[vb.net] VB.NET: Clear DataGridView

You may have a user scenario such that you want to keep the data binding and only temporarily clear the DataGridView. For instance, you have the user click on a facility on a map to show its attributes for editing. He is clicking for the first time, or he has already clicked on one and edited it. When the user clicks the "Select Facility" button, you would like to clear the DataGridView of the data from the previous facility (and not throw an error if it's his first selection). In this scenario, you can achieve the clean DataGridView by adapting the generated code that fills the DataGridView. Suppose the generated code looks like this:

        Me.Fh_maintTableAdapter.FillByHydrantNumber(Me.Fh2010DataSet.fh_maint, hydrantNum)
    Catch ex As System.Exception
    End Try

We are filling the DataGridView based on the hydrant number. Copy this code to the point where you want to clear the DataGridView and substitute a value for "hydrantNum" that you know will retrieve no data. The grid will clear. And when the user actually selects a facility (in this case, a hydrant), the binding is in place to fill the DataGridView appropriately.

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VB.NET: Clear DataGridView