on a certain block of code?

I created a very simple solution without using any frameworks or APIs. This looks more elegant and understandable. The class is called TimeoutBlock.

public class TimeoutBlock {

 private final long timeoutMilliSeconds;
    private long timeoutInteval=100;

    public TimeoutBlock(long timeoutMilliSeconds){

    public void addBlock(Runnable runnable) throws Throwable{
        long collectIntervals=0;
        Thread timeoutWorker=new Thread(runnable);
                throw new Exception("<<<<<<<<<<****>>>>>>>>>>> Timeout Block Execution Time Exceeded In "+timeoutMilliSeconds+" Milli Seconds. Thread Block Terminated.");

        System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<####>>>>>>>>>>> Timeout Block Executed Within "+collectIntervals+" Milli Seconds.");

     * @return the timeoutInteval
    public long getTimeoutInteval() {
        return timeoutInteval;

     * @param timeoutInteval the timeoutInteval to set
    public void setTimeoutInteval(long timeoutInteval) {
        this.timeoutInteval = timeoutInteval;

example :

try {
        TimeoutBlock timeoutBlock = new TimeoutBlock(10 * 60 * 1000);//set timeout in milliseconds
        Runnable block=new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                //TO DO write block of code to execute

        timeoutBlock.addBlock(block);// execute the runnable block 

    } catch (Throwable e) {
        //catch the exception here . Which is block didn't execute within the time limit

This was so much useful for me when i had to connect to a FTP account. Then download and upload stuff. sometimes FTP connection hangs or totally breaks. This caused whole system to go down. and i needed a way to detect it and prevent it from happening . So i created this and used it. Works pretty well.

Calculate the date yesterday in JavaScript

var date = new Date();

date ; //# => Fri Apr 01 2011 11:14:50 GMT+0200 (CEST)

date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);

date ; //# => Thu Mar 31 2011 11:14:50 GMT+0200 (CEST)

"Mixed content blocked" when running an HTTP AJAX operation in an HTTPS page

Instead of using Ajax Post method, you can use dynamic form along with element. It will works even page is loaded in SSL and submitted source is non SSL.

You need to set value value of element of form.

Actually new dynamic form will open as non SSL mode in separate tab of Browser when target attribute has set '_blank'

var f = document.createElement('form');

var k=document.createElement('input');

//var z=document.getElementById("FileNameId")
//z.setAttribute("name", "IDProof");
//z.setAttribute("id", "IDProof");


How do I run a program from command prompt as a different user and as an admin

Start -> shift + command Prompt right click will helps to use as another user or as Admin

Check for internet connection with Swift

I have checked out implementing Ashley Mill's Reachability class without Cocoa Pods/Dependancy Manager. The idea is to make the Reachability dependency free in the project.

Xcode 7.2 - Swift 2.1

1) Download add the Reachability class to the project .

Note: While adding, please make sure 'copy items if needed' is ticked.

2) Make an AppManager.swift class . This class will cater as Public Model class where public methods & data will be added and can be utilised in any VC.

//  AppManager.swift

import UIKit
import Foundation

class AppManager: NSObject{
    var delegate:AppManagerDelegate? = nil
    private var _useClosures:Bool = false
    private var reachability: Reachability?
    private var _isReachability:Bool = false
    private var _reachabiltyNetworkType :String?

    var isReachability:Bool {
        get {return _isReachability}
   var reachabiltyNetworkType:String {
    get {return _reachabiltyNetworkType! }

    // Create a shared instance of AppManager
    final  class var sharedInstance : AppManager {
        struct Static {
            static var instance : AppManager?
        if !(Static.instance != nil) {
            Static.instance = AppManager()

        return Static.instance!

    // Reachability Methods
    func initRechabilityMonitor() {
        print("initialize rechability...")
        do {
            let reachability = try Reachability.reachabilityForInternetConnection()
            self.reachability = reachability
        } catch ReachabilityError.FailedToCreateWithAddress(let address) {
            print("Unable to create\nReachability with address:\n\(address)")
        } catch {}
        if (_useClosures) {
            reachability?.whenReachable = { reachability in
            reachability?.whenUnreachable = { reachability in
        } else {

        do {
            try reachability?.startNotifier()
        } catch {
            print("unable to start notifier")

    private func notifyReachability(reachability:Reachability) {
        if reachability.isReachable() {
            self._isReachability = true

//Determine Network Type 
      if reachability.isReachableViaWiFi() {   
        self._reachabiltyNetworkType = CONNECTION_NETWORK_TYPE.WIFI_NETWORK.rawValue
      } else {
        self._reachabiltyNetworkType = CONNECTION_NETWORK_TYPE.WWAN_NETWORK.rawValue

        } else {
            self._isReachability = false
self._reachabiltyNetworkType = CONNECTION_NETWORK_TYPE.OTHER.rawValue


        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "reachabilityChanged:", name: ReachabilityChangedNotification, object: reachability)
    func reachabilityChanged(note: NSNotification) {
        let reachability = note.object as! Reachability
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
            if (self._useClosures) {
                self.reachability?.whenReachable = { reachability in
                self.reachability?.whenUnreachable = { reachability in
            } else {
    deinit {
        if (!_useClosures) {
            NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().removeObserver(self, name: ReachabilityChangedNotification, object: nil)

3) Make a Delegate Class. I use delegate method to notify the connectivity status.

//  Protocols.swift

import Foundation
@objc protocol AppManagerDelegate:NSObjectProtocol {

    func reachabilityStatusChangeHandler(reachability:Reachability)

4) Make Parent class of UIViewController (Inheritance method). The parent class have methods which are accessible all child VCs.

//  UIappViewController.swift

    import UIKit

    class UIappViewController: UIViewController,AppManagerDelegate {
        var manager:AppManager = AppManager.sharedInstance

        override func viewDidLoad() {
            manager.delegate = self
        override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        func reachabilityStatusChangeHandler(reachability: Reachability) {
            if reachability.isReachable() {
            } else {

5) Start Real time Internet Connectivity Monitoring in AppDelegate.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
return true

6) I have added a Swift File Name AppReference to store constant enum values.

//  AppReference.swift

import Foundation


  case WIFI_NETWORK = "Wifi"
  case WWAN_NETWORK = "Cellular"
  case OTHER = "Other"


7) On ViewController (ex. You want to call an API only if network is available)

//  ViewController.swift

        import UIKit

class ViewController: UIappViewController {
  var reachability:Reachability?

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    manager.delegate = self

      print("net available")
      //call API from here.

    } else {
      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
        print("net not available")
        //Show Alert

    //Determine Network Type
    if(AppManager.sharedInstance.reachabiltyNetworkType == "Wifi")
    else if (AppManager.sharedInstance.reachabiltyNetworkType == "Cellular")
    else {
      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
        print("Network not reachable")

  override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
  override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

The sample can be downloaded @

Upgraded to Swift 3.1-

Add item to Listview control

The first column actually refers to Text Field:

  // Add the pet to our listview
    ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem();
    lvi.text = pet.Name;


Or you can use the Constructor

 ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(pet.Name);

Boolean checking in the 'if' condition

This is more readable and good practice too.

//do sth
//do sth

Activity transition in Android

I overwrite my default activity animation. I test it in api 15 that it work smoothly. Here is the solution that I use:

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@style/CustomActivityAnimation</item>


<style name="CustomActivityAnimation" parent="@android:style/Animation.Activity">
    <item name="android:activityOpenEnterAnimation">@anim/slide_in_right</item>
    <item name="android:activityOpenExitAnimation">@anim/slide_out_left</item>
    <item name="android:activityCloseEnterAnimation">@anim/slide_in_left</item>
    <item name="android:activityCloseExitAnimation">@anim/slide_out_right</item>

Create anim folder under res folder and then create this four animation files:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromXDelta="100%p" android:toXDelta="0"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromXDelta="0" android:toXDelta="-100%p"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromXDelta="-100%p" android:toXDelta="0"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<set xmlns:android="">
    <translate android:fromXDelta="0" android:toXDelta="100%p"

You can download my sample project.

