Recognizing this question was asked years ago, I think a more elegant solution is offered on github by frmdstryr using his module pywinutils:
import pythoncom
from import shell,shellcon
def copy(src,dst,flags=shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION):
""" Copy files using the built in Windows File copy dialog
Requires absolute paths. Does NOT create root destination folder if it doesn't exist.
Overwrites and is recursive by default
@see for flags available
# @see IFileOperation
pfo = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(shell.CLSID_FileOperation,None,pythoncom.CLSCTX_ALL,shell.IID_IFileOperation)
# Respond with Yes to All for any dialog
# @see
# Set the destionation folder
dst = shell.SHCreateItemFromParsingName(dst,None,shell.IID_IShellItem)
if type(src) not in (tuple,list):
src = (src,)
for f in src:
item = shell.SHCreateItemFromParsingName(f,None,shell.IID_IShellItem)
pfo.CopyItem(item,dst) # Schedule an operation to be performed
# @see
success = pfo.PerformOperations()
# @see
aborted = pfo.GetAnyOperationsAborted()
return success is None and not aborted
This utilizes the COM interface and automatically indicates that admin privileges are needed with the familiar dialog prompt that you would see if you were copying into a directory where admin privileges are required and also provides the typical file progress dialog during the copy operation.