Programs & Examples On #Multilingual

Refers to the use of more than one (natural) language. This does not refer to the use of multiple programming languages.

Best way to implement multi-language/globalization in large .NET project

You can use commercial tools like Sisulizer. It will create satellite assembly for each language. Only thing you should pay attention is not to obfuscate form class names (if you use obfuscator).

HTML - Arabic Support

If you don't even know where to get Arabic characters, but you want to display them, then you're doing something wrong.

Save files containing Arabic characters with encoding UTF-8. A good editor allows you to set the character encoding. In the HTML page, place the following after <head>:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">

If you're using XHTML:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />

That's it.

An alternative way (without messing with the encoding of a file), is using HTML escape sequences. This website does that jobs for you:

the best way to make codeigniter website multi-language. calling from lang arrays depends on lang session?

In the controller add following lines when you make the cunstructor

i.e, after


add below lines

    $this->lang->load('nl_site', 'nl'); // ('filename', 'directory')

create helper file lang_translate_helper.php with following function and put it in directory system\application\helpers

function label($label, $obj)
    $return = $obj->lang->line($label);
        echo $return;
        echo $label;

for each of the language, create a directory with language abbrevation like en, nl, fr, etc., under system\application\languages

create language file in above (respective) directory which will contain $lang array holding pairs label=>language_value as given below


$lang['welcome'] = 'Welkom';
$lang['hello word'] = 'worde Witaj';


$lang['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$lang['hello word'] = 'Hello Word';

you can store multiple files for same language with differently as per the requirement e.g, if you want separate language file for managing backend (administrator section) you can use it in controller as $this->lang->load('nl_admin', 'nl');


$lang['welcome'] = 'Welkom';
$lang['hello word'] = 'worde Witaj';

and finally to print the label in desired language, access labels as below in view

label('welcome', $this);


label('hello word', $this);

note the space in hello & word you can use it like this way as well :)

whene there is no lable defined in the language file, it will simply print it what you passed to the function label.

Best practice multi language website

I suggest you not to invent a wheel and use gettext and ISO languages abbrevs list. Have you seen how i18n/l10n implemented in popular CMSes or frameworks?

Using gettext you will have a powerful tool where many of cases is already implemented like plural forms of numbers. In english you have only 2 options: singular and plural. But in Russian for example there are 3 forms and its not as simple as in english.

Also many translators already have experience to work with gettext.

Take a look to CakePHP or Drupal . Both multilingual enabled. CakePHP as example of interface localization and Drupal as example of content translation.

For l10n using database isn't the case at all. It will be tons on queries. Standard approach is to get all l10n data in memory in early stage (or during first call to i10n function if you prefer lazy loading). It can be reading from .po file or from DB all data at once. And than just read requested strings from array.

If you need to implement online tool to translate interface you can have all that data in DB but than still save all data to file to work with it. To reduce amount of data in memory you can split all your translated messages/strings into groups and than load only that groups you need if it will be possible.

So you totally right in your #3. With one exception: usually it is one big file not a per-controller file or so. Because it is best for performance to open one file. You probably know that some highloaded web apps compiles all PHP code in one file to avoid file operations when include/require called.

About URLs. Google indirectly suggest to use translation:

to clearly indicate French content:élo-de-montagne.html

Also i think you need to redirect user to default language prefix e.g. will redirects to But if your site use only one language so you don't need prefixes at all.

Check out:

Translating content is more difficult task. I think it will be some differences with different types of content e.g. articles, menu items etc. But in #4 you're in the right way. Take a look in Drupal to have more ideas. It have clear enough DB schema and good enough interface for translating. Like you creating article and select language for it. And than you can later translate it to other languages.

Drupal translation interface

I think it isn't problem with URL slugs. You can just create separate table for slugs and it will be right decision. Also using right indexes it isn't problem to query table even with huge amount of data. And it wasn't full text search but string match if will use varchar data type for slug and you can have an index on that field too.

PS Sorry, my English is far from perfect though.

Android Facebook 4.0 SDK How to get Email, Date of Birth and gender of User

That's not the right way to set the permissions as you are overwriting them with each method call.

Replace this:


With the following, as the method setReadPermissions() accepts an ArrayList:

        "public_profile", "email", "user_birthday", "user_friends"));

Also here is how to query extra data GraphRequest:

private LoginButton loginButton;
private CallbackManager callbackManager;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    loginButton = (LoginButton) findViewById(;

            "public_profile", "email", "user_birthday", "user_friends"));

    callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create();

    // Callback registration
    loginButton.registerCallback(callbackManager, new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
        public void onSuccess(LoginResult loginResult) {
            // App code
            GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newMeRequest(
                    new GraphRequest.GraphJSONObjectCallback() {
                        public void onCompleted(JSONObject object, GraphResponse response) {
                            Log.v("LoginActivity", response.toString());

                            // Application code
                            String email = object.getString("email");
                            String birthday = object.getString("birthday"); // 01/31/1980 format
            Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
            parameters.putString("fields", "id,name,email,gender,birthday");


        public void onCancel() {
            // App code
            Log.v("LoginActivity", "cancel");

        public void onError(FacebookException exception) {
            // App code
            Log.v("LoginActivity", exception.getCause().toString());


One possible problem is that Facebook assumes that your email is invalid. To test it, use the Graph API Explorer and try to get it. If even there you can't get your email, change it in your profile settings and try again. This approach resolved this issue for some developers commenting my answer.

"rm -rf" equivalent for Windows?

You can install GnuWin32 and use *nix commands natively on windows. I install this before I install anything else on a minty fresh copy of windows. :)

Setting environment variables in Linux using Bash

The reason people often suggest writing

export VAR

instead of the shorter

export VAR=value

is that the longer form works in more different shells than the short form. If you know you're dealing with bash, either works fine, of course.

How do I add a project as a dependency of another project?

Assuming the MyEjbProject is not another Maven Project you own or want to build with maven, you could use system dependencies to link to the existing jar file of the project like so


That said it is usually the better (and preferred way) to install the package to the repository either by making it a maven project and building it or installing it the way you already seem to do.

If they are, however, dependent on each other, you can always create a separate parent project (has to be a "pom" project) declaring the two other projects as its "modules". (The child projects would not have to declare the third project as their parent). As a consequence you'd get a new directory for the new parent project, where you'd also quite probably put the two independent projects like this:

|- pom.xml
|- MyEJBProject
|   `- pom.xml
`- MyWarProject
    `- pom.xml

The parent project would get a "modules" section to name all the child modules. The aggregator would then use the dependencies in the child modules to actually find out the order in which the projects are to be built)



That way the projects can relate to each other but (once they are installed in the local repository) still be used independently as artifacts in other projects

Finally, if your projects are not in related directories, you might try to give them as relative modules:

 |- mywarproject
 |   `pom.xml
 |- myejbproject
 |   `pom.xml
 `- parent

now you could just do this (worked in maven 2, just tried it):


Delete all the queues from RabbitMQ?

I made a, which accepts arguments to search the list of queues for, selecting only ones matching the pattern you want. If you offer no arguments, it will delete them all! It shows you the list of queues its about to delete, letting you quit before doing anything destructive.

for word in "$@"
        newQueues=$(rabbitmqctl list_queues name | grep "$word")
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
        queues=$(rabbitmqctl list_queues name | grep -v "\.\.\.")

queues=$(echo "$queues" | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d')

if [ "x$queues" == "x" ]; then
        echo "No queues to delete, giving up."
        exit 0

read -p "Deleting the following queues:
[CTRL+C quit | ENTER proceed]

while read -r line; do
        rabbitmqadmin delete queue name="$line"
done <<< "$queues"

If you want different matching against the arguments you pass in, you can alter the grep in line four. When deleting all queues, it won't delete ones with three consecutive spaces in them, because I figured that eventuality would be rarer than people who have rabbitmqctl printing its output out in different languages.


How to export html table to excel using javascript

    function XLExport() {
        try {
            var i;
            var j;
            var mycell;
            var tableID = "tblInnerHTML";

            var objXL = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
            var objWB = objXL.Workbooks.Add();
            var objWS = objWB.ActiveSheet;

            for (i = 0; i < document.getElementById('<%= tblAuditReport.ClientID %>').rows.length; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < document.getElementById('<%= tblAuditReport.ClientID %>').rows(i).cells.length; j++) {
                    mycell = document.getElementById('<%= tblAuditReport.ClientID %>').rows(i).cells(j);
                    objWS.Cells(i + 1, j + 1).Value = mycell.innerText;

            //objWS.Range("A1", "L1").Font.Bold = true;

            objWS.Range("A1", "Z1").EntireColumn.AutoFit();

            //objWS.Range("C1", "C1").ColumnWidth = 50;

            objXL.Visible = true;

        catch (err) {


Error: Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found

Well, I faced the same issue as soon as I updated my angular cli version.

Earlier I was using 1.7.4 and just now I upgraded it to angular cli 6.0.8.

To update Angular Cli global:

npm uninstall -g angular-cli
npm cache clean 
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

To update Angular Cli dev:

npm uninstall --save-dev angular-cli
npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest
npm install

To fix audit issues after npm install:

npm audit fix

To fix the issue related to "angular.json":

ng update @angular/cli --migrate-only --from=1.7.4

Linear regression with matplotlib / numpy

arange generates lists (well, numpy arrays); type help(np.arange) for the details. You don't need to call it on existing lists.

>>> x = [1,2,3,4]
>>> y = [3,5,7,9] 
>>> m,b = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
>>> m
>>> b

I should add that I tend to use poly1d here rather than write out "m*x+b" and the higher-order equivalents, so my version of your code would look something like this:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = [1,2,3,4]
y = [3,5,7,10] # 10, not 9, so the fit isn't perfect

coef = np.polyfit(x,y,1)
poly1d_fn = np.poly1d(coef) 
# poly1d_fn is now a function which takes in x and returns an estimate for y

plt.plot(x,y, 'yo', x, poly1d_fn(x), '--k')
plt.xlim(0, 5)
plt.ylim(0, 12)

enter image description here

How to put labels over geom_bar in R with ggplot2

To plot text on a ggplot you use the geom_text. But I find it helpful to summarise the data first using ddply

dfl <- ddply(df, .(x), summarize, y=length(x))

Since the data is pre-summarized, you need to remember to change add the stat="identity" parameter to geom_bar:

ggplot(dfl, aes(x, y=y, fill=x)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    geom_text(aes(label=y), vjust=0) +

enter image description here

An implementation of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in C# is an open-source C# mathematics library with FFT algorithms.

Google Play Services Missing in Emulator (Android 4.4.2)

You will not able to test the app using the Google-Play-Service library in emulator. In order to test that app in emulator you need to install some system framework in your emulator to make it work.

Refer the above answer to install Google play service on your emulator.

OraOLEDB.Oracle provider is not registered on the local machine

After spend hours to fix that; and for some who installed it uncorrectly, you need to uninstall current version and reinstall it again as Administratorenter image description here

Alter and Assign Object Without Side Effects

This is a textbook case for a constructor function:

var myArray = [];

function myElement(id, value){ = id
    this.value = value

myArray[0] = new myElement(0,1)
myArray[1] = new myElement(2,3)
// or myArray.push(new myElement(1, 1))

How to secure an ASP.NET Web API

Web API introduced an Attribute [Authorize] to provide security. This can be set globally (global.asx)

public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
    config.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute());

Or per controller:

public class ValuesController : ApiController{

Of course your type of authentication may vary and you may want to perform your own authentication, when this occurs you may find useful inheriting from Authorizate Attribute and extending it to meet your requirements:

public class DemoAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
        if (Authorize(actionContext))

    protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
        var challengeMessage = new System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
        challengeMessage.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic");
        throw new HttpResponseException(challengeMessage);

    private bool Authorize(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
            var someCode = (from h in actionContext.Request.Headers where h.Key == "demo" select h.Value.First()).FirstOrDefault();
            return someCode == "myCode";
        catch (Exception)
            return false;

And in your controller:

public class ValuesController : ApiController{

Here is a link on other custom implemenation for WebApi Authorizations:

Case insensitive searching in Oracle

Since 10gR2, Oracle allows to fine-tune the behaviour of string comparisons by setting the NLS_COMP and NLS_SORT session parameters:







Session altered.


Session altered.






You can also create case insensitive indexes:

create index

This information was taken from Oracle case insensitive searches. The article mentions REGEXP_LIKE but it seems to work with good old = as well.

In versions older than 10gR2 it can't really be done and the usual approach, if you don't need accent-insensitive search, is to just UPPER() both the column and the search expression.

How can I access a hover state in reactjs?

ReactJs defines the following synthetic events for mouse events:

onClick onContextMenu onDoubleClick onDrag onDragEnd onDragEnter onDragExit
onDragLeave onDragOver onDragStart onDrop onMouseDown onMouseEnter onMouseLeave
onMouseMove onMouseOut onMouseOver onMouseUp

As you can see there is no hover event, because browsers do not define a hover event natively.

You will want to add handlers for onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave for hover behavior.

ReactJS Docs - Events

Gerrit error when Change-Id in commit messages are missing

under my .git/hooks folder, some sample files were missing. like commit-msg,post-commit.sample,post-update.sample...adding these files resolved my change id missing issue.

Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee

I made my own version, based in the code presented above by @Tats_innit . The difference is the pause function. Works a little better in that aspect.

(function ($) {
var timeVar, width=0;

$.fn.textWidth = function () {
    var calc = '<span style="display:none">' + $(this).text() + '</span>';
    var width = $('body').find('span:last').width();
    return width;

$.fn.marquee = function (args) {
    var that = $(this);
    if (width == 0) { width = that.width(); };
    var textWidth = that.textWidth(), offset = that.width(), i = 0, stop = textWidth * -1, dfd = $.Deferred(),
        css = {
            'text-indent': that.css('text-indent'),
            'overflow': that.css('overflow'),
            'white-space': that.css('white-space')
        marqueeCss = {
            'text-indent': width,
            'overflow': 'hidden',
            'white-space': 'nowrap'
        args = $.extend(true, { count: -1, speed: 1e1, leftToRight: false, pause: false }, args);

    function go() {
        if (!that.length) return dfd.reject();
        if (width <= stop) {
            if (i <= args.count) {
                return dfd.resolve();
            if (args.leftToRight) {
                width = textWidth * -1;
            } else {
                width = offset;
        that.css('text-indent', width + 'px');
        if (args.leftToRight) {
        } else {
        if (args.pause == false) { timeVar = setTimeout(function () { go() }, args.speed); };
        if (args.pause == true) { clearTimeout(timeVar); };

    if (args.leftToRight) {
        width = textWidth * -1;
        stop = offset;
    } else {

    timeVar = setTimeout(function () { go() }, 100);

    return dfd.promise();


for start: $('#Text1').marquee()

pause: $('#Text1').marquee({ pause: true })

resume: $('#Text1').marquee({ pause: false })

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server

Sql Server fire this error when your application don't have enough rights to access the database. there are several reason about this error . To fix this error you should follow the following instruction.

