[android] Accessing localhost of PC from USB connected Android mobile device

How to Easily access LocalHost in Actual Android Device -> Connect your pc with the android device via USB

  1. Go to Chrome inspection click 'f12' or Control+Shift+C

Chrome Inspection tool

  1. Check the bottom of the chrome inspection tool.

  2. Now go to settings in Remote Device Tab.

Remote Devices Tab

  1. check on "Discover USB Device" option as well as check on "Port Forwarding" option.

  2. Now Click on Add Rules, Enter Any Device Port e.g(4880) and in Local Address Enter the Actual Address of the local host in my case e.g (

  3. After Adding the Rule go to your android studio -> inside your code URL( Remember to change the port from 480 -> 4880.

  4. Go to Remote Device Tab in Chrome and Click on your connected Device. Add New URL( Inspect the Android Device Chrome Browser

Check your Actual Device Chrome Browser and start Debugging the code on Actual Android device.