Programs & Examples On #Linux standard base

Linux Standard Base SDK introduces the way to develop closed binary applications that can run across multiple Linux distributions

How do I exit from the text window in Git?

On Windows 10 this worked for me for VIM and VI using git bash

"Esc" + ":wq!"


"Esc" + ":q!"

Get the date of next monday, tuesday, etc

You can use Carbon library.

Example: Next week friday

Carbon::parse("friday next week");

VBA equivalent to Excel's mod function

The top answer is actually wrong.

The suggested equation: a - (b * (a \ b))

Will solve to: a - a

Which is of course 0 in all cases.

The correct equation is:

a - (b * INT(a \ b))

Or, if the number (a) can be negative, use this:

a - (b * FIX(a \ b))

How to access SOAP services from iPhone

My solution was to have a proxy server accept REST, issue the SOAP request, and return result, using PHP.

Time to implement: 15-30 minutes.

Not most elegant, but solid.

Read input from a JOptionPane.showInputDialog box

Your problem is that, if the user clicks cancel, operationType is null and thus throws a NullPointerException. I would suggest that you move

if (operationType.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) 

to the beginning of the group of if statements, and then change it to


This will make the program exit just as if the user had selected the quit option when the cancel button is pushed.

Then, change all the rest of the ifs to else ifs. This way, once the program sees whether or not the input is null, it doesn't try to call anything else on operationType. This has the added benefit of making it more efficient - once the program sees that the input is one of the options, it won't bother checking it against the rest of them.

How to use FormData for AJAX file upload?

I can't add a comment above as I do not have enough reputation, but the above answer was nearly perfect for me, except I had to add

type: "POST"

to the .ajax call. I was scratching my head for a few minutes trying to figure out what I had done wrong, that's all it needed and works a treat. So this is the whole snippet:

Full credit to the answer above me, this is just a small tweak to that. This is just in case anyone else gets stuck and can't see the obvious.

    url: 'Your url here',
    data: formData,
    type: "POST", //ADDED THIS LINE
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    // ... Other options like success and etc

Validate form field only on submit or user input

Use $dirty flag to show the error only after user interacted with the input:

  <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="" required />
  <span ng-show="$dirty &&$error.required">Email is required</span>

If you want to trigger the errors only after the user has submitted the form than you may use a separate flag variable as in:

<form ng-submit="submit()" name="form" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="" required />
    <span ng-show="($dirty || submitted) &&$error.required">
      Email is required

    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
function MyCtrl($scope){
  $scope.submit = function(){
    // Set the 'submitted' flag to true
    $scope.submitted = true;
    // Send the form to server
    // $ ...

Then, if all that JS inside ng-showexpression looks too much for you, you can abstract it into a separate method:

function MyCtrl($scope){
  $scope.submit = function(){
    // Set the 'submitted' flag to true
    $scope.submitted = true;
    // Send the form to server
    // $ ...

  $scope.hasError = function(field, validation){
      return ($scope.form[field].$dirty && $scope.form[field].$error[validation]) || ($scope.submitted && $scope.form[field].$error[validation]);
    return ($scope.form[field].$dirty && $scope.form[field].$invalid) || ($scope.submitted && $scope.form[field].$invalid);

<form ng-submit="submit()" name="form">
    <input type="email" name="email" ng-model="" required />
    <span ng-show="hasError('email', 'required')">required</span>

    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

How to use UIVisualEffectView to Blur Image?

If anyone would like the answer in Swift :

var blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: UIBlurEffectStyle.Dark) // Change .Dark into .Light if you'd like.

var blurView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)

blurView.frame = theImage.bounds // 'theImage' is an image. I think you can apply this to the view too!

Update :

As of now, it's available under the IB so you don't have to code anything for it :)

Reading content from URL with Node.js


const getScript = (url) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const http      = require('http'),
              https     = require('https');

        let client = http;

        if (url.toString().indexOf("https") === 0) {
            client = https;

        client.get(url, (resp) => {
            let data = '';

            // A chunk of data has been recieved.
            resp.on('data', (chunk) => {
                data += chunk;

            // The whole response has been received. Print out the result.
            resp.on('end', () => {

        }).on("error", (err) => {

(async (url) => {
    console.log(await getScript(url));

How do you set the EditText keyboard to only consist of numbers on Android?

        android:inputType="number" />

I have tried every thing now try this one it shows other characters but you cant enter in the editText


enter image description here

break statement in "if else" - java

The "break" command does not work within an "if" statement.

If you remove the "break" command from your code and then test the code, you should find that the code works exactly the same without a "break" command as with one.

"Break" is designed for use inside loops (for, while, do-while, enhanced for and switch).

Google Map API v3 — set bounds and center

The answers are perfect for adjust map boundaries for markers but if you like to expand Google Maps boundaries for shapes like polygons and circles, you can use following codes:

For Circles


For Polygons

polygon.getPaths().forEach(function(path, index)
    var points = path.getArray();
    for(var p in points) bounds.extend(points[p]);

For Rectangles


For Polylines

var path = polyline.getPath();

var slat, blat = path.getAt(0).lat();
var slng, blng = path.getAt(0).lng();

for(var i = 1; i < path.getLength(); i++)
    var e = path.getAt(i);
    slat = ((slat < ? slat :;
    blat = ((blat > ? blat :;
    slng = ((slng < e.lng()) ? slng : e.lng());
    blng = ((blng > e.lng()) ? blng : e.lng());

bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(slat, slng));
bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(blat, blng));

Create a new workspace in Eclipse

I use File -> Switch Workspace -> Other... and type in my new workspace name.

New workspace composite screenshot (EDIT: Added the composite screen shot.)

Once in the new workspace, File -> Import... and under General choose "Existing Projects into Workspace. Press the Next button and then Browse for the old projects you would like to import. Check "Copy projects into workspace" to make a copy.

long long in C/C++

your code compiles here fine (even with that line uncommented. had to change it to

num3 = 100000000000000000000;

to start getting the warning.

Find character position and update file name

The string is a .NET string so you can use .NET methods. In your case:

$index = "The string".IndexOf(" ")

will return 3, which is the first occurrence of space in the string. For more information see:

For your need try something like:

$s.SubString($s.IndexOf("_") + 1, $s.LastIndexOf(".") - $s.IndexOf("_") - 1)

Or you could use regexps:

if ($s -Match '(_)(.*)(\.)[^.]*$') {  $matches[2] }

(has to be adjusted depending on exactly what you need).

Copy all values in a column to a new column in a pandas dataframe

Following up on these solutions, here is some helpful code illustrating :

# Copying columns in pandas without slice warning
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=list('ABC'))

# copies column B into new column D
df.loc[:,'D'] = df['B']
print df

# creates new column 'E' with values -99
# But copy command replaces those where 'B'>0 while others become NaN (not copied)
df['E'] = -99
print df
df['E'] = df[df['B']>0]['B'].copy()
print df

# creates new column 'F' with values -99
# Copy command only overwrites values which meet criteria 'B'>0
df.loc[df['B']>0,'F'] = df[df['B']>0]['B'].copy()
print df

Reading *.wav files in Python

You can accomplish this using the scikits.audiolab module. It requires NumPy and SciPy to function, and also libsndfile.

Note, I was only able to get it to work on Ubunutu and not on OSX.

from scikits.audiolab import wavread

filename = "testfile.wav"

data, sample_frequency,encoding = wavread(filename)

Now you have the wav data

TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not int

You simply need to make cab a string:

cab = '6176'

As the error message states, you cannot do <int> in <string>:

>>> 1 in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not int

because integers and strings are two totally different things and Python does not embrace implicit type conversion ("Explicit is better than implicit.").

In fact, Python only allows you to use the in operator with a right operand of type string if the left operand is also of type string:

>>> '1' in '123'  # Works!
>>> [] in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not list
>>> 1.0 in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not float
>>> {} in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not dict

PHP fwrite new line

Use PHP_EOL which produces \r\n or \n

$data = 'my data' . PHP_EOL . 'my data';
$fp = fopen('my_file', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $data);

// File output

my data
my data

What is the benefit of using "SET XACT_ABORT ON" in a stored procedure?

In my opinion SET XACT_ABORT ON was made obsolete by the addition of BEGIN TRY/BEGIN CATCH in SQL 2k5. Before exception blocks in Transact-SQL it was really difficult to handle errors and unbalanced procedures were all too common (procedures that had a different @@TRANCOUNT at exit compared to entry).

With the addition of Transact-SQL exception handling is much easier to write correct procedures that are guaranteed to properly balance the transactions. For instance I use this template for exception handling and nested transactions:

create procedure [usp_my_procedure_name]
    set nocount on;
    declare @trancount int;
    set @trancount = @@trancount;
    begin try
        if @trancount = 0
            begin transaction
            save transaction usp_my_procedure_name;

        -- Do the actual work here

        if @trancount = 0   
    end try
    begin catch
        declare @error int, @message varchar(4000), @xstate int;
        select @error = ERROR_NUMBER(), @message = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @xstate = XACT_STATE();
        if @xstate = -1
        if @xstate = 1 and @trancount = 0
        if @xstate = 1 and @trancount > 0
            rollback transaction usp_my_procedure_name;

        raiserror ('usp_my_procedure_name: %d: %s', 16, 1, @error, @message) ;
    end catch   

It allows me to write atomic procedures that rollback only their own work in case of recoverable errors.

One of the main issues Transact-SQL procedures face is data purity: sometimes the parameters received or the data in the tables are just plain wrong, resulting in duplicate key errors, referential constrain errors, check constrain errors and so on and so forth. After all, that's exactly the role of these constrains, if these data purity errors would be impossible and all caught by the business logic, the constrains would be all obsolete (dramatic exaggeration added for effect). If XACT_ABORT is ON then all these errors result in the entire transaction being lost, as opposed to being able to code exception blocks that handle the exception gracefully. A typical example is trying to do an INSERT and reverting to an UPDATE on PK violation.

How to add a new line in textarea element?

Try this one:

    <textarea cols='60' rows='8'>This is my statement one.&#13;&#10;This is my statement2</textarea>

&#10; Line Feed and &#13; Carriage Return are HTML entitieswikipedia. This way you are actually parsing the new line ("\n") rather than displaying it as text.

What is the JavaScript version of sleep()?

Another possible way is:

var _timer;
_timer = setTimeout(function() {
    // Your code
}, 1000); // Delay for 1 s.

Scala how can I count the number of occurrences in a list

Short answer:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._
xs.foldMap(x => Map(x -> 1))

Long answer:

Using Scalaz, given.

import scalaz._, Scalaz._

val xs = List('a, 'b, 'c, 'c, 'a, 'a, 'b, 'd)

then all of these (in the order of less simplified to more simplified) => Map(x -> 1)).foldMap(identity) => Map(x -> 1)).foldMap() => Map(x -> 1)).suml -> 1).foldMap(Map(_))
xs.foldMap(x => Map(x -> 1))


Map('b -> 2, 'a -> 3, 'c -> 2, 'd -> 1)

Undo git stash pop that results in merge conflict

Instructions here are a little complicated so I'm going to offer something more straightforward:

  1. git reset HEAD --hard Abandon all changes to the current branch

  2. ... Perform intermediary work as necessary

  3. git stash pop Re-pop the stash again at a later date when you're ready

Difference between id and name attributes in HTML

Based on personal experiences and according to the W3 Schools description for attributes:

ID is a Global Attribute and applies to virtually all elements in HTML. It is used to uniquely identify elements on the Web page, and its value is mostly accessed from the frontend (typically through JavaScript or jQuery).

name is an attribute that is useful to specific elements (such as form elements, etc) in HTML. Its value is mostly sent to the backend for processing.

JavaScript: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

You have an extra closing } in your function.

var nav = document.getElementsByClassName('nav-coll');
for (var i = 0; i < button.length; i++) {
        }        // <== remove this brace
    }, false);

You really should be using something like JSHint or JSLint to help find these things. These tools integrate with many editors and IDEs, or you can just paste a code fragment into the above web sites and ask for an analysis.

Using with React components

First argument in update method is SyntheticEvent object that contains common properties and methods to any event, it is not reference to React component where there is property props.

if you need pass argument to update method you can do it like this

onClick={ (e) => this.props.onClick(e, 'home', 'Home') }

and get these arguments inside update method

update(e, space, txt){
   console.log(, space, txt);

Example gives you the native DOMNode, then you need to use the regular DOM APIs to access attributes. For instance getAttribute or dataset

  onClick={ this.props.onClick } 

onClick(e) {


Opacity of div's background without affecting contained element in IE 8?

What about this approach:

 <style type="text/css">_x000D_
  div.gradient {_x000D_
   color: #000000;_x000D_
   width: 800px;_x000D_
   height: 200px;_x000D_
  div.gradient:after {_x000D_
   background: url(SOME_BACKGROUND);_x000D_
   background-size: cover;_x000D_
  <div class="gradient">Text</div>_x000D_

CSS list-style-image size

I achieved it by placing the image tag before the li's:


<img src="" class="listImage">



Floating Div Over An Image

you might consider using the Relative and Absolute positining.