  1. Try to connect sql server from your server using management studio . if you use windows authentication to connect sql server then set your application pool identity to server administrator .

  2. if you use sql server authentication then check you connection string in web.config of your web application and set user id and password of sql server which allows you to log in .

  3. if your database in other server(access remote database) then first of enable remote access of sql server form sql server property from sql server management studio and enable TCP/IP form sql server configuration manager .

  4. after doing all these stuff and you still can't access the database then check firewall of server form where you are trying to access the database and add one rule in firewall to enable port of sql server(by default sql server use 1433 , to check port of sql server you need to check sql server configuration manager network protocol TCP/IP port).

  5. if your sql server is running on named instance then you need to write port number with sql serer name for example 117.312.21.21/nameofsqlserver,1433.

  6. If you are using cloud hosting like amazon aws or microsoft azure then server or instance will running behind cloud firewall so you need to enable 1433 port in cloud firewall if you have default instance or specific port for sql server for named instance.

  7. If you are using amazon RDS or SQL azure then you need to enable port from security group of that instance.

  8. If you are accessing sql server through sql server authentication mode them make sure you enabled "SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode" sql server instance property. enter image description here

    1. Restart your sql server instance after making any changes in property as some changes will require restart.

if you further face any difficulty then you need to provide more information about your web site and sql server .

How to invoke function from external .c file in C?

You can include the .c files, no problem with it logically, but according to the standard to hide the implementation of the function but to provide the binaries, headers and source files techniques are used, where the headers are used to define the function signatures where as the source files have the implementation. When you sell your project to outside you just ship the headers and binaries(libs and dlls) so that you hide the main logic behind your function implementation.

Here the problem is you have to use "" instead of <> as you are including a file which is located inside the same directory to the file where the inclusion happens. It is common to both .c and .h files

SHA512 vs. Blowfish and Bcrypt

Blowfish isn't better than MD5 or SHA512, as they serve different purposes. MD5 and SHA512 are hashing algorithms, Blowfish is an encryption algorithm. Two entirely different cryptographic functions.

How to uninstall Apache with command line

sc delete Apache2.4

Remove service in windows

CSS to hide INPUT BUTTON value text

Instead, just do a hook_form_alter and make the button an image button and you are done!

(13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream:[nginx]

  1. Check the user in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  2. Change ownership to user.
sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /var/lib/nginx

Now see the magic.

Android - drawable with rounded corners at the top only

Try to do something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <item android:bottom="-20dp" android:left="-20dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/white" />

            <corners android:radius="20dp" />

It seems does not suitable to set different corner radius of rectangle. So you can use this hack.

how to set cursor style to pointer for links without hrefs

Just add this to your global CSS style:

a { cursor: pointer; }

This way you're not dependent on the browser default cursor style anymore.

How do I declare a two dimensional array?

And for me the argument about whether an array should be sparse or not depends on the context.

For example, if $a[6][9] is not populated is the equivalent to $a[6][9] being populated with for example with "" or 0.

Join two data frames, select all columns from one and some columns from the other

drop duplicate b_id

c = a.join(b, a.a_id == b.b_id).drop(b.b_id)

Adding git branch on the Bash command prompt

parse_git_branch() {
    git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
export PS1='\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]$(parse_git_branch)\n\$ '

How to find out line-endings in a text file?

Try file then file -k then dos2unix -ih

file will usually be enough. But for tough cases try file -k or dosunix -ih.

Details below.

Try file -k

Short version: file -k somefile.txt will tell you.

  • It will output with CRLF line endings for DOS/Windows line endings.
  • It will output with LF line endings for MAC line endings.
  • And for Linux/Unix line "CR" it will just output text. (So if it does not explicitly mention any kind of line endings then this implicitly means: "CR line endings".)

Long version see below.

Real world example: Certificate Encoding

I sometimes have to check this for PEM certificate files.

The trouble with regular file is this: Sometimes it's trying to be too smart/too specific.

Let's try a little quiz: I've got some files. And one of these files has different line endings. Which one?

(By the way: this is what one of my typical "certificate work" directories looks like.)

Let's try regular file:

$ file -- *
0.example.end.cer:         PEM certificate
0.example.end.key:         PEM RSA private key         PEM certificate
2.example.root.cer:        PEM certificate
example.opensslconfig.ini: ASCII text
example.req:               PEM certificate request

Huh. It's not telling me the line endings. And I already knew that those were cert files. I didn't need "file" to tell me that.

What else can you try?

You might try dos2unix with the --info switch like this:

$ dos2unix --info -- *
  37       0       0  no_bom    text    0.example.end.cer
   0      27       0  no_bom    text    0.example.end.key
   0      28       0  no_bom    text
   0      25       0  no_bom    text    2.example.root.cer
   0      35       0  no_bom    text    example.opensslconfig.ini
   0      19       0  no_bom    text    example.req

So that tells you that: yup, "0.example.end.cer" must be the odd man out. But what kind of line endings are there? Do you know the dos2unix output format by heart? (I don't.)

But fortunately there's the --keep-going (or -k for short) option in file:

$ file --keep-going -- *
0.example.end.cer:         PEM certificate\012- , ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators\012- data
0.example.end.key:         PEM RSA private key\012- , ASCII text\012- data         PEM certificate\012- , ASCII text\012- data
2.example.root.cer:        PEM certificate\012- , ASCII text\012- data
example.opensslconfig.ini: ASCII text\012- data
example.req:               PEM certificate request\012- , ASCII text\012- data

Excellent! Now we know that our odd file has DOS (CRLF) line endings. (And the other files have Unix (LF) line endings. This is not explicit in this output. It's implicit. It's just the way file expects a "regular" text file to be.)

(If you wanna share my mnemonic: "L" is for "Linux" and for "LF".)

Now let's convert the culprit and try again:

$ dos2unix -- 0.example.end.cer

$ file --keep-going -- *
0.example.end.cer:         PEM certificate\012- , ASCII text\012- data
0.example.end.key:         PEM RSA private key\012- , ASCII text\012- data         PEM certificate\012- , ASCII text\012- data
2.example.root.cer:        PEM certificate\012- , ASCII text\012- data
example.opensslconfig.ini: ASCII text\012- data
example.req:               PEM certificate request\012- , ASCII text\012- data  

Good. Now all certs have Unix line endings.

Try dos2unix -ih

I didn't know this when I was writing the example above but:

Actually it turns out that dos2unix will give you a header line if you use -ih (short for --info=h) like so:

$ dos2unix -ih -- *
   0      37       0  no_bom    text    0.example.end.cer
   0      27       0  no_bom    text    0.example.end.key
   0      28       0  no_bom    text
   0      25       0  no_bom    text    2.example.root.cer
   0      35       0  no_bom    text    example.opensslconfig.ini
   0      19       0  no_bom    text    example.req

And another "actually" moment: The header format is really easy to remember: Here's two mnemonics:

  1. It's DUMB (left to right: d for Dos, u for Unix, m for Mac, b for BOM).
  2. And also: "DUM" is just the alphabetical ordering of D, U and M.

Further reading

Change directory in PowerShell

If your Folder inside a Drive contains spaces In Power Shell you can Simply Type the command then drive name and folder name within Single Quotes(''):

Set-Location -Path 'E:\FOLDER NAME'

The Screenshot is attached here

How to select id with max date group by category in PostgreSQL?

This is a perfect use-case for DISTINCT ON - a Postgres specific extension of the standard DISTINCT:

       id  -- , category, date  -- any other column (expression) from the same row
FROM   tbl
ORDER  BY category, date DESC;

Careful with descending sort order. If the column can be NULL, you may want to add NULLS LAST:

DISTINCT ON is simple and fast. Detailed explanation in this related answer:

For big tables with many rows per category consider an alternative approach:

repaint() in Java

You may need to call frame.repaint() as well to force the frame to actually redraw itself. I've had issues before where I tried to repaint a component and it wasn't updating what was displayed until the parent's repaint() method was called.

How to automatically generate N "distinct" colors?

This questions appears in quite a few SO discussions:

Different solutions are proposed, but none are optimal. Luckily, science comes to the rescue

Arbitrary N

The last 2 will be free via most university libraries / proxies.

N is finite and relatively small

In this case, one could go for a list solution. A very interesting article in the subject is freely available:

There are several color lists to consider:

  • Boynton's list of 11 colors that are almost never confused (available in the first paper of the previous section)
  • Kelly's 22 colors of maximum contrast (available in the paper above)

I also ran into this Palette by an MIT student. Lastly, The following links may be useful in converting between different color systems / coordinates (some colors in the articles are not specified in RGB, for instance):

For Kelly's and Boynton's list, I've already made the conversion to RGB (with the exception of white and black, which should be obvious). Some C# code:

public static ReadOnlyCollection<Color> KellysMaxContrastSet
    get { return _kellysMaxContrastSet.AsReadOnly(); }

private static readonly List<Color> _kellysMaxContrastSet = new List<Color>
    UIntToColor(0xFFFFB300), //Vivid Yellow
    UIntToColor(0xFF803E75), //Strong Purple
    UIntToColor(0xFFFF6800), //Vivid Orange
    UIntToColor(0xFFA6BDD7), //Very Light Blue
    UIntToColor(0xFFC10020), //Vivid Red
    UIntToColor(0xFFCEA262), //Grayish Yellow
    UIntToColor(0xFF817066), //Medium Gray

    //The following will not be good for people with defective color vision
    UIntToColor(0xFF007D34), //Vivid Green
    UIntToColor(0xFFF6768E), //Strong Purplish Pink
    UIntToColor(0xFF00538A), //Strong Blue
    UIntToColor(0xFFFF7A5C), //Strong Yellowish Pink
    UIntToColor(0xFF53377A), //Strong Violet
    UIntToColor(0xFFFF8E00), //Vivid Orange Yellow
    UIntToColor(0xFFB32851), //Strong Purplish Red
    UIntToColor(0xFFF4C800), //Vivid Greenish Yellow
    UIntToColor(0xFF7F180D), //Strong Reddish Brown
    UIntToColor(0xFF93AA00), //Vivid Yellowish Green
    UIntToColor(0xFF593315), //Deep Yellowish Brown
    UIntToColor(0xFFF13A13), //Vivid Reddish Orange
    UIntToColor(0xFF232C16), //Dark Olive Green

public static ReadOnlyCollection<Color> BoyntonOptimized
    get { return _boyntonOptimized.AsReadOnly(); }

private static readonly List<Color> _boyntonOptimized = new List<Color>
    Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255),      //Blue
    Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0),      //Red
    Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0),      //Green
    Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0),    //Yellow
    Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255),    //Magenta
    Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 128),  //Pink
    Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128),  //Gray
    Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0),      //Brown
    Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 0),    //Orange

static public Color UIntToColor(uint color)
    var a = (byte)(color >> 24);
    var r = (byte)(color >> 16);
    var g = (byte)(color >> 8);
    var b = (byte)(color >> 0);
    return Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);

And here are the RGB values in hex and 8-bit-per-channel representations:

kelly_colors_hex = [
    0xFFB300, # Vivid Yellow
    0x803E75, # Strong Purple
    0xFF6800, # Vivid Orange
    0xA6BDD7, # Very Light Blue
    0xC10020, # Vivid Red
    0xCEA262, # Grayish Yellow
    0x817066, # Medium Gray

    # The following don't work well for people with defective color vision
    0x007D34, # Vivid Green
    0xF6768E, # Strong Purplish Pink
    0x00538A, # Strong Blue
    0xFF7A5C, # Strong Yellowish Pink
    0x53377A, # Strong Violet
    0xFF8E00, # Vivid Orange Yellow
    0xB32851, # Strong Purplish Red
    0xF4C800, # Vivid Greenish Yellow
    0x7F180D, # Strong Reddish Brown
    0x93AA00, # Vivid Yellowish Green
    0x593315, # Deep Yellowish Brown
    0xF13A13, # Vivid Reddish Orange
    0x232C16, # Dark Olive Green

kelly_colors = dict(vivid_yellow=(255, 179, 0),
                    strong_purple=(128, 62, 117),
                    vivid_orange=(255, 104, 0),
                    very_light_blue=(166, 189, 215),
                    vivid_red=(193, 0, 32),
                    grayish_yellow=(206, 162, 98),
                    medium_gray=(129, 112, 102),

                    # these aren't good for people with defective color vision:
                    vivid_green=(0, 125, 52),
                    strong_purplish_pink=(246, 118, 142),
                    strong_blue=(0, 83, 138),
                    strong_yellowish_pink=(255, 122, 92),
                    strong_violet=(83, 55, 122),
                    vivid_orange_yellow=(255, 142, 0),
                    strong_purplish_red=(179, 40, 81),
                    vivid_greenish_yellow=(244, 200, 0),
                    strong_reddish_brown=(127, 24, 13),
                    vivid_yellowish_green=(147, 170, 0),
                    deep_yellowish_brown=(89, 51, 21),
                    vivid_reddish_orange=(241, 58, 19),
                    dark_olive_green=(35, 44, 22))

For all you Java developers, here are the JavaFX colors:

// Don't forget to import javafx.scene.paint.Color;

private static final Color[] KELLY_COLORS = {
    Color.web("0xFFB300"),    // Vivid Yellow
    Color.web("0x803E75"),    // Strong Purple
    Color.web("0xFF6800"),    // Vivid Orange
    Color.web("0xA6BDD7"),    // Very Light Blue
    Color.web("0xC10020"),    // Vivid Red
    Color.web("0xCEA262"),    // Grayish Yellow
    Color.web("0x817066"),    // Medium Gray

    Color.web("0x007D34"),    // Vivid Green
    Color.web("0xF6768E"),    // Strong Purplish Pink
    Color.web("0x00538A"),    // Strong Blue
    Color.web("0xFF7A5C"),    // Strong Yellowish Pink
    Color.web("0x53377A"),    // Strong Violet
    Color.web("0xFF8E00"),    // Vivid Orange Yellow
    Color.web("0xB32851"),    // Strong Purplish Red
    Color.web("0xF4C800"),    // Vivid Greenish Yellow
    Color.web("0x7F180D"),    // Strong Reddish Brown
    Color.web("0x93AA00"),    // Vivid Yellowish Green
    Color.web("0x593315"),    // Deep Yellowish Brown
    Color.web("0xF13A13"),    // Vivid Reddish Orange
    Color.web("0x232C16"),    // Dark Olive Green

the following is the unsorted kelly colors according to the order above.

unsorted kelly colors

the following is the sorted kelly colors according to hues (note that some yellows are not very contrasting)

 sorted kelly colors

How do I escape reserved words used as column names? MySQL/Create Table

You should use back tick character (`) eg:

create table if not exists misc_info (

How can I enable CORS on Django REST Framework

pip install django-cors-headers

and then add it to your installed apps:


You will also need to add a middleware class to listen in on responses:


CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True # If this is used then `CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST` will not have any effect
] # If this is used, then not need to use `CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True`

more details:

read the official documentation can resolve almost all problem

SMTP Connect() failed. Message was not sent.Mailer error: SMTP Connect() failed

To get it working, I had to go to -> "connected apps & sites", and turn "Allow less secure apps" to "ON" (near the bottom of the page).

