Programs & Examples On #Silverlight 2 rc0

Is there any free OCR library for Android?

Google Goggles is the perfect application for doing both OCR and translation.
And the good news is that Google Goggles to Become App Platform.

Until then, you can use IQ Engines.

Using Mysql in the command line in osx - command not found?

modify your bash profile as follows <>$vim ~/.bash_profile export PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH Once its saved you can type in mysql to bring mysql prompt in your terminal.

Delayed rendering of React components

Depends on your use case.

If you want to do some animation of children blending in, use the react animation add-on: Otherwise, make the rendering of the children dependent on props and add the props after some delay.

I wouldn't delay in the component, because it will probably haunt you during testing. And ideally, components should be pure.

Vim multiline editing like in sublimetext?

if you use the "global" command, you can repeat what you can do on one online an any number of lines.

:g/<search>/.<your ex command>



The above command finds all lines that have foo, and replace all occurrences of bar on that line with baz.


will do on every line

Razor HtmlHelper Extensions (or other namespaces for views) Not Found

As the accepted answer suggests you can add "using" to all views by adding to section of config file.

But for a single view you could just use

@using SomeNamespace.Extensions

How do I make the scrollbar on a div only visible when necessary?


<div id="boxscroll2" style="overflow: auto; position: relative;" tabindex="5001">

How to test enum types?

For enums, I test them only when they actually have methods in them. If it's a pure value-only enum like your example, I'd say don't bother.

But since you're keen on testing it, going with your second option is much better than the first. The problem with the first is that if you use an IDE, any renaming on the enums would also rename the ones in your test class.

Rails where condition using NOT NIL

For Rails4:

So, what you're wanting is an inner join, so you really should just use the joins predicate:


  Select * from Foo Inner Join Bars ...

But, for the record, if you want a "NOT NULL" condition simply use the not predicate:

Foo.includes(:bar).where.not(bars: {id: nil})

Select * from Foo Left Outer Join Bars on .. WHERE IS NOT NULL

Note that this syntax reports a deprecation (it talks about a string SQL snippet, but I guess the hash condition is changed to string in the parser?), so be sure to add the references to the end:

Foo.includes(:bar).where.not(bars: {id: nil}).references(:bar)

DEPRECATION WARNING: It looks like you are eager loading table(s) (one of: ....) that are referenced in a string SQL snippet. For example:

Post.includes(:comments).where("comments.title = 'foo'")

Currently, Active Record recognizes the table in the string, and knows to JOIN the comments table to the query, rather than loading comments in a separate query. However, doing this without writing a full-blown SQL parser is inherently flawed. Since we don't want to write an SQL parser, we are removing this functionality. From now on, you must explicitly tell Active Record when you are referencing a table from a string:

Post.includes(:comments).where("comments.title = 'foo'").references(:comments)

How to set shadows in React Native for android?

The elevation style property on Android does not work unless backgroundColor has been specified for the element.

Android - elevation style property does not work without backgroundColor


  shadowColor: 'black',
  shadowOpacity: 0.26,
  shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 2},
  shadowRadius: 10,
  elevation: 3,
  backgroundColor: 'white'

Passing javascript variable to html textbox

This was a problem for me, too. One reason for doing this (in my case) was that I needed to convert a client-side event (a javascript variable being modified) to a server-side variable (for that variable to be used in php). Hence populating a form with a javascript variable (eg a sessionStorage key/value) and converting it to a $_POST variable.

<form name='formName'>
<input name='inputName'>


When to use Comparable and Comparator

My annotation lib for implementing Comparable and Comparator:

public class Person implements Comparable<Person> {         
    private String firstName;  
    private String lastName;         
    private int age;         
    private char gentle;         

    @CompaProperties({ @CompaProperty(property = "lastName"),              
        @CompaProperty(property = "age",  order = Order.DSC) })           
    public int compareTo(Person person) {                 
        return Compamatic.doComparasion(this, person);         

Click the link to see more examples.

Adding a custom header to HTTP request using angular.js

I took what you had, and added another X-Testing header

var config = {headers:  {
        'Authorization': 'Basic d2VudHdvcnRobWFuOkNoYW5nZV9tZQ==',
        'Accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose',
        "X-Testing" : "testing"

$http.get("/test", config);

And in the Chrome network tab, I see them being sent.

GET /test HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: application/json;odata=verbose
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_3) AppleWebKit/537.22 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/25.0.1364.172 Safari/537.22
Authorization: Basic d2VudHdvcnRobWFuOkNoYW5nZV9tZQ==
X-Testing: testing
Referer: http://localhost:3000/
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3

Are you not seeing them from the browser, or on the server? Try the browser tooling or a debug proxy and see what is being sent out.

What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

It is important to contrast the design philosophy of git with the philosophy of a more traditional source control tool like SVN.

Subversion was designed and built with a client/server model. There is a single repository that is the server, and several clients can fetch code from the server, work on it, then commit it back to the server. The assumption is that the client can always contact the server when it needs to perform an operation.

Git was designed to support a more distributed model with no need for a central repository (though you can certainly use one if you like). Also git was designed so that the client and the "server" don't need to be online at the same time. Git was designed so that people on an unreliable link could exchange code via email, even. It is possible to work completely disconnected and burn a CD to exchange code via git.

In order to support this model git maintains a local repository with your code and also an additional local repository that mirrors the state of the remote repository. By keeping a copy of the remote repository locally, git can figure out the changes needed even when the remote repository is not reachable. Later when you need to send the changes to someone else, git can transfer them as a set of changes from a point in time known to the remote repository.

  • git fetch is the command that says "bring my local copy of the remote repository up to date."

  • git pull says "bring the changes in the remote repository to where I keep my own code."

Normally git pull does this by doing a git fetch to bring the local copy of the remote repository up to date, and then merging the changes into your own code repository and possibly your working copy.

The take away is to keep in mind that there are often at least three copies of a project on your workstation. One copy is your own repository with your own commit history. The second copy is your working copy where you are editing and building. The third copy is your local "cached" copy of a remote repository.

C++ multiline string literal

Just to elucidate a bit on @emsr's comment in @unwind's answer, if one is not fortunate enough to have a C++11 compiler (say GCC 4.2.1), and one wants to embed the newlines in the string (either char * or class string), one can write something like this:

const char *text =
  "This text is pretty long, but will be\n"
  "concatenated into just a single string.\n"
  "The disadvantage is that you have to quote\n"
  "each part, and newlines must be literal as\n"

Very obvious, true, but @emsr's short comment didn't jump out at me when I read this the first time, so I had to discover this for myself. Hopefully, I've saved someone else a few minutes.

How to remove unique key from mysql table

ALTER TABLE mytable DROP INDEX key_Name;

How to view hierarchical package structure in Eclipse package explorer

Here is representation of screen eclipse to make hierarachical.

enter image description here

How can I center text (horizontally and vertically) inside a div block?

2020 Way

  display: grid;
  place-items: center;

How can I remove text within parentheses with a regex?

For those who want to use Python, here's a simple routine that removes parenthesized substrings, including those with nested parentheses. Okay, it's not a regex, but it'll do the job!

def remove_nested_parens(input_str):
    """Returns a copy of 'input_str' with any parenthesized text removed. Nested parentheses are handled."""
    result = ''
    paren_level = 0
    for ch in input_str:
        if ch == '(':
            paren_level += 1
        elif (ch == ')') and paren_level:
            paren_level -= 1
        elif not paren_level:
            result += ch
    return result


Why would we call cin.clear() and cin.ignore() after reading input?

You enter the

if (!(cin >> input_var))

statement if an error occurs when taking the input from cin. If an error occurs then an error flag is set and future attempts to get input will fail. That's why you need


to get rid of the error flag. Also, the input which failed will be sitting in what I assume is some sort of buffer. When you try to get input again, it will read the same input in the buffer and it will fail again. That's why you need


It takes out 10000 characters from the buffer but stops if it encounters a newline (\n). The 10000 is just a generic large value.

Android toolbar center title and custom font

we don't have direct access to the ToolBar title TextView so we use reflection to access it.

  private TextView getActionBarTextView() {
    TextView titleTextView = null;

    try {
        Field f = mToolBar.getClass().getDeclaredField("mTitleTextView");
        titleTextView = (TextView) f.get(mToolBar);
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    return titleTextView;

Oracle SQL Where clause to find date records older than 30 days


 WHERE creation_date <= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 30

SYSDATE returns the date & time; TRUNC resets the date to being as of midnight so you can omit it if you want the creation_date that is 30 days previous including the current time.

Depending on your needs, you could also look at using ADD_MONTHS:

 WHERE creation_date <= ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -1)

How to check null objects in jQuery

What about using "undefined"?

if (value != undefined){ // do stuff } 

Converting an integer to a string in PHP

$integer = 93;
$stringedInt = $integer.'';

is faster than

$integer = 93;
$stringedInt = $integer."";

Is it possible to see more than 65536 rows in Excel 2007?

I have found that the 65536 limit still applies to pivot tables, even in Excel 2007.

How do you tell if a string contains another string in POSIX sh?

Sadly, I am not aware of a way to do this in sh. However, using bash (starting in version 3.0.0, which is probably what you have), you can use the =~ operator like this:


if [[ "$CURRENT_DIR" =~ "String1" ]]
 echo "String1 present"
elif [[ "$CURRENT_DIR" =~ "String2" ]]
 echo "String2 present"
 echo "Else"

As an added bonus (and/or a warning, if your strings have any funny characters in them), =~ accepts regexes as the right operand if you leave out the quotes.

How can I keep my branch up to date with master with git?

If your branch is local only and hasn't been pushed to the server, use

git rebase master

Otherwise, use

git merge master

How to make a programme continue to run after log out from ssh?

Start in the background:

./long_running_process options &

And disown the job before you log out:


Command-line Git on Windows

As @birryree said, add msysgit's binary to your PATH, or use Git Bash (installed with msysgit as far as I remember) which is better than Windows' console and similar to the Unix one.

How to create a testflight invitation code?

after you add the user for testing. the user should get an email. open that email by your iOS device, then click "Start testing" it will bring you to testFlight to download the app directly. If you open that email via computer, and then click "Start testing" it will show you another page which have the instruction of how to install the app. and that invitation code is on the last line. those All upper case letters is the code.

Moving average or running mean

You can calculate a running mean with:

import numpy as np

def runningMean(x, N):
    y = np.zeros((len(x),))
    for ctr in range(len(x)):
         y[ctr] = np.sum(x[ctr:(ctr+N)])
    return y/N

But it's slow.

Fortunately, numpy includes a convolve function which we can use to speed things up. The running mean is equivalent to convolving x with a vector that is N long, with all members equal to 1/N. The numpy implementation of convolve includes the starting transient, so you have to remove the first N-1 points:

def runningMeanFast(x, N):
    return np.convolve(x, np.ones((N,))/N)[(N-1):]

On my machine, the fast version is 20-30 times faster, depending on the length of the input vector and size of the averaging window.

Note that convolve does include a 'same' mode which seems like it should address the starting transient issue, but it splits it between the beginning and end.

DTO and DAO concepts and MVC

DTO is an abbreviation for Data Transfer Object, so it is used to transfer the data between classes and modules of your application.

  • DTO should only contain private fields for your data, getters, setters, and constructors.
  • DTO is not recommended to add business logic methods to such classes, but it is OK to add some util methods.

DAO is an abbreviation for Data Access Object, so it should encapsulate the logic for retrieving, saving and updating data in your data storage (a database, a file-system, whatever).

Here is an example of how the DAO and DTO interfaces would look like:

interface PersonDTO {
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

interface PersonDAO {
    PersonDTO findById(long id);
    void save(PersonDTO person);

The MVC is a wider pattern. The DTO/DAO would be your model in the MVC pattern.
It tells you how to organize the whole application, not just the part responsible for data retrieval.

As for the second question, if you have a small application it is completely OK, however, if you want to follow the MVC pattern it would be better to have a separate controller, which would contain the business logic for your frame in a separate class and dispatch messages to this controller from the event handlers.
This would separate your business logic from the view.

Python and pip, list all versions of a package that's available?

Simple bash script that relies only on python itself (I assume that in the context of the question it should be installed) and one of curl or wget. It has an assumption that you have setuptools package installed to sort versions (almost always installed). It doesn't rely on external dependencies such as:

  • jq which may not be present;
  • grep and awk that may behave differently on Linux and macOS.
curl --silent --location | python -c "import sys, json, pkg_resources; releases = json.load(sys.stdin)['releases']; print(' '.join(sorted(releases, key=pkg_resources.parse_version)))"

A little bit longer version with comments.

Put the package name into a variable:


Get versions (using curl):

VERSIONS=$(curl --silent --location$PACKAGE/json | python -c "import sys, json, pkg_resources; releases = json.load(sys.stdin)['releases']; print(' '.join(sorted(releases, key=pkg_resources.parse_version)))")

Get versions (using wget):

VERSIONS=$(wget -qO-$PACKAGE/json | python -c "import sys, json, pkg_resources; releases = json.load(sys.stdin)['releases']; print(' '.join(sorted(releases, key=pkg_resources.parse_version)))")

Print sorted versions:


No connection string named 'MyEntities' could be found in the application config file

This could also result in not enough dll references being referenced in the calling code. A small clumsy hack could save your day.

I was following the DB First approach and had created the EDMX file in the DAL Class library project, and this was having reference to the BAL Class library, which in turn was referenced by a WCF service.

Since I was getting this error in the BAL, I had tried the above mentioned method to copy the config details from the App.config of the DAL project, but didn't solve. Ultimately with the tip of a friend I just added a dummy EDMX file to the WCF project (with relevant DB Connectivity etc), so it imported everything necessary, and then I just deleted the EDMX file, and it just got rid of the issue with a clean build.

Can I mask an input text in a bat file?