`.container {  
position: relative;  
.tag {     
position: absolute;   

I have tested it there, also if you want it to change its position use this as its margin:

top: 20px;
left: 10px;

It will place it 20 pixels from top and 10 pixels from left; but leave this one if not necessary.

Upgrading React version and it's dependencies by reading package.json

If you want to update react use npx update react on the terminal.

How do I disable and re-enable a button in with javascript?

function checkusers()
   var shouldEnable = document.getElementById('checkbox').value == 0;
   document.getElementById('add_button').disabled = shouldEnable;

HTML: How to limit file upload to be only images?

Here is the HTML for image upload. By default it will show image files only in the browsing window because we have put accept="image/*". But we can still change it from the dropdown and it will show all files. So the Javascript part validates whether or not the selected file is an actual image.

 <div class="col-sm-8 img-upload-section">
     <input name="image3" type="file" accept="image/*" id="menu_images"/>
     <img id="menu_image" class="preview_img" />
     <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Here on the change event we first check the size of the image. And in the second if condition we check whether or not it is an image file.

this.files[0].type.indexOf("image") will be -1 if it is not an image file.

document.getElementById("menu_images").onchange = function () {
    var reader = new FileReader();
        alert("Image Size should not be greater than 500Kb");
        return false;
        alert("Invalid Type");
        return false;
    reader.onload = function (e) {
        // get loaded data and render thumbnail.
        document.getElementById("menu_image").src =;

    // read the image file as a data URL.

"Sources directory is already netbeans project" error when opening a project from existing sources

Click File >> Recent Projects > and you should be able to use edit it again. Hope it helps :)

Removing index column in pandas when reading a csv

DataFrames and Series always have an index. Although it displays alongside the column(s), it is not a column, which is why del df['index'] did not work.

If you want to replace the index with simple sequential numbers, use df.reset_index().

To get a sense for why the index is there and how it is used, see e.g. 10 minutes to Pandas.

How to solve ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when trying to connect to localhost running IISExpress - Error 502 (Cannot debug from Visual Studio)?

A simple work around(it worked for me) is use the IP address instead of localhost. This should be fine for your development tasks.

How to print star pattern in JavaScript in a very simple manner?

It's very simple, Try this code as below:

for(var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

      for(var j = 1; j<= i; j++) {




Local variable referenced before assignment?

As the Python interpreter reads the definition of a function (or, I think, even a block of indented code), all variables that are assigned to inside the function are added to the locals for that function. If a local does not have a definition before an assignment, the Python interpreter does not know what to do, so it throws this error.

The solution here is to add

global feed

to your function (usually near the top) to indicate to the interpreter that the feed variable is not local to this function.

Easiest way to convert month name to month number in JS ? (Jan = 01)

Another way;

alert( "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec".indexOf("Jun") / 3 + 1 );

Java int to String - Integer.toString(i) vs new Integer(i).toString()


Integer i = new Integer(8);
    // returns a string representation of the specified integer with radix 8
 String retval = i.toString(516, 8);
System.out.println("Value = " + retval); Integer(i).toString()

 int i = 506;

String str = new Integer(i).toString();
System.out.println(str + " : " + new Integer(i).toString().getClass());////506 : class java.lang.String

'str' object does not support item assignment in Python

How about this solution:

str="Hello World" (as stated in problem) srr = str+ ""

here-document gives 'unexpected end of file' error

Please try to remove the preceeding spaces before EOF:-

/var/mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL" <<-EOF

Using <tab> instead of <spaces> for ident AND using <<-EOF works fine.

The "-" removes the <tabs>, not <spaces>, but at least this works.

How to install PyQt4 in anaconda?

For windows users, there is an easy fix. Download whl files from:

run from anaconda prompt pip install PyQt4-4.11.4-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl

Asp.Net WebApi2 Enable CORS not working with AspNet.WebApi.Cors 5.2.3

I found this question because I was having issues with the OPTIONS request most browsers send. My app was routing the OPTIONS requests and using my IoC to construct lots of objects and some were throwing exceptions on this odd request type for various reasons.

Basically put in an ignore route for all OPTIONS requests if they are causing you problems:

var constraints = new { httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint(HttpMethod.Options) };
config.Routes.IgnoreRoute("OPTIONS", "{*pathInfo}", constraints);

More info: Stop Web API processing OPTIONS requests

Applying styles to tables with Twitter Bootstrap

Just another good looking table. I added "table-hover" class because it gives a nice hovering effect.

   <h3>NATO Phonetic Alphabet</h3>    
   <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover">
        <th>Phonetic Letter</th>






Easiest way to mask characters in HTML(5) text input

Look up the new HTML5 Input Types. These instruct browsers to perform client-side filtering of data, but the implementation is incomplete across different browsers. The pattern attribute will do regex-style filtering, but, again, browsers don't fully (or at all) support it.

However, these won't block the input itself, it will simply prevent submitting the form with the invalid data. You'll still need to trap the onkeydown event to block key input before it displays on the screen.

add a temporary column with a value

select field1, field2, 'example' as TempField
from table1

This should work across different SQL implementations.

Task not serializable: when calling function outside closure only on classes not objects

Complete talk fully explaining the problem, which proposes a great paradigm shifting way to avoid these serialization problems:

The top voted answer is basically suggesting throwing away an entire language feature - that is no longer using methods and only using functions. Indeed in functional programming methods in classes should be avoided, but turning them into functions isn't solving the design issue here (see above link).

As a quick fix in this particular situation you could just use the @transient annotation to tell it not to try to serialise the offending value (here, Spark.ctx is a custom class not Spark's one following OP's naming):

val rddList = Spark.ctx.parallelize(list)

You can also restructure code so that rddList lives somewhere else, but that is also nasty.

The Future is Probably Spores

In future Scala will include these things called "spores" that should allow us to fine grain control what does and does not exactly get pulled in by a closure. Furthermore this should turn all mistakes of accidentally pulling in non-serializable types (or any unwanted values) into compile errors rather than now which is horrible runtime exceptions / memory leaks.

A tip on Kryo serialization

When using kyro, make it so that registration is necessary, this will mean you get errors instead of memory leaks:

"Finally, I know that kryo has kryo.setRegistrationOptional(true) but I am having a very difficult time trying to figure out how to use it. When this option is turned on, kryo still seems to throw exceptions if I haven't registered classes."

Strategy for registering classes with kryo

Of course this only gives you type-level control not value-level control.

... more ideas to come.

Moment JS start and end of given month

const dates = getDatesFromDateRange("2014-05-02", "2018-05-12", "YYYY/MM/DD", 1);           
// you get the whole from-to date ranges as per parameters
var onlyStartDates = => dateObj["to"]);
// moreover, if you want only from dates then you can grab by "map" function

function getDatesFromDateRange( startDate, endDate, format, counter ) {
    startDate = moment(startDate, format);
    endDate = moment(endDate, format);

    let dates = [];
    let fromDate = startDate.clone();
    let toDate = fromDate.clone().add(counter, "month").startOf("month").add(-1, "day");
    do {
            "from": fromDate.format(format),
            "to": ( toDate < endDate ) ? toDate.format(format) : endDate.format(format)
        fromDate = moment(toDate, format).add(1, "day").clone();
        toDate = fromDate.clone().add(counter, "month").startOf("month").add(-1, "day");
    } while ( fromDate < endDate );
    return dates;

Please note, .clone() is essential in momentjs else it'll override the value. It seems in your case.

It's more generic, to get bunch of dates that fall between dates.

How to see tomcat is running or not

open your browser,check whether Tomcat homepage is visible by below command.


also check this

Creating a REST API using PHP

In your example, it’s fine as it is: it’s simple and works. The only things I’d suggest are:

  1. validating the data POSTed
  2. make sure your API is sending the Content-Type header to tell the client to expect a JSON response:

    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($response);

Other than that, an API is something that takes an input and provides an output. It’s possible to “over-engineer” things, in that you make things more complicated that need be.

If you wanted to go down the route of controllers and models, then read up on the MVC pattern and work out how your domain objects fit into it. Looking at the above example, I can see maybe a MathController with an add() action/method.

There are a few starting point projects for RESTful APIs on GitHub that are worth a look.

Simple way to encode a string according to a password?

Here's a Python 3 version of the functions from @qneill 's answer:

import base64
def encode(key, clear):
    enc = []
    for i in range(len(clear)):
        key_c = key[i % len(key)]
        enc_c = chr((ord(clear[i]) + ord(key_c)) % 256)
    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode("".join(enc).encode()).decode()

def decode(key, enc):
    dec = []
    enc = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(enc).decode()
    for i in range(len(enc)):
        key_c = key[i % len(key)]
        dec_c = chr((256 + ord(enc[i]) - ord(key_c)) % 256)
    return "".join(dec)

The extra encode/decodes are needed because Python 3 has split strings/byte arrays into two different concepts, and updated their APIs to reflect that..

How to check if a DateTime field is not null or empty?

DateTime is not standard nullable type. If you want assign null to DateTime type of variable, you have to use DateTime? type which supports null value.

If you only want test your variable to be set (e.g. variable holds other than default value), you can use keyword "default" like in following code:

if (dateTimeVariable == default(DateTime))
    //do work for dateTimeVariable == null situation

bind/unbind service example (android)

First of all, two things that we need to understand,


  • It makes request to a specific server

bindService(new Intent(""), mServiceConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

here mServiceConn is instance of ServiceConnection class(inbuilt) it is actually interface that we need to implement with two (1st for network connected and 2nd network not connected) method to monitor network connection state.


  • It handles the request of the client and makes replica of its own which is private to client only who send request and this raplica of server runs on different thread.

Now at client side, how to access all the methods of server?

  • Server sends response with IBinder Object. So, IBinder object is our handler which accesses all the methods of Service by using (.) operator.


MyService myService;
public ServiceConnection myConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder binder) {
        myService = binder;
    //binder comes from server to communicate with method's of 

    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
        myService = null;

Now how to call method which lies in service


Here myService is object and serviceMethod is method in service. and by this way communication is established between client and server.

rsync - mkstemp failed: Permission denied (13)

Even though you got this working, I recently had a similar encounter and no SO or Google searching was of any help as they all dealt with basic permission issues wheres the solution below is somewhat of an off setting that you wouldn't even think to check in most situations.

One thing to check for with permission denied that I recently found having issues with rsync myself where permissions were exactly the same on both servers including the owner and group but rsync transfers worked one way on one server but not the other way.

It turned out the server with problems that I was getting permission denied from had SELinux enabled which in turn overrides POSIX permissions on files/folders. So even though the folder in question could have been 777 with root running, the command SELinux was enabled and would in turn overwrite those permissions which produced a "permission denied"-error from rsync.

You can run the command getenforce to see if SELinux is enabled on the machine.

In my situation I ended up just disabling SELINUX completely because it wasn't needed and already disabled on the server that was working fine and just caused problems being enabled. To disable, open /etc/selinux/config and set SELINUX=disabled. To temporarily disable you can run the command setenforce 0 which will set SELinux into a permissive state rather then enforcing state which causes it to print warnings instead of enforcing.

Replace multiple whitespaces with single whitespace in JavaScript string

If you want to restrict user to give blank space in the name just create a if statement and give the condition. like I did:

    keypress: function(e){
        var key = e.keyCode;
    var character = String.fromCharCode(key); 
    if(character.match( /[' ']/)) {
        alert("Blank space is not allowed in the Name");
        return false;
  • create a JQuery function .
  • this is key press event.
  • Initialize a variable.
  • Give condition to match the character
  • show a alert message for your matched condition.

How to take backup of a single table in a MySQL database?


for line in $(mysql -u... -p... -AN -e "show tables from NameDataBase");
mysqldump -u... -p.... NameDataBase $line > $line.sql ; 
  • $line cotent names tables ;)

SQL Update with row_number()

One more option

      ) x

How can I obtain the element-wise logical NOT of a pandas Series?

NumPy is slower because it casts the input to boolean values (so None and 0 becomes False and everything else becomes True).

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series([True, None, False, True])

gives you

0    False
1     True
2     True
3    False
dtype: object

whereas ~s would crash. In most cases tilde would be a safer choice than NumPy.

Pandas 0.25, NumPy 1.17

How do I discard unstaged changes in Git?

If you are in case of submodule and no other solutions work try:

  • To check what is the problem (maybe a "dirty" case) use:

    git diff

  • To remove stash

    git submodule update

What was the strangest coding standard rule that you were forced to follow?

It was a coding standard I did not follow myself ( got in trouble for other things, but never that ). We had three 19" monitors, so we could have two editors open to full screen and still have access to the desktop. Everyone else did not use comments, but used meaningful names. Extremely long meaningful names. The longest I remember was in the 80 character range. The average was around 40~50.