How to set a value for a selectize.js input?

First load select dropdown and then selectize it. It will work with normal $(select).val().

difference between System.out.println() and System.err.println()

It's worth noting that an OS has one queue for both System.err and System.out. Consider the following code:

public class PrintQueue {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

If you compile and run the program, you will see that the order of outputs in console is mixed up.

An OS will remain right order if you work either with System.out or System.err only. But it can randomly choose what to print next to console, if you use both of these.

Even in this code snippet you can see that the order is mixed up sometimes:

public class PrintQueue {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

SQL Server query to find all permissions/access for all users in a database

Due to low rep can't reply with this to the people asking to run this on multiple databases/SQL Servers.

Create a registered server group and query across them all us the following and just cursor through the databases:

--Make sure all ' are doubled within the SQL string.

DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(50)   
DECLARE @statement NVARCHAR(max)

FROM MASTER.dbo.sysdatabases
where name like '%DBName%'

OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  

SELECT @statement = 'use '+@dbname +';'+ '
Security Audit Report
1) List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group directly
2) List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group through a database or application role
3) List all access provisioned to the public role

Columns Returned:
UserType        : Value will be either ''SQL User'', ''Windows User'', or ''Windows Group''.
                  This reflects the type of user/group defined for the SQL Server account.
DatabaseUserName: Name of the associated user as defined in the database user account.  The database user may not be the
                  same as the server user.
LoginName       : SQL or Windows/Active Directory user account.  This could also be an Active Directory group.
Role            : The role name.  This will be null if the associated permissions to the object are defined at directly
                  on the user account, otherwise this will be the name of the role that the user is a member of.
PermissionType  : Type of permissions the user/role has on an object. Examples could include CONNECT, EXECUTE, SELECT
                  This value may not be populated for all roles.  Some built in roles have implicit permission
PermissionState : Reflects the state of the permission type, examples could include GRANT, DENY, etc.
                  This value may not be populated for all roles.  Some built in roles have implicit permission
ObjectType      : Type of object the user/role is assigned permissions on.  Examples could include USER_TABLE,
                  This value may not be populated for all roles.  Some built in roles have implicit permission
Schema          : Name of the schema the object is in.
ObjectName      : Name of the object that the user/role is assigned permissions on.
                  This value may not be populated for all roles.  Some built in roles have implicit permission
ColumnName      : Name of the column of the object that the user/role is assigned permissions on. This value
                  is only populated if the object is a table, view or a table value function.

    --1) List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group directly
        [UserType] = CASE princ.[type]
                         WHEN ''S'' THEN ''SQL User''
                         WHEN ''U'' THEN ''Windows User''
                         WHEN ''G'' THEN ''Windows Group''
        [DatabaseUserName] = princ.[name],
        [LoginName]        = ulogin.[name],
        [Role]             = NULL,
        [PermissionType]   = perm.[permission_name],
        [PermissionState]  = perm.[state_desc],
        [ObjectType] = CASE perm.[class]
                           WHEN 1 THEN obj.[type_desc]        -- Schema-contained objects
                           ELSE perm.[class_desc]             -- Higher-level objects
        [Schema] = objschem.[name],
        [ObjectName] = CASE perm.[class]
                           WHEN 3 THEN permschem.[name]       -- Schemas
                           WHEN 4 THEN imp.[name]             -- Impersonations
                           ELSE OBJECT_NAME(perm.[major_id])  -- General objects
        [ColumnName] = col.[name]
        --Database user
        sys.database_principals            AS princ
        --Login accounts
        LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals    AS ulogin    ON ulogin.[sid] = princ.[sid]
        LEFT JOIN sys.database_permissions AS perm      ON perm.[grantee_principal_id] = princ.[principal_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.schemas              AS permschem ON permschem.[schema_id] = perm.[major_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.objects              AS obj       ON obj.[object_id] = perm.[major_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.schemas              AS objschem  ON objschem.[schema_id] = obj.[schema_id]
        --Table columns
        LEFT JOIN sys.columns              AS col       ON col.[object_id] = perm.[major_id]
                                                           AND col.[column_id] = perm.[minor_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals  AS imp       ON imp.[principal_id] = perm.[major_id]
        princ.[type] IN (''S'',''U'',''G'')
        -- No need for these system accounts
        AND princ.[name] NOT IN (''sys'', ''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'')


    --2) List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group through a database or application role
        [UserType] = CASE membprinc.[type]
                         WHEN ''S'' THEN ''SQL User''
                         WHEN ''U'' THEN ''Windows User''
                         WHEN ''G'' THEN ''Windows Group''
        [DatabaseUserName] = membprinc.[name],
        [LoginName]        = ulogin.[name],
        [Role]             = roleprinc.[name],
        [PermissionType]   = perm.[permission_name],
        [PermissionState]  = perm.[state_desc],
        [ObjectType] = CASE perm.[class]
                           WHEN 1 THEN obj.[type_desc]        -- Schema-contained objects
                           ELSE perm.[class_desc]             -- Higher-level objects
        [Schema] = objschem.[name],
        [ObjectName] = CASE perm.[class]
                           WHEN 3 THEN permschem.[name]       -- Schemas
                           WHEN 4 THEN imp.[name]             -- Impersonations
                           ELSE OBJECT_NAME(perm.[major_id])  -- General objects
        [ColumnName] = col.[name]
        --Role/member associations
        sys.database_role_members          AS members
        JOIN      sys.database_principals  AS roleprinc ON roleprinc.[principal_id] = members.[role_principal_id]
        --Role members (database users)
        JOIN      sys.database_principals  AS membprinc ON membprinc.[principal_id] = members.[member_principal_id]
        --Login accounts
        LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals    AS ulogin    ON ulogin.[sid] = membprinc.[sid]
        LEFT JOIN sys.database_permissions AS perm      ON perm.[grantee_principal_id] = roleprinc.[principal_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.schemas              AS permschem ON permschem.[schema_id] = perm.[major_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.objects              AS obj       ON obj.[object_id] = perm.[major_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.schemas              AS objschem  ON objschem.[schema_id] = obj.[schema_id]
        --Table columns
        LEFT JOIN sys.columns              AS col       ON col.[object_id] = perm.[major_id]
                                                           AND col.[column_id] = perm.[minor_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals  AS imp       ON imp.[principal_id] = perm.[major_id]
        membprinc.[type] IN (''S'',''U'',''G'')
        -- No need for these system accounts
        AND membprinc.[name] NOT IN (''sys'', ''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'')


    --3) List all access provisioned to the public role, which everyone gets by default
        [UserType]         = ''{All Users}'',
        [DatabaseUserName] = ''{All Users}'',
        [LoginName]        = ''{All Users}'',
        [Role]             = roleprinc.[name],
        [PermissionType]   = perm.[permission_name],
        [PermissionState]  = perm.[state_desc],
        [ObjectType] = CASE perm.[class]
                           WHEN 1 THEN obj.[type_desc]        -- Schema-contained objects
                           ELSE perm.[class_desc]             -- Higher-level objects
        [Schema] = objschem.[name],
        [ObjectName] = CASE perm.[class]
                           WHEN 3 THEN permschem.[name]       -- Schemas
                           WHEN 4 THEN imp.[name]             -- Impersonations
                           ELSE OBJECT_NAME(perm.[major_id])  -- General objects
        [ColumnName] = col.[name]
        sys.database_principals            AS roleprinc
        --Role permissions
        LEFT JOIN sys.database_permissions AS perm      ON perm.[grantee_principal_id] = roleprinc.[principal_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.schemas              AS permschem ON permschem.[schema_id] = perm.[major_id]
        --All objects
        JOIN      sys.objects              AS obj       ON obj.[object_id] = perm.[major_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.schemas              AS objschem  ON objschem.[schema_id] = obj.[schema_id]
        --Table columns
        LEFT JOIN sys.columns              AS col       ON col.[object_id] = perm.[major_id]
                                                           AND col.[column_id] = perm.[minor_id]
        LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals  AS imp       ON imp.[principal_id] = perm.[major_id]
        roleprinc.[type] = ''R''
        AND roleprinc.[name] = ''public''
        AND obj.[is_ms_shipped] = 0

exec sp_executesql @statement

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  
CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor 

This thread massively helped me thanks everyone!

Better solution without exluding fields from Binding

You should not use your domain models in your views. ViewModels are the correct way to do it.

You need to map your domain model's necessary fields to viewmodel and then use this viewmodel in your controllers. This way you will have the necessery abstraction in your application.

If you never heard of viewmodels, take a look at this.

What is the meaning of the CascadeType.ALL for a @ManyToOne JPA association

You shouldn't use CascadeType.ALL on @ManyToOne since entity state transitions should propagate from parent entities to child ones, not the other way around.

The @ManyToOne side is always the Child association since it maps the underlying Foreign Key column.

Therefore, you should move the CascadeType.ALL from the @ManyToOne association to the @OneToMany side, which should also use the mappedBy attribute since it's the most efficient one-to-many table relationship mapping.

Error:Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file.Try supplying a main-dex list. # methods: 72477 > 65536

multiDexEnabled true

Please try adding this in your app defaultConfig {}.This help me to solve the problem

Code to loop through all records in MS Access

In "References", import DAO 3.6 object reference.

private sub showTableData

dim db as dao.database
dim rs as dao.recordset

set db = currentDb
set rs = db.OpenRecordSet("myTable") 'myTable is a MS-Access table created previously

'populate the table

do while not rs.EOF
   debug.print(rs!myField) 'myField is a field name in table myTable
   rs.movenext             'press Ctrl+G to see debuG window beneath

msgbox("End of Table")

end sub

You can interate data objects like queries and filtered tables in different ways:

Trhough query:

private sub showQueryData

dim db as dao.database
dim rs as dao.recordset
dim sqlStr as string

sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM customers as c WHERE'Brazil'"

set db = currentDb
set rs = db.openRecordset(sqlStr)


do while not rs.EOF
  debug.print("cust ID: " & rs!id & " cust name: " & rs!name)

msgbox("End of customers from Brazil")

end sub

You should also look for "Filter" property of the recordset object to filter only the desired records and then interact with them in the same way (see VB6 Help in MS-Access code window), or create a "QueryDef" object to run a query and use it as a recordset too (a little bit more tricky). Tell me if you want another aproach.

I hope I've helped.

Test for non-zero length string in Bash: [ -n "$var" ] or [ "$var" ]

It is better to use the more powerful [[ as far as Bash is concerned.

Usual cases

if [[ $var ]]; then   # var is set and it is not empty
if [[ ! $var ]]; then # var is not set or it is set to an empty string

The above two constructs look clean and readable. They should suffice in most cases.

Note that we don't need to quote the variable expansions inside [[ as there is no danger of word splitting and globbing.

To prevent shellcheck's soft complaints about [[ $var ]] and [[ ! $var ]], we could use the -n option.

Rare cases

In the rare case of us having to make a distinction between "being set to an empty string" vs "not being set at all", we could use these:

if [[ ${var+x} ]]; then           # var is set but it could be empty
if [[ ! ${var+x} ]]; then         # var is not set
if [[ ${var+x} && ! $var ]]; then # var is set and is empty

We can also use the -v test:

if [[ -v var ]]; then             # var is set but it could be empty
if [[ ! -v var ]]; then           # var is not set
if [[ -v var && ! $var ]]; then   # var is set and is empty
if [[ -v var && -z $var ]]; then  # var is set and is empty

Related posts and documentation

There are a plenty of posts related to this topic. Here are a few:

Provisioning Profiles menu item missing from Xcode 5

Stupid as it may sound but all "Provisioning Profiles" re-appear under "Organizer - Devices" once you connect a real device.

How to integrate SAP Crystal Reports in Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio 2017 is supported in Crystal Reports SP 21, which is available for download as of 1 Sep 2017.