I would probably just do:

echo Before you enter your password, make sure no-one is looking!
set /P password=Password:  
echo Thanks, got that.

So you get a prompt, then the screen clears after it's entered.

Note that the entered password will be stored in the CMD history if the batch file is executed from a command prompt (Thanks @Mark K Cowan).

If that wasn't good enough, I would either switch to python, or write an executable instead of a script.

I know none of these are perfect soutions, but maybe one is good enough for you :)

Debugging WebSocket in Google Chrome

The other answers cover the most common scenario: watch the content of the frames (Developer Tools -> Network tab -> Right click on the websocket connection -> frames).

If you want to know some more informations, like which sockets are currently open/idle or be able to close them you'll find this url useful


Mapping US zip code to time zone

Ruby gem to convert zip code to timezone: (forked from

> ActiveSupport::TimeZone.find_by_zipcode('90029')
 => "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"

It's fast, small, and has no external dependencies, but keep in mind that zip codes just don't map perfectly to timezones.

How to len(generator())

You can use len(list(generator_function()). However, this consumes the generator, but that's the only way you can find out how many elements are generated. So you may want to save the list somewhere if you also want to use the items.

a = list(generator_function())

correct quoting for cmd.exe for multiple arguments

Spaces are used for separating Arguments. In your case C:\Program becomes argument. If your file path contains spaces then add Double quotation marks. Then cmd will recognize it as single argument.

jQuery add required to input fields

Should not enclose true with double quote " " it should be like

$(document).ready(function() {            
   $('input').attr('required', true);   

Also you can use prop

jQuery(document).ready(function() {            
   $('input').prop('required', true);   

Instead of true you can try required. Such as

$('input').prop('required', 'required');

Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. Access is denied. The issue is random, but after it happens once, it continues

In my case it was due to the Access Protection feature of my anti-virus (McAfee). It was obviously blocking access to this file, as of such the error.

I disabled it and the solution ran. You might want to check any utility application you might have running that could be affecting access to some files.

Can anonymous class implement interface?

Casting anonymous types to interfaces has been something I've wanted for a while but unfortunately the current implementation forces you to have an implementation of that interface.

The best solution around it is having some type of dynamic proxy that creates the implementation for you. Using the excellent LinFu project you can replace

select new
  A = value.A,
  B = value.C + "_" + value.D


 select new DynamicObject(new
   A = value.A,
   B = value.C + "_" + value.D

Export table data from one SQL Server to another

This is somewhat a go around solution but it worked for me I hope it works for this problem for others as well:

You can run the select SQL query on the table that you want to export and save the result as .xls in you drive.

Now create the table you want to add data with all the columns and indexes. This can be easily done with the right click on the actual table and selecting Create To script option.

Now you can right click on the DB where you want to add you table and select the Tasks>Import .

Import Export wizard opens and select next.Select the Microsoft Excel as input Data source and then browse and select the .xls file you have saved earlier.

Now select the destination server and also the destination table we have created already.

Note:If there is any identity based field, in the destination table you might want to remove the identity property as this data will also be inserted . So if you had this one as Identity property only then it would error out the import process.

Now hit next and hit finish and it will show you how many records are being imported and return success if no errors occur.

How to make Bootstrap 4 cards the same height in card-columns?

this may help you

just follow this code

<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-4 h-100">contents....</div>
   <div class="col-md-4 h-100">contents....</div>
   <div class="col-md-4 h-100">contents....</div>

use bootstrap class "h-100"

How to send file contents as body entity using cURL

In my case, @ caused some sort of encoding problem, I still prefer my old way:

curl -d "$(cat /path/to/file)"

How to check if a string starts with "_" in PHP?

Since someone mentioned efficiency, I've benchmarked the functions given so far out of curiosity:

function startsWith1($str, $char) {
    return strpos($str, $char) === 0;
function startsWith2($str, $char) {
    return stripos($str, $char) === 0;
function startsWith3($str, $char) {
    return substr($str, 0, 1) === $char;
function startsWith4($str, $char){
    return $str[0] === $char;
function startsWith5($str, $char){
    return (bool) preg_match('/^' . $char . '/', $str);
function startsWith6($str, $char) {
    if (is_null($encoding)) $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
    return mb_substr($str, 0, mb_strlen($char, $encoding), $encoding) === $char;

Here are the results on my average DualCore machine with 100.000 runs each

// Testing '_string'
startsWith1 took 0.385906934738
startsWith2 took 0.457293987274
startsWith3 took 0.412894964218
startsWith4 took 0.366240024567 <-- fastest
startsWith5 took 0.642996072769
startsWith6 took 1.39859509468

// Tested "string"
startsWith1 took 0.384965896606
startsWith2 took 0.445554971695
startsWith3 took 0.42377281189
startsWith4 took 0.373164176941 <-- fastest
startsWith5 took 0.630424022675
startsWith6 took 1.40699005127

// Tested 1000 char random string [a-z0-9]
startsWith1 took 0.430691003799
startsWith2 took 4.447286129
startsWith3 took 0.413349866867
startsWith4 took 0.368592977524 <-- fastest
startsWith5 took 0.627470016479
startsWith6 took 1.40957403183

// Tested 1000 char random string [a-z0-9] with '_' prefix
startsWith1 took 0.384054899216
startsWith2 took 4.41522812843
startsWith3 took 0.408898115158
startsWith4 took 0.363884925842 <-- fastest
startsWith5 took 0.638479948044
startsWith6 took 1.41304707527

As you can see, treating the haystack as array to find out the char at the first position is always the fastest solution. It is also always performing at equal speed, regardless of string length. Using strpos is faster than substr for short strings but slower for long strings, when the string does not start with the prefix. The difference is irrelevant though. stripos is incredibly slow with long strings. preg_match performs mostly the same regardless of string length, but is only mediocre in speed. The mb_substr solution performs worst, while probably being more reliable though.

Given that these numbers are for 100.000 runs, it should be obvious that we are talking about 0.0000x seconds per call. Picking one over the other for efficiency is a worthless micro-optimization, unless your app is doing startsWith checking for a living.

List of encodings that Node.js supports

If the above solution does not work for you it is may be possible to obtain the same result with the following pure nodejs code. The above did not work for me and resulted in a compilation exception when running 'npm install iconv' on OSX:

npm install iconv

npm WARN package.json [email protected] No file found!
npm http GET
npm http 200
npm http GET
npm http 200

> [email protected] install /Users/markboyd/git/portal/app/node_modules/iconv
> node-gyp rebuild

gyp http GET
gyp http 200
xcode-select: Error: No Xcode is selected. Use xcode-select -switch <path-to-xcode>, or see the xcode-select manpage (man xcode-select) for further information.

fs.readFileSync() returns a Buffer if no encoding is specified. And Buffer has a toString() method that will convert to UTF8 if no encoding is specified giving you the file's contents. See the nodejs documentation. This worked for me.

Can you get a Windows (AD) username in PHP?

get_user_name works the same way as getenv('USERNAME');

I had encoding(with cyrillic) problems using getenv('USERNAME')

Property 'value' does not exist on type EventTarget in TypeScript

The way I do it is the following (better than type assertion imho):

onFieldUpdate(event: { target: HTMLInputElement }) {

This assumes you are only interested in the target property, which is the most common case. If you need to access the other properties of event, a more comprehensive solution involves using the & type intersection operator:

event: Event & { target: HTMLInputElement }

This is a Vue.js version but the concept applies to all frameworks. Obviously you can go more specific and instead of using a general HTMLInputElement you can use e.g. HTMLTextAreaElement for textareas.

JNZ & CMP Assembly Instructions

You can read JNE/Z as *

Jump if the status is "Not set" on Equal/Zero flag

"Not set" is a status when "equal/zero flag" in the CPU is set to 0 which only happens when the condition is met or equally matched.

How to run shell script on host from docker container?

To expand on user2915097's response:

The idea of isolation is to be able to restrict what an application/process/container (whatever your angle at this is) can do to the host system very clearly. Hence, being able to copy and execute a file would really break the whole concept.

Yes. But it's sometimes necessary.

No. That's not the case, or Docker is not the right thing to use. What you should do is declare a clear interface for what you want to do (e.g. updating a host config), and write a minimal client/server to do exactly that and nothing more. Generally, however, this doesn't seem to be very desirable. In many cases, you should simply rethink your approach and eradicate that need. Docker came into an existence when basically everything was a service that was reachable using some protocol. I can't think of any proper usecase of a Docker container getting the rights to execute arbitrary stuff on the host.

Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing

npm start runs a script that the app maker built for easy starting of the app npm install installs all the packages in package.json

run npm install first

then run npm start

How do I get the day of week given a date?

Say you have timeStamp: String variable, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

step 1: convert it to dateTime function with blow code...

df['timeStamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timeStamp'])

Step 2 : Now you can extract all the required feature as below which will create new Column for each of the fild- hour,month,day of week,year, date

df['Hour'] = df['timeStamp'].apply(lambda time: time.hour)
df['Month'] = df['timeStamp'].apply(lambda time: time.month)
df['Day of Week'] = df['timeStamp'].apply(lambda time: time.dayofweek)
df['Year'] = df['timeStamp'].apply(lambda t: t.year)
df['Date'] = df['timeStamp'].apply(lambda t:

Angular 2 Unit Tests: Cannot find name 'describe'

Look at the import maybe you have a cycle dependency, this was in my case the error, using import {} from 'jasmine'; will fix the errors in the console and make the code compilable but not removes the root of devil (in my case the cycle dependency).

Check if value exists in column in VBA

Just to modify scott's answer to make it a function:

Function FindFirstInRange(FindString As String, RngIn As Range, Optional UseCase As Boolean = True, Optional UseWhole As Boolean = True) As Variant

    Dim LookAtWhat As Integer

    If UseWhole Then LookAtWhat = xlWhole Else LookAtWhat = xlPart

    With RngIn
        Set FindFirstInRange = .Find(What:=FindString, _
                                     After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
                                     LookIn:=xlValues, _
                                     LookAt:=LookAtWhat, _
                                     SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                                     SearchDirection:=xlNext, _

        If FindFirstInRange Is Nothing Then FindFirstInRange = False

    End With

End Function

This returns FALSE if the value isn't found, and if it's found, it returns the range.

You can optionally tell it to be case-sensitive, and/or to allow partial-word matches.

I took out the TRIM because you can add that beforehand if you want to.

An example:

MsgBox FindFirstInRange(StringToFind, Range("2:2"), TRUE, FALSE).Address

That does a case-sensitive, partial-word search on the 2nd row and displays a box with the address. The following is the same search, but a whole-word search that is not case-sensitive:

MsgBox FindFirstInRange(StringToFind, Range("2:2")).Address

You can easily tweak this function to your liking or change it from a Variant to to a boolean, or whatever, to speed it up a little.

Do note that VBA's Find is sometimes slower than other methods like brute-force looping or Match, so don't assume that it's the fastest just because it's native to VBA. It's more complicated and flexible, which also can make it not always as efficient. And it has some funny quirks to look out for, like the "Object variable or with block variable not set" error.

How to create a file in memory for user to download, but not through server?

I'm happily using FileSaver.js. Its compatibility is pretty good (IE10+ and everything else), and it's very simple to use:

var blob = new Blob(["some text"], {
    type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8;",
saveAs(blob, "thing.txt");

Correct way to load a Nib for a UIView subclass

Well you could either initialize the xib using a view controller and use viewController.view. or do it the way you did it. Only making a UIView subclass as the controller for UIView is a bad idea.

If you don't have any outlets from your custom view then you can directly use a UIViewController class to initialize it.

Update: In your case:

UIViewController *genericViewCon = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"CustomView"];
//Assuming you have a reference for the activity indicator in your custom view class
CustomView *myView = (CustomView *)genericViewCon.view;
[parentView addSubview:myView];
//And when necessary
[myView.activityIndicator startAnimating]; //or stop

Otherwise you have to make a custom UIViewController(to make it as the file's owner so that the outlets are properly wired up).

YourCustomController *yCustCon = [[YourCustomController alloc] initWithNibName:@"YourXibName"].

Wherever you want to add the view you can use.

[parentView addSubview:yCustCon.view];

However passing the another view controller(already being used for another view) as the owner while loading the xib is not a good idea as the view property of the controller will be changed and when you want to access the original view, you won't have a reference to it.

EDIT: You will face this problem if you have setup your new xib with file's owner as the same main UIViewController class and tied the view property to the new xib view.


  • YourMainViewController -- manages -- mainView
  • CustomView -- needs to load from xib as and when required.

The below code will cause confusion later on, if you write it inside view did load of YourMainViewController. That is because self.view from this point on will refer to your customview

  UIView *childView= [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"YourXibName" owner:self options:nil] objectAtIndex:0];

Responsive web design is working on desktop but not on mobile device

I have also faced this problem. Finally I got a solution. Use this bellow code. Hope: problem will be solve.

<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">

JavaScript Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined; Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

You did not include jquery library. In jsfiddle its already there. Just include this line in your head section.

 <script src="">

How to declare variable and use it in the same Oracle SQL script?

The question is about to use a variable in a script means to me it will be used in SQL*Plus.

The problem is you missed the quotes and Oracle can not parse the value to number.

SQL> DEFINE num = 2018
SQL> SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual;
old   1: SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual
new   1: SELECT 2018 AS your_num FROM dual


Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

This sample is works fine because of automatic type conversion (or whatever it is called).

If you check by typing DEFINE in SQL*Plus, it will shows that num variable is CHAR.

DEFINE NUM             = "2018" (CHAR)

It is not a problem in this case, because Oracle can deal with parsing string to number if it would be a valid number.

When the string can not parse to number, than Oracle can not deal with it.