Guess what, they didn't accurately describe the whole thing.

Difference between setUp() and setUpBeforeClass()

setUpBeforeClass is run before any method execution right after the constructor (run only once)

setUp is run before each method execution

tearDown is run after each method execution

tearDownAfterClass is run after all other method executions, is the last method to be executed. (run only once deconstructor)

Running Java Program from Command Line Linux

If your Main class is in a package called FileManagement, then try:

java -cp . FileManagement.Main

in the parent folder of the FileManagement folder.

If your Main class is not in a package (the default package) then cd to the FileManagement folder and try:

java -cp . Main

More info about the CLASSPATH and how the JRE find classes:

Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s) given exactly k are missing

Here's a solution that uses k bits of extra storage, without any clever tricks and just straightforward. Execution time O (n), extra space O (k). Just to prove that this can be solved without reading up on the solution first or being a genius:

void puzzle (int* data, int n, bool* extra, int k)
    // data contains n distinct numbers from 1 to n + k, extra provides
    // space for k extra bits. 

    // Rearrange the array so there are (even) even numbers at the start
    // and (odd) odd numbers at the end.
    int even = 0, odd = 0;
    while (even + odd < n)
        if (data [even] % 2 == 0) ++even;
        else if (data [n - 1 - odd] % 2 == 1) ++odd;
        else { int tmp = data [even]; data [even] = data [n - 1 - odd]; 
               data [n - 1 - odd] = tmp; ++even; ++odd; }

    // Erase the lowest bits of all numbers and set the extra bits to 0.
    for (int i = even; i < n; ++i) data [i] -= 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) extra [i] = false;

    // Set a bit for every number that is present
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        int tmp = data [i];
        tmp -= (tmp % 2);
        if (i >= even) ++tmp;
        if (tmp <= n) data [tmp - 1] += 1; else extra [tmp - n - 1] = true;

    // Print out the missing ones
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
        if (data [i - 1] % 2 == 0) printf ("Number %d is missing\n", i);
    for (int i = n + 1; i <= n + k; ++i)
        if (! extra [i - n - 1]) printf ("Number %d is missing\n", i);

    // Restore the lowest bits again.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        if (i < even) { if (data [i] % 2 != 0) data [i] -= 1; }
        else { if (data [i] % 2 == 0) data [i] += 1; }

How do I get console input in javascript?

In plain JavaScript, simply use response = readline() after printing a prompt.

In Node.js, you'll need to use the readline module: const readline = require('readline')

How to limit the maximum files chosen when using multiple file input

In javascript you can do something like this

  style="display: none"

and the function can be something like this.

trySubmitFile(e) {
  if (this.disabled) return;
  const files = || e.dataTransfer.files;
  if (files.length > 5) {
    alert('You are only allowed to upload a maximum of 2 files at a time');
  if (!files.length) return;
  for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(files.length, 2); i++) {

I am also searching for a solution where this can be limited at the time of selecting files but until now I could not find anything like that.

How do you set the title color for the new Toolbar?

Very simple, this worked for me (title and icon white):

    android:elevation="4dp" />

how to get param in method post spring mvc?

When I want to get all the POST params I am using the code below,

@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ViewForResponseClass update(@RequestBody AClass anObject) {
    // Source..

I am using the @RequestBody annotation for post/put/delete http requests instead of the @RequestParam which reads the GET parameters.

How to insert an object in an ArrayList at a specific position

Note that when you insert into a List at a position, you are really inserting at a dynamic position within the List's current elements. See here:

package com.tutorialspoint;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ArrayListDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      // create an empty array list with an initial capacity
      ArrayList<Integer> arrlist = new ArrayList<Integer>(5);

      // use add() method to add elements in the list
      arrlist.add(15, 15);
      arrlist.add(22, 22);
      arrlist.add(30, 30);
      arrlist.add(40, 40);

      // adding element 25 at third position
      arrlist.add(2, 25);

      // let us print all the elements available in list
      for (Integer number : arrlist) {
         System.out.println("Number = " + number);

$javac com/tutorialspoint/

$java -Xmx128M -Xms16M com/tutorialspoint/ArrayListDemo

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 15, Size: 0
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheckForAdd(
    at java.util.ArrayList.add(
    at com.tutorialspoint.ArrayListDemo.main(

Best way to write to the console in PowerShell

Default behaviour of PowerShell is just to dump everything that falls out of a pipeline without being picked up by another pipeline element or being assigned to a variable (or redirected) into Out-Host. What Out-Host does is obviously host-dependent.

Just letting things fall out of the pipeline is not a substitute for Write-Host which exists for the sole reason of outputting text in the host application.

If you want output, then use the Write-* cmdlets. If you want return values from a function, then just dump the objects there without any cmdlet.

What is a constant reference? (not a reference to a constant)

What is a constant reference (not a reference to a constant)
A Constant Reference is actually a Reference to a Constant.

A constant reference/ Reference to a constant is denoted by:

int const &i = j; //or Alternatively
const int &i = j;
i = 1;            //Compilation Error

It basically means, you cannot modify the value of type object to which the Reference Refers.
For Example:
Trying to modify value(assign 1) of variable j through const reference, i will results in error:

assignment of read-only reference ‘i’

icr=y;          // Can change the object it is pointing to so it's not like a const pointer...

Doesn't change the reference, it assigns the value of the type to which the reference refers. References cannot be made to refer any other variable than the one they are bound to at Initialization.

First statement assigns the value y to i
Second statement assigns the value 99 to i

Freeze screen in chrome debugger / DevTools panel for popover inspection?

I found that this works really well in Chrome.

Right click on the element that you'd like to inspect, then click Force Element State > Hover. Screenshot attached.

Force element state

How do I get the MAX row with a GROUP BY in LINQ query?

var q = from s in db.Serials
        group s by s.Serial_Number into g
        select new {Serial_Number = g.Key, MaxUid = g.Max(s => s.uid) }

Convert dictionary to list collection in C#

If you want to use Linq then you can use the following snippet:

var listNumber = dicNumber.Keys.ToList();

Jersey stopped working with InjectionManagerFactory not found

Here is the new dependency (August 2017)

    <!-- -->

Convert HTML + CSS to PDF

TCPDF works fine, no dependencies, is free and constantly bugfixed. It has reasonable speed if supplied HTML/CSS contents is well formated. I normally generate from 50 - 300 kB of HTML input (including CSS) and get PDF output within 1-3 secs with 10 - 15 PDF pages.

I strongly recommend using tidy library as HTML pretty formatter before sending anything to TCPDF.

JQuery Ajax - How to Detect Network Connection error when making Ajax call

// start snippet
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        if (XMLHttpRequest.readyState == 4) {
            // HTTP error (can be checked by XMLHttpRequest.status and XMLHttpRequest.statusText)
        else if (XMLHttpRequest.readyState == 0) {
            // Network error (i.e. connection refused, access denied due to CORS, etc.)
        else {
            // something weird is happening
//end snippet

How to run a SQL query on an Excel table?

You can do this natively as follows:

  1. Select the table and use Excel to sort it on Last Name
  2. Create a 2-row by 1-column advanced filter criteria, say in E1 and E2, where E1 is empty and E2 contains the formula =C6="" where C6 is the first data cell of the phone number column.
  3. Select the table and use advanced filter, copy to a range, using the criteria range in E1:E2 and specify where you want to copy the output to

If you want to do this programmatically I suggest you use the Macro Recorder to record the above steps and look at the code.

"The public type <<classname>> must be defined in its own file" error in Eclipse

If .java file contains top level (not nested) public class, it have same name as that public class. So if you have class like public class A{...} it needs to be placed in file. Because of that we can't have two public classes in one .java file.

If having two public classes would be allowed then, and lets say aside from public A class file would also contain public class B{} it would require from file to be also named as but files can't have two (or more) names (at least in all systems on which Java can be run).

So assuming your code is placed in file you have two options:

  1. If you want to have other class in same file make them non-public (lack of visibility modifier will represent default/package-private visibility)

    class StaticDemo { // It can no longer public
        static int a = 3;
        static int b = 4;
        static {
            System.out.println("Voila! Static block put into action");
        static void show() {
            System.out.println("a= " + a);
            System.out.println("b= " + b);
    public class StaticDemoShow { // Only one top level public class in same .java file
        public static void main() {
  2. Move all public classes to their own .java files. So in your case you would need to split it into two files:


      public class StaticDemo { // Note: same name as name of file
          static int a = 3;
          static int b = 4;
          static {
              System.out.println("Voila! Static block put into action");
          static void show() {
              System.out.println("a= " + a);
              System.out.println("b= " + b);

      public class StaticDemoShow { 
          public static void main() {

Activity has leaked window that was originally added

Try below code , it will work any time you will dismiss the progress dialogue and it will see whether its instance is available or not.

try {
        if (null != progressDialog && progressDialog.isShowing()) {
            progressDialog = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {

Centering the pagination in bootstrap

It works for me:

<div class="text-center">
<ul class="pagination pagination-lg">
  <a href="#" aria-label="Previous">
    <span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
<li><a href="#">1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">4</a></li>
<li><a href="#">5</a></li>
  <a href="#" aria-label="Next">
    <span aria-hidden="true">&raquo;</span>

Google Maps API v3: Can I setZoom after fitBounds?

I have come to this page multiple times to get the answer, and while all the existing answers were super helpful, they did not solve my problem exactly.

google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(googleMap, 'zoom_changed', function() {
    var oldZoom = googleMap.getZoom();
    googleMap.setZoom(oldZoom - 1); //Or whatever

Basically I found that the 'zoom_changed' event prevented the UI of the map from "skipping" which happened when i waited for the 'idle' event.

Hope this helps somebody!

Variable not accessible when initialized outside function

Make sure you declare the variable on "root" level, outside any code blocks.

You could also remove the var altogether, although that is not recommended and will throw a "strict" warning.

According to the documentation at MDC, you can set global variables using window.variablename.

How to set min-font-size in CSS

Judging by your above comment, you're OK doing this with jQuery — here goes:

// for every element in the body tag
$("*", "body").each(function() {
  // parse out its computed font size, and see if it is less than 12
  if ( parseInt($(this).css("font-size"), 10) < 12 )
    // if so, then manually give it a CSS property of 12px
    $(this).css("font-size", "12px")

A cleaner way to do this might be to have a "min-font" class in your CSS that sets font-size: 12px, and just add the class instead:

$("*", "body").each(function() {
  if ( parseInt($(this).css("font-size"), 10) < 12 )

Where are Docker images stored on the host machine?

this was the old way of doing, now it has changed. Disregard this answer as of 2019

In the special case of Mac OS X or Windows, using boot2docker, your Docker images are stored within a VirtualBox VM managed by boot2docker.

This VM will be stored in normal place of VirtualBox images:

      OS X: ~/VirtualBox VMs/boot2docker-vm

      Windows: %USERPROFILE%/VirtualBox VMs/boot2docker-vm

You can reset it by running (WARNING: This will destroy all images you've built and downloaded so far):

boot2docker down
boot2docker destroy
boot2docker init
boot2docker up

This is especially useful if you kept tons of intermediate images when building / debugging a build without the useful --rm options, I quote them here for reference: Use:

docker build -t webapp --rm=true --force-rm=true .

instead of:

docker build -t webapp .

What does the "+" (plus sign) CSS selector mean?

The + selector targets the one element after. On a similar note, the ~ selector targets all the elements after. Here's a diagram, if you're confused:

enter image description here

How do I capture response of form.submit

You can do that using javascript and AJAX technology. Have a look at jquery and at this form plug in. You only need to include two js files to register a callback for the form.submit.

Numpy array dimensions

rows = a.shape[0] # 2 
cols = a.shape[1] # 2
a.shape #(2,2)
a.size # rows * cols = 4

LaTeX beamer: way to change the bullet indentation?

Setting \itemindent for a new itemize environment solves the problem:

{ \begin{itemize}
  \addtolength{\itemindent}{-2em}  }
{ \end{itemize} } 

Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?

FYI: You could get a similar behavior to what you want by creating extension methods for the interface. The extension method would be a shared, non overridable static behavior. However, unfortunately, this static method would not be part of the contract.

angular 2 ngIf and CSS transition/animation

According to the latest angular 2 documentation you can animate "Entering and Leaving" elements (like in angular 1).

Example of simple fade animation:

In relevant @Component add:

animations: [
  trigger('fadeInOut', [
    transition(':enter', [   // :enter is alias to 'void => *'
      animate(500, style({opacity:1})) 
    transition(':leave', [   // :leave is alias to '* => void'
      animate(500, style({opacity:0})) 

Do not forget to add imports

import {style, state, animate, transition, trigger} from '@angular/animations';

The relevant component's html's element should look like:

<div *ngIf="toggle" [@fadeInOut]>element</div>

I built example of slide and fade animation here.