Correctly Parsing JSON in Swift 3

This is an other way to solve your problem. So please check out below solution. Hope it will help you.

let str = "{\"names\": [\"Bob\", \"Tim\", \"Tina\"]}"
let data = String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false)!
do {
    let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as! [String: AnyObject]
    if let names = json["names"] as? [String] {
} catch let error as NSError {
    print("Failed to load: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Convert string to JSON Object

only with js



Using .NET, how can you find the mime type of a file based on the file signature not the extension

This answer is a copy of the author's answer (Richard Gourlay), but improved to solve issues on IIS 8 / win2012 (where function would cause app pool to crash), based on Rohland's comment pointing to

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


public static string GetMimeFromFile(string filename)

    if (!File.Exists(filename))
        throw new FileNotFoundException(filename + " not found");

    const int maxContent = 256;

    var buffer = new byte[maxContent];
    using (var fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open))
        if (fs.Length >= maxContent)
            fs.Read(buffer, 0, maxContent);
            fs.Read(buffer, 0, (int) fs.Length);

    var mimeTypePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
        var result = FindMimeFromData(IntPtr.Zero, null, buffer, maxContent, null, 0, out mimeTypePtr, 0);
        if (result != 0)
            throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(result);

        var mime = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(mimeTypePtr);
        return mime;
    catch (Exception e)
        if (mimeTypePtr != IntPtr.Zero)
        return "unknown/unknown";

[DllImport("urlmon.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = false)]
private static extern int FindMimeFromData(IntPtr pBC,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzUrl,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.I1, SizeParamIndex = 3)] byte[] pBuffer,
    int cbSize,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pwzMimeProposed,
    int dwMimeFlags,
    out IntPtr ppwzMimeOut,
    int dwReserved);

Drop rows containing empty cells from a pandas DataFrame

There's a situation where the cell has white space, you can't see it, use

df['col'].replace('  ', np.nan, inplace=True)

to replace white space as NaN, then

df= df.dropna(subset=['col'])

How can I write variables inside the tasks file in ansible

Whenever you have a module followed by a variable on the same line in ansible the parser will treat the reference variable as the beginning of an in-line dictionary. For example:

- name: some example
  command: {{ myapp }} -a foo

The default here is to parse the first part of {{ myapp }} -a foo as a dictionary instead of a string and you will get an error.

So you must quote the argument like so:

- name: some example
  command: "{{ myapp }} -a foo"

SQLAlchemy create_all() does not create tables

This is probably not the main reason why the create_all() method call doesn't work for people, but for me, the cobbled together instructions from various tutorials have it such that I was creating my db in a request context, meaning I have something like:

# lib/
from flask import g, current_app
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

def get_db():
  if 'db' not in g:
    g.db = SQLAlchemy(current_app)
  return g.db

I also have a separate cli command that also does the create_all:

# tasks/
from lib.db import get_db

def init_db():
  db = get_db()

I also am using a application factory.

When the cli command is run, a new app context is used, which means a new db is used. Furthermore, in this world, an import model in the init_db method does not do anything, because it may be that your model file was already loaded(and associated with a separate db).

The fix that I came around to was to make sure that the db was a single global reference:

# lib/
from flask import g, current_app
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

db = None
def get_db():
  global db
  if not db:
    db = SQLAlchemy(current_app)
  return db

I have not dug deep enough into flask, sqlalchemy, or flask-sqlalchemy to understand if this means that requests to the db from multiple threads are safe, but if you're reading this you're likely stuck in the baby stages of understanding these concepts too.

How to check if a character in a string is a digit or letter

This is a little tricky, the value you enter at keyboard, is a String value, so you have to pitch the first character with method line.chartAt(0) where, 0 is the index of the first character, and store this value in a char variable as in char c= line.charAt(0) now with the use of method isDigit() and isLetter() from class Character you can differentiate between a Digit and Letter.

here is a code for your program:

import java.util.Scanner;

class Practice
 public static void main(String[] args)
   Scanner in = new Scanner(;
   System.out.println("Input a letter"); 
   String line = in.nextLine();
   char c = line.charAt(0);
   if( Character.isDigit(c))
   System.out.println(c +" Is a digit");
   else if (Character.isLetter(c))
   System.out.println(c +" Is a Letter");


In Subversion can I be a user other than my login name?

TortoiseSVN always prompts for username. (unless you tell it not to)

Very simple C# CSV reader

My solution handles quotes, overriding field and string separators, etc. It is short and sweet.

    public static string[] CSVRowToStringArray(string r, char fieldSep = ',', char stringSep = '\"')
        bool bolQuote = false;
        StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder();
        List<string> retAry = new List<string>();

        foreach (char c in r.ToCharArray())
            if ((c == fieldSep && !bolQuote))
                if (c == stringSep)
                    bolQuote = !bolQuote;

        return retAry.ToArray();

Can pandas automatically recognize dates?

If performance matters to you make sure you time:

import sys
import timeit
import pandas as pd

print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform))
print('Pandas version %s' % pd.__version__)

repeat = 3
numbers = 100

def time(statement, _setup=None):
    print (min(
        timeit.Timer(statement, setup=_setup or setup).repeat(
            repeat, numbers)))

print("Format %m/%d/%y")
setup = """import pandas as pd
import io

data = io.StringIO('''\
''' + '''\
''' * 100)"""

time('pd.read_csv(data, parse_dates=["Date"]);')
time('pd.read_csv(data, parse_dates=["Date"],'
time('pd.read_csv(data, parse_dates=["Date"],'
     'date_parser=lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, "%m/%d/%y"));')

print("Format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
setup = """import pandas as pd
import io

data = io.StringIO('''\
''' + '''\
x1,2016-10-15 00:00:43
x2,2016-10-15 00:00:56
x3,2016-10-15 00:00:56
x4,2016-10-15 00:00:12
x5,2016-10-15 00:00:34
x6,2016-10-15 00:00:55
x7,2016-10-15 00:00:06
y7,2016-10-15 00:00:01
x8,2016-10-15 00:00:00
z3,2016-10-15 00:00:02
''' * 1000)"""

time('pd.read_csv(data, parse_dates=["Date"]);')
time('pd.read_csv(data, parse_dates=["Date"],'
time('pd.read_csv(data, parse_dates=["Date"],'
     'date_parser=lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));')


Python 3.7.1 (v3.7.1:260ec2c36a, Oct 20 2018, 03:13:28) 
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Pandas version 0.23.4
Format %m/%d/%y
Format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

So with iso8601-formatted date (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S is apparently an iso8601-formatted date, I guess the T can be dropped and replaced by a space) you should not specify infer_datetime_format (which does not make a difference with more common ones either apparently) and passing your own parser in just cripples performance. On the other hand, date_parser does make a difference with not so standard day formats. Be sure to time before you optimize, as usual.

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?

In this case you could try,

UILabel *displayLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:/*label frame*/];
displayLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:/*bold font size*/];

NSMutableAttributedString *notifyingStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Updated: 2012/10/14 21:59 PM"];
[notifyingStr beginEditing];
[notifyingStr addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
                     value:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:/*normal font size*/]
                     range:NSMakeRange(8,10)/*range of normal string, e.g. 2012/10/14*/];
[notifyingStr endEditing];

displayLabel.attributedText = notifyingStr; // or [displayLabel setAttributedText: notifyingStr];

AngularJS : Prevent error $digest already in progress when calling $scope.$apply()

I have been able to solve this problem by calling $eval instead of $apply in places where I know that the $digest function will be running.

According to the docs, $apply basically does this:

function $apply(expr) {
  try {
    return $eval(expr);
  } catch (e) {
  } finally {

In my case, an ng-click changes a variable within a scope, and a $watch on that variable changes other variables which have to be $applied. This last step causes the error "digest already in progress".

By replacing $apply with $eval inside the watch expression the scope variables get updated as expected.

Therefore, it appears that if digest is going to be running anyways because of some other change within Angular, $eval'ing is all you need to do.

How to add header to a dataset in R?

You can do the following:

Load the data:

test <- read.csv(

Note that the default value of the header argument for read.csv is TRUE so in order to get all lines you need to set it to FALSE.

Add names to the different columns in the data.frame

names(test) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K")

or alternative and faster as I understand (not reloading the entire dataset):

colnames(test) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K")

How to change value of object which is inside an array using JavaScript or jQuery?

Let you want to update value of array[2] = "data"

      if(i == 2){
         array[i] = "data";

How to fill a Javascript object literal with many static key/value pairs efficiently?

The syntax you wrote as first is not valid. You can achieve something using the follow:

var map =  {"aaa": "rrr", "bbb": "ppp" /* etc */ };

What does android:layout_weight mean?

one of the best explanations for me was this one (from the Android tutorial, look for step 7):

layout_weight is used in LinearLayouts to assign "importance" to Views within the layout. All Views have a default layout_weight of zero, meaning they take up only as much room on the screen as they need to be displayed. Assigning a value higher than zero will split up the rest of the available space in the parent View, according to the value of each View's layout_weight and its ratio to the overall layout_weight specified in the current layout for this and other View elements.

To give an example: let's say we have a text label and two text edit elements in a horizontal row. The label has no layout_weight specified, so it takes up the minimum space required to render. If the layout_weight of each of the two text edit elements is set to 1, the remaining width in the parent layout will be split equally between them (because we claim they are equally important). If the first one has a layout_weight of 1 and the second has a layout_weight of 2, then one third of the remaining space will be given to the first, and two thirds to the second (because we claim the second one is more important).

Usage of unicode() and encode() functions in Python

Make sure you've set your locale settings right before running the script from the shell, e.g.

$ locale -a | grep "^en_.\+UTF-8"
$ export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8
$ export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8

Docs: man locale, man setlocale.

Malformed String ValueError ast.literal_eval() with String representation of Tuple

From the documentation for ast.literal_eval():

Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python expression. The string or node provided may only consist of the following Python literal structures: strings, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, booleans, and None.

Decimal isn't on the list of things allowed by ast.literal_eval().

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure,

I had to set "Copy Local" in the Reference Properties to False, then back to True. Doing this added the Private True setting to the .csproj file.

<Reference Include="Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL">      <HintPath>..\packages\Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.\lib\net40\Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll</HintPath>

I had assumed this was already set, since the "Copy Local" showed as True.

How to set 777 permission on a particular folder?

  1. Right click the folder, click on Properties.
  2. Click on the Security tab
  3. Add the name Everyone to the user list.

UnicodeDecodeError, invalid continuation byte

utf-8 code error usually comes when the range of numeric values exceeding 0 to 127.

the reason to raise this exception is:

1)If the code point is < 128, each byte is the same as the value of the code point. 2)If the code point is 128 or greater, the Unicode string can’t be represented in this encoding. (Python raises a UnicodeEncodeError exception in this case.)

In order to to overcome this we have a set of encodings, the most widely used is "Latin-1, also known as ISO-8859-1"

So ISO-8859-1 Unicode points 0–255 are identical to the Latin-1 values, so converting to this encoding simply requires converting code points to byte values; if a code point larger than 255 is encountered, the string can’t be encoded into Latin-1

when this exception occurs when you are trying to load a data set ,try using this format


Add encoding technique at the end of the syntax which then accepts to load the data set.

Bootstrap full-width text-input within inline-form

As stated in a similar question, try removing instances of the input-group class and see if that helps.

refering to bootstrap:

Individual form controls automatically receive some global styling. All textual , , and elements with .form-control are set to width: 100%; by default. Wrap labels and controls in .form-group for optimum spacing.

How do I split a string so I can access item x?

Recursive CTE solution with server pain, test it

MS SQL Server 2008 Schema Setup:

create table Course( Courses varchar(100) );
insert into Course values ('Hello John Smith');

Query 1:

with cte as
   ( select 
        left( Courses, charindex( ' ' , Courses) ) as a_l,
        cast( substring( Courses, 
                         charindex( ' ' , Courses) + 1 , 
                         len(Courses ) ) + ' ' 
              as varchar(100) )  as a_r,
        Courses as a,
        0 as n
     from Course t
    union all
        left(a_r, charindex( ' ' , a_r) ) as a_l,
        substring( a_r, charindex( ' ' , a_r) + 1 , len(a_R ) ) as a_r,
        cte.n + 1 as n
    from Course t inner join cte 
         on t.Courses = cte.a and len( a_r ) > 0

select a_l, n from cte
--where N = 1


|    A_L | N |
| Hello  | 0 |
|  John  | 1 |
| Smith  | 2 |

Notepad++ Setting for Disabling Auto-open Previous Files

Use the menu item Settings>Preferences.

On the MISC tab of the resulting dialog, uncheck "Remember current session for next launch."

What are the most common naming conventions in C?

Coding in C#, java, C, C++ and objective C at the same time, I've adopted a very simple and clear naming convention to simplify my life.

First of all, it relies on the power of modern IDEs (such as eclipse, Xcode...), with the possibility to get fast information by hovering or ctrl click... Accepting that, I suppressed the use of any prefix, suffix and other markers that are simply given by the IDE.

Then, the convention:

  • Any names MUST be a readable sentence explaining what you have. Like "this is my convention".
  • Then, 4 methods to get a convention out of a sentence:
    1. THIS_IS_MY_CONVENTION for macros, enum members
    2. ThisIsMyConvention for file name, object name (class, struct, enum, union...), function name, method name, typedef
    3. this_is_my_convention global and local variables,
      parameters, struct and union elements
    4. thisismyconvention [optional] very local and temporary variables (such like a for() loop index)

And that's it.

It gives

class MyClass {
    enum TheEnumeration {

    int class_variable;

    int MyMethod(int first_param, int second_parameter) {
        int local_variable;
        TheEnumeration local_enum;
        for(int myindex=0, myindex<class_variable, myindex++) {
             localEnum = FIRST_ELEMENT;

Is this how you define a function in jQuery?


You define the functions exactly the same way you would in regular javascript.

//document ready

var myBlah = function(blah){

Also: There is no need for the $

Opening a CHM file produces: "navigation to the webpage was canceled"

"unblocking" the file fixes the problem. Screenshot:

enter image description here

How to pass a PHP variable using the URL

You're passing link=$a and link=$b in the hrefs for A and B, respectively. They are treated as strings, not variables. The following should fix that for you:

echo '<a href="pass.php?link=' . $a . '">Link 1</a>';

// and

echo '<a href="pass.php?link=' . $b . '">Link 2</a>';

The value of $a also isn't included on pass.php. I would suggest making a common variable file and include it on all necessary pages.

What to do with branch after merge

If you DELETE the branch after merging it, just be aware that all hyperlinks, URLs, and references of your DELETED branch will be BROKEN.

Javascript Debugging line by line using Google Chrome

Assuming you're running on a Windows machine...