SQL> DEFINE num = 'Doh'
SQL> SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual;
old   1: SELECT &num AS your_num FROM dual
new   1: SELECT Doh AS your_num FROM dual
SELECT Doh AS your_num FROM dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "DOH": invalid identifier

With a quote, so do not force Oracle to parse to number, will be fine:

17:31:00 SQL> SELECT '&num' AS your_num FROM dual;
old   1: SELECT '&num' AS your_num FROM dual
new   1: SELECT 'Doh' AS your_num FROM dual


So, to answer the original question, it should be do like this sample:

SQL> DEFINE stupidvar = 'X'
SQL> SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || '&stupidvar'
  2  FROM dual
  3  WHERE dummy = '&stupidvar';
old   1: SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || '&stupidvar'
new   1: SELECT 'print stupidvar:' || 'X'
old   3: WHERE dummy = '&stupidvar'
new   3: WHERE dummy = 'X'

print stupidvar:X

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

There is an other way to store variable in SQL*Plus by using Query Column Value.

The COL[UMN] has new_value option to store value from query by field name.

SQL> COLUMN stupid_column_name new_value stupid_var noprint
SQL> SELECT dummy || '.log' AS stupid_column_name
  2  FROM dual;

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
SQL> SPOOL &stupid_var.
SQL> SELECT '&stupid_var' FROM DUAL;
old   1: SELECT '&stupid_var' FROM DUAL
new   1: SELECT 'X.log' FROM DUAL


Elapsed: 00:00:00.00

As you can see, X.log value was set into the stupid_var variable, so we can find a X.log file in the current directory has some log in it.

Can not find module “@angular-devkit/build-angular”

Try to install angular-devkit for building angular projects

npm install --save-dev @angular-devkit/build-angular

Bind event to right mouse click

.contextmenu method :-

Try as follows

<div id="wrap">Right click</div>

$('#wrap').contextmenu(function() {
  alert("Right click");

.mousedown method:-

$('#wrap').mousedown(function(event) {

        if(event.which == 3){
            alert('Right Mouse button pressed.');

Update a table using JOIN in SQL Server?

I find it useful to turn an UPDATE into a SELECT to get the rows I want to update as a test before updating. If I can select the exact rows I want, I can update just those rows I want to update.

DECLARE @expense_report_id AS INT
SET @expense_report_id = 1027

--UPDATE expense_report_detail_distribution
--SET service_bill_id = 9

FROM expense_report_detail_distribution erdd
INNER JOIN expense_report_detail erd
INNER JOIN expense_report er 
    ON er.expense_report_id = erd.expense_report_id 
    ON erdd.expense_report_detail_id = erd.expense_report_detail_id
WHERE er.expense_report_id = @expense_report_id

Why can't non-default arguments follow default arguments?

All required parameters must be placed before any default arguments. Simply because they are mandatory, whereas default arguments are not. Syntactically, it would be impossible for the interpreter to decide which values match which arguments if mixed modes were allowed. A SyntaxError is raised if the arguments are not given in the correct order:

Let us take a look at keyword arguments, using your function.

def fun1(a="who is you", b="True", x, y):
...     print a,b,x,y

Suppose its allowed to declare function as above, Then with the above declarations, we can make the following (regular) positional or keyword argument calls:

func1("ok a", "ok b", 1)  # Is 1 assigned to x or ?
func1(1)                  # Is 1 assigned to a or ?
func1(1, 2)               # ?

How you will suggest the assignment of variables in the function call, how default arguments are going to be used along with keyword arguments.

>>> def fun1(x, y, a="who is you", b="True"):
...     print a,b,x,y

Reference O'Reilly - Core-Python
Where as this function make use of the default arguments syntactically correct for above function calls. Keyword arguments calling prove useful for being able to provide for out-of-order positional arguments, but, coupled with default arguments, they can also be used to "skip over" missing arguments as well.

View tabular file such as CSV from command line

There's this short command line script in python:

Just download and place in your path. Usage is like [options] csv-file-path

Convert csv file at csv-file-path to ascii form returning the result on stdout. If csv-file-path = '-' then read from stdin.


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WIDTH, --width=WIDTH
                        Width of ascii output
  -c COLUMNS, --columns=COLUMNS
                        Only display this number of columns

When should I use Lazy<T>?

You typically use it when you want to instantiate something the first time its actually used. This delays the cost of creating it till if/when it's needed instead of always incurring the cost.

Usually this is preferable when the object may or may not be used and the cost of constructing it is non-trivial.

Difference Between Schema / Database in MySQL

PostgreSQL supports schemas, which is a subset of a database:

A database contains one or more named schemas, which in turn contain tables. Schemas also contain other kinds of named objects, including data types, functions, and operators. The same object name can be used in different schemas without conflict; for example, both schema1 and myschema can contain tables named mytable. Unlike databases, schemas are not rigidly separated: a user can access objects in any of the schemas in the database they are connected to, if they have privileges to do so.

Schemas are analogous to directories at the operating system level, except that schemas cannot be nested.

In my humble opinion, MySQL is not a reference database. You should never quote MySQL for an explanation. MySQL implements non-standard SQL and sometimes claims features that it does not support. For example, in MySQL, CREATE schema will only create a DATABASE. It is truely misleading users.

This kind of vocabulary is called "MySQLism" by DBAs.

Why do I get "Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent" when I call Response.Redirect()?

According to the MSDN documentation for Response.Redirect(string url), it will throw an HttpException when "a redirection is attempted after the HTTP headers have been sent". Since Response.Redirect(string url) uses the Http "Location" response header (, calling it will cause the headers to be sent to the client. This means that if you call it a second time, or if you call it after you've caused the headers to be sent in some other way, you'll get the HttpException.

One way to guard against calling Response.Redirect() multiple times is to check the Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected property (bool) before calling it.

// Causes headers to be sent to the client (Http "Location" response header)
if (!Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected)
    // Will not be called

How to define a connection string to a SQL Server 2008 database?

Standard Security
Data Source=serverName\instanceName;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Trusted Connection
Data Source=serverName\instanceName;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;

Here's a good reference on connection strings that I keep handy:

How to describe "object" arguments in jsdoc?

There's a new @config tag for these cases. They link to the preceding @param.

/** My function does X and Y.
    @params {object} parameters An object containing the parameters
    @config {integer} setting1 A required setting.
    @config {string} [setting2] An optional setting.
    @params {MyClass~FuncCallback} callback The callback function
function(parameters, callback) {
    // ...

 * This callback is displayed as part of the MyClass class.
 * @callback MyClass~FuncCallback
 * @param {number} responseCode
 * @param {string} responseMessage

Java ArrayList for integers

you should not use Integer[] array inside the list as arraylist itself is a kind of array. Just leave the [] and it should work

Get all parameters from JSP page

<%@ page import = "java.util.Map" %>
Map<String, String[]> parameters = request.getParameterMap();
for(String parameter : parameters.keySet()) {
    if(parameter.toLowerCase().startsWith("question")) {
        String[] values = parameters.get(parameter);
        //your code here

The best way to remove duplicate values from NSMutableArray in Objective-C?

Using Orderedset will do the trick. This will keep the remove duplicates from the array and maintain order which sets normally doesn't do

LaTeX beamer: way to change the bullet indentation?

Beamer just delegates responsibility for managing layout of itemize environments back to the base LaTeX packages, so there's nothing funky you need to do in Beamer itself to alter the apperaance / layout of your lists.

Since Beamer redefines itemize, item, etc., the fully proper way to manipulate things like indentation is to redefine the Beamer templates. I get the impression that you're not looking to go that far, but if that's not the case, let me know and I'll elaborate.

There are at least three ways of accomplishing your goal from within your document, without mussing about with Beamer templates.

With itemize

In the following code snippet, you can change the value of \itemindent from 0em to whatever you please, including negative values. 0em is the default item indentation.

The advantage of this method is that the list is styled normally. The disadvantage is that Beamer's redefinition of itemize and \item means that the number of paramters that can be manipulated to change the list layout is limited. It can be very hard to get the spacing right with multi-line items.

  \item This is a normally-indented item.

With list

In the following code snippet, the second parameter to \list is the bullet to use, and the third parameter is a list of layout parameters to change. The \leftmargin parameter adjusts the indentation of the entire list item and all of its rows; \itemindent alters the indentation of subsequent lines.

The advantage of this method is that you have all of the flexibility of lists in non-Beamer LaTeX. The disadvantage is that you have to setup the bullet style (and other visual elements) manually (or identify the right command for the template you're using). Note that if you leave the second argument empty, no bullet will be displayed and you'll save some horizontal space.

\begin{list}{$\square$}{\leftmargin=1em \itemindent=0em}
  \item This item uses the margin and indentation provided above.

Defining a customlist environment

The shortcomings of the list solution can be ameliorated by defining a new customlist environment that basically redefines the itemize environment from Beamer but also incorporates the \leftmargin and \itemindent (etc.) parameters. Put the following in your preamble:

  \ifnum\@itemdepth >2\relax\@toodeep\else
      \usebeamerfont{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body}%
      \usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body}%
      \usebeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body begin}%
            \usebeamertemplate{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}
        { \leftmargin=#1 \itemindent=#2
                    \usebeamerfont*{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}%
                        \usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}##1}}%
  \usebeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body end}%

Now, to use an itemized list with custom indentation, you can use the following environment. The first argument is for \leftmargin and the second is for \itemindent. The default values are 2.5em and 0em respectively.

   \item Any normal item can go here.

A custom bullet style can be incorporated into the customlist solution using the standard Beamer mechanism of \setbeamertemplate. (See the answers to this question on the TeX Stack Exchange for more information.)

Alternatively, the bullet style can just be modified directly within the environment, by replacing \usebeamertemplate{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item} with whatever bullet style you'd like to use (e.g. $\square$).

AngularJS ng-if with multiple conditions

JavaScript Code

function ctrl($scope){
${state:['second','first','nothing','Never', 'Gonna', 'Give', 'You', 'Up']}

$scope.whatClassIsIt= function(someValue){
            return "ClassA"
     else if(someValue=="second")
         return "ClassB";
         return "ClassC";

How to export all collections in MongoDB?

I found after trying lots of convoluted examples that very simple approach worked for me.

I just wanted to take a dump of a db from local and import it on a remote instance:

on the local machine:

mongodump -d databasename

then I scp'd my dump to my server machine:

scp -r dump [email protected]:~

then from the parent dir of the dump simply:


and that imported the database.

assuming mongodb service is running of course.

How to mock location on device?

Use this permission in manifest file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION">

android studio will recommend that "Mock location should only be requested in a test or debug-specific manifest file (typically src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml)" just disable the inspection

Now make sure you have checked the "Allow mock locations" in developer setting of your phone

Use LocationManager

locationManager.addTestProvider(mocLocationProvider, false, false,
                false, false, true, true, true, 0, 5);
locationManager.setTestProviderEnabled(mocLocationProvider, true);

Now set the location wherever you want

Location mockLocation = new Location(mocLocationProvider); 
locationManager.setTestProviderLocation( mocLocationProvider, mockLocation); 

How to read AppSettings values from a .json file in ASP.NET Core

For .NET Core 2.0, things have changed a little bit. The startup constructor takes a Configuration object as a parameter, So using the ConfigurationBuilder is not required. Here is mine:

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
    Configuration = configuration;

public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

My POCO is the StorageOptions object mentioned at the top:

namespace FictionalWebApp.Models
    public class StorageOptions
        public String StorageConnectionString { get; set; }
        public String AccountName { get; set; }
        public String AccountKey { get; set; }
        public String DefaultEndpointsProtocol { get; set; }
        public String EndpointSuffix { get; set; }

        public StorageOptions() { }

And the configuration is actually a subsection of my appsettings.json file, named AzureStorageConfig:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;",
    "StorageConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=fictionalwebapp;AccountKey=Cng4Afwlk242-23=-_d2ksa69*2xM0jLUUxoAw==;"
  "Logging": {
    "IncludeScopes": false,
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning"

  "AzureStorageConfig": {
    "AccountName": "fictionalwebapp",
    "AccountKey": "Cng4Afwlk242-23=-_d2ksa69*2xM0jLUUxoAw==",
    "DefaultEndpointsProtocol": "https",
    "EndpointSuffix": "",
    "StorageConnectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=fictionalwebapp;AccountKey=Cng4Afwlk242-23=-_d2ksa69*2xM0jLUUxoAw==;"

The only thing I'll add is that, since the constructor has changed, I haven't tested whether something extra needs to be done for it to load appsettings.<environmentname>.json as opposed to appsettings.json.

Undoing accidental git stash pop

From git stash --help

Recovering stashes that were cleared/dropped erroneously
   If you mistakenly drop or clear stashes, they cannot be recovered through the normal safety mechanisms. However, you can try the
   following incantation to get a list of stashes that are still in your repository, but not reachable any more:

       git fsck --unreachable |
       grep commit | cut -d\  -f3 |
       xargs git log --merges --no-walk --grep=WIP

This helped me better than the accepted answer with the same scenario.

Open fancybox from function

if is not available (on fancybox 1.3.4) you may need to use semafor to get around the recursion problem:

<a href="/index.html" onclick="return myfunction(this)">click me</a>


var clickSemafor = false;
 if (!clickSemafor) {
   clickSemafor = true; 
   return false; // do nothing here when in recursion
 var e = jQuery(el); 
    type: 'iframe',
    href: el.href
  });;  // you could also use e.trigger('click');
 return false; // prevent default


How to display pandas DataFrame of floats using a format string for columns?


    df = pd.DataFrame({'money': [100.456, 200.789], 'share': ['100,000', '200,000']})
    print(df.to_string(formatters={'money': '${:,.2f}'.format}))
    for col_name in ('share',):
        df[col_name] = df[col_name].map(lambda p: int(p.replace(',', '')))
        money    share
    0  100.456  100,000
    1  200.789  200,000

        money    share
    0 $100.46  100,000
    1 $200.79  200,000

         money   share
    0  100.456  100000
    1  200.789  200000

form confirm before submit

$('.testform').submit(function() {
  if ($(this).data('first-submit')) {
    return true;
  } else {
    $(this).find('.submitbtn').val('Confirm').data('first-submit', true);
    return false;

Checking for empty or null List<string>

Most answers here focused on how to check if a collection is Empty or Null which was quite straight forward as demonstrated by them.