Explanation on 'void' and '*':

  • void is the state when ngIf is set to false (it applies when the element is not attached to a view).
  • * - There can be many animation states (read more in docs). The * state takes precedence over all of them as a "wildcard" (in my example this is the state when ngIf is set to true).

Notice (taken from angular docs):

Extra declare inside the app module, import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

Angular animations are built on top of the standard Web Animations API and run natively on browsers that support it. For other browsers, a polyfill is required. Grab web-animations.min.js from GitHub and add it to your page.

How to use graphics.h in codeblocks?

You don't only need the header file, you need the library that goes with it. Anyway, the include folder is not automatically loaded, you must configure your project to do so. Right-click on it : Build options > Search directories > Add. Choose your include folder, keep the path relative.

Edit For further assistance, please give details about the library you're trying to load (which provides a graphics.h file.)

Check array position for null/empty

If your array is not initialized then it contains randoms values and cannot be checked !

To initialize your array with 0 values:

int array[5] = {0};

Then you can check if the value is 0:

array[4] == 0;

When you compare to NULL, it compares to 0 as the NULL is defined as integer value 0 or 0L.

If you have an array of pointers, better use the nullptr value to check:

char* array[5] = {nullptr}; // we defined an array of char*, initialized to nullptr

if (array[4] == nullptr)
    // do something

Java 8 lambda Void argument

Add a static method inside your functional interface

package example;

interface Action<T, U> {
       U execute(T t);
       static  Action<Void,Void> invoke(Runnable runnable){
           return (v) -> {
                return null;

public class Lambda {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Action<Void, Void> a = Action.invoke(() -> System.out.println("Do nothing!"));
        Void t = null;



Do nothing!

How to find sitemap.xml path on websites?

The location of the sitemap affects which URLs that it can include, but otherwise there is no standard. Here is a good link with more explaination:

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.BufferedReader

I think it has to do with your second element in storbinary. You are trying to open file, but it is already a pointer to the file you opened in line file = open(local_path,'rb'). So, try to use ftp.storbinary("STOR " + i, file).

How to test if a string is basically an integer in quotes using Ruby

One liner in string.rb

def is_integer?; true if Integer(self) rescue false end

Open files always in a new tab

As hktang above indicates:

one Click opens the file in preview mode (header text in italics)

Double click the same file, it goes out of preview-mode (header text changes from italic to normal font)

I think this is a "comprimise" feature allowing users, to "navigate" both worlds; preview and none-preview.

  • All you do is click the file to open it in the right panel.
  • Then immediately double click it to keep it there.
  • Or - just treble click. File opens in none preview mode.

HTH Paul S.

How do you search an amazon s3 bucket?

Try this command:

aws s3api list-objects --bucket your-bucket --prefix sub-dir-path --output text --query 'Contents[].{Key: Key}'

Then you can pipe this into a grep to get specific file types to do whatever you want with them.

How to write std::string to file?

Assuming you're using a std::ofstream to write to file, the following snippet will write a std::string to file in human readable form:

std::ofstream file("filename");
std::string my_string = "Hello text in file\n";
file << my_string;

How to remove the first and the last character of a string

It may be nicer one to use slice like :

string.slice(1, -1)

What is the easiest way to encrypt a password when I save it to the registry?

Please also consider "salting" your hash (not a culinary concept!). Basically, that means appending some random text to the password before you hash it.

"The salt value helps to slow an attacker perform a dictionary attack should your credential store be compromised, giving you additional time to detect and react to the compromise."

To store password hashes:

a) Generate a random salt value:

byte[] salt = new byte[32];

b) Append the salt to the password.

// Convert the plain string pwd into bytes
byte[] plainTextBytes = System.Text UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(plainText);
// Append salt to pwd before hashing
byte[] combinedBytes = new byte[plainTextBytes.Length + salt.Length];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(plainTextBytes, 0, combinedBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(salt, 0, combinedBytes, plainTextBytes.Length, salt.Length);

c) Hash the combined password & salt:

// Create hash for the pwd+salt
System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm hashAlgo = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed();
byte[] hash = hashAlgo.ComputeHash(combinedBytes);

d) Append the salt to the resultant hash.

// Append the salt to the hash
byte[] hashPlusSalt = new byte[hash.Length + salt.Length];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, hashPlusSalt, 0, hash.Length);
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(salt, 0, hashPlusSalt, hash.Length, salt.Length);

e) Store the result in your user store database.

This approach means you don't need to store the salt separately and then recompute the hash using the salt value and the plaintext password value obtained from the user.

Edit: As raw computing power becomes cheaper and faster, the value of hashing -- or salting hashes -- has declined. Jeff Atwood has an excellent 2012 update too lengthy to repeat in its entirety here which states:

This (using salted hashes) will provide the illusion of security more than any actual security. Since you need both the salt and the choice of hash algorithm to generate the hash, and to check the hash, it's unlikely an attacker would have one but not the other. If you've been compromised to the point that an attacker has your password database, it's reasonable to assume they either have or can get your secret, hidden salt.

The first rule of security is to always assume and plan for the worst. Should you use a salt, ideally a random salt for each user? Sure, it's definitely a good practice, and at the very least it lets you disambiguate two users who have the same password. But these days, salts alone can no longer save you from a person willing to spend a few thousand dollars on video card hardware, and if you think they can, you're in trouble.

Integration Testing POSTing an entire object to Spring MVC controller

I ran into the same issue a while ago and did solve it by using reflection with some help from Jackson.

First populate a map with all the fields on an Object. Then add those map entries as parameters to the MockHttpServletRequestBuilder.

In this way you can use any Object and you are passing it as request parameters. I'm sure there are other solutions out there but this one worked for us:

    public void testFormEdit() throws Exception {
                        addFormParameters(post(servletPath + tableRootUrl + "/" + POST_FORM_EDIT_URL).servletPath(servletPath)
                                .param("entityID", entityId), validEntity)).andDo(print()).andExpect(status().isOk())

    private MockHttpServletRequestBuilder addFormParameters(MockHttpServletRequestBuilder builder, Object object)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {

        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(applicationSettings.getApplicationDateFormat());

        Map<String, ?> propertyValues = getPropertyValues(object, dateFormat);

        for (Entry<String, ?> entry : propertyValues.entrySet()) {
                    Util.prepareDisplayValue(entry.getValue(), applicationSettings.getApplicationDateFormat()));

        return builder;

    private Map<String, ?> getPropertyValues(Object object, DateFormat dateFormat) {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        mapper.registerModule(new JodaModule());

        TypeReference<HashMap<String, ?>> typeRef = new TypeReference<HashMap<String, ?>>() {};

        Map<String, ?> returnValues = mapper.convertValue(object, typeRef);

        return returnValues;


Java get String CompareTo as a comparator object

Also, if you want case-insensitive comparison, in recent versions of Java the String class contains a public static final field called CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER which is of type Comparator<String>, as I just recently found out. So, you can get your job done using String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.

adb remount permission denied, but able to access super user in shell -- android

I rebooted to recovery then

adb root; adb adb remount system; 

worked for me my recovery is twrp v3.5

Efficiently replace all accented characters in a string?

A direct port to javascript of Kierons solution:

 * Normalise a string replacing foreign characters
 * @param {String} str
 * @return {String} str

var normalize = (function () {
    var a = ['À', 'Á', 'Â', 'Ã', 'Ä', 'Å', 'Æ', 'Ç', 'È', 'É', 'Ê', 'Ë', 'Ì', 'Í', 'Î', 'Ï', 'Ð', 'Ñ', 'Ò', 'Ó', 'Ô', 'Õ', 'Ö', 'Ø', 'Ù', 'Ú', 'Û', 'Ü', 'Ý', 'ß', 'à', 'á', 'â', 'ã', 'ä', 'å', 'æ', 'ç', 'è', 'é', 'ê', 'ë', 'ì', 'í', 'î', 'ï', 'ñ', 'ò', 'ó', 'ô', 'õ', 'ö', 'ø', 'ù', 'ú', 'û', 'ü', 'ý', 'ÿ', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'd', 'Ð', 'd', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'H', 'h', 'H', 'h', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', '?', '?', 'J', 'j', 'K', 'k', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', '?', '?', 'L', 'l', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', '?', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'Œ', 'œ', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'Š', 'š', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'W', 'w', 'Y', 'y', 'Ÿ', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 'Ž', 'ž', '?', 'ƒ', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u', 'A', 'a', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?'];
    var b = ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'AE', 'C', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'D', 'N', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'Y', 's', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'ae', 'c', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'n', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'y', 'y', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'd', 'D', 'd', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'H', 'h', 'H', 'h', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'IJ', 'ij', 'J', 'j', 'K', 'k', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'n', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'OE', 'oe', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'W', 'w', 'Y', 'y', 'Y', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 's', 'f', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u', 'A', 'a', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'A', 'a', 'AE', 'ae', 'O', 'o'];

    return function (str) {
        var i = a.length;
        while (i--) str = str.replace(a[i], b[i]);
        return str;

And a slightly modified version, using a char-map instead of two arrays:

To compare these two methods I made a simple benchmark:

 * Normalise a string replacing foreign characters
 * @param {String} str
 * @return {String}
var normalize = (function () {
    var map = {
            "À": "A",
            "Á": "A",
            "Â": "A",
            "Ã": "A",
            "Ä": "A",
            "Å": "A",
            "Æ": "AE",
            "Ç": "C",
            "È": "E",
            "É": "E",
            "Ê": "E",
            "Ë": "E",
            "Ì": "I",
            "Í": "I",
            "Î": "I",
            "Ï": "I",
            "Ð": "D",
            "Ñ": "N",
            "Ò": "O",
            "Ó": "O",
            "Ô": "O",
            "Õ": "O",
            "Ö": "O",
            "Ø": "O",
            "Ù": "U",
            "Ú": "U",
            "Û": "U",
            "Ü": "U",
            "Ý": "Y",
            "ß": "s",
            "à": "a",
            "á": "a",
            "â": "a",
            "ã": "a",
            "ä": "a",
            "å": "a",
            "æ": "ae",
            "ç": "c",
            "è": "e",
            "é": "e",
            "ê": "e",
            "ë": "e",
            "ì": "i",
            "í": "i",
            "î": "i",
            "ï": "i",
            "ñ": "n",
            "ò": "o",
            "ó": "o",
            "ô": "o",
            "õ": "o",
            "ö": "o",
            "ø": "o",
            "ù": "u",
            "ú": "u",
            "û": "u",
            "ü": "u",
            "ý": "y",
            "ÿ": "y",
            "A": "A",
            "a": "a",
            "A": "A",
            "a": "a",
            "A": "A",
            "a": "a",
            "C": "C",
            "c": "c",
            "C": "C",
            "c": "c",
            "C": "C",
            "c": "c",
            "C": "C",
            "c": "c",
            "D": "D",
            "d": "d",
            "Ð": "D",
            "d": "d",
            "E": "E",
            "e": "e",
            "E": "E",
            "e": "e",
            "E": "E",
            "e": "e",
            "E": "E",
            "e": "e",
            "E": "E",
            "e": "e",
            "G": "G",
            "g": "g",
            "G": "G",
            "g": "g",
            "G": "G",
            "g": "g",
            "G": "G",
            "g": "g",
            "H": "H",
            "h": "h",
            "H": "H",
            "h": "h",
            "I": "I",
            "i": "i",
            "I": "I",
            "i": "i",
            "I": "I",
            "i": "i",
            "I": "I",
            "i": "i",
            "I": "I",
            "i": "i",
            "?": "IJ",
            "?": "ij",
            "J": "J",
            "j": "j",
            "K": "K",
            "k": "k",
            "L": "L",
            "l": "l",
            "L": "L",
            "l": "l",
            "L": "L",
            "l": "l",
            "?": "L",
            "?": "l",
            "L": "l",
            "l": "l",
            "N": "N",
            "n": "n",
            "N": "N",
            "n": "n",
            "N": "N",
            "n": "n",
            "?": "n",
            "O": "O",
            "o": "o",
            "O": "O",
            "o": "o",
            "O": "O",
            "o": "o",
            "Œ": "OE",
            "œ": "oe",
            "R": "R",
            "r": "r",
            "R": "R",
            "r": "r",
            "R": "R",
            "r": "r",
            "S": "S",
            "s": "s",
            "S": "S",
            "s": "s",
            "S": "S",
            "s": "s",
            "Š": "S",
            "š": "s",
            "T": "T",
            "t": "t",
            "T": "T",
            "t": "t",
            "T": "T",
            "t": "t",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "W": "W",
            "w": "w",
            "Y": "Y",
            "y": "y",
            "Ÿ": "Y",
            "Z": "Z",
            "z": "z",
            "Z": "Z",
            "z": "z",
            "Ž": "Z",
            "ž": "z",
            "?": "s",
            "ƒ": "f",
            "O": "O",
            "o": "o",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "A": "A",
            "a": "a",
            "I": "I",
            "i": "i",
            "O": "O",
            "o": "o",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "U": "U",
            "u": "u",
            "?": "A",
            "?": "a",
            "?": "AE",
            "?": "ae",
            "?": "O",
            "?": "o"
        nonWord = /\W/g,
        mapping = function (c) {
            return map[c] || c; 

    return function (str) {
        return str.replace(nonWord, mapping);

How do I left align these Bootstrap form items?

