[python] Python script to copy text to clipboard

I just need a python script that copies text to the clipboard.

After the script gets executed i need the output of the text to be pasted to another source. Is it possible to write a python script that does this job?

This question is related to python clipboard pyperclip

The answer is

This is an altered version of @Martin Thoma's answer for GTK3. I found that the original solution resulted in the process never ending and my terminal hung when I called the script. Changing the script to the following resolved the issue for me.


from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk
import sys
from time import sleep

class Hello(Gtk.Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Hello, self).__init__()

        clipboardText = sys.argv[1]
        clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)
        clipboard.set_text(clipboardText, -1)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

You will probably want to change what clipboardText gets assigned to, in this script it is assigned to the parameter that the script is called with.

On a fresh ubuntu 16.04 installation, I found that I had to install the python-gobject package for it to work without a module import error.

On macOS, use subprocess.run to pipe your text to pbcopy:

import subprocess 
data = "hello world"
subprocess.run("pbcopy", universal_newlines=True, input=data)

It will copy "hello world" to the clipboard.

This is the only way that worked for me using Python 3.5.2 plus it's the easiest to implement w/ using the standard PyData suite

Shout out to https://stackoverflow.com/users/4502363/gadi-oron for the answer (I copied it completely) from How do I copy a string to the clipboard on Windows using Python?

import pandas as pd
df=pd.DataFrame(['Text to copy'])

I wrote a little wrapper for it that I put in my ipython profile <3

I try this clipboard 0.0.4 and it works well.


import clipboard
clipboard.copy("abc")  # now the clipboard content will be string "abc"
text = clipboard.paste()  # text will have the content of clipboard

One more answer to improve on: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4203897/2804197 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/25476462/1338797 (Tkinter).

Tkinter is nice, because it's either included with Python (Windows) or easy to install (Linux), and thus requires little dependencies for the end user.

Here I have a "full-blown" example, which copies the arguments or the standard input, to clipboard, and - when not on Windows - waits for the user to close the application:

import sys

    from Tkinter import Tk
except ImportError:
    # welcome to Python3
    from tkinter import Tk
    raw_input = input

r = Tk()

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    data = sys.stdin.read()
    data = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])


if sys.platform != 'win32':
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        raw_input('Data was copied into clipboard. Paste and press ENTER to exit...')
        # stdin already read; use GUI to exit
        print('Data was copied into clipboard. Paste, then close popup to exit...')

This showcases:

  • importing Tk across Py2 and Py3
  • raw_input and print() compatibility
  • "unhiding" Tk root window when needed
  • waiting for exit on Linux in two different ways.



from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk

class Hello(Gtk.Window):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Hello, self).__init__()
        clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)
        clipboard.set_text("hello world", -1)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":


from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5.QtGui import QClipboard
import sys

def main():

    cb = QApplication.clipboard()
    cb.clear(mode=cb.Clipboard )
    cb.setText("Copy to ClipBoard", mode=cb.Clipboard)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Pyperclip seems to be up to the task.

Use Tkinter:


    from Tkinter import Tk
except ImportError:
    from tkinter import Tk
r = Tk()
r.clipboard_append('i can has clipboardz?')
r.update() # now it stays on the clipboard after the window is closed

(Original author: https://stackoverflow.com/users/449571/atomizer)

To use native Python directories, use:

import subprocess

def copy2clip(txt):
    cmd='echo '+txt.strip()+'|clip'
    return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)

on Mac, instead:

import subprocess

def copy2clip(txt):
    cmd='echo '+txt.strip()+'|pbcopy'
    return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)

Then use:

copy2clip('This is on my clipboard!')

to call the function.

See Pyperclip. Example (taken from Pyperclip site):

import pyperclip
pyperclip.copy('The text to be copied to the clipboard.')
spam = pyperclip.paste()

Also, see Xerox. But it appears to have more dependencies.