Like many people here, I was also wondering why does not Microsoft itself provide such a basic feature which is already provided for String type (String.IsNullOrEmpty())? Then I encountered this guideline from Microsoft where it says:

X DO NOT return null values from collection properties or from methods returning collections. Return an empty collection or an empty array instead.

The general rule is that null and empty (0 item) collections or arrays should be treated the same.

So, ideally you should never have a collection which is null if you follow this guideline from Microsoft. And that will help you to remove unnecessary null checking which ultimately will make your code more readable. In this case, someone just need to check : myList.Any() to find out whether there is any element present in the list.

Hope this explanation will help someone who will face same problem in future and wondering why isn't there any such feature to check whether a collection is null or empty.

SQL Order By Count

Below gives me opposite of what you have. (Notice Group column)


Let me know if this is fine with you...

I am trying to get what you want too...

How do I paste multi-line bash codes into terminal and run it all at once?

If you press C-x C-e command that will open your default editor which defined .bashrc, after that you can use all powerful features of your editor. When you save and exit, the lines will wait your enter.

If you want to define your editor, just write for Ex. EDITOR=emacs -nw or EDITOR=vi inside of ~/.bashrc

Table with table-layout: fixed; and how to make one column wider

Are you creating a very large table (hundreds of rows and columns)? If so, table-layout: fixed; is a good idea, as the browser only needs to read the first row in order to compute and render the entire table, so it loads faster.

But if not, I would suggest dumping table-layout: fixed; and changing your css as follows:

table th, table td{
border: 1px solid #000;
width:20px;  //or something similar   

table td.wideRow, table th.wideRow{
width: 300px;

How to copy a char array in C?

If your arrays are not string arrays, use: memcpy(array2, array1, sizeof(array2));

DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled

On Windows 10,

I just solved this issue by doing the following.

  1. Goto my.ini and add these 2 lines under [mysqld]

    log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1
  2. restart MySQL service

Java 8 Lambda Stream forEach with multiple statements

List<String> items = new ArrayList<>();

//Output : A,B,C,D,E

//Output : C

Get human readable version of file size?

Riffing on the snippet provided as an alternative to hurry.filesize(), here is a snippet that gives varying precision numbers based on the prefix used. It isn't as terse as some snippets, but I like the results.

def human_size(size_bytes):
    format a size in bytes into a 'human' file size, e.g. bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB
    Note that bytes/KB will be reported in whole numbers but MB and above will have greater precision
    e.g. 1 byte, 43 bytes, 443 KB, 4.3 MB, 4.43 GB, etc
    if size_bytes == 1:
        # because I really hate unnecessary plurals
        return "1 byte"

    suffixes_table = [('bytes',0),('KB',0),('MB',1),('GB',2),('TB',2), ('PB',2)]

    num = float(size_bytes)
    for suffix, precision in suffixes_table:
        if num < 1024.0:
        num /= 1024.0

    if precision == 0:
        formatted_size = "%d" % num
        formatted_size = str(round(num, ndigits=precision))

    return "%s %s" % (formatted_size, suffix)

MSSQL Error 'The underlying provider failed on Open'

In my case I had a mismatch between the connection string name I was registering in the context's constructor vs the name in my web.config. Simple mistake caused by copy and paste :D

    public DataContext()
        : base(nameOrConnectionString: "ConnStringName")

Getting "cannot find Symbol" in Java project in Intellij

Select Build->Rebuild Project will solve it

How can I convert a PFX certificate file for use with Apache on a linux server?

Took some tooling around but this is what I ended up with.

Generated and installed a certificate on IIS7. Exported as PFX from IIS

Convert to pkcs12

openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.pfx -out certificate.cer -nodes

NOTE: While converting PFX to PEM format, openssl will put all the Certificates and Private Key into a single file. You will need to open the file in Text editor and copy each Certificate & Private key(including the BEGIN/END statements) to its own individual text file and save them as certificate.cer, CAcert.cer, privateKey.key respectively.

Saved as certificate.key

Saved as certificate.crt

Added to apache vhost w/ Webmin.

Android Studio-No Module

If you have imported the project, you may have to re-import it the proper way.
Steps :

  1. Close Android Studio. Take backup of the project from C:\Users\UserName\AndroidStudioProjects\YourProject to some other folder . Now delete the project.
  2. Launch Android Studio and click "Import Non-AndroidStudio Project (even if the project to be imported is an AndroidStudio project).
  3. Select only the root folder of the project to be imported. Set the destination directory. Keep all the options checked. AndroidStudio will prompt to make some changes, click Ok for all prompts.
  4. Now you can see the Module pre-defined at the top and you can launch the app to the emulator.

Tested on AndroidStudio version 1.0.1

Removing fields from struct or hiding them in JSON Response

use `json:"-"`

// Field is ignored by this package.
Field int `json:"-"`

// Field appears in JSON as key "myName".
Field int `json:"myName"`

// Field appears in JSON as key "myName" and
// the field is omitted from the object if its value is empty,
// as defined above.
Field int `json:"myName,omitempty"`

// Field appears in JSON as key "Field" (the default), but
// the field is skipped if empty.
// Note the leading comma.
Field int `json:",omitempty"`

doc :

How To Set Up GUI On Amazon EC2 Ubuntu server

For Ubuntu 16.04

1) Install packages

$ sudo apt update;sudo apt install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop
$ sudo apt install gnome-panel gnome-settings-daemon metacity nautilus gnome-terminal vnc4server

2) Edit /usr/bin/vncserver file and modify as below

Find this line

"# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc\n\n".

And add these lines below.

"gnome-session &\n".
"gnome-panel &\n".
"gnome-settings-daemon &\n".
"metacity &\n".
"nautilus &\n".
"gnome-terminal &\n".

3) Create VNC password and vnc session for the user using "vncserver" command.

lonely@ubuntu:~$ vncserver
You will require a password to access your desktops.
xauth: file /home/lonely/.Xauthority does not exist
New 'ubuntu:1 (lonely)' desktop is ubuntu:1
Creating default startup script /home/lonely/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /home/lonely/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/lonely/.vnc/ubuntu:1.log

Now you can access GUI using IP/Domain and port 1

Tested on AWS and digital ocean .

For AWS, you have to allow port 5901 on firewall

To kill session

$ vncserver -kill :1


Refer this guide to create permanent sessions as service

Maintaining the final state at end of a CSS3 animation

If you are using more animation attributes the shorthand is:

animation: bubble 2s linear 0.5s 1 normal forwards;

This gives:

  • bubble animation name
  • 2s duration
  • linear timing-function
  • 0.5s delay
  • 1 iteration-count (can be 'infinite')
  • normal direction
  • forwards fill-mode (set 'backwards' if you want to have compatibility to use the end position as the final state[this is to support browsers that has animations turned off]{and to answer only the title, and not your specific case})

Java Replace Line In Text File

Well you would need to get a file with JFileChooser and then read through the lines of the file using a scanner and the hasNext() function

once you do that you can save the line into a variable and manipulate the contents.

Local and global temporary tables in SQL Server

I find this explanation quite clear (it's pure copy from Technet):

There are two types of temporary tables: local and global. Local temporary tables are visible only to their creators during the same connection to an instance of SQL Server as when the tables were first created or referenced. Local temporary tables are deleted after the user disconnects from the instance of SQL Server. Global temporary tables are visible to any user and any connection after they are created, and are deleted when all users that are referencing the table disconnect from the instance of SQL Server.

Can't import org.apache.http.HttpResponse in Android Studio

Use This:-

compile ''

Edit Crystal report file without Crystal Report software

This may be a long shot, but Crystal Reports for Eclipse is free. I'm not sure if it will work, but if all you need is to edit some static text, you could get that version of CR and get the job done.

How to convert string date to Timestamp in java?

Use below code to convert String Date to Epoc Timestamp. Note : - Your input Date format should match with SimpleDateFormat.

String inputDateInString= "8/15/2017 12:00:00 AM";
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyy hh:mm:ss");

Date parsedDate = dateFormat.parse("inputDateInString");

Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(parsedDate.getTime());

System.out.println("Timestamp "+ timestamp.getTime());

Hive: Convert String to Integer

It would return NULL but if taken as BIGINT would show the number

SELECT query with CASE condition and SUM()

To get each sum in a separate column:

Select SUM(IF(CPaymentType='Check', CAmount, 0)) as PaymentAmountCheck,
       SUM(IF(CPaymentType='Cash', CAmount, 0)) as PaymentAmountCash
from TableOrderPayment
where CPaymentType IN ('Check','Cash') 
and CStatus='Active';

failed to load ad : 3

This error can be because of too much reasons. Try first with testAds ca-app-pub id to avoid admob account issues.

Check that you extends AppCompatActivity in your mainActivity, in my case that was the issue

Also check all this steps again

AJAX reload page with POST

Reload the current document:

 <script type="text/javascript">
 function reloadPage()

Setting table row height

try setting the attribute for td so:

.topic td{ height: 14px };

Git: See my last commit

git log -1 --name-status

Does the work for me.

How to form a correct MySQL connection string?

try creating connection string this way:

MySqlConnectionStringBuilder conn_string = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();
conn_string.Server = "";
conn_string.UserID = "a455555_test";
conn_string.Password = "a455555_me";
conn_string.Database = "xxxxxxxx";

using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string.ToString()))
using (MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
{    //watch out for this SQL injection vulnerability below
     cmd.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT Test (lat, long) VALUES ({0},{1})",
                                    OSGconv.deciLat, OSGconv.deciLon);

How to make a .NET Windows Service start right after the installation?

To add to ScottTx's answer, here's the actual code to start the service if you're doing it the Microsoft way (ie. using a Setup project etc...)

(excuse the code, but this is what I'm stuck with)

Private Sub ServiceInstaller1_AfterInstall(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Configuration.Install.InstallEventArgs) Handles ServiceInstaller1.AfterInstall
    Dim sc As New ServiceController()
    sc.ServiceName = ServiceInstaller1.ServiceName

    If sc.Status = ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped Then
            ' Start the service, and wait until its status is "Running".

            ' TODO: log status of service here: sc.Status
        Catch ex As Exception
            ' TODO: log an error here: "Could not start service: ex.Message"
        End Try
    End If
End Sub

To create the above event handler, go to the ProjectInstaller designer where the 2 controlls are. Click on the ServiceInstaller1 control. Go to the properties window under events and there you'll find the AfterInstall event.

Note: Don't put the above code under the AfterInstall event for ServiceProcessInstaller1. It won't work, coming from experience. :)

Align inline-block DIVs to top of container element

<style type="text/css">
        div {
  text-align: center;

            width: 150px;
            height: 150px;
            border-radius: 50%;

            display: block;

<script src=""></script>
  <input type='password' class='secondInput mt-4 mr-1' placeholder="Password">
  <span class='dif'></span>

<script type="text/javascript">

$('button').click(function() {


What does ==$0 (double equals dollar zero) mean in Chrome Developer Tools?

This is Chrome's hint to tell you that if you type $0 on the console, it will be equivalent to that specific element.

Internally, Chrome maintains a stack, where $0 is the selected element, $1 is the element that was last selected, $2 would be the one that was selected before $1 and so on.

Here are some of its applications:

  • Accessing DOM elements from console: $0
  • Accessing their properties from console: $0.parentElement
  • Updating their properties from console: $1.classList.add(...)
  • Updating CSS elements from console: $0.styles.backgroundColor="aqua"
  • Triggering CSS events from console: $
  • And doing a lot more complex stuffs, like: $0.appendChild(document.createElement("div"))

Watch all of this in action:

enter image description here

Backing statement:

Yes, I agree there are better ways to perform these actions, but this feature can come out handy in certain intricate scenarios, like when a DOM element needs to be clicked but it is not possible to do so from the UI because it is covered by other elements or, for some reason, is not visible on UI at that moment.

Change a branch name in a Git repo

Assuming you're currently on the branch you want to rename:

git branch -m newname

This is documented in the manual for git-branch, which you can view using

man git-branch


git help branch

Specifically, the command is

git branch (-m | -M) [<oldbranch>] <newbranch>

where the parameters are:

       The name of an existing branch to rename.

       The new name for an existing branch. The same restrictions as for <branchname> apply.

<oldbranch> is optional, if you want to rename the current branch.

How to convert Varchar to Int in sql server 2008?

Try the following code. In most case, it is caused by the comma issue.

cast(replace([FIELD NAME],',','') as float)

Check if a string is a valid Windows directory (folder) path

Path.GetFullPath gives below exceptions only

ArgumentException path is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more of the invalid characters defined in GetInvalidPathChars. -or- The system could not retrieve the absolute path.

SecurityException The caller does not have the required permissions.

ArgumentNullException path is null.

NotSupportedException path contains a colon (":") that is not part of a volume identifier (for example, "c:\").

PathTooLongException The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters.

Alternate way is to use the following :

/// <summary>
/// Validate the Path. If path is relative append the path to the project directory by default.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path to validate</param>
/// <param name="RelativePath">Relative path</param>
/// <param name="Extension">If want to check for File Path</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool ValidateDllPath(ref string path, string RelativePath = "", string Extension = "")
    // Check if it contains any Invalid Characters.
    if (path.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) == -1)
            // If path is relative take %IGXLROOT% as the base directory
            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(path))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RelativePath))
                    // Exceptions handled by Path.GetFullPath
                    // ArgumentException path is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more of the invalid characters defined in GetInvalidPathChars. -or- The system could not retrieve the absolute path.
                    // SecurityException The caller does not have the required permissions.
                    // ArgumentNullException path is null.
                    // NotSupportedException path contains a colon (":") that is not part of a volume identifier (for example, "c:\"). 
                    // PathTooLongException The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters.