That's all... :)

Select dropdown with fixed width cutting off content in IE

Here is a solution that actually works.

It sets the width in IE and doesn't mess up your page layout and doesn't close the dropdown when you mouse over the select options like some of the other solutions on this page.

You will need however to change the margin-right value and width values to match what you have for your select fields.

Also you can replace the $('select') with $('#Your_Select_ID_HERE') to only effect a specific select field. As well you will need to call the function fixIESelect() on the body onload or via jQuery using DOM ready as I did in my code below:

window.fixIESelect_clickset = false;
function fixIESelect()
 if ($.browser.msie)
  $('select').mouseenter(function ()
  $('select').bind('click focus',function ()
   window.fixIESelect_clickset = true;
  $('select').mouseout(function ()
   if(window.fixIESelect_clickset != true)
    window.fixIESelect_clickset = false;
  $('select').bind('blur change',function ()
// ONLOAD //

How to iterate through property names of Javascript object?

In JavaScript 1.8.5, Object.getOwnPropertyNames returns an array of all properties found directly upon a given object.

Object.getOwnPropertyNames ( obj )

and another method Object.keys, which returns an array containing the names of all of the given object's own enumerable properties.

Object.keys( obj )

I used forEach to list values and keys in obj, same as for (var key in obj) ..

Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
      console.log( key , obj[key] );

This all are new features in ECMAScript , the mothods getOwnPropertyNames, keys won't supports old browser's.

"Please try running this command again as Root/Administrator" error when trying to install LESS

I also got the problem. This is what I did:

  1. Uninstalled nodeJs from Control Panel > Uninstall a program
  2. There are 2 folders in users//appData/roaming --> npm folder and npm-cache folder. Delete both of these.

Now, go to nodeJS site, and install again. Select 2nd option in installation option (ie npm package). Install it. You problem must be solved by now.

Get Filename Without Extension in Python

If I had to do this with a regex, I'd do it like this:

s = re.sub(r'\.jpg$', '', s)

Creating a new dictionary in Python

>>> dict(a=2,b=4)
{'a': 2, 'b': 4}

Will add the value in the python dictionary.

How to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout?

To solve this simply add android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustPan to that activity in android manifest file. for example


Eclipse error: "The import XXX cannot be resolved"

If you are working with Maven and have this problem, check the repository server (for example nexus server), if the artifact is there. Sometimes, they can change the name of the artifact and you try to get the artifact with its old name.

Is there a WebSocket client implemented for Python?

Autobahn has a good websocket client implementation for Python as well as some good examples. I tested the following with a Tornado WebSocket server and it worked.

from twisted.internet import reactor
from autobahn.websocket import WebSocketClientFactory, WebSocketClientProtocol, connectWS

class EchoClientProtocol(WebSocketClientProtocol):

   def sendHello(self):
      self.sendMessage("Hello, world!")

   def onOpen(self):

   def onMessage(self, msg, binary):
      print "Got echo: " + msg
      reactor.callLater(1, self.sendHello)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   factory = WebSocketClientFactory("ws://localhost:9000")
   factory.protocol = EchoClientProtocol

How to get JS variable to retain value after page refresh?

This is possible with window.localStorage or window.sessionStorage. The difference is that sessionStorage lasts for as long as the browser stays open, localStorage survives past browser restarts. The persistence applies to the entire web site not just a single page of it.

When you need to set a variable that should be reflected in the next page(s), use:

var someVarName = "value";
localStorage.setItem("someVarKey", someVarName);

And in any page (like when the page has loaded), get it like:

var someVarName = localStorage.getItem("someVarKey");

.getItem() will return null if no value stored, or the value stored.

Note that only string values can be stored in this storage, but this can be overcome by using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse. Technically, whenever you call .setItem(), it will call .toString() on the value and store that.

MDN's DOM storage guide (linked below), has workarounds/polyfills, that end up falling back to stuff like cookies, if localStorage isn't available.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to use an existing, or create your own mini library, that abstracts the ability to save any data type (like object literals, arrays, etc.).


Bootstrap 4 - Glyphicons migration?

If you are using Laravel 5.6, it comes with Bootstrap 4. All you need to is:

npm install and npm install open-iconic --save

At /resources/assets/sass/app.scss change the line of of Google font import on line 2 to

@import '~open-iconic/font/css/open-iconic-bootstrap';

All you need to do now is

npm run watch

and include

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{asset('css/app.css')}}">

on top of master blade file and <script src="{{asset('js/app.js')}}"></script> before closing body tag. You will get Bootstrap 4 and icon.

Usage is <span class="oi oi-cog"></span>

Refer here for icon details: Open Iconic: Recommended by Bootstrap 4

If on other project than Laravel, you can just do import @import 'node_modules/open-iconic/font/css/open-iconic-bootstrap-min.css'; in your style file.

Hope this helps. Happy trying.

How add "or" in switch statements?

The example for switch statement shows that you can't stack non-empty cases, but should use gotos:

// statements_switch.cs
using System;
class SwitchTest 
   public static void Main()  
      Console.WriteLine("Coffee sizes: 1=Small 2=Medium 3=Large"); 
      Console.Write("Please enter your selection: "); 
      string s = Console.ReadLine(); 
      int n = int.Parse(s);
      int cost = 0;
         case 1:   
            cost += 25;
         case 2:            
            cost += 25;
            goto case 1;           
         case 3:            
            cost += 50;
            goto case 1;             
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection. Please select 1, 2, or3.");            
       if (cost != 0)
          Console.WriteLine("Please insert {0} cents.", cost);
       Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your business.");

Can't use SURF, SIFT in OpenCV

IN opencv3.x SIFT() & SURF() are no longer exist .for this

uninstall all the opencv versions

python -m pip uninstall opencv-python

python -m pip uninstall opencv-contrib-python

after that install opencv-contrib to include sift() and surf() using below given command with python(3.x)

python -m pip install opencv-contrib-python==

then you can use

sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()

Error loading the SDK when Eclipse starts

There are lots of answer already given for this problem. Though this issue can happens for any API version, so just see the error line and find out android api version from path and platform name and go to the android sdk manager and delete related system image from sdk manager.

Bootstrap - 5 column layout

Just add this to your CSS

/* 5 Columns */

.col-lg-15 {
    position: relative;
    min-height: 1px;
    padding-right: 10px;
    padding-left: 10px;

.col-xs-15 {
    width: 20%;
    float: left;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
    .col-sm-15 {
        width: 20%;
        float: left;
@media (min-width: 992px) {
    .col-md-15 {
        width: 20%;
        float: left;
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .col-lg-15 {
        width: 20%;
        float: left;

Android custom dropdown/popup menu

First, create a folder named “menu” in the “res” folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="" >



Then, create your Activity Class:

public class PopupMenu1 extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void onPopupButtonClick(View button) {
        PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(this, button);
        popup.getMenuInflater().inflate(, popup.getMenu());

        popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
            public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
                        "Clicked popup menu item " + item.getTitle(),
                return true;

How to remove stop words using nltk or python

Use textcleaner library to remove stopwords from your data.

Follow this link:

Follow these steps to do so with this library.

pip install textcleaner

After installing:

import textcleaner as tc
data = tc.document(<file_name>) 
#you can also pass list of sentences to the document class constructor.
data.remove_stpwrds() #inplace is set to False by default

Use above code to remove the stop-words.

Exclude all transitive dependencies of a single dependency

In a simular issue I had the desired dependency declared with scope provided. With this approach the transitive dependencies are fetched but are NOT included in the package phase, which is what you want. I also like this solution in terms of maintenance, because there is no pom, or custom pom as in whaley's solution, needed to maintain; you only need to provide the specific dependency in the container and be done

Read response body in JAX-RS client from a post request

I just found a solution for jaxrs-ri-2.16 - simply use

String output = response.readEntity(String.class)

this delivers the content as expected.