Instead of altering the original bootstrap css class create a new css file that will override the default style.

Make sure you include the new css file after including the bootstrap.css file.

In the new css file do

.form-horizontal .control-label{
   text-align:left !important; 

Excel 2013 VBA Clear All Filters macro

I usually use this code

Sub AutoFilter_Remove()
    Sheet1.AutoFilterMode = False  'Change Sheet1 to the relevant sheet
                                   'Alternatively: Worksheets("[Your Sheet Name]").AutoFilterMode = False
End Sub

Get bitcoin historical data

I have written a java example for this case:

Use library to retrieve JSONObjects and JSONArrays. The example below uses's data which can be obtained as JSONObject.

    public class main 
        public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
            JSONObject data = getJSONfromURL("");
            JSONArray data_array = data.getJSONArray("values");

            for (int i = 0; i < data_array.length(); i++)
                JSONObject price_point = data_array.getJSONObject(i);

                //  Unix time
                int x = price_point.getInt("x");

                //  Bitcoin price at that time
                double y = price_point.getDouble("y");

                //  Do something with x and y.


        public static JSONObject getJSONfromURL(String URL)
                URLConnection uc;
                URL url = new URL(URL);
                uc = url.openConnection();
                uc.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)");

                BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(
                        new InputStreamReader(uc.getInputStream(), 

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                int cp;
                while ((cp = != -1)

                String jsonText = (sb.toString());            

                return new JSONObject(jsonText.toString());
            } catch (IOException ex)
                return null;

VBA paste range

To literally fix your example you would use this:

Sub Normalize()

    Dim Ticker As Range
    Set Ticker = Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(65, 1))

    Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll

End Sub

To Make slight improvments on it would be to get rid of the Select and Activates:

Sub Normalize()
    With Sheets("Sheet1")
        .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(65, 1)).Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(1, 1)
    End With
End Sub

but using the clipboard takes time and resources so the best way would be to avoid a copy and paste and just set the values equal to what you want.

Sub Normalize()
Dim CopyFrom As Range

Set CopyFrom = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2", [A65])
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Resize(CopyFrom.Rows.Count).Value = CopyFrom.Value

End Sub

To define the CopyFrom you can use anything you want to define the range, You could use Range("A2:A65"), Range("A2",[A65]), Range("A2", "A65") all would be valid entries. also if the A2:A65 Will never change the code could be further simplified to:

Sub Normalize()

Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:A65").Value = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A66").Value

End Sub

I added the Copy from range, and the Resize property to make it slightly more dynamic in case you had other ranges you wanted to use in the future.

Setting Different Bar color in matplotlib Python

Simple, just use .set_color

>>>[1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])
>>> barlist[0].set_color('r')

enter image description here

For your new question, not much harder either, just need to find the bar from your axis, an example:

>>> f=plt.figure()
>>> ax=f.add_subplot(1,1,1)
>>>[1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])
<Container object of 4 artists>
>>> ax.get_children()
[<matplotlib.axis.XAxis object at 0x6529850>, 
 <matplotlib.axis.YAxis object at 0x78460d0>,  
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x733cc50>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x733cdd0>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x777f290>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x777f710>, 
 <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x7836450>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x7836390>, 
 <matplotlib.spines.Spine object at 0x6529950>, 
 <matplotlib.spines.Spine object at 0x69aef50>,
 <matplotlib.spines.Spine object at 0x69ae310>, 
 <matplotlib.spines.Spine object at 0x69aea50>]
>>> ax.get_children()[2].set_color('r') 
 #You can also try to locate the first patches.Rectangle object 
 #instead of direct calling the index.

If you have a complex plot and want to identify the bars first, add those:

>>> import matplotlib
>>> childrenLS=ax.get_children()
>>> barlist=filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, matplotlib.patches.Rectangle), childrenLS)
[<matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3103650>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3103810>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3129850>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3129cd0>, 
 <matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x3112ad0>]

Adding a y-axis label to secondary y-axis in matplotlib

There is a straightforward solution without messing with matplotlib: just pandas.

Tweaking the original example:

table = sql.read_frame(query,connection)

ax = table[0].plot(color=colors[0],ylim=(0,100))
ax2 = table[1].plot(secondary_y=True,color=colors[1], ax=ax)

ax.set_ylabel('Left axes label')
ax2.set_ylabel('Right axes label')

Basically, when the secondary_y=True option is given (eventhough ax=ax is passed too) pandas.plot returns a different axes which we use to set the labels.

I know this was answered long ago, but I think this approach worths it.

Flexbox and Internet Explorer 11 (display:flex in <html>?)

You just need flex:1; It will fix issue for the IE11. I second Odisseas. Additionally assign 100% height to html,body elements.

CSS changes:

html, body{
body {
    border: red 1px solid;
    min-height: 100vh;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;
    -ms-flex-direction: column;
    -webkit-flex-direction: column;
    flex-direction: column;
header {
    background: #23bcfc;
main {
    background: #87ccfc;
    -ms-flex: 1;
    -webkit-flex: 1;
    flex: 1;
footer {
    background: #dd55dd;

working url:

How to make borders collapse (on a div)?

Why not use outline? it is what you want outline:1px solid red;

How to make an Asynchronous Method return a value?

From C# 5.0, you can specify the method as

public async Task<bool> doAsyncOperation()
    // do work
    return true;

bool result = await doAsyncOperation();

password for postgres

Set the default password in the .pgpass file. If the server does not save the password, it is because it is not set in the .pgpass file, or the permissions are open and the file is therefore ignored.

Read more about the password file here.

Also, be sure to check the permissions: on *nix systems the permissions on .pgpass must disallow any access to world or group; achieve this by the command chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass. If the permissions are less strict than this, the file will be ignored.

Have you tried logging-in using PGAdmin? You can save the password there, and modify the pgpass file.

What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programming?

I found this content in some blog. Thought it is useful and relevant.

Concurrency and parallelism are NOT the same thing. Two tasks T1 and T2 are concurrent if the order in which the two tasks are executed in time is not predetermined,

T1 may be executed and finished before T2, T2 may be executed and finished before T1, T1 and T2 may be executed simultaneously at the same instance of time (parallelism), T1 and T2 may be executed alternatively, ... If two concurrent threads are scheduled by the OS to run on one single-core non-SMT non-CMP processor, you may get concurrency but not parallelism. Parallelism is possible on multi-core, multi-processor or distributed systems.

Concurrency is often referred to as a property of a program, and is a concept more general than parallelism.


How can I save application settings in a Windows Forms application?

The ApplicationSettings class doesn't support saving settings to the app.config file. That's very much by design; applications that run with a properly secured user account (think Vista UAC) do not have write access to the program's installation folder.

You can fight the system with the ConfigurationManager class. But the trivial workaround is to go into the Settings designer and change the setting's scope to User. If that causes hardships (say, the setting is relevant to every user), you should put your Options feature in a separate program so you can ask for the privilege elevation prompt. Or forego using a setting.

How to show alert message in mvc 4 controller?

Use this:

return JavaScript(alert("Hello this is an alert"));


return Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Thanks for Feedback!');</script>");

How to parse this string in Java?

public class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String s = "pre/fix/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/..";
    String prefix = "pre/fix";
    String[] tokens = s.substring(prefix.length()).split("/");
    for (int i=0; i<tokens.length; i++) {


iOS: present view controller programmatically

If you are using Storyboard and your "add" viewController is in storyboard then set an identifier for your "add" viewcontroller in settings so you can do something like this:

UIStoryboard* storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"NameOfYourStoryBoard" 
AddTaskViewController *add = 
           [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"viewControllerIdentifier"];

[self presentViewController:add 

if you do not have your "add" viewController in storyboard or a nib file and want to create the whole thing programmaticaly then appDocs says:

If you cannot define your views in a storyboard or a nib file, override the loadView method to manually instantiate a view hierarchy and assign it to the view property.

Python+OpenCV: cv2.imwrite

wtluo, great ! May I propose a slight modification of your code 2. ? Here it is:

for i, detected_box in enumerate(detect_boxes):
    box = detected_box["box"]
    face_img = img[ box[1]:box[1] + box[3], box[0]:box[0] + box[2] ]
    cv2.imwrite("face-{:03d}.jpg".format(i+1), face_img)

Java: Find .txt files in specified folder

import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.PathMatcher;
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class FileFinder extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> {
    private PathMatcher matcher;
    public ArrayList<Path> foundPaths = new ArrayList<>();

    public FileFinder(String pattern) {
        matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:" + pattern);

    public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
        Path name = file.getFileName();

        if (matcher.matches(name)) {

        return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Path fileDir = Paths.get("files");
        FileFinder finder = new FileFinder("*.txt");
        Files.walkFileTree(fileDir, finder);

        ArrayList<Path> foundFiles = finder.foundPaths;

        if (foundFiles.size() > 0) {
            for (Path path : foundFiles) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("No files were founds!");

How to refresh token with Google API client?

use the following code snippet to get your refresh token


    require_once 'src/apiClient.php';
    require_once 'src/contrib/apiTasksService.php';

    $client = new apiClient();
    $tasksService = new apiTasksService($client);

    $auth = $client->authenticate();
    $token = $client->getAccessToken();
    // the refresh token
    $refresh_token = $token['refresh_token'];

How to align title at center of ActionBar in default theme(Theme.Holo.Light)

It seems there is no way to do this without custom view. You can get the title view:

View decor = getWindow().getDecorView();
TextView title = (TextView) decor.findViewById(getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar_title", "id", "android"));

But changing of gravity or layout_gravity doesn't have an effect. The problem in the ActionBarView, which layout its children by itself so changing of layout params of its children also doesn't have an effect. To see this excecute following code:

ViewGroup actionBar = (ViewGroup) decor.findViewById(getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar", "id", "android"));
View v = actionBar.getChildAt(0);
ActionBar.LayoutParams p = new ActionBar.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
p.gravity= Gravity.CENTER;

Locking pattern for proper use of .NET MemoryCache

It is difficult to choose which one is better; lock or ReaderWriterLockSlim. You need real world statistics of read and write numbers and ratios etc.

But if you believe using "lock" is the correct way. Then here is a different solution for different needs. I also include the Allan Xu's solution in the code. Because both can be needed for different needs.

Here are the requirements, driving me to this solution:

  1. You don't want to or cannot supply the 'GetData' function for some reason. Perhaps the 'GetData' function is located in some other class with a heavy constructor and you do not want to even create an instance till ensuring it is unescapable.
  2. You need to access the same cached data from different locations/tiers of the application. And those different locations don't have access to same locker object.
  3. You don't have a constant cache key. For example; need of caching some data with the sessionId cache key.


using System;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CachePoc
    class Program
        static object everoneUseThisLockObject4CacheXYZ = new object();
        const string CacheXYZ = "CacheXYZ";
        static object everoneUseThisLockObject4CacheABC = new object();
        const string CacheABC = "CacheABC";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Allan Xu's usage
            string xyzData = MemoryCacheHelper.GetCachedDataOrAdd<string>(CacheXYZ, everoneUseThisLockObject4CacheXYZ, 20, SomeHeavyAndExpensiveXYZCalculation);
            string abcData = MemoryCacheHelper.GetCachedDataOrAdd<string>(CacheABC, everoneUseThisLockObject4CacheXYZ, 20, SomeHeavyAndExpensiveXYZCalculation);

            //My usage
            string sessionId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser.SessionId"].ToString();
            string yvz = MemoryCacheHelper.GetCachedData<string>(sessionId);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(yvz))
                object locker = MemoryCacheHelper.GetLocker(sessionId);
                lock (locker)
                    yvz = MemoryCacheHelper.GetCachedData<string>(sessionId);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(yvz))
                        DatabaseRepositoryWithHeavyConstructorOverHead dbRepo = new DatabaseRepositoryWithHeavyConstructorOverHead();
                        yvz = dbRepo.GetDataExpensiveDataForSession(sessionId);
                        MemoryCacheHelper.AddDataToCache(sessionId, yvz, 5);

        private static string SomeHeavyAndExpensiveXYZCalculation() { return "Expensive"; }
        private static string SomeHeavyAndExpensiveABCCalculation() { return "Expensive"; }

        public static class MemoryCacheHelper
            //Allan Xu's solution
            public static T GetCachedDataOrAdd<T>(string cacheKey, object cacheLock, int minutesToExpire, Func<T> GetData) where T : class
                //Returns null if the string does not exist, prevents a race condition where the cache invalidates between the contains check and the retreival.
                T cachedData = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey, null) as T;

                if (cachedData != null)
                    return cachedData;

                lock (cacheLock)
                    //Check to see if anyone wrote to the cache while we where waiting our turn to write the new value.
                    cachedData = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey, null) as T;

                    if (cachedData != null)
                        return cachedData;

                    cachedData = GetData();
                    MemoryCache.Default.Set(cacheKey, cachedData, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(minutesToExpire));
                    return cachedData;

            #region "My Solution"

            readonly static ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> Lockers = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>();
            public static object GetLocker(string cacheKey)

                return Lockers.GetOrAdd(cacheKey, item => (cacheKey, new object()));

            public static T GetCachedData<T>(string cacheKey) where T : class

                T cachedData = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey) as T;
                return cachedData;

            public static void AddDataToCache(string cacheKey, object value, int cacheTimePolicyMinutes)

                MemoryCache.Default.Add(cacheKey, value, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(cacheTimePolicyMinutes));

            static DateTimeOffset lastCleanUpTime = DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            static void CleanupLockers()
                if (DateTimeOffset.Now.Subtract(lastCleanUpTime).TotalMinutes > 1)
                    lock (Lockers)//maybe a better locker is needed?
                        try//bypass exceptions
                            List<string> lockersToRemove = new List<string>();
                            foreach (var locker in Lockers)
                                if (!MemoryCache.Default.Contains(locker.Key))

                            object dummy;
                            foreach (string lockerKey in lockersToRemove)
                                Lockers.TryRemove(lockerKey, out dummy);

                            lastCleanUpTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                        catch (Exception)
                        { }


    class DatabaseRepositoryWithHeavyConstructorOverHead
        internal string GetDataExpensiveDataForSession(string sessionId)
            return "Expensive data from database";


How to reload or re-render the entire page using AngularJS

If you are using angular ui-router this will be the best solution.