  1. Hit the F12 key
  2. Select the Scripts, or Sources, tab in the developer tools
  3. Click the little folder icon in the top level
  4. Select your JavaScript file
  5. Add a breakpoint by clicking on the line number on the left (adds a little blue marker)
  6. Execute your JavaScript

Then during execution debugging you can do a handful of stepping motions...

  • F8 Continue: Will continue until the next breakpoint
  • F10 Step over: Steps over next function call (won't enter the library)
  • F11 Step into: Steps into the next function call (will enter the library)
  • Shift + F11 Step out: Steps out of the current function


After reading your updated post; to debug your code I would recommend temporarily using the jQuery Development Source Code. Although this doesn't directly solve your problem, it will allow you to debug more easily. For what you're trying to achieve I believe you'll need to step-in to the library, so hopefully the production code should help you decipher what's happening.

How to get the top 10 values in postgresql?

(SELECT <some columns>
FROM mytable
<maybe some joins here>
WHERE <various conditions>


(SELECT <some columns>
FROM mytable
<maybe some joins here>
WHERE <various conditions>
ORDER BY date ASC    

Remove the last line from a file in Bash

Both of these solutions are here in other forms. I found these a little more practical, clear, and useful:

Using dd:

dd if=${ORIGINALFILE} of=${ORIGINALFILE}.tmp status=none bs=1 count=$(printf "$(stat --format=%s ${ORIGINALFILE}) - $(tail -n${BADLINESCOUNT} ${ORIGINALFILE} | wc -c)\n" | bc )

Using truncate:

truncate -s $(printf "$(stat --format=%s ${ORIGINALFILE}) - $(tail -n${BADLINESCOUNT} ${ORIGINALFILE} | wc -c)\n" | bc ) ${ORIGINALFILE}

How to Remove Array Element and Then Re-Index Array?

If you use array_merge, this will reindex the keys. The manual states:

Values in the input array with numeric keys will be renumbered with incrementing keys starting from zero in the result array.

This is where i found the original answer.

Why won't eclipse switch the compiler to Java 8?

Assuming you have already downloaded Jdk 1.8. You have to make sure your eclipse version supports Jdk 1.8. Click on "Help" tab and then select "Check for Updates". Try again.

How do you format a Date/Time in TypeScript?

The best solution for me is the custom pipe from @Kamalakar but with a slight modification to allow passing the format:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core';
import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';

    name: 'dateFormat'
  export class DateFormatPipe extends DatePipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(value: any, format: any): any {
       return super.transform(value, format);

And then called as:

console.log('Formatted date:', this._dateFormatPipe.transform(new Date(), 'MMM/dd/yyyy'));

How to select a div element in the code-behind page?

id + runat="server" leads to accessible at the server

Nth max salary in Oracle

select * from (select rownum as rownumber,emp1.* from (select * from emp order by sal desc) emp1) where rownumber = 3;

phpinfo() is not working on my CentOS server

I had the same problem.

The solution in my case was to set default_mimetype = "text/html" inside the php.ini file.

Retaining file permissions with Git

We can improve on the other answers by changing the format of the .permissions file to be executable chmod statements, and to make use of the -printf parameter to find. Here is the simpler .git/hooks/pre-commit file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo -n "Backing-up file permissions... "

cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"

find . -printf 'chmod %m "%p"\n' > .permissions

git add .permissions

echo done.

...and here is the simplified .git/hooks/post-checkout file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo -n "Restoring file permissions... "

cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"

. .permissions

echo "done."

Remember that other tools might have already configured these scripts, so you may need to merge them together. For example, here's a post-checkout script that also includes the git-lfs commands:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo -n "Restoring file permissions... "

cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"

. .permissions

echo "done."

command -v git-lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on you
r path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting .git/hooks/post-checkout.\n"; exit 2; }
git lfs post-checkout "$@"

How to check if a query string value is present via JavaScript?

this function help you to get parameter from URL in JS

function getQuery(q) {
    return ( RegExp('[?&]' + q + '=([^&]+)')) || [, null])[1];

RegEx for validating an integer with a maximum length of 10 characters

Don't forget that integers can be negative:


Here's the meaning of each part:

  • ^: Match must start at beginning of string
  • \s: Any whitespace character
    • *: Occurring zero or more times
  • -: The hyphen-minus character, used to denote a negative integer
    • ?: May or may not occur
  • [0-9]: Any character whose ASCII code (or Unicode code point) is between '0' and '9'
    • {1,10}: Occurring at least one, but not more than ten times
  • \s: Any whitespace character
    • *: Occurring zero or more times
  • $: Match must end at end of string

This ignores leading and trailing whitespace and would be more complex if you consider commas acceptable or if you need to count the minus sign as one of the ten allowed characters.

Specified cast is not valid.. how to resolve this

Use Convert.ToDouble(value) rather than (double)value. It takes an object and supports all of the types you asked for! :)

Also, your method is always returning a string in the code above; I'd recommend having the method indicate so, and give it a more obvious name (public string FormatLargeNumber(object value))

When is it acceptable to call GC.Collect?

Have a look at this article by Rico Mariani. He gives two rules when to call GC.Collect (rule 1 is: "Don't"):

When to call GC.Collect()

Converting unix timestamp string to readable date

Use datetime module:

from datetime import datetime
ts = int("1284101485")

# if you encounter a "year is out of range" error the timestamp
# may be in milliseconds, try `ts /= 1000` in that case
print(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

How to unmerge a Git merge?

git revert -m allows to un-merge still keeping the history of both merge and un-do operation. Might be good for documenting probably.

Why aren't programs written in Assembly more often?

ASM has poor legibility and isn't really maintainable compared to higher-level languages.

Also, there are many fewer ASM developers than for other more popular languages, such as C.

Furthermore, if you use a higher-level language and new ASM instructions become available (SSE for example), you just need to update your compiler and your old code can easily make use of the new instructions.

What if the next CPU has twice as many registers?

The converse of this question would be: What functionality do compilers provide?

I doubt you can/want to/should optimize your ASM better than gcc -O3 can.

How to execute Table valued function

You can execute it just as you select a table using SELECT clause. In addition you can provide parameters within parentheses.

Try with below syntax:

SELECT * FROM yourFunctionName(parameter1, parameter2)

How can I store HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> inside a list?

Always try to use interface reference in Collection, this adds more flexibility.
What is the problem with the below code?

List<Map<String,List<String>>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String,List<String>>>();//This is the final list you need
Map<String, List<String>> map1 = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();//This is one instance of the  map you want to store in the above list.
List<String> arraylist1 = new ArrayList<String>();
arraylist1.add("Text1");//And so on..
//And so on...
list.add(map1);//In this way you can add.

You can easily do it like the above.

Python: SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression

It's python source parser failure on sum.up=False named argument as sum.up is not valid argument name (you can't use dots -- only alphanumerics and underscores in argument names).

What is a typedef enum in Objective-C?

The enum (abbreviation of enumeration) is used to enumerate a set of values (enumerators). A value is an abstract thing represented by a symbol (a word). For example, a basic enum could be

enum { xs,s,m,l,xl,xxl,xxxl,xxxxl };

This enum is called anonymous because you do not have a symbol to name it. But it is still perfectly correct. Just use it like this

enum { xs,s,m,l,xl,xxl,xxxl,xxxxl } myGrandMotherDressSize;

Ok. The life is beautiful and everything goes well. But one day you need to reuse this enum to define a new variable to store myGrandFatherPantSize, then you write:

enum { xs,s,m,l,xl,xxl,xxxl,xxxxl } myGrandMotherDressSize;
enum { xs,s,m,l,xl,xxl,xxxl,xxxxl } myGrandFatherPantSize;

But then you have a compiler error "redefinition of enumerator". Actually, the problem is that the compiler is not sure that you first enum and you are second describe the same thing.

Then if you want to reuse the same set of enumerators (here xs...xxxxl) in several places you must tag it with a unique name. The second time you use this set you just have to use the tag. But don't forget that this tag does not replace the enum word but just the set of enumerators. Then take care to use enum as usual. Like this:

// Here the first use of my enum
enum sizes { xs,s,m,l,xl,xxl,xxxl,xxxxl } myGrandMotherDressSize; 
// here the second use of my enum. It works now!
enum sizes myGrandFatherPantSize;

you can use it in a parameter definition as well:

// Observe that here, I still use the enum
- (void) buyANewDressToMyGrandMother:(enum sizes)theSize;

You could say that rewriting enum everywhere is not convenient and makes the code looks a bit strange. You are right. A real type would be better.

This is the final step of our great progression to the summit. By just adding a typedef let's transform our enum in a real type. Oh the last thing, typedef is not allowed within your class. Then define your type just above. Do it like this:

// enum definition
enum sizes { xs,s,m,l,xl,xxl,xxxl,xxxxl };
typedef enum sizes size_type

@interface myClass {
   size_type myGrandMotherDressSize, myGrandFatherPantSize;

Remember that the tag is optional. Then since here, in that case, we do not tag the enumerators but just to define a new type. Then we don't really need it anymore.

// enum definition
typedef enum { xs,s,m,l,xl,xxl,xxxl,xxxxl } size_type;

@interface myClass : NSObject {
  size_type myGrandMotherDressSize, myGrandFatherPantSize;

If you are developing in Objective-C with XCode I let you discover some nice macros prefixed with NS_ENUM. That should help you to define good enums easily and moreover will help the static analyzer to do some interesting checks for you before to compile.

Good Enum!

Android sample bluetooth code to send a simple string via bluetooth

private OutputStream outputStream;
private InputStream inStream;

private void init() throws IOException {
    BluetoothAdapter blueAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
    if (blueAdapter != null) {
        if (blueAdapter.isEnabled()) {
            Set<BluetoothDevice> bondedDevices = blueAdapter.getBondedDevices();

            if(bondedDevices.size() > 0) {
                Object[] devices = (Object []) bondedDevices.toArray();
                BluetoothDevice device = (BluetoothDevice) devices[position];
                ParcelUuid[] uuids = device.getUuids();
                BluetoothSocket socket = device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(uuids[0].getUuid());
                outputStream = socket.getOutputStream();
                inStream = socket.getInputStream();

            Log.e("error", "No appropriate paired devices.");
        } else {
            Log.e("error", "Bluetooth is disabled.");

public void write(String s) throws IOException {

public void run() {
    final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
    int bytes = 0;
    int b = BUFFER_SIZE;

    while (true) {
        try {
            bytes =, bytes, BUFFER_SIZE - bytes);
        } catch (IOException e) {

PHP removing a character in a string

$splitPos = strpos($url, "?/");
if ($splitPos !== false) {
    $url = substr($url, 0, $splitPos) . "?" . substr($url, $splitPos + 2);

How to delete an element from an array in C#

If you want to remove all instances of 4 without needing to know the index:

LINQ: (.NET Framework 3.5)

int[] numbers = { 1, 3, 4, 9, 2 };
int numToRemove = 4;
numbers = numbers.Where(val => val != numToRemove).ToArray();

Non-LINQ: (.NET Framework 2.0)

static bool isNotFour(int n)
    return n != 4;

int[] numbers = { 1, 3, 4, 9, 2 };
numbers = Array.FindAll(numbers, isNotFour).ToArray();

If you want to remove just the first instance:

LINQ: (.NET Framework 3.5)

int[] numbers = { 1, 3, 4, 9, 2, 4 };
int numToRemove = 4;
int numIndex = Array.IndexOf(numbers, numToRemove);
numbers = numbers.Where((val, idx) => idx != numIndex).ToArray();

Non-LINQ: (.NET Framework 2.0)

int[] numbers = { 1, 3, 4, 9, 2, 4 };
int numToRemove = 4;
int numIdx = Array.IndexOf(numbers, numToRemove);
List<int> tmp = new List<int>(numbers);
numbers = tmp.ToArray();

Edit: Just in case you hadn't already figured it out, as Malfist pointed out, you need to be targetting the .NET Framework 3.5 in order for the LINQ code examples to work. If you're targetting 2.0 you need to reference the Non-LINQ examples.

App.settings - the Angular way?

I found that using an APP_INITIALIZER for this doesn't work in situations where other service providers require the configuration to be injected. They can be instantiated before APP_INITIALIZER is run.

I've seen other solutions that use fetch to read a config.json file and provide it using an injection token in a parameter to platformBrowserDynamic() prior to bootstrapping the root module. But fetch isn't supported in all browsers and in particular WebView browsers for the mobile devices I target.

The following is a solution that works for me for both PWA and mobile devices (WebView). Note: I've only tested in Android so far; working from home means I don't have access to a Mac to build.

In main.ts:

import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { environment } from './environments/environment';
import { APP_CONFIG } from './app/lib/angular/injection-tokens';

function configListener() {
  try {
    const configuration = JSON.parse(this.responseText);

    // pass config to bootstrap process using an injection token
      { provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: configuration }
      .catch(err => console.error(err));

  } catch (error) {

function configFailed(evt) {
  console.error('Error: retrieving config.json');

if (environment.production) {

const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.addEventListener('load', configListener);
request.addEventListener('error', configFailed);'GET', './assets/config/config.json');

This code:

  1. kicks off an async request for the config.json file.
  2. When the request completes, parses the JSON into a Javascript object
  3. provides the value using the APP_CONFIG injection token, prior to bootstrapping.
  4. And finally bootstraps the root module.

APP_CONFIG can then be injected into any additional providers in app-module.ts and it will be defined. For example, I can initialise the FIREBASE_OPTIONS injection token from @angular/fire with the following:

      provide: FIREBASE_OPTIONS,
      useFactory: (config: IConfig) => config.firebaseConfig,
      deps: [APP_CONFIG]

I find this whole thing a surprisingly difficult (and hacky) thing to do for a very common requirement. Hopefully in the near future there will be a better way, such as, support for async provider factories.

The rest of the code for completeness...

In app/lib/angular/injection-tokens.ts:

import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
import { IConfig } from '../config/config';

export const APP_CONFIG = new InjectionToken<IConfig>('app-config');

and in app/lib/config/config.ts I define the interface for my JSON config file:

export interface IConfig {
    name: string;
    version: string;
    instance: string;
    firebaseConfig: {
        apiKey: string;
        // etc

Config is stored in assets/config/config.json:

  "name": "my-app",
  "version": "#{Build.BuildNumber}#",
  "instance": "localdev",
  "firebaseConfig": {
    "apiKey": "abcd"

Note: I use an Azure DevOps task to insert Build.BuildNumber and substitute other settings for different deployment environments as it is being deployed.