How do I correctly use "Not Equal" in MS Access?

In Access, you will probably find a Join is quicker unless your tables are very small:

FROM Table1 
ON Table1.Column1 = Table2.Column1  
WHERE Table2.Column1 Is Null

This will exclude from the list all records with a match in Table2.

Python script to copy text to clipboard

This is an altered version of @Martin Thoma's answer for GTK3. I found that the original solution resulted in the process never ending and my terminal hung when I called the script. Changing the script to the following resolved the issue for me.


from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk
import sys
from time import sleep

class Hello(Gtk.Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Hello, self).__init__()

        clipboardText = sys.argv[1]
        clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)
        clipboard.set_text(clipboardText, -1)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

You will probably want to change what clipboardText gets assigned to, in this script it is assigned to the parameter that the script is called with.

On a fresh ubuntu 16.04 installation, I found that I had to install the python-gobject package for it to work without a module import error.

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?' in helpers.php 233

I had the same problem with the laravel initiation. The solution was as follows.

1st - I checked the version of my PHP. That it was 5.6 would soon give problem with the laravel.

2nd - I changed the version of my PHP to PHP 7.1.1. ATTENTION, in my case I changed my environment variable that was getting Xampp's PHP version 5.6 I changed to 7.1.1 for laragon.

3rd - I went to the terminal / console and navigated to my folder where my project was and typed the following command: php artisan serves. And it worked! In my case it started at the port: 8000 see example below.

C: \ laragon \ www \ first> php artisan serves Laravel development server started:

I hope I helped someone who has been through the same problem as me.

Web API Routing - api/{controller}/{action}/{id} "dysfunctions" api/{controller}/{id}

Try this.

public class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Web API configuration and services

        var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
        json.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"));

        // Web API routes

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional , Action =RouteParameter.Optional }


Cannot stop or restart a docker container

Check if there is any zombie process using "top" command.

docker ps | grep <<container name>> 

Get the container id.

ps -ef | grep <<container id>>

ps -ef|grep defunct | grep java

And kill the container by Parent PID .

Should we @Override an interface's method implementation?

The problem with including the @Override is that it makes you think that you forgot to call the super.theOverridenMethod() method, which is very confusing. This should be crystal-clear. Perhaps Java should offer an @Interface to be used here. Oh well, yet another half-assed Java peculiarity...

Dynamically create and submit form

Steps to take:

  1. First you need to create the form element.
  2. With the form you have to pass the URL to which you wants to navigate.
  3. Specify the method type for the form.
  4. Add the form body.
  5. Finally call the submit() method on the form.


var Form = document.createElement("form");
Form.action = '/DashboardModule/DevicesInfo/RedirectToView?TerminalId=';
Form.method = "post";
var formToSubmit = document.body.appendChild(Form);

How can I use mySQL replace() to replace strings in multiple records?

At a very generic level


SET StringColumn = REPLACE (StringColumn, 'SearchForThis', 'ReplaceWithThis')

WHERE SomeOtherColumn LIKE '%PATTERN%'

In your case you say these were escaped but since you don't specify how they were escaped, let's say they were escaped to GREATERTHAN


SET StringColumn = REPLACE (StringColumn, 'GREATERTHAN', '>')


Since your query is actually going to be working inside the string, your WHERE clause doing its pattern matching is unlikely to improve any performance - it is actually going to generate more work for the server. Unless you have another WHERE clause member that is going to make this query perform better, you can simply do an update like this:

SET StringColumn = REPLACE (StringColumn, 'GREATERTHAN', '>')

You can also nest multiple REPLACE calls

SET StringColumn = REPLACE (REPLACE (StringColumn, 'GREATERTHAN', '>'), 'LESSTHAN', '<')

You can also do this when you select the data (as opposed to when you save it).

So instead of :

SELECT MyURLString From MyTable

You could do

SELECT REPLACE (MyURLString, 'GREATERTHAN', '>') as MyURLString From MyTable

String to byte array in php

print_r(unpack("H*","The quick fox jumped over the lazy brown dog"))

Array ( [1] => 54686520717569636b20666f78206a756d706564206f76657220746865206c617a792062726f776e20646f67 ) 

T = 0x54, h = 0x68, ...

You can split the result into two-hex-character chunks if necessary.

Returning an array using C

How about this deliciously evil implementation?


#define IMPORT_ARRAY(TYPE)    \
struct TYPE##Array {    \
    TYPE* contents;    \
    size_t size;    \
};    \
struct TYPE##Array new_##TYPE##Array() {    \
    struct TYPE##Array a;    \
    a.contents = NULL;    \
    a.size = 0;    \
    return a;    \
}    \
void array_add(struct TYPE##Array* o, TYPE value) {    \
    TYPE* a = malloc((o->size + 1) * sizeof(TYPE));    \
    TYPE i;    \
    for(i = 0; i < o->size; ++i) {    \
        a[i] = o->contents[i];    \
    }    \
    ++(o->size);    \
    a[o->size - 1] = value;    \
    free(o->contents);    \
    o->contents = a;    \
}    \
void array_destroy(struct TYPE##Array* o) {    \
    free(o->contents);    \
}    \
TYPE* array_begin(struct TYPE##Array* o) {    \
    return o->contents;    \
}    \
TYPE* array_end(struct TYPE##Array* o) {    \
    return o->contents + o->size;    \


#include <stdlib.h>
#include "array.h"


struct intArray return_an_array() {
    struct intArray a;
    a = new_intArray();
    array_add(&a, 1);
    array_add(&a, 2);
    array_add(&a, 3);
    return a;

int main() {
    struct intArray a;
    int* it;
    int* begin;
    int* end;
    a = return_an_array();
    begin = array_begin(&a);
    end = array_end(&a);
    for(it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
        printf("%d ", *it);
    return 0;

onchange event on input type=range is not triggering in firefox while dragging

I'm posting this as an answer in case you are like me and cannot figure out why the range type input doesn't work on ANY mobile browsers. If you develop mobile apps on your laptop and use the responsive mode to emulate touch, you will notice the range doesn't even move when you have the touch simulator activated. It starts moving when you deactivate it. I went on for 2 days trying every piece of code I could find on the subject and could not make it work for the life of me. I provide a WORKING solution in this post.

Mobile Browsers And Hybrid Apps

Mobile browsers run using a component called Webkit for iOS and WebView for Android. The WebView/WebKit enables you to embed a web browser, which does not have any chrome or firefox (browser) controls including window frames, menus, toolbars and scroll bars into your activity layout. In other words, mobile browsers lack a lot of web components normally found in regular browsers. This is the problem with the range type input. If the user's browser doesn't support range type, it will fall back and treat it as a text input. This is why you cannot move the range when the touch simulator is activated.

Read more here on browser compatibility

jQuery Slider

jQuery provides a slider that somehow works with touch simulation but it is choppy and not very smooth. It wasn't satisfying to me and it probably wont be for you either but you can make it work more smoothly if you combine it with jqueryUi.

Best Solution : Range Touch

If you develop hybrid apps on your laptop, there is a simple and easy library you can use to enable range type input to work with touch events.

This library is called Range Touch.


For more information on this issue check this thread here

Recreating the HTML5 range input for Mobile Safari (webkit)?

What is the purpose of Order By 1 in SQL select statement?

This is useful when you use set based operators e.g. union

select cola
  from tablea
select colb
  from tableb
order by 1;

How do I 'foreach' through a two-dimensional array?

UPDATE: I had some time on my hands, so ... I went ahead and fleshed out this idea. See below for the code.

Here's a bit of a crazy answer:

You could do what you're looking for -- essentially treat a two-dimensional array as a table with rows -- by writing a static method (perhaps an extension method) that takes a T[,] and returns an IEnumerable<T[]>. This would require copying each "row" of the underlying table into a new array, though.

