Programs & Examples On #Collabnet

CollabNet, Inc. is an American company that develops collaboration software and services for development teams.

Why use @PostConstruct?

  • because when the constructor is called, the bean is not yet initialized - i.e. no dependencies are injected. In the @PostConstruct method the bean is fully initialized and you can use the dependencies.

  • because this is the contract that guarantees that this method will be invoked only once in the bean lifecycle. It may happen (though unlikely) that a bean is instantiated multiple times by the container in its internal working, but it guarantees that @PostConstruct will be invoked only once.

How to check whether java is installed on the computer

You can do it programmatically by reading the java system properties

public void javaVersion() {

This will output somthing like

Oracle Corporation
C:\workspaces\Misc\Miscellaneous\bin; ...

The first line shows the version number. You can parse it an see whether it fits your minimun required java version or not. You can find a description for the naming convention here and more infos here.

Why use HttpClient for Synchronous Connection

public static class AsyncHelper  
    private static readonly TaskFactory _taskFactory = new

    public static TResult RunSync<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> func)
        => _taskFactory

    public static void RunSync(Func<Task> func)
        => _taskFactory


AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => DoAsyncStuff());

if you use that class pass your async method as parameter you can call the async methods from sync methods in a safe way.

it's explained here :

Find and replace specific text characters across a document with JS


This replaces all instances of replacetext with actualtext

Disable all Database related auto configuration in Spring Boot

I was getting this error even if I did all the solutions mentioned above.

 by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'dataSource' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/jdbc/DataSourceConfig ...

At some point when i look up the POM there was this dependency in it


And the Pojo class had the following imports

import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Id;

Which clearly shows the application was expecting a datasource.

What I did was I removed the JPA dependency from pom and replaced the imports for the pojo with the following once

import; import;

Finally I got SUCCESSFUL build. Check it out you might have run into the same problem

How can I submit a POST form using the <a href="..."> tag?

There really seems no way for fooling the <a href= .. into a POST method. However, given that you have access to CSS of a page, this can be substituted by using a form instead.

Unfortunately, the obvious way of just styling the button in CSS as an anchor tag, is not cross-browser compatible, since different browsers treat <button value= ... differently.


<form action='actbusy.php' method='post'>
  <button type='submit' name='parameter' value='One'>Two</button>

The above example will be showing 'Two' and transmit 'parameter:One' in FireFox, while it will show 'One' and transmit also 'parameter:One' in IE8.

The way around is to use hidden input field(s) for delivering data and the button just for submitting it.

<form action='actbusy.php' method='post'>
   <input class=hidden name='parameter' value='blaah'>
   <button type='submit' name='delete' value='Delete'>Delete</button>

Note, that this method has a side effect that besides 'parameter:blaah' it will also deliver 'delete:Delete' as surplus parameters in POST.

You want to keep for a button the value attribute and button label between tags both the same ('Delete' on this case), since (as stated above) some browsers will display one and some display another as a button label.

adding multiple event listeners to one element

Maybe you can use a helper function like this:

// events and args should be of type Array
function addMultipleListeners(element,events,handler,useCapture,args){
  if (!(events instanceof Array)){
    throw 'addMultipleListeners: '+
          'please supply an array of eventstrings '+
          '(like ["click","mouseover"])';
  //create a wrapper to be able to use additional arguments
  var handlerFn = function(e){
    handler.apply(this, args && args instanceof Array ? args : []);
  for (var i=0;i<events.length;i+=1){

function handler(e) {
  // do things

// usage

[Edit nov. 2020] This answer is pretty old. The way I solve this nowadays is by using an actions object where handlers are specified per event type, a data-attribute for an element to indicate which action should be executed on it and one generic document wide handler method (so event delegation).

const firstElemHandler = (elem, evt) =>
  elem.textContent = `You ${evt.type === "click" ? "clicked" : "touched"}!`;
const actions = {
  click: {
  touchstart: {
  mouseover: {
    firstElemHandler: elem => elem.textContent = "Now ... click me!",
    outerHandling: elem => {
      console.log(`Hi from outerHandling, handle time ${
        new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}`);

Object.keys(actions).forEach(key => document.addEventListener(key, handle));

function handle(evt) {
  const origin ="[data-action]");
  return origin &&
    actions[evt.type] &&
    actions[evt.type][origin.dataset.action] &&
    actions[evt.type][origin.dataset.action](origin, evt) ||
[data-action]:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
<div data-action="outerHandling">
  <div id="first" data-action="firstElemHandler">
    <b>Hover, click or tap</b>
  this is handled too (on mouse over)

How to save a spark DataFrame as csv on disk?

I had similar issue where i had to save the contents of the dataframe to a csv file of name which i defined. df.write("csv").save("<my-path>") was creating directory than file. So have to come up with the following solutions. Most of the code is taken from the following dataframe-to-csv with little modifications to the logic.

def saveDfToCsv(df: DataFrame, tsvOutput: String, sep: String = ",", header: Boolean = false): Unit = {
    val tmpParquetDir = "Posts.tmp.parquet"

        option("header", header.toString).
        option("delimiter", sep).

    val dir = new File(tmpParquetDir)
    val newFileRgex = tmpParquetDir + File.separatorChar + ".part-00000.*.csv"
    val tmpTsfFile = dir.listFiles.filter(_.toPath.toString.matches(newFileRgex))(0).toString
    (new File(tmpTsvFile)).renameTo(new File(tsvOutput))

    dir.listFiles.foreach( f => f.delete )

Setting JDK in Eclipse

JDK 1.8 have some more enrich feature which doesn't support to many eclipse .

If you didn't find java compliance level as 1.8 in java compiler ,then go ahead and install the below eclipse 32bit or 64 bit depending on your system supports.

  1. Install jdk 1.8 and then set the JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH in environment variable.
  2. Download eclipse-jee-neon-3-win32 and unzip : supports to java 1.8
  3. Or download Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse ( and unzip :Supports java 1.8 with 64 bit OS
  4. Right click your project > properties
  5. Select “Java Compiler” on left and set java compliance level to 1.8 [select from the dropdown 1.8]
  6. Try running one java program supports to java 8 like lambda expression as below and if no compilation error ,means your eclipse supports to java 1.8, something like this:

    interface testI{
        void show();
    /*class A implements testI{
        public void show(){
    public class LambdaDemo1 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            testI test ;
            /*test= new A();
            test = () ->System.out.println("Hello,how are you?"); //lambda 

Why do we use __init__ in Python classes?

class Dog(object):

    # Class Object Attribute
    species = 'mammal'

    def __init__(self,breed,name):
        self.breed = breed = name

In above example we use species as a global since it will be always same(Kind of constant you can say). when you call __init__ method then all the variable inside __init__ will be initiated(eg:breed,name).

class Dog(object):
    a = '12'

    def __init__(self,breed,name,a):
        self.breed = breed = name
        self.a= a

if you print the above example by calling below like this



That means it will be only initialized during object creation. so anything which you want to declare as constant make it as global and anything which changes use __init__

Bootstrap: adding gaps between divs

I required only one instance of the vertical padding, so I inserted this line in the appropriate place to avoid adding more to the css. <div style="margin-top:5px"></div>

Twitter Bootstrap button click to toggle expand/collapse text section above button

Elaborating a bit more on Taylor Gautier's reply (sorry, I dont have enough reputation to add a comment), I'd reply to Dean Richardson on how to do what he wanted, without any additional JS code. Pure CSS.

You would replace his .btn with the following:

<a class="btn showdetails" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#viewdetails"></a>

And add a small CSS for when the content is displayed:

.in.collapse+a.btn.showdetails:before { 
    content:'Hide details «';
.collapse+a.btn.showdetails:before { 
    content:'Show details »'; 

Here is his modified example

jQuery checkbox change and click event

Get rid of the change event, and instead change the value of the textbox in the click event. Rather than returning the result of the confirm, catch it in a var. If its true, change the value. Then return the var.

How to test that no exception is thrown?

JUnit 5 (Jupiter) provides three functions to check exception absence/presence:

? assertAll?()

Asserts that all supplied executables
  do not throw exceptions.

? assertDoesNotThrow?()

Asserts that execution of the
  supplied executable/supplier
does not throw any kind of exception.

  This function is available
  since JUnit 5.2.0 (29 April 2018).

? assertThrows?()

Asserts that execution of the supplied executable
throws an exception of the expectedType
  and returns the exception.


package test.mycompany.myapp.mymodule;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class MyClassTest {

    void when_string_has_been_constructed_then_myFunction_does_not_throw() {
        String myString = "this string has been constructed";
        assertAll(() -> MyClass.myFunction(myString));

    void when_string_has_been_constructed_then_myFunction_does_not_throw__junit_v520() {
        String myString = "this string has been constructed";
        assertDoesNotThrow(() -> MyClass.myFunction(myString));

    void when_string_is_null_then_myFunction_throws_IllegalArgumentException() {
        String myString = null;
            () -> MyClass.myFunction(myString));


How do you use global variables or constant values in Ruby?

Variable scope in Ruby is controlled by sigils to some degree. Variables starting with $ are global, variables with @ are instance variables, @@ means class variables, and names starting with a capital letter are constants. All other variables are locals. When you open a class or method, that's a new scope, and locals available in the previous scope aren't available.

I generally prefer to avoid creating global variables. There are two techniques that generally achieve the same purpose that I consider cleaner:

  1. Create a constant in a module. So in this case, you would put all the classes that need the offset in the module Foo and create a constant Offset, so then all the classes could access Foo::Offset.

  2. Define a method to access the value. You can define the method globally, but again, I think it's better to encapsulate it in a module or class. This way the data is available where you need it and you can even alter it if you need to, but the structure of your program and the ownership of the data will be clearer. This is more in line with OO design principles.

Directory-tree listing in Python

Try this:

import os
for top, dirs, files in os.walk('./'):
    for nm in files:       
        print os.path.join(top, nm)

How do I unload (reload) a Python module?

For those like me who want to unload all modules (when running in the Python interpreter under Emacs):

   for mod in sys.modules.values():

More information is in Reloading Python modules.

How to setup Main class in manifest file in jar produced by NetBeans project

The real problem is how Netbeans JARs its projects. The "Class-Path:" in the Manifest file is unnecessary when actually publishing your program for others to use. If you have an external Library added in Netbeans it acts as a package. I suggest you use a program like WINRAR to view the files within the jar and add your libraries as packages directly into the jar file.

How the inside of the jar file should look:


         Main-Class: mainClassFolder.Mainclass



What is token-based authentication?

The question is old and the technology has advanced, here is the current state:

JSON Web Token (JWT) is a JSON-based open standard (RFC 7519) for passing claims between parties in web application environment. The tokens are designed to be compact, URL-safe and usable especially in web browser single sign-on (SSO) context.

Counting the number of elements with the values of x in a vector

One option could be to use vec_count() function from the vctrs library:


   key count
1  435     3
2   67     2
3    4     2
4   34     2
5   56     2
6   23     2
7  456     1
8   43     1
9  453     1
10   5     1
11 657     1
12 324     1
13  54     1
14 567     1
15  65     1

The default ordering puts the most frequent values at top. If looking for sorting according keys (a table()-like output):

vec_count(numbers, sort = "key")

   key count
1    4     2
2    5     1
3   23     2
4   34     2
5   43     1
6   54     1
7   56     2
8   65     1
9   67     2
10 324     1
11 435     3
12 453     1
13 456     1
14 567     1
15 657     1

Python name 'os' is not defined

Just add:

import os

in the beginning, before:

from settings import PROJECT_ROOT

This will import the python's module os, which apparently is used later in the code of your module without being imported.

Refreshing page on click of a button

<button onclick=location=URL>Refresh</button>

Small hack.