$scope.myLoadingFunction = function() {

How can I generate random alphanumeric strings?

A slightly cleaner version of DTB's solution.

    var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    var random = new Random();
    var list = Enumerable.Repeat(0, 8).Select(x=>chars[random.Next(chars.Length)]);
    return string.Join("", list);

Your style preferences may vary.

How do a send an HTTPS request through a proxy in Java?

Try the Apache Commons HttpClient library instead of trying to roll your own:

From their sample code:

  HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();
  httpclient.getHostConfiguration().setProxy("myproxyhost", 8080);

  /* Optional if authentication is required.
  httpclient.getState().setProxyCredentials("my-proxy-realm", " myproxyhost",
   new UsernamePasswordCredentials("my-proxy-username", "my-proxy-password"));

  PostMethod post = new PostMethod("https://someurl");
  NameValuePair[] data = {
     new NameValuePair("user", "joe"),
     new NameValuePair("password", "bloggs")
  // execute method and handle any error responses.
  // ...
  InputStream in = post.getResponseBodyAsStream();
  // handle response.

  /* Example for a GET reqeust
  GetMethod httpget = new GetMethod("https://someurl");
  try { 
  } finally {

Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service

There is a great checklist found on Github:


  • Don't reinvent the wheel in Authentication, token generation, password storage. Use the standards.

  • Use Max Retry and jail features in Login.

  • Use encryption on all sensitive data.

JWT (JSON Web Token)

  • Use a random complicated key (JWT Secret) to make brute forcing the token very hard.

  • Don't extract the algorithm from the payload. Force the algorithm in the backend (HS256 or RS256).

  • Make token expiration (TTL, RTTL) as short as possible.

  • Don't store sensitive data in the JWT payload, it can be decoded easily.


  • Always validate redirect_uri server-side to allow only whitelisted URLs.

  • Always try to exchange for code and not tokens (don't allow response_type=token).

  • Use state parameter with a random hash to prevent CSRF on the OAuth authentication process.

  • Define the default scope, and validate scope parameters for each application.


  • Limit requests (Throttling) to avoid DDoS / brute-force attacks.

  • Use HTTPS on server side to avoid MITM (Man In The Middle Attack)

  • Use HSTS header with SSL to avoid SSL Strip attack.


  • Use the proper HTTP method according to the operation: GET (read), POST (create), PUT/PATCH (replace/update), and DELETE (to delete a record), and respond with 405 Method Not Allowed if the requested method isn't appropriate for the requested resource.

  • Validate content-type on request Accept header (Content Negotiation) to allow only your supported format (e.g. application/xml, application/json, etc) and respond with 406 Not Acceptable response if not matched.

  • Validate content-type of posted data as you accept (e.g. application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, application/json, etc).

  • Validate User input to avoid common vulnerabilities (e.g. XSS, SQL-Injection, Remote Code Execution, etc).

  • Don't use any sensitive data (credentials, Passwords, security tokens, or API keys) in the URL, but use standard Authorization header.

  • Use an API Gateway service to enable caching, Rate Limit policies (e.g. Quota, Spike Arrest, Concurrent Rate Limit) and deploy APIs resources dynamically.


  • Check if all the endpoints are protected behind authentication to avoid broken authentication process.

  • User own resource ID should be avoided. Use /me/orders instead of /user/654321/orders.

  • Don't auto-increment IDs. Use UUID instead.

  • If you are parsing XML files, make sure entity parsing is not enabled to avoid XXE (XML external entity attack).

  • If you are parsing XML files, make sure entity expansion is not enabled to avoid Billion Laughs/XML bomb via exponential entity expansion attack.

  • Use a CDN for file uploads.

  • If you are dealing with huge amount of data, use Workers and Queues to process as much as possible in background and return response fast to avoid HTTP Blocking.

  • Do not forget to turn the DEBUG mode OFF.


  • Send X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header.

  • Send X-Frame-Options: deny header.

  • Send Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none' header.

  • Remove fingerprinting headers - X-Powered-By, Server, X-AspNet-Version etc.

  • Force content-type for your response, if you return application/json then your response content-type is application/json.

  • Don't return sensitive data like credentials, Passwords, security tokens.

  • Return the proper status code according to the operation completed. (e.g. 200 OK, 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 405 Method Not Allowed, etc).

Index of duplicates items in a python list

from collections import Counter, defaultdict

def duplicates(lst):
    cnt= Counter(lst)
    return [key for key in cnt.keys() if cnt[key]> 1]

def duplicates_indices(lst):
    dup, ind= duplicates(lst), defaultdict(list)
    for i, v in enumerate(lst):
        if v in dup: ind[v].append(i)
    return ind

lst= ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'e']
print duplicates(lst) # ['a', 'b']
print duplicates_indices(lst) # ..., {'a': [0, 2, 5], 'b': [1, 4]})

A slightly more orthogonal (and thus more useful) implementation would be:

from collections import Counter, defaultdict

def duplicates(lst):
    cnt= Counter(lst)
    return [key for key in cnt.keys() if cnt[key]> 1]

def indices(lst, items= None):
    items, ind= set(lst) if items is None else items, defaultdict(list)
    for i, v in enumerate(lst):
        if v in items: ind[v].append(i)
    return ind

lst= ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'e']
print indices(lst, duplicates(lst)) # ..., {'a': [0, 2, 5], 'b': [1, 4]})

How to fix Cannot find module 'typescript' in Angular 4?

Run 'npm install' it will install all necessary pkg .

How to add border around linear layout except at the bottom?

Kenny is right, just want to clear some things out.

  1. Create the file border.xml and put it in the folder res/drawable/
  2. add the code

    <shape xmlns:android=""> 
       <stroke android:width="4dp" android:color="#FF00FF00" /> 
       <solid android:color="#ffffff" /> 
       <padding android:left="7dp" android:top="7dp" 
            android:right="7dp" android:bottom="0dp" /> 
       <corners android:radius="4dp" /> 
  3. set back ground like android:background="@drawable/border" wherever you want the border

Mine first didn't work cause i put the border.xml in the wrong folder!

change PATH permanently on Ubuntu

Assuming you want to add this path for all users on the system, add the following line to your /etc/profile.d/ (and possibly play.csh, etc):

export PATH

html cellpadding the left side of a cell

Well, as suggested by Hellfire you can use td width or you could place an element in the td and adjust its width. We could not use

CSS property Padding

as in Microsoft Outlook padding does not work. So what I had to do is,

        <td><span style="display: inline-block; width: 40px;"></span><span>Content<span></td>

With this you can adjust right and left spacing. For top and bottom spacing you could use td's height property. Like,

            <td style="vertical-align: top; height: 100px;">Content</td>

This will increase bottom space.

Hope it will work for you guys. :)

Basic Ajax send/receive with node.js

I was facing following error with code (nodejs 0.10.13), provided by ampersand:

origin is not allowed by access-control-allow-origin

Issue was resolved changing

response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});


response.writeHead(200, {
                 'Content-Type': 'text/html',
                 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' : '*'});

How to check if a file exists in Documents folder?

Swift 2.0

This is how to check if the file exists using Swift

func isFileExistsInDirectory() -> Bool {
    let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask, true)
    let documentsDirectory: AnyObject = paths[0]
    let dataPath = documentsDirectory.stringByAppendingPathComponent("/YourFileName")

    return NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(dataPath)

How to convert a string with comma-delimited items to a list in Python?

I usually use:

l = [ word.strip() for word in text.split(',') ]

the strip remove spaces around words.

Windows 10 SSH keys

I found a notable exception that in Windows 10, using the described route only wrote the files to the folder if the file names where not specified in the ssh-keygen generator.

giving a custom key name caused the files containing the RSA public and private keys not to be written to the folder.

  • Open the windows command line
  • Type ssh-keygen
  • Leave file name blank, just press return,
  • Set your passphrase
  • Generate your key files. They will now exist. and be stored in c:/Users/YourUserName/.ssh/

(using Admin Command Line and Windows 10 Pro)

PHPExcel How to apply styles and set cell width and cell height to cell generated dynamically

You can use


or define auto-size:


How to add custom Http Header for C# Web Service Client consuming Axis 1.4 Web service

Instead of modding the auto-generated code or wrapping every call in duplicate code, you can inject your custom HTTP headers by adding a custom message inspector, it's easier than it sounds:

public class CustomMessageInspector : IClientMessageInspector
    readonly string _authToken;

    public CustomMessageInspector(string authToken)
        _authToken = authToken;

    public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
        var reqMsgProperty = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
        reqMsgProperty.Headers.Add("Auth-Token", _authToken);
        request.Properties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = reqMsgProperty;
        return null;

    public void AfterReceiveReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState)
    { }

public class CustomAuthenticationBehaviour : IEndpointBehavior
    readonly string _authToken;

    public CustomAuthenticationBehaviour (string authToken)
        _authToken = authToken;
    public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
    { }

    public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
    { }

    public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)
    { }

    public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
        clientRuntime.ClientMessageInspectors.Add(new CustomMessageInspector(_authToken));

And when instantiating your client class you can simply add it as a behavior:

this.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new CustomAuthenticationBehaviour("Auth Token"));

This will make every outgoing service call to have your custom HTTP header.

C++ error : terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'

Something throws an exception of type std::bad_alloc, indicating that you ran out of memory. This exception is propagated through until main, where it "falls off" your program and causes the error message you see.

Since nobody here knows what "RectInvoice", "rectInvoiceVector", "vect", "im" and so on are, we cannot tell you what exactly causes the out-of-memory condition. You didn't even post your real code, because w h looks like a syntax error.

How to delete rows from a pandas DataFrame based on a conditional expression

In pandas you can do str.len with your boundary and using the Boolean result to filter it .

df[df['column name'].str.len().lt(2)]

force client disconnect from server with and nodejs

In my case I wanted to tear down the underlying connection in which case I had to call socket.disconnect(true) as you can see is needed from the source here

jQuery + client-side template = "Syntax error, unrecognized expression"

EugeneXa mentioned it in a comment, but it deserves to be an answer:

var template = $("#modal_template").html().trim();

This trims the offending whitespace from the beginning of the string. I used it with Mustache, like so:

var markup = Mustache.render(template, data);

How to test Spring Data repositories?

When you really want to write an i-test for a spring data repository you can do it like this:

@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackageClasses = WebBookingRepository.class)
@EntityScan(basePackageClasses = WebBooking.class)
public class WebBookingRepositoryIntegrationTest {

    private WebBookingRepository repository;

    public void testSaveAndFindAll() {
        WebBooking webBooking = new WebBooking();
        webBooking.setUuid("some uuid");
        webBooking.setItems(Arrays.asList(new WebBookingItem()));;

        Iterable<WebBooking> findAll = repository.findAll();


To follow this example you have to use these dependencies:


MySQL export into outfile : CSV escaping chars

Without actually seeing your output file for confirmation, my guess is that you've got to get rid of the FIELDS ESCAPED BY value.