A perhaps better (though more involved) approach would be to actually write a class that implements IList<T> as a wrapper around a single "row" of a two-dimensional array (you would probably set IsReadOnly to true and just implement the getter for the this[int] property and probably Count and GetEnumerator; everything else could throw a NotSupportedException). Then your static/extension method could return an IEnumerable<IList<T>> and provide deferred execution.

That way you could write code pretty much like what you have:

foreach (IList<string> row in table.GetRows()) // or something
    Console.WriteLine(row[0] + " " + row[1]);

Just a thought.

Implementation suggestion:

public static class ArrayTableHelper {
    public static IEnumerable<IList<T>> GetRows<T>(this T[,] table) {
        for (int i = 0; i < table.GetLength(0); ++i)
            yield return new ArrayTableRow<T>(table, i);

    private class ArrayTableRow<T> : IList<T> {
        private readonly T[,] _table;
        private readonly int _count;
        private readonly int _rowIndex;

        public ArrayTableRow(T[,] table, int rowIndex) {
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");

            if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= table.GetLength(0))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rowIndex");

            _table = table;
            _count = _table.GetLength(1);
            _rowIndex = rowIndex;

        // I didn't implement the setter below,
        // but you easily COULD (and then set IsReadOnly to false?)
        public T this[int index] {
            get { return _table[_rowIndex, index]; }
            set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

        public int Count {
            get { return _count; }

        bool ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly {
            get { return true; }

        public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() {
            for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
                yield return this[i];

        // omitted remaining IList<T> members for brevity;
        // you actually could implement IndexOf, Contains, etc.
        // quite easily, though
} I think I should give StackOverflow a break for the rest of the day ;)

What's the fastest way to loop through an array in JavaScript?

A basic while loop is often the fastest. is a great sandbox to test these types of concepts.

GSON throwing "Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY"?

You need to let Gson know additional type of your response as below

import java.lang.reflect.Type;

Type collectionType = new TypeToken<List<UserSite>>(){}.getType();
List<UserSite> userSites  = gson.fromJson( response.getBody() , collectionType);

Shortcut to Apply a Formula to an Entire Column in Excel

If the formula already exists in a cell you can fill it down as follows:

  • Select the cell containing the formula and press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to select the rest of the column (CTRL+SHIFT+END to select up to the last row where there is data)
  • Fill down by pressing CTRL+D
  • Use CTRL+UP to return up

On Mac, use CMD instead of CTRL.

An alternative if the formula is in the first cell of a column:

  • Select the entire column by clicking the column header or selecting any cell in the column and pressing CTRL+SPACE
  • Fill down by pressing CTRL+D

Convert np.array of type float64 to type uint8 scaling values

you can use skimage.img_as_ubyte(yourdata) it will make you numpy array ranges from 0->255

from skimage import img_as_ubyte

img = img_as_ubyte(data)
cv2.imshow("Window", img)

Is returning out of a switch statement considered a better practice than using break?

Neither, because both are quite verbose for a very simple task. You can just do:

let result = ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[opt] ?? 'Default'    // opt can be 1, 2, 3 or anything (default)

This, of course, also works with strings, a mix of both or without a default case:

let result = ({
  'first': 'One',
  'second': 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[opt]                // opt can be 'first', 'second' or 3


It works by creating an object where the options/cases are the keys and the results are the values. By putting the option into the brackets you access the value of the key that matches the expression via the bracket notation.

This returns undefined if the expression inside the brackets is not a valid key. We can detect this undefined-case by using the nullish coalescing operator ?? and return a default value.


console.log('Using a valid case:', ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[1] ?? 'Default')

console.log('Using an invalid case/defaulting:', ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[7] ?? 'Default')
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important;top: 0;}

Center form submit buttons HTML / CSS

I see a few answers here, most of them complicated or with some cons (additional divs, text-align doesn't work because of display: inline-block). I think this is the simplest and problem-free solution:


    <!-- Rows -->
        <td><input name="email" type="email" /></td>
        <td><input type="submit" value="Register!" /></td>


table input[type="submit"] {
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;

datetime to string with series in python pandas

As of version 17.0, you can format with the dt accessor:



How to scroll HTML page to given anchor?

function scrollTo(hash) {
    location.hash = "#" + hash;

No jQuery required at all!

json_decode to array

According to the PHP Documentation json_decode function has a parameter named assoc which convert the returned objects into associative arrays

 mixed json_decode ( string $json [, bool $assoc = FALSE ] )

Since assoc parameter is FALSE by default, You have to set this value to TRUE in order to retrieve an array.

Examine the below code for an example implication:

$json = '{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5}';
var_dump(json_decode($json, true));

which outputs:

object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
    ["a"] => int(1)
    ["b"] => int(2)
    ["c"] => int(3)
    ["d"] => int(4)
    ["e"] => int(5)

array(5) {
    ["a"] => int(1)
    ["b"] => int(2)
    ["c"] => int(3)
    ["d"] => int(4)
    ["e"] => int(5)

Setting query string using Fetch GET request

I know this is stating the absolute obvious, but I feel it's worth adding this as an answer as it's the simplest of all:

const orderId = 1;
fetch('' + orderId);

Regular expression to match standard 10 digit phone number

Perhaps the easiest one compare to several others.


It matches the following:

(555) 444-6789



555 444 6789

Is it possible to set async:false to $.getJSON call

I don't think you can set that option there. You will have to use jQuery.ajax() with the appropriate parameters (basically getJSON just wraps that call into an easier API, as well).

JSON: why are forward slashes escaped?

JSON doesn't require you to do that, it allows you to do that. It also allows you to use "\u0061" for "A", but it's not required. Allowing \/ helps when embedding JSON in a <script> tag, which doesn't allow </ inside strings, like Seb points out.

Some of Microsoft's ASP.NET Ajax/JSON API's use this loophole to add extra information, e.g., a datetime will be sent as "\/Date(milliseconds)\/". (Yuck)

Datatable select with multiple conditions

I found that having too many and's would return incorrect results (for .NET 1.1 anyway)

DataRow[] results = table.Select("A = 'foo' AND B = 'bar' AND C = 'baz' and D ='fred' and E = 'marg'"); 

In my case A was the 12th field in a table and the select was effectively ignoring it.

However if I did

DataRow[] results = table.Select("A = 'foo' AND (B = 'bar' AND C = 'baz' and D ='fred' and E = 'marg')"); 

The filter worked correctly!

Best font for coding

Funny, I was just researching this yesterday!

I personally use Monaco 10 or 11 for the Mac, but a good cross platform font would have to be Droid Sans Mono: Or DejaVu sans mono is another great one (goes under a lot of different names, will be Menlo on SNow leopard and is really just a repackaged Prima/Vera) check it out here: Prima/Vera... Check it out here:

Inconsistent accessibility: property type is less accessible

make your class public access modifier,

just add public keyword infront of your class name

 namespace Test
  public  class Delivery
        private string name;
        private string address;
        private DateTime arrivalTime;

        public string Name
            get { return name; }
            set { name = value; }

        public string Address
            get { return address; }
            set { address = value; }

        public DateTime ArrivlaTime
            get { return arrivalTime; }
            set { arrivalTime = value; }

        public string ToString()
            { return name + address + arrivalTime.ToString(); }

UTL_FILE.FOPEN() procedure not accepting path for directory?

You need to have your DBA modify the init.ora file, adding the directory you want to access to the 'utl_file_dir' parameter. Your database instance will then need to be stopped and restarted because init.ora is only read when the database is brought up.

You can view (but not change) this parameter by running the following query:

  WHERE NAME = 'utl_file_dir'

Share and enjoy.

Which is faster: Stack allocation or Heap allocation

It's not jsut stack allocation that's faster. You also win a lot on using stack variables. They have better locality of reference. And finally, deallocation is a lot cheaper too.

Using different Web.config in development and production environment

The Enterprise Library configuration editor can help you do this. It allows you to create a base config file and then deltas for each environment. You can then merge the base config and the delta to create an environment-specific web.config. Take a look at the information here which takes you through it better than I can.

