The suggested solutions could be optimized using, handling the error stream, and using Exceptions. I would suggest to wrap like this for use in Java 8 or later:
public static List<String> execute(final String command) throws ExecutionFailedException, InterruptedException, IOException {
try {
return execute(command, 0, null, false);
} catch (ExecutionTimeoutException e) { return null; } /* Impossible case! */
public static List<String> execute(final String command, final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit) throws ExecutionFailedException, ExecutionTimeoutException, InterruptedException, IOException {
return execute(command, 0, null, true);
public static List<String> execute(final String command, final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit, boolean destroyOnTimeout) throws ExecutionFailedException, ExecutionTimeoutException, InterruptedException, IOException {
Process process = new ProcessBuilder().command("bash", "-c", command).start();
if(timeUnit != null) {
if(process.waitFor(timeout, timeUnit)) {
if(process.exitValue() == 0) {
return IOUtils.readLines(process.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} else {
throw new ExecutionFailedException("Execution failed: " + command, process.exitValue(), IOUtils.readLines(process.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} else {
if(destroyOnTimeout) process.destroy();
throw new ExecutionTimeoutException("Execution timed out: " + command);
} else {
if(process.waitFor() == 0) {
return IOUtils.readLines(process.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} else {
throw new ExecutionFailedException("Execution failed: " + command, process.exitValue(), IOUtils.readLines(process.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
public static class ExecutionFailedException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1951044996696304510L;
private final int exitCode;
private final List<String> errorOutput;
public ExecutionFailedException(final String message, final int exitCode, final List<String> errorOutput) {
this.exitCode = exitCode;
this.errorOutput = errorOutput;
public int getExitCode() {
return this.exitCode;
public List<String> getErrorOutput() {
return this.errorOutput;
public static class ExecutionTimeoutException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4428595769718054862L;
public ExecutionTimeoutException(final String message) {