                    // RelativePath is not passed so we would take the project path 
                    path = Path.GetFullPath(RelativePath);

                    // Make sure the path is relative to the RelativePath and not our project directory
                    path = Path.Combine(RelativePath, path);

            // Exceptions from FileInfo Constructor:
            //   System.ArgumentNullException:
            //     fileName is null.
            //   System.Security.SecurityException:
            //     The caller does not have the required permission.
            //   System.ArgumentException:
            //     The file name is empty, contains only white spaces, or contains invalid characters.
            //   System.IO.PathTooLongException:
            //     The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum
            //     length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than
            //     248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters.
            //   System.NotSupportedException:
            //     fileName contains a colon (:) in the middle of the string.
            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(path);

            // Exceptions using FileInfo.Length:
            //   System.IO.IOException:
            //     System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Refresh() cannot update the state of the file or
            //     directory.
            //   System.IO.FileNotFoundException:
            //     The file does not exist.-or- The Length property is called for a directory.
            bool throwEx = fileInfo.Length == -1;

            // Exceptions using FileInfo.IsReadOnly:
            //   System.UnauthorizedAccessException:
            //     Access to fileName is denied.
            //     The file described by the current System.IO.FileInfo object is read-only.-or-
            //     This operation is not supported on the current platform.-or- The caller does
            //     not have the required permission.
            throwEx = fileInfo.IsReadOnly;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Extension))
                // Validate the Extension of the file.
                if (Path.GetExtension(path).Equals(Extension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // Trim the Library Path
                    path = path.Trim();
                    return true;
                    return false;
                return true;

        catch (ArgumentNullException)
            //   System.ArgumentNullException:
            //     fileName is null.
        catch (System.Security.SecurityException)
            //   System.Security.SecurityException:
            //     The caller does not have the required permission.
        catch (ArgumentException)
            //   System.ArgumentException:
            //     The file name is empty, contains only white spaces, or contains invalid characters.
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
            //   System.UnauthorizedAccessException:
            //     Access to fileName is denied.
        catch (PathTooLongException)
            //   System.IO.PathTooLongException:
            //     The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum
            //     length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than
            //     248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters.
        catch (NotSupportedException)
            //   System.NotSupportedException:
            //     fileName contains a colon (:) in the middle of the string.
        catch (FileNotFoundException)
            // System.FileNotFoundException
            //  The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access a file that does not
            //  exist on disk fails.
        catch (IOException)
            //   System.IO.IOException:
            //     An I/O error occurred while opening the file.
        catch (Exception)
            // Unknown Exception. Might be due to wrong case or nulll checks.
        // Path contains invalid characters
    return false;

How to convert String to long in Java?

In case you are using the Map with out generic, then you need to convert the value into String and then try to convert to Long. Below is sample code

    Map map = new HashMap();

    map.put("name", "John");
    map.put("time", "9648512236521");
    map.put("age", "25");

    long time = Long.valueOf((String)map.get("time")).longValue() ;
    int age = Integer.valueOf((String)  map.get("aget")).intValue();

How can I set size of a button?

The following bit of code does what you ask for. Just make sure that you assign enough space so that the text on the button becomes visible

JFrame frame = new JFrame("test");
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4,4,4,4));

for(int i=0 ; i<16 ; i++){
    JButton btn = new JButton(String.valueOf(i));
    btn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 40));

The X and Y (two first parameters of the GridLayout constructor) specify the number of rows and columns in the grid (respectively). You may leave one of them as 0 if you want that value to be unbounded.


I've modified the provided code and I believe it now conforms to what is desired:

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Colored Trails");

JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

JPanel firstPanel = new JPanel();
firstPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 4));
firstPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
JButton btn;
for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) {
    for (int j=1; j<=4; j++) {
        btn = new JButton();
        btn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 100));

JPanel secondPanel = new JPanel();
secondPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 13));
secondPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(520, 200));
for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) {
    for (int j=1; j<=13; j++) {
        btn = new JButton();
        btn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40, 40));


frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(520,600));

Basically I now set the preferred size of the panels and a minimum size for the frame.

Using LINQ to find item in a List but get "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source"

This exception could point to the LINQ parameter that is named source:

 System.Linq.Enumerable.Select[TSource,TResult](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 selector)

As the source parameter in your LINQ query (var nCounts = from sale in sal) is 'sal', I suppose the list named 'sal' might be null.

Get hostname of current request in node.js Express

If you're talking about an HTTP request, you can find the request host in:

But that relies on an incoming request.

More at

If you're looking for machine/native information, try the process object.

shell-script headers (#!/bin/sh vs #!/bin/csh)

The #! line tells the kernel (specifically, the implementation of the execve system call) that this program is written in an interpreted language; the absolute pathname that follows identifies the interpreter. Programs compiled to machine code begin with a different byte sequence -- on most modern Unixes, 7f 45 4c 46 (^?ELF) that identifies them as such.

You can put an absolute path to any program you want after the #!, as long as that program is not itself a #! script. The kernel rewrites an invocation of

./script arg1 arg2 arg3 ...

where ./script starts with, say, #! /usr/bin/perl, as if the command line had actually been

/usr/bin/perl ./script arg1 arg2 arg3

Or, as you have seen, you can use #! /bin/sh to write a script intended to be interpreted by sh.

The #! line is only processed if you directly invoke the script (./script on the command line); the file must also be executable (chmod +x script). If you do sh ./script the #! line is not necessary (and will be ignored if present), and the file does not have to be executable. The point of the feature is to allow you to directly invoke interpreted-language programs without having to know what language they are written in. (Do grep '^#!' /usr/bin/* -- you will discover that a great many stock programs are in fact using this feature.)

Here are some rules for using this feature:

  • The #! must be the very first two bytes in the file. In particular, the file must be in an ASCII-compatible encoding (e.g. UTF-8 will work, but UTF-16 won't) and must not start with a "byte order mark", or the kernel will not recognize it as a #! script.
  • The path after #! must be an absolute path (starts with /). It cannot contain space, tab, or newline characters.
  • It is good style, but not required, to put a space between the #! and the /. Do not put more than one space there.
  • You cannot put shell variables on the #! line, they will not be expanded.
  • You can put one command-line argument after the absolute path, separated from it by a single space. Like the absolute path, this argument cannot contain space, tab, or newline characters. Sometimes this is necessary to get things to work (#! /usr/bin/awk -f), sometimes it's just useful (#! /usr/bin/perl -Tw). Unfortunately, you cannot put two or more arguments after the absolute path.
  • Some people will tell you to use #! /usr/bin/env interpreter instead of #! /absolute/path/to/interpreter. This is almost always a mistake. It makes your program's behavior depend on the $PATH variable of the user who invokes the script. And not all systems have env in the first place.
  • Programs that need setuid or setgid privileges can't use #!; they have to be compiled to machine code. (If you don't know what setuid is, don't worry about this.)

Regarding csh, it relates to sh roughly as Nutrimat Advanced Tea Substitute does to tea. It has (or rather had; modern implementations of sh have caught up) a number of advantages over sh for interactive usage, but using it (or its descendant tcsh) for scripting is almost always a mistake. If you're new to shell scripting in general, I strongly recommend you ignore it and focus on sh. If you are using a csh relative as your login shell, switch to bash or zsh, so that the interactive command language will be the same as the scripting language you're learning.

What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application

You can also check out this little lib, containing the functionality you mention.

It is similar to some of the other aproaches here. Hope helps :)

java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset

This exception occurs when the ResultSet is used outside of the while loop. Please keep all processing related to the ResultSet inside the While loop.

How often should you use git-gc?

It depends mostly on how much the repository is used. With one user checking in once a day and a branch/merge/etc operation once a week you probably don't need to run it more than once a year.

With several dozen developers working on several dozen projects each checking in 2-3 times a day, you might want to run it nightly.

It won't hurt to run it more frequently than needed, though.

What I'd do is run it now, then a week from now take a measurement of disk utilization, run it again, and measure disk utilization again. If it drops 5% in size, then run it once a week. If it drops more, then run it more frequently. If it drops less, then run it less frequently.

LINQ: "contains" and a Lambda query

The Linq extension method Any could work for you...

buildingStatus.Any(item => item.GetCharValue() == v.Status)

Move div to new line

Try this

#movie_item {
    display: block;
    margin-top: 10px;
    height: 175px;

.movie_item_poster {
    float: left;
    height: 150px;
    width: 100px;
    background: red;

#movie_item_content {
    float: left;
    background: gold;

.movie_item_content_title {
    display: block;

.movie_item_content_year {
    float: right;

.movie_item_content_plot {
    display: block;


.movie_item_toolbar {
    clear: both;
    vertical-align: bottom;
    width: 100%;
    height: 25px;

In Html

<div id="movie_item">
    <div class="movie_item_poster">
        <img src="..." style="max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%;">

     <div id="movie_item_content">
            <div class="movie_item_content_year">(1890-)</div>
        <div class="movie_item_content_title">title my film is a long word</div>
        <div class="movie_item_content_plot">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia, ratione, aliquam, earum, quibusdam libero rerum iusto exercitationem reiciendis illo corporis nulla ducimus suscipit nisi dolore explicabo. Accusantium porro reprehenderit ad!</div>

    <div class="movie_item_toolbar">
        Lorem Ipsum...

I change position div year.

Android REST client, Sample?

There is plenty of libraries out there and I'm using this one: This was created by me, and, as you can see in the documentation, it's way cleaner and simpler than the other ones. It's not focused on Android, but I'm using in it and it's working pretty well.

It supports HTTP Basic Auth. It does the dirty job of serializing and deserializing JSON objects. You will like it, specially if your API is Rails like.

Make element fixed on scroll

window.addEventListener("scroll", function(evt) {
    var pos_top = document.body.scrollTop;   
    if(pos_top == 0){

    else if(pos_top > 0){

Is there a way to suppress JSHint warning for one given line?

Yes, there is a way. Two in fact. In October 2013 jshint added a way to ignore blocks of code like this:

// Code here will be linted with JSHint.
/* jshint ignore:start */
// Code here will be ignored by JSHint.
/* jshint ignore:end */
// Code here will be linted with JSHint.

You can also ignore a single line with a trailing comment like this:

ignoreThis(); // jshint ignore:line

how to prevent "directory already exists error" in a makefile when using mkdir

    mkdir $@

Which also works for multiple directories, e.g..

OBJDIRS := $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS)))

    mkdir $@

Adding $(OBJDIR) as the first target works well.

Python: json.loads returns items prefixing with 'u'

I kept running into this problem when trying to capture JSON data in the log with the Python logging library, for debugging and troubleshooting purposes. Getting the u character is a real nuisance when you want to copy the text and paste it into your code somewhere.

As everyone will tell you, this is because it is a Unicode representation, and it could come from the fact that you’ve used json.loads() to load in the data from a string in the first place.

If you want the JSON representation in the log, without the u prefix, the trick is to use json.dumps() before logging it out. For example:

import json
import logging

# Prepare the data
json_data = json.loads('{"key": "value"}')

# Log normally and get the Unicode indicator
logging.warning('data: {}'.format(json_data))
>>> WARNING:root:data: {u'key': u'value'}

# Dump to a string before logging and get clean output!
logging.warning('data: {}'.format(json.dumps(json_data)))
>>> WARNING:root:data: {'key': 'value'}

Tuning nginx worker_process to obtain 100k hits per min

Config file:

worker_processes  4;  # 2 * Number of CPUs

events {
    worker_connections  19000;  # It's the key to high performance - have a lot of connections available

worker_rlimit_nofile    20000;  # Each connection needs a filehandle (or 2 if you are proxying)

# Total amount of users you can serve = worker_processes * worker_connections

more info: Optimizing nginx for high traffic loads

Proper indentation for Python multiline strings

For strings you can just after process the string. For docstrings you need to after process the function instead. Here is a solution for both that is still readable.

class Lstrip(object):
    def __rsub__(self, other):
        import re
        return re.sub('^\n', '', re.sub('\n$', '', re.sub('\n\s+', '\n', other)))

msg = '''
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
      tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
      veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
      commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate
      velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
      cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id
      est laborum.
      ''' - Lstrip()

print msg

def lstrip_docstring(func):
    func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ - Lstrip()
    return func

def foo():
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
    tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
    veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
    commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate
    velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
    cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id
    est laborum.

print foo.__doc__

python: NameError:global name '...‘ is not defined

You need to call self.a() to invoke a from b. a is not a global function, it is a method on the class.

You may want to read through the Python tutorial on classes some more to get the finer details down.

How to save the contents of a div as a image?

Do something like this:

A <div> with ID of #imageDIV, another one with ID #download and a hidden <div> with ID #previewImage.

Include the latest version of jquery, and jspdf.debug.js from the jspdf CDN

Then add this script:

var element = $("#imageDIV"); // global variable
var getCanvas; // global variable
  html2canvas(element, {
    onrendered: function (canvas) {
      getCanvas = canvas;
$("#download").on('click', function () {
  var imgageData = getCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
  // Now browser starts downloading it instead of just showing it
  var newData = imageData.replace(/^data:image\/png/, "data:application/octet-stream");
  $("#download").attr("download", "image.png").attr("href", newData);

The div will be saved as a PNG on clicking the #download

What does "connection reset by peer" mean?

It's fatal. The remote server has sent you a RST packet, which indicates an immediate dropping of the connection, rather than the usual handshake. This bypasses the normal half-closed state transition. I like this description:

"Connection reset by peer" is the TCP/IP equivalent of slamming the phone back on the hook. It's more polite than merely not replying, leaving one hanging. But it's not the FIN-ACK expected of the truly polite TCP/IP converseur.