How to disable all <input > inside a form with jQuery?

you can add

 <fieldset class="fieldset">

and then you can call

 $('.fieldset').prop('disabled', true);

Need to navigate to a folder in command prompt

When I open a "DOS" command prompt, I use a batch file which sets all of the options I need and adds my old-time dos utilities to the path too.

@set path=%path%;c:\utils
@doskey cd=cd/d $*
@cd \wip

The doskey line sets the CD command so that it will do both drive and folder simultaneously. If this doesn't work, it is possibly because of the version of windows that you're running.

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/LICENSE'

I faced this issue, first with some native libraries (.so files) and then with java/kotlin files. Turned out I was including a library from source as well as referencing artifactory through a transitive dependency. Check your dependency tree to see if there are any redundant entries. Use ./gradlew :app:dependencies to get the dependency tree. Replace "app" with your module name if the main module name is different.

error::make_unique is not a member of ‘std’

If you have latest compiler, you can change the following in your build settings:

 C++ Language Dialect    C++14[-std=c++14]

This works for me.

select count(*) from select

You're missing a FROM and you need to give the subquery an alias.

  SELECT DISTINCT a.my_id, a.last_name, a.first_name, b.temp_val
   FROM dbo.Table_A AS a 
   INNER JOIN dbo.Table_B AS b 
   ON a.a_id = b.a_id
) AS subquery;

How to update/upgrade a package using pip?

use this code in teminal :

python -m pip install --upgrade PAKAGE_NAME #instead of PAKAGE_NAME 

for example i want update pip pakage :

 python -m pip install --upgrade pip

more example :

python -m pip install --upgrade selenium
python -m pip install --upgrade requests

How to sort 2 dimensional array by column value?

The best approach would be to use the following, as there may be repetitive values in the first column.

var arr = [[12, 'AAA'], [12, 'BBB'], [12, 'CCC'],[28, 'DDD'], [18, 'CCC'],[12, 'DDD'],[18, 'CCC'],[28, 'DDD'],[28, 'DDD'],[58, 'BBB'],[68, 'BBB'],[78, 'BBB']];

arr.sort(function(a,b) {
    return a[0]-b[0]

What is the hamburger menu icon called and the three vertical dots icon called?

Look at this photo, it says "Kebab Menu" is a correct answer:

enter image description here

per comment below, sourced from Luke Wroblewski:

What are the aspect ratios for all Android phone and tablet devices?

The Sony Tablet P is old, but it can switch between 32:15 and 32:30 for each app in landscape mode, and vice-versa in portrait mode, so that's a minimum range to aim for

parent & child with position fixed, parent overflow:hidden bug

As an alternative to using clip you could also use {border-radius: 0.0001px} on a parent element. It works not only with absolute/fixed positioned elements.

How to generate a HTML page dynamically using PHP?

It looks funny but it works.

$file = 'newpage.html';
// Open the file to get existing content
$current = file_get_contents($file);
// Append a new person to the file
$current .= "<!doctype html><html>
<head><meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>new file</title>
</head><body><h3>New HTML file</h3>
// Write the contents back to the file
file_put_contents($file, $current);

How to remove a row from JTable?

A JTable normally forms the View part of an MVC implementation. You'll want to remove rows from your model. The JTable, which should be listening for these changes, will update to reflect this removal. Hence you won't find removeRow() or similar as a method on JTable.

CSS change button style after click

An easy way of doing this is to use JavaScript like so:

element.addEventListener('click', (e => {
    e.preventDefault(); = '<insert CSS here as you would in a style attribute>';

How to check if a .txt file is in ASCII or UTF-8 format in Windows environment?

Open the file in Notepad. Click 'Save As...'. In the 'Encoding:' combo box you will see the current file format.

How to export and import a .sql file from command line with options?

since I have no enough reputation to comment after the highest post, so I add here.

use '|' on linux platform to save disk space.

thx @Hariboo, add events/triggers/routints parameters

mysqldump -x -u [uname] -p[pass]  -C --databases db_name  --events --triggers --routines | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/ '  | awk '{ if (index($0,"GTID_PURGED")) { getline; while (length($0) > 0) { getline; } } else { print $0 } }'  | grep -iv 'set @@' | trickle -u 10240 mysql -u username -p -h localhost DATA-BASE-NAME

some issues/tips:

Error: ......not exist when using LOCK TABLES

# --lock-all-tables,-x , this parameter is to keep data consistency because some transaction may still be working like schedule.
# also you need check and confirm: grant all privileges on *.* to root@"%" identified by "Passwd";

ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 866: MySQL server has gone away mysqldump: Got errno 32 on write

# set this values big enough on destination mysql server, like: max_allowed_packet=1024*1024*20
# use compress parameter '-C'
# use trickle to limit network bandwidth while write data to destination server

ERROR 1419 (HY000) at line 32730: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

# set SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;
# or use super user import data

ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 138: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation mysqldump: Got errno 32 on write

# add sed/awk to avoid some privilege issues

hope this help!

Interface vs Abstract Class (general OO)

For sure it is important to understand the behavior of interface and abstract class in OOP (and how languages handle them), but I think it is also important to understand what exactly each term means. Can you imagine the if command not working exactly as the meaning of the term? Also, actually some languages are reducing, even more, the differences between an interface and an abstract... if by chance one day the two terms operate almost identically, at least you can define yourself where (and why) should any of them be used for.

If you read through some dictionaries and other fonts you may find different meanings for the same term but having some common definitions. I think these two meanings I found in this site are really, really good and suitable.


A thing or circumstance that enables separate and sometimes incompatible elements to coordinate effectively.


Something that concentrates in itself the essential qualities of anything more extensive or more general, or of several things; essence.


You bought a car and it needs fuel.

enter image description here

Your car model is XYZ, which is of genre ABC, so it is a concrete car, a specific instance of a car. A car is not a real object. In fact, it is an abstract set of standards (qualities) to create a specific object. In short, Car is an abstract class, it is "something that concentrates in itself the essential qualities of anything more extensive or more general".

The only fuel that matches the car manual specification should be used to fill up the car tank. In reality, there is nothing to restrict you to put any fuel but the engine will work properly only with the specified fuel, so it is better to follow its requirements. The requirements say that it accepts, as other cars of the same genre ABC, a standard set of fuel.

In an Object Oriented view, fuel for genre ABC should not be declared as a class because there is no concrete fuel for a specific genre of car out there. Although your car could accept an abstract class Fuel or VehicularFuel, you must remember that your only some of the existing vehicular fuel meet the specification, those that implement the requirements in your car manual. In short, they should implement the interface ABCGenreFuel, which "... enables separate and sometimes incompatible elements to coordinate effectively".


In addition, I think you should keep in mind the meaning of the term class, which is (from the same site previously mentioned):


A number of persons or things regarded as forming a group by reason of common attributes, characteristics, qualities, or traits; kind;

This way, a class (or abstract class) should not represent only common attributes (like an interface), but some kind of group with common attributes. An interface doesn't need to represent a kind. It must represent common attributes. This way, I think classes and abstract classes may be used to represent things that should not change its aspects often, like a human being a Mammal, because it represents some kinds. Kinds should not change themselves that often.

How to specify jdk path in eclipse.ini on windows 8 when path contains space

Reinstall java and choose a destination folder without a space

How to resume Fragment from BackStack if exists

Step 1: Implement an interface with your activity class

public class AuthenticatedMainActivity extends Activity implements FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener{

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();           
        fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(,fragment, "First").addToBackStack(null).commit();

    private void switchFragment(Fragment fragment){            
      FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
        .replace(, fragment).addToBackStack("Tag").commit();

    public void onBackStackChanged() {
    FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();

    System.out.println("@Class: SummaryUser : onBackStackChanged " 
            + fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount());

    int count = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount();

    // when a fragment come from another the status will be zero
    if(count == 0){

        System.out.println("again loading user data");

        // reload the page if user saved the profile data


                    , "Please check your internet connection");

        }else {

  "Refreshing data..."); 


        // IMPORTANT: remove the current fragment from stack to avoid new instance

    }// end if

Step 2: When you call the another fragment add this method:

String backStateName = this.getClass().getName();

FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();

Fragment fragmentGraph = new GraphFragment();
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("graphTag",  view.getTag().toString());

.replace(, fragmentGraph)

java.util.NoSuchElementException - Scanner reading user input

You need to remove the scanner closing lines: scan.close();

It happened to me before and that was the reason.

How to solve "Kernel panic - not syncing - Attempted to kill init" -- without erasing any user data

Booting from CD to rescue the installation and editing /etc/selinux/config: changed SELINUX from enforcing to permissive. Rebooted and system booted

/etc/selinux/config before change:

SELINUX=enforcing and SELINUXTYPE=permissive

/etc/selinux/config after change: SELINUX=permissive and SELINUXTYPE=permissive

NodeJs : TypeError: require(...) is not a function

I've faced to something like this too. in your routes file , export the function as an object like this :

 module.exports = {
     hbd: handlebar

and in your app file , you can have access to the function by .hbd and there is no ptoblem ....!

Test if string is a number in Ruby on Rails

How dumb is this solution?

def is_number?(i)
    i+0 == i
  rescue TypeError

Entity Framework: "Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0)."

I also came across this error. The problem it turned out was caused by a Trigger on the table I was trying to save to. The Trigger used 'INSTEAD OF INSERT' which means 0 rows ever got inserted to that table, hence the error. Luckily in may case the trigger functionality was incorrect, but I guess it could be a valid operation that should somehow be handled in code. Hope this helps somebody one day.

How can I escape square brackets in a LIKE clause?

The ESCAPE keyword is used if you need to search for special characters like % and _, which are normally wild cards. If you specify ESCAPE, SQL will search literally for the characters % and _.

Here's a good article with some more examples

SELECT columns FROM table WHERE 
    column LIKE '%[[]SQL Server Driver]%' 

-- or 

SELECT columns FROM table WHERE 
    column LIKE '%\[SQL Server Driver]%' ESCAPE '\'

jQuery Datepicker localization

That code should work, but you need to include the localization in your page (it isn't included by default). Try putting this in your <head> tag, somewhere after you include jQuery and jQueryUI:

<script type="text/javascript"

I can't find where this is documented on the jQueryUI site, but if you view the source of this demo you'll see that this is how they do it. Also, please note that including this JS file will set the datepicker defaults to French, so if you want only some datepickers to be in French, you'll have to set the default back to English.

You can find all languages here at github:

How to check if an Object is a Collection Type in Java?

Java conveniently has the instanceof operator (JLS 15.20.2) to test if a given object is of a given type.

 if (x instanceof List<?>) {   
    List<?> list = (List<?>) x;
    // do something with list
 } else if (x instanceof Collection<?>) {
    Collection<?> col = (Collection<?>) x;
    // do something with col

One thing should be mentioned here: it's important in these kinds of constructs to check in the right order. You will find that if you had swapped the order of the check in the above snippet, the code will still compile, but it will no longer work. That is the following code doesn't work:

 // DOESN'T WORK! Wrong order!
 if (x instanceof Collection<?>) {
    Collection<?> col = (Collection<?>) x;
    // do something with col
 } else if (x instanceof List<?>) { // this will never be reached!
    List<?> list = (List<?>) x;
    // do something with list

The problem is that a List<?> is-a Collection<?>, so it will pass the first test, and the else means that it will never reach the second test. You have to test from the most specific to the most general type.

How can I change the default width of a Twitter Bootstrap modal box?

Preserve the responsive design, set the width to what you desire.

.modal-content {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
  max-width: 360px;

Keep it simple.

Get the value of checked checkbox?

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  var ckbox = $("input[name='ips']");_x000D_
  var chkId = '';_x000D_
  $('input').on('click', function() {_x000D_
    if (':checked')) {_x000D_
      $("input[name='ips']:checked").each ( function() {_x000D_
      chkId = $(this).val() + ",";_x000D_
        chkId = chkId.slice(0, -1);_x000D_
       alert ( $(this).val() ); // return all values of checkboxes checked_x000D_
       alert(chkId); // return value of checkbox checked_x000D_
    }     _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="ips" value="12520">_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="ips" value="12521">_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="ips" value="12522">

JPG vs. JPEG image formats

There is no difference between them, it just a file extension for image/jpeg mime type. In fact file extension for image/jpeg is .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe .jif, .jfif, .jfi

Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash and preg_match

You must specify a delimiter for your expression. A delimiter is a special character used at the start and end of your expression to denote which part is the expression. This allows you to use modifiers and the interpreter to know which is an expression and which are modifiers. As the error message states, the delimiter cannot be a backslash because the backslash is the escape character.

$pattern = "/My name is '(.*)' and im fine/";

and below the same example but with the i modifier to match without being case sensitive.

$pattern = "/My name is '(.*)' and im fine/i";

As you can see, the i is outside of the slashes and therefore is interpreted as a modifier.

Also bear in mind that if you use a forward slash character (/) as a delimiter you must then escape further uses of / in the regular expression, if present.

JavaScript single line 'if' statement - best syntax, this alternative?

I've seen many answers with many votes advocating using the ternary operator. The ternary is great if a) you do have an alternative option and b) you are returning a fairly simple value from a simple condition. But...

The original question didn't have an alternative, and the ternary operator with only a single (real) branch forces you to return a confected answer.

lemons ? "foo gave me a bar" : "who knows what you'll get back"

I think the most common variation is lemons ? 'foo...' : '', and, as you'll know from reading the myriad of articles for any language on true, false, truthy, falsey, null, nil, blank, empty (with our without ?) , you are entering a minefield (albeit a well documented minefield.)

As soon as any part of the ternary gets complicated you are better off with a more explicit form of conditional.

A long way to say that I am voting for if (lemons) "foo".

How do I vertically center text with CSS?

