[c++] What is the meaning of "operator bool() const"

For example:

operator bool() const 
    return col != 0; 

col is an int. How does operator bool() const work?

The answer is

It's user-defined implicit conversion function to convert your class into either true or false.

bool value = yourclassinstance; //yourclassinstance is converted into bool!

operator bool() const 
    return col != 0;

Defines how the class is convertable to a boolean value, the const after the () is used to indicate this method does not mutate (change the members of this class).

You would usually use such operators as follows:

airplaysdk sdkInstance;
if (sdkInstance) {
    std::cout << "Instance is active" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "Instance is in-active error!" << std::endl;

I'd like to give more codes to make it clear.

struct A
    operator bool() const { return true; }

struct B
    explicit operator bool() const { return true; }

int main()
    A a1;
    if (a1) cout << "true" << endl; // OK: A::operator bool()
    bool na1 = a1; // OK: copy-initialization selects A::operator bool()
    bool na2 = static_cast<bool>(a1); // OK: static_cast performs direct-initialization

    B b1;     
    if (b1) cout << "true" << endl; // OK: B::operator bool()
    // bool nb1 = b1; // error: copy-initialization does not consider B::operator bool()
    bool nb2 = static_cast<bool>(b1); // OK: static_cast performs direct-initialization

As the others have said, it's for type conversion, in this case to a bool. For example:

class A {
    bool isItSafe;

    operator bool() const
        return isItSafe;


Now I can use an object of this class as if it's a boolean:

A a;
if (a) {

It's an implicit conversion to bool. I.e. wherever implicit conversions are allowed, your class can be converted to bool by calling that method.

When writing my own unique_ptr, I found this case. Given std::unique_ptr's operator==:

template<class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2>
bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);

template <class T, class D>
bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept;

template <class T, class D>
bool operator==(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& x) noexcept;

And this test case from libstdcxx:

  std::unique_ptr<int> ptr;
  if (ptr == 0)
    { }
  if (0 == ptr)
    { }
  if (ptr != 0)
    { }
  if (0 != ptr)
    { }

Note because that ptr has a explicit operator bool() const noexcept;, so operator overload resolution works fine here, e.g., ptr == 0 chooses

 template <class T, class D>
 bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept;`.

If it has no explicit keyword here, ptr in ptr == 0 will be converted into bool, then bool will be converted into int, because bool operator==(int, int) is built-in and 0 is int. What is waiting for us is ambiguous overload resolution error.

Here is a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example:

#include <cstddef>
struct A
    constexpr A(std::nullptr_t) {}
    operator bool() 
        return true;

constexpr bool operator ==(A, A) noexcept
    return true;

constexpr bool operator ==(A, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
    return true;

constexpr bool operator ==(std::nullptr_t, A) noexcept
    return true;

int main()
    A a1(nullptr);
    A a2(0);
    a1 == 0;


prog.cc: In function 'int main()':
prog.cc:30:8: error: ambiguous overload for 'operator==' (operand types are 'A' and 'int')
   30 |     a1 == 0;
      |     ~~ ^~ ~
      |     |     |
      |     A     int
prog.cc:30:8: note: candidate: 'operator==(int, int)' <built-in>
   30 |     a1 == 0;
      |     ~~~^~~~
prog.cc:11:16: note: candidate: 'constexpr bool operator==(A, A)'
   11 | constexpr bool operator ==(A, A) noexcept
      |                ^~~~~~~~
prog.cc:16:16: note: candidate: 'constexpr bool operator==(A, std::nullptr_t)'
   16 | constexpr bool operator ==(A, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
      |                ^~~~~~~~


prog.cc:30:8: error: use of overloaded operator '==' is ambiguous (with operand types 'A' and 'int')
    a1 == 0;
    ~~ ^  ~
prog.cc:16:16: note: candidate function
constexpr bool operator ==(A, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
prog.cc:11:16: note: candidate function
constexpr bool operator ==(A, A) noexcept
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, int)
    a1 == 0;
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(int, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(float, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(double, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long double, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__float128, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(long long, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(__int128, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned int, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned long long, unsigned __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, float)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, long double)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, __float128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, __int128)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, unsigned int)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, unsigned long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, unsigned long long)
prog.cc:30:8: note: built-in candidate operator==(unsigned __int128, unsigned __int128)
1 error generated.

Another common use is for std containers to do equality comparison on key values inside custom objects

class Foo
    public: int val;

class Comparer { public:
bool operator () (Foo& a, Foo&b) const {
return a.val == b.val; 

class Blah
std::set< Foo, Comparer > _mySet;

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