A column-vector y was passed when a 1d array was expected

for n in train_y:

How to run Gulp tasks sequentially one after the other

According to the Gulp docs:

Are your tasks running before the dependencies are complete? Make sure your dependency tasks are correctly using the async run hints: take in a callback or return a promise or event stream.

To run your sequence of tasks synchronously:

  1. Return the event stream (e.g. gulp.src) to gulp.task to inform the task of when the stream ends.
  2. Declare task dependencies in the second argument of gulp.task.

See the revised code:

gulp.task "coffee", ->
    return gulp.src("src/server/**/*.coffee")
        .pipe(coffee {bare: true}).on("error",gutil.log)
        .pipe(gulp.dest "bin")

gulp.task "clean", ['coffee'], ->
      return gulp.src("bin", {read:false})
        .pipe clean

gulp.task 'develop',['clean','coffee'], ->
    console.log "run something else"

Using JAXB to unmarshal/marshal a List<String>

I have encountered this pattern a few times, I found that the easiest way is to define an inner class with JaxB annotations. (anyways, you'll probably want to define the root tag name)

so your code would look something like this

public Object test2(){
   MyResourceWrapper wrapper = new MyResourceWrapper();
   wrapper .add("a");
   wrapper .add("b");
   return wrapper ;

private static class MyResourceWrapper {
       List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>();
       MyResourceWrapper (){}

       public void add(String s){ list.add(s);}

if you work with (jax-rs) I'd return Response object with the wrapper set as its entity

Using the value in a cell as a cell reference in a formula?


=SUM(INDIRECT(<start cell here> & ":" & <end cell here>))

Fixing broken UTF-8 encoding

This script had a nice approach. Converting it to the language of your choice should not be too difficult:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Encode qw( decode FB_QUIET );

binmode STDIN, ':bytes';
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';

my $out;

while ( <> ) {
  $out = '';
  while ( length ) {
    # consume input string up to the first UTF-8 decode error
    $out .= decode( "utf-8", $_, FB_QUIET );
    # consume one character; all octets are valid Latin-1
    $out .= decode( "iso-8859-1", substr( $_, 0, 1 ), FB_QUIET ) if length;
  print $out;

SimpleDateFormat parse loses timezone

All I needed was this :

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss");

SimpleDateFormat sdfLocal = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss");

try {
    String d = sdf.format(new Date());
} catch (Exception e) {
    e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.

Output : slightly dubious, but I want only the date to be consistent

2013.08.08 11:01:08
Thu Aug 08 11:01:08 GMT+08:00 2013

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource—when trying to get data from a REST API

In case you are using NodeJS/Express as back-end and ReactJS/axios as front-end within a development environment in MacOS, you need to run both sides under https. Below is what it finally worked for me (after many hours of deep dive & testing):

Step 1: Create an SSL certificate

Just follow the steps from How to get HTTPS working on your local development environment in 5 minutes

You will end up with a couple of files to be used as credentials to run the https server and ReactJS web:

server.key & server.crt

You need to copy them in the root folders of both the front and back ends (in a Production environment, you might consider copying them in ./ssh for the back-end).

Step 2: Back-end setup

I read a lot of answers proposing the use of 'cors' package or even setting ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'), which is like saying: "Hackers are welcome to my website". Just do like this:

import express from 'express';
const emailRouter = require('./routes/email');  // in my case, I was sending an email through a form in ReactJS
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');

const app = express();
const port = 8000;

// CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to support Cross-site HTTP requests
app.all('*', (req, res, next) => {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "https://localhost:3000");

// Routes definition
app.use('/email', emailRouter);

// HTTPS server
const credentials = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('server.key'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('server.crt')

const httpsServer = https.createServer(credentials, app);
httpsServer.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Back-end running on port ${port}`);

In case you want to test if the https is OK, you can replace the httpsServer constant by the one below:

https.createServer(credentials, (req: any, res: any) => {
  res.end("hello world from SSL\n");
}).listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`HTTPS server listening on port ${port}...`);

And then access it from a web browser: https://localhost:8000/

Step 3: Front-end setup

This is the axios request from the ReactJS front-end:

    await axios.get(`https://localhost:8000/email/send`, {
        params: {/* whatever data you want to send */ },
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',

And now, you need to launch your ReactJS web in https mode using the credentials for SSL we already created. Type this in your MacOS terminal:

HTTPS=true SSL_CRT_FILE=server.crt SSL_KEY_FILE=server.key npm start

At this point, you are sending a request from an https connection at port 3000 from your front-end, to be received by an https connection at port 8000 by your back-end. CORS should be happy with this ;)

How to delete object from array inside foreach loop?

You can also use references on foreach values:

foreach($array as $elementKey => &$element) {
    // $element is the same than &$array[$elementKey]
    if (isset($element['id']) and $element['id'] == 'searched_value') {

Select every Nth element in CSS

Try this


Objective-C and Swift URL encoding

This can work in Objective C ARC.Use CFBridgingRelease to cast a Core Foundation-style object as an Objective-C object and transfer ownership of the object to ARC .See Function CFBridgingRelease here.

+ (NSString *)encodeUrlString:(NSString *)string {
return CFBridgingRelease(CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes
                          (__bridge CFStringRef)string,

How to give a time delay of less than one second in excel vba?

Everyone tries Application.Wait, but that's not really reliable. If you ask it to wait for less than a second, you'll get anything between 0 and 1, but closer to 10 seconds. Here's a demonstration using a wait of 0.5 seconds:

Sub TestWait()
  Dim i As Long
  For i = 1 To 5
    Dim t As Double
    t = Timer
    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:00") / 2
    Debug.Print Timer - t
End Sub

Here's the output, an average of 0.0015625 seconds:


Admittedly, Timer may not be the ideal way to measure these events, but you get the idea.

The Timer approach is better:

Sub TestTimer()
  Dim i As Long
  For i = 1 To 5
    Dim t As Double
    t = Timer
    Do Until Timer - t >= 0.5
    Debug.Print Timer - t
End Sub

And the results average is very close to 0.5 seconds:


What's the difference setting Embed Interop Types true and false in Visual Studio?

I noticed that when it's set to false, I'm able to see the value of an item using the debugger. When it was set to true, I was getting an error - item.FullName.GetValue The embedded interop type 'FullName' does not contain a definition for 'QBFC11Lib.IItemInventoryRet' since it was not used in the compiled assembly. Consider casting to object or changing the 'Embed Interop Types' property to true.

Session variables in ASP.NET MVC

You can use ViewModelBase as base class for all models , this class will take care of pulling data from session

class ViewModelBase 
  public User CurrentUser 
     get { return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] as User };

You can write a extention method on HttpContextBase to deal with session data

T FromSession<T>(this HttpContextBase context ,string key,Action<T> getFromSource=null) 
        return (T) context.Session[key];
  else if(getFromSource!=null) 
    var value = getFromSource();
   return value; 
  return null;

Use this like below in controller

User userData = HttpContext.FromSession<User>("userdata",()=> { return user object from service/db  }); 

The second argument is optional it will be used fill session data for that key when value is not present in session.

show all tables in DB2 using the LIST command

To get a list of tables for the current database in DB2 -->

Connect to the database:

db2 connect to DATABASENAME user USER using PASSWORD

Run this query:


This is the equivalent of SHOW TABLES in MySQL.

You may need to execute 'set schema myschema' to the correct schema before you run the list tables command. By default upon login your schema is the same as your username - which often won't contain any tables. You can use 'values current schema' to check what schema you're currently set to.

MySQL - UPDATE multiple rows with different values in one query

update table_name
set cod_user = 
    WHEN user_rol = 'student' THEN '622057'
    WHEN user_rol = 'assistant' THEN '2913659'
    WHEN user_rol = 'admin' THEN '6160230'?
    END,date = '12082014'

WHERE user_rol IN ('student','assistant','admin')
AND cod_office = '17389551';

How do I calculate power-of in C#?