Try this solution:

.EXTENDER {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 0px;_x000D_
    left: 0px;_x000D_
    bottom: 0px;_x000D_
    right: 0px;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
    overflow-y: hidden;_x000D_
    overflow-x: hidden;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
    display: -webkit-box;_x000D_
    display: -moz-box;_x000D_
    display: -ms-flexbox;_x000D_
    display: -webkit-flex;_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    -webkit-box-pack: center;_x000D_
    -moz-box-pack: center;_x000D_
    -ms-flex-pack: center;_x000D_
    -webkit-justify-content: center;_x000D_
    justify-content: center;_x000D_
    -webkit-box-align: center;_x000D_
    -moz-box-align: center;_x000D_
    -ms-flex-align: center;_x000D_
    -webkit-align-items: center;_x000D_
    align-items: center;_x000D_
<div class="EXTENDER">_x000D_
  <div class="PADDER-CENTER">_x000D_
    <div contentEditable="true">Edit this text...</div>_x000D_

Built using CSS+.

Oracle 'Partition By' and 'Row_Number' keyword

I know this is an old thread but PARTITION is the equiv of GROUP BY not ORDER BY. ORDER BY in this function is . . . ORDER BY. It's just a way to create uniqueness out of redundancy by adding a sequence number. Or you may eliminate the other redundant records by the WHERE clause when referencing the aliased column for the function. However, DISTINCT in the SELECT statement would probably accomplish the same thing in that regard.

Is it possible to specify a different ssh port when using rsync?

My 2cents, in a single system user you can set the port also on /etc/ssh/ssh_config then rsync will use the port set here

How to redirect a page using onclick event in php?

you are using onclick which is javascript event. there is two ways


<input type="button" value="Home" class="homebutton" id="btnHome" 
onClick="window.location = ''" />


create another page as redirect.php and put

<?php header('location :') ?>

and insert this link on any page within the same directory

<a href="redirect.php">google<a/>

hope this helps its simplest!!

Why isn't my Pandas 'apply' function referencing multiple columns working?

I have given the comparison of all three discussed above.

Using values

%timeit df['value'] = df['a'].values % df['c'].values

139 µs ± 1.91 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

Without values

%timeit df['value'] = df['a']%df['c'] 

216 µs ± 1.86 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

Apply function

%timeit df['Value'] = df.apply(lambda row: row['a']%row['c'], axis=1)

474 µs ± 5.07 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

What is the best way to conditionally apply a class?

If you are using angular pre v1.1.5 (i.e. no ternary operator) and you still want an equivalent way to set a value in both conditions you can do something like this:

ng-class="{'class1':item.isReadOnly == false, 'class2':item.isReadOnly == true}"

XSS filtering function in PHP

Try using for Clean XSS

xss_clean($data): "><script>alert(String.fromCharCode(74,111,104,116,111,32,82,111,98,98,105,101))</script>

How to set focus on an input field after rendering?

@Dhiraj's answer is correct, and for convenience you can use the autoFocus prop to have an input automatically focus when mounted:

<input autoFocus name=...

Note that in jsx it's autoFocus (capital F) unlike plain old html which is case-insensitive.

How to drop column with constraint?

Here's another way to drop a default constraint with an unknown name without having to first run a separate query to get the constraint name:

DECLARE @ConstraintName nvarchar(200)
AND PARENT_COLUMN_ID = (SELECT column_id FROM sys.columns
                        WHERE NAME = N'__ColumnName__'
                        AND object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'__TableName__'))
IF @ConstraintName IS NOT NULL
EXEC('ALTER TABLE __TableName__ DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @ConstraintName)

What causes the error "undefined reference to (some function)"?

It's a linker error. ld is the linker, so if you get an error message ending with "ld returned 1 exit status", that tells you that it's a linker error.

The error message tells you that none of the object files you're linking against contains a definition for avergecolumns. The reason for that is that the function you've defined is called averagecolumns (in other words: you misspelled the function name when calling the function (and presumably in the header file as well - otherwise you'd have gotten a different error at compile time)).

PL/pgSQL checking if a row exists

Simpler, shorter, faster: EXISTS.

IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM people p WHERE p.person_id = my_person_id) THEN
  -- do something

The query planner can stop at the first row found - as opposed to count(), which will scan all matching rows regardless. Makes a difference with big tables. Hardly matters with a condition on a unique column - only one row qualifies anyway (and there is an index to look it up quickly).

Improved with input from @a_horse_with_no_name in the comments below.

You could even use an empty SELECT list:

IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM people p WHERE p.person_id = my_person_id) THEN ...

Since the SELECT list is not relevant to the outcome of EXISTS. Only the existence of at least one qualifying row matters.

What's the difference between interface and @interface in java?


In general, an interface exposes a contract without exposing the underlying implementation details. In Object Oriented Programming, interfaces define abstract types that expose behavior, but contain no logic. Implementation is defined by the class or type that implements the interface.

@interface : (Annotation type)

Take the below example, which has a lot of comments:

public class Generation3List extends Generation2List {

   // Author: John Doe
   // Date: 3/17/2002
   // Current revision: 6
   // Last modified: 4/12/2004
   // By: Jane Doe
   // Reviewers: Alice, Bill, Cindy

   // class code goes here


Instead of this, you can declare an annotation type

 @interface ClassPreamble {
   String author();
   String date();
   int currentRevision() default 1;
   String lastModified() default "N/A";
   String lastModifiedBy() default "N/A";
   // Note use of array
   String[] reviewers();

which can then annotate a class as follows:

@ClassPreamble (
   author = "John Doe",
   date = "3/17/2002",
   currentRevision = 6,
   lastModified = "4/12/2004",
   lastModifiedBy = "Jane Doe",
   // Note array notation
   reviewers = {"Alice", "Bob", "Cindy"}
public class Generation3List extends Generation2List {

// class code goes here


PS: Many annotations replace comments in code.


OpenCV Error: (-215)size.width>0 && size.height>0 in function imshow

I use ssh to connect to remote server and have python code execute cv2.VideoCapture(0) to capture remote webcam, then encounter this error message:

error: (-215)size.width>0 && size.height>0 in function imshow

Finally, I have to grant access to /dev/video0 (which is my webcam device) with my user account and the error message was gone. Use usermod to add user into group video

usermod -a -G video user

How to round an average to 2 decimal places in PostgreSQL?

Try casting your column to a numeric like:

SELECT ROUND(cast(some_column as numeric),2) FROM table

How can I make an svg scale with its parent container?

Adjusting the currentScale attribute works in IE ( I tested with IE 11), but not in Chrome.

How to display list items as columns?

Use column-width property of css like below

<ul style="column-width:135px">

Runnable with a parameter? Runnable() {
    String str;
    public void run() {
    public Runnable init(String pstr) {

Create init function that returns object itself and initialize parameters with it.

Is it possible to send a variable number of arguments to a JavaScript function?

For those who were redirected here from Passing variable number of arguments from one function to another (which should not be marked as a duplicate of this question):

If you're trying to pass a variable number of arguments from one function to another, since JavaScript 1.8.5 you can simply call apply() on the second function and pass in the arguments parameter:

var caller = function()
    callee.apply( null, arguments );

var callee = function()
    alert( arguments.length );

caller( "Hello", "World!", 88 ); // Shows "3".

Note: The first argument is the this parameter to use. Passing null will call the function from the global context, i.e. as a global function instead of the method of some object.

According to this document, the ECMAScript 5 specification redefined the apply() method to take any "generic array-like object", instead of strictly an Array. Thus, you can directly pass the arguments list into the second function.

Tested in Chrome 28.0, Safari 6.0.5, and IE 10. Try it out with this JSFiddle.

Read binary file as string in Ruby

First, you should open the file as a binary file. Then you can read the entire file in, in one command.

file ="path-to-file.tar.gz", "rb")
contents =

That will get you the entire file in a string.

After that, you probably want to file.close. If you don’t do that, file won’t be closed until it is garbage-collected, so it would be a slight waste of system resources while it is open.

How to ISO 8601 format a Date with Timezone Offset in JavaScript?

function setDate(){
    var now = new Date();
    now.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() - now.getTimezoneOffset());
    var timeToSet = now.toISOString().slice(0,16);

        If you have an element called "eventDate" like the following:

        <input type="datetime-local" name="eventdate" id="eventdate" />

        and you would like to  set the current and minimum time then use the following:

    var elem = document.getElementById("eventDate");
    elem.value = timeToSet;
    elem.min = timeToSet;

How to specify Memory & CPU limit in docker compose version 3

      cpus: '0.001'
      memory: 50M
      cpus: '0.0001'
      memory: 20M


In you specific case:

version: "3"
    image: USER/Your-Pre-Built-Image
      - VIRTUAL_HOST=localhost
      - logs:/app/out/
    command: ["npm","start"]
      - NET_ADMIN
      - SYS_ADMIN
          cpus: '0.001'
          memory: 50M
          cpus: '0.0001'
          memory: 20M

  - logs

    driver: overlay


  • Expose is not necessary, it will be exposed per default on your stack network.
  • Images have to be pre-built. Build within v3 is not possible
  • "Restart" is also deprecated. You can use restart under deploy with on-failure action
  • You can use a standalone one node "swarm", v3 most improvements (if not all) are for swarm

Also Note: Networks in Swarm mode do not bridge. If you would like to connect internally only, you have to attach to the network. You can 1) specify an external network within an other compose file, or have to create the network with --attachable parameter (docker network create -d overlay My-Network --attachable) Otherwise you have to publish the port like this:

  - 80:80

How does one Display a Hyperlink in React Native App?

Another helpful note to add to the above responses is to add some flexbox styling. This will keep the text on one line and will make sure the text doesn't overlap the screen.

 <View style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", flex: 1, flexWrap: 'wrap', margin: 10 }}>
  <Text>Add your </Text>
    <Text style={{ color: 'blue' }} onpress={() => Linking.openURL('')} >

How to set xampp open localhost:8080 instead of just localhost

I believe the admin button will open the default configuration always. It simply contains a link to localhost/xampp and it doesn't read the server configuration.

If you change the default settings, you know what you changed and you can enter the URL directly in the browser.

How can I save a base64-encoded image to disk?

Easy way to convert base64 image into file and save as some random id or name.

// to create some random id or name for your image name
const imgname = new Date().getTime().toString();

// to declare some path to store your converted image
const path = yourpath.png    

// image takes from body which you uploaded
const imgdata = req.body.image;    

// to convert base64 format into random filename
const base64Data = imgdata.replace(/^data:([A-Za-z-+/]+);base64,/, '');
fs.writeFile(path, base64Data, 'base64', (err) => {

// assigning converted image into your database
req.body.coverImage = imgname

Should you use rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) or rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) for transparency in CSS?

The last parameter to the rgba() function is the "alpha" or "opacity" parameter. If you set it to 0 it will mean "completely transparent", and the first three parameters (the red, green, and blue channels) won't matter because you won't be able to see the color anyway.

With that in mind, I would choose rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) because:

  1. it's less typing,
  2. it keeps a few extra bytes out of your CSS file, and
  3. you will see an obvious problem if the alpha value changes to something undesirable.

You could avoid the rgba model altogether and use the transparent keyword instead, which according to, is equivalent to "transparent black" and should compute to rgba(0, 0, 0, 0). For example:

h1 {
    background-color: transparent;

This saves you yet another couple bytes while your intentions of using transparency are obvious (in case one is unfamiliar with RGBA).

As of CSS3, you can use the transparent keyword for any CSS property that accepts a color.

How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP?

You can use :


   $default_image =”…/directoryFolder/junal.jpg”;

jQuery UI tabs. How to select a tab based on its id not based on index

As per UI Doc :

  1. First get index of tab which you want to activate.

    var index = $('#tabs a[href="'+id+'"]').parent().index();
  2. Activate it

    tabs.tabs( "option", "active", index );

Environment variables in Eclipse

I was trying to achieve this but in the context of a MAVEN build. As part of my pom.xml configuration, I had a reference to an environment variable as part of a path to a local JAR:

  <groupId>the group id</groupId>
  <artifactId>the artifact id</artifactId>
  <version>the version</version>

To compile my project, I had to define the environment variable as part of the run configuration for the maven build as explained by Max's answer. I was able to launch the maven compilation and the project would compile just fine.

However, as this environment variable involves some dependencies, the default "problems" view of Eclipse (where compilation errors/warnings usually show) would still show errors along the lines of Could not find artifact and systemPath should be an absolute path but is ${env.MY_ENV_VARIABLE}/the_local_jar_archive.jar.

How I fixed it

Go into Window -> Preferences -> General -> Worksapce -> Linked Resources and define a new path variable.

image capture of the Eclipse Preferences window

Finally, in my case I just needed to Right click on my pom.xml file, select Maven -> Update Project and the errors disappeared from the "Problems" view.

How to disable/enable select field using jQuery?

sorry for answering in old thread but may my code helps other in future.i was in same scenario that when check box will be checked then few selected inputs fields will be enable other wise disabled.

$("[id*='chkAddressChange']").click(function () {
    var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
    if (checked) {
    } else {
        $('.DisabledInputs').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

How to make a text box have rounded corners?

This can be done with CSS3:

<input type="text" />

  -moz-border-radius: 15px;
 border-radius: 15px;
    border:solid 1px black;

However, an alternative would be to put the input inside a div with a rounded background, and no border on the input

How to reset a select element with jQuery

Try this. This will work. $('#baba').prop('selectedIndex',0);

Check here

How to use double or single brackets, parentheses, curly braces


if [ CONDITION ]    Test construct  
if [[ CONDITION ]]  Extended test construct  
Array[1]=element1   Array initialization  
[a-z]               Range of characters within a Regular Expression
$[ expression ]     A non-standard & obsolete version of $(( expression )) [1]


Curly Braces

${variable}                             Parameter substitution  
${!variable}                            Indirect variable reference  
{ command1; command2; . . . commandN; } Block of code  
{string1,string2,string3,...}           Brace expansion  
{a..z}                                  Extended brace expansion  
{}                                      Text replacement, after find and xargs


( command1; command2 )             Command group executed within a subshell  
Array=(element1 element2 element3) Array initialization  
result=$(COMMAND)                  Command substitution, new style  
>(COMMAND)                         Process substitution  
<(COMMAND)                         Process substitution 

Double Parentheses

(( var = 78 ))            Integer arithmetic   
var=$(( 20 + 5 ))         Integer arithmetic, with variable assignment   
(( var++ ))               C-style variable increment   
(( var-- ))               C-style variable decrement   
(( var0 = var1<98?9:21 )) C-style ternary operation

How can I check if a user is logged-in in php?