MySQL's FIELDS ESCAPED BY is probably behaving in two ways that you were not counting on: (1) it is only meant to be one character, so in your case it is probably equal to just one quotation mark; (2) it is used to precede each character that MySQL thinks needs escaping, including the FIELDS TERMINATED BY and LINES TERMINATED BY values. This makes sense to most of the computing world, but it isn't the way Excel does escaping.

I think your double REPLACE is working, and that you are successfully replacing literal newlines with spaces (two spaces in the case of Windows-style newlines). But if you have any commas in your data (literals, not field separators), these are being preceded by quotation marks, which Excel treats much differently than MySQL. If that's the case, then the erroneous newlines that are tripping up Excel are actually newlines that MySQL had intended as line terminators.

Request header field Access-Control-Allow-Headers is not allowed by itself in preflight response

const express = require('express')
const cors = require('cors')
const app = express()

app.get('/with-cors', cors(), (req, res, next) => {
  res.json({ msg: 'WHOAH with CORS it works!  ' })

Adding cors in get function Is what worked for me

Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths - why?

In .NET Core I played with all upper answers - but without any success. I made changes a lot in DB structure and every time added new migration attempting to update-database, but received the same error.

Then I started to remove-migration one by one until Package Manager Console threw me exception:

The migration '20170827183131_***' has already been applied to the database

After that, I added new migration (add-migration) and update-database successfully

So my suggestion would be: clear out all your temp migrations, until your current DB state.

Change Screen Orientation programmatically using a Button

Wherever possible, please don't use SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE or SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT. Instead use:


These allow the user to orient the device to either landscape orientation, or either portrait orientation, respectively. If you've ever had to play a game with a charging cable being driven into your stomach, then you know exactly why having both orientations available is important to the user.

Note: For phones, at least several that I've checked, it only allows the "right side up" portrait mode, however, SENSOR_PORTRAIT works properly on tablets.

Note: this feature was introduced in API Level 9, so if you must support 8 or lower (not likely at this point), then instead use:

setRequestedOrientation(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 9 ?
                        ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE :
setRequestedOrientation(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 9 ?
                        ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT :

How to get ERD diagram for an existing database?

ERBuilder can generate ER diagram from PostgreSQL databases (reverse engineer feature).

Below step to follow to generate an ER diagram:

• Click on Menu -> File -> reverse engineer

• Click on new connection

• Fill in PostgresSQL connection information

• Click on OK

• Click on next

• Select objects (tables, triggers, sequences…..) that you want to reverse engineer.

• Click on next.

  • If you are using trial version, your ERD will be displayed automatically.
  • If your are using the free edition you need to drag and drop the tables from the treeview placed in the left side of application

enter image description here

How do you decrease navbar height in Bootstrap 3?

Minder Saini's example above almost works, but the .navbar-brand needs to be reduced as well.

A working example (using it on my own site) with Bootstrap 3.3.4:

.navbar-nav > li > a, .navbar-brand {
    padding-top:5px !important; padding-bottom:0 !important;
    height: 30px;
.navbar {min-height:30px !important;}

Edit for Mobile... To make this example work on mobile as well, you have to change the styling of the navbar toggle like so

.navbar-toggle {
     padding: 0 0;
     margin-top: 7px;
     margin-bottom: 0;

How to redirect siteA to siteB with A or CNAME records

You can do this a number of non-DNS ways. The landing page at can have an HTTP redirect. The webserver at can be configured to redirect (easy in Apache, not sure about IIS), etc.

ls command: how can I get a recursive full-path listing, one line per file?

du -a

Handy for some limited appliance shells where find/locate aren't available.

Oracle JDBC ojdbc6 Jar as a Maven Dependency



deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)

Some how all the above solutions did not worked in hibernate 5.2.10.Final.

But setting the map to null as below worked for me:


add item to dropdown list in html using javascript

Try this

<script type="text/javascript">
    function AddItem()
        // Create an Option object       
        var opt = document.createElement("option");        

        // Assign text and value to Option object
        opt.text = "New Value";
        opt.value = "New Value";

        // Add an Option object to Drop Down List Box
<script />

The Value will append to the drop down list.

How to refer to relative paths of resources when working with a code repository

I often use something similar to this:

import os
DATA_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'datadir'))

# if you have more paths to set, you might want to shorten this as
here = lambda x: os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x))
DATA_DIR = here('datadir') 

pathjoin = os.path.join
# ...
# later in script
for fn in os.listdir(DATA_DIR):
    f = open(pathjoin(DATA_DIR, fn))
    # ...

The variable


holds the file name of the script you write that code in, so you can make paths relative to script, but still written with absolute paths. It works quite well for several reasons:

  • path is absolute, but still relative
  • the project can still be deployed in a relative container

But you need to watch for platform compatibility - Windows' os.pathsep is different than UNIX.

Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 does not discover unit tests

After spending 2 days... none of the above worked for me. The only "solution" was: Go to project properties -> Build Tab. Then click Advanced button on the right bottom corner of the pane. Change "Debug Info:" to "full" and click OK.

Here are the screen shots: enter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description here

How do you get an iPhone's device name

From the UIDevice class:

As an example: [[UIDevice currentDevice] name];

The UIDevice is a class that provides information about the iPhone or iPod Touch device.

Some of the information provided by UIDevice is static, such as device name or system version.


Offical Documentation: Apple Developer Documentation > UIDevice Class Reference

Where is android_sdk_root? and how do I set it.?

I received the same error after installing android studio and trying to run hello world. I think you need to use the SDK Manager inside Android Studio to install some things first.

android_sdk_root error

Open up Android Studio, and click on the SDK Manager in the toolbar.

SDK Manager

Now install the SDK tools you need.

  • Tools -> Android SDK Tools
  • Tools -> Android SDK Platform-tools
  • Tools -> Android SDK Build-tools (highest version)

For each Android release you are targeting, hit the appropriate Android X.X folder and select (at a minimum):

  • SDK Platform
  • A system image for the emulator, such as ARM EABI v7a System Image

The SDK Manager will run (this can take a while) and download and install the various SDKs.

Inside Android Studio, File->Project Structure will show you where your Android sdks are installed. As you can see mine is c:\users\Joe\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1.

enter image description here

If I navigate to C:\Users\Joe\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1\sources you can see the various Android SDKs installed there...

SDK Directories

Accessing localhost of PC from USB connected Android mobile device

I very much liked John's answer, but I'd like to give it with some changes to those that want to test some client//server configuration by running a client TCP on the USB connected Mobile and a server on the local PC.

First it's quite obvious that the won't work because this is a REAL hardware mobile and not a simulator.

So Follow John's instructions:

  • Unplug all network cables on PC and turn off wifi.
  • Turn off wifi on the android device
  • Connect android device to pc via USB
  • Turn on the "USB Tethering" (USB Modem/ USB Cellular Modem / USB ????? ????? ??????) in the android menu. (Under networks->more...->Tethering and portable hotspot")

    • This USB connection will act as a DHCP server for you single PC connection, so it'll assign your PC a dedicated (dynamic) IP in its local USB network. Now all you have to do is tell the client application this IP and port.
  • Get the IP of your PC (that has been assigned by the USB tether cable.) (open command prompt and type "ipconfig" then look for the IP that the USB network adapter has assigned, in Linux its ifconfig or Ubuntu's "Connection information" etc..)

  • Tell the application to connect to that IP (i.e. with something like (Java - client side):

    String        serverIP      = "";
    int           serverPort    = 5544;
    InetAddress   serverAddress = InetAddress.getByName(serverIP);
    Socket        socket         = new Socket(serverAddress, serverPort);


Flutter- wrapping text

You can use Flexible, in this case the could be a long name (Labels and BlankSpace are custom classes that return widgets) :

new Column(
  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
  children: <Widget>[
   new Row(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
      children: <Widget>[
        new Flexible(
            child: Labels.getTitle_2(,
            color: StyleColors.COLOR_BLACK)),

No Persistence provider for EntityManager named

Faced the same issue and couldn't find solution for quite a long time. In my case it helped to replace




Took solution from here

7-zip commandline

The command-line program for 7-Zip is 7z or 7za. Here's a helpful post on the options available. The -r (recurse) option stores paths.

for-in statement

edit 2018: This is outdated, js and typescript now have for..of loops.

The book "TypeScript Revealed" says

"You can iterate through the items in an array by using either for or loops as demonstrated here:

// standard for loop
for (var i = 0; i < actors.length; i++)

// loop
for (var actor in actors)


Turns out, the second loop does not pass the actors in the loop. So would say this is plain wrong. Sadly it is as above, loops are untouched by typescript.

map and forEach often help me and are due to typescripts enhancements on function definitions more approachable, lke at the very moment:

this.notes = => new Note(state));

My wish list to TypeScript;

  1. Generic collections
  2. Iterators (IEnumerable, IEnumerator interfaces would be best)

py2exe - generate single executable file

I'm told bbfreeze will create a single file .EXE, and is newer than py2exe.

Having issues with a MySQL Join that needs to meet multiple conditions

    u . *
    room u
    facilities_r fu ON fu.id_uc = u.id_uc
        AND (fu.id_fu = '4' OR fu.id_fu = '3')
    1 and vizibility = '1'
GROUP BY id_uc
ORDER BY u_premium desc , id_uc desc

You must use OR here, not AND.

Since id_fu cannot be equal to 4 and 3, both at once.

How can I convert uppercase letters to lowercase in Notepad++

First select the text
To convert lowercase to uppercase, press Ctrl+Shift+U
To convert uppercase to lowercase, press Ctrl+U

Get clicked item and its position in RecyclerView

Short extension for Kotlin
Method returns absolute position of all items (not the position of only visible items).

fun RecyclerView.getChildPositionAt(x: Float, y: Float): Int {
    return getChildAdapterPosition(findChildViewUnder(x, y))

And usage

val position = recyclerView.getChildPositionAt(event.x, event.y)

formatFloat : convert float number to string

Try this

package main

import "fmt"
import "strconv"

func FloatToString(input_num float64) string {
    // to convert a float number to a string
    return strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'f', 6, 64)

func main() {

If you just want as many digits precision as possible, then the special precision -1 uses the smallest number of digits necessary such that ParseFloat will return f exactly. Eg

strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'f', -1, 64)

Personally I find fmt easier to use. (Playground link)

fmt.Printf("x = %.6f\n", 21312421.213123)

Or if you just want to convert the string

fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", 21312421.213123)

How to send push notification to web browser?

I assume you are talking about real push notifications that can be delivered even when the user is not surfing your website (otherwise check out WebSockets or legacy methods like long polling).

Can we use GCM/APNS to send push notification to all Web Browsers including Firefox & Safari?

GCM is only for Chrome and APNs is only for Safari. Each browser manufacturer offers its own service.

If not via GCM can we have our own back-end to do the same?

The Push API requires two backends! One is offered by the browser manufacturer and is responsible for delivering the notification to the device. The other one should be yours (or you can use a third party service like Pushpad) and is responsible for triggering the notification and contacting the browser manufacturer's service (i.e. GCM, APNs, Mozilla push servers).

Disclosure: I am the Pushpad founder

Python not working in command prompt?

Here's one for for office workers using a computer shared by others.

I did put my user path in path and created the PYTHONPATH variables in my computer's PATH variable. Its listed under Environment Variables in Computer Properties -> Advanced Settings in Windows 7.



This made it so I could use the command prompt.

Hope this helped.

SQL: How to get the count of each distinct value in a column?

  COUNT(*) AS `num`

Is there any way to install Composer globally on Windows?

A bit more generic if you put the batch in the same folder as composer.phar:

php %SUBDIR%/composer.phar %*

I'd write it as a comment, but code isn't avail there

PostgreSQL database service

Your server running on port 5432 but in the properties, the port is set to 5433.

You must go to pgAdmin, click on database version, ex: PostgresSQL 10 and edit properties.

A new window appears and you need to change the port to 5432 [this is default port].

Multiple maven repositories in one gradle file

In short you have to do like this

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
  maven { url "" }


You need to specify each maven URL in its own curly braces. Here is what I got working with skeleton dependencies for the web services project I’m going to build up:

apply plugin: 'java'

sourceCompatibility = 1.7
version = '1.0'

repositories {
  maven { url "" }
  maven { url "" }

dependencies {
  compile group:'org.restlet.jee', name:'org.restlet', version:'2.1.1'
  compile group:'org.restlet.jee', name:'org.restlet.ext.servlet',version.1.1'
  compile group:'org.springframework', name:'spring-web', version:'3.2.1.RELEASE'
  compile group:'org.slf4j', name:'slf4j-api', version:'1.7.2'
  compile group:'ch.qos.logback', name:'logback-core', version:'1.0.9'
  testCompile group:'junit', name:'junit', version:'4.11'


how can select from drop down menu and call javascript function

<script type="text/javascript">
function report(func)

function daily()

function monthly()

Select From all tables - MySQL

As Suhel Meman said in the comments:

SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table 1
SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table 2

would work.

But all your SELECTS would have to consist of the same amount of columns. And because you are displaying it in one resulting table they should contain the same information.