Do not use Math.Pow

When i use

for (int i = 0; i < 10e7; i++)
    var x3 = x * x * x;
    var y3 = y * y * y;

It only takes 230 ms whereas the following takes incredible 7050 ms:

for (int i = 0; i < 10e7; i++)
    var x3 = Math.Pow(x, 3);
    var y3 = Math.Pow(x, 3);

MySQL WHERE: how to write "!=" or "not equals"?

You may be using old version of Mysql but surely you can use

 DELETE FROM konta WHERE taken <> ''

But there are many other options available. You can try the following ones

DELETE * from konta WHERE strcmp(taken, '') <> 0;

DELETE * from konta where NOT (taken = '');

How do I add a simple jQuery script to WordPress?

you can write your script in another file.And enqueue your file like this suppose your script name is image-ticker.js.

wp_enqueue_script( 'image-ticker-1', plugins_url('/js/image-ticker.js', __FILE__), array('jquery', 'image-ticker'), '1.0.0', true ); 

in the place of /js/image-ticker.js you should put your js file path.

Google maps Marker Label with multiple characters

A much simpler solution to this problem that allows letters, numbers and words as the label is the following code. More specifically, the line of code starting with "icon:". Any string or variable could be substituted for 'k'.

for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) 
      k = i + 1;
      marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][1], locations[i][2]),     
      map: map,
      icon: '' + k + '|FF0000|000000'

--- the locations array holds the lat and long and k is the row number for the address I was mapping. In other words if I had a 100 addresses to map my marker labels would be 1 to 100.

What difference does .AsNoTracking() make?

If you have something else altering the DB (say another process) and need to ensure you see these changes, use AsNoTracking(), otherwise EF may give you the last copy that your context had instead, hence it being good to usually use a new context every query:

javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: View could not be restored

I ran into this problem myself and realized that it was because of a side-effect of a Filter that I created which was filtering all requests on the appliation. As soon as I modified the filter to pick only certain requests, this problem did not occur. It maybe good to check for such filters in your application and see how they behave.

How do I detect what .NET Framework versions and service packs are installed?

Here is a PowerShell script to obtain installed .NET framework versions

function Get-KeyPropertyValue($key, $property)
    if($key.Property -contains $property)
        Get-ItemProperty $key.PSPath -name $property | select -expand $property

function Get-VersionName($key)
   $name = Get-KeyPropertyValue $key Version
   $sp = Get-KeyPropertyValue $key SP
   $install = Get-KeyPropertyValue $key Install
        "$($_.PSChildName) $name SP $sp"
    "$($_.PSChildName) $name"

function Get-FrameworkVersion{
   dir "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\" |? {$_.PSChildName -like "v*"} |%{
    if( $_.Property -contains "Version")
        Get-VersionName $_
        $parent = $_
        Get-ChildItem $_.PSPath |%{
            $versionName = Get-VersionName $_
            "$($parent.PSChildName) $versionName"

$v4Directory = "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full"
if(Test-Path $v4Directory)
    $v4 = Get-Item $v4Directory
    $version = Get-KeyPropertyValue $v4 Release
        378389 {".NET Framework 4.5"; break;}
        378675 {".NET Framework 4.5.1 installed with Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2"; break;}
        378758 {".NET Framework 4.5.1 installed on Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1, or Windows Vista SP2"; break;}
        379893 {".NET Framework 4.5.2"; break;}
        { 393295, 393297 -contains $_} {".NET Framework 4.6"; break;}
        { 394254, 394271 -contains $_} {".NET Framework 4.6.1"; break;}
        { 394802, 394806 -contains $_} {".NET Framework 4.6.2"; break; }

It was written based on How to: Determine Which .NET Framework Versions Are Installed. Please use THE Get-FrameworkVersion() function to get information about installed .NET framework versions.

How to center and crop an image to always appear in square shape with CSS?

<div style="specify your dimension:overflow:hidden">
    <div style="margin-top:-50px">
       <img ...  />

The above will crop 50px from the top of the image. You may want to compute to come up wit a top margin that will fit your requirements based on the dimension of the image.

To crop from the bottom simply specify the height of the outer div and remove the inner div. Apply the same principle to crop from the sides.

Sort a two dimensional array based on one column

Sort a two dimensional array based on one column
The first column is a date of format "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm" and the second column is a String.

Since you say 2-D array, I assume "date of format ..." means a String. Here's code for sorting a 2-D array of String[][]:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;

public class Asdf {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final String[][] data = new String[][] {
                new String[] { "2009.07.25 20:24", "Message A" },
                new String[] { "2009.07.25 20:17", "Message G" },
                new String[] { "2009.07.25 20:25", "Message B" },
                new String[] { "2009.07.25 20:30", "Message D" },
                new String[] { "2009.07.25 20:01", "Message F" },
                new String[] { "2009.07.25 21:08", "Message E" },
                new String[] { "2009.07.25 19:54", "Message R" } };

        Arrays.sort(data, new Comparator<String[]>() {
            public int compare(final String[] entry1, final String[] entry2) {
                final String time1 = entry1[0];
                final String time2 = entry2[0];
                return time1.compareTo(time2);

        for (final String[] s : data) {
            System.out.println(s[0] + " " + s[1]);



2009.07.25 19:54 Message R
2009.07.25 20:01 Message F
2009.07.25 20:17 Message G
2009.07.25 20:24 Message A
2009.07.25 20:25 Message B
2009.07.25 20:30 Message D
2009.07.25 21:08 Message E

Default password of mysql in ubuntu server 16.04

Simply run sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.7

You can find the version you have installed by running dpkg --get-selections | grep mysql-server

Regular expression search replace in Sublime Text 2

Important: Use the ( ) parentheses in your search string

While the previous answer is correct there is an important thing to emphasize! All the matched segments in your search string that you want to use in your replacement string must be enclosed by ( ) parentheses, otherwise these matched segments won't be accessible to defined variables such as $1, $2 or \1, \2 etc.

For example we want to replace 'em' with 'px' but preserve the digit values:

    margin: 10em;  /* Expected: margin: 10px */
    margin: 2em;   /* Expected: margin: 2px */
  • Replacement string: margin: $1px or margin: \1px
  • Search string (CORRECT): margin: ([0-9]*)em // with parentheses
  • Search string (INCORRECT): margin: [0-9]*em

CORRECT CASE EXAMPLE: Using margin: ([0-9]*)em search string (with parentheses). Enclose the desired matched segment (e.g. $1 or \1) by ( ) parentheses as following:

  • Find: margin: ([0-9]*)em (with parentheses)
  • Replace to: margin: $1px or margin: \1px
  • Result:
    margin: 10px;
    margin: 2px;

INCORRECT CASE EXAMPLE: Using margin: [0-9]*em search string (without parentheses). The following regex pattern will match the desired lines but matched segments will not be available in replaced string as variables such as $1 or \1:

  • Find: margin: [0-9]*em (without parentheses)
  • Replace to: margin: $1px or margin: \1px
  • Result:
    margin: px; /* `$1` is undefined */
    margin: px; /* `$1` is undefined */

How do I start/stop IIS Express Server?

You can stop any IIS Express application or you can stop all application. Right click on IIS express icon , which is located at right bottom corner of task bar. Then Select Show All Application

enter image description here

get current date with 'yyyy-MM-dd' format in Angular 4

Here is the example:

function MethodName($scope)
    $ = new Date();

You can change the format in view here we have a code

<div ng-app ng-controller="MethodName">
    My current date is {{date | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}} . 

I hope it helps.

Maven error "Failure to transfer..."

It happened to me as Iam behind a firewall. The dependencies doesn't get downloaded sometimes when you are running in Eclipse IDE. Make sure you use mvn clean install -U to resolve the problem. You would see the dependencies download after this.

Php, wait 5 seconds before executing an action

I am on shared hosting, so I can't do a lot of queries otherwise I get a blank page.

That sounds very peculiar. I've got the cheapest PHP hosting package I could find for my last project - and it does not behave like this. I would not pay for a service which did. Indeed, I'm stumped to even know how I could configure a server to replicate this behaviour.