C++ performance vs. Java/C#

One of the most significant JIT optimizations is method inlining. Java can even inline virtual methods if it can guarantee runtime correctness. This kind of optimization usually cannot be performed by standard static compilers because it needs whole-program analysis, which is hard because of separate compilation (in contrast, JIT has all the program available to it). Method inlining improves other optimizations, giving larger code blocks to optimize.

Standard memory allocation in Java/C# is also faster, and deallocation (GC) is not much slower, but only less deterministic.

jQuery click event not working after adding class

You should use the following:

$('#gentab').on('click', 'a.tabclick', function(event) {
    var liId = $(this).closest("li").attr("id");

This will attach your event to any anchors within the #gentab element, reducing the scope of having to check the whole document element tree and increasing efficiency.

Difference between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java Persistence API?

EAGER loading of collections means that they are fetched fully at the time their parent is fetched. So if you have Course and it has List<Student>, all the students are fetched from the database at the time the Course is fetched.

LAZY on the other hand means that the contents of the List are fetched only when you try to access them. For example, by calling course.getStudents().iterator(). Calling any access method on the List will initiate a call to the database to retrieve the elements. This is implemented by creating a Proxy around the List (or Set). So for your lazy collections, the concrete types are not ArrayList and HashSet, but PersistentSet and PersistentList (or PersistentBag)

Oracle - How to create a materialized view with FAST REFRESH and JOINS

You will get the error on REFRESH_FAST, if you do not create materialized view logs for the master table(s) the query is referring to. If anyone is not familiar with materialized views or using it for the first time, the better way is to use oracle sqldeveloper and graphically put in the options, and the errors also provide much better sense.

How to deal with SettingWithCopyWarning in Pandas

How to deal with SettingWithCopyWarning in Pandas?

This post is meant for readers who,

  1. Would like to understand what this warning means
  2. Would like to understand different ways of suppressing this warning
  3. Would like to understand how to improve their code and follow good practices to avoid this warning in the future.


df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(10, (3, 5)), columns=list('ABCDE'))
   A  B  C  D  E
0  5  0  3  3  7
1  9  3  5  2  4
2  7  6  8  8  1

What is the SettingWithCopyWarning?

To know how to deal with this warning, it is important to understand what it means and why it is raised in the first place.

When filtering DataFrames, it is possible slice/index a frame to return either a view, or a copy, depending on the internal layout and various implementation details. A "view" is, as the term suggests, a view into the original data, so modifying the view may modify the original object. On the other hand, a "copy" is a replication of data from the original, and modifying the copy has no effect on the original.

As mentioned by other answers, the SettingWithCopyWarning was created to flag "chained assignment" operations. Consider df in the setup above. Suppose you would like to select all values in column "B" where values in column "A" is > 5. Pandas allows you to do this in different ways, some more correct than others. For example,

df[df.A > 5]['B']
1    3
2    6
Name: B, dtype: int64


df.loc[df.A > 5, 'B']

1    3
2    6
Name: B, dtype: int64

These return the same result, so if you are only reading these values, it makes no difference. So, what is the issue? The problem with chained assignment, is that it is generally difficult to predict whether a view or a copy is returned, so this largely becomes an issue when you are attempting to assign values back. To build on the earlier example, consider how this code is executed by the interpreter:

df.loc[df.A > 5, 'B'] = 4
# becomes
df.__setitem__((df.A > 5, 'B'), 4)

With a single __setitem__ call to df. OTOH, consider this code:

df[df.A > 5]['B'] = 4
# becomes
df.__getitem__(df.A > 5).__setitem__('B", 4)

Now, depending on whether __getitem__ returned a view or a copy, the __setitem__ operation may not work.

In general, you should use loc for label-based assignment, and iloc for integer/positional based assignment, as the spec guarantees that they always operate on the original. Additionally, for setting a single cell, you should use at and iat.

More can be found in the documentation.

All boolean indexing operations done with loc can also be done with iloc. The only difference is that iloc expects either integers/positions for index or a numpy array of boolean values, and integer/position indexes for the columns.

For example,

df.loc[df.A > 5, 'B'] = 4

Can be written nas

df.iloc[(df.A > 5).values, 1] = 4


df.loc[1, 'A'] = 100

Can be written as

df.iloc[1, 0] = 100

And so on.

Just tell me how to suppress the warning!

Consider a simple operation on the "A" column of df. Selecting "A" and dividing by 2 will raise the warning, but the operation will work.

df2 = df[['A']]
df2['A'] /= 2
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

0  2.5
1  4.5
2  3.5

There are a couple ways of directly silencing this warning:

  1. (recommended) Use loc to slice subsets:

     df2 = df.loc[:, ['A']]
     df2['A'] /= 2     # Does not raise 
  2. Change pd.options.mode.chained_assignment
    Can be set to None, "warn", or "raise". "warn" is the default. None will suppress the warning entirely, and "raise" will throw a SettingWithCopyError, preventing the operation from going through.

     pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
     df2['A'] /= 2
  3. Make a deepcopy

     df2 = df[['A']].copy(deep=True)
     df2['A'] /= 2

@Peter Cotton in the comments, came up with a nice way of non-intrusively changing the mode (modified from this gist) using a context manager, to set the mode only as long as it is required, and the reset it back to the original state when finished.

class ChainedAssignent:
    def __init__(self, chained=None):
        acceptable = [None, 'warn', 'raise']
        assert chained in acceptable, "chained must be in " + str(acceptable)
        self.swcw = chained

    def __enter__(self):
        self.saved_swcw = pd.options.mode.chained_assignment
        pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = self.swcw
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = self.saved_swcw

The usage is as follows:

# some code here
with ChainedAssignent():
    df2['A'] /= 2
# more code follows

Or, to raise the exception

with ChainedAssignent(chained='raise'):
    df2['A'] /= 2

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

The "XY Problem": What am I doing wrong?

A lot of the time, users attempt to look for ways of suppressing this exception without fully understanding why it was raised in the first place. This is a good example of an XY problem, where users attempt to solve a problem "Y" that is actually a symptom of a deeper rooted problem "X". Questions will be raised based on common problems that encounter this warning, and solutions will then be presented.

Question 1
I have a DataFrame

       A  B  C  D  E
    0  5  0  3  3  7
    1  9  3  5  2  4
    2  7  6  8  8  1

I want to assign values in col "A" > 5 to 1000. My expected output is

      A  B  C  D  E
0     5  0  3  3  7
1  1000  3  5  2  4
2  1000  6  8  8  1

Wrong way to do this:

df.A[df.A > 5] = 1000         # works, because df.A returns a view
df[df.A > 5]['A'] = 1000      # does not work
df.loc[df.A  5]['A'] = 1000   # does not work

Right way using loc:

df.loc[df.A > 5, 'A'] = 1000

Question 21
I am trying to set the value in cell (1, 'D') to 12345. My expected output is

   A  B  C      D  E
0  5  0  3      3  7
1  9  3  5  12345  4
2  7  6  8      8  1

I have tried different ways of accessing this cell, such as df['D'][1]. What is the best way to do this?

1. This question isn't specifically related to the warning, but it is good to understand how to do this particular operation correctly so as to avoid situations where the warning could potentially arise in future.

You can use any of the following methods to do this.

df.loc[1, 'D'] = 12345
df.iloc[1, 3] = 12345[1, 'D'] = 12345
df.iat[1, 3] = 12345

Question 3
I am trying to subset values based on some condition. I have a DataFrame

   A  B  C  D  E
1  9  3  5  2  4
2  7  6  8  8  1

I would like to assign values in "D" to 123 such that "C" == 5. I tried

df2.loc[df2.C == 5, 'D'] = 123

Which seems fine but I am still getting the SettingWithCopyWarning! How do I fix this?

This is actually probably because of code higher up in your pipeline. Did you create df2 from something larger, like

df2 = df[df.A > 5]

? In this case, boolean indexing will return a view, so df2 will reference the original. What you'd need to do is assign df2 to a copy:

df2 = df[df.A > 5].copy()
# Or,
# df2 = df.loc[df.A > 5, :]

Question 4
I'm trying to drop column "C" in-place from

   A  B  C  D  E
1  9  3  5  2  4
2  7  6  8  8  1

But using

df2.drop('C', axis=1, inplace=True)

Throws SettingWithCopyWarning. Why is this happening?

This is because df2 must have been created as a view from some other slicing operation, such as

df2 = df[df.A > 5]

The solution here is to either make a copy() of df, or use loc, as before.

How to set scope property with ng-init?

I had some trouble with $scope.$watch but after a lot of testing I found out that my data-ng-model="User.UserName" was badly named and after I changed it to data-ng-model="UserName" everything worked fine. I expect it to be the . in the name causing the issue.

SQL Server Script to create a new user

Full admin rights for the whole server, or a specific database? I think the others answered for a database, but for the server:

USE [master];
    WITH PASSWORD    = N'abcd',
EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 
    @loginame = N'MyNewAdminUser', 
    @rolename = N'sysadmin';

You may need to leave off the CHECK_ parameters depending on what version of SQL Server Express you are using (it is almost always useful to include this information in your question).

Generate table relationship diagram from existing schema (SQL Server)

For SQL statements you can try reverse snowflakes. You can join at sourceforge or the demo site at

Laravel 5.2 Missing required parameters for [Route: user.profile] [URI: user/{nickname}/profile]

My Solution in laravel 5.2

{{ Form::open(['route' => ['votes.submit', $video->id],  'method' => 'POST']) }}
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> Votar
{{ Form::close() }}

My Routes File (under middleware)

Route::post('votar/{id}', [
    'as' => 'votes.submit',
    'uses' => 'VotesController@submit'

Route::delete('votar/{id}', [
    'as' => 'votes.destroy',
    'uses' => 'VotesController@destroy'

Assign JavaScript variable to Java Variable in JSP

JavaScript is fired on client side and JSP is on server-side. So I can say that it is impossible.

Accessing inventory host variable in Ansible playbook

You are on the right track about hostvars.
This magic variable is used to access information about other hosts.

hostvars is a hash with inventory hostnames as keys.
To access fields of each host, use hostvars['test-1'], hostvars['test2-1'], etc.

ansible_ssh_host is deprecated in favor of ansible_host since 2.0.
So you should first remove "_ssh" from inventory hosts arguments (i.e. to become "ansible_user", "ansible_host", and "ansible_port"), then in your role call it with:

{{ hostvars['your_host_group'].ansible_host }}

How many characters in varchar(max)

See the MSDN reference table for maximum numbers/sizes.

Bytes per varchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, text, or image column: 2^31-1

There's a two-byte overhead for the column, so the actual data is 2^31-3 max bytes in length. Assuming you're using a single-byte character encoding, that's 2^31-3 characters total. (If you're using a character encoding that uses more than one byte per character, divide by the total number of bytes per character. If you're using a variable-length character encoding, all bets are off.)

How to get year/month/day from a date object?

I you need to get the current day too, you can use this one.

function getFormattedDate(today) 
    var week = new Array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
    var day  = week[today.getDay()];
    var dd   = today.getDate();
    var mm   = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
    var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
    var hour = today.getHours();
    var minu = today.getMinutes();

    if(dd<10)  { dd='0'+dd } 
    if(mm<10)  { mm='0'+mm } 
    if(minu<10){ minu='0'+minu } 

    return day+' - '+dd+'/'+mm+'/'+yyyy+' '+hour+':'+minu;

var date = new Date();
var text = getFormattedDate(date);

*For Spanish format, just translate the WEEK variable.

var week = new Array('Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado');

Output: Monday - 16/11/2015 14:24

How does python numpy.where() work?

How do they achieve internally that you are able to pass something like x > 5 into a method?

The short answer is that they don't.

Any sort of logical operation on a numpy array returns a boolean array. (i.e. __gt__, __lt__, etc all return boolean arrays where the given condition is true).


x = np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
print x > 5


array([[False, False, False],
       [False, False, False],
       [ True,  True,  True]], dtype=bool)

This is the same reason why something like if x > 5: raises a ValueError if x is a numpy array. It's an array of True/False values, not a single value.

Furthermore, numpy arrays can be indexed by boolean arrays. E.g. x[x>5] yields [6 7 8], in this case.

Honestly, it's fairly rare that you actually need numpy.where but it just returns the indicies where a boolean array is True. Usually you can do what you need with simple boolean indexing.

VBA: How to display an error message just like the standard error message which has a "Debug" button?

This answer does not address the Debug button (you'd have to design a form and use the buttons on that to do something like the method in your next question). But it does address this part:

now I don't want to lose the comfortableness of the default handler which also point me to the exact line where the error has occured.

First, I'll assume you don't want this in production code - you want it either for debugging or for code you personally will be using. I use a compiler flag to indicate debugging; then if I'm troubleshooting a program, I can easily find the line that's causing the problem.

# Const IsDebug = True

Sub ProcA()
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
' Main code of proc

    On Error Resume Next
    ' Close objects and stuff here
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , ThisWorkbook.Name & ": ProcA"
    #If IsDebug Then
        Stop            ' Used for troubleshooting - Then press F8 to step thru code 
        Resume          ' Resume will take you to the line that errored out
        Resume ExitHere ' Exit procedure during normal running
    #End If
End Sub

Note: the exception to Resume is if the error occurs in a sub-procedure without an error handling routine, then Resume will take you to the line in this proc that called the sub-procedure with the error. But you can still step into and through the sub-procedure, using F8 until it errors out again. If the sub-procedure's too long to make even that tedious, then your sub-procedure should probably have its own error handling routine.

There are multiple ways to do this. Sometimes for smaller programs where I know I'm gonna be stepping through it anyway when troubleshooting, I just put these lines right after the MsgBox statement:

    Resume ExitHere         ' Normally exits during production
    Resume                  ' Never will get here
Exit Sub

It will never get to the Resume statement, unless you're stepping through and set it as the next line to be executed, either by dragging the next statement pointer to that line, or by pressing CtrlF9 with the cursor on that line.

