I think several of the answers hit around the possible solution to your problem.
I agree the easiest (and best solution for SEO purposes) is the 301 redirect. In IIS this is fairly trivial, you'd create a site for subdomain.hostone.com, after creating the site, right-click on the site and go into properties. Click on the "Home Directory" tab of the site properties window that opens. Select the radio button "A redirection to a URL", enter the url for the new site (http://subdomain.hosttwo.com), and check the checkboxes for "The exact URL entered above", "A permanent redirection for this resource" (this second checkbox causes a 301 redirect, instead of a 302 redirect). Click OK, and you're done.
Or you could create a page on the site of http://subdomain.hostone.com, using one of the following methods (depending on what the hosting platform supports)
PHP Redirect:
Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
Header( "Location: http://subdomain.hosttwo.com" );
ASP Redirect:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location","http://subdomain.hosttwo.com"
ASP .NET Redirect:
<script runat="server">
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
Now assuming your CNAME record is correctly created, then the only problem you are experiencing is that the site created for http://subdomain.hosttwo.com is using a shared IP, and host headers to determine which site should be displayed. To resolve this issue under IIS, in IIS Manager on the web server, you'd right-click on the site for subdomain.hosttwo.com, and click "Properties". On the displayed "Web Site" tab, you should see an "Advanced" button next to the IP address that you'll need to click. On the "Advanced Web Site Identification" window that appears, click "Add". Select the same IP address that is already being used by subdomain.hosttwo.com, enter 80 as the TCP port, and then enter subdomain.hosttwo.com as the Host Header value. Click OK until you are back to the main IIS Manager window, and you should be good to go. Open a browser, and browse to http://subdomain.hostone.com, and you'll see the site at http://subdomain.hosttwo.com appear, even though your URL shows http://subdomain.hostone.com
Hope that helps...