Regardless of why it behaves this way, adding a sleep in the middle of the script cannot resolve the problem.

Since, presumably, you control your product catalog, new products should be relatively infrequent (or are you trying to get stock reports?). If you control when you change the data, why run the scripts automatically? Or do you mean that you already have these URLs and you get the expected files when you run them one at a time?

How to analyze a JMeter summary report?

The JMeter docs say the following:

The summary report creates a table row for each differently named request in your test. This is similar to the Aggregate Report , except that it uses less memory. The thoughput is calculated from the point of view of the sampler target (e.g. the remote server in the case of HTTP samples). JMeter takes into account the total time over which the requests have been generated. If other samplers and timers are in the same thread, these will increase the total time, and therefore reduce the throughput value. So two identical samplers with different names will have half the throughput of two samplers with the same name. It is important to choose the sampler labels correctly to get the best results from the Report.

  • Label - The label of the sample. If "Include group name in label?" is selected, then the name of the thread group is added as a prefix. This allows identical labels from different thread groups to be collated separately if required.
  • # Samples - The number of samples with the same label
  • Average - The average elapsed time of a set of results
  • Min - The lowest elapsed time for the samples with the same label
  • Max - The longest elapsed time for the samples with the same label
  • Std. Dev. - the Standard Deviation of the sample elapsed time
  • Error % - Percent of requests with errors
  • Throughput - the Throughput is measured in requests per second/minute/hour. The time unit is chosen so that the displayed rate is at least 1.0. When the throughput is saved to a CSV file, it is expressed in requests/second, i.e. 30.0 requests/minute is saved as 0.5.
  • Kb/sec - The throughput measured in Kilobytes per second
  • Avg. Bytes - average size of the sample response in bytes. (in JMeter 2.2 it wrongly showed the value in kB)

Times are in milliseconds.

Which version of Python do I have installed?

>>> import sys; print('{0[0]}.{0[1]}'.format(sys.version_info))

so from the command line:

python -c "import sys; print('{0[0]}.{0[1]}'.format(sys.version_info))"

Can I get a patch-compatible output from git-diff?

If you want to use patch you need to remove the a/ b/ prefixes that git uses by default. You can do this with the --no-prefix option (you can also do this with patch's -p option):

git diff --no-prefix [<other git-diff arguments>]

Usually though, it is easier to use straight git diff and then use the output to feed to git apply.

Most of the time I try to avoid using textual patches. Usually one or more of temporary commits combined with rebase, git stash and bundles are easier to manage.

For your use case I think that stash is most appropriate.

# save uncommitted changes
git stash

# do a merge or some other operation
git merge some-branch

# re-apply changes, removing stash if successful
# (you may be asked to resolve conflicts).
git stash pop

Making button go full-width?

Bootstrap / CSS

Use col-12, btn-block, w-100, form-control or width:100%

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

         <button class="btn btn-success col-12">
         <button class="btn btn-primary w-100">

         <button class="btn btn-secondary btn-block">
         <button class="btn btn-success form-control">
         <button class="btn btn-danger" style="width:100%">

Are all Spring Framework Java Configuration injection examples buggy?

In your test, you are comparing the two TestParent beans, not the single TestedChild bean.

Also, Spring proxies your @Configuration class so that when you call one of the @Bean annotated methods, it caches the result and always returns the same object on future calls.

See here:

System.loadLibrary(...) couldn't find native library in my case

This is an Android 8 update.

In earlier version of Android, to LoadLibrary native shared libraries (for access via JNI for example) I hard-wired my native code to iterate through a range of potential directory paths for the lib folder, based on the various apk installation/upgrade algorithms:


This approach is hokey and will not work for Android 8; from you'll see that as part of their "Security" changes you now need to use sourceDir:

"You can no longer assume that APKs reside in directories whose names end in -1 or -2. Apps should use sourceDir to get the directory, and not rely on the directory format directly."

Correction, sourceDir is not the way to find your native shared libraries; use something like. Tested for Android 4.4.4 --> 8.0

// Return Full path to the directory where native JNI libraries are stored.
private static String getNativeLibraryDir(Context context) {
    ApplicationInfo appInfo = context.getApplicationInfo();
    return appInfo.nativeLibraryDir;

Password hash function for Excel VBA

Here's a module for calculating SHA1 hashes that is usable for Excel formulas eg. '=SHA1HASH("test")'. To use it, make a new module called 'module_sha1' and copy and paste it all in. This is based on some VBA code from, with changes to support passing it a string, and executable from formulas in Excel cells.

' Based on:
Option Explicit

Private Type FourBytes
    A As Byte
    B As Byte
    C As Byte
    D As Byte
End Type
Private Type OneLong
    L As Long
End Type

Function HexDefaultSHA1(Message() As Byte) As String
 Dim H1 As Long, H2 As Long, H3 As Long, H4 As Long, H5 As Long
 DefaultSHA1 Message, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5
 HexDefaultSHA1 = DecToHex5(H1, H2, H3, H4, H5)
End Function

Function HexSHA1(Message() As Byte, ByVal Key1 As Long, ByVal Key2 As Long, ByVal Key3 As Long, ByVal Key4 As Long) As String
 Dim H1 As Long, H2 As Long, H3 As Long, H4 As Long, H5 As Long
 xSHA1 Message, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5
 HexSHA1 = DecToHex5(H1, H2, H3, H4, H5)
End Function

Sub DefaultSHA1(Message() As Byte, H1 As Long, H2 As Long, H3 As Long, H4 As Long, H5 As Long)
 xSHA1 Message, &H5A827999, &H6ED9EBA1, &H8F1BBCDC, &HCA62C1D6, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5
End Sub

Sub xSHA1(Message() As Byte, ByVal Key1 As Long, ByVal Key2 As Long, ByVal Key3 As Long, ByVal Key4 As Long, H1 As Long, H2 As Long, H3 As Long, H4 As Long, H5 As Long)
 'CA62C1D68F1BBCDC6ED9EBA15A827999 + "abc" = "A9993E36 4706816A BA3E2571 7850C26C 9CD0D89D"
 '"abc" = "A9993E36 4706816A BA3E2571 7850C26C 9CD0D89D"

 Dim U As Long, P As Long
 Dim FB As FourBytes, OL As OneLong
 Dim i As Integer
 Dim W(80) As Long
 Dim A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, D As Long, E As Long
 Dim T As Long

 H1 = &H67452301: H2 = &HEFCDAB89: H3 = &H98BADCFE: H4 = &H10325476: H5 = &HC3D2E1F0

 U = UBound(Message) + 1: OL.L = U32ShiftLeft3(U): A = U \ &H20000000: LSet FB = OL 'U32ShiftRight29(U)

 ReDim Preserve Message(0 To (U + 8 And -64) + 63)
 Message(U) = 128

 U = UBound(Message)
 Message(U - 4) = A
 Message(U - 3) = FB.D
 Message(U - 2) = FB.C
 Message(U - 1) = FB.B
 Message(U) = FB.A

 While P < U
     For i = 0 To 15
         FB.D = Message(P)
         FB.C = Message(P + 1)
         FB.B = Message(P + 2)
         FB.A = Message(P + 3)
         LSet OL = FB
         W(i) = OL.L
         P = P + 4
     Next i

     For i = 16 To 79
         W(i) = U32RotateLeft1(W(i - 3) Xor W(i - 8) Xor W(i - 14) Xor W(i - 16))
     Next i