Here's an article that expands on these concepts: Five tips for handling errors in VBA. Finally, if you're using VBA and haven't discovered Chip Pearson's awesome site yet, he has a page explaining Error Handling In VBA.

Html code as IFRAME source rather than a URL

use html5's new attribute srcdoc (srcdoc-polyfill) Docs

<iframe srcdoc="<html><body>Hello, <b>world</b>.</body></html>"></iframe>

Browser support - Tested in the following browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Microsoft Edge
13, 14
4, 5.0, 5.1 ,6, 6.2, 7.1, 8, 9.1, 10
Google Chrome
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.0.1312.5 (beta), 25.0.1364.5 (dev), 55
11.1, 11.5, 11.6, 12.10, 12.11 (beta) , 42
Mozilla FireFox
3.0, 3.6, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (beta), 50

Are the shift operators (<<, >>) arithmetic or logical in C?

According to many compilers:

  1. << is an arithmetic left shift or bitwise left shift.
  2. >> is an arithmetic right shiftor bitwise right shift.

Can I multiply strings in Java to repeat sequences?

No. Java does not have this feature. You'd have to create your String using a StringBuilder, and a loop of some sort.

How to split one string into multiple variables in bash shell?

If you know it's going to be just two fields, you can skip the extra subprocesses like this:


What does this do? ${STR%-*} deletes the shortest substring of $STR that matches the pattern -* starting from the end of the string. ${STR#*-} does the same, but with the *- pattern and starting from the beginning of the string. They each have counterparts %% and ## which find the longest anchored pattern match. If anyone has a helpful mnemonic to remember which does which, let me know! I always have to try both to remember.

Error in Python script "Expected 2D array, got 1D array instead:"?

I was facing the same issue earlier but I have somehow found the solution, You can try reg.predict([[3300]]).

The API used to allow scalar value but now you need to give a 2D array.

EntityType 'IdentityUserLogin' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType

By Changing The DbContext As Below;

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

Just adding in OnModelCreating method call to base.OnModelCreating(modelBuilder); and it becomes fine. I am using EF6.

Special Thanks To #The Senator

ActionBarActivity is deprecated

According to this video of Android Developers you should only make two changes

enter image description here

How to cancel/abort jQuery AJAX request?

Why should you abort the request?

If each request takes more than five seconds, what will happen?

You shouldn't abort the request if the parameter passing with the request is not changing. eg:- the request is for retrieving the notification data. In such situations, The nice approach is that set a new request only after completing the previous Ajax request.


    var fn = function(){

            url: 'ajax/progress.ftl',
            success: function(data) {
                //do something

            complete: function(){setTimeout(fn, 500);}

     var interval = setTimeout(fn, 500);


How to check if JSON return is empty with jquery

Just test if the array is empty.

    if ( json.length == 0 ) {
        console.log("NO DATA!")

Find first and last day for previous calendar month in SQL Server Reporting Services (VB.Net)

in C#:

new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1)
new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddDays(-1)

Conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type results out-of-range value

I saw this error when I wanted to edit a page usnig ASP.Net MVC. I had no problem while Creating but Updating Database made my DateCreated property out of range!

When you don't want your DateTime Property be Nullable and do not want to check if its value is in the sql DateTime range (and @Html.HiddenFor doesn't help!), simply add a static DateTime field inside related class (Controller) and give it the value when GET is operating then use it when POST is doing it's job:

public class PagesController : Controller
    static DateTime dateTimeField;
    UnitOfWork db = new UnitOfWork();

    // GET:
    public ActionResult Edit(int? id)
        Page page = db.pageRepository.GetById(id);
        dateTimeField = page.DateCreated;
        return View(page);

    // POST: 
    public ActionResult Edit(Page page)
        page.DateCreated = dateTimeField;
        return RedirectToAction("Index");


What does "ulimit -s unlimited" do?

When you call a function, a new "namespace" is allocated on the stack. That's how functions can have local variables. As functions call functions, which in turn call functions, we keep allocating more and more space on the stack to maintain this deep hierarchy of namespaces.

To curb programs using massive amounts of stack space, a limit is usually put in place via ulimit -s. If we remove that limit via ulimit -s unlimited, our programs will be able to keep gobbling up RAM for their evergrowing stack until eventually the system runs out of memory entirely.

int eat_stack_space(void) { return eat_stack_space(); }
// If we compile this with no optimization and run it, our computer could crash.

Usually, using a ton of stack space is accidental or a symptom of very deep recursion that probably should not be relying so much on the stack. Thus the stack limit.

Impact on performace is minor but does exist. Using the time command, I found that eliminating the stack limit increased performance by a few fractions of a second (at least on 64bit Ubuntu).

How do I convert between big-endian and little-endian values in C++?

I am really surprised no one mentioned htobeXX and betohXX functions. They are defined in endian.h and are very similar to network functions htonXX.

Putting an if-elif-else statement on one line?

You can optionally actually use the get method of a dict:

x = {i<100: -1, -10<=i<=10: 0, i>100: 1}.get(True, 2)

You don't need the get method if one of the keys is guaranteed to evaluate to True:

x = {i<0: -1, i==0: 0, i>0: 1}[True]

At most one of the keys should ideally evaluate to True. If more than one key evaluates to True, the results could seem unpredictable.

How to parse JSON Array (Not Json Object) in Android

Create a POJO Java Class for the objects in the list like so:

class NameUrlClass{
       private String name;
       private String url;
       public NameUrlClass(String name,String url){
     = name;
              this.url = url; 

Now simply create a List of NameUrlClass and initialize it to an ArrayList like so:

List<NameUrlClass> obj = new ArrayList<NameUrlClass>;

You can use store the JSON array in this object

obj = JSONArray;//[{"name":"name1","url":"url1"}{"name":"name2","url":"url2"},...]

customize Android Facebook Login button

You can modifiy the login button like this

            fb:logout_text="" />

And in code I defined the background resource :

final LoginButton button = (LoginButton) findViewById(;

UITableView example for Swift

In Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.4.1

  1. Add UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate delegated to your class.

  2. Create table view variable and array.

  3. In viewDidLoad create table view.

  4. Call table view delegates

  5. Call table view delegate functions based on your requirement.

import UIKit
// 1
class yourViewController: UIViewController , UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate { 

// 2
var yourTableView:UITableView = UITableView()
let myArray = ["row 1", "row 2", "row 3", "row 4"]

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // 3
    yourTableView.frame = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: view.frame.width-20, height: view.frame.height-200)

    // 4
    yourTableView.dataSource = self
    yourTableView.delegate = self


// 5
// MARK - UITableView Delegates
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

    return myArray.count

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

var cell : UITableViewCell? = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell")
    if cell == nil {
        cell = UITableViewCell(style: UITableViewCellStyle.default, reuseIdentifier: "cell")
    if self. myArray.count > 0 {
        cell?.textLabel!.text = self. myArray[indexPath.row]
    cell?.textLabel?.numberOfLines = 0

    return cell!

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {

    return 50.0

If you are using storyboard, no need for Step 3.

But you need to create IBOutlet for your table view before Step 4.

Automatic confirmation of deletion in powershell

Remove-Item .\foldertodelete -Force -Recurse

$.ajax( type: "POST" POST method to php

You need to use data: {title: title} to POST it correctly.

In the PHP code you need to echo the value instead of returning it.

Select option padding not working in chrome

You should be targeting select for your CSS instead of select option.

select { 
padding: 10px;
margin: 0;

View this article Styling Select Box with CSS3 for more styling options.

Google Android USB Driver and ADB

Answer 1 worked perfectly for me. I tested it on a new MID 10' tablet. Here are the lines I added in the .inf file and it installed without a problem:

;Google MID
%SingleAdbInterface%        = USB_INSTALL, USB\Vid_18d1&Pid_0003&MI_01
%CompositeAdbInterface%     = USB_INSTALL, USB\Vid_18d1&Pid_0003&Rev_0230&MI_01 

Installing NumPy and SciPy on 64-bit Windows (with Pip)

Follow these steps:

  1. Open CMD as administrator
  2. Enter this command : cd..
  3. cd..
  4. cd Program Files\Python38\Scripts
  5. Download the package you want and put it in Python38\Scripts folder.
  6. pip install packagename.whl
  7. Done

You can write your python version instead of "38"

How to add new elements to an array?

There is another option which i haven't seen here and which doesn't involve "complex" Objects or Collections.

String[] array1 = new String[]{"one", "two"};
String[] array2 = new String[]{"three"};
String[] array = new String[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, array, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, array, array1.length, array2.length);

3-dimensional array in numpy

No need to go in such deep technicalities, and get yourself blasted. Let me explain it in the most easiest way. We all have studied "Sets" during our school-age in Mathematics. Just consider 3D numpy array as the formation of "sets".

x = np.zeros((2,3,4)) 

Simply Means:

2 Sets, 3 Rows per Set, 4 Columns



x = np.zeros((2,3,4))


Set # 1 ---- [[[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  ---- Row 1
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  ---- Row 2
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]], ---- Row 3 
Set # 2 ----  [[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  ---- Row 1
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],  ---- Row 2
               [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]]] ---- Row 3

Explanation: See? we have 2 Sets, 3 Rows per Set, and 4 Columns.

Note: Whenever you see a "Set of numbers" closed in double brackets from both ends. Consider it as a "set". And 3D and 3D+ arrays are always built on these "sets".

Incorrect syntax near ''

I was using ADO.NET and was using SQL Command as:

 string query =
"SELECT * " +
"FROM table_name" +
"Where id=@id";

the thing was i missed a whitespace at the end of "FROM table_name"+ So basically it said

string query = "SELECT * FROM table_nameWHERE id=@id";

and this was causing the error.

Hope it helps

#1146 - Table 'phpmyadmin.pma_recent' doesn't exist

After I downloaded phpmyadmin from their website, I extracted the create_tables.sql file from the examples folder and then I imported it from the 'Import' tab of phpmyadmin.
It creates the database 'phpmyadmin' and the relevant table within.

This step might not be needed as the 12 tables were already there...
The problem seemed to be the double underscore in the tables' names.

I edited '' and added another underscore (__) after the 'pma_' prefix of the tables.


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['userconfig'] = 'pma_userconfig';


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['userconfig'] = 'pma__userconfig';

This solved the issue for me.

Get IP address of an interface on Linux

In addition to the ioctl() method Filip demonstrated you can use getifaddrs(). There is an example program at the bottom of the man page.

Append to the end of a file in C

Following the documentation of fopen:

``a'' Open for writing. The file is created if it does not exist. The stream is positioned at the end of the file. Subsequent writes to the file will always end up at the then cur- rent end of file, irrespective of any intervening fseek(3) or similar.

So if you pFile2=fopen("myfile2.txt", "a"); the stream is positioned at the end to append automatically. just do:

FILE *pFile;
FILE *pFile2;
char buffer[256];

pFile=fopen("myfile.txt", "r");
pFile2=fopen("myfile2.txt", "a");
if(pFile==NULL) {
    perror("Error opening file.");
else {
    while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pFile)) {
        fprintf(pFile2, "%s", buffer);

Getting IP address of client

As basZero mentioned, X-Forwarded-For should be checked for comma. (Look at : The general format of the field is: X-Forwarded-For: clientIP, proxy1, proxy2... and so on. So we will be seeing something like this : X-FORWARDED-FOR:,

Making heatmap from pandas DataFrame

Please note that the authors of seaborn only want seaborn.heatmap to work with categorical dataframes. It's not general.

If your index and columns are numeric and/or datetime values, this code will serve you well.

Matplotlib heat-mapping function pcolormesh requires bins instead of indices, so there is some fancy code to build bins from your dataframe indices (even if your index isn't evenly spaced!).

The rest is simply np.meshgrid and plt.pcolormesh.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def conv_index_to_bins(index):
    """Calculate bins to contain the index values.
    The start and end bin boundaries are linearly extrapolated from 
    the two first and last values. The middle bin boundaries are 

    Example 1: [0, 1] -> [-0.5, 0.5, 1.5]
    Example 2: [0, 1, 4] -> [-0.5, 0.5, 2.5, 5.5]
    Example 3: [4, 1, 0] -> [5.5, 2.5, 0.5, -0.5]"""
    assert index.is_monotonic_increasing or index.is_monotonic_decreasing

    # the beginning and end values are guessed from first and last two
    start = index[0] - (index[1]-index[0])/2
    end = index[-1] + (index[-1]-index[-2])/2

    # the middle values are the midpoints
    middle = pd.DataFrame({'m1': index[:-1], 'p1': index[1:]})
    middle = middle['m1'] + (middle['p1']-middle['m1'])/2

    if isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
        idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(middle).union([start,end])
    elif isinstance(index, (pd.Float64Index,pd.RangeIndex,pd.Int64Index)):
        idx = pd.Float64Index(middle).union([start,end])
        print('Warning: guessing what to do with index type %s' % 
        idx = pd.Float64Index(middle).union([start,end])

    return idx.sort_values(ascending=index.is_monotonic_increasing)

def calc_df_mesh(df):
    """Calculate the two-dimensional bins to hold the index and 
    column values."""
    return np.meshgrid(conv_index_to_bins(df.index),

def heatmap(df):
    """Plot a heatmap of the dataframe values using the index and 
    X,Y = calc_df_mesh(df)
    c = plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, df.values.T)

Call it using heatmap(df), and see it using

enter image description here

Angular2 module has no exported member

Working with atom (1.21.1 ia32)... i got the same error, even though i added a reference to my pipe in the app.module.ts and in the declarations within app.module.ts

solution was to restart my node instance... stopping the website and then doing ng serve again... going to localhost:4200 worked like a charm after this restart

Login with facebook android sdk app crash API 4

The official answer from Facebook (


The facebook android sdk no longer supports android 1.5 and 1.6. Please upgrade to the next api version.

Good luck with your implementation.

Using std::max_element on a vector<double>

As others have said, std::max_element() and std::min_element() return iterators, which need to be dereferenced to obtain the value.

