[windows-vista] How can I view the allocation unit size of a NTFS partition in Vista?

The simple GUI way, as provided by J Y in a previous answer:

  1. Create a small file (not empty)
  2. Right-click, choose Properties
  3. Check "Size on disk" (in tab General), double-check that your file size is less than half that so that it is certainly using a single allocation unit.

This works well and reminds you of the significance of allocation unit size. But it does have a caveat: as seen in comments to previous answer, Windows will sometimes show "Size on disk" as 0 for a very small file. In my testing, NTFS filesystems with allocation unit size 4096 bytes required the file to be 800 bytes to consistently avoid this issue. On FAT32 file systems this issue seems nonexistent, even a single byte file will work - just not empty.