     A = H1: B = H2: C = H3: D = H4: E = H5

     For i = 0 To 19
         T = U32Add(U32Add(U32Add(U32Add(U32RotateLeft5(A), E), W(i)), Key1), ((B And C) Or ((Not B) And D)))
         E = D: D = C: C = U32RotateLeft30(B): B = A: A = T
     Next i
     For i = 20 To 39
         T = U32Add(U32Add(U32Add(U32Add(U32RotateLeft5(A), E), W(i)), Key2), (B Xor C Xor D))
         E = D: D = C: C = U32RotateLeft30(B): B = A: A = T
     Next i
     For i = 40 To 59
         T = U32Add(U32Add(U32Add(U32Add(U32RotateLeft5(A), E), W(i)), Key3), ((B And C) Or (B And D) Or (C And D)))
         E = D: D = C: C = U32RotateLeft30(B): B = A: A = T
     Next i
     For i = 60 To 79
         T = U32Add(U32Add(U32Add(U32Add(U32RotateLeft5(A), E), W(i)), Key4), (B Xor C Xor D))
         E = D: D = C: C = U32RotateLeft30(B): B = A: A = T
     Next i

     H1 = U32Add(H1, A): H2 = U32Add(H2, B): H3 = U32Add(H3, C): H4 = U32Add(H4, D): H5 = U32Add(H5, E)
End Sub

Function U32Add(ByVal A As Long, ByVal B As Long) As Long
 If (A Xor B) < 0 Then
     U32Add = A + B
     U32Add = (A Xor &H80000000) + B Xor &H80000000
 End If
End Function

Function U32ShiftLeft3(ByVal A As Long) As Long
 U32ShiftLeft3 = (A And &HFFFFFFF) * 8
 If A And &H10000000 Then U32ShiftLeft3 = U32ShiftLeft3 Or &H80000000
End Function

Function U32ShiftRight29(ByVal A As Long) As Long
 U32ShiftRight29 = (A And &HE0000000) \ &H20000000 And 7
End Function

Function U32RotateLeft1(ByVal A As Long) As Long
 U32RotateLeft1 = (A And &H3FFFFFFF) * 2
 If A And &H40000000 Then U32RotateLeft1 = U32RotateLeft1 Or &H80000000
 If A And &H80000000 Then U32RotateLeft1 = U32RotateLeft1 Or 1
End Function
Function U32RotateLeft5(ByVal A As Long) As Long
 U32RotateLeft5 = (A And &H3FFFFFF) * 32 Or (A And &HF8000000) \ &H8000000 And 31
 If A And &H4000000 Then U32RotateLeft5 = U32RotateLeft5 Or &H80000000
End Function
Function U32RotateLeft30(ByVal A As Long) As Long
 U32RotateLeft30 = (A And 1) * &H40000000 Or (A And &HFFFC) \ 4 And &H3FFFFFFF
 If A And 2 Then U32RotateLeft30 = U32RotateLeft30 Or &H80000000
End Function

Function DecToHex5(ByVal H1 As Long, ByVal H2 As Long, ByVal H3 As Long, ByVal H4 As Long, ByVal H5 As Long) As String
 Dim H As String, L As Long
 DecToHex5 = "00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000"
 H = Hex(H1): L = Len(H): Mid(DecToHex5, 9 - L, L) = H
 H = Hex(H2): L = Len(H): Mid(DecToHex5, 18 - L, L) = H
 H = Hex(H3): L = Len(H): Mid(DecToHex5, 27 - L, L) = H
 H = Hex(H4): L = Len(H): Mid(DecToHex5, 36 - L, L) = H
 H = Hex(H5): L = Len(H): Mid(DecToHex5, 45 - L, L) = H
End Function

' Convert the string into bytes so we can use the above functions
' From Chris Hulbert:

Public Function SHA1HASH(str)
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim arr() As Byte
  ReDim arr(0 To Len(str) - 1) As Byte
  For i = 0 To Len(str) - 1
   arr(i) = Asc(Mid(str, i + 1, 1))
  Next i
  SHA1HASH = Replace(LCase(HexDefaultSHA1(arr)), " ", "")
End Function

react change class name on state change

Below is a fully functional example of what I believe you're trying to do (with a functional snippet).


Based on your question, you seem to be modifying 1 property in state for all of your elements. That's why when you click on one, all of them are being changed.

In particular, notice that the state tracks an index of which element is active. When MyClickable is clicked, it tells the Container its index, Container updates the state, and subsequently the isActive property of the appropriate MyClickables.


class Container extends React.Component {_x000D_
  state = {_x000D_
    activeIndex: null_x000D_
  handleClick = (index) => this.setState({ activeIndex: index })_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <div>_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="a" index={0} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===0 } onClick={ this.handleClick } />_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="b" index={1} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===1 } onClick={ this.handleClick }/>_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="c" index={2} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===2 } onClick={ this.handleClick }/>_x000D_
class MyClickable extends React.Component {_x000D_
  handleClick = () => this.props.onClick(this.props.index)_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <button_x000D_
        this.props.isActive ? 'active' : 'album'_x000D_
      onClick={ this.handleClick }_x000D_
      <span>{ }</span>_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<Container />, document.getElementById('app'))
button {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 1em;_x000D_
.album>span:after {_x000D_
  content: ' (an album)';_x000D_
.active {_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
.active>span:after {_x000D_
  content: ' ACTIVE';_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="app"></div>

Update: "Loops"

In response to a comment about a "loop" version, I believe the question is about rendering an array of MyClickable elements. We won't use a loop, but map, which is typical in React + JSX. The following should give you the same result as above, but it works with an array of elements.

// New render method for `Container`
render() {
  const clickables = [
    { name: "a" },
    { name: "b" },
    { name: "c" },

  return <div>
      {, i) {
          return <MyClickable key={ }
            name={ }
            index={ i }
            isActive={ this.state.activeIndex === i }
            onClick={ this.handleClick }
        } )

How to get an element's top position relative to the browser's viewport?

I am assuming an element having an id of btn1 exists in the web page, and also that jQuery is included. This has worked across all modern browsers of Chrome, FireFox, IE >=9 and Edge. jQuery is only being used to determine the position relative to document.

var screenRelativeTop =  $("#btn1").offset().top - (window.scrollY || 
                                            window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop);

var screenRelativeLeft =  $("#btn1").offset().left - (window.scrollX ||
                                           window.pageXOffset || document.body.scrollLeft);

Append an object to a list in R in amortized constant time, O(1)?

I have made a small comparison of methods mentioned here.

n = 1e+4
### Using environment as a container
lPtrAppend <- function(lstptr, lab, obj) {lstptr[[deparse(substitute(lab))]] <- obj}
### Store list inside new environment
envAppendList <- function(lstptr, obj) {lstptr$list[[length(lstptr$list)+1]] <- obj} 

microbenchmark(times = 5,  
        env_with_list_ = {
            listptr <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
            listptr$list <- NULL
            for(i in 1:n) {envAppendList(listptr, i)}
        c_ = {
            a <- list(0)
            for(i in 1:n) {a = c(a, list(i))}
        list_ = {
            a <- list(0)
            for(i in 1:n) {a <- list(a, list(i))}
        by_index = {
            a <- list(0)
            for(i in 1:n) {a[length(a) + 1] <- i}
        append_ = { 
            a <- list(0)    
            for(i in 1:n) {a <- append(a, i)} 
        env_as_container_ = {
            listptr <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
            for(i in 1:n) {lPtrAppend(listptr, i, i)} 


Unit: milliseconds
              expr       min        lq       mean    median        uq       max neval cld
    env_with_list_  188.9023  198.7560  224.57632  223.2520  229.3854  282.5859     5  a 
                c_ 1275.3424 1869.1064 2022.20984 2191.7745 2283.1199 2491.7060     5   b
             list_   17.4916   18.1142   22.56752   19.8546   20.8191   36.5581     5  a 
          by_index  445.2970  479.9670  540.20398  576.9037  591.2366  607.6156     5  a 
           append_ 1140.8975 1316.3031 1794.10472 1620.1212 1855.3602 3037.8416     5   b
 env_as_container_  355.9655  360.1738  399.69186  376.8588  391.7945  513.6667     5  a 

How to type in textbox using Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) with Java?

You should replace WebDriver wb = new FirefoxDriver(); with driver = new FirefoxDriver(); in your @Before Annotation.

As you are accessing driver object with null or you can make wb reference variable as global variable.