What you might want to do, is a JOIN on Product ID or something like that. This way you would get more columns, which makes more sense most of the time.

Pyspark: Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number

I figured out the problem in Windows system. The installation directory for Java must not have blanks in the path such as in C:\Program Files. I re-installed Java in C\Java. I set JAVA_HOME to C:\Java and the problem went away.

Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords?


This post is meant to be an easy-to-read alternative to litb's post.

The underlying purpose is the same; an explanation to "When?" and "Why?" typename and template must be applied.

What's the purpose of typename and template?

typename and template are usable in circumstances other than when declaring a template.

There are certain contexts in C++ where the compiler must explicitly be told how to treat a name, and all these contexts have one thing in common; they depend on at least one template-parameter.

We refer to such names, where there can be an ambiguity in interpretation, as; "dependent names".

This post will offer an explanation to the relationship between dependent-names, and the two keywords.

A snippet says more than 1000 words

Try to explain what is going on in the following function-template, either to yourself, a friend, or perhaps your cat; what is happening in the statement marked (A)?

template<class T> void f_tmpl () { T::foo * x; /* <-- (A) */ }

It might not be as easy as one thinks, more specifically the result of evaluating (A) heavily depends on the definition of the type passed as template-parameter T.

Different Ts can drastically change the semantics involved.

struct X { typedef int       foo;       }; /* (C) --> */ f_tmpl<X> ();
struct Y { static  int const foo = 123; }; /* (D) --> */ f_tmpl<Y> ();

The two different scenarios:

  • If we instantiate the function-template with type X, as in (C), we will have a declaration of a pointer-to int named x, but;

  • if we instantiate the template with type Y, as in (D), (A) would instead consist of an expression that calculates the product of 123 multiplied with some already declared variable x.

The Rationale

The C++ Standard cares about our safety and well-being, at least in this case.

To prevent an implementation from potentially suffering from nasty surprises, the Standard mandates that we sort out the ambiguity of a dependent-name by explicitly stating the intent anywhere we'd like to treat the name as either a type-name, or a template-id.

If nothing is stated, the dependent-name will be considered to be either a variable, or a function.

How to handle dependent names?

If this was a Hollywood film, dependent-names would be the disease that spreads through body contact, instantly affects its host to make it confused. Confusion that could, possibly, lead to an ill-formed perso-, erhm.. program.

A dependent-name is any name that directly, or indirectly, depends on a template-parameter.

template<class T> void g_tmpl () {
   SomeTrait<T>::type                   foo; // (E), ill-formed
   SomeTrait<T>::NestedTrait<int>::type bar; // (F), ill-formed<int> ();                         // (G), ill-formed    

We have four dependent names in the above snippet:

  • E)
    • "type" depends on the instantiation of SomeTrait<T>, which include T, and;
  • F)
    • "NestedTrait", which is a template-id, depends on SomeTrait<T>, and;
    • "type" at the end of (F) depends on NestedTrait, which depends on SomeTrait<T>, and;
  • G)
    • "data", which looks like a member-function template, is indirectly a dependent-name since the type of foo depends on the instantiation of SomeTrait<T>.

Neither of statement (E), (F) or (G) is valid if the compiler would interpret the dependent-names as variables/functions (which as stated earlier is what happens if we don't explicitly say otherwise).

The solution

To make g_tmpl have a valid definition we must explicitly tell the compiler that we expect a type in (E), a template-id and a type in (F), and a template-id in (G).

template<class T> void g_tmpl () {
   typename SomeTrait<T>::type foo;                            // (G), legal
   typename SomeTrait<T>::template NestedTrait<int>::type bar; // (H), legal
   foo.template data<int> ();                                  // (I), legal

Every time a name denotes a type, all names involved must be either type-names or namespaces, with this in mind it's quite easy to see that we apply typename at the beginning of our fully qualified name.

template however, is different in this regard, since there's no way of coming to a conclusion such as; "oh, this is a template, then this other thing must also be a template". This means that we apply template directly in front of any name that we'd like to treat as such.

Can I just stick the keywords in front of any name?

"Can I just stick typename and template in front of any name? I don't want to worry about the context in which they appear..." - Some C++ Developer

The rules in the Standard states that you may apply the keywords as long as you are dealing with a qualified-name (K), but if the name isn't qualified the application is ill-formed (L).

namespace N {
  template<class T>
  struct X { };

         N::         X<int> a; // ...  legal
typename N::template X<int> b; // (K), legal
typename template    X<int> c; // (L), ill-formed

Note: Applying typename or template in a context where it is not required is not considered good practice; just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should.

Additionally there are contexts where typename and template are explicitly disallowed:

  • When specifying the bases of which a class inherits

    Every name written in a derived class's base-specifier-list is already treated as a type-name, explicitly specifying typename is both ill-formed, and redundant.

                        // .------- the base-specifier-list
      template<class T> // v
      struct Derived      : typename SomeTrait<T>::type /* <- ill-formed */ {

  • When the template-id is the one being referred to in a derived class's using-directive

      struct Base {
        template<class T>
        struct type { };
      struct Derived : Base {
        using Base::template type; // ill-formed
        using Base::type;          // legal

Is it more efficient to copy a vector by reserving and copying, or by creating and swapping?

new_vector.assign(old_vector.begin(),old_vector.end()); // Method 1
new_vector = old_vector; // Method 2

How can I set size of a button?

Try with setPreferredSize instead of setSize.

UPDATE: GridLayout take up all space in its container, and BoxLayout seams to take up all the width in its container, so I added some glue-panels that are invisible and just take up space when the user stretches the window. I have just done this horizontally, and not vertically, but you could implement that in the same way if you want it.

Since GridLayout make all cells in the same size, it doesn't matter if they have a specified size. You have to specify a size for its container instead, as I have done.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class PanelModel {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Colored Trails");

        JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
        mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

        JPanel firstPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 4));
        firstPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(4*100, 4*100));
        for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) {
            for (int j=1; j<=4; j++) {
                firstPanel.add(new JButton());

        JPanel firstGluePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        firstGluePanel.add(firstPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
        firstGluePanel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
        firstGluePanel.add(Box.createVerticalGlue(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        JPanel secondPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(13, 5));
        secondPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(5*40, 13*40));
        for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) {
            for (int j=1; j<=13; j++) {
                secondPanel.add(new JButton());

        JPanel secondGluePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        secondGluePanel.add(secondPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
        secondGluePanel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
        secondGluePanel.add(Box.createVerticalGlue(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);



What does %w(array) mean?

I was given a bunch of columns from a CSV spreadsheet of full names of users and I needed to keep the formatting, with spaces. The easiest way I found to get them in while using ruby was to do:

names = %( Porter Smith
Jimmy Jones
Ronald Jackson).split('\n')

This highlights that %() creates a string like "Porter Smith\nJimmyJones\nRonald Jackson" and to get the array you split the string on the "\n" ["Porter Smith", "Jimmy Jones", "Ronald Jackson"]

So to answer the OP's original question too, they could have wrote %(cgi\ spaeinfilename.rb;complex.rb;date.rb).split(';') if there happened to be space when you want the space to exist in the final array output.

How to get the SHA-1 fingerprint certificate in Android Studio for debug mode?

My problem is the same as I have also shifted my Google Maps project from Eclipse to Android Studio. I have solved my problem by following this:

Go to your Java bin directory via the command:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_71\bin>

Now type in the below command in your command window (CMD.EXE):

keytool -list -v -keystore c:\users\your_user_name\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android


keytool -list -v -keystore c:\users\James\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Or you can just write this in cmd if you don't know the username:

keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

And you will get the SHA1.

Then I created a new key from because of my package name got changed and then use this key in my application. It works fine.

Make sure you are in BIN folder of jdkX.X.X_XX (my folder name is jdk1.7.0_71), or else if you don't know what folder name you have then find it by opening the Java folder, and you will see what the folder name is, but you must be in your BIN folder and then run this command. Today I have got my SHA1 value in a cmd command window by the above procedure.


Enter image description here

VSCode cannot find module '@angular/core' or any other modules

for Visual Studio -->

    Seems like you don't have `node_modules` directory in your project folder.
    Execute this command where `package.json` file is located:
     npm install 

Using sed to split a string with a delimiter

This might work for you (GNU sed):

sed 'y/:/\n/' file

or perhaps:

sed y/:/$"\n"/ file

Laravel 5 How to switch from Production mode

Laravel 5 gets its enviroment related variables from the .env file located in the root of your project. You just need to set APP_ENV to whatever you want, for example:


This is used to identify the current enviroment. If you want to display errors, you'll need to enable debug mode in the same file:


The role of the .env file is to allow you to have different settings depending on which machine you are running your application. So on your production server, the .env file settings would be different from your local development enviroment.

Python: Writing to and Reading from serial port

a piece of code who work with python to read rs232 just in case somedoby else need it

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial', 9600, timeout=0.5)

HTML-Tooltip position relative to mouse pointer

This CAN be done with pure html and css. It may not be the best way but we all have different limitations. There are 3 ways that could be useful depending on what your specific circumstances are.

  1. The first involves overlaying an invisible table over top of your link with a hover action on each cell that displays an image.

#imagehover td:hover::after{_x000D_
  content: "             ";_x000D_
  white-space: pre;_x000D_
  background-image: url("");_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  left: 5px;_x000D_
  top: 5px;_x000D_
  font-size: 20px;_x000D_
  background-color: transparent;_x000D_
  background-position: 0px 0px;_x000D_
  background-size: 60px 20px;_x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
#imagehover table, #imagehover th, #imagehover td {_x000D_
  border: 0px;_x000D_
  border-spacing: 0px;_x000D_
<a href="">_x000D_
<table id="imagehover" style="width:50px;height:10px;z-index:9999;position:absolute" cellspacing="0">_x000D_

  1. The second relies on being able to create your own cursor image

cursor: url(,url(,auto;_x000D_
<a href="" id="googleLink">Google</a>

  1. While the normal title tooltip doesn't technically allow images it does allow any unicode characters including block letters and emojis which may suite your needs.

<a href="" title="??" alt="??">Google</a>

How do I set up DNS for an apex domain (no www) pointing to a Heroku app?

To point your apex/root/naked domain at a Heroku-hosted application, you'll need to use a DNS provider who supports CNAME-like records (often referred to as ALIAS or ANAME records). Currently Heroku recommends:

Whichever of those you choose, your record will look like the following:

Record: ALIAS or ANAME

Name: empty or @


That's all you need.

However, it's not good for SEO to have both the www version and non-www version resolve. One should point to the other as the canonical URL. How you decide to do that depends on if you're using HTTPS or not. And if you're not, you probably should be as Heroku now handles SSL certificates for you automatically and for free for all applications running on paid dynos.

If you're not using HTTPS, you can just set up a 301 Redirect record with most DNS providers pointing name www to

If you are using HTTPS, you'll most likely need to handle the redirection at the application level. If you want to know why, check out these short and long explanations but basically since your DNS provider or other URL forwarding service doesn't have, and shouldn't have, your SSL certificate and private key, they can't respond to HTTPS requests for your domain.

To handle the redirects at the application level, you'll need to:

  • Add both your apex and www host names to the Heroku application (heroku domains:add and heroku domains:add
  • Set up your SSL certificates
  • Point your apex domain record at Heroku using an ALIAS or ANAME record as described above
  • Add a CNAME record with name www pointing to
  • And then in your application, 301 redirect any www requests to the non-www URL (here's an example of how to do it in Django)
  • Also in your application, you should probably redirect any HTTP requests to HTTPS (for example, in Django set SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT to True)

Check out this post from DNSimple for more.

Path.Combine for URLs?

Recently Combine method was added to Energy.Core package, so you might want to use it to join URL parts.

    string url;
    url = Energy.Base.Url.Combine("", "watch?v=NHCgbs3TcYg");
    url = Energy.Base.Url.Combine("", "watch?v=NHCgbs3TcYg", "t=150");

Additionally it will recognize parameter part, so it will work as you might expect (joining path with slash and parameters with ampersand).

Documentation for Energy.Base.Url class

Package on NuGet gallery

Code sample

Math operations from string

If you want to do it safely, you may want to use

from this answer: Python "safe" eval (string to bool/int/float/None/string)

It might not do math, but you could parse the math operators and then operate on safely evaluated terms.

Nested JSON objects - do I have to use arrays for everything?

You don't need to use arrays.

JSON values can be arrays, objects, or primitives (numbers or strings).

You can write JSON like this:

    "stuff": {
        "onetype": [
            {"id":1,"name":"John Doe"},
            {"id":2,"name":"Don Joeh"}
        "othertype": {"id":2,"company":"ACME"}
    "otherstuff": {
        "thing": [[1,42],[2,2]]

You can use it like this:

obj.otherstuff.thing[0][1]  //thing is a nested array or a 2-by-2 matrix.
                            //I'm not sure whether you intended to do that.