The advantage of returning an iterator (rather than just the value) is that it allows you to determine the position of the (first) element in the container with the maximum (or minimum) value.

For example (using C++11 for brevity):

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::vector<double> v {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};

    auto biggest = std::max_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v));
    std::cout << "Max element is " << *biggest
        << " at position " << std::distance(std::begin(v), biggest) << std::endl;

    auto smallest = std::min_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v));
    std::cout << "min element is " << *smallest
        << " at position " << std::distance(std::begin(v), smallest) << std::endl;

This yields:

Max element is 5 at position 4
min element is 1 at position 0


Using std::minmax_element() as suggested in the comments above may be faster for large data sets, but may give slightly different results. The values for my example above would be the same, but the position of the "max" element would be 9 since...

If several elements are equivalent to the largest element, the iterator to the last such element is returned.

IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF - How to turn it ON?

Add this line above you Query


sendKeys() in Selenium web driver

I believe Selenium now uses Key.TAB instead of Keys.TAB.

Get the client's IP address in

This seems to work:

var io = require('').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  var endpoint = socket.manager.handshaken[].address;
  console.log('Client connected from: ' + endpoint.address + ":" + endpoint.port);

Rails Root directory path?

In Rails 3 and newer:


which returns a Pathname object. If you want a string you have to add .to_s. If you want another path in your Rails app, you can use join like this:

Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', 'logo.png')

In Rails 2 you can use the RAILS_ROOT constant, which is a string.

Encrypting & Decrypting a String in C#

UPDATE 23/Dec/2015: Since this answer seems to be getting a lot of upvotes, I've updated it to fix silly bugs and to generally improve the code based upon comments and feedback. See the end of the post for a list of specific improvements.

As other people have said, Cryptography is not simple so it's best to avoid "rolling your own" encryption algorithm.

You can, however, "roll your own" wrapper class around something like the built-in RijndaelManaged cryptography class.

Rijndael is the algorithmic name of the current Advanced Encryption Standard, so you're certainly using an algorithm that could be considered "best practice".

The RijndaelManaged class does indeed normally require you to "muck about" with byte arrays, salts, keys, initialization vectors etc. but this is precisely the kind of detail that can be somewhat abstracted away within your "wrapper" class.

The following class is one I wrote a while ago to perform exactly the kind of thing you're after, a simple single method call to allow some string-based plaintext to be encrypted with a string-based password, with the resulting encrypted string also being represented as a string. Of course, there's an equivalent method to decrypt the encrypted string with the same password.

Unlike the first version of this code, which used the exact same salt and IV values every time, this newer version will generate random salt and IV values each time. Since salt and IV must be the same between the encryption and decryption of a given string, the salt and IV is prepended to the cipher text upon encryption and extracted from it again in order to perform the decryption. The result of this is that encrypting the exact same plaintext with the exact same password gives and entirely different ciphertext result each time.

The "strength" of using this comes from using the RijndaelManaged class to perform the encryption for you, along with using the Rfc2898DeriveBytes function of the System.Security.Cryptography namespace which will generate your encryption key using a standard and secure algorithm (specifically, PBKDF2) based upon the string-based password you supply. (Note this is an improvement of the first version's use of the older PBKDF1 algorithm).

Finally, it's important to note that this is still unauthenticated encryption. Encryption alone provides only privacy (i.e. message is unknown to 3rd parties), whilst authenticated encryption aims to provide both privacy and authenticity (i.e. recipient knows message was sent by the sender).

Without knowing your exact requirements, it's difficult to say whether the code here is sufficiently secure for your needs, however, it has been produced to deliver a good balance between relative simplicity of implementation vs "quality". For example, if your "receiver" of an encrypted string is receiving the string directly from a trusted "sender", then authentication may not even be necessary.

If you require something more complex, and which offers authenticated encryption, check out this post for an implementation.

Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

namespace EncryptStringSample
    public static class StringCipher
        // This constant is used to determine the keysize of the encryption algorithm in bits.
        // We divide this by 8 within the code below to get the equivalent number of bytes.
        private const int Keysize = 256;

        // This constant determines the number of iterations for the password bytes generation function.
        private const int DerivationIterations = 1000;

        public static string Encrypt(string plainText, string passPhrase)
            // Salt and IV is randomly generated each time, but is preprended to encrypted cipher text
            // so that the same Salt and IV values can be used when decrypting.  
            var saltStringBytes = Generate256BitsOfRandomEntropy();
            var ivStringBytes = Generate256BitsOfRandomEntropy();
            var plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
            using (var password = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passPhrase, saltStringBytes, DerivationIterations))
                var keyBytes = password.GetBytes(Keysize / 8);
                using (var symmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged())
                    symmetricKey.BlockSize = 256;
                    symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
                    symmetricKey.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
                    using (var encryptor = symmetricKey.CreateEncryptor(keyBytes, ivStringBytes))
                        using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                            using (var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                                cryptoStream.Write(plainTextBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
                                // Create the final bytes as a concatenation of the random salt bytes, the random iv bytes and the cipher bytes.
                                var cipherTextBytes = saltStringBytes;
                                cipherTextBytes = cipherTextBytes.Concat(ivStringBytes).ToArray();
                                cipherTextBytes = cipherTextBytes.Concat(memoryStream.ToArray()).ToArray();
                                return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherTextBytes);

        public static string Decrypt(string cipherText, string passPhrase)
            // Get the complete stream of bytes that represent:
            // [32 bytes of Salt] + [32 bytes of IV] + [n bytes of CipherText]
            var cipherTextBytesWithSaltAndIv = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText);
            // Get the saltbytes by extracting the first 32 bytes from the supplied cipherText bytes.
            var saltStringBytes = cipherTextBytesWithSaltAndIv.Take(Keysize / 8).ToArray();
            // Get the IV bytes by extracting the next 32 bytes from the supplied cipherText bytes.
            var ivStringBytes = cipherTextBytesWithSaltAndIv.Skip(Keysize / 8).Take(Keysize / 8).ToArray();
            // Get the actual cipher text bytes by removing the first 64 bytes from the cipherText string.
            var cipherTextBytes = cipherTextBytesWithSaltAndIv.Skip((Keysize / 8) * 2).Take(cipherTextBytesWithSaltAndIv.Length - ((Keysize / 8) * 2)).ToArray();

            using (var password = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passPhrase, saltStringBytes, DerivationIterations))
                var keyBytes = password.GetBytes(Keysize / 8);
                using (var symmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged())
                    symmetricKey.BlockSize = 256;
                    symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
                    symmetricKey.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
                    using (var decryptor = symmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, ivStringBytes))
                        using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(cipherTextBytes))
                            using (var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                                var plainTextBytes = new byte[cipherTextBytes.Length];
                                var decryptedByteCount = cryptoStream.Read(plainTextBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
                                return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plainTextBytes, 0, decryptedByteCount);

        private static byte[] Generate256BitsOfRandomEntropy()
            var randomBytes = new byte[32]; // 32 Bytes will give us 256 bits.
            using (var rngCsp = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
                // Fill the array with cryptographically secure random bytes.
            return randomBytes;

The above class can be used quite simply with code similar to the following:

using System;

namespace EncryptStringSample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a password to use:");
            string password = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a string to encrypt:");
            string plaintext = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Your encrypted string is:");
            string encryptedstring = StringCipher.Encrypt(plaintext, password);

            Console.WriteLine("Your decrypted string is:");
            string decryptedstring = StringCipher.Decrypt(encryptedstring, password);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

(You can download a simple VS2013 sample solution (which includes a few unit tests) here).

UPDATE 23/Dec/2015: The list of specific improvements to the code are:

  • Fixed a silly bug where encoding was different between encrypting and decrypting. As the mechanism by which salt & IV values are generated has changed, encoding is no longer necessary.
  • Due to the salt/IV change, the previous code comment that incorrectly indicated that UTF8 encoding a 16 character string produces 32 bytes is no longer applicable (as encoding is no longer necessary).
  • Usage of the superseded PBKDF1 algorithm has been replaced with usage of the more modern PBKDF2 algorithm.
  • The password derivation is now properly salted whereas previously it wasn't salted at all (another silly bug squished).

With ng-bind-html-unsafe removed, how do I inject HTML?

For me, the simplest and most flexible solution is:

<div ng-bind-html="to_trusted(preview_data.preview.embed.html)"></div>

And add function to your controller:

$scope.to_trusted = function(html_code) {
    return $sce.trustAsHtml(html_code);

Don't forget add $sce to your controller's initialization.

Is null check needed before calling instanceof?

The instanceof operator does not need explicit null checks, as it does not throw a NullPointerException if the operand is null.

At run time, the result of the instanceof operator is true if the value of the relational expression is not null and the reference could be cast to the reference type without raising a class cast exception.

If the operand is null, the instanceof operator returns false and hence, explicit null checks are not required.

Consider the below example,

public static void main(String[] args) {
         if(lista != null && lista instanceof ArrayList) {                     //Violation
                System.out.println("In if block");
         else {
                System.out.println("In else block");

The correct usage of instanceof is as shown below,

public static void main(String[] args) {
         if(lista instanceof ArrayList){                     //Correct way
                  System.out.println("In if block");
            else {
                 System.out.println("In else block");

Printing Exception Message in java

The output looks correct to me:

Invalid JavaScript code: missing } after property list (<Unknown source>) in <Unknown source>; at line number 1

I think Invalid Javascript code: .. is the start of the exception message.

Normally the stacktrace isn't returned with the message:

try {
    throw new RuntimeException("hu?\ntrace-line1\ntrace-line2");
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // prints "hu?"

So maybe the code you are calling catches an exception and rethrows a ScriptException. In this case maybe e.getCause().getMessage() can help you.

How to include a child object's child object in Entity Framework 5

With EF Core in .NET Core you can use the keyword ThenInclude :

return DatabaseContext.Applications
 .Include(a => a.Children).ThenInclude(c => c.ChildRelationshipType);

Include childs from childrens collection :

return DatabaseContext.Applications
 .Include(a => a.Childrens).ThenInclude(cs => cs.ChildRelationshipType1)
 .Include(a => a.Childrens).ThenInclude(cs => cs.ChildRelationshipType2);

What is the proper way to test if a parameter is empty in a batch file?

One of the best semi solutions is to copy %1 into a variable and then use delayed expansion, as delayedExp. is always safe against any content.

set "param1=%~1"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "!param1!"=="" ( echo it is empty )
rem ... or use the DEFINED keyword now
if defined param1 echo There is something

The advantage of this is that dealing with param1 is absolutly safe.

And the setting of param1 will work in many cases, like

test.bat hello"this is"a"test
test.bat you^&me

But it still fails with strange contents like

test.bat ^&"&

To be able to get a 100% correct answer for the existence

It detects if %1 is empty, but for some content it can't fetch the content.
This can be also be useful to distinguish between an empty %1 and one with "".
It uses the ability of the CALL command to fail without aborting the batch file.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "arg1="
call set "arg1=%%1"

if defined arg1 goto :arg_exists

set "arg1=#"
call set "arg1=%%1"
if "!arg1!" EQU "#" (
    echo arg1 exists, but can't assigned to a variable
    REM Try to fetch it a second time without quotes
    (call set arg1=%%1)
    goto :arg_exists

echo arg1 is missing
exit /b

echo arg1 exists, perhaps the content is '!arg1!'

If you want to be 100% bullet proof to fetch the content, you could read How to receive even the strangest command line parameters?

What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files?

All three template options - <%@include>, <jsp:include> and <%@tag> are valid, and all three cover different use cases.

With <@include>, the JSP parser in-lines the content of the included file into the JSP before compilation (similar to a C #include). You'd use this option with simple, static content: for example, if you wanted to include header, footer, or navigation elements into every page in your web-app. The included content becomes part of the compiled JSP and there's no extra cost at runtime.

<jsp:include> (and JSTL's <c:import>, which is similar and even more powerful) are best suited to dynamic content. Use these when you need to include content from another URL, local or remote; when the resource you're including is itself dynamic; or when the included content uses variables or bean definitions that conflict with the including page. <c:import> also allows you to store the included text in a variable, which you can further manipulate or reuse. Both these incur an additional runtime cost for the dispatch: this is minimal, but you need to be aware that the dynamic include is not "free".

Use tag files when you want to create reusable user interface components. If you have a List of Widgets, say, and you want to iterate over the Widgets and display properties of each (in a table, or in a form), you'd create a tag. Tags can take arguments, using <%@tag attribute> and these arguments can be either mandatory or optional - somewhat like method parameters.

Tag files are a simpler, JSP-based mechanism of writing tag libraries, which (pre JSP 2.0) you had to write using Java code. It's a lot cleaner to write JSP tag files when there's a lot of rendering to do in the tag: you don't need to mix Java and HTML code as you'd have to do if you wrote your tags in Java.

Using only CSS, show div on hover over <a>

You can do something like this:

div {_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
a:hover + div {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
<a>Hover over me!</a>_x000D_
<div>Stuff shown on hover</div>

This uses the adjacent sibling selector, and is the basis of the suckerfish dropdown menu.

HTML5 allows anchor elements to wrap almost anything, so in that case the div element can be made a child of the anchor. Otherwise the principle is the same - use the :hover pseudo-class to change the display property of another element.

How to set image in circle in swift

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
  @IBOutlet weak var image: UIImageView!

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    image.layer.borderWidth = 1
    image.layer.masksToBounds = false
    image.layer.borderColor =
    image.layer.cornerRadius = image.frame.height/2
    image.clipsToBounds = true

If you want it on an extension

import UIKit

extension UIImageView {

    func makeRounded() {

        self.layer.borderWidth = 1
        self.layer.masksToBounds = false
        self.layer.borderColor =
        self.layer.cornerRadius = self.frame.height / 2
        self.clipsToBounds = true

That is all you need....