Closing JFrame with button click

It appears to me that you have two issues here. One is that JFrame does not have a close method, which has been addressed in the other answers.

The other is that you're having trouble referencing your JFrame. Within actionPerformed, super refers to ActionListener. To refer to the JFrame instance there, use MyExtendedJFrame.super instead (you should also be able to use MyExtendedJFrame.this, as I see no reason why you'd want to override the behaviour of dispose or setVisible).

NSCameraUsageDescription in iOS 10.0 runtime crash?

You do this by adding a usage key to your app’s Info.plist together with a purpose string. NSCameraUsageDescription Specifies the reason for your app to access the device’s camera

NameError: global name is not defined

You need to do:

import sqlitedbx

def main():
    db = sqlitedbx.SqliteDBzz()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Binding objects defined in code-behind

There's a much easier way of doing this. You can assign a Name to your Window or UserControl, and then binding by ElementName.


<Window x:Class="QuizBee.Host.Window1"

    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=Window1, Path=myDictionary}" />


public partial class Window1:Window
    // the property must be public, and it must have a getter & setter
    public Dictionary<string, myClass> myDictionary { get; set; }

    public Window1()
        // define the dictionary items in the constructor
        // do the defining BEFORE the InitializeComponent();

        myDictionary = new Dictionary<string, myClass>()
            {"item 1", new myClass(1)},
            {"item 2", new myClass(2)},
            {"item 3", new myClass(3)},
            {"item 4", new myClass(4)},
            {"item 5", new myClass(5)},


Tkinter understanding mainloop

I'm using an MVC / MVA design pattern, with multiple types of "views". One type is a "GuiView", which is a Tk window. I pass a view reference to my window object which does things like link buttons back to view functions (which the adapter / controller class also calls).

In order to do that, the view object constructor needed to be completed prior to creating the window object. After creating and displaying the window, I wanted to do some initial tasks with the view automatically. At first I tried doing them post mainloop(), but that didn't work because mainloop() blocked!

As such, I created the window object and used tk.update() to draw it. Then, I kicked off my initial tasks, and finally started the mainloop.

import Tkinter as tk

class Window(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, view=None ):
        tk.Frame.__init__( self, master )
        self.view_ = view       
        """ Setup window linking it to the view... """

class GuiView( MyViewSuperClass ):

    def open( self ):
        self.tkRoot_ = tk.Tk()
        self.window_ = Window( master=None, view=self )

    def onOpen( self ):        
        """ Do some initial tasks... """

    def refresh( self ):        

What's the difference between an id and a class?

Class is used for multiple elements which have common attributes.Example if you want same color and font for both p and body tag use class attribute or in a division itself.

Id on the other hand is used for highlighting a single element attributes and used exclusively for a particular element only.For example we have an h1 tag with some attributes we would not want them to repeat in any other elements throughout the page.

It should be noted that if we use class and id both in an element,*id ovverides the class attributes.*Simply because id is exclusively for a single element

Refer the below example

        background-color: black;

        background-color: brown;

<p  class="html_class">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing 
    Perspiciatis a dicta qui unde veritatis cupiditate ullam quibusdam! 
     Mollitia enim, 
    nulla totam deserunt ex nihil quod, eaque, sed facilis quos iste.</p>

We generate the output


Angular 4 HttpClient Query Parameters

You can (in version 5+) use the fromObject and fromString constructor parameters when creating HttpParamaters to make things a bit easier

    const params = new HttpParams({
      fromObject: {
        param1: 'value1',
        param2: 'value2',

    // http://localhost:3000/test?param1=value1&param2=value2


    const params = new HttpParams({
      fromString: `param1=${var1}&param2=${var2}`


Found a swap file by the name

I've also had this error when trying to pull the changes into a branch which is not created from the upstream branch from which I'm trying to pull.

Eg - This creates a new branch matching night-version of upstream

git checkout upstream/night-version -b testnightversion

This creates a branch testmaster in local which matches the master branch of upstream.

git checkout upstream/master -b testmaster 

Now if I try to pull the changes of night-version into testmaster branch leads to this error.

git pull upstream night-version //while I'm in `master` cloned branch

I managed to solve this by navigating to proper branch and pull the changes.

git checkout testnightversion
git pull upstream night-version // works fine.

OS specific instructions in CMAKE: How to?


if (WIN32)
    #do something
endif (WIN32)


if (UNIX)
    #do something
endif (UNIX)


if (MSVC)
    #do something
endif (MSVC)

or similar

see CMake Useful Variables and CMake Checking Platform

How to configure postgresql for the first time?

You probably need to update your pg_hba.conf file. This file controls what users can log in from what IP addresses. I think that the postgres user is pretty locked-down by default.

How to delete a specific file from folder using

string sourceDir = @"c:\current";
string backupDir = @"c:\archives\2008";

    string[] picList = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir, "*.jpg");
    string[] txtList = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir, "*.txt");

    // Copy picture files. 
    foreach (string f in picList)
        // Remove path from the file name. 
        string fName = f.Substring(sourceDir.Length + 1);

        // Use the Path.Combine method to safely append the file name to the path. 
        // Will overwrite if the destination file already exists.
        File.Copy(Path.Combine(sourceDir, fName), Path.Combine(backupDir, fName), true);

    // Copy text files. 
    foreach (string f in txtList)

        // Remove path from the file name. 
        string fName = f.Substring(sourceDir.Length + 1);

            // Will not overwrite if the destination file already exists.
            File.Copy(Path.Combine(sourceDir, fName), Path.Combine(backupDir, fName));

        // Catch exception if the file was already copied. 
        catch (IOException copyError)

    // Delete source files that were copied. 
    foreach (string f in txtList)
    foreach (string f in picList)

catch (DirectoryNotFoundException dirNotFound)

Forward request headers from nginx proxy server

The problem is that '_' underscores are not valid in header attribute. If removing the underscore is not an option you can add to the server block:

underscores_in_headers on;

This is basically a copy and paste from @kishorer747 comment on @Fleshgrinder answer, and solution is from:

I added it here as in my case the application behind nginx was working perfectly fine, but as soon ngix was between my flask app and the client, my flask app would not see the headers any longer. It was kind of time consuming to debug.

How do I tell if a variable has a numeric value in Perl?

Try this:

If (($x !~ /\D/) && ($x ne "")) { ... }

Center Oversized Image in Div

Late to the game, but I found this method is extremely intuitive.


.imageContainer {
  border: 1px black solid;

  width: 450px;
  height: 200px;
  overflow: hidden;
.imageHolder {
  border: 1px red dotted;

  height: 100%;
  align-items: center;
.imageItself {
  height: auto;
  width: 100%;
  align-self: center;



<div class="imageContainer">
  <div class="imageHolder">
    <img class="imageItself" src="" />

How do I check if a Sql server string is null or empty

    WHEN listing.OfferText is null or listing.OfferText = '' THEN company.OfferText
    ELSE COALESCE(Company.OfferText, '')
END As Offer_Text,         
from tbl_directorylisting listing  
 Inner Join tbl_companymaster company            
  On listing.company_id= company.company_id

Mobile Redirect using htaccess

Tim Stone's solution is on the right track, but his initial rewriterule and and his cookie name in the final condition are different, and you can not write and read a cookie in the same request.

Here is the finalized working code:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
# Check if this is the noredirect query string
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)m=0(&|$)
# Set a cookie, and skip the next rule
RewriteRule ^ - []

# Check if this looks like a mobile device
# (You could add another [OR] to the second one and add in what you
#  had to check, but I believe most mobile devices should send at
#  least one of these headers)
RewriteCond %{HTTP:x-wap-profile} !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Profile}       !^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "acs|alav|alca|amoi|audi|aste|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "dang|doco|eric|hipt|inno|ipaq|java|jigs|kddi|keji|leno|lg-c|lg-d|lg-g|lge-" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}  "maui|maxo|midp|mits|mmef|mobi|mot-|moto|mwbp|nec-|newt|noki|opwv" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "palm|pana|pant|pdxg|phil|play|pluc|port|prox|qtek|qwap|sage|sams|sany" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "sch-|sec-|send|seri|sgh-|shar|sie-|siem|smal|smar|sony|sph-|symb|t-mo" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "teli|tim-|tosh|tsm-|upg1|upsi|vk-v|voda|w3cs|wap-|wapa|wapi" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "wapp|wapr|webc|winw|winw|xda|xda-" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "up.browser||windowssce|iemobile|mini|mmp" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "symbian|midp|wap|phone|pocket|mobile|pda|psp" [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !macintosh [NC]

# Check if we're not already on the mobile site
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}          !^m\.
# Can not read and write cookie in same request, must duplicate condition
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !(^|&)m=0(&|$) 

# Check to make sure we haven't set the cookie before
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE}        !^.*mredir=0.*$ [NC]

# Now redirect to the mobile site
RewriteRule ^ [R,L]

how does array[100] = {0} set the entire array to 0?

It depends where you put this initialisation.

If the array is static as in

char array[100] = {0};

int main(void)

then it is the compiler that reserves the 100 0 bytes in the data segement of the program. In this case you could have omitted the initialiser.

If your array is auto, then it is another story.

int foo(void)
char array[100] = {0};

In this case at every call of the function foo you will have a hidden memset.

The code above is equivalent to

int foo(void)
char array[100];

memset(array, 0, sizeof(array));

and if you omit the initializer your array will contain random data (the data of the stack).

If your local array is declared static like in

int foo(void)
static char array[100] = {0};

then it is technically the same case as the first one.

unique object identifier in javascript

This one will calculate a HashCode for each object, optimized for string, number and virtually anything that has a getHashCode function. For the rest it assigns a new reference number.

(function() {
  var __gRefID = 0;
  window.getHashCode = function(ref)
      if (ref == null) { throw Error("Unable to calculate HashCode on a null reference"); }

      // already cached reference id
      if (ref.hasOwnProperty("__refID")) { return ref["__refID"]; }

      // numbers are already hashcodes
      if (typeof ref === "number") { return ref; }

      // strings are immutable, so we need to calculate this every time
      if (typeof ref === "string")
          var hash = 0, i, chr;
          for (i = 0; i < ref.length; i++) {
            chr = ref.charCodeAt(i);
            hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
            hash |= 0;
          return hash;

      // virtual call
      if (typeof ref.getHashCode === "function") { return ref.getHashCode(); }

      // generate and return a new reference id
      return (ref["__refID"] = "ref" + __gRefID++);

Define a struct inside a class in C++

Yes you can. In c++, class and struct are kind of similar. We can define not only structure inside a class, but also a class inside one. It is called inner class.

As an example I am adding a simple Trie class.

class Trie {
    struct node{
        node* alp[26];
        bool isend;
    node* root;
    node* createNode(){
        node* newnode=new node();
        for(int i=0; i<26; i++){
        return newnode;
    /** Initialize your data structure here. */
    Trie() {

    /** Inserts a word into the trie. */
    void insert(string word) {
        node* head=root;
        for(int i=0; i<word.length(); i++){
                node* newnode=createNode();

    /** Returns if the word is in the trie. */
    bool search(string word) {
        node* head=root;
        for(int i=0; i<word.length(); i++){
                return false;
        if(head->isend){return true;}
        return false;

    /** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */
    bool startsWith(string prefix) {
        node* head=root;
        for(int i=0; i<prefix.length(); i++){
                return false;
        return true;

 * Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * Trie* obj = new Trie();
 * obj->insert(word);
 * bool param_2 = obj->search(word);
 * bool param_3 = obj->startsWith(prefix);

installing requests module in python 2.7 windows

There are four options here:

  1. Get virtualenv set up. Each virtual environment you create will automatically have pip.

  2. Get pip set up globally.

  3. Learn how to install Python packages manually—in most cases it's as simple as download, unzip, python install, but not always.

  4. Use Christoph Gohlke's binary installers.

Sorting a Data Table

This worked for me:

dt.DefaultView.Sort = "Town ASC, Cutomer ASC";
dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable();

graphing an equation with matplotlib

This is because in line

graph(x**3+2*x-4, range(-10, 11))

x is not defined.

The easiest way is to pass the function you want to plot as a string and use eval to evaluate it as an expression.

So your code with minimal modifications will be

import numpy as np  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
def graph(formula, x_range):  
    x = np.array(x_range)  
    y = eval(formula)
    plt.plot(x, y)

and you can call it as

graph('x**3+2*x-4', range(-10, 11))

Using a Python subprocess call to invoke a Python script

If '' isn't something you could normally execute directly from the command line (I.e., $: works), then you can't call it directly using call.

Remember that the way Popen works is that the first argument is the program that it executes, and the rest are the arguments passed to that program. In this case, the program is actually python, not your script. So the following will work as you expect:['python', '', somescript_arg1, somescript_val1,...]).

This correctly calls the Python interpreter and tells it to execute your script with the given arguments.

Note that this is different from the above suggestion:['python'])

That will try to execute the program called python, which clearly doesn't exist.

call('python', shell=True)

Will also work, but using strings as input to call is not cross platform, is dangerous if you aren't the one building the string, and should generally be avoided if at all possible.

LINQ where clause with lambda expression having OR clauses and null values returning incomplete results

You are checking Parent properties for null in your delegate. The same should work with lambda expressions too.

List<AnalysisObject> analysisObjects = analysisObjectRepository
        .Where(x => 
            (x.ID == packageId) || 
            (x.Parent != null &&
                (x.Parent.ID == packageId || 
                (x.Parent.Parent != null && x.Parent.Parent.ID == packageId)))

CSS float right not working correctly

you need to wrap your text inside div and float it left while wrapper div should have height, and I've also added line height for vertical alignment

<div style="border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: gray;height:30px;">
   <div style="float:left;line-height:30px;">Contact Details</div>

    <button type="button" class="edit_button" style="float: right;">My Button</button>


also js fiddle here =)

WHERE Clause to find all records in a specific month

As an alternative to the MONTH and YEAR functions, a regular WHERE clause will work too:

select *
from yourtable
where '2009-01-01' <= datecolumn and datecolumn < '2009-02-01'

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (running jar file, not web app)

Man, I had the issue in one of my eclipse projects, amazingly the issue was the order of the jars in my .project file. believe it or not!

Can I stretch text using CSS?

Technically, no. But what you can do is use a font size that is as tall as you would like the stretched font to be, and then condense it horizontally with font-stretch.

Why can't Python import Image from PIL?

do from PIL import Image, ImageTk

Changing password with Oracle SQL Developer

you can find the user in DBA_USERS table like

SELECT profile
FROM dba_users
WHERE username = 'MacsP'

Now go to the sys/system (administrator) and use query

IDENTIFIED BY "new_password"
REPLACE "old_password"

To verify the account status just go through


and you can see status of your user.

Mongoose's find method with $or condition does not work properly

async() => {
let body = await model.find().or([
  { name: 'something'},
  { nickname: 'somethang'}
/* Gives an array of the searched query!
returns [] if not found */

how to exit a python script in an if statement

This works fine for me:

while True:
   answer = input('Do you want to continue?:')
   if answer.lower().startswith("y"):
      print("ok, carry on then")
   elif answer.lower().startswith("n"):
      print("sayonara, Robocop")

edit: use input in python 3.2 instead of raw_input

send checkbox value in PHP form

try changing this part,

<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter[]" value="newsletter" checked>i want to sign up   for newsletter

for this

<input type="checkbox" name="newsletter" value="newsletter" checked>i want to sign up   for newsletter

MySQL - how to front pad zip code with "0"?

you should use UNSIGNED ZEROFILL in your table structure.

Run ScrollTop with offset of element by ID

var top = ($(".apps_intro_wrapper_inner").offset() || { "top": NaN }).top;   
if (!isNaN(top)) {
$("#app_scroler").click(function () {   
$('html, body').animate({
            scrollTop: top
        }, 100);

if you want to scroll a little above or below from specific div that add value to the top like I add 800

var top = ($(".apps_intro_wrapper_inner").offset() || { "top": NaN }).top + 800;

Find common substring between two strings

Its called Longest Common Substring problem. Here I present a simple, easy to understand but inefficient solution. It will take a long time to produce correct output for large strings, as the complexity of this algorithm is O(N^2).

def longestSubstringFinder(string1, string2):
    answer = ""
    len1, len2 = len(string1), len(string2)
    for i in range(len1):
        match = ""
        for j in range(len2):
            if (i + j < len1 and string1[i + j] == string2[j]):
                match += string2[j]
                if (len(match) > len(answer)): answer = match
                match = ""
    return answer

print longestSubstringFinder("apple pie available", "apple pies")
print longestSubstringFinder("apples", "appleses")
print longestSubstringFinder("bapples", "cappleses")


apple pie

Upload file to FTP using C#

publish date: 06/26/2018

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace Examples.System.Net
    public class WebRequestGetExample
    public static void Main ()
        // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
        FtpWebRequest request = 
        request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;

        // This example assumes the FTP site uses anonymous logon.
        request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("anonymous", 
"[email protected]");

        // Copy the contents of the file to the request stream.
        byte[] fileContents;
        using (StreamReader sourceStream = new StreamReader("testfile.txt"))
            fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sourceStream.ReadToEnd());

        request.ContentLength = fileContents.Length;

        using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
            requestStream.Write(fileContents, 0, fileContents.Length);

        using (FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
            Console.WriteLine($"Upload File Complete, status 

Delete statement in SQL is very slow

Deleting a lot of rows can be very slow. Try to delete a few at a time, like:

delete top (10) YourTable where col in ('1','2','3','4')
while @@rowcount > 0
    delete top (10) YourTable where col in ('1','2','3','4')

Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/json warning in Chrome Developer Tools

you can simply use JSON.stringify(options) convert JSON object to string before submit, then warning dismiss and works fine

How do I find an element position in std::vector?

Take a look at the answers provided for this question: Invalid value for size_t?. Also you can use std::find_if with std::distance to get the index.

std::vector<type>::iterator iter = std::find_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), comparisonFunc);
size_t index = std::distance(vec.begin(), iter);
if(index == vec.size()) 

How do I access an access array item by index in handlebars?

The following, with an additional dot before the index, works just as expected. Here, the square brackets are optional when the index is followed by another property:


However, the square brackets are required in:

{{#with people.[1]}}

In the latter, using the index number without the square brackets would get one:

Error: Parse error on line ...:
...     {{#with people.1}}                
Expecting 'ID', got 'INTEGER'

As an aside: the brackets are (also) used for segment-literal syntax, to refer to actual identifiers (not index numbers) that would otherwise be invalid. More details in What is a valid identifier?

(Tested with Handlebars in YUI.)

2.xx Update

You can now use the get helper for this:

(get people index)

although if you get an error about index needing to be a string, do:

(get people (concat index ""))

Executing JavaScript after X seconds

setTimeout will help you to execute any JavaScript code based on the time you set.


setTimeout(code, millisec, lang)


setTimeout("function1()", 1000);

For more details, see

How to recover a dropped stash in Git?

Once you know the hash of the stash commit you dropped, you can apply it as a stash:

git stash apply $stash_hash

Or, you can create a separate branch for it with

git branch recovered $stash_hash

After that, you can do whatever you want with all the normal tools. When you’re done, just blow the branch away.

Finding the hash

If you have only just popped it and the terminal is still open, you will still have the hash value printed by git stash pop on screen (thanks, Dolda).

Otherwise, you can find it using this for Linux, Unix or Git Bash for Windows:

git fsck --no-reflog | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}'

...or using Powershell for Windows:

git fsck --no-reflog | select-string 'dangling commit' | foreach { $_.ToString().Split(" ")[2] }

This will show you all the commits at the tips of your commit graph which are no longer referenced from any branch or tag – every lost commit, including every stash commit you’ve ever created, will be somewhere in that graph.

The easiest way to find the stash commit you want is probably to pass that list to gitk:

gitk --all $( git fsck --no-reflog | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}' )

...or see the answer from emragins if using Powershell for Windows.

This will launch a repository browser showing you every single commit in the repository ever, regardless of whether it is reachable or not.

You can replace gitk there with something like git log --graph --oneline --decorate if you prefer a nice graph on the console over a separate GUI app.

To spot stash commits, look for commit messages of this form:

        WIP on somebranch: commithash Some old commit message

Note: The commit message will only be in this form (starting with "WIP on") if you did not supply a message when you did git stash.

Converting pixels to dp

Java code:

// Converts 14 dip into its equivalent px
float dip = 14f;
Resources r = getResources();
float px = TypedValue.applyDimension(

Kotlin code:

 val dip = 14f
 val r: Resources = resources
 val px = TypedValue.applyDimension(

Using context in a fragment

Use fragments from Support Library -

and then override

void onAttach (Context context) {
  this.context = context;

This way you can be sure that context will always be a non-null value.

Delete forked repo from GitHub

Sweet and simple:

  1. Open the repository
  2. Navigate to settings
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  4. Click on delete
  5. Confirm names of the Repository to delete
  6. Click on delete

Package doesn't exist error in intelliJ

Invalidate Caches/ Restart and then Build -> Rebuild Project helped for me

How can I pass a class member function as a callback?

Is m_cRedundencyManager able to use member functions? Most callbacks are set up to use regular functions or static member functions. Take a look at this page at C++ FAQ Lite for more information.

Update: The function declaration you provided shows that m_cRedundencyManager is expecting a function of the form: void yourCallbackFunction(int, void *). Member functions are therefore unacceptable as callbacks in this case. A static member function may work, but if that is unacceptable in your case, the following code would also work. Note that it uses an evil cast from void *.

// in your CLoggersInfra constructor:
m_cRedundencyManager->Init(myRedundencyManagerCallBackHandler, this);

// in your CLoggersInfra header:
void myRedundencyManagerCallBackHandler(int i, void * CLoggersInfraPtr);

// in your CLoggersInfra source file:
void myRedundencyManagerCallBackHandler(int i, void * CLoggersInfraPtr)
    ((CLoggersInfra *)CLoggersInfraPtr)->RedundencyManagerCallBack(i);

MySQL query String contains


  FROM `table`
 WHERE INSTR(`column`, '{$needle}') > 0


Open a local HTML file using in Chrome

This worked for me fine:

File 1:

        <a href="#" onclick="'file:///D:/Examples/file2.html'); return false">CLICK ME</a>

File 2:


This method works regardless of whether or not the 2 files are in the same directory, BUT both files must be local.

For obvious security reasons, if File 1 is located on a remote server you absolutely cannot open a file on some client's host computer and trying to do so will open a blank target.

fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory

It's not the same situation, but it also works for me and now I can use SWIG with Python3.5:

I was trying to compile:

gcc -fPIC -c existe.c existe_wrap.c -I /usr/include/python3.5m/

With Python 2.7 works fine, not with my version 3.5:

existe_wrap.c:147:21: fatal error: Python.h: No existe el archivo o el directorio compilation terminated.

After run in my Ubuntu 16.04 installation:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev  # for python3.x installs

Now I can compile without problems Python3.5:

gcc -fPIC -c existe.c existe_wrap.c -I /usr/include/python3.5m/

Python Pandas iterate over rows and access column names

How to iterate efficiently

If you really have to iterate a Pandas dataframe, you will probably want to avoid using iterrows(). There are different methods and the usual iterrows() is far from being the best. itertuples() can be 100 times faster.

In short:

  • As a general rule, use df.itertuples(name=None). In particular, when you have a fixed number columns and less than 255 columns. See point (3)
  • Otherwise, use df.itertuples() except if your columns have special characters such as spaces or '-'. See point (2)
  • It is possible to use itertuples() even if your dataframe has strange columns by using the last example. See point (4)
  • Only use iterrows() if you cannot the previous solutions. See point (1)

Different methods to iterate over rows in a Pandas dataframe:

Generate a random dataframe with a million rows and 4 columns:

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(1000000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))

1) The usual iterrows() is convenient, but damn slow:

start_time = time.clock()
result = 0
for _, row in df.iterrows():
    result += max(row['B'], row['C'])

total_elapsed_time = round(time.clock() - start_time, 2)
print("1. Iterrows done in {} seconds, result = {}".format(total_elapsed_time, result))

2) The default itertuples() is already much faster, but it doesn't work with column names such as My Col-Name is very Strange (you should avoid this method if your columns are repeated or if a column name cannot be simply converted to a Python variable name).:

start_time = time.clock()
result = 0
for row in df.itertuples(index=False):
    result += max(row.B, row.C)

total_elapsed_time = round(time.clock() - start_time, 2)
print("2. Named Itertuples done in {} seconds, result = {}".format(total_elapsed_time, result))

3) The default itertuples() using name=None is even faster but not really convenient as you have to define a variable per column.

start_time = time.clock()
result = 0
for(_, col1, col2, col3, col4) in df.itertuples(name=None):
    result += max(col2, col3)

total_elapsed_time = round(time.clock() - start_time, 2)
print("3. Itertuples done in {} seconds, result = {}".format(total_elapsed_time, result))

4) Finally, the named itertuples() is slower than the previous point, but you do not have to define a variable per column and it works with column names such as My Col-Name is very Strange.

start_time = time.clock()
result = 0
for row in df.itertuples(index=False):
    result += max(row[df.columns.get_loc('B')], row[df.columns.get_loc('C')])

total_elapsed_time = round(time.clock() - start_time, 2)
print("4. Polyvalent Itertuples working even with special characters in the column name done in {} seconds, result = {}".format(total_elapsed_time, result))


         A   B   C   D
0       41  63  42  23
1       54   9  24  65
2       15  34  10   9
3       39  94  82  97
4        4  88  79  54
...     ..  ..  ..  ..
999995  48  27   4  25
999996  16  51  34  28
999997   1  39  61  14
999998  66  51  27  70
999999  51  53  47  99

[1000000 rows x 4 columns]

1. Iterrows done in 104.96 seconds, result = 66151519
2. Named Itertuples done in 1.26 seconds, result = 66151519
3. Itertuples done in 0.94 seconds, result = 66151519
4. Polyvalent Itertuples working even with special characters in the column name done in 2.94 seconds, result = 66151519

This article is a very interesting comparison between iterrows and itertuples

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

Had the same issue on windows XP. Resolved. The error was caused due to the system log being full. Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event viewer Right click on application log, clear all events, optionaly save the log. Same process for system log. Restart and it should work.

How to hide .php extension in .htaccess

1) Are you sure mod_rewrite module is enabled? Check phpinfo()

2) Your above rule assumes the URL starts with "folder". Is this correct? Did you acutally want to have folder in the URL? This would match a URL like:

/folder/thing -> /folder/thing.php

If you actually want

/thing -> /folder/thing.php

You need to drop the folder from the match expression.

I usually use this to route request to page without php (but yours should work which leads me to think that mod_rewrite may not be enabled):

RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ $1.php  [L,QSA]

3) Assuming you are declaring your rules in an .htaccess file, does your installation allow for setting Options (AllowOverride) overrides in .htaccess files? Some shared hosts do not.

When the server finds an .htaccess file (as specified by AccessFileName) it needs to know which directives declared in that file can override earlier access information.

How do I return JSON without using a template in Django?

from django.utils import simplejson 
from django.core import serializers 

def pagina_json(request): 
   misdatos = misdatos.objects.all()
   data = serializers.serialize('json', misdatos) 
   return HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/json')

Zooming MKMapView to fit annotation pins?

If your are looking for iOS 8 and above, the simplest way to do it is to set the var layoutMargins: UIEdgeInsets { get set } of your map view before calling func showAnnotations(annotations: [MKAnnotation], animated: Bool)

For instance (Swift 2.1):

@IBOutlet weak var map: MKMapView! {
    didSet {
        map.delegate = self
        map.mapType = .Standard
        map.pitchEnabled = false
        map.rotateEnabled = false
        map.scrollEnabled = true
        map.zoomEnabled = true

// call 'updateView()' when viewWillAppear or whenever you set the map annotations
func updateView() {
    map.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 25, left: 25, bottom: 25, right: 25)
    map.showAnnotations(map.annotations, animated: true)

reading a line from ifstream into a string variable

Use the std::getline() from <string>.

 istream & getline(istream & is,std::string& str)

So, for your case it would be:


Submit form without page reloading

if you're submitting to the same page where the form is you could write the form tags with out an action and it will submit, like this

<form method='post'> <!-- you can see there is no action here-->

C# Threading - How to start and stop a thread

Use a static AutoResetEvent in your spawned threads to call back to the main thread using the Set() method. This guy has a fairly good demo in SO on how to use it.

AutoResetEvent clarification

Creating an XmlNode/XmlElement in C# without an XmlDocument?

XmlNodes come with an OwnerDocument property.

Perhaps you can just do:

//Node is an XmlNode pulled from an XmlDocument
XmlElement e = node.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("MyNewElement");
e.InnerText = "Some value";

Can I convert long to int?

It can convert by

Convert.ToInt32 method

But it will throw an OverflowException if it the value is outside range of the Int32 Type. A basic test will show us how it works:

long[] numbers = { Int64.MinValue, -1, 0, 121, 340, Int64.MaxValue };
int result;
foreach (long number in numbers)
   try {
         result = Convert.ToInt32(number);
        Console.WriteLine("Converted the {0} value {1} to the {2} value {3}.",
                    number.GetType().Name, number,
                    result.GetType().Name, result);
     catch (OverflowException) {
      Console.WriteLine("The {0} value {1} is outside the range of the Int32 type.",
                    number.GetType().Name, number);
// The example displays the following output:
//    The Int64 value -9223372036854775808 is outside the range of the Int32 type.
//    Converted the Int64 value -1 to the Int32 value -1.
//    Converted the Int64 value 0 to the Int32 value 0.
//    Converted the Int64 value 121 to the Int32 value 121.
//    Converted the Int64 value 340 to the Int32 value 340.
//    The Int64 value 9223372036854775807 is outside the range of the Int32 type.

Here there is a longer explanation.

Multiline TextView in Android?

If the text you're putting in the TextView is short, it will not automatically expand to four lines. If you want the TextView to always have four lines regardless of the length of the text in it, set the android:lines attribute:

    android:text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."></TextView>

You can do this with TableRow, see below code

<TableRow >
            android:textStyle="bold" />

            android:maxLines="4"`enter code here`
            android:text="The food test was very good."
            android:textColorHint="@color/hint_text_color" />

in python how do I convert a single digit number into a double digits string?

If you are an analyst and not a full stack guy, this might be more intuitive:

[(str('00000') + str(i))[-5:] for i in arange(100)]

breaking that down, you:

  • start by creating a list that repeats 0's or X's, in this case, 100 long, i.e., arange(100)

  • add the numbers you want to the string, in this case, numbers 0-99, i.e., 'i'

  • keep only the right hand 5 digits, i.e., '[-5:]' for subsetting

  • output is numbered list, all with 5 digits

What's the difference between Instant and LocalDateTime?

One main difference is the Local part of LocalDateTime. If you live in Germany and create a LocalDateTime instance and someone else lives in USA and creates another instance at the very same moment (provided the clocks are properly set) - the value of those objects would actually be different. This does not apply to Instant, which is calculated independently from time zone.

LocalDateTime stores date and time without timezone, but it's initial value is timezone dependent. Instant's is not.

Moreover, LocalDateTime provides methods for manipulating date components like days, hours, months. An Instant does not.

apart from the nanosecond precision advantage of Instant and the time-zone part of LocalDateTime

Both classes have the same precision. LocalDateTime does not store timezone. Read javadocs thoroughly, because you may make a big mistake with such invalid assumptions: Instant and LocalDateTime.

Getting attribute of element in ng-click function in angularjs

Addition to the answer of Brett DeWoody: (which is updated now)

var dataValue =;

Works fine in IE(9+) and Chrome, but Firefox does not know the srcElement property. I found:

var dataValue =;

Works in IE, Chrome and FF, I did not test Safari.

How to view the SQL queries issued by JPA?

JPA provider can set it for you - incase if someone doesn't want to control through JPA properties

public static JpaProperties properties() {
        final JpaProperties jpaProperties = new JpaProperties();

Looping through array and removing items, without breaking for loop

Although your question is about deleting elements from the array being iterated upon and not about removing elements (in addition to some other processing) efficiently, I think one should reconsider it if in similar situation.

The algorithmic complexity of this approach is O(n^2) as splice function and the for loop both iterate over the array (splice function shifts all elements of array in the worst case). Instead you can just push the required elements to the new array and then just assign that array to the desired variable (which was just iterated upon).

var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0, len = Auction.auctions.length; i < len; i++) {
    auction = Auction.auctions[i];
    if (!auction.seconds < 0) { 
Auction.auctions = newArray;

Since ES2015 we can use Array.prototype.filter to fit it all in one line:

Auction.auctions = Auction.auctions.filter(auction => --auction.seconds >= 0);

Unescape HTML entities in Javascript?

I tried everything to remove & from a JSON array. None of the above examples, but gave a great solution that led me to fix my problem.

var stringtodecode="<B>Hello</B> world<br>";

I did not use, because I did not understand how to insert it into a modal window that was pulling JSON data into an array, but I did try this based upon the example, and it worked:

var modal = document.getElementById('demodal');
$('#ampersandcontent').text(replaceAll(data[0],"&amp;", "&"));

I like it because it was simple, and it works, but not sure why it's not widely used. Searched hi & low to find a simple solution. I continue to seek understanding of the syntax, and if there is any risk to using this. Have not found anything yet.

How to export html table to excel or pdf in php

Use a PHP Excel for generatingExcel file. You can find a good one called PHPExcel here:

And for PDF generation use

Is there a way to check if a file is in use?

In my experience, you usually want to do this, then 'protect' your files to do something fancy and then use the 'protected' files. If you have just one file you want to use like this, you can use the trick that's explained in the answer by Jeremy Thompson. However, if you attempt to do this on lots of files (say, for example when you're writing an installer), you're in for quite a bit of hurt.

A very elegant way this can be solved is by using the fact that your file system will not allow you to change a folder name if one of the files there it's being used. Keep the folder in the same file system and it'll work like a charm.

Do note that you should be aware of the obvious ways this can be exploited. After all, the files won't be locked. Also, be aware that there are other reasons that can result in your Move operation to fail. Obviously proper error handling (MSDN) can help out here.

var originalFolder = @"c:\myHugeCollectionOfFiles"; // your folder name here
var someFolder = Path.Combine(originalFolder, "..", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));

    Directory.Move(originalFolder, someFolder);

    // Use files
catch // TODO: proper exception handling
    // Inform user, take action
    Directory.Move(someFolder, originalFolder);

For individual files I'd stick with the locking suggestion posted by Jeremy Thompson.

Cannot connect to repo with TortoiseSVN

SVN is case-sensitive. Make sure that you're spelling it properly. If it got renamed, you can relocate the working folder to the new URL. See

Get only records created today in laravel

If you are using Carbon (and you should, it's awesome!) with Laravel, you can simply do the following:

->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::today())

Besides now() and today(), you can also use yesterday() and tomorrow() and then use the following:

  • startOfDay()/endOfDay()
  • startOfWeek()/endOfWeek()
  • startOfMonth()/endOfMonth()
  • startOfYear()/endOfYear()
  • startOfDecade()/endOfDecade()
  • startOfCentury()/endOfCentury()

make: *** [ ] Error 1 error

From GNU Make error appendix, as you see this is not a Make error but an error coming from gcc.

‘[foo] Error NN’ ‘[foo] signal description’ These errors are not really make errors at all. They mean that a program that make invoked as part of a recipe returned a non-0 error code (‘Error NN’), which make interprets as failure, or it exited in some other abnormal fashion (with a signal of some type). See Errors in Recipes. If no *** is attached to the message, then the subprocess failed but the rule in the makefile was prefixed with the - special character, so make ignored the error.

So in order to attack the problem, the error message from gcc is required. Paste the command in the Makefile directly to the command line and see what gcc says. For more details on Make errors click here.

How to prevent form resubmission when page is refreshed (F5 / CTRL+R)

  1. Use header and redirect the page.

    header("Location:your_page.php"); You can redirect to same page or different page.

  2. Unset $_POST after inserting it to Database.


How to remove \n from a list element?

This works to take out the \n (new line) off a item in a list it just takes the first item in string off

def remove_end(s):
    for i in s:

Assign a login to a user created without login (SQL Server)

What kind of database user is it? Run select * from sys.database_principals in the database and check columns type and type_desc for that name. If it is a Windows or SQL user, go with @gbn's answer, but if it's something else (which is my untested guess based on your error message) then you have a different problem.


So it is a SQL-authenticated login. Back when we'd use sp_change_users_login to fix such logins. SQL 2008 has it as "don't use, will be deprecated", which means that the ALTER USER command should be sufficient... but it might be worth a try in this case. Used properly (it's been a while), I believe this updates the SID of the User to match that of the login.

Selenium: Can I set any of the attribute value of a WebElement in Selenium?

Fancy C# extension method based on previous answers:

public static IWebElement SetAttribute(this IWebElement element, string name, string value)
    var driver = ((IWrapsDriver)element).WrappedDriver;
    var jsExecutor = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;
    jsExecutor.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1], arguments[2]);", element, name, value);

    return element;


driver.FindElement(By.Id("some_option")).SetAttribute("selected", "selected");

Shortest way to print current year in a website

For React.js, the following is what worked for me in the footer...

render() {
    const yearNow = new Date().getFullYear();
    return (
    <div className="copyright">&copy; Company 2015-{yearNow}</div>

Equivalent of "continue" in Ruby

Inside for-loops and iterator methods like each and map the next keyword in ruby will have the effect of jumping to the next iteration of the loop (same as continue in C).

However what it actually does is just to return from the current block. So you can use it with any method that takes a block - even if it has nothing to do with iteration.

what's the correct way to send a file from REST web service to client?

I don't recommend encoding binary data in base64 and wrapping it in JSON. It will just needlessly increase the size of the response and slow things down.

Simply serve your file data using GET and application/octect-streamusing one of the factory methods of (part of the JAX-RS API, so you're not locked into Jersey):

public Response getFile() {
  File file = ... // Initialize this to the File path you want to serve.
  return Response.ok(file, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)
      .header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + file.getName() + "\"" ) //optional

If you don't have an actual File object, but an InputStream, Response.ok(entity, mediaType) should be able to handle that as well.

Get commit list between tags in git

To style the output to your preferred pretty format, see the man page for git-log.


git log --pretty=format:"%h; author: %cn; date: %ci; subject:%s" tagA...tagB

How can I parse a time string containing milliseconds in it with python?

from python mailing lists: parsing millisecond thread. There is a function posted there that seems to get the job done, although as mentioned in the author's comments it is kind of a hack. It uses regular expressions to handle the exception that gets raised, and then does some calculations.

You could also try do the regular expressions and calculations up front, before passing it to strptime.

How do you hide the Address bar in Google Chrome for Chrome Apps?

On macs chrome browser:

1st toggle on Full screen:


2nd toggle on hide address bar, tabs and all

Just repeat to undo or hover above top


Undo by repeating backwards:

  • cmd-shift-f undo hide
  • cmd-ctrl-f undo full screen

How to make a whole 'div' clickable in html and css without JavaScript?

Nesting block level elements in anchors is not invalid anymore in HTML5. See and I'm not saying you should use it, but in HTML5 it's fine to use <a href="#"><div></div></a>.

The accepted answer is otherwise the best one. Using JavaScript like others suggested is also bad because it would make the "link" inaccessible (to users without JavaScript, which includes search engines and others).

Drag and drop menuitems

jQuery UI draggable and droppable are the two plugins I would use to achieve this effect. As for the insertion marker, I would investigate modifying the div (or container) element that was about to have content dropped into it. It should be possible to modify the border in some way or add a JavaScript/jQuery listener that listens for the hover (element about to be dropped) event and modifies the border or adds an image of the insertion marker in the right place.

CSS for grabbing cursors (drag & drop)

In case anyone else stumbles across this question, this is probably what you were looking for:

.grabbable {
    cursor: move; /* fallback if grab cursor is unsupported */
    cursor: grab;
    cursor: -moz-grab;
    cursor: -webkit-grab;

 /* (Optional) Apply a "closed-hand" cursor during drag operation. */
.grabbable:active {
    cursor: grabbing;
    cursor: -moz-grabbing;
    cursor: -webkit-grabbing;

Test if characters are in a string

You want grepl:

> chars <- "test"
> value <- "es"
> grepl(value, chars)
[1] TRUE
> chars <- "test"
> value <- "et"
> grepl(value, chars)

Preventing scroll bars from being hidden for MacOS trackpad users in WebKit/Blink

Another good way of dealing with Lion's hidden scroll bars is to display a prompt to scroll down. It doesn't work with small scroll areas such as text fields but well with large scroll areas and keeps the overall style of the site. One site doing this is, just check this example page and wait 1.5 seconds to see the prompt:

The implementation isn't hard but you have to take care, that you don't display the prompt when the user has already scrolled.

You need jQuery + Underscore and

$(window).scroll to check if the user already scrolled by himself,

_.delay() to trigger a delay before you display the prompt -- the prompt shouldn't be to obtrusive

$('#prompt_div').fadeIn('slow') to fade in your prompt and of course

$('#prompt_div').fadeOut('slow') to fade out when the user scrolled after he saw the prompt

In addition, you can bind Google Analytics events to track user's scrolling behavior.

How to get the last row of an Oracle a table

  <your filters>

The Import cannot be resolved

In my case, the auto-generated project appcompat_v7 was closed. So just open up that project in Package Explorer.

Hope this help.

Converting an object to a string

For non-nested objects:


How to get whole and decimal part of a number?

a short way (use floor and fmod)

$var = "1.25";
$whole = floor($var);     // 1
$decimal = fmod($var, 1); //0.25

then compare $decimal to 0, .25, .5, or .75

How to style an menu with CSS

There are well achieved third-party tools, but i usually use superfish it's cool, free and easy ;)

MongoDB Show all contents from all collections

I prefer another approach if you are using mongo shell:

First as the another answers: use my_database_name then:

db.getCollectionNames().map( (name) => ({[name]: db[name].find().toArray().length}) )

This query will show you something like this:

                "agreements" : 60
                "libraries" : 45
                "templates" : 9
                "users" : 19

You can use similar approach with db.getCollectionInfos() it is pretty useful if you have so much data & helpful as well.

Visual Studio SignTool.exe Not Found

No Worries! I have found the solution! I just installed and it all worked fine :)

Download file and automatically save it to folder

A much simpler solution would be to download the file using Chrome. In this manner you don't have to manually click on the save button.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace MyProcessSample
    class MyProcess
        public static void Main()
            Process myProcess = new Process();

Add (insert) a column between two columns in a data.frame

You can use the append() function to insert items into vectors or lists (dataframes are lists). Simply:

df <- data.frame(a=c(1,2), b=c(3,4), c=c(5,6))

df <-, list(d=df$b+df$c), after=2))

Or, if you want to specify the position by name use which:

df <-, list(d=df$b+df$c), after=which(names(df)=="b")))

How to copy a directory structure but only include certain files (using windows batch files)

Under Linux and other UNIX systems, using the tar command would do this easily.

$ tar cvf /tmp/full-structure.tar * *info.txt

Then you'd cwd to the target and:

$ tar xvf /tmp/full-structure.tar 

Of course you could pipe the output from the first tar into the 2nd, but seeing it work in steps is easier to understand and explain. I'm missing the necessary cd /to/new/path/ in the following command - I just don't recall how to do it now. Someone else can add it, hopefully.

$ tar cvf -  * *info.txt |  tar xvf - 

Tar (gnutar) is available on Windows too, but I'd probably use the xcopy method myself on that platform.

Is there an "exists" function for jQuery?

The fastest and most semantically self explaining way to check for existence is actually by using plain JavaScript:

if (document.getElementById('element_id')) {
    // Do something

It is a bit longer to write than the jQuery length alternative, but executes faster since it is a native JS method.

And it is better than the alternative of writing your own jQuery function. That alternative is slower, for the reasons @snover stated. But it would also give other programmers the impression that the exists() function is something inherent to jQuery. JavaScript would/should be understood by others editing your code, without increased knowledge debt.

NB: Notice the lack of an '#' before the element_id (since this is plain JS, not jQuery).

How can I toggle word wrap in Visual Studio?

As of Visual Studio 2013, the word wrap feature is finally usable—it respects indentation. There's still a couple of issues (line highlighting, selection), but it's worth using. Here's how

enter image description here

How do I set the driver's python version in spark?

In my case (Ubuntu 18.04), I ran this code in terminal:

sudo vim ~/.bashrc

and then edited SPARK_HOME as follows:

export SPARK_HOME=/home/muser/programs/anaconda2019/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyspark

By doing so, my SPARK_HOME will refer to the pyspark package I installed in the site-package.

To learn how to use vim, go to this link.

MySQL order by before group by

Try this one. Just get the list of latest post dates from each author. Thats it

SELECT wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts WHERE wp_posts.post_status='publish'
AND wp_posts.post_type='post' AND wp_posts.post_date IN(SELECT MAX(wp_posts.post_date) FROM wp_posts GROUP BY wp_posts.post_author) 

How do I print a double value with full precision using cout?

Use std::setprecision:

std::cout << std::setprecision (15) << 3.14159265358979 << std::endl;

Is there a way to override class variables in Java?

class Dad
    protected static String me = "dad";

    public void printMe()

class Son extends Dad
    protected static String _me = me = "son";

public void doIt()
    new Son().printMe();

... will print "son".

Open a new tab in the background?

I did exactly what you're looking for in a very simple way. It is perfectly smooth in Google Chrome and Opera, and almost perfect in Firefox and Safari. Not tested in IE.

function newTab(url)
    tab.document.write("<!DOCTYPE html><html>"+document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHTML+"</html>");

Fiddle :

Let's say there is windows A1 and B1 and websites A2 and B2.
Instead of opening B2 in B1 and then return to A1, I open B2 in A1 and re-open A2 in B1.
(Another thing that makes it work is that I don't make the user re-download A2, see line 4)

The only thing you may doesn't like is that the new tab opens before the main page.

How do I set a textbox's value using an anchor with jQuery?

To assign value of a text box whose id is ?textbox? in jQuery please do the following


printf and long double

As has been said in other answers, the correct conversion specifier is "%Lf".

You might want to turn on the format warning by using -Wformat (or -Wall, which includes -Wformat) in the gcc invocation

$ gcc source.c
$ gcc -Wall source.c
source.c: In function `main`:
source.c:5: warning: format "%lf" expects type `double`, but argument 2 has type `long double`
source.c:5: warning: format "%le" expects type `double`, but argument 3 has type `long double`

How to finish current activity in Android

You need to call finish() from the UI thread, not a background thread. The way to do this is to declare a Handler and ask the Handler to run a Runnable on the UI thread. For example:

public class LoadingScreen extends Activity{
    private LoadingScreen loadingScreen;
    Intent i = new Intent(this, HomeScreen.class);
    Handler handler;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        handler = new Handler();

        CountDownTimer timer = new CountDownTimer(10000, 1000) //10seceonds Timer
             public void onTick(long l) 


             public void onFinish() 
        Runnable() {
                     public void run() {

Add an image in a WPF button


<Button Height="100" Width="100">
    <Image Source="img.jpg" />
    <TextBlock Text="Blabla" />

It should work. But remember that you must have an image added to the resource on your project!

DateTime "null" value

You can set the DateTime to Nullable. By default DateTime is not nullable. You can make it nullable in a couple of ways. Using a question mark after the type DateTime? myTime or using the generic style Nullable.

DateTime? nullDate = null;


DateTime? nullDate;

convert datetime to date format dd/mm/yyyy

As everyone else said, but remember CultureInfo.InvariantCulture!

string s = dt.ToString("dd/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

OR escape the '/'.

write a shell script to ssh to a remote machine and execute commands

There is are multiple ways to execute the commands or script in the multiple remote Linux machines. One simple & easiest way is via pssh (parallel ssh program)

pssh: is a program for executing ssh in parallel on a number of hosts. It provides features such as sending input to all of the processes, passing a password to ssh, saving the output to files, and timing out.

Example & Usage:

Connect to host1 and host2, and print "hello, world" from each:

 pssh -i -H "host1 host2" echo "hello, world"

Run commands via a script on multiple servers:

pssh -h hosts.txt -P -I<./

Usage & run a command without checking or saving host keys:

pssh -h hostname_ip.txt -x '-q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -o PubkeyAuthentication=yes' -i  'uptime; hostname -f'

If the file hosts.txt has a large number of entries, say 100, then the parallelism option may also be set to 100 to ensure that the commands are run concurrently:

pssh -i -h hosts.txt -p 100 -t 0 sleep 10000

-I: Read input and sends to each ssh process.
-P: Tells pssh to display output as it arrives.
-h: Reads the host's file.
-H : [user@]host[:port] for single-host.
-i: Display standard output and standard error as each host completes
-x args: Passes extra SSH command-line arguments
-o option: Can be used to give options in the format used in the configuration file.(/etc/ssh/ssh_config) (~/.ssh/config)
-p parallelism: Use the given number as the maximum number of concurrent connections
-q Quiet mode: Causes most warning and diagnostic messages to be suppressed.
-t: Make connections time out after the given number of seconds. 0 means pssh will not timeout any connections

When ssh'ing to the remote machine, how to handle when it prompts for RSA fingerprint authentication.

Disable the StrictHostKeyChecking to handle the RSA authentication prompt.
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no

Source: man pssh

Excel - Combine multiple columns into one column

Function Concat(myRange As Range, Optional myDelimiter As String) As String 
  Dim r As Range 
  For Each r In myRange 
    If Len(r.Text) Then 
      Concat = Concat & IIf(Concat <> "", myDelimiter, "") & r.Text 
    End If 
End Function

XmlWriter to Write to a String Instead of to a File

Guys don't forget to call xmlWriter.Close() and xmlWriter.Dispose() or else your string won't finish creating. It will just be an empty string

How to troubleshoot an "AttributeError: __exit__" in multiproccesing in Python?

The reason behind this error is : Flask app is already running, hasn't shut down and in middle of that we try to start another instance by: with app.app_context(): #Code Before we use this with statement we need to make sure that scope of the previous running app is closed.

How to SELECT the last 10 rows of an SQL table which has no ID field?

All the answers here are better, but just in case... There is a way of getting 10 last added records. (thou this is quite unreliable :) ) still you can do something like


N - should be the total amount of rows in the table (SELECT count(*) FROM table). You can put it in a single query using prepared queries but I'll not get into that.

What are DDL and DML?

DML is abbreviation of Data Manipulation Language. It is used to retrieve, store, modify, delete, insert and update data in database.

Examples: SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT statements

DDL is abbreviation of Data Definition Language. It is used to create and modify the structure of database objects in database.

Examples: CREATE, ALTER, DROP statements

Visit this site for more info:

How do I get a string format of the current date time, in python?

You can use the datetime module for working with dates and times in Python. The strftime method allows you to produce string representation of dates and times with a format you specify.

>>> import datetime
>>>"%B %d, %Y")
'July 23, 2010'
>>>"%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")
'10:36AM on July 23, 2010'

Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC)

In Drupal 7, you can modify the memory limit in the settings.php file located in your sites/default folder. Around line 260, you'll see this:

ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');

Even if your php.ini settings are high enough, you won't be able to consume more than 128 MB if this isn't set in your Drupal settings.php file.

How can I remove all my changes in my SVN working directory?

svn revert -R .
svn up

This will recursively revert the current directory and everything under it and then update to the latest version.

Insert if not exists Oracle

This only inserts if the item to be inserted is not already present.

Works the same as:

if not exists (...) insert ... 

in T-SQL

insert into destination (DESTINATIONABBREV) 
  select 'xyz' from dual 
  left outer join destination d on d.destinationabbrev = 'xyz' 
  where d.destinationid is null;

may not be pretty, but it's handy :)

Waiting on a list of Future

You can use an ExecutorCompletionService. The documentation even has an example for your exact use-case:

Suppose instead that you would like to use the first non-null result of the set of tasks, ignoring any that encounter exceptions, and cancelling all other tasks when the first one is ready:

void solve(Executor e, Collection<Callable<Result>> solvers) throws InterruptedException {
    CompletionService<Result> ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService<Result>(e);
    int n = solvers.size();
    List<Future<Result>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Result>>(n);
    Result result = null;
    try {
        for (Callable<Result> s : solvers)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            try {
                Result r = ecs.take().get();
                if (r != null) {
                    result = r;
            } catch (ExecutionException ignore) {
    } finally {
        for (Future<Result> f : futures)

    if (result != null)

The important thing to notice here is that ecs.take() will get the first completed task, not just the first submitted one. Thus you should get them in the order of finishing the execution (or throwing an exception).

what is the difference between XSD and WSDL

WSDL (Web Services Description Language) describes your service and its operations - what is the service called, which methods does it offer, what kind of in parameters and return values do these methods have?

It's a description of the behavior of the service - it's functionality.

XSD (Xml Schema Definition) describes the static structure of the complex data types being exchanged by those service methods. It describes the types, their fields, any restriction on those fields (like max length or a regex pattern) and so forth.

It's a description of datatypes and thus static properties of the service - it's about data.

Why are hexadecimal numbers prefixed with 0x?

The preceding 0 is used to indicate a number in base 2, 8, or 16.

In my opinion, 0x was chosen to indicate hex because 'x' sounds like hex.

Just my opinion, but I think it makes sense.

Good Day!

Open files always in a new tab

Essentially, there are three settings that one has to update (Preference >> settings):

  • workbench.editor.enablePreview: set this to globally enable or disable preview editors

  • workbench.editor.enablePreviewFromQuickOpen: set this to enable or disable preview editors when opened from Quick Open

  • workbench.editor.showTabs: finally one will need to set this
    otherwise, there will be no tabs displayed and you will just be
    wondering why setting/unsetting the above two did not work

Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

Most answers will tell you that you have a duplicate certificate. This is true for my case but the answers left out how to do it.

For me, my account expired and I have to get a new certificate and install it. Next, I looked at Keychain and removes the expired certificate but still got the error. What works for me is actually searching for "iPhone" in Keychain and removing all expired certificates. Apparently, some of it are not shown in System/Certificates or login/Certificates.

Hope this helps!

Can't update: no tracked branch

If I'm not mislead, you just need to set your local branches to track their pairs in the origin server.

Using your command line, you can try

git checkout mybranch
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/mybranch

That will configure something as an equivalent of your local branch in the server. I'll bet that Android Studio is complaining about the lack of that.

If someone knows how to do this using the GUI of that IDE, that would be interesting to read. :)

Not class selector in jQuery

You need the :not() selector:


or, alternatively, the .not() method:


Call Activity method from adapter

One more way is::

Write a method in your adapter lets say public void callBack(){}.

Now while creating an object for adapter in activity override this method. Override method will be called when you call the method in adapter.

Myadapter adapter = new Myadapter() {
  public void callBack() {
    // dosomething

What is the difference between Cygwin and MinGW?

Cygwin is is a Unix-like environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows.

Mingw is a native software port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) to Microsoft Windows, along with a set of freely distributable import libraries and header files for the Windows API. MinGW allows developers to create native Microsoft Windows applications.

You can run binaries generated with mingw without the cygwin environment, provided that all necessary libraries (DLLs) are present.

jQuery Set Selected Option Using Next

This is what i just used, i like how clean it is :-)

    var nextOption = $(this).children(':selected').next();
    return $(nextOption).val();

How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005?

I've had this same dependency problem and I also know that you can include the VS 8.0 DLLs (release only! not debug!---and your program has to be release, too) in a folder of the appropriate name, in the parent folder with your .exe:

How to: Deploy using XCopy (MSDN)

Also note that things are guaranteed to go awry if you need to have C++ and C code in the same statically linked .exe because you will get linker conflicts that can only be resolved by ignoring the correct libXXX.lib and then linking dynamically (DLLs).

Lastly, with a different toolset (VC++ 6.0) things "just work", since Windows 2000 and above have the correct DLLs installed.

How to redirect to previous page in Ruby On Rails?

Why does redirect_to(:back) not work for you, why is it a no go?

redirect_to(:back) works like a charm for me. It's just a short cut for redirect_to(request.env['HTTP_REFERER']) (pre Rails 3) or (Rails 3)

Please note that redirect_to(:back) is being deprecated in Rails 5. You can use

redirect_back(fallback_location: 'something') instead (see

How do I fix a .NET windows application crashing at startup with Exception code: 0xE0434352?

If you are getting that error from Event Viewer, you should see another error event (at least one) from the Source ".NET Runtime". Look at that error message as it will contain the Exception info.

How to take MySQL database backup using MySQL Workbench?

The Data Export function in MySQL Workbench allows 2 of the 3 ways. There's a checkbox Skip Table Data (no-data) on the export page which allows to either dump with or without data. Just dumping the data without meta data is not supported.

Difference between "move" and "li" in MIPS assembly language

The move instruction copies a value from one register to another. The li instruction loads a specific numeric value into that register.

For the specific case of zero, you can use either the constant zero or the zero register to get that:

move $s0, $zero
li   $s0, 0

There's no register that generates a value other than zero, though, so you'd have to use li if you wanted some other number, like:

li $s0, 12345678

how to sort an ArrayList in ascending order using Collections and Comparator

Sort By Value

  public Map sortByValue(Map map, final boolean ascending) {
            Map result = new LinkedHashMap();
            try {
                List list = new LinkedList(map.entrySet());

                Collections.sort(list, new Comparator() {
                    public int compare(Object object1, Object object2) {
                        if (ascending)
                            return ((Comparable) ((Map.Entry) (object1)).getValue())
                                    .compareTo(((Map.Entry) (object2)).getValue());
                            return ((Comparable) ((Map.Entry) (object2)).getValue())
                                    .compareTo(((Map.Entry) (object1)).getValue());


                for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                    result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e("Error", e.getMessage());

            return result;

Java2D: Increase the line width

You should use setStroke to set a stroke of the Graphics2D object.

The example at gives you some code examples.

The following code produces the image below:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import javax.swing.*;

public class FrameTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame jf = new JFrame("Demo");
        Container cp = jf.getContentPane();
        cp.add(new JComponent() {
            public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10));
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Float(30, 20, 80, 90));
        jf.setSize(300, 200);

enter image description here

(Note that the setStroke method is not available in the Graphics object. You have to cast it to a Graphics2D object.)

This post has been rewritten as an article here.

Find if a textbox is disabled or not using jquery

You can find if the textbox is disabled using is method by passing :disabled selector to it. Try this.

     //textbox is disabled

Java Generics With a Class & an Interface - Together

Here's how you would do it in Kotlin

fun <T> myMethod(item: T) where T : ClassA, T : InterfaceB {
    //your code here

how to bypass Access-Control-Allow-Origin?

I have fixed this problem when calling a MVC3 Controller. I added:

Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); 

before my

return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

And also my $.ajax was complaining that it does not accept Content-type header in my ajax call, so I commented it out as I know its JSON being passed to the Action.

Hope that helps.

What is the Swift equivalent to Objective-C's "@synchronized"?

Why make it difficult and hassle with locks? Use Dispatch Barriers.

A dispatch barrier creates a synchronization point within a concurrent queue.

While it’s running, no other block on the queue is allowed to run, even if it’s concurrent and other cores are available.

If that sounds like an exclusive (write) lock, it is. Non-barrier blocks can be thought of as shared (read) locks.

As long as all access to the resource is performed through the queue, barriers provide very cheap synchronization.

How to create a stopwatch using JavaScript?

This is my simple take on this question, I hope it helps someone out oneday, somewhere...

let output = document.getElementById('stopwatch');
let ms = 0;
let sec = 0;
let min = 0;

function timer() {
    if(ms >= 100){
        ms = 0
    if(sec === 60){
        sec = 0
    if(min === 60){
        ms, sec, min = 0;

    //Doing some string interpolation
    let milli = ms < 10 ? `0`+ ms : ms;
    let seconds = sec < 10 ? `0`+ sec : sec;
    let minute = min < 10 ? `0` + min : min;

    let timer= `${minute}:${seconds}:${milli}`;
    output.innerHTML =timer;
//Start timer
function start(){
 time = setInterval(timer,10);
//stop timer
function stop(){
//reset timer
function reset(){
    ms = 0;
    sec = 0;
    min = 0;

    output.innerHTML = `00:00:00`
const startBtn = document.getElementById('startBtn');
const stopBtn =  document.getElementById('stopBtn');
const resetBtn = document.getElementById('resetBtn');

    <p class="stopwatch" id="stopwatch">
        <!-- stopwatch goes here -->
    <button class="btn-start" id="startBtn">Start</button>
    <button class="btn-stop" id="stopBtn">Stop</button>
    <button class="btn-reset" id="resetBtn">Reset</button>

Is there any WinSCP equivalent for linux?

If you're using Gnome, you can go to: Places -> Connect to Server in nautilus and choose SSH. If you have a SSH agent running and configured, no password will be asked! (This is the same as sftp://root@servername/directory in Nautilus)

In Konqueror, you can simply type: fish://servername.

per Mike R: In Ubuntu Unity 14.0.4 its under Files > Connect to Server in the Menu or Network > Connect to Server in the sidebar

How Do I Uninstall Yarn

On my Mac neither of these regular methods to uninstall Yarn worked:

brew: brew uninstall yarn

npm: npm uninstall -g yarn

Instead I removed it manually by typing rm -rf ~/.yarn (thanks user elthrasher) and deleting the two symbol links yarn and yarnpkg from usr/local/bin. Afterwards brew install yarn gave me the latest version of Yarn.

Background: The fact that I had a very outdated version of Yarn installed gave me utterly incomprehensible errors while trying to install additional modules to a project set up with Vue CLI Service and Vue UI, which apparently uses Yarn 'under the hood'. I generally use NPM so it took me a while to figure out the cause for my trouble. Naturally googling error messages produced by such module incompatibilities presented no clues. With Yarn updated everything works just perfectly now.

"&" meaning after variable type

It means you're passing the variable by reference.

In fact, in a declaration of a type, it means reference, just like:

int x = 42;
int& y = x;

declares a reference to x, called y.

An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

It took me few hours to solved this because all off the settings that I found here about this error were the same but it still didn't work. The problem was tha I had a folder in my web service from which the file should be send to WinCE device, after converting that folder to an application with Classic.NetAppPool it started to work.

Visual Studio error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" after install of ASP.NET and Web Tools 2015

In the hopes it might narrow things down/help someone, I did an investigatory approach. For me, I initially moved the folder at C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio to My Documents and allowed Visual Studio to re-create it by re-launching it. This removed the errors. So I moved everything back, one-by-one, and restarted Visual Studio each time until I discovered the culprits. These folders were fine to move back in:

  • 1033 (overwrote the auto-generated copy with old)
  • Designer (was in my old copy, not initially re-created when I re-launched VS, copied it back in)
  • Extensions (overwrote the auto-generated copy with old)
  • ImageLibrary (overwrote the auto-generated copy with old)
  • Notifications (overwrote the auto-generated copy with old)
  • STemplate (was in my old copy, not initially re-created when I re-launched VS, copied it back in)
  • VTC (was in my old copy, not initially re-created when I re-launched VS, copied it back in)

These files were fine to move back in/overwrite the auto-generated ones:

  • ApplicationPrivateSettings (was in my old copy, not initially re-created when I re-launched VS)
  • ApplicationPrivateSettings.lock (overwrote the auto-generated copy with old)
  • vspdmc.lock (overwrote the auto-generated copy with old)

These files were fine to move back in. Each was in my old copy, and not initially re-created when I re-launched VS:

  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Set=Framework,Hash=C958D412.dat
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Set=RecentAssemblies,Hash=0.dat
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.5,Set=Extensions,Hash=75EAE334.dat
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.5,Set=Extensions,Hash=497525A2.dat
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.5,Set=Framework,Hash=5AE9A175.dat
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2,Set=Extensions,Hash=24CEEB0D.dat
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2,Set=Extensions,Hash=72AE305.dat
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2,Set=Extensions,Hash=ADF899D7.dat
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2,Set=Framework,Hash=D8E943A2.dat

These caused problems - delete these files and re-launch VS to allow it to re-create them:

  • ComponentModelCache - When I overwrote this folder's contents with my old ones (4 files: MS.VS.Default.cache, .catalogs, .err, .external), this gave me all of the errors I had gotten before about not being able to load packages when loading my project, and the "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when trying to close VS.
  • devenv.exe.config - same as ComponentModelCache
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Set=Extensions,Hash=6D09DECC.dat - causes error output from the JavaScript Language Service, complaining of missing js files
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Set=Extensions,Hash=9951BC03.dat - causes error output from the JavaScript Language Service, complaining of missing js files
  • .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2,Set=RecentAssemblies,Hash=0.dat - causes error output from the JavaScript Language Service, complaining of missing js files

These are the errors from those last .NETFramework files (which I do not get if I do not add them back in):

01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\libhelp.js' not found.
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\sitetypesWeb.js' not found.
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\domWeb.js' not found.
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\underscorefilter.js' not found.
01:10:11.7550: Referenced file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\JavaScript\References\showPlainComments.js' not found.

I might just need to re-install/repair the JavaScript Language Service plug-in, so it might be un-related. But definitely devenv.exe.config and ComponentModelCache need to go to correct the "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

Deadly CORS when http://localhost is the origin

Per @Beau's answer, Chrome does not support localhost CORS requests, and there is unlikely any change in this direction.

I use the Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: * Chrome Extension to go around this issue. The extension will add the necessary HTTP Headers for CORS:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS"
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: <you can add values here>

The source code is published on Github.

Note that the extension filter all URLs by default. This may break some websites (for example: Dropbox). I have changed it to filter only localhost URLs with the following URL filter


How to comment/uncomment in HTML code

Depends on the extension. If it's .html, you can use <? to start and ?> to end a comment. That's really the only alternative that I can think of.

Adding a JAR to an Eclipse Java library

In Eclipse Ganymede (3.4.0):

  1. Select the library and click "Edit" (left side of the window)
  2. Click "User Libraries"
  3. Select the library again and click "Add JARs"

Set a button group's width to 100% and make buttons equal width?

BOOTSTRAP 2 (source)

The problem is that there is no width set on the buttons. Try this:

.btn {width:20%;}


By default the buttons take an auto width of its text length plus some padding, so I guess for your example it is probably more like 14.5% for 5 buttons (to compensate for the padding).


If you don't want to try and compensate for padding you can use box-sizing:border-box; - <customErrors mode="Off"/> error when trying to access working webpage

For example in my case I accidentaly changed role of some users to incorrect, and my application got error during starting (NullReferenceException). When I fixed it - the app starts fine.

How to revert uncommitted changes including files and folders?

If you want to revert the changes only in current working directory, use

git checkout -- .

And before that, you can list the files that will be reverted without actually making any action, just to check what will happen, with:

git checkout --

How can one see the structure of a table in SQLite?

PRAGMA table_info(table_name);

This will work for both: command-line and when executed against a connected database.

A link for more details and example. thanks SQLite Pragma Command

jQuery/JavaScript to replace broken images

By using Prestaul's answer, I added some checks and I prefer to use the jQuery way.

<img src="image1.png" onerror="imgError(this,1);"/>
<img src="image2.png" onerror="imgError(this,2);"/>

function imgError(image, type) {
    if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined') {
       var imgWidth=$(image).attr("width");
       var imgHeight=$(image).attr("height");

        // Type 1 puts a placeholder image
        // Type 2 hides img tag
        if (type == 1) {
            if (typeof imgWidth !== 'undefined' && typeof imgHeight !== 'undefined') {
                $(image).attr("src", "" + imgWidth + "/" + imgHeight + "/");
            } else {
               $(image).attr("src", "");
        } else if (type == 2) {
    return true;

Freemarker iterating over hashmap keys

FYI, it looks like the syntax for retrieving the values has changed according to:

<#assign h = {"name":"mouse", "price":50}>
<#assign keys = h?keys>
<#list keys as key>${key} = ${h[key]}; </#list>

How to code a modulo (%) operator in C/C++/Obj-C that handles negative numbers

I believe another solution to this problem would be use to variables of type long instead of int.

I was just working on some code where the % operator was returning a negative value which caused some issues (for generating uniform random variables on [0,1] you don't really want negative numbers :) ), but after switching the variables to type long, everything was running smoothly and the results matched the ones I was getting when running the same code in python (important for me as I wanted to be able to generate the same "random" numbers across several platforms.

Is it really impossible to make a div fit its size to its content?

CSS display setting

It is of course possible - JSFiddle proof of concept where you can see all three possible solutions:

  • display: inline-block - this is the one you're not aware of

  • position: absolute

  • float: left/right

How to Find And Replace Text In A File With C#

This is how I did it with a large (50 GB) file:

I tried 2 different ways: the first, reading the file into memory and using Regex Replace or String Replace. Then I appended the entire string to a temporary file.

The first method works well for a few Regex replacements, but Regex.Replace or String.Replace could cause out of memory error if you do many replaces in a large file.

The second is by reading the temp file line by line and manually building each line using StringBuilder and appending each processed line to the result file. This method was pretty fast.

static void ProcessLargeFile()
        if (File.Exists(outFileName)) File.Delete(outFileName);

        string text = File.ReadAllText(inputFileName, Encoding.UTF8);

        // EX 1 This opens entire file in memory and uses Replace and Regex Replace --> might cause out of memory error

        text = text.Replace("</text>", "");

        text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\<ref.*?\</ref\>", "");

        File.WriteAllText(outFileName, text);

        // EX 2 This reads file line by line 

        if (File.Exists(outFileName)) File.Delete(outFileName);

        using (var sw = new StreamWriter(outFileName))      
        using (var fs = File.OpenRead(inFileName))
        using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.UTF8)) //use UTF8 encoding or whatever encoding your file uses
            string line, newLine;

            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
              //note: call your own replace function or use String.Replace here 
              newLine = Util.ReplaceDoubleBrackets(line);


    public static string ReplaceDoubleBrackets(string str)
        //note: this replaces the first occurrence of a word delimited by [[ ]]

        //replace [[ with your own delimiter
        if (str.IndexOf("[[") < 0)
            return str;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        //this part gets the string to replace, put this in a loop if more than one occurrence  per line.
        int posStart = str.IndexOf("[[");
        int posEnd = str.IndexOf("]]");
        int length = posEnd - posStart;

        // ... code to replace with newstr


        return sb.ToString();

Convert multidimensional array into single array

You can do it just using a loop.

    $singleArray = array();

    foreach ($multiDimensionalArray as $key => $value){
        $singleArray[$key] = $value['plan'];

.NET End vs Form.Close() vs Application.Exit Cleaner way to close one's app

Just put "End" keyword in your code.

Sub Form_Load()
  Dim answer As MsgBoxResult
  answer = MsgBox("Do you want to quit now?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
  If answer = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
      MsgBox("Terminating program")
  End If 
End Sub

Reading serial data in realtime in Python

From the manual:

Possible values for the parameter timeout: … x set timeout to x seconds


readlines(sizehint=None, eol='\n') Read a list of lines, until timeout. sizehint is ignored and only present for API compatibility with built-in File objects.

Note that this function only returns on a timeout.

So your readlines will return at most every 2 seconds. Use read() as Tim suggested.

Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes

I am reading data very quickly using the new arrow package. It appears to be in a fairly early stage.

Specifically, I am using the parquet columnar format. This converts back to a data.frame in R, but you can get even deeper speedups if you do not. This format is convenient as it can be used from Python as well.

My main use case for this is on a fairly restrained RShiny server. For these reasons, I prefer to keep data attached to the Apps (i.e., out of SQL), and therefore require small file size as well as speed.

This linked article provides benchmarking and a good overview. I have quoted some interesting points below.

File Size

That is, the Parquet file is half as big as even the gzipped CSV. One of the reasons that the Parquet file is so small is because of dictionary-encoding (also called “dictionary compression”). Dictionary compression can yield substantially better compression than using a general purpose bytes compressor like LZ4 or ZSTD (which are used in the FST format). Parquet was designed to produce very small files that are fast to read.

Read Speed

When controlling by output type (e.g. comparing all R data.frame outputs with each other) we see the the performance of Parquet, Feather, and FST falls within a relatively small margin of each other. The same is true of the pandas.DataFrame outputs. data.table::fread is impressively competitive with the 1.5 GB file size but lags the others on the 2.5 GB CSV.

Independent Test

I performed some independent benchmarking on a simulated dataset of 1,000,000 rows. Basically I shuffled a bunch of things around to attempt to challenge the compression. Also I added a short text field of random words and two simulated factors.



n <- 1000000

some_levels1 <- sapply(1:10, function(x) paste(LETTERS[sample(1:26, size = sample(3:8, 1), replace = TRUE)], collapse = ""))
some_levels2 <- sapply(1:65, function(x) paste(LETTERS[sample(1:26, size = sample(5:16, 1), replace = TRUE)], collapse = ""))

test_data <- mtcars %>%
  rownames_to_column() %>%
  sample_n(n, replace = TRUE) %>%
  mutate_all(~ sample(., length(.))) %>%
  mutate(factor1 = sample(some_levels1, n, replace = TRUE),
         factor2 = sample(some_levels2, n, replace = TRUE),
         text = randomSentences(n, sample(3:8, n, replace = TRUE))

Read and Write

Writing the data is easy.


write_parquet(test_data , "test_data.parquet")

# you can also mess with the compression
write_parquet(test_data, "test_data2.parquet", compress = "gzip", compression_level = 9)

Reading the data is also easy.


# this option will result in lightning fast reads, but in a different format.
read_parquet("test_data2.parquet", as_data_frame = FALSE)

I tested reading this data against a few of the competing options, and did get slightly different results than with the article above, which is expected.


This file is nowhere near as large as the benchmark article, so maybe that is the difference.


  • rds: test_data.rds (20.3 MB)
  • parquet2_native: (14.9 MB with higher compression and as_data_frame = FALSE)
  • parquet2: test_data2.parquet (14.9 MB with higher compression)
  • parquet: test_data.parquet (40.7 MB)
  • fst2: test_data2.fst (27.9 MB with higher compression)
  • fst: test_data.fst (76.8 MB)
  • fread2: test_data.csv.gz (23.6MB)
  • fread: test_data.csv (98.7MB)
  • feather_arrow: test_data.feather (157.2 MB read with arrow)
  • feather: test_data.feather (157.2 MB read with feather)


For this particular file, fread is actually very fast. I like the small file size from the highly compressed parquet2 test. I may invest the time to work with the native data format rather than a data.frame if I really need the speed up.

Here fst is also a great choice. I would either use the highly compressed fst format or the highly compressed parquet depending on if I needed the speed or file size trade off.

Choosing the default value of an Enum type without having to change values

The default value of enum is the enummember equal to 0 or the first element(if value is not specified) ... But i have faced critical problems using enum in my projects and overcome by doing something below ... How ever my need was related to class level ...

    class CDDtype
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public DDType DDType { get; set; }

        public CDDtype()
            DDType = DDType.None;

    public enum DDType
        None = -1,       
        ON = 0,       
        FC = 1,       
        NC = 2,       
        CC = 3

and get expected result

    CDDtype d1= new CDDtype();
    CDDtype d2 = new CDDtype { Id = 50 };


Now what if value is coming from DB .... Ok in this scenario... pass value in below function and it will convertthe value to enum ...below function handled various scenario and it's generic... and believe me it is very fast ..... :)

    public static T ToEnum<T>(this object value)
        //Checking value is null or DBNull
        if (!value.IsNull())
            return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value.ToStringX());

        //Returanable object
        object ValueToReturn = null;

        //First checking whether any 'DefaultValueAttribute' is present or not
        var DefaultAtt = (from a in typeof(T).CustomAttributes
                          where a.AttributeType == typeof(DefaultValueAttribute)
                          select a).FirstOrNull();

        //If DefaultAttributeValue is present
        if ((!DefaultAtt.IsNull()) && (DefaultAtt.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1))
            ValueToReturn = DefaultAtt.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;

        //If still no value found
        if (ValueToReturn.IsNull())
            //Trying to get the very first property of that enum
            Array Values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));

            //getting very first member of this enum
            if (Values.Length > 0)
                ValueToReturn = Values.GetValue(0);

        //If any result found
        if (!ValueToReturn.IsNull())
            return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), ValueToReturn.ToStringX());

        return default(T);

Best way to do multi-row insert in Oracle?

If you have the values that you want to insert in another table already, then you can Insert from a select statement.

INSERT INTO a_table (column_a, column_b) SELECT column_a, column_b FROM b_table;

Otherwise, you can list a bunch of single row insert statements and submit several queries in bulk to save the time for something that works in both Oracle and MySQL.

@Espo's solution is also a good one that will work in both Oracle and MySQL if your data isn't already in a table.

JAX-RS — How to return JSON and HTTP status code together?

I'm using jersey 2.0 with message body readers and writers. I had my method return type as a specific entity which was also used in the implementation of the message body writer and i was returning the same pojo, a SkuListDTO. @GET @Consumes({"application/xml", "application/json"}) @Produces({"application/xml", "application/json"}) @Path("/skuResync")

public SkuResultListDTO getSkuData()
return SkuResultListDTO;

all i changed was this, I left the writer implementation alone and it still worked.

public Response getSkuData()
return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).entity(dfCoreResultListDTO).build();

Code line wrapping - how to handle long lines

I think that moving last operator to the beginning of the next line is a good practice. That way you know right away the purpose of the second line, even it doesn't start with an operator. I also recommend 2 indentation spaces (2 tabs) for a previously broken tab, to differ it from the normal indentation. That is immediately visible as continuing previous line. Therefore I suggest this:

private static final Map<Class<? extends Persistent>, PersistentHelper> class2helper 
            = new HashMap<Class<? extends Persistent>, PersistentHelper>();

VBA Excel sort range by specific column

If the starting cell of the range and of the key is static, the solution can be very simple:

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.Sort key1:=Range("B3", Range("B3").End(xlDown)), _
order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo

How can I edit a .jar file?

Here's what I did:

  • Extracted the files using WinRAR
  • Made my changes to the extracted files
  • Opened the original JAR file with WinRAR
  • Used the ADD button to replace the files that I modified

That's it. I have tested it with my Nokia and it's working for me.

How can I view the contents of an ElasticSearch index?

You can even add the size of the terms (indexed terms). Have a look at Elastic Search: how to see the indexed data

Is try-catch like error handling possible in ASP Classic?

Been a while since I was in ASP land, but iirc there's a couple of ways:

try catch finally can be reasonably simulated in VBS (good article here here) and there's an event called class_terminate you can watch and catch exceptions globally in. Then there's the possibility of changing your scripting language...

How to send string from one activity to another?

 Intent intent = new Intent(activity1.this, activity2.class);
 intent.putExtra("message", message);

In activity2, in onCreate(), you can get the String message by retrieving a Bundle (which contains all the messages sent by the calling activity) and call getString() on it :

  Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
  String message = bundle.getString("message");

Close Current Tab

As of Chrome 46, a simple onclick=window.close() does the trick. This only closes the tab, and not the entire browser, if multiple tabs are opened.

Setting values of input fields with Angular 6

You should use the following:

       <td><input id="priceInput-{{}}" type="number" [(ngModel)]="orderLine.price"></td>

You will need to add the FormsModule to your app.module in the inputs section as follows:

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

  declarations: [
  imports: [

The use of the brackets around the ngModel are as follows:

  • The [] show that it is taking an input from your TS file. This input should be a public member variable. A one way binding from TS to HTML.

  • The () show that it is taking output from your HTML file to a variable in the TS file. A one way binding from HTML to TS.

  • The [()] are both (e.g. a two way binding)

See here for more information:

I would also suggest replacing id="priceInput-{{}}" with something like this [id]="getElementId(orderLine)" where getElementId(orderLine) returns the element Id in the TS file and can be used anywere you need to reference the element (to avoid simple bugs like calling it priceInput1 in one place and priceInput-1 in another. (if you still need to access the input by it's Id somewhere else)

SQL Server Insert Example

Here are 4 ways to insert data into a table.

  1. Simple insertion when the table column sequence is known.

    INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (1,2,...)

  2. Simple insertion into specified columns of the table.

    INSERT INTO Table1(col2,col4) VALUES (1,2)

  3. Bulk insertion when...

    1. You wish to insert every column of Table2 into Table1
    2. You know the column sequence of Table2
    3. You are certain that the column sequence of Table2 won't change while this statement is being used (perhaps you the statement will only be used once).

    INSERT INTO Table1 {Column sequence} SELECT * FROM Table2

  4. Bulk insertion of selected data into specified columns of Table2.


INSERT INTO Table1 (Column1,Column2 ....)
    SELECT Column1,Column2...
       FROM Table2

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

To extend your max_execution_time you can use either ini_set or set_time_limit.

// Set maximum execution time to 10 seconds this way
ini_set('max_execution_time', 10);
// or this way

!! But be aware that, both functions restarts also counting of time script has already taken to execute

ini_set('max_execution_time', 5);

    var_dump(microtime(true) - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']);


// var_dump outputs float(7.1981489658356)

so if you want to set exact maximum amount of time script can run, your command must be very first.

Differences between those two functions are

  • set_time_limit does not return info whether it was successful but it will throw a warning on error.
  • ini_set returns old value on success, or false on failure without any warning/error