You need this on all pages before you check for current sessions:


Check if $_SESSION["loggedIn"] (is not) true - If not, redirect them to the login page.

if($_SESSION["loggedIn"] != true){
    echo 'not logged in';
    header("Location: login.php");

The type or namespace name 'DbContext' could not be found

I had the same issue. Turns out, you need the EntityFramework.dll reference (and not System.Data.Entity).

I just pulled it from the MvcMusicStore application which you can download from:

It's also a useful example of how to use entity framework code-first with MVC.

Bitbucket fails to authenticate on git pull

First, edit your .git/config and remove your username from 'url'.

I had this:

url = https://[email protected]/pathto/myrepo.git

And after modification:

url =

Then try to pull (or push) and use your email and password credentials to login.

How to assign execute permission to a .sh file in windows to be executed in linux

As far as I know the permission system in Linux is set up in such a way to prevent exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

I think the best you can do is to give your Linux user a custom unzip one-liner to run on the prompt:

unzip && chmod +x

If there are multiple scripts that you need to give execute permission to, write a as follows:

# file:

chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x

(You can put the scripts all on one line for chmod, but I found separate lines easier to work with in vim and with shell script commands.)

And now your unzip one-liner becomes:

unzip && source

Note that since you are using source to run, it doesn't need execute permission

Skip first entry in for loop in python?

Based on @SvenMarnach 's Answer, but bit simpler and without using deque

>>> def skip(iterable, at_start=0, at_end=0):
    it = iter(iterable)
    it = itertools.islice(it, at_start, None)
    it, it1 = itertools.tee(it)
    it1 = itertools.islice(it1, at_end, None)
    return (next(it) for _ in it1)

>>> list(skip(range(10), at_start=2, at_end=2))
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
>>> list(skip(range(10), at_start=2, at_end=5))
[2, 3, 4]

Also Note, based on my timeit result, this is marginally faster than the deque solution

>>> iterable=xrange(1000)
>>> stmt1="""
def skip(iterable, at_start=0, at_end=0):
    it = iter(iterable)
    it = itertools.islice(it, at_start, None)
    it, it1 = itertools.tee(it)
    it1 = itertools.islice(it1, at_end, None)
    return (next(it) for _ in it1)
>>> stmt2="""
def skip(iterable, at_start=0, at_end=0):
    it = iter(iterable)
    for x in itertools.islice(it, at_start):
    queue = collections.deque(itertools.islice(it, at_end))
    for x in it:
        yield queue.popleft()
>>> timeit.timeit(stmt = stmt1, setup='from __main__ import iterable, skip, itertools', number = 10000)
>>> timeit.timeit(stmt = stmt2, setup='from __main__ import iterable, skip, itertools, collections', number = 10000)

In Python, what is the difference between ".append()" and "+= []"?

In the example you gave, there is no difference, in terms of output, between append and +=. But there is a difference between append and + (which the question originally asked about).

>>> a = []
>>> id(a)
>>> a.append("hello")
>>> id(a)

>>> b = []
>>> id(b)
>>> c = b + ["hello"]
>>> id(c)
>>> b += ["hello"]
>>> id(b)

As you can see, append and += have the same result; they add the item to the list, without producing a new list. Using + adds the two lists and produces a new list.

Unit testing private methods in C#

You can use PrivateObject Class

Class target = new Class();
PrivateObject obj = new PrivateObject(target);
var retVal = obj.Invoke("PrivateMethod");
Assert.AreEqual(expectedVal, retVal);

Note: PrivateObject and PrivateType are not available for projects targeting netcoreapp2.0 - GitHub Issue 366

SQL Update Multiple Fields FROM via a SELECT Statement

You can use:

  s.Field1 = q.Field1,
  s.Field2 = q.Field2,
  (list of fields...)
  SELECT Field1, Field2, (list of fields...)
  FROM ProfilerTest.dbo.BookingDetails 
) q

How to drop all tables from the database with CLI in Django?

I would recommend you to install django-extensions and use python reset_db command. It does exactly what you want.

JUnit assertEquals(double expected, double actual, double epsilon)

Epsilon is your "fuzz factor," since doubles may not be exactly equal. Epsilon lets you describe how close they have to be.

If you were expecting 3.14159 but would take anywhere from 3.14059 to 3.14259 (that is, within 0.001), then you should write something like

double myPi = 22.0d / 7.0d; //Don't use this in real life!
assertEquals(3.14159, myPi, 0.001);

(By the way, 22/7 comes out to 3.1428+, and would fail the assertion. This is a good thing.)

How do I POST JSON data with cURL?

HTTPie is a recommended alternative to curl because you can do just

$ http POST name=value name1=value1

It speaks JSON by default and will handle both setting the necessary header for you as well encoding data as valid JSON. There is also:


for headers, and


for query string parameters. If you have a large chunk of data, you can also read it from a file have it be JSON encoded:

 [email protected]

How do I POST form data with UTF-8 encoding by using curl?

You CAN use UTF-8 in the POST request, all you need is to specify the charset in your request.

You should use this request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" --data-ascii "content=derinhält&date=asdf"

Built in Python hash() function

Polynomial hash for strings. 1000000009 and 239 are arbitrary prime numbers. Unlikely to have collisions by accident. Modular arithmetic is not very fast, but for preventing collisions this is more reliable than taking it modulo a power of 2. Of course, it is easy to find a collision on purpose.

def hash(s):
    for c in s:
        result = (result * 239 + ord(c)) % mod
    return result % mod


I was trying to use CURL to do some https API calls with php and ran into this problem. I noticed a recommendation on the php site which got me up and running:

Please everyone, stop setting CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to false or 0. If your PHP installation doesn't have an up-to-date CA root certificate bundle, download the one at the curl website and save it on your server:

Then set a path to it in your php.ini file, e.g. on Windows:


Turning off CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER allows man in the middle (MITM) attacks, which you don't want!

How to easily import multiple sql files into a MySQL database?

Save this file as .bat and run it , change variables inside parenthesis ...

@echo off
title Mysql Import Script
cd (Folder Name)
 for %%a in (*) do (
     echo Importing File  : %%a 
     mysql -u(username) -p(password)  %%~na < %%a

if it's only one database modify (%%~na) with the database name .

Setting max-height for table cell contents

Possibly not cross browser but I managed get this:

basically it requires a fixed height header and footer. and it absolute positions the table.

    table {
        width: 50%;
        height: 50%;
        border-spacing: 0;
    td {
        border: 1px solid black;
    #content {
        overflow: hidden;

How to check if a string contains a specific text

Use the strpos function:

$haystack = "foo bar baz";
$needle   = "bar";

if( strpos( $haystack, $needle ) !== false) {
    echo "\"bar\" exists in the haystack variable";

In your case:

if( strpos( $a, 'some text' ) !== false ) echo 'text';

Note that my use of the !== operator (instead of != false or == true or even just if( strpos( ... ) ) {) is because of the "truthy"/"falsy" nature of PHP's handling of the return value of strpos.

As of PHP 8.0.0 you can now use str_contains

    if (str_contains('abc', '')) {
        echo "Checking the existence of the empty string will always 
        return true";

Is it possible to serialize and deserialize a class in C++?

Sweet Persist is another one.

It is possible to serialize to and from streams in XML, JSON, Lua, and binary formats.

How to pass data using NotificationCenter in swift 3.0 and NSNotificationCenter in swift 2.0?

Swift 2.0

Pass info using userInfo which is a optional Dictionary of type [NSObject : AnyObject]?

  let imageDataDict:[String: UIImage] = ["image": image]

  // Post a notification
  NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(notificationName, object: nil, userInfo: imageDataDict)

 // Register to receive notification in your class
 NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.showSpinningWheel(_:)), name: notificationName, object: nil)

 // handle notification
 func showSpinningWheel(notification: NSNotification) { 

  if let image = notification.userInfo?["image"] as? UIImage {
  // do something with your image   

Swift 3.0 version and above

The userInfo now takes [AnyHashable:Any]? as an argument, which we provide as a dictionary literal in Swift

  let imageDataDict:[String: UIImage] = ["image": image]

  // post a notification NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "notificationName"), object: nil, userInfo: imageDataDict) 
  // `default` is now a property, not a method call

 // Register to receive notification in your class
 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.showSpinningWheel(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "notificationName"), object: nil)

 // handle notification
 // For swift 4.0 and above put @objc attribute in front of function Definition  
 func showSpinningWheel(_ notification: NSNotification) {

  if let image = notification.userInfo?["image"] as? UIImage {
  // do something with your image   

NOTE: Notification “names” are no longer strings, but are of type Notification.Name, hence why we are using NSNotification.Name(rawValue:"notificationName") and we can extend Notification.Name with our own custom notifications.

extension Notification.Name {
static let myNotification = Notification.Name("myNotification")

// and post notification like this .myNotification, object: nil)

How to load images dynamically (or lazily) when users scrolls them into view

Lazy loading images by attaching listener to scroll events or by making use of setInterval is highly non-performant as each call to getBoundingClientRect() forces the browser to re-layout the entire page and will introduce considerable jank to your website.

Use Lozad.js (just 569 bytes with no dependencies), which uses IntersectionObserver to lazy load images performantly.

Assign a login to a user created without login (SQL Server)

What kind of database user is it? Run select * from sys.database_principals in the database and check columns type and type_desc for that name. If it is a Windows or SQL user, go with @gbn's answer, but if it's something else (which is my untested guess based on your error message) then you have a different problem.


So it is a SQL-authenticated login. Back when we'd use sp_change_users_login to fix such logins. SQL 2008 has it as "don't use, will be deprecated", which means that the ALTER USER command should be sufficient... but it might be worth a try in this case. Used properly (it's been a while), I believe this updates the SID of the User to match that of the login.

Why aren't variable-length arrays part of the C++ standard?

In my own work, I've realized that every time I've wanted something like variable-length automatic arrays or alloca(), I didn't really care that the memory was physically located on the cpu stack, just that it came from some stack allocator that didn't incur slow trips to the general heap. So I have a per-thread object that owns some memory from which it can push/pop variable sized buffers. On some platforms I allow this to grow via mmu. Other platforms have a fixed size (usually accompanied by a fixed size cpu stack as well because no mmu). One platform I work with (a handheld game console) has precious little cpu stack anyway because it resides in scarce, fast memory.

I'm not saying that pushing variable-sized buffers onto the cpu stack is never needed. Honestly I was surprised back when I discovered this wasn't standard, as it certainly seems like the concept fits into the language well enough. For me though, the requirements "variable size" and "must be physically located on the cpu stack" have never come up together. It's been about speed, so I made my own sort of "parallel stack for data buffers".

Dropping Unique constraint from MySQL table

A unique constraint is also an index.

First use SHOW INDEX FROM tbl_name to find out the name of the index. The name of the index is stored in the column called key_name in the results of that query.

Then you can use DROP INDEX:

DROP INDEX index_name ON tbl_name

or the ALTER TABLE syntax:

ALTER TABLE tbl_name DROP INDEX index_name

A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly

Just right click on the Project Solution A window pops up. Expand the common Properties. Select Start Up Project

In there on right hand side Select radio button with Single Startup Project Select your Project in there and apply.

That's it. Now save and build your project. Run the project to see the output.

Should methods in a Java interface be declared with or without a public access modifier?

I disagree with the popular answer, that having public implies that there are other options and so it shouldn't be there. The fact is that now with Java 9 and beyond there ARE other options.

I think instead Java should enforce/require 'public' to be specified. Why? Because the absence of a modifier means 'package' access everywhere else, and having this as a special case is what leads to the confusion. If you simply made it a compile error with a clear message (e.g. "Package access is not allowed in an interface.") we would get rid of the apparent ambiguity that having the option to leave out 'public' introduces.

Note the current wording at:

"A method in the body of an interface may be declared public or private (§6.6). If no access modifier is given, the method is implicitly public. It is permitted, but discouraged as a matter of style, to redundantly specify the public modifier for a method declaration in an interface."

See that 'private' IS allowed now. I think that last sentence should have been removed from the JLS. It is unfortunate that the "implicitly public" behaviour was ever allowed as it will now likely remain for backward compatibilty and lead to the confusion that the absence of the access modifier means 'public' in interfaces and 'package' elsewhere.

Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date + The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

FYI this turned out to be an issue for me where I had two tables in a statement like the following:

SELECT * FROM table1
SELECT * FROM table2

It worked, but then somewhere along the line the order of columns in one of the table definitions got changed. Changing the * to SELECT column1, column2 fixed the issue. No idea how that happened, but lesson learned!

Add context path to Spring Boot application

If you are using application.yml and spring version above 2.0 then configure in below manner.

  port: 8081
     context-path: /demo-api

Now all the api call will be like http://localhost:8081/demo-api/

How to format JSON in notepad++

I was unable to find JSTool. Please see below url to see how I installed Notepad++

How to view Plugin Manager in Notepad++

I created JSMinNPP folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins and copied JSMinNPP to it.

enter image description here

enter image description here

What's the use of "enum" in Java?

Enums are the recommended way to provide easy-to-remember names for a defined set of contants (optionally with some limited behaviour too).

You should use enums where otherwise you would use multiple static integer constants (eg. public static int ROLE_ADMIN = 0 or BLOOD_TYPE_AB = 2)

The main advantages of using enums instead of these are type safety, compile type warnings/errors when trying to use wrong values and providing a namespace for related "constants". Additionally they are easier to use within an IDE since it helps code completion too.

How to test that a registered variable is not empty?

when: myvar | default('', true) | trim != ''

I use | trim != '' to check if a variable has an empty value or not. I also always add the | default(..., true) check to catch when myvar is undefined too.

Find all elements with a certain attribute value in jquery

You can use partial value of an attribute to detect a DOM element using (^) sign. For example you have divs like this:

<div id="abc_1"></div>
<div id="abc_2"></div>
<div id="xyz_3"></div>
<div id="xyz_4"></div>...

You can use the code:

var abc = $('div[id^=abc]')

This will return a DOM array of divs which have id starting with abc:

<div id="abc_1"></div>
<div id="abc_2"></div>

Here is the demo: