[go] formatFloat : convert float number to string



How do I convert a float number into string format? This is google playground but not getting the expected output. (2e+07) I want to get "21312421.213123"

package main

import "fmt"
import "strconv"

func floattostr(input_num float64) string {

        // to convert a float number to a string
    return strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'g', 1, 64)

 func main() {
      // what I expect is "21312421.213123" in string format

Please help me get the string out of float number. Thanks

This question is related to go

The answer is

Try this

package main

import "fmt"
import "strconv"

func FloatToString(input_num float64) string {
    // to convert a float number to a string
    return strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'f', 6, 64)

func main() {

If you just want as many digits precision as possible, then the special precision -1 uses the smallest number of digits necessary such that ParseFloat will return f exactly. Eg

strconv.FormatFloat(input_num, 'f', -1, 64)

Personally I find fmt easier to use. (Playground link)

fmt.Printf("x = %.6f\n", 21312421.213123)

Or if you just want to convert the string

fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